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News and Comment oi City and Suburban Realty Mark MORTGAGE LOANS 5% MTGE. Any amount for good loans. Assignments accepted. Chas. F. Noyes Co. 92 William Sl r- et Phone 2000 TO LET FOR BUSINESS PURPOSES FIVE STOHV HLSIXKSS BUILDINU ON FIFTH VVENI ' BETW1 EN S4TM AM) 42ND STREETS. 34X10(1 CAN 'li: PUR? CHASED FOR $323,001 TERMS MI RA.NI KD CL'SHMAN .v WAKEF1ELD, INC, 50 E \S1 |..M> STREET, VI ? ril AVE STORH M \ K STTll ST EOR RENT; SIZE U \ 58, WITH I.ARCE KASK MIM' RENT. 57.0M IMUNl li'AI,.- OVt.Y LTSHMAX .v WAKKK1E1 1 ?. IN. . " 1 AS 1' PRIVATE RESIDEXCES WANTED HOKIU (.11 (H MANHATTAN REAL ESTATE BOKOl GH OF ()ii;i;\s ? orcst fiills Gardcns 15 Minutes from IYnn. Station. Ilouseg aml Villa I'lotb for Sale. SAGE FOUNDATION HOMES CO. 47 \V. atth St., or Forest llills, 1.. I. A.TTRACTIVE 11-room house, all lmprove ments, large veranda, Ncreoned through 0U1 largi treea and grounds, gurago; n.-iir ?!f-;>ots. (8,800; owner opena for inspeo tlon Sunday. 1 to .;. 279 Walnut Street, Rlchmond Hill, l.oni; Island. MIst'KI.I.ANEOl'S Attractive Country Homes FOR SALE Barton Lodge, Hot Springs, Va. Wonderful for entertaining. 'iwnor i: ?? in ui pi ? property is NyackrN.SY: ? ? r ?' a ttra. I ve home, Hui - n River. Askltig JJO.000. White Plains, N. Y. 1- i " , "n !.."i<:c, o:< choice Plainfield, N. J. r nslon ar a sai rtflce. "\\ Nassau ^-t., Telephone Ni w Yoi k Citj. - Rector. WESTf UKSTER (UtNTV tg^w??n? ?timmmm-m?BaaaagggMP??a I SANAT0R1UM OR SCHOOL | 1 CHESTER HlLLrMT. VERNON 1 NEARBY CONNECTICUT g -j J. CLAREY, | Six Minutes to Station H pli hous .. i ..?:?.-. ,:? ? ' I '.' pla< ? . ; fasi poi ch with 1 a, - .- Garage for ! ' ' - " Less than 1 10,000 1 l Pr. pe l av iit Vi ion, N \ 1 'hone 34 10-1 l. -?? -: " :?: int Ver " section i :? ? .orn lSx . ' '..? bathr, oms oi * f'lot 104x100. Beau t if . ' '??....??-. I ' hurch.-i -. Realty , < ? :: :.'. v FOR -A!.!. LOTS AM. AtTtEAGE PnoPERTT IN THE BI -1 Itl -li.r.M I. SEI TION Of M'W ROi R! I LE; Al I. IMPROVEMENTS ALSO LARGE ACREAGE IN THK VICLMTY OF BKDKOBD WKSTi HESTER I'OCNTY, NEW YORK Julil II TBOY, OWNER, NHV ROCHELLE, N. Y. " l.<>\(. ISI.AN'U NhVV JKKSKi Glen Ridge KN RIDOE HOME Ien re a l foi ; '.,(.,,. ' - ? t ( I . arvi Ii Irnrnlnga and - ricltj \> ? ? ' . i- ,? .... * . i : ..-, ehurchea and .: , ? ? ? i .ind t 33 fi ln th". - . . ....,? ?? / ,'< ' ?, II l l1 ? *??' '-, j.i / .|1 ,??,;.. ' ;. . ;? . - Trlbund . . ? / ..?-.- .'?;,?? ?ath* . - ?,.?,,. Booi. . /. u n-i. .%'? -., , batbing, OWN I.!'., 1343 0twrdlan l. ? '?? ??? Vork IXM.1 wr i'hi.r. ,.'? K?*?jnk 'FumUhod tu/ott. ?Ii bttfh luta, 6<waii r.*/., ,.,? r/ja?.^r',, l.uiui, ttr Summer Cottages ASj&8*tunit, "'?'? i if(MSHKI) HOI'SEfl TO UKNT ^V^ ? "^v?^ I l.f.lfflUhrd. l-?rHHlr ??? l**.Vmv,<l, '-t<,uci) b?i?h, r;?ni,. Fh#ft? 2ift -I MMKK liOMKB TO LKT .'-,-.'"' ; irriUtutd htrtlfA (,., \.t.i\ l>i;,.|. is.hi. vl*W; ?i/ ,U,,K rOQItl , 't./<n '(,aihii ;.-. H%, I Investors Show Liking i'or West Side Apartments Portman Buys Nine Story House in 82<l Street and Another on Morningside Drive Corner: Other Deal s I. Portman, president of tha Union Chemical Glassware Companj*, has bought the nine-story apartment at 35 to ',','.* West Eighty-second Street, from the Eighty-second Street Realty 'Corporation (Mary Webcr), on plot [13.4x102. ? Mr, Portman has also purchased from tho John ('. VVehvood Realty Corpora? tion tha six-story apartment at thc northwest corner of Morningside Drive West and USth Street, occupying plot 90x100. Hotli transactions were ncgo tiaU'il by the Nehring Company. Buyer for Montrose Court Montrose Court, a six-story elevator apartment house at 307 to 315 West 115th Street, on a plot 120x100, has been sold hy the Essowca Realty Com? pany. Marimpol Court Figures in Deal Marimpol Court, a six-story elevator apartment house at .r'~l and ,"i'J'' West 122d Street, has heen sold hy Mrs. Margarot Bray, who acquired the prop? erty last August from thc New York Life Insurance Company. It occupies a plot 60x100. Melrah HaH in 139th Street Sold The Pinta Realty Company has sold the six-story elevator apartment house at 608 and 610 West 139th Street, known as Melrah Hall, on plot 125x100, Physician Sells 46th Street Houses Alfred C. Marks has sold for Dr. John F. Erdmann 15 and 17 West Forty-sixth Street, two five-story houses converted into stores and apartments, on plot 33.11x100.5. "Madison Ave. Corner Flat Sold John Finck has sold for Gilbert C, Brown 1261 Madison Avenue. at the northeast corner of Ninetieth Street, a sevan-story elevator apartment house, on plot 100.8x62.2. Ilerman & Fried have sold the five story flat, on plot 27x100, at 1-17 West 142d Street, to Ilerman Morgenthaler, $4,473,000 in Gold Rent for Sherry Corner 8213.000 a Year Net thc Price Agreed Upon Fast Fall for Use of Realty for Next 21 Years Louis Sherry. under the lease rc newal made last fall, will pay $213, 000 a year in rent in addition to taxes for the property at the southwest cor? ner of Fifth Avenue and Forty-Fourth Street. Since Mr. Sherry has passed his lease over to the Guaranty Trust Company. the terms agreed upon by Mr. Sherry will be assumt'd by the bankers. For the corner property, which is owned by Irving Brokaw and others. Mr. Sherry agreed to pay $190, 000 a year for the next twenty-one years, dating from last September. This is a net rental to the Brokaw family, and must he paid in gold. The property adjoining on Fifth Avenue, which is owned by Josephine Brooks, is leased to Mr. Sherry from October 1, 1918, for twenty-one years, with two renewals, the rentals for the current period being $23,000 a year net, At the end of twenty-one years the renta! paid over to the two owners will total $4,473,000. Old Holdings on 34th Street Corner Reported Sold According to report, the three old-timc apartment houses at the southwest cor? ner of Lexington Avenue and Thirtv fourth Street have passed from the ownership of Henry E. Jones, who re Bides in Paris, to an operator. Mr. Jones has owned the property since 1896. The structures are known as 122 to 128 East Thirty-fourth Street. The corner hon-'- is called thc Murray Hill and the inside one the Santa Anita, be? ing separated from the 71st Regiment Armory by the Armory Hall apartment house. The houses have a total front age of 117.1! feet on Lexington Avenue and 1 11 feet on Thirty-fourth Street. ?