Newspaper Page Text
Buyers Arrived Boy-tn an-- tmitrri t?? regUtrr In tlil* rnlumn by telephonlng Itrekmnn 8 !43 hottveen 10 a. nt. and 10 p, W onttn'd Wrar aiut Millinerv f i \\ I'ltK"-. >N 1,,,| fnu D*Pl S-rr- 1 f ili\o !h,I(,.u' 1,. ?,-.., 1 . x bllleni hai. ? >. . iway, ?*lN?;itAMTt?N \ \ u Nwarl - i M s Soldter, iimrimmM hats. 17, t Htriol \v,|v. from SO 1 HIK.MIN.,11A.M. Al.-, - I'jtrlslnn Co. i I '--??ii--' wear; Harry Land rea St Hroa., .'.,_? Fifth Avenue BOSTON Gtlchrts! A Co.; Mm Tllrsrh. . .1 cotton walata; 7*>i Fifth Avcnue BOSTON- Jordan Mareh; Mr. Bdwards, nJUinery; Mi Koefe, mlsaea1 coats nnd HUrta; Mr. Burdlck, mmeti'g coats und alrts; 432 Fourth Avenue BOSTON- W. Ftlene'a Sons Co.; Miaa children'a, junlors' an,l glrla' oata and draasea, mutlln sktrta (upstalrs); Mfss Orlffln, waists (upstalrs); Miss DII er. misses' millinery (upstalrs); base ? 'ent buyers: Mim ('ail.ihnn. muslln and dlk underwear; Miss Wllllams, ohildron's i...l women's underwear nnd hoslery; Mlsa -v. .eney. millinery: Mr Ring. misses' ..n,l "hildren's dresses; il^ West Thirty-second ?^treet. BUFFALO?J. N. Adam Co.; Miss B, K. Mayo. trimmed and untrlmmed hats; 11. Bartlett, Interrstert In women's, misses' nd girls' bathing aults; 2 West Thirt>- j ? ? h st. et BUFFALO- W. Hengercr Co.; Miss ei: . etc; 2 West Thlrty r., nth s; reet. BUFFALO?Tegler, Rlder r0.; Mra B. \ Tegler, millinery; Commodore. ilNOTON VI '' i r Abernathy: [tss C K. Bnrlght. mlUinery; Commodore. BURL1NGTON, lowa?The Uoyal Cloak |o Hari y Kline. r.'a.iy to wear for ?-.. Landers & Bros., 7'1 2 Ftfth Avenue. liI'TTK, Mont.?Hennessy Co.; Mrs. S. a?. Boyington, ladles' furs, ronts. sntts, eweaters, kru weai : William T. Knott. 7: Easi Twonty-sixth Street, CANTON, Ohio ? Far.sian Co.; N. Man .' ?. :. readj to wo:.r, Breslin. CHARLESTON. W. Va.?.T. Schwab; J. Schwab, ready to wear. millinery and un derwear; 44 East Twenty-thlrd Street; - CHICAGO?D. B. Vlsh A Co ; J. C. ?'.?,, kman, flowers and leathers, C03 Fifth t venue. 14ili floor. CHICAGO?Htllman's; TT. M Hlllman, 7 >bs silk dresses. Georgette waists and ady ;., wear; '777 Fifth Av?nu?. CHICAGO?Montgomery Ward * Co.; J Hoelschor, women's coats, suits and , Sixth Avenue. CHICAGO Stern \- Hart; L. llart, mfrs. r appers and skirts: Wallick. ,n ICAGl ?- Marshall Fi. Id Co . M. K. liors' and misses' apparel; M Bagan, misses' dresses and waists; C. French millinery; ll'1? Broadway. ? HH.'AGO E. Strasbui gi i * L'o.; 17 ? ?., ? bui g< ", ? oal ? . i lotel i llaridge. , i.EVELAXD Maj Co.; Miss M. Davtea ery; -7 West Twenty-slxth Street. CLEVELAND MayCo.; Mlsa M. Krauss millinery; 7.7 West Twenty-sixth Street. CLEVELAND? Amea Co.; William II ong, French millinery; 3d floor; Miss Kuho. assistant buyer for $5 hat Rhop; Miss Lehky, assistant buyer in millinery department; Miss B. CJordon, buys mil? linery for $5 hat shop; Miss M. Meehan, Rssistant buyer French millinery; Alfred Fantl, 120 West Thirty-second Street; 14th CLINTON, lowa?The Royal Cloak Co : Rig KUne, ladies' roady to wear; care Harry Landers .<- Bros.; 212 Fifth Avenuo. COLUMBUS, Ohio--/.. I.. White Co.; ?:.ori:e Moon, roady to wear. Brown & Mr.'fao. 1270 Broadway. DANVILLE, IU.?The Royal Cloak Co. M P. kltne.' ready to wear care if Harry Landers & Bros.; 212 Fifth Avenue DANVILLE, IU.- Mels Bros . M. l ada ? ? bbona .dresses; Miss B Brigga mllll Vlfred Fantl, l7o West Thirtj a.nd -?-..... 14th floor DAVENPORT, Ia.?Kline's Cloak Store; Mark KUne. ladles' ready to wear; Harrj Landrea ^- Broa., 212 Fifth Avenue. DAVENPORT, lowa -The "oyal Cloak Mar',. KUne, ladles' rfVi to wear vare Harry Landers \- Bri , 12 Fifth DBLHI, N. Y -R. 1. Raines, mlUinery; Contlnei , 1',, .117 Mlch - J. I. Hudson I O. S \', Kernnerlng, mlUinery; Mlsa Mur phv; pettlcoata negl ??""< ai il wasl \ 9so, . Mei cha ndlslng i oi p; . -.? A' ' "' ? . ., , DETRI >IT 1 1. Hudaon < o Mlsa A Murphy. negllgei s; 225 Fltth Avenui GRAND RAP1DS, Mlch Herpolsheimei . ,. i ,? i'.,;, basement, aults, dresses, walats. etc ; T S. Morgan, 1170 Broadwaj HAMILTON, "nt. T C, Wntl Mrs m McMcLean, mllllnerj . ^ ili K.I 7 '? . Busl Twenl s ??v' " ii.\i:i:i- uni'i, Penn Bo-n man .*. < o ii.?.-i:..i, walsts: T Knotei bu Brown ? McCrae, 12.0 Broad ii MtTFOUD, Coi n Coughlln 1' ish ,,.,,,, jj| , A ej Coughlln, women's rui gooda and ,?????? i ? ? V *??? """.,, [-. Iiaca N *-. Roth ! I ' Bros Ml M Crnnce millinery, rlbbona und muslln .:,,*? rw-.,', 44 Easi Twcnty-thlrd Streel tNDIANAPOLIS L. S \ .?? . ? n Nll ? , i Mcrchun ? . Corporation, 326 Kifth Avenuo. INDIANAPOLIS Efroyonlson & 'Hnlf? Wolf, mualn vnderv.r, houso ? ,, !,;.. ? and ? hlldroi s dres Fantl. 120 Weal Thirty-second 1 I ? i i f ?). ?: i.MVRKNCK. Mns? --Robertsnn. Suther lo . G. M. Talbot, .lnbs. ready to 132 Fourth Avenue; Broztell LEXINOTUN, K> .1 O. Purcoll Co . . Sweenj. ri ady I o wea r; 11 l.i IS ANGELES Kal.-. Bros Im -. ady to v.-.'ar. Ilarry andres & Urns.. 212 Fifth Avenue. lus ANGELES- Farla Walker; il Con iks, suits, dresses and skirts. 120 Weat Thirty-second Street, room 141". LOUISVILLE -Spencer Hn,t Co.; T. M. Haw?s, millinery; Park Avenue. LTNCHBURO. Va.?B. J. Bodenl i ??? i: i. Bod mhi Imer, i lllln* ? y. Pennsylvanla MEMPHIS? Block Millinery Co.; Mr. Block, millinery and ready to wear; Wall MILWAUKEE - The Shuster Charlea Greenblatt. ready to wear; Jaj ft C o 11 i rt 1 MONTREAL?F. DeGrandpi ?'!?'?'?'? .,, . NEW ORLEANS? Sherr Mfg. Co.; eulta and akirts; M Scherr, rti lanager; Pennsylvanla. .; vi LLE - A ri istrong s; Mi v i strong, ready to wear; .' J. Roeder, S03 NA8HVILLE?Castner * Knotl Co.; 1 Mevers, musitn underwear, petl dresses, sweaters, bathing suits. T. Knott, 23 Twenty-sixth PHILADELPHIA Ltt Bros.; Miss E cotton dresses; 1261 Broadway PHILADELPHIA?Strawbrtdge & Cloth ler Miih A. V. Mulvey, missr-v and chll s .ir' !.?.??. coats and suits; 230 Fifth Avenuo, 4th fli oi , , PHILADELPHIA -Htrawbrldge & < l'.th lor Miji ii. O O Donnell, ladles' suits an<l dresaea 230 Kifth Avenue, 4th flooi PHOBNIX, Kx\t C Korrlck * Bro goods, ??? ash K'.'.-is and .. , Wesi Thirty sei ? P1T1 1B1 ROll !???' Mi Wil lan - Co.) : ? ., ?; i ? ? ., v. ea ? . ia ? S Co 1" i i ? . reery Co.; I*. < T Kn'.it, 23 i th Btreet I'lrr-iiT'.'.H Kaufrnai * Department i-'-.r... Mre )i-,.. burgi r, |obs "'. ba - I ?iWBV. i ? ? MBCROH K '?'? ? ?, mllllnsry; i land T'i-|i-i*.i r.i;i* nosenbsum f'o ; Miss F ?ultt; i> W??t Thiit; ,? nd i.i i ..ii i.... idws . ' .?:.:. * Bull , ...... ? ..ii- capes; Mi'I'.fiH |{>iw fibaiim ? ? i ... . Misa I rew, MarkowitK, millinery; Miss IMna Urossman, rnlssns ,..,,,,* drswtts; Miss BIU.McClalr.-j, ...? roats and iimsvs, Mrs M ll sn<1 ' ihlldn -i. s i ? ??? i md dresses; Rose Ors*t?nfleld, aulia Misa rl'.weia nii'l a Miss K Urasti iifti Ul, suits, rigtls i; On snberg, inlss**' .ts; Alfred i ..-.' 