Summary' of Stock Exchange Dealings
?Copyright. 1919. New York Tribun? Inc.?
(l?ber ?ocla
' '
I.2? I
ag ?
O.her bond- . *'-!I'?
AU bond. . 12.-39,000
\ S. i;?>?ernn>fnt
' Pay before.
January 1 to date.
35,904 800
January 1 to dat?
Record of Stock and Bond Averages
<Cirprriirtit, 1919, New S'ork Tribune Inc.)
20 B?Bro*dj . 70.03
50 Industrial? . 92.83
50 Sis-eks . 84.08
10 Railroad? . 79.85
1" IndcsiriaL? . 95.23
5 Ctuitif? . 86.86
23 Bonds . 85.30
79.78 78.98
95.33 90.52
?6.31 84.a2
? ear
Range Jan. 1
to date
year 1
73.87 '
Yesterday's Transactions inListed Stock?
All Mocks qnotod dollars n share. Annual dividend rate, n!so In dollars
a share, is based on last repnlar payment. High and low prices of 1919 are
based only on transactions of 100 shares or more
ffigh. Low. I'tv.
DIS- .913- Ra'.eu
Sales. Open. High. Low. Close, ehge. Bid. Ask.
50 33 ?
3434 21 ?
681? 56V? 6
81 66 6
4V4 3''a ?
2'? 154 ?
3?*? 30 ?
33 81% 7
11-3*4 937a ?
103 93 6
79'i 62 8
92'j 84% 6
52% ??, ?
103 9S% 7
553* 8-t' a 8
116% 113 7
68 i 5^i 6
Adams Express
.Advance P.nniely ...
Adv P.umdy pr.
Ajas Rubber ..
Ala-ka Gold Min??....
.Alaska Juneau .....
AKL-s-Chalmers Co...
A?is-Chalmers pr...
Amer Art Chen?....
Am Ajtt CTim pr....
Amer Beet Sujrar...,
Am Beet Sajrar pr...
Amer Can Co.?
Amer Can Co pr. . ..
?m Car & Kiiry Co..
Amer far Jk F pr. . .
SO American Drujrs . ..
Amer Cotton Oil....
Amer Cot Oil pr
Am Hide & Leather,
Am Ri'le & L pr. . ..
American Ice.
American Ire pr. . .
6 7-.4
3 ,
82 Va
900 103
100 100
33 33 35 ?
33'/a 82% 32H
63! 4 67^4 68 ?f
77! 2 7634 76%? %
3% 3/2 3">8
2'/8 2% 2'8
33-U 37'/a 38/8 + %
93 92% 93 -f 1
1C8?/a 108 108?
100 100 100
52% 3.60 Amer Int Corp.
54% *"* 3 ?
93% 85 7
69% 53 ?
i\ 1 ?
53% 5' --
537, 51 ?
"3% 62% *
87% 63 8
133 1" i 7
118 113 2 7
1*8 96'2 10
98 93 7
1D8S, 98^4 8
215 191% 23
67% ~i i 5
43-* 27% ?
15 11 ?
63% 56"2 4
45 4 17% ?
9?4% 90 6
89 85 5
8 6 ?
92 10
64 5
44 4
35 36
32/a 33
671 <'a 63
76% 76-4
3% 3?4
2' 8 2<4
38 38?4
92!2 93' 2
Va 108'/a 108!4
100 1001 2
500 76!/, 76i/2 761/4 76'/a-? % 76!4 76' 2
200 92!% 92'% 92'/2 92?/?4- 4 92 92%
8200 51% 52% 51 51%-*- "* 51?a 51%
2C0 102 102 102 102 + Vz 1011b 102
6100 95 95% 94',2 94' 2? !2 94! 2 95
20O II6-3.4 1163.1, 1163? 11634-?- Vz H6 117
100O 13'/4 13',4 13 13 - 13 13'a
101% 104
43'4 49''8
65% 68'/4
83 84'3
63'2 533i
97"/2 37'8
67 2 67'2
1; 2 1/2
523j 53
56 2
26 j
63 i
~~ 4
30' -,
90 ? 10
!01% 3
'?- , ?
" 4
-- 2
65 2
9; ?
32 ,
?9 4
20% -
63 2 7
70 58
6'% 46
108 102
7- 4 52
? 2
??% 38 ;
? 2? ,
??a 102 i
?1% 47
'M 144 ,
; 118?/a
M 2 32
. B2 .
r1% 5?%
?'??' 2 103
? ,
American Linseed... 5100 53'/
Amer Linseed pr_ 1C0 973
Ara Locomotive. 9800 693.
American Malt . 100 1?
Am Malt 1st pr rtfs. 200 52-J
Am Mi' 1 pr ctf std. 500 53,
Amer Smehin'T . 3300 72
Am Steel l'rfry. 800 82
Am Sosar . 1800 130
Am Suirar pr. .
Am Sumatra ..
Am Sumatra Tob pr 200 96 96 36 96 ~
Am Tel & Tel...... 1700 104% 19434 104% 104'/a
Am Tubacco . 200 207% 208 207% 207% +
Am Wool . 7600 67 67'2 65'2 66'44
Am Writ Paper pr.. 700 42'2 42 2 42 42 ?
Am Zinc & Lead ... 300 14'4 14'/2 14 14 ?
Anaconda . 4000 62% 62% 61% 61%-?
Aaacc Dry Gooda... 1700 44'4 44 4 41% 41%?
Atchison . 1300 92 92 91% 91%?
Atchison pr .
At! Hirm & Atl...
Atl Guli & W I...
f & W I pr
in Locomo Co
Balto & Ohio.
.?. ? ?hio pr . .
Uarre'? Co ........
Mn'.-ipiits Mininir . . ?
Beth Steel, Clasa B.
Beth Steel 8th pr. . .
i Hap Tr.
Bklrn Rap Tr erf-.
! Booth r i>heries Co.
) Burns Bros .
? ?: Edison .
'? 2 Hutte Cop & Zinc.... 1( 3
Butte & Superior Cop 1200
? Calif Backing . 2100
? al ?' P< trol . -
7 ? alif 1'e'ro! pr.
? ? ainmet ?^ Arizona.
? ariariian 5'acil?c ..
T Cave, J I pr.
rai Leather ..
Cerro De ?'a-co_. 1700
2 1 handler Motors
-. & Ohio.. 200
1 hie Gt West. 1100
2 Chic Gt Wei t pr.... 600
Chic M & St P_ 600
- 1 hie M ?v St P pr.. 5C0
7 ( hie <?? N'west. ?i". J
Chic R I & Pac_ 700
6 Chic K P 6"c pr 300
?' 7"5 pr 300
3 C St 1 ,T i O.
- Chile ' ? ppef . 8000
3 ( hino Con Copper.. 1100
6 aett IVahody ... 100
. fuel & I-on. . . .
I -.1 ?..- U K!cc. 640C
< ont Can . 70C
1' Insurance Co. . 20C
176 86' a 86! 2 86 2 86 ?
200 6% 6' 2 6% & a+
196>0 13" 139 135 135 4? ;
700 70 70 69"s 70 -
18400 933,'; 94",, 91'/a 91 '. 'j.?
3500 -633 ?633 40 46 ?
53 52 2 52' 2?
T.\ J 130% 1311/4 130% 131 4~
' j ''4 V/a 1%+
141 ' :> 77 3 77 2 75-9 75 --
500 103% 1C8~3 103U 103"??
