Newspaper Page Text
Gommodities I n t\ u s t r i a 1 >tton -" ... ?wal of 'ho forward cotfon futures yesterday. . , ularly, but .-?1 active | i . ' ring was re latora who had temp >rari!y ou) '.:??' re ali o waa . icrn interests, ? -, j : ?' ? that ac? tual c th was r . 1. Around mid ? I the market ", ii ? -. Aiter a unsettlement in the aftcr -. ii upward again, and ? sulted ed 1 g iins of : ? goods trade - ? tial demand of tex ... .,,, , , are up ? sti rday that 0 pieces of ] nt i Tues ling ii i" nto ' 'i tober, The ' ? c were ? ? ': '.ports ? ? bales greatei . iddling upland? an advance of .. T ?? will be c - follow; ? y'a Year i , lose, ago. ?? ... -25.30 25.80 i-2-4.95 23.38 Ori . 22.9 ) 27.10 [. ? 23.502-23.07 26.83 Wcdn< lay'e i ' ?, close. 10 26.78 ii25.90 25.36 18 23.70 ,83 23.23 . : ? '.. 1 asi yr. .'? rv -;,8U . 1,099,167 . , , H ? ! I 147,619 ? 6,689 8,811 lU. .. 1,793 210 ia] i rs i) Wi I iverpool Cotton owed lit ' the be i ' ? I .' : ?', , ' ... ' conl ustenance vtxl-J, .,, : M< ntr< ? ? (lompany of ' ? 4,000, ur for <x foui or five pply of bushels, ling of ' I n ? ' '? ?: were ... - -. i lo ' ? ' I i rad ' , ? i s i... - . l 50 l.SSVi *l fl.1) . 1.52"4 I.", I VH '. \ 01 k ? . .. ? " ion n .'. i uu i n i | .. 1)11 1 ,, , Oil ' tona of Pr? 0 I' ...i . . . I i . .! ' n imI ' K'*' v?>?in? imcea w<:ro H to 26 ,...,,.r for ?;^ day. The exc icd to-day aml to norrow. rai re ? I prlci s follows: .. , .. '?'? I ? ?* Uy's Year elose a, . Ms,v-lb ? i . -.-....- ..' SO 16 Ofi 81(1 15 g J5 July.. b ? '? ' 15 '" I ;-. in Rd!) ?'?;?;- .P '? ' '? '.' .'i ? . i , :-, ..; V.i rx?i . ? ) 'i i -..'..?? 20 'i "j ? 11 q? r'sh Sdarch, ; . : 14 D ti.l6(j 15.18 14.0 , . i . , TelT" Cables from Shanghal advvse of sales of large quantities of Pingsuey toas, which have been held ir. expeetation of ;i ;''-'"' " ,; "*'??? Tl es ! ' aa were boIcI on about thc samo basis as that pre vajling in the Xew York market. aml this indicates, it is said, that lower prices cannot be expected here on any kind of greon tea. Additional larp'e sales of Japan teas in the local market are reported. Quotations for lots of 50 and 100 packages follow: GREEX3 A week '.' ma Oiinpowder . '$&?*' 4^0 Moyune. Imperial . <?.^65 4,#55 ' -? l'\ ?. ? ? ,,-, SHS*65 . li ?-.-, . , - \\ ?-"? '?? 1 .'.'.'.'. :'-!-,-? 28(^55 ' ? '?'???- '. SS.-TJS 88(94* ??-"?' .:-.;.., JAPA-NS j'.* ' '' . soaso nn@.r,o ' -?'->! . :.-. ;--: ? - . . 42@t>5 42(?C5 FOKMOSA OOLOMi '? "'!' . 28(380 2S@80 ?' ? - r . . .. ; ,7 I " . A 1 .. ., CONUOU 41i >61 . 25@70 25@70 IN'"'A ? - " Sou. S2@34 ::? -: i ' ' *> , ,. i .11 :: 'il '." '' -'" 1 ?''-'" . :>:?-. :-? .5 Flowery Orange Pekoe. 44965 44?63 1 V.\ LON Pekoe Sou. 36? - -r,n - ! ' ' ? ,. 340 4t 84?44 Pi :"'- . ;-. ? -, 1 ;,: ? ,.; ? O je Pekon 4.-., -.1 41 ?? 61 I '? Orauge Pi,. >?. . .. v ? 06 4. 1 B6 . , , JAVA Bou. 35?30 25@30 >'? . 29@32 ::??'?? j orange Pekoo . ;n?--40 *<ua4i, ; . V Or&nge Pekoe. 40?51 40@51 ni en Orange Pekoe. 25@3D 2: 330 Broken Peki a . 2B@3i 26@3l Odd loid ruted i emt a pound liigtier. Butter, Cheese antl Epgs Butter. Receipts were 9,463 pack- | ages. Creamery, higher than extras, lb., 66 i.'i'ic; extras, 92 score, 65"y?c; firsl , 88 to 91 score, 64@65c; seconds, 83 tn S7 score, 61@63c; iower grades, ? ?'?' '-e; unsaltcd, hicher than ex? tras, cr ??? f'.i'ic; extras, 66@66%c; firsts, 6 . ? '' c; Becond , 60 a 63c; State, dairy tubs, finest, 64@65c; good to prime, 60 C63c; common to fair, 47(5 59c; renovated, extras, 51c; firsts, 4:1 ,?'.? 50c; lower grades, 46@4Sc; imitation creamery, firsts, 48?49c; ladles, cur? rent make, firsts, 46@47c; seconds, 44 ''??!?; lower grades, -J2@43%c; pack ing stock. current make, No. 1, 43Vi@ 44c; N'o. 2, 42Va ! L3c: lower grades, 12c, Cheese. Receipts were 1,510 boxes. :' .'-. whole milk, fresh flats, colored, lb., 32c; whit , 3 !V4c; average run, >:. ?"?'.'?; white, 32H(g 32%c; lower grades, 30(?J}31c; Twins, spccials, , 32 ...--, colored, Kl%c; average n n, wl ito, ..'."? c; colored, 31 *^c; lower ? ' ?'-. held, 36;._. .1 39c; Twins, 39c; U isconsin, wholo milk, . hi Id, ?'; I .' 39e; freah, 31 fn 3] Uc; '"?lil. 35 ?? 3Sc; Double i, hold, 35 ? :"? c; fresh, 31 4 a 31 :i.kc; Your.;; Am, rica 1, frci h, 32U " S'ate, skims, t pecials, 22i-i: " '-'?"?'l-c; prime to choiee, 20fo;22c; fair to good, :' ? !!'.-; li wer grades, 6 a 1 Ic, Eggs. Receipts were 32,781 rn es, not including 2,000 cases in transit for . '':?? sh gathi red, extras, dozen, 16c; storage packed, extra firsts, -:' V'' ? ? ? :'.!',?; 11/fjc; gathered, ' ? ? ' ' I i . ' ? ' -. northi rly ' . ' '?'?..'; E-outherly . '? I c; conds and poorer, . '-.". ! . 