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.'li We know a man who yes? terday dropped in on a first class Fifth Avenue tailor, only to learn that he could get a Spring suit in not a day less than six weeks. He's a somewhat fussy feliow, yet wanting the suit this Spring, he decided to see what we could do. Our imported stuffs took his eye at once. Our '-36 long" fltted him exactly. The price? Less than half the fee the tailor asked. Whether Spring suit or Easter cutaway, our range of fabrics and sizes in variably wins out when time's a factor. V/e encour age looking. For wear with Easter cutaways ? four- in - hands of exquisite pearl gray or black. Silk hats. " Spats. Patent leathers. Canes. Gloves. Rogers Peet Company Broadway Broadway at loth St. "Four at J4th St. Convenient Broadway Corners" Fifth Ave. at Warren at 41st St M'\ I i'l ISI MENT EXTRA Ht U ': v '. ? ???? ago I had i ? ?? . I I' jt lo,i lj l WOUl I I I ' 'i'l v. i !>..,.. of Ni ilnvrn I ? "' i l< lll ! ? r fijme in i i, , ,,. .nui child . fi( be ci i . i I if'<. teplin Soles GorcU iworth Beal MADE from wild titter or-inrjes ^ivin^iKat di* tinctrve flatvor wliich haa made Oraaqlo Marmal&de a-tradi-rionul urcaki'ast relittH wkh itie Englisk and Scotcia ftrr ccnturies Sol<i fcy leadind dealers If unobtainable at ycrur? call Brya?t5144 CANTRELL ?r COCHRANE GingerAle Army Turrw (hn'l Ni for I ?e )f? Clearing Laada and Hoada Dmwrti ln ^eleai ^ iand, | !!*>?? --1 - ln any way I ?? * "" r?r ,;?. 0fli ! "lf mwci.l dynamlte, hav? ?...',. ',,.,,,',( /I'T ' "? Pub i,V: ? ?"? ?Md ??' ; oj orabl ? i a aoldiorK' *?Kl*m?nt bill . pa ed by tl ?|B'? " ?'? rial, whi< ? , | ? ? w* eonaidered pra< ti< all \ worlhlnu, J* ?a rnated caluc of H 5,000 000, Th?re will be no ptibllfl n?ie <it , *^I?aivea by tho azwy. j (litv Inquiries BegunonRe Prof i tc-erinj* Mayor's Tax Committee I'iinls Some Cases of Ex tortion Out of .'200 Com plaints, Says Chairman l\ u i hli n g at Stnmlstill Tenement Ffousr Commis sioner Says Coitsiriietion Only Sohiiion forGougiiig Thrci ( 11 cial bodies I raim d tl ? ; r guns yesterday on New York'.; rent pro iteers. Thc Mayor'a Commil tee o i on sat. all day in thc Municipal Building recciving compla nt roni tenants; the Ilousing Committee of thc State Reconstruction Commission met ; with Teni ment 1 louso ' lomm i oner j Mann, heard results of a survey of the city's hou i g conditiona and discus ? d ', a plan il li, lievea will stimulate build ! ing; the ( ommittce on General Wi 1 farc of thc Board of Aldermen decided to hold n public hearing ror tenanl a next Thursday aftei noon. After nearly 200 complainti ; been heard by tho Mayor'a committee, aan N'aihan Flirsch declared he was com inced I hat Xi w York land lorda aa n whole wi i e not profiti i ? . rhe majority of increasea complained of yesterday, he said, were on their face legitimate, although some of them wi re cases of outright extortion. Building at Standstlll Abram I. Elkus, chairman of tho Re construction Commission, prosided at thc housing committei ' ion. ^y.-. ii' nry J. Moskowitz acted as sccreta;-y. Tenement Houso Commissioner Mann gave the Reconstruction Commj lion some results of tl e '?? m ii g i ow in progrcs i. Ile pointed out I ? he normal ii ci ea ??? of pop il I) e m o v r a 18 Ask Burleson Be Removed Conttntied From rnir<- i to teh phi ne i tnployes. A n spoi i i the i : i | ' ! I, o? Boston tl i nmittei ? ? i the hotel men of tl . ?' its i.i 0 n rm i ? ........ mpl d i hoti ! i ng tu ? n 11 m II reported nt a mei I'nig ,.r likfi II ? . i up I ,...??,, ,1, I, had t"l lu j PHI-I ? MI ! .1 , il , I,, , ..1 , , ? .lllltl I tltlll I'll ||| 1 ? '? ?,-,.. ,, ? > i.. I., ,i rikei ttinl ,1 li lill! I i (i littei pii . :..??, Lei l il ? ' .'. nl I . ? ? to Washii ca ; a oid it. 1 he ' 01 d to-daj 0 s t d e e | i r n e d i t on, We must do every) o ir , owor to i nd thi triki VVi cannol ee n 1. phoi ? ? ed for anj i 1 time, li is the duty ol ever cit izen to take an in i '.'. 1 do not I v tl ? ? ' ' lic i tind as to thc mci il - thi ci itroversy. 1 am i ... ,n concerning ? e do know that wi t act . and ? - ' at our hand to have the ed, Menace in Situation Seen 1 n ti : :?? what hi n i: ble i dght happi n to 1 ??? at d r!( :??. . : am learnii ?? every ... and o pi r onal m ? : r ' ' - : ' g is ai a tam ituat not di veloped, it lence or bloodshed add to the i . . d of <"??: rsc tbi kind, but w ? can i he po ' ., ; goe ' oa." ^ Sympi ers or witl . daj thi public i ncon vi niei :c wa more mai ki d and thc eriousm ot ! ? ? tual ion becami ii crca? inglj parent. Gro ip ol mi n gathi red i thi girl picki ? ? near the " lephonc ex Pron- : g upport. 'I here v aa less g and ji ng ai toiig the i on theii l tioi , but thi pick eting continued regardh of tl n cold Men strikers an?tiged to e place of the girl dui night houi . No Improvement N'oticecl ?" c addil ional new -, g been obtaincd J iring tl o day, b it no matoi ti li phone i . ,-ice v.. able, I'racUcal y ever ui - ti man em '1 m I-.- planl departmi nl , New ; ' ;" ? , m, atruck to di ' Lh tho telephone o ding lo ofl i of the i ? . I dt of rain and heav ' - ' ' of thi ? - dt.' leavoring , mako < . iepaii :. ? " ? bo ? r:.? ,iri, ,, ' ' ' '?'""" ? '"? the ? raff al the Porlland ' i'". according t.<, company offi "?" reported a decided imnrove " " t in the service there and thtWl out tho atato. to Ilurleson to Force 'Phone Strikers Suhmi! Wage Pleas WAl IIINGTON, April IV. Poatmi i ?r i,i neral Burlenon announcod i 'I??''' to brei I the deadlock cau ? d by the refuaal 0f atriking Now Kngland teiophono oporattvoa to aubmil the r wago demanda to General Manug-r Rigeons Take Place Of 'Phones in Strike i Bn ro: \prii r;, vm m . Ic i.f ci rrii r pigeoi to dny to ' ent lhe ii d tclc phoi c scn ice, Altl ouj me I of t he nearby army posl i coul 1 bc n ! n can i of tho dii ect telephone ;- v,il h army hi ad (ina rtei hcroj there wn i pracl icallj "o i nmmu n ical ion with outl y ing i I ti . i, ? | by el graph Pigeona v >n . ed to caiiy me ? ? ??? bet en h 'ad(|iiai ti r;i nnd l-'ort Constitu on, nl Port mouth, 1 ' ' 'i Bi ton i Camp . . some of I hi . ?: and other points. \ ear, i of mmig ral ion, i nd there a ally no building lasl y< a r. The hou ing committee is of tho 11 ' ' imulation of rent down. mmittci dci led to call a con erence tb ut two ' ? ? ol ro| ri nt (il ot comn aial orga n iza tions, bi bu utci ? I ' ? . of lill welfare to con i pub i heai i ; ror tenant wa madi ipon m ition ol Udi rn ?.'