Newspaper Page Text
Lrjjislaliiiv al End; Welfare re 1 )eai ?ills Continued from pn*-? I State $5,300,000 to give u :. .. year to each I ," 1 ti achors in the state. is man latory, will idd fi " twelve m : I 1 'on dol? lars innual to the New York ( ty to tax limitation bill was introduced i i the last few num.tes of t: i r .lohn .1. Hoy Ian of N'ew York, if r several confer i ? ? ? the executive ch iinbe r be? tween .". Governor and the Legisla? ture leaders. A general bill, applying '.i .;" ? o stato, which was i ? iy, was lot die on of the up- I al estate d en want< iximum fixed at ?' per i \no nd Income Tn\ Bill '.' -?: bill sens ge. i T<e ; f rom ;- municipal bi Another provides ins in con be created Or uvi i-y h majority vol , ? ing of the I Govei man of t ho Senate I Final ? u, Henry M, Sago, und 1 m- Assembly Wayi ? , 11. Ed gone M. Travi : tids. T which is to vuen ! he stato and loci ' in wl ch ?1 is col lectod, will, ? " to ti nal o? Fr< d M. Davenpt rt, yield about fifty million di lian .? I . ' approxi '?? . , .,- iil . ,, twentj four n illion dol- 1 lars, i.i aillion dol I by 1 ! e. i stati palities, oro- third >.:o ing to the latti i. Cent Beer Bill In t ' '.'eck in January the I T,, fied the bone dry ; after it had killed all measu rea of fere I red by thi 'mi Saloon ,i voce vote in - ti o i cent beer un thi A' ? Saloon kec pers wee 'l . h atl ractcd inn tie up to i he ! i. 0 p ! a I ?? ''?'? la i < It will in ?P. pro It carries a not !-,., . ? . ity until I the ! by thi 100,000 for the ] . ,?!?>,'. posed mel In i - \? i toi J . . ; .i c , I ... I . u ? I , It I'll I ? . ? I \ . ? 1 .. o-l an.? ; > ?' j ?? ? ? i rd to ? ; ? -? ogate'a thi Burl the I court jus J ' v i r, '" ""-* be l ? Goy ? ( re or veto them, * .artment ? w dona rt I r - 'S ?-ere ? , i -, - ? a depart I t ' ' at the . be a resident of Th< ' the courts * of New York god in. | Ttro I -.:.-.: r i ? ? pa] ,- thi Legisla t ? .: he Mayor. , < i*ii ?tice to the | s<^- ?!, and an ii',: ? r c?, ?ml con jadge, in r< fere? - I city judges ? were many racm thi Republican J ; - JacJTat-d Throagh h .'" mod ih re ugh ? thi last fe? i i being ?? '? a > i ? the efforts or SjM-ii'fcr - . ? ; ? , 1*N . . . ? ,v I tactic '?' t.uani mil les tbj s for?- of nay he ap~ I City by i rpe - oea an 1 ihali ; e j - ? i *? Deputy chai ?I?- power of arreet. cin^ arma. They *-:rj ' ? . ? i hau Hs f?- ? rd i Eatiinato of ibt I .. m York. TasAfi? l?WjMte I'rol rut? ' cried Ajwmbly RUB ? - i. leader of the Dnaaa ? ! icer < f t i't*e. *t A/.'; >. held on h and an i.f> ? re* to njvort it out, i * ? ? . re r>-Iatir;j; so!e '??? , ' he ?? I Mad | '?? r ? ?bill create? 7" ; ?"?: it*, rv p v '?I I) i f i liman, I Into lu bllli V*THP> J9' !t>i*,y ? Oa? W?J . ;.-? '** reaUti | ?! v-ry a D 1* - i ? ? ? . -, . t ,,? ?>'? ' - 't. , liai ,,i ... was I dim a?. , | ?*!?* ; cl \tf 'I hi ? ?I .? thi ' " - ' " fioard i ' ? ? cost ti;i ?I the l^>rVwr.o?1 I *'|U*i pay | f-.r taach?ri regardi*M of $n in tb? *? ffi?BUSta27 Atiiooii of New York I 'y. 1 ? BRIDES' TAILORED SUIT FOR GOING AWAY Depending on where one is ?oin?? there are tricotines, coverts, silver tweeds, series, homespuns, stock i n e d es and fibre silks. The model depends on one's taste, and the help of many chic and charming examples to form it! But the workmanship !?one can have bur one choice in that! ? it must be superbly done that the elegancies of tailoring may serve to beautify the prevail? ing simplicity of line. TAILORED BLOUSES T O G O WIT H ) T For mannish su : lines the perfect accompaniment is a , imple waist i i erchle? linen, dimity, Luxor silk, crepe de chine, o rear crepe, with cluster ' illed bosoms, l? the bride has her own idei e, we can express tha I i F it comes from our own workrooms, it will have the added charm of * spirited workm a i ; s i u p, MILLINERY FOR THE CEREMONY AND AFTERWARDS Brushing, in the lines and colors broadly, the collection embraces all varieties of both, in crepes, organdies, and laces for the bride and her brides? "maids. Designed and-made by our own milliners under the constant inspiration ? of Paris. AND WRAPS NO BR?DE SHOL?LD BE WITHOUT Soft-clm?ym?,? fur-banded cape wraps of chiffon or tricolette? evening wraps that are glories of chiffon and white or kold tapestry