3S^ '?::,:< ' e : checks, good to ' hoice, dry, : . - -..e; under f= :-'' ? : 37c; Stat;, Pennsylvania; nearby western, hennery whites, ? fanc; , I I 52c; ordinary to; ? ". 16 '.e; gathered whites, ordin . I5@50c; Pacific Coast, good to ' ? e, 48 ? 19c; Western and Southern,1 ? d wl tes, ', '? ?? 50c; State, Penn ? sylvania and nearby, hennery browns, ??? ? ?? ri d brown and mixed' r ?'" . '2 ? 16c; dui k eggs, nearby! ? Runner, fa cy, 68c; Bal I7i : Virgin a, i 5 ? 66c; Western I other .v ? d to pi imc, 5S a ? ? ? ? 1 ar Soutl ern, common to fa r, ' ' c ' > l. Hay nn.l ^irntv Yt Btei la 1 -r. .. ?. . i'' "? ' m A yea r utro I ?'. .' hy, No. 1, large balea.$41.00(5)42.00 $29.00(E31.00 ', No. 3 mxd 37.00@38.00 23.00@24.00 Rye Straw, Nn. 1 15.00r,\16.00 18,00^ Orrtuiril and Field ? -'lay A year agfi Beans, narrow, 1 1 lba .$11,753 - $U.25'ffi_ ea . Scotch, ni8 7.00? 8.00 12.25 S 12 50 . new hh! 2.00.rrei2.00 4.50a 7.50 heri ... 8.00;-TT 12.00 4.00? 7 00 uit, box.. 3.00(3) 7.75 2.0G(S) 6.00 es, box.... 4.00? 6.50 3.00:,^ 8.00 -?_ Livestock, Meats, Pro>i.sions 1 ,Uowtn< *re yegterdaj-'s prte<s. comparod with ?? ?? ' 11. '.?,?? . yoiterday. A jpar ?gn. I. ?.-'??'. k. ',?>.:- In ? ? $14.00 (f 518.00 $12.00 (!?$I6.,S0 ?' - ? ? ?. Idea. ? .10 <% .23'/j .20'/,? .1% 1 14.00 g 18.^0 I l.c,0 if. 16.00 ' 20 (ffl .?8 .11 t* .?^ 1 10 00 / U.11O 10.00 @ 12.00 I IR.oo ffl 20.on Ifi c,0 !r? 17.'iO ' '? ,20 '. .2<i .25 (G) ,27 j Hy, .28 <Oi ."J2 .?.n ? .^2 20.00 j co.;;, 18.73 m . .27 ra> ,27V, .21,'J'i? .25% ? 1' t li,. ?!) 31.0? ? IJ.Ofl I I 1 'il i4.50 53.00 n S4.ei) ! ? ? '?' I W. . >0.75o ? 31.000 25.0OO ? 25.30c 1 Ready to Purchase C.oods Mueh Needed hy Germans erican citizens are in New ' ; " it awaiting appointmenta purcl , ? .- agents for Gei many, ; Turkey as Boon 1 1 been arranged, ?; 1" a promlnent business 11, , -i . He saj s ?- he le r,.'ir men, whom h? : Knowa ? , are gupplied with ? eornmoditie ranglng from un flerweai to ti ? ,,. ,., whlrh the Cen '' '?' !'' ? ?!. i. rately, um! that ' large i.r.liiH ln this declnrnd Im . > i- ., . ., M.-.. i . ntH mil deiliutfl ? ' ? [h Um ' ,1 ? ? ,- ,1 on tho ; ' ??? ??" luitiirnli l ' rl , 1..1.1 .,1.f them I'.'.i him thnl ? il rnl ? d cll 1 K0l -? "I Ol li' 1 ? '.'im n,., hlitl ln,.il 111; IppOll '"I III llie ,,,,,?, 11 tho*.11.11,, 1 ui iii 1 lhe uttino sftnoral plan, ? I'rjKrnt Need for Twineft "?'?'? turera nf twInoH nml e.,,,| " porti 1] j - ? torday thal 1 ' few do , ?? hnd bi 1 n rju ?? -? iTi bl 1 ra w< rc uid to bo placlng ln rcei ordi rn In moiit Iniitancc 1 ? ho been 11 com] an 1 d hy ?,. ? ' ' hal promi i I Ipmont bo Kouthorn Jobbei 1 ?-?< m n putod to ho tl " b? l buyi 1 . with di mand from the induvtrial nectloni of New England lagging. Incorporatioiis 4.LBANT. April 17. Tha foliowing ln .: were fllod with tha Secretary of stati v''; " Field Map '"'.mpmy. Tn^ . $",ni _ 000; Rochester; .".anufacturlnsr devlces <"or dlaplaylnn maps and manufacturtng ? .- .' Arthur E. Bloomfleld, Irvino A. Whlti an' . HI.l. ird T. Eord, Rochester, N. Y. City Merchandlse Company, Inc, $2,non Manhatta'n; general clptning ond wea'-ir^ apparel business; HeTman Saffron May Balaban, Morrls Balaban, 27 East 104th Sl:. . !, Now Vork. j .United Sanitary Products Company. Inc .?; Manhattan; manufacturine dla infectants, olls, chemlcals, aanltary prod? ucts; Joaeph A. Lichterrnan, Benjamln '.' ' "?: H 't. Lewis, 1S9 Montague Stn :. Bro iklyn, David Cantor & Co? Inc, $l00,o<io- Man? hattan; manufacturlng <',rui-8, medlclnes paints, etc; David Cantor. Theodore Can ? tor. Emanuel Kalnor. Oi East Nlnctv i to jrih Sl roet, N'ew York. ! Ambrecht & Co.. Inc, $12,000; Manhat j tan; d o slnkers. engravers. manufactur ing gold a nd allverware, cutlery, leather Boods, etc; A, IToshay, A. O. Thaanum. : b- -r bklIlman< 19S6 ^athgato Avenue, Du Bourd & Fllser, Inc-., $15,0^0- Man ' ? . food products; Sanford H. Cohen ?" '?" H Mann, Robert Seelav, 61 i liai bers Street, New Vori;. .. ' wnder & Mandrlll Company, Inc, . Manhattan; manufacturlng dtes tools, patterns, Iron and ateel Producta- John B. Alexander, J. J Marl drill, Robert Mandrlll, Jersey City N t Sun Bales Corporation, $160,000; Man? hattan; naanufactures aoap, candles, pur ?-m?S' ,n,let i,vtl'''Ps; Charles S. Herzlg 'u-'^ri .' M.ctSa2' H r- Deneglr. 69 >\ ?"t rinrty-ninth Street, New Vork si ,oT',t0nM uTl:'nt Foocl Company. 'inc. $100,000 Manhattan; evaporat?, preserve etc, fru ts. nuts, farm and dalry products fish and meata, operate cotton gins and refineries; Theodoro Tltze. AlbertTeets if,".1^ .V' Vanderbeck, 031 Last 156th m i eei. Bronx. Pa^gat Lines. Inc, $200,non: Manhattan; transportation, trade, commerce naviea Ja0nn1'esKV.kGurgLeandaU' EdWErd S' Gannon' Gloversviii?'