Newspaper Page Text
Suminary of Stock Exchange Dealings (Copyri?:ht. 1919, New York Tribune Inc.) Yesterday Railroa.U. 221,200 Other stocks . 1.432,600 All stocks . i,673,800 Bonds Yesterday. Day before. I'. S. (."oTcrnmcnt ... $8,912,000 $8,566,000 Knilroads . 969,000 1,309,000 Other bonds . 2,104,000 2,400.000 All bonds . 11,985,000 12.2T5.000 Stocks Pay War January 1 to 'late. before. ni*o. 1919. 191S. 1017. 297,900 20.800 6,584,900 4,649,900 6,687.400 1,208,700 373,500 56,143,300 34,033.400 54.239,600 1,506,600 394,300 62,728,200 38.683,300 60,927,000 Year sko. $4,791,000 436.000 792,000 6.019,000 January 1 to dat?. 1919. $676,651,000 66,272,000 232.692,000 975,615,000 1918. $207,449,000 50,497,000 106,459,000 364.405.000 Hecord of Stock aml Bontl Averages iCopyricht, 1919, New York Tribune Inc.) Stocks ItaHKeJan. 1 Range full Yester- Day Year to tlate 1919. year 1918. day before. ago. lliprh. Low. High. kow. 2C Kailro.-.H.71.80 71.75 67.50 72.83 68.70 79.15 66.12 20 tndustrials . 94.30 94.23 79.10 94.30 79.20 83.83 73.87 50 Stocks . 85.30 85.24 74.46 85.30 73.32 84.03 70.30 Bonds 10 Railroads . 79.62 79.72 79.32 82.80 "9.48 86.57 76.62 J0 lndustrials. 94.81 94.90 91.07 95.33 93.72 94.88 67.40 5 L'tllities . 83.92 83.92 83.10 S7.7o ?3.86 83.02 82.60 2b Bonds . 86.56 86.63 S5.13 87.88 86.56 89.46 83.62 Yesterday's Trausactions in Listed Stocks All stocks quoted dollars a share. Annual dividend rate, also in dollars a share, is based on last regular payment. Iligh and lo\r prices of 1!H9 and liascd only on transactions of 100 shares or more. li'Sh, Low. Div. *lcl 1919. 1919. Rate. Sales. Open. High. low. Close. chge. Rid. Ask 50 32 ? Adams Espre?s . 200 02'4 32-'. 32 32 - 31% 32' z 34% 21 ? Advance Rumely_ 1100 33- 4 33; 4. 32'4 32/4? 1'/a 32'4 32% 70^4 56' i 6 Adv Rumely pr. 1200 69' 2 69' , 69 69! 4? '4 68% 69% S8 66 6 Ajax Rubber . 15100 82'8 88 82' 8 86 + 5 86 86% 4% 3% ? Alaska C-old Mine... 1800 3% 334 3% 3%- ? ? 23, 1% ? Alaska Juneau . 700 2'8 2'8 2 2 - 2 2% 3938 30 ? Allis-Chalmers Co... 1200 3838 38' _> 3734 3734? % 373/4 38 9434 81% 7 Allis-Chalmers pr... 500 94' 2 94' z 94% 94'2? % 94 94%' 111H 99% 8 Amer Agr Chem_ 5400 1113.4 111'., 1095a 110/22? % 110', 111 103 98 6 Am Ar Chem pr.... 200 100 100 100 100 '8 99 1C0 79'4 62 8 Amer Rcot Sugar ... 2800 76% 77'2 76'4 73'4 :a 76 77 01 9t 7 Am Brnke Shoe I'y.. 400 91 91 91 91 - 93 C3 . 5% 42% ? American Can Co... 21600 53% 52 5.2%? ' '_. 52'r 52 % 84'8 8 Am Car & Fy Co i 30 95 r'2 94 j 9G:4 1% 06% 86% .-!' ; 10-'s .80 American Drugs . . 11200 11 ;'? . ''' '4 13%- I-1, 1'.', 33'3 39% 4 Amer (oil 011 Oil.... 4800 53 ri '., ,?.-- I 4 56!2 '~~ 27% 13'a ? Am Hide & Leather. 15800 27' 4 27% 26% 26% i- % 26% 27' 3 110% 71'4 7 Am Hide & L pr_ 10100 109% 110'/4 108'., 10834 % 10834 109'/2 50% 38 ? American Ice . 2100 50% 50'4 49% 49%? '8 49% 497a 71% 5434 6 American Ice pr_ 700 70 70 70 70 - 69' 2 71 91% 62% 3.60 Amer Int Corp. 31600 87 % 88% 86 S6%? % 86'a 86% 55% 44'8? American l.inseed .. 8900 54% 54% 533,8 53%? 1% 53 53'4 98% 85 7 Amer l.inseed pr_ 400 94% 94% 91% 94% ;- % 94' z 95'4 72 58 5 Amer Locomotive.... 17800 71 72 70% 71 34 71 71'8 4% 1 ? American Mail . 2800 1% 2 1 .; 1% % ''2 17a f-3'2 51 ? Am MU 1 pr ctfs sld. 800 55 55 , 55 : -, ! b 55 55' 4 73% 62'4 4 \mer Hmelting 121 0 72! 4 -. % 7234 107 103 7 Vmei Smell pr. .... IC0 105 ., 105 '4 10 . ' - , 10! 1053., 91 92'j b Am Sraclt pr A.. . 100 93 93 9'J 93 . ! 2% 9 '. 57 fc8 8 Amer Slecl I dy. . 7400 96'.. 97 9 ?, ' -, 95' a? '% 95% 85'/2 13.1 lll'4 7 American Sugar . . 4500 129 1 :?.'.' ., 129 130 , 1'H 129 130 118i j |i3i2 7 Amer Sugar pr . .., I0Q 118'.- I18!2 118',. i 18 ' ? 