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Followers o N. F. Torrance Retains Laurels At Squash Play Cresceiit Title Holder Wins From Sterling in the Fiual lloumi of Match By A. C. Cavagnaro an !'? Torrance, the playing i lampion, succcssfully de fended h title a iquash tennis cham rion of tho Crescent Athletic in tho gnal round match against Mortimer M. , on the courts of the Brooklyn ; lay. The champion waa . ed to play four hard games bc eliminated his determined op by a score of 15? 12, 13 LS, 6, 18- 14. The rcsult would have perhapa been different had not Sterling, due un- , > doubtedly to lack of practice, leaped into frequcnt spella of erratic driving. |< a- timea during the match he showed :! , steadiness c: play that was pretty ! to watch. However. in his eagerneaa , to "kill" the ball he invariably imashed it out of court. and these errors are what greatly h.elped Tor- < rance to his victory. Torrance's driving was accurate and for the greater part of the match he pressed the issue. He frequently tricked his rival out of position on i. exceptionally low returna to the back wall and a deceptive 'cross court shots. Long rallies featured the match and" Sterling was the more successful in gathering tho aces in clusters. Sterling heid his own with Torrance in the first game until towards tho end, when ho literally threw his char.ces away by repeutedly driving the ball out of court. In the second game, Sterling'a difficult service trou- ' hled his adversary, nnd with the play- | ing of only three hands he had as lumed an advantago of 8 to 3. Ster? ling aucceeded in retaining thia lead to U-5 and then to 13-11, when Torrence evened matters at 13-all. However, Torrance never got a chance at ser? vice in this game, for Sterling, rally ing to his best playing, counted the necessary five aces in one hand. The third game ended in quick fash lon, when Sterling aided his rival in collecting his points through inac curate driving of tho hall. Torrance slererly resorted to u change of pace that found the ball dying in the back wall cornera when Sterling fooliahly iwaited a rebound off tho backwall. Sterling put off his defeat in tho fourth game by rallying atrongly after Torrance had assumed a lead of 11 to g, In thi? game Sterling began mat h ri i.v colh ?? aces on boauti fut placcment shota. irarae .;',,; a chnngO Of pace to i ce tVO hand-'.. Ster linjj then hrncod to count flve aces ?n.| with two ace ai t the game at 13 ill, The exl r? ftve point laauo wua ?, bul Sterling again .,isted i i tncoa by hia eag^rnoaa to K nm pointa on ' pi int i iblo I'ollowi ? . r <i \ m ta M \t Sterltng 9 t 0 0 3 10 13 0 3 1 12 j - .i 1 I I, 1 0 il 4 I 0 0 * ? ' -. ? ?n opponent 'a outs, 0 . ? ?>rvi.->. . placcmonts, 7: mtssoa, 3 To ut, !?. Torrati On opponent's outs, !i; ? late, -t. Tu SECOND GAME rorrini e - . I201M101 1311 1 1 )3 1 0 ') 0 0 t 0 0 1 0 1 0 D I * I ' irrance On opponent's outs, .t. r.lsMs. :. placements, .".; tell-talo, !: ser Tic?, 1. Total, 13. Sterling On opponent'a ?uta, I ?? ?;. 4: mlsses, 6; service, :, tell lale, 8. Total. IS. THIRD CAME ..... 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 2 0 1 0? fi .or-ir. e..... 0 2 X 1 2 2 1 0 1 0 0 5?15 Aces ? ri:nff?On opponent'a outs, 0; Blacemeats, i. mlsses, 1; tell-tale, 2. To u\. i. J irrance On opponerv-'s ouia, 2. plaeerr.enta tell tale, i, misses, l; ser ?lce. S Total. 15. FOURTH GAMB B. 23?. 21110210011 -1S attrllng... 5 0 1 0 0 5 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 x?H A. "3 -Torrance -On opponent'a outs, 1; 'i . tell ' j !". 2 ; ser Tlct, 5 Total, IS Sterling- '):> opponfti t's nata, 3 p i ents, 6; rnisses, -', service, '. Il ll. 1 I. VPITULATION Torrao ,\r..< on outs, 13; placements, J?; lel tale, m iscs, 19; service, 11. ?tarllng ' ? '. .s. l r. Ull-taJ", 11; gervice, '.'. . ies, ftef - ' Re 1. Niles Now Kecoveririj; Frpd"r:ck A. ~.':lc?, whe has bee^ ?M ousl; ' I with pleuro-pneurnon ia, *?3 reported yesterday as having pa.s?H the crisis. The nurses att?nd repoi that he is ort the road U> recovery. Niles has held many frominent positions in the local Met Npolitan Aasociation and is at present w+cU>t of athletica at the Macombs I Athletic Club. Brondrr Joins N. Y. A. C. Georgc Bronder, present American thampion and record holder with the j*T?lin. haa joined the New York Ath "'?'??-? Club, Rronderhaa held the javelin ?'???? ?ince ' ? 6, when he establ ? record of 190 feet 6Va inchea in tarowing the long stick. He is also ?capabl* performer with the shot. Havre <lr Crace Entries ,- . ,; ,. . . w j-.i,.,. Hofse. Wi -'? ...... il I ? .- <r .. ?? ' i ?' ,: r?nnorai "' ? ? ? . . - ,1 . Abo il ? fi i?. r-v ... ui '? .,. -???'..., ? ' '? 10'" intl i ha ? : ? ranclOJ ? ??? ? t ? " .? wnri up .1 J. , i . m aik i" ? ? , 1? ' ?"' " Ia and ?,, "'? "/.- ,.??>? Ii. ? ' i .. ? " ? ? " ^??V?'. a?,w?P, ,iMlmrfl. f Court Rally to Heigh Gossip of the Golfers The metropoiitan branch of the Pro? fessional Golfers' Association held a neeting yestcrday aftcrnoon at the 11 art inlquc and elect ed fou r mem ;? two : cars of the metropoiitan ttee of len. Jack Mackio and rack Hobons were reelected, and the wo new member.