-??-? - - New Home for Bentley School Miss Bertha M. Bentley. who now conducts a high class school ;,t 540 West 111th Street, has purchased an? other building a little further east for school purposes. Through Frank J. O'Reilly yesterday she purchased the four story dwelling at 526 West 114th Street from Edwin S. Kempton. H ia on a lot 25x102.2. IVIeehanics' Liens Manhattan ? i ' ?'? V, B P COI I ; !-' :.! ' v 100 I ..,;,., ,.,, ,, I'.-l I lonnn ugl !?: . ., >.. ? h OVS le ? , IJi'OI i;. .- hull /. ,,,'. li. r ,v i-ol ln loi (rem wnl l > 11STI1 ST, 1 I K; Mori ?.,- ? . ? ,;. ,? , 1 II IKl I ..... 1(1 I'll ,: T.KM >.\ AV, I.:.' . I'hlltn Ih niIImIi uul I'. nd helin a Stniusi nwncr. .laenh nnd l.ibei i ?? i '..i,i i uci Ing Cn, i onl rai lor, BI i:l ING sl.ll'. : R .< 0 i ;,-,-i, ,.,?" .\ii',';' 1 " .o:' JiiH?'|ih I' ' 'iiIIim.i ii. ,,,\ ii, i' win lamaon .'. Co, i ontrui lor , . ji.?., oo Gremmels Sells Dwelling In East 94th Street Man Who Stirred Market Fast ^ ear by Operations Seems Ready to Sell Charles E. Gremmels sold yesterday the dwelling at 25 Fast Ninety-fourth Street, which he bought somo timo ago. Mr. Gremmels bought many properties just previous to the start of the boom. Most of his purchases were made in lie auction room. Information is that he luu- shown no oag-ernoss to sell. Pease & FUman sold the Ninety-fourth Street house, which Mr. Gremmels held in lhe corporative name of the Providential Realty and Investing ! Company. It is a four-story dwelling on lot 21x100.8 adjoining tho north west corner of Madison Avenue. Frederick Brown has resold to S. de J. Tim the four-story dwelling at 1IS East Sixty-second Street, on a plot IS.9x100.5. Ilarris & Vaughan were the brokers. Tho house was purchased recently by the sellcr. 61 s( Street House Sold The three-story and basement dwell? ing at 241 Fast Sixtv-first Street, on lot 20x100, has been sold. The prop? erty is owned by Margaret F. Hennelly. Property in 85th Street Sold Lorcnss Strack has sold the dwelling of Nellie Woodword Buchan at 322 West Eighty-fifth Street to Rosalia A. Becker. Buyer lor 22d Street Dwelling The Duross Company has sold for Mrs. Adelaide Grinshaw the three-story house at 456 West Twenty-socond Street, on lot 25x100, to Eiizabeth Pyne. Investor Buys in 117th Street Kehoe & Canero have sold to an in? vestor for the Nautilus Realty Com? pany tlie property at U'JS-'U Fast 117th Street, three three-story brick dwell ings and a one-story brick stablc. The combined properties occupy a plot 7.">x 100. Deal in West 114th Street The five-story American basement dwelling, on lot LVixlOO, at 52(i West 114th Street has been sold by Edwin Kempton and others. Thomas J. O'Reilly was the broker. 122d Street Dwelling Buyer Samuel Eichen has sold 143 West 122d Street, a four-story dwelling, on a lot 16.8x100, to Henry Jaffen. Satisfied Mechanics' Fiens Manhattan Albert I.i Ilowlctt co agt i Corp et al; Apr 30, .$ l, s 7 0 iin W; IMiv E F'itzslm Apr 10, 1017.}',i.:\ Colonlal Sand ,v Stone ''??. A prii 26, 1917. . . $325 10 Peelli Co agl samo; Apr . J 1.564.52 51!) w . John P K.. Co 10. 10 17... . $,; : 35. ,, Friedman Marble ,v Slate t same; Julj 11, 1017 $ 196 60 ? ? 19 V, . I, A Storeh & ( 'o HKI same: A pr 7. 1917.$:i *? 4* .'. J 25TH ST, : 13 to ! 19 \\ . Murtha & S< hmohl ' '?< agl sai ? Maj IS, 1917 ... S :50 70 SAME PR' il'; D II McLaury Tllo Co Inc agl same . Apr 26, J917. ..$1,089 68 25TH ST, r 17 ,v 519 \\ . Yalo .V Townn Mfg Co agl same; Apr 12, 1917. .. $149.75 26TH ST. 16 S IS W; Slgmund F< llncr ct al agl Theodorc J Ackerman el al; Mar .41' 72 D Satisfied Mortgages Manhattan VERMIT.YEA AV. a s. 100 e Iaham st. 7:.x J.'."; Vandalia Really Corpn, 280 Madl '- '? av, tn Ulckory lt< ,,11 y Corpn 128 Bu iv atty, Lewla S Marks, 128 Broad 62D ST, a b. 161.3 e 3d av, is.9xl00.5 *' rgarel L-iauei to Wm I. Soarli ? exr ? ?tnl ?' .-? Rupp; addn ss, A II Bauer! 2 ? ?? .'? ?- i - 1, 19U ?.$5 oon ?ITB ST, 202-4 W; Matilda B Tanner el al lo Bankora Trust Cn. 7 Wall sl ' i ' ? ? . will ,loa M i Ira hani ; atl y Titl" Uuar & T Co, 17C Bway; Junn 19 1911 .$10,000 70TH ST, 220 R; Samuel Stern to N V Title f.- Mort Co; atty, X V Title & Mort Cn, 135 Bu ,i... . ,\..v 30, IH !.:. . . ?:: 500 70TU ST, 222 K; same to Chelspa Realty Co, I 5 Bv ?-.: atty, N V Title <v Mnrl Cn 1 35 Bway . Nov 30, 1915.$3,500 U'-'I'II ST, s a, 273.11 . 3d av, IS.9x99.11 Vi ??? ??' T McKi gney lo Kalh A Byons, ' ' ' ' h av; atty, II A Braun, 302 Bwav; Di i 23, I90S. $] 5od "-" ST, 130 E; Harr> ? Rose lvlelh tu Isaa i 'ohen, 16 E D6th st; al ty, N'al han K.-ilvin. 55 U'llllain si ; Si pl l, 1914 .$mi? 20T1I ST, 319 21 ; l|. |, n N'orrla to Antia V Morltz. 1201 3d av, Ashurv Park N .1 . attya, Whale; . C & r. 27 \Villlam st '?' ?" h 1, 1915. . : ...... I\ INC ST, 21 Vj ; Oreal- & i-'i !?. :?...,,:, \];,. . ani, 56 King st, tn I i i. rtn Mai rnu 66 ? ? ...ii'. I. Poi rino, 552 Wi sl Bwa\ -1 "'?? ?? 1!l14. itf.obo II S l\ ? ;: W l.ouis It' . hardl lo Si i nn , ipponln Imer; all y, Wm 11 Illain ?? ' Bwa> . Api il 16. 1907 .$-,i 000 I0.TH ST 116 E; Robert AV Hchobel ' w Hoboken, N J, to Title Ouar H- T Co ' 176 I" ?' '' atty, Title CJuar ,\ T Co ' 176 :'w''> ? May 23, 1918 .$5,000 IS I AV, 2310; Matlo & Orsola Bambroslo et al i . Cieo HI,i,|, I; atty, N llv w Schult, 229 Bway; June 30, 1909..$l ouo Fis IVndens MlllllllllllUI '?-'' !T, !.-:. u . Ilerman' Schumai her acl :" ? 'l Si . :i. .i ,,i ( fon cloauro of ' Ttg ige; atty, .1 .1 Phelan 90TB ST, 12 W; I3rnr-Bl Oraske agl Meyoi '/ 'bl .i nl (i ? .mu, r , lalin i . atty, s lironx '?"Cl.TON AV, 1236; Adele 1. Btady agl ?'"Im ' li'i'i go Sl . ul, ,i al i loi ei loauro ol inurtgage i atty, 11 Swuln New Building Plans Munliiil luu V'V^;VM '" -, '? !': "'??? ?????-??.....?.<? 1 '" l-iii ' ' ln ??; I lelaware -ss ? ' ' "'?'? iii'i's II V Knowlea and l ;' ,'?'">' ' v.lorbili av, .,,,1,1'.'