Newspaper Page Text
tiuiuu ih ??> i ? . ?' i.... " at the \ . v . .ou,. Art Exhibittons ? ? - '. ? ' books, ? : .' 11 C CI! : ? . ?? ..-:?'. ? ? .. collee ? ' tis ???:?.'.? nn 1 .,-? ob '.'.;??' a ?? .. v. ? i i irtj -ninth !..i nden u. ,-enth ? ? ?? . . ? i . . . . i , ? ? ? f iurth - vi n o ? Paint ...: Iiibo ' ? ui ? . Avenue : itenanl i - fth Avenue? ' ,: ' Is 1 hol t s, 260 i 'it'th A eenue - ;. ? - by s ?' . - Anthoi . G :.- vy. j ? i . . . Fortj sixth Streel tln({ Uugs by !'. - :-. ' R Mont- > i Ga.lei Fifth Avenue f Ann . - ?; .... ? ? i - ? ? Milch i ? -? seventh Wesi inc cx . - i th Lh -i :? ? I RESORTS J I'M, IM.AM) The Most Attraetive Country Hote] Near New York City Garden City, Long Island : ' . it exciuEiv, Hotels ln America ol ?. ? ta *- I found; Vmerlcai plan, u- -h a f o i the f 1 DAN< ING 1 to 10 P. M. n\II.T gueats. . ?J. I. '. - S M\ l I).. Pleps. SK*il , ?:' :- TATK HOT IR. (irlll? BKSS ' IATA.N, - WHITTIER IN] . -i \ ii vi K, n. ??. ii \ ur.ui;. BR1ARCLIFF LODGE Briarcliff Mnnor, N. Y. Open Apvil 19th. MON'K I.AIIi, NEU JhKsKV ; IDEAL COUNTRY HOME Hotel Montclair movtc r un, v. j. ??' . M.'i 11 t i.i.v snr. 1TFD RESIUKNTIAI IIOTKL IN ?- I '.'. YORK S - 1 RI RIW. ii VKAIt. ' ? i ??! lill K ( JIM I COMPANY. \ lltMl! (111. n IV. .11 K- J V . ArruANYsc ce-rv'.' VMXrxaa-?ci. u> qwe i.': r-m J. GfJZBy f."-5!?nMm . rVORLD T L A M. T I C CITY. N . J . ?'. !' " heai oi i?j ErricicNcv J '???? ? ? ? -? -..?. ;'''??- ? -??? no*, ??""-'? . ? ? ? : ? ? t. . r ? ., ., SoniC*. HOTC l_ aSTONE "'"*....?-? -. j I. ., ?'-,,.,1. " - ... '* ' "?? ? ..... .', . : it iir.-i, YDE MANOR - ? - *K? ?W '''a?l.?U?,. BERLITZ SCHOOL MMhattMl anguagcsl.Msr ? tl. IM V*i Ut tijCUUH At Al.T UM*. ? ? te| ?? . | .... .1 . ?''????'? .... I from the Ovei Ihi ntrnl portioti of 'he , . ;i|. .. ... .,,.,.;, . ,i ?..,.,,, ? ? There win i pri pitntloi otl er thnn that mentioned, exeept in lhe North Pacific im ludlng northerni Cnlifornia, It ?; , ooler in the lov er luke ivgion, I i er Ohlo Valley nnd the iiith, v ith temp eraturea from 5 to 17 dcgreus below th-- sea eoniil average. while to the westward. ex? eept in tho North Pacific statea, temper have risen considerably and now are much above the seasonal average i:i thc ,....., I | I- ?. ;..| . ,? With the exeeption of locnl rains Kriday ::- northern New England nnd on Satur? day in the north upper lake region. the ' be fair Friday and Saturday in the lake region, the Ohio Valley, the East and South. It will he warmer Friday and Saturday in the upper lako region, tho Ohio Valley. ee, the East Gulf and thr- interior of the South Atlantic Btates and warmcr Satur? day in the Middle Atlantic Btates. Special Yiiinily Forecasts. Western New York Unsettled Friday; Saturday fair nnd warnier. Eastern New York Unscttled Friday; Saturday fair. wavmrr west portion. hern New England (Jnsettled Fri? day; Saturday fair, Bomewhat warmcr in ? a-!. rn Massachusetti . New England Local rains Fri? day; Saturday probably fair. New Jei ,' Cloudy Friday; Saturday fair. slightly warmer in interior. Eastern Pennsylvanin Partly cloudy Fri daj ; Saturday fair, slightly warmer. _ I.ocal Officisl Record.?The following of ficial record from the Weather Bureau shows temperatures during the last. twenty-four hours in comparison with the correspond Shipping News ui set; .7 ."" i 1 '' ', High Water - I; . v.'