700 2- 4 21' 2 21! a 21"/2
'00 21?/2 2V/S Z-. 2 2" 2
400 20'a 23'2 20 20 ?
700 164% 10-% 163 163 ?
125 97 97 97 97 ?
1000 7'a 7% 7'a 73s-f
1200 22 i 22 4 2'34 2^4?
200 70' a
100 534
500 160 j
100 99
16100 77
131 Vz
94 4 04v4
23% 23 2
? 1 -?m Product? . 23600
Corn Products pr. ..
( rucib:^ Steel .
' uh? 1 ane Sugar... ,
' uba Cane Su? pr..,
Denver & Rio '.r.. .
65 65 ?
75 75 75 76 ?
65 4 65'4 65% 65%?
23^a 24 4 23-=a 233/4
37 37'.4 363-4 36%
65 65 65 65 -
42% 42% 42% 42',2-f
45% 46% 45'8 46 -
773,4 78' a 77% 73 ?
69 70 69 70 +
61% 61% 60% 60%?
'5*? ? Dome Mines . 1400
2;0 105| 4 1^ 4 "05
l.rie .
Kris 1st pr.
J ?. iff Body . . .
1 i her Body pr.
Gaston William*
Gen Chera < <> pr.
40 104
4 (.encrai ?.'?Rar . 2400 67?/a
4') ,, 4
M ' 5
12?% ?
2' -, -
Electric Co.
I.? ?era 1 Motor? ....
(.en Motors pr .
Gen Motor* deb.
Goodrich, H I'.
. B F pr. . .
Gl *? ?jr'hern pr. . . .
(,' North 'Ire ?uh?. .
Greene Cananea (op
Gl 11 M & North_
Colt BUte Steel_
Ha?keU & Bark Car. .
ral ....
/.v I Atrirul .
Inttrr Arrien! pr
In p (ration ?"opper. .
Con* Corp . . .
mi Corp pr .
lit lia/'.e^ter Co. . . .
In; Mcrcu Marine..
800 163
14&00 180
1300 92'
' . .
21O0 -'.3
a 29/a ?""
103 104
2 67 % 53
4 162 163
177!^ 178%? 1'/4 178'/a 179
92 2 93 - ! a 92'/a 93%
92% 92%- 92% 93
67 67 ? % 6 7 67%
100 109'/a 109/a 109' 2 109' 2-- 2 106% 111
91 91 90% 90%? 'a 90% 91'
lot M?r Mar pr. 64100 118 4 118% 115% 115%? 1% 115% 115%
?a 4
29 /, 2
M \y
&/, t
*<% 40?/, ._
**'* 147% 12
% * 21% -?
?;? M -? ?
? ' "' ?>
? t 2
?v, -
1 ?
22% ..
W?/4 ~
af/j -i
. 1* ?
.*? */? ?
1g ?* 7
internan Paprr . .. 4t',0 .-', .;r,
In! f'aper pr ?tpd . . . 100 .'i 73
Internai"! N'irkel ... 69200 26 '4 2';.8
Jirwtll Tea . i;r/> 40% 40'/4
J'w?ll Tea pr . 200* 84 84 ,
K?VMr, JuliU? .. 1800 110 110
Kama? filr South.. 8,00 2'. ? 21 a
Kelly Hpririiffield
Ker/nerott I '>j..tyj?r 6100
Key-.fone 'lue . 7000
Urlu??nna S'rel . 1000
Lahidi Vail?-y . 1200
Lee Bibber & Tlr? ,
Loom v. ,;??* BU < o . 200
I.'.riilard, fie;.-? .... 100
M>i*.ll Motor .... ?VOO
M?*??!l t/toUtt "?! pr 100
.Mjrwfii Motoi 2d pr 4O0
M*y 1-epart Htor??.. 4200
Mexieaej Petrolcu
Mmro, t .,? ( npVrr . 80 I
Midral?. Ht?-??! . '; 00
M,/?n & Kt I, new
M??, Kuri?: A. Trr pr 200
MUaouri Pat . 1100
Muaouri J'ae pr . .
."?=*'?*>n?? Arm?
Met t..,n A. C?bU
Nat hn?m h Htpd
Nat l;r,am tk ?tpd pr
1211 j 121?%? 2i/a 121',.2 122
DO 50% 60%
1200 M 38
SO 17'/, 173/4
'-'?. '??'. 68%
200 ?9'/a 9? !/2
WatWaa! Lead ..... 2000 71% 72
21 ;
1C81 j
44 7a
8' ??
44 ?
62 %
37 13
61' 2
Low. Div.
1919. Knit?.
107 7
National Lead pr .
Not R H of M 2d pr
Nevada Con Copper
V Air Brake
2' 2
5' ? --
4<, 3
8 ?
!.. , -..
29% 1
117 7
437a i
45'a ?
12'a ?
30 3
38% 5
16 ?
45 6
80' a 6
34 ?
59 R
1127/a 8
68' 2 8
N .
New York C
N V N t? ?v II
N Y Ontario & Wcat
Norfolk & Wcat
Northern Parle
Nova Scotia Steel
Ohio Ga* .
Ontnrio Silver
Ilotilinif . 400
?n,i\ . 24100
2H4 19 2
30' ,j
70 4
36| a
215] 2 209
93 72%
45', 3
7 I ' 2
86' j
168' j
?:?! 2
95! a
-12' 4
27! 2
Okla Prod
Pacific < .-.-.-t
Pacific Mall
Pan Am Pet
Pan Vin Pel pr
Penn U K _
Peo Gas fi Coke
Pere MarrjurMe
Philadelphia to
Pierre Arro?
Pierc Oil .
Pittsburgh Coal
Pittaburirh Coal pr. .
Pitta A. W Va.
Pressed Steel ( ar .
Pullman Pal Car Co
Kail Steel Spring .
Rail Steel Spring pr
Kay Con Copper. . . .
Reading .
Rep Iron & Steel .
Iron & Steel pr
il Dutch
; y
St 1. & San Fra?i
7 Rep
3.44 Hoy
8.44 Roy Out
400 81-? 81'a 81 81 ? ';
200 106% 106-4 106% 106^4 ?
300 21 21 21 21 -
6600*83% 843a 83% 8?'s? \\
2300 83% 84
82 *
32%? 1
? hares
St I, & San t rail
St I> & San Fran pr
Sears Roebuck ....
Shattuck Ariz .... 200 12' 2
Sinclair Oil . 3U00 55'4
Sloss-Shci St ?', ir.. 500 54
;juu e,i'H 84 82% 32%? 1
100 102% 102% 102% 102% - ' ?
3400 93 93' 4 91% 9\' 2? 1
f?ROO 90% 91. , 89 89' ,? ',
600 8: a 8% ft 8 - ' ,
230 12% 12%
100 23 ? 23'a
200 1801 4 1801 4
200 12! 2 12' 2
82' a
102' a
89' :,
Stutr Motors
Superior Steel
Stromberpr Cr
Tcnn Copper
Texas & Pacific. .
Tes & Pac Ld Tr
Texas Company
Texas Co, 50
Tob Products .
Tob Products pr....
Tran & Wms Steel..
Twin City Rap Tr...
Under'd Type'r Co..
Union Pacific .
Union Pacific pr. . ..
United Alloy Steel...