.,. <3" ST, .'7 \V. iVtli 'al ' ;?.. . ^ ' VV fo'r'a ' "? store, olllee, elc, 14 l 10x200 I0x ? "' ? "" "'. N"l lonal Aasoi lal ion Buii.iinc ' " '"?' n- r: Slarette & Van Vleek, R u ^"'li Bt, nrchllei la; eoal.$^on.O0O s^estchester; SALE OR RENT "-'1SL. Pronerty.Factoi'ies,- i ??'?! | - . jl $ Factorq Sites/^"*^t*uj? YOURS FOR $2,000 CASH ? "? ' i.!.?<?: li g all Impts. , large ' 'Jrnei ploi lin prool garage . i haruilng loi a Oon, HL'RK E, Flagg i. . Ti BUY OR RENT NOW Apartmwii i and .: fainll) hoiiMi-a 'i.i tuisv'. W '.ai !,, 346 : ., li ?.., ?; ; 5tj2 '.?. OPEN TO OFFER l( .-,.',ir. rnodcrn frame dwelllng; 1.00x125; " ?? i ('-. ?? ;--'? . !,' . ? i ??? tion . uskl/iK 132,004. Valentlm Getl) Co., 46 Warhurton A* STATE YOUR WANTS H< '.,? oi Flualm Propi rtii In i'onl , r?, Mi Vernon, New Mochcllo, White I'lalnn H W Sl i.i.iva'. Tel 5880 1 onki ri SOME CHOICE OFFERS !)f;ohi'\ horoa .. .- ooktng rlverj nnntle ? .,,?. ? . '., - ln W.-,..-|i".-l-r Co 44. A 1JRODERICK, 34 Warburton avo Tel ldl WT. VKKNON WE HAVE IT A HOME KOlt YO". WKI5 '?! i '?'? IN '?'- i i l- i; i? i. -1. i r . . i H OBPOT Pf. Ti;i, 2f,04 POK'I ( lll.VII.K Don't Min This Excclleni Offer 1'1" '-* '"mn h<,.i.--, all modern ifnpt*., ':. 'il, ?: """'' '""""''? ';"!'"'K porch; garago NI-.W K()( llllll; EASY TERMS , '" r,':' ?'?'"' home of 16 rooms, 4 baths; , ''''.' :/',""'": ' ' ,r-; located best Boctlon. o. W. Mahl tedt. 6S0 Nortli Ave. Tel.712 N.R. AT A SACRIFICE ';.; ''-'l hou ., 7 rooms, all Itnpts ; PEKKHKli.l, 1 ,??,. 40 ACT QUICK '.'i i ,uii. i.hi MAMAUONK'l K $1,000 CASH?Balance Easy. < Houses, 7 to S Rooms one and 1^.1,1 BARGAIN?EASY TERMS ' ''"'" ' I1'"'/'. all Impis; plot, (,0x^00; larce UonTn trolN ?'';- l'*y*??r>: exeelleni loe!" "' "" '"'?' ?> ?>"" I. II Uarpi i.u-i Tel, 10G IVHITK I'JLAINS CALIFORNIA BUNGALOW ". \ I low ,,. ,., ,.,.,,,. t?> ? ? ??< v.',,;:;;:'!,'';,;:'''^^^'' SALE BARGAINS , '' ,':,'";"."? :: ,,ftth,i ""BV '">n'.; $7,600: i/"uiiiir.ii home; eouservutory, ?i<-i-nit>ic $10,000. E. M. Went, Ing., opp. Hta. Tel. 4.13.' Bronx Trading Is Below Previous Record Business Reported in Northerly Borough Yesterday Behind That of Other Days Harry H. Cohen, in conjunction with Kurz & Uren, have sold the pot HTxlOO at the southeast corner of Creston Avenue and 197th Street, to Morris Polsky, who will improve it either with one or two apartment houses. Mr. Cohen also sold for a realty company to Max Mosner in a cash deal the six-story apartment with stores at 1708-1710 Hathjrato Avenue, on a plot 50x120; and for the Flow Realty Com? pany to an investor the five-story apartment at 1504 Lonjrfellow Avenue, on plot 50x100, and to Mr. Herst the four-story flat at 63] HerKcn Avenue, on a lot 25x85. for a Mr. Frank. Buyer for Two-Family House ^ Clcment II. Smith has sold for Mrs. Espaumberger and a Mr. Koch the two family house with stable, on lot 30x 150. at 2156 Prospect Avenue; for Mrs. Tisch to an investor, the tenemcnt at 517 East 148th Street, and for Rowland W. Thomas the three-family house at 1710 Clay Avenue, Greenwich Savings Bank Sells Foft Buildings 1 . Tnnenhauni. Strauss & Co. have sold for the Greenwich Savings Bank 21.'! Greene Street, a six story building, on a plot 'J7xloo. ami the seven story and basement loft building, on a plot 27x100, at 30 Bond Street. The Hauschild Corporation has sold the three story office building, on a lot 2l>. 10x75, at llii Centre Street, opposite ihe Crimiiuil Courts Building and 46 feet north of Franklin Street, to Bar tholomew Sbarbaro, Recorded Mortgage* Down town COMMERCE ST. n s. 165 v- Bleeckcr st. 21x40; p in; Kath P Retugna to ,1ns E Bonesteel, al 13 Commerce al ; due as bond , 5 p i-.$5,500 East Side 16TH ST, 338-40 10. s a, 42x103.3; p m; April 17; Moiris & Aaron G.Inian to G T Bmmet, al Katonah, N V; due April !.'.. 1929; 5 p c; atty, Lawyers' T ,v T i lo, 1 60 Bway.$61,000 UNION PL OR SQ, 31, n w c 16th st, 32.6x 176xirreg; 'g part; a t. in estati of Wm W ' 'ole, uncle, party lal parl ; April 15; Wm A Richards to Logan Trust Co, 1431 Chc-stnul st, I'hiln. Penn, & ano, trusteea for bondholders; 3 yrs, 6 p c; atty, Carroll II Williams, 21 S 12th st, Phila, Penn .$25 000 3D AV, 336, u- s. 21.1 s 25th st, 20.11x61.11; p in; April 16; Albert E Straker to Bond ,v Mortgage Guarantac Co, ir,", Remscn si. Bklyn; due & int as bond; atty, T 11 & T ' "o. 1 76 Bway.$10,000 S5T1I ST, 17- K. s s. 26 1x76 7. April 16; Emma E Bannon (llayes) & Marv V & Margarel Mi Keon to Title Guar & Trust Co, 176 Bway; due ,v int, aa per bond, $3,000 93JD ST, I 2 E, s s, 21x100 S . p m . Ar**i il 1,; Sinn ..n M Barber lo Til le Guar ?? Trust Co, 176 Bway; due & int, as per bond . $20,. 124TII ST, s s, 3SS.6 w lsl av. 18x100.11; I' i".; April 17. Lawmor Really Co to Lawyers' Title & Trusl l 'o, 160 Bwav . . :; S rs, :.'; p c.$3,750 West Side S4TU ST, s s, 250 9 c Coi av, 18.3x102.2; April 10; Mary A & Hllz P Kei na to Elora I ' Brown, Pli asanl Valli > . N V . -: .' ra, 6 j, ??, pr mtg, $ 10,000; atty, ' Ihaa T Lark, 527 5th av.' $6 000 90TII ST, 50-52 W s s 10x100 - . April 15 ; AV'altcr c Cramp & ano tn Slmon M Goldsmith, 302 Convenl ave; due April 17. 1921; 'i p c; pr mtg, $37,000; atty. Alberl Zlmmerrnann, 206 Bway... $6,000 112TB ST. s- :-. 375 w Amst av, 50x100.1 ! ; P m; Aprl! 15; Goldmyr Realty Co to Ralsler Heating Co, 129 Amsl av; due April 1, 1922 . ?'. p i , attj s, Eoster ,\ ' 'utler, j::;: Bwav . $14 ooo I24TB ST, a s, 22 I ?; c *?!. ?\ . 50 3x100 i April 1 ii, Matilda Weisbecker . t ;?! I'M.-. etc, tn John Lawson, :?:;? W iL'.'li st , due May l. !:>-'::, Int ; pr mtg $30,000; atty, Thos .1 Uci i l f, Bway . 129TH ST, 1 17 K. ,i s, 24.1 x99 16 . Henry ll ' ording to l 'omi Sa\ Bank, 2007 Amsl av; 5 J atty, Geo II Hyde, 11 Park Ri 130TB ST, 225 IV, n s, 1 - 9x99 1 I 18; .im, ,i Solomon to M S02 K 168th st, Bronx; f|tly; 6 p ,?; pr mtg, $5,000; atty, T G & 'I Co, 17-: Bway. $1,800 NAGLE AV. 133-39, s s. 100x105 p m ? April 16; Beasie Socolow ,v ano i.i Samuel Lesa, 530 Pacific st. Rklvn; L' >'ra, >'. p c; pi mlg, $100,000; atty, Sidney !?' Slrongln, !?