117 110 lia 96'2 10 American Sumatia .. 7000 1 1071, 106% ? '., 108 108'... 98 G3 7 Am Sum lola pr. . 200 95 93 '1 04 ,, 92 94 108% 9BI4 8 Am 1*1 * II. 3700 10 L* a 104 , 103 - 78 103 103'4 21a 191% 20 Amer T.iliaiTii ... 5QQ 2. B . 19 , . !09 % 21 8 209'2 i06 10Q h Am Poh pf new ..,,.,, 100 . , . 100' 101 693.4 45'4 n Aiiieriwui \\ imi IQO 68 69 . 1 .' I , 69 r-9' 4 IO? 94'a t Am Woftl |1| ... - | i';i i. 0 ? i't |?S| \iu SV f I' a 1? pi 15 ir ? , -1 -!' . ' | ii \m 7uu A I P?<t .-..,?. |4' II > i I'l'4 1 ii 4u n \\\\ /im. ,V 1.1 <nl in <? ' ' II ' in ??'?' \ r-n1 :) I \,,...1.. -'ii-mi r. 1 , . 1 , ? , . ? 1 ? 1 !! I . \?,l, M.?l ? .. ' , ir':) \..? |l,t (Jfiftu* ? m 1 , 1 i , : ? :.?,.' ci a r.ft 8 \a*fl UU ' " , I'-"', 94! , ?0 c VUhison M&8 91 ?'...?,.'?, Q , ".? , 81 pn u VUhlseii ii- ?,<?.?.?? ?'?',?? 09 16 t M 1 utisl 1 in- '?". " ?' '"' i"?i ), 99 10 A ti & W l ' ' ? ' ? , i 1 io q-?' ,, 64"8 ? llndl 1 itrti I'll : 1 I ' ' , " ' , '" ? , '?' I ,. "I 11 r , 50' j 44 4 Rnlln A Uliln . ' ' ' ' , ''? ? ?'. ' , ' , ' 2 >l,-'., 06' ,. 50 ? RhIIu A h|\!ii |ir B2 I ' ., 52 D2' I '0.1 8 Rnrtpll I .. . . 300 1:1 131 1 ' 131 ' ? I '" lll ' '., 1'i ? Rnlnplln^ Mlplllg 100 1 | ., - I - 13.10 Hethlehem Si.-el . G , m , ? >. , '.'.?" ? 65*4 1() Btlh Blcel. Class 11 44800 76 v,' ,- ,-. , ,., 110' .. 1T", 8 Melli Btecl Blli pr . ; ? , 12, 110 111 '?'i IS 3 ? Bklyn Knp I r I I0 . 2| , ? ? ,, ..._ lj 211 g 21' 24'a 18',4 2 Rooth Fish Co. IS'Oi) 22 ,? ? ., ;?..-,, :-;>|i 93 97 8 Bklyn Kdlson . 20 98 9 < - 97 99 82! 2 71 b ltro?ii Shoe Co. 100 82! 2 82 ('a ' , 821 . 85 166 138 10 Rurni Bros . 1200 1C>i;. 166 . H ;' '_' . 164 ' 163 11 8'2 ? Brunswick. 1100 II '.j IO . 10' I0^a? 0 10| . 7% 6', 8 ' 'a Bulte Cop &. Zlnc... 700 7 - 7 7' 4 14 71 , 23' 2 16'4? Botte & Sup Cop ... 2800 21 , 23" 21" 2 22! 4 7a 22'? 22U 23 16 ? Butterick Co . 200 24 : 24''2 24! .1 24'.. ' , 23' . 21'4 63'2 48'4 4 Calif Packing . 6100 1 ; ( . 1 , 6314 ' a fi:1 '-, 63''. 29'4 20^8? Callf Pctrol . 2300 29 ? " , 28 23 _ i.', 27' . 28'-4 7434 64' s 7 Calif Pet pr. .' 1 , . ..? j ,?-?: . -,?;.??.,__ 1. yp ?'?' 73 62 5634 8 Calumet & Arizona.. 100 60' , 60 4 60'/4 60 4 ' , 59' . 61'2 165 15534 10 Canadian Pacific .... 700 1607a 1607a 160 160 ??_ j/2 159 ' 160'^ 99 91l2 7 Case. J I pr. 100 98 98 03 93 .. -, 9G 1co 46 30'4 4 Cerlainteed Corp ... 3000 43 46 43 44'^ ? 5'/. 44 45 82 56' 2 5 Central Leather - 8100 817,-, 82 80 ^ 80!.? 3/i 803, ^ '.10'4 104'2 7 Central Leather pr.. 100 110' , 110' 4 110' - 110' .' . &A 109'/i 110'/, 44! 4 41 4 Cerro I)e Pasco- 12800 42'/'a 44'/4 4218 427i ? ?? ^3" 43'A 152 103 12 Chandler Motors ... 1600 146'., 147 145 145 ? \\ 144 14V' 61'4 533.4 4 & Ohio. 5000 01', 61'4 60' 2 60%? % 60', 607a ^'s 7'8? Chic Gt West. 500 8'4 8'-4 8 ?.t 8'-k f 27 23% 1 Chic Ct We-.t pr. ... 200 25 25 2 '? , 24- l-'D 241 i>5 4H4 34'2 4 Chic M & St P. 9800 37'. 38' i 17't ,/' '" 371\Z 373; IZ* n(? 7 ?C J! *?* P Pr' 1'03 68% f8% 67.; 67^- :', fi7'4 68 93 93 s 7 (hic & N'weM. 200 94'4 947-, 94'-i 947?? ' "-. ., n^ 26'/2 22%- ChicRI&P . 4630 ?4' * 25 24^ 245I , 2\,'X VL, 80% ,3% 7 ChicRIAP^pr 700 76% 76'4 76',8 76' B- % 76% 76% 247, 17,. .:? ' . & St J. 20? 36 38- 36 38 | 1% 36 33% "83 U'8"I It "PPV . 710? 23'/a 24' * 23'/4 233-.. 3,4 2334 24 -B a 32 8 4 (hino Con Copper... 1400 36% 37% 36'- 36^4 : "-< 36"<u 87 69 60% 6 C.uelt LVabod.v . 100 63 69 69 ' 69 _ 673^ 69 7cl* l * Col Fuel & Iron. 400 433/4 44% 43% 44 '/, 433? 44 : S4 4 ?!i"&^ec. 7o? ^>? ^ ?% ?% u 4^ ?1/4 MV ll*~4 ? L*80"' . 70? 25 25''2 Z-? 25% 1 24.4 25% 51,? *** 4 UUSol't"r. 103 53 53 53 53_? 52 531 , V% 45 4 foi & So 2,1 Pr. 200 45 55 45 .' , _ 27^ 46 48 J?