-: choscn were Harry /inal, the professional of the Tuxedo lolf Club, and Jack Perie, professional >f the Woodmere Country Club. Harry Watson and I'm Doylo, of the i Although the Metropoiitan Golf \sso OoH.and Country Club. who went ciation has not announced i selcetion ; of a course for the Leslcy Cup matcl with Boston and Philadelphia, the En | glewood Country Club has takcn time i by tho forelock and has offei - , uac of its course for the cvent. pects to have a very activc season and tho golf course, which is 6,400 yards long, is being pul in ;' r: * cli condi tion. The fairways have been top drca 5cd :< nd about si cent bu ols of ; sced have been put in, while all of I he putting grecns nnd the tces are in Lho pink of condition. Many of the mom i bers celebrated Good Friday by playing ' over tho course, with which they are much pleased. ver to Philadelphia last week to pla. '?'" ri ai n mat< h v. ith Mr. Moore and [- ('""" ??-. nrofessional of tho Vronnnink Golf Club, met Walter te ??..-, the club champion, and Con vay instead, nnd beat them"by X up and ! ?" :: 'y- Doylc received no assist ince from his partner, as he did tho :ourse in 72, one stroke under the par if tho course. Charley Motherciso, professional of be Links Club, made a record Ia 1 Sunday for the new course of the fountakah Country Club, as he did the :ourse in 73, one stroke over the par Ihe new record is: >ut .4 2 4 ii .?! 3 3 4 4 4 I Joe Hogan has put up two nets at /an Cortlandt Park for beginnera and \as Frank Eaatman and Joe Scully for nstructors. Owing to tho amatcur championship i of the Western Golf Association being scheduled to be nlaved at the Sunset Hill Golf Club. St. Louis, June 16-21, Chick Evans, who won both the national open and amatcur champi i h 1916, the last year they were held, will not be able to defend his open title this year at. Brac Burn June 9-11. In , the first place he will not be able to Icave his business for two weeks in succession and travei from Chicago to Boston and then to St. Louis before ; returning to Chicago. Hc ! ever, to defend his amatcur title at the j Onkmont Country Club, Pittsbunrh i August 18-23. Walter Stoddard has }\m put in his msiest winter at indoor teaching and las gone back to his summcr job at Mount Kiaco. The Garden City Country Club The Belleclaire Golf and Country Club has decided to put in a hedge fence. five feet high nnd from 1,000 feet to 1.200 feet long, on their prop ert.y facing the main road. They are also building three new tennis courta and a clock putting green. acin Su m manes 12( HAVKE DE (JRACE, AFRIL 21. 1919. ?Appr.Dtloe ?Uow?n<s? olalmM. w?Mh.r otar; track last. jotit. pjmona. Index. Horae] tfrt PP. 8t Won (y . .._.Tl4 8 2" ? Panoplv .114 g 4 ? Boundlnp Millow.114 4 6 106 Toucanet .114 6 >* - Brjn Chlld ... .114 l 6 Pawnee n .114 11 lo Hklttlus .114 9 3 Powdcr Flnsk, ..114 7 7 Optimlatlo .114 8 92 78 Harrlet .114 10 Locust Loavea..114 8 _%_JKT_Fjn. Jockoya, 14 14 1? Troxler 84 2'J2> Ambrose 3' 3? 3? Nolan C1 4l 4? Kando 7* 6' 6? But well 8? 8l C? Pre'-ev 4' 64 74 Rlce 54 ?4 84 Stalker 10' 7j? 9i storHng 8410" 10? Corov 11 11 11 _St_ 9-20 " Pf" ~3-5 3-5 SU. 9-20 9-20 1 Mutuela pald?Wlinly. $2.90~ $8.20, $2.90 : Panoply, $3T26," $2".'o6"; BoundTn Whltney entry?Wendy, Panoply. S, Roaa entry?Toucantt and Jndex, Horee. li? ii- .113 10 frlah Mald .no 4 Mlaa Sterling , ..105 1 Sopble k .105 2 ?.Vupoll .100 (, ?ln* Kuv.110 3 ?Jill . . .'.100 11 Suaan M.102 ? Idcal .U3 8 <108) Reeiat .113 7 Margaret Ellon..llO Mul uola pn I Sterling, 70' 88 ItT 41 11 ! ~1 PI. Hh 87 B 00-80 81-(> 17-10 ? ? 4-5 Htllowu, J4. Optlmiatic. Ownora -1 and '.'. H P Whltney; 3. Glen Rlrtdlo Farm; 4, a Rose; r, H 11 ?ummor. t. j 1, Murphy; 7. P M p Randolph; 8. R J MacKenzle^ 9 S Ros" 10, N n Smith; 11, H T WUaon Jr ' ' icra ohod- 1. >w Degroe. Pavour, t'uwiso Chlld Toucanet, Elarrlet woro bllnkers, Wendy had all the epead, but with PanoDlv -??e out bndly in the strotob run mid liad to be rldden oui Hmartly Bound ? i.nul ?round on the Btreteh turn nnd tlnlohod reaoluteh ' Toueanei bad aotor, j SKCOND RACB' -Three-year-olda nml up; olaiminR; purna $soo. HTVE -I AND A 11A1.K Ki;ttl.t)\'<is Time, l.o4 1-5. pSat 8.11 off at 8 14 good; won eaaily, ptneo driving. Wlnnor, t> f, 4, by Trap Rook?-Bouncei toi. J, T Sti u>' Wt iT.Ht ?jOl Kln' Jockey* "Br. 1 14 l" 1* 1? lllleman ~Tfl-20 U S> 4j ?} 2* Knmlo 10 ?I4 B' 4'4 S' Put well 4 S'4 7J 34 4* Rloe ? 5 -4 *b 5' 61 Donyae ? ? _ fi 11 0' 7r ('.4 uieiicri<?k ? _ _ ? 41 3'4 f.4 V Wldn ? 71 91 P? s'4Mo.A(ee s ie? H? 8i 94 Nolan ? ? ? 7 ?i 11 11 10? J Wllllaiim -- ? ? 8 sa tpj 101 n Mountalti -?? ? ? ircno, $38.10,' $18780, $11.90 : Irlah Mald, $14 4b7T7.40 ; Mlna FieM?Busan M. and Murga'ret Ellen. uv.nrrti?--!. J. T. Sldu; 2, ':' II Wllnon ; 3, E Lair-,i ; 4. H Herr.on ; 5, It llay; 6, C N Fioom.'in , 7, YV L .Saunders ; 8. F Mannlx ; s, K F Carman ; 10, .1 NV Mav ; 11, F V Ahvyn, N'apoll wore bllnkers had all tho speed a.nd domlnatlng the runnlng throughout, h.?d plenty icft at the end. Irinh Mald naved ground !n the Ftre'ch and rin!3hed stronglj Mlsi Sterling ptnehod off at the Htart, closod a btg gap. Napoll qutt. Heslut shuffled back early, was never a contenrter. 199 THIRD RACE?Four-year-olds and up; olBlming; purse $800. SIX J~*L F1UI.ONCH. Time, 1.14 2-B. I'ost 3.43. off 3.47. Start good: won driving; place easlly. \Nlnner, b. g.. a., by Brooir.stick?tiaurai. Trainer, C. A, Freeman. __ kndex. Horse. Wl PP. St. Vj % % Fln. Jockeys. St. PJk Sh. 50* True as Steel. . .112 2 6 " 1? 1'} 1' 1? Rice 147-30 13-4 7-6 9B? Mlso Brvn.103 4 10 9j fl' 44 24 Dreyer ? CB-6 89-^0 114" Zouave .110 8 2 2' 24 24 34 Uonyse 9-10 ? - ?Sweot Alvssvim. PS 6 7 95 Zlnnla.104 8 12 67? Kewcssa.103 1 t> 95? Slbola .107 11 3 ? Polroina.103 12 S nt Mackenzle .115 10 1 ?