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n ' , uk?u5ri7o7T '(?,,?; ??<. , ? ! Of g\a~r\ calfskin leather, pastrl shaJfi "/<? linina, min, /uitt.l'r at back, fi't.x/ inches $0.7.1 Gold plated monnr/ram to order $2.16 Cross Tie Hanger S'mi.rt in ute and folded. Ilook anA mcfal hai at t p, ttrap fasteninai at h'.ittvi ta secure t>c.<. t ilored worocca leather, moire tilk linina; size li\-> , i,'i, he\ l 'it'.'. . $5.75 Initiah ttamptd, .7. exlra. Cross. Hifshbull Set niiXli i ,'i\i, ,'u7 ' ' ' l/l ti ? '/ V . t . i I g(j (1(1 I I ... ? I li & | , j t ' ' c'i MtYd ?*??' I ; 'lith lihintjf, h nrrt ,f.i | I l mthrr coi<ered frame, Vt'*rJ Vi, _><? tftrA^i. r ? ?" - 'i c-' . $16, Spmally frttrd.$.15.00 initials painted -. \thoul chtltge, Cross Travelling Bag Tor <women, "IVashinoi'm' desian, tan p'tfjskin, leathrr linina, three in tide p'triett. Size 14'inrh, (ormerly $29. .Sptdallf pnrr.l ... $18.00 ' i IA Inc Iti fnrmerly $.H. V pf tiattf prictd.$10.00 tnltiati burned w'tthout chartjt IU ftorMi Qtittttl l.tithtr %tt,t*>, H*>w Y?,U 104 rtltr, A?* '/.n.i tirOiA*if ' >' '? >'< Itthl) <<>ti 111} Iffill) &"" UtttJ&btt MS \ ,r? ... t | P/l ftfffftj ',, Jobs Open il Wleraiis Ask, Saivs I'Yinlsum ? I ui????? t'lnploxr Det'lareH Ditti.-nhv I i<? Gcl Men tliul I mplovrr- lo^<-tln'r; VII (iKliiHtricvi \vc \i<liu*.?. I (Mll. Vi I \|'l i\ ul >1 | l .,1 ' ' ? ' ' ? : nd | ,1 ' |)e i ' ? ? ' ? I '. e|ir I .il Intl I- N ? iilc .! I'n ' I I 11 end 11 c b u 11 e v e d i I r i with lhe i lileij Slalea Kmploymcnl e ? "While i he i e nre imnii tl lurbing .'. lu ri In lhe industi il ilu I ion so lho ('in ' ni (i liein llicnl i- ." ; .. ..I Mr. l-'ried im, "I I'i I . n ro lin li nsitoi , und I hal as nnn aa certaint; i given to tho sil untion b\ di nil | i terms and a i . . o trado conditions gen erally, thi number ei' uncmplo*, ed will bi material ly lei n nod. me (he agencics es ?' . .-?.'?.. i: nt aro func .i .. will rclii \.- i he a\\ iderabl*. . lt ni ighl ho nd addition to this, I hal thc advantag ol' direct nppl ieation by one : . inploymcnt be strci sed. "Then i re iuriumcrablo opportuni I mciit, 1 uin 8 re, if only the opporl unity and applie ml ran be . '.; tngethi r The m ire ol thi i can ho done din otly, i ho better and i in ' ? ??. ,i i ! ... n.e ng( ,, ... of them ible i,. i ecun po i ii Old Jobs Are Open "In th" parl icnlnr indus t ry with which I am connoctetl our difficulty hu h mn iu i . i ih.- men hai k, Tho Kouper ihex H turn tho hotti r w .? will lihe ii l\ e ha\ e had nnn.. than '. 00 o| i I" 'II |" lipOl I 1011 el thi B hil e .. l.l ll." I \\ le. hilVe 'le hu i" d hn\ i ni ?.. i ni ,,i. ?,,,,.. : ? ?? '? ie, UlUJ u ,. || |,| |, ,, . " llMli '?? . lll .-i ' I. .., vi,., |. \\ . (un lioin i tuul hn\ a ln ? . | un lr,\ ui,-. ln ? -1 ? i '??.Iilul . i . il.:. ?? in ? d ul i tuul , un ??' i ll when ih. \ re tm lll llli ' . Illi alien Ihut (ho | lu btointhl lo -I I'i Oeorgi \\ Klrchwi . . \ uili jiirootor of tlio i . | ... moi I lervioc. 1 ' '? i ? nn il tho Mi ri hanta1 i 'i urr-ii 1 I .11!,.' h i ... 