Newspaper Page Text
U. S. to Probe Kindergarten Of Socialism Pept. of Justice to Begin at Once Investigation of Proceedings of Boston Boad "'Sunday School" Swann Aid to Act, Too Trnrhcr*? Trained There to Instriirt Children in Rad? ical Doctrine, He Admits When the report of proceedings at (he Bo ton Road .?' i ili Sunday gchool which appeared in The Tribune t to the ntl of John F. Joyce, Assistant District Attorney, ho said ho would begin an Immediate tnvei tignt ion. William Offloy, head of the Bureau ?f Invi of H o ! united State." I moni of Justice, aid it was clearly acaso for the United Statoa At ,\ fnr- n he could make out, I only be taken under the , I aw, The District AI Franci i Mart n, and Robei i Moran, I do di rmen, town, ?^o their stand on the matti r cpul I not bo At the Rand School of Social Science any direct ci with the Sunday (schools was disavowed, but tiio teach? ings of the Boston Road school were Stoutly defended by David P. Bereu herg, director of the lecture bureau. During February and March of this year Mr. B conducted i for pre pei teacher "Roosevelt a stupid" "We ha\ ?? about thirt people who (i i - i ? ? ? \- i ? mo t o t he nctlvith movemont," mid Mr. Perenl " \-\v who liki take the ci toachet to coun teracl the i of the public schon . \\ have 1 he childi en only one 1 i i . t lie public Foi ? ty." "He- ( for ti acht i "It, i auspici the '? i Id the "Do : '? moi ienn < hildron bi ins told thai Room ? '? not a grcal mr ?? "Cot i i If '.- r.,? 1 '. H v . ? OHO el ti;- '. ? , I ! , lived "Whiil do you think about chlldron en and i ight being brought to belli ? Im mol to o( ? w. OB?'" "3 hftt'a vorj i ood, AaiMieonl m," ro torted Mr. Dorenn'crg. Ami us for t.fle 'Rebel Song' thai the youngsters loam, why Bhouldn tily as 'The . ? ., | RannerY' Personally I don'l in thai type of song at all. It's the Di do brand. They're all alike the tunes arc cheap, the woid? are tawdry, the sentiment is Unworthy.'' Shy of Espionage Law "Hoes the 'Star Spangled Banner* eome under this classification7" "I'm not going to say anything that Clergy Calls on Sunday Schools To Combat Evils of Bolshevism The Tribune yesterday asked eight clergymen of New York City what the , churches will do to combat the propaganda of the Socialist Sunday Schools. Four answered that the j remedy lay in the religious Sunfiy , schools. "If the. churches will tench ? loyalty and the Ten Comandments to ! their children," these clergymen said, "they can defeat Bolshevism." Chaplain Herbert Shipmnn, roctor of the Church of the Heavenly Rest, said: "It is the duty of the church to teach a true social reform, which shall com? bat the theories of the Bolsheviki. The way to fight a dangerous half-truth is to oppose it with a whole truth. This will counteract the work of tho So? cialist Sunday Schools." Dr. Shaw Offers Remedy I FIE REV. A VERY A. SHAW, of the Emmanuel Baptist Church. Lafayette Avenue, Brooklyn, Baid: "'the Sunday schools of the churches should meet this issue by attempting social instruc? tion. Let us apply the principles of n ' on, wirrh iheso Bolsheviki have forgot, to our social relationships and see if conditions are not improved." I Hi: REV R. W. M'LAUGHLlN.of the Ocean Avenue Congregational Church Brooklyn. Baidi "We can best meet the , menace by continuing to teach tin Now Testament. True socialism Christian socialism is in the New Testament, atol to preach it is to op poso thi fi rci ? of Rol hovlsm ami de? struction, There should be a great revival of Sunday school work, which no lo gor carried on in New Yoil. 