Newspaper Page Text
Stillman Dwelling On KiiHt 72<l St. Sold l>v Iloirs S tan ford, Tmant, !s tulerstood lo Hr llir . r: Hotlse WflS llrld Mitik?. tll -.'iUO.OOO r ,t.? ;.,.? ,!<-,.,,r* .''.tillrnnn, ,.- i;,? National City 77: Old fr-'rl' , .1 ? .. , ' Jol ?? , .. , , ,.r !!l,,,,lo.ii !'.'..,, ., ,,l ll.r lo.|"r I nl |0 | . .. ,.r ll,.- ..i.ii.'iv, ".I." '" ,,, ,!, , I. ..r.t , i- 'i,' ,., ,,,,,,i.- ,,,,,,sr-ning . ,, I 1)1 !,,,, Ih ,.' i H !. 7 i, ? II ii, |(| li, llin I,.I ll I I, ? lo . h : obin ion, ' hai'len i lorlean hnHement. , .-, two-story ex- ; U102.U. Tha city'8 j of the property i i $350,000. Last ' man ?stato sold tlio northeast corner of nly-second Streot , Invi iting Compa ;-, j pn idi nt, which has for an apartnunt MORTGAGE LOANS amount for good loans. Assignmentp accepted. Chas. F. Noyes Co. 92 V . ... troet Phone 2000 John CITY REAL ESTATE fi.EJsQ Ht'.sineM Property JOHN L. PARISH OKKR- AGENT. .'ii lortlandt. REAL ESTATE BOKOl (.;: Ol' M \MI AITAN . .UL.IIIWiH. TRSARY INVrSTMENT. i : l. uion; Uood hr ire : ? i $7,S0O. Price $48,000. j- ".-v! prjo, j-,7,000. ? ? I ,400 Prloe J7-.000 - ' |.: ,000 Prlce $155,500. ? 0 Prlce $27,0.000. Prtre t">0 000. . . nr,) dealra , ? , ? lUtrale. H. T v. i BROADWAY. BOHOl (.11 or BROOKLYN u m-:ki> \ IIOW. ? , ? ,,r oi ? ?? .? i ? nom , ..nd iirrreti Im loaed ip, on Brooklyn ? ,?. | '" ? HtlU ue; iihnj; 6. fnn ALCO HOME BUILDERS y ii,,,:.,'.? * ,85 I <i\(, I i..-iM? Protection inst your rent bcinf.' r.'Gfied. 8 room*, every ln from Penniy ? 5'-. >00. i 1 ( i i -i w a-iibi'un st ro? l u 31th >t., v \. ureetej 'Siti 7 ROOM HOUSE $4,900 ri ied, with ' 10x207; .,n!y One hath Improvcmonti; ? : i h , ? d If ir ces ? lon ; h. g?nu" tei . . U'rltn '.'. ,adw;. .', N. Y. C, Tele . ,'j-,. NEW VORK KTATE Make Your Home At Nyack-on-the-Hudson ? i -? To know thia ;,-. It, 8?e me ab-.ut it. iMoward Goidsmith, 63 Park Row .N IH JERSET SUMMER HOMES Aibury Park Allenhurst Deal Beaeh Interlaken ir.-l Tralna met I ? appol tment MILAN ROSS AGENCY n 406 407) Alleoburat GRANTWOOD, N. J. 224 Lawton Ave. "i: plot ? .?.' -.' > v i iIwner Place, !?<?",? -,??, rottagC thia jritr ttt LONG BRANCH, N. J. MI-' fll \M.01 -, FOR SALE '? >: <???' t",f'? nr.inHi, t T'tnri.n. tsvttry '??,-,. Pannaylv*. ^ L'Eclai* Washburn Company, 1 '?'.(. I .-.4'1'lf ST._^^ KKAL K8TA1 K WANTED We Want Lots lyn. aultttble f>,r hu!M ?t i,ii,,-? Kend full ' Mi . INC 21 Jj'*<M".IIKI? AI'AKT.VJKNTM TO LKT ' KyfoM (.???n A. |..,,'",r ?,, < ,??,?., . / I l? It, l? Pitut,^ ? "?? ?. u.j tnonltily "*?? PWliHlN, I'U/.t t,i>'/l. Oceanic Investors Buy Madison Avenue Corner N. Y. Exchange for Women's Work PartH With 43d Sl. Property nl IJicr Profit Tlie pfopefty of fhe NeW York Ex? change for Woinen'a Work, nt the nnrthwest Corner of Madlsoh Avenuo and I'or'y .third Stteett Wfts piir-efiased yesterday by the Oeeafile tfivestlrig (ompany, A. I;. Thnrno, Jlfesldeht, Asidt) from the pfotttirieflce of the te&liy, i. .ii, with regard to laeatiofi ?Hd v.,i,,?Mf.,., ii i.- ifitereatifig te note Ihal the dea) marfea n departure in the aetivHiea or the Oaeafiio Oefflpany, . "i?" Mi i ii.,iii<. 1,1 ii. he 1. 'I,Mr,; I, ,,,, ,,,!,, ,, ,,( ||jq ?,},,.? ""?' "'" "<< -M.i. r,,i?|,?,,v from Ihi n "" would he Interested ln Plfth Avenue " "" ?' ??lj J li.ivelepme,)! ,,r Ma,n ?oi, Avenue slnee the annonni 11. I""1 eeen mu i. rh to oeuse n,. . P?njf to ,?, ,,,i Mftdieon Avenue in tha 8?ma poaHlon lu,,,,,i i,rf j.j ci ii Avenue i !"? poperty purcheeerl has i, fponl Bl ? "i twenty five feet on Madison Avenue nn,I ninety Int nn tha street, I he rour Ktnry building on tho property waa formerly the Cary family dwelling. It waa secured by tbfi Women's Ex change some years ajro bikI made over for itB ust", which required n chango i from the residential character of thc property. Thoae who know what waa paid for tho property nnd what Mr. Thorne'a company gave for tho corner aay it was a very profltable transaction for the sellers and that tho details would make capital material for tho j promotion of roal estate transactions. The Douglas Robinaon, Charles S. Brown Company negotiated the deal. Woman Broker Sells Tall East Side Flat j Mrs. I.. fi. Johnson ha:? sold for the. i Scott estate, Central Union Trust Com pany, trustee, 145 East Forty-ninth Street, a nine story apartment, on a plot 87x100. New Studio Bnilding Sold Duff & Conger, Tne, have sold for! thc Cornelian Realty Company to the 47 East Sixty-first Street Company,: VV. T. Middleton, president, a six-story studio apartment at 48 East Sixty-first Street, which was recently constructcd. Flat Figures in Exchange Charles Wynno has sold through Richard 11. Jackson the five-story apartment house at 520 West. I'JI'.il Street, on a plot M3.8x100, taking in part payment, the country home of Mrs. Fraijces Mayo at Patchogue, Long Isl? and, which has been rasold by Mr, Wymip through Daniel M. Gerard. J. S. Maxwell sold to a client of A. W. Miller & Co. the six-story apartment house, on u plot, 40x11)0, at 140i: Am i terdam Avenue. Buyer Lives Cash for Flat ?T. Frank McDavitt sold the five story flat, 25x100, al 107 West 129th Street, in a cash transaction. East Side Tcnement Sold Edward X. Adler has sold with Sam ucl Seiniger for the 124 West Soventy- ? second Street. Company 520 Fast Kighty first Street, a live story tene. ineut, on a piot 25x102.2. -? West Side Apartments Leased for $100,000 j \rthvtr Fischer has leased for, lo Realty Corporation to David ; (ireemvald tho two five-story apart-I mcnl buildinga known as tho Crystal, al 104 106 Weat Fortieth Street, on lot 50x08.9, for twenty yeara. at an aggr.; gato rental of $400,000. The buildinga immediately will bo romodelled into studio apartments, elevator Installod and a store on the grade floor. Nego tiationa are now pending for tho loaa ing of the store and apartments from plans. Mr, Fischer has been appointed agent for the property. Downtown Loft ItuildirigH 1. Tancnbaum, Strauaa & Co. sold for thc Dolland WarehouBO Corporation to Andoraon & MacKenaio the (ive story und baacment building nt 153 Morcor Street, on lot 25x100. The buyora will move from Gold Street. i John Blttnor has sold to Samuel ' Brody tho live story building, <,n a loi ; 20x83, at 09 Pcarl Street. W. E, Doan i waa thu broker. 