Newspaper Page Text
Film Men Accuse Mrs. 0"Gra<ly of "Passing the Buck" Associated Motion Picture Ad? vertiser?, of 1457 Broadway, which has been particularly active in defending the industry against attacks made by Mrs. Ellen O'Grady, Fifth Deputy Police Commissioner, invited the com? missioner to nddress its members Thursday at * he Caf? Boulevard, Broadway and Forty-first Street. In its invitation the association asserted it was eager to cooperate with Mrs. O'Grady. In writing to Mrs. O'Grady, the asso? ciation charged her with failing to answer a series of questions pro? pounded s m?o days .n?o. The commis? sioner's reply to the Questions, made RM ? U h^o, war, declared to be evasive, .'; : rect and meaningless. "Von mih. a bold and rash state IMPORTANT NOTICE Rlrth, Engagement, Marriage, Death ,m>! iii Memorlani Notices may be telephoned to The Tribune any time l- to midnight fur Insertion in the next .?;.'? paper, Just ,-.<:; Beekmaii 3000 n i the notice as you wish it In Itlll for KHtne e 111 be mallud n> , in noi I? ?? w ill relu h more i * :? ?? .' " . ? . . ? daily BIRTHS t \K\ \I.1M? To Mr and Mr?, Leslie R Curvalho, of t>70 5th at?, Brooklyn, m daughti r, on l riday, April is, 1U19. feMITH Mr. ?tul Mr?. Frederick M, Smith announeu the birth of ? ilnuutliter on Vprll i, ?. tfuhlcnburg Hospital, Plnln ?.-M. N. .1 MlBTOR?To Mr, und Mi.-. Thomas F, Victor, a son, on Thursday, April 17, ?i 11 i* Park n\. Weinberg?To Mr and m?. .t. a. Wein? berg (nee Ho-.,. Rothbart), of Bloomfleld. N. J , on Wednesday, April tfi, ja son. - ENGAGEMENT? KRAKAUER?FRIEDMAN?Mr. and Mr?. Morris Friedman, of 10-I?- Simpson st.. Bronx, announce the engagement of their daughter, Mary, to Mr. Lewis Krakauer. KRUG?CAVALL1 -Mrs. Ernestine Cavalli, of Harriman, N. V.. announees tho en? gagement of her daughter, Ernestine, to Mr. Chatios S. Krug, son cf Mrs. A. C. Mertens, of New York. WOLSSON?MEADOW?Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Meadow, of 260 Riverside Drive, Announce the eTipngem?r>t of their rtauphter, Rose I,., to Mr. Sidney Kenneth Wolsson, of New York. lionnoke. Virginia, papers please copy. DEATHS BALDWIN'- At hi? residence, 136 East 71st st., Friday, April 18, Martin Sullivan Baldwin, husband of Hazel Talmadgo Smith and eldest, son of William Delavan and Helen Runyon Baldwin. Funeral pri? vate. BALDWIN Or, Saturday, April 19. Hazel Delavan Baldwin, only daughter of the Sate Martin Sullivan Baldwin and Hazel Talmadge Baldwin. Funeral private. BARNES?On April IS, 1919, Margaret Rarres, beloved daughter of Mary E. and William H. Barnes. Funeral Sunday. 2 p. m.. from her late residence, 2">I6 Grand av., Bronx. Interment St. Raymond's Cemetery. BAVE?Frederic B.. on April IS, 1013, be? loved husband of Margaret mee Lancer) and father of Margaret, Dorothy and William. Funeral services Monday, 10 p in., at Gate of Heaven Church, Jerome and MrCormark nv?., Ozone Park, Long Island. BIGLOW On -Saturday, April IP. at her residence, 930 Park av.. of pneumonia, Anna Graham Biglow, widow of L. Horatio Biglow. Funeral private. It is earnestly lested that no flowers be sent. BLACKMAN ? Saratoga Springs, N. Y.. April 18, 1919, Mary Carleton. widow of Lyman R. Blacktnan, formerly of New York. BRINKFRFIOFF At Hackensaek N. ,T? April 19, 1919, Geort?e Alyea Brinkerhoff. Funeral tei-vice? at his late residence, 3t>0 Main .-t., Hackensaek, N. J., on Tuesday. April 22, at 4 :30 p. m. Interment private. BRI8K-?Eugene Brisk, beloved son of Agnes Brisk, of Mobile, Ala., on April 17, In his !2d >'"-ar. Mobile and New Orleans paper-, please copy. BU1ST At Milford, Penn., Jam? W. Ruist. his 95th year. Funeral at 2 p. m., - ? -!;,\. April 20, Scotch papers please BURGHER?Entered Into rest. Charlotte Burgher, widow of John A. Burgher, on April 17, li'19, at Ithaca. N. Y. Funeral private. CARPENTER Frank, on April 16. Ser? vices THE FUNERAL CHURCH, Broad way, t?lh st. tFrank E. Campbelll. Sun? day. 3 p. m. CHAMBERLAINS?On April 18. 