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CITY REAL ESTATE Business Property REAL ESTATE BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN i-bayTidge On Beautiful Shore Road Adjoining Crescent Athletic Club Ko finer lorfifloti or more tnagni?cent i?i?~u> of the harbor to oe ?leid on the Shore Road. Van Brunt Mansion With 2 Acres of Land Front?n? 800 f?M>t on Shore. Road und UiO feet on 86th Street. Mansion can be remodeled and modernized at a small cost and made an ideal home. Price $75,000 Only a few choice sites left, and this is the best of them. Will divide land to suit purchaser. ANDREW MAYER, 189 Montague St.. Uklyn. Teil. Main 2397 MISCELLANEOUS Attractive Country Homes FOR SALE Barton Lodge, Hot Springs, Va. \\'i .??:?. ful for entertaining. Owner now In Europe ami property Is oft? r-?.l in a s.?--r:flue. Nyack, N. Y. A verv attractive home, facing the Hudson P.:? er. Asking $35,000. White Plains, N. Y. IT rooms, modern house, on chote? Plainfield^N. J. A 20 room mansion at a sacrifie??. Asking $."0,000. Agent. 31 Nassau St., Telephone New York. City. 6500?Rector. BOROUGH OF QUEENS ATTRACTIVE 31-room house, all Improve? ments, large veranda, ?creen-??! through? out, large trecg and grounds, garage; near depots. $8.SCO; owner open-- for Inspec? tion Sunday, 1 to 3. 275 ?^?ilnut Street, Richmond Hill. Long Island. HOROlT.II OF THE BRONX WOODLAWN HEIGHTS \?t elsht roma houses, all lraprovemrnta, frith r-?ora for para*?* and Ttse'.&ble garden- Easy terms. Phone Eordham 1291. D HOULTHAN, IWth St ar.d liaii.brtdre Are, TVESTCHESTER COUNTY FOR SALE Modern sul .rl-an sturco horn?, situated in most desirable section of Tuckaho?; 30 ml nut?-s to Grand Central 3'atlon. House contains eight large, cheerful rooms, ail modern ror.venlences ; on plot 50x100. A l-*rea!n for city rent payer? Address !nn,u!r'e" BOX G 43. TRIBUNE. ALMOST NEW DUTCH COLONIAL house, 7? rooms tastefully derorated; 3 baths; carai": near depot, golf clubs and Gramatan; located at ?olor.;;?! Heights, :;Q minutes fror-. Grand ?"entrai; all improve? ments; sidewalks, roads, se.- ers, gas, el<s; triclty. Tasker Halstead Company, 154 Nassau St, LONG ISLAND PLANDOME. E. I.?Hollow tile residence, newly decorated, 10 rooms, 2 baths, ga? rage, large plot, Prie? $15,On0; mortgage $10,000. B. HEMINGWAY. GO East 42d St Murray Hill 8862. NEW JERSEY SUMMER HOMES Asbury Psu-k Allenhurst Deal Beach Interlaken a 1 ?d-l-1'7. Trat'.? r^M. by aprv-'lntment. MILAN ROSS AGENCY Asbury lark ? f"h?-?r,B 408-40") Allenhurgt ELIZABETH, 31 Cedar T rooms, $30; IlT^loNf. HELD, 113 B, R? dwln 7 rooms, $35: I-ATKK ?../.s- 519 v; :-, two famil; $25; V.'Bst ENOLE VVMD, Washington, Orctitra. D rooms, $50; two ' rooms, $40. W'xjD RIDGE, 43? 1st, Boot, $25; two faml ? I ise, 16 lots, barn, $.'>0. BROOKLYN, 538 2i I, $71: 12 rc-oirj. 1 or 3 fan?*. half, i balance principal. ACKL'RMAN. 181 Greeturtch ??_ Bungalows U. 8. Government specifications ready made, with plumbing e.nd ?ileotriolty; six rooms and bath, 22?4 f'-.-t wide by 36?^ fe?.? d'-er,; v.:r.r?.r construction; Immediate ? ; ment KHADIMADE HOUSE i'OMPAXT, 3-309 Broadway. COMMUTER"? HOME.?Most comfortable ng within twenty mll'-s of New 13 rooms; 2 complete i.a'h*: 1 e-itra toilet; 7 If?--*;" bedrooms, !. on second floor, I"?'.-? hot ;.? ?: cold water. Near bathing ng, fishing. Write OWNER, 130J ? '.' Life Building, NV-v York BOGOTA ?-4.400 TO ?IO.OOO HOMES READY NOW SEND FOR PHOTOS , . - SPRING HOME BARGAINS GEO 8 HITCHCOCK. I,,cTEL MACKENSACK-;? I>nt your cottage tbU year at LONG BRANCH, N. J. The IdssJ ?..irn-T.^r rn^rrt MAR&HAU. W00LLF.Y, Major I?r.g Branch, je. J. Stimmer Cottages ^'?J^p-J?f*1' R. W. MILLER, 719 Mattlton Aye., A.bury Part. REAL ESTATE BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN Sugar Interests Increase Control Over Wall St. Block Cuban Importers Have Se-j cured Most of South to Front Street Square a* Site for Building The Cuba Cane Sugar Company and the Czarnikow-Rionda Company, sugar importers, have bought through the Lawyers Realty Company from the Central Union Trust Company, as trus? tee, the four-story building on lot 22x 71.10 at 114 Wall Street, between Front and South Streets. The Czarnikow-Rionda Company re? cently purchased for $?3,000 No. 112, adjoining, and tho abutting property. 121-123 Front Street, upon which it was announced that nn eight-story building would bo started by May 1. Preceding the above transactions tho entire South Street frontajro of tho block from Wall to Fine Street was taken under the ownership of tho Law? yers Realty Company. There aro only a few buildings in the block not in control of the tsufrar interests. Tho Cruikshank Company and the Charles F. Noyes Company negotiated the deal. Apartment Buying Still Feature of Local Market Decorators Take Big House in 121st St.; "Musical Flat*" To Be Carried Over M. M. Hayward & Co. have sold for Frederic^ Schnatz the six story ele- ' vator apartment house at 414 West I 121st Street, on a plot 118x100, to the ' Carlton Decorating and Contracting | Company. The house is between Morn- ! ingside and Amsterdam avenues. "Musical Flats" To Be Enlarge Jasper A. Campbell, president of tho Cooperative Syndicate, which erected three years ago the eight story apart? ment at 50 West Sixty-seventh Street, better known as the "Musical Flats," because of tenantry, has purchased the three tenements to the east, at 36, 38 and 40, now the home of at least thirty negro families. A price said to be close to 5130,000, the asking figure, was paid to the New York Title and Mort? gage Company by Mr. Campbell through Malcolm E. Smith and Randolph C. Culver, who are the agents for the eight story apartment. When building conditions are more favorable Mr. Campbell will remove the tenants and erect an addition to his house at 50. The renting success of the house at 50 may influence an early improvement of tho 75xl00-feet site. Harlem Flats Reported Sold The E. A. Polak Realty Company. Inc., has sold for Mrs. Flaig to a client of W. A. Schultz 225 West 121st Street, a five story flat, on a lot 25x100. E. Louise Sands has sold the five story tenement at 32 East 107th Strei I to a client of Charles R. Faruolo. Julia A. Hirsch has sold the five story triple fiat, on a lot 25x100, at 311 West 119th Street, in a cash deal to an investing client of J. Anthony Minott. >'ew Building Plans Manhattan 11"TH ST, 326-8 E. for n 1-stv sarape f 10ij.ll; H .T Sclaca. 2267 2d a?-, ownei T P Sotara and A J Pasolino, 332 ' 110th 8t, architect .$20 0 21ST ST, 318-24 E, for a 1-sty gara?,-?-, 10 90; M H H Stuyvesant, Allegmu??! Warren ?..'nunfy, N J, o??-n??r; C I. I.. Bhlz. 201 E 24th st, architect... .$2,0 Bronx 233D ST, 6?