120 Wesi 4?h fl pITTKBtJIlOH Mn If. Hlaok, rorssts, underwear, Infaots* wear, knll un Mfrsd Fantl, 120 W?-Kt 'i hlrty i ,-?,. . '. Mi h n-.'ir i'l'l T!-'l OH Peni ?'. ' ' ? ..?'./ io wear; J-y & Co , 404 K'-ur' h A-.< RICH MON D '.? Drsyftis A Co M i li*Y.i\, n*i'./ 10 w-ir. Iir.,-//ri ?? M'rii., IJ7e Y.r>.?'\ >?'?/ Wt. VOVW, Mo - A H. * T Th'.rr.. Thorn, mHlinery ind n s.t,','ir.: !?? nnsytvanla :; ? i. )tu'i??r-Tupp'-n Co . Mrs , A . llllnery, Mrmim. i ht'I a L < loh?o, rsady to ??ar; 217 Fifth Avenue._ _ Offerinj^s to Buyers JkRFKT KNIT COTTON i l/.'l M. KI.Kl'K. pink, bl"*'.-n*?l wM'o foi bloomers; r'-vue qualltlss, JarKt qoantltles; prompt ?r,/J fi'itf.-u 'i'rli-/'-rl?s; ?a-i,j.!.? <,j, ,.,.,. ? a.- .-.i rdam, '?' Y. KJfTT OVKACOATH, naso's. IS ??: w.e hundred | > / w/ll.-l ??' lt; riffst-n* V- H * '??-*"" "*5 A -,:->?.:, . ? ? 1':? Wsat Jrti t< . r.r'i. few \\ \-;lll\.; rn\ M ,' Uo?enfr',,l C . M '' Itnti ui.'i.i. women's garu t>nl i Al U ASIIIVU T?i\. p C M Urooks * Co.. Mlsa Vera Walker, millinery; Hotel Mr \ ? i ? '? r. 't\ r Miaa Roaentald'i St. s O Roaenfold, w.onen'a weni FpI ei \- NMekela, 1182 Br?n.i"av WORCB8TBR, Maag -Denholtn .<- Mc Kay; Mr Robtnaon, roats an.l aulta; Syn? dicate Trading Co.. 230 Fifth Avenue Men's Wear AKRON, <>hlo- S. M Levy Co.; 3. M. Levy, clothing; I'ennsvlvauia. BOSTON W. Flleno'n Sons Co.; Mr. Koenigsthal, men's and bqye' clothing (basement); 110 West. Thirt ?.-second Street, BOSTON -.ln,lan Marsh; .1. F. Dojio van men's hoslery: 422 l''ourth Avenue. BOSTON?Leopold Morse Co.; M. Golden. men's furnishing goods; Breslin. CHICAGO Sears, Rnebuck & (',>.; C. W. Williams, work pants and white suits; 115 Fifth Avenui CHICAGO?Marshall Field Co.; W. D. Holcomb, youths' clothing; B. Blair, men's underwear: 1107 Broadway. CHICAGO- l Goldberg, clothing; Grand. FORT WAYNE, Ind. --H. Goldstein Co.; Mr. Goldstein, v.lothing: Pennsylvania. FRANK1 IN, N. II. D. .1. Uoussoau Co.; Mi Rousseau, clothing: Broadway Central. HARRISBURG, Penn.?Kaufman'a Un ?!?- selling Stores: F. F. Goldsmlth, men's hats and clothing, 37 West Twenty-slxth Street. MBMPHIS?E. Gre?ner & 3ons; E. Grecner, men's wear. etc: Herald Square. MILWAUKEE ? T Kaiser Co.; T,. Kaiser, clothing and men's f urnlshlngs; Albert. MONTREAL ? II. Rosenbaum, men's wear; Commodore. PITTSBURGH?Kaufman, Baer * Co.; C. II. Van Scoten, men's an<! boys' fur-: nishings, women's hoslery and glovcs; 401 Fourth Avenue. PITTSBURGH?Mcllwalne Co.: II. E. McLaln, men's furulshing goods; McAlpin. SAN FRANCISCO?Louis Strausii; ,T. Baltor. men's, boys and children's suits. pants and overcoats; Pennsylvania. I.TICA II. H. Plxley & Sons < .,.; \V. E. i Lewis, men's furnishing goods, mfrs. ( loi hing; Manhattan. WASHINGTON, D. C?-S. Kann Sons S-. l'o : .!. Grober, fall furnlshings: 432 Fourth Avenue. 13th floor. WATERTOWN, Wis.? A. B. Liebe.rman, clothing. WILKBS-BARRE?Duncan &? Coiner .'o : .;. Scott, notlons, hoslery, gloves and men's furnishing goods; Pennsylvania. l'ieee (iootlt ATLANTA, Ga -J, M. High Co.; J. E. Collier,, cmbroideries, ribbons, etc; i Latham. BALTIMORE- T.. Freudenthal &. Son. Carl Freudenthal, woollens; Martlnlque. BOSTON?O. L. Bailey & Co.; O. L. Balley, mfrs. gloves. mlttens, shlrts and 'woollens: Murray Hill. BOSTON A. I". Freed <S- Co.; S, Levy, mfrs. boys' and children's clothing; Broad way Central. BUFALO ? Wm Hengerer Co.; Miss F. Splelman, handkerchlefs, trlmmlngs, etc; 2 West Thirty-seventh street. CLEVELAND?H. Moshontz, piece goods. Latham CLEVELAND - Kinsman Dry Goods Company; II. Kinsman, dry(goods, etc, (lommodore COL1 MBUS, Ga ? J. A. Klrven Co.; .T. D. Klrven. drygoods. etr . Latham, HONESDALB, Penn, -Katz Underwear Co . E. A. Katz, mfrs. muslin underwear. 27.1 Fifth Avenue INDIANAPOLIS II P. Wasson * Co. ; I. Miller, dress goods. Bilks, velvets, lin IriKs; uo AVest Thirty-second Street, room 1410 INDIANAPOLIS?11 P. Wasson * Co.: James Miller, silks, dress goods and lln Inga; Alfred Fantl, 120 West Thirty-sec? ond Street, I4th floor. KITCHENER, Ont. -The Williams Groene & Rome Co., Ltd ; Benjamin Rob ? Inson, collars, eJotha, shirtings and pa Jam , cloths; Hotel Belmont. LITTLE ROCK, Ark.?Doyle, Kid.l Dry Goods Company; Mr. Doyle, drygoods; Pennsylvania L.OS ANOEI.ES Brownstein-Louia Co.; mfrs. ahiris and overalla; II W l.outs, piece gooda for n.ik'- dept.; 77 l.trnard Streot, room i i OB. LOUISVILLE .i Baron ,v Sons: George Elders, silks, velvets, llnens. black dress goods, wash and whito goods. laces em brolderles; William T. Kn,,u. 7'.: East NEW ORLEANS?Werner Bros.; B. ? frs Ichiis and t-asslmere pants; !;.. limonil. PHILADELPHIA II. Fisher, mfr. pants; llerald Sciuare PHILADELPHIA F. Levy ,v Son; H. Levy, mfrs nlghtgowns Aberdoen. PHOBNIX, An/.. i' Korrlck & P.ros., V Korrlck, cotton goods, wash ko...|x nnd iroiiicn'a garments; i 1'i Wesi Thirty-sec md sti. i: \ LEIOIf, N. '' Boylan Pearce Co. W u. Boylan, white goods, laces, notions and novell les i 'olllngwood. Kl. HM' IND \ .1 Miller * Rhoades; W. ?.-....f. .--iii^--;. dress goods, etc . Ponnsyl ?. ai i.i ROi !? ES i ER i: Isaacs A Co . !'.. M. !-?;..,, s :?? ? llens :i"; Broadway; Brlstol SAVANNAH I Bpstein X- Bros., dry? goods, etc . 1-;. s. Epsteln, plece eoocls. knit K.Is. Bhlrts; 43 Leonard Street; ilr?-ai SAVANNAH, Ga. Leopold Adler Co.; w. li. McCallum, linens, wt. - ?? p.j.nis, \\,. s'i, etc.. I .i.t ham Northern. SYRACUSE, N. Y.?II. Blun-iberg Co.; M. Blumberg, drygoods: Broadway Central. WASHINGTON, D. C- S. Ki.nn Sons Co ; -i. l>. Furlong, sllka and velvets; 4::i Fourth Avenue, 18th floor. WORI1ESTER Bernard-Sumner-Put nam Co . 1' T. Feeley, patterns and dress .'.i)4 Fourth Avenue; Dry .'i.iod-i Al tiati< -? Company. Notions, Toilel Goods, Drugn BOSTON- W. Filene's Sons Co.; Miss Kafanof, ladies' neckwear (basement); 116 Wost Thlrl v second Street. BOSTON .1. M. Blegc-1 lt- Co.; .1 M Slegel, fancy goods, furnishlngs soods. and wares; Broadway Central. CHICAGO?Marshall Field Co.; II Lan casterf porfumos Hti.l soaps; ']'. Patterson, rlbbons; Gto. Keller, ribbons; 1107 Broad? way. INDIANAPOLIS- 11 I'. Wasson <<*? Co . Miss T Burke, neckwear snd velllngs; Alfred Fantl, 120 West Thirty-second .Strr-pt, 14th flooi LOS ANQELES Broadway Itrpl. store; trong, rugs and draperles; Builock's, 95 Madison Av-nw PITTSBURGH Kmifmairs p.'pt. Ptotn; Mr. Palloy, .Iruns. toilel goods; Mrs. Gug genlielinor, notions; l "J?; 5 Broadway. PITTSBURGH Rosenbaum Co.; Miss Rose Schwartz, laces; Aifr.-.l Fantl, .120 Wesi Thlrtj second Street, 14th floor. UALEIGH Boylan Pearce Co . W, R. Boylan, white koo.Is, laces, notions and novelll. s. Colllngwood. IllCHMOND Rlchmond D, G Co , ,T. D. Hawes, notions; 43 Leonard Street; Park A venue SAVANNAH 1 Bpstein K Itm-. ; dry goods, eti i Hornsl ln, notions; i-am , ..r Hafl 4 Leonard Sl reet; Great ! Nr.rti i W1LKBS BATIRE Duncan rt Hoiner i a i, Scott, notions, hoslery, glovea and tnen's furiiiohltiif u,, IVi.nnvlvami House l''iiriiistiin^<-. Floor <>>v erings, Furniture, Drapcry I'.rri'AI.. i W'i I llnri, llengerer (o . fl. V. ,.,/. upholatery and draperlea; . ata z i i,i, ? ?. ?..,?. t.i ti hi ., el '."ti <vn.i,r,, i.