I'niipft Cig-ar Stores
50 250
4000 222
100 215%
4900 89%
200 100 100
300 45 45
100 45 45
173'"j 172 172
128% 129%
10O 73 73 73 73
10600 46% 47% 46% 46% 4
7100 132 133% 13,; j 133%
200 122 122 120 120
1? 2
219 -
215% 215' a- 6-a
89% 89% ?
99% 10O ?
45 45 % 4
45 45
89% 90
100 101
44% 43%
61? 2
40! 2
23 4
Steel pr
.. Sec t'orp
Carol Chem. .
Va ( Chem pr
Wabash .
Wabash A p
Wells Fargo Kx
West Maryland
West Pacific . .
Ufst Pacific pr
Wc.-t Union "
Westing Mt'-,
Wilson Co
wheel & i. r;.
While Motors .
Willys Ovcriand
Worth Pump
Worth Pump pr
Worth Pump pr
?Ex di?.id?nd.
ri e Tribune asstim i no .- ; i - |.
r tho ac ? iracj or . itl ?:.-. :ity oi curb
market quotations. Transactions and prices
'? ":' ? were .. fol owa :
"' *A< ':.& Expies
Open nigh, ;., .??. La ?
- .
? ? Road :.! . 67 ' 67 5'. '
'0 ?Am W l'a; er
r\" '-'-' Tob co . 23% 23%
?U" '"" " ? : : -' :i ? 23 4 23'
K.?rs^fo S,/, ?5 g
., -OtS BT sha 36% 3^.f 3? s ^
14 "' ( laib & An Fy 13 13 12 12
1200 ?Cramp Shipblg: 94% 101 94% 101
El lit tt J w 1 53 65 53 ' 55
?'00 do prof wi..ICO 100% 100 100'?
: i0 ?Famous P-Las 63 70 63 70
200 . ?FUk R T wi. 35 35 34% 34%
200 ?Freeporl T S. 41% 41% 41' 2 41' l
?>()(> ?Gen AsphaH'.. 63 63 62% 62%
10U *Gill Saf Razor. 150 150 150 150
i 0 'Hall Signal. .. 5'4 5% 5% 5%
.' -. Mlav Tob pr. . 3% 3% 3% 3%
?!?'? '? Hupp v.** Car. 8' -> 8% 81 , 8%
:'. 'Inter Rubber . 22 % 22% 22 22 '
? ' ?Lack Co Ci al. 27 \ 28 26' 2 28
2800 *L, McN & L. 30% 31% 30% 30%
500 Marconi of A. . ?v , 4' , 4' , 4! -.
1500 *N A & C ... 27 27'2 27 * 27%
800 N A P & P., 4% 4% 4'j 41 -,
100 N Y Transport 18 4 18% 18% 18%
400 ?Pearson Coal. 2% 2% 2% 2'4
60000 Perf T & R .. % % %
1500 P Tr & M C. 24 24! -, 24 24 4
4200 ?Philip Morris. 12'4 12% 113.J 11%
'?'. ?Poulaen Wire. 7 7% 7 7%
5200 ?Rem Type .. 50% 65 50% 64
21800 *Savold Tire . 36 36% 34 36
II. ?.Ste Mfjr Corp. 40 45 44% 44%
3200 ?S Gaa & Elec. 38% 23 37 37%
? lb II v t ctl 1 14% 15 14 14
4000 ?Swift I.(60%-61%) 62 60 - 61
: ?1 h( melis Pro. 1% 11 11 11
3500 ) Ti 1 ?? v -. ctfs. ,'? % ?> %
100 ?Union Carbide 69% 69% 69'-. 69'.?
' United PS.. 1A 1A 1% ?%
6 oOU S Steam Co. 2% 2:4 2% 2%
:.".. 0 Wayne ( oal .. 3% 3% 3% 3%
2200 ?Anglo-A Oil . 20 .; 20% 20 20%
30 ?Prairie P '.. . - - 276 ;:72 276
' ?South P Oil . -- 305 305 3 )5
' . ? l 0 C . IN J 1 ? 632 632 632
: - ?Va ? urn Oil . ? 413 4:3 4.8
l'.Oi ?Allen Oil ... 4 4 3'; 3%
000 ?Bar O & G.. A ? i3? :-i
; I ?Bo me Oil ... 6% 6% 64 6 !a
? Ba -Wyo Oil. 38 39 33 38
. 1 m Pet w -.. 461 ? 47' 4 46' k 46 j.
4 ?Cosden & Co. 9% 9% 9% 9%
. ?Elk Bs lin Pi t. 8% 84 6% 8%
75500 fEsmeralda Oil. 7% 10 7% 8: 2
?Federal Oil . . 2% 3% 2% 3%
16900 ?Glenrock Oil.. 6% 6% 6% 6%
300 ?Here Pet cl A 10% 10% 10 10%
750 MC me Oil w i. 17 17 16% 17
?300 ?Houston Oil... 80% 80% 80% 80%
C000 ?Hudson Oil . . 4,? 4% 3% 4
2700 ?Internat Petro 29% "29% 27% 28%
: llsl Oil & Tr- .8% 8% 7% 8
1 ? Kenova Oil - b 6 5% 6
15000 ?Merrltt Oil . 32% 32% 31% 32
; 11 0 Motro Petro. . 3% 3% 3% 3Aj
650 ?Midwest Refln.170 171 168 163
15000 ?Mor PofMwl 4| ? 4% 3% 4%
6700 ?National Oil., f.' 2 7 6% 7
10000 ?tNorthw Oil.. 50 58 54 55
,.tOmar Oil & <? 60 50 44 50
1 ?? I ?Orient Oil ci O 2% 2% 2 2
6000 ?Pennok Oil... 16% 16% 16 16%
5500 ?tPenn Ga?.... -10 40 30 30
6000 ?+Queen Oil ..17 17 16 16
1HOOI) ?R,irn?.-I.urn Oil 1% 1% 1% 1Jfl
l800R?n?er Gulf... 14% 14% 14 14%
I..1 ?Mlan-H O a pr 42 45 41 42
700'Rlckard Tex... 10% 10% 9% 10
287 10 ?Rock Oil n pr. 68 (i 68 74
1000 *: alt ' reel Pr. 41 41 40% 40%
3000 ?Sapul O 4 K 7% 7% 7'2 JVa
12000 ? I .... air Gulf C 52% 62% 50 51' a
28! ? Sinclair <i vV.1.85 20"> 185 208
600 ISouthweat Oil. 41 44 44 44
...... *.'-.? -, Pr ft K. 4<4 4% 4% 4%
2000 ?? 1:1.-.'<-ii Oil % % 4 %
- ..-.1 ng O ft K 7% 7% 71/4 7%
0 ?I./-K P & K 2%- 2^5 ?% 2%
L6000 ?iT. x O * R. 1 ? 86 96
700 ?Vic Oil nw nl.k ?% S'/l 2% 3
710 ?W SU O ft I. 53 66 53 66
Mining .Stork?
4300 Min?-!!- C M 40 40 38 39
I M MA MA-M la p) 31 33 SI 32
7800 ?lAlhod Cid.. 6? h't b8 60
Open. Hljth. Low. Last.