32 Broad way's New Owner Title passed yesterday to thfi Hudson Building, nt 32 and 34 Broadway, which ? I'easo &. Elliman aold recently for the j Mutual Life Insurance Company. The | Amerigus Realty Corporation 1a tho i new owner. The Mutual Life took back j a mortgage of (650,000 on the property. . , ? ? City Home Rented .7. Arthur Fischer has leased to TL Stern thc dwelling at 106 West Fiftieth ? Street. -. Lis Pendens i Manhattan 111TH ST, 221 113; Kmlgrant Industrial Kav Bank ciRt VltO Cirecorln at al (an ,,,,,,.,i foreclosure of mortgage); attyo, K &. R .1 O'Gorman. , ST NICHOLAS AV, s e cor 110th st. 130.2 ?>( I 6; lmb nt. n *. 93.10 e St Nicholas av, 41.kx10o.11: 118th (?), n e, 62.2 e Si Nicholas av, 4l.XxlOO.1l: llRth at, n s 10.6 - St Nicholas av, 41.Sxloo.ii; St Nlcholaa hv, n e <>>r 118th st, lOrt.Sx 10.6; ll'Jtti ?t. fl h. 84.6 o St N'ir-.holas. av. 4.1.71x100.11: 110th Ht, n h, 128.2 e St Nlcholaa av, 43.0x100.11; 110th nl. s ?. 171.11 ,? Bt Nlcholaa av, 43.0x100.11; ll'.ili at, n s, 215.8 e St Nicholas av, 43.9 xl00.ll; nine actions; Central Savlnga Bank ln tho Cltv of N Y aRt Sarah H Oreenblatt cl al (foreclosure of nine rnortgagea); attv. M. Auerbach. ? 138TH ST, i, ?. irL'C 6 e 8th av, 32.4x99.11; Kquitable Life Aaaurance Society rf the V s agt Benjamin McDanlel et al (fore closure ot mortgage); atiya, Aloxander K- Green I14T1I ST, 37, W; Klla Hlrarh a(-t Carrte Marx et ..i (forrcloaure ot mortgage); ?.nya. Banillei & Haaa, GIIEBNWICH ST, 760-2. anr] Bank at, '?'? ? 10; Samuel Goldstein agt Anthony J '' ??,.?. ?? ;,i ir .-, ? ' mure ot mortgage); attya, Joi aa & Newburger. T, 18; Kato Campbcll a?l I.oula Hinaldo el al ffomclosure .,f mortgage); alt) ', Si ott, Gi raril & Bowcra. Bronx LOT 16, map of Vlllage of Mnur.t Hope; Central Bav l:;ir,k ln t l,n city of New York agt Katle Ifl Hchrooder et i, I (fore cloaure ',t mtg;) aiiy. m. Auerbach '?'-TS 13, 14, 16, 16, 47', 43, 44, blk A. rnap of property bclonglng to Hudaon (' Roae, known aa the Mapea Batate; New York Biblo & Common I'raycr Book Society agl 'nia Harlan ugt oih llar lan ??' ai (forecloaure or mtg); atty. F. T farburton LOTH II, 17. t.'!, 14, map of 131 building lota helonglng to Eatato .,f Thoinaa o tVoolf. ^4ti. War,). llenrletta M Wooif agt Meta Blohrn el ;, i (foracloaure of . tg); attya, Deerlng e> Deertng. Kl.i'i.Kii av, ri .- oor :::?,',ti, ,,i, 4nxioo i;i<'ii Arnold Orove agt I'.l,.,,)a \t New rnan (foreclosure ol mtg); atty, <i, Siiulrea , BATHOATHI AV, #. ?, 160 n Fnrdharn rd 60x82; ''i.l/ av, n ? cor 179th at, 40x83.1, 179th hi, ii w oor Vy.ii) av, 40x83.2; Ilnn l',li l'l. W H, 78,1 Ti 167th St, 34x|0l); Hyrnan Bloom ?r' .Iny Toa lii.f. Hoiiiing Co, Ino, '-t ul (aetlon to net anlde i|<",-,i?, attys. Mini h I'fiiit.,. 10 LKT FOK BUSINESS PURPOSES i'lvi; MTOIIT BtJBINKHH M''ll.iu ?,>; ,,-j rii'/ii ,-, yi',:.'i;i;. ni,r wi.i.:, .".rin ano 42.NO KTI'.M.'lr 24X100 CAN MI. I|7 ' II. ''' fnil 1325 000, TI.kmi; ak UANOKD ' ' MHMAN h WAhl.Vn l,u . t ?-,,'> i,/.:.'( i mi 7i RBKT, Brown Turns Attention To Dwelling Buying Purc*ha??cs IIouhps in East 78th nnd 79th Sfrrnts; Hnthhonc Srlh Honip to Kunkcr The Pouglflfl Robinson, Chnrlea S. Brown ('ompany has sold to Frederick j Jlrown for Carrie g. fihack, 157 Kar.t . Sevehty-eighth Strdet, n four-stdfjr htCUSfl on n lot I!i",y 102.2, having twolvo rooms nn*1 throo bfiths. Mr. Ilrown nlso bftiighl from L&Ura T. Kirhni'lsnti, ; Uit-ntiirli tlie I.oton II. SlaWsOfi Com piiiiy. 188 l.ocil .".ovpiity tiinlh Klt-oef, s\ four pfory dwelliftg) "n n 1"' l;*l'i"". Alberi Rathliorig, As?1sta*rit Sec-??tafy ,,r u,? tm.,i-!iiiy. ?eld hia re?id.? ??< nn Bgsi ?.',,(-.. f,r,i, ;:i,..i i., ? |jAHk@f .,r this ? Hy, '.'.'lin Jnt#Hdfl <" oi, .,|,y i.r li I "III loll'.i.-i 'I I,'- |ii'.|.i M .' ln ,i fiilll- filniy flfld l.nn-lui l,t. mi ? Inl -'.ll-' Hllt.M. Thn fcttlo WHU li.,1 hy nouglna i'oi,]i,noii, <i,oil,.-. | Brown < onipuny, Another I'ine llwrlllnn Sold ICIsia Callaway luis Bolrl iho three Btory dwelling, on a lol 15x102.12, at 161 East Heventy-flrsl Btreet, t,, a buyer for occupancy, Peaso & Klliman wero the brokers. 7fith Street Deal Report Tho four story a'nl basement dwell? ing on n lol 20x102.2, at 17 East Rev enty-sixth Street, is reported to have been Bold. Harry Contest is tho owner of record. Physiclan Rnys 73d St. House Slawson &. Hohbs have sold for Hel< n L. Newman 264 West. Seventy-third Street, a four-story dwelling', on a lot 17.\10'J.2, to a physician for occupancy. Buyer IM.-ins Small Suitea The Wood-Dolson Company sold for lho Dry Dock Savings Bank the four story dwelling at 64 Weat Eighty fourth Street, on n lot 18x102.2. Tho purchaser will alter it into small apart ments. 0th Street Dwelling Sold T.ostor Cunco haa sold 55 West, Ninth Street, a three-story dwelling, on a lot 22.3x92.3. Propertlea Flgnrc in ExchanRo The K. A. Polak Realty Company has sold for W, Ehrenhaus to Ii. Crozier !H> Kast 112tli Street, a three story, three-family dwelling, on a lot 17.4x100, between Park and Lexington avotnic", the buyer giving ln exchanpo a residence property on a lol 61x100, nt 2.S and 27 Humphrey .Street, Engle wood, N. ?'. The same company has sold for the Hudwill Realty Company to W. Ehren? haus 1990 Third Avenue, a four-story lenement, with store, on a lot 20x80. The buyer gavo in part payment eight free and clear lots on Commonwealth Avenue, 250 feel thu I'n of Story Ave mn', The Bronx. Thc same company nlso told the tenemenl al 1018 Avenue A to tho Darfel Realty Company. Rrcordrd Mortgnges llimiitmvn BROADWAY, 32 34, " s at n o r nf 30 Mu-ay, ? uns n : '* 3 to polnl 322 1 n Kx. h l>l n r 197 to w " N v.- sl i..'i-7: i t m 40.4 y w ''..". Vx b 2.6x w 140 to beg; p in; Aprll 11; A merlgns Roalty ' loi p to Mutual Llfn Ins Cu of N v . duo & mtg an por bond; alty, T O .'. T ''... 17fi Bway .(860,000 1..II.I Mili R4TH ST, 229-91 K. n s, '*''.1R w !d av, 43.4x 102.2 ii t . Aprll 1 -? M.i'. Monoln t" Baul Kdelman, 100 *.'?' i 00th bI . dun * t.-itir as por bond; atty, J M hoonfohl . I'.v. ay . .. . ? i 000 1221 ? i T. 212 M VV, h ?>. 