- ?SalvateUe ^_96 7 9 ? Slr Wm. JohnB'n.110 9 11 30 Ocean Prlnce . ..103 6 "_jj&_%_% _Fln. Jockeys. 1* 14 1? l"h""Rice 9j fl' 44 24 Dreyer 2' 2i* 24 34 Denvse I71 61 4* Witla 4j 84 5? Mountaln 3 4 f>5 64 Corey fii 7l 74 Nolan 54 H! lOi 8? Sande Si 94 Si 9" Q.Burne 1111 91 101 Welner 101 101 11 11* Stalker 12 12 12 12 Sterllnpr Mutuela pal"d&?True as Steel, $16.70, $8.60,~$4.80; MIbh Bryn, $28.40, $10.90 ; J^ou;>vo $3 30, ITleld?Sweet Alvasum, Zlnnla, Ocean Prince. Ownere?1 C A Preeman ; 2, Mrs E a Gavett; 3. F F Sweony ; 4, A L Valen tine ; 6. a A Shlpman ; 6. YV h Oliver ; 7, O W J Biss?ll , 8, W Smith ; 9, M Wtll lams; 10. D Raymond; 11, Mrs R Smith ; 1-2, M J Daly. Scratehed?8i6tem Emblem, Bar One, Clark M., fiabette, SobIus, Fmcore. MacKensle, True a'< Steel, Rir Wm. Johnson. Keweesa, Zouave woro bllnkers t'ruo as Ste l, raelm- ln lmproved form. Btole into a lonK lead. and just las ;he route. .v.iiss Bryn, alow to begln, closed a big gap apd woulrl hav? v. another strkie. Zouave hud n 1 excuse. 123 tarl good: won easlly; ptaco sam< TralnBr. _J. Arthur. WL "pi 4 :?. s :. . ? i< In'dex. Horae < G 1 ?Cobalt Lasa 1! 7 li'i;h (Vwt. . . . 9.1* Ballaet _ War Zono . . 102 Jack Mount. ? Fort Bl bb . ? Kate BriKht.. ? Etrusean . .. 5 3' Wisest Foo! H,^C!'i_7h?.,^?lt.?CI>?fU Sel!in? handteap; three-year-olda " .\$; Time 112 1-0. Poet. 4.15 ; off, Vvinner, br. f., 4, by Klng i.'obalt? . fis .109 .106 . 55 . 9f. .101 .106 .10(5 97 St. " fi 4 1 fi 3 3 \\t % Fin. Jookeya 14 1* 1? Rlchcreek" 2* 2? 24 Rloe 3' 3J 3? McAtee 4? 4s 4? stapleton 7! 7U r>? \VU3tJer 64 54 64 Drever St. 1/7-20 PI. 3-4 11-20 Sh. 3 -1 6 1-5 1-2 ? ?' ?i 7* San.le 1 0* 64 8? 8' Jackaon _5_ 74 9 '-' 9 We,nor Mutuaia pald?Cobalt Lass, $13.70, $3.60, $2760; iiiRh Coat; $TTlT ?:' !? Ownern?1, J Arthur; 2, Qulncy Stable; 3, .7 TO Griffith 4 Mra C W atarr 6, 00 Wateh; 6.F n Welr: 7 W Smith; s." ii r, Vlvelii; 9?J Farrell Jr ' Etruscan, Ballaat, Cobalt Laaa woro hlinkera. Cobalt forced a torrlflc T>aco from the broak anrl Bhook off High Coat at the bend of tho Ht..ot(.n r an ?<? nu, h the beat of tho other. BalTaal ran hia raoe. War Zono wiU'lrnprove Ja . Mount finlahed Ktrougly. ' ' "1 -JA FIFTH RACE?-The "Wilmington purse; fhree-vcar-olds and ud ? SI 000 .!*.?* added. FrVE AND A HALF FURlXJNGa Time, 1 03 8-6 Post 4 43 o-fDay^NfITJ?l.r^OTUTn0enr.r^d^ g^?" ***?? W,BW- b' f' 8' * Peep Wt. PP. St. Vj U Vt Fln. JockeytT Index. HorsH. Mlikmald~-114 2 4 44 3s 3? ii Sande '?:= ;: p .J}" 1 6 14 14 1? 24 Dreyer "' T?cl llah .111 fi 8 34 2" 24 3? Kvan /,?-,; ?,,V""!'>fl"!' .12r* 3 ' r? 44 4f 4? Ambroae (107) Plgeon Wlng....ll0 4 2 6' 6 r> 6' Troxler ? ' ? al Pord ...114 5 6 fi B4 6 6 Burns SL PI. Shu 29-20 11-20 3-l0 ? 11-10 13-:m ? ? 13-10 '. MHkmaild. $4.907T8.10, $2.60; Toto. $4.20. $3.30; TlckliBh~$4 60 . 'vYT ?? J ^H1^881 "? F " Woir; 8' A V' Morres; 4 VV M JeffSrla'; 5, H P Whitm v . 6 W J Stari. Milkmald st ved grround on the ra.l and finbhlng with ? rush ln tho Inet ruri ing, waa going away at ih. end. Toto hung on woli after foreing ?n tho L' nckllflh appearod a li?tlo high and will improvo. Komledgo tirod Pieeon Wlng waa plnched baclt ahortly .ifter tlie break. * SFXTH RACE -Throe-year-olds ; clalmlng: pur?e $800. Mtr.E AND 70 Time, l 18 8-5. Poat. B.16- off. 6.10. Start good, all but Falry loaon oui . plaeo drlvtng. WlnnBr, br. f., 8, bv Santol-Vinai 1 ralnei o j- i>on? St. 125 in n< e K Index. Hoi it 10S? ?A'nto fto ' ? ' i ? i' : . I f>3 ?Sylvano ... I09? *Tran?poro . 1 ? 1 Houdlnl Caln 8r rlng Fairv Prlnce WL PP St 11 ?: 7 ' 8 .. 100 ..109 1 4 ..107 fi 6 ..10'i 2 1 . 108 3 6 < i? PI. !9-to T5 ?0 33-r:o 3 fi 17-20 ByT W -.. \ _% Kin. Jockeja. "::? '."> If 1*11 Widu 84 8' -ii 31 2? Staploton 1? 1? H 2> 3' (^oltelittl 6? 54 -? 61 4> Rlchcreek . 4 4 4' 64 45 6* Hand,. - _ 6" 6>? fii" 6i" 6* MeAtoe -- ? 7 7 7 7 7 Wolner ? _ MutueJn pahl Antolnette.' rf.WTfl.SfirtO'O ? Plurensl, |8 10, IH.30 vanOj t'. ?" ,, " ?' ,: f., ]? M, ,l Pona ; 3, Vf V Caaey ;l,JO Taltvof ; 4. E Menrldo ; 6 T M '? ' H Crosa; 7. ,f .T Farrell Jr. r K,|,.v Prlnoe. Plurenal wore bllnUrrn. Antolnotto iifvnr far ? ? raoed Hy^Vano ItJio mibmlnnlon and waa golnu awav at tho fml 1 lurensl, n eloan rjuartera on t)i? rall ln tb? Htreteh. flnlahod gamoly, Sylvano K'ur.v Prtnoe wan praoWcally left al the pottt. I ^(1 Ai^FT^i^i?J5s^ulp*i,*r-<)ld" ""<? ?P! olalmln?; purae $800 MILH I t^\f \.i. A l-.lxn.MNTH. Time, 1.47 1-S. Poat, ft.fiO, off at fif.l. Starl TrSlnWw *AV"^;rfiftje,ndr,VU,?' W,nnPr- b ?' *? by Bw.p-.WhLl. Brooi... IndM 11-,.?... Wi pp'Mt. 14 S K ?i ffi? ??' *Rro m l'. M'-i 11 h 4 4 ?, /, h ?,- .. 14 I* 14"* l? 3? 10 fJrai 1.H' , ..110 ' 1 - 1 ? 11 II ..III 1 "? ua .107 1 !"* '1 ' ' :i . . 09 ?I'lll . Ml I ' 'l-ll', 10 ? Jnclteya, Rtuploton |)|','\.T Htalker MoAtaa RiehiTcek l icnyae ai; 1 J B PI ? | :? 0 1(1 . J ' ?' 8"'4"4' 4' 4' 6 6i 64 B' I." B< 15 6 a ?5 n il nonyne I V '.?: S J ! W'Tforln^* * ?m ' "? " S ","",1,,,fV' ; 4' T " '''. ? ? ' Broom PeddU. lun 14.70, {1.go; Qraphlo, 111.90, $8,40; ? 1 ' '? K II. Ll ' ? ' ; """? hllnkara Broom 1'add. .vad 1.l Y> '?''