.r's 1? Gal I .12:13 1 '. 50 I '. ARRIVKl) VKSTKRDW VESSE-t, PORT DEPARTURE K A. Vlctorla....?.Urost,.April 8 - ? -i. Poul ac.April 6 - rra .Pa u i 11 a c.Aprl I 6 Iai .' in11 on.Vpi .Drcst.April V I . Shii ds . April C .Uil . ? : . . M.i -. ': i . .IVnarth - ' U I ? K ? : .-? Ite i ? ino... V\ i:i. d i : i .1 ' ?r i ? a ns : ,. , i . .Glbraltai .. . I '? ? ?; le a i x . .Aprl . \; ?? 11 ill . Api ' 1 ? Kp r I li ? ; ' l ? .April 1 1 Mar. 29 ? April 0 -Gibraltar.Mar. 29 .Vmsterdam . ..Mar, 23 [NCOMING STEAMERS Due To-day TR \\ I.I. INTERNATIOMAL MERCANTILE MARINE UNES American rmr.ATiiu.pniA?i.ivkrpoot, Haverforil Mnj 17 Norlhland_May 81 Hitverford. . Julj 3 TE STAR NEW YORK via HAVRE To Mverpool MKGANTIC, Al'lllt. ir M.H VORK?\.\\ KRPOOI, ' npliuifl April lOIHaltli M;,v 10 \ Irlalii \pi,l 28 ( , |tj, Mil% ,4 V S. I ITS r k U SOUTHAMPTON V \. iZORKS?GIBKALTAK_ITALY C?nopic .April 22 Office*, f) Broadway, - Naw York HONOLULU SUVA, NEW 71 ALANf). AUSTRAUA R. M. S. "Niagara" R, M. s! "Makura" '' "??? Tona Kall from Vai couver, H V. I'" '!"',''': '.'.'"l h:'IH"?'- app ?? (iinuillmi Pnr. Ity., 1,281 Droadwuy, N. V., oi to Canaillan :- ': Hoyal Mail Mnu, 440 :. RED'D'UNE I'IKIl 11. II Mli.VraOt/B ST . IIM.Y.V. A7 NOOX K?r forto llloo, i uracao <* Vcoeauala. / ' ? ra.lav. April at 1 P. M '? adi-lphla.V - li .... A: i.i o, a i P M . '?' ? lay, May 7. a( 1 I'. M * ? ,r I'aMtiigora. }ILIHH, DAIA.ETT a CO, G*nl, Mgra I' i.i.'O Uanofm tw Wall :+ir*?t. Short Bii?l Fdriil Koiitu in Orient fmm -?-.iiilr. l isi I'.iiiiiiii PuKKcngf r Htoumnhipa, ipon \ iim-ii KuUhtt, I ;d llroudway, N. Y. '! ill. Pl Hlll HK PI.i; vsi.1).'' %, :'4.40 PROVIDENCEi,;:,, $2.97 .M.i Ol I HIDK STATKKOO.M.S,fl.l(j to *,; ao ttol/i Prii ? ??? Iwdi '?'. ? i ? ? loal .??. . Ci.r r*. naftli nlver, al ', ? <m V. M ? Nprluc IMUI. piiiil fTO YORK-AtBAHY^ROV Dallji aaui#ij , i \y . . , ,: ?? _ '' '' '?' I . - 0 p, M . due A banj i, ./iLya |.,ii?/,nj( ,??f?i,,, i(if?,-t ,?n nmn*cttoQ4 ?' Albaii) lo all wAnxa imrth, ???.'' nml ? Linrmi / r^lglil. Auton Currlad, HUDSON NAVIGATION COMPANY ' I I i I 1 ? (f?>1 i lo. Moroi ' i I , ? I i> (I a !?: ! w.I, i ?; ; transpurt t'al rli CAPE m;\i;y. v., ln for Baltli Ouatav Adoll i wod ? N'or i. Barrj . i, n ; i I , lln h S w i ri April I 1 Pn isi il Krotiprlnz Antwerp; OtLo ' ' ? ,,.,.1 I \'ol I Passed .,at rrom Baltimore ? ' ? ? ' ?. ' 101 '?.??. en uu bston s . ....... ,- Kr Itrami a Chlppewa, ,1 ?"?'? '" ' Vrapahoe, , ; ' ' '? ? ?-? ? furk) Mirni "? ' i . Bl " I' :.; . ? : ? | . I'l-ll. UVABK RRIOA K \V \': I'.!: |>, | II ' ? ' ''a., loi 0 .' ' '"?"?' :? ' : \ a" a o for l*hil i ' .!." i ' ulkln, from ' , ? ? . ..!,!. Sl i" ? (from Phll idflpl u i. n, W] nrl nssed out from Philadelphia, Itith: ;"' '?""???' '????;? (Belg.), Antwerp; Wat .ondon; 17th, .1 RJ. O'N'eil, Rmyrna, etc-: Northland (Br.), Uverpool; VV, at. rn ,''?"""? Kalmouth (for ordera); la,;:, ; ' ' Antwerp; I-:., itern Sun, Gibraltar (for orders) , Uarold w alki ? Porl i obos Z\ ' '. N'ew Yorl * ? I rl R. K-n,,^. New V o l . GALVESTON, Tex., April 17, Salled &>to imi ?? i oi r. i, Tampli o. .i.\?-ks.,yyii.i ,.;. Apri! 17 . ' - Gulfcoast, Port Arthur; ,;" ?? 1< ? schooner Vnnie M Mur] hy, \i N EW ORLEAN'1 \ , ,a i i - , ?. , '?-?'''"' April . , . .. . ; ' ??', ' J "? in .vlck, Ti la; Pelmlrn l Br I ,"" ' ??'