'I HE RE\ I ." P. SHANNON, of the Hutch Reformed church on tin Heights, Brooklyn, said: "The church ?should gel tho children together in ocial centre.i, especially in the sum? mer time, ni order to combat this So? cialistic rot. Teach them the Ten Com mandments and the principios of ethice upon which good government rests I We cannot afford to havo foreigners come to the United States and teach our children to revolt against our form of government. Therefore tho Sunday schools must work with all their mighl to tench the right ami prevent thi Reds from succeecdlng.' Relies On Public Schools Till'; REV, NEIIEMIAH BOYNTON of tin- Clinton Avenue Congregationa h, Brooklyn, so id : " No effort t< proceed directly against the Sociulisti will render mo liable to arrest undo fhe espionage net." "An you interested in fhe spread o the Socialist Sunday Schools','" "tndeed 1 Jim. We have only begot t" ! i ii i n i cachera I or ' hem, 'I hoy at < called 'Sitnilnj schools' only bccnusi t hey meel on Sundays. We are not in tcrested in religious quesl ions at all. \ m call ng the war un un right on . wii r i n, w h Ich the I ' n i '''d St al i should n<" or have had n shu re, tloesn' ovni.lui isl belli it t ha! ?" , "\\ hat about i ho ovorl brow of mon m !: . ; and government i'.'" "Well, iileti't I hey golilf, nu flint. D ; I ? . .in "" "Whftl about the Pronif.ontlnl office? " \(,u , J mi'l e tiol gOinf, 10 cm! eh m under i he i : pioimgu law. Our bl >.!? m ii against tho capitalistic systoi ol government," "Hu you think it i i fair to tench thi ? ?ii pf thing to m funis of live ?" "I i hink children of flvo : houlcl b left nlono by everybody. Our plnn > to begin historical teaching at the ug of t' n and when the childi en are abou tari thi m with Socialisl i thoorj." The Tribune learned yesterday tha Socialist Sunday schools are being eon ducted at 647 l'rospect Avenue, I:.'." Bo ton road, 4"H> '?"bird Avenue, 11 Ea ' Broadway, Ir7 Tompklns Avenui , Brooklyn, and 44 Lee Avenue, Brool ly Another one will soon lie opened i The Bronx at F104 Southern Boulevar g?e^2L?a?L??aSSE For Easter Flowers ? ? i . rut ? . ; ? i i ,. I I. '/?? From florists without num? ber you* can get the most delicate Easter blooms, but only at Ovington's will you find such a charming array of Flower-Holders as is now on display at our Fifth Avenue Store. Though the selection is wide and the designs are unique, the prices are moderate ? he ginning at $2.50. OVINGTON'S The Gifst Shop of Fifth Avenue 312-314 Fifth Avenue Near 32nd Street '-???? c-rr-^j^^;-,,,. g| Team toT)A NTT CP I?LEASURE and HEALTH ?-~?? Danco Palace at Terrace Gardon l)*ndnu /mil in\>imtiun Under Direction nt BVBLYN fltltltlll. and Instructors from Castle limit? (???ring ?.?aoiogt, i to a .itucinyi, Sunilari, and Hofidt/i 2 to 12 1 s.. M..,l,.,)i? Mriiil,? 3i ion? ft CC ?'?"??Hl? I"-?? with in i ?? *""*,uiv '"""' divrtual ?.U ,\,M?,i.,i,???t. iM.n in tor, 56th Street, neat Lexington Avrr LOVELL'S ) . 637 MADISON AVB. ?I II ? wish ?lin l?.?||vl<ll|?,| o.. ?i Million for 9 LESSONS, $5 rntVA-n. i.i,.- >. .m. \i, A m. to n >.,... " ** ? '""'?'? ?;ej' linUnt ni IT?ARN?, H V??r. r.tohll.hurl, Ilw?. ,?r M/rllni ."i ?r> . lll'B ri llunliwtpk ^ n /?"'??' fUJIroora Mul ., i i'e f'-,.i.-,.,?i HU?. liana? r?.uniii AI ;?>? Opt? llutrinlev? ar? al-vl'ii-l, worthl?t* AMT I'i'iM fer ittK? ni ?wrUI niUur? Hiif, ' rig 11 mu-lui Tmoi Itera u.i U ?? I i ? *' ufri. IVrlti I. C?rto, ;??? Mm U n H ulj d.i ai.vii. ,i mi iiool M ?, IV"*,I ?III ?i A* Dancing bas become ?o popular, these colutiuu will appear every Tue?day, Thursday and Sunday.. I who are conducting these so-calliu ; Sunday schools can succeed. We must I rely on the loyalty of our public ! schools to teach the children what they i should learn. A community school of | loyalty, in which the children can j learn patriotism after school hours ; and during vacations should be estab? lished. The church must do its part in the teaching of loyalty." THE REV. DR. M. H. HARRIS, of Temple Israel of Harlem, said: "Let us not advertise the Socialists by pub? licly condemning them. It has been ' the custom in England for many years ! to allow the exponents of all kinds of :extraordinary theories freely to voice their opinions on soap boxes in Hyde Park, Therefore these theories hnvc i exhausted themselves in wind. Wants Jews to Take Lena THE REV. ROBERT ROGERS, of the Church of the Good Shepherd, ?Brooklyn, said: "Wa are dealing with the greatest menace that can possibly j face our government. I do not believe i that the church can accomplish much to combat it, The best, way to fight 1 it, I think, would be to convoke a gath? ering of representative and conserva? tive