>' nnlaliea atronf, Thorn Bloom enjt ln (ha atretth. Heights Teimis Tournev Proves Sport Popular Uthough No Titles Are In volvcd Big Entry and Large Galleries Prrvail By Fred Hawthorne II was only an informal tournamcnt, with no titles dependcnt upon the rc sult, and it was a full two wecks ahoad of the offleial opening of the hiwn t( nnia ?" aso" on outdoor ?ourts in the Motropolitan district, yot tho men's ?Pcn doubles tourncy of the Univer ;'ty.!l"i,:l,;s Tcn"is Club, at Fordham Road ;!!"' the Harlem River, attractcd an excellent entry and large galleries gathered to watch the players in action. the us vo^o that tho game is go r the coyntry this rc, less than two weeks ago, shivering in a snow storm, !,i';' ,':: Saturday and Sunday last th? courts, were in play, the big and little stars of tho game responded to the call ?dthe spectators showed their keen 1 cite this merely to indicate tremendo ing to <?:. |oy year. Here inti : bers. oj turning out in goodiy ntim lam mior he opening of ,ho outdoor season ha i not been marked by such encourajr ing circumstancea since 1916, or even before that. The general feeling seems mi h, ,a,'tth0 v\orld war havi?e b??? tinished and our duty to our allies well done, everybody has earned the right to play the game he likos, and, further, that heis going to play it a bit harder and a bit better than ever before For one thi ng, those whom we are accustomed to call the "veterans" of the game, men like Williams, Mc Loughlin, Murray, Alexander, Voshell iilden and Kumagae, will have an oxtra incentive to put forth their best ofTorts this year. Right on their heels are treading half a dozen or more young sters who have given flashes of I'orm that indicate the time ia fast approach ing when they will offer serious opposi tion to the older generation of court stars, Vincont Richards, the sixteen-year old lad from the Univeraity Heights rennis Club. haa alreadv broken through the ranka of the veterana on two ? j.aiato occasiona. Last summer paired with Tildcn, he defeated Alex? ander and Beals C, Wright in the linal ?'.?! of the national double pionship, therebj winning on title. Last month thia slip of a boj wenl through a strong field in tho national indoor title tourncy at tho 7th Rogi ??!..,u Armory nnd won tho champion ahip by vanquishing Tilden in tho linal round, Another youth, Prank T, An deraou, a se\ i ntei n \ enr wonder from tho Kinga Countj Tonnia Club of Brooklyn, mel Tildcn in tho somi- flnal round of tho aunie tournambnt nm\ gave hia great opponont u torriflc atrugglo for tho vietory, being twioe v\ ithin n ? ingle poinl of winning, Rlchurda and Andnraon are bul the horalda of that small army of young stera lho country over which Ia going to mako a d.'t.-i mlned iiMMnult upon the ?unk i of tho "ti!?:.t t. n" playora of for? mer yoara, Tho probabilltica are atrongly in fnvor of tho "old guard" holding its own with a practieally un broken front this season and perhapa the next, bul the youngsters cannot bo denicd their heritage much longor, w.\'\ followera of the game will wel? come them, for their coming to power meana much for America'a poaition on the courts in the year,; to come. Brilliant in performance aa the ap proaching sea on promises to be. it is but the preliminary, the prologue, to 1920, when this country will enter the listf) in competition with all the other great tennis playing nations of the world for posaeasion of the Davis Cup now held by Auatralia. England, France. Belgium and Italy hayo already challenged Australia for this international trophy, ar.d they will settle the supremacy in the antip odea next December, after the pre? liminary matches have been pluycd in Europe. The winncrs of the cup this year will be in a far better position toincet America'a challenge next year than could he possible at this time. There will have been the chance to develop new players nnd the benefit of inter? national competition, nnd it is to be hoped that the quality of play will ri.-e as a resillt. Our Allies have been so t.orn and weakened by more than four yeara of desperate warfare that there has been no talk of lawn tennis since the last Davia Cup matches of 1914, and it is preaumed that in none of the European countriea has there been an effort made to bring out new players. At least, we have not heard of any such movement. It is possible, how ever, that Great Britain and France will uncover some youthful marvela to do battlc with our own youth on somcthing like equal terma. America will grect them with enthusiasm. Heeord Squusli Entry Vor City Alhktic Club A rccord entry was announced yes terday for the three championahip | squaah tennis tournaments of the City Athletic Club, which begin thia after noon. Elght men are entered in both the Clasa A and Clasa C acriea, while sixteen playera will engage for the Clasa H honor:-. The final round of the Clasa A issuc is schcduled for May Ti, when an exhibition between two uf'the local profcssionals will featuro the play. Tho ontry follow i: v. A. Mor f'laaa A .1 Meyera, E 11 Dunn, 8. w oil, A it Hj n ,ii. I. Millus, ( Kont hlne ',. i- 'ial .-i 11. t loldbarg. ' laaa i: (' i 'ohnn, tl Rlumanthal, B P llob. rtaon, 1. Al. xantler, It Sleln, M 1- i ? rlerlcka, .'. (.1 flt rnuan, I > I. Ham Ui -In. l. r.ow M .1 Siern. M Weinberc ? i. :'. \\ . Su i I?' : . ?h M. mell ?11 I' 11, ? K II, Sunday Ball Ordinancc Before Aldermeu To-day The cil y ordinancc v\ h ich will make h . nball legul in Ihia cily will bo of forod Por pai mgii in lhe Board of Aldormen al to-day's meeting. It haa bi on prep u ed tho direel ion of Roborl L. Moiao, presidcnl ot the board l Inanimniia conacnt w .11 bc m knd for it 1111 I''', 1111(1 it I. e\peete.