- Atteau* Corporation. $25,000; Uloversvllle; manufacturlng dyewares als. oils, paints, dru#s. cxploVtves M? l.y.:n Fwder,ck rE- A"eaux, Logan U McLean, Warren L. Lepper. Gloversville, V.'inri.<ld Management Corporation; $1,000; i- ? V Cpunty; realty; A. S. Norton ?on v-.;n'.n?"f' R,',E' Doherty, 652 Jeffer son Avenue, Brooklyn. J. Rlngborg Corporation. $50,000: Man hattan; manufacturlng goods, wares, rner ehandise, act as factor, broker, etc ? W p Burrowa, R. S Nichols, R. Lf. DeKr'osa Maplewood, N. .;. jJt-tiohs, noratTonCasi ^inPrMS ,Mar,ufacturlng Cor f, V1'.1 "? .'-" ? Manhattan; manufactur b : ' ' ' ;'-l l<iif s, act aa ac. nt commission merchants. consUneeV . . '?.> Platt Street, New York \r?S"v,?..Cllnton Street Corporation, $20 ono Maver I8,!1,;, re?a,?y* ,e,tc'i Eliaa Dye* Dora way.eBrooklynSCh"eIaer' '""J Eastern Part Manhi(tt?n^Umb0r Company, Inc; $10,000; other ,?1 manufacturlng lumber and E Pr tr iS'"'1^! J' J' S*lud , ,l':",', ":'. Cooperatlve Society, Inc $60 - inhattan; general producingi i ' ?S fnd merchandlslng business on -, ' '"'?" Plan; II. G, VVarner ir i fhompson, John A, Rosa, :;, West Nlnetv nmi h Street, Now V.,n- ' lr' '?' " Jli''jM.'K -nna Corporation, $10.no0; Man ,.'",,"' : '?'"' '" stocks and bonds Jamea P- JJcKenn i. U. J, Qregory, M y , 23 William Street. New York ' . ,o,n \, . :''--1 ,;'!'r Company, Inc, J^n . rolll, 63 P0rry Stree( New York City M ':',",Vr',s ''"'!t Corporation, $5,000; ?' mliattan; .,- ai in stocku, bonds 1 "'"?? -'--?? Cllnton N i'l,.].] Orvlllo C Sanborn, Wlllia, , d, Tucker Vi xv ?? Stre.t, New Y,,,k City '" < nllfornla Motora Corporation, $6 i ! Manhattan; deal In autos, moto tru aoroplanes. etc; A. r. Smith, Edward ?'""" ; . ' " ? 87 Golden date Ave ... ' ?-? latl >n, Inc, . '- . ' '?? .wn and manage .'.,. ??;?;: mes, aut ) and aero -.. . : ' . .' "'? ?' I evie, Frank :. ' '. ". ; ? ". 510 West :. ew / .... city m- i . : " '"'''?"*" ' ' Inc . $1,000; stlver w^1 ' " '<** and ?w earpets taoestrleq ,.e -n?? ? '- ' ui In poi' ra and Ft ta ?:." =a] ? '?''?'? '?- ? ? I . ti i, manufaetur ':'?? *v''"',; , and me, h.,e; ,";? ,\ pe i;;cr,;"' " hn Srl.uler, Gustavo Ualian -. ? Br idway, ' i-poraclon, $1,000; Bl ' - "? ? general rea esi ???? ?? ? broker Edward A Welss! Abra am -.*., ' V J,saaf, '"'? '??'??>?:? "18 Forty-slxth Mail Restaurant, Inc., $20,000; {''";;,':,'\. ""''' ? " -' " -??'? tiakery; Hyman ''"''? Morris Levlne. Etta Oleon -177 Saratoga Avenue, Brooklyn 00ft- kVl I; lulPment ' " Pany, Inc. $15, xt ;^.rj,'"*V manufacturing motors, ma Sfin?Jy"wni?,neer4al r,: ' ? v: ?- James C. Mil 'JVallace Blgelow. C. M. Wlokert, 7,;-''.;:'" ? Helfand Broa, Inc, $10,000; ?i ? -lyn; manufacturing boots and shoes Ma* Hejfand .Louis Hi eph LesJ ser, l.ii Madison Avenue, Xew i'ork 1 t,,?';,,.,. " """ ' n, " 125,000; Jamestown; dealln g ,0ds, hard ware, notions, etc . A <; Bverett Owen J)[ay*ce' li- M. Blackmon, 0n?Ob\1rh",k.Art LamP Corporation. $20,. ?ir,nV , ,nhflUan: manufacturing table and rhrT ?'?'''?? W'v Charles Oanz, R. Robt Yorfe ' 309 Broo-dway, New Tha Eleatiore Shop, Inc, $5,000, -\fanhat ,'. ,' '.'"',l >". drygoods, notions, women's ..ui.iirn- -. w. Greenwald, 203 Broadway, r^'ZJ0^ aad.,Ncw England Transfer Company Inc, $150,000, ManhatUn; uc vV,"iJ,:,!."!:i:"' '*'? '?'? Dean, C A. Wmlth. Rhoda Burke, 2i East 105th Street. New -?!': ,'',,'', K?1<J1ng Company, Tne . $10,000, Gen !h ', " '';v' Rud("Ph Ell an .= ? b S -.' V> *,:''?' Gottlleb. ?3 East J44ih .... .-i. i ne I ? ? v^,'*;,"' Embroldery Works, Inc. $4.nno ^anl?attan; "' broidery bu li Joseph r"'.:"!: . !" '->-'? ' Vbragn i. M irrls Wo 1 ma ... ... Sevonth Sl reel Now York ' 1 Dress Con pany, Tn ; $10,000; ?J\nhatt'l'V manuf !' turini? dress, . uui o and1 wearing ai parel; Jai ob Kra Ten-Tco Th??Pp "''"- Adler' "" Beach . ? i ict rhe Bronx. 1 lompany, Inc . $10 000; j*-'" ??';'"..u: manufacturing middies and ,. ' " : S imuel M. Back, Leo Bi ? ' 12 Atlantic Avenue! ..',"" ' RuPPb' ' pan; . Inc; $50,000; :;'"':; ; auto and garage busim ss; Alfn d l\- ,"u';"v v11:""' * Rapp Mlrlam Ti. ?? ' ? " reet, Brooklyn. , , 'y '*''? ,:'-'' Ui i. Manhattan; gen . " cx" ",' '" ! I Porl busim ss, . omn Is ' ' nis and sel .. .: Lg, nts' busl ':' ,".: '" '?' Silz, ! ? T Stowo, Marv r. ? West j "?. ;., New - ' ".,' '; . Record Con pai y, Tnc; reneral publlshing bu I : ' i, i: Ina v Arthur Crorber, 10 Pro; | i i Park West, lyn. ., ' " :' M hlne Con pany, Tn- . 5-o,ooo, | . icturers. mer ri,: nts in i . , lncS| Cameraa ?' ' ils !