?Am Mines ... 1 : 1 1
'Am T ft T... % % 3a ia
?-i B_ 4C 4-0 38 33
Big Ledge- ft % 2 .\
??. ' '"i-, .oth . ..30 32 30 33
'i; ' ,v Mont. 61 62 61 6 1
- B ??' -N V. ? ? % a> % a8
donia ... 36 36 34 34
i 'Cal i Jer.. . % % % %
-. . Canada Cop.. 1% 1|| i;5 1%
*'i and : iria S. 65 6t>" 63 66
:. ' fCashbo;. 11 12 11 12
? ? ?Cer S M ft M 3% 3: , 3% 3' _
'Con Ariz .Su-.. 1% 1 fy 1% 1 .?
( re on Con G 5 g 5% 5 3 -5' H
11 . ?Divide Synd. 14 15 12 12
: i TE ireka I r M 2' a 2% 2' a 2%
lEureka Cr M. 2 ? 2% 2.8 2%
- ' ' F rerrce Sil. 75 76 75 76
*- - fl ortuna Con 53 66 63 56
' **Gi Id Zone Div 1?^ 1 A |% '%
24 -(,. Iden Gate.. 3% 3% 3% 3%
' t/Golden It M. % % % %
I ? ' ... dfield Con. 18 18 13 13
Id Mere
? Gol Ifield Merg 5; _ 5% 5% 5%
187 0?tHasbrouck D. 36 39 33 36
? 0 Hecla Mining. 5% 5% 5% 5%
1 ! 1 10 Jim Butler. . 39 39 37 3?
15(1 rjumbc Eixten. 13 13 13 13 i
2! 'O ?1 Lib B ill Div 27 31 27 30
I ' Loui - ?ana Con. % % % % \
170 * Lone Star .11 13 11 12
4000 *? Magna Chief % \\ % jj
1 1150 ?tMg MA lapi 1% 2 1% 1% i
, ' * ,'m;,pN' Min'g. 72 75 71 74
: ?1 Mar?.. Min'g. 6 6 6 6
: . Mason Val_ 2% 2% 2 2% i
: " ?-.'?! .tl er Lode. 43 43 40 43
i ?Nat T ii Corp 1% 1% 1' a 1%
* Nev Div i a pi 21 23 2'. 23 '
: N n :?-.? .30 21 27 28 i
*i Ii ondaj a M.. '. 3% 3 3' B ;
?Ray Hero M.. 2 2 2 2
: ? ? I-: ch Min ... 20 20 29 CO
: fl ?TSeven Mel M 33 33 33 33
i ?tSilver K Div. 23 32 26 30
- land Silv-L... .*, -*, .?, ft
?fSuth Div. .. 34 4.3 34 42
?ti wart .... 24 20 24 29
; ?: 0 ?Ti ? . pah Div. 10 11 10 10%
: Ton ?; ah E.xt . 2'8 2% 2% 2%
: WO ? tTu 1 R v P.. 3:. 35 30 30
I ?1 nited C ; per % % % Vz\
1700 United Eastern 4', 4% 47,, 47^
5700 \ -. M o? Ariz 4 -, 4 ft .
600 ?tU S C. n Min 1 '; 2 13 11% 13 \
:. i Unity '. Min 6 6% 6 6% .
. ?Ward M ft M 33 35 33 33
7700 tWash G g . 78 73 78 78
I 0 tWesf Ei ci C 1 % 1?3 1% 1%
II 0 rWhi e Caps M 2 9 20 19 20
15. ?Am T & T 6s 99% 99% 99% 99%
: ' . ?Am T 7s. 1923102] ? 102 ? 1C2' 2 1T2' 2
5001 ?Anaconda 6s 98% 98', 98% 98%
10 'B S ~ p c, 'l.'J10"! g 10V -, 101% 101%
1000 ?G E 6s N ':'"!.;0% 1C9; , 100'2 100%
-:. ?I R T 7s _ 89' a 89' " 89 89
15000 ?111 C D1'.'? . 96% 97 96% 97
i0 "NYTCo Deb 6s100 10"-' ? 100
?R la Govt 'I'-.'.- 59; 4 59' 4 58% 53
20000 ?Sin Gulf 6.1 '00 100' -, 100
:.n ?S & Co 6'a '^1100% 100% 120' g ' -
60000 ?W&Co C 6 p c 96 96% 96 96
?Unlisted. *Sell cts. per ?han?.
Following is a complete record of nl!
transact ?ons in bonds on the New York
Stock Exchange yesterday:
U. S. Government Bonds
(New York Stock Exchange Quotations)
(Closing Quotations)
?| uesday Monday.
H. I. \?ked. Bid A ' ed
Lib '.' s 1917.. 99.30^99.40 99.00^99.06
do -1., 1947.. 95.46i-oj95.50 95.50^95.60
2d ? -, 1942 [email protected] [email protected]
do ! t 4Vi?, '47 95.46i?95.50 [email protected]
do 2d ?.',?. '42 93.56^93.50 [email protected]
do 3d I',". '28 [email protected] 95.50(895.54
1!,, HI. 4',4s.'38 [email protected] [email protected]
Pre-war 1-: ui
2?, reg, '30 .. 98% @ 99% 98% (p) 99' .,
2?, coup, '30.. 98' ,@ 99% 98% (1 99%
::,. reg '4fi . . 89 (ai 33 89 @ 92
Ei. coup, 'Hi. . 84 (fl 92 89 l? 92
4s, ri-v.. '25...1054? @106% 106% @1
?In, coup, '25. .106% @ 106% 105% (p. 100%,
2s, Pan, <-, '38 98% W 99% 98'4 (of 99
. fun, r. :;. ')>;' .. ?? ? 9?,' .. (h>
Zt Pan, >-, '38.98% @ 99'4 98%? 99
2i, Pun, r. '38, 98% W ? 0R% @ ?
?i, Pan. reg.. 37 rffl ?2 S7 @ 92
3?, Pan, coup. 37 (? 92 ?7 <g! 92
Phil. 4a, '34 ..90 i? 96 90 <? 96
do 4s, '35... 90 laj 96 90 i? 98
do ?s "?%... 90 @ 93 90 @ 96
D. Col 3-6;?3... 97 (g100 97 C&'IOO
Liberty Issues
H -? : r. La ' change
Libertv 3V?s ...59.?40 99.00 99.30 -r .26
do Ut 4a- 95.50 93.50 ?5.50 ? ?
do 2d 4?. 93.56 93.54 93.56 ? .06
do lut 4 % 9. . 95.50 95.50 9550 ? ?
do 2d 4V?a .. 93.58 03.32 93.53 ? .04
fi' 3d 4".;?.. 95.50 95.40 95.49 ? .04
do 4th 4'4n.. 93.58 93.50 93.56 ? .02
r Approximate Investment yield .-.'. ?h?