." t?e M.rls Sanl ';.. a rjhiw pan I, Uverpool ,la NeV port Nows; Jalisco (M. \ ,. Progreao; \., rios and Uvlngston; barks M, | ? (Rwed.) ''""?? Prance; R, no (Pr.), Xantes, France1 schooners (auxlllarj .. Cai tal. - , Beau champ (Br.), Bordeauj via Ben iudn and Mi'inr""^1, Oalllanl (Pr.), Bord. iux -l|' ?LU.''.. Ala . April i : Vrrived ' : '" ?' VV. M. Richard, Barba. ? . , ? :' ' " - ' '? Pat Harris m. Pnscagoul , PIIILADEnPHIA, vprll 7 Arrived Ha?Ua\a. O ; ? lanei Jucai Now PORT .urriir;: Tex.. April 17.- Ar ?rC( pm (?Br)' Hverpnol J Oa "'..';. ' , Br-). feagua la, Qrande, ruba; ' ? Progi so; Montnna 1 Br ) Port ;.:...:'' ' Munlfla, Hav,n?; Von- ; 1 ",' x '? Progn sfi ' laxai 11 i\i?, , : ? ? . pi ... ,..l'"':' ' 17 Vrrlved ' 1 ? (for o, d ?EBDY ISI,A ;p I- I .-.,. ? 17 '-'" '"?"' 3 O tal ,'." 1 -", ,; . for ?nw ' r ' ' ':': ' - ? lorli ? 1 1 1 .,;-.;\v,]-!:AX'':' -' ' ^ a (. a, 1 Kobe. Sall cl ? " ,a. ,: .'???"?? s, n, no 1 qf^.AN;^ll. <:.. . April 17 A: ved '?.". ?v ,,( UlantH a -. -, r|, ::'-''. Pla., Apr ' ' 17 ' ;";.ner Charlea R. vVeibe, Calba I FOREIGN PORTS WKRP , , rlv, ,; Anver; ? , ? ' " ' v ? ? '' ' mn.), 1 ' ? Vpril s:. . .',;;-', T?nrtd; - 1 Baltimore i^* iork= Ethclwynno (B. I, N, 0 Vb"*'tTAaPfn;.A,Prr! " 'r:iv- '' Rt' ' ..- ' ?? mar fanil , , , 1 . ' ?rdh\., . pai , ,: ?,. (Br.) .;. , ,a ... . : ' 1. I'.en.i ?? .,. , Sti a mer ? I; ' I I... I. i. 1, il ..... , han KlN'fJAI.EJ, ' , rll (Br.) 1 ' ' :' , . )] :? SUamer for Livi r i.i/.ako, April 16 !'?.?., .-,!? v, _ ' ?' ??''' Steamera TRAVKL *^SPU r* H&> V'* fit "* w3$W l .-aBt *x?t;^'si?tfc;?iAmtaffl9 rnKMCttgrr 11111I Iraij-ln ServUira NEW YORK to LIVERPOQV ^'r? .APr- 26 vauban . ^.n. , Aquitania .'.'.'.'.'.?.'.'."May 3 ?'duna .May 10 Caronia . M * , R?y^ George.I." I! mS 9 Carma,"a .May 24 NEW YORK to PIRAEUS Pannonia . /,?r 9? NEW VORK to PLYMOUTH, HAVRE and LONDON Saxonia .Apr- 24 NEW YORK to SOUTHAMPION Maurctania .May 17 ::l-lit STATK HTItKET, NEW VOHK Metropolitan Line ?"' tho way by water. Always ,, rtght ot land. To BOSTON \ ln rxioic lalixnd Hounil, llii/mrda Baj nnd Cape Cod Canal "'?''??' I'L r 18. Pool f Ma.a. , ?| . |,:,.,v ? ? I " I .?? .. , ? , :,'..,? 'I' ,- , Tk-ki ll and Inl ... " ,. .. hai 1 ?: lephoue Bar. i 1T?~.M,:ilw. Stuterooma Alwaya the Beat U'oreeater, ?3.82. Provtd?nredlreot,$2.50 STAXJBROOM8, (11.00 ?ml 12.00 ,. I ??' " ? ? nclu<lln? Sunday, , 30 l* .M '?:?:-':?? ,,:'.a,;,r,;,,:!a::,',,. ?,?:.?,: STEAM5HIP PASSAGES ffo Europe, South America, \\>?i in,iir?, hmilli Afrlcii. AuHtiHlln, (lilnu, .Inpnn, etv. lllll. mi for All Irni.M-Atluntle and Iraut-i'urliie S. 8. I.lnrs. Toura and Tloketa by AiJ Uuii rtouto Complet, arran?<?in?nta f?r iiUHin,??.. or racreatlon trav?|, |n, ludlna Vullman roaarvatlona, imi tlckata, ,lo. THOS. COOK & SONt 24,"? Hn.uilwuv. -Ul l'lflh A?e.. N. V. Kx^icray.l'uitAl ..&?? nu^ NEW YORK?FRANCE wkicki.v onpARTunna Cftmoanv i Offiea i'J H,?,,' ???? N,w v??t. v, unjiumy i umce ,rfc<M 0,wi|? 0rMII ^m i i hn i fo , (Or.), I.ii ?. i imi . . | . , tnit. . . i li. i ? ? . I I N I. I I i I- . 11 i pr lf.ll ' I ? IU() .IANKII ' i ' porl ?i i n ? .. - i ? * tn I OAPtHlE '.. : 11 : er .'