-..iy. Marle I,. K?v. ' ' ' 3 East H3d Street, New iork City. I hahn Corporation, $10, ' " di : :-: ti ctll ,. Charles hn, i'u.- Wolfson, J. E Whil ? Street, New "S n k i HI y Cork RnlkT Co lon, . m ? ? nattan; . , tti Ing illers for tyi n . ? ' .... '??'??'' ' -. . llorace i, 1-0 Eui j:' htj Ixth Stn i N. iv York i ; '" ' ? ' .' ? ? . ? '; ? ' ' " ttan; engln ring bu;.mi ; Mark de I.I si i Abi iham ll H ? ' '\ t Broad wa ". New Vorl i '? ? -. 1 '? I'li " '?',?? - .. and Exi.I I ... i. ?' .;?'... wares, more 1 | Abrn ham P Sara ? ?? ? ? eal oldt, 25 "U i sl Broadway, Now i'i . ?? . iisiness TroubIes Judgments Filed The foliowing judgmenta worn e.ird -.-r, 1 ' ? the first name being that of the debtoi . In New York County rican Woollen Co., of New York - V J. Samuelsohn, ri al, '" : . 4r<t 1<1 ? ?'? " 1 .ot l ' S. K Wlllsea 6 ? r.O Abrams, Nathan, and Charles 1' Goidsmith -P Hirsch ... ' 30 149 "n Arden Photopla s, Inc -Z Keefe 4,"l55 , 3 tleck Shoe i'" , | ? _j. schlos i berg - . ? . . ^" i ? ,' Schlossberg..... ?'??'? 5 . Bokelmann, Albert ?- Lawyera' Mortgage Co......, r,' r 03 Hf r, stein, Frei - .1,- L, 1,' vTe ber. 1 255 7" ??iV.aUi[rAl^er1 -J' Carlson et'a'l "i: ? 05 Hrall. Martin C. Shavrlen. . ; M so Berzin, Joseph - L'nlti 1 CI*ar Stores 1 ,. of \r.. T7r, -.? Clarenco L. Smith Co C Pel'lel ' ' c, *TLnoc. 6,307 ',: Same Same, cos 411 s; Carlbbean Imi ,rl ??- R ? , ? . ,',-',,' Ftueffel ,1oi . , Qrokei me 1 0 ,:'.ighn ? 1, v. ? ? V\ orka j', 1 ; -. '?? Jt J. M Will ': ? . 1 ' 1 V ,", 1 I ' tnut Cpholatei ,- <s >.. ,-,,.,? mg Co . tnc . and .1 Redf ? 1 M. Stelder . . . ' " ' ran, Fltzgerald ,-.- Co . ii ; !:' < ?'. '?? allpaper Co '? Powers ,- Co . Inc. ? Adi Iberl W .1 M \vi n: S. Kolsky. .. ' " ' .,.,.?, Charles W. Harrlson, Inc?N.'y "'I",? ! elephone Co, ... ' 1S? ,, Dodge, VVendell P. . C vh;:.'.';; J|5-?< Drayer, ll; man United i. ?.... v"'" ' orp. .70 . , tarameaU" Waltor U?L-'b! Ber 2r' ?? ? ? 398 90 3,061 33 &nn 00 150 no ' ' 'tln, Joaej h H.'-' p.' ciiati n ^adua, jacob- 6."r; Gis'cho'n:::: uuihorn, Josi ph s - Bi n 1 ,1 ,1 . sl " ' Bage i iua rantee ... 1 n 11 ? Abraham R Blarm- ,al-' '?-?'?" Indc.nnity Co?L J I !.r. ' ' o0o c ,-osta Hooke. C'Jace'w.llAl'Denne'tt'ei: 12?'| ? ai"i:..'vH.;r.inf?t", ?;;??,?, "*:n Interborough Rapid Transit" Co ... l Halsey ' '.' ',"!'f": Bre'wl'ng'Co ?i "icTiornan P ?? h":: 10':".";;; 1 ? ', >?""?? M Frledman 1 61 - 0 Max (Kalik Woolatork 1 " 11 Ka k?II. ?" 1 >',.'..: I ?" i " I'O '?? ' '?'' on, 1 onstructlon " Co reen Co. , 336 ig , ' ".' ' , ':" , 'r '" ' Land*.. Leonard'- A. I andea 1111 '? Mattiloio," Lorenzo?Nti. ' SuVety '' S '' -?' , , ? ? i,u>3.eo ' '.. "? Qreenberg 1.188 19 "'"" ? ' orp. - 1 awvcra . Mongage Co . 1 cm 19 Uros, (Vi ni.i ' Pi lieli Sldm v i' r'" ir' " 17 1 '"'' rlng 866 9J Puroy l.awson, ,Iohn J Halleran . Hlnda Ivayden ,'. Eldrodge ' "?"'' ' 112 ?1 rvl -. h ',Z -1 ,?:.;?'', , , ???? Pr! '?' -"?? ?? j wu.ff 4!1S,?-S2 Plaiauiil ,tanm I A Fir.t . ! - .1 >.E .. Woi hl Kugenle, Indh i-j ?, k'enie Rothachlld. I.i-o Uoth?. 1 hlld ni, '? ? liui lea K lleyman .-11 ?< M :..'., ina < o of N Y., 1 oata !: 11 Mariln Stnlo Induatrlal ' : ' "' '. , , l' ? > nnd I'l 1.k \i.,n 1 ? ' 'i ? . ?' 1 ,,i: imim ? ..,-. 1 ., 1 ' Ity A Ol M? , ;,,,,! | , . H . . '? md 1. It II.!,,,? , ? ||, 1 . | . , | , I mii ManU of ii,, ... ? -., '.. , 1,1 l-|< I I VV Hl 1,1,-, , . , ,.',,1 liiua 1 1., 1**1 . 1 .' 1.. - ,,, 1 l\ lllliini V. 1 ,ii i.:i l,i,i | ,|, 1."iii < M' 1 IItM ' 'lllll I'miv I pi] Ai , i.l.-ii' \ |ti |i in lutll I '? ,,,. I ?,, I', . , Company 1 olumbla 'i 1 nal IMI 11 'I ' ' ? I. i II ... ,1,1 , , I I :. ? || ,, K '?,,!,? 11 rnnl , .,.'.'? Hlonal . r 1,,...,! m -.. ? Im 1 11 ?'.,, ... ., ;. t | "..,', 'I 1 ? A ii . ? 1 ,'. 1 , ... Ilarrli 121 21 .'.-..I. Bill} 1. Company .... 110 10 :'.". r<; Wllner, Max R r .1 '..-, n il, costs Wllkenlng, Henry R, and'i' U l'l' kenlng?I, Samn !?; nt al n\ ~\ :i. Phl : Lehlgh \ ??!'? ? '? ': i os rt Companv lft'i 19 Ward, ll.-,-- | | ind T T.' * i key- M r sts. ln Hron\ County ' bi aska. John Lohigh Val ? Coal Company i ira !? . Thoi . B. l ? , ? '?'. ' '.ii : E ui - \ al ? iairy Pri ' \ i pany, I"". . , Mary J - F. i;. Duri Hoisnei Lunoh Coi pany, Im M Wel ?< .i al t,u>. Vlni ent T I . S'lcholas, ..i ! John Maggiplnl . i I i.... Retsk: Chai ? M ; ator Pub lishii - i ?: pany, h . Satisfied Judgraents Tho fli ? Is that of ihe di btor. tho nd that i and date v. hon ... , .... ln Xew York Count> . , . . . ., .. ,, . . . Noesi . . ' ' 'i 21*,. 