11 . ! I i . \\ ..ih I'l ... u lll he I I' I... [|l| ? ,,| , ,||, ??II', 1 ... i : |,|| , ... . | di hi v '. i . I I J I I l.'M I .. . <i ; I . ... . ? ..... ' ??? > ? ii, j||] | I ? ? ? ii . . i , t'" "' ? ? " ' h i l ilrlve for jobs fdi ? ii luncheon nl *'<? Itotel ? i ??"'??' I..' .i". nl i j, I,, Numi ' ? ? .i, ... !, , . "nd !? anufactun i i will be pri enl Addri . . will bc made by Coloni l At ihur W'oods, Abram I. Elkus, former ntn or I.. '( i i ki -. und now head ol '" Reconstruction Commi r L SchifT, of thc United War Work land Committce of Eleven. 1 !.nployment bureau of the 27th Divli ion, ln Room 615, Hall of Record it was learned yesterday, will g0 out of existence on Apnl 30. There are about 1,000 men of tl is division still without lobs. A special appeal has been made to keep these men out of tne bread line. Private Funds Arp Offered Im Bumming up tho i ituation yester? day, Dr, Kirehwey at orted thal tho brlght spot In tho preseni condition the coming forward of '"''"I men and organlzalions Inn ' i ntinuance of ervici full b ai i '' " ? t?o ' aid, "of many received fi m Wfl "l?Kton thc offlclMl reporl of the pnjiloym i (0r thc na l;"i" M "" ' thal v.e ?n- ni ' l? ,,i ..r ii ??? 'i'i- ed fund i ol lin nervlce would m,v, ri tru t. ,\ ,. in? , ?7/7"/" '" '"""? M,ao 11 flnn ?.f i c ."?/:*" ' prlvati ..- - . . . .,,,," Major Coi htttti Im ites Johless Soltliets lo 1>et liael Ui Senir,' " ""'? ' ' hnuj OArevt//ou freres Silver Fox Cross l'".. I' .iim y 1 '"?'.. I'qi snrin . vveai ? j ??! 7li*?l i . ? ltrlM.,^1 in \\\c<A Aiiii i-irjoi I ;i1>?m l1eh*giiil(hi IliOilghl ll I npali iolic lo Ihi So V\ hilc Country Wns IVrluiirallv al War I ul labor organizal ion ycal crd iv received an ofllcial Btatcmcnt from thc A merican I'edei al ion of Labor Mii ion, which r.cently returned from abroad, explaining why Samuel Gompcrs and his associatos n thc mi; sion tl d not attend t\ic llerne conference. "A group of men principally inter? ested in their several political pan,". arranged for a conferenco at Uernc, Switzerland, and al tho .same tijne as sumed to call without authority a labor eonvention to be held at Berne eoncur rentlj with tho poliiica; eonvention,' 11 e statement poinl ad out. Tlie American delegation ascortaincd, according lo the statement, thal th< "purpose of meeting at llerne was be cause delegates from the countries of lhe Central Powers had been invited and would ttlso I.e present, and that the meeting was for tho purpose of arrang ing Socialist procodure of an interna timial character. "Jlerne had been selectod as lhe place of meeting, an, owing to the peace 1,'iiiiM not yol being prepared and u',,,1. it WOUUI 110) lu.'.. I,,-i ,1 diplo in.,1 ietill) p.opoi ni ml\. .nl.' io hti\? had Oei i., ,n, Air irinn nnd Hulgiti lun .1 ,., al o ln.'. ! nir. held lu I' ,. , . li, |1, i PO > "Ol, ...,., ,',,:, ()| .,? , II lll\ pi e|,e 0(1 IIH eelll.-l ,'!,, , . ,,| , ll I ,1; ,,l llie lllll, ,1 Pltiml I le i llj .1 .1 \ ,, ? I lull IVfi enliliel |l|)pi'u\ e Ihr. | .i , ', |. . i , |l\ ei I |\ lllll i. ,| ll ,, i I,, ni . 