. ? mu Ci is, .. w ' olnmbo for Uata\ lu ? i Automotivcs Motorists are mucfi in hope that Gov crnor Smith will nol . Ig:i ! hi Knight Wheelock bill, whicli pro\ dci fur a 100 per ci nt incri asc in cTrlving I icensc fees for Greater New York motoris.ts, who have first of all to pa i an exami nation. The objoction to thc bill is that its terms appiy only to automobile owners hereabouts and is not state wide in it:; application. It would have been a bill to license all automobile drivers in the state and indeed was io framed at thc outsct. But thc "people upstatc wouldn't stand for it," so it was amended. Odd, isn'l it, that what. the people in New York City want never seema to cut as much figurc as the expresscd prefcrenccs of thc rural di tricts? ["here wouldn't be any objoction by automobilists in New York it" the mca nre proposed that motorists throughout the entire state should be registered after examination. As they see the in tended hiw ii discriminatcs against the New York motorist. Arthur J. Peebles, former special representative of thc Goodyear com? pany and also manager of the Ni w i'ork Tire Service. has become general sales manager for the Ai n trong Rub ber (lompany. The A rmsl rong c.i ni : actoi i ' Garfield, N. J., and is engaj : of cord and I'abric casings. tt is stated that production ... now 200 tires and tubes a day and the hope is to rcach '-<i<: dai!..- out put I,. fore the ? nd of the year. Spring thia year ha ushered in the! greatcst number of inquiries for road information and requests for state highway maps in the history of Ameri can touring, according to thc Goodrich I Tou ring Bureau. Die bureau ;'. !' ' bl '!! toui h v Ih ? ofl ial thi iughout thc ci in ci u . collected the bes I ii on Ann ricnn roads, which is ?i isl ributed I ree in form of tati map to any motorist hr.ou h Goodrich branches in 120 citie and also through hundreds of thc company's tire dcalera. As summer approaches the motorist venturcs farther and farther from home and a big majority of ear owners now arrange for an annual exti nded tour to some "une> plore 1" seel ion of the United States. The range of trips ? i re . es yearly until thc Iii I ti ...... ; ; Prolonj ed pilgrimagi ir car n rc becomi i inci .. ? ngl; popular, thc 1 loodr ch bureau iinds, and : re be the rule rathei I ncca sional prog ranime. Scenic and I itoric pot - are found in practii i vcrj ? tatc, which attracl vi i ors from ncar by ;i ? well as fai ?' loints, Now that war restrictions are n thing of the past and bi cau o ol tlu facl * hat the ii-!' ? leficlds of Europe will not be thrown open to touristi for some time lo come, an unpri cedented amount of mol oring i pn dictctl for t hc 19 I ica . on. i : . t, s. Mitriir.l Quits Farm I'osl i nahlc !i> IVrform Vilditinual \\ ork, Mr Says ALHANY, April 17, John \\ chairman of t hc State 1 ndu il rial I lom ion, to day ; eni to I Im Lcgi I il nre his rosignation as a member of thc State Council of Farma and Markets. ln ' hc It tter of n signat ion he said that hc was giving up thc work, nol because of lack of interest, but be? cause he wns unable to pci form "longor and addii ioiial work which 1 undertook because of tho war." C. Fred Roshart, president of tho Stati Agricultural Socii " . waa cho ten as Mr. Mitcl ell1 uci i or M r. Ilos electioi wa una n i itii n O. \. K. Aiiojils Constitnlion; Nol lo .licdurr Dclegatca ''? M IIINGI ON, April 17. Aft, r an all day di It.