??? rd V. Gili ore. He s ays I trict, ex Wonu to East River, bel wei n Eight; thi rd and Ninc '? Ireets, y infes led with 7 ? Landlords to Be Heard \ lon n William T. Co - , chi ? m of thc comn I l an oppoi ? ? ? aftcrwd rd u dlord - ' i bc I card. ,' of I ? ? i 11?(?????. ed li i ?.?. cre filed in b; ' nants, .. loi ; line of men and women being at ! I i office Other were re ? i ? ed i hrougl the i iii. Some of 1 ? reasei of n i much a - 50 per - t within a p riod of ix . Oni let) r was signed by nine oc cupant ol n ? ? i . tcnemi I liousi at 10 Manhat tan St rcel. Tl ey ' rent hnd been rn i ed from ?? i i to - ?', a i. i h . inc ? last l let ober. Krm ' i . H ? ?. of 2-18 Wad i i ,vn.I renl had been ra d rr mi ?;:!' ' ? ' . ? i West 17Rth treet, told th i imittee there have ln fi i dil'ferenl ndlords or i t h o h o 11 11 o p a s I and t (?? i . ? ol thc ei ploying comj any. he girls" himself i I their tion before (1 Di ?, i th ii ruc I ct 1 ' i ,"ork '' ly. uld b givei | ? , all method of .ba rgain 1 u be 1 h board on Mr. Dri1 i on or '? . 10. Mr. Burl .he follow in ':" ? ? nti "It . ? ? that the teli i ' . .?? ' n| I up ' nkable rests of Lo ?>?? ? ! ?,, rath es i'- i.? lo Vcl plicahli i" ' , lin ? i i , - .. i , Ui put ll 1 ? < ..... | I hli | i I . . ' iin-l I i ; I I n llohri . . h ..i . I full I III . 11 uled litlier tn thi I mi liem i ? i. ii ion will . rd on 1'rivei n ot, ]l0. : i Afcka !'., i ai n ai Om e "1 '?'?? ' inatructed Ir. Driver to act irance thal : llill : '. . : ' ' ' I t o tho t r i k c r s t o . . ? i :,. i ' I Sei ' . : ' :'?: M y to M i IS lulia O'Coni ? , : ?? I t of t ipi rators, with a reque 11 at Po ; - Latemenl be ri I cai y and a pe ranci under Mr. Bui leson'a p in grievi nci i would be com idered nd a leci m | i .i delay, tary Tumulty' i tel ? w : : i indeed thal your ( mittei did d il wise to act ?gcstioi . - ?.-..aed in my telcgram to ; ;' rday. Sces I'lan of Ad inst ment trusl that you v/ill ca n I ? ' 'd thi ? ucd by the Post "?'' ti r General I: -.-. ?. rnoon with r ' " '?''' to yi tuation. II appear; ' ' ? thal hc ol 'i i a plan of ad iustment, pri tical and I n every ' ; ' . r co mittei hould n '?" ?? cepl. "' '"?" ' ? ' ure you that under I i your mi iately i I l and a dc ? Would bc fai r circumstani to all coi our con fo ad\ i ic thc tele? phone operatoi i under your conlrol it oi c to retui to work '.'" 11 devclopcd to day that Miss O'Con n p!v ? o .-'( ci, tary Tumulty' i ? "i wn mi uindi rston i ' rccei| here \s made public v M O'Conno pcar thal she had ad i i i ion i ?? I hc propo led new wage . to the general manager of !;" ti lephone company. Insl nnd, 1 hc i should have read that she ad i 'Ci ivi I : i crotary Tumulty'i teli in which tho secretary iuh ised ion of tho Bchedulo to the manrtger. n n ai Electriea! Workers Favor Nution-U ide Strike to Cain Aims SI'Rl ICIKIKLl), UL, April 17, Over to >" lm ing majoril ie < favoring the call- I Ing of ;t nal Ion widn s1 rike 1 of more than 100,000 nlocti nal workora in tho l tnited . 'i,i, i aro ln lnt? rceci' cl noro, according to .1. r. Noonan, acl "<?: preaidenl of tho International Brothci hood <><" Klocl >i<;il Wc, i,,?,??<, tvhoac headqtiarterfl are locatod li"i ??. '"I'li" wholo reaponslbillty, if ti,,. ? ti ike become i . d'ecl Ive, will reai v ilh I'o ttnai >'i i.i ieral Burlc on," Mr Noonan n d to da . "Ho ha i ri fu i rj time nnd again to recognize tho tele? phone omployi s union, i vi n aftor rreaidenl Wiilaon haa lurnod oui re '::' ' "V ' " ' ' ? '?? <?? <',, havo ? 