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9 Do yosa know that Cuba is the richest country in the world? circulation today io per capita against United States? a is 54*86 in the JTT^TTE Barlow-Cuba Company of Havana, with holdings in Cuba jjj iopraised at over $4,000,000, haa esrabiishcd at 4 East .i-ii Strccl its _fc_ headquarters in thi Unit I States, and will er.deavor to"mnfcc Cuba better known to the people of New i'ork atuj other Amf/wic ? ities. We want you to know something about the reraaika; k development of CuNa in the past few years, an 1 what this development me?i?s for t hc future. ?/- "Cub*? the World's Sugar Bowi"?"Cuba, the Land of Orroortunity"? Cuba, the real Treasurc Island"?"Cuba, the Modern La.v1 of Promise"? that is what Cuba is, and more, too. Not because dreamcra >ay so; not only because the army of tourista who enjoy its hospitality and sunshine in over increasing nurnbera praise it with such enthnsiasm, but also berause cominer aally. industriaJly, finandally, Cuba has found itself and proved itself. ..i f*. *^" ts on*y ^ oeginning of Cuba'3 prosperity. th<xnkt to thu ettttr $*****& spirti of tho Cubans themseioes, ani to A merican rtis&in',* <sxd co-opera Fortzmes have been and are being made in Cuba, and even greater fo**. tunes will be made there in the immediate future, because the real developmcai, the tntensive export development of Cuba ia only j ust starting. Cuba, the World's Sugar BowU In 19TI sugar exported from Cuba was sold for $82,542,835. In 1917 sugar exports amounted to $316,800,000. rhe crop ior this year, 1919, is officially estimated as being w?th >49l,7oi,547, not including $5,000,000 worth of molassc*. ScA/f. , ???-lflLa?ft .yj- Cj/n^ , *"?-"-?- B*mX] Above?Mafi of Three Rivers Cattle Property, on tho Eastern Part of the lUaruU litUrw Af/ip of Cuba wilh Arroio Potniing to Property. _ To appreckte y/nat these sugar exports signify to the economic life of Cuba, picture 1 y companjer the vast fieets sailinR in and out of New York, Baltimore, Boston, .N'ew Orleans, Galveston, San Francisco, Seattle and all other ports of the United States carrying wheat and other grains, beef and other packing house products, lumber and forest products, iron and other rhine products, cotton and machinery and other manufactures, with innumcrable other items. All these 1 nitcd States exports carried by all these ships were valued, per capita, at In 1914 --$22 In 1917?557 The Cuban Sugar Exports were valued, per capita, at In 1917?$113 And thetobacco crop has averaged $50,000,000 armnany for the last ten ycars. Thinlc what all this means for the future of Cuba! In 1907 Cuba had a population of 2,048,980. Today it haa a population of 2,80,-1,123. Spanish misrule retarded its natural growth. Only one-cleventh of the productive land is yet incultivation. If it had the same density of pop ulationas Porto Rico, its population would he 15,140,730; as Java. 27,299,195. It is coti: tated th.-.t Cuba will receive this year from the United States an additional $200,000,000 to cover tindevelopcd industries. To sum up, Cubu is rich, is tremendously undcrpopulated, undeveloped. Cuba has a vast surplua ac.rr.ige of agricultuial lands, minftral lands, timbcr Lands, cattlelands, etc, uttevfy untouched. (Jan you iinaRuie any other country of Cuba's s'xre that otters tcday greater opportunities for manufacturcrs, ex porterr, and investors? These are a few of the factsthat the Barlow-Cuba Company knows ricfin ltdy about Cuba. We also want vou to know the facts about the Barlow-Cuba Company itseif?who is b?ck ofit, amd what the Company intends to do. The Buiiders of Modern Cuba J. E. Bailcm, Frt*UU*t?/ th* Barltrm-Cabc Ou Tdue rraHders of modern Coba are building on penaancnt foun<iitk>ua. They are buildera :n the birr sense?industry builder*?fortune 'cwikkTs-?men of keen. ex[>e;rienceaud broad visiun?modern pioneers and producera, Mr. J.E. Bariou, President of the Barlow-Cuba Comjrany, rs tate. of thear mco. He has sticrrssfuhy developed great propertk'?. in Havaaa. In the twenty ycars of his resi.l<-nce there, he has built ap big camings, ant cxdy in his own interests, but in the interests of all those fortonate enosipi to ttc.'S l*ien asoociated with him. I he Barlow-Cuba Company, under Mr. B.iri.T.v'8person..T.l ffccrtiou.oifcrs '.ts services to manyfacturers, export ers and tnvestora, The Barlow'Cuba Company's Service to Manufacturers and Exporters Do you, as manufacturcrs end eaeportem, really krtcw Cwba? Do you nnderstand the Cubans? They are an r. Imirablc nnd loyal people. Remember what the Cubaa Government did when we declared war on Germany? Without a dissenting voicethe Cuban< lovernment declared war the foliowing day. < uban admiration and respect for Americans has been increased one hun dred foi 1 since we went into the war. This is the opportune mOment to enter the Cuban market in a big way. The Barlow-Cuba Company has established headquarters at 4 East 43d Street under a seventeen-year lease. The Barlow-Cuba Company offers its services to manufacturers and exporters. The executives of the Company will beglad todiscusa your problems with you herein New York and to serve you at thehomeofficeinHavana. Itwill pay you toc-allat the Barlow-Cuba Company building. The advice we are able to ofTer you, based on over twentv yeara of successful business experience in Cuba, should prove valuable to you, and ia yours for the asking. The Barlow-Cuba Company*s Service to Investors One of the purposes of this Company is to place American