| (hltt i.I. |ecl .ou will lio niit.l.' I r llioro Ih ohjeci Ion, how... or, the ordinnnce muat go over for n week, bul Its evoiilunl i..i ,.i'. ia cl t,1 hi ? Mtilman Slnrln Truining .lni'K Tn\ lor, the W j nmlng glanl u In i'i ihe ' * nadlan hen\ \ wi Ighl chnmplor v . eal hoi and w hn hu i necopted tlic ehal I" "y '? fi nth . u.-.1 -I behulf of MHr In I'i. i |nu rnr n real rontr il on Itt mei II .1" gan trnining yt\ lei rl? j after n.i.iii nt Bothnor'a (Jymnanium, Going On To-day Anril 22, 19 IR. maximum temperature al degrecs; minimum, 49 degrees. April 22, 1918, British naval forces enter Zeebrugge harbor, making a land mg nt the Mole and blocking the chan nel by sinking the Vindictive. Temperatures yeaterday -Maximum,; 62; minimum, 61. Forecaat for to-day?-Fair, moderate northcast to east winds. Day Fre> admlssion in American Museum ot fsatural Hlstory, Metropolitan Museum ! ol Art, American Museum o? Safety and ' the Aquarimn. Addre: iea by Dr. Carolyn Geisel and I Major Arthur Kuhn, Women's Republi <an i-|ub of the City of N? ??? y/ork, Dcl inonioo's, 3 p. m, Memnrlal servicea and Inatallatlon cere inony of Old Ouard Veteran Battallon, ? :' Thomaa'a Church, Fifth Avenue and i' I y-third Street. For Personnel of the Vietory Fleef Far. ivall party, V. :-\ S Newport News, pler 62, North Rlver, foot of West Forti second St rei i. Slfifhtseelng by tho W. C. C. S., T. M C. A . K. .'. and Salvation Army. Busca leavi; il',.- N'inety-slxth Street landing ai 10 ! . ; |, m. and 2:4& p m.; Broad anil I'.it y -slxl h :??? reet at 9 n. m . ! 'ort> - second Sl i ? et an I Slxth ^ ??,? ue at 2:HU -,i in , 55 Wesl Twenty-aeventh Street, twiee during the day, an.l 50 I3ast Forty-flrst Street ,.; 10 a m. Theatre tlekets by the W. C C. S will be dlstributed for matine. and evening perforniances al Forty-Bccond Street and Fi:t h Avenu - Circus by the K C al Madiaon Square Lunchnon and entertai'.imont bj tho J. VV. H. 80 Park Avenue, noon. Afternoon tea by Y. W. C A. 30 East Fifty second Street, I ... 5:30 p. in. Dinner and entertalnlnent by tho .). VV. It.. Nlnety-second Street and Lexlngton \\.-ine nnd 89 Park Avenue, 6 P. M. Entertalnmont and refreshments by the K. of (.'., Forty-slxth Street und Broad? way, 4 to il p. m. Dinner by the W. C. C. S., 03 West Twenty-aeventh Street, at t'> i>. m.; by lhe I.eague of Catholio Vi.timn, 154 East Thlrty-elghth Street, from 11:30 n m. to 2 p. ni., and at 15 Eaat Thirtieth Street, frum 5::!0 to 9 p. m. Dinner and danco by the J. W. B., Easex and Canal Street, 6 p, rn. Supper and dance by tba V. W. C. A., 240 Leno.x Avenue and 122d Street, 8 p. m. Candy pull nnd dance, Y. W. C. A, Web ater and Tremont avenues, 7 :"0 p. m. Officers' ball, W. C. C. S., Pershtnn Club, Madlson Avenuu and Forty-fourth Street, 8 p. m Dance by the J. W. B., 116 'West Seventy nlnth Strc.t, at 8 p; rn. : by the V. W. c. A.. S0 East Flfty-aecond street. at 8 p m l>\- the K. of C . 60 Morton Street, 120th Street anj Flftli Avenue, ; .,: Weot 1 ' ;,1 Street und lC7th Street , .ui.l Broadway, ..t 8 p. m Evenlng Dinner and dance, Shrme Patrol, Hotel ! iVator, 7 p m. Luncbeon, Wella College Alumnae, Hotel Astor, i l m Dinner, Ollver Typowrltlng Club, Hotel Meeting1' I'lgar Manufacturera' Huard of Tra.le, Hotel Axtoi 8 p m MpetliiK, lextllo liiiiHh.TH, Hotel Aator, 3 j Meeting, Iriah ffomen'a Councll, Hotel Aator, 8 p in. Meeting', New York City CndertaUers A? Hoclatlon, llotol ABtor, Maetlnu, Followerafl Club, Marshnll I.odge. Ilotel AHtor, 1 ? P m Meeting, Melaphyaloul luaututn. Hotel An ('.,n, .it and .i.iit, e. Itnli.-iiMt.'ln ClUD, rtorf Aatorla, H p m, , Montinu .\??.-.,.. im.-d i'i.-hh. A.-.t..r Gallery, li 11 .li. v ('uiiviMUtun ot tha Ani..ri.-nn Nowspaper I'ul.ll-.b.'l'i' A-.....eli,tl,.|i. 1,11 da] neeantlon to l.ord lleadlnir, liitindi Am buMnudor lo ih" rtiit.-.i'??. Waldorf Aatnrlu, 8 D m |>ubllc lo ni ing. Iieidtli oomnitlle, Aoau umy of M. ,ii? in. . i , Woal Forty Hiiid si reet, A.idr.'H-i. YVulter (lordon Merrtlt. "Indus trlal und t'ubllu Poltcy." Brool< ivn Chumbor of Commoroo, 33 Courl Street. Addrcsa, Wllilam Frederlcl* Slocum, "The Conatruetlvo Work of the Loaguo of Na H,,n-..'- Carnegte Hall S IG p m Addresa, Profcasor A l. du IV Colematt, TRAVEI, INTERNAnONAL MERCANTILE MAR1NI= LINES rnil.ADEI.PniA?LIVERPOOT, Haverford. . . .May ITlNorthland. . . . May Sl HuTerford. . . . July 3 Leyland BOSTON? LIVERPOOL Only One Class Cabln Winlfredian.April 26l\Vinlfrecllan..Jnne 4 Bobemlan. ...May 20iBohemlun.July ? White Star NEW YORK?I.IVKKPOOL Adriatie.April 28'Baltic.May 10' Celtlc.May 14 APL. 26 HALIFAX SOUTHAMPTON ti. Y. - A ZOKES?GIBRAXT AK? ITALY C?nopic. . .April 22 Officet, 9 Broadway, - N?w Y?r!c WELCOME THE 26th DIVTSION April 25th in Boston Metropolitan Line Passenger Service will take yon All (he u-av try icatcr. Always In sighl of land. To BOSTON vln l.nnjr Island Sound, Bnzzarda Bay aud Capc Cod Canal Leave Pier IS. Foot nf Murray Street, Daily (Sundaya Included) al 5:00 P. M. Fare J5.65 (Includlng \S'ar Tax). Ticketa and Informa tlon al Wharf. Telephone Barclay 5000. J3"Meals. Staterooma Ahvays the Hest. "THE PUBLIO BE PJ.K1SKD." BOSTONW4.40 PROVIDENCEK, $2.97 Al.l. OUTSIDE STATEROOMS.$1.10 to $3.30 ftoth Prlaes Inducle War Tax. Bott .eavea Pli>r i?, Nerth Rlver. ?t 5J0 P. M, '1'lione Hpring UiQl. Worrrsfer,5S.B'?. PTovidene??direet,S2.M BTATKROOM8, $1.00 and $2.00 Daily. inoludlnu Bunday, 5:80 P. M. From i'lrr 19. B, II 'l'linne -700 Eleckraui. llek.'Ui ?l Pier or Couftollilited Ucket ofllaw. I SOCTH AMEItlCA Th? Hojnl Mall Stenm 1'i.lft f!?. Tha I'mille M.