'PPealod in iimi twelvi.ien, hot ha '? taken no action. Wo anponl.d to tho War Labor Board and tho Deparl ment of Labor and feel uuro thwac two bod ? did what they could in our be half." Mr. Noonan said the official canvass of thi - otc of the eli i t rical ";i ' ? ril c qu< |l ion will nol ;,' oni i'1' ? i unl M May 11, but from p ndii tioi of I he \ oto i xeivc I fi oi n Lm ?-.? ? umber of stati l he gn I orii ire iti favor of thi i fkoul New York Phonc Girls Canvassed Regarding Strike fl ?? ni Ii arncd ye lerd ly I rom offl ? '?:;?' of I ho ' lommt rcial Ti legi ? L'nio thal a canva of the telephone '? i Otlj :i ' .'? '.' ? ' I ? I . : and di ti rm ? ? ' ndvisability lii ? tho Burlr ion i ? y me, I'hi i'i..?(,?'?; . leadci condticting nva ia being I pl Recret, it being i tated tl al Lhe i nion ; . la were nol ready Io jeopardi of tho girls v. ho . how a i ncl ii to join the union. W. l'\ Crowel, apenking {.,r the offl cial < I i he New Vork I elephone Com pan .. stated that lhe n lal ion > be? tween f ln- com pai ? md its opi rn I ? v w ei o mul nal iy . ai factory nnd that I: i ? wa no I'oundat ion to the ? xtcn don oE ; hc New ii telephone ? trikc to thia city. 'I h on of orfcanization thu 0,000 :? :;:. of the company, hi id, IriH never come u p, to hi ?? i, no' Ho e: plaincd that I hc girl i were treal - ed fairly nnd juatly, nnd did nol be? lieve thero waa any neccaaity for or gan . :it ion among them. Georgia Federal ion Of Lnhor Asks Wilson To Remove Hurleson Ril' NSWICK, <:,,., April *17. R0. moval from office of Pn Imaatcr (Ien - eral Hurleson waa roquested of Presi denl Wilson in a reaol ul ion adopted to? day nl t he annual convi ntion of the G ia Federal ion of Labor. Tl i '? ' n waa offered 1''. tl e Ti lephone i (pei ii t otb' nnd Klecl ricn I Woi kcrs' n pre onl::! ivc . a nd charged I hal Ir. Bui leaon, aa din ctor of tclc i bone and telcgi aph lim under Fcd cra i conl rol, had been un fn ir to orpan ? izod labor and "unfair lo tho public, be< au c telephone nnd telegraph rate i lm'. ?? been u n reai onably incren Bod." Boatmen Offer To End Strike Asid Arlnlrak1 two union ??? ! :h i made a icparate peace ' Lhi private boat owners. o i! ui <? liic! ' he bo d >??'? n ? ';?'<?? nii le bv Mr. Uelalun . prop i rang ug fn i ' , ?, lemandcd by thi i tl ' '? ul ho d 1 ? origii otl'ered by I hc boal '.'? ore refu ', i declining to con 1 latter as t hc owners had to ider hour dav or a ninc our i tcd by Mayor Hylan. Ofl i r Made al < lonferenec As read to the conference, the offer le by arbit rat ion i i as follows: "The labor men, represented by i. I iclahui ty, M ihi r, Vaocarclli n nd Sa rrel l, of fi v i h e pri\ at e boal ov, ner a nd agree l\ r the men to go back to irai .old rntc of paj and rki conditions, the ' i i! to di fcnate the hou ra constituting b o i'V thal the i , v ork until the que sl ion ? finall; d : d by I c coram ittee. ".v. i of nine is to be ap pointed, four seh cted by each side, .?nol thia committee to select, tho ninth man, to determine the perma nent daily hours of labor nnd the in cn n ;ci in wagi ff I hc eight mem - ber of thia i n littee fail to agree upon i thi man, they . and agree lo leave thi on of thi i ntli ma n t o tho | ?' . c|i ? ion of the co'e ? mittee .vill '' ? I and binding oi both sidos, Thi doc ion is to I, ? ii, iermined within lhirty day:1 final and binding upon both "All men now on strike are to bo rel iniii'l t o t heir former po 'it ions ul pre ind ice, The old scale of ','???