Newspaper Page Text
Summary of Stock Exchange Dcalings (Copyrlxht, 1919, New Vork Tribun. lnc> Stocks Yesterday. Railroads . 93,500 Other ?tocka . 1.514,300 All Mocks . 1,607.800 Yesterday. I ? R. (,nrfrnmrnt . . $9,075,000 Kailroads . 801.000 '?ther bonds . 2,887.000 AM bonds . 12,763,000 Day befove. 38.200 664,100 702,400 Yenr aoro 31,800 535,100 566.900 ?lanuitry 1 to ? 1919. II'IS. 6,065,800 4,572,000 53,482,000 33,264,800 64.647,800 37,836.800 Bonds Day before. $5,790,000 347,000 1,732,000 7,879,000 Year ago. $4,015,000 622.000 637,000 5,274,000 January 1919. $659,173,000 63,894,000 228,588,000 951.655,000 6.602.100 53,028,500 59,630,600 . to dat?. 1918. $198,521,000 49,633,000 104,953,000 353,107,000 Record of Stock and Bond Averages (Copyright, 1919, New York Tribune Inc.) Yester day 20 Railroads . 70.80 30 Induatrials . 93.83 50 Stocks . 84.62 10 Railroads . 79.72 IC Induatrials . 94.91 5 L'tilities . 83.92 25 Bonds . 86.63 Stocks Day before. 70.80 93.60 84.48 Year ago. 67.90 79.70 74.98 Itange Jan. 1 to date 1919. High. Low. 72.85 68.70 93.83 79.20 84.62 75.32 Bonds 79.67 79.33 94.87 90.85 83.96 85.56 86.61 85.18 82.80 95.33 87.75 87.88 79.48 93.72 83.86 86.61 Kange year 1 High. 79.15 88.83 84.03 86.57 94.88 89.02 89.46 run 918. Low. 66.12 73.87 70.30 76.62 67.40 82.60 83.62 Yesterday'sTraasactions inListed Stocks All stocks quoted dollars a share. Annual dividend rate. also in dollars a share, is based on last regular payment. High and iow prices of lP!i) aro based only on transactions of 100 shares or more. 11 sh. Low. Dit. Net 1919. 1019. Ratt. Rale*. Open. High. Low. Close. cbge. Bid. Astc 50 33 ? Adams Ezpress . 200 33 33 33 33 ? 1% 32 34 54% 21 ? Ad-.ance Kumely . . 2100 3414 34' \ 33 33 ? % .32% 33 "0-,4 56' 2 6 Advance Rumtly pr. 2600 70 70-*4 70 70 - 69% 70'4 '*' 66 6 Ajax Rubber . 3700 79% 79^4 783i 79%+ 34 79% 793/4 ?.?4 3',? Ala?ka Uld M. 400 3% 3! 2 3% 3%- 3% 3% 23a 134 t~ Alaaka Juneau . 600 2 2 2 2 _ 2 2' B ?.9:8 30 ? Allia Chalmers Co. . 6400 39 39% 38' s 38'4? % 38% 38' - ?14-% 81% 7 Allis Chalmers pr. .. . 300 94 9434 94 94 '?% '?- % 93' 2 95 '. '0% 99% 8 Arn Agr Chem . 2800 110 110% 109' % 109%-f '2 109 109% "9'4 62 8 Am Beet Sugar. 1200 77 77'4 76% 76%? % 76'4 76' 53% 42'8 ? Amer Can Co. 30400 61% 53% 51' X 52% ' 1 525-8 ^234 103 98% 7 Amer Can Co pr- 200 102 102 102 " 102 - 102 102'4 96% 84'8 8 ?km Car & 1'dy Co.. 4600 95 96'/8 94% 95 -'- % 95 95% :-'6% 39% 4 Am Cotton Oil . 2600 56% 66% 55% 56 ? ' 4 55% 56 14% 10% 8 Am Drugs . 2000 12% 13 12% 13 + % 12% 13 27% 13' 8? Am Hide & Leather. 12100 27% 27% 26% 26%? % 26% 26% 1*0% 71% 7 Am H & L pr. 7700 110% 110% 108 109 ? % 108% 109 ?0% S8 ? American Ice . 3100 50% 50% 49% 50 % 50 50'', 71% 54% 6 Amer Ice pr. 1700 71% 71 % 70% 71 - 1U 70'-. 71 9 % 52% 3.60 Amer Int Corp. 54100 90% 91 86 87 ?2% 87" 87% 55% 44'8 ? American Linseed. . 16500 54'4 55% 54'4 55 % 54% 55 98% 85 Amer Linseed pr- 400 94 94% 94 94%? 1' 4 94' , 95' i0% 58 5 Amer I.ocomotive... . 12800 69% 70% 69 70%- 1% 70% 70'" *% 1 ? American Malt . 300 1% 1% 1% 1% !- % 1% 1% 54 61 _ Am Mlt 1 pr ctf std. 1400 53% 54 53'2 54 - % 6334 5414 78% 62% 4 Amer Smelting . 8800 71% 73 71', 4 72%; % 72% 72% 119 105 12 American Snuff .... 100 114 114 114 114. 4'3 107 114 93 68 8 Amer Steel Fdry- 6600 93 93 90 90 ? % 90% 90% 133 111% 7 American Sugar. 3100 129%' 130% 129% 130 ?-- % 129' , 130 118 113% 7 Amer Sugar pr. 100 117% 117% 117% 117%- 117' X 118 *.'8 96%. 10 American Sumatra.. . 8000 109%. 110% 109% 109% : % 109 " 109% *-?8 93 7 Am Sum Tob pr. 100 95 95 95 93 ? 1 94% 95 108% 98% 8 Amcr Tel & Tel. 1500 104% 104% 104 104%- % 104 104%' T15 191% 20 Am Tobacco . 603 209% 209% 208 209 ?(- 1 209 209'. '.06 100 6 Am Tob pf new ... 200 100% 100% 100% 100'-? ?% 100' . 101 68% 45% 5 Am Wool . 3700 68% 68% 68% 68%' 1 68% 68% 102 94% 7 Am "Wool pr. 100 99% 99% 99% 99%- 9n 100 45% 27% ? Am "Writ Paper pr. 10400 42% 45% 42% 45%'- 3 45 45'4 '5 11 ? Am /.inc & Lead... 100 14 14 14 14 ? % 14 14', 45 40 6 Am Zinc & Lead pr 200 43% 43% 43% 43%? "% 43'4 44% 63% 56% 6 Anaconda . 4100 61-% 62 61% 61% ~ % 61% 61% 3 1 ? Asscls Real Co. 2100 1% 2% 1% 1%,- ' ,t V 2 2 ?0% 17% ? As.soc Dry Goods.... 2300 43% 43% 43 " 43 - 43 43% 81% 68 5 Am>o Oil . 300 79% 79% 79% 79%-l- % 79 81 ?>4% 90 6 Atchison . 2600 91% 92 01% 91%- % 91% 92 39 86 5 Atchison pr . 100 86', , 86% 88% 86%- 86'-. 86% 99 95 7 Atl Coast Line. 200 97% 97% 97' 2 97%? ', 97 98 139%' 92 10 Atl Gulf & IV 1. 6600 139'. 4 139' 4 137% 137%? % 137% 138 94% 64%? Baldwin Locomo Co. 17200 93 93% 91% 91%? % 91% 92 50% 44 4 Baitimore & Ohio... 700 46 *6 45% 45%? '4 45% 46 56% 53 4 Baitimore & Ohio pr 4000 51% 51%' 50 51 - 50% 51 1353s 103 8 Barrett Co . 1100 132% 132% 130 130 ? 1 130 132 1% 1% ? Batopilas Mining ... 900 1% 1% 13g 1 %? 'g 1% 11., 77% 55% 10 Beth Steel Class B.. 700 76% 76% 75% 75%,? % 75% 75% 110 101% 8 Kelh Steel 8th pr... 14800 109% 109% 109% 109%? % 109 110 26% 183g ? Bklyn Rap Tr. 300 21% 21% 21% 21% - % 21 21' 2434 19*J8 6 Bklyn Rap Tr ctfs . 700 21 21 21 21 - 21 21% 22% 18% 2 Booth Flsherles Co 3200 21% 213a 20% 20%+ % 20% 20% 82 79 ? Bklyn I'n Gas. 100 80 80 80 80 ? ' a 79 81 81% 7' 6 Brown Shoe Co. 300 80 81% 80 81%'- 1% 80'- 82 165 138 10 Burns Bros . 400 164% 164% 163% 163%? % 163% 164% '0%. 8%? Brunswick . 1600 9% 9% 9% 9%- 8% 9' 7% 5% % Butte Cop & Zinc... 500 7 7% 7 " 7%--- % 7'4 7' "-, 25' 2 16 ? Butte & Sup Copper 1800 22 22% 21% 21%? % 21% 21% 6338 48% 4 California Paeking . 