1317 $117 4': i ... . no . ? ? Fiiil ppo ?" I \ n t o i . ' ? . I . ? . - ? ' ? : ? . ni io; ; | .. ii Blrdle G. Gug genholmoi Emn ? ! ?? ? , Robert A Nathai irali Frl. dn m, Walti :- E Wo : hi ii V\ i \'r. ln .i :-? hoolhi ir ??? nd Li uis ? ; idheer Exci Islor Savings Bank of City ol New 5 oi '., . Aug. 29, 191S . 6,007.83 Maiick, ? :hrii ? lan W . and Will? iam P, -J. Tr ichi; .lan. 7, 1919. S29 H '". H A. ll. i Ma rch 24, 1909 . 100.05 J T Robinson & Son C:iy o* Ni w Vork ; July 20, 1916. . . . 358 12 Dctnan t, Ellz ib< ? h .'. Ency ? edia Urita nnii a i lorpoi a ii .?.. M,,- .. ,..,, 22927 '""? Inn, Pal I r Itrauss )'i ii;-; Co . \'j,.- 20, 1912 .... 11? 71 Bl ' Hoi .... i. j.- ,< I'inlnj Dec i. 1913 . i0R 21 lan . I ,v 28, 131S . 1 10 :i^ ' 1012 . . 1,737.61 Mai i !.. James - F\ Maldart; ov 29. 1915 . 239 05 Schull George 1 -1-. ? h Bowman A ui uob le Co Ma n ii , '? '? '"' ' 868 *8 i , so n D n v 1 d ?.'..-?? I ? '''''' f14 46 Ri ihr, i hai '?? ! - i m Reohr; April '? 19 (vncal I) 6.362 96 Rothenbi n :? i .,r?..-,, n; Oct 2, 191 i. 214 41 ln llronx County .Vorth r-irio Storage Warehouse ' Compan: In ' Goi s - .-, ad Irator; Ium 3, 1918 _ $2,644 10 . .i' i. . .l.i n 20, 1919. ' go 30 Cowboys Who Hoped To Follow T. R. Rrluru Two New York Architects Also Among Soldiers ilroimkt Hark by Sierra One hunclred nn,l twenty-five cow boya from Mexico, who enrolled two yeara ajro in tho division which the late Colonel Rooi evi It hoped to take to France, returned from Prance y< i torday on tho Piorrn, They were the ol' i.-.'i , nml enllnted mon of tl"- |0l h n ' mllltai'- polico nnd hnd hoen tivrr.ieii Ince Augu I I, 1017 Kl fteen ?i I'.. .?" wn, ?' i in- ! nn,| onp i ii,-.I I-. thoni Thc Kieri'ii Irli iloi kod nt Hoboken, . Idlera. I iv nf w hnni win- from \, iv Vork, i i. ui .'nn pi I'.. ii (illbert, of i' Y mi Rlxty fourth I treot, non nf tho nrehltoct, nnd hlmtolf nn ni,'iiii,',-i. when hc wont to Plnttaburpr, w riM nne ..(' i ho ? ? who rot um. | ||c wn with l hc ium Hloi j of tho .'.I Divl nlon a nd iv ci vico nl Verdun, i Tli ',M i y, Sol inona ? nd I n thr Mi us \i foni.'' Vnot hor '.."V 'i .iii.rr on hon rd ?? i r 1 Irii ',. i: Motrnlf, of 12 Weat : ? ? cvPiiHi ' i?,?? i. flo nl io is nn Mowoa & Davis, lhe fli i !u,i i,,ii| chnrge o{ decor nii.'r the intrrlor of the German linera. i llf waa mil tn the naval aviation I officer ni. Poulliac for fifteen nioiuhs. Titled American Millionairc Taxed More Than Income Man Believed To Be Vis count Astor Pays Heavy Impost in Great Britain and in the United States LONDON, April 9 (Correspondencc of The Associated Press).?That a man should pay more money for income tax than the total of his income seems the limit of taxation. This is said to be the plight of a well-known British peer who was born an American and became naturalizod in England some years ago. His property is in the United States. Being a British subject, he is compelled by British law to pay income tax on all his revenues from all sources, and the American law compels payment of income tax on all his income from American property. Being a multi millionaire, his income is subject to heavy supertaxes by both governments, and the two taxes are said to amount to more than 100 per cent of the in come. Thus the unfortunate nobleman must pay out all of his receipts and dip into his capital to defray current taxes, and, aftcr defraying this first charge, use more of the capital for living cxpenses. The double income tax of the war period has hit hard well-to-do Ameri? cans who live in Great Britain. In former days few of the large colony of American business men living in Brit? ain gave up their American citizenship. But many of them have. found this draft. on their patriotism too heavy and have reluctantly changed their alle giance and taken out naturalization papers. As for those Americans who lived here because they found the social at? mosphere ot" England more congenial, and the scope for spending n oni j 01 pleasures greater than al hom i, most of them seem to have disappeared. Yiscount Astor, formerly William Waldorf Astor, the American million aire. expatriate, who has lived in Enp; land for years, owns more realty :n Xew Vork City than perhaps any other American. Viscount Astor's income from his father's estate here is cstimated at $4,000,000 annually. Xew York state and city taxes on this .share are : <ced at about $1,600,000, United State . come nnd surtaxes at $1,200,000, and thi British income tax at $1,600,000, or a total of about $4,400,000 a year, a larger sum than tho viscount's income. In addition to his share of the tate, Viscount A;tor owns separately many pieces of property in