1919, Emma Silsby, wife of the late Charles F. Chamberlain? and daughter of the :ate (?eneral William and Emma Proctor Cogs? well of Salem, Mass. Funeral service at her l<>te residence, 322 Riverside Drive, on Monday, Ap^il 21, at ! o'clock. Interment private. CHANDLER \t East Orange, Saturday, \pril 19, Arthur 1>. Chandler, husband of Lucrett? M, Chandler Funoral private, at Woodstock i o? n Prienda an requi ited not to -, n.l !!,.. ,? ? I -VUh After a short Illness, at his home. v.' 5th "* . New V,.rK City, David ! .,-? husband oi Zelina Key ser t'larl;, In his 66th year, Funeral service In (?rue? .'lui.'ii. Broadway ami 10th ..\ , Monday Apni 3L at 10 ? m. Boston, Philadelphia ,?nd Baltimore puyen please copy. COCKS Mary A, passed away Fourth month, itih day, 1010, *>i bei home, ( orn walNon. Hudson. N. Y , daughtei o( th? int. Charles B and Mmaiwei Campbell i'ix-w?, I tineral privat?, ? ?RKHILL , Ai Jersey Citv, , ? ap,.i i ; "?!'. Cental? Jaw??? Edmund Corkhttl, ?' f iif residence el ht? itster, Mr? r ' Quenwl, 76 Sip a? Funeral private i ORNRLL 1 redrieh C . on rhui iday, Apr I : after e short IIIn? n . ? (,,,? late r< Idei ce, Wei ? i.ii, ^t Sunday, Api II ?0, Rt " p m DIENST April 17. 1019, m hii 60th year Martin Dien t. father of Rose Margare' ' roehly Funeral from 63 We-it l-'ordhan Road, Bronx, Monday. April 21, ni \\ ? m. ; thence to the Church of the Immac utat* Conception, Automobile cortege. EHRICH Samuel W. on April 1R. belove? husband of Nellie Ktlnr, in his 64th year Funeral ntrietly private. IOSTEH- Mirii-n Mitchell Pray, wife of Ur Herbert West Foster, 10 The Crescent Mostclair, suddenly, by automobile aci-i dent, on April 19 lut ?ral n.T'.icf. r\ ? t Congregational Church, Montclair Monday, April 21. at I o'clock. MiEGG On Friilay, Apr,I IS, 1919, n? th Waldorf Utoria Hotel, Rozclla France \ndrew \. and daugbte ' the law George Morris. Funeral Baltimore, Md. HI8BARD >,, Friday, April 18, 1919, D .'.....a.?, beloved husband of Mamie L ?Ue\"-r. In his 63d year. Funeral servio :-.' the r?sidence 'of hi" brother-in-law ! rank C. Roehris, 414 Quinry ;;t.. Brook |>n, Sunday afternoon at 4:30. ment, and as a police authority whose duty it is to prosecute violators of the law, you come cut in public print, in? dict an entire industry, and when asked for substantiation take refuse behind evasions," tho association wrote. "You shirk each and every query. You do not make good nilv one of your statements. You assume in our eyes, and in the eyes of the read? ing public, the proportions of a pub licity-secking politician. "Yon accuse a number of highly re spectablo men of conspiring to ruin the youth of the city, and when asked to support one of your assertions you sidestep, evade pass the buck. You state you know twenty girls who have been ruined by films* but hesitate to mention them." In conclusion, the letter said: "If it is your desire to substantiate your charges, we will be pleased to hear your direct answers to our ques? tions, none of which will be published. We as ure you it is simply our desire io cooperate with you to disinfect ans unclean corners, if you will but point out their existence. Your refusa! of this invitation will be accepted as a ; confession of error." DEATHS IIOBSON On April 18, Ellen Susanna. he loved wife of Rev, Hush Hobion, rector St. John's Memorial Church, Fllenville, N. Y. Funeral service Tuesday at _ p. m - JOHNSON?On April 17, 1913, Alvah B. W., husband of Susan A. Johnson, awl >'' years. Funeral services ?t. hi-i late residence, 6?'i Belgrove Drive, Arlington, N .1 . Sunday, April 20, at 8 p. m: In? terment at Arlington Cemetery, JOHNSON AI East Orange, N. J? on 1'ri <l >- . Anril 18, I il!?, Virginia Wlghtman. wife ut Wilbur ??, Johnson, 1' ser? vice will be held ?1 her home. Ill Harrison -t.. East Orange, m, I'uesilay, \pril '". at '-' :30 p. i.i li term? ut in Mount Pleasant Cemetevy at the convenience