2100 61% 62 61 61 - 61 61% 29% 20%? California Pet . 10900 27% 29% 27% 28%'- 1% 28% 29 .'4% 64'8 7 California Prt pr ... 2200 71% 7234 71 72 :? 1 713,4 72< '? 62 56% 4 ( alumct & Arizona . 200 60 60 60 60 % 59' 2 60' 165 155% 10 ( anndian Pacific 400 158% 159% 15834 159% - ' - 159 159% 99 91% 7 Case J I pr. 400 97'4 97'4 97 97 - ' 95 ??? 31% 56% 5 Central Leather - 19200 80% 81% 80% 80% 1% 80% 80' 109%. 104% 7 Central Leath pr- 300 109% 109% 109% 109'';;- 109 110% 433-j 31 4 Cerro de Pnnco. 3800 42 42 4134 42 -.- % 411', 42 152 103 12 ( handler Motors- 1000 148% 148% 146' 146'J/4? % 146 147 6034 53% 4 Che?i ft Ohio . 1400 68'4 58% 57% 58%:- l/2 5a b3i 27 23% 2 thi Gt West pr. 100 23% 23% 23% 23%? Va. 23' * 2V? ?2* ?ft- C, MAStP. 700 36',2 36% 36% 36%- % 36% 37 74-e 65% ? C, M ft St P pr. 2800 66 67 66 67 3 66i . 67 ?8 93% 7 <'hi & N'wMt. 700 94 91 94 94 -_ OV' 91 26% Z2>?~- C, It I ft P. 1700 23 23 22% 23_ 23 231 Io> Vv* 7 !?? S ! ? T. Tr pr o?? 63,<v 63,'a 633-? 637?- '' 64"'? 6!>" 24 4 17* *;?? ^ ^00 74'Z 74'2 ?4'/a nV*~ <'* 7/?'4 76% 383' lll'~, u"' V?PP7. . 7Tr. 23'? 24'8 23 23:'?~ '- 2'-'* 2^ 38Ja 32'g 3 ( hmo Con Cop. 400 36'- 36% 36', 36'-i ' V '?'fi' tr 1 ??r ?2\2 ? ,1UC,t P'*b Pr. 100 104% 104% 104% 104% % 104% 105% 44% 34% 3 Col I uel & Iron.... 2300 44% 44'4 43 43 - 34 43 431/ 5J'? ?Jg> 4 '??'?" &EI?c. 800 46% 46% 40 46 _ % 46 46%" 21 4 19% - Col ft Kouth. 100 23% 23'/. 23'', 23',? % 2? 21 ioiy *r> 1 Comp T.b . 100 46% 46% 46% 46%- 1% 44 46% 82% 65!2 6 (on (an . 2100 79 79% 78' t 78% \ 1% 78 79'^ 68 J 1 <>n Insurance Co... 200 72 74 72 74 . 2' n 72 75 iV* tAnl ~7 I0'" I'/0'.!"'" . 2060? 62 639" 61'? f>v" 1!4 63% 63% 10r 1W 7 Corn Products pr.... 100 105 105 105 105 _ 105 106 ?mSvim4? !rrlblr w"j'. 130? 68^ 68% 67,i 67'2~ '-4 ?"% 67% 184% 150 .0 (uba Am SuBar... 600 179% 132 179% 180 f- % 180 185 31/2 20 a ? < uha Cane Sugar... . 27CI0 29', 2 29% 23 29%? % 29 29'' 80 69'2 7 Cuba ( ane 8a* pr... 2300 77% 78 77% 78 + % 77?a 78' 08 9'>'1* 7 l),,,'r?' Co pr. 200 97 97 97 97?1 96'/, 98% 1823* 172"2 10 Del, Liek & W. 100 180 180 130 180 - 176 185 lv ?,'* ~ Denrer A Rlo Gr... 500 3% 334 3% 3%- % 3% 3% <**? 6'? ? Benver & Kio (. pr. . 900 6/2 6% 6% 6%_ 6% 6% ' + % 10% ? Dome Mines . 900 14 ' 14% 14 14%+ % 14 14i.f 31 24." ~ v^ ,".. 130? 16'/8 16'8 157"? 15'?~ V* 15% 16 22 274~ I'-' ^ Pr. 70? 26'? 27 26'^ 26%. '4 26% 27 13 l'~ ^? V a";???? 10? 177'u 177a 177? 17/8~ 'h 17-*4 18% 40% -V* t" Vi m"1 t vmet ??? 20? 11 11 10!y? 1?!?-2% 10 12 flr ?,/ ,. I M,n * Sm'U pr 10? 38 3a 38 38-1 37'', 39 *4 a ^84- 1-wher Body . 1200 63% 63% 62 62-1 62 6234 1? l?a& l <??""?", ... 4000 30"4 30'/4 29% 2934- 29% 3o' ??i:i = &"-:??: ,SiffiiKiS*iS'fc1:,SiSi*1S a. a8: Sf-- a s s5- $*-? at ?5? ?i% ^% 4 ssr^arflr: s ;l j? ? tvl :,; ^ ^ W/4 "*0 4 H?,k & Bark C.r ( a?? '* '* 52 62 ~ ' a 51% 52 1?, ?? 7 ??;?* ^ C" to ?00 54 54% 53 53 - % 53 64 7 * T*n InurnBt *ita ::: o?0 fj8 fj8 '*:- 98r?~ ^ ^i100 n 48 6 InUrn.t AKrlcul pr leoo 7*. ' 11$ *'2 19/2~ ' ?* 19 20 "a 42% 8 In-p.ration Copp'r .'. SJ JJ'- ?47? 73'-"? 7'7-- '-4 73% 74 7% 3%_ InteM'on. (orp .. 200 3* 5?- 4?'" "97? ?' % 49% 60 24 11/, _ Int.r-Con. Corp pr.! ^ , " ^,8 ** 2^ '? 3% 3% 132 110'/. <6 Int H.r??iw ?', 4600 1P " ^o'2 l2/* ,3'/H % 13 13% "? m 7 Int H.Mt?Ur pr ; S V6 !???,. 13?3? ^4 129% 130 118% 92% 6 Int Mercn ???,. 35100 118" iim" , w 4 38 3'? 38 38' '? 52 30/4- laUfMfl P.per. 1/200 49 IV* ll 118'*; % 118% 118% 75% 62 ? Int P.p,r p, k,pd.'. ,? JJ ^ ? *J ???%-(. 2% 60% 50% ?M ?% 4 In?rn.n Nickf|P 9^ 749 Jgi 74 74 r 74 74% 48 28 - Jewell Tea . . . . 4600 '8' 40 tl "~ * M 20,'a 1? 105 8 K.,.?, J?Uo, ;? fw IM'* ,? iS i^81"~ 38'439 21% 16%- X-uiu Cltr Bnth 1800 '1 ??i - o?, 2s ' 7% 126 - 129% 68 4 Kell, Hp,,n,8rM 7oSl24 'll,'" ,?2 '4 21'* ' '?21 21'? ,4l 34 - Heu,r wn,*. c?.-.: 's;1;; 12-124 i?% 2%i25 i25% 4% ^ll 5"7*? '???" ' 3400 32% 32V, 2% JLl"^ 32' 32 ?3 12 hrr?<ori-? Tn , 3700 001 an *S, 4* % J.2% 32% 2 r- Wt?e:": 5 T^ ? ? %A? ? % R^ jjsi as%?-- i at? ? a^^ ?' * ?% 21 ~ Le, HubHer Tlr. S gS^ 77 ' ?/a 53%- M% bV" 1??% ?47% 12 l^ei'Urd Pi?r. 2?,?^ B? 65 65 7? &4 65 69% t*>.%- MutuT^M" -^ ?//4 !i** *? W/*~ "? 40 4?>% Sale*. Ocer Mcx Petrr.l . 5:600 189^a Minmi Con (pppcr 1600 23-4 Midvale Steel . 3700 46' 2 M & Sl L nee-. 200 10 " Miss kans & Tex . 200 6 Miss Kan.s & Tei pr 700 10% Missouri Pacific . . . 800 23' 8 National Acme .... 6900 "3 Nat Con & Cable... 7800 18 Nat Enamel & Stpd. 3700 59r? National l.cad . 600 72' 3 Nat RR of M 2d pr 100 8'/4 Ne\ada Con Copper. 600 161 2 N V Air Brake. 600 109% New Vork Central 600 73'.. N Y Doclt. 100 21', 2 N Y Dock pr. 200 47 N Y N II & H. 400 28i 8 N V Ontario & Wesf 100 191\2 Norfolk & West.... 1500 104 Northern Pacific .... 2300 90% Nova Scotia Steel . . 100 50 Ohio Fuel . 200 46: 4 Ohio (ias. 24100 43% Ontario .Silver . 2500 7% Qvvens Bot ex rls... 300 56'/4 Okla Prod . 20900 11[/a Pacific Mail . 100 351 , Pan Am Pct. 10100 85'2 Pennsylvania R R. . 5000 43 % Peo (ias & Coke. 100 49 Pere Mnrquette . 400 13% Philadelphia Co. 3100 37 >4 Pierce Arrow . 10900 52 Pierce Arrow pr.. . iOO 104% Pierce Oil .105100 25' 2 Pittsburch Coal .... 3400 30' 7 Pitts & West Va_ 700 35% Pressed Steel Car... 6700 72', 2 Pnnta Alepre . 100 53 Pullnian Pal Car... 200 120'2 Raiiway Steel Spring: 13800 85'8 Ray Con Copper... 2100 20'2 Rcading . 7400 83% Kc-n Iron S. Steel... 17C0 *81'/2 Rop Iron & Steel pr 300 102% Royal Rutrh . 6600 93| ., Roy Dul N Y share.s 39100 91 Savagc Arms . 400 59' . Saxon Motors . 