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3^3?-^^ ?ZJ?J?y*<?fc? Attr?el?an? Ar? Price??Quality?Senrtcp ?dei.ld bqu?? d?r/, 34lb t?fttb St. FABRICS of all Kinds for the CLOTHES One Needs for the EASTER - TO-SUMMER Season We Sell Dependable Merchandise at Prices Lotcer Than Any Other Store, but for Cash Only Store Hours: 9:00 A. M. to 5:30 P. M. A comparison of our prices tcith those of other stores in Blouses of rare smartness Have lengthened lines, shortened sleeves, dis? carded collars, and added a sash?behold the effect! THE BLOUSE ILLUSTRATED is of heavy Georgette crepe printed in artistic designs. It slips over the head, the buttons and loops forming at once the trimming and the fastening. It is banded and bound in Georgette or satin of harmonizing color. Priced Specially, $13.74 INTERESTING INTERPRETATIONS OF THE TUNIC BLOUSE may be found among our imported models. A blouse of bisque Georgette combined with cloth of gold, a black Georgette blouse beaded in jet form? ing a diamond design; a white crepe de chine blouse with hand painted border; a white Georgette blouse with a single hand embroidered flower at the hem; a French blue crepe de chine blouse with dots and circles embroidered in salmon pink chenille. ?AB?CmS?Third Floor, 34th. Street. The Fifth Liberty Loan The Drive starts to-morrow! Four previous loans enabled us to win the war. The fifth is needed to clean up. Let us make a complete job of it. What has been accomplished was well worth the money spent, and what remains to be done will put to good use the money Uncle Sam starts to raise to-morrow. Get your subscription in early. Thirty per cent of the total Loan must come from the Metropolitan district. Let us show the country at large that no burden is too heavy for Father Knicker? bocker to bear. Dig deep, and come across smilingly! ?Malo l loor, S*th mipci, Women'* l.tbertj l.oun Committee, 1,200 Pairs of Women's white chamois lisio GLOVES 54c Pair Our usual price 79c Pair To buy several pairs for Spring wear is a wise in? vestment because they wash and wear so well. The^e are of good quality chamois finish lisle in two clasp style with round corners and double draw backs, Extremely well fashioned. ?\j?Main rioor, 35th Street, . Every MISS Needs a SWEA TER for Summer sport wear \ lcrr arc four smart styles for misses oi 10 to L6 years. The charm of Real Laces is traditional. PERHAPS it is the infinite labor and patience woven in the delicate tracery of its patterns, perhaps it is the romance of its history, perhaps it is an heirloom?there is a sentimental reason for treasuring it, but always there is an unending fascination about real lace. The fortunate owners of "family pieces" are few and far between. Such legacies are rare, but there are few with means so limited that they cannot afford real lace, at least as carefully and exquisitely made, if not as sentimentally valuable, as the relic of the bygone day. Women of taste, we believe, will appreciate our collection of hand-made laces, which includes Valenciennes, Duchesse, Rose Point, by the yard, and fashioned into Bridal Veils, and Handkerchiefs. The Spring Bride should be interested in this very special offering of Real Duchesse Lace 8 inches wide, $8.49 yd. 9 inches wide, 1 1.49 yd. 10 inches wide, 16.89 yd. ft$&!F3>?Maln *"loor. 84th Street The April DIAMOND SALE continues The prompt response to our announce- ! vestigating. ment of April 4th proves that each year ! Though the month is nearly over there more people are convinced that the sav- is still an ample selection, for the Sale was ings in this Annual Event are worth in- j planned on a large scale. Write for catalog listing every piece in the Sale, and plainly indicating the saving between our former "lowest-in-the-city" price and the April Sale price A tathol list is given here. Originally. Sole. 15 DIAMOND KINGS. $27.75 