nf (he family, LEVY Kane ,ui April 17, 191!?, in his 73d year, beloved husband of Sophia and father of Jennie, Sadie Goodman and (tertio Weinberg Fun*ral from his into residence, 60 K?st i'iih ut,, on Sunday, April \'0. at 1U n m. LOVE Julia, on April in Services THE FUNERAL CHURCH, Broadway, l?dth ?t. (Kratit E, Campbell), Monday, l ?30 p. ni. MATTHEWS On Wednesday, April 16. Utchnrd II., husband of Margaret tuce Ford), at residence, 177 Baltic st., Brook lyn. I'uue-iil Monday, April 21 at 9?30 ; requiem mass at St, IVtrr's Church. Hicks mu? Wurren stg.. at 10 a. m. MOORE At her home, or, Anril IK. Eliza Vnnder Poel, eldest daughter of Genre?? Gelston and Harriet Fanshaw Moore. Fu? neral service? at her late residence, 833 Madison av.. on Monday afternoon, <Vpril ri, at 3 o'clock, interment private. It is earnestly requested that no flowers he sent. MOUAT ? On April 18, 1919, Marjorie Mouat, aged ! .", years, beloved daughter of Robert M. and the late Carlotta Mouat. Funeral from her late residence, 244 East 16th st., thence to Broadway Tabernacle, Broadway and 56th st., on Sunday. April 20, at : :" ? p. ? Stuyvesant ?! ?:'.'. MULLIGAN Marl? ing), beloved wife . m< nt Woodla\ Mulligan - ne? Hard John. 1 uneral Monday. April 21, fri.m her late residence, : il West :.'Sth st.; th?Miee to the Church of St. Francis of Asrisi. Wc?t Slst Bt.. where a solemn mass of requiem will he celebrated a* 10 a. m. for the reposu of her soul. Relatives, friends and member?, of the Third Order of St. Francis of Assisi are invited to nttend. Kindly omit flowers. Futiera! private. O'BRIEN?At 3 Battle av., White Plain':. N. Y.. April IS, 1919. Margaret, beloved mother of Margaret .'. and Nellie O'Brien. Funeral services St. John's Church Mon? day. 3 a. m. Interment Holy Mount. j Tuckahoe. OXNARD?April 18. at Pasadena, Cal., ! .i ames (i. Oxnard, beloved husband of Caro? line Thornton Oxnard, in the 58th year of lus age. Funeral services will be held in Pasadena. PACTEAU?Friday, April IS, Joseph, 58 West i?3d st. Funeral services Sunday, April 20, 11 o'clock. Interment Mount Hope Cemetery. RUSSELL?On April 18, Robert Allen Rus? sell, jr., son of Robert Allen and Clara Ferra Russell, in his 20th year. Funeral services will lie held at his late residence, 57 North Maple av.. Ridgewood, N. J., Monday. April 21, at .", o'clock. Erie trains leave Jersey City 1 :15 and 1:44 p. m. SCHULTZE -David J., on Wednesday, April 16, 1919, in his 73d year. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery Sunday, 2:30 p. in. Auto? mobile cortege. SCRANTON?At Belvidere, N. J., on April IS, Rosalie Paul, wife of the late William H, Scranton and daughter of the late Thomas and Sara T. Paul, aged 77 years. Services at her late home at Belvidere on Tuesday afternoon, April 22. at t o'clock ; also funeral service from the residence of her niece, Mrs. A. H. Storrs, (J40 Monroe av., Scranton, Penn., on Wednesday. April 23, at 2:20 p. in. It is requested that no flowers be gent. STOLE- At Westfleld. N. J., on Friday. April 18, 1919, Theodore Stoll, in his (?1st year. Funeral service from his late resi dence, 531 Lawrence av., Westfield, on Monday, April 21, at 2:30 p. m. Autos will meet train leaving foot o? Liberty st., C It. R. of N. J., at 1 p. m. WANDLUNG Suddenly, on Thursday, April J7, 1919, James L. Wandung. Funeral services will be held on Monday, April 51, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at his resi? dence. 440 West End ?v., corner 81st st. Interment at Washington, N. J. ' WILLETS?On April 17, 1919, Lillian May MacKenzie, beloved wife of Edward Bowne Willeta, jr., and daughter of the late Ken? neth Mackenzie, of Pictou, N. S., in the 47th year of her aife. Funeral services in Grace Church, Hicks st., corner of Grace Court, Brooklyn Heights, on Sun ! day, April 20, at 2 :30 p. m. WILLIAMS -Entered into rest, on Saturday, April 19, 1919, at her late residence, 35 Field Point Road, Greenwich, Conn., Char? lotte Louisa, wife of Irvin A. William-, of Utlra. N, Y . in h'-r xoth year. Funeral and interment at Etica, N. Y. WRIGHT- Or. April IS, 1919, Eugene Wright, m his 83d year, beloved father of Hen? ri :ti B Wright, Funeral services Sun? day at 2 p. in. WRIGHT Suddenly, oa April IS. 1919, at Patchogue, L, 1. Lena Lawrence Wright, widow of the late Charles C. Wright, of Greenport, L. I. TH? WOOIU.AW N CKMKTKRY, . :. i h< Ui iimiiin Train und by Trolley. i?,i:, ,.r ?ui.