New Vork City, the income from which is sub jccl to the same double laxation. U. S. Legion Delegates To Re Elected April 2(> Gcucral O'Ryan Culls Upon New' York Veterans to Help in Elections Probably th? first order ever issued to the veterans of the great war who are members of the newly formed American Legion was sent out lasl night by Major General John 1. O'Ryan, chairman of the New York State Committee of the [jegion. General O'Ryan calls upon the New York State veterans to assemble in the armories on April 26 and elect .!? I egates to the St. Louis caucus to hc held May S-"1. He also announced the personnel of the stato district commit tees. At least 60 per cent of the delegates to the caucus must be enlisted men. Represent at ion is based 6"n the num? ber of Representatives each state sends I to Washington. The state will have eighty-six delegates and the same num? ber of alternates. Xew York City will send twenty two; Long Island sixtei i, M iddle V v Vork ei ?:??? and '??'-, lie n and West n twelve each Senator Saya l*coplc Will Force Raiis lo Give Service ST. LOUIS, April 17..Prophecy that if waterways nnd railroad agencic do not cooperate to the fullest extent in providing transportation for tho na? tion, they will he compelled to do so by "the mandate of the people" was made by I'nited States Senator Selden P. Spencer, of Missouri; in open ing the two-day eonvention of the Mississippi Valley Waterways Association here to? day. Senator Spencer said steps must he taken to prevent unfair competition between railroads and water trans? portation systemg to the ultlmate losa of the consumer. Deputy Attorney General Alfred Becker Resigns Man Who Diselosed Hearst's Relations With Bolo Pacha to Practise Law Here ALBANY, :;. y., April 17.?Deputy Attorney General Alfred Becker. v investigation of pro-German propa? ganda disclosed Bo'.o Pacha's relations with William Randolph Hearst ar.d Count von BernstorfF, haa tendered his gnation to Attorney General Charles D. N'ewton. It ia to take ef? fect May 1. The Attorney General said Mr. Becker hnd completed his probe into the activities of German agents in this country, and would open a law office in New York City. Mr. Becker formerly practised law in Buf falo. Cardinal Gibbons Urges Aid for Salvation Army Drive for 813,000.000 for Home Work Begins on May 19 ( ommending the .Salvation Army because it ia free from sectarian bias and expressing the hope that. tho or? ganization would be successful in its coming campaign to raise a fund of $13,000,000, needed to carry on its work during tho coming year, Cardinal Gib? bons wrote yesterday to former Gov? ernor Whitman indorsing the organi? zation. Mr. Whitman, who ia chairman of the National Committee of the Home Service. Fund of tho Salvation Army, made public lest night. the letter, which . '. an follows : "I have been asked by the local commander of tho Salvatlon Army to addross a word to you as tho national chairman of the campaign about to be launched in behalf of the organization. This 1 am happy to do, and for the rea? son thal along w i fellow Ameri? can citizens 1 rejoice in the splendid service v hich the Salvation Army ren? dered our troops during the war. Every returning soldier is a willing witness to the efficient and generous. work of !!ie Salvation Army, both at the front and in the camps at home. I also am more happy to coimrond this organiza? tion because it. is free from sectarian hia.-. The man m need of help is the ob ct of their effort, with never a question of )-,is creed or color. "I trust, therefore, your efForts to raise $13,000,000 for the Salvation Army will meet with a hearty response from our generous American p iblic," The drivo for the fund he^ins of ficially on May 19. li is to continue for one week. - - ? Mexico Will Return 100 Spized Mining Propcrlics KL PASO, Tex . April 17. Four hun dred mining propertiea in the state of Chihuahua, Mexico, which were con I during the revolutions, \\;!I be returned to the owners at once, i' was announced here to-day. Exceptions were made in the cases ol i ? neral Lui i Terrazas, General Huerta's estate an.l that oi" General i' isqunl Ore -ci. Ti ? .. properti s will nol bo returned. BUSINESS CARDS Carpet ( leaning CAKfFrru rAiirET cxi-iANrNo rriMTA-Tr.-* (leanii t>? oomiirMseU air. jteain. han.l or aa Hoor. 410 I.'ut iith Ht. COE & miAXDC. Ttim .'?,;.'? 132 Vurvaj HllL Detective Agency nTsn.ciTnnx'? Detective agency? Shadowlng enn ''? ' ' ' !' ? ??? ?;?"' I ?. ? '? 39 I ," I..1 rhon? Murraj Hill ..?; |; Diamonds DIAMONDS \ND JEWELRT BOTJGH1 FOR CASH. cstates appraised. purchased. BKNNFTT. 