-'.' Montague st, Bklyn, J l,,,!1" lironx '?TIV ISLAND AV, s< c East llorton 82 3 202, ' My Islan i . Annii U envi r in Grai ?? I' Balor, Sprlngdale, Conn; April l;, ;, y< ??'?? '?;??. atty. i: l, Hcotl, 93 Xassa . KKI.I.V ST, 92 ' v. s, i ,x' ir'r'e'g . Aaron~Bil low in Morris Teitt ll,a um. :,:. \, ? ?.. pr migo $?; 1.000; Ai,; ii ic; due Mav l' ;''-' l ? 6 p c , ail...-, .1,..-- s llulken I :. I Nas ,. ???" ';'?. $8,1. l-'i.\ ST, " w , Home, 59x87 I". i: Realty ' lorpn to i :haa I Steln, 1881 "th av; pr mtge $37,000; Api il Iii; 10 \.-.m j i. p c; atty, ,1 Goldman, 34 Pine st.$l; i iu /hKKCA AV, s w , Raymond av. 50x100 Marletano C ''nl!,. t.. Mary .1 Haviland' Nowbury, Vt. ; April 1 , ;; \ cars U d . ' atty, Clodle, K & R, 391 Basl 149th "? ?. Ei r,(io WEEKS \V, 1665, a w , 17,1,1 st 84x95 ' nlon i 'hemlca I i ilnai w are i ',, in i i,,i i ' more Holdlng i ... 29'j Broadwm i r mtge SI 7.7.'.o ; ,\pi ii ; : :? yeara ll' n ? ll Gottlieb, 299 Broadway ' . ' J i n .i INTERVALE AV, H w c M!5th Ht 86 x" - iri'-g; llwood Holdlng Corpn i'o \ , i ii ,n .i l'a. kard, til w.s, Bnd Ave ... al "??" 26, 1918; 3 years, 6 p c; atty, .1 |, Tobias, " Beelunn ii i I , ^., , HOJ.-KMANN ST, 2422, e ?. CuiilS'.IO: Annei '?' I'aguno in Hannah MeCahi l,s , ?l. "I"1 ?""?? Iruat . April 9; 3 ye irs 6 u i atty, Title G & T Co, 176 Broadway',$2,00g '?"'.'' '- ' ? "" Eaat, ii :?. 20.xloo Kranli ??? " to u in Mi N Burdy, ; |- , , !, ,, BC, "-nd ii no, i. ii,.' . April 9; 3 y, .,,., ? ? , ' ' ? l.""'. '? * TCo, 176 Broadway.$4 .i B10. H n s, 26.4x129.6 ilin ?V-Pl'i; l'>rai ,, ... irr,.(lericko II Mural, 610 M Ann av . pr mtgn $3,700; April |,;, Broadw?y ' ' ' ' '; A T ''"' IV'! 156TII ST, S 14 836 C i?V t ' 'r.'n'v'o'i' V'""" W , ..lo ,. , i , ... ? "UN ! ? l.nlllli Kielatci to Jennle !?; Brolli s, 777 B>ros. '"" ^'.: I"' miim $38,000; April 16 3 *?>??>>>?? li U ? . ally, l.,,w y,.rH. |. ? ... . 160 Broadwaj . lV J, ! ,' ; ST ll il I ?> 'x; \ \ ., ... *4,h00 iv , ,, ' ' ' ' ' 05?. 75x100 Sophln We | ,,, M, ,,?,?, i? brovskv 969 Pro' ."???< ''\- '", mtg" m.000; April 16; ,,?.. ' ,.,,,; ,;.,!,'".' ,"""'. ""y, II Ui brovHky, 959 castle h'ii.i, a\ ii w , Vn,. .,, J-.''00!' W-'Inheimei- i,, Uarli n, Savlnira' |V".,'i !-' Ka?l l* al April 14 ,lue ,i ' j'jV;( I....... . atty, ?awyer?' T&'tVo! .60 WHITE IT.1IXS UI,. . .-.? ,, .IB*tn,0?? ?-'"'? ' " l>oul Av i '., to i.-i,, i , ' W""' "'"ry, X ... April 15T;f eZ?*'fi ]V ' nUy- '' A Stelnmelz, 1005 Easl ISOlh i-'ii'miam kk s ?; to i"?",??,.,,?. ??1$3r6,,0" x 1 .: '.\ ',0 l v i a i i,, . m . ' '*? ' ' ?? ' : .vi,i a iv,;',;'? .,*?!::r,,,,"....->..."-.'"'>? io April 1 . '1 yeura. I ST AN.N'H AV Klngsbrldge rd; atty, H i> Patton Ht -'.?. 176 Bwav ' ' '?" ' '' * T *j?'^Ah!;1Y,tA,V; s\'\^r: **?? ',-rtl?2'.Aa3nN14Y7 & 1^^^^^ :..,i"M,i"N', '' '' ' ' "t.y, ll ,| ,,., ,.;',(|' '""""- '" J*? r l-etj ?*, ;,. ,73 l 'I '?' ,; , ;''',' '"' n'"^" $m,000 April , ui Investors Show Trusl In Brooklyn Realty Ocean Avenue Apartments Fi<j ure in a Quiek Resale; Houses in All Sectiuns Bouirht The Meister Builders have resold to Joseph Gaster the four four story apartment houses at 1033 to 1061 Ocean Avenue, on a plot 200x110. This prop? erty was purchased recently from the Broadvue Realty Company. The Bulkley & Morton Company has sold its dwelling at 1018 South Villa Street. Morris Park, on n lot 22x100, for the Long Island Kond and Mortgage Company to an investor, and, in con junetion with Peter Romano, 347 St. Mark's Avenue, a four story doublo brick apartment, on a plot 40x182, for Mrs. Bridget Dalton to nn investor. The Realty Trust has sold for the Aleo Building Company the dwelling at 2036 Sixty-fifth Street to Dr. Matthew S. Levitas, and for the Artee Realty Corporation the brick building at 4113 Fourteenth Avenue to the Frank Build iiiK Company. Samuel Galitzka has sold for How? ard B. Rullard the southwest corner of East Twelfth Street and Cary Court, a two family house, on a plot 40x100. Tho Clinton Trading Corporation has sold to William II. Anderson the dwelling at '122 East Sixteenth Stfeet, on a plot. 35x75. .lamos J. Ryan was the broker. 1'. C. Sauter sold I'or Christian K. Horbst to Dr. Leo Gilman, of Manhat? tan, the dwelling at. 51)3 Third Street. -,-*-. Recorded Leases Manhattan t'.'l'ir AN'. s w .- 44th Bt, all; Irvlng<v .i iii i,, l?,iiis Sherry, 524 5th av; 21 5 is rrnm Sept 1. 1918; 'J I yrs renewal . atty, T G .v T Co, 1 76 Bwu} ; taxes etc .nui gold .$190,000 AI.I.EX ST, 61 i'.i;. 2 stra an.l h's; Gold nian & Malzinan to Jos Sutton, 516 Bushwlck av, liklvn; t vrs rrom May l, 1920; aitv, Brank y Bergcnfeld, 299 13\vay .$1,350 NASSAU ST. 109, all. Mornimi S Rtesen i',l.l (,. lhe R SV Realty Co, 121 Duane sl . 20 \ ra from May 1, 1 :? 1 9 ... .$6,000 ?ll'l'll ST. in \v. th.. land; X Y Aeademj .,!' Medicine lo Louis Sherry, 521 5th av; 10 vrs Sopl 1. 1318; attys, Guthrle, H & Van S. 4 1 Wall .st .$5,000 MAD AV, 73 ,".. street II and b: Louis H Saltzman to Max Engelman, 97 -.1 av, 215-12 yrs from April 7. 1919; atty, 11 Drachenberg, Ul PIne st ..?:..l BROADWAY, 4(1";, all; Elbrtdge T Gerry r,. .lacob Schonfeld, 104 Sumnor av, Brooklyn; from May 1, 1919 to Jan 31, 1929 . address, r, 1 Broad st .$5,076 PARK ROW, inn, 5 upper floors; Louis .lacobson et al to Oeo Contos, ?o Mad st; ;: ;. rs from April 15, 1919 ..$4.2'..'. 3STH ST, II W, all; Burton S i'astl.-s t,, M Rovengor, 136 W 113th st, fl al; 21 yrs from Jan 1. 1320; atty, Jacob Kalon, 66 Rway .$7,500 12H ST. 210-12 W, al!. Samuel McMillan i" Tobias I.apan. 930 ??, !<;<?,! Bronx, nnd an,,. 2'.. yrs from May i, 1919; atty, Jos W L'rnans, 277 Bway ...>.;",.I 5TH VV, 522, w s, r.;.10 s uth st. 22x125; Josephlne Brooks to Louis Sherrv, 524 ?',' li av; 21 yrs from Oet !, 1918;' 2 re renewals ..r 21 yrs each; attv, T G & T !7>1 Broadway; taxes etc and v,,:. I . $23,. 135TI1 ST. 266 72 VV. ground floor: John S N'athanson t,, N'lehol is Kovarh, 2 13 W 121st st . s yrs and I f .1 from April 15, 1919; attj -?. Vunaui r .V I'. 261 Bway ; per montli.$225 -TH AV, 72. a'.l. Pemino A MacArthur to I ">--ri.i Pox, 72 8th av. extenslon ,,',' lease n ' ordod M i y 6, l! 09 to May 1, 1921 with prtvilcge further extenslon t., A pi 11 30, 1924 .