securities in Cuba and Cuban securities in the United States. The Barlow-Cuba Company, with holdingain Cuba showing an appraised value ol over four million dollars, feels that it is well qualified to advise American investors as to the best investment opportunities which Cuba offers. The opportunities for investment ia Cuba today are enormous, and should yield, under proper financtng and ntanagement, exceptionally big profit3. As its first offering to American investors the Barlow-Cuba Company an nonnces that it has for sale by public subscription $500,000 of theCumulative.8% prefenrtd itock of the Three Rivera Cattle Company at a nar value of $100 per share, with a bonira, />r a limited time only, of one share of common 6tock torrvcry share of pxfcferred stock subscribed for. The Three Rivers Cattle Company Frederick E, Lykes, President Ttie Three Rivers Cattle Company owns .-,3,400 acres of land in the Province ot Oriente, Cuba. This land was previouslv owned by the Corona Sugar Company, and we have in the New York office of the Barlow-Cuba Company a complete and detailed report and description of this property made by the_ J. G. White Managcment Corporation, 43 Exchange Place, New York. Wc ahail be glad to show you this report on request, Mr. Frederick la. Lykes, Senior Member of Lykes Bros., Inc, cattle men for two generations in Florida and Cuba, is President of the Three Rivera Cattle Company. Mr. Jose Estrada Palma, himself a practical cattleman, and son of the first President of Cuba, is activefy interested in the Company. Mr. J. E, Barlowp President of the Barlow-Cuba Company, is a director of the Threo Rivers Cattle Company, in charge of the fmancing in New York on bclialf of the Three Rivers Cattle Company. LETTER FROM J. E. BARLOW The name of the Bariow-Cuba Company is the, TCSlilt of my iwenty years' experience on the island of Cuba and the. reputation I have gained during that time. We feel proud of that name. One of Uie nuiin funclions of thc. Barlow-Cuba Company is to establish closer business relations between Cuba and the United States. If you. are an exportcr and wish to cnlarge your trade with Cuba, we shall be glad to have you confer with us. If you are a mamufacturer and want to open up a branch factory or arrangc for rcpresentation in Cuba,wc shall be glad to discuss your problems with ymi and give you the be.nefit of our advice. If you are an investor we sliall bc glad to give you infommtion regarding Cuban properties in which the Barlow-Cuba Company is interested. Our first offering is $500,000 of" ihe 8% cumulalive preferred stock of the Three Rivers Cattle Com Pany at a par value of $100 per sJmre, with which, for a limited time only> ivc shall give a bonus of one sluzre of common stock at a par value of $100 per share, for every share of the preferred stock subscribed for. I recommend the purchase of this stock. (Signed) J. E. BARLOW J. E. BARLOW, President Home Office: Bernaza No. 3, Havana, Cuba New York Office: 4 East 43d Street The reputatfon nnd financial StantKttgof Lykes Brothers, TiV? reMs fiu!? comment. They aresuccessful cattleraisers in Cuba, and havea New \ ork Ottice at 25 Beaver Street. The fact that the Three Rivers Cattle Company will bedirectly under the managemenl ol Vlr.Lykes should assure its suco -a. I ykca Brothers, Inc, are only goingtod iwith the Three Rivers Cattle Company'* property what they have done with other properties under their manageraent which have been developed with remarkable success. The Cuban demand for cattle is so good that they can readily be 6old at any tirne right in t he ranch c.orrals at the Havana market price, less freight, and often at higher prices. Cuban cattle raising requirea a miniraum of manual lal>or. The P.irana grass, once planted, requires no replanting for 50 years if taken care of and im proves the soil instead of impoverishing it. ( attle thrive prodigiouslv on it, and it produces a grade of beef tmsur passed by any other feed pn which beef can be fed and fattem d without stall feeding. The climate of Cuba is such that no sheJter is required for ai I the grass grows 365 days in the In Cuba cattle can be fed and fattened on only i\ acre per head per yearon these pasture lands, as against from about 4 to 20 acres per year in the a raising sections of the United States. A factor of considerable importance regardins; the Three River Cattle property is that it is said to be the largest single block of d< itti? land now available in Cuba. The Three Rivers Cattle Company is caprtalized at $2,000,000, one million dollars preferred stock and one million common. The Barlcrw-Cuba Company offers $500,000 worth of Cumulathre B% preferred stock in the Three Rivers fr.Ki persharepar value, and for a limitai time only, will give aa a bonua with eai h shari rred stock, one share of common stock at $100 per share par v n t > the 8% dividends on the preferred stock, the common stock should show j earnings. The money received from the sale of this stock wi'l be devoted to the nrriper clearing of the land of the Three Rivers Cattle Company pr id to the stocking of that land with cattle. We feel that we cannot offer any more promising investment eil her for the small or large investor than thi sesharesin theThree Rivers Cattle Company, and wecordially suggest that you call at the 1 nii headq tart rs ol the Barlow-Cuba Company, 4 East 4Vd Street, New Yuik, or write to us at this address. vm rf rr*T3 UtiitedSUitu Headquarters of the BartovhCuba Compcny. 4 East 43rd St., Uew York Cuy