% *k 3 l-rt^iiMin.::: S " ? \- z;r "-' \ ?%} % g% 65% 6 Co?C.n . 10300 79'/2 8u2 7^ 82<I $ 80' \ ?& 108 102 ~7 T? ? ,UC,S . 11?0? 634a 6;'2 62'? G2'<-1 62'2 62% 70", 52'' r \ M ?," Pr ??? 10? 105 1?5 105 105 - 104% 106 95' "'I ?"!?!?" . 181?? 69'^ 69i* 68 68'/2- ?'8 68% 69 1MV i!i in TbltS!"l"r". 1^0 94%. 94% 94% 94%- 94'. 97 31'* 203' 1? U?3 ^ S"Kar. 600 184% 184% 184% 184% u 4% 18o" 135 80 69'8~7 rtr,Mu8"'"''" 'l''00 2S*'? 29i-? 28'-' 28'/=- '4 28% 283., ir?,. ,I! * 8ngar Pr< ^^ 77,? 77'* 77''' 77^'^- 77% 7734 109% 101 9 D.I & Hodson. 100 104', ,04', 104' , 104'., . 3, ,041/! 105'2 5.4 3% ? Dcmer & Kio (.r. . 200 '?. - - , a /?>? 5J10%= D^*;,oGrpr- 6,?? 7> 8,/? - "34 ; i*/? 10-a? Donne Mlnes . 1800 14', iv , 14! , 141 ? > 143/ 1.. ?" ln 1 I>eUoit i]dUon. 20 111 " "I Hl "I ? " - - * *:34 _ i)uI ho sh & Al| , 400 4 4 1 \ ot'.? J?* ~" r,ul- s? ? & All pr.. 100 6% 6% 6% 6'/! Ii/! 6 7 29% 27 3 Klk llorn Coal. 100 27% 27% 27% 27% ' ^ 2^/a 27% ?M 243"~ I'"' i. 130? 16'^ 16'? 16% 16%+ ', 6% 1634 1 2434? Lne 1? pr. 600 28 23 28 28_577/ oa U2 17%- Lrie 2d ,.r. 300 13 19 V-, 19 __ ??? ^ 13 9%- P.d Min * 100 12% 12% ?v J?'4 ?2 4034 33 7 P.d Min & pr 400 18 ' ' ',- ?2 3i? 3L -.; ? 38% - PUh.r Bod, . 200 B, 61 60 , ' , , l , ' 23-4 25! 8 2 (.aston Williara* ... 2100 iq , . - ? -, ' ,' -!,. \\\. V% 47 4 General Cig.t . _ l ' . ?? '9,? 164 144% 8 (..neral Kleclrie Co 1800 161 , 161>: 160 ' I60 - ,- ,S * iei 2 133% 118% 12 Len.ral Motor. . I 179'^ ^_ i| 7934 707 0*% 82 8 (..-neral Motor. pr . 300 92 93 ! 92 92 - 1 92./ '? ' ' 94)4 82!-'a 10 t.eneral Motor? <l<-h I 92 92 i/j _ , aiv np 4 56% 4 Loodrith li I 28100 fZ% .1 72'u 72% , \ ,'.,,' 73 10?% 103 7 (...odrich ll I pr ?00 108 I ". 108 108 _ Hi/i 108' ^ 64 5 Lraiihy Minin* ... 500 i ' ., 66 (- .' ?? ?','.?. ' *ai/ 67 2 89% / 1.1 .Sorlhern pr 3100 B1'/a .-, 81% 91.,? ', wZ B1> 31% 4 1,1 Sorlhriu Or? huI. J0600 44 I | '?? <' 44i' 44, ' 0 ? V* .. b Ur?*R? ( ?n ? "PPrr /800 41% I |% | , ih a 40 "' t'i% 49% 4 t.ull Suir tf|?fl ? ' 0 ..; tg 1 , '0 4 lla.k K Harl* ( ar ( . t IQ % 62% 633 h t? Momniaki . 07 Bq " ?'*? ' IhI.iik.1 AfffiVUl 19% gQ <* 48 h (ni) A?n i?r. frOO /1 | , 4f*4 & '"??' ' "I'l'M 4l.'>.. |fi! . :. , (,u. '% 8% ? l?u?. < un i I.,,. m ? -i , ? H 11% ? llilh l mii I Ml|. ri. ' , ? II 1'i^ti vm<.? ?i im ?uiv in - .-' )-.,i. . [., i .o . 14 i? J?1'4 -<? inii m?i Mkhiih , IMM - . ? , , i I ? i," Mfy o;., a |n| Mn M^i p| IM. ?, | |? , ||'r | i ? | . , ,,- n/, ?<r, I'.hm | | , . . , ffli g ? ????? ?'*???? ?<? ?i."i m i .<t .? i e ? tt m\ im 9 -...ui <- . ^,.i, g, '* - '?*?? ??? i?m '?? . ? . 19 " 11,* "1 t*" ? ?" ".h i if?i 1> ??'> 4 K.i. l ii, *hii pi .1 ' * * JJ"M? Hp.?ti*ll?M |f4l . 164' . ,''r, ? " ? .?; ^.'-' *??"??" . ', . ?. 7?% ??,, fl l.ii<l,a??iiii. n\t., ,,,, ,,, j o/ii ?>?% o uhigh \?iie|. . ; ,, ,;,, I.0VT, .j,,. 1919. Rate. PflKll. I.ovt, Div. 1919. 351 2 21 ? 7 40' i, ? * 147>4 12 26 4 ? 's ? 163' 42 72 5C3a 33*4 19'.; 91 'a 00 u 1971/4 1623,-. 8 249a 21 4 2 ?? .ini . .1 12'8 10'' 2 404 4 9' 3 - 27 5434 , 77 39' 0 7 834 ? 22-"4 ? 49! 4 ? 69 5 29! - 3 78' ., 70 10594 1031 3 21?8 14 61as '1b' 8 73I/4 64 14 5' 17/a 115 77?8 20 26'", 50 345a 21'/4 184 15!. 2 V/2 914 10" 69'4 5 24 ? 19' 2 2< j 44'4 25-?4 - 1S!2 2 lb-;4 io ? 108!4 103 7 945a 885-s 7 55 46 471 '3 43 447s 3534 8'2 5', 57 11?4 40 37 S5"*s 46 2'/, 2I/2 46 3 8 ? 29' 2 1 30 " ? 67 5 437H 3 5^4 4% ? "32-4 45( s ? I5J/4 12'8 ? 40 30 3 527a 384 5 105' , 101' , 8 263.4 16 " ? 5178 45 5 87 85! 2 6 403a 34 ? 75 59 8 54'a 51 4 1223/4 11278N8 RR' ? 68' - B 19 8 '"'!' 29 !, R6"s 86 105 100 " 7 09'2 70 -4 8.41 95 86' 2 8.44 12 6' 4 6 16! 2 104 -- 27 22 ? 19^ 16 ? 41 28'2 ? 8?8 7 '8 ? 19'4 1534 -? 