-ite. thc Uvi ;! . ? ighth un nunl convention of thc National So cietj of I) uighti i ? of thc \mci ican Rovolul ion lo nighl adopted by an ovcrwhi Iminp ?. oti I hc n v i cd druft of thc com titution of i hc sociol -.. The mo : piritcd coi '. I wi i ovor ;i I" "l.1 amcridriii nl lo red ice chap tor rcpresentation nl thc annual mcct in| i. I'hu smallei chiipters vi| irously oppoi cd any change, ii hut I lon Um ntal Hall, .. ln rc lhe i onvcnl ion meol b regularly, can bc cnlargi tl to ac commodato I hi :, I 10 aci n dited d. Ic gatc . Thi ami ndmenl wa defeated. I ndcr i he prei cnl . ?. tcm of rcpn i n tation, New York hu :: 10 dolcgntes, I.'. achu ictts Mi i. while some timall Sl.ales have only two. Only Two Pnstors in 70 Years Special scrvicea will bo hold on Ka li r Pay at thc South rhirrl ?'' - ' ' Prc byterian l Ihurcl . ? f Rrook lyn, to eelebrate its seventy fifth anni versnry. Sin :o :' organi ition tho church haa had only | ? ,-? ,? ,.., tors. Of these, two, ll ? Rev. John I). W.-i .| hia son, thc flcv. Dr. Newcll Woolsoy W II , have joccupied thc pulpit for ,;i *? cnty ol' ih,- seventy five j cai ?? I ho .ii" rch haa lx en in uxi iti nci iWiiit*. Yiclorka lYstiuVs ln Irickt" Tivasoo (last* i'ormiM- Gerrnan Propaganda V\ ui ker |i -U:-, ul M?'?'tiut; Vr? ll t i| li. i i i 1 | , luinorl IJirni : l ... ' Ifll ' ! I "....? ' ', | , , ; ? j | I' the Mi ! Fri '..,:,.. ? ? . . | ,. ' 11 o l'c 1'h tincl 1.1 i l ? ' i if Iho l niiralty ofllce in Bi rlin, con him of ln i identit; . She described lier convi al ioi with R< edigcr al th lunchcon as "general" and ? i hi did not recall tolling Fricke of h ir mission to this country. The witness I atcd by the dof Several other witnesses won called Judge Maycr adjourned the case untii Mond iv morning, when - es will !"? calli . ; n d yesterday thal tl ? ? trial prob? ably will be completed in two Daiiicls Crosses Khinr; Innprots U. S. Troops Says Ho Never Realized Part America Played THI He Viewed Batllefields COBLENZ, April 17 (By The \ oi ated Press I. Jo icphus I lanic] a Secre? tary of the United State i Nav , ci the Rhine this aft< rftoon. He ?. Ehrenbreil itcin, on I he nppo l ol" the river from (lobli nz, and inspecting the 17th Ficl ! Arl in thia so-called (,il i of the Rhine, the Se< retary ai I party procoeded to Neuwi >d guests of Major General John \ ].< jeune, commander of the 2d Di\ ion! Secreta ry Daniels came by automobile, foliowing the M H" lunched wil h M; jor I ien eral Dickman and I ln n bega | ? B< trip which will lasl ? , around the Coblei brid ni ii 11 y points. I ln the ,\ ? area lhe Sccrotar'j ted Cl " Thierry, Vrei [ui . I ' ? battle fronts. The Secretary -a d he nevei realizcd the wondi rful pn ri Ai ler en and the American armj iad pla; ed in iii- war nat;i hc had inspecti i the bat tlelields. Four Firemen hijurcrl ln South Slnni: Blazr \ pectacular rire terday morninc; de !i ;. I ? ,, ?? buildings at I and !i South for a t imc ? old Greal Eastern Hotel v as doomed. Nearly a ? dred guest were driven to the street. Two firemen were overcome by smoke and two were injured. The dai age was " sl imated al 525,000. The fire started in the loft i ? by Burroughs, Inc, i ailmal ers, quickly spr iad to the strucl tn adj ing. There was some alarm a patii ? ts of the Broa i Str ? ? ?? when smol tlril i ll ...,;'., loctor nnd im cted them :': ''"'? ?" " ' I .