> means the icalc in effect with the private boat owners prc ?. ,, , to the strike of March I, 1919, [ [ou ra and ,-','.'i),:r- i of i he Final dc ci ion to bc rctronctivc from tho t i me I he men rel u rn I o work." The boal owners' representatives, Mr. Bonyngo cxplaincd to tho confer? ence, lacked the power to accept or reject the offer. They would, he said, Bubmit it to a meeting to be held thia morn ing. For tho atrikers, 70 per cent of whom are now working on the cight hour day basis, Mr. Delahunty cx plained the men had made conci in order to bring mattera to a head and !,?' the general ptrblic fi i ':'" ri iponsibility for a continuancc and pos? sible spread of the strike. He n ld< d that in no event would hospital ships or other army or navy boat; bc af I'i'ctcd by a strike to-morrow, tho mal ters in dispute between tho men and these departmenta having keen ad justed, Lansing's Secretary To He Minister to Czechs Richard Crane Selectcd a* First ' . S. Reprcscnlative to New ({cpiihiic W \. EI1NGT0N, April 17. Richard Crane, privato Becretary to Secretary Lan ii ' nnd on of CI irlc R, Crane, of Chicago, s under tood I o ha\ e b i n : eh .-led to become the rat American MI ti ",? Republic of < Izecho- ' Slovakia. Annonncement of cjs pointmcnt i i expected from p *P* short!;.. ari> Mr- Crane haa been connected wlti -h eara hav4nB first be ' lati r bi co.ig ."?* r. . ? tary. rtoCzechoj ' t ud ied 1 Because thc occasion mands thc best in refi taste, the hat for Easter will inevitably come from Young's. ?. "All Ovei ? , ?-.,?* J"u^il2!B!\tAJi\^-i,is&1'^ I ? 3 Y doctor said to me one day, "Do you know, Duane, there are 190 calories (whatever they are) in one of your Almond Bars?" I didn't know whether it was a boost or a knock he was handing me. "What's a calory?" I asked him. "It's an energy unit," said Doc. "One Touraine Almond Bar contains about as much food value as two eggs or half pound of steak." I said, "Doc, I don't know anything about that? "But I do know my bars are chock-full of the best grade of almonds, and the chocolate is made the real French way. "That's what people want. If my bars are nutritious, too, that's fine. Fm glad to hear it." I didn't get into the almond bar business until about fifty other people were already in it That was only two years ago. Touraine has jumped from nothing to 1,000,000 bars a day in two years?-that shows I've got the kind people want TOURAINK ALMOND BARS are tl ones made the real French way. They're chock-full of the best gi almonds. And they don't cost you one cent more than the ordinary kind. That's the reason I'm making 1,000.000 Touraine Bars a day. Now I'm planning to double up ? 2,000,000 every day. Try one. It's in the Yellow Package. I'm mighty sure you will enjoy it. Harry B. Duane, President THE TOURAINE COMPANY To Help You Over ihe 4 O'clock Hill Stop TOURAINE Al tunea up th i n rves .,.-. that last hour ( i You'H be i urprised to how much relief tl ? bite ot that TO LATE Made th _.' 1 i Way -and chock-full of almt