>0 E, for a 1-sty concret?? irr- ? ! house. F.0.??xl00, boiler room. 25x1 Nilason Realty Co, Marj;ar?t Nllsson K 233d st. pr?s, owners; Lord & Bu ham, Irvlngton-on-ltudson, archil.. total cost .$20 WHITLOCK AV, w s, 20.56 n 144th ? 1-sty brick workshop, 36.04x134.11; Sin AVaiidor, 12*91 Hoe a?-, owner; R li Halsey, 130 Lee av, Vonkera, archil-, cost .$4.1. SHAKESPEARE AV, e p, 131.36 n Bo: bel i.v, 2 6-sly brick tnts, 50x83 eai h Rime Bldtr f'o, Oscar A Pedersen, 3d .. ??n?l 14?;11? ut, pr?s, owners; Moore Landsiedel, id av and l!8ih st, arc) tects; total coat .$120 ? REAL ESTATE NEW YORK STATE Sacrificed! ThU IsVt d. na'Tlfln? only; it li a rarelj beaut I ful Hum?, with noarly an acre of la-id, brl-k Karas?. ham and a wonderful ?dew of Hie Hud boh River, which Is pra--Jra.Uy at Ihn foot of !he lawn, last work the price wu $111.000; j ?-it ?r - day the widow owning It authorised me to soil it boforo Mav 1 for $10.000: onl> an Inspection ran ?plain ??hat that means in sa?rr?fi.-e of Tallies; I llvp two Nock? freno, this; let me. show you?no??. Howard Goldsmith, 63 Park Row. Telephone 2590-?Beekman or. Kyack on the Hud?wi, Icie-ph-me KOSW. FURNISHED ROOMS K>",TH ST., 206 W.?Handsome front mite, l?iri beda; rieYator; shower. Apartment 3-B. 96TH ST., 170 WRST.?Just opened, n<?w lovely homelike rooms for ono or two; re' n- ?1 men; electricity; subway express. TO LET FOR BUSINESS PURPOSES FIVE STORY BUSINESS BUILDING ON FIFTH AVENUE, BETWEEN 34TH AN'D 42N? STREETS. 24X100. CAN BE PUR? CHASED FOR $325,000. TERMS All RANOED. CUSH.MAN & WAKEFIKLD. INC., 60 EAST 42ND STREET. IrrFTH AVK BTORB .NT.A.l S7TTt HT. POP. HUNT; KI/.K 14 X 56, WITH T^AR/IK BASE? MENT; RENT. $7 000 IMUNi'Il'AIJ* (>M,V. CUHHMAN fc WAR1?1EU), INC., 10 EAST 42l> HT. REAL ESTATE BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN 88th Street and Riverside Drive TWO MODERN DETACHED PRIVATE DWELLINGS Surrounded hj perdent; light on four aide?. Mou??-? heve enter hall with room? on e?'h eider ; ell improvement?, including PRIVATE GARAGE with rocroo for four (4) ear?, connected with ?each iiouar. Steam heat, and hot water gup pbed from adjoining apartment houir. Plies fat entire plot, irwludin? hoth houtea, $350.000. Term?, if de?ired. Potte??ion September, 1920, KLEIN & JACKSON, Owners, SOI FIFTH AVENUE or ronr own broker ,i,;,,<i<iiii<iii>MiiMMiiiniii'.-iiiiitiiiiMi?iiiii'iitiiiiiiii?Mu?iiimiintiiiiiinniiMniiinniiiiiiini Housing Shortage Leads To Dwelling Purchases Reports Indicate Private Honse! In Again in Demand in Many Sections JnmcH H. Crtn'kshank has resold to T. Randolph and Everett Jacobs the four story and basement dwelling at 24 Knst Seventy-eighth Street, on a lot 15x100, near Madison Avenue. N. A. t ilerwin & Co. were tho brokers in the sale. The houso is assessed at $44,000 and was acquired by the seller in De? cember last from tho William A. Royd \ estate. The New York Life Insurance and Trust Company has sold the four story dwelling, 48 East Seventy-fifth Street, , to a client of Horace S. P'!y & Co. Sales In the GO'S Harris & Vaughan has sold for John D. Trenor 142 East Sixty-second Street, a four story and basement dwelling, to a, Mr. Parker for occupancy. Louis Simon has sold tho throe story and basement, dwelling, on lot 20x100, at 207 East Sixty-first Street. 85th St. House Bought for Occupancy Tho Wood, Dolson Company has sold for Ida L. Donaldson, .109 West Eighty fifth Street, a five story American base? ment residence, on lot 17x100, to a buyer for occupancy. Major Nagle's Honse Is Sold William J. Morgan has bought the former home of Major Percy Nagle at 3 East 129th Street, a three story frame building, on plot r.OxGO, from the Broad? way Savings nstitution through Bar nett & Co. i Mary J. and Martha A. Joyce, repre? sented by David J. Oliver, sold the three story dwelling, on lot ]7.0x100, at &U West 140th Street. Recorded Leases Manhattan 23D ST. 176 West, n and b; Arthur It Hahlo, exr, to Andrew Fpiropontos of New Rochelle. N Y, and Nicholas Geor gakopoulos, KO W 23d st : firm Capital Lunch, 4 8-12 vi-a from .Tun? 1, 1919; Rttv, Goo Chrysslkes, 170 B'way. . $3,000 ! BROADWAY, e w cor 9>">th et. north ?-j , of 2d floor; Schulte Roalty Co to Chin ! Yook S Doyers st, and Chin Mong Pon, 45 W i)3d et (Sung SI Co); from May 2 1919, to Oct 1, 1934; address Junsi Si Co. 2555 B'way.$6,000 to ?8,600 68TH ST, 618-28 West, a s, 225 w 10th av, 150x200.10 to n a 67th st (521-31 \V), all; 621-531 W 57th St Corpn to Wlllvs Overland, ino, of Toledo, Ohio;i 10 yrs from Fob 1, 1919; subject to ; mtge $2f.n,no0, due tenant, and a 1st mtge $000,000; atly, Lawyers T A T ; Co, J ?50 B'way; per yr; $85,000; term $S50,000 ' Assignments of Mortgages Manhattan COL AV. n e. e 69th st ; fit h nv, n * ??. fl?th '. st; mtg. $16,000; Leo S Ring to BenJ R Lummls, 324 W I03d at; atty, Alfred I. Mardler, 20 Nassau st .$1 1OT H ST, 205-207 W ; mtge, $43. OH; Hasco Building Co to Sir Lea Corpn, 99 Nassau st ; attys, Strasbourger .<;? s, 71 Bway..$l SOUTH WILLIAM ST, ;'*-:;? : Adams Land' & Bidir Co to Harlem Sav Bank, 124 i B 125th st; attys, White A Case, 14 i Wall st .$13.000 ? RIVERSIDE DRIVE. 870, see, 160th st ; mtc;, $65,000; Hudson View Constr Co to Morris White, 814 Riverside Drive; attys. Koppelman & Weinberg, 144 Rlvlngton st .$100 . 77TH ST, 17 B; Central Sav Bank to tho i Classls of N Y of the )t,.formed Church j :?; America, 25 H 22d st ; attys, John-, mon & Messier, 25S Broadway. ... $26,000 j Bronx ?JOSTON RD, 12'"'"; Anna L Martin to' Dora Bondy, 12G6 Boston rd ; atty. Otto ; llenschel, 2 Rector st.$111 : F'ROSPECT AV, w s, 75 n 149th et, 50x 100; Ellz Nealls, wn, to Annie T S'ealis, 217 B 50th st; atty, H S Cook, i ? Park Row.$1 jOUTHERN BOULEVARD. 1679; N V Trust Co to Dollar Savings Bank, 2737 | 3d av; attys, Mackellar & G, 43 Cedar MX .$33.500 ..?'I'll ST, s s, 200.:i e .Morris av, 25x100; Nicola Blondi, 202 E 149th st, to En richetta Blondi, 292 E 149th st; attv, ii \V Korndorfer, 2801 3d av.$1 ..-Til ST, 404 E; Title Guar & T Co to U'inHeld S Taylor, 877 ?larden st ; atty, Title G & T Co, 176 Broad ay...$6,600 -..'Til ST, n s, lot 950, map Wakeflold, 100x114; Ellz Klllan, admx, t., Wm .1 Martin, Freeport, 1. I; atty, J L Wells' Co, 141 Broadway.$500 i UAVILAND AV, 2023; Christian Ehlors to Mink Constr Co, 2021 Jlavlland av; atty, : I' !?' Henning, at. Westchester av and | llavemeyer av; an Int.$450 Recorded Mortgages East Side 1 ST, ill E, h s, 18x50.6; April 16; bort W Schobel to Title Guar R-. T 176 Bway; duo and int as pr-r bond .$3.500 I.) AV, s w cor 25th at, 84x21.lx irreg; ;? m. April 16; Albert B Staker to Kdw l Kin?, 7 E 82d st; 3 yrs, ?>-j p c; atty, Win <' Orr. 61 Chambers st.. $33,000 'I'M ST, HI B, s s, 1* 1x74 .?<, n m, April 12; Cassa I Stephens to Title Guar .* T Co, 17'i Bway; duo ami Int as per ??""?I .$1 i/.'i'i 1 AV, -.?.