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All i:. UOt WOOl Ili,!*.* A many ol thr nuitM and ovctcoalh v<mi will set this Spi iti '. Will hr [Mi I i ?.t ton. But they won't bear .i Rogers Peet label! VVc te: ' ? hemically every fabrie wc use to make sure there isn't even a thread of cotton present. No sense putting fine tai loring into something that won't last. Our friends and custom? ers expect a lot from Rogers Peet clothes?and they get it?or their moneyback. Sizes for boys, too. ?"Composite" Derbies conform without "conform ing." So easy on the head. ?Regl Add tffijjj Subscribe another to the nest-egg ?E|3|? Victory to your <&,',?* Liberty collection. J^{. '&L Loan. Rogebs Peet Company Broadway Broadway at 13th St. "Four at 34th St. Convenicnt Broadway Corneis'' Fifth Ave. at Warren at 41st St. Fresh Fruit Desserts?2c JitTy-Jell desserts, rich and t'ruity, cu^t but 2 cents pe? i:.rving. . ontatna a v..d oi fruit ea.sence, made from condertsed A.l.l 7 lUing .v.itn. then t\, u Kave a , M'V Coi ???? ? [il J?H v.-itli thr ( , ;;.-!.I tifli i VoU will tui.l (t live times better, yet it co;:!'- v>> more. Millions now enjoy it. 10 Flxxoon, at Yoxrr Grocer'a 2 Pcchaxcu for 25 Cent* IT INSURES the enjoytnent o! many adish Ti make a rump steak taste more ]:ke a t.enderloin use LEA&PERRSNS SAUCE -7 C 2ESTERSHIRE O relish for generations. iVeic York Towns Among I irst in tlie Country to Oi fr.suhscribe Quotas ? ' Long bc ' I . ? l the i torj ''?''? which had '??ry Loan B I I ' I - : ? '?.;:? Va . .'. ? . :? J . '? .; ' N Y I V. ? Y. '?' V. .. N Y ? V. " port ;,-. yet or. . .it, rcpork'd to ? b i rib? ?.*... ? i: tl . toU Rt i ? ? I ecded theii ' coun . reported . . i . * ? . .< -ly, rn r. ll . I OUt U ""? h'-"'* wmhtmi by a bank or 8 ', I lil \irlorv Loan (MM'sb()v^'|?r^o|), Whh Uio Sales i bull , ,,., ||,,. -i i llli '!.,' I IlKHll II ? || \ iI ' , : I 1,1 I..... ? lli 1 ' ' I , ??? I . I I II ' ' M ' il?i i ln M ui l"l ,. , I. I. : '. ''''''.il m ln i. . M, i ... i|?, a v ' ' ?? I. i .'" ? lllfll. I lllll tell I ',,| ! ' ' ?? " ': i li ln ih in-i,.! ,. 1 ini|i Mofi'iii llt'lKlltllH M. I|? 1 .IM,,,;,,,?? 1 wm ' '" ' '?? ? on even bren ? .ipunii i iho dotii 1,11 rn nI . ? .,, . ' 'llllllll I 1 . ?!? ;., ,| ,,, | .. 1 ' "'"' '' ? ' then i , .t ;,,, i ti,. ,, , . ' ' tho \ ii lorj Wh- II, ? "' '" ilruwn no a , n ^,,.,,,| ,,,? 7 ' before the iponkur'H stand , '" ' : ! thi i stai 'I weVe sevi u a! murnl paintinga bv well ' , The Pei ing band began "The Star Spangled Banner." The troops all snapped to attention, every civilian'a ba< came off and, Ind by thc Edison .ompany's chorus, thcy sang thc Na tioi al Anthem. , following thi i, George T. Wilson in troduced Martin Vogel, chairman. who in turn introduced the Rt. Rev. David H. Greer, Bishop of N'ew York; Mon? signor Lavelle and Rabbi Joseph Sil verman, who in succession invoked the o.essing of thc Almighty on thc ns tion s linal appeal to its citizen i ;', r financial aid. In front of tlie Fpoakcrs' stand was '"', receiver of a new ,dov.c?, "the loud-speakmg telephone,'' an.l trans mitters, hung about thc court, carried ; ? ry word to the ears of the throng ' ??? waited. Mr. McAdoo spoke and v"'~ followed bj Thomas Killilea, civil service commissioner, who, in the ab 7'"'" o' Mayor Hylan, read his ad ?uefS;i ,7 concluded by announcing tnat the Mayor had sent hia subscrip tion lor a $1,000 bond. This waa taken ' by Miss Dorothy Cohn. Crowd Sings "America" I'.e crowd then san- "America" and ended the ceremony with three cheers for t ? ?? loan. Throughout the city, from morning ? late last night, other celebrations "> I rogn -. Pershing's B ? ?' debul al noon in front of I treasury, where 20,000 people gave i n uproarious welcom. tened enthusia itically to ? ? I Brigadied General Chaa !? ( "?'