Jews, among whose people tho menace Bocnis to bo greatost, and leave to them the problem of suppressing this propaganda. THE REV. S. EDWARD YOUNG, of tho Bedford Presbyterian Church, , Brooklyn, said: "The government, not the Church, should take the first step against tho Socialist Sunday schools. Their propaganda is aimed directly nl our sy-teni of property, and if their teaching prevails our government mus! go under Tho Bol sheviki and I have had personal con vr: at ions with several of them are perfectly frank in admitting that the.. seek tu brenk down mir institutions. They openlj confess that they want no peace, but that their purpose Is to in 1 crease discontent until revolution ! comes. Nothing can be plainer than that it is the duty of the government, j to take the situation in hand before I it gets any worse. "I know nothing the Church can do ?beyond calling the attention of its members everywhere to those facts, telling them how antagonistic Ihn So citllists are to gond morals and re? ligion. Wo can also counteract the work of the Socialist schools by en? couraging open nir and indoor moot* iiiK^. addressed by speakers who can mi'i'l tactfully the arguments of the Bolsheviki agitators." 5 Slain in 3C> Hours; Only Two Arrests Much* Body Found in T-nm1>ci* Yard is Latest Addition to Hennit I of New Crime Wuve Cour, und possibly five, murders waH Now York's crime record Cor the last thirty six hours, hi only one caso have tliO polICO made HlTCStS, Tho mow! rocont murder occurred. It Is believil, In u lumber yard nil Kiev elllli Avenue, bolWOOn C If. h I cell I h Mtnl Nineteenth BtrOfltS, \ e.-t enlay after noon, Somo hours lator tho bodj of i ho viet ?m, nftei wn el Idonl lllod as Jumos Savage, twontj flvo yours old, a longshoreman, was found, 'Jhe man had been shot through the heart. The police have learned that several men wi nl to the yard to shoot, craps. They think Savugo was killed os h result of II lie;ht over the game. The first of this most recent series of murders took lace late Sunday night,' when Umberto Giannini, twenty-seven, of 126 Baxter Street, was shot and killed at the comer of Hester and Mul? berry streets. During the fusillade of shuts tired at Giannini Carmine Cali tro, nine years old, of 117 Mulberry Street, was struck by a bullet and killed. Yesterday morning Itaffaele Carona, forty-three, a laborer, of 344 East, llHth Street, was found dead in an areaway in front of that address. He had leen strangled to death by a leather strap. The fifth murder victim was Will? iam E. Atwood, of 'A'Al West Forty-ninth Street, who was shot, while In the hall? way in the renr of a saloon at 201 Wosi Sixty-sixth Street. The police have two men under arrest. l?nsts of Washington OflVrrfl to British Sulgrave Assor'n Would Place Them in St. Paul's and West? minster and [Northamptonshire LONDON, April 14.- John A. Stow art, of New York, al a luncheon given In hoi "i "f himself and Major Louis I.. Seaman, of Now York, chairman of the Briti li Win liollof Associai ?on, an? nounced 'hut ho had received a cabin gram from the Sulgrnvu Association of lb" United States i iDm In? '" present i marble bin I" ol George Wh hlngton to , VV( i minster Abbi .. St, Paul's Cathe? dral and Sulgrave Manor m Norlhatnp* i"1' liire, where tho Washington family m Igl Muted. The luncheon ". . given by I 11 cl.m li i Wat Hi Id i"i mer I,oui Mayor of London, In lionoi of Mr, Stewart and Mttjol Hen nui n i ivliu nt'' pie en 11 ti? the Barnard statin nl Lincoln to ti.,' City of Mid" i" ?li i nex! - i ? i. 'I iiu i-." .i ?tu lud? 'i i In l.'.i'l i liniietdloi, \ innrl " n ml.Im I iir. In: Lord V. cm 'lai' . en ol. nl of the ?ni' i na 11 ci It 111 ? 