- 8, 26 5 n 43d st. 26x73 3; p m; ; : 15; Timothy I A M Schwartzberg to Petor Doetger Brewing Co, 407 K st ; 3 yrs. 6 p o . Jno i ' I lo? nn Ingt i. ; li. okman st . ; T'i'll ST, n a, 2?! 5 w Avenue A, 20x100.4; A ; -.1 II Churlotto A N( Ison to Grace .1 McGibbon, 118 Calver st, Bklyn due N'ov 13, 1922, ?; p c; p.r mtge $3,000; atty, Wm S Miller, 837 Manhattan av. Bklyn .$2,100 , 'I'll ST, 15 B, n s, 28x100.6; p m; April 16; Bdw ?[' II Talmage to Agnes Neu? stadt, Chappaqua, N V; 6 vrs. \y_ \> <?, atty, Lawyers Title & T Co, 160 Broad? way .$ 7 n, n o 0 1ST AV, 1462, n o cor 76th st, 22.2x70; p m; April 14; Esther Cooperrnan to Bmma and Chus Everhart, 1501 3d av; 3 yrs. 8 p c; pr mtge $12,101, atty, Chas W Phlllpbar, 215 Montague st, Brook? lyn .$10,000 S0TH ST. n a, 150 o 3d av, 25x112 2. p m. Apr 16; Cyril .1 and Geo M Adrian to Hebrew Orphan Asylum, 1560 Amst av; 8 yrs; 5 p c; attys, lloadley, L and H, 22 \\ llliam st.$ I 2,500 lOiST ST, 138 H, s s,; p m; Apr 16; Jos Lichtenstein to Cornelia W Sladn, 49 K 76th st; 5 yrs; 5 p c; atty, .Tno V Irwin, 203 Bway.$2,75ft 5TH AV, 2109, 18.6x110; p m; Apr 15; Frank A llower to Commonwealth Sav *=iank, 2007 Anist av; :; vis. 6 p c, n?<" Geo il. Uyde, -Il Park Itow.$5,001 5TH AV, n n c, 140th st, \i bloc!.; xl'00; Apr 14; Jacob A Cantor t.. Herman Woog, 50 W 77th at; l yr; ? p c; pr mtge, $25.000, art", T <; & T Co, 176 Bway .$1,900 Weht hide 231) ST, 41! W, n s, 283.8 a from line equl-dlstant bet w s 9th av and e p loth av; runs n 117.fixe 22.4s. s 117.6 to atreet x W 22nd to b<-k-; leasehold; p m; Apr 15; Douglas L. Ward to the isllp Corpii, 806 Lex av; 2 yrs; 0 p c; atty, Alfred S. Brown, 02 William st.Jl 720 55TII ST, n H, 100 W Hth av. 60x100.6; P m; Apr 15; .las M McManus to H?ht W Clianler, 147 B i9th st ; 5 vis; pr mtge; $9,000; atty, T <; & T Co, 17C ''? vay ..< 1,500 58TH ST 51? 28 W, s g, 225 W 10th av 150x200.10 to n s 67th m (621-31 W); fee and a t in leasehold; machinery, etc; Apr 15; 621-031 VV 67th st Corpn to Nicholas Roberta, lit 52 Franklin Place, Montclalr. N J; trustee for bondholders; due Jan I, 1929; ?j p c; attys. S. W. Straus ci Co, N Y C; gold bonds. $600,000 SAME PROP; p m; Apr 16; same as mortgagor and landlord, to Willys Overland. Ino, Tolido, Ohio, oa mort KaK'-o and tenant; due Jan 31, 192'?- 6 P <?; pr ml?,-'-. $?i00.000; attv, Lawyers' T <?t T Co, 160 Bway.$230 000 r,2l) ST. 220-231, n ?. 2 lots, fach 26x100 6 and ;: (p mi; mtgo $2,600 nach; sub to pr mtgo $12.?oo, Apr 16; Jacob Siegel to KIllppo Pascantlno, 628 10th av; Instull.i 5.0 m". 6 p c; atty, j M Davidson lt;o I i rond way . $5 000 SI/III ST, 322 W. h s. 16.8x102.2; p m Apr 15; Rosalie A Becker to NeJllo W linchan, Jlawley, Penn; 3 yrs; l, p r,, atty, Lawyers T & T Co, 160 Broad? ly .$12,000 I?7TII KT, ? s. 100 w 7lh av, 18x99.11; p m\ Apr 8; Allen B Grave? to Jno P Leo. 62 W 142d at; duo and Int. as per bond; ettys, Dttlon & R, 41 Park Row.... $7.500 1421' HT, e n 830 o Broadway, 15x99 11; Ort h, 1919; Anna O'Conneli to Julia Alltoh-11, 1 \V 701 h ni ; dun arid Int. ?a per bond; pr mtge ,$10,000; atty, Powell '??I'Ii'om. 121 Broad wu ,?.$1.601 RIVERSIDE DRIVE 628, e n, 80x86* Irrog Am I , llurtia K' .ill -, i !o to Kvu Engol and Bdw Al Grossman, 804 Riverside Drive; 2 yen; S p o; pr mtge $117.600; atty. H tioltllnb, 200 Broadway.tifi.000 AMSTERDAM AV, neo 166th et, 100x124; Apr 1 Qi Walter H Ward to T Buchanan Gilford. U. 01 M ??'b. st- An? July 10. ??19J I P ?I note?^?.?.?, .?.?.^.$1.00(5 Sale of Bronx Flat Brings Builders Profit House One of Two on Con? course Erected Recently?In .. vestors Fijyure in Deals The Samwil Construction Company, Samuel WilHnms, president, has sold tho five story apartment at 1055 Grand Boulevard and Concourse, on n plot 106x140, adjoining the northwest corner of 185th Street, to liabiner, Bernstein ?fe Rabiner. Tho salo was negotiated by Otto Goodman. The new owners paid all cash above a first mort? gage of $125,000. This is one of two structures erected by Mr. Williams at this point last fall. The corner build? ing was sold to an Investor. House In 156th Street Sold Ernanuel Glauber, an oldtime opera? tor, has purchased from Jennie E. Brolles, through Leo Abraham, tho six Btory 50-foot apartment, with stores, at 834 and 836 East 156th Street Apartment Sold and Resold Mc-Lernon Brothers havo sold for Hamilton ?fc Son to Mary Get?, tho five story apartment at 1437 Prospect Ave? nue, corner of Lafayette Street, front? ing on Crotona Park, and resold it for Mrs. Get/, to the Arborview Realty Company for investment. Quick Resale of Parkway Plot Frederick Brown has resold a plot, 75 x294x lrreo-ular, on the south sido of Mosholu Parkway, near Broadway, to M. L. <fc C. Ernst. Mr. Brown acquired the property last week in an exchange with Charles Kroetz. Salo of Failo Street Property Morris Fein has sold tho five ytory apartment house, on a plot 75x100, at 1054 Faile Street to a client of Abraham Grossman. Speculator Buys on Intervale Avenue Samuel Weisberg bought from Fred crick Brown, through Maxwell Moser, tho live story apartment, on a plot 69x . 88, at the northwest corner of Inter i vale Avenue and Beck Street. Calm & Pittman have sold to Isaac | Weinstein the two story two-family frame dwelling at 861 Fast 169th Street, on a lot 20x90. L. D'Avola was tho broker. 8550,000 Loan on Building The Royal Bank of Canada has ob? tained a first mortgage of $550,000 at 5 per cent for five years on 68 William Street, a fifteen storv office building, on a plot 54x124, which they bought re? cently. The mortgage was placed by William A. White & Sons. -?-???? Sales at Auction By Joseph I'. Hay BROADWAY, 2128-34, h - for 76>h st, 200-14. runs s 104.6X ?? 10?.!? to Amster? dam av, 308-16, x n lOOx w 21 : to beg, three 5 Bty Mata and stores and 1 sty str; Cecilia Einstein et al rnrt Frank Bradley et al; due, $556,133; taxes, etc, $18,000; withdrawn. By Arthur O. Sheridan 128TH BT, 211 '?Veut, n s, 150 w 7th av, 10.8x99.11; 3 sty ?n-i h dwlg; Broadway Savings Inst agt /. It Clark et ? i ; duo, $11,601 04, taxes, etc, $97.50; to the i lalntlff for $9,000. Lis Pendens Manhattan BEDFORD BT, Sn, and Barrow nt, 65: Oreenwlch Savings Dank net Wither V Knapp et ni (foreclosure of" mortgage); attie, MIddlebrook ?4, Berland. 95TI1 ST, n r, 98.3 e Broadway, 29.4x 12Gx Irreg; I.ouls T Ewen ngt Justine '? Aleahire el al (partll ion I , atty, ?' S Bronx 236TM ST. o .?. 25 7 e Carpenter av, 25.7x 101.61 Clara Best agt Pearl Nile? et al (tor?elos mtgo) ? attys, Dunn ?- Daly. 183D ST, 71 \V; ?"hrl.