700 8's Sl I. & San Fran... 500 12% St L & San Fran pr 400 22' 8 Scars Rocbuck . 200 183 Shatluck Ariz . 300 12 Sinclair Oil . 71900 56 Southern Pacific . . . 23100 106 Southern R R. 2000 27% Studebaker . 37100 75 Stut Motors . 3200 58% Superior Steel . 400 39' 4 Slromberfr Carb .... 300 41'.. Term Cop Chem ... 4100 vr8 Tex & Paric . 14600 33 Texas Co . 3800 221 Tob Prorincl:? . 14200 92' -, Tob Prod pr. 400 101 Tran &. Wms Steel.. 1400 46| .?> Und Type Co. 200 170 Union Pacific . 3400 128' 2 Union Pacific pr ... 100 73 Fnitcd Alloy Steel.. 1400 47 Fn Cigar Stores. . . . 15100 139% United Drug . 100 130 United Fruit . 400 175 United Paper Board, 100 20% Un Rway Invcsl... 900 13' 4 ln Ry Invcst pr- 1700 29% F S C I Pipe & Io. . 7S00 25% U S C I V & l'o pr. . 800 65 F S Food Prod. 29800 79 F S Ind Alcohol. 5000 153i4 F S Realty & Imp . . 4600 37 F S Rubher. 4400 88% F S Rubber 1st pr . 725 11 P , 1 S Smelt & Ref... 1200 49% 1 S Smelt & Ref pr. 200 46 United States Steel. . 141600 99% F S Steel pr. 600 116' 2 Utah Copper . 300 75' 7, Utah See Corp. 400 17 Va-Caro Chem . 700 61% . 1400 7% Wabash pr A. 700 31% Wabash pr II. 300 191 s Wells Farco Ex.... 100 55' , West Marylaml . . . 1200 9% Pacific . 300 17 West Pacific pr. . . . 100 53'-, West Union Tel. ... 100 86% West Mfg .. 4200 49% Wilson Co . 2200 85 Wilson Co pr. 100 101 White Motors . 8800 57 Willvs (iverland ... 64900 32'., Willvs Overland pr.. 200 95% Worth Pump &. Marh 700 71% Worth P ,\7 M pr A 100 96 Worth P & M pr B 500 77 :'V.x dividend. Note. The Tribune assurnes no responai bility for thc accuracy or authenticity <.r curb market quotations. Transactions antl prices yesterday were as follows" Industrials Opei 10',, 65 , b1 Sales. 8')00*Aetna Explos "'I I 'AlH llrrli M 8"0 ' Am l(r;,,| M,.| """ 'Am Writ Pap ?s"" H A Toi. Co cpn 23 . 7'"" ?Bucyi un i ,, 27 10000 ?Clmlmers Mot. 10' , !:."? H S I! T ?!, ::f,i ?"""?ci.iil, & An l' 13 1000 'Cramp Shipb., 121 ?'"" Endicolt .1 w i. 59 ?'00 do pl w i. . . 100' , 600 ?Fnlrbank < >'?. f,7; ' 600 ?I';,,,, Pl-Usky no' . :;"'"' 'Flsli R T w | -,,, " :;','"" 'Gcnl \sphalt. 62','., ,oo Mo pf , . .. B7/a lOOO ?Hock V Prod kji . 800 liiipp m?i Car 8'-' 7"' 'Im Toi. OB&I ',.,"" Interc 800 "F.i.-I. Cn C. lOOii ?!,. McN * I.. 1000 Marconi of A 6000 'Nat'l A & C li. 'Nat.'l C & I. 251. N A P & p . -000 N V Shipb'dinj? 37'A ?':"" -Crar-rii Coal. 2% 600. P T & U(i;-?-l .," 800 P T * M Corp! 25 15000 "I'hilip Morris. 13 300 'Poulsen Wire. 5 3200 Rcm. Type.. . 60 "96(10 'Savold Tire. (37-39) 18 ? 22',, 31| ? 4% 29'., 62 5 44' . 33' 1200 'Stewart M :"??.Stand G & IC. 3500, I! v t ctfs. 15 1500 ''Swift Intrr . . 61% '.' 'I ri F v t ctfs. 1 2000 United P S . . 1% 7000 U S Stcam Co. 2% 5"".) Wayne Coal. . 4 . Hich 10% 66 63 8% 23% 27 10' . 36! a 13 126 01 I00! . '?"'.? 86 34% 64% './ 10% We 16% ?r'i . 27 33 ?P . 3 I' '. 65 63a 42 2' ' H ? 25 131/4 5' ?> 62 40 45! 4 38 16 62 1' a 10% I0?8 65% 61. 61 7% 23' . 27 10 36' B 11'., 121 59 100. ' 5/' ., 80 34 62< 2 9/ 10' 4 Bty 6 \ 21' 4 26 31"/, 4% 29' 4 62 5 37' . 2% IA 24% 12% 5 60 35I.O 44 15 61 Vt Mf 27 4 62 8( 4 2 I] . 27' 101,, 36% I2| . 125 ' 60 100' ? '.,/', 83 ''??I i 64 97 10% 8! . 16% 21/4 27 323/4 .P , 30% 63% 5 '?,:?: 12ft 5' -, 60' 7, 37 45/4 37' -, 16 " 61% %'? 2% 4% Standard Oil Sftlps- Open. Ilirh. Fovv I asl I." 'Arinlo-Am Oil 20'4 21', 2')', 211/' 350 ?G-S Oil. com.-130 118 126 ^66 ?Ohio Oil Co.-4C2 385 400 120 *South Penn O.-318 309 319 80 ?S Oil Co (N JI-715 710 7 285 *S O Co (N Y.-395 385 394 Oihrr Oil Stock* Sales, 20000 M&00 200 6800 IL'IIIMI 75110 1000 9000 2600 ; 5000 20000 28000 900 3700 2500 3100 .1 7200 1500 1000 7000 ; DOfl 3500 560 26000 3700 toooo 500 6-J4 37 ?Allen Oil *'Amitl Roy "If Oil * Gaa ?Boone Oil . ?tBos-Wyo Oil ?tCaddo O * It 39 'Com Pct, w i 4/ ?Cosden A Co . 10 ?Elk Basin ivt s tEsmcralda (>. 8 ?Federal Oil.. 3' ?Glenrock Oil /' ?Home O 11 w i if ?Houaton Oil.. 102 ?Hudson Oil . . 4 ?Internat ivt. . *IkI O & Traru * IKenova Oil . *l.oui*iatin(lA R *,MHrlii,i,l It. 1 . ?Merritl Oil Metropol ivt . >Mldwc*l Oil, . ?Mldwesl Ref, ?M Pel of M?> wi 4 ?National Oil, . 6 ?tNorthwcal O.l 57 ?Okla * Tex O 5 Open. Higl 4 '. Low. ]??,*> 32 8-8' , 6 36 7 32 3 1 19i 16B 1% ' 4 6'., 39 40' . 47 10 ?% 8 4 ,J" 103" . 4 3 i 0% (, 38 33% 3 ', 1JJ 160! 5',", 7 75 B'/a 4 11, ' i 6'.. 16 39 45', 9<? ,7-'? 99' . '?'.. 31' . nl r. 36 1 32 3 167' l 4' . 6% b/ h 4% VH $ 40'., 46' . 0%' 8% 7 . Wa 7% 17 99' , 3% 32'. 4 8% 6 '??' 11 '!% ,68}1 6'/. w* 68 5' . I"'. rOmur oil <v G I 100 'Orii nl O * (; ?.' 'Pennock Oil. . I. IPenn Gaso 1. 'IQuocn Oil . . (J.'.OOO ' Itangebur Oil 8'. 'Ran-H O (n p) 1500 Md.k Tex c, 2'l5ii"l 'tRoek o (a ,,, I. "Salt < rk Prod I""" 'Sapulpa () (i \i 17. 'Sim-I Gulf c. ';.Southwe i Oil. ISnti 'Stanton Oil .. 17 ,0 '.:i, , liir- II K It 15(100 "IVx-R I' & n. ?.'IT.'\imu ii ,<?. it " ?"" '\ ?lv u i', [nc I . ' Vii i o new r| 650 ?Weat St O&F IMiiiinc SlocliH Sales. IIXOO ? Al llr ( nl M-l .rAHM&M fapj ..?'i'i 'tAllicd Gohl 1,11 'Amerien Minpi 1500 A,,, Tin & T.. n '..,/ Uutti . '?. "? Mlniltfl .. . i ,0(1 lllK l,,.,|r.. I 5110 ' ? llooth 321)0 ? H.,1 & M?,,t 6100 ICalvdonin I loo 'Caliimcl & .1 ' " i 'iwind.i Copper ?' :o i Inria S. .' '?';, 1,7,, v _ i .00 < on An ? Smell '.I',.- on Con G ' IDividc Syndi. ' Div Synd of N 20500 KI Salvador Sil, ? ' ? '" 'Eureka Cr M. I ?" I liirr r Tim M. 2O00 'IFIoroncc Sil 22000 * i Portunn Con. .00 IGold Zone Ir. :.I 'Golden Ga :' I Golden Kule M ? "00 Kloldfiolcl Con. I' 0 I l-Goldfleld Mlm's '?'