185'4 168' . 8 I3l . 10 2 5758 33' ; ? 59 -16' , 6 107 143 30 70 66 ' , 5 78'2 45 '4 4 59'B 42'4 6 41ta 32 6 ???' '8 36 4 a '<??& *2'd I 4Ha 274 - ju iho a ' " | I85 io -*--1 ?07 -;?.' , -.1 1 II .: I I11 n I '?-?', l.'l' ? lo ' , V I 951 3 6 141' 4 6 ?'I'l .V ' > | '. | I,'-' . ' 19 . , 1,-r.-, 1-.; ' ? " , 16', ' , 7' , ?"' | ?'" , 66 791 . 1094 ?? i! 1 DO 1 51'.. 103 ln 13 51 110 54 I 1 42! ? D 44 2 971/4 16 27" 4 ? 4 !! 4 5 88'4 5 l1f.-8 113'/a 7 78 65' s c 18'8 6.', 1 14! ! 593.4 9 734 _ 36' 4 30' 2 ? 22 o 19 ? 12 ',., 93a ? 22'2 17 ? 897/8 844 7 49% 40! 2 31,2 05 61 3'2 86 654 5 101 96' 2 7 934 y.\x _ 45 4 23% 1 8?:<4 7 36J.'a 30'4 _ 1331/2 124 8 117!2 113 7 50 ? 66 6 60 33! ' 95'' 72 77'4 Sale?. Open. Flieh Rubbrr & Tire. 12600 34'2 35 Loose Wilcs Bis ("0 300 547a 547a J.orillard Picrre ... 400 150'2 150'.a Mazwcll Motor _ 3500 41'2 42 Maxwell Motor 1st pr 6500 71 72 Maxwell Motor 2d pr 6000 3234 334 May Depart Stores.. 900 90"*8 907a Mexican Petroleum . 24600 184'4 185'4 Miami Con Copper.. 200 23% 24 4 Midvalo Steel . 9600 46s3 47'a Minn & St L new... 500 11 11'8 Mo, Kan & Texas... 20900 9'4 10' l> Mo, Kan & Tcx pr... 7900 17'2 18|/a Missouri Pacfiic .... 23100 254 26'8 Mlssouri Pacific pr.. 16C0 53: 4 53-4 Montann I'owor .... 200 703 \ 72 National Acme . 600 33'j 33'2 N'at Cloak & Suit .. 100 78'. 8 "81 a Nat Cloak & Suit pr. 100 105 105 Nat Con & Cable.... 21600 19! 2 213a Nat Knarn & Stpd... 3100 60! 2 61;i8 National Lead . 200 71 " 71 N R R of Mex 2d pr. 800 9'4 94 Nevada Con Copper.. 2300 16| 3 16*4 N Y Air Brake. 100 112 112 N'eiv York Central... 1300 74'8 75 N Y, Chic & St L... 400 25 26 N Y Dock. 1700 23 26 N Y Dock pr. 300 49', 50 N Y, N H & H. 1800 2934 294 N V, Ont & West... 1200 1978 20 Norfolk South . 100 17 17 Norfolk & West .... 300 10478 104*/2 Northern Pacific ... 300 9234 9234 Nova Scotia Steel.. 500 50! 2 64*4 Ohio Fuel . 100 47'2 47', 2 Ohio Gas . 12600 443? 4438 Ontario Silver . 500 778 74 Owens Bottling: .... 200 55 55 Okla Prod . 10100 11 11 Pacific Mail . 200 3533 354 Penn Scah Steel... 100 30 30 Pan Am Pct. 8800 83 84' 2 Pennsylvania R R.. 5100 4'1 4 44' 4 Peoria & East. 300 5 54 Peo Gas & Coke.... 1200 48'8 50 Pere Marquette .... 300 15 15 Philadelphia Co .... 31900 374 40 Pierce Arrow . 2600 52(2 52! 2 Piercc Arrow pr.... 200 105" 105 Pierce Oil . 30200 2578 25'4 Pittsburgh Coal .... 5100 607a 517a Pittsburjth Coal pr, . 100 87 87 Pitts & West Va ... 2800 37' 8 3738 Pre.ssed Steel Car... 3000 7434 75 Punla Alega Sugar.. 600 53'3 5378 Pullm Pal Car Co... 200 121-4 121(/a Railway Sll Sps.? ? . 7200 867a 88' ". Hay Con Cop. 7C0 201a 20?8 20'," Keadinir. 7800 84", = 81'., Kcp I & Sll. . 4800 82 " 83' a It I \ Stpol pr. .':00 103',. 103''?> Royal Dutch . 6600 94' 4 95' ~, Kut R R Co pr. 45600 93 9478 Savagc Arms . 300 8'a 8' 8 S L & S F. 9800 154 16! 2 S L fi H F pr. 1300 26'2 27 S L S West.. 1500 16' 2 19 S L S W pr. 100 35 35 Seab Air I.ine. 1200 8 8'4 Seaii Air I.ine pr... 300 18'4 18'4 Sears Roebuck . 400 1S3' 4 1834 Bhattuck Arizona 100 12';. 12':. Sinclair Oil . 18100 66-3 56' I Kloss-Shcff S & 1 2000 54 54'4 South Pacific . 26100 107 107 So Par clfs . 200 143' j 143' a Smilhrni it R. 5800 29 29 Southern R It pr- 200 69 69 Hliincliai.i'i- . 14800 78' a 784 Sfuti Motors . 600 58 58 Buperjor Stee* . 200 39*8 39i8 SlnimlitirK Casl . 2100 41 42 d Tonn. l npptii lliem . 12800 16 ln\, livas A Pacific. 33100 40' ,, 41'j Trv it Par Id |i 1 lil 0,75 ' 2/5 11nxr, i nmnftni 1J39Q j.g _\'i I i4r W altr lill |Q gf^l A gg4l , I11I1 I'iiiiHii li 4aiul flii .1,1 . ' - in ? m Kefi I 1 198 I". -Ir, 1 111I11 iv(| j ynaa 1 1 it luu Ic- i,i I 11I1111 t'nillii |7QQ 1 |Q 1 |Q ! I uii'ii I'm Hli'. |ii .'un I Hlli'it MI.h Mli-.l '.'ii.ii ir. 1, |n'? t niteil i Nturea BI60 ni> , i )6I ? 