-iii :,i.e foi aule innre. 80 tSttttt BSrt st . N. Y. THOM.V- r>UNWOUTM FUNERAL DIRECTOR ??? Hi ii.?m in WEST 7IST ST (ENTIIO IV10 C Mo<l<rn MMIipiU ?nil Enultim'tit so ! ? 11 : i -. 11 \'' r run t ,; DIHTINCTIVK SKKVICF. Foil UIsriUMINATINt} 1'KOPI.F Plien<>--A'iti)r1i>. 11. HOWARD L, HALLETT I,-., cter of FuniTslii T. T. HALLETT. INC. H. H. Jackson, Sexton Emeritus CUUKCil OF ASCENSION Funeral Director. Thirty V ars Experience. i ,??: . , ??o Chai ?es s . ?;' ; i :helsi a 2874. Mrs. Mary Vredenburgh?Emoalmer Funeral parlor to rent. 118 W. 124th SI ' Tel 1319 MornlngsWe 'H?? BAILY ; hUBSa* JT McCftBE ?.??J.W? ^f W/f REASON WE ARE ENTRUSTED ^%^ SSs? If i??> u THF FfNERAE ARRANGEMENTS +&* 0*;Z Of SO MAM PROMINENT CITIZENS mffik !vj a tie In nu. unusual und exceptional facilities, a $?5 a g our thorough knowledge and detail service, I jf| f ill ;""/ the ability tu analyze p.irfiinlar needs. 1 Iff Co/I "Columbut 820(i:'~~?ny Hour, Dny or Sight Ml i FRANK E. CAMPBELL I ! THF, FUNERAL CHURCH** [if Mil (m??m iicusianI Ell Mm *?ro?drw*Y at 66'f? 23* S?rctt at 8* Ave. j|tf Obituary PROF. DEWINEL F. THOMPSON TROY, April 19.?Prof. Dewinel F. Thompson, president emeritus of tho Rcnsselaer Polytechnic Institute, died this morning shortly before 7 o'clock, aftci* a long illness. Prof. Thompson was born in Bangor, Mo., obtained his early education at the Abbott School, Lewiston Falls Academy and Bowdoin College and was graduated from Dartmouth in 1869. Jn .1872 he was appointed to the chair of descriptivo geometry, stercotomy and drawing at the Rcnsselaer Polytechnic Institute. lie was made president emeritus of the institute in 1917 when he retired. Prof. Thompson edited and illustrated several text books and was, an authority on Indian relics. CAPT. .TAMES EDMUND CORKHILL Captain James Edmund Corkhill, six? ty-four, who for the last six year:; commanded vessels of the Standard Oil fleet, died yesterday at the home of his sister, Mrs. Sarah Quenzel, 75 Sip Avenue, Jersey City. He had followed the sea since ho was fourteen years old and was the inventor of the time omoter, a. device used to reckon time and course. Ho was decorated with the Lloyd Medal of Honor for bringing into an Australian port the schooner Crown of India in 189.'!. LIEUT. COL. LEWIS T. GRIFFITH Lieutenant Colonel Lewis '!'. Griffith, forty-six, of the United Statos Army Medical Corps, died of disease in Franco on April 8. For fifteen yeai t'olonel Griffith ?.vas associ?t) d in pri vnto practice w ith Dr. I. I . Hill, of rjlti Madison Avenue. Colonel Griffith served in the medical corps in the Spanish-American and Philippine wars, In the last war he was in command of Has?' Hospital No.76,al Vichy, Franco, SAMUEL W. EHRICTI Samuel W. Enrich, sixty-four, fonn erly junior partner of Khrich Brothers, department store formerly on Sixth Avenue and Twenty-third Street, died Friday at Wntkina Glen, X. V. When Samuel Khrich retired in 1901 the busi? ness was carried on by his brother, Jules S. Khrich, until 11)11. OBITUARY NOTES MISS CHARLOTTE LEWIS WILL? IAMS, seventy-nine, widow of Irwin A. William?;, formerly a manufacturer rif lamps and headlights in Utiea, N. Y, died yester? day in Greenwich, Conn. She is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Alfred G. Smith, wife if the presiden: .if ?he Ward Steamship Line, and -i son, Captain Aras J, Williams, Wh? ?S OVi I'M us , MRS. VIRGINIA WTGHTMAN JOHN? SON, wife of Wilbur S. Johnson, second vice-president ol the Prudential insurance Company, died Friday at her 'vene, I i i Harrison Street, K?st Orange, N. J. She was the daughter of the late Panul ('. and Rebecca Wightman, an?1 had r< :: : in Fa ' Orange for twenty-li1'? ;'"'-irs. MRS. JULIA M. LO\ K, .