- tl Ferry Ho '. on Soul h Street, w ? .. :. red to leave. The ii i cmen injured were : 1 . tain James Brov> i, Kngii Com I ? " ?? 8 ! ; o\ ercome by sniokc. Lieutcnanl J. J. Kealj Fi ino Coi pany 31 : mouth and hand lacerated bj failing timber. Fireman Joseph McGrath, Engine Company 20; overcome by smoke. Walter B. Morris, Hook and Laddcr 15; cul by flying ? Casually S ? .,, a.,.. \\ VSH1NG I'O: Vpril I . 1 - r0| casuall an- ;?.?;? irtod I comman liti , ral ol the Ai . Fxpedit ionary Forci i: I 'aa! from wounds, 2; died of acci dent and othi r causes, 8; died of dis easc, H); wounded sevoroly, 9; wound od ! degrcc undetermined i, 13; wound ?'d slightly, 62, Total, 09. The casualtics for armj and marine corps to datc are 287,272. Lls( of Army and Marine Corps Casu? altics to Date: R lortcd ?,? , . . April t 1. " Killi ?! in ni tion. Died of wound i, necidi nt* nnd rll a ??'. and lo .t al oa. . 1., Wounded . ,s I '. IIR ."??.' in I and of . m mj ...... I'risonoi-H relen .-.I and ri Lumcil . ': i ? , C, I'M . 1.50-1 Totnl . aa '? > ? The lisl for Ni-...' York Citj and vicinity follow . New York City and Vieinity Wounded Sevcrely Ol ,\ V/;. /? heard /.'., /??,., iv; Uerkimor St, ?'. Ilnn 1,-liiv. Kl ' I H II Henry, . at . 6 'I Mj rtle \v. nue Hrooklyn. CIAUDIO, Pnnnuale, ,.,.,, im Sarnl. Avenm . U .li. ilor, N. \ Wounded (Dcgrec Undetermined) <"'" /?'.?.I.N. \l an, Ui ut? /:,?,,./,,,, \ ] Sl.OCl ?, F.ilwin r.yon, licut . I.,' /?;??." oulh Sl . , i Mimlclair, \. .1 lA'ONS, Frederiek William i:969 Itnna A ? ? nue, Ne? Y. MITROWSKT. .1- . f. '." North Eighlh .'. North Tonawanda. N Y Wounded Slightly FRANK, William, sjjl . 107 I .... : ., l'KTKK. ON ii car T corp BO Plain .. ? ., N J U1HANNO, Michcle, MI Troy Avenui Rrooklyn M'SI'ARUKN, i: .1 . [(.; Eekford Rtr? I Urool.,, a. ? I'INKI i ! Snlvatore, 231 East 107th Street, ;,. a York. Current Casualties Died ol" Diseasc HICKS, Charloa lioi ? i, ,, . gt., nui Avenue. < eilarlun t, .".' ', l'OI.IAiri'O. t'armelo, 7125 Fifth Avenue lyn, * ME PROVIDENI LOAN SOCIETY _OF NEW YORK_ Ottice lluurs: V A. AI. (o .5 [\ ,11. Saturday s, 9 A. AI. to 4 P. A\.; trnm flrat Saturday in Junv to tlrst Saturday ia Saptember, botlt ia t/i<sire, 9 A. Ai. to 1 /'. At. UANUATTAN Ftiurth Aveuue, cor. <::iti Strert. Eldridgn St., cor. Kiviujiton St. East Houiton Zl., ror. Essex St. Seventh Av., bet. 48th & 49th Sta, Lexiniftiin Av., cor. 124th St (irand St., cor. Clinton Sl. E. 72d St., bel. Lexington A 3 Ava. l-ii.'hlh Av.. ror. 127.1 "i. tlHONX Cnurtlandt Av., cor. 148th S?. ItKOOKI > N Smith Sl., cor. Livingttun Sl, (iraham Av., cor. Oehvvoiia St Piilun Av , cnr. Rnckaway Av. J\lissionary',s Aetions ln Bulgaria IJeforp Inquiry Aniriicaii Huard IiiM'^tuuiliiH' ? i ?' Foi ' .... board in I . , i had i n I Iii r c p i e n 1 : t o ? '? ? ? State D i '?'. ? lid thal instead of stirring ip sl i between P gred, the Presb} I riai their i , ? to nllay troub1 va ?' o Finds Cost of Three Wives Too Expensive \ccused <>f Non-Support, Hus? band Explains <!;;?<> fo Magistrate r, of Grcenl \Vi ter, ? ilain :-. tln ville Con , rday e was do . ? port I thal ? referred rn Mr. Hloomei . ed. It '.-? .".'.??-.