to $297.00 $22.49 to $259.00 5 DIAMOND BROOCHES, 37.75 to 399.00 22.49 to 349.00 21 DIAMOND BAR PINS, 39.50 to 679.00 32.50 to 598.00 2 SCARF PINS, 74.50 and 134.00 63.50 and 119.00 2 CUFF LINKS, 36.50 and ?9.50 26.50 and 43.50 3 WRIST WATCHES, 189.00 to 594.00 169.00 to 479.00 10 BRACELETS, 32.50 to 102.00 25.50 to 89.50 fftjyj y*$? Main Fluor, Iront. The new summer rurtains Arc wry simple ? I herein lies their charm, fiir they arc as dainty and cool looking as possible, and their very simplicity gives them that um ibtrusivc quality necessary to set off the more elaborate effects of the over hangings. At $3.49 there is one with a wide Ik in. which has little diamond shaped medallions of lace in? S o t. At $3.74 there nrc curtains of dotted grenadine, in rich ecru color with hemstitched hem and imitation Venise lace edge. At $5.74 there are curtains of fine voile with narrow hand hemstitched hem and Venise lace edging. At $6.74 a novel effect is gained by the use of a tuck above the hemstitched hem; the tuck is also hemstitched. Imitation Venise edge. At $7.74 and $7.94 dainty net curtains with lace edge and corner motif in Bruges style. reff?r'rQ -Kourth Floor, Rear, 35th fi L A.?$2.89 Slip-over Sweater in shetland weave, purled at the waistline. The large sailor collar and cuffs are of contrasting brushed wool. Corn with Copenhagen, rose with white, lavender with white, buff with brown, green v> ith heathi r. a?$4.49 ? -.'. cat? r ' if v. ool in a ne .v basket weav e, narn >w< d below the waistline. It has a sailor collar and a new draw? string at the waist. Copen? hagen, rose, turquoise, B.?$3.89 A sleeveless and collarless slip-over sweater of soft, fine mohair wool in "fishtail" style, which means that it is purled from the waistline to the bot * t'>m. Khaki, navy. D.?$4.74 < oat style sweater of shetland wool with a becoming Dutch collar and thread-through belt. Deep pockets. Corn, tur? quoise. Floor, :*,4tli Street. Extravagantly beautiful but not extravagantly priced, A recently imported collection comprising Edgings and insertions at 89c $1.19 $1.79 $2.19 $2.49 yard Our n/tttal prier* would be $1.29, $1M9, $2.19, $2.79 and $3.29 yd. It would be hard to exaggerate in describing these laces. They are marvelously fine in texture, and artistic in pattern, lit to adorn the most exquisite of lingerie or trim the loveliest of Summer frocks. i'$jUiyS~Umin ?n..?i 3*'h Htrrci. * East Meets ?Vest to Clothe the Ameri? can II aman in Her Hour m Leisure, Silk hand embroidered Japanese Kimonos 88.39 Graceful lounge robes, these with loose square Japanese sleeves and padded hems. Back and front effectively hand embroidered in floral de? signs?morning glories, roses or hydrangeas in dainty color? ings. Of good quality Jap silk, entirely silk lined. Light blue, pink, rose, Copenhagen or lavender. As illustrated. TOSVEWS?Third Floor, 34tta Strert. if <T % l'y Our Savings Are Your Savings on "Fruit of the Loom" Sheets and Pillow Cases We were able to secure a re? duction in price on these well known muslins. The manu? facturer has cut his prices on these dependable sheets and fillow cases, and we in turn ave cut ours. The Savings are Worth While Sheets Sizes before'tiemming: 54' x 94% in.e>. $1.19 G3 x 94% in." 1.39 63 x 103% in. ..... . " 1.54 63 x 112% in." 1.64 72 x 94% in." 1.54 72 x 103% in_..rr. " 1.68 72 x 112% in." 1.79 81 x 94% in." 1.68 81 x 103% in." 1.79 81 x 112% in.." 1.94 90 x 108% in.?,_" 1.94 90 x 112'a in." 1.94 Crib Sheets 45 x 79 in.e?. 89c Bolster Cases 42 x 70 % in.ei. 79c Pillow Cases 40 x 39 % in.e?. 44c 54 x 39% in.K.t " 84c ifljyjQT3?????menti K**r, "14th St. Hats In Pastel Shades are featured among the new things in the untrimmed section They are large and pictu? resque, in shapes that would lend beauty to any summer costume. The brims are of fine Milan hemp straw, the crown of softly draped taf? feta. They are in lovely shades of* maize, pongee, pink and orchid. $3.96 One of the shapes is illustrated r^?rt?