$2,000 6TII AV. s w ,- 32d st, lst loft, ex. r-pl uffn ?? on w s ot' floor; Ja.i K McDonald ? xr estate of Frank 11 McDonald. to EnglandT Spring Bed Co, 100 W 2.2,1 si . 2 \ rs from Pi 1. 1. 1919; 2 vrs re? newal at $:...i; niiv, Meier Peinbrlnk, 215 Montague st, Bklyn .$4,000 A.<-<ei<rnments of Mortpages Manhattan 5TI1 AV, s e c 12.1th st . mtge, $10,000; M.ix M. Warburg t.. Jacob II s.-hlfi and Jacob II Schiff K. Herman Woog, 50 W 77lh ?? t ; atty-., Stroock i- S, 2.i Broad st; 2 asslgns, each ..$1 MADISON AV. s w .- 92d st ; mtge $100, t. now $40,000; Jas Herbert to X V Pnundatlon aml N'ew Voi k Poundation t.i Alphonso H Kursheodt, 12 W Uth st & ano trustoes; atty. 1. T ,V- T .',,, 160 Broadway; 2 asslgns.$40,000 CTI1 A'V, 520; '1' c, X- T Co t.. Union Dlme Sav Bank, 7"! Bth av; altys, Buteher T ,v P, l Madison av.$45 000 IST AV, 1663; intgo now $10,000; Mary and Bernard Rottkamp t,, Anna Rott katnp; any, .ln.. C Iloennlngi i. :, II. ek maii sl. ?] 7.2!) ST. 268 \\ . mtge $1 1,000; PrecPk' A ?' 'ln '? t'. Pred'l; A Clark ,-t ul t rual.i Mlddlel "I.!. \ V; .'.tl\.' \ er Plank ,v I'rlnei;, 1 49 Rroadway. ... $| 1 I6T11 ST. ..'.' VV ; Manfmd W Eht-I h t.. Biu " M Pn :>. 577 W I.S0I h sl ; attv I. .1 I'.', . . 1 15 ay.SH 500 7'1'H AV, -< , ,- 191 h st ; Metropolitan Uf>< Ins i',. t,, Greenwich Sav Hank. :?(,; Gtli nv; attys, Middlebrook & Borland, 46 ,, ''"'l-'ir sl.$1, WKST BROADWAY. 32; Walter (' R Roi>t ting, trust..,.. t,, B M (' Koehnken, 81 1 Marcy av, Brooklyn; attys, Rabn * Reller, 258 Broadway. f 1 (inn '-'I' AV, n w .? 2.1 st ; tntges $3,000; Be'saie Leader to Sivrah Bloom, 7S7 K 176th st Bronx; atty. Morris Berkowltz 74 Uroadwa ,$ioo I5rom rROSPBCT AV, n , ,- iS7th, 50x96 .Take Ginsberg to Pierce Constn c. 663 Cros cenl as . atty, N V Titlo & Mtge ?',.. 12., SAMK R'R6p'BRTY;'\VeVSon''KrunVsky$1to x ' luisi Co, : \ Broad at; atty, 13ST-IT ST ';... i K. Hy j'',Vl'lke*n's'Vo''Bdw Jl l urghard, i B 93d sl . nlty, X v Title ? Mtge i ... 135 Bway -.??-,n :;1, av, s v. ,? i.s.? R| i)'5'x86, ,,.,.;::. "''?"'" K ' ?"?'"? "' iii. cxrs, to M??".: '? ' "''"" '?' nl, (rus; attv, Elkus V i; * I", lll Bwaj ,, ,9'TI! HT. 751 B; S!h Lev'in i,,'\ ?,,..'. Tn",'&,,,Any03ro:,,V3Tuwa,,vV: :"c:'"V l AUTilUR AV, 21S7; I. Kelc'i V Posnoi to ;'"?' von llesso, trus, ai Auerbaoh-ln r.ii.eriy ?V".' ' ;'"VM' M"1"1' & .l!'. ?"'' MBLV 1LLB ST, ' i'fi'sfiV a,|;,?, (r,.,, V ""t"! M-.rgl W ,..'w,s. crosswlck x'.i. 'atv ? X| ^ Lewis, ; \v 15th st. . , f l ,,,, MARMON AV, 1981 Bessle l ,- ?|, ,.' ???" th Bloom 7-7 K |7lith st. '.,.,; m Berkiiw llz, , f Uwaj ' <,?, v vsi: W. 2131 . Jaeob Hl,..,,,, |'? \*1 ' Leader, 1834 i 'llnlon n< M R-'rkowitz, 71 Bwa\ IMI t l.i iT Kin 11 Ruschhiiff, US at 11, ,!t,,,,| |,.,ri. Kmll Rusch '""'f; ? ;" VV I 12th st . ntty, I',,,... ,., n 3D AV, 2702 l]i n., iluher,' e'xVx lo'jacoh ^ulhaber, 226 B 12 :.l st, ... ,,,,,., ,",7v ? ""s 1' iii'"- . 99 Xassati st t-i niili SAME PROPERTY; same to Lenu' llui,,,. ?'-I VV 341 h st. '.. pan .all v, same %?> OOfi SC1 T,E^?1,!'VO' ""'' ">? Morgonthau ' o lo IMI 11 Levy, 395 Port Washington ?* ? ,!'<. M D Moss, 150 Nassau ll 1100 PREEMAN ST, S39 and S65; f-rotonn I'v' "'.,"'. ""'Jm,,'7""' s,!' lS :'xl""' VVush av. -122. H.9tli st, 285 E; i'I.iv ?v l';i'. Rrlston av, 1329; Prnnklin av .'? s ',",'' ,,s"!ll,M',-;v|;-? VVhltn Pla'ins ?' i.. 1562 li. 4636 : 1. :,-,.? ,, n,i ?;. , . VVskr-lleld; Garden pl, in,, ?,,,, V??S nn.l ?,ar,|..? nl 1550-4; Cllnlon av, 1980; W .'sl 1- armfl i d, l 109 . Mn j,... ,lv "078 l.ol 192 n up Pugsley .??-: . I,,,i \:\ ',,; I '-? map I'i'op S Ciiiubrelllng . i ,i ; ,,, ?' map -lol u Cron w, ;i. i,,, s.. ' , ,. '??.' . BI n.l Ri : rlnn; p.., ? ., .. ., , ' II '"; "' '<;. ;... ' :... I.. ? i; ??, ,, ,,,, ?? , ,,.' " Iso 150th st, . 27 K. Join, Biisslnu Mi ? Ife, ... B Lhieoln nv, Mi Von i 2 ? .....t... atty, Jnhii E Linriiln av, Mi \ ,.fi Russlng, h|H To Insure Tnsertioii ^ In the Real Estate Section of SThe tribune on Sunday advertf?inR copy must be in The Tribune Buildin* not later than 2 P. M. on Saturday. b. c.rried in the M?i? Section ?SJS? S^tt ' Building for 39th Street For Opera Storage Scenery The Metropolitan Opera House Com? pany prove to he the real buyers of the property sold recently at 536 to 542 \Vest Thirty-ninth Street, extending through to West Thirty-eighth Street, through Pepe & Bro. It was learned yesterday that the property. which is directly opposite the Opera House, will lie improved with a five story building for the storage of machinery. The company now has its scenerv stored in several different places. and through this change will be able to keep it under one roof. Plans for the proposed structure are being prepared by Trowbridge & Livingston. The building contract has been awarded to Marc Edlit;:. Keeorded Tran?fe :1'3 Mowntowti SUPPOLK ST. ; i ,, Si 25.1 n irio..: (fore? clos. April io. 1919); Jacoh Ellperln, fi". t.. Fred Kuseo, ni K 57th st; April 16; attys, Poster ,<- Newman, Cl Ri.I way. $15,000 COMMERCE ST. 12. n s. 21x40, Jaa E Honesteel f. Kal h P Retngna, 16 Coi . inerce st . mtg $5,600, April 16; attys, I ''? * T Co, 170 Bway. RANK ST, 23, n :. 306.1 w Greenwich st, 21.10x90: Win 11 Lots: to .1 Geo LoU. 2.'.ii4 Bathgato nv. ', part, mtg $8,000 on whole, n t. April 16; attys, Bauerdorf & T. l i ] !iwa%. s l no BP.tiii'm; st. lm. n s, 16.11x80, Henrtetla s Higley and ano ln Voronica C Wulsh, 350 W 55th st; April I; attys, T G & T ''?. 176 bway.$1 Kusl Mde IBTH ST. .:.'.?; !0 E, s s, 42x1 03.3; Gronvllle T Emmet t., M .:? ,\ Goodman, on ihe premlsos; Apnl '.:, attys, Lawyera T & T Co, 176 Bwny .$66 000 31) AV, w s, 21.1 s 25th Sl. 2". I 1x61 1 1 foreclosn March 18. 1919); Edw E Hc Call, ref, t.. Mberl E Straker, 420 st Nleholaa av. April I'l, attys, T G & T Co, 176 Bway .j p_. 4511 C1TH ST. 182 E, s s. 2r,\lnor,; Herbert C ''"!!, jr, et al. trustees, t,, Paullno >' Hodges, 181 10 66th si ; bond and s '? n g. April 12; attys, T G & T Co, 17.; Bway.$32,1100 ,1'TII ST. t',2 12. h s, 166x102.2: Th.lora Levy t,, Carollne W Wllllirins, 1;,.; b 7'nli si . nitg $26,000; all Is-ns; April 7 attys, M s & s Isaacs, 2 2 William "; reet.f$loo 80 TH ST, 169 G, ii s. 16.8x100; Martin Gay 1.1 Margl H Klapp, 40 E 83d st mtg $10,000; all llens; April 12. attys, T 1; <v r 1 \., 1 71', Rway. % jnn 85TII ST, s ;.. 