175 Broadway, unstalrs. Multigraphers?Stenographers Multlfraphing. s'enocra.-riy, trpewrltlng; all rionrti reaaonable. Coyne. 116 Nascau st B-?kman 47X Patents PATEN'TS. ri-rr' 70 juits' practlce all rnramu Icatlons ,;. 'Hfid r ' patei u rree "n ..-.;- ,'?.. , ? [ ?? ,. .., tatlons ... patent ittorneys. 611 '?> ? ?-> Building, Ni ... 5 irh Typewriters TYPEWRITERS RENTED N Ji l ' " moi ? -. J' .? ?' - * ? 50 up Ii " .. : me I ipi II ? ?? : urcl . .- J AMERICAN WRITIXG MACHIXE I 0 I>'C 339 Ilr iad ly, at W rth Sl j Tel 5408 20 B, : ,1 Si . opp. Madison Ave. S Franklin. i ^ i> i w k'i x k k 9" "k i v ii; o '-' slbles, t Jl iths, S ? ' ? b'es, 3 : ths 11 50 & up. THE TTPEWR1 CER EXCH VNGE 10 Barclay St. Tel. B ir :lay 173S. Does i WESTMINSTER DOQ FTTOP. Largeat and most sanltary kennol -Ity, rWTr-rs large ? ??!..-- of Puppies u ' Orown Dogs Poroe tn lans, Peldngese, Alredalea. etc !'?-. 318 W.-at 4 j ??:. Oassified Advertisements LOST, FOUND ANT> KEWArtDS ; - ' Mink ol e rette, lost s.-.-ur i 'j.--;. .v ? -. 12 l .-? -,\ ,--?-! Morq.? > '"? ? ? -. ?;. trai : BurrlH. tele l.OST 11 \ Mi BOOKS I-OST ? No 304.844 of the Frsnk ?: ?" ?- ' 1 r .i to '--,' '-. ??" * Kigbth A'. :. ... New York City All persons ar? cautiorsed not to purchaae or i. -. ? I LOST.?B rkbi >k No 2S7.266 of the " u S Issued -..1 Aaron Sli tsky Pa>ment sn pped Please return to bank, 66S Elshth ?>??.ie New York City. A'.l persons ?-. ? ? to [ u haso er negotlate seme LOST? BANXBOOK NO 124.450 OF THC e5T celsior Savings Bank, 79 West 23d ?t. . payn ??:.: stol ;-?:?.:. p ease retun to bi LOST No. 1,122.S39 of Pn^.k foi Ra' ngs, 280 Fourth ave, New x ,.-' !'? stopped. Please return book to benl< LOST.?Book No 6a.6ill of United s;af? Savings Bank, N Y. Payment stopped. Please return to bank. LOST. ? Bankbook No. SC?..""0 nf the r*>r> tral Havlngs Bank In l City of New York. Payment stoppe i. Please return book to bank * HELP WANTED MALE JNSTRLTTION INCREASE YOVR INCOME Great opporturritles for :ncn with ambl tion. Get out c-t 'hat RUT and learn the automobile business at the BKST automo? bile school in N Y. You will ba wortb uore to your employer if you ar.i an e\ pert meehanle, Mechanlcal Clasa Course S*;-.. with Drlving 565. Satisfaction guaran teed Write for Cai T Ph n? Clrcle 5x70. THU g MI IBILE SCHOOL, 325 West iTth St., at Broadway AUTOMOBILE INSTR-CCTION, T'O OnHmlted drlvlng, etc, 'guaranteed, In? cluding machine for ?tate examination unti: license secured. 3. M. Co., 1303 Lexlngton av. iSSth). LKARN TO f.K A CHATTKKtTt ?rieaaam anl profitable worlt; day an.l artnlui classeo Seoii for free booklet ard Ti-'tor'a paw. Wett Bld? Y. M C A SIT W?w? 57tb at HELP WANTED MALE BOYS WANTED for light assernbling; good pay, steady work' to good workers. NIH RY & COOK MFG. CO., 199 Cook st., Brooklyn. BOY FOR BRRAND3 i\" MAKE IITMSELF generally useful; chance fox promotlon. Btirko & 3am ? .:. I .' th ave. BOY ABOUT 18 YEARS OLD IN WBOLESALB ry Importl ,? houae. L. Foreman Fecht man. IS 50 East '." l st. l'."\ Oneral ?"'.-?? ai i errand boy wanted, er Call Hospital for Dotonulties and fi - 1' i ..?? 1910 Ma II ion ave. JEWELLERS wanted on medals, class jitris, etc . Knrwm & Fauss, i- Barclay sl MI"- wanted, no experiem-e r.ecfttsa'-y. tn opermte ; ?? maehlnea in thoatres; we tea,-h you good paying Bteadj position*. Call day or evening. American Theatre Building; tel. B.-iant ? tntrance at 644 8th av. (?2d). ! I i MB1 [I . , . v ... rone, ;- l lil 1.'.' I ?' 'Phone 3780 llw:em. SALESMEN PAINT MLESMEN ?TTH '-i M.i.iMirn rNnrsTrtiAL on m*hin>: TRAlll SON] OTH] ?S I ONSI1 I .-AIMIV \NT) COMMISSION COLON1AL ROOM Sl ' . WOOLWORTH BLDQ SAND P S111,I-|-MKLI). STEIO. 822 SEVENTH \\r.. L'i'HOLSTERER Stoaaj work Vajidmrar. S78 I SALESMEN rioai aalesmeti goi i produosrs, capable of inter ' '' - i class rf rn-nstx-.iji. " I at Room 610, I- latiro i 1 i n, an ci ? i im; sali - nr* surprislngly aul ?; i llberaJ terms. Good presenoe AGENTS WANTED A RTG I'lTAVE lr> rr,ll-? rtioiiey BOiUng the llnl form bread - uiH knife; sella oi slght; spnd F:,r for ? ?.fli . . ?-. .. ,.;:, r ,ia- ta " ' ' '? eater 1 .- : t >Sta ^r'ta cr call Beu F. L ? . ; \\ i ? . New York. BUSINESS OPPDRTLNITIES IRISH MINERALR AND rNT>T-STRIAL t ?) \ ri.i'H''. - ? ? ? ' -.;-?? - : ??? , I H rw, Dublli ? ' ' ' ral! ? ays pu ? ... .... ,s . .:- i Bt ick issues placi riUng procured Mli Ing ai I nthi - ? l wel] known "ugii.ctrs. CAPITAL TO INVEST ri,-^ -. . ri v , , ?...?.,.-.; -,, njj^g .^.f, rr.r] ,-.-,?? Ing, pictures rant r rti er wil rporate I'. ^t Wbune ""Vo FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET 60TH, ?' '? a : ! 