? ? ?"" ' ? Harmill Div. 18500 'tHasbronck D. 1.I-Jim llutler.. IOO0 Uumbo Exten. -"?.',1. H n (a p) ' HOOO ?tLone Star... ' l rn inna Con : ? 000 ? rMasrma Chief ' ? " ' 'MM of A(a pl '. 'tMacN Min . ?' ' 0 'tMother Lode 1 '000 'Nul Tin Corp .'tNev I) in p) 27.'tNev Ophir ,M 3.' INixon Nev. 200 'Onondatta Ai. ' ' K. . Con Min 300 'Rny llerc Min I""" Uiochcnler Min 1 Silv Kl.r- li. 200 Stand Sllv-L. . fSuth Divide. 7.' Stewart .. '0 'Ton lirlmom . 1 00 - I onopal Div HOOTonopah Ext 2000 'tTuolumneRPI ' '0 'United Copper !:""' United Eastcrn i; 500 ?tU S c,,.,i m I 00 Unlty Gold M 2500 ?1 Ward M & M 1'"'" fWash Gold o 2700 rweat End Con 10500 fWhlte Caps M Open, lliiz-li Ifonds .'7 ?.ilted). Open. HlRh. I.ow ^1 Ana.'..pil.i im .99 901 a gg 50 ?Clt Serv (Ia ,Irl,. 128' , 132 123 I III Cen ., , ,.07' 97 ti '" "l,,"^7,u7' ' ?' 89 R8 :;*N S l.-l deb 6a 100'., 101% 100% ' '"'< ?? '?--? 0',-'?. . 59 69' . 58 i o.^7" {!' ''', "" 100,4 ioo?; 100% loO 'Wil on ( .. , i ii. /9B 98 97% La,!. 99'8 132 97 89 100'., 59' . 100% 97% ?UnlUted "Srll cts vrr i.hnr Following is a complete reeord of all transactions in bonds on the New York Stock Exchange yesterday: U. S. Government Bonds (Xew York Stock Exchange'Quotations) (Closing Quotations) Monday. Saturday. Bid. Asked. Bid. Asked. iir "... 1947 .. 98.701(98.72 98.90W99.C0 do lst Is, 1917. 95.647x95.70 95.60.-395.70 do 7,1 4s, 1942.. 93.26<a93.30 93.48^93.50 do lst 4'4s, '17. 95.64? 95.70 95.60',. 95.70 do 2d.4I/4s. '42. 93.34?93..38 93.52x93.54 do 3d ?!',*.. "28. 95.14,3-95.16 93.18 -.35.20 do 4th ' .,-.. '38 93.28@93.30 93.50@93.54 Pre-vvar iss n 9 : 2s, reg, "30- 98J.i @ 99' , 93-'a @ 99' .> 2s, coup, '30... 983,4 i 99^ 98%? 99' , 3s, reg, '46. . . . r9 Ji 92 39 ',1 92 3s, coup, '46 . . 89 ?? 9? 89 u "<2 '-. reg, '77, ...105 , ;,. 106' . ' 95-'., a 106' > 4s, coup, '25. . .105?'4 @>106t<? ICj'4 ,106'' 2s, Pan, r, '36. 98 ... gi 99., 98' .- @ 99: 4" 7's. Pan, r, '36. 98! - ,,. 98 - .. ,, Pan, c, '38. 98'/i @ 9) 4 98'; u C9' 4. 2s, Pan, r, '38. 98| - ti 98j ? . 7s. Pan, reg. . . 87 @ 92 37 " @ 92 3s, Pan, coup.. 87 @ 92 87 (ri; 92 Phil 4s. '34. ... 90 @ 96 90 (f< 96 <lo ?'.-, '35. . . 90 & 96 90 @ 96 ..lo 4s. '36. . . 90 fti 96 90 @ 96 Ii. Col 3-65s... 97 @ 100 97 @100 Liberty Issues Net High. I.ow. Last. change. Liberty .'I'.s ... 98.84 94.70 98.70 ,.26 .lo lst 4a. 95.64 95.54 95.64 - .04 do 2d 4s. 93.44 93.26 93.26 .2* do lst 4?4s... 95.64 95.54 95.64 .14 <lo 2d 4V4s_ 93.46 93.34 93.34 .13 do 3d 4Vts.. ? ? 92.20 95.03 95.16 - .04 do Ith I'.,-... 93.50 93.22 93.30 .22 [Approximate investment yield at the closing New Vork Stock Exchange prices.] Yield. Third l'4.s. 4.90 Fourth l'.,s. 4.7S Second ?! l4a. 4.72 First l',s . 4.52 Second 4s.4.46 First Is . 4.25 First 3V's . 3.57 [Salea of Liberty bonds on tlie New York Stock Exchange carry, interi 1 to the date of sale. and ih" sellei receives thia interest i.i addition to the sale price. | (Sales) U S Liberty 3'sa IU S Libcrty 2d tVia Jum 1932-47 ' Nov 1927-42 ,.;,'.110. 98.84 20,000. 93.32 1 79,000. 93.82 I IG.OOO. 93.3b 8,000. 98.80 77,000. 93.34 1,000. 98.76, 15,000. 98.72 Total .$664,000 138,000. 98.70 U S Liberty 3d 4Via 18,000. 93.78; Sept 1928 23,000. 98.80| 250,000. 95.16 1,000. 98.82 10.000. 95.20 20,000. 98.84 205,. . 95.14 Ul,.'. 98.80 109,. 95.12 1.000. 98.76 630,. 95.10 6,000. 98.71 201,. 95.08 | 7 L'OO. 93.70 1 1,000. 95.0b :;5.uoo. 95.08 Total..1,313.000: l: 3.. n5.l0 l S Liberty !-, la 277,000. 95.12 June 1932-1, S72.000. 95.14 I!.".,.'. 95.60 I23.I. 15.16 10,000. 95.58, 61,000. 95.12 3,000. 95.'j'l: 1 (6.000. 95.10 2,000. 95.60' lli,000. 95.08 2.000. 95.54' 15,000. 95.1.? 10,000. 95.64; 50,. 93.16 Totn! .$62,000 lotal ,...$3,194,000 U S Liberty 2d Is U S Liberty Ith !'.,!. Nov 1927-42 I Ocl 1933- 18 dO.OOO.93.44 !.10 . . 03.50 33,000. 93.4.v 1 15.00 ' ... 93.48 104,000.93.40 I 50,000. 93.46 I 1,000. 93.32 293,000, . . 9,1.4-1 : lii.OOO.c?2.30 't;. 93.42 9,000. 93.28 217.000. '13.40 G 1.000. 93.26 IS 1.000 . . '13.38 lil 1,000. 93.36 Total .$450,000' 5SS.O00 . . , 93 34 U S Liberty lst l',- 590.000. 93.32 June 1932-47 ' '10.000. 93.30 51,000. 95.60 70,000. 93 ? 3 10,000. 95.58' 83,000. ... '13 30 ?'?.. 95.54 "1 00,,. 93 32 12,000. 95.64 10,000. 93.30 '..."?"... , 93.28 lotal .$76,000 12.000. 93 26 V S Libcrty '7.1 4 Via ".""?'. 93.24 Nov 1927- 12 ,,. , , 93 1 50,000. 93.44 25,000. 93 26 lJ. 93.46 ..> 93 22 Ifi,."3.4-1 i 10.000. 93 24 '? ;.""!'. 93.42 50,000. 9330 .4,0 10. "3.40 15.000. 03.36 Total . . . .$4,116,000 7'.""". 93.34! Foreign Government mu\ Munieipal Bonds (New York Stock Exchange Quotations) (Interest Io He Added) Bid. Am Foreign See (',, 5s 1919... 99'.? Anglo-French F.xtern 5s L920. 9' '. Argentine Intern 5s 1945. 8? ' Iir.n Canada 5s 1D2I. 9/1 , do I92G . 967| ? 1!,';l . 96',, ( hineso (iov H.u Kug Ry 5s 1951 69 Cuha Extern 7 iiill. 90 do eries A 1919. 9V - , ?'" i! la-ia . 83 Doniiniciin '(? ., 5s 1958, . . 91 City of Bordeaux Gs 191'J 99' do Lyotn Ga 1919. 991'' do Marseilles (ia 1919. . . 991 ' do Pari 1 Rd 1921. 93 Japanese Govt 4'/2s stl ln 1925. 91' ? 'I" I' ?? "'I ser 1925. 91'? do ' tl In 1931. 75I Citj of Tokio 5.i 1952. 79",. U K Ot ll & I .:?.,- 5H , iOl'j! . 99 '? '!" .?:,;>'' ?:',?? I'1'1. 08% 98A ''" "-:,''' ?.'.., Ir,,. 99 ggj^ FOREIGN BONDS DEALT IN FLAT ,M. xir,. Extern Btl ., oi ':.!! 1915 65 7 1 do irnld ' 'nl |9f,l Rubd 1894 Rente l 1000 r dcn. 23 (Sali'H) Am I .0 ign : ,/np ui ,-,? ,\ 91, 8 91la li ,',,?:?. ' n ?., .) | I do ' 111 lii , tm I.