-, ,i Baeori A Mona; 1 ' I . . '?? i, house fUl olHlilriKH find tt.v* ? i i.", ", i;?-,i 'l went . mmlt ,. , , I'lin.Ai.Ki.i'iiiA Mardlcl * M?K?1 ' " . I* i Magm ' " 11"'1" " "?' ' nKfl, ? ' : ',. i I'ro. n, 1,1, Dunokai t'arpal ?'" . it ii Wllnon, upholatary and drapi (,??,. ii Baal I ? tntnenth t'.tr?.?(, ' ' ii''.'. . n I M 14, Oavltl <n , furnllura, a|. i L, Oavltt, i hlna, giu?,< WI, 1 .. I ?. I,. I i,. r , j . v ni-. k ?? ns Hi-.i-; Pi on Fowler rnek a Walker, drygooda, et. , ss v Meltltt, ' . i I ? , . '. '', > ??< ', ??, ,,lrl Hl , ,,,!, Leather, Fancy GooiU and Jewelry iio, ro W, Fllena'a Bona <'o.; Mr. Ilahn, |i ?'.?,,!,/ and leather goods (has/; innnt); 11 >', W'-nt Thlrty-eocond sir.-et. l.'B'isv ii.i.k. Ky I Bacon A Hon*; H T. Whito, laather good*. velllnga, neck vi ,, I,,,,,, r.. atatlonery, tollet gooda; , I' Knolt, 22 Cast Twenty sixth ? ,. , i ? rov ? Ohio G. M MrKelvey; 'I ii. Green hoaierj glovcs, in.iiv und ihei gooda; lii.jun &. McCrao, I270 (?rn?ral Meri'liandiMC ALBANY?Halaar, Muhlfelder ifc f'o.; T. Muhlfelder, general drygondn; Comnmdore. BOSTON i i'i,-,-..,i , general merohan dtae; Wa CHICAGO Marahall FMd Co ; K. Koal lf-r repreaentlng; nov Broadway. 'TIH AGO D, B. V'IMi h Co . M. 3. Betz, general merchandise; 303 ruth Ave |4th floor, ' if |. .?.;. ? .,, ion, i 'h lo & Sooti: I. I; Klllol' ol, fall and ".vlntfr clolha, sultfl, spring roats; 404 l uui th a i nnui DATTON, Ohio i. TraxUr Co ; A. L. Attecbul, geoeral manager nnd buyer, I*',.,, embrofd*rl?a, hnii,ik"t."iii.if*, ni. H'/n?, n?-ckw??r, Inathnr and totl?t good*, hoslery, underwear; 120 West Thlrty-oeo 0O4 titraat, room mo. UTi i N n."K. v,;, V w rtarlow tonn ul ? ? lu.-... Prnnai'*? anlM NMW . iRI i; \ \'- ', Kaufman t?eneral t> -f. h .1. \' n i.| NEW i u;i i; \\s Let i. f.osli .<:? .*?? ; 11 r<?v; .'., gooda, tioi lon .. *.:..'i Church Str?i * room r.i PHILADELPHIA 1. '?* 11 nll & a 5 l' .1' ,i. y-Roiids )-. I..,-, . nn .. P' ?!:. I 1. v \n, Orc Fl. la lin. .. M., ni ft Cor, s !iu-? i,. drygoods; i" Leonard 8tr?o| PROV1DENCE t* ; -Manufacturers ' 'ut ??' .... di\ i;,.,,,i , ,,,,,? Ron.-nil moi chandlso; i,. Samuols, mon'handlso man ?K'*' ? 1 i'l W. Thtrt> -.?.oml Stn el . l Ith floor. ROCKY MOUNT, N. C Alcocke LlttU" 6 llenrj : N, 1. Ali ocke, linens, white goods, laeos, rlbbons notions, hosicry and men's furnishlng goods; Imperlal. S \ N FRANCISCi '. Cul. The Emporium; C. W. Martln, iirlontai goods, basoment supplies: 225 Kifth Avonue. SAVANNAH. Ga.?J. Relnatoin, goneral merehandise. Lat ham. SAVANNAH. Ga. -Ecksteln, G. Co ; J. P. Ecksteln, domestics, flannels, linings, dress goods, r-loaks, hoslery, gloves, nollons, rlbl.-.ns. furnlahing goods; 14 1 Madison Avennue. SPOKANE, Wash. ?C ulbertson-Grote Rankin Co; .1. S, Hetntzelman, general merehandise. basement; lin West Thirty second Streot : Grand, STATESVILLE, N. C.?"Wallace liros Co.; 11. Wallace, drygoods and notions: Pennsylvanla. Miscellaneons ASHEV1LLB, N. C. ? J. M.-ara, ahoea; York. BALTIMORE- -M. Block. goneral line Aberdeen. BALTIMORE -Stewart X- Co.; C. Miller upholslery; 2 West Thlrty-seventh Street. fl< BOSTON?"W. Fllene's Sons < 'o Mr Dutch. chlldren'8, junlors' and prlris coats (basoment); 116 West Thirty-second Street. BUFFALO.William Hengerer Co.; Mrs. A. Kenny, art goods; care 2 Weat Thlrty seventh Street. CHICAGO?P. r, Niehoff & Co.; P. G. Nlehoff, representative; Commodore. CHICAGO?H. Frank, general line; Commodore. CHICAGO- R. Jackson, ready to wear and general line; Herald Square. CHICAGO.Marshall Field Co.; B. ilunt, aut.. supplies; 1107 Broadway. CLEVELAND?Amcs Co.; Ilnrrv Selgel, effieiency man; Alfred Fantl, 120 West Thirty-second str.-.-t. fourteenth floor. DETROIT F. Schranim Co.; B. Stcrn berg, manager; Pennsylvanla. LOUISVILLE, Ky. .1. Bacon & Sons; E. R. Norris. underwear, "corsots, Infants' wear; William T. Knott, 23 Eaat Twentj slxth Street MILWAUKEE C. Burlock Co.: C. Bur lock, mfrs. raincoats; Broadway Central. MONTREAL Routtonberg Co.; Mr. Rout tenberg, regular line; Grand. MONTREAL, Que.- John Murphy Co.; H. Kyle, laces, neckwear and handker chlel's; 47 tSVst Thirty-second Strent, room 728. PAWTUCKET, R. I.--Shartonberg & Robinson c,,., ii. ii. Nawraan, boys i-loth ing; 4"4 Fourth Avenue. PEORIA, lll -Sandor Bros.; C. .t S. Sander, notions; Commodore. PHILADELPHIA -Bullgrade Mfg. Co.; Mr. Aaron, silk walsts and chlldren'a giiighani dresses; Grand. PITTSBURGH?Kaufmann Dept. Stores; B. "Wilson and L. Hauson, regular lines; P. Paley, toltet goods; Pennsylvania. PITTSBURGH, Penn. McCreery Com? pany; Mr. Mlnoque, hoslery, gloves; Wlll uiin T. Knott, 23 Kasl Twonty-si.xth Strert PITTSBURGH -Rosenbaum Co.; Mrs, N. Serrls, underwear, corsets, infants' wear; I. Bodcnsteln, basement hoslery; Alfred Fantl, 120 West Thirty-second Stre.-t, fourteenth floor. -PROVIDENCE ? S. ltosondalo, goneral line; Flanders. PORTLAND, Ore.?Melr X.- Frank; Miss Flemlng, statlonery; 212 l-~"irtli Avenuo. RICHMOND, Va.- P. Watt, general line; Pannsvh anla. ROANOKE, Va.?S. H. Hein.nltnus Co.; H. D, Gray, toys, trunks, notions, general merehandise ; Col 1 Ing wood. ST. LOUIS- Rice Stlx D. G. Co.; O., hoslcrj . 1177 Broadway, room 00;J. Trade Notes K. W. Groef & Co., Inc, cxportcrs of chomicala nnd dyes, will occupy a building of their own nt 7* Front Strrrt, on thc cornor of Old Slip, bc ginning Mny 1. The new quartera will permit an enlargcmont of the offices nnd at Lhe same timo provide space for Btoring goods, .1. B, Hornblower has been elected vice president und controller of the Pittsburgh Coal Company and M. (i. Weltzcll wns elected vice-president in charge of thc Ohio and Keniucl.y mining propcrliea of thc com? pany. I'rtitions in Bankruptcy CHARLES BRAMSOX- A voluntary pe? tition of Chnrles Brumson, hl.; Trlnity Avenue, shows llabllittes of $1,937 nnd no assets. Englebert Hardt, Frederick von i Bormuth and lleindrich Hardt, 477 Broom. ' :---,.,!. :,;, thr creditors, Rosenthal fc Hs.lpcrin, 147>. Broadway, are the attor? neya. ISRAEL LKV1N A voluntary petition of lsraei Lovln, 16 Bond Streel, shows llabilities of $8.00! and no i.svMs. Thr three largest credltors are; Nathan and Rose Turak 661 Easl 158th Street, JI 800: Abraham Goldberg, 47 Delanccj Slroet, S2.SC". and I,. l! Lei Ino, 7. , Falrmont Place, $863 Julius Fine, 71 Chambers Street, is th" attorne; ABRAHAM GERSTEN A voluntary petition of Abraham Gersten, 359 F-ns. Eighth Street, shows llablllties of $6,104 and no ansi l a Th. three largest cv dii ors are: Kiegel A- Son, 807 Trlnity Av. nue $1,923; Louis Greenberg, 40 Suff,,17. Street. $1,0.':,. and Lorralne Contructlug Company, In. . Brooklyn, $500. Morris and Samuel Meycrs, 1 Madlsun Avenue, ui" ti," attorneya. Pelitlons ln bankruptcy filed yesterday ln the United States District Courl were SIMON ZEILEH A voluntary petition of Blmon /,i!,,. 