Unless your clothes fit, j you're about as comfortable j as a fish; out of water. Here we have fit down to a science. As easy to slip into your own individual size as into one of our "four con? venient corners." A rough finished tweed or cheviot, perhaps?out of the ordinary. All alzoe * " Composite " Derbies. Built on the law of averages. A composite of all that's becoming to the majority of men. UgM welrM' flexltol?, Brighten up with a new Easter scarf. Rich ?edfrrn In rifw ?Ilk fonr-ln-hanAs. Low shoes. Plain toes are plainly smart! The wing tip effects, too ! ?RtglBterol Tra '.?nark. Rogers Peet Company Broadway Broadway tt 13th St. "Four at 34th St. Convenient Broadway Corners" Fifth Ave. lt Warren at 41st St. Circus Ticket Deal Costs Speculator $10 Curb?tone? Broker ?* Arrested After District Attorney's Of? fice Starts Inquiry Complaints that ?peculators were Trapl?iji i " '?'' profita handling ticket? to the Ringling Bros, and Bar? num & Bailey circus 1ti Madison Squaro Gardon were investigated yes? terday by Assistant District Attorney Kilroe, with the result that Samuel Gipps, of f"'1"1 Prospect Avenue, The Bronx, and Abe Berkowitz, of 126 West Forty-first Street, wore arrested, charged with violating the city ordi? nance regulating the sale of amuse? ment 1 ' Gipps was fired $10 by Magistrate Ten Eyck in the Tombs Court. Berkowitz's case was continued until Tuesti The complainants, Edward F. Rob? erts, of rhe Associated Press: C. P. Conway, of 1-'.C' Broadway, and Edward Vi. Thompson, cf Stapleton, S. I., told Mr. Kiln e that at the box office in they were told that all n sold. They said they were informed in the lobby that if they went to Ahe Madison Hotel, 21 East Twenty-seventh Street, diagonally across Madison Avenue, they would bo accommodated. There, thoy said, ?1 tickets were selling for $3, and $1.50 tickets Mr. K ? tified Police Inspector Bolan and I etectivea Conway and Lev.r.s n ade the arrests. Berkowitz was selling in the street around the Garden. Gippa was located in the hotel. Hoppe Puts Up ?2,500 MILWAUKEE, April 16.--A deposit of $2,500 was made to-day by a repre? sentative of Willie Hoppe, world's champion b ? yer, to guarantee ?match of ..: '? ? pc ints at 18.2 billiards with either Welker Cochran or Jake Bcoaefer. .< match is to be played in .New York or Chicago in October. iSH O W t/feE??tfreMtlklndus?ry Apri? 2Ut~26? Ti Come, an? Uv\t\?f6e Children-SURE!!! JmeCow^/yfeElec tne Milking d??? How meyMakeCh?omcsurct ty*j MiMDsir/Fara Exposition! ARMORY Drug Addicts Run Cars, Says Dr. Copeland Commissioner Asserts He Also Found That Many Drivers of Taxicabs Are Victims of Narcotics Will Report on Danger Will Lay Before Prison Of? ficials Case Where Con? vict Got Supply in Cell The drive to break up the Illicit traf? fic in drugs here has brought to light the fact that drug addicts aro being employed by various transportation companies, railways and traction lines, Commissioner of Health Copeland an? nounced yesterday. While Doctor Copeland declined to discuss the prevalence of addiction in such occupations, it was learned that in the ranks of addicts aro railway sig? nalmen, engineers and street and sub? way car conductors. It -was said that few motormen who are addicts have come to the Health Department's at? tention. Another phase of the situation Is the fact that large numbers of chauffeurs employed by various taxlcab companies here are said to be drug addicts. Commissioner Copeland said that if he found tho employment of addicts in such work was a "public menace" and might in any way lend to "serious accidents" he felt it would be his duty to communicate such facts to the em? ployers. Statistic? Being Prepared Dr. Copeland revealed this phase of tho drug situation in a statement yes? terday announcing that his department was preparing statistics on drug ad? dicts in industry in an effort to find what effect, if any, drug addiction had on tho number of industrial accidents. The statistics, it is understood, will reveal whether tho increasing number of wagon, automobile and vehicular ac? cidents are duo to the fact that many drivers an? addicts. Commissioner Copelnnd nlso an nounccd that ho proposod calling the attention of tho Prison Commission to information which has reached his de? partment on tho smuggling of narcotic dra:-: into penal institutions through? out the state. "It i currently reported that nar? co; es aro being smuggled to drug nd dicts who are prisoners in state penal institutions and to victims who are in hospitals," sai?l the Commissioner. "To-day a specific case of this type ?came to our attention. Wo have the story of a drug addict who four years ago shot and killed his mother, for, which he was sent to Sing Sing for a j term of ten years. He served about four years of this term and then was pardoned. Shot Mother to Get Drugs "He says he was n drus addict when ho entered the prison.'' ft had been in a quarrel -with his mother to get, mon< y for drugs that he had shot her. He said he was an addict when he left prison, an Smart Spring Clothes for Easter f8 and Young Men's Suits $24.75 to $49.75 We Are Ready to Please More Men and Young Men Than Ever Before! Considering the things of vital importance, ! stripe and mixed effects. This is a cloth that styles, fabrics, tailoring and prices, we think j possesses wonderfully long and satisfactory this the most complete stock we have ever dis- | wearing qualities. In the collection there are played. The Men's Shop should be visited for I also unfinished worsteds, fancy mixed chev full appreciation of values. i iots, Donegal Homespuns and the much fa Fabrics are fancy mixed worsteds in check, | vored Blue Serges, o and Vest 1 $34.75 Made of dark Oxford Vicuna in two-button style?long:, soft rolling lapels that give a ?mart, graceful effect. Bound edges and nilk lined throughout. I Trousers of j Striped Worsted $10.75 J A fine quality fabric in a neat effect of Mack and gray stripes?the necessary complement to a frock coat. I For Young Men First Long Trouser Suits, $22.50 Young men look for style?it will be found because these suits have all the snap and dash o? Spring. Mothers and fathers will nod approvingly when they see the fabrics and the workmanship. Ages 15 to 20. ?-?j :B Others Priced Up to $29.75 New Spring Overcoats $24.75 to $39.75 Just the kind well-dressed men like for the chilly days between Winter and Summer. All are smartly tailored from dark Oxford Vicuna and carefully lined throughout with cood silk. f^mrZ?Men'? Snop, Fifth Floor, Front. i Your Choice Today, Tomorrow or Saturday I ^.ejf?J?cW&?lc. | ! I Herald Square V New York %,_ _?? ^?aSBSBSESSESS??SSSSSS?3? Store Open from 9 A. M. to 5i30 P. M. BBBBBBHBBHBttBBfcSr