1 "''"' I'lHU ll'H i,'n-? \A\ n " ul'i'il I'l lill . Hlll I," 1 \;\ l niii'il hihIim i:\|. got) ?n : g |i , I'nllrd Itv IhvcrI . 6300 18 ,'. 1 1' ', I 11II11I lt> liiM'ii pr 1400 ?.?' 4 29 IMI nsl I P A I'n . 1800 2h\ 2679 W 8 C t P & !??? pr 200 eri 65 1 H Idiid Pro.l. 21400 77 '?, 77 l s Ind Alcohol. . . 11900 119' a 103'., I S Realty X lmp.. 3400 45 " 451 4 1 rl Itulihor. 10600 84' , 89' . I) S Bmcl! & Rcf... 2800 49' , 50', *J 8 Sterl. 290100 100 " 103 1 S Stci-1 pr. 400 11658 116\i I Inh Copper . 2200 744 774 I (ah See Corp. 2700 17 1878 Va Carolina Chem.. 4400 62 63 Va Carol Chem pr. 100 112' ? 112' ? ^'a Iron Coal & (0kc 200 5T<4 58' . Wabash . 2300 8'4 873 Wabash pr A. 700 33 33 Wabash rr B. 100 20' z 20' 2 Went Maryland - 2800 104 ioi4 Wmt Pacific . 1000 17 17 West Union Tel. 300 86',,2 8S'/2 Westlnjrhouse Mf(j... 10800 49 4938 Westinc'sc Mfg 1 pr. 100 65 65 Wilson Co . 4600 845a 85'. 2 Wilson Co pr. 10 101 101 " Wheel & L Erie. 300 8' 2 84. White Motors . 2100 59'4 59', 4 Willys Oterland. 20200 3278 33 Willys Ovcrland pr.. 200 957a 95'8 Wisconsin Central . . 100 36 36 Woolworth . 200 124' 4 124'4 Woolworth pr . 200 116 116 Worth Pmp & Mach. 700 6778 68 Wor Pmp & M pr B. 600 77 771 , 'Kx divitlcnd. Curb Market Note. 'I he Tribune assumea no rcsponsi bility for tho accuracy or nuthenticity of curb market Quotations. Transactiona and prices yesterday wore as followa: Imlti.-irials ?;;,, , .. , Opon. H,gh. Low. Lut ????? ' -Ae na Explos. 10;8 104 10'4 10' * . "' **--? Pf . 70 70 70 70 ? '" Am-Br Mfg pf 25 27 20 27 ? '?'?" 'Arn Malt & G.40 41 JO 40 ? ?' :' "Am Stl F.iy a i 334 33', j 31', 32' i ?"?' lir-A Tob coup ?3"4 234 23'; 23^1 ? "0 Chalmers Mot 9' , 10<4 9', Ut 1 00 "CH Ser 11 T sh 36% 36% 36' 4 36''! ???"????> ?Claib0rne&AFy 12 12 10 <0 .'./.'''?''"'I' 8hipbK.123i/2 123'/2 118 118 ? " ' Emer on Phon, 4'.4 5 41 k 47;, '' E*-*? Johnson.. 62 64 62 64 .,:;';:;?-*? ,*,f,.mo' i ioo< 210014100' 4 - -'" ' *! iiirbanka Co. B7>/2 59'-. 67'-, r.9 :'/"';V k "ubTwi 30 36'a 35/a 35% ???" '?? ii Asphalt.. 07 67 66 66* 1 . !l"ll> Mol r.-ir 8% 8'S 8' i 8' V 7 UI *lntercont It ib. 21' ? 22'^ 21'a 21'' 1 '"" ''""''? i " ' ".il. 29 . 30 24 ?9.? I-'OOO <?!.. M,'iN&L(33-33! > 33' . 31 3134 . JNhl] \ & O. U?/? 33'2 30/, 32 " . "Natl C & I . 63! > 644 63'"". 64i i 1800N Y Bhlfti(.a%g -fij 43? 454 ?""" i' Ir A M O . 26 88 gi 26'" ?'.""' ?Phllln Morris 124 13 12' , 121 , ' PouUei, Wjro 5 54 5 " %& , : ' ?Hcminglon T. 62 62 60' -. 61 1. --*wt.l l,rc . 38 39 36 371 1"" ??iH'v.ail M 0. 45' , 46 4b' . afiiJ '{?"'?I ** * >? '". 37'. 35 4 35' '' " l ' Utf* '7'4 18 16'4 1 h > V ? ' i -i.M, 4 .?? {- v ' ' I '. Cn 1.1,1,1 70 70 70 70 " .".'.! i'l.'i i Ui V . \a |i >???-. H ,M...,i, l? 2'4 J|| flfl lil 1 W. UlUll 4 4 4 ll! 4 *? ' ' W t' P, v Vi ?? Va 4 % I tNDAWl Oll. "," |ftn*--?i X"A '! ?? ??'"4 ??! $-14 '?; '"'?*"? . - 80 |QQ iuii * 'll.H t? i' I lur, lun um . fji *" ? . IV ..." m wi N'l'Vii.I , .,11 ,i,ti IS OIIII.M lill ?Hlll M N,!"' "11 111 i!7 ,, ?,. Vlli M '? li i', v , ii, 5,. Mii.l Uliylill) | I " j ? '.'i.hi ft tl ii 4 " ?""' H. Oll 61* ?ij ?i, ?, ll" Wvii Oll 4.1 .11 ' s? " an ? ' 'I.I" U I It 411 j, .1;" . in , 4gi 1 ?.'"'" l'i l " 1 id , 11, . 11 ' 441 ;.> '< " -l'i. & . ... Bv, |o ' u.4 IQ Siilo.-. 3800 7.". 3000 18000 500 7000 2700 liTOO 4000 3700 20000 5000 301. 6000 ?1. 20000 |f,000 1500 sooo 4600 ;. i: no :;.. h o .;.".. 26000 I. 2?i rn inoo 21 50 6000 iu 2600 : 500 7250 12000 800 :?. i. 1 1500 :. Bales. ium. a .mi. . ?? imi . ,,Ml IMI i 2800 I . U'l.lHI .. ,i'i. i |||fi M.,1 :.',iiu IMHl li.uii luu [?