-mn NiiviaMtloo Co. The N?laon l.ln^M, -oi III \l ItUA- Union (?ktlr I.lne. hiinilerson X Son, Uon'l Agls., 28 B' way. N. T. HUDSON RIVER NIGHT LINES Daily from Pler na. n k, foot Canal Ht. 8 P M ; Weat lii.'d Bt., fl;:t0 P, M; du? Albuny <> O'clock following ineinlns. ( \n \ni w r\( ii ic kumvay p*o|fl ? i .?-.. vi..ii i hina . ? .i i Vii.itmii? !? II I'l.ltltY. (i A . Put, l'"bt . I.'.ll |!i?). \ Y It \YMOM> lYtlllCOMII 1'IIOI'IH.KI.F.NS TltAVKL ?>*<\R Tn Anvwliere For Anwima 2'.'ft I'IftIt A?o.. N?>w York, WfH Vonr Nnrtlirra Alllta.?For niuatratta ?lllde, addrenn John F I'lereo. Deal !??, ! Canada Bteamahlp Lltiea, Montraal, Canaaa, Rhort and l.linl ltoiit? lo Orlent from Ihenllle. F.t?l I'ulntlal r?>mrnerr Hleanuhlp*. 1 Nippuu liih.-n KitUba. 120 Broadway, N, jf, i?, ' ' >??^-aaugrJl "An Kvening with Snm? Contamporary English I'oets." Woodstock Llbrary, TJ9 East lb'Hh Street. S:30 p. m. Dinner, "War Camp Conununlty Service. a' ih-. Gret-nwich House, Z~ Barrow Street. BOARD OF EDCCATION 1ECTFRFS "Fsychologj ' C ndue " AVllllani J. Du rant, Wadleigh High S. hool, 115th Street "The Drazilians and Their Country," Clay ton S. Cooper, at Fub'.ic School 6Z, I'outh Street, e??t of First Avenue. "Tho Yellow Perll," Sidney X. Vssher, Public School 6ti. Eighty-eighth Street, east of First Avenue. "The Drama," YV. B^ewer Brown, at Pub? lic School . 90, 147th Street, west o? S, vi nl ti A venue. "Mummiea, Tombs and Temples.'' Charles II. Glllett, Public School 132, 182d Street and Wadsworth Avenue. "Shakospeare," by Prof. .1. G. Carter Troop, Metropolltan Temple, Peventh Avenue nnd Fourteenth Street. "Antlque MukIc of Many l.ands," Mrs. Angelina Compart, Public School 51, !5Sth Street, Ja.kson and Trlnity ave? nue s "Russla t'uder th? Czars." Arthur D. Rees, Public School 54. Imervale Avenue, Freeman and Chlsholm Strcets. "Shakespeare'a Juiius Csesar," Rlchard A Purdv, Public School 56, 207th Street und li ull Ai enue. "Australla and the Australlan," Mlss M. Chav.Uisson, New York Catholic Pro tectory, '.'an Nest. .".'. Y. "Shakespeare'a Romeo and Jullet," Fred r'.-a I'auldlng. St. Anselm'a liall, Tinton A^> nu. "neai 155th .-'? reet. Shipping News Sun risos. . .6:09!Sun sets .7.41 Moon rlse?. . .1:18 a.m, ".'....n sets.11 "-24 a. m. High Vt'utor A. M. P M. Sandy Hook .12:41 t :21 Governor'a Island .12:46 1:23 He 11 Gate . a .01 3:35 ARRIVED YESTERDAY VESSEL 1'ORT DEPARTURB Jlu ii lsbnrg..UrcHt .April 1 2 Charleston.Breat .April 10 Carmania.Ifalifa-x .April 1 f> Ilrazos.San Juan.April 17 Runa.Jamaiea. .April 15 Radja.Marbados .April 14 Gallla.Rotterdam ....April ib Tuscarora.Charleston . . . April 1? Kten.Crlstobal .April 13 Oallia.Antwerp .Mar 2\ Keifuku Maru.Alglera .April 1 Winterswyk.Rosarlo .Mar, 18 Rosarln.Hllboa .Mar. 25 Adelheld.Gihraltar .Mar. 15 Lampasas.Galveston . . . .April 16 iNCOMiNG steamers Due To-duy Adrlatlc.I.lverpool .April 12 I'anaman.Brest .April 10 Mobile.Breat .April 13 D d'Abruszl.MarnciUes ...April R Oskawa.N'anies .April 4 Wednesdav P, F Wllhelm.Breat .April 14 Surlname.St. Nazalre . .Aprii 10 Santa f'lnra.Bordeaux .... April 1 ;< West Galeta.Breat .April 9 OUTGOING STEAMER8 To-day JIA1I, VESSEIj CLOSBS SAU.S fanoplr. Genna ... 9'00AM. J3:0OM. Pannonla, Plraeua..., 8:00 A;M. 13:00M. Carlow I'aatla, Capn Tiiwn .12 0.) M. 8:00 P.M. Rasnraboc. Brrot ? 12:00 M. Moxli-an, Brest . ? 12.00 M. J.ake ('uyuifu, i.'artagona . 'V00A.M 12.00 >T. Charyhifl*. Bermuda. 10 .10 A. M. I 00 l'.M MunRotian Prlnce, Rto do Janolro ...12:00 M, S:00P,M, WedneHday Rotterdam, Plymouth 0:00 a.m. 18:00 M. Vaqvia, s?n DnmltiK" 7:30 A.M. 10 on A.M KuUa, Curacoa.0:30 A.M, 12:00 M. Tlmi'Mlay n?nln, Aivti . 8:00 A.M, 11:00A.M, HOHimm, Afrlcu , ,. S.OflAM 11 on a M. D. (I'Aoita, Uenra . 8 00 A M. Il:"? A M. i'. of l.ah.ive, Afrlca. 12:00 M, 8:80 P.M Tutrlalliii, Crlatobal, 7 00 A.M 10:00 A.M, Advunee, Crlatobal, 12:30 P.M? 3:00 P. M, TRAVEL Florida Special S. S. LENAPE Leaves New York May 1. Returning From Jacksonville May 7. New York to Jacksonville (Calhng at Charleston, S. C.) Every extra convenience conducive to luxury in ocean travel; drawing room accommodations; , rooms with private bath; unexcelled cuisine. This is the very best iime for a short, restful Southern trip. Other popular steamers from New York every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Reservations and tirkets at New Uptown Ticket Office* 489 Fifth Avenue CLYDE LINE Pier 36, North River, New York C U N A R 15 A N G HOR Possenger rikj Frelght Servicea NEW YORK to LIVERPOOI. Carmania .Apr. 26 Vauban .Apr. 26 Aquitania .May 2 Orduna .May 1C Caronia .May 17 ; Royal George.May 15 Carmania .May 24 NEW YORK to P1RAEUS ; Pannonia .Apr. 22 \ NEW YORK to PLYMOUTH, HAVRE and LONDON ! Saxonia .Apr. 2< NEW YORK to SOUTHAMPTON ! Mauretania .May 1> 81-84 BTATE STREET, XEW YORK HONOLULU aUVA. NEW ZEALANO. AU8TRALO The PalaMal i'aisen^er Steamere R. M. S. ?'Niagara" R. M. S. "Makura' 110,000 Tona 13,500 Tona Sall from Vancouver, B. C. I For farea and aailinga apply Conaduui Par I Ky., 1,231 llrmirfwHj. N. V., or to Canadlan ; Auatralian Royal Mall I.ine, 440 Seymou Vancouver, B. C. NEW YORK?FRANCE WBEK1.J DBPAP.TURKS C^mp?nyU Office ;U^;.t *?.*? QPfl'fVl It&E )>"cn u- "' MOTraav; l\E.W %J Lint it'kbT.N. At koon lw f'.ile ltii-i.. ( ur?e>i> & '.'Minumi*. K f?. /.ull* . .... .w>diif?iUy, April |3 ftt 1 I? >' H H PhlU.UIpliUWeiliieniUT. Ajirlt So, ?: 1 l> \ U. H. MtrietllMi.