30x1 "0 ll Aprll < , .!,-.. nli \|. ndlnwlti I' tn \nnli ! nlomon 117 Crolnnii Park Nortli Hronx; duo March ;. ID20, I pi-i - nl atty i Uin Crosne- , 109 l.l ?. ? '_?, ,ou 1\<"-t Mili 6T11 I V '?? l 3, ?? w ? GHrrl nt, BO.SxKO; 6th av, 636, ?' ???.- i 50lh i ', 23.4x01.11 fitli ?v, 47ti. W h, 38 1 m 29tli st, Fi li 3; !?' I.i\ ln,;- lon, Ja i 1) A VV ildon I'i II, ? ' nl, to l:..iv. r v !?!. v i in nli. 128 l low nl v 'I'i" Apnl 21, 1 B2 i, :,', i ?? i i ? . i , i i rn i . '" t 000; ?tl vr. Cu ;??'. aladci \. .'. T 4'i Wall Bl roi t tr, 000 MOKN1NOH1I1M DHIVM n w i 119th al i iin..< iv l *.f'x ii l'. l 11; i.. ? i ' '.' |] ? ? 127.4 lo Iirlvo ) n , , ,,. . ?., ... ,. , - , i. r a il all -.- ' 'n tn i iln nt li i ,,, im ? Corp, 1 ?": I'.v. m ?.. ; iln, . , ; ii, , [i, ?,. ., j., f L'i-nl; pr rntj? $39 10 ul ty?, Oottnor, H 4 A i I I'" ,y >27,000 Mi Ul (INa ii Ul l'K I' i, n ?? . i 19th m. ' 'in ? '???? i fiOx n 101.10 I. I! ni,, ... k , i . i ' lo im.... - ii uin r. to I.".- ii m 'M'lii 10; 10 i: \ i' iitj i ., i., I..,,,,,, |> Hi '??II.... 003 Aeiuli my I . i]tn. Apr|| i ,, I 92 I. ii |n t . nni . ,,ii ?. .. Hlinliln i >l ,'. Mai ... 128 II..V,,., . ...,. -,?,, ? "i 'I : T, B78 VV, i* i ? 0x99 l I p ,n Ai.i II 21 . Hmuui'l (1 Iim I-..., l:. , . ''". I I ''"'.!" i m| . 3 ?. " . : ' . ,?., , . ,,, , ?''' ". I.u '??.)' i h T ,k t Co, :',. i..'. .i ? J" 260 Bronx PRosrnJCT av. w h. ifio 12 b iictii ot ?7 li" 144.8x37.10? 14 17 Hi li:n 1 ,,,,1, ?, 1 lin,' fo to Knii.-r lleiilly Co pr min $30 fini); Aprll II ; 0 >t.i. 0 v c; alty, M Nncklitz, 11,', I'.wiiy .$linoo "OBAUMONT AV, 2843, w a. 26x100 Vln i-.ti-.i Clrrotifl iu Pletro CrlMCHntl, 2343 ll.uiiini.rit av; pr inti;, $13,000; 29 6 yi-H, 6 l> c, atty, 1* ./ Knoblock, 299 Bwuy.$2 000 "VVAHIIINGTON A V, 1058-64, loasehold Hyman & Meyer Hormlo t.. Renj J Rlrnbaum, 1170 Fox nt; Aprll 7; Installa t p c; atty, li j "Dlrnbaum, 117ii Fox nl $2,000 DECATUR AV. o h. 150 .. Renft nv. 60x120' Hermlne Debrovsky to Wm Carr exr 3S0 Rlverslde Drlvo; April 6; 3 yrs, B?A P o; alty, Title Guar & T Co, 17G Bway, $ 2, B 0 0 3 4BTII ST, 361 TC, n b, 25x100; Domlnlclc .1 Nupnll to Wm t, Maroy, 166 VV 20tli Ht, Mt \-.rrion, N Y; Mar 1, 3 yrs, 6 p c; atty, Title Guar <??.- T Co.$:! non 16;,'i'll t^T, s b, C0 w Cauldwell av, 26x120' Rose G Cornell to Walter N Gladko 67 W 75th ut; pr mU;, Jls.000; April 10 Installa; any, P 1[ Goldbaum, 34U Liwav,' f 42 li GRAND AV, 2010, w s. 2f,xl02.7; James .lohnstnno & McQueen Realty Co t.. Travelers' Mt? Co, 69 Liberty at; Aprll 9; 3 yrs, 3 <4j p c; atty, Title Guar & T Co, 1.70 Bway .j7 ooo Recorder! I,cases Manhattan 6TII AV, 619, b w f 3l8t Bt, part of ptoro, ^'4x40, and basoment; Torlmac Corpora? tion to David Wlttenber-r, B06 6th av and ano; 9 {,-12 yoars, from Nov l! 191f,; attys, Marks & Marks, r,l Park K"v-' . $6,000 t" $7,000 60TH ST, 20 W, all; Mayor s Ames and ano to Chas Rusching and ano, 20 W GOth 8t, 6 yrs. from June 1. 1920; atty Bydney a Snon.*i, 34 Nassau st....$3.000 21. AV, 156; all: Jno Palmiorl to II Uur nk>*. on tho premlses; k. yrs from T.n 1. 1919 .$1,800 & $1,920 40TII ST, 104-6 VV, s s; all Arlo Roalty Corporation tn David Greenwald, 168 VV 120th st; 20 4-12 yrs. from Aprll 18, 1918; attorney, .1 A Klscher. 690 Slxtli nv .$14.00') 7TII A'.', 721, ti '? i: 4Mli Bt; all; with np tlon to purchase prlor t,> May l l', i for $200,000; Goo II Earle, ir, t.> Robt M Korn, i Northern av; 21 vr,.. from May I, 1919. atty, Sam'l M *Relss, Naflsn ii sl .$; ?? uoo 421) ST, 2!,l-r,7 W; also ind nt, 264 W. all; tenant to alter at $1,600, with ..ptlon to purchase prlor lo May 21, 1929, for $600,000; Itit.-r City Apartment llouso io to H'.l't M K.'. ii. i Northern av, 21 yre, from M-iy 1. 1919; atty, Wm Rolss, 36 Naflsail ,<t.$17,000 to $30.Iiog DKOADWAf, 1672, n e c 62d st; all; with ..p, lon t" i ui ? haso pi lor t.> Maj l, 11)29 l,,i $600,000; ii'" ll Barlo, |r, lo Robl .\1 K.ii,. 1 .'?'",? ll" 11, av; i'l yr.s, from ? May 1, 1919, Sfttnl M RclflH, 86 Nassau b' .$17,600 t" $30 000 NASSAU BT, lll. m and b; Marx Ottlnnoi <-i ,,i to I aml Bchall, 263 16 12th st, and rtii,.., Tiiui.'t, 243 Ifl 13th st; n, yrs, from May I, 19l?, address Bamuel Field 840 Ilwuy .$,'."00 SaliHfi?*?I Mechantc-ft' riens Manhattan 1 ni'i 'iMi'iiKK BT, lll: nonjamln Wolff .,,:< Joseph A UL" li; Feb ,1919 $349.17 Bronx HIVIlii A v. w s, ll". n I62d "' i .'.. '* I Mt Ul.,?',!.? l'K "i" Inli i i.IK tl lliu.l.l , 'J i..,i lt ( ii .1 lll, /.. n I. I'i H . $ 4'i ,? Brokers Start Victory Bond Drive Well Franklin Savings Bank Hrmls I Jnt With $200,000 SnhHeription?"Wc Will Wsil," Says M a r I i 11 ? The Vilnryr Llherlv Linn pnsh, v/hirh wafl laUflCtied in eVerjf haffllet, Vlllflge arid t,,-..'? ;,, i|r. rJfJUfitl .? .? Iti I '!'<?/ i.i'.r.iintf, |,a,| behlhd Ji 160 real ';,'"'r' l""i''-:. -I.,,.i ta g?l *r''""'". pubst.',.a ln ttiifl .'Hy '' '" '? :''"'' tl '"'' ' .!'.' it. M,-. ,,,,,,n',,,,/ ''' '' ".' '?? 'I.' t"r?i ., I- ;,, ii,;, ?'"??? II ' .;,?;,:!, -ln, 1, l|,, ? 1"' i'" '' "''" ? ? < ? , ni rn i of ii,, ,ii Uhl r"!l " hh i, i ?.I ir, B total for ,i'" i.! 'i i .r ,. than f 10,000.000 To equal thi nuotn .,?!, [<>? I iirii v Loan i ommitti a of ihi.) ,hi??' " '? naa .?-, i for thi real estata in ! " "' ? ol thia . 7 ? . i|| ,,, ? , saltatfl "" " ' '"' mi P2B0.000 ... subscriptions CVery ,!ay. Chairman Alfred E Marling an.l '''? l ? Blake, manager of tho teams, lost touch with tire toama during the ilay and for thal re i8on could not report the liill result of thc first >lav of tlie real estato division'* drive. All that was known at the headquarters of the division at the Real Estate Board's rooms, 217 Broadway, was that thc total was well over $200,000. 'I he reports received during the early part of thc day b; Mr. Marling indi? cated Bubscriptions were small. Honor of being thc largest subscriber to the drive was won by the Franklin Savings Bank, wJiich bought $200,000 worth of bond through William L. De Bost. The belief is thal the mall subscrip tions, which will ho received to morrow from thc various team captains, will show thal thc hrok r cqu illcd their riailj quota of $250,000. Mr. Marling s lid yesterday that there is no such word as failure in the real estate volabulary. "We are going to work valiantly, vigorously and vir toriously. VVc are going t', win. Our people have a consclence, and will not repudiate their honesl debts. The way to pay them is by subscribing to the Victory Loan. I am sure thcy are go? ing t.i do this." Schulte (?c\s Busy .'