75 w 3,1 av, 27x76.3; M !?' Hayes t.. Margl R and Emnia Ifayes X Vi': Jan 2. 1890; attys, T G & T Co 176 Rway . $ j 93B ST. 12 E, s s. 21x100.8; Sarah Wer ner 1,, Siineon M Barber. 137 E 55th st ;, II li.-ns; Apnl 14. attys, T G & T Co 176 Bway . Sinn 11-TH .-'['. 7 E, 11 ,s, 25x100.11; May '? Morrlll t.. Louis Shedloft, 949 Tiffany Ht; mtg $18,000; :iil liens; April H; attv. .i M Leiftner, 63 Park Row. $] on 112TH ST. I.',- I-:, ?? s, 25x100 11 ; Adolph nschler t,, Augusta Stern, 894 Beck s Bronx ; mtg $13,000; April 11: <1 113TH ST, 66 I-;, s s. 25x100.10; EstV-r Relnheimor t.. Jos Callnenson 316 ','.' 111th sl , bond ;,n,i s. c ,, Ki ;,n Mens Apnl 1'., atty. I M Levy, 2 22 Bway ?1 121TB ST. -21 E. >, s, 18.X100 11' Percy R Carpenter to Lawmon Realty Co. 12 Rway; April 17; atty, Lawyers T gu T ' "? ,,;" Bway .$lon West Side 67TH ST. s s, 1 in v- West End av I60x 100.5; Farmers Loan ,v Trusl Co, . \ .'C'.'. W 1' Boschen, to Commonirealth ien < '?? , E 1..! .-I . .;,-l-, $33,000; all llons b ,v s: Mar |] ; attys, Stoddard & M. 12' Broadway .$joo 71ST ST. 21 W, s s, 20x100.5; Mountford S Orth t,, Francis 1) Gulliver, 1".'. W 72d sl . mtge $15,000; all liens; Apr 16; atty, 1 O * T 1'.., 1 :?', Broadway.$100 AMSTERDAM AV, s -,v ,- rsth <,t lOOx JS1.5 to e s Broadway xl04.5x212; Frank Bradley to Blmer E Smathers, 304 W inth s; ; mtge $500,000; all lien3; Apr 8 ? atty, E X Duffj . 501 5th av. ... si'iO ..Tll ST. 14.-, \V, 11 s, 18x102.2; Irwin Wlle exr & trustee, t,, Mountford S Orth at' 'J' <?? atan Hotel, Bronxvilie, X V ; n tt-. *16.000; .-,!! liens; Apr 17; atty, Walter 1 ) \\ lie, 52 Wall st.$1 v nor, 99TH ST. 2,'.2. W, 11 s. 14x100.11; Wm Cun ningham to Mary R (his wife), 253 W 99th st: mtge $10,000; Apr ;i. atty, John I' 1 awger, 32 Liberty st . si 112TB ST. ?., s, 375 w Amsterdam av"'sOx li'" 1 1 ; Van Praag Realty Co to Raisler '.'"'"tt's- <'.'. 122 Amsterdam av; mtge ??' '-?.>'? Apr 1.".; atty. Samuel Wacht, .1r, 1 ,1' Broadway . 11 SAME PROP; Raisler Heating Co'to'co'ld ';'.' ' K.'aliy i'.,, 17'. Rroadway; mtge $62,000; Apr 16; ait", same. . 31 .TH A\ . 1S71 2. s ,- , 11 (t!, s., -0 5x100 (foreclos Apr 21; Vincenl I. Leibell r.-f t.. Seainen's Bank for Sav. 7.; Wall st' attys, Cadwalader, W^fc T, 40 Wall st; 130TH ST, 222 W, ,, s, l8.9x99.11^2Max Greonwald 1., John .1 Solomon, 168 W 14 lst s; . mtse 56,800; Apr 1.;- attv T 1; * ''' Co, 17-: Broadway. . pm 136TJI ST. s s. 331 2 w Broadway 43 7x 99 11 ; Prosper Realty Corpn to Ll'na " .il, ai 11 ,? ,- 7<th st & Madison av mtge $39,000; ;itt>... Wolf & Kohn, 20 I U road way . ; I 8TH AV 2605-7, w s, 19.11 's 'l'39't'ri 's't'.'iox ... t (foreclos Apr 15, 1919); Jeronie S Hess to I. K ln- R, ,x. ,!,,,,. Amityvllle, L 1; atty, P de P Poster, 1 1 Wall st AMSTERDAM AV. ? ? , I59th *31'?0?? ; - '? '? i" w s St X'icholas av \ 50 10\ L??.10; Mary A (W|r? Alex Dallas) t.. '';" ^ !"". '"'' VV 135th st. trustee; mtge *J '".""": all II ?],?-?. Ap,- 1 S. atf, . ,;,,, \ Knobloch, 12 Rroad sl. t] B?:V. ST' 7x v-' w ?? 2"-,; n Nagle av ": . ; ? $?; -. ? i-1? .1 ,..' ? Hold'lnp Co 1,1 Max U venso'n, 58 H? 103i'l ?'' ? utty, Lawyera T ,v T Co, 160 Broad oT\\"y. v. ; ; . S100 .'lll A\. s w ,? 2>09th st, 99.11x200 (foreclos ,,;"' *?): ?'"" '' Levi, ref, lo Bond ,v M t.uar, 176 Remaeii st. Brooklyn. .$17,000 Bronx AV. w s, 26 s 112,1. runs e 50x Bowne to Juatlna Garelss, 2653 Bain hrldge av; April 8; atty, T G & T Co, 1 . '? Bway. ?, SAM 12 PR( IPERTY . ElMilv' ' A ' Scot't" ' to Bamo; April 8; atty, sume si l6+Ti' S,T' 30s K- " ?? -'fixlOoVNicola I Agoatlno lo Sobastiano Larosa, 6 11 Morris nv; mtge $2,50(1; April 1.;, atty. 1 ' ' <v 1 ? ' o, 116 Bway < 1,,,, 1Bf111 ST- :" B. n s. 25x100; -lani. ,? '"'Iii taggiano. ?:..: k 160th; mtge ! ' ""l'. April 16; atty, sume tl n ?6?TI-I ST. S34-6 E, s s.xS jennte E Rrollis to Loula Kreial ,-. ,;;, y ,.,? Hl ? ":;>'" *JS..? Apnl 15; atty 1 ,w yers T ,v T ,',, 160 Bway . V,,.. SAME PROPERTY; l.??? Krelsler {,, Emanuel 1.1 Luber, 885 Wesl l'.,,| -, ?, l"' l;" $12.500; Api il 15; attv, s ,?,? ?10fi W KEKS AV, a u c 1 73d, 84x96; tnater ' ourl c..ipii t,, Union 1 li, ,,,,,,,i , ;iasa "?"'?? ' '. -Oil Rwaj : mtge $77,760; Apnl ? :l">. Ilernuin Oottlleb, 299 Broad INTERVALE AV,' s i ,? 1,; ,ih M ' g*'* 26x irr.'n , Xalhan ,l Packard et ,1 lo I wood llol'llng Corpn, 17 \v suii st; ?"?"'- -''? 1:,|x atty. .1 |. Toblua, 5 Reel, . ,.,,. s, ' ".) ST Hl''. ? w .' IL,1,,.- st. r,9x'K7 10 1 ha I -s'. :n ,,, Ess /??,. Realtv 1 'oron ? ' V 135th st; ??,,.. - r.OOO x,? .' ', , A't.v, M Snl/.berg. r. ?s Park K,,\\ ?! . H.-PP.MAN st. 2422, ,- s, UOxllii loViln nuli McOtibe to Anninii Pagano i"i Aft lm, :,\ . April ;,i. atlj , T ,; g.' t'co, BROOK A \ . l: :100 1 1 . Emn Gardner lo Jacob 11 v .111,1 16th sl, College "Point" I. ' V nitge $9,000; Apnl 1.. atty T ,; x, >y 1 ... 1 7i. I Iwn v ST AXX'S AV, 610, s ,- ? ??;, (xl.j p' ,',' orlcki, II Murnt to Gluseppe Fuscl "414 10th av, mtge $3,700; Apr 10; atty, Title '? <v- I ' ". 17.; Rroadway tion MVn'MSMU'r " '' i,mi ? 126-Vx Yrreg Mlchl Murphy to Maurlce C Bu. k, 247 Aloxander rd; mtge $7,. n,,,- 17; attv, l.nwyera Inl.- ,v T (-,,. 1 no Broad? ,, S1 SOUTHERN RLVD, 1082-90 2 lots ea, h ?I.OxlOO; Borkley Holding Corpn 1,', Itos. S-hl-flbor, lnt'2 11,,. ,\ . mtge $66 ?*>?? ?Vl'f 15 , atty, Snml Walincli, 2991 Brnad wa-i . $1 ..0 Im IRD1IAM RD, s s 70 '? ?> 1 ..rhi- pl ,n I -?1 13 i;xf.O 1x104. 10; 1: ln , \ Rnl o'n lo l'?'li" A Hand . 106 Pl, Id pi :, ? ',;-.*. Apr 12. ..M < . N V Tllli ,-. lll 1 ". I ?? 1 Iread way .... . ;,,,,, HVTII ST, 1..., e, n . , , . ,!?. ,,,,,.; t., Renj Llbnw II : u ,..?? SlO.Ooo ,\pr 12; all 1 . TH le 1; ,v T 1',,. ; ; ?. r,,-,,..,i... av 51 3l> \ V. w :-. 2 :., t s .'ni i, m, 1, 100: "Mnvillo; Bllen M llogan t., Ilarrv I' VVIllaon, 812 e :'.::?,1 si . mige S I 50 1 Apr 17; .11 n. Title G .v T ,',,. 176 Br.Iway.$100 :?' ''I'S 52 A- 53, hlk 30, map llal "st Morris Stelnbock lo Prank Lnbnncn, 429 li 116th st, \ an.i. mtge $1,000; Apr 15 atty, Title G ,>: T Co, 176 Broadway. $100 t,OT ,,. . block : 0, map so. t lou 1. H.iih . .?