-tlne S Ntcoll ngt Emilie H Hieits et ni (tor?elos mtge) ; n t tv, H. Swain. BECK ST, 566; Max Hirsch agt. Benabnn Realty Corpn et al (foreclos mtgo); atty, .1 Kailol. BECK ST, fiS2; Max ITIrsrh agt Benaben Realty Corpn et al (foreclos mtge); atty, .1 K idol. SILVER ST, n w e Resello at, 26.6x95.3; Henrietta F Mead agt M J Regina Dil? lon et ni (foreclos mtge); attys, Nlapes & Raynor LONOPEMjOW AV, e a, 80.6 s Bancroft ??t. 39x80; Marlon Dell Carrer? agt Usona Const Co (foreclos mtge); atty, A Fox. NORTHERN AV, 60, s w 0 ISOth st, mox 75; p m; Apr 16; Ehrcom Realty Corpn <v E R A Realty Co, Kir? Broadway: 3 yrs; 6 p c; attys, Gottner, .s & A, 299 1 Broadway.$9,0ni) VERMILYEA AV, s s, 100 e Isham ri. 75x 150; Mac-Dot Holding ?'o to Vandalia Realty Corpn, lis Broadway; B vrti; <1 p <?. attyif, Stoddard ?6 Mark, 123 Broad way .$17,600 Bronx linn AY, 1534; Francis R Qufnn to John A O'Brien, 727 Prospect av ; Avril i?. ' ?lue ?s- mi as p-T bond; ally, C F Kelley, rf>~ Broadway .$1.300 226TH ST, 724 E, 25x114; Frank Dlnch t.? Dan'l Borberlch, 722 1-1 226th at ; April 16; 3 y--art-; p - aa per bond.5-' ,900 140TH BT, 595 E, 11 s, 40x95; Dora Lle.h tensteln & ano to Marg A McCormack, 2166 Morris av; April 15; ?". years; ?; p . . attys, Hamilton & F, 100 Broadway $4,500 16?D PT, 626 E. s s. 18.9x99; Maurice Kaunltz et ni to Amer Realty ?'o, 21?9 , Broadway; April 16; 3 years; 5 ? j p o;, atty, Max Montrlod, 299 Broadway. $5,000 ' SIMPSON PT. w s, 397.6 n Westchostcr av, 37.6x100; Mll?lrr?.l Welntraub to Lllllo E Benedikt, ut Now Rochelle, N V; pr mtge $30,000; April r. ; 6 years; 6 p c; atty, Mcyer Auerbach, 26 Broad st. $6,600 ; PROSPECT AV, h ?v ,? Lafayette st. 46x90; : also Prosport av, w n. at -mir., lin? Lafayette si, 25x90; Artarvlew Roaltv Co I-. Lily Hamilton, 1439 Prospect av; pr mtge $40,000; April ... 3 years; 6 p c; attys, Taylor, K & 11. 165 Brond way .$4,00-1 MORRIS AV. 2031-3, ?v s, 2 lots each 21x100; 2 mtgos, .?.??li $6,500; Lawrence Davis to Lawyers' Mtgo Co, 59 Liberty st; April 15; duo nn<l int as per bond; fitly. T ?} fr. T Co, 176 Broadway $ I :i OOO MORRIS AV, 2027 9, w s, :: lots, 21,3x100; 2 mtges, nach $6,250; ?.?ame 1,, \',,rili Side Savings Bank, 32110 3d av; April 15; :i ? ears; 5 -,<. p c; atty, same .? I 2,600 BUCKUOUT ST, 11 b, n Morris ir 26x100; Augusta P Paulson to Otto '! ?Sattl? 1. 2.'..) Echo PI; April IB; duo an I Int as pi t- bond, atty, ? ? ?; Sattl?. 1 1 , ,-M,,rr!s ;|V . $6"ooo DH-AHiR AV, .".112, h n, 26x112.6- llv ?1 krage] to Title Huar ??- T Co 176 Bway April 16; due and Int as p-r bond; atty! ?'i1'" puar & T Co 176 Bway... .$6.000 HULL A\ w s. 201.0 n 200th at. 25x100; A?,nr'':\J,,1<"'/-"U t0 Marv l'" McCarthy 3206 Hull av, April ID; 7 yr?, 6 p c atty, Title Ouar & T Co, 170 Broad WIUTLCC.K A\ - , ?o B'u?K3t?* 5x85; also Whltlock av, e s 729 10 ?' ';?? -'".y ,av, B0> i 10; Dorothy Golden (o ' arroll Hayes, 64 E 12 Id si . March 22 '-.?ri?. 6 p c; atty, Title Guar & T ?' .'. 1 . 'i Bway . *., ?,,,,. IIi:! l"V m ,"' ?r '" I0" "" l8nn "' -'?"'< ?48, Reliable Bronx Italian Bal,.ru to D?menle.? La .sala, Mamaroneck N v April H); Instala, ti p o ; utty, John M M ??0? 625 Tromorit av .$4,500 ,i>, HV ? "? 2U a Tiffany Bt, .14.10.1 irrog; Milz K (aroy to Margt Knox, 478 Molt av; pr mtge $26.000; April 15- 3 yri ? P c; ally, Title ?Juiir & T Co 17? Bway . ?9 nni) FOX ST. 854. e s, 3.1.4x110; same to'same; pr mtge $14,000; April 1U, 3 yrs C. n .-' "'<y. samo. jo 00A FOX ST. 800, .- ?,. 33 1x100; ?ame to ?amo l'r mtge $14,1,0-); April 16- atly "?'"ne . ' ... B/? F?)X ST, 868, e ? 33 ijdoO; 8arn6 ,,, Barna pr mtgo $15,01)0, Apill 16; 3 yrs, 6 p <?: atty, nain?? . ?..* nor> INTERVALE AV, KU0. n n. 3S 4x07 kii K Carey to Margt. Knox, 478 Mott av pr mtgo $15.000; April 15; 3 yrs, 6 p o r,T,.ll,K,TnUI/,,'iuilr A T ro? I7? Bway.$2,0(i? BRYANT AV, e ?. 2.10 ? Bancroft. 40t loo Isidoro Cuba to Union Chemical (?hiss waro Co, ?06 Bway; pr nitgo $21,600; April 15; atty, Till? Ouar &. T Co 17? Bway .$3 !,00 BRYANT AV, ? h, 270 s Bancroft, 40x100 nan,?? to ?mini; pr mtgo $26,600; Apr-li 16; :i vi?, o p <?. atty, name.$4,600 I38TI1 ST. m n. 900 w Home av, 37.6x100 Dora Stelnman t.. ,t-.phlne I-' Bur? liar.I, I I'! Il.'l.l al ; April 11.1, yrs; 6 p - ally, N V Title f* Miga Co, ?36 Broad? way .$2.000 VALENTINE AV, 2.UB, w a, 50x100; Adel?oa Rf-alty Corpn to \Vm I' Corbott, North PUlnflold, N Ji pr mt** 128,000 ^?il^'Cl-iSSL" P ?l ?"* Title 6u?. S? T Co. X'i9 totrnTt^^rm^m^llljIi VI Oarke Bros., Bankers, To Have Larger Space Old-Established Firm to Have Corner Store Property in Tribune Building Clark Brothers, private bankers, who havo been located on tho first floor of tho Tribune Building for many years, havo rented tho Spruce Street corner store in tho building tho storo adjoin? ing it and on Spruce Street for a term of yenrs at a rental of $180,000. Julian M. Whito, agent for tho building, ne? gotiated the lease. Tho space is now occupied by tho business offices of The Tribune. The Spruce and Nassau street corner is one of tho busiest downtown, and possession of it ha3 been sought by many largo concerns. Tho bankers needed space. Their long association with this section mado it essential that they remain at their old stand. After extensivo alterations they will occupy the storo about October 1. Clarke Brothers have been tenants in the Tribune Building for thirty years, and prior to this tho firm was located for fifty years at the corner of Chambers and Chatham streets. Satisfied Mortgages Manhattan RIVERSIDE DRIVE, s e o ir?nth st, runs o 144.9 to e h 12th av x s 152.0 to n?s Drive x n w 212.? to s a 1'iOtli st. Hudson View Constr Co to Grace Mandelbaum, 12 W 87th st; attv, Philip D Shapiro, 119 Nassau st : Oct 26, 1916.$26,000 18TH ST, 648-650 E; Thos Powell to Tho? .M Blake; attv. P J O'Belrne, 132 Nassau st; July 18, 1 0 10.$10,??0 4TH AY. 407, 411 and 413; Jane M Flelch er, 2'i3 2d st, Jersey City, to Maximilian Strasser, 1654 Sr. Nicholas av; atty, WH Bmi ict, 52 Wall st; Sept 1, 1911. $55, I00 160TH ST, 52C W: Herbert S and Caroline s Osgood to the Protestant Episcopal Society for Promoting Religion and Learning In State of N Y; ntty, T G & T Co, 176 Bway; Oct 31, 1900. ... $6.000 SAME PROP; same to Sarah P Symonds atty, samo; Oct 31, 1900.$2,000 53n ST. 36 W; Adele M Timpson to G?raldine F Adeo and Adelaide F Reynals, extrces; atty, T O & T Co, 176 Bway; Nov 8, 1909.$60,000 GREENWICH KT. 61; Trinity pi, 8; Albert and Karollne Hulsebosch, 51 Greenwich st, to Augustus Momenway et al, trus? tees; attyH, Cadwalader, W & T, 40 Wall st; .luno 1, 1918.$0,000 WEST END AV, w s, 20.8 n 92d ?t, 16x86; Minnie S, wife Frank B Taylor, to By A C Taylor, East, rond, Portsmouth, R I; atty, Cadwalader, W & T, 40 Wall st. Recorded Transfers Downtown WALL ST, 114, n s. S 1.7 w South st, 22.2 \72.7; Central Union Trust Co, trustee, to .1?re F Donovan. 124 South Oxford st. Bklyn; all liens; Dec 1, 1918; attys, Miller, K, L & T, 60 Bway-$60,ooo WALL ST. Ill, n s, 81.7 w South st, 22.2x 72 7; .Tere F Donovan to Lawyers Realty Co, 160 Bway; b and S, c a g. $1 East Side AVENUE \. n :??? cor 12th st, 51 9x100; Henry st, 149-53. n e cor Rutgers st. 104 6x25 (fon los); Oscar J Smith, ref, t . federated Taxpayers Assn, 5 Book? man Bt; atty, Hamid N, Straus, 6 Beekman Bt; over mtgn, etc.