-? venty-three, died I Wednesday at her winter born? in Miami, F!a. She was the widow of John W. Love, j cifrar manufacturer, and while in Manhat tan lived at the Great Northern Hotel. She was a member of the Echjctric and Athena ' clubs. WILLIAM HENRY BURNET, ninety-two, | a retired manufacturer, died Friday at his home, 62 North Arlington Avenue, East Orange, N. J. He was a member of the Brick Presbyterian Church. WALTER A. RAPP, thirty-one. a cli ' ir. the genera! postoffice at Jersey City, died Friday. CATHERINE DALY, of 30 Bright Street. Jersey City, is dead. DANIEL A. HIGBEE. one of the oldest] employes of the Wells, Fargo Express Com? pany, is dead at 255 Eighth Street, Jersey City. NELSON PACK CHASE, seventy-three, of i 770 Quiney Street. Brooklyn, died Friday. FRANK BRETTELL, sixty-three, a builder of homes in Harlem, died Friday in the Mid wood Sanatorium. JAMES M. OVERTON, seventy-one, ? former liveryman, is ?lead at his homa in Patchogue. Long Island. ON FREE VIEW O-MORROW In SILO'S Fifth Ave. Art Galleries 40 East 45th St. S. W. Cor. Vanderbilt Ave. Jame? J'. Silo * Son. Auctioneers. EXHIBITION AND SALE OF Venetian Decorative Arts Collected Throughout Italy And Produced by Artists and artisans amone VENETIAN REFUGEES, Promoted by the ASSOCIAZIONE PER IL LAVORO DI VENEZ1A Inder tlie auspices of the EX-PREMIER LUIGI LUZ ZATTl AND THE ITALIAN EMBASSY AT WASHINGTON. D. C, AND THE SUPER VISION OF COMM. CORRADO RICCI (<cnernl Director (if line Arts und Antiques In Italy, This marvellous collection, ?bleb I ?111 be on exhibition cominenclnii ! To morrow, Ximl .'l-l, reveals II,el tnilnlto iioHHibiliiit'K of in,- Venetian ; xuim, mill npjM'uU lo I lie American Impulse for beiiut.v. Till IMtOCKKDM OF Till: SA!.EH -ni m: m > on o TO Till? mm? lot: lit IMAIIIhlllM, Till I'HI'. \i A It UtT INIll NTItlliS VI X I MCI., Sale? commence IV?nri'1.-?.y, April 28th, at 2 P. ML, ami Following Afternoons at Same Hour. ANHELO MKNOCCI AM? ILAKIO NFHI. Delegates for Ibe Etblbltlon, I ON VTFWT?-M0RK(1W il VJiN VlliVV & TUESDAY \\ at the Galleries of jj 333-341 ^AAUCT|0N ROOMS HOMEFURNISHINGS The Property or Estates uml Individuals, consisting n? l-'iirnlliire. Draperies, Persian Carpets, Hugs, itrniize?,, European I'orrelnins, Sliver I'luleil Ware, Water Colors, KnuravltiKit. Etchings, Drawings, Monk?? and niirneroiis other objet t s of ?iiloi iiniiiii and utility, A collection of OIL PAINTINGS hv European ami American artists Hie Property of Prlvntc' Collectors. Aluo a l<argo and Importan) Serles ol Cut and Polished Gem Stones of ?.rent Scientific, Krturnl lonal ond Artistic Valtll , formerly Hie Proper 13 ?'f The Chsutauqus New York Gem Store eollhlhllllli of OVei H.O'lli ( ?1 ,,,?( |.,,|. Mictl ejiones suitable for jewelrj work, t<> which have been added over ?,:,(MM> Coins mid ?ome Souvenir Jewel rj and Jewelers' rinding?. TO BE SOI.It AT AUCTION Wednesday, Thursday, Prlday and Saturday, April 2?,, -m. '.:, anil 26, from Z o'clock eriel, dOJ'. HENRY A. HARTMAN Auct'r. ANNA WALLACE, twenty-one, died Fri- ; day at her home, 11?? Bedford Avenue, Brook- ; lyn. JAMES .M'KNIGHT. thirty-five, an em? ploye of the Waterbury Wire Work?, died Thursday in St. Anthony's Hospital, Brook? lyn. ELIZABETH LUCHT, an employe of the i Ludwig Lehman jewelry concern at 7'J Reek- ? man St,-cct, is dead in Rrooklyn. LISA ERVAST, ten. daughter of fieonre E. Ervast, ; isistant editor of "The Finnish A .i.oi-i'an." died Friday at 4F'? Eighth Ave- , nui. Brooklyn. GEORGE KAISER. Sr., fifty-three, a mem- . ber of the United Brotherhood of Carpenters . and Joiners:, is dead at 3 St. John's Place, I Ridge wood. JACOB KIRCHNER, sixty-three, an em ploye of the American Sugar Refining Com? pany, is dead at his home in Brooklyn. MICHAEL A. BYRNE, for many years a boss dock builder, -.veil known on the Brook? lyn waterfront, died Friday. DELIA C. DUNN, in charge of the day nursey of St. Vincent's Church, Brooklyn, i> dead at her home, 11 Harrison Avenue, Brooklyn. DANIEL WAT,LACE HIB13ARD. sixty two, of 461 Putnam Avenue, Brooklyn, is dead. Ho ?