$4lh Street Corner Leascs for Long Term of Years Building .-it Tlh Ave; Othrr Business Rentals The Schulte Cigar Stores Company has Ica ed from thc Lilienthal Estate through thc Douglas Robinson, Charles S. Brown Company, for a long term of . ii a large aggregate rental, tho building now occupied by Lhe Thoman Cafe nnd Hotel Company nt the northwesl corner of Sevcnth Avenue and Thirty-fourth Street. Tho lessee contemplates making exl nsive altera t ions. Thr Schulte company has also lensed through lhe Charles F. Noyes Com? pany for Iwcnty-one years fi-8 Lafay ettc Sl reel, Thc le isecs pa v laxes, and the total aggregate rental includlng all charges is npproximately $50,000. Tho Ica " was mu'!" for Katu Shcttle, a res i, "ii' of ' olorado. .1. Ailliui Fischer has len?ed to the Tire Spccialty ' ompany tho store and |. , omenl ai .57 ! lev mth Avenue, nnd to L. Li schinsky thc Btoro ul 753 Sev? cnth Avenue. Biiver for Bronxvillc Ilouso Now Bcing Built I'lli 4 Marvin havo Bold for (>livcr M, Oake tho hou c now iri course of construction nl Dellwood Road imd Pondfleld Road U c '. Cedar Knolls, Bi on ? villc, to ,i. II. Eedden of thi i cii v. 'I ho pi opoi ty ?.'... held al $25,000 Tho name broker have rented for Ftoraco I!. Moorhead his house at Law renco I'ark, Bronxvllle, furnlshcd, for Die i iiiiiiiirr, lo II. LL <lordon, of thia city. ? Durlliiifjs in Bronx SoM Estello Brown has sold 343 and 84B Ensl I52d "' rei i, two twn family flwell inir , ou plol :,"?? 100 Tlir two family dwolllng ai ',7i) i I l I 'd Street haH been i old hy Nclllo h'u ,c Assigmncnts of IVfortgagcs Manhattan 7.','i II !'. 177 30 W . 71 ll uv, n w cor l 40th ai . Si 7. rir,:.-, '? ;. '?. ti "? cor i ''?' d ai . Koan Doutoi to Dora Ilayman, 100 V\ l n'ii n ni , ;,i t y, Manhal lan r.oaalng fn, 1411 .'irnrll St; ?<? aHBUS; ? ACMlI'lM V ST, ,- ?< II 0 I. Vei mllyi n av; ,'?,, ., r l . (ol.lHl I, Ir r lo I Ironx Sav Bank, 1211 'l'l'lil nl , i.l i ??, l.;. '.'. i ei i 'I ll Ir & T Co, 160 Bway .$:i,",ono IST A V, 194; mtgo $16,000; Bertha Sutt ler lo Ido . i, ., 306 VV 107.1 st; atty, Theo Rattler, 147 4ih av.$1 15TII ST, 338-40 IC; mtge $61,000; Gren \ ille T Ei imet to i lomu lor Incurables, : l rv and 181st .st, attys, Bmmett ?? Parish, ;,7 Wall st .$1 34TII ST, 467 \\ . mtgo $10,000; American Trusl Co to A-tr H 71 Smj I h 1166 W 93d al ; nn y, N V Title & Mort Co, 136 Bway .$9.50.i 17" Tll ST. i. s, 156.3 e Isl av; mtge $6,500; Mary E Troup to Virginin 1. and Jan A Dunham, 777 Carrol st, Brooklyn; attvs, Brower, B ,7. B, ll Court bi. Bklyn .$2,760 The Bronx WASHINGTON AV, w s. 268.10 n 166th nt. ?x?; Ernestine E I) Popp, rxirx, lo A Oldrin Salter, 2226 Sedgwick av, <xr, attys, Salter .<: S. 140 Nassau Bt, $6,600 UNDKRCLIFF Av, 1756; Mnrv B Maltby t,, Wm ll Sage, at Bronxvllle, N V, and ano, trus; alty, W ll Hoge, 166 Broad way .$4,600 ANDERSON AV. s w n 165th st, - ? \ Title Guar fi T Co to tda Hollorllt, 139 Bristow st; atty. E I, Ilammer, isns 3d av .$ii.000 PROSPECT AV, r n. 155.6 n Pox; 121.lOx i 19.5; also l^re. man sl, n s, 50 w Chla holm, 26x96; Chaa' E Gleason and ano, . xrs, tr Itarrls B Cam].II, al Mul r.ird, Penn, et al; atty, s Wllliamson, ?. i Al. xander a\ (2 o,ssts) .$S.s::o l 76 i'M ST, ti s, 7. ? '. i r ProBpect av, 77>x 14 S; l: ul,. a Haines, tiu.s, ta Lawyers' Mtp;e ?'o, 69 Liberty; atty, T r, k- T .',,. 17''. Bway . $7,ooo I'KOTONA AV, w h. 77 1.10 H 182d at, ? x . Shlls C Blais lell to \ V T & M Co, i.7, Bway; atty, N Y T & M Co, 136 Bwny .$12,000 ,'!:, iTt i.N A AV, w a, 201 10 a I82d Bt, \ . N Y Tltlo & Mtge Co lo Arnold Thayer, 206 W 771 li at, and ano, tniH; ti11 v, N V T & M Co, i';.. Bwa; . 51 7,000 TllEMl iNT A V, N24-S; Alice M Ki j b, exl x, lo Tll ln Guar & T Co, 170 Bway; atty, T c A T Co. 17''. Bway ... $24,000 I.M ? I.N TA INE AV, - n, !I4 li 8 l SOth at, B6 6x l 00; ,!ns ,'. W. ih / to Metropolitan Savlnga Bunk, 6D Cooper bq; atty, T (.) .... T Co, i 76 Bwny .$20,000 14.'.Tll BT, 329 E, Wm C O, itlng to May , Mi hllch, 256 B Klngsbrl lg< nl, atty, Wm >' < .. '.t ln.;. 249 E IvingHbrldge rd, $1 : I6TII ST 127 17 aami to Wllhi Imlna l r,iii h. 1970 L'nlversil ... utty, biinir, $1 WBBSTHM \7 '.:?"<. Wm C (irnting to Mny C M. hll. h, '. 55 E 17 Ingabrldg. rd. atty, Wm ' Oesling, 249 E Klngabrldgo ,-l II !li;i ll -T. r'. n I'. ?< '" , 77,'il h Bt, 71 Hi ? i 2.10, D. lafleltl Estnte lo \ lolettn l>. i..ii< i.l. 17 E 79th al , alty, Dolafleld i'i itiitc, 27 ' ledar al .}1 Mechanics1 I.ipiih Manhattan 80TTI BT, ni and 106 W; W,,ir Weln i, uni, i,rt \i.i ,,, ? Ilrnlly '',., ownnr; I.,,ulr. Mi lllll ll. Ill, , i.i.'i.r t,.i . , R7fi llrimv ". \ t ,T< ''?' S1 ?? ? i 140th al .',?17 ; I,, l| |)|l T, r , ,, I. I ?,,,!,, I ' ! . hr ,, Iruii. ,.". m i und ?? onti aetoi.,$470 Robert M. Kern Leases Hhoice Properties Uptown Optlons to Buy for $1,400,000 Go with the Rental Agree ments for Sites Three Interestlng leases with an op? tion to buy for $1,400,000 were re Cofded yesterday to Robert M. Korn. In one dpal Mr. Korn has five years to figure it out whether he wnnts tn buy, and in the other two transactinn? fpi, yeRrs fo derlde lf he eares to : '"fo ... nn ownership agreement. Tho leases begjfl orl May I aml nr? (bt i) I'ori'.'I r.f twpii! v-tuie Vfiirn nr Uflllj l!Mli. rjfie ,,r the I-a??--.= ....,,rn,,,B ,i,? ,,,.,,, ."?I -.- iii thi c'.'iiheasi ' "i i.i t "r :'.????? nih v.,.".-. ..,,., i ,,, i, , iL.i,u, -.,,,.,, - ,,i, option !" pufi i."=. i.? i.. -i... i. I'-i ' l. foi -f-'nii'iiii, -| |{a .,'o. . | - '.'??I'l. I! I...!' ..,..) Ili, 1,,,.-.. ,?ii.-. f..i n i.oi?l of *l::,'i"u ii ',..., li" -?' ?.i l? ,.'?? ; ? foi , ha i,.,.!i v i , ,;. / ",. ,,i p ..I i v sei und '?' i pel wi! h .1. "|.i ion '" pul. I....:. p, i..i i.i ;Muy I, i' ?'.', for 1600,000 from the owners, the Ini.icity Apartment Flouse ( om pany, ai, a rental of $17,(100 to |80,000 h year, while the third lease involves1 tha property Bt the northuust corner of Broadway and I' ifty-second Stroet, which carriea with it an option to buy prior to May 1, 1929, for 5000,000. Thia property is also owned hy Mr. Earlc and tho rental is from .