$2.100 3D VV, 338, s w cor 26th Bt, 21.1xS4x h peg i :' in loa March 18); Edward E McCall, ret, t.. Albert E Straker, 420 olas av; atty?, uproull, It & S, 1 M ,?;.... m av .$36,500 S1ST ST, n s, in w 2d av 20x98.9: Mary 1, Fanning to George W Fanning, N "i C; a t , all liens; Api ll 26, 1907 , attys, Salt ers S s, i 10 Nassau st.$1 S21> ST, 161 l-i. n ?, 155 w 2d av, 20x98.9; 83d Bt, 166 i'i, n s, 215 w 3d av, 20x98.9; Man i. i annlng to Oeo W Fanning, N Y C; May 29, 1907; attys. Salters .'i- S, 140 Xa..?.m st .$100 Sf.Tlt ST h s, 69.7 ?? Pari; av, 18.1x74.8; Geo Nlchola to Cassa I Stephens, 104 li 36th si , all Hens; April 12; atty, Lawyers Title & T Co, 160 Bway.$38,000 SAME PROP; Marion I. Dlelman et al to Bame; q <? ; A it I i i' ; any. same.$1 1ST AV, w a, 25.5 n 43d st, 26x73.9; Peter Doelger Brewing Co to Samuel I & M Schwartzberg, at 237 E 49th ?t ; attv, Jules Gladstone, 132 Nassau st.$100 3D AV, e s, 21 5 a Cist. st. 19.5x70; 3d av, e s 40.11 a 01st st, 19.5x70; Manzanola Realty Co to Bertha Levy, 40 K 83d bt ; b & s. o a p ; April 16; attys, L & I .1 Joseph, 135 Broadway.$100 62D ST, 212 1-1. s ;'. 18.9x100.6; Margaret Bauer to Gertrude M Cray, 140 E 56th st ; mtge, $10,1 "0; all Huns; April 15, attv, T ?I & T Co, 17'.; Broadway-$100 69T1I ST, 15 E, n s, 28x100.5; Agnes Neustadt to Edw T II Talmage, Mend ham, N .1, all liens; April 16; atty, L T & T Co, 160 Broadway .$101 1ST AV, n o c, 76th st, 22.2x70; E & ?' Eborhart to Esther Cooperman, 1401 1st av; mtges, $22,000; April 15; atty, Max Salomon, 5 Beekman st.$33,000 70r1II ST, 115 E. n s, 21x102.2; Mathilde L Rlcketta to Haven H Abbott, 129 E 70th st; mtge, $3u,000; aity, L T & T Co, 160 Broadway .$110 80TII BT, n s, 150 e 3d av, 25x102.2: Hebrew Orphan Asylum to Cyril J Adrean, -117 2d av, & ano; mtge, $J2, 600; April 15, attys, Peterson, S .?i K. 309 Broadway .$21,600 82D ST, 430 E, a B, 12.6x102.2; Harry Klein t.. Robert Gipuert, 14?2 Av A; mtge, $3,600; April 15; atty, Pat'k J McGrath, 23 ; Broadway .$ HI 101ST ST, 133 B, s n, 16.11x100.11; Cor? nelia W Slada to .los Llchtensteln, 181 E 104th st; mtge, $2,760; April 16; atly, Jnn V Irwin, 203 Broadway.$1 12CII1 ST, 218-2S E, s ?. 225 e 8d av, 1 10 ( 100.1 1 : See Em Holding Co to Milton M Sllverman, 207 W ii"th st ; Moses i rystal, 319 W 69th st, and Laura Gross, i. Hamilton Terrace, oxrs & trustees; 1> & s; c a g; nil inns; March 24; atty, T G & V Co, 176 Broadway.$1 SAME property; Milton M. Sllverman, et al. exrs and truateos; Clementine M Sllverman to laldor Gersten, 351 E 77th h', and Hannah Angorman, 298 W 137th st. mtge, $96,760; all lions; April 16; uity, Emanuol S ?ahn, 100 Broadway. $105,000 6TH AV, 2H0. e P, 18.6x110; Eli/. P & Maria C Ingraham to Frank A How?r 422 W 124th st; ii Se s; atty, N Y T & M, Co, 125 Broadway.$100 West Side 20TH ST, 13-16 West, n ,?, 56x92; 15 West Twenty Co to Emily Krauss, 2.13 East 02d st ; mtg $126,000; all liens; April 14; atty, New York T & M Co, 125 Dr.?a.i 'way .$100 SAME PROPERTY; Emily Krauss to David Zlpkln, D24 West End uv; mtg $125.110; all llena; attv, sano?. $100 26TH ST. 22-4 West, s s, 60x98 9; Chas Ka va lo Augusta 12 Raye his wife, 270 Park av; b nnd s, o n g; all liens; March 27; atly, Richard Kelly, 23.1 Broadway. .Gift 26T1I ST, 30-34 WeBt, s s, 71.6x98.9; sano? lo samo; b and. a, c a g; all liens; March '?' ? - ?t'y. Barne.Gift 55TH ST, n s, 100 w 11th av, 50x100.6; Robert W Chan 1er to Jns 11. McManus, 412 West 57th st; mtg, $9,000; all liens: April 16, atty, Title G & T Co, 17'i Broadway . .j|uo 58'l II ST, 5I8-62?8 West, s s. 225 w inh st, 160x200.10 to n s 57th st, 621-531 West; Willys-Overland, Inc., Toledo, Ohio to 521-531 West 57th St Corpn; all ?lens; April 11; atty. Lawyers' T .-i T Co, 160 l (roadway .$1 621) ST, 229 West, n a, 4 2 5 w Amsterdam av, 26x100.6; 62d st, 231 West, n s, 450 w Amsterdam av, 25x110.5; Maria A, wife Flllppo Passantlno to Jacob Siegel, 204 West 20th st.; mtg $25,100; nil liens; April 15; attys, Morrison fi Schiff, 320 Broadway .tlOO SAME PROPERTY; Jaro!, and Mary Slegr-I to Annie Bovine, 806 East 6th st; Samuel Ellis, 86 South 10th st, Bklyn, and Mary Siegel, 20 1 West 36th st ; mtg $30,011' April 15; nit \, sum.? . j 1 85TI? ST, 322 West, s s, 225 w Went End av, 16.8x102.2; Nelllo W Buchnn to Rosalie A Becker, 232 WeHt 137th st; sub to p mi mtg $12,000; April 15; atty, John C Hoemlndor, 5 Beekman st. $1 113TH ST, 315 West, n a, 76x100.11; Man gnnola Realty Co to Bertha Levy. 40 East Ri'.d st; h and s, o a g; April 16 aitys. L & I J , 135 Broadway $110 144TII ST. n s. lio o Amsterdam av 2l 2x i'i' ll; Central Union Trust ? 'o or n Y and ano, oxrs, t.. Jos II McMahon 472 W est t I2d Bl ; nitir $7,000; M li ell any. 'Am C Daly, 2l7 Broadway... .$100 NORTHERN AV, 60, s w <? 180th st. lOOx 75; Sterling Holding Corpn to K it \ Realty Co, 135 Broadway; mtg $S!>,0i(C April 15; atty, Lawrence J i ;. ? r l > ? ? r 266 Broadway .$100 SAME PROPERTY; E It A Realty Co to Ehreorn Realty Corp. 616 Lenox av mtg $98,000; all liona; April 16; atty' ?ame .?10? VEIIMILYEA AV. s s, 100 n ?aham st 75x 150; Vandalia Realty Corpn to Mne-Lot Holding Co, 299 Broadway; mtg $C3,000 nil Kens; April 15; atty, Herman Oott llob, 200 Broadway .$100 Bronx 220TB ST, 72 i v.. s n, '.:,,:!). Daniel Bor berli li i<> Frank l Unch, ;????< Ifl 226th "t A pi II 15; atty, VV A Kentlnsr. ;i9S9 White ? Plains rd .$100 FOX ST, 864.860, ? ?, 134.lOx irreg, to Inter? val? av, B60 Sn 854; Max Hirsch to Eli? K Carey 42? State sL Bklynt mtir. ?84,5001 April Xttj axtyt m J iflyna, ifi Court land? mr mmmwmimhmmIJI Greenpoint Blocks Bought for Building McLoughlin Estate Lot Buy? Tak??s Twenty More at Private Sale From Estate Two block fronts in tho Greenpo?nl i section were sold yesterday for the i McLoughlin estate to William J j Glacken by Joseph P. Day. Mr. Glacker ? bought thirty lots at the auction ol the estate's holdings last week, and now controls fifty lots in tho same sec tion, which will be the 6ite of an im portant local building operation. Th? ! property bought yesterday by Mr I Glacken is on the west side of Morgar I Avenue from Beadel Street to Divi I Hion Place, and from Division Place tc i Richardson Street, and comprise; i twenty lots. They were Included ir j the auction sale, but were not offered ,-???-? | Kent Situation Booming Home Buying in Brooklyn The Meister Builders have sold to f Mr. Hochman 8699 Twentieth Avenue a throe-story stucco cottage on plo' 18x96.8. B. J. Sforza, has sold for Beast? .Tacobi to Celia Manganaio, tho one family stucco dwelling, on plot 303 ! 