-an in the steel business in New York. Easter Epg Rivalry Settled by Ostrich Circus Goose Clown's Offering (iocs to Owner anil Killer iltis Other Trophy A special prize dinner of a quarter peck of ground glass, horseshoe nails and discarded spangles has heen nwnrd ed to Merx.a, giant ostrich of the Har inim & Hailey and Ringling Brothers combined circuses, for producing ?he banner Faster egg of the menagerie .' Madison Square Garden. Moran arrived onlj three or four chiys ago, and when her crate was opened nn egg was found hidden under the. straw. The discovery of thn egg was particularly disconcerting to Gladys, the only clown poose in cap? tivity and the companion of Sid ?a Ilyc, m clown who was making children laugh hi't'ore the plans for Madison Square (?arden wore drawn. Gladys is ii eonsidcrnto female. She know that Sid wanted an egg for I i:ter and produced one. The fact that .she laid it on top of a trunk be? longing to Yvette Henee, one of the 'big show's equestriennes, complicated the situation, as Yvette put. in a claim for tin? trophy. The problem finally was solved, liow c\cr, with the advent of Merza, for it was to Yvette thnt the ostrich eprg wus given, and Sid got Gladys a con tribution. But Merza's egg would make eight of the smaller one. The circus begins the last week of its current ..-?:. on ;it the Garden to? morrow. I-.'r- ! Saturday night, it will move over to Brooklyn. Two Fabricated Sh?r Are Launched al INewark Two fabricated steel ships of the 5,500-ton type, the Jackson and the Shortsville, were launched yesterday at the yards of the Submarine Boat Corporation, Port. Newark Terminal. Mrs. II. II. Tukey and Mrs. Joseph Ca? in!! were the sponsor?. 4 Held in Holbach Killings Police Believe They Have Gang That Murdered Man and \Tife Four men are now under arrest in connection with the murder of .Joseph Holbach and his wife, Helen, of South ! Ozone Park, L. I., several weeks ago. j The police believe thev now have all 1 i the members of the gang responsible for the double killing. Frank Railo, twenty-four, of 151 Classen Avenue, Brooklyn, and Rocco Braceia, thirty, of Sil Ker.t Avenue. Brooklyn, were held in $10,000 bail each bv Judge Burt J. Humphrey, in! the Queens County Court. A week ago Michael Casalino, of 116 Classon Ave? nue, Brooklyn, and Faul Ricci, of South Ozone Park, were arrested and are now being held without bail. ?.,%??.? By Smith's Knickerbocker Sales Rooms, Inc., n^^?? '" E' SMITH' AUCTIONEER. Importan* Sale of the Rich Modorn Furnishings wirK^fiol!) I it y*,/o>Y-/j,?/?' Contained in the L?tge Private Residence WmllS 208 West' 72d St., ADJOINING LINCOLN TRUST CO., THE PROPERTY HAVING BEEN SOLD PRIOR TO ALTERATIONS FOR BUSINESS PURPOSES Sale Days Tuesday and Wednesday, April 22 and 23, at ! ! o'clock slurp, by order of Mrs. Marion Lewis. THE ABOVE LARGE RESIDENCE FURNISHED REGARDLESS TIIROCGHOIT OF A UK.H ORDER OFFERS AN OPPORTUNITY TO THOSE SEEKING MODERN GOODS OF THE BETTER CLASS AND INCLUDES ; Mahogany Living Room, Dining and Chamber Suites, WEBER BABY GRAND PIANO, |j A PROFUSION OF ORIENTAT. RUGS AND CARPETS, SUPERB LINEN'S AND { EMBROIDERIES, PAINTINGS, MEZZOTINTS, ENGRAVINGS, TIFFANY < LOCK ! SETS, BRONZES, EXQUISITE CHINA, RICH HANGINGS, REAL LACE CURTAINS, ' BRASS ANDIRONS AND FENDERS, MIRRORS, ELECTROLIERS, CHOICE BRIC-A BRAC, etc., etc, cnrKFononKS, library tables, bookcases, davenports, wardrobks, bra? twin A\r> FUI.I, size i.''h- n An--. sppkuior ? i i;r.i;i> iiAin mattresses, desks, larg ami SMA1.I., Mj?O HIE RICH CARPETS niUortlllOCT; ll I'ORCEI \l\ LINED BATH TIB! IIASINS, fcC, KITOIITI MT> FOB III VI liS OV REAL IH UNIT! 111'. ?jmi>,* At Smith's Knickerbocker Sale? Room?, Inc., f?j?