(. , . uate Frank Liih inc 1 < : il to '. ? 1,, CrlHt 1,111.,. :n ,; E 114ih nt, 11 nd ino; inlg $2,200; Apnl 16; atty, T '1 AT 1 ',.. 176 Bway .$100 .' >\\ 121.1. ST. 1012. s .. .\ 100; I sona 1 '.,,. , ., ,' . 1,1 r., dford Holding ('01 pn, : " [l? .... mtg >22, "I". Ap: ?! 16; :?; 1 " . , ,v T !<,,, ' ,.: Rwaj . $100 A M E IMR ?l\ |l,-,!l,".l lliddlllg ? 11 pn I . . S, lm.' ? 110 inlg, : ' l.l. Vprl 21 ? ? . - . i'l ... iWELL T, :.' I.i !?* I "" I son 1 1 ..1 1 1, ,,, Mon 1 ',> 1,, Redforil Holding Coi pll, 1 21. Ilwii) , 11,11; 12-' "i"1. A prll 1 .? . ,.i t -, . . $i'oo HAMIC I'll' >l'. li- Iford Holding Corpn l.i : Miix li-n,-..1. M'.rt Northern nv. mtg $21 -j 000; Apiil 11), attys, Baine.$100 I Bodie Brings His Mimips ight Into Yankee Offices By W. O. McGeehan "Pink Bodie. otherwise known asFran cisco Pizzole,"centre fielder ot' the Xew I York American baseball team, is some? where in the city menacing the healtu '; of the community. He has an exag frrated case of mumps. At last reports health authorities were holding a vain search for him through the spaghetti parlors of Greenwich Village and the East Side. Bodie was last seen by his team mates at Orangeburg, S. C., on Tues? day, when a doetor of that community I declared that he was suffering from mumps in a virulent form. Miller Hug gins nmmediately ordered him to get away from the rest of the squad, and ; Harry Sparrow furnished him with ration money and fare to New Vork. Co'.onels Ruppert and Huston were ! talkni? over the prospects for the com ing baseball season in the office of tne Unks yesterday when a rotund ? figure wnh a red bandanna handker chief tied around its head entered unnanounced. "The irce list is entirely suspend ed," declared Colonel Ruppert, who has been uttering that sentence mechan lcally for the last week. "1 don't wani nc< passi I want food," returned the stranger truculent ly. _ "I'm Ping Bodie. tK-- gri a*e * cutfielder the Yanks ever had, and ['m starving to death here in a land of pienty. I don't want to turn Bolshevist or nothin', hut 1 teli you that guy Spar row ain't right. l!e gimme ten' hpek* to ea- ,.i- for a week and I can't do it l ain't ? to leave here lill 1 get a hundred bucks. I'll stay til! you all get the mumps." "Will you go i'or flfty cash0" aiked Colonel Huston, with great prosAnco of mind. "I'll go, bul !'!1 be back," replieol Ping. "Von can't sign a guy up t'or a year and let him starve to death_i not even . grasping baseball monon oly." l When lasi seen Ping was reported! travelling in the direction of the table d'hote belt. it".' is expected to return at the end of three days. That is about all the time that a $50 bil! will last at the present cost of food, a c i n g u ni ni a r i c s 99 ?Apprentice allowance clalmed. Weather clear; track Bloppy. Tnw* R?.CE ?Two-year-okto; selling; purae, $70.'. POUR fit:, ';OM;; rime' '50 l-5' Poat, 2.38; off, 2.40. Starl good; won handilv placewHy. /Winner b. t by Theo Cook -Schnapps. Tralner, L. Garth S MpsnSLCc?t!ekton.l09| !f ~3 5 V^^~" "' "Tl 1??2 S}SBSl5iii:::::}a i J ^ HL z - - (78) Boher-Na-Br'na. 103 3 3 "'i fli 7 m-\ ~" "~ ? Dots.103 9 il "? 9 8? Nolan .rr_gQJtey_Jane-104 6 8_ V *< 9 Ambrose _ _ Zl GlenML!gUhetS ^7^"'^ 'C??k' 'i5T?* '6'f5' $3^<r= m1ss ^^k>t-n.-$C?^.t>". Glen Light ran a good race, coming from far back. Drusllla tired badly. J?0^?NiDHc^'T^nOArT-Te^'01^ Rn'l "p: Be"in*' steeplechaae; puree. ?.UU. ABOUT TWO MILES. Time. 4.29 2-5. Post 3 Oll off 3 10 Start ,T^nV;yT^arth.rIaCe *a?' Winner' br *' *'' by R:" n MawrL-Ruth Parrlsh. index,.mnc wra^u jr?r%-T&. yockiVs: ?st n sh ? Rhomb.141 4 : r, j: iifi?2?.Williams ? 40-">n 7.10 ? Early Light.... 14* 2 5 6? 6? 4=** 4? 3 .11: ? * _ Y.? ~ . :>el0,s .t-140 6 C 4} 31 2 a.}4"L.Chevne ? ? ?. ? "Slumberer ...'.135 13 8 8 6" 6? 51 *v McLo^kv ' ? ?Otto Floto ....142 3 I! 7B 7'-D r.-'"'r,1 fi80 Meripi _ - _ ~" ?00th ?'.^ r> 4 2" 5" V1" 7 fell G.Palmer -- ? ? ; ?r Garry Water_^^lJS0 H 1_ 1">2? 8 fell Fricker ? _ -s. Mutuels paid?Warlock. $6\ $3.90, $3 ; Rho"mb, $6 G0 ~S3 .;n ?'r .,-'- i. 0*A'ners_i. Rparr. 0, WStockton; 3, JKLRoss; 4. GNibbs; 6 W Smitl : 6. Mrs J Y\ Dayton; 7. L Galaway: 8. C F WTiittlng fo.f aJIock wa? walted "*v!th "iiti! the last turn of the field. then moved up fast and won gmnp; away. Rhomb stole a big lend. bul tired so n : fn - takt. - h.eH L"J J"""?- , r2:irlv Light wi'.l improve. Garry Waters showi 1 .. and fe'.I at tho last turn of the field. 7 01 Tlnnr> RACE?Three-year-olds and up; nonwinners of two races* J."LM Claiming; purse ?700. FFVE FURLONGS. Time 1.03 3-5 Post 3 38 Index. Horse. Wt.PP.St. _%W >jFin7 Jockoys. St" Pi. Sh. ? Hurricane .....ll"2 3 1 31 3" 3' 14 Butwel] 4~5~~9Too 2-5 ? Our Nephew ...118 8 4 2" 2' 2* 24 Nolan ?38-10 ? Joe Joe.109 fi 5 5' 4J 5* 31 Ambrose " - , ? ,9on,sistency ????104 9 3 lh 11 1! 1-' Drever ? ? _ (65) Mackenzie .118 1" 8 4h 5* 4!i ;", J G Burns _ _ _ ? M-^aneholy ....107 7 6 7* 7l 7' 6H Metcaif _ _ _ ? ?Vlve McGee ... 99 1 in fi} 61 6* 7'lStapleton ? _ _ ? Jack Dawson ...112 4 7 9' ?3 83 $r* Connor _ -_ _ ? ?Dan'g Carnival.105 B 2 8*1 8s 91 Pi Werner _ _ _ _79 Retreat .106 2? 10 10 10 10 Con _ ? _ Mutuels paid?Hurricane, $ 376 0T- $2.90^ $2 81 iur~Nenhew SiTSiB 'r-"'. ? Joe Joe, $14.90. ' * ' Owners?1, li T-T Sommer; 2. Mrs J Gasse; 3. T J Tault; 4 A H Morris 5. M William : fi, J M Zimmer ; 7, C L WTiitfir.e ; 8, A K Sherman ? 9 WTOi 10, N D Smith. Mackenaie, Tlurrieane wore blinkers. Tiurricane, off well. was taken back oame with a rush in the strcteh and catching leaders, won going awaj". Ou>' jN'rphew. always well up, showed a good race Joe Joe made up ground fast with a good third. Consistency showed ppeed. but quit badly. WO FOURTH RACE?Three-year-olds and up; purse. $1,000. FIVE AND <L A HALF FURLONGS. Time. 1.09 3-5. Post 4.07. off at 4.09. Start igpod ; won enstlv; plare same. Winner, ch. c, 4, bv Fugleman?Sketchea. jTralner, H. G. Bedwell. gndex. 'Horse. Wt. P"p7st. V4 % % Fln. JockeyBT St PT ShT" -- Poreground '.."..123 4 2 1* 1" 1* 1* Saiide 13-2" .1 ;-T 1-20 ? Stralghtforward. 111 1 1 2| 35 31 21 McAti ? 