100, at 1817 Sixty-third Street. The Realty Trust has sold for th( Aleo Building Company the one-familj dwelling nt 20?H Sixty-fifth Street t< Harris Rubin, and for the Artee Realtj Corporation the two-family dwelling nt 1363 Fortieth Street to Boris Globuf for investment. The A. J. Shannon Company has sole for, Emilie Cyriax the two-famih house, on lot 25x100, at 422 Seventr Street, and for Mario Beil the four story apartment at 513 Eighth Avenue Mechanics' Liens 76TII ST. 39 XV; John C Batstone ag Robert W Dur.enn, owner; Edw F S Elsa 1. Curtis, contractors.$1,274.61 25TH ST, 207-17 W; Callahan K'ingsle?, Co, Ine, agt Graphic Arts Realty Co owner; Sterling Air Washer Co, contrae tor irene\?';il) .$561.21 49TH ST. 634-40 W ; 3 L Snyder Co. Inc agt Mae Seifert, owner; John D Devlli Construction Co, Ine, John D Devlli and J Buckley, contractors^?,030.6' 61ST ST, 50 B; Miller &. Brady, Inc, ag! 60 Hast 61st St Co, Inc, owner and con ? tractor .$210.3 SAME rnoPERTT; E1U K Carey t? Helena M Curtln, 2493 Valentine av mtg, $101?.000; atty, same.$ BRONX TERRACE, e s, s H. lot 1176 map Wakefield, 50x105; Isabella L Vet ter & ano to Dora Ellis, 427 12th av B of Q, N Y; April 8; atty. F J Flynn 1302 Teller av.$ UNIVERSITY AV, e s, 725 a, 183.11, 9S, to Macomb's Dnm rd; Minnie New man to Lllv Keogh. 665 W 179th Bt mtg. $10,000; April 14; atty, Thos I Keogh, 233 Bway .$10' 140TH ST, 505 E. n s. 40x95; Mary A McCormack to Dora Lichtenstein, 57n E 147! h st. & ano; mtg, $23,000; Apr! 15, atty, L Rosenberg-, 116 Nassau st. $101 WEBSTER AV, w s, 345 n 168th st, 50.? 100, also Webster av. w s, 397. n lSStl st, 50x95; Grand Terrace Consto Co t.? Benenson Realty Co, 509 Willis av mtg, $4,500; April 1; atty. M D.-rkow It7 7 1 H way .$10? LONGFELLOW AV, 1504, e p. 50x100 Ettie Klatzkoy to Flo Realty Corpn, 7? Bway, nun, $31,000; April 14, atty M Berkowitz, 74 Bway .$10< CROTONA PARK NORTH, n s. 4911 i Prospect av, 60x94.6x Irreg; Beneusor Realtv Co to Grand Terrace Constn ?'a 828 Coster st. mtg, $4.000; April 5 otty. M Berkowitz, 74 Bway.$10( SOUTHERN BLVD, w s, 235 n 167th st, 80x100; J C McChrtstle, ref, to Lawyers' T ?t T Co. 110 Broadway; April 15; attys. Dean, T & S. 160 Broadway.$10,000 164TH ST, a s, 141 -8 e Washington av. 40x 100; BenJ F Grenthal. ref, to N & P Realty Co, 891 East 149th st : mtge $25. 000; April 15; atty, Tltlo G & T Co. 176 Broadway .$7,11-0 134TH BT, 414 East, s s, 11 SxlOO; Leonard F Oit to Thos Connolly 74 Beach; April 16; atty. Title G & T Co, 176 Broad? way .$100 HOE AV, 1534; John A O'Orlen to Frances R Quinn, 17.34 Hoe av; mtge $-?3.300: April 16; atty, F R Cjulnn. 1SJ4 Hoe av .$ 1 CLAY AV, ?v s, 49.11 n 115th st, 25.1x100, Hyman Groenfold to Minnie Greenfold, 122 West 114th st; half part; mtge $6, 000; April 8; attys, Frank & Co, 299 Broadway .$ 1 SIMPSON ST. w g. 397.6 n Westchester av, 37.1x100; Lottie B Benedikt to Mil? dred Weintraub, 767 Must 110th st ; mtge $21.000; April 12; atty, Wm Jasle. 20 Vesey st .$100 EASTERN BLVD, n s 50 w Qulncy, 25x100; Annie L Jerome to Matthew Waldron. Haverstraw, N Y; mtge $3,600; April 5, atty, Mapes ?t R, S70 East 149th st..$l CLAY AV, e ?. 195 n 115th st, 27x80; Rock hedge Constr Co to H J Schumacher, Bloomfleld, N J ; April 15; atty. Lawyers' T <-t T f'.'o, 110 Broadway. $1 < CLAY AV, 1740, 25x100; Rowland W| I homas to Myron W Cuddibarh, 269 East ' 176th st; mtge $8,000; April 15; atty I Lawyers' TAT Co, 17? Broadway . $1 n? I WASHINGTON AV. J376-80, c s, 100x120 Jny Tee Bee Holding Co to Darmond '< Realty r0?s mtge $77.onn; April 14; attv, i Lawyers' T <& T Co, 160 Broadwav. . $1 ?o PROSPECT AV, s w cor Lafayette at. 46* BO ?also Prospect av, w s, at centre lin? i Lafayette st 25x90; Lily Hamilton to Arborvlow Realty Co. 4925 B'way; mtge i -0\Vr-" ,"o^Apr,L1; Rtty- ? Engl?nder. 9AME PROPERTY; Arthur Ave Bldg Co to Archlbanil Hamilton, 1439 I'rospeet i av; mtge $40,000; April 1; attv same . sirio ' WILLIS AV, w b, 25 s U2d Bt,"26?60; Dorothy B Wallln to Justina Oareiss, ' 21.53 Balnhrldge av; April 8; atty, T Ci. A T Co. 176 B'wtiy . ?m SAME PROPERTY; Justina ' Oareiss" to i Herman Wichke, 219 E 200th st; mtge $12,000; April 15; atty, sain-?.$100 MANIDA ST, 813, nos. 25x100- Ann).? Epstein to Dora Hollow, 1807 Crotona av; mtge $7.500; April 14; atty. T G & T Co, 176 B'way . $1 ; ilCJ IHcl.A E?1VB 949 -l .p. a 1-8 "x Equity Assets Corpn to Bedford Hold- j log Corpn, 120 B'way; mtge $155,000;! March 81; atty, T O & T Co.$100 ! 3AME PROPERTY; Bedford ?Holding ' Corpn to HMern Bldg Co, 30 E 42-1 st; ? "??50, lu8-000? April 14; atty, same.$100 ?VHITLOCK AV. o s, 142.10, s Leggett av. 150x85; also Whltloe]?- av e s ! 792 10 s Leggett aV, 50x110; Ca.-roi?; Haven et (?1 to Dorothy Golden, 541 Cliiremont Pkway; mtgo $3,500; Mare!? 22; atty T G ?t T Co, 176 B'way..$100 163D ST, 126 East, s s, 189x40; Artier' Realty Co to Maurice Kamnitz, 1473 Hoe av, et al; mtge $r,,ono; April 16; atty, T O & T Co. 176 B'way.$!0O ECHO PL, s s, 115.10 w Anthony av, 20.10x100; Otto G Sattlor to Henry Wolff, 124 E 177th st; mtge $2.500; April 15; atty. T(I4T Co, 171 Bway.$100 ?ORRIS AV, 2027-33, w s, 86.7x100; Lam? bert Suydani, exr, to Lawrence Davis Newark, N J; April 15; atty, T G & T Co, 171 Broadway .$100 HULL AV, w s. 204.6 n 205th st, 25x 100; Mary F McCarthy to Agnes T Rozelle, '? 114 E 198th st; mtge $4,500; April 16; atty, T Q ,v. T Co, 17-1 Broadway.$i 1ECATUR AV, 5143. a s. 26x112.6; Mary ]?; Anderson to By G Krage!, 2176 Bath- : gate av; April 15; atty, T ti .t T Co, 171 Broadway .?..$1 /ALENTINH AV. 2355, w s, 50x100; Wm ? P Corbott to Adelsea R.-alty Co, 311? I 3-1 av; mtgo $34,000; April 6; atty, T (t i & T Co, 178 Broadway .$1 I L83D ST, 361 E, n ?, 20x100; Wm Mae N I Purdy & ano, trustees, to Frank Nager. 851 H 33d at; April 8; atty. T O & T I Co, 171 Broadway.$0.000 riFFANY ST, 952-92. e a, 440x103.3; l.'sona Constr Corpn to Bedford Holding Corpn, 120 Broadway! mtge $272.250; . April 15; atty, T G & T Co, 178 Broad way .$100 I JAME property: Bedford Holding Corpn! to Rosemund Realty Co, 105 E 29th st: ! mtge $273,250; April 15; atty, same, $ 100 ! 1RYANT AV, 1038-40, e ?. 80x100; Csona Constr Corpn to Bedford Hold- I lug Corpn, 120 Broadway; mtge $S6,60?; April 15; atty, T O & T Co. 176 Broad? way .$100 JAME property; Bedford Holding Corpn to Isidore Cuba, ?76 Kelly at; mtge $42.000; April 16 i atty, earn?.$100 3LEASON AV, 2255, n ? 26x10?; Herman Wenblco to Pauline Kaplan, 701 Bt Nlcholaa av; mtge $4,000; April S; atty, T G & T Co, 176 Broadway.$100 Tit HT, n a, part lot 457, map Wakefield, 26x100; Delia Egan .?i ?no to P Manse, ?k. N V; mtg? $4.00Q; April 5; nil?-, T ?1 ,?i T Co. 176 Bway .?leo 38T?I ST. a s, n00 ??? Home av, 37.6x100 . Jonephlne E Burghard to Dora Stein mann, 1050 il.,,, av; mtg.? $28,000; April il; atty, N Y T & M Co, 135 Broad? way .