$17,500 to .".'I.? OOO a year. Real Estate Board To Hold Golf Tourney Will Be Held on Siwanoy Coun? try Club Links on May 14; Several Prizes Offered Tho Real Kstate Board of New York yesterday sent. out a printed announce ment and entry blanks for ita spring' golf tournament to be held on tho links j of the Siwanoy Country Club at Mount' Vernon on May 14. The president's i-up 1s for the lowest net soore for 18 holes, all classes com peting. Must he won twice. Presented ' by former Presidenl Laurence McGuire. CLASS A Best R-rnss .1? hol?n R( Bt nel .IS ho'. a I -. .. t ,-i,,s-. poloctod .3? holes Bi il in f polei teil.66 holes A special prize presented by the golf | committee f^r the best 36 holes net. MiiaL be won twice. CLASS B Be I ct-nps .11 holes . Bi st nel .18 holes Bost gross N"lpr,nr) .?,r, holes Bost net uelected .36 holes A special prize presented by Harold C. Richard for tho best 36 holes net. Must be won twice. CLASS C B?8l RrO!"."l .1 H holOH Best not .19 holes Bi b! gross selectod .66 holes Best net solected.36 holes Edward I). MacMannus Memorial Cup ! for the best 36 holes net. Must be wnn twice. Presented by Mrs. Kdward D. MacMannuB. There wil! be nn addi . tional prize- "guests* special." All lK-hole prizos will be based on the first round played, so thnt tho : morning Bcore of those playing both morning and afternoon will be the one considered, nnd any one playing during the afternoon only may con, peie for any of tho 18-hole prizes in various classes. In selected score competition one half of handicap will be used. Al! other compotitions full handicap. Only one pri/.e will be awarded to any ono person. The charge, Including greens fee nnd dinner will be $6. (No rebate to those who do nol romain for dinner. Luncheon will b" served at 11:80 a. m. I to 2:30 r>. rn. A la carte. It Is requested that entries be made promptly. as thero nre many arrange ments which it Is necessary (o make, Including tho arrangements i'or caddies! lunch and dinner. The golf committee is ns follows: ({"?hard Collins, chairman; John M Stoddard, Edwln E. Zittel, Harold C Richard, Edgar A. Levy. William L I Do Bost and John II. Hallock. Loft Space in Dernaud Spcar .'ind Company have rontod lofts at O't-71 VV. 'j.'id stroet, io M. Lowon sli'in & Son..;; ?|, 85 I'i f Mi avenue h, Uinsburg & Kambor; at 127 0 Bleeckor Htroct, to Hyman Shau; ut 220 W lIHh strcot, io Individual Drinklng Cur! 'ompany; at, Kn; Seventh avonup, I" I o.i'.lo Scille Company; al, Kl 00 Kifth nvoiiuo, i.o Manhattan Trousor Co.; at "''el Broadway, to American Tradlne ''ompany; at J20-2 E. Mth stroet, to LU ? hung Po and three lofts at 400-13 Lafayette stroet, about 80,000 sq, ft to ' L. Harth & Son foi n term of years at an aggregate rental of $60,000. Deal for Bayshore Tract Negotiations are pending between Joseph II. S. Thomas, executor of the estate of Mrs. William Thomas, and a syndicate of Manhattan interests rep resented by Ira T. Terry, for the pur? chase of about twenty acres at Bay side, L. I. The property has shore frontage in the Little Neck Bay, situated to the. south of the Bayside Yacht Club, fac : mg in Crocheron Avenue and having i a frontage in Crocheron Lake. The i new owners will develop the site into [ a residential park. Join Building Managers' Assn. i The New York Building Managers' As- ! sociation has elected to active member? ship George L. Kckerson, New York Times Company; Philip Zwissler, jr of O. B. Potter Properties; Howard Mosher, of Lloyd-Winthrop Co., Inc ? Samuel J. Tankoos, A. S. Meyer, of Schulte Realty Company, and Domrlas Grant Scott, of the U. S. Realty and Improvement Company. -?-?-??_ City Man Buys Farm George Howe has sold for James I^ambert. Suydam his farm near the Albany Post Road, Cold Spring-on-the Hudson to J. ]?;. Malono of this city. ! Tho farm contains eighty-tive acres and a remodelled farmhouse. ?-, Long Island City Flat Sold j The G. X. Mathews Company gold a i six-family fiat, on lot 27x100, nt 64 Eighteenth Avenue, Long Island Citv, to ! Charles K. Lands. Satisfied IVIortgages Manhattan COLUMBUS AV, 642; Thcreaa Saxe or Saehs. to Marg*are( C Weatcott, admx <i".i lt i annoti; atty, Title (J * T Co, 176 Bway; May 15, 1917.J4,00t>!) ST, ii .4. 76 " Ooerck st. 2r.-i75; llv and Lottle I'lrlch t? Loulsa Ottin.itin 1 niKi ll,,win,ni c Walter, truateea wlil I'liaH Ottmann; attys, (.'inl-nalailor, W ft T; 4i wnn at; Ani-ii l. mon. J4 onn D4TH ST, lll W; HlKintuirl Hlr?chberK to Mary 1, Holdolshelmer; atty, I. T * f Co I liiO llway; Aorll 14, 1304.JlfiPOO1 Ai'ADKMV BT, a b, iso ii Varmllyea av; ! f.OtlOO; thi T.oyal BI*Ik fo to H ILjibyl I'loUBh; ;illy, I, T & T Co, 1,10 llwny ! I'-l. M, 1016.16,000 131 i BT, s ?>. ioo n Amaterdam av, iiht 100 11 . Rohort, Jr and Mlnnln lt ->v allare i" ii'i'ti Kamershlair, udm* Joil Hamei ?'i'i im . mt vi, A I, * H f .larnbs 80 Uroad nt , Aprll 8, 1913.$4.. S07 80 New Theatre Centre Form ing in Brooklyn Larjie Amusement Ifmise I* I'latinril for Albany Ave* and St. Jolm'? IMace On the site of 'he Albany n picture ! u ?. at tl ? ? i Avenue arid St. Jol n's Plaee, ,: lyn, the re Is to be buill i new tl to be khowri as thi seal ihg 100 to aboul 1300,000 The Irueturt ii btilll b; ,; .? Albai ?which eohl fols t ht pl. ' ? 'i Wrhi I |,,,?;,' ed the pri senl btiildidp fl MtTui-'. n ?..,' plaee . i i,, t, q i i ,t,, ? i .?.,. , . i , | i ? .A-, rl.lirj- >,, II. ,,' .,, , |j, ,, ., 111 j,n R Iq.fvr I. .I- ., , fl,,,,, ?.,,! .-,.|? I, ., | I,,,, 'I '? V r - ,,, l: , ,|| . . , ,,,, | !,, r,r,lrl? li,,,r ?'". " ?? r< i- ,,:?,, - ',,,, , I. ,,,, julti'il f,,, I j,,, , ,,, , | ,,, ,,... .,,,!,,,.. . " ' ',, , 1 ., | |1(, , a Hpeculutors Huv MUn'U Fron! Ol' HrtiiiMiii IhM'lliii'>f Tha Meister ii ii- . i ., , purcl fl'.im lhe Ain.ri , i i, i.. ... , , (ali ty-four i i. rei i... , bricl hou -..-. co' , mr i he hlock of Tillai y street, betweeh Raymond and Sagamora streets. li ?? iII cash pun hase this property bi , .-100,000. i lharles Pa rl ridge i ,, - old foi riet li. Smith to Michacl Curtin the three itory dwelling al 629 : t. Mark's Avenuo. 