(Min , ... "i,', | 01! . I I.OOO, . 96% ,|..,,?..,,, ,,,,? ' Aniflo l rench 5b 100,000., 96 i ' . 97 97 9? '., I. K ,,, ,, |; 85',, R, Ul"., ,.'; I9I9 "'' I. ! ."l'l 091 ? J I.. 96 '., . , 99.1 City of lloni City Of l.'.rli. "')' ;, ". . 991 1 l,0oo ..91 . 99' , City of Mars Os i nn.. City of Paris (ia "8'., ??,.,?, :""? ? , 98' B Va dfd .;, li'h 93 , 98% 98' , 98% 991 , I 99' d ?tf I'oni "' (','"i 5a 1921 |n 000 70 ':.','">. . . . 97' ., N V C -I ; . , []o ,-,'77 ? ? ',6'-'. :". 1,009. 97 Railways, <M!n?P Corporal ion s Am Aj- Ch deb 5s Mr, Pneifle 7, ". v " '.:10, ' -gg ?'";'"".109',' <lo gen |, ' Ir'.110 Am Smclting 5s ;>j,,,, 59 '"K ..s 3,000 , J2.000. 90I/4 Montano l',,.. ,-. Am T & T cvt 6s 3,000 "o? ?'?"'?'.103 N V Central deb 6s 7. .'027, 7. 971 , do5co?,005a.103'3' , 4;. :'' 9% <lo COI l)S ,),, .,.. 41; 5,000. 907H 1 000 " noi ? '?'I'"; . 91 |NYC? sVl7lst8isn i-;^;. M N V ConnecUng A I A S F gen 4s I.OOO 86 :oB::::::8?!MYs'?>"H6? 80 Atl & Dan lst 13 ' N V () ,v w'iift 10,. 74 1 000 fifi A'' c kni8tcon ** '; v Rw?y.'Vrg u 1 n ll Q07 ' ' ^ '^ 1,000 43 42 12V. 1 noo. ao'f 1.000 . 81 do 1. & N 4s io'ooo I".'"1". 74'., do mii ,- ' 41' Bult * O rfg 5s 2 000 137 10,.'. 77% ,",,?? ? 78 i.s;. ''" fvl *\ii* I.. 3 a . 1.000 ... 70:'8N V Telephone 4'7 do Bold is 4 ono R? ? 7s -i 1.000,.. 431 6.000.. 75'? Norf So 5m srr A S>?eel rlK 6s ., A flQ, X'000.88% Norf & W ?t 6? ,/a V " ?" .000 iofii ?000. 85i/a do div 1. ?8'" -fl. ??8%??i:,^--.?? Central l"ound'rV ffs2!/a| do Ih'.' 10?'1 .. 1.000.. 81 1,000 B4-. Lon Ga ron 5., ,I'.?,-A,n Pct 6a" 1 ' ' in q 000 !,),-, Central Leather 5s Penn con 4'????> 10,000. 95%. 3,000.94 . 95-% 3,000. 94% 10,000.95% do 5s 196S Cen Pacific {rtd 4s 60,000. 95 1,000. 7934 10,000. 9-'% 3,000. 80%' do ren '' s Ches & O con ;,.?? ::.'ii.i.. 86% 1,000. 98 L.000. 86 do rfg 5s |Peo Gas ? Loke of 6..000. 91% Chicago 6s Co cvt ?-< 6.000.100 500. Sl". Pcoria & E lst 4? 1 1,0 . 85% ? 2,000. 51 do cen ?',???$ |Pere Murquette os 1.000.79 5.000. 84 do cvt ?' t9 Pierce Oil tis 19.' ' 1,000. , . .80% 25,00fi.131 do i* & A div 30,000.130 lsl i . 5.000 .131 1,000. 75% 2,000.132% C B & Q lowa 5s j 35,.I.130% 10,.'. 99% 1,000.131 ?Jo joint 4s 12.000.129 127,000. 95% do 19.24 :?. . . 95% 3,'iCO.103' A 5.000. 95% 3.000.".09 C G*. Western -Is ' 000. , . .109' j> ' 000. 59' ? 1.000.110 C Ind & Lou 4s ' '.""".109' j 5,000. 60% 11,000.109% C M ii St !' cvt 5s 3.000.109' 2 s ?? B 15,000.110 3,000. 77% 10.000.110% .... , .-. 4'. ? 6,000.109% [,000.75' 4 2.000.109% .... rfg 4%s '5.000.1C9 ' . GS' , 5,000.108 ? . 68% ' """.'07' ? 1,000 68 000.107% C & Nwn gen 4s 5,.107' , 1.000. 83% 1,000.107% ,',,000. 83 Publio S of N I Bs C It I & P rfg 4s 1,000.76% S.OO0. 72% Reading wn Is Chile Copper Ts 1,000. 83 31,000.117% Republie I & S 5s ;:.; 000 . .117'%. 5,000. 93 ? ; 000.118 'l!I Ar!< ft L -1'.-?? .10 . .118' - 1,000. 68' - 10,.1.119 "" St L Ir Mt & S is /?..119' '- 5,000. 80 I. . . 120' " do Ri'.' &. Gulf div do col 6a 4.000. 7434 ;,- 01)0 863^ 2.000. 75 L'0,000. 87' 4 St-L ft S F 1? sei- A !0 000 .... 37 8,000. 6C% 10,000. 86% 4.000. 61 Ul mn.. 87 ' do adj 0? 9,000. 86% 1.000. 63% do cvt ils 2d paid 4,000. 633? 15.000. 87% 26,000. 62%. 12,000 . . 87%:St I. Swn Term 5s C C C ft St L -I'-s ".000.59 2,000 . 78% Sinclair Oil 7s Col Industrial 5s 18.000. 99% ?' 000 73' , 60,000. 99% Col & So l'-:.a 18.000. 9934 1,000. .."... 7V 4 1.000. 99-% L',000. 78 33,000.993., Comp lal. U Gs 5.000. 99% '.'.000. 84 l.(. 9934 Con Gaa cvi 6s do stock warrants ' 000 101 3,000.120 :? 000. . .100' , 2,000.101 " 1.000.123' - Del ft. II cvt 5s 10,000.123' B 10,01111. 905B 12.000.123' , Den & R G con 4s 1.000.123% 1,000. 68 8.000.123' , do rfg 3s 10,000.124 E 000 . 46 S.OfiO.123 Detroit, IT Rys 4'??'-? 1.000.122 3,000. 74' 4 [Seaboard Air Line 3,000. 74 I -1s stamped Erie k?ii lion 4s 3.000. 72' a 2..'. 53%! 'lo rfg :.. 3,000. 53 I i.000.57% do cvt 4s ser 1! So Pacilic ? ? 1 5s 1,000. 46% 10,000.105' - llml ft M rfg .'..? 21,000.!**.-,% 4,000. . . 58' a 20,000.105",, 19,000. 57%. 156.000.106 1,000. 57% 20.000.106' i 10,000.08 ".''"".106% 2,000. 57"% 58,000.106 ! .000. 58 do cvt 4s 1,000. 57% 1.000. 833, do inc 5s 10,000. 83% 18,. 16 lo.oon.831 , II... :. Valley 1 %s 1.1.000. 833; ... 77 ' 10 000 84 II W ft I) C .;.. do rfg U 10,000. 09'., 2,000. 80-% III Cen ft (.' St. I, Southern Rway 4s & N O joint 5s 6.000. 66% 1.000. 90 Texas Co cvt 6s Indinnn Steel 5s 1.000.102'/o I 000 . 96% "..I. . . 102' , :'.";'". 96 2.000.102 Intbo-Met I' .a l.f.103 10,000. 32' - Third Av rfg Is 1.000. 32%i 20.0011. so 5,000. 32% do ndj 5s l.l. 31% 10,000 . 2734 5,000. 30' . Union Pacific 6a '. 00(1.30' j, 5,000.103% 5.000. 31 1.000.103% Inil... R T rfg 5a do lst Is 12,.1. 68% 863B : !.(. 68 2.000. 86% ."..000. 67i , do cvt Is Int. Agricultural 5s ' " E7 1.000. 81 Un Rya of St L 4s 2.1. 81' 4 l.ono. 49' - " 000. 81% I'n Rys of S F 1s Int M Marine 0s ' ctfs nT doposit 8.000. 99-"? ."..000. 311/, 98, I00. Ooi ^ l ii,noo. .-5,11 .j 3,000. 993.4 2,000. 311/, 2.000. 9g'-,R 7.000. 31 " lowa Central 4s 3.000. 31% 42' - 2,000. 31 Kan City So 5s 1 1,000. 30' - 1,000. 82'VU S Renltv ft 1 :.--. 1.000. 32' .1 5.000. 72% do 3h iU S Rubher 7s l.ono . 60% 49.000.1031 ;. iln r.'i-min.-il 4s ' do .".s 1,000.77 ' 5.000.R7"\. Lack Steel 5s 1923 '.-'.000. 87% 1,000 . 95%' (1,000. 87 ?. ::..1 . 96 U S Steel a f 5s Lchigh Valley fi.< l.non.inrj' , 5,.) . . . 102' r, 2(5.000.100% Liggetl ."