3-10 1-1 I ? Colinella. 95 2 5 3s 28 24 3"1 Richcreek ? ? 1-5 ? War Mach'n? . .114 5 3 r, 4'} 5 4s Dreyer _ _ _ ? Jack Mount ....114 3 4 41 5 " 41 5 Amhrose _ -- ? Mutuels paid^Poreground, $3T3TJ7_$2.3"oT"$2TlO: Straihtforward S'"* 1 Colinella, S2.40. Owners?1, J K L Ross ; 2, R Wilson: 3. i;}^rt Riddle Farm: 4 K T> " 5, <1 \ Walsh. 1 Straightforward wore blinkers. Foreground raced into the lead quicklv ai I standing off challenses. drew away easily at the end Sti . I ' this race and will surely improve. Colinella was very fiadl on the out Hlde aM the way; the boy was of r.o help to h?r. War Mai hine rai in ? - "JA9 FIFTH RACE?Three-year-olds: selling: purse J800. ITVi; AND A \1-V>J HALF FURLONGS. Time. 1.17 2-5. Post 4.36. off at 4.37 Start jrood won easily; place same. Winner ch., f.. 3, bv Sweeper Rubenstein Trau r\V. A. Crawford. jlndex. Hone. " Wt. PP,"st7 ^' "17 'k % Fln7~Jockeyi] St. VI Sh. *Ambassador 111 Tl03 3 2 ~2T~11~*11 :J P*ator 127- l C8 *Antoinette ...lo;i 2 4 4 4 2* '. ?Sta] ? ? 1 ? Tommy \Vaack..ll2 4 1 1 : ? :; 3 '.;'? 1 "rnbaja .108 1 " rjh :.''' 4 1 '.1. ' ? Mutuels paids?Ambassador-IirT! $14 7" $5.30. out; ?' ? I nel $3.30 out; Tommy Waa.-. out. Owners?1, F Hertz; 2. M R Pons: 3, C- Petersor I c i" Wilsoi J] Tommy Waac wore blinkers AtniasEadi r up 0 ; to ?' . ptretch, then won going away Anfr,;^,7;!,. made uu fast r<- ?'? was hept of the bthers. Tommy Waac had speed. but quil badly. 1 i; ialla '?? ' in ;. 1A| SIXTH RACE?Four-year-olds and up; claiming; purse. "->" SIX ?*-\j*' FURLONGS Time. 1.17. Post 5.06. off r. o-. Start good: wm . plaee sam- Winner, ch. h.. 5, by Handsel- Eva Rici Trainer, .1 Phillips Index. Horse. Wt." FP. St. " U, % % Fin. Jockeys. St. Pl. Sh. (78) Bronco BlTly .. .108 9 ] if 21 11 1" Moonev 125-4 281~">) "7-' ? (87) *Onico .100 ;f 5 4j 3'i 2 21 Richcreek ? 21 "?0 (73) sister Embl?m..l07 4 3 rji' 2" 31 Metcnlf ? '. - ii-?o Babette .104 fi 2 31 4" h- 41 Dreyer _ ? 80= Prunes .,112 r, 7 fi' .ii 4* h* C Taylor ?_ ?_ _ ? Clark M.Ill) 8 4 7? fi:r fi'; 0} Hom'inlck _ S5S *T.aurn Miller .. 96 7 9 :> 9 ss 7? Stapleton - - -- _ ? Bravado.105 2 8 83 71 71 8" Ambrose _ _^- Bar Coy .......106 1 6 5' s; 9 9 Obert _ _ Mutuels paid?Bronco Bllly, $114.60^ $30.10 $9 40" 1 ? Sister Emblom $3 10. Owners? 1, .1 Phillips; 2, Mrs T Francis; 3 G W .1 Bissell ? t F R ' : ss ? 5, E C Fountain: fi. G Holmes: 7. A N'eal ; 8, W Stocktoi 9 W "? Vltl Broncho Billy, Clark M. Bravado, Onico wore blinkers.' Broi -o l\ off well, llked tho mud and showed good speed; just lasted Oi iaway at the end, Sister Emblem had good speed, but ouit 1 ning strons at the finish 1 (\Z SEVENTH RACE?Four-year-olds and up; claiminc I 10 MTLF IUO AND 70 VAP.ns. Time. 1.51. Post 5.39. off at 5.45 F place same. Winner, b h, 5. by Cek?Mlldred Shutei ? T Arl hur ^?^_J?2S*_. Wt.^PP. Strj>4~'30* ' Th' Kln._ Jockeys." "'st. Pl. Sh." 17 ?Comacho - 97 fi fi 2'fi" 2s 2* 24 l'l Rieher . 'r 17 ? ?' ll 51 V'lrginla Yell....l01 6 1 ]> ]? 1> u .' ' V _" ' 5. ?Klngfisher ....108-10 7 7 4' 51 k* 3? vffl 6 3? G. M. Miller_111 7 3 4h 3" v 31 '?? 5 ? '.'. \ .109 R 1 fin Miss Filley . . . 107 2 8 Rf-. Blue C.i.-K ... ,112 9 5 Pulaskl.102 ,t 2 90 i Ben 1 [ampson . . 1 1:: 11 <i ? 1 Thrlfl .li ?" 4+ 4' 5 .1., '?* 8* 7~ c,i Wakofl :i; 7' fi; 61 7' i',<- ? 6 Sl 73 81 8" Mooney - ? :. " s- 9 n< ,.:.?? 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! ' ;-. ' S'., ? ? - 8_4 1 harles hram is 109 1 11 10 in to 11 11 \ : r 1 M'^"i'f !'^,;'1' ,:'>?(.af'ho- J'!'. $7.80, $6.20; \ rgii , v,-? . j;:. $8770; RIHi. nshor $5 40. Mutuels field - Arbitrator and ( hir vi,- 1'",""?? "1 , Re'*nhark; 2. J P Jones; 3, ): K Brvi l G M M ? . 5, f ?} &$? li*V&$?Z>: ' CAAPP^ate; 8. M R Pons; 9 W V. . t J ?V?ll atmtbphfinf?hh0TieUn the B0in?- wa? always forwardb ? re , aK-incfi-i r?1;n,LaVl>r- r'Hlmn-< ?n improved f a tM -nd. Klngflsher came from far rear. Ben Hatti] Former Jorkey Dead frank Midgley, a jockey of the olden cays, died yesterday at his home in Qvieens, Long Island. Midglev was str.cken last .Sunday and his life was soon despaircd of. After riding 0n the American turf for the late Senator ;;?';;:;;,:;' California, and J. R. Keene, "'..?"!" il horse owncr and also tiainei f01. the Gifford A c h stablc. He was an uncle of the Mideley Jiy,aon?h0H:0dJ ?n the ,0cal trackslasl Sunday. "' wU1 be held next Hot Springs Result* inlngr; pun four year olds nnd upward ? $600; >.i\ furlonga) Cholr '? '".ti.. .. ?: ,,, |, :, t.l MI i ' ' ' " ' ' ; IllKll N'ote. l.>i, ,.-,.....,-. ? . ,;.,' '"' '? : ' >'<?' "?. i;.,: iai : - . ! '"' " ' ; ' I I lo 1 ...,.| ; ... i (hlr.l ! M .. w i uu Mlst- llow. II, ?'?"'' ? ii.'plio. Mlnnle r Hill i ? ,|trh "n':r-r..vt!h?,?,;?,?l.,1: r x ?>???? "*****?? ?."I ni.e (f, 1 'rd ? Inln ini. | in ... >,,,,,, .. \ ? u *] ll' ? I IIUI inn,, 108 (C?S?il > '. I- lll ? ' I" I' nnd t ? .. i Iral Sj bll I Ll 1 w lllla), 7 to i, ;, io t ... mi o to 6, m . ond Ruth Blriekland, 108 (Mclntyre), 10 lo I, ,* '" I 'ind '-' to I. third Time. t :U> i .. KuKlux. Mim.1 Kruler, H.mty Malnl. Bon Otis, M. ' ry Lass. Lady Luxu graph Th rd x ward ; claiming; purs^ lall : i : \n hie \.. .? ? ? - 1 ,:,,,? ;,-.., . ,. ai "'?' M" VVillow PoUl ? '? ? , Ih ree-y eai . . . yards)?B Stone, 08 (Crui -,p , i ..-:.; . lirid, .????...?.. 98 (< I . s '" ? and i ?.,.., ?? . ,,- Rufu (\\ IIIis). 7 to 5. 7 to 1 '?'?"? L46 1-5 M tdra . ...:,..:. .... Oliver also ran Plflli race i four-) eai el ilniiiiK . purs JGOU one l I Rob. i I 1.? I i ? (Belll. V tu :. lo ' and i I first; Thlrtj Seven, ll. (Siea us), 16 t.. 1, i, to 1 and : :,. . v i.<; H' Itoblu .,'.!?'? nd .1 ta ? . third l me ; . bni i ?h Ing, Exn mlnei i i. ,?., :.-? I : P Pnx j i, ? : i '.'?... i ? | , St at wart and lloi -.- ,, so .?. ' Sixih ,., (four-yeai oldai and upward); pursc J'. nue mii. t -Se?* I'rihi I i ! ?,',., in,. i, 8 lo 1. S to 1 .-. I i.. iih , .,, tu an, 102 (Caaaltj I, lo 1 even and l to .'. ?e< ond . Brlcklo), 112 . w iM,-,i : ? !.. i, ., to i mi,! ; (,, 1, ilin.I Tiii,-. 1:4! 4-6 Brando frankle, in icelet. Rarhetor, Alni.i Loula*. The?? phlle v . Captain Pr?darlok?, Lady Leom uud Proda Johnson aleo nui,