$100 (uMiS BT, 831, n % 46.SX lrregi Francia S Mo A vor, rat, to Jas El tlaffney. 1141 t1?anr Mi AprillAJ fttttV T a * T Co, 94 Racing Summaries?? HAVRE DE GRACE, APRIL 16, 1919. ?Apprentie? allowance claimed. Weather rainy ; track hear?. r,f> FIRST RACE?Maiden two-year-olds. FOUR FURLONQ8. p?i Time, .48 2-8. Pure? 1782.40. Post 2.48, off at 2.60. Start %e>eA> *&a fallowing, plac?s driving. Winner, ch c. by Peter Quince?OMdo. Train? __. euetel._^ In"a?.~lto7?:-WTPTTBt^-V* % Fin. Joclieyi: ST^FT 6V ~=~p??r~CTmT? T-TiTSTT"! l5 1* Is ^5rolan""~ll$qnni??3?-a 48 Cobwebs.112 8 1 3* 2f 2- Troxler ? 2-4 M 86' Paul Jone?.IIS I ? 34 84 34 T-Pavia ? _ j.\S ? Klnnoul.115 6 4 5- 55 45 E.Ambroaa ? _ tl ? Mr. Drummel ...11? 18 4? 4? 6? J.William? ~ _. ? 88 Murray .115 7 8 6* 8? 6? Rice ? ?? 1 Kitty Gordon ...115 4 7 7l 74 7* E.Sande -- ? _ ? Skittles .11? 8 8 I ?' ?1 McAte? ? ? _ 88?_Snndy BeaJ .^^.115 H__6 _ 9 9 9 Corey ? _-_ _ " Peter"c?mbs a??d Mr. BraTntneTWen RlddT? FarmB entry! Murray andlBa?ay Beal Mui-rny entry. ? Mutuel? paid?Peter Comb?, 141.80, 81220, $4.40; Cobweb?, 88.B0, 82.40 Paul Jones. $2.60. ..-?-. Owners?1, Gl?n Rtddl? Farm; 8. H P Whit.iey : 8. R Parr; 4. W M Jet fords; 5, Glen Riddle Farm; 6, W S Murray: 7, 8 Ross; 8, P S P Randolnh H, W S Murray. ? Petpr Combs and Klnnoul -wore blinkers. Peter Combs ran like a good eolt ?He liked the mud and won pulling up. Cobwebs made up a lot of ground. PaUi Jones, off slowly, closed fast, ran a good race. The others beaten off. f\0 SECOND RACE?Three-yoar-o?ds and up : Belling. FIVE FURLONOS. y O Time, 1.01 2-5. Purse 8782.40. Post 3.17, off at 3.20. Start good; yet? handily, place easily. Winner, ch f, ?. by Trap Rock?Hortenses. Trainer w Q. Bedwo'.l. ' Ir7j3e?""f?or?e. Wt PP. St. ~"'~"%"K ** Fin. JockeysT. St P?. " g^ ?""Dott?e VandiverlC9 ' 9 2 ?i"f l?"l4 l1 "S?ndo J3-10 13-29 ?.??a 74' Ballast.116 8 1 2- 24 2' 2? Butwe',1 ? 7-20 7.20 ? ?Peasant .101 3 8 8l 3f 8?i 3* D.'nyse ? ? ? ? Elected II.106 5 8 4' 4? 41 4? McAtee ? __ _Z ? Sylvanno.104 2 0 8? '?'?V 6l 6l Ambres? ? ? _ ? Nobraska.112 4 4 6? 6* B* 6? Davies ? ? __ ? Brisk .1Q5 6 5 64 5l 76 7s Dreyer ? ? _ 69 ?Auctioneer ... .100 7 7 7? S? 8? $" Oarswell ? ? ?j ? ?Pokey B. 90 1 6_ _9 9 _9 9 Wlda __-^ ?___ __ Mutuels paid?Dottl? Vandiver" $6.30, $3".30","""$2.90 ; Ballast, $2.70, $2/7(P Peasnnt. $45.70. Owners?1, J K L. Ross; 2, J E Griffith; 3. J J Murphy; 4. E Sletas; t J O Talbott; 6. W Stockton; 7, b' D Weir; 8, W L, Oliver; 9, Mrs C tl Gilroy. ' Ballast, Nebraska, Peasant and Auctioneer wore blinkem. Prtti" t/andlvv at homo in the going, was easily the beet. Ballast could not e,.\e the weight but ran a good race. Peasant well up all the way. Sylvano can ci ; better. ' THIRD RACE?Three-vear-olds up; claiming. FIVE AND A HlJJf FURLONGS. Time, 1.09 3-5. Purse $782.40. Post 3.44. off at S.4g. Start good ; won easily, place sama. Winner, br h, 6, by Flint Rock?White Thorn. Trainer T. S. Foantaln._ Index." Horse. _ Wt PP. St. \j V? % Fin. Jockey?. St PL ~8h. 73? Thorn ??bom" ..f?l"3~"5 I7"!1-!11-!11 C.Taylor '""3-2' IP? 1.4 38 Ideal .106 4 2 4? 4? 2*2* McAtee ? 5-4 3.I 79 ?Jack Healy . ... 95 5 4 6 5 5' 3* Carswell ? ? ?8-1*1 ? Cobalt .116 6 1 2a 2* 3l 4?} Ambrose ? ? _ ? Cora! .Ill 18 3? 34 6 6" Davies ? ? ? ? Caddie.Ill 3 6 5? 6! 4*_fi Walls _? ? _ M\ifuels paid?Thorr7~Blrcn, |T, $3720, $2T0 ; "ld?aT.""?4".rj<\ 'SJJ->T~Jic\ Healv $(?.30. Owners?1, C E Fountain; 2. P. F Carman; 8, T H Wilson ; 4. ?V H Si-han? ton ; 5. W Stockton ; 6, J L Donovan. Cobalt, Caddie and Coral wore blinkers. Thorn Bloom made a rur-away race of It, winning in a gallop. Ideal came fast In the stretch. Jack Healy made up a lot of ground. CoLa'.t tire" a3 If short, will Improve. j" FOURTH RACE?Four-year-olds and up; claiming SIX FUR " LONGS. Timo, 1.17. Purse, $782.40. Post, 4.14; off. 4.16. Start good; won easily; place earne? Winner, b. g., bv Swoep?Radiance. Trainer H. Rites. InTrelTHHSwer-"Wt gETSC ' *4 % ' % Pin. Jockeys" r45")"AmackassIrr":...TT?~2?"8 Wi* 1* "i4 Butwell (44) Slbola.108 1 ? 2s 2* 2* 24 Metca'.f ? Miss Bryn.104 fi 4 4? 4} 4l 3> Dreyer ? Fnvour.105 5 1 8s 8* S" 4? Obert ? Zinnia .106 4 5 8 6 6* Re Mountain ? __ ? (10) Tan II.113 3 6^ 64 6* 6 6 W.Robinson ?? ? ? "M'ut?eTs p?Td?A'rna"ckassTnr*TOro;"" $S," $2:6"?"; S"ibo!?, ST??9, $8.6"oT"M!ss Bryn, $3.40. Owners?1, J E Griffith : 2. G W Blssell ; 8, Mrs E S Cayett ; 4, P 8 P Ran? dolph ; 5, G A Shlpman : 6, H Roseacher. Amackasain wore bunkers. Amackassln stole a big lead soon after sttrl and showing a liking for the mud, easily held field safe. Slhola was alwayi close. Miss Bryn ran a good race for her first effort. Tan 2d ran a disgrace? ful race. % FIFTH RACE?Harford Handicap; three,-year-oJde and up; $1.800 added. FIVE AND A HALF FURLONGS. Time, 1.08 2-5. Post 4.42, off 4 41 Start good; won easily; place same. Winner, br. c., by Dick Wells?Glen?. Trainer. H. G. Bedwell. Index." Horse." " Wt "PP. St." M *4 V.''% Fin."" Jockey?.' " St" Pi! Sh. ? 'Billy Oily '..7.'.116 ?i 1 2? 24 14 14 Sande""" fil? 1-5 1-20" ? Pickwick .120 5 4 3' 3" 2' 2? J.O'Brien ? 7-20 3-20 (74) Chas. Leydecker.llO 2 8 4* 4>? 410 S? Butwell ? ? 7-20 ? Dr. Johnson ....106 12 I1 1* 3* 4s Amhros? ? ? ? _ ? Jack Hare Jr.. .118 3 5 6_ B 56 Dreyer _ ? ? ? Mutuels paid?Billy Kelly, IS.40, $2:40." $2.10 "; Pickwick;"$2 70, ti"HT~t. Leydccker. $2.70. Owners?1, J K L Ross; 2, W L Clancy; 8. Mrs J Arthur; 4, W M Jef? fords : 5, W E Appiegate. Pickwick, Charlie Leydecker, Dr. Johnson wore blinkers. Billy Kelly ran as if best : lay close to tho pace to the stretch, then took the lead and won easily. Pickwick moved up fast and easily got second. C. Leydecker mada up ground Dr. Johnson quit badly. Hare, Jr., did not like the going. (\>7 SIXTH RACE?Three-year-olds; FP7E FURLONGS. Purse $882.?). Ji Time, 1.02 2-5. Post 5.15, off at 5.18. Start good; won easily, plac? handily. Winner, b r. 3, by Hippodrome?Tripping. Tralner,_F. D. Weir Index. Horse. "" Wt PP. St".""" % M H_Fjn. Jockeys.- "St PI. Sh" ? Toto.l2T 7 l 14141* l? Dreyer "4-6 T-ffl 9-1? ? Ticklish ..._110 15 4' 2. 21 2? Ryan ? 19-4 47-20 ~ Star Realm_110 9 9 1? 61 51 3' Butwell ? ? 39-20 ? Crystal Ford ...110 2 4 3' 4? 3i 44 Burns ? ? ? ? War Marvel _120 3 6 54 R! 64 Bi Rande ? ?? ? ? Different Eves. .103 8 2 24 83 4} 6? Obert ? ? ? ~ Stickling .101 4 3 6' 74 9 7' AmbroB? ? ? ? ? Soldat de Verd'nlOB 5 8 9 9 71 8? Nolan ? ? ? (58) Mfthony ..113 6 J _S4 S1^* 9 Rice_?_ ? ? Mutuels paid?T?tofl4T50, $8.40, $2?90T Tick?lsli7$??l0, #6.70 : Star Realm. $3.90 Owners?1, F D Weir ; 2, A H Morris ; S. D Gideon ; 4. W J Starr ; 5. J K L Ross; 6, Casco Stable; 7. H P Whitney; 8, Glen Riddle Farm; ?. T Clyde. Different Eyes wore blinkers. Toto, much the best, won easily. Ticklish ran a good race. Star Realm made up a lot of ground. (\(y SEVENTH RACE?Four-year-olds and up ; claiming. MILE AriD 7? VO YARDS. Time. 1.53. Purse $782.40. Post fi.40. off at B.4L Start good : won easily, place same. Winner, b g, a, by McGee?Pflncesa Oma. Trainer p. E.Pons._ Ln?iI?L:J3?r?