/y?SWon?! Floor. 34th St. THIS SALE OF Silk pongees and habutais Gives evidence of the savings As tar as practical and economical fabrics are concerned, these two rank high among Stimmer silks. Pongees and habutais are cool, well wearing, do not crush easily, art. They nits, blouses, separate skirts, children's dresses, men's shirts, lingerie and linings. launder wen. and always loo are appropriate for dresses White habutais are particularly appropriate for graduation dresses. These Good Silks are priced as low as good Cottons. 5,000 yards of silk Shantung 3,000 yards of white habutais pongee 69e yd. I erified pri?e elsewhere 98c yd. Imported, natural color pongee. Smooth, even finish, fine silk texture. ?2 inches wide. 79c yd. Verified prices elsewhere up to $1.15 yd. Imported white silk habutai, well woven. 36 inches wide. 2,000 vards of white habutai silks at $1.09 yd. Verified prices elsewhere up to $1.50. Heavy grade habutai, excellent quality, finely woven, 36 inches wide. KftgyQ?Second Floor, 35th Street. ?White dress voile 29e Yd. Usually 39c yd. Fine, soft and sheer quality for summer frocks and blouses. 39 inches wide. ?Longcloth Made-In-A merica Two dependable qualities at low prices. Prices are quoted for pieces of 10 yards. 36 inches wide $1.98 40 inches wide $2.97 fo&'^TP?Second Floor, Centre. fiVMCfS?''"'ond Floor, Centre. Colored Cottons At prices that make it worth while to buy for your complete Summer Wardrobe note -Dress ginghams 29c yd. Usually 38c yd. About 40 different color combinations in many attractive plaid effects for morn? ing and porch dresses. Black and white, pink and white, red and white checked patterns, also Alice blue, pink, tan and lavender in plain colors, 31 inches wide. Printed silk and cotton crepes 49c Yd Formerly priced 59c to 98c yd. For negligees, effective cushion tops or summer draperies. There air sma.ll .ill over floral patterns and large fantastic Japanese designs in color combinations both conservative and gay. 27 inches wide. ?Nainsook 33c Yd. I Mtally 39c yd. Flesh and pink nainsook in a soft quality for lingerie and children's wear. 39 inches Dress ginghams 44c Yd. An excellent variety of ging? hams for summer dresses, including large bright plaids, checks, stripes and plain colors. 31 inches wide. Sport suiting 29e Yd. 1 .ight weight ainil servier.iblc cotton fabric, Pink% Ijghi blue, lan. ponjree, Copen? hagen, Belgian, brown, wis? taria, navy, black. 34 inches wide. Ramie linen 89c Yd. A good weight for summer suits and dresses. Pink, light blue, lavender, Copenhagen, leather. 35 inches wide. ?W??OT"??Second Floer, Centre. x\ii important SALE of Navy and black dress fabrics For the few dark wool Suits and Dresses that are neces* sary to all complete wardrobes every season of the year. Black costume broad? cloth $2.12 Yd. Formerly priced $3.39 yd. Superior quality, lustrous finish broadcloth, sponged and shrunk, ready for the needle. 48 inches wide. Limited quantity. All wool black serge $2.69 Yd. Usually priced $3.49 yd. The correct weight and twill for suits, dresses or separate skirts. Finely and firmly woven. 54 inches wide. Black chiffon broad? cloth S3.19 Yd. Lsually $4.29 yd. Superior quality, rich black broadcloth for smart tai? lored costumes. 54 inches wide. Men's wear navy serge $2.69 yd. lsually $3.49 yd. An excellent grade of navy serge for street suits and separate skirts, 54 inches wide f?i?SfSZ^3>?S?r?>Bd Floor, 3?th fUrett, Broadway. Please note these changes of location? MISSES' SUITS AND COATS | WOMEN'S SUITS Third Floor, 35th Street, Broadway Third Floor, 34th Street, Rear WOMEN'S CAPES AND WRAPS Third Floor, 34th Street, Broadway WOMEN'S DRESSES Third Floor, 34th Street, Rear ?e^EmrftE Herald Square r New York