785 Hewilt Place, Bhows liabllitlea of $6,364 and no assets. The thre<- lnrrr>i credltors uro: Fellx Kiinstler, 114 Esse.x Streel $1,881 ; Shulof A- L'o . Sixth Avenue and Thi:':. first Strei t, $!,;,.,r., and Samuel Kahn Company, 27 Cedar st ir. t, 5' ,06 7 l ouls I 'oi . man, 1360 Broadway, Is the attorney. lli, WNZWWIO A- SMITH An Involun tary netltlon agalnsl liosoir/.welg A- Smith, I ID Fssex Street, Is by three. , rcdltors rlaiiolnc Jos. rl, \\ Glnsburg, Sl"" ?' in halfHl, lli d . . iiil.ii in 4: nnd < I... i !? ? i I'iiii >,'t. $160. Ali xandi r Lcm Un , 109 Brohdv h ?.. la i he al toi n. y. Uni ol Town f'A M iu; 7 ' i . Aprll 21. Bliprernn I'ouit Judge Llo) i to day Died an opinion refUsIng ino uppllcHlloti of Pusny & Jones Company foi i ?! .. ?? I I'otn tlin lien nf writ^ HttHi'htnent, aggregatlhi $88,000, agalnal Ihe UlnUcextot Citj plunl nl lhe rolril'nir. I he upl.II "? ?" " rd' i ? d llfidll motion of v .-...,,.. . nt uml ..,,,. ,, p , ??nl m Htii.! Ilowlaml, 1'hiindi ii.iiin Htl? | Will WllllHI '", rl '? '" I'lll ,IOI|, 1 Rn*. li . ul i. '.< '" Vn '? . i. ailll ? i, <'.,;., , II, i I, 11 .,.?: . ',,, |.,,.r. . ihid uml ' uiiei Hi, ntrli nl Mantifui l ui Iiim Con panj I'hll idi l|,l ln Tlr i,itiirl,ir- Ili Wllll " i.? lol'.in A m il ', htrl 1 l,o . or.) lllll , li II ... I ? i d llr- V,. iidil v |if ' |in ", , |1 lo ", || -. , .1 ' I,, i , , ,-,,, | , i ,, |o|| foi ? ,,ii , . ? , ,dni, ii Hda i, / Il|, u|i I, , ii,,. ir . of i 'ii.,.,'. n 'i ln iii.ii..?'., opinion lini Lhna- Ih . ? i???? I ??? ' i, ilati nl i inwiiii, : ? ? ,i, anil ? i Ir i ,, ? t.i j,- i lon i p, ll tho .f ihi.H', tha , ompany i"i Vtiri.'. d bOIld* flfl 'Irll,! llr Hl,,,,l|l,l ,,f I |r rhii ih of th..Ut oi . nnd al tho ? an - ino/. entered n "gnneral nppuaranai ln ' he ir,,, , eitlngs . hi. h nul uj. i h. .i agatiiHi any further applylng crodltoiH, The prop?rl v mi... il und, i tho w rlta of tho*" credltoi ? la worth h pprox Imati . $13,000,000, Includlng unflulahcd uhlps val ui .i . i $i,oo.),oti.i. .hul^iiH'iits Filoil iTh? following Ju'dgmenti wero nie,i ,,,?? t?rd., . ihe firat nam ? !,? Ing thal of the debtor. In New Vork County Bucke, James j, m. Ocean St<iimshi|i (o. of Savanah? 7 ??""? . $125.43 ,Bradi"-y Contractlng Co., wiuum Bradley and .larurn Bradley i Kln.t National Bank Of I'lalts burg, N. Y. 10.793.50 Barckett, Wulter L.?John Ser? vlco, Inc. 166.8: Brown, Marion or Wienloskj Alax Rubbi r Co. :;':n 63 Bi - ? r, Augusl ' Buffalo Printing li, .'.,) A. li Anubacher A Co . Io-. :.',_? 03 City >,r ',,.. y,,,,. Brooklyn, Queena County f. Suburban K. R ?'" ; coat* . 106.10 Camplon, John V, .1. McQuad. 1 05 Oevunteiy. Joarph ? Loi omobll. Co of America . 00. ,n BrU'kl-r, John A. Knhn .... 122**5 Douglaa. Borothy 11 F, (7. Stnlih i'07 ;ib Fahnestoek, Annle 1?.?JT. H. Townaen&i eeata ? - ,M<I , ut 23 Chilean I inancial (lommission Welcomed \liiny liiinkri- antl Busliicaa Men Atlrml I.tinclipoii t<? \ isitinjj |-mmI\ Holti'iin Mathleu, Chllcnn Anibn iim' to tho I'luioil Sutcs, wna thc pi'incipttl guem i.r honor ul lho luncli iM.n ..!' iho f'uti American Soclotj of llio Unltcil Stntes, given ;it iln- Hat k ei's' Club < !?? tn .ln.-, welcoming tho Chilean financial commisaion, which recently arrived in thia country. Thc membera of tho commission nre Eli ilniii Yancz, Senator aml former Pre? mier of tho Chilean Cabinet; Juan Enrique Tocornal, former Miniater of Financo of. Chilc, aml Augusto Vil lanucva, president of tho Bank of Chtlo. More than three hundred American bankers aml business men altrmled the luncheon. .lohn Bassett Moore,-president of the Pan-American Society. welcomed the commission, stating that "the Ameri? can republics need each other, and in the mutua! satisfaction of their needs they should find themselves ovor more closely drawn together in bonds of interest and of friendship." Ambas sador Mathieu responded on behalf of ; thc commission. Paul M. Warburg, formerly a niom bcr of tho Federal Reserve Board, spoke briefly, dcelaring that lie al? ways advocated extensivc travel be? tween the United States aml Latin American countries. ln the course of iiis remarks he said that the finances of ttie United States were never more sound than they are to-day. He called attention to the growing use of ac? ceptances in financing trade, and ex pressed the opinion that before long there would he a billion dollars of acceptances outstanding. John Barrett, direetor peneral of the Pan-Ameriean Union, said that North and South America are eloser together than they havo been since the Monroe Doctrine became a part of the coun? try's international policy. AmoiiK those present were Augustin Kdwards, Chilean Minister to Great Britain; Luis Gomez Carreno, chief of the Chilean Naval Commission to Great Britain; Carlos Silva Vildasola, ad viser of the Chilean commission ap pointed to attend the peace confer? ence; Pedro Aguirre Cerda, former Minister of Public Instruction in Chile; General A. Pinto Concha, former Min? ister of War and chief of staff of the Chilean army; Thomas t'oehran, Charles TI. Sabin, James .Speyer and Leopold Fredrick. William A. Gardner has boromo aftlliatod with *.hc Ncw York office of King, l-'arntim & Co. John G. Scnttcrwood, vice-president of the Garfleld National Bank, lui- been placed In in charge of the newly organized bond uV partment of tho institution. Thc Western Ohio Railway Company will r'iiy ..n April 'i'i the bond interest which was due November 1. 1918, together with interest at the rate of I! per cent per aniium on the deferrcd payment. E. Marvin Underwood, general solicitor of the Seaboard Air Line Railway, ha-i re signeil that position lo aecept the appoint nn-iit ..f general Bolicitor of the United States railroad administration at Washing Francia A Uoward and A. Gnrland, mem? ber of the New York Stock Exchange, havo become associatcd with the lirni of Charles Head & Co. Changc iri Ccrtificate ScIhmIuU Tho Federal Reserve Bank of New York stated yesterday that thc Secre? tary of the Treasury has announced thal the tenth olTering of ccrtificates nf indobtodness in anticipation of the Victory Liberty Loun, which, following the bi-weekly s?ehedule outlined by the Treasury Department, would ordinarily have been dated und issued on Thurs day, April '.'l. will Ue dated aml issued on May 1. The ninth issue was over ubscribed by nearly 30 per rent. 40G West 31st St. Co D. Wald Frankel, .lullus .1. and living Kranz (Frankcl & Kranz) Ar Novi llj ,v Uutl on SVoi k ,, ln On ???