-? : | . ; . ?, the only ? he ha . who wore : ', .. . ... ? ? ? . - ? vlagistrate ' ? '? charge of big an y. ? | i ? ?! y ' I :' : ' . ? : lion, l IVj'.r and ear-old ? bj u Pershing Decorates Brave Freneh Aviator Pilol Foughl Four German Air? plane* iftev Observer Was ?5: !?, S. C. Vvvards ?? "? t, hc Di ';v gui ih, il Ser i amed officers and 3 for acl of exl raor " I ' ' -1 Houroux, ? ? - :? (Freneh), Corps United I \ , . , ,,.,, r(lj ''?''.'' ' I ' ' ' '..... .o him ? li ? ? thnl ' - : . \va)li 1 . -. ' : .' S,T.;,-:;?I < ,?r ... \rkI(1, , ...,.,,. (R(h ; mry horoism in 11 , Pon m. Smith, 1 1 mpanji V Jnfanl I'nr .ai Montl ? I '' Serjrcant Ralph .1 I ! :' tion near Heu ? : ; ' . Private William IC. Moorp, Con pany 1> Infanti lo I Ohi.j ;..,, ?;. h li ,-. ] 1 hi action 1 i o, . I Pr ii. R ,bcrl I . Malhridjre Train Fo -.. tleiirne, I! . ! ioiitciianl i M ilarnelt, ?< , | in 1 :. 1 Corporal Roln rl Colfl 1,, Con ' ' ? I 1 ? ,1 || HU8. ? I th Field A I ; ,?!.'.. ? . 1)1 I 11. 'ii ! ;'.,,..' ,, In.l l ir-1 Meulenanl 8, M. Ilnnkinn, I 1 ",| In l ,.- , 1 ? ? 1 VI. llai t, ' I It. 1. 1 a, ol 1 0 ! I nnd Nir ?'? P.orpl. NYwton Kex, 1 n\ I' 1 IGth Infanti . . . ,., , , art. ni lion '?'.I '.' ill im Zi'iuli r. ' - \ HOth rnfantrj Kn il ,. - 1 " i . '. . '.'? 1. Thomas li. \\ clker, clecen ed, Com . ilri'ni-m 111 acl Nexl ? ; . Norman ;l. Wi I!;-:- lalher, al ron Ohio. 1 ii .1 l.lout, Hudolph S. I'ispruiii: I .?!'.?. acl ion noar 1'. m>, Hul ium, ''??.1 LOJ Home addn . H 1 Corpl. Mil A. Ivnlin, Company K, li,',th ' . . .11 BC lioi 11 I'.eume, i' ium, No\ nmlicr I, 19 IS. ItoniH ielil ? 1, v\ nbii ha, Minn. Pvt, .ln,- W. Uii 1 aw . Company 11 Infantry. For extraordlnary heroism in ?c 1 ion in ni- Heiu rn-. Delii ium No\. nibi .11 addn . Mi tiraw, Uhlo ?iii Jamea (.. ll.iM'Hiilii, Compnny (I. i iifantrj 1 . ? tion n 1,1 aol um nenr O Icto I'jlS, Iii , Ni w London, Ohlo. Pvt, Hamucl .1 Cover, decoasod -:: 1111 *:t-? -- Di lachn I Infanti For exl aordi '.,.,1 , h. .... in in acl mu m ni' 'i ml fnu in, France Sopti mber liH, 191S Nexl ot. kin, ii,. Samucl Cover, mother, Loudnnville, Ulwu. Obituary .? i SAMI EI LANE GR I Wednesdaj a' ' ? >?" was a gi iduate of Bowdoin i '?" r thi Alpha Del1 ;' : ' ??? , .'!> ta Kappa frat< i ng for a year he ? tne Colui .a, Law Scl ool, from which ; - v as graduated in 187G. He then ?" ? " ' .' corner of ' ''?' and 1 ulton Str cl where he u 'ii a short ?.. We his dcatl OBITUARY \OTES ?'?"' ' '??' DREY BALfMER twen Wedne? V ?> ? '' . was the daugl ter '. ' ? ormer presl ?'?" ' '?? y i dand and Brooklyn Rail . l H \U1.KS R. PINA, thirtv-two, died ' n'soning ln the Long ' "??? '" Hospital. He was the head of the : ' R. Fina .v Co., fruit dealers. . ARP DIEDRICH WEILBROCK, former 1 men hanl and president Compai ?" '? I :, ayi ?!.? \ JOHN DEVOE MARTINEZ CARDE ? two, a retired physician and tised . ? forty ?., ars ir ?. died Tuesday. RICHARD H. M VTTHEWS, employed for '. I'ears by the International ' Wednesday ai 177 Brooklyn. ! ' NIE M. Cl RTIS, seventy-eight for ? ; "? . mi ii -a -. an i ' ? :ia an.l other South a 1 Wed ? ., . tongre H ne for the Aged in Flatbush. PRIVATE EDWARD f. ANDERSON ? 1.. 4L'd Ii ? ms, Ave ? Mi GRATH. a tired '?:.. . Brooklyn. a ? ? . ? p ? ?- ? MRS. THOMAS DUMBLETON, widow of . died Wei at 6111 Carlton Street, Brooklyn. RI LEN ANDERSON, for twenty-five vears a n ? ? ol' the Swedish ! ithi ran ' :' I '? iday. 'I HE REV. JOSEPH KKi PER. formerly i's an a . . .. Church '?? ' ?'? .- wick, N. .'