&fik '"i11 St., Seventh Av, to Broadway, adjoining Rivoli. 'Phone '|oSm/?/circle '6H-5- C. C, Smith, Auctioneer M^Uil ?" Vi<,w Tuesday and Wednesday, April 22 and 23 The Sumptuous Furnishing? snd Effect? of Prince Alexander Miskinoff, RBMOYED FROM ARDSLEY HALL, CENTRAL PARK WEST. Including Luxurious Salon, Living Room, Dining and Boudoir Furniture, Superb Hangings, Persian and Chinese. Carpets and Rugs, PAINTINGS BY REPRESENTATIVE ARTISTS. INCLUDING THORN, < ROPSEV. OTTO, HERZOG, MEYERHEIM AND OTHERS OF PROMINENCE. WEBER UPRIGHT PUNO. SUPERB HEM. BRONZE CLOCK SET SHEFFIELD AND STERLING M EVER. ELECTROLIERS. CABINETS, CHINA, MOSAIC ENAMEL AND PORCELAIN PAINT ! INOS, TEAKWOODS, BRASS AND WROI.GI1T DION ANDIRONS, TAPESTRY, HANGINGS. AC ' ELLIOTT MALI. CHIME CLOCK, MAHOGANY CASE. Also the Del 1? Torre Collection of Chinese and Japanese Bronzes and Porcelains i III.-; UNO AND CHEN Lt'N'G DYNASTIES AIjo hy Order of A. Pappolardo, Ret??-?.'..^ IM** ENTIRE STOCK OF CEMENT LOINTAINS, BKN'CHKS, BYZANTINE, ALLE GOKII \l. YNH EGYPTIAN JARDINIERES. Also an uncalled for bill purchased by Mrs. Picord at the recent Marjorie Rambeau Sale AMOUNTING TO ?1.095, DEPOSIT $190. WILL HE RESOLD AS TETI CONDITIONS OF SALE III KING THIS SALE. Beginning Thursday, Also Friday and Saturday AT 2 O'CLOCK DAILY ^?^?^^^^^^^^^^i^^^^^M^M^^^ggi?l^^^^M Between Lexington Ave. and Third Ave. New York City The Aimone Manufacturing Company, for 41 years Makers and Importers of the Highest Class Period Furnit and Furnishings, Italian Gan Marbles and Terra Cotta. Have, on account of their Shops being contracted for to full capacity for a long period on special High Grade cabinet work, DECIDED TO DISCONTINUE ENTIRELY CARRYING STOCK and will close out through the Aimone Galleries, at their Wholesale Showrooms, their entire Collection, AMOUNTING TO $373,473.00 FOR $1G2,150.00 | Inventur?, na of \?nil 5th, 1018] AN INSTANCE: A Ten-piece Louis Seize, 3 color Enamel, Antique Gold and Pastel Decorated Boudoir Suite, was $2190.00 . . . NOW $895,00 The Aimone Manufacturing Company will stand back of every sale made, and purchasers may be so assured. All prior notices to the Trade are hereby with? drawn. An unusual opportunity is afforded to Dealers, Decorators and Architects. Goods purchased at this sale are not subject to return or exchange. No article sent on approval. Out-of-town pur? chases carefully packed at cost. TERMS OF SALE, NET CASH SALE NOW OPEN TO THE PUBLIC 1S7-?59 E. 32nd Street New York City lU. &Mxh* ART EVENTS OF EXTRAORDINARY IMPORTANCE At The American Art Galleries Madison Square South, Now York ON FREE PUBLIC VIEW TO-MORROW (MONDAY) anci Continuing Unl? the Day of Sale From 9 A. M. Until 6 P. M. THE VERY VALUABLE ANCIENT AND MODERN Oil Paintings BELONGING ro THE HEIRS OF THE LATE ?harles Stewart Smith To the Estate of the Late F. L. Block. Peoria, Illinois; Estate of the Late William Macbeth. New York; Estate of'the Late Humphrey B. Kendrick, Boston, INT? THE FOLLOWING PRIVATE OWNERS MRS. HILDA C. FLOWER. MR. J. OLCOTT RHINES MR. JOSEPH F. FLANAGAN, MR. JOHN EMMANS AND MR. WILLIAM OBERWALDER INCLFDEP IN THIS VERY IMPORTANT COLLECTION is A FINE EXAMPLE OF REMBRANDT From the Collection of Lord PalmerMon and ( ollretlon of lord Mount Tom?is AND REPRESENTATIVE WORKS BY OLD MASTERS AND EARLY ENGLISH Nef!', Peter?Van de Velde- Guardi?Constable- Gainsborough t, ."> e: amples). BARBIZON AND CONTEMPORARY FRENCH Corot (4 examples)? Dupre (6 examples)?Daubi<jny i 2 cxamplei) ?Mi?et.-Rousseau?Troyon i ~ examples'??Din?, do la P>-nn_ Decamp?Delacroix-.Jacque (3 examples)?Courbet? (2 examples)?Van Marcke tS examples)?Harpignies (2 examples) ?B.-.rgue?Breton, Jules?Boudin?Beuch?.Meissonier, J. L. E, De Neuville ? D?taille ?