?? 'V .,!ii' L'6tb T' -^ a on. and the '"'?? Dr. \\ ilham T. Manning, of 0 i r nity, li: front of the Library, also at noon her crowd bl ,cked the avenu, Eleanor de Cisneros sang " | | Star Spangled Banner" and General ite, .,7 Ch ,1 War fame ':;': !,i.n. Bi igadler General \lbert ' v' ' S 'te, , ?' ihe 52d Brigade - v'' lery, Blanche Bates, Mar I u I others sp .. x' ' ? ? held ?'' of I berty in Madi son Square, w! , ?? \\ , .,- i , , uVl ,P1. bead of tl Unerican Red I 11 pa| addre i an,l Pershing's h ird worked bandsmen Papularity of Loan Indicated hy Thomatuh Of Private Suhsciintiotts vv,v s ?'?' ? '>????? ??? . (I .i i,. " .' ? .- ti P ?.. -. I ' ? ?" lientl ??.',' guh ?' l ' ? ? I . ? on I openlhg da; of the fli al loan drive ol the war. tho i fron ? il concern and I | $n o,0 0 i 00, C ! the ign i thal the pui or? n' itions . ? . ? ' ic ?? ". wi re ..<"? .. ? tmcrou i. Twent; five tov ns ii ? ond i "ederal Rei ervc Distr :l surpi l their o the act.'. ?? ?'. : rtcd in all Oversubscription Widespread ?v' his office at Liberty Loan Rea I ,", George Y\ . lir. ctor of the Govern '.' '- Loan ' ii.-:.:. ...-., n in charge of ? ' !> :-" ' ' ? '? :' h , ?. ; com - ':? ? this district. "A number of towns have sent in word to u -. on the first day of tl e ." he ai I, "that the; gone 'over ' he top.' Other town ? I made such progress as to indicate that ; e will reach their quota - ; orl I is ;, mo ? enc. u rajring sigi ? reports, generally sp< aking, come n the Federal Reserve district ch are remote from the ? ?"? <? il ie -. Enl huf iasm for thc \ ic ? , ?.;,.,? ?? cess:':;' concl i - ion are noi ? ? d, ? ? ere fore, to the largcr ire widespread. "?'?'' pi hould be made ' ? I ? ? h are d posited I are to be - ' thc note . or from borr wed to buy thc notes, regardl ? ' the sub ' ' r without ricl I ruling is otaa r rc based on .- r. oui ?? ." Believe Millions Will Bay ? Wasl ingti n i their , i , of the progrcs "r i expi ed their I,. lief that would partici ' ?? loan. "Early ii lical ions," a.'.--,:,1 rij lo th. revi w, "v ere I hai I he V icloi not. , "., ,, ; i,, -,;??- ;?, ne ral nd - - ' ? ' ? . ? , ? ? up . ? ? ? . Si ? eral t< li grani ? . fferenl ection "' the co inl ry calli d | art ic ilai atlen ' on to tl eatur. ol tl c campaign and howed great prido in lhe 1';.." ., thc en ? " Arnong the !:,,;?? Hub criptin ? . h ng :.-, Ba; ,. and !, ing i ru t Compai y, MO.000,000; lhe United I tat. . tecll , ? ?'"'" U Kn ign i ? Indu Uu - . 000,000 J'.o'a- ? ' ' '" ' ?- '00 000 General Mo ' ' ' '??' '"?'?<? on, $.'{,000,000' ( oi ,| |. ' ;- 000,000 (,',,,,;' ;av :';' Bank, ? !001 00; th. . eamen' lu"k f'" ? 1,000,000; thc Manu " ' ?' l ru?t Company, $2,000,000: m barg baving Bank, $1,600,000: rruat Company, $1,200,000; llomblower & Wcek?, $1,000,000; Bald . n Locomotivo Works, $1,000,000- I- oi " '' " ' ' "mpany, $1,000,000' Mit ni * ' ". $000,000; tha 17, , ,: 7,,, , " ''? Co.. WOoJoo; ' '? Huber & ' ,, , . ;,,?,,.?, : " l ?'"