>. Mary People. Ztc. ' Hbb ? Hd ... i ? .1 i ? mil Louis S Rosonblum A. D. Scherer . . Oallatln i (pei a tne: I'o - i \n rllehl N'atlonal ilauli of City ..i New Vorl . , Iln en 'I h. odore II. I.'.'hii \gno, ! swi ningi i 11 All ialcd II l.i Pan ih ? ? Co llat Mfrs . ct al con Sam. Crorul A Knapp .',..". '. Murphy, Ma.-,.-;,.-... Poopli Rt. '?'? ? ? ' ? William Thoi.ion Wood FInlshing Co. ?"?' ll kl)\ il ?:. Mon is M. M..II b, :: g Mai kowil ?/., Mon !. Urov, ii N' iv i *.. iti Ilo i lii Nebrodlan Mul ual Ai stance Soelel U Mina ? i al . R< Uly. !?'- I tean l-'lrsl Natloii'ii'l Uank of Annlstnn, Ala, Randell, !?;-. nlj n p, ,,,.!. , ,., ? Raymond, Laura, and Pas u ? ? N ungrato l 'i opb . el c. Ri Id, I .... li ind Pi rcy \ Brown Pi ipli etc, Ri ? I 1 lollvery Sei ?. i e Co., Inc W E. Pruib n llanlwarc f'o Rablan, William J '.Valsh ,v K i ,i ,.-. l 'uni i .i: Cui i'" Im ? ? Hand, John, uuil J n ub L'i ban .1. .1 Kllngi r Mo; ' > H. 15. Siogol li i, .. ia, John Vi rlcan News ' ln , h" Kennel M.,.i,| I Sii ui N Llston Vol :. .losi pli l" Ui-.thik* II.... Illon l,.m., ' 70 . r. * i. 1 ?"..->. soo 500 300 1 .'1 '??'? ' Mlnuli , nnd M.,, ? : ,|.M i I'gtlefl I'eoplo, , - u is, John J, . onnors nloi on i; a iio" > H'lUl, Ueliiwiii-p Land .I ' il 1 ?' .'. T. H||-|l?l| Vol ul... Tin, h llullci Bros ln Hron* Count) '-'?'" ' ?'??? an1 C . and i..s ? l hlun a i, . i,, | ,, . ' . li I ?,..;.? Iln ri. I.oiiik Min , itubbi ? I ,, i Jlllltl . I.l'r!. , ,,, , .... , 1 ? ' ir Mn. ?,.,.. i . I'lmi. Iltiffin 17, ? nn| i. iiioii, ii, lill i. .ui \ i ,, ,, ?n\ (IM ?*?? " 8 I , |n| ? ?i . [18 : i , ',, BO '/' Snlif-(i#-ii .(ii(|KiiiriilH '' ',' rlrsl ..... n ln i ln.t ,,r lhe rlehlor i li. s.lld I Ilal ,T i lo , ,, ,:,.,,, und rl it t ? '? ir ludgrnolil ?..,,, III, , In Now Vork ( ounl.s Ulundy, '' 11.-. 11 ? .1. ii. ',,. .,,,,, .. March 21,1910. . $406.41 Leary, ..? urg. Bunl l J. :.,??,> , March 5, 1919 . . 109,31 !?.? li,,-. KI. hui d I) Tlio Hul, I'lcmh.'i ,.:,!,, . 138.2: v. eial, l.on li s R. Blovens 1" ? ? ulr r 18, 1918. ' 2 062 21 K. nney, I' a s. Kmldon ? Al"': 1*. I9|9. 500.01 I ? hlnkol, John A, H, rliner et i.l, July 17. l'. u. 1 19 4( Rothschlld, Eug, ne, Leo II and Charloa E II. j mann Mut ual Life Ins. . 'o ; Aprll 17 I9ia 121 21 Same Same; Juno 9. 1917. U.ZDbIbI McGuIre, George II C. FTartnett' Decornbor 7. 1912 (vacated)... 3 080 81 Wallace, Robert, n Security Bank of N\ Y. m?v :,. i:,H. .. . I>H45 8( Same Ul, h.ird 1-7 Thlbaut, Inc ; Septembcr 29, 19 i I. Koator, John I! i ? ,:, , , H i . Ji, min i v "-. 1 :? l'. . rcle . ?",! i KI. In, lullu ? it KI. ln; March 14, 1913 , . . ' '? ?ran ,. I lin I:,..-, Flllpp,', ?,,., A ni onlo Mi hi oi i ituii i ?,.,,,, i i" ?>?? mbcr 13, 1913 | WllllaniH, Margari l I Hllbei loan, < let, :.. 1918 i p atod I ln iironx County Oalte?, Victor; A. Puterinan et alj Septembcr 23. nn , .,.? 1161.3: Incorporations ?\ i RA N v. Mni II 21 I'he follo* Ing m i nrpoi mi 'i>-' '? ? t:., .1 w it h t Ue : uei >tftl} 11 a ' ? . '. . iimliii ? hli.ilrleh n.-.i-.ih-. n M \. ,\l i ,, ,i|) || ,>.,-.. ?. 140 el III.? Lon] nl - .. i: .,,?? i mpan ' ? fl ' l: ? ivmI |,, opold i.-; !'?? .. ll ilil .. I..TM Honlui lll '?? Ibel >:. ; i : oul '. ' ? ? >?:..??, ln iim i i'n >i Mat. hnluini gowns; vbralii) t.a ,. hnvl.1 Wlllett W. <i I Iti lv ? ;..v V.i Diivld :;...:? Corporation, f.'. 000 ; Man hatl in; real |.,-, broker; |iavld Maj . ; I \ i Li inato, lu VutV Rov 'l ber llold ng ' 'oi poi al lon, $ i 000 : Man hal t.i n ::?;.. ral real estate H6''ll . I ?go, . , n ? ,j . . . ? Mll1 Miller, 1 ui ? agham, Hyman Uerman I07H Flnla; U-onuo, Uronx. ' ?'? Kahn, Inc . $ 1,0 10 Manhal 'an ; ?! .,, ln butter, , i. . k-,;:. .-. . - ; ': ! nbi ... Anna Utrnbi rg, Herman Kahn -8 , . lv. enwiel, stn ? *, N. ... Vork. A. J. V. ole, tt & Co . Inc . $10,000; Mar nuttan . .. neral i larme i epairlng businesa ?''?'' B' neral -ontra. tors; Albort .1. \\ ol otl Coon R. Swift, John Groenewold, 19 : ., Avei ue, Jamaica, N. i". , s- :- ': ?-'? rlnl ' ?' rporatlon, $25 000; Man *.';? * "?? ' 'tl n pi' tun s; S S. Kn llborg, ;?*'??'* ;-* ' ??'? ''? 1- I".-. ? 176 Bi .adway, .ew York. , .*''.?' "'- Carlson Pi inl ing Company, Inc, ?'?'?'%? Jamestown; publlshers, prlnters, 1 '*' : '?' Uliam ' *. Jcnklns. S S. Carlson l> A. i a rlson, Jamestown, N V Mull. n, C'.uinnane ,'. r.udwle*. Inc $15 - 000; Jamestown; builders, decoral rs and -\' '?? r?l . ontra. tors; II. J Mullen, John H. wulnnane, jr., l.-,, k. Ludwlg, Fnlconer. ,. ,''"'%. Hardwaro Company, Inc . $35. i , Leneseo, general hardwaro business; i'eck. k;;,:;.;':%'%*';' SLil,,lpy' ,;'""?': u ?l""":;" Mortgago Corporation, $50,000; "'?""k'yn; realty, construction business; Hugh F. Doner, Laura C Brever, M. A. Hlggins, l>i Kasl l i i si Street, Ncw York l-y>ns Coal Company, Inc. $25,000; ; ??? ;' W ayne County; , oal, coke, vt.1, building materials, bay, feed and I'arm I't'od ai ' iross mn A i 'olem in, S, Eiugeno ' ol*"! an, Howaril B. MarshalL Lyona, N V. Nutional Farm Kqulpmefil Company, '"' ? $10 '?.); Manhattan; d .,1 ln general ; i?'ri handls. and supplies, farmlng ma j nln' >*>'. store, delivery an.l mail order business; Ruthvon A. Wndoll Robert H Troy & Co., In... $25,000; Manhattan; stock aml bond brokers; Th.lore R. Troy Jeffroy j. Lewln, M. I. Levy, 233 Broad? way, New York City. Martlnku tt Co., inc, $15,000; Maniia' "'ii. mfg. maglcal Instruments and illu, toys. noveltles, motion plctUrea; I .1. Martinka, T W. Ilarileen, Hai rj llou.linl, ;>7S Wesi 113th Street, New York Clly. Ki P c '/?? ? Operating Corporation, $500; Manhattan; realty: .Max Stoinberg, ,vbr. Pukoik, Harry Zucltevman, l?vl Washing? ton Avenue, Bronx. Mordocal Rpalty i'oie.pau.i-. ln.-.. $500, 1 000; Manhattan; gon. real estato agency brokerage, gen. contractors, builders and , Insurance brokerage; Benjamln Mordecai E. C. Potter, Fredk. Forty-second st r< Wind. II City. Pearlstcln Realty Company, Ine , '"i". Manhattan; realty; Abr I Pearl stoln, Gussla Rothsteln, Sylvla Jaffe 38 East Tblrtti-tli Street, Now York City. Derriek a- lloisl Construction Company %'., $5,000: Brooklyn; manufacturing holstlng ma. hlnery, derrlcks . t.- con? struction work: Jos. ph Obstler. William L. Herk, M. M. Hardlng, IG5 Broadway New "i orl . . Ci-oo, Inc $600; Garden City, Nassau County; Irucklng, contractlng garage general haeklng or taxlcab businesa; .Iay ' Ci'oo. Annls 18. Oroo, Kulli A. Qroo ' larib n City, N. Y. ? l: 'vortafl Electric Appllanco Co Inc Blnghumton; manufacturing elec Irli ..I flxtures aml appllances; Adolpli 11. Rnver, John i l. I'alt, Leon C, Rhodes, IS Ulncoln Avenue, Blnghamton, N V , ,t!.vllle Building Association, Inc *'-'??.i I.nvllle. Onolda Count} to pro ;,"'",.*' sultablcj building and planl for ',.','. "";',' '.">, Works, I?c; Frederick A. Booi v'lll 0\*ry ' '??'"?"''? *'? M- Woolley, K'nai'd Roalty Corporation, $.1,000; Brooklyn; realty; M. ,.unitn, Elslo Bloch, Margarel Bauchwltz, 292 Alban} A*. i-nue, Brooli 1} n , ??"'" :! Brlim ,v Co? Inc, $,r.,000; Yon illng in pharn ' ?