.. ide N .1. ' i ' 03 .. ? ? ... engi Pennsylvania Ra I ad. died I ? New B IMPORTANT NOTICE Engagement, Marrlage, Hr.ifh N tli os may be li lephi ?. - ? , t ?' ' .. ;, Hino "i1 ;" ' night foi. he next duy'a pan r. Jusl 11 Beekman 3000 :????? . - 11 1 n - Ti ? ' ,-:. . ; . a mora i i eai i i daily. ENGAGEMENTS KRUG-CAVALLI Mrs I ?? c^i an, Nev Yoi ? a ? i i ar es S. Kruj. \ DEATHS " , i A pr i ll I . ' nl . ral ervi St. (5 ' - irday I a a >;r' ! ;' Beattie, in ? * ' I a iei al private. CADY ?!. Cleveland, entered into life eter ?' April y; 1919, In thi of 1 !?? Ni ti " of fi ? eral CARPENTER Frank, on April THE I UNETR \i. l HURCH ?? and 60th i. .1 rank E. I'l MOTT \ Manhattan Hotel. A '" ? ? r\ It iott, ? :f" of the late Heni . 1 ? ' ? r?n, OMin f, ? ' klyn N y Fui eral lay, thi ! Kth, 2 p. m., ar the . Coi ?' "? . ? i ".. i SHE1MER On April Ifl Henri h. . ? 11... ? i' . i , . > , ' . | ".!?'? i. \ il.s OOD . T ? \- il I du ?,:..'., thi late Hami 1 n y >\ ?? ar ??.d, Funi the Church of the Incarnatio i, 15th il and Ma II.? . Fi i lay, A| ril 1 3, ..? I 15 HARTBERG Minnio. nn April 18 Lying [ E R A! C HU R C H ulwaj and I li I (Frank E. Can u IIKIM I I ? .a ai his n idi i ? \Ve,t 1 d i . \: ril .... . ? rvici s privaU uit ftowi HO VDI !'? On v ril i I, 191 I, Fannie be i H li???. Iley, . ? hei ? . ', v i. . ' - ,' t, ! ll JORNSON Al' ai B. W., died n1 hi in \r\int ton N .1 . April 17, al I ? . ? em loye ..f the I Iniled . Wl /. I'nteTBon, N. .1 . \ Bernard, 1 . '. '.....': I laj April 1 . '. i .at in ', ' menl Mount Ni ho, Vt. KIBBE Mi Jane I Kibbe, v. I I I hi i . Kibbe, artist, a1 Poi ' ' ? Pleasanl Presl terian ( hui i .. LEVY?On April 1" I ou I !.,-? a, . [ Rel ? ecn and the lat of l< Polal , a. Nicholaa ., I day, April 18 at I .:." p. m. I.ONt?On Wi in his v.i j, ar. F ini ral i . al 2 p. ni LUCE, George T, died nt Hartwick Ot o County, N. Y , Apnl lfi, 1919, aged Funeral at Hartv, ii k II i \ Mae , a \pril li Si rvi ', HE 1 UNERAL < HURCH. Broatb 1 ' rank E. Cumpbell), MAHAN?Wednesdny, April H 1919, at his ?? idem "in West 1 10th it \v illiam 1 i 1 ii band of Minnic Jol n on foi i' Fullon 'I heatn Fum private K indlj omit li,". ? M ATTI80N Buddenly, nt her rc?ldenoe. 7 i W Ind oi Place, Glen Ridi o, N J on Api il 15, 1919, Man Woodman, wife . I Joseph Mnttlson. Funjgrnl | M FKH Frank, <^\ Apnl 15, 'i HK I UNERAL Cltl ItOH, Broadway, j fi8th ni. (Frank !?'.. Campbell), Friday, 3' p. in. Hil S - nTH US I'lUi l I -I IN 1 1 il-i ur vi,~~ ' St. George's Church All : " Free i?. ? rnr ? \ 1 N. J. He was st MRS. .lOHN i ' of Dr Ralph Littl ?. of 1 ? terday at Thomas Out as Manager Of Enemy Insurance Refuses fo T< II Why He Ha* Resigned, and Says C!omnir?nt Must (>>me From Garvan Dudley P. Thomas, manager of the ' for the '-': '' ' ? . an ? P. Gi ' M r. Thomas d ? wl Whitney Retires at Yale X;.W HAVEN, ?' ? ' ,i can I c 1 ' ' ' ? ' vV. Fari ?? ? DEATHS PALl ET1 - . N. -...? ' PALME \\ ' PA RR1 ? Pl RI 1 l;| [gB] ; . 1 ' RICE?H , ., SCHECK Oi ? . " n 1 ? .... ' ? SW1 ENEV 1 ' ' III.l ! rAVI.OH ? I '.' iil'ii! e.iv. '. fl l-l THOMA : VVKIU.E- -1 , . . ii ? . 2 .. ? ? : ' ic e i p. va Inurmei At Youi S.>r?i.-e. Day ot Nijbt L, '-.'{ |.'i; a NK ] ' "THI FUNERAI CHURCH" Broailwny at 66th St P1U1N i .ol \; l 111 nniilil \? N t'KMI 1 KRV. S83il Si Im ii.i. ; i i nol.a/. l.ei.-. if wle Office, -ii i-.aM .i.i si . N. T?