? M 7s 2,000.100' => 1.000.112 21.000.1003/g do 5s Va-Car Chemical 5s I.11OO 93% ; ' : 95! ? I. ft N unificd 1s ' Virginian Ry .".? !0,000. ..843.ii 1.000 89% 1.000.85% 1,000 . 90 Mich S'al ? T :,, Wabash 2d us I.000. . . . 92% I.. 843a Midvnlc Steel 5s IWesl 1 leetric 5s i".. no I .., . 97 , . linn ft i\ l. Is Wc 1- -n Union 5r 2,000 . . 43 1,000 . 93 2..I. . .41! ?? Wil ioi d Co 6s 1 010 't2 n '""?' . 100 M I-. ,'; T lst 4s ? 0 io 99? I.oon.62! ? 1' i ? '' - & Dul 1s 5 """ . 62 1.000, , . 75 Hi<\ .hh! Aukcd Oiiotalions Tho I'ollov inj;- Lable prives 1;"- cloi injj luil iimi nskeil quotul ion for 1 ..-. listcd on I.Iip N <\\ York Stock Kxi l.ut nol 1 radccl in yosterda**, : Hlil A.lii-.l ' Hl.-I A ? V-' U ' 1 ? .00' 1 Ml h i'.- ilrnl 11,'? '111 \m 11 ... ?>?? './ '!?", isir /. -i en 1.1 Siii I .-.i ; HU 117 . .lo 1.1 M.I ||fl Am coiil 1*. Or, 11 i?-, Aml 1 (HI |.r 1)2 0. M.iim i- ,11 ,.r, 71 '., !. . 1 HU lt!) ili, |.i lus 108' \i |.li I;. ? 142 Mi.r .'. 1.. ... 70' R'l "'? ' H l .'iiili & ' Iim. 114 117% .i i 101 105 Nr.l ':???. i i i i ' i10 PI* A , 1 <" , '??' , iln im I 17 ||f,i I" i ' <? i I"" Vil I'n ( . . , 05 Am Trl f. c .OR 65 i ? ,. , irjn A I.. li ln I1., I' .. N i., . . i)7 10(1 \ I) (i I IM (17 - V, I . , ;!?;, | f r> I" '?? I '.? MUtuf.M ; pi ii, '? '' ? ?* >'? J'.'a ": . '? 0 I' .-. \| 28' n A (, {.- W I i.r 70 72 N V Air ll.;,. |09i>: un ' i ? . 1. ,. p. 10 i/, 106 N ', c a Sl ', ' ? , Kitrri. ..,:. I ll | |5 ,, , : . ... ,,., tj'tli 95 00 '. I" ;. ,. w .... 9g '? ' ?" I. I'-iHi 07 !,!) N , ui |(i ,? ; "'I 100 Ho |>r 7J j 77 in- 110 115 S Auiri . 50 51 II " 11 . ?' 00 G0 \. ? ??? ?, 73 '? 00 100 '. II ? :,', io; ' ,'' 8 ' i I ,i ,;? < ,, i| (2 JR ' , ' ;. ' ,'?','' ,:'- !-' l>r. (.11 100 an Southern 45 u ??"'' 0.. . i V i", ?? ' .'"l .":. ' Ph T .1 T. 23 li} 'I .'I ilo pr 87 'i? " 1 '*?* H A Tcl.llO (14 I'an An, |' or. |4e |.|7 ^ ? ?' \ ' , 0 r*|. ? - ib -:' 30 3* do pr . .. ? 14 I'ci-rio ,\ Basi .v , 51', , ?' "' '?? ' .- 8 l'ere Marn. in 39 ' 43 ( & \ H pr.127 130 do prlor pr hu 0M', 1 nv.. & lltts 1-7', RO I' r , ,v Sl 1.40 4R do pr .... 104 115 j rlo lil ; % 102 ' '"*? ?*' ! '?' -i 3(1 I'l 9 ('.ml | h-,-? 87 : <o vr . 64 t,R V |.-( \\ & , 1371.J |371/ 1 l>5 i.'i I'tll 1 '-'..?? 1 r 93' ? HU) " : roi 1 A I ,,- II ", 1 -, p & w Va ir B2 84 1 ' ? ?? ,"; 1 Pr -"'2 53 ll'on.l 1 rk Ooal 14' . 13' ? 1 . *. ' I Pf " -18 IV Sll t'ar ;.r IO111 , 102 ' 1 - ' l!",?',,?' 7'-' '" s C of N .1 8.3 87 1 ? ' a pr..l09 ? IKv Stl S|?. , r loti 107 : '?" ? ??"?:.?'' i' 54 IteailliiB lst pr .3.,- . .38', , ! ; \ ' ?:' '",''' ,"-<?.' do :'l or. 3;,^0 38', . '? Am S pr 101 1011 St 1. S'?-u : 11 17 ' .'" ' 'II?-?" I" il? ilo pr 3 1 37 ' ?etr 1 ,. ll II 90 97 Soaboaid A L 7'/, 7 ., U M H & A . 2' ? v, .... pr , 7 ' n/] , ,.,'1" I'f , 5' 1 7 -. .1 1, llncb pr. MB' ? CO ! ?Ji : Htor ll.ii 70 7.1 |SI Sll .--i ? 1 53 , 54 1 llorn I oul :r,i4 271/j ,!,, pr .. R4 87 ,,V',!'. ? -'7 S 1' lt Mirnir 145 155 tlalii-r Hoiiy pr 08 I00'4 ,'?. pr 110 120 ? ' a""1 .( 17.-, ir.O MillJns M3 150 ." ' ik?i 1 1 104'.. 11.a : ,i? p, 9|i , ,,i '";r ^1 A S 8 '. Stn I.-I...K...- pi '.8 0S! , ' "0 pr ll 341 . -?,, s., 1, ..7 | ' ' s >? ' Pi "?" , ''fi1 . r A I' l.i Tr 200 300 ' llaitman ' ? :;> 71 7.1 Tcxai Cu pr. 218 I'omi nl ? '18 im r.i Av Fl (t 14 13 1 "' ?l? n 90 100 Ttilw Water I'212 220 1 III Mekel I. . if, _ r Sl I. A \V . ? r, t 'nl Sail . ? 04 | ,;? r!f., ,... ? 1, I ' ? ' ? ? ? ."., 4 : rlo pr . . 0 13 II 'vi .1 I'i ii pr 80 BU ' ilo , "?? pr 9 10 < i\ i' Somli pr 8l','i 52'/,|Twln I'lty It T 15- 4R , kelly Spk pp 04 96 1 rlo pr . 81 I2? Cnlaoy Wlil pr 02 "7 1 ml Typowr.illSS 170 I *?eol( A 1> ,\t 2 4 ,i,> pr .lll 120 . 0? Pr . ~ .10 I'n li.ia A 1*. 75'; 8'1 ??. i .. !?! I. f, \> i)|i, 92 Un I'lgar S pr.HIVi 117 vrjMi A Co (!','< 66 I n Drug 1 pr 53% Jt ' ilo IT 105' , mo 1 ,!? 2,1 pr. . III) 121 . ' ml (iaa (.8 70 11 nll Dvewooil, 58'.. 60 Jg ic M Toh.203 2(5 do pr ? 'ih ln 1 ? 100 112 If S 1 11 rr ? :0'< 7*<; ? \\ Hu I pr. 100 107 II S In.l A pr 107 10(1 'lo I Pr HO 117 Va I r ? r. BSVj 54 orl 1 I' pi-.ioo 110 \V M.I ?i| pr 18 :?, ' ll? & N 114 iift Weal Mfg 1 pr 6 1 63 ! itar-kay ( .., 71 75 W A l. i: 7*', n ?I" Pr ?4 b". I rlo pr 17 20 , ' "i I1..I 13.11. I. ' , 7' \Vla Crnlral. . .31 34 , ' " M?? 75 78 Woolwortli 122 175 , ?tll A1K \V Sl .ir, I do pr ...110 117 Industrial Cotton Active buying carried cotton prices up again yesterday. This buying rep? resented accumulated purchasing or? ders over tl.e hoiiday. new commit menvs on the news of advancing cioth prices yesterday, ami orders from British interests. During the morning prices gained from -0 to 55 points over the previous closing. A slie;ht setback occurred about midday. but the market firmed up again and rulcd steady through tlio afternoon. isales of cloth in the local market last week are estimated to have bo< r. 1.000,000 picees. American mills are beginning to buy cottons freely, it is said, on the strength of k broadening demand in the goods trade. Exportcrs also are good buyers. Reviewing the cotton piece goods trade of China, the American Cons ll General at llong Konp, George E. An? derson, has declared, according to cables received yesterday, that "the prospeets t'or 1910 are not good, because prices are sd high that Chinese consumers in general cannot pay them." Southern mill takings, from August 1, 1918, to date, have been 3.079,000 bales, as against 3,199,574 bales in the previous season. Spot cotton was quoted in the local market yesterday at 28.60, with no sales. The price last year wa.