(mfi IMHl j non i uhii ,i nn i ???? i . . ill un .nn . Iinni i.iii.i I'linn . 'Vill 8'4 8 .34 32 C. 32 ... 3', a- 1 5'f ?Elk Basin Pet. + Esmor Oil Cor ?Federal Oil . . ^4 ?Glenrock Oil.. 7', . ?Here Pet CI A 10' a ?tHoma Oil C<> 41 ?Home O R w i 17 ?Houston Oil. . 98 ?Hudson Oil "Int. Petro . . ?Tsld Oil & T ?tKcnova Oil ?Mcrritt Oil Metro I'etro ?Al P of Me wi ?National Oil. ?tNorthwest Oi: ?Okla & 'l.v (i tOmar Oil K- i; ?Oi .( nl O & G ?Pennok Oil.. -?? 1 enn ''.:? ol ?fQueen Oil . . * R.-inpeburnett O 2jj ?tRanger-H(ap) 40 ?Rickard Tox.. 11'4 ?Rnck. Oil (np) 1' a ?Salt Cr Prod. A-\ ?Sapulpa O & U 8' a ?Sinclair Gulf.. 53 ?Sincl O wnts.225 ISouthwcsl O.. 49 Open. HiKh. I.ow. *-" 8 8 334 7'2 104 42 19 99 4 32 8/2 6 323B 3' 8 v'4 68 8'a 7 3'2 7'4 10'3 41 17 97 34 31 S'a 5' ', 30 3 94 8 74 104 42 19 98' ', 4 311', 8'a 6 304 53; 49 2' 17', 39 ?Slanton Oll. ?SterlinK O & H ?T. x-R i' & )!.. " ;Tc.xaii:. O & \i ?Tyopn Oil . . . ?H'era-Con Pet ?Vic Oil in w. . 50 2"e 174 40 15 40 114 1% 41 83-a 53', z 225 49 ' 8 61, We 1 St O & L 56 74 3'a 63 74 3! 4 ff -?.' 55 54 63 Mining Stock ?Al-llr CoUMot ?tAdM&M ia p) ?1 VHod Oolil .. ?Am.', Minca * \' i.'. Hiiii', ?"?Ailiiuiii . I.ill I nl,,.' . . ?tHooii, fHtwIun \ ftlnn ??l.lll'.lHUil, . ?1 HJunii 1 a 1 ? -ih.ui.i 1 i.p|,|.r. "M illnli-l,,, i., .,. M ,.,|,l.?v . . ?' " ? M i* M. ' H'.'i'ii l'i.11 li ?tntVKll .,1 ?I'U Mu nl N 11 ..,1, ,1. , ?win 1 , \| r? *.' I 1111 M ?il III. .1 *| I llFlllllll . ' IIIl|l| ,. Ill, ?'."'?l'>. .? .IiIkii 11 M ill,,|,ll|?|,| . ,!..., ' Ih.I.llli 1,1 M.., ?flUitnili iii .11 lll'l 1)1' l.linnliii '?;-,', ,, 'II.II.Ill) III Pl. .".,:, . r ,i. in -li. Low, l .1 ' 22im.ii ?? Lono Star . . 16 10 13 l.i1., 1000 Loui ilunu ' in % h % !g S inn ?tMajrmu Chlcf % % % ' ? 16400 ?tMM of A (a pi 1 '., 2 1% 1% :. ?tMacN Mng. . 78 78 76 75 2.* Mat-Mh Mng. .6 ti 6 6 1400 *fMothcr Lode. 42 43 42 42 12000 ?Not Tln Corp. 2,s? 2% 2,",, 2% ! 7000 ?tNev I) ui p) 21 24 19 ZZ G000 *fNev Ophir M 20 25 20 20 200 ?Onond Minpj. 3% 3% 3% 3% 600 *Knv Here M'.. 2% 2! 2 2 2% 12000 tRex Con Min.. 14 14 13 I I l""" IRoehester Min 19 19 19 ', 1 800 ?'Silver ]>ol M. 1% '% ' % ? 's 7000 *tSilver King D. 29 30 23 8 16000 *tSilver Pick.. 14 14 13 13% 2'"" Standard Sil-Ld ? ':? .',- -U ft 22500 "tSutherland D 30 31 26 29 6000 tStewart . 23 25 23 24 6500 "Tonopah Div. 11% 11% 11 11% 1175 Tonopah Exten Z-U 2ft 238 2,;? 200 'Tonopah Min. 3 3 3 3 500 *+Tuolumne Pl. 30 30 20 30 8000 *tU S Cont M. 15% 15% 14 14 1200 Unlty Gold Al. 6% 6%. 6% 6% 2500 tWash Cold Q. 80 80 80 80 2500 tWest End Con 1% 118 1% "48 4500 fWhite Cap-. M 29 31 29 31 Bonds .^al<-r-. Open. llinh. Low. Last, 520 "'Anaeonda fis . . 99% 99% 99' 8 99' 8 J "Canadian Gv 5s. 99% 99% 99% 99% 1 *I1I Con f.'.os_ 97 97 97 97 1" "Inl R Tr 7s_ 88 88% 38 88 G "N Y Tel deb 6s.100' a 100% 100'-a 100% 10 ?Rus3 Gov 5V"S.. 50'4 52 50% 52 13 "do O'.s . .... 59% 59'? 58% 59 125f*Wilson Co cvt 6s 97% 97% 97% 97% Foliowing is a complcte record of all transactions in bonds on the New York Stock Exchange yesterday: U. S. Governinciit Bonds (New York Stock Exchange Quotations) (Closing Quotations) Wednesday. Tuesday. Bid. \ iked. Bid. Asked. Lib. :;'-.s, 1947.. 93.G0ffi98.64 98.64@98.64 do1st4s, 1947. 95.S0Ca)96.00 95.60Co)95.70 do 2.1 4s. 1942. 93.18@93.20 93.10@93.16 do 1st l>As, '47 95.80(2)96.00 95.60@95.70 do2d 4V4s, ' 12 93.26(5)93.28 93.24@93.28 do 3d 41',s, '28 95.10@95.14 95.08@95.10 do 1th 4>is, '38 93.24@93.26 93.20@93.24 Pre-war issues : 2s, reg, 1930. 98%@ 99! 2 9834@ 99% 2s, coup, 1930... 98%@ 99'.'2 98%@ 99% 3s, reg, 1946_89 @ 92 89 @ 92 3s, coup, 1946... 