4 sunny r'.nms for con : . ? f culsln Pla 76TH ST.. 111 WEST?LarBe front room suitabl for two; 86TH ST . 206 W - Handsome 'ront sulte, twln levator; Bhower Apartment .'<-E_ ' "?' ? ' ^m large weU Iv ? ? ? I:' !.-? s ? ; rnoin. Wrestling at the Crescent Nicola "Montajrnno and Jpan Bruce will be the headliners at tho wr< tourney to bo hold Monday evening a' the i rescent Theatre, Brooklvn. ln an other bout Sailor Phil Griffiths will meet Wladek Kaianva. HELP WANTED MALE ?; roui on_rammltsloo at leaat S2J daiiy: ad to early pnnnotion an.l '",!-' ,KSsUIn? MJ^enc* n-M ahsoimely 5 , 'x, s 2? *? n- w3p. a daily. FrcjJh -' ? Uetropolltaii To?-er. ???"? :>7- mU'k !????: comtnUslon payabto < al' (^^,00 8 -;n io a. ra., BeUaiila Silet Company. no Vn-st 40tb nt. SHOES?30 LASTERS .'? ??'?** **'-y st- ?tatlon, Brooklyn. - _ggyATIONS WANTED MALE -"V ?* M ^'AOEH. wrm !8 TKUUT ?- .nf age and married. , ? .i r.- lable American m. ?? mow ara..?t.a lromedUtoly. Box L il. CI;^>??7',.?' "nechanle, married; car or prirar* i fm ? " Prua- care '' WA.VTED- ? . - i . ,,.., ~ ' ta. merchani martn^ HELP WANTED FEMALE DRESSMAKERS. FINISHERS ON WAISTS, SKIRTS AXD SLEE\ LINING HANDS; Also Inside Messengci s, Half Holiday Saturday. Come Prepared to Work. M'NALLY, 15 W. 51ST. GIRLS WANTED -:ui''^^----;-o..!>pA,.S'!T,PY " ' ' '< mfq. ro. : .>K BT.. BSOOB ' l-niN.; CLERK, ALSO To DO fLERfAT, WORK: BRIGHT 4XD WILLINO W HARRIET HUBBARD ATEH "i ' '? r ! I",, :?;? ON DRESSES; PERMA NENT POSITIONS. H MA HIEU, 243 W. 17TH ST. GOOD WOMAN .,- ,;.-. ,.c . sa^sladmb. m*** ne?, w SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE --' ',. . I Ai ,/ East . *? COUPLE?Cooh and butler-Cooi and chauffeur: ... :.? Harlem ' waitmsg. " - SURROGATES' NOTICES IV PURSUANCB OF AN ORDKR o? J*2no} la''an, a Surrogatei Of the County of New \or glven to I peri . ? Harr ,? Wheeler Poi of New to present tha eami ivith . tl t to the g bui r.eas, ac the ffico < f. Hai ? - ? . Wal I attorn 20 Nassau Street, - ... I . Dated. New York, tha 27th day of No* vember, 1918 M*Y MOSHER POW1 UART. 6TEVENSON, WALTON & 325. NIOE rlx, 20 :,'aa sau Str ? JARECKI CHEMICAL COMPANY 1375 1-5 shares of the common stock and 137 shares of the preferred stock of the Jarecki Chemical Company. CINCINNATI SANDUSKY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned, Francis P Garvan Alien Property Custodian, will offci for sale, at public sale, to the highest bidder, at the main office oi thc company, at St Bernard, Harnilton County, Ohio, at 11:00 o'clock A M on thc 12th day of May, 1919, 1375 I 5 shares of thc comnum :.,.?-u, out of a totil, 1,.,lir (), (5,000 shares, pa. value $100 each, and 137 sh.tres oi the preferred out <,f a total issue ol 1,000 shares, of thc par value of $100 each, ?4 Jarecki Chemical Company, a cor poration organized and existing utulcr aml hy vlrtue of thc laws of the State of Ohio. l-'iitl doarriptinn of, nnd infornintion concerning, the property to be ,old, th* terma nnd conditiona of anlo, n?d the order thereof, miiy be obtumed hy appli, ?. lion tn JOSEPH K. GUFFEY, Director. Bureau of Salea, 110 Wnt 42d Street, New York City, or John Weld Pcdc, Ad,-,, Bank Building, Cmcinnnti, Ohio! FRANCIS R GARVAN, Alien Property Custodian. IX Pl OF AN ORDER CW Hon i ? -^ca'* hereby given to all pert , ? ? - i rl to the sul, of tranaa No. -o Bj >ad Strei c ? r before the lolh dd.y ol Vj ext. New York. the 30th day of JaD uar . THE Nl '.V YORK TRUST COMPANY. ' B 4 BEGG, I'Sn ?? -i Bi id Street, CANE1-, B. CHARLES.?IN Fl RSTJANCB c- a:' ? "ohn i' Cohalan a 8urroga:e of the County e? New York. by siven to all persons having agaii - B, Charlfs Canei, iaie of ih* precent th? Mi: i place cf transKCtlng 1 -gh ol Man? hattan, ln :::o Cli) of '-. or i>? th day of M? . i Oaieil, New VorK, tho lUli uuy of [ n t.?r. iiiiS BANKERS TRUST COMPANY. '.mr. WHIT1 1 I ;. i Exe< .uor, 14 Wa.l Mr,, [. N,-,s V, i . City. : ii : li.V LN, KJ , an i ot an . i fli i , r lion i able j , p ? ?? .ii.,... r ihe ( ounty ,.t .\'t>w York. NOTIi i thereby *.wn t? .11 p.r.. li i. W .- i i rn a... ... ln ,.f t.. lo preaant m* ?auii! ?iti? v..u,.h' ?ubaci ;!..-i, at ihi? i.i?r? t iranaaettiig buaine-aa, m u,,. ?m.-? r>| v .', ,i?ir. iii* mi,,ri..-,?, Mt No 111 ?? Ui lhe H... , , of Muiiliut'ari. tv of Ni ? "i... k, Mam ?r \r* o( July, i r.r.i -,,? \ , i k. lh? l.'h ,hy of Jm. ?? iikimv n. Rieoater > ... \: M.i,. At,..;? i0 i- 0 \ ?? Morou?h of Uanb . ,. nissoi i tion notice ' omrttwl * t? . i State, nt tha City ,-C '? ' X1. ihouaand iuu? hiiiuircl and C w. TAFT. faacond Ueruur Secratary ef StaU.