-- 'MAft. The Liverpool market was closed Yes? terday and will remain closed to-day. Xew Vork prices for future contracts were : OLD STYLE .,. , , I'.'" ious Year ,,'-'h- Low Close. r!n??. aKO May. 26.25 25.80 26.07(o;26.15 25.90 28.86 July. 2o.85 25.15 25.63?-23.23 28.60 Oct. 23.9o 23.30 24.C0?- 23.50 27.55 Dec' 24.00(o>-23.50 27.25 NEW STYLE Previous Open. High. Low. Close. close. y*?-?Al S7-53 27-20 27.60?-27.39 July. 25.75 26.36 25.75 26.17?26.20 25.80 Oct. 24.40 24.85 24.40 24.70@24.73 24 20 Dec. 24.00 24 39 23.99 24.25?24.29 23.75 COTTON STATISTICS Yesterday. Last. wk. l.asi vr fort receipts... 13.729- 10.648 8.466 kxports . 13.268 7,701 5,100 .io season-3,748.703 3,657.604 3,174,863 7N \ stocks- 81,664 79,694 155.879 t'ort stocks-1,241,685 1,236,440 1,458,280 Iniarior receipts 17,001 10,996 7,<>22 do shipments. 15,798 15,149 8!241 N i arrivals.. 215 723 6,435 SOUTHERN SPOT MARKETS (PorU) Vesler- stocks f, . day. Sales, Stocks. ? ear aj?o. ?7' ' :"'' 236.063 284.700 New Orleans.27.50 11,316 431,857 -'31.896 Mobilo . ..26.75 39 17.191 12.000 Savannah ..27.50 S98 186.2"6 251.384 .,I"7!:M"" ?? 56.601 44,704 Wilinington -26-25 58,877 33.6S1 ?"''1''H'. ??? 121.730 94,665 Baltimore ..27.50 6.492 35,827 Sew *?<*??? 81.664 155.879 HrunswicK 3 07)9 32 932 Various .. 38'.385 54,843 Totals . 1,241,685 1.458,280 llnterior) \uRusta ...27.12 327 180,353 127.705 Memphi .27.25 3.100 360,591 370.130 St Louis... 27.00 24.013 16.022 llou iton ...- 264099 194..332 Littlo Rock..26.75 657 45.790 37,603 Into sight statement of N'ew Orleans Cotton Exchange, August 1, L918, to Apri! 18, L919: 1919. 1918. Port receipts.4,777.189 5.635.459 Overland to mills and Canadu . 1,007,495 1.299.441 Interior stock In i ., - . of August 1 . 625,307 674,009 Southern mill takings, net.3.079.000 3.199,574 Brought into sight dur? ing 'J.,1 days to date.. 9,488,991 10.803,503 Brought into sight for seven days ended April 18 . 99.261 83.815 Brougbl into sight first eighteen days of April 284.934 277,063 Susteuance Ccreals Wheat. Visible supplies are report? ed to have decreased 53,698,000 bushels since February 1. There was shipped from North America last week 9,648,000 hUshcls, of which 2,831,000 bushels was in thc form of flour. Receipts at N'ew York yesterday were 77,000 bushels. Corn. -N'ew high prices were cstab lished at the outset. There was gen eral buying based on small receipts an.l rising prices for hogg an.l pro ??? i ion i. The advance was halted by commisison house selling, but the Cor-. ward movement was soon resumed. A better car supply was reported, and this Ied to the belief thal there would be n larger movemenl from the country. Hei \ y arrivals from Argcnt ina aie expected. Closing prices showed gains of aboul ". cents. Vfl, r Oats.?PHi'cn were ?trong through pul tli ? day, Truders belic., ,,??? ,,. bc chcap, compan ,1 with other ?? Local reccipt i v ere 20,000 bu he Vesl I'l-M .. ..".,,? 0 o .1 white $ .79'-' $ ,79| . $ 9.3 ? .,.-., Mny . . epl . liyc Markel higher. ?> C ', ,?!,,', ' . I'i-.-- ii , New Y,,r. , . , 11. ??' ? . ? 1 Wi t, $1 88' .. $1.84! 2 S2^0 Flour nnd Meal. Quotations were: '. .7, ' .':, .... Vc?, K< - ' orl ? i'Iiibo. Minn. sp p. 511.7r>'? 1 ?.. 00 $11.65',- 12.50 $11.00 ornm, .,! 3.90? 4.00 ,' .,? 4.00 4.85 Kve flour. ch 8.50? 9.05 8.50? 9.65 13.05 Bran, 100 lb 46.00 46.00 Tea teas, demand from lhe country being go id, Thc city trade 1? larger in volume and further sales of Pings ucj .-? are reported. 'I here is said to be an cxccllcnt demand for Japan teas. Quotations for lo1 50 and 100 packages are as follows: GRlUiNS y,st(>ri, A .rrfk j 'loyui - ... P ivder . 4S.77" ?"?7 ? ' H071111.. 'mi?r1il . 4S#5S 4S?V",J iluyiine ', : Uyson. . *",.. .loMinr. llyson . :.-, ? ? .: , "nn ify, Uui pmvder . ?>,? .-,-, ,jj ', ?Ingsuey. Xmperlal . SS,a I- h?i* 'ingsuey, toung Hyson. L'S@3S ?"? ? 3 JAPANS I'LTX-v-?;-: . $?}? ilf"n?? ( POBMOSA OOI.ONG r . ? ' 44??J .'?" "7 , , . . ?1@61 4;.,.;! CONUOU . ?-?:,?? 70 25?70 vi-,. *?,. INU" >\Z Sou7,. ?ftX Sft* irnnge l-Vko*. . J '"* riowerj Ormge Prko?'.77 7 44*63 .... _ <. a\ MIN .,a,lc. r.',. ?;;?? ,7"' ??? rlow*ry Ormigo ' Pcl. J ' .'?' Broken Pekoe . . ,,; tC6 4,. ,,;, ivi.,;,:.:. $>$** iow.r, orwi,. ivw7 77 7 4oS" Is roken Pekoe ... ,,/ i , *: i Jrokoii Pekoo . ouu lou rtxM , er'nV'?' pouna"uTgb'ii '-'"?>? IO '. ,n710 -i.,,.7.i ,,tff3l Sugar and Coffee Currnu A \c?t railrlfiigal , ,? Kln v, . ?,, S.,,i|,,., \,, 4. ^nsrar. Rpcenl nrrlval* nre believed to have been somewhat in excess of the needs of refiners, but a more active demand for relined sugar is said to be j devaloping. Supplies are cornmencing I to show n decrea^e by reason of recent ; exportations. The Equalization Board continues to make purchases whenevcr #frcight room is available. C'offee Futurfcs. The market wa* i active and Btrong. First, prices wjre up 16 to "0 points. Cables from Brazil reported continued strength and a goo4 spot demnnd. By inidday prices wcre ." to Ut points above thc previoo* closing. with May seiling at 16.5i-c and December at 15.50c. These prices were about 3% to 3% cents ahove tfo low level? of last January. This lerj to profit taking, but offering^ were well absorbed. There has been a broadening of speculation, with a de? cided improvement in the demand from i the interior. The range of prices follows: T UT?. day's T?r High. Low Clow Ciosli-g.Ago M?t.IO.?-. 16.55 18.7; |>16.S0 IC 03 g -., Ju . . ..16.71 lti.40 H'.THii IH 72 1 ? Sei 16.13 1 80 16.13(816.1-1 13 34 gv Dec 15.73 ; 33 13 VV,.. 