*' ? supplies; Toresa M Graham, Mary ES. "?"?"*?'. ^u"," C. Jordan, 432 Park llill A ?.?.,.. onkers, X v ,. ' ,">"' " ?? ' renm i ompany, Inc . $35,000; Buffalo; ,..renm Kdward 1'. Payne ? '? ,[">nn '>avlil Ruslandre, 11 Sl Jiimi - PI ice, Buffalo, N V. 1*5. R Bingeman ,-, Co., ln. . ?:!0,000; Riii hosloi . manufaeturliig gontli men's aud ;' ' '?'??""'? apparel; K. R. Bingeman, ?J, ?*y> ' I' lt' ll, Doll C. All. :., Ro. licster, fbarlos J. lt. ris< hol R Cn . tn. . $25 000; '" '" ' ''? olectrlciil and niechuiilcal on ;'. etc.; ' 'hu rl. h .1 l lensehel i. ; ; ; j.. H ii i.ovy, = ,;,,,!:. ",:...?:; ' ' \' Bovorage Supply Corpora '.' ; * ? 000 Jamestown; produce bi vcr ' t'll; s. i-;. Levandoskl, W. A. '%""'"%;? ''?'? IC Osney, Jamostown. X. V. ,;;?;?" Hubb. r i ompany, inc, $2,000; ?."?". ' ? rubbei and liro business; Harry ? /aun. Gustav '/.;,,,.,. fcJUward IV,'. ' ;?",:",; avenuo and Prospect Street. Long "?'? gradi Smoki l Fish Comnanv t?r "'?.? Manhattan; f:% an l ^ tooA JamesaWelle!im,o S'?Ur,n! ' h"'r-v ''ivnick, James Welles, 12 Second Street, Xew York >>? "'"?'"? theatrlcal, motion pictures ; ' -.. 'Vaef tan';1';;!:;;;;;^,.,;;;;-''-:;',?: ... ..,,,,,.,)?,.v. wearlng apparel; H VV. II;' ii... nt,. Max ISrnst, Harry Miller, New ,. ' '??'?< oat, \ pron and Towol SudoIv '???'?'?? ""? ? $5.?00; Manluutan-'steam At|llerBCN-'rai. li!",uJr>' ","" sni'Ply; Isldor ; ','?. : '-* "u-nier, \\ am 1. Green gel. 2i Cedar Sl.?. Nov V...-I ,., %''',' & }<iih,n\ '"' ? H.000; Manhattan f. " '?'' ,lr'?l1 estate ag. ncy, brokerage busl 1 ? and manufaeturliig rurs, .-lotlilrK ,|rv goods and notions; Bertha Kahn V T !\?NYr'k l'"iaiikei, 27 Cedar StreeC .. Mordli U & Molluso Mi don ipan I',-"'?''""? Ing. etc; H. John Mordlck ' ?*??"''-". Conrad Thompson, 112U klght third Stn et. Brooklyn * ^ '" - '" ?> Realty Company, Ino . S 000 Manhattan; gen, ral real estato .,-,.,', i SelXrb^n:,eV.?^ .C?,ab>;' AnM" ''"';,'>'- ?-M. ur'ng i 'o . Inc . $5,000: Adi . Fred ,,."?" ' "i no; Manhattan; manufai turlng autos ? ... ? ... . A, ,,?,? ,;. ,.?|l:s. , ?! an, \ redi i ,, k A. Jtroh, 38 Pa: Factories Working Overtime To I ili Ortlers for Wringers ':" heavy is lhe demand for wash wringcra of all tynca thal one large munulucturer ol' theac machinea has l'1''" forced to refuae lui-l li.r orders Another concern ia workltig ita far u"y llirco nighta a week und nll day .-?a wriay ,,, nt, effort to keep |mCG with lho demand und la turnlna oul r""i ".000 l? 4,000 machines a week I ??" '"'? rable of tl,,. eurrciK iHiaitieaa ; i'M'"ii. American waahlna rtiuchlnr-n '.""' '""Ii'w: II I't'lldy niarkel, i,, ||,? '?????";'??"?? ".unti. Au.inihi, ?nd ? ""h' 'N.flcn, Laal wook ri hln " -ni of muchInu i wiih mntln to llolhitid ','" "nonlM Lhul ?,,,, p,,,,,,,, ,,?,-,??' JJ ,l,,'1'1 HtBlflU ml, m-,1 ||?. ,. ?, ,j i\l " '' domnnd for wnali wrinarnra ln ihls '',"l|,"1' %! "tti-iblltiihl., lo l|.car,.,,,, ?,""1 ' "'l' ?'"'? "I llOUM.1 Inl,,,,-, ul,,,,,, '"'" ""'l'1 ""my women io do ii,,.,, ow ,i liouuttwork, LlghlleHs Nighta in l*m-^ Make Lamp-posls .Sli?,iii^0<j PARIS- 'M;"''1' 24, Thou .',,1,1. of lamp posta havo heen knocked down m '!"' Btreet i of Paris by vehidea in the lightlcss nifrhls of the last. threa years Ono l,,K cluatcr of electric globea on a' buay boulevard haa been set up again eighteen times, and near tho Can, Palaia thero is one which haa ho0n ro placed loui- times. SUKROGATES' NOTICES ' IN PLHSI'ANi'I.; OF AN OltUIJH OF THU Honorablo JOHN P. COHAI.AN a Si rr? ?a,e ot iho County of New Yoric. NOTir-Bu , hereby Kl-.,? t? all persons liavln* claim! agalnsl l ia I.I'.HAITH WAKD. lato r, " I ' " iiuj of .N.-w Vork, deceased, to ,, ??! il.- .,,ni vouchers tl,,,,. t lo thJ !' ; -.crlbcr at placo ot t un-..,, ,,,?; buslneas ?; iho olli.-i of I...-. ui. i . ,....,,-.,,ti,1 CLAIlKtl & UEN1SDICT. No 37 Wmi RV 1 Uorough of Manhattan. Clly ot New Von ' on .., beforo thi, day ol July ?. x; ' i Uati-.i. ;\uw york. ibo i;.(,, ,iMy ot , kiy, il iQ. i ' *"*"" HKNUV il. WAIID, . eeutop , EVKR13TT. a.AHKK a BENKD1CT a.. J torneya for Kxocutorn, .17 Wau'atrail. HI Manhutian. Now Yorlt Cltjw 0"???. LOST, FOUND AND KEWARDS i., r, r i pi Ul . .. N-. N V I.;".',; for ten ',|,.,' ....!??:, Kl " l? Vl '-,'11, and ' ' '? ' name ? r Mrs ii.oti. , i. r l?H ? " f lo I i?U> '? ' " : ,f th" , '. ' S'., |< , ?I,:,'.. Itlll .' , ?d. -. ! :o >,:..,.7 "., , .; ,. Broad wai Ki;w AUl> '- ' 1 '" ;" '" ,lr unli ,i , . ? : ' ..' rUurdu> AN^nonn i ti ii ;,i,.i Hrondv. ? nr. ? . ? r... Mrs. Ba berger, .?-?'? ! eat her Pi) lagged I) 11,..:, Mo! .,. i between Pehns: Ivanlfl Ington Squ ire, brown ... pure i . '.'??.' ";v"7 ., .. . Squa re west. - , ST | ...... ,,,.,..; :.?'... pei -,,;',;, i valu " '?:.,..;. . ? ... \\ ? -i End nn : pa Koward. Apartment Dl' LOST BANKBOOKB - , .: ?? ;.,..- {) , oi, N-o 598 84 l of the L'nlon Dlme Sai Ings Bank Is mlsi ing. Any pei - son having u cl lim to it la hereby upon t,, present the same within ten tiay) ur submil lo having the said passi.K cancelled and n new one Issued. , LOST Bankbook No. 456,841 of the t'nion Dlme Savinga Bank is missing. Any per? son having ., clatm to it ia hereby called upon ',, present tho samo within ten .lajs or submit to having the said passbook ? an celled and a new ono issued. LOST Bankb.? Mo. 750,299 of tho Cnlon Ir ,? Savings Bank is missing. Any per son having a claim to It is hereby called upon tr present Lhe same within ten days ,r submit to having tho said passbook can, ? lled and a new one Issued, LOST Bankbook No. 1,096.187 of Bank for Savings, 280 Fourth ave., New 'H ork. Payment stopped. Please return book to bank. LOST.- Bankbook No, 130,197 of the Bxcel sior Savings Bank, 7;. W. 23d st. Pay? ment stopped Please return to bank. LOST, -Bankbook No 620,709, The Greenwlch Savings Bank, 246 & 24S Sixth ave.. N. Y. City. stopped. Please return to bank. LOST..Book No. 70,660 of United States Savings Bank, N, V. Payment stopped. Please return to bank. BUSINESS OPi'ORTUNITIES irish minkraL.s ano iMU'sTimi, develop raent Company, 42 Wc-stlano How, Dublln. Ireiand. Electric railways, public utlliUes, ?ater, tlmber, nll, Industrial and mining eiitcrprlses promcted. Approved bond nnd sloc-K issuca placed with Eurc ncaii bankars .r,d brokers. I uderwritiuij proi-ured for corporatons. Mlnlnn and other exanilnatlunj ni,d reports mado bj moII known engineers. BUSINESS CARDS Carpet Cleaning canicrrru cahpet cxjsa.ninq cdmfant.-* Oeana nj compreesed air, staam. han.l o? aa floor. 41S tut 48th *v COB A UitANDT. Tain lb?,? 132 Uar.u UUI. Detectivc Agency RTSTT.OTOnN'S Detecllfs Ageticy?Bhsdowlng, con flileiitUI lriTcsttgatio:is. &.'. 