\V?dn??<Uy. *l?y 7, ?l I P. .V Niil>r.iur A^i'iuumdalluiui iur I'tMMitm. tn.lf--' 1'Ai.i.b.n A Cu. <<?iil U?r? I'* 1171 llmicfrr U \v?U n\tm. , CANAIUAN rAClVIQ RAM.WAT ",?'"n',J..,.'.,>i,l? Alaaka. Japan, i nin?. Autlrtllt I'lUllU. 11. A. I',... iTpl i.'ii li,,,. s v MERICAN EXPRES! ?TRAVEL DEPARTMENT Tlekata, Toun, Traveiera" ('ti?i}u*< Ul DnO.N MIVKIl OAT I.INB Liayllabt ?ervic* up thn Hudaoa will b? raatimad May ;?th. A NKTvurnnn. FouoHKitrBrf. KiNriai-o? Me>i W?i. trd terid?7?. friBklln Kt , t P ? Thoa? 4673 FrankUu. Cwtrai HudtM Llft AMERICAN PORTS BAL.TIMORB, April Ct - -Arrlved: Steam? ers T.ake Plneld. Norfolk: Astec (Nor.t, Tampico; Sunoil. Chester, Penn ; schooncr Vlico B. Phillips, Uulfpori via Havana. Salled: Stcamera Kermoor, Xcw York; Lake Dunr..-.. Havana. BOSTON. April 21.?Arrlved: Steamcrs Ontario, BB.ltlmore land salled on return); , Kershaw, Norfolk. CAPE liENRY, Va.. April 21.?Fassed | out - from Baltimore Steamers l.alie Blanchester, Caldera; Andyk d^.). Rot . terdam via New > oi , CHARLESTON, S. C. April 21 Vrrlved: Ste iraer nap. New Yorl . Salled: , Steamer Joslah Macy. Wilmington, N C . .-..i! h - Hn, Jucksom ille. DELAWARB BREAKWATER, Dei., April 21.- Passed r from Philadelphia: i .oth. steamers Herbert 1.. Pratt Port ' ?''??? xltal Mai ii ..;.,-'. i. -,-??' ,ha na etc. ; ' "" ?- " ' l Relg. i, Antwerp; ? ? (Nor.), \r,--.. ? p Tlvorton (Br l. mtwcrp New York New 5 "' '? :' :" 31 I .-? '-. nge i Br. ?. Man c h ? h I ? ? ? GALVESTON, Tex., April 21 -Arrlved: Steanv ? Me> m imi JACKSONVILLE, April 21.?(Salled: St iami r Apache. Charleston. . NE\V ORLEANS, April 21.?Cleared: Steamers J. Osvald Boyd (Br I, Sa?ue La Grando; Montann (Br.), Aleiandrla Egypl Manisla, Mobile: Vildfugl (Xor.) Tela; sch - Bdna McKnighf, Beaumont. SEWPORT N'BWS, Va.. Vpri Arrlved; -;. ? ners Lake Desha, New York; V'indal, v - \ irk; Republlc. New York; !'!.? ssi . i Dul h), A msi rdam \. ? - ?? ?. mu fBr.). New York . ... , . " ' I - ' ' I; Sagui l..i Grande: C >ti esi ore i Be.), Liver] >ol War Spani nl (Br.) GIbi ssh (Br.) Queenstown; V'indal. San tlago Bouli on, Ra Itii ire NORFOLK. Va., ' Apvil 21 Arrlved: Stcamera Vrmando (Ital .. Genoa mnd ' ircd for I: aton ? . Ba> ( 'ow an ( Br.). i'; ibarlen (and ,. le in j : ? Marsni ' ; al horne, N n York i an ; clea rd l denaa); Lake Benton, New Yoi md e r. ,1 foi :'.. . re l ; La ;<?- Ledan New York (arfd cleared for Antllla); Lake Mr-rt. for.l, New York (and ?? ? ! for . 'rtsto bal ? . Lewts K. Th n o S -v, Y clea ; for llavre - . a rannah i tnil ? leai ? ?<: for Geuoa); M ico, New ) Fe teh ports. PHILADELPHIA, Api I 2] vrrived; Steamers Breifond (Nor l, Allnante; Lake Charles, Antilla Dorchester, Boston. PORT ARTHUR, 'J Vprll I \ r rlved: Ste itners Gulfl i<;r C'r ??? Nelson, Port 1 bos, ' p'lco . 1 louisiana, Norfolk ; W illia <; ? en, Sailed Stea im r A Ia ban a . coast wiso. Pi IRT EADS. I. l., April 21. * Stean ? ??- tlloi mfield (Br.) Cnltod Klng dom: Coppi na rne, Poi Bi oa Dubac, Europe; Kdgccomb, Plymouth: El Monte, Havana; Oranian (Br.>, Klngston; Pluto, Porl i RIco; P ieldtjk (Du l, Tan pa . Rad li.i. Progreso; Speedwell, Frontera; Tegu clgalpa (Hond.), Ceiba. Sailed: I-? ? Kuwa, Bocas dei Toro; Kwarra (lir.), Llv erpool; Yoro (Hond.), Celba. PORTLAND, Me., April 21.? Arrived: Steamcrs Adrian Istlin. Norfolk: Mahon Ing. Norfolk. PORT TAMPA. Fla.. April 1' 1.? Arrived: ?Sle^imT 1. J. Drake, Baton Rouge. Salled: Steamer Currter, Tampico. SAN FRANCISCO. April 21. ? Salled: Steamer Stanloy Dollar. Batavla. SAVANNAH, i',a., April 21. ? Arrived: Steamers Gorni (Dan), Copenhagen; '""hrls tlan Bors (Nor.), New York. City of Mont gomery, Boston. FOREIGN PORTS ALGTERS, April 12.?Salled: Steamer Kossutli Ferenz v 11a 1. > (from Naplea), Halifax. A V O N M O T T II, April 1'0 Arrive.1: Steamers Tudor Prin e (Br.), Bal Monmouth iHr.l. St. John's, N. B. BARBADOS, April 16 Arrlved: Bark Holdana (Dan.), Norfolk. I8th, Salled: Steamer Vauban (l^r.) (from Buenoa Ayres, etc.t, New Yo:k. Arrived: Schoonei Billie Martin, Madelra, for Now v..rk. BARRY, April 1'1 - Arrlved; Steamel Luellu, St. N.i..ihe for New York, BORDEAUX, April IV -Arrlved; Steam? ers Lake liYampton, New York; Moco.isln N't w York ; Now ton, <h. BROW MEAD, April 20- Passed Steamer Bovic tr:i-), New York for Man ohester D A R T M .? 1' T II. April '.'ii .Salled : '"?''??' Arakan (from Dantslg), New York. DOVER April SO PasseJ Steamen Blrlua (Dan,), Now York for Ooponhajten Ulrlk Holm (Dan ), N. w York for Ant w.-rp. Drm.iN. April i. vri Ived steamer Fnnad Head i Hi >, si John m S h DUNK ihk, April t , Ai rlveil 1 l<.am#i Alaskn (Br.), Bt, John'a, N, n via r?: inouih GICNi > \. April 1 ' An Ived Btenmeri Eliopoli (Ita!.). New OrleaJia; Havm ! (Nor.), Philadelphia. GIBRALTAR. April 11. ?Salled: Steam? ers Lord Downshtre i Br ). Baltlmore; Weel Crescey (from ConatanUnople), New York. 18th. pa.88. I: Steam. r Allgelo To*o (Ital.l. , Phlladclph'a for .; i oi Arrived: Steam? ers Coaatwlse, Philadelphia. 19lh, ?'ater ina Aceame (Ital.). Baltlmore (or OlenoH . Ituby, New York and liaiifax for A!g!?rs. etc ; Hungarta dtal.l. Portland. L'ftth. . Harald iVor 1. New York via Norfolk. Orla (Nor.), New York for Leghorn. CALLAO, AmMl 17.?Salleti. steamer San Dlego. As:^r!;i CHRISTIANSAND. April 1? ?Arrlved ? Steamer Frederik V17I iDan ), New "York for Chrlstianta. GUAYAQUII* AprU 19.?Arrlved Sl'anirr Lake Sanford. New York; via l'?