brocade?a camel hair polo doth copy of a Callot, with stole forming flat revers ? black and color beaded wraps and wraps of chucker cloth? wraps for all hours and all airs. !Vi\ ?. - APRIL IS NONE TOO EARLY THINK OF THE TROUSSEAU FOR JUNE T has been observed that all brides are beautiful. That is partly because everybody loves a wedding,, which is the most sacred and picturesque of human ceremonies. But it is chiefly because the bride devotes so much time and thought to planning for the event that she is transfigured by the rare beauty of her raiment, however lovely her natural endowments. We well know, of course, that June is the marriage month, but April is none too early to think about it. When Whistler could not be prompt at the wedding of one of his friends, he wired him: Fear I may not he ahlc to reach you in time for ceremony. Don't wait! A trousseau takes time, and that is all that the Individual Shops ask to achieve a triumph! THE BRIDAL GOWN SHOULD BE CONSIDERED NOW ? We will not seek to beguile you with sonnets in satin, lyrics in lace, cantos in chill?n, or epics in embroidery. The finished gown's the tiling! How shall it be made? How will it bo made? And by what hands? These are the questions!. The Individual Shops will ?rente it in their own workrooms, where the skill, and the solicitude of seamstresses who dream of their own bridal costumes in creating the one to be yours, will v\ivc the crystal win&s o?'idealization to the Sedalina fancies of your ideas! SO SHOULD THE GOWNS FOR THE BRIDESMAIDS The Bridesmaids' &owns must be ?iven especial thought if they are to add to the beauty of the picture. So the Gown Shop confers with the Bride as to her ideas on fabric, line and color.. However, where immediate selection is desired, the resources of the Gown Shop embrace charming examples in Georgette crepe, chiffon, drapable taf fieta, crepe de. chine and satin. AND HERE'S LINGERIE DELICATE AS BUTTERFLY WINGS Now proceed we to &ild the lily and throw a perfume on the violet! Here are, creations from Paris and our workrooms, so delicate and fine, so nebulous in texture and so exquisite in needlework, that the lan?,ua?e 0f loveliness limps in its efforts to des? cribe them. Ni?ht&owns, chemises, slips, petticoats, pantaloons and camisoles, of delicate crepe de chine Or Georgette, in white, flesh or orchid; and inspirations from BOUE SOEURS of Paris; captivating underthin^s of sheer batiste, luxurious with fine hand-embroidery, and real Val, filet or Irish lace, and nightgowns and chemises of black Chantilly over hand-emb'd crepe do chine, charm? ing and audacious in design and ex? quisite examples of fine workmanship. BRIDES' BOUDOIR GOWNS BEYOND NUMBER AND COMPARE! Boudoir Gowns, ne?lig,ees, peignoirs, and home dinner ?owns, of crepe de chine, Georgette, and two-tone chiffon, in a maze of alluring arrangements and a haze of subtle color schemes, decked with draperies of lace and bouquets of French flowers, or simple as the heart of the bride desires. Fifth Avenue, 37th and 38th Streets PARIS-4 Rue MarteL LONDON?29 Jewin Crescent.? .. V nw?**?^mmmmKris* BRIDAL HOSIERY THE N-E PLUS ULTRA OF QUALITY .Nothing is too silken, too kauze like and fine, for the bride and the bridesmaids to wear and the Indiyiduai Shop;. em? ole. There are del: Imy stockings, with insertions of real point lace or Chantilly; o pen- w o r k e fie c t s w i thou t number, and bridesmai hosiery to. match th AND DAINTY BRIDAL FOOTWEAR From Cinderella' own day, a sm,ill fool prized. Yet it is not so mi a matter o? the fool as ol the shoe. It':, ?ill in the w modeled, Our;., for e> all look small, ? considers a pretty hand tun white satin bridal dainty French ; white buckskin 0 practical ?oin&-away shoes. THE BRIDAL VEIL MADE TO ORDER! Lifeht as soft Lydian airs reole of youthful I the veil! A mist of tulle or lace, sprayed with orange blos? soms, di^ht with embroidery or silver pearl, or latticed with lace. But it must be also a dream of draping, so we make it in our ov/n workrooms.. LOVES OF GLOVES FOR THE BRIDE There is the all-import a: trousseau cloves, which, a the ceremony, sentimental brides lay away revere: in lavender. Then, there are our En Tete French Glo\ in 12 to 16-button len?l of which half a dozen pairs is none too many.