39 Eaat 4'2d. Phon* Murray lllll 2T.43. Diamonds DTAMONDS ANO .1EWELRT BOtTGHT FOR CASH, estates ;, ppralsed. purchased. BENNETT, 175 Broadway, unatalra. Multigraphcrs?Stenographera Multlifrsphlnn. stenngraphy, typewrltHig; all hrrort! rtaaotuble. Coyne. 11 ti Nassau tt. Beekinan 471 Dosrs WESTMINSTEH DOG SHOP L.trKifd nnd most SHiiltnry kennel ln city. OfTera largo selcrtlon of Pupplea nnd CJrown Dogs, I'omo rautnns. Peklngeic. Air.du.Ks, etc Itrysut 11714. 313 West 42d sL Rugs ORIENTAL, P.l'.;s wiini i. hlghost prices paid; rugs washed, repalrod; establlshod 10 years Tatasliin Bros., 13 East 43d Ht.; Murray lllll DANCLNG 637nADISONAVE. Con.59rtST./<Hij5j;N ( I \ss I.KN-vJ 'ii.ini.iu.ii in btrui'tlon for 9 LESSONS, $5 PHIVATE LESSONS, 10 A. M. TO 11 P. M , v. appointment. *-NlC^ AKT DANCKS for stngn or acclal culture. Sum mor elasaos f,,r training Danclng Toaeliers tho art of teachlng. lloKluncrs or advanced. Wrlte 17 Cnrlo, Sec'j Ment lon study deslred. AI.\li:\K SCHOOLS, 77.', West f.7t!i st. INSTRUCTION FINISH THE JOB-BUY VICTORY BONDS. BESLITZ SCHOOL Manl artan: 28-30 West S4th Straat Breoklya: 18 Llvlngstna StraH SCHOOL OPFN ALL SUMMt'n During June. July and A'igust lessoni will be Blveii al?o on the Jrrsry Coast. Hours may be re lerved at any EWIIU Srhool nguages MEETINGS QU \ UTKllt.V MKRTINij, < >F TIIK \ M 1 !: ICAN IXS'l'll'l "li: Thursda . Mh' ' AUCTION SALES ki\di;ioi\.\\ ,v sons inc STORABE IVAUBHOl'SES ' luCO-62 VVebster Avcnu, . ns,-, s; \V ,.,.., Avenue ,v l.'MIJ r,| Brook Av, run Bronx Borough. N , ? Vork, A pl il 101 h 11)10 \\ KM I! I ,, i Hos. n, Mrs \ S M 11. , Mlchaels Brothers, w. T. stokes, Mrs r ?' Gillx ."!. Mrs, I.oulse i i Donnls \ M Hh.Rdell, M,-s. s. i',.,,-;,,,, ' ""' V M' .?'/'?V^ HTOKEI) \l 585-87 WAI.KS AM.M K?To H llorenburger, Mr, r v Sons' Mri r' c,' ?,0Bh- fowperth' alt .. ";^ ?r ^1 . .'. . Goldburg L.'ui Xv'/'sVr V0,','" VI ,:i,!l -"'? WROOK ' ' ' > ' ?'? ' " M ii ii: ' i '?; , P lini n i i''-i. r i M, i?,,, ,i,i ' ' Vuu and ea 'li or , m are l, ,.: , ?? ., ' ' "' !.'. ';" '" " ' " '.? hei .? ifi i- . 7 '. .'? ?'"T d,.U ..... ? "I l"'"'i given ou, wi ? II , uu '? '.? i ai n r, ,,.,i. 1 ? ' I ihlnelK, bu. ? ' '"'" ciihlin ' l,..i|H ,iii ..?.,,,rl. fhairs roekera, drenHni ,!,',, """" ftin IKtr. . im, i.n,i in | , l'1" , " '' '"'- >". . r -il ','.. ,:,' ; .I ' HIH.lenls, ,'i... ,,.,.,. , , 'Hl '?? lltieu, hHiiglng '. .ir , , , ,.' ' :"" ' !??' !''"". I.r ?., ' . " . ""1 I " ' ? '"I'."I lo 1,0 I ..,, hlti., Id-lr ii-hrni ,,. ,. ,., , , IdifHil ?'? .,. ,, ,?,, .,?,?, ."' ' '". " '. ?' "' oil ' " ? Iih'll ou ? lu ? ?, ,,",. .' ''I I ll . Ul I rl I lllll ,;' ' ' ' " ' ' ?' "' I A vn ii , , ?? -, ,,i i, , ,i i . " ' ui ...-: , ,,, .,:..'., " liltlO II ' '.'. -. We ip l,<"'l' iro.d Hr. ii i ..... - ,.' ' .7 UM.HI \. M., ,.,',,,, di,,,, ,,, ,i,? h, ,,,,,,? |t| '' h ' " ' :,.I' und ir" id,,i. n ,,. i| ,,,,. 1 ' -' , ' ? . :,!,',,| ,,,, . , "' '"'"" '?' IH '.IHlllUI d Hl th, l-Hllo" I'lii.o on , ?, I, miii) evnrj r Idu ? "f1, '? '" ' !" '?" A M iind r,,M. ' I'i '"'. "''"I ftll Iho KoodM ?,',. old ,,r until t ,. II, in .,,. . .,, ,;,.,, M 1,11 :-? KINDI3BMAN \ .'. :-. |NS, ING. I'rank Kln.lermunn, Secri tarj SURROGATES' NOTI< ES IN PUKBUANCB ..)?' AN ORDER OK IIo.N' GUA'.ll.i: JOHN p. COHALAN. a. Surro giil? of Iho County nf Ne\v Yorlt. NGT1CB U hereby gl-.en to nll per.iona having claltea against' BENJAMIN A. WIU.UMS, late ot the County of New vork. dtceased, to preeent lhe Hiime with vouchere thereof io the eub s. rll.prs at the offloe of Joseph Van Vleck Jr.. No. 111 6th Avenue, In the City or New Vork, on or beforo tho 24th day of August next. Dated, New York, the 17th day of Kebru : ary, 1919. HERBERT n. BROWN, JOSEPU VAN VI.1SCK, Jlt . lixecutora. ' lin i:. .iic.anm; p i,, ptmsi am i: ,.r ?? , ,i r | nf Honorable JOHN l\ i:0IIALAN n Hurroiralt "' 'li" " ol \i iv Vorl . ul. ',',', a,'.' }"''*"' " ' ' '' -; " " " ' ' '?'- AXXK I) UP I. latu nf thc ( ly ul Vorl ...,.'., 1 ? ' ' -n ..... . : ? rlber al n. plai* ol Irai mot Ing bual iei i, Xe B01 Iroli ArrlHIC, ll,,ri?lKl, u| MnidlBtt... r (Ile I'lll ul v'u I' rk ..... ni hrforo . IMIi Uay nl rictnliei lllll* WANTED MALE INSTRUCTION \Cj 01 v. : WIS !'.t " >KKI i l'l RS ' ASHII RS I ! I'.il !?? - II h'KS ' " '': Ihtl ? ' ', r , -? .,-. .1 ... . '-'.I'.: . ? . ? !,.- K?' :'' '.' ': ''''"I Expei t i,. . ? ,< '.,1 ' ' ' \ ouiitftnts, Auditoi ?- I $2,000 TO $10,000 \ VEA11 . 'nly t hoen wlltlng lo tak" Rpu, l?1 trali Ing during thi Ir wparn | r. nt I l!"\ '.'t'. n ui .,::?,; , . ?? ? . .: L'ul ind t ost Aci ? , ,,;,; ATJDBESS OR .' \;.i o\ E A. MA.NniKSTEll tl ; GI! ,U.J B 1 10 WEST I0T1I si . NEW vork l"' lephone l'JSl Bi yant INCREASE TOTJR 1NCOMB Great opporturrities for men with ambl Uon. Get out ot that KI'T and learn the automobile buslnesa at tlr> BEST automo? bile school ln N. Y You will be worth Ciore to your employer if you are an ex? pert irechanlc. Mechanlcal Class Courae 545, with Drtvlr.g St>5. Satisfaction guaran? teed. Wrlte for Cat T 'Phont Clrole 6270. THE STEWART AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL 225 West 57th St., at Broadway LEAHN TO "K A CiUU'FFKt'n. ? I'leaaam ano profiable work: day r.r.r ercnttig ^lasaca flaoe" for free booklet and ts "<>r'? pa? Weat Sldi T. M C A .r.7 Woe' J7??i at HELP WANTED MALE 15. . V. 10 IS, good ?t figures an I penn an ship; factory; $12 to start. Apply Per f, cl Window Reguh tor Go.. 415 Gn , n I- iiit ave., Brook)} n BOY. 16, run erranda and asslst ln office; chance for advancement. Holbrook t"o.. ?7th st. and West E3nd av, BOY FOR OFFICE WORK AND RUN ERRANDS? ADVANCE MA1L.ING CO , 80 ,'I'H AVE ERRAND BOY -Stiary, $!0 a work. The Carter Ink Co., 7' Duane st SAND BL'FFEIl.?ON SBE3TTELD BTKIG, 323 SEVENTB AVE. SALESMEN aalrsmen. cor,,'. prodii.Trs, rapable of lnter virulng sureessfully a good ?class of proapects will flnd nt noom .ii", Klatlron Building. n;. ?? reptionnlly noTel intcrcstlng article that aroiisea Kenulno I'litlitisiasra; sales aro surprlsingly quick, .?asv uiu profltable; llberal leruia. Ooud prescnce eu ent Iai. SAI.BSMKN MOTOR TRUCKS to sell Wichlta line l to G tons' capaclty, linmediate deliveries; drawing account against liberal commission i i experienced men; straight commission to .lunior sales men, Apply Salesmanager, 77 1 777 Weat c ith st. SALESMEN -We havo need for R ^!"' iiiiin of rrni abillty iu ciose on dignified business, which nets $25 at least In com? mission; a wide-awake man can close a contracl every dav. Call 10 to -1. Suiiv- 160, 308 Fourth Ave. SECURITY SALESMEN If you am making $100 weekly nnd want to rcako more, this Is tho licst orroriunltj you have ever had; comblnatlnn oil ,,: 1 utillt) prop sltl l.esl mon In the ,? umry idcnUfled with it : Indorsed ',v thirty blggesl banks ln New Toru and Chi ago; wo offer you pennai ent oniieetiop and i hau ,- to maltc from $500 month up; eommlsslnn basis. UISUELL & CO., 1900, S1!0 WEST 471) ST. YOUNG MAN -Experienced bookkeeper ?ur! g< nei .?' ir'i.r I,. . .',i; ? Apply I>. Luzino, 916 Grand st . Brooklyn. HELP WANTED EEMAL INSTRl ' 'IT. ?N Wanamaker Beauty School, 3S3 5TH AV., NEAR 36TH. Leading School of America. EARN $25 WEEKLY. Maii dressing, Manicuring, Maiicl Waving. Ul ,,.; i lilgh rlasa positions. ?,? rannol mpp i llie ilonia I rea 'I ? til for bu.? i ' ril 'ii... I ?' wealt ll ni : i Rl iu,mi . day. evi ' ? ?,: , b ? Tel 1170 v.r TYPISTS?8TFNOGRAPHBRS SM'lU'.TAltlKS l>o tnu kllOW tha: ,,.i ? ,111 Inrrpasa tour earnlna ripa.'itv and elTicleney. ..!?" maUe y,,ur"<?lf mw? ?? uable lo your euiployrr, by IrBruiiig Tlie Di.ta phoiie Method of dteUtlun. Tho .