- Rnffaclli ? Pissaro ? Fantin-Ijitour ? Vibert?Ziern (2 examples)?Hrnttrr. MODERN FOREIGN ARTISTS Schreyer ? ThauloMr (2 examples) ? Clays?Munkacsy?Rice-? Domingo?Knatis?Ley: Pettenkofen?Ai-henbach, A.?Dr Bock (2 examples)?- Chnrlemont ? Israels ? Maris. Jacob ? Weissen brtich (5 examples)?Mauve (2 examples')?Neuhuys?Blommers (2 example?)?Kever?De Hoog?Doucet. AMERICAN ARTISTS [nness (4 examples)?Wyant (2 examples)?Blakelock?Dearth? Hunt, W. M.?Dewey?Dougherty ? Kost ? McCord ? Boughton (3 examples)?Bogert (2 examples)?Davis?Inman?Jarvis? Vanderlyn. THE ENTIRE COL? ECTION TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE ON THURSDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS of This Week. Apr!; 24th and 25th, at 8:15 o'CIock \ In the Grand Ba?rooni of the Plaza Hotel Fifth Avenue, 58th to 53th Street (Admission bj card to !??? had free of Hi" Managers) _AT CO_. ON FREE VIEW BEGINNING TO-MORROW (MONDAY) THE VALUABLE ANTIQUE CHINESE PORCELAINS IndurHng the "FAMOUS BRINKLEY SANG DE BOEUF j VASE," Jades, E^^rr/els, Bronzes and Glass, Japanese Sword Guards, Knife Handles, Sword Mounts and other Metal Work. Fine Old Netsukes, Greek and Persian Faience and Other Objects of Art. COLLECTED BY TDK I Mr Charles Stewart Smith \ND TO BE SOLD BY ORDER OF HI> HEIRS At The American Art Galleries, on the Afternoons cf Friday and Saturday of This Week I April 25th and 26th, ?t 2:30 o'Clock ? ' An lllustrnteil descriptive ?utaloprue "f the paintings ?ill be mnllfd t? applicants on the receipt of One Dollar and <>f the Oriental Art Ohjcrts un receipt of Fifty Cents. ?ALSO To be sold Tuesday of Tins WreV at 3:00 and 8:15 P. M. RAPE AMERICANA, including,?Saybrooli Platform, origina! issue, 1710; "Treaty He'd Witi the Indians," published by Benjatiin Franklin, 1743; Hop kius's "Hosisatnnrni', Indians," ?7.:)3; Rogers "Pontoacb," ?766; Laws of Mary? land, Louisiana and Fennessee. Also, A REMARKABLE COLLECTION OF BROADSIDES OF THE COLO? NIAL AND PROVINCIAL TIMES, including *ne re!*;!::- to the Settlement of Vir"inia, published in lf'22, and a large number relating to the AMERICAN REVOLUTIONARY and WAR OF 1812 PERIODS, many pf which have never been offered before at public saie -ALSO The H. M. Levengston Library Incluilinp,?Ainsworlh, Balzac, British Poets, Bulwer, Carlvle. Cooper. Dick? en'. Dumas, Fielding, Goldsmith, Hu"o, ie^e, Lover, Merediih, Merimee, Moliere, Motley, Por, Mayno Reid, Scott, Shake peare. Stockton, Thackeray, Thurrau and Tolstoi, and First Editions und Illustrated Book?. rO 111. MlMi B1 ORDEN OF MR, I r\ I N < aTO\ ON WEDNESDAY OF THIS WEEK, AT 3:00 AND 8:15 O'CLOCK ( itiOi ;ui mull I on receipt of I'Ht.i < ? iiIn. ON FREE VIEW BEGINNING APRIL 24TH Mr. John Boland's UNEXCELLED COLLECTION OF THE COMPLETE ETCHINGS OF Axel Herman Haig TO BE SOLD APR'!. 29th and 30th AT 8:30 O'CLOCK ?, Illustrated ('Hli)lomie m nil oil ,.n receipt ?f ;.. Cent? < ANNOUNCEMENT EXTRAORDINARY TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE 0?i the Afternoons of May 1st and 2nd A" The American Art Galleries The Very Important iTolentino Galleries Collection Consisting of Rare Italian Renaissance Furniture, Bronzes, Marbles and Terra Cotia, Greek and Roman Antiquities, Textiles, Primitive Paintings and other objects of greal ! ( Rarity. Together with other very important -ferns recently procured abroad by Raoul Tolentino and which have been recently shipped from Havre ". Illustrated Catalogue ?it preparation. TO BE SOLD IN MAY 1 1 Rare Japanese Color Prints including many exceedingly fine examples of Hiroshige and other great masters BEING PART I! OF THE IMTORTANT COLLECTION OF THE CONNOISSEUR Judson D? Metzgar MOLINE; ILLir ' ? Illustrai .' ' ' ill " '?? in preparation, The sales will be conducted by MR. THOMAS E. K?RBY and hi? ?nslstant?, Mr. Old) Unmet und Mr. il. II Parke, of the W| AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Managers ^k'm '^^?$*?? Madison Sq. South. Entrnnee ?! E. ZSii Street, New Vor?, ffv' iHi-?W _ si,' ?.??.?s