- .? New York Stock Exchange prie
'. ?M
Third -fU?. 4.88
Fourth l ' ts . 4.78
Second 1 Us . 4.70
Tir,: ! %i . 4.53
Second la . 4.44
Fir*t ls. ?i 25
Fir : ?'?:. , . 1.54
[Sale* of Liberty bonde ou Uie New York
Stock Exchange -.-.--? interest to th<? dato of
...... and th? ? ? ? cceiv? tl Int? re : ?n
addition to the mie pr ce.,
U r' Liberty ri'_r, U " Liberty % I Vie
June 1932-47 November ICiU7-42
100.99.00 20.000. 93.56
10 000 . no.06 35 o...... . , 53.33
0.99J? -
? ? '.99.10 Total .$614,000
I.ODO 99.12 U S Liberty 3d 4^8
: 8.000.99 14 September 1928
i. ...' . p.1 16 26 1,000. . . .9S.-44
.."9 18 . ' ?. ' 0 93.48
? I. 99.20 629,1 0. 05.45
1 .' . . 90.24 405, '0. . . .95.44
.09.22' 28.01 .55.42
1 (. 100.99.20; 21,000.15.40
.99.14 I0.95.44
0.99.12 134.000.95 4-5
?.99.16; 398,0 lO_ 95.48
2 . n.99.20' 'O.95.50
F.,i 0. ., .09 26 ' 1,000. 95.*3
'..'''.99.23 1' 0,.).95.46
20,000. ... .99.38 '.95.44
15,(. 99.40 10,000.05.40
20,000.99.30; I.95.42
Total .... $397.000' 8 ,000.95.4-3
U S Liben.v l.-l, 4fl ' '? " ....95.48
June 1932-47 7 .95.46 ' )0.95.4-1
U S Liberty 2d 4s r?7,000.95.42
November 1927-42 10, 10.95.46
30,0 i.93.56^ 7",.95.-13
'?.' 0.93.54 150,000.95 50
SO.i.93.52 17,000.95.44
C.8,000.93.50' DO, ?0.93.48
6,000.93.52 . -
119,000.93.54' Total _$.3.020.000
45,000.93.56. U S Libertv 4th 4:?,s
102,000.93.54 October 1333-38
51,000.93.561 200,000. 93.54
-1 360,000. 93.58
Total.$495.0COj 716.000.93.56
? S Liberty 1st ?1 Via 486,000. 93.54
June 1932-47 330.090. 93.52
157,000.95.501 ?.fiOO. 93.50
U S Liberty 2d 4?..?,3 2,000.93.52
November 1927-42
20,rio.93.58 696.000.93.56
38,000.93.56 247,000.93.58
142,000.93.541 340,000.93 58
IOS,Oui).93.52! 203,000.93 54 91,000. 93 52' 100.000. 93 58
12,000.93 54 20,000. 93 54
104, 7.000. 93.52 50,000. 93.5o.
97,00 ?.93.55' -.
10,000.93.541 Total _$4,103.000
Foreign Government anrl
Municipal Bond?
(>%w York Stock Ercchanjre Quotations) !
(Interest To Be Addod)"
Bid. Asked.
Am Foreign Sec Co Rs 1919.... 99% 99%
Ansio French Ext 5a 1920 ... 97 97%
Argentine Intern 5s 1945. 80% 84
Canada, Dom of. 5a 1921 . 97% 97%
do ! '26 . 96% 97
?to 1931 . 95% 971 g
Chine e G Hu Kug By 5s 1951 69% 70
Cuba Ext 7? 1944 . 99 99%
do series A 1949. 91% 93%
d i : '? l 1949 . 82% 84 4
Dominican Rep 5s lr'."8. 91 ?
City of Bor leaux Ba 1919. . . . 99% 99%
?in Lyons Ks 1919. 99% 99%
do Marseilles I 1 1319 . 99% 99' '-?
do Paris 6s 1921. 97% 98%
Japanese Govt 4%s stl In 1325 91% 91%
do 2d ser 192rf. 91% 92%
do 4a stl In 1931 . 76% 77%
City of Tokio 5s 1952 . 81% 82
U K Gt Br A- I 3-yr 5l?s 1919 99-7, 99%
do B-yr BVis 1921 . 98% 93%
do 20-yr 5 V? a 1937. 98% 99
Bid. A?ked.
Mexico Ext stl 5s of '99 1945.. 65 80%
do gold 4i of '"1 1954. 55 53
Rusa 1894 Rente ia 1000 r den. 23 ?
???n Foreign Sec 5s UKot Gt Brit &
42,000. 99% I r,'.s 1921
Anglo-French 5a , 11,000. 98%
. 96(3 1,000. 98%
12,000. 97 2,i 00 . 98%
12, ". 96% do 7,i..,s 1937
666.0 0. 97 :.. 93%
100.0 ". 97%. 99
- . 1. 97 , 10, '. 93%
2.0 . 97% 1. 99
.... ".7 500. 99%
City of Bordeaux 6a 2.3,000. 98%
11.99'%. .;. " ' _ 9?
Citv of Paria 6a 1.000. 98%
77/'0 1. 93 : 22.000. 99
. 977H ? . 98%.
28,000. 98 ] 5,000. 99
City of Tokio "3 : do 5V>s 1919
1,000. 82 ! 2, 30. 99 .'T
Dominion Canada 5a 10,000. 991 3
1921 7,000. 99.',
).97%' 5,000. 99%
do i .?? 5,000. 99%
1, ). 97 N Y C 4 Vis 1963
d'. I ' 1,. .10078
r.,000. 07 do 4Up 1967
1. 10. 9678 1,000. 100%
Jap 2d ser 4!-% do 3 Vas 1954
'. 1,000. 91 November
U K of Gt Brit & 1,000. 81%
I 5V?s 1921
6 000. . . ?3%
Railways, Other Corporations
Adams Express 4s N Y C'en L S 3V?*
1,000. 60 I 000. 85% :
Am A?-tr Ch deb 5a do M (" 3V?s
1, 00.103 10,000.66
Am Smelting 5s N Y Connecting
1 . 90% Railways 4 V?s
14,000. 90% 5.000.84
1,000. 90-% N Y Gaa E L H 4
Am T & T cvt fis Power 5?
.102% 1,.i. 92%
fi,0 0.102% 1,000. 93
.1 02% do i? m ts
44,000.102% 10,000. 72%
do col r)9 N Y N H & H 6s
4,000. 90% 1,000. SO
. 1. 91 do deb is 1955
do I? a 1,000. 53
?0O . . . 89% do deb 4s 1956
Am Wr Paper 5a 3,000 .53
ctfs of deposit do cvt dob '?'-i
35,000. 90 1956
A T & S F gen -Is 1,000. 61% '
.81 % N Y & Jersey 5s
Atl & C A L 5s . 90' a
. 93% N Y H?? i.v. rfg 1 ;
Bait & O rfg 5s 1.0 10 . 41%
12,000.78 :...42
do cvt 4V?s l.OOfl. 42%
.( 000. 75' , 5.000. 42' a
7,000.75% 3,000. 42%
do gold -la 10,000.42% '
4,000. 75 do adj 5s
2,000 . 75% 1.0?. 12%
do p l 3V?% 18,000. 127? i
1,000. .'. ... 88% 3.000 . 13
25.000. 88% N Y W & Bn 4V?s
do Swn O'-? 5,000. 43%
1,000..."... 837,, li000. 43%
Beth Steel rfg 5s ' ' 43
2,.i .... 89 8,000. . ... ?43
do p m '???? Nerf ? W cvt Ga
5,000. 85 1.000 .106%
Braden Copper 6s in,non.10? %
2.000 . 94 1,0"".106' 4
lyn R T 5s 25.000.106
0. 62 North Pacific 3s
! 000.62 I -l.'ioo. 68%
B'jsh Term Bldg 5a 1,000. 58' 4
1.000. 80 Ontario Power 5s
Cal Gas ?Si E 5s 2.000. 00' -
2.000. 93%'Ore Short Line 4s
Cent?! Leather 5s 1.000. 84%
0 . 96 1, 00 .... 84%
2.0 n . . 95% racine G & E 5a
On Pacifie 3' s ., . . ?g
; ,000. 827? Pan-Am Pet 6s
do gtd 4s 3.000.140
12.000. 79 Penn 4Hs 1921
Ch?*-- ?fi O cvt 5a l. ..... 97%
13 000. 85 do 5s 1968
7 000. 857r. 28.000. 941 '-.
do gen \ '-?s 10 . 9484,
9.1 I. . . . "V; I . . 94%
do evt t ' -s do cm i '? s
5 000 . 79% 21.000.. se' ?,
1,000, . 79'' , 1.000.86' .?