-"urse U fr?a nnd .-an 1j?. mastered ::' a few houra. Opvraters !"? ln xr.nt demand 1 ,r f'irther Information Inaulra H Tha Blcta Vli'.ne S.'liool. 2S0 Broadway HEI I' WANTED FEMALE 1. " IK ', 1 >?<' " h ' liousei ' ?. v of ? ? ? nnolts, ilmple ti.-i", ? u ptiterta ulnii fl room .... . ? Itlverslde I r ire u 1 riiald's r ,om. cxceptlonallj lli ??: outside ??? li private hatl 5I1 ! dderate t rcatn ?? I n.1 >humo; min 1 e llior, nghly . mi| 1 Leni I llug; whito on)} KS0 w is]g( 1 , apartment 3G. Tcle pli me fc'l Mchola 7717 DRESSMAKERS. FINISHERS ON WAISTS, SKIRTS AND SLEEVES; LINING HANDS; Also Insidc Mcssengers. HaH Holiday Saturday. C*onic Preparcd lo Work. M'XALLV, 15 W. 51ST. BMBKUIDBRY GIRLS wauted on gold bulllon nnd sllh en bli . s; also home wm It given 111I 1 , l.A I.I'NIEBE . '? ? . 1 o " . front, 7 1 7i!i ave., Now Vnr I'I N1KI1 EHS tin fin ? dl es es. 7"7 W, st M--1 si I'ai I "11 .lllll.s \M, VOIMI WOMKN ! AN OPI'OTITI MTY Tl) I.KAKN TIIK H v\'l I, 1 .K'" THADi: I'AIH \\ i 111 1 I.l AH.N ING 1'lllll H A . I.l sl 1", JOHN sl'lilir \ i.w V11HK 1 ITT. GIRLS A. SULKA tv ( to do plain hatn ? ..... ril 1 11 ,\ v lilflLSS v Ith rt|? rirn.T to . ...... . , ,., 1 l.r . pilsil , ' ' \ r . im -' V M Ki . | Wavi'il) 111 ll ?;: ki, VlintH 17 ? ? hi ? ? '. ? . lo 11-llM 3111III > ' , . .? I , l,,,,r , .' W'Pl I'rr . .. o lloiml I ? ??.;.' :.l. Tiinli Ulltl, I'., ,.,.' lo 1,1,0 - ? ;, ind , ,. ; li. 1 ,[| ., 1 1. ol ,'hlllM |o ? , '. I;,, , , il V hl|," ? ,,..'..,,, ... ... i, l.r l'l IIAND SEWERS SUPSTITCHERS <>n < iistom Neckwear. A, SULKA & ('(),, 2 \\7 l.;l). HAND SEWERS ENPEIUGNGEi) : | , ,. iv.MHTH J. WISE co. I ? I : ? OPERATORS experie; ?? ,,? 1 1 ,... NV , ? J. WISE CO. -:- 1 VST . ::i;h ST '^^-^^^1?'r'?'!::;:'V^oi'^);7-?^ " \ '? ' . ? .?, 5.. . ,?..?? 7 '. ? ' ' ? 1 ni.i'i.n, IS ? 7: ?: v N: ,;' ; ; ;'.t, ?'''-?'.' :. I product; ? . ' 1 ., ,,, ,-i '"....:,.!.. ? , ,, x , yO|Wn VVOM VN AihMi, . ,.?.. uh? |lv;, '" hom, ,. ,,,,..,,,. ,,|U,..,,,.,,, ,.,. .''"' "' l"'"'1 ? w ulkliiK, et. . hn cunipHiilon 10 young Klrlj hourn from y iu ??. \,t Iti/**? BtatlnaT referencpn. exp?rl?mi-?, etc, ai. A. 49. Rooiu C08. ?2l Broudwiay. SITUATIONS AV WITi) MAMS i* k< '?.'?Mini i..,.,.,.i,,v f..inrr, i.-|..ilr ma . hlnlm , tv \ ... ,,,., , nnipt. . ? \ \. Uo\ iv ' I III I'l.II! . .,,., ||| |*?| ptl a, HI I* pnaltjnn lu Rno i-n.?i? tm.,,'.-. ??? Ut] ?'*??' ? ' i * ?? x. ivtfrs }'... jsii, i ??.? VVnil i , . ' ,P?I ?.-...| tpMti \ , lt ?l .,, ,,..'.,.. ' ' M"" " ' ',- i--i ,-.? pr , ? ?!., relal i - .,,..-. l;,,, : % J " " % ' '.V ! I ? ',-',. 1,-in. ' ? ; ?'.. r * - S'assau ' ? ?' I'l l' liul , , i eooh . ,... - urencea preferred M \ ... . . : i] . I. open for , . nts ) 3rs ol ? . ii. . oi 121, 217 '.\ . ? ? m f 1 "VGEISH i ." 1'LE 1 irsu class btitler ai - , ?-*? foi, es: $135. Mr. Pi,.(.ii,. , ? , o-ooer ' Asency, : ' Wesi 36tb I I UKNi ii foi n.i: r ir?li ed ervgnts; $101 Ml - Kin a's A| "Hy li li! li,, 4. '? MU1KNKH Sl PI lll\TI\[,l\ r ..,, t ? , '""' '''? '-: ?"? ?.!.-:?? a ; r, flni mei ? an ' ' '?? ? ' - '? ? " ' . ? ' S. Box 1 ']Ari?shV ,rell?''lo; eight rooRs-butlera! a'.l fint v,?'. '?"-- ?.': reterei.:, Al lapntiese Raelt >?"-'??'?-?<?? I Atency. 101 Wcsl 12d st Bryant 77m! ''UV;"" ... pT^i ? ? Wesi UOtli b v SIhp?!k','i,E-,,DENT " ? - ".' ' Broadway. . Vl'l \r. MA\ . , . SITUATIONS WAXTED FEMALE '%..' .,'i:-' tvs ?? .. a i ?? b !?? ,,. '. ' ron om <?.'?:,'?? yer'8 Agen. "' flour* Te,e'-hu I'AHETAKEII nai 1' 131 Wesi :- pai ir Cli W. liKIt \IAI1), -.vaitn .,*%;'? '. ;? ;.'? ? i? ? ?? .... . i ? . - .. CH IM lERMAIO. AsTlst watt^osl fi ...... M ,. N Afi.-jiev, li. ??; ; . . ; ? S34 7 Murray llill CITAMBERMAID ! ung II ? . ranii >?; ll i ,. .??,- .. , a]f. \\%' . ?'"'' '' ' ' "* CLERGYMAN'S widow wai??-? position as ing lioii . ;.. - ? r motiier's holper; Iiir.iu led Ml . Shauglnessy's Agency. SCO C\b P.VI I'l, .?..? -" !:. ):??. ,- ? COOK English, Protestant; woul Position In nall | ? ....;? family ; aparl - ment prof. rred; ivai?, s, $55 ? Agcn. s . 25 V. . i:-.! 8t. COOK--' ... ayoi-'s Agi m y, i p i;.,:.- | . ? [>h mo vi, Murray H ' ' !' ''%,'?%?;??-? Kw'''*": roady i ,r w ,, I *'0. II . Miss liofmay. - \g, .,. ?. ? , ' COOK -, oui g Irish girl . ? ? . B.. Mlss Iloi' 1 ' ?'?''>'. "''?. M . COOK, first , lass, parl noi I' ? I. obllg Ing b, -- refe, Colll, ' '"i. ? I i. 1'rotei ? v - jroiinu, , . ,"''-. li:.... ' '.. I W UTRR5t.? ? ? ?' I ? ' ' ""K : " '? ' ? -:??* ? ??? ? I : i tale. ??:? "i ? i' lr> Hraltliwatc. |0S w l COrPl.B, Kngllsli and Fn ?? > ? can tal md t, a.-h childn a ..',? i ' liaughn ' "l I'l.K Man i ., ' ntfo . ?! ' "'.'? '' '; '?'??:' ii. $100; i M--s Hli ?-? ? ' ?. i"i,-I, I llarleni r '"**- - WOItii . ' ?? ll .' ' *.. DAI '8 WORK ? . , .: ? v ".'?? boodmiui ' t \\ I ! N E you idod apai ?-? . ul v. uld r. n :: '*-?"?.;..'.? , was usod for c. .: ? Ageni y. 23 \v ^. GIR1 - Ii ., ! m.-c ? a m li .<. i" l*a I Wi ,RK I!'* V\", . ?? tl, ? ? ? ? MU . :? IIOI-SEAVOKKKH Exp.; g waitrcKi - ili fai II, ?? aj( i* A(., 10 E ' . ' 17 Murrav mn INFANT'S NURSE K llan Proi blrth: $60 ?.? cy. 6 Basl ? - 1 -? ? LAI'NDHKSS ... - Im .urlli ' ' ' <?' i ? < ? ,-,. , 1 ? Mui . .- , .... ' ??-,.- , '. I II) ... WAI'I '?' " " .... ? ? ? ' ' , :. I . |3,| 1 I'ho ? ? , r Hill 1 ?"? ' : .?..,...,. |i u i ?? ... . ,i , ??, ii ,( rr: ,, ? ,. , , , ,, , IVMll ' ,. | . . M ,;'",.,.' ?? ' ' '-'- 'im . im ' ' '.mi ? ' ri f, i,-n ? |. Elil i <!.-, m , -,. . WOlil I'., lioi -: m , n n . II ... DOME8TIC KMPLOVMENT AOENCIES LENOS I \U!,.\ M| \ r AtiKM V. > : , * ? ' :- - Mi I i, th, I'i ., Uarlri , ri'KMSIIKI) IIOOMS TO LET GRA Mi:i;' \ PARK. i arg-o, sunny froi ; sultablo r...- two; reforenccs. 1*5 i . t St. l'.,:i- ST. AM' POE PARK Two e>xc?p tlonally tlnc conn im ;m,l l>..tii. prlvato house; no other roomers; throo minutes !?> Ni ^^ 1 ru k i 'ei tral or uubwaj . :? .-ii ilomi ii pn c 11 ? .1. i. fcrciiee ri quln .. i; r. |i. aud, * . M !> II \\ i; -ni. private; III nt : ref. . k. A; .? . wr.sT t ? ulUns :? ' nn ?lth p'l v , i'.'i s*l' ll'i'J VU 11*om \?.) Urm pai limii .>r.i. butii: , . r?i do I"*.. r?rxa bt.. iu w?iT.~Tw? lono wou fimfl xoama, nltk UrtMlut iowa. \