1V> Enlarge Brooklyn Garage Harry M Lewis has sold for Th-. William Linder to L. R. Realty Com? pany tlie g ire on t he southeai' de of Eastern Parkway, between Bergen Street and St. Mark's Wenuo, with frontage of 22.9 feet on Eastern Park? way. A one-story garage now under construction al tl,., southeasl corner of Eastern Parkway and Bergen Streel by the same owner will be e tended, giv inp; it h total frontage of L68.b" fet I on Eastern Parkway. Newspaper Man Buys Hon^r The Cooley Realtj Company has sold the propi i ' ? ? A ?. ?? nue, Mount Vernon, i of a house and gai.a on a plol 110 feet frontage, tor William !,. Meffert, to Clifford Smythe, Mr, Smythe ia con nected with "The New i'ork Times." The same company has leased for Mrs. Julia i-,. Rumsey of this city her resi dencc al 125 Oakley Avenue, Mount Vernon, to A. J. I' Goe To IJnilil at (irrat Kill* Cornelius G. Kolff has sold for Carl F. Grieshaber a plot al [lillcrc I Park, Great Kills, Staten I Iai d, to Frank Rocklin, who is having p ins for the erection of a summer bun galow. Investor Buys at Jamaica The Bulkley iv llorton Company Via'i sold 58 Yale Avenue, Jamaica, a dwell ing, for thc Long I land Boi 1 and Mortgage (ompany to an investor. Reconlri! Tranpfers Downtown BROA P'.v VT, 12-34, . * n nf ' ? fr;, . .rr,", ....... pl, t '? |07 r, ?? '... ,( ,,',','!, x ', Ifl l v ?.".' 66.7x fl ln '.? ? Mi." "-.I t.l.r I ,!?? . ',. ol I Y to All Ilenlty Corpn M h Aprll li, atty, T O & T Co, . Bw.i ?IOO East Side I>nr OOCK HT ''. . ' i".h .,, (722 KK1, 76x84 ; RoNle 1. Pciirl 'I ,1 . I,,',;. $20 r '.! i! i atty. I Sh - , , ti 7 ITII 7. I' 100 E, fl H ' ? ? I 0 I t'4,1. ?'. 1 '.. I , . . ? , 10 OStll ll .,.. "ir,. n ',? J I 1 500 all . . <",.. k. :, I 1; I : ? 1 1 .71, AV, 649-D1. o s, 49.4 I2il Hl 1!) Irreg (for, ? ' , , ; ' >,,',!.,.?,, ir,-,, ref '., lan I.,. tonn h, N f; Aprll 17 atly A 1.11, . .?, 1 '. ? 70T11 HT ... 1; . I ',.,.?,, r ? ' , I . ' , 1 . I . 11 ,. | , 1 I I , 701 li BI . ml ?;, $ 1; 11 VVobI Side 72P> BT 47 W, 11 , 1 0 Col (f,,,,., ?: ; < 1019); Wm II Im ref, I-, Hqullii 1 ,? :,,'? ir Un the U H; Aprll 17; iti llr.-i,. 120 ilwn: 7TII A V, ,, v. ?? , ? 1. ' ? [00.IU to I'.iinr, mtg, 11 1,760; 1 ecoril. I from Oct 22 !'..,.,.? : ' . . ?I0(I vni \v 1 ". ntrth ". ioo.iij 100: Mni'Kt llovt lo 11 1. Corpn, . C.-,|,|| .,:.'::.' , 1 - ?? ?. 7 : -. I / , 111 ' ... || ,uii li U * l> MOII I ' 1 . I I ? 1 . . II : . ? I mr, K IMlX II Ifi] I tl) II K 12011 127.4 tn Drlvo ? i tn l>, ? P llraill'.y ,1 nl ln W l( \ II iltj 1 1 I r, IIV r. , 11.Ir . 11" >. 1, ?'. 20; ..ii ??'., Stwl.liinl & Alarl I 1 11 .? ., . . I80TII ST, lert \\ n n, 2 I 0x99 II; ? ? I lloaltj .',. lo Hiimui'l 1' Run, i 1 6 VV 172.1 m' , A pri 1 -. atty, Lawyoi . r & t i ?,,. 1 'iO li.v ,,' .noo 188T1I ST, 022 VV, a a, 287.6 w Bway, 4.'l .1 00 11 , Samuel Columbus to Hei nliunl Columbus, 896 EJ I61el st; mtg. $44,000; nll llens; Aprll 18; atty, A I. Uorlleh. 7..INM.UI li( .$100 UT'i'll ST, h r, 100 ?.'.? 7th ave, 18xfl9.ll; Guardian Lifo 1ns Co of America to Jno P Leo, 7!) VV 117,1 st; b .'.- h & c .-, b'J Aprll 9; ulty. Dulon & H, 41 Park Row, $100 SAMH PROPERTY; Jno P Leo to Allen B Qraves, 7 VV 135th st; subj to p m; Jiitu, $7,^00; b & a, c a g; attys, same, J100 AUDUBON AV, s w e 186th r,t, 160.2x100; H IL A Realty t'o to Loron R I iradli . 603 Academy Bt; Walter I ," Riverview, Kia, & Alir.e s Smith, Pelham Manor, N Y. Aprll 19; mtg, $167,500; aityy, Stoddard & Mark, 128 Bway....$l Bronx DECATUR AV, e s, 170 n Scott av 50x 120; Wm Cai r, ?"? r, t i Hermine' De broosky, 959 Prosj ct nv: mtge $2,600' April 14; atty, Title Guar & T Co, 176 Bway .$7 ,c . , HOE AV, 1-7..7 e 8, 25x100; Albert Neu mann to Philip Meltsner, 17,4; Hoe ... mtge $5,000; April 19; atty, Title Guar & T Co, 176 Bway . t SHERMAN AV, e s, 313m 163d st, 86x105 York Realty Co to Robt .1 7;.. .-.?:.. .,7 311 E 200th st ; mtge $10.7.00; April 18' atty, R J Moorehead, 311 E 200th st.$100 151ST ST, 11 s, 141.1 w 3d av, 25x114.2 Robt .1 Mooreh, id to i'ork Rea tj Co 32 Court st, Bklj n . .ntg, 19 ? atty, VV i-, . helps, 4; 7 E 149th st .$100 SBAKESPEARE AV, s e cor 11 1 I.10x25x ln .- Robt .1 M.:?<??. head to York Realty Co, 32 Court ki. Bklyn; mtgo $3,500; Aprll 18; atty, W E Phelps 435 B 149th st . $100 146TH ST, 861 E, n s, 25x100; Wm '. Morey to Dominick J Napoll, 2171 Har mony av; mtgo $ ..'rn, i',.|, 27 attj Title Guar & T C ., 176 Bwaj . DECATUR AV, 71,77. w s, 60x1 10; VV Marsball, Philadelphia, 10 Gertrudo Marshal), C; v.\ j n,'. Sl !?'? b . - ,?? . John V Sheridan, 111 v ti STEBBINS AV, 1193 w . Irreg; Stebblns !;? alty & C Co to Minnie A Brov, :,:?:'. 1193 Stebbins ,r. $7,000; April 1- ; atty, 11 A Br, wi 1 , . ll'"7> Stebbins av. $1 PROSPECT AV. w b, 169.10 ? 166th s 37. 10x144 k . 1-; illri 17 Co Contracting Co; mtge $30,000; Aprii 11, atty. ,J 11 Ganm sey, 51 1 ba L(.U' Gi,. map Ardon property; Conrad I I ri.-h 10 Hy lln, 11. S20 VV I - ?: li st an I ano. April 19; alty, 11 . Ulrich, 820 W 180th si. 5, 239TH ST. n s, ; 16 11 Martha av, ; James Clark, Yon.1, to Adolf !?',, 0 wlta, 612 B 240th st , mtg $4,000; March 16; atty, !?; ;, Bubs ? I E 149th !? L'LTI IN A\ . w :?,, 206 n "?? : xl63 1x60x1GB; Marletta \ ernaglia to> Vernagllo, ??:, Coster; Aprll 7 atty, A Gallanl, 2078 Prospect av ..$1011 BEAUMONT A\, 2343, u .. 26x100; Pietro Crlsccntl t,, \'mr, I,.-,, Con ie, 2556 Mh av; mtg $13,' alty p 1 Knoblock, 299 Bway .' $1 BOONB AV, n w cor I72d st, 12dxlO0 Maud IC Howard to Ball lo Holdlng C 1 Crpn, 17's Bway; Aprll B; attys, st,.,i dn rd A Mark, 128 Bway.... $ 1 00 166TH HT, t. s, 50 a Stebbins av, 7'?vll:i 4. Holomon Wel :- ,,, ,., L,0onai,! . lolllns 690 Hul' ? , av ': lyn; mtg J22.I 00 . ,\ prli 9: atl ? , 1 1, , 1 v ?..,-, 1 | ,,,? 224 I'li HT 1011 K. Abr I. tu J ir?."?,. ' ' !?; ' 161 ., st; ? rn-. I 7 77,, vpi 11 1 . , atty, 1 U .v '1 ' .,. 1 ,', ii.v,,. ji Lannin Preparing To Build Hotel On 7th Avenue A?ks for Bids on General Cotitrnet: Builders Found for Three SehooU; Mneh I'milflitig Being Started 3 3 I -tnnln has dr-ddrrl ln gn niiesd '".' " "'? i?!"?!> of hl? Hotel Msrne, ? Htti Avpiiitn Sfld I Ifif si.-ilh '" ' ? *><?? efdini I-. iiM.wt.'a 1,1-ii.fs, '"? Btilldifig i*.i'.,ii^i. .,r nn Wnci 1 ?' ? ? i ?',? i. htj has BSksd fei l.i'io ii,,.,.,.-!, hia <,,.,,,,.. i, r,,,,,, ii,r ' A I HU' I ' .-.,'?, . 