?? , 100,1. 1 ' & Co., $2G0,000: ; ,,;;"'i?"?'; : I" ' ompany, | ICO.OOo! \, \V impfhclrni r & Brother $2.'l ' oo' '?''?' V Brothei . $200,000; l- I, itman & " . I<?0,000; , ,, ,, hanna ...ll. mJIIm M60.000; I-. ',. li,,y, Inc, $100,000 i?mU9l Lnseniuu & Co.. $100,000} iicas J Golth milh & i'l , $100,.>, Moi Arai & Co., $100,000; 1. ? '- ' M00.000; liu ei. A i ,,., $ifj 1, foj : . ? ? .., | . 1 ' 'i Su\ ii i.' Rank, $100,000 ,, * Huk & Co., Ncw (Jualllj ol N'otos Kovealcd \ i, i ? . ., , ,, , ? '.,-,, i ?? 111 u 11 a 111 i ru v oa I v 11 ' i. \ i ?:, ,, ? i ? ' i i. i i 11 ni hi i ... i , i ' . i , |n , . i i '...'. nl* th ha u Iim I i . i I ? . i l i ??' !? ..' |i rn,) 10 thn ,l ,', , i ..,,', I'll.i'il li\' I Ihi ll'i'll ? i le.i ihi , I, i i ,, i . i l.i.i |i|i i i , ? I ? I ? ,. ' i Ul'"* Ul' ? ,..;,,. ;.iMll. !?. ,.'' , ' ' I" ? ' ?'? ' ' i ' , -I ... foi'iii i.i*" l.iii, ..?.I .,. Vli'lui Wn V v ci , ' ih I 1 iii'lh .i ; i , -.- ? Sl, v..,,. . , . , ''.liculor.I'.i \\ ., I'llt Dlll* Im .. ? .- !.. ,!,, Ml Me \i!.... tl ,. .1 "\\*| Ih " lu .mpli h i 'er. ,? -i ? V ? ,,.,, ,, I 1 , ' . ' ? ;., ; i i ighl of Ann nntioii i:"',i'i- will permit Lo bi I ii ;*' ? 'orl !.;. anj lyranl oi unybod on lhe face of thc earth. Second, lo di ?" y militar} di ; ti m in "?". ? r again could it ? the liberty of the people of the world. 'I hird, to make t hal *. ictory o conclusive that out of this ?;??. a tory should conn orgai which would make it impossible for anybody again to disturb tl e peai e of the world, and to bring upon n ' ; ' irge Of !;:-' .?: uel V ar ; of thc character w i ? u-e ist undergone for tho past four years. "Finish Job" McAdoo Crges "Wo commandeered four million of our i ons; wc did not araft tnem. U ,? elected I hem bei iusc they i mo ' t among us to do thi to which thc ir countrj . Ilcd them the great job to which God Aln State \\ Ul Rally to Call Of Loan, Smith Predicts rIMl!'. following mi a- from Gov ci th was reci iv< I at the '? Loan i. ...i.j .,. r ?. H I ... ? ra . i ' ' , iii. In tho it will rally to tl ? i i . in.1 ul call i ? ?, ? i ,i'. ? ? , i ihi faco of the earl I ' : . i , . right ani't ?i i ,, I : .l:,. i . I ! Iiml i I ll , ' ' , :...!... ? ll i \. ? . .,,'!.' I ? | . , .I ft I llll I H,,', ' ' h ?' i" il h i.ii lihi I'niinl i ? ?? I.nn. lolopi '?.il i.iim ' ' i , I ll I'l II llll lll '.V I >".' ll I I in I,, .| I li il lini du .| | |n ,,, nli. ni* ni lt, th".our l.iininti i'm ' ti'ih, Wlilll 'I.? 'I ll '?:.' ! Iie \l,e-| ' ' '" I"] ,!,. nt, tl . . ln muti h ? Iii iii i me, i of ihi ,? | ?.... I,, fi i"'ni ? \\,- don'l n " i lieni to mnkn any ,. i. - , , , , . ? . . ,., ... , und ??'.. did nol while tho i" conl t bule ;> !.':? to win ??..?'. We don'l nul man 1 t'ighl arm, or to give I is right leg, thal >; i victory ? hould hc won. IMiu go\ ernmi nl ha i. on ' ho other I nnd, ii ked o| you ?.. do thia, to ?'"'" .'."ii elves worthy of the valor o i .!' ed ? and the sncrihc is of our sol di i' by li riding enough to the ' .nited ''????? '., dischai ?