'n rl la no n t it I' V I Ilion ? I ,"/'i| Mm i,Inn.!, M . ?". Ci'lii'l'itl I I. Il . m le,, liaron Leu, nl < arnlmm, formm ly Mi it i i. inllll 1rs nil n lo ni W iiMliLia i... ? h H a h...H?i Id, . it i.ill.. 11 anil Lady I'm k< r and li Gurdon Hi Ifi Idgu, lllii IvtinimTi'M Stnii HofiK Hi ,"ini< nt That Dropped Shovels for (rittiM on JVo Transports Seven officers and 2fl'l men, compris? ing Companies B and C of the l lib Bn glnuors, commanded by Colonel Bar clay Parsons, tho subway contractor, sailed for home on Hie transport Santa Theresa, uocorriing to s cable message re.ved yi ili'Mlny from Colonel P/u sons by the iiih ICnglnoors Association, The lent nl' tlic legiiiieiil, including Colone! Parsons, will embark to (luv on the Chicago. Tho lit li in tho American regiment which threw down picks ?lid *hov?dl IhhI spring ni ? ambrai to help ropol mi ni tack mi i o?" i ni li.', ni',' i i mi', Hlnr* Off on Two Weeks' inspection Trip in West WASHINGTON, April 14, Director General Mines plans to make on In spoction tour through tho We?t, leav? ing Washington to night and roturning in about two weoaks, Me probably will confer with Willium G. McAdoo, Inn predecessor, who is now at Santa Dar Una, Gal. ;RedT Leaflets, Urging Mutiny.. Reach America Government Makes Public Appeals by Bolsheviki to Soldiers of the Allies Not to Fight "Brothers" Allege Aid to Czarism Deny American and Entente Forces Are Welcomed by Plain People of Russia New York Tribune Washington Hurtan WASHINGTON, April 14.?Bolshevik propaganda leaflets, ?igned by I.en ?no h? president of the Council of Pcoplo'a Commissary, and Tchitcherln, Minister Of Foreign Affairs of the Soviot gov? ernment,, similar to the "Rod" litera? ture circulated among American troops on the Archangel front which caused a mutiny among mombors of Company I, 389th Infantry, were made public to? day by the War Di partmont. The litoratuie maKes an appeal to the Allied forces, addrossing the troops as "Follow workers" and declaring thai t ho government i of i ho Allii Boughl to ret?s tab I ?ah < l/.arlsm in Russia. One document, captionod "All-Lies," chargos the Uritish government with "unwarranted aggression" in landing troops in Russin, and asserts the action was broughl about i>\ "capitalists." The leaflet said : "RUSSIAN SOCIALIST FEDERATED SOVIET REPUBLIC. ALL-LIES. "In order to obtain tho conaont of the workers of Britain to the unwar? ranted net. of aggression against us, your government seta forth the follow? ing as their rensoiis for landing troops in our country; "1. That they have come to stamp oui anarchy, and rostorc order. Il la pot true. Vi'iir government, and tho French government, are themselves re? sponsible for what disorder there is in Ru i i Ever s mee our revolut Ion tho agents of the French and British gov? ernments have been conspiring with the counter-revolutioiinrioE, giving them moral encouragement and linan clnl assistance for the purpose of un? dermining the powor of our workmen's govcrnmenl and to bring aboul Its downfall. If there Is disorder, youu governments are responsible for it, Romomber, when n capltaliai govom monl in'era a counl cy where there has in to a revolul Ion for the purpo iu of m taring "order" II always means that i hoy In i end to crush t ho rovolul ion. That III What tho (iriinan (fOVO I'll IHOIll jnl In Poland, In the Ukraine, in the ?taliio provinces, and In Finland, That Is w hat your govern men t WIUll I to 'I" m 1,'ui la, They do nol want Lo n i to''i'; i in".' want i o i ? itoro the Cznr "Nul Helping KtiMhlan People" "2, That they have come to help the Russian people, H Is nol true. In the in i place, fa II helping to bring war nmong tho peuple already exhausted by war? We do not want war. We wain peace, Wo want to bo left alono, to consolidate the gains of our rovolu tion, to reorganize our economic and social life in .such a manner as to so euro i" the workers the products of their labor. Your govornmeni is not helping to do tins. It has .-.eut you here to prevent our doing it. Your Tiffany &Ca Ftpth Avenue ?r 37^ Street Pearls Diamonds Jewelry Silver Clocks Watches Chjna Stationery government is cooperating with the ( Czecho-Slovaks, who are suppressing ? the workers wherever they go. "In Sumara ull working-class organ? izations, trade unions and such like are suppressed. Your government will use ; you to do tho samo in North and Con i tral Russia. "If your government wanted to help thi Russian people It would recognize ' tho Soviet, government and assist us to reorganize our railways and industries. Allege "Bribery" With Food "8. That tho Allied invasion of Rus j sia ia welcomed by tho Russian people. It Is not truo, "Who is welcoming your landing? A few starving pin ant.; whom your gov? ernment bribed with a promise of food. Thoso poor people are not glad to see ?you. 