--n . pPr(. Marnuette 5a
79'?, 5 000 . . 83%
. . 79% Phila Cn ".s 1922
2.OO0 79% 3.000. 92';?.
Ch i- Alton 3V4? Pierce Oil 6s 1920
1,000.36% 11.000.111%
C BAO con 4s fi 000 .119
90% 5.000.110%
do low? 4a 4.000.1?0
1,000 . . .99' g 10.000. 110%
d? loint 1s ! do 1924
IS I ."> . . 95' , 23.000. . n- ' !
... 95' , 10.000 "P, .,
"0 000 , "15%' 5 Olio . . qfli -,
14,000 . 95' ', 25.000 . .93%
C M ? 8t P ??vt Pocahon Col! 5a
6a ?..r H 1,000 . 87%'i . . 77% S of N .1 Ks
?l 000. 77U: 2.000.78
It is
a matter
to every director, offi'
cer and employee of
The National Park
214 Broadway Bank t0 ^ connected
with an institution that has so upright
a record, and that has been so helpful in
developing the commercial and industrial
life of the country. It is their endeavor to
expand the Bank's sphere of usefulness,
in accordance with the sound banking and
ethical principles on which faraghted mer'
chants founded the Park Bank in 1856.
Resources over $250,000,000
do cv-t |Uj Beading gen 4s
2.000. 76% 3,000.83
do rig 4 >.3s 3.U00. 83' 2
6,000. 69 Republic I & S 5s
1,000. 69% 6,000. 93
do 4s 1935 3,000. 931 ',
7,000. 82 ? St L Ir Mt & S 4s '
do gen Is ser A Riv & Gulf div
1.000. 72% 2,000. 75
do 5s Wis & Min St L & ri F 4s ser A
div I 5.1.00. 60%
1,000. 97 2,000. 60
C & Not pen 5s 3,000 . 6'J'4 |
9.000. 99% do adj fis
do St L Peo St 6,000. 63
Nwn 5s 2,000. 63%
10.000. 93 ?. 63% '
Chicago Rway 5s 2.000. 63%
3,000 . 73 ' do inc 6s
C R I * P rfar Is ' 5,000 . 42%
".000. 72 St L Swn Term 5?
1,000. 72% 1,000. 59
1.00. 71% San An & A P 4s
2,. 00. 72 2.000. 65
15,000. 72 Seaboard A L adj 5a
Chile Copper 7s 3.000. 43
15,fi 10.117% ? )00 . 47%
14,000.117 ' 1,000. 48
do cvt fis 2d paid Sinclair Oil 7s
10.000. S7 1,000. 99
do col fis 20.000. 93%
3.O0O. 86% 20,000. 98%
Comp Tab R 6s 4.000.98%
1,000. 84 19,000 . . . . 93%
2,000. 83'.V 15,000. 98'..
Con Gas cvt fis do stock warranta
47,000.101 : 14.000.117*?: , .. 117'',
Den ?- R r, con 4s 5 000 .... 117?%
18,000. 67 8.000.116%
do 5a 4,000 .116%
: 1 - -.. 45 ' 25 o?l"
3.1 00. 46 ^ .l'i;?,
Dul &- Iron R 5s 1,000.117%
2.000.92% 10.000.118
Erie prior lisn 4s .. 118 ,
3.000.65% 3,000.118
do cvt 4s ser B .118%
1,000. 453/4 j^nOO..118%
do cvt 4i ser D 9.000.119
34.000 . 48% So Bell T 4 T 3s
Erie & .Tersey fis 1,000.91
. 98 So Pacifl ? cvt 5s
On Elec deb 5s 105
4,0 10. 100%' .105 ?
G Bay & W deb R 1.900 . . . 105 .
1.000. 6% 1,000.105
Hud & M rfff Ps 2.100.105%
3.000. 58 ;-,,....105% i
". i0. 55% 13,000.105' s
10,000. 56% 1,000.105 ,
do inc as . ' )6
5.000. 15 12 900. ....106
Intbo-Met4%? 10,000.105% <
fi.ono. J274 20.090.10.-3
10.0 '0.33 30.000.1C6
Intbo R T rfg 5s 5.900.105%
37.000. 68% 47.00(1 .103' ',
Int Agricultural 5s ' 10.000.105%
4,000. 813/? do cvt 4s
10,000. 81% 10 090. 83%
1,000. S1% 5.000. 83%
2,000. 81% do rf'-? 4s
1,000 . 81' - 1.000. 80%
Int M Marine 6s 1.000. 30
10.000 93'-. Southern Runy 5s
! 1,000. 98% 923,,
2.000. 9g> , do 4s .
19.0.10 98i , 1,000 . 65%
.- 000 93 1,000. 66%
: ' 9O0. 98% 4.000.66' ,. ?
21.000 931% Tenn r T. & R R 5s
20.000. 58% 2 000 . 91%
58,000 98% Texas <"o cvt 6s
3,000.! 98'', 5.000.102
71.000. 98% Texas & P 1st Rs
Iowa Central 4? 2.000. 89%
13.000 43 Third Av rf.' 1?,
?Oa * M 2d 5s 1 "00. . . 51
1.000. ... 89 Toi St ! * W 4s
Kan Citv Term 4? -'""'n.51'.'e
9.0r'O. . 76%1'nion Prcific fis
Lack Steel 3s 1923 ' 1l"! ? .103%
1.000. 963? 1.000 . . .103' ,
do 5s 1930 ' do l?t 4s
1 000. .... 89%' 4.000. . . . 867J
Laclede Gas ot St ' do cvt '-1
I. 1st 3s 2.0OO , . 86%
10 000 993: Un Rv? o' St L 4s
Lake S pen 3'%' 10.000. ?19%
1 oon " 72 3,000.... -19'. ->
do <s ?ob?" " lUn ??y? of S F At
". 000 86'j ctfs o?" deposit
Lehlgh Valley i? ! 15.000. 30%
1 .1 102 U S Re?'-y 4 I T.*
Liggett * M 5s -..floo.72%
t OOO 94 U S Rubber 7s
Lorillard Co Ti -'.000. 103%
1 ono 113 ' do 3s
La & Arkansas 3s R.Onn. 8"" -
1 000.86 ' 2.0nn . ^~''--.
L & N '-ol 5s TO1?) 2.000.87%
1.000... . . 97% 2.000. 87%
Midv.M? Steel 5a |U S Smelting fis
30.000 ?.?%' 2.000.100
?OOn 89 :U S Ste?l s f 5s
Mo Pacific con 6s '?''"'' '.10?-a<:
093;' "/ in ion'-'?
1 nnn .. -no1 '
000 9" - IS.nnn . 1003;
do 5s .0% " ' ' '00' -
? ' ,. . 89% 1??9 i
do ?en la do registered
? -, ?ion "01;,' iA.000 ,. 9o->?