-,- lhe sacred debt in curred in enabling those men to niako those supreme sacrifices for you. < alts Subscription Privilege "That is ai! thn government asks. Is that much? On thc contrary, isn't it a privilege tho government offers you and not a sacrifice that is a~kp,i of you? It otTers you an investment, at i pi :? cent interest, maturing in a < ery short period of I ime. And if the can people, ii' those who stayed ie while our boys ? , ent over the I ght ing mi rely under -':ie.,l that thc debt of honor incurred in supporting them in the fields needs to bo i . i i, ? ir go ; .... ? ? u.,| ti..,' ? hi w ili be forl hcoming and in , "''...- ' I to nei .... ion t . oversu icription of this last loan cap itone, i il accou ith th 1 ar. It , tho aci I nati d< bi ai d it i a -,.. ... Q,ur i f>b|u i.,- pru , ,i ' th ? lii 1,1 uf battle ' H omcn's Service League Sells $25J)0Q ti orth of Ronds at iliieuiug Rails m,.i ,. ii, ,,, , k'ieioi ? : ? tt.Id i. I l,i r V. ... i !.? ? ??,,!: , , , \ , . 1.!i ? it I VllttP of 1 ili M im |i i ..,,',- nfloi'i ? I "i mi i '.iiii'l - WI iiiitn, ?? - lo hnvu ' i -,i "!" llllIU 1 'Hl of U - ,':IIi:|,:h,-m l|,,-, ?_ ' ? ' III |ll I ', , ; ],. > , , I u, \ Hyi ic, hend i l - \ - i ? ? r, i:, ,| 1 ' >. i ln llaly, iiuulfl i he pi nn ipul .,,| n Hj rnc openi ?! tho i ile with n pureli . " of $5,0011 \\ ,,>??;, oi ' noti i llhcr pe iki r ?? Incluib d the Ri '?'< ? VV illiam I, Manning, of Old i > ?? ' v; i 'orporal Edward John -,,", Pi i\ ul ,? ,1 nue - I ui,;.- ai ?! John Davidson, of l ? "Penrod" co pany. A contlngent of Bclgian loldiei i and 11 pn onl al r c i of ? ho Divi sion of Outdoor Spi akers of tho Liberty Loan l vo I ee al so par ticipated. The V\ omen's Commit tee of I he N i tional Federation is to be in charge of tho Victory loan meeting to-day at tho Altar of Liberty. Speakers will include Major Arthur Kuhn, George Hecht, Henry Meycs an.l M. D, DeWitt. Armenians of New York Pledge Support to Loan In Victory Demonstration Armenians of the city pledged their support to the ?Victory Loan last night at g "Armenian Night" celebration at Victory Way. Through tho colon nades o w hich da izled in thoir ' rilliant illumination, two \ina of ians man !> id, carr can t' . ', neral Mapton Azgapetian, ?? ' servii in the great war, . ? ... were the chief ? ? i-. Arinin Shah-Mowiadian, of tho Metropolitan Opera Ifousi Vnnonia nal ia| anl hent and othi i lla ... head ol the ! .., m of the \ Ictorj nmittee, pi tidi 1 ni i i lan b'liiti ? .,,, i., ,i ti, ,i ih, , llll I'lt ?!..,,., DOO dui ' ..,,,,,,,.i ,, .,? ,, | .. 1 ?? S'luht" on \ h loi S\ ? Loan M ili Co Over With ll'hoop. Says Col, Donovan "What does the old ., l| m w Victory I oan '.'" ? omebod , Colonel William J. Donovan, conn regiment, j esterda; , ?ii'i, r the Harrisburg dockt d ? h hoop, , , bw York," lo nt I, city, wl i il ... i .. . i ili ' GR/\NDE MAISON de Blanc lhe Trousseau House of America Summer Showing of Blouses Sweaters Dresses Sport Skirts At Prices :Vo Higher Than Elsewhere FIFTH AVENUE AT45"ST. // --> ?? er ow To be hcuutiful is a gift, to be dainty is an art Tlir j'i.iinr-.t ??ni-. flr? aometimefl thought to bc lhe prettieit, Why ' Bei auae they ai e dainty (ji.n e Margaret Geuld tella you how to be attraettve ln .? Btmple, unaffeeted manner. A Btraighi forward little talk from one nice woman to another in the May Companion. Farnily nagging niakes life miserahle Nagging is a habit easy to fail into. Like an infectious disease, it's catching, too. How one family successfully overcarne this habit and escaped its dangers is interestingly told in the May Companion. A hat for every face A page of them?exclusive designs ?none