13 74 14 114 s% March . . .15.70 15.36 15.70@15.74. 14.93 ?_? Butter. (]her?e antl Kggs Hutter. Receipts were 9,786 pack acres. Creamery, higher than extra*. Ih., 65@6u^2c; extras, 92 score, 64(6> 64Vic; firsts, Ss to 91 score, 62H<?! 63Vic; seconds, 83 to ST score, 868) 02c; lower grades. 57@59c; unsalted, higher than sxtras, 66@66%c; extra?, 65 a ri.-.'oe; firsts, 63(g>64c; seconds, 60 @62%c; state dairy tubs, finest, 63?, @64c; good to prime, 6ixv-:63c; com mon to fair, 17 S 59c; renovated, extras, nl'.-c; firsts, 49@50%c; lower grades, 46@48c; imitation creamery, firsts, 4? @49c; ladles, current make, firsts, 4* (q 47c; seconds, 14 'a -1 -1 % c.; 1 o wer grades, 42@43%c; packing stock. cur rent make, No. i, 43%@44c; N'o. 2, 421-?@43c; lower grades, 39@42c. Cheese. P.eceipts were 1.536 bose!. ; State. whole milk. fresh flats, eolored] lb, :j2c; white, 32-%@33c; aVu-rage ruti] %olored, 31%@31%c; white, 32^c;' lower grades, 30@31c; twins, speciah', ? whites, 32^@32%c; eolored. 31%c* average run, white, 32c; color.'d. SH/Jc* | lower grarles, flats, held, 36%(?'39c' j twins, held, ,J6%'as39c; Wisconsin whole milk. twins, held. 34@39c; 'fresh. 211:,'.;.';2c; single daisies, held", '?'????'???.; fresh, white, 31c; doubl-e daisies, held, -35@38c; fresh, 32c; Young Americas, held, fresh, 32*4? 33c; state, skims, spccialk, 22 '?._..- 23*?c* prime to choice, 20@22c; fair to good' 15C?;i9c; lower grades, t". ? ? 11>-. Ime. 48@49c; Western and Southern gathered whites, 44@B0c; state Penn? sylvania nnd nearby, hennery brovnf ?17" 18c; gathered brown and mixed .colors. 43fe47c;- duck eggs, nearbv Indian Runner, fancy 68c; Baitimore 65@67c; Virginia, B8(aU6c; Western aml other Southern, good to prime 58 " '* le. Hay an.l Strr;-tr Testeraay ... , ?. , Per 'on A year a/> I imothy, No. I, large bales Sl I.OCa 4:.oo SJO.O0?S1.0(l CIo\ . No lind 37.O0@3A.OO 'J'!.n0g24.tW Rye Straw, N'o. ! 15.00? 16.00 IS.OOl - Orchard ai;d I ielrl Yesterday A yarn" Beans, marrow, $11.75?- 9H.O0&UM l is. l-i otch 'IS ;.00@ 8.00 l2.*i5@12.JI Potatoep. nw, bbl 0.00? 14.00 7.00@ *.0? \pples. Bldw. bbl 7.00? 1.'{.00 4.0<i(S> ".(HI ' ?? ??im. bo.x. "..iw-p 7..-.0 2.00(1 8.W Orangea, box :.. 3.00? 0.75 S.un-ri 8.00 Livestock, Meats, Provision* ' ? .--?"? Btcrday's prlew. corDptrH win thoEe ti a ,v?ar agr> ' cslerday a rrnr a?o. prinw lb..$14.00 ?-$ 18.00 $12.00 ?$l6 3d .18'/,? .2J!? .20',*/ .23 J.IlP t :. to : rlmo : ' 11) i I, 0" (f. 17.30 11.50 '?> 18.00 D r i ?? .id -a .26 ii r<t> ,jj ? a*. M no 10.00 (?? u.oo Lire limlm. I'nlr to 18.on IB 20.00 1 li **,o D! (7 no "??;.;?' lb .20 ? .'J9 .15 ? ,? |i i uulis, Ity. . 2B a i 28 m> .5? 1 M K? I'l H> r 20.75 18.75 ? -? ? .?.'a (g ?D'B .??>> ,?-? ,2V4 "I'i" !?-?' bl 35.00 S >?>'!') .12.00 ?.-)?? 00 . 00 r. :,,.'i0 53 DO 3 54 OC : \> II 50c w-?5.?0c o < onsolidatcd K-vrliunpr [l nil of trade r.n (his i-:<rlianirr. 10 nhtret] n onu and prii i i yesterday fnr the . i c nhai ? ? follow : Open High 1 i ? Latt ' m < ..-i BZ 53' ? 51 '., 62'4 \m Inler Corp. 90' * 00', W. 87'* s;" Am '?"?'". bi' .. 70*1 bV j *0'i '"" ?:''"lt. 71 '4 72'H 71> 7? ? I dI-h ii Loco . 92 -,. 931 , 9-?' ? 02 ? ? 6 ' J .8 \ 1 18" '"' Paper. I9j/, 51', 491 p 00 ,? 1170 Mexiean Pet . I89< ,. 180'.. 18-1 <h 184>? ? ? " ' '-''I 43?? 44'4 4 1 44', ? " iini ma Oil.. 11 iv ,, 11, ,. 11 '' 1 rlercc Arrow.. 52 52' . '.2 52'? "' ?'" ' ?"?' 0?l. - ? 25'4 2b '4 .'.",-? 25ri (iclair Oil. . . 56 57'? 56 M1 ? ? ' I'n ?.(,,- 10b'4 100 M 1051 ? 106*i, loo htudebaker- 75', 78'4 74'.', 76*4 Pac. . ::2'4 ''1 ''1 36'r, ?'? . . 140 1 0 ' .u'p 136'4 '"' r- I'er. .. 881, 89'-b R.".,' 88 4 l?."'."!' S Steel. 997R 100' , t-g' . 9^s On nd 32 ... 32 .? 1 NITED STA1ES BOND . 99.86 "T86 90.78 99.82 lu.. - 96.94 ".o.Of, 96.88 96.8S ??'? 'U 94.96 94 88 WM rlo .) A .. .. 95. Iu 95.10 9:.92 94.?2 -'???" ilo :-i ' , "0.46 95.48 95.58 95.? I , 9J.48 93.48 93.28 93.28 '' ? ncludi int Stocks Ex Dividend Yesterday Kelsos Wheel pr. ' Republii Steel. 1.60 'ln All nf ( lalrua aml I)emund? Aitainhi NEW VORK RAILWAVS lOlllAM. M 'Tlil. is her.-bj Rlve 1 I ed StHtes Pls; l rict Courl foi I he S ul hern 1 ? - icw York ? 11 1 :': ' suit th nd iig 11 ? i ? I . . ? Rra ?g?insl ' le \cu foi '.x inp 1 ?'* fendant, s\hii-h order, a ? '.hind*-*. pro\ Ide tlu i'i Ml .claims and d' 11 - ? ?> "*{ :';" -~;i ..1 N.-u- v, ri< ];.. v... ? iny ?h* ? b. presenti rl to Job 1 11 d(fes, ??" ''??" i-elver of nald N'ev York Ri lw?y? P?ny. at 1ns ofiice Borough .'f Manhattan, 1 ?' Stata oj x.? York, ,.-i or before the I6th da) el 9 1 '.i . 1 .' > 1 ??.,?'. \ ? alnsl the .- ,;" ' ivaya Oompai ? I Ctli .;.i\ of .1 une, 1 :? * 9 .. ol thi II. no f " barn ?: the money* .;? ii^.-rin ..f nald N v- ior* l: .:' >? .1 , >??? or beri hi'i.-i .--ini! I..- ln ih.- hands of J' '?' Iver nnd from nharlnu of any of thu proce. du arlslng fi mi!.- .if any of the propertlea of ?-?? : ^' ' STork Hi. ii-.-. aya ' '1 mpa 1 : Not 'nn.: ln nald 01 der requirea K<ni i-luiniH and elaima aecured kuk<- or othei . . irded llen to be preaenWa lo 1;.-' !'..'..? ver, an atro\ e --;ii -<l \ ' nf claln or ili u?a?da hrk""'; N'.\% York Rallwaya Companj nre . t.. 1.; .iu i ln .1 , lulnta tn nn. e *\ .ih -.ii.l ..v.ler. , 1-iMins for ||ioof of <"'?imi or dematl ?' in?> !??? ' "? ? ihe offlce of the IM Dated N .v V ??:;. N y Api Ji iM K. 11 I ?!.?. .\^ t;. eelver of \.- \ rorlt KaJ * ?*'' Company, 166 Broadway Borough *' m .1.1.. ?.. ? ?? 1 ..i- \ - > ri<*