3 ooo 59 ' Utah Pwr ,'? L es
Montan? Power 5s Loric.80'3
1 non 9 ii ? Ut?ca .?- R P. s
National Tube ".s 3.000 . .. 95%
?-, nnn 9r?7, Va-Car Chemical ' ?
2?0O0! . . 96 1-000 . . . 97%
N??*- Or'??-? Ry 'Virjrinisn Rway r
& T i<rht 4 ?-is 3 83''
- 1)00 61 Waba-h y ?t Ss
N v r.leb 6s 1 nM 94%
?( 000 . 071V. do "J rs
.;. nnn ??' - 2 000 Si".
o'nnn q?aciWest Mc-vland 1s
1^000. . . 971/, 1 ~r'. . . 58%
'?'ooo , . .. . 975.. West Pneifl ? *
' 000 971, 12,090. .. .82' ?
,'r, 4? ."?% ' TV"--.- '? Co r-,
o r\r*n p4 ' i'eprs nn"',
n no- oui ;
do 5j
?aio of Lihorlv ?\Totore Soon
WASHINGTON. April 16 O--. ''.-?
sand new Liberty motors, ordered for
the army nir service bofore the cessa?
tion of hostilities nnd which are not
needed now, will bo placed or. sale
shortly by tho salea nnd salvago sec?
tion of the service. The motors are
twelve-cylinder vee typo. five-Inch bore,
??ven-inch stroke of -100 horsepower,
at 1,700 rOvolutiona a minute.
Bid and Asked
The following table gives the closing
bid und asked quotations for stocks
listed or. the New York Stock Exchange
but not traded in yesterday:
Bid. Ash--. ' Bid. Asked.
Am K: :?: Note 38s-., 40 L-W B 1st pr 99 101
do pr .. 45 47 lo 2d pr . 107 109
A B S Fdry.. C2 100 ILorillaid pr.. 1081* 115
do pr .. ..163 lira : u>ui*v & N. 115 118
Am ? ?a 45 ? Maeiay Cos ..73 75
Am ICii)r??3s.. 85 E9 do pr . 64 65
Am Luto pr 104 105 Ms:.':*?. Beach ', 2'/a
A .. - .;? ,lds 100 !2) -? l: 74 84
lo pr ? 3^ Mar.hat Shin.. 69 78
A:.. Sm .'. pr IJ?'j It5!? Mat A. IV... il .15
.?.i pr A 92','j Ml-; Maj M PI ; r ?,i SIV4
Am Suufl . lu-i 115 Mi? De St it. 106 ?? IOS
lo rr . '?4 100 M\ P?H pr I03Vi 104',,
Am Tsl & ?7. 5.? ??5 Mich (.'?siitri?. 85.? 80
A T. pr dm 100 101 ,.\isri S S M 89 91
A Z i L ;>r 41 42 , do pr . ...104 110
Assets Bl Co. i i 2 d . led lines 61 68
A I> G 1st pr 67 ? Mont Power.. 70'. j 73
:>. ! ;..- 67 ? ?! i pr 105 j ?
A--? Oil . ?')'., 84 Morris & Bs. 70'-, 8-1
? Bir i A 5'/a 7 .???>:. & Chat H4 H7j
Bald I/- pr l03'/j 106 INat Bl ?.::? . 120 121
i: irrctt Co pr 115 116 | .1? pr 17 ! 18
Beth - "th ? r 15 '7 Ni' ' ?. s 71', 77
I<kri Un Gaa. 80 85 do pr ... I0J?8 108
1.????:. -.". pr 99y4 101 Nat !-? -i-l pr 108 110
Bur i Urs pr. 110 115 .'? KR M 1st pr 16 26
l.r nswl ! \" - > X & M 30 31
Bui R & P. 60 70 (N V C & S L 25 26'i
lo pr . 60 109 do 1st pr.. 60 68
!'. is . T -:?: ' ,...;.- 4j 46
Soutl -.-?. 45 a J8' ?IN V Dock 20' ? 2r 2
Ceil or N J..20J 225 I .It pr . 44 47
Ce ' Fdrj .14 21 S V ?. ^ u ?T2 !I8
lo pr 29 30 N'orTolk So. . 16 it,',
Cent IjC? pr II? IOS - Norf & \V pr. 70'i SO',
.v - A Tel ID ?14 - ? ?,:-.. .50 5!
Chi 4 Alton 7 ' iirtl a Cent 67 73
lo pr ..... ? 14 | iwens B ?' rr 100 109
r ?c N W ;,r 128 >i Pac Co 1st pr 68 100
'1 i Pitts 67 i 60 do - 1 pr. . . 50 70
CSP M A. O 53 " Pac Tel & T 23 25 4
? pr 104 115 ( lo pr . f7 92
CCI <t r- 1. -.! ?j Peor?a <?.- E 4!, BV?
d . pr 65 Pert Mar pr 3?> i\
Cluett Pea pr. ?04 l04'/jl r - p- 60 61
C K Ac I pr 135 125 '?' c C ft S L 40 48
Col & So... 23 25 Pettl Mulll. ..25 40
?o 1st pr 52 ... lo lit pr 9H 152
lo 2d pr... 43 48 IPleroe Ar pr 103', 105
Counp Tab ... 46'/<t 47Vi P F W A 0.132',? IJ7"i
Gas... 94 95 IPltis fit pr 93'8 100
1 I "? M 6 7 |P & W *7a pr 8? 82
Cont ?a.-, pr 109 ? Pond Cr Coal. I4!, I5't
? L'an 44 54 Pr Bt Car rr.100 102
ru Stee pr 94 94'., p s l N ? 80 85
Cuba A:u S: 175 iftu ?Reading 1st pr 37
103 105 I , 2d pr. . 36', 33'2
Deere Co pr. 97 98 Favage Arms 59 61
i?.. A Elu ! 104 '08 S '. Bw .16 17
1) L & W... 17'"? 185 io pr .32 .35
Il A: R <; pr. 67a 7 ?S ? AL 73< 8
Det E llsni III IM do pr . 17', IS ?
U?t Un RR 90 95", S ... . ? pr. 117 120
U S S & A. 2'j 3',-- s S & I pr 84 88
. ? ;- 5?/s - S P R S mar 145 1 = 5
Elec St Bat 65 70"?, Standard M.: 143 150
lorn ? oal. 27 27', I i pr 90 , "2
lo pr ? 47 Stl le? i er pr 93 98' ?
En? ..! pr.. IB-/4 I9',4 s .;. Steel pr. 07', US',
Fed M .t M ?r? '2 ? Thir : a?- RR 14 4' ,
: > pr . ... 33 ?.') t; lew at er Oll 212 217
On ? hem . 173 135 To s !. & W ? 6
Gel Clg ir pr 104 105 i . -.fs ? ??
Grtnby M .66 63 do pr . 9 18
G M & N pr 31 34 , di ct?s pr . 9 II
?i s s Is? pr 92'/i 98'A ~ ? IT pr Bl 124
Hartman Corp 64 "7 '.'? - ? ?>?'. T 169 ?7".
do pr ...III 121
I- '- liar r r - T '.. ll?? Ai P. 80 83
Int Paper pr. 90 100 ? .- St p.- Ill'-i H7
' N'lrke ; r ?i ? , ? Cnlted Drug, i23', 128 .