1 ,i.l.- di !. ral. . llf Ihe lllll I Mi ? VV11 ll u Lu li uui rtultitrien wei'i uml I , ,,ii . ,, i. Mill ,- wm ' \\ Inle, ( hlM eloi . , lhe ,,| | || ni |n ,,. .. a ?? in , i,,n uml h, loi'i ll llllll llllni It te,| ln pa i I liipai lon I he i ili i. |M e i nl,,1 i\ . ? of I he 'I out 011 . tl l\ .. pi tipoBI d t hut ? e bIioII i l ii ido hj nie and faeo lo fuco witl Btich repreBontativoB, call thi in com radi i nnd in this public vvaj t,, con don tho hidonu i and uni ni i-ei tahle ugainsl ii .ij nnd I i... ' c.ommittod bi llieii naiinn I'hi foi , he pn onl ivi dei lini ,1 lo i|n ln 1 he e i, ,i ?..,,. . II,. A mr , r.M \\ i , legation .?.i.,,i. .i no| lo pu .i ,.i ihe |Um'ii I'.onfei'encoa Ovc-rland Auto W oi'ktTh i,v\ $100,000 Proflti l \\ t ?<> >?? ' Mniriiu; ||) \\\\\\\ |Mun NN lli llmHtl U.tHHI Ah n ii? iNhun Himl m| iliu. \y\\\ ! I ,l|. ,, ||.?,, |,,.,l, \\ lli' | llv. ,1 ? , | ' , . v, ppIvi i liiiiUnii.\\m ? lu iiii | |m I [j I | , I ' ' B P.? ... ll. ? . . , . , ,, m\ B ? ? ? I I IVIrphone tiirls lo i,vl $50 Itnck Pa\ ?Karh l<Yom Strike QbjfM-tioiii of Oporuloi'H lo Roturiiing l?> Work U\n rome l?> Miaa O'Connor; I uil \<h unrc I lui'alrucil I,.. , 11 ? i . i i,. i ii iii |i ali I ll. ; ' | . I lioui . i l i ? i - in (ii'lnbci I'l ? !. i i ; i n-e.- in hsI |! ; . . ,,, i ,.,,.?,,? ? I il |. ln|- levlsion 11'. ..ii' monl l.riu: Lin ii i ? I I l.o he ui 11 ? ? ' i . i inajorilj of i ln girls, -iii i . ni ciil ion t hr 8,000 main . Inpl ' . I ho men rel uriti d 1" v.'oi k wil houl ii.. iim tion lo day. Supreme Court to llettr Burleson Telephone T<d! Cases on May 5 WASHINGTON, \pril II i pon the governnn I moi Su premc Co irl ti du; ngri I to hi r on Maj :> io m a ' .a ? ? , .,,. . : i rom il I Iml ita und Ma u hu ?" olving .; - righl of I'o tmastcr (ien nral I ? . h ni to interferc ivith exist ing int rastat ? ti lephone toll rate:;. Although only two weeks of nrgu m. nt rcmain ihis term thc eourl will i ol nd ion rn unl il ?! une i h w ye rs aid i deci: ion mi hi h ? i nl this term. Tho South Pakotn iii i from stuto court decrei i fou r i elephono companies in thal stato from inereasing their toll rate Similar proceoding ha y o been in stiinled in twent). ..iiii.-s, in nine of e hit h decision agnin it tho P inii'-iei Goneral hu heon i. ndori I Wh Ho IH el;' I. 1 t lll '? h l . .' I.ei h .11 |l fl|. .ii !' ..iu . ii"'. ?ii" poi |ll i \ri. (IN, Ui , Vnril i ii- ? \\\ i . ipi'i iprenii i .ii. i,,ii .'.h ii . p . I- ? il iu . ?.. ' i ei ln i .1 1 :.ll. I ho I .. n. 1?. I lllllll . .' . , I .|'ll illi. 1 . '. r1 "n' i ,.iii|'..en. OllflU'Cllll nee i'i. ?'.I i .-. ! ll. ll' I'" Hli! ue |.. .. ,.l .,1, ,| I. I'.. I ii,,i I, . t', i. el nl II ui I. IIII Pick (he k*ifilu Man as Youi Life Insurance Aycnt ll you don'l believe one law i. , i ' ,' "i ?' '?? lliei .llUllffdl ? '- expi il as another, i i nni I ?? I 1" i" i i I ii II . ? . , ? , | . i ? lli , roll i ...:'t I . |n so ,,i? |.,| | ? "i "i ? a.a'iil , .ni bf| i. ya\{ , . , il ? ii.