'I hey are only eagot for the food they hope you will bring. "Who else it wolcoming you? The ex-landlords of Russia who are expect ing you to rcstoro to them tho land, forests and mine? which are now tho property of tho whole Russian people; the capitalist.!, who want you to over? throw our workmen's government and compel us to bocome their wage slaves again; the Tchinovniks, tho ex-officials of the. C/.ariat government, who want you to rest?le them to their soft jobs. "Yes, this crowd with their hangers on are very pleased to son you riere. They will flatter yon, and make a fuss of you; all tho while they have n su? preme contempt, for you, for you aro only workingmen, whom they aro using as their tools. "Comrades: Do not put your trust in (his reactionary gang. Do not per mil yourselves to be used as the tools of t he enemies of I iher' y. "Fellow workers: Bo loyal to your class and refuse to do the dirty work of your master i. LENIN 13, "Presiden! of Council of People's Commissaries. TCHITCHERIN, "People's Commissary of Foreign A liai ni." A ninie direct appeal for mutinous conduct, was made In tho second leaflet, addressed particularly to tho British for?es, '"pu you realize what you are dolng?" is the caption ever this appeal, which reiteratei the charge that the presence of the Allies' forces on Hin siso territory i i for i he purpose of re il orlng lha reign of the < !zni. This pain I'M let cuncl mies ; ' ''i en hn ve come to mtirdor lIberly, not. defend It, .lusl think of tho shame O?' i' ! I'illgllrihmuM he Ipii'i' In cm li n people who h,i\ e inei i etli ?I In making 1 hum "'Iv?s free. Wo cannot bolles o sen will 'I" Il II would be Ihe must shameful acl in history, l?ngll ih fol Id '. V "l? 01 I, ih't.'I do It." Dr. ftpitaeio Pessoa New President of Brazil RUIONOS AYRES, April II. The Brazilian newspapers, to-day concede t he oloc! ion of I>r. Knit acio Pesi on to the Presidency of Brazil as a result, of Sunday's balloting, according to dis? patches from L'io de Janeiro to-day. Ten Badly Burned in Naval Chaser Explosion Blast Occurs During Filling of (rasolene Tunk at San Diego SAN DIEGO, Cal.. April 1.4. Light unlisted men, one officer and one civil? ian on the United States submarine chaser 297, lying in port hare, wore burned in an explosion on tho ship shortly after noon to-day. Among tho injured woe: J. P, Barron, machinist's mate, first ! class, Worcester, Mass.; J. Chadderdon, seaman, Acra, N. Y. Of the injured siv were taken 1" a h" p lal here and four were removed m the Navy Hospital at Balboa Park. All ten were badly burned mid it is believed a majority will succumb. Bur? row is reported tho most seriously in? jured. The explosion occurred du-ing the filling of a 1,000-gallon gasolene tnnk. Vapor collected in tho hold of tho vessel and some one struck i match and an explosion that lifted tho deck of the chaser one and half jeet fol? lowed. Tho submarine chaser is one of six? teen that arrived Saturday after serv? ice in the Azores and the North and | South Atlantic during the war. -_? Mrs. Moi looey Win* Suit Aetion by Bank Examiner Is Reversed ami Dismissed Justice Guy In the Supreme Court yesterday dismissed a suit against Mrs. Catherine f. McCooey, wife T John II. McCoooy, Democratic leader of Kings County, ond also vaca tod a $4,000 judg ment against her. Tin llldgomcnl was rendered in a suit brought by the state Sunorinten (lent Of Hanks 0I1 behalf of the i"."i tors of ihr d?finie! Carnegie Tru ( "ii'pnnv, of which Mim. Ml'< '"'" a itockholder, .';in' was ublu to pro thai sin WUM not served m the n ? ili'l m I ll" I mi'' I " line lia.I i"-. |ili' iinibr Hi" stlltUtO "f limit?t ?on:', I1 ,un i i drums led | he CttSO llltogtlic giving Mi'i. Mi'i'iii'i-y Judgment I'u :f.l-1.12 as costs againsl Goorgo I. Skin ner, Superintendent of Hunk See a Cross on tito Moon? Washington Heights and The Bron