89 @ 92 89 @ 92 Is, rog. 1925_10534@106% 10534@106% la, coup, 1212.2. . . 105"-<4@106%. 105%(3106% 2s, F'an, c, 1936.. 98%@ 99% 98%@ 99% 2s. Pah, r, 1936., 98' ? 98%@ ? 2s, Pan, r. 1938.. 98' .@ 99% 98%ffi 9.9% 2s, Pan, r. I93S . 98| ,@ ? 98' -(ti, ? 2s. Pan, reg. 87 @ 92 8/" foi 92 2s. Pan. coup.... 87 (w 92 87 (w 92 PhH I-. 1934. ... 90 @ 96 90 ffi 96 Phil 4s, 1935.... 90 (d> 96 90 @ 96 Phil Is. 1936- 90 @ 96 90 @ 96 U. Coi. 3-63s_ 97 @100 97 @100 Liberty Issues Net High. Low. Last. .change. Liberty 3?-'.s ... 98.72 98.43 98.62 + .02 <lo l?t 4s. 95.80 95.70 95.80 + .20 do 2il Is. 93.20 93.10 93.18 .08 do lst 1 %s. . 96.00 .95.70 95.94 ?? .34 ilo 2d I % a. ... 93.23- 93.22 93.30 .02 do .;d 1',-_ 95.1 1 95.02 95.12 .02 iln llb l'.,. 93.26 93.16 93.26 .04 1 Approximato investment yield at the ulosing New Vork Stock Exchange prices.J Yieid.' Third Uia. -1-90 1'oiulli l'.,s. 4.78 Second l',s .'. 4.72 I n,i l'.is. 4.51 Second |s . 4.47 I irst Is . 4.25 i i, i ... ,3-58 I.Sitliia ,.| l.iUny liunil; -ni (hfl New Voi'li .I--, i i .,-ii.ii,, r r.nri i mii', i in lhi ilati ni s?le, mit) iiii ii., ,,.-,!.-. i|ii. mii ., i ii, mlilllHii, ln 11.??? .-,i. Ml'il I IHiil. , i I . I . ,, ,. |(1 , I ;i .1 .11',, I llllll Inn' ? Ni" I'' ? I'? ll j i ii.. ,i ? ? ., i |il llllll ?' ?-? -Ihi,,, I!. . ")''' I nmi Ui! r.n llllll ni I li. '"> -? i. "i Ul i.' <io - I . "-I il i. ni i'l i . I | '. ??.96 I . | il , I I, II',. . n|l lll . i-l I'l lll 118.58 I i ?M ,1 11 26,000. 93.14 [J s Liberty 4th 4 V4a ?20,000. 93.12! (1,-t 1933-18 ' 15,000. 93.16' 25,000. 93.18^ 32,000. 93.201 15,000. 93.14' 2.000. 93.1 6: 12,000. 93.181 Total .$241,000' U S Liberty lst 1%, : June 1932-47 35,000. 95.70: 21.0011. 9.6.72' 21,000. 95.70 9,000. 95.74' 69 f)00. 96.00 5*000. 95.80 3,.i. 95.94: Total .$153,000 U S Liberty 2d t',> Nov 1927-42 93.000. 93.26! 60,000. 93 24! 1 13,000. 93.22' Foreign Government and Municipal Bonds (New Vork Stock Exchange Quotations) (Interest To He Added) . ... ,. , p Bid. Asked. Am Foreign See Co 5a 1919.... 99}i 991. Anglo-French Extern 5a 1920... 96% 96i2 ArKentine Intern 2s 191." . 82 85 Canada, Dom of, 5s 1921.. 971 , 97-)' '!" !'::[; . 96% 97 ,,':" '<???' . 06! ? 96% ' bine o Cov Hu Kug Ry . 1 1931 70 ~ 713? Cuba Extern .'. s I'JII. 90 10C do 5s S...;-??. A 1949. 87' '?, 9214 do Extern ?! '.;s 1949. 83% 84% Dnnninican Rep 5s 1958 . 91 " . _ City or Bordeaux 6a 1910. 99'2 -?oo City ot Lyons 63 1919. 99% 100 I'ity of Marseilles 6s 1919. 99% 1G0 <!ity of I'aris 6s 1921. 98 " 983B Jnp Govt 4V'as sterling lu 1925. 91% 91% i!-i I i^s 2d ser 1925. 911 , g-pZ do 4a Bterling ln 1931. 74 77 City of Toliyo 2s i952 . 79% 81% 1 n hun: Gl I'.r & I 3-yr .'.'??s '19 99' , 90 ?,. '] ? r,-yr 5?/2s 1921. 98 ",r 93 ". iln '..".;?!? ,i':s 19.I7. 99% 991 '. FOREIGN BONDS DEALT JN I LAT ,. . ,. , Bid. Asked. Mexico Extern Rf! .,< of '99 1945 65 73 ?lo gold Is '.il 1U5I . 47 56 Bubs 189-1 Kcnie is ii. r den. 23 _ (Sales) Atn Foreign S 5s l.lap 2d ?-or !',-, 1 1,000. 99|< 2,000. . . ." 911 ?-. Anglo-French Bs ' do Geinian efm 11,000. 96 .! 16,. 8/ '".""". oeiii u k ot n r a 1 12,000. 06% ..' 1 |9"| I ? i.OQl). 96% I ,,%in 98i 20,0(1(1. 96J I Hun ' ' Qa ?' ?-'. 06% 2 1.. 98i? ,000 96 du fi' |!l| 1 :|.""". O644 I,' "" ? 0')' , I" Hl ' B( , do i . I'i ., ??.? ? ? B644 l ifl 9i)i , i.'n'ii. . 06 ,, , ,,,,, 2".MI,I , . !l|,l(1 |(| ,,.., 1,00(1 Oi ? 1 .,,, I It v p| l.yp 11. i ? |,ll 111 qqi ' ,.. ii?5". . : poi. * ih ..I M.ii, I,., ,,,,,, m,,; ,00" ? i""b ' ' . ooi ' Hs (?l I',..'. 1,. \., ,1 ,1 , 11 1, ,, ' i". 981 J 1 , . , . - miil BI ' 11 nmi ,,, """" " , I "> '" I'iiHI. N Y I 0 , m, ?' Ihini ? ? 