^_ "Wt PP."St \ jH? % Fin. Jockey?___St_ "P?. Sh. 35? Ind'nlenc? .112 3 3 3? 24D 1* ??" Sande "27-10 17-20 1-11 ? Capital City ....110 5 4 5 B O 4? 2? NoLin ? 83-10 8-lj 95 69 Kilts II.132 1 1 14 1? 2? 24 3? Corev ? -- 8-11 34 34 3? 4* ? Peracus .105 2 2 21 4* 5 6 5 Mountain ?Mlllrace. 96 4 5 4? 34 3J 3* 4* Weiner Mutuels paid?Indolence, $7.20, $3.70, $2.20; Capitol"CTtv. $1.20. ITS7' Kilts 2d. $2.30. Owners?1, M R Poub ; t, N Smith; 3, W C Oliver; 4, E Sletas: B. F F Aylwin. Kilts 2d, Indolence and Capitol City veore blinkers. Indolence, at home It the golnir. took the lead on the turn and won easily. Capitol City raa a gooo face. Kilts 2d quit badly after showing early speed. Hot Springs Results First rare (for four-year-olds and up? ward: claiming; purso $100: five furlongs! ?Robert Mantel!, 109 (Mclntyre), -3 to 1. 5 to 2 and 8 to 5. first; Oklahoma Irish, 108 (Warren), 15 to I, 1 to 1 and 3 to 1, second; Neg, 103 (Brown), S to 1, 3 to 1 and 8 to 5, third. Time, 1:02 2-5. Bobby Fib. Edith L., Naaledovatl, Agnes Natty, Ida Pinacle, Satsuma Belle, Royal Tea and Persevere also ran. Second race (for four-year-olds and up? ward: claiming; purse $600; five furlongs) ? Sureget. 10!) (Brown, 9 to 2, 2 to 1 and even, first; Doctor Zab, 109 (AVIUis), 15 to 1, 6 to 1 and 3 to 1, second; Thirty Roven, 109 (Steams), 12 to 1, 5 to 1 arid 6 tp 2, third. Time, 1:02 3-5. Valerie West, Bert Williams, Alina Louise, Et talu?, King K, Hasty Cora and Lang home also ran. Third race (for four-year-olds and up? ward, claiming; purse $600; one : .lie and a furlong) -Miss Wells, 96 ( Boyle), 20 to 1, 6 to 1 and 3 to 1, first; Leta, 96 (Ride nour), 5 to 2, 4 to 6 and 1 to 3. second; Durward Roberts, 100 (C.Robinson ). 7 to 6, 1 to 2 and 1 to 5, third. Time, 1.54 4-5. Ellison, lllekorynut and Dehra also ran. Fourth rii.-e (for three-year-oWs and upward; claiming; purse $S00; six fur? longs)?Blue Paradise, 108 (Cassity), 18 to 6, 6 to 5 and 3 to 6, first: Port Light, 113 (Bell), 3 to 1, 3 to 1 and 7 to 5, sec? ond; Bon Tromp, 112 (C, Robinson?, 13 to 6, even and ! to 3, third. Time, 1:14 3-5. A. N. Akin, Lively and Happy Valley also ran. Fifth race (for three-year-cltls and up? ward; claiming; purse $600; one mile and seventy yards)?Jack K., 114 ((Cassity), 7 to 1, 5 to 2 and even, tirst; Jack ODowd, 105 (C. Robinson). 6 to 5, 1 to 2 and out, second; Stitch in Time, 104 (Carroll), 4 to .. 6 to 6 and ? to 2, third. Time, l .46 2-5 George Muehlbach, Jessie Louise and Scourgeman also ran. Sixth rac? Ifor three year-old? and up? ward; claiming; purse $t>00; one Millo and seventy yards)?Sunflash, 106 (steams). :? t?> 2, 2 to 1 and even, lirst; Ben Levy, 110 (Mclntyre), 4 to 1, 3 to 5 and 4 to 6, se? ond; Bengali, 115 (Leeds), 13 to 1, 5 to 1 and 6 to 2, third. Time, 1:47 2-6. Sol Gllsey, Tom Caro, Caraway, Cavalcadour II, Buffaker. Luke Mae, Vorn? B. and Bit y Blarney also tan. Harvard Golf Schedule CAMBRIDGE, Mass., April 16.?Ten events aro included in the Harvard University golf ?schedule announced to? day. Tho list follow?: April 22, Wol laston C. (.'. nt \\ 'ollaston; 24, Wood- ' land at Newton; 30, Brae Burn at ; Newton; May 3, Williams at Spring- ? field; 6, Dartmouth at Boston; 7, (jeorgia Tech at Boston; 8, Alcmar'.o at Newton; 23, Princeton at New York; 24, Pennsylvania at New York; June 3, Vale at Providence. ? ? ? Rain Halts City Series PHILADELPHIA, April 16.?Rain to? day prevented the opening of the five game series between the two Philadel? phia major league baseball clubs. Skeelcrs to Play Sox Wild Bill Donovan's Jersey City team j will meet the world champion Boston Red Sox Sunday afternoon on the In- | ternatlonaj Lear?? ?Tonnda at Weit Sid? and ?CoWm A-mn?*? i****f <?? Havre de Grace Entries FIRST RACK ?Two year-old,; selling; four fur : .. (?j ? l-okey Jane.10"' [.-.* ? J - ??'..'< . V Glen Light .....112 Pots ... 1? t?4) Unisida .I Of) 1 '. Foreclosure . .109 Hidden Ship ...109 43? M leton.109 (78) Boher-Xa-Bre'a 103 ? 0.?3 Major 1 lak.106 SECOND RACE.?Four-year-old? ?-? 1 ' upward: ele--?..echase, selling; stieu: iwo miles ? Rliomb .14.11 ? Fartv Light.?' ? Warlock .1451? Dixtor D .Bn ? ?Otto neto.142 ? Garry Water . ..1 ?> ? "Plmr.horer _135 ? Booth .H' ? ??Meine .?40? THIRT? RAO?.?Three-year-old? a.-:d upward: maidens and winners of one r-ine. claiming; 11" ? Hurricane .109 ? Our Nephew... ?''' Left Fielder_115 68 Reynold? .1? 67 LoyA) Peter.115 - - Melai -1 >lj t>] .-verer .112 ? J x? Joe , , C? Sophie K.112 ? s ?perl ? . ? "Dancing Car'a.1 10! Plenty , 79 Retreat .1-4 ? )? wise ' ' lid....11? ? - *Vlre M-Hiee. .. i>9 - .1?.-- Dawson? ' " 5S 'Beauty Bleep.. 99[ ? Consistency ."?'* ? '?' . Mackenzie .list FOURTH RAfJE.?Three-year-old? ar.d upward: conditions; tlr? and a half furlong? ? ?'.-'.iiper .1111? Straightforward .111 ? .'?.s Mount ...IM ? Foreground .c.ft - ?'kt Machine... 114 - Dlgb Co?t .I11 ? ? ollnella .101 FIFTH KA?'E.- -Three-year-old?; ?elllr.g; tt? and a 4:a'f furlongs. -- 'Ambas'dor IH.101I - Itnbala . . JJ CH * Antoinette ....10 - :? tnml Cl .L8 ? Tommy w.ia,-:-... : :., sixth kah: Four-year-old? and -jpward; elaini lng: sli furlongs. ? Habette .100173 \\:]? Bed'?tte...l<'' Hrarado .105 SO' Prune? .H. (87) *Onlco .100 '3) Sister Ensh!eJB.-.K'; ? Hax Coy .105 76) Bronco Bill;.1?' 85? 'Laura Miller.. 9i) ? Cla-k M .??* SEVENTH RACE.?Four-year-old? and upwar?-: claiming; mile ar.d seventy jir.!? 51 Virginia Yell_101 ? - Pullu? .-" . ?W ): -? Ro?'" ? Il: v ?oyat .]\\ 162) "Bdlth liaumann ?? (90) Ren Ramp-son..?1:* ???'? ?''-.... ' .- Arbitrator . ... , 84? lian .1051 63? O M Miller ;-\ ?'0 Misa FI ley . . : : ? "KU gflsber .;?* S.'T.l.l Huuley...l01 84 Ctoarie? Francis..?? 84 Thrift .!.. - <a> ?FIt? r?n:-?-i? apprentie? al' -??r..-? claimed. 'Ten pound? apprentice allowance olalmad. S Formerly Henry Robert?. Woaihor cloudy; uai* aioppy. Havana Nine Held I'p CAMBRIDGE, Mass- April 16.-Fr*d W. Moore, graduato manager of *n* Harvard Athletic Association, received n cablegram to-day stating that tM baseball players of the University of Havana had been unable to obtain pa**' ports to come to America. Tho Cuban' were scheduled to play Harvard her* on Saturday. The r?ate will be fin*1 by the Springfield Y. M. C. A. nine, which was nnable to play a scheduled game to-day because of rain? ? ? ? i ? Rain Spoils Reds* Gam* INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., April le.?Th? exhibition baseball game scheduled I?* this afternoon between the Cinema?"? National? and Indianapolis America? Association teams w?e ?3an?soll?4 ?*?* ?WWtW **) WXthtT ?BPOditWHg% .im?*A