just like them am/where? picturesque, individual and expen? sive looking. Ideas women of wealth and fash? ion pay incredible sums for are here shared by the million readers of Woman's Home Companion. Every side of her nature is provided for, every interest is catered to, every want supplied. Think of the sympathy and versatility nf a magazine that has in one number just the right story for an eager, enthusi astic young girl, the right kind of clothes for .1 middle aged stoul woman, the word in season for a mother expecting her first baby, and the word fitly spoken that changes the whole career of a voune woman seeking to make the most of her life. The highest inspiration the most practical help the understanding sympathy . the healthy entertainment are all there in this one book, every month. The mutual interpreter of a million women to themselves, to each other; the complete, full, satisfying, well rounded life of the modern American woman. For women war workers -out of a job Hi-rr''". iomething worthwhite todo now thal you're in the apirh oj the aervii ?, Aj. ?utline foi pn tii a] < emmunity ai tlvitlea iu, io iii) with ii.o.i , @ngei vation, gai dening, sehoola, park and | ?ground Improvement, eharitiea yes, even politics! This live dia cussion is on "Our Own Page" ln the May Companion?and there ia always something of particularly timely help on this pago of the Companion. Don't feed my child! cries one of our readers in protest against her neighbors' generosity. Are the neighbors always "stuffing" your children? Here's an artiele that will interest you and help your neighbors to understand your posi? tion. In the May Companion. Is your weekiy household allowance Hmited? It's pretty hard to manage some times, isn't it? It's the woman who puts thought and originahty into her kitchen that comes out ahead. The May Companion is full of helpful suggestions and dozens of splendid recipes. A Magazine for Women?Edited by a Woman i The Crowell Publishing Company woman's homi. companion the american magazine farm and fireside ? .- #.?9.-??m Oualliv???rtlo* Hi' St// DepeaUMbte Hprchtndlsp at I'tUe* t OWtf I h ui Any Other \ Store, but ti<r Cx\h Only Store openi 0:00 A. M. ?nd ?lowi Bl30 I*. M. 1 My Smoke 1 And Me? I r\VO\S COMPANY tlie smoke is right unless we count thc | eat >: |-';.f between "my I smoke and m< " books 1 are dreamed, plays are 3 P coneeived, commercial I j antl h'nancial schemes I deyiscd, political cam | paigns [)lanned. In the |j cnrling rings of a fel soothing, satisfying, | subtle smoke the'des :>i<"> of nations may be |j 1 solved. ()f course Ihere ! re all kinds of smok< s. I (>ur purpose is A I /V> Sail //ir I Smoke to the Man WR Sl 7 ! [ON FOR :: ; M< *KI RS on tl p Fifth I I i>i ,- more than a . kers' I l\sium. 17 I (i"r ! ! |, iu ll U I I-7'WORITI HRAND ' i. ; . 11 ?! i 4 ' t Van ti ho Pitts* | Pool Mifght Cho ? This One" ? - i : ? I . .' ' ? owpcr when taken in -::,.' ,;?. : tities. There Are Twenty four Varieties of Pipes t ? me in and let l ' ? ? ility, or let ? ? r\ [,;..... ? ? \\ il! in spite oi e \ Try "Lucille" j llavana Rlunts ? are mild, aromatic rs?a pleasing i ! Their usual price is $3.49 | box of 50. SPECIAL - How About Some "Condax" Cigarettes At $1.98? BOX OF 100? These are made of Yenidjc Turk'ish to? bacco, with ci u- or plain tips. Theii ufcual price !.24. J ?Maln .tn.l rifih 11