Imra Cer.iral. 2^4 '. .. lei pr 53 55'j
105 : i ) Ci Dvewood 58?8 60
K? FS&M pr. 51 65 i i pr . ? "6
K '':? So pr 52Vi 53 ' - r.?prets. 20'a 22
K??' \ Si - pr. '-4 >'??; ? ?? It pr 44 47',,
Kelsey Whoel. 31 36 Va Car Ch pr lll'/j 112
>' 97 Va I C & C 54 67
:. -. n M : ?; .., ... pr n i 20
do pr . .. . ? 48 West Mi - '? P-" '* 25
!? : l I, * p ? ?'. i ' ; ? 63 65
Kr ?sa & Co. 65 ? 65 Wlls ?I ?' ' '.?? I'M ">2
' . - r lOil-'a ? tV .v ' T: .:' '7 20
Ur 1? dfl Gas i 7.? i I.? pi 94 05
LaKu E A: V.'. 7 ? ? Wls Central... 32 ..5
: i pr .... 16 .17 W ?ol* Tth . . 124 !25
Llgg i M T.200 2*S ?i> F-r ? ???6 ll7
do pr .110 112
Illinois Central Earned
10.02 Per Cent in 1918
Surplus earnings of S10.95?.70'7J were
reported lor 191$ by the Illinois Cen?
tra! Railroad in its pamphlet report is?
sued yesterday. This balance was equiv?
alent to 10.?2 per cent or. the $109,
284,391 capital stock, compared with
13.89 vor cent earned in 1917.
Charles A. Peabody, president, stated
ir. the company's report that of the $1*?.
2S2.GT3 standard return fixed by the-,
government only $3,225,000 had been re?
ceived up to the end of the year. Reve?
nues that accrued prior to Janitary 1,
1918, but which wero included in last
year's report ?jrid:-r instruction of
the ?,-'-.? '. '"omm?5s;on
swelled the government compensation to
$17,147 326
Stockholders a: the annual meeting
in Chicago yesterday, rati?ed the action
of the directors in accepting the govern
m-.nt contract.
New Discount Ruling
Made by Res-erve Board
WASHINGTON", April 16. -The Fed
eial Reserve Board ruled to-day that
under a recent amendment to the re?
serve act Federal Reserve banks may
rediscount fur national or state mem?
ber banks up to 20 per cent of capita!
and surplus paper representing loans
!o h single borrower from the member
bank, providing the excess above 10
per cer.t is secured by a like face
amount of Liberty bonds or certifi?
cates of indebtedness.
Th?? ruling, of special importance to
state bnnks, provides that if a state
institution hau extendoi credit in the
regular line of business above the 10
per cent limit prevailing before the
amendment, nevertheless paper up to
20 per ce in representing l?>ans to a
?ingle borrower may be rediscounted
when the entire amount is secured by
the government obligations. Thu rule
applies only to December 81, 1920.
Miami Copper Shows
Surplus for 1918
Company, However, Cuts Divi?
dend Disbursement? Almost
in Half
On a production of 58,407,563
pounds of copper the Miami Copper
Company reports a Burpius for 1918
of $1,900,407. This compares with a
$1,595,591 deficit for the preceding:
year. Total income of (14,446,704
was considerably larger than that for
1917. Expenses amounted to $8,727,
534, leaving a net of $5,719,170. Bal
ance nnplicable for dividends was
$5,262,420, againyt S4.P4i.636 for the
year before. The company during
the year cut the dividend disburse?
ments almost in half. A distribution
of $3,362.013 was paid to the stock?
holders, compared with $6,537,227 in
The report to stockholders said in
part: "The result of the year's
operations' has been satisfactory and
both mine and mill are in a position
to continue production at the rate
reached during the period. At tho
end of the year about 45 per cent of
the original high-grade reserves of
the property had he^-n extracted. Up
to date, however, mining has included
a very considerable proportion of the
lower grade ore from the Captain ore
body, which was also high in oxidized
copper conter,*."
Wall Street Items
B. Bywater. of F. R. Bmlthers A Co .
has been elected a director of the Valvo
Ine ' '11 Company.
The People's Trust Company of Brook
lyn has ised He
- tpltal from $1,0< DO ?? 11.2' DOO
v.- I New ell, formerly with J. R.
Willlston <C- Co., hns bf ? :-m? a."
with C I Hu 1st n & ' '
The: - h 1 c b has
served in 11 Intel ! [ I I
of the
Co m pai ..-...-- ? ? .
Railwai opal and
rland Street Railway i m pan;
.1 N Marshal: has b?en appointed -"a-.
ager of the branch office of Logan ?
Bryan In Virginia.
Edward H. Garlan, president of I
Asbestos and Rubb?r Works of a
has been elect ad f the Gotham?^
national Bank of New Fork, succee : :.?
thi late Thomas K
The $1.000.000 6 per cent Berial fold
' ' ? . -. rmore,
have beet
t of an
The Mercantile Traat end Deposit Coi
pai . b ginning April it, will act a*
????:? ? -. f r the stock o? the Adams
Express Company.
Consolidated Exchange
[Unit of trade on this exchange, 10 chares]
Transactions and prices yesterday for the
more active shares follow:
Sales. Open. High. Low. Last.
? Un Can. 51% 52% 51 61
Am Internat... 84% 86% 83% 84".
3S10 Baldwin Loco.. 93% 94% 91% 92
1060 Beth Steel B.. 77 % 7?:% 76 76%
1475 Cent Leather.. 77 % 78^ 77? 77%
?'?Cuba C Sugar. 29 2 29% 29% 29%
141," Int Mer Mar.. 33% 35% 33% 34%
2970 Int M Mar pf. 118: 4 113% 116 116
825 Int Ni.-ke!. 26% 29% 26% 28%
Kan City So... 20% 21% 2C% 21%
Mexican Pet... 189' , 189% 186% 186%
* 2280 Oklahoma Oil.. 11% 1 ?: *. "0% 10%
1440 Pan Am T & T 84 2 85% 83% 84 ?
6f>." Pierce Arrow.. 60-% 51 ? 50% &1
143.". Pierre Oil. 21% 22 21% 21%
1215 Sinclair Oil... 55% 55% 54% 54%
147.i Southern Pac.. 1053a 106% 105 105%
880 V S I Alcohol. 157% 157% 153 1W
1183?U S Steel. 99% 107% 88% 99
.:..: West'house El.. 48% 49% 48% 48%
1090 Willy? Overlnd 30% 30% 29% 29U
;:.'.' Liberty 3%s.100.20 100.20 100.12100.14
3250 do 1st 4s.. 96.80 96.80 96.72 96.72
do 2d 4s.. 95.10 95.10 95.C2 95.02
4500 do 1st 4%s.96.80 96.80 96.72 96.72
8700 do 3d 4'4s. 95.72 95.78 95.70 95.78
41 ? do 4th 4%s 93.56 93.56 93.42 93.42
?Prices include interest.
THE ANNUAL MEETING of the stock?
holders of this Company will be held on the
lut day of May. 1919, at 11 o'clock In th?
forenoon at the office of the corporation, l*T
West ?Jr.! St.. New Tork City. New York,
for the purpose of electing a board of djrap?
tors, two inspectors to serve at all elections
of stockholders during the ertnulng year an.1
a. t'.r.K upon the reports of th? officers an?!
f< r the tranxactlon of s>ich other buelnesa a?
mai properly com? before the meeting.
Dated A^rll lit?. 1919