< i! II lin I . i ,., i ? ,,M, .,,?? I ., ,'le.l I , ,;' I '., i ' I'i |ll I . " ' I i ' >: . ? ., ? ,.,! ?..,. | , ... I. ... , I II *UH!',IU .'it ('..,.| i'?|? , I I Ijll i " IVli I] n i II li il ' \i iu... . in ,, ., ,(,. L Altmmt & QIu O1 Formosa FStbre Ry (for veranda or solarcMara ms? . are shown Sra mmany novell a: attractave color comlbiiiniatfloinis ln the SymriU'H,, Ryj The Ruig f!> (Fifth IP oo UJiifilimti Atirmif- JFifflj AfirMitr British Censor Itrmovc* Han nn Gahlea in iUnW AnHM-iiuu ButineN* IntcreatH NN in in Fight for South NiiiiTicnn Tl WASHINGTON \prll 21 I 11on of 11 i h lo pormll lli nrivti ciihlegrniii , Crom tho 1 i'i i Ui li Aini ? i ? inenl i .. i ' f codo | 1 'i I i . ' . Washington Doiihts I'l'csifleiit W i Isoil Will Onsl Iliiiirson I rini(U!ii|> <>|' Coioue! Hon*e f?r I'oNlinaHler tieuernl l'A|M('tn! to Save 11im in Spite of Porly leaders < ii \'ork I'i-i6mii? II I'i lN, \|>l ll 2| I llr I n IS pltil the fn l or Dem 101 nl '*.,"? I'jiiglnnd are ! ? t Gen i abl I |ii .. h ililltau ? : l . ? ibiiji t obsarvora here, is thul the preient light agalnat Mr. Ttiu-leaoii is based on a fear that bu i? Injurina ! of ihe Democratic party for victorj in IPBO, Hi* aeiaure oi the eablon, OOmlng hetunliy nfler the ... wns Hlgrnedi wiin reaentod more thnn any other bi I of tha i.rtmt ni ln ? ? .???' ef un wm p,,'-. ?, llli , ing of telephone ui d I waa lhe 1011 i I >? l?i'K? pi ioentage ol Now hia taieit nd lon. ii tha N'ew Knglnnrl i, I , ,1 ri.el, nl tho lOj alty ll1 crnlie party of ihe orga I I looders, on whom l' i po I li'lan.i have ln . deal. Tha prc ' toward Iho I. hill of al I Httiti I I'dwnri M man in W'IIhoii than that of any othar nm.., v,.i ii i ei i of poHtical dlotator in before VViUon diii Ing thtx i rlod "? ,; l: 11 a ted lu utenaiI I1 .1 le- 011 I ,,',!,, 'nt t U lt!l 1 . it-i n? nuv liiull .'..ulil |,e, n eli-viUin,' (0 Ihe I .,!;,,, i ,, .( ,,, ' I! ii :,? I'ATl lli ON. J , ? ? ' High Sigtt No.8 P Ji Po l-'y (Cl Steadyl And pay attention, brother. Here's the sign oi the High Mitt. You just can't overlook this one. Any way you look at it, it means "Stop!" Here's the first degree in the Order of Orlando. It U ich< s you to stop smoking promiscuously?stop spoilin \ a good tobacco taste and ruining your nerves without li ftSOTl. Stop iand rpvrt iu tho Whoiiy rjkiu got the tou< h of thc Supromo TobftPChUH iu your hlooti. Slnp fUui L.uu the HeprPl q| Orlaiulo g gfggf oi llio laglu^l nnii | Stop at any United Cigar Store. Say "Orlando" to the clerk and be initiated into the mysteries of mild ness, blandness, smoothness and rare, rich mellowness of this cigar. Learn the "why-of-it," men,?the rea son for the power of Orlando popularity among smokers. Presidcnte size, 2 for 25c Box of 25, $3.00-50, $6.00 Orlando comesin ten sizes~10c to 15c. Little Orlando 6c. Ic n sizes enable us to use a fine ftrade of tobacco without waste?the secret of high quality at low prices. Orlando is sold only in United Cigar Stores-''T/ifl/iAyoi#" mmii,Kijw.mmvm unmnn mwpjiiw^wMfwi.^^, ??>m*mm ?'rtifjmTpmNmw'MHMarmi IBBBBWlffT"' IGAR STORES wmTmmwmwm.mmiumPW))Mumm*'i