'I.' I I -.., ?;, ' ...I .... . ,.,.1 ll,,- Wtilt '" I "."! .,,., Mids i'I., = i-i1 y**t,-i .lc.y hl.-.l lliri .V.hilh.t la e?|l.'i'!?.| lu Iim -I in a few days. fi,, ci i ui-tiire. which wfll I"' one of the l?rgept ln the city and "ii.1 of lhe biggest building operationa undertakan here jn some i ime, will ba erected on a plot I feai !t uil] be built from plans hy Lawrenee L. Barnard, architect for Ihe Lanning Realty Company, aml will be t'..,..nty ono stories, with basement, iu heii Three Brooklyn Schools Among tho other proposed buildings announced in Brown's Letters yester day are tiiren school houses iti Brook lyn. Two contracts havo been awarded, 1ml as vet not signed. Ono 0f these will bc built nt the nelghborhood of Sheepshead Hay by the city and thc other in West Seventeenth Street. The T. A. Clarke Company, the lone mn tractors reported for* each operation. gave a price of $284,100 for the eree lion of the former building und $259, 200 for the latter structure. The co'n tracl for still another school building for Brooklyn, which will be known as No. 29, to be erected in Henry Street, has been awarded to Frymier & Hanna. Ihe excavation work will be done by the Hagcrty Motor Trucking Company, and the New York Architectural Terra ( ":!;' Company will supply the terra cotta. Blank forms, etc., for these oper ations r?n be obtained at Estimat-e Room, 131 Livingston Street, Brooklyn. -* Big (iovernnient Jol) General contract has been awnrded by the government for the building of a steamship and navigatioR building a1 tho Naval Academy at Annapolis. Md., to Levering & Garrigues. The piling will be done by the Haymond ' oncrete Pile Company, and the elec trical work by the Lord Electric Com pany, all of thu, city. -, To ho McCreery Work The Grant f'ontracting Company has awarded tho contract for the store al ti rati ,ns to be made hy the dry goods concern of James McCreery & Co., which besides allowing much more ipaco will give an entrance on Fifth ? (" the main building on Thirty fourth Street. The alterations plan:, are by Buchman & Kahn. \o Competition Hrre If is announced that the contract. for the large store and offlce building to be erected by the National Association Building Corporal ion at *J7 West Forty third Street, extending to M Wesi l orty fourth Street, costing aboul ?? 00.000, probably will bo awarded v ithout competition. Tho plans are by Starreti & Van Vleck, After Fine Residence Bids will cloi '? to-day for the con ? racl lo build n home for L. C. Si Ix al .' car idale on a plot B5> 12, plai which havo been preparcd by <;. & ]?;. Blum, II will bo two and' one half stoi io", of red, rough brick. Bids re ceived up in Apnl 18 Included one from John l.ov.-iy, ,lr., Company, which de :'.|b bids "tl all lines al once. '! hnto i. dd, rs are I aac lloppi r's Sons, f rank .'.'. Goblo and Marcollo Mczzullo. New Plans for IfoHpit-il "hi havo t.n rejectod nnd pluns pronnrcd by I'. .1. Berlenbach will be withdrawn Indi linitoly for Lho ho pital io bo erected by tl," Roman Catnojic i irphun Asylum at Clinton Avenue and Congress Street, Brooklyn. Tho plans wi J] bu redrawn. Masonic Home Builders For the Masonic Home, which is to 1"* erected in Wallingford, a general contract has been awarded to the H. Wales Lines Company, of Meriden, Conn., steel to the Republie Fireproof lng Company, of this city; stone to Shea & Donnelly Co., Lvnn, Mass. The plans for the building are by W. T. Arnold, architect of Wallingford. -?-, ?...?_? Theatre for Albany Bids will close to-morrow for a thea? tre to be erected in Albany from plans by Thomas W. Lamb, architect, of this city. The only bid so far announced is from R. H. Howes Construction Com? pany, of this city. -?? Rents House Overlooking Sound Joseph P. Day leased to Charles Gautier thc home of Frank C. Havens at Sag Harbor, L. I.. which has a front? age on the Sound. A. E. Schermerhorn was associate broker. ? .-,-, New Buildings Planned Manhattan 117TH ST. 228-34 R. for a 1-sty garag. ...TiOO; Vlctorla Garage. 236 E 117th at owner; Da Roae & Cavalierl. 370 E 149t'i at, archltecta .$16 000 'Tll AV. '? a 104th an.l 105th Ms, for a 1-sty grand stand, 200x".-<; a Keckscher B0 E 43' st, owner; J !?' Gavigan, Grand Central Termlnal, architect...$4,000 The Brom CROTONA PARK. n s. Mo E Marlon av l-at:y brick garage, 17.4x21.4; Sap. r & premlaea, own<--r: Samuel Cohen, 32 Union Bquare, architect'; .ji.eoo Alterations Manhattan BOTH BT, 5 B, to a 4-sty and baaement dwlg; Bolton ftnalty and Conatructlon Corpn, 68fi Madison av, owner: H A ' oi bu, ?' 20 5th av, architect. . . S i'i'H VV, 363 to a 6-sty rcstaurant kuO S Qlanlz, premlaea. owner; 1! .1 f, 116 11 16th at, architect... .18.600 10TH st. 11-13 w. to a I and 4-ety bome l^adlea' rhristian Union, premlaea owner; Dodga & Morriaon. 13;, Kr.>nt at. architocts .(16,000 LHX1NGTON AV. 582 4. to a 4 aty dwlg G W Boyd. Jr, Weehawken, N J, owner; .1 '' Brclby, Bnglewood^ N J. arohl :" ' .$1,000 WALL ST. 65, to tn g-aty bank and of? flce*; National City Hank, promiBPH uwner: llnlnwa X- Wlnnlow, 110 U' 4nnj ^| archltecta.$:..ooc> Bronx STATION I't.. ?> ?, 113.60 a Gun llill, 38x 38; Richard Morriaon, premlaea, owner Wm Kenny, 2600 I"--Htiir Hv. arohl '* ' ........ MO0 OHASn ' ' iNCi lURSB, eoifi, a aty brick : i" ii'i-i'... Danalg, premlaea i.w nei ' h ". H Mnyi '. l i nlon Square ni'i'i t .... u.sori ! FORECLOSURE SALES FTTREME roi'RT, COUNTY OK NEW YORK.?Edward H D?lafl?ld, as Commt< tee of the E?t?te of Margaret W. Folaorn. \ an inc.impetcnt pert n. etl , 1'lalntilT. aga (Samuel Uarrls et al., Defendante.- In pul euonce of a Judgment of forecloaure nnd ? duly made and entered ln the above-enth f ,.? AftII. 1919. I, " ..,(. tbe re* i ln (.aid Judirmept nnmej. will fell .,- p auction. at the Exchange Selearoom I 16 v..-<. v Street tn iho Borough of Manhat lan, City of New tork, on the I Ith day of May. liiis. at il ,n an lhat '. H. M - ? .? ed by full . ., ribed ii f illowa: -*1! I ..,,.,? plece or pfiroe! r,' With the I'Vlldlrtfi aid improvement-" ? thereon ? ? ?? -? ivlnp and being ln I thi Tv.'."'i, Wai I .?' ihe I Hy ni S a - M ? ? hal ? . ;? ';:. ? .? -i a? N ??? i ? ?? 