\ta, etc. IIONG KONG. April 17?--Arrived: ...r *Ecuador, San Francisco via. 11a alla ISLE OF WIGHT, April 20.?Pasaed: Steamer Leopold 11 ?L-'-'^ ), New York for Antw< rp K1NSALE, Vprtl 20 Fassod : Steamers Dlctator (Br I, Newporl Nons for I-lver hawk (Br.). BL John'e, N. r . for Porl sniout h, ftng KOBE, April 16 Arrlvafl: Steamers Amagisan Maru (Jap.). Soattio; Ntppon Maru i.lap.), S..n Francisco and Henolulu \ :a Yokohama LA PALLICE. April 12.?Salled: S:. ?mrr lUHo (N'or). New York. Ar d, 13th: Bark Atlantique (Fr.), Phl! adelphla. Cor.tinued on I'njc It:, w eaiher Report i WASH1NGTON. April UI. There ia a modcrate .lLsturbunec over Weatero Kansas and the extreme South west, bu1 elsewhere, except in the middle platean, pre.->Mire ;.v Ste-nernl'.y high with tho ,-re^t over Ontario. There were iocal rains in Eastcrn Nebraaka. South Dakota, lowa and Minnesota an.-i fr<> i tho upper Ohio Vatey east northeastward with Southerti New Englahd. Elsewhere the weather was fair. High temperatures for the *eason con tinue in the plains states and (he central valley and the Far West. vvhile from th* lower lakes eastward they are moderately Ihcre will be Iocal rains ruesday in the north and western upper lake region' e.t tending Tuesday nighl or V\<-<incsdav (iirough the lower lahe region. ln the At laniic and east Gulf states, the Ohio Valley and Tennessee, the weather will be fair Tuesday and Wednesday. ^ It will be warmer Tuesday in the Ohio Valley and the lower lake rt-gion and warmer Wednesday in the interior of the middlr Atlantic states and New Kngland. Foreraata for Special Dlstrirts. Western : Pennsylvania. fair and warmer to-day; to morrow partly cloudy in eouthern, probably j rain in northern portion. ? Weatt-rn New York. fair and warmer Otv. day ; to-morrow cloudy. probably rain in i western portion. Eastern Now York, fair to-day, warmer ln western portion : to-morrow fair and warmer. New EngUvnd, Now Jersey and Delaware, i fair to-day; to-morrow faiv, warmer in In tei ior. I i ern Pennsylvania, fair U>-day, warmer in wcstern portion ; to-morrow fair and warmer. Locsl Official Record. , The following of ficlal record Bhowa temperatures during the last twenty-four houre, In compariaon with the corresponding <iate of luat year : 1919.1 1918. 1919 3 a. m. 38 f.l .1 p. m. 4S 60 6 a. ni. 10 52 6 p, m 50 ?i" 9 ?. m.. .41 53 0 p. m.. . 52 51 1". noon. ... 17 58 Highest, 62 degreea (al '?? p. mi. lowesi. 51 lai 7:l,i n. ni.i; average, 56; avcrag* same dato lost year, 40; average *am? datn for thlrty-three \ ? n 8 p. m . . 20 Hnrnmrter K.-nrfine* S n. m 30.07 I p. n< 30.10 | 8 p, nv."01* 1 oml KorresHt. ytxi>- t.? dnv i to morrow fair and warmer; rooderatc northeast to rm-t i . winds, ItESORTS NEW VORK STATE RESORTS XEW VOKK BTATB 1,-w" rtdrchff Jlodac Driarehd Manor f / New York /"*>-' NOW OPEN The Lodge affords you all the advantages and pleasures of a COUNTRY HOME ON THE HUDSON without the vexing details of its care. 50 minute Electric Train Service between Scarborough and Grand Central Terminal. X.'w Tork Office: 102 Madlson Ave. Tel. 7070 Murray HJ11 H O T & L iRAMATAN CS Mitiutes from Grand Central. 00 cleoirlc tralns daily, City coove nleneea In the country. Gol/ -Grill? Childrcn'a playground. Dajly coocsrta DAXCIXG. 11(11 EE GRAMATAX, -en. e Park, Br< nxvllle, X. T. HOTEL BEVAN o^SI^S^b View of Sound. larcn a;rv rooms. Bouk IngN now being made. i'i. no Col 744*. I. C. SECOR. Inr., 102 West 74tli St. IIRlARflin' EODGE lirlarrliff Manor. X. \ XOW OPEX ATLAXTIC CITV. NEW JJF7R3ET %SfcuC&C {SUuoied.pkinruzd. as\A I Gamtort.arui hacUih,. ? L WRIT?RJ.BVZ8)? goaiuoRntan^KRiKini THE LEAD1NG RESORT HOUSE OFTHE WORLD ATL.ANTIC CITY. N. J. "THK tfjlTlOtTS HBAl TH SUOP" t HKALTH IS RTFICICNCY A Oermlcide (lim?tr ?nd Clf?n Strerta No Duit, No Dift, Innuinetablr. Ciitdmr Rrcrcatinni nnd Ir.door Rntcruinmcnu On-nership Manictment Joaiah White & SoniCa. B-anrh Ofnca. Pearl & C Members N. T. Stock U.NChanKa. SPRING LAKE BEACH, X. J. ESSEX&SUSSEX Hotel and Cottages Spring Lake Beach, N. J. Directly on the Ocean America's Finest Resort Hotel Hot and Cold Sea Water Opens June 18th New York Office: 8 Weat 40th Street, or Plaza Hotel F. T. KEATING - - Man.ger Krown's Mills-ln-the-Pinea, X. J. ?""?-*M AI.tOH'S"11???? THE PiG'N WHISTLE INN Brown'a Millt-in-the-Pinea, X .T. Modern In every way. Large gr'ounda Boatlng, Bathlngr, Flahlngr. Rldlng. Golf Tennis. Deligbtful Hoatesa House for Olrla For partlculara, Naw York Ofrlca ? 10 Times Blde Phon" 1120 Bryant. IOMi 1?T.\ND GRAND ATLANTIC Vlrflnta Ava i sar Heaoh lapaclt 100 \ utrii t|j modern hoti i and all attrn Prtvato batba, runnlng waiei In rooma, ala vator. ete, Notaulx tabip Early neaaon rat*^ 19.K0 uii daily Bpecial weakly. Booltlct, An... m, n., trallia W, l. SHAW, |Tl^YMOI^.ATiANix(m1 ? RALEIGH, Atlantic Cily'a Popular Hotel. Amtrican Plan. $4 & S'i p*>r Day. ATIAMII t III. N I Amerlca a V* .mi* All 1 i., i Itoaort PKNNST1 \ AMV GALENHALL ^;;'*^ Hall GlenCovp i^nelsIaiKi of I -. irUu-?? Atiraalta t-> tht*e ?p ,i?n:g QUlM wrli nrdrr, 1 l.ouao fri l'n I-? i ."??? a.i modwa i proi .inrnu Refi ? i'. ? '? I ree Xlj. Qtllan A ('?. COXNKI TirtT. Edgewood Inn Grecnwich, Conn. i,. mtnuti . frcon (Irand i'-m?i :.(*.(ftn manaa^mi UtSBlta tm i \s * i nwARon OPI NS M.\Y I7TH v \ omi f Uiwiir BTUDIO, ? b A ?? Ituura l to k. " ' \ ind. rbill VI.IIMOM. H>1)K MAINOR Sudbury \. Mr Kvd* at ? ?rd n.t-.tnutlou i.l>?*^ iii. UU'L. loi MftO?lloauylar. ?