united last night In tho startling a sert ion "There's a cross on the moon,' But down in Park Low it was still I fat, pudgy, rather kindly looking gen tleman who gazed on all New Yort without, so far as one who has detei mined to anticipate the coming drought could observe, a frown, let alone a sign of being cross. Debs Now a Clerk In Prison Hospital; Age Wins Easy Job Prisoner Is Warned Not toj Talk Socialism Among ? Fellow Inmates, and He '? Promises to Obey Rule; Sveeial Correspondence MOUNDSVILLE, W. Va., April 14.? Eugene V. Debs, leader of the Soialist party in the United States and three times a candidate for President, is now a clerk in the hospital in tho West Vir? ginia penitentiary at this place. After passing his first night behind prison bars for violation of the espionage act, Debs arose and had breakfast with the other prisoners, after which, until 11 o'clock, he was free within the pris? on. At 12 o'clock ho was called before Warden J. Z. Terrell, who said: "Debs, you are too old a man to do very much hard work, therefore I shall give you work that best fits you. For the present you will bo assigned to duty in tho prison hospital, whero Dr. Wilson will tell you what your duties are. You will have a room ready for you there to-night." In reply Debs said : "Thank you." !!?? was then given seven telegrams | from friends, who expressed sympathy for him in his imprisonment. After | Debs had read tin.' telegrams, Warden I Terrell said : "Debs, all we are froing to exact | of you is that you comply with prison ! regulations. We have no hard and | fas1 rules, and tho only promise I ask of you is that you preach nono of your political doctrines among tho prison? ers." "You havn my promise." replied Deb's, "and if I transgress it, will bo unknowingly, and if I do so. T onlynsk you *o remind me of what I have done and I -will change my action." "This Is the best prison in the country," said the warden, "and you will be a full fledged inniato as soon as we get your suit ready." -# ... - Invitation to 69th Chiefs Hoi. Donovan and (ihuplmu Duffy A^ked to Press Dinner Colonel William Donavan and Chap 'am Duffy, of the li'i?lh Infantry the ild righting ??th will he invited to the limier to he given by the newspaper iieil of (he city at tllO Hotel Comino lore April 20 m honor of newspaper 'it hack from service. [llemenccau Eulogizes I2.i Vow York Division 1* Reviewed by French Vice-Admiral BREST, April 18 (By The Associated i Press). Vice Admiral Moreau, Govera ir of Brest, reviewed the. American 42d Rainbow) Division here to-day and ''?a.! a letter te the assembled troops from Premier Clemenceau in which the achievements of the division were eulo So-CO-ny Motor Gasoline: ... . . s truck or car power not only for usual needs but for emergencies. And the power you get today you can get tomorrow or next week ?for So-CO-ny is every day the same. Adjust the carburetor for So-CO-ny, and forget that part of the machine. Combustion never varies, power never slackens. Why take chances with unknown, doubtful mixtures? Keep to So-CO-ny and keep power at par. Buy it where you see the Red, White and Blue So-CO-ny Sign. STA NI >AK!> OI^^^^^^HORK The $i?n of a reliable dealer and the worlds best Gasoline tta i^ammmg^ta w TRADE MARK ?i The City of ? G00DR1CH is a Wise Man Because every man has something to teach; the thing life through experience h as taught him to do. Nature but repro? duces: man's ex? perience taking the world where Nature stops builds it better; whether he makes an iron plow to im? prove the crooked stick? Or turns mere rub? ber and cotton into pneumatic tires. Experience is that unseen thing in tires, the quality of which turns them out good or bad. It vouches for Good - rich experience that Goodrich made the firstAmericanpncu matic tire, and ever since has fathered the improvement of automobilo tires. It shows in burly, full-rounded bodies, and thicker BLACK SAFETY TREADS, extra wide, fortify? ing the sidewall against rut scraping. It returns value for your money in serv? ice value on your car on the road. Buy Goodrich ^ires from a Dealer \>-, BEST IN THE LONG RUN"