24 104th Street, ai I ... ? N1NG Rl a point en thc (= , elde of One ?? ? ? Th - h ? ' ''"in tti? coi tier '. ? ? ? . ? rnritilna Ih ? ? ,... .. ,.. i. i ? . ,, , , i, ,. . . ? i ? . i .. . , 11, ??'"e J-.,. I I ,:.!.,. ,..!.. IL ,1 .1. ' ? . |n '. i li, )n ti ..... ... I...i..; '. ,, . II I ... -. H l,.-t.-,*e 1 Al I,'.*. i*s & MA1 A". rn, - fm Pliuntffl I . ..l.dl ion N ^ ' . . .>i*?ri / i Eaat 104th Btieel . i> 104ih Btreet_" J, ,00 | M . ?f Thn arpi ^tlmflte emourit n* th, 'len or ol arge, t? satisfy whl h !',?< iihov-descrlbeA fioperty Is to be boI ' le | .ith In nifsl thereon from the 7th da> ol .lanuaiy. tate i nl allowance n mountlng lo $408 with eroet from * pi II re ? [9111 i ... ther . Ith the i -rpenset-i ..' ihe Balo i ppi clmate amount of the ... oth e r liena, which are to be allowed to the pui . iiii-..^r out of the ptircna i ihe Referee la J894 B0 and intereat. Dated, New Toi' , Aprll 16th 19i'.>. JOJ1M H ROGAN. IX FORECI.OSURB: Bupreme Court. New Tork County, County Clerk'a Indax N'o. 18.681 1918 Horn, l'ialnt1ff. against Granville P* Dailey and others, D? fendanta. George W i lll PlalntlfTs Attor 1 ti.-v. 149 Broadway, Manhattan, New "i'ork ? Pursuant to Judgment, entered1 Aprll 8, 1019, the underetgned referee will eeli at. publio atirtlon. at th<- Exchange HaleKrooni. .Nor. 14-i''. Vesey Street, Borough of Mi-i hattan, New "?,??'.. ? :' at II 'fi o'clock noon. ..ii April 29, I pl P 1'hv auctloneer, the mortgaged premlEes dlrectea (udgmenl to be ??ld, which are aitu ntn.l Iii the Borough ol Manhattan New Tork City, on the w?at side of Madison Avenue !- u ? \0 feet north of 126th Street, being 19 feet, I1 lnchea 1n wldth In fi"iit and rear, by 86 feel In depth on each elde. Th* southorly Blde wall of .-.ii l premlaea being a party wall M. rtgagea fnreclo?>ed ri r? rc-nrded ln Uher 1634 of Mortgages vhr- 2M, nnd 1837 of Mortcages, pngo 34J, Now Tork County il, c-i ,ter's ' ifflce The following I" n d'-irtarn nf (he prop? erty. tli" streel number helng No, 1982 Madl i-'.i, Avenue, New ?ork County. 8a 186th Ptrer' The approxitnati amount of the iten or . ?? sal Isfj ?' hl. h I hj al Ih to i"> Bold, la 115,1 i ? '.' uai v 81, 1919 togel hi i >? Ith i oi ta and allowance amount ii i est from March of 11. .????? 1'iitn to 1". allowi 1 tn l*io purctiBBei or paid i.y the referee, la 1228.13, 1- Idoe liiterost . . ". Dated, New Vork, Aprll 7th, 1919 CHARLES A RIEGE1 lieferee. BUMMONB vni'K BI PREMB COURT YHIlK Ci '' '.'l ', ' ? .,','. ". M ioily, Thi Gn. Heri ateln ? pfl i.; , I " 1- i . To the abnvo named flnfendanl V.m ?r<, . unimoni d to ai ln ' IiIh .. |o acrve a |. of yom - i ?.... on t tn- V ttlntlfl ? A ' ... of 11., ? ,r si , ui r.i lui ' ? "ei,. i hy d? ? ii ,i in ii,.. .i plain! i tatod '.< -v york ? li larch 17th mi ll i l ' . * . i ? ,? ? : ? ; pi ? i iftl ? To The Gi TruoV ' * mpati -' Thi f- ? ? . , aorved upon you by p ib . utl. n , '.. nn ord' r of t ho Mon .i li 11 of ' Im .1', ? .. ' ' ourl ?!.... d ?!..- Uh da ot Aprll ii nd mad with ti," lhe ...... r i. ' f New y th, Borough of Mi, hattan, City .i ? .', - .'? nf Now V ii 1 ''?"' '? ?' I Ul '- ' II ., Aprll 1?'h, l?l i . . to. HENRY G. OENNERT, Attr,rn?y tnr 1'lalntllT; ' -ti. ?> and P O. Addreaa No I4't Hroadwa ', N, ??? BI PREME COI RT, COI N'i v OF ,'.I5W VORK Katherlne Junkertnan, plalntlff. agalnut Arthur i. Junkerman. defendant-? .Suinm'.n.- -Action to annul a n-arrlaga *i o Llia above nami i ., fi ndam : V'"i tiifj hereby summon d to answrr tM ? ? "i laint i . i, and to eerve a . opy ot iiny within tweniy daya afte thi aervlea o* ? f ser? vice and iu , ase of ro to appear oi ai. ???..- Judgment w 11 ln i ..n against ... i >?;. default for thu relief demai 11..- < om] DiUi-U January 18th, 1919, New Tork PETER P. McELLIGOTT] Attorney for Plalntlff 217 Broadway, Borough of Manhattan. City of New JTork. To Arthur E. Junkerman, defendant abova named ; The foregolng i-';mmr>r.B la served 'rpon vm; by publication, pursuant to an or i.-r <r -h* Honorable Michael L. Krlanger one of the Justicea of the Supreme Court of the State of New YorK, dated March 6th, 1913 arl filed with lhe complaint ln this aaian i. ihs offlca of the Clerk of the County of New York. at the County Court Houaa, ln the Borough of Manhattan. City, County and btate of New Tork. DateJ New York City. Marrh ?Aat. 1918. PETER P. McELLIGOTT, ,_ M_Attorney for Plalntlff. Offlce and P O. Address 217 Broadway, Bor? ough of Manhattan, City of New York SURROGATES' NOT1CES ZTEGKNEB, *-VII.i;rT.M (AT.-50 KNOWN* AS \V7 I. 1AM C ZrEGENEH - Ti!.' ] ;,. i :>; . STATK OF MAV V(,KK. IJY TJU* GTlfl <;...' FREE AND INDEPEJ C. /ierener. AurJ-'t Zlegaoer Ixaila E T Margaret Ziegcner S Beri ia Auguata A '/.\ef,r tr, '. - ? . ing), ? Mai-y" : Bctltloua, '.he tn;e tlnt rnm..- '? ? g unkl petil oi er) : :t being InU aate the ?i<iy\t. if any. of U dcad). ai mer, if he be dtad, ? v .. ... /, pgi ? . y.u-vj: fr. m.a il kny luch uuktuiwii htir >t la? . next of kin, or any r.' peraon abore i.ume.l or de;irri!*d tuT.-'..: l.^ unknowa !'.?.* died aub ? to tt,r ,!^a;!. nf Wllheln /. gener, alao \\ Ullun C. Zli gener, I ., i ,,, b*iiil?. tirire al law. rext ot kin. nerui.,is adnrii! ? Ittratora darlaeea. l"gat<-es. ?fnlgite(.j g. ,. ?? ' ? ?? "T undar tny ?u<-!i | Ii?l-R..iu liie l.-'r< ai.J r.eit of kin "f \\ - n Bo William C. Zlfgr.ier BE.VD OREETLNO: WnKKF.AH. At who rvai.!,-< at 277 Psillsade Avenue. ittatf , J. li. lau 1 anpUed lo the BurrogatrV . s of N>w Vi.rk. to tiaTr a m.'-'t in Hritlng. bearlng date ?iie 0n 191 I, ri-lsili,g to boUi rta< and ;- ? ,h.iy pro?ed u the Us- -jrfil and tentatneni ,,' \s ? ' helm Zlegener. a!?o known u Ul.ium < Ziecen*i who waa ?t the Ubjj of his death . Imury of .New \ ?rk, de-etvsrt THKKEKO and each pf ym, are r..,rt to ibo? raiue ? Burrpaatea* Dourt of our Countj of n... ti.e .1. o Reoordl ln the Cou5tj of n...? ?? Uia 12th ilaj,- of Mu and r.lneteen. at hall pul ten oei?* |. | noon of lliat daj. why ?i. auul wlU and ".tim- , ?li-nild not be adtaltled UiprobatoJ, , wl\\l'xn?A and panoiil property in^ti.stimdny vnhvui ? ourt of tlie aal.1 County nf N'n fort i? . - . i , ai ? . u '* K?\- ?o"or*hla jhhn p v ,k .A ,'? *,I,T"?" f* our aald Coaoti i ' me vear ..r our Lord, on* ')? i-aaari l nina im^ i ?** " " i.ami.i. i n.nv'N . tlAntlV t.AN. A""