1 ...I .. i'i'i 1 ,?,,, inn , 1. "?', iln ll - 1 in,, On I1' 'I 1 Oini i,,i' . I"""" 08 ? ilo H1 imlfi ?'"I1 I"' ' I I ' I I I .I HAI , 1. 'il' ,J i|,| <o Hutj ' , I.IB ' , . ??, . iln KmtlUli' tm 1.,.01111. .ul | Railways, Olhcr Corporations Am Ag Ch deb 5? M K & T rfg Im I'd,ium.110 , ',..'. 45 a 2 min.110' 2\ do * t 4Va? BO ium.110 ; 6,000. 30 do cvt us -.000. 31 9 000 .... 99 I do ctfa of deposit Am Smclttng 5a '-'..'.294 35,000. 90 3,000. 30 Am T & T evt 0s Mo Pacific con 0s 8,000. 99'4 2,000.991', do 5s 1923 6,000 .914 I do gen i: 9,000.59' '? ' 2.000. 594 ' 5,000.5934 ! 5 000 ... 844' 11.000. 594 I Am Writing Paper 5s 1.000.60 10,000. 99'-.: 2.000. 6O/4 i Atl C L lst con 4s i 13,000.60 6 111111 804 Montana Power ;>s 4,000. 80V M00. 92 do L & N Is N Ori T & Mex 5s ?? 000 . 744 10,000. 504 ; 1,000. 74*/2 49,000. 50 Balt ,v O rfg 5s ' N Y Air Brake Os 1,.774 3,000. 994 do cvt 4'? i M" Y Central deb 6s 1,000. 97% 7,1100.974 ,-,,000. 97'/-. 15,000.974 1,000.97!-2 do 4s 1934 2,000.834 ; do eon 4s 5,000.754 ."..nn". 754 5,1. 76 2.000. 7^ 2 N V C & St L deb Is 1,000. 74'/2 N Y & Jersey 5s I.O'iO.90 Si.). 6I4N Y N H & II cvt Bklyn Rap T 7s I deb 3%s 1956 11,000.81' V 2.000.50 'Bklyn U Elev 03 N Y Rways rfg 4s stamped | Z.000. 41% 1,000. 77|/2 1,000.42 Central Leather 5s '' 1,000.4214 13,000. 954 ' ,000.421/2 7.000. 95V 2,000.43 Ches & O con 5s 1 10,000. 43*/2 1,000. 98 do adj .is do cvt 5s 24,000. 124 2,000. . . 874 2.'I"". 124 20,.87 N Y W cC- Bn l1 ?-? 1.00'J.874 '?'?. 44 2,1. . 87'.2Norf & W cvt Gs 1 1,000. 871 .j 19,000.1064 I,. 87'8 5?0.107 1,000.871, Nor Pacific 4s do sen 4'..3 1,000. 82% 15,000.804 Ore Short Line 6s C & Alton :ji-,s I 2,000.1004 1,000. 37 1 do4s ; C B & Q Den 4s 10,000. 85'4 1,000.9938 Pacific G & E 5s do joint 4s 2,000. 86 50.0110.95/2 Pacific T & T 5s 5,000. 953a 1.000. 904 16,000. 951;, Penn 5s 1968 3,. 95*4 2,000.95 C Gt Western 4s ?' '.. 944 3,000. 60' ? I.Onn.95 3,000. 61' ', ii" U ll S C M a St P gen I.OOii. 86' ? ?1' ? ? 5,0 i0. . . 86% U,.I. ... 80' . do jren '? - do i-.'t !? .s I.OOCI. 86 5.000. 76 Phila Co 5s 1922 1,000. 761', 1.000. 92'4 1.'. 76 "" Pierce Oil (Is 1920 do rfg 1' s 7,him..1231-2 8.000. .".... 68 ; 10,000.124 I.OOO. 68' -, 3,000.122'/2 0 & Nwn gen 5s 5,000.122 2,000. 9938 do 1924 3,. 994 10,000.107' 8 Chicago Itv 5s 8,000.107 ',000.72 '4 10,000.107' 'a I' Ii I & !' rfg Is li.OOO.107' a l ,0(1(1. ... 72' , I.I.107' 4 11,01111 . 724 11,000.107 .I. 72' ', '."i1".106!4 i ,0|| .... 724 ::,..iiu.106i 4 5,000. 73 1.000.105' '8 16,00(1 . 73' , .1.106' 4 C St I. & N Qrl 6s 111,111111.106 ".'. . 99 Poca. Ooll 5s I.'imi . . 984 " 000. 874 C & W,??! [nd 1- Reading gen 1s 2,000. 62 ! OOfl 83 Chile CUippur ,., Renulilic I i S .1 lli) '..'.linn . 93 ". . 119' 8 It 1 A.l. ??- II', "" ..... ,1 ,.,,1 i 1 . 67 rtil .11 A '? I 1- EI , \ B8! 11,. eii. ?' 00 ti,i' 1 1 . 61' . lln ' ? | . nl '', ll-'.1 .1.??' II ' I. tl" , I.' ? I Ii. " I a Oliil Nl a . Prt fin ' ' ' ?' 1.1. . nl' 1 1861 ? iln ln 1 ? iln |,n. 1, 1 nmi 4P 0 6II4 II..' . 'I'1'', Col huldilllal ., . 45 . , I ll,.1 pi, ' "I >V ..,111 ;. . 44' , .I). 87 50,000. 46 il , I ' 10,01.0 40' , J'.dOn .... ,*a' , Heiotti V R n ti 4* 2,. . . . ,??!?;, 3.000 . .77 I,.I, 781 , Seiilionrd \ I. ndj 1 1 Comp Tni. it 13 ii.onn 18' , 1,000. St ,0011. 48' , 1. 82 I".""" . ...484 1.000. 64 ? ind.'iir Oil 7? Con Gas evt Ot 12,000. 99% 3,.'.100-'s "??. 99' t Corn Pr ,",; 1 n;j j 8,000. 99 "8 ???. 99-'., 7,000. 99 Ocn & R G con 4s do stock wnrrnnta 1,000. 63 1,000.12P'4 Distillers S C 5s 20,.121'.2 1,000. 90' ,| 10,000.122 Erie lst con 7s 1.000.120 4,000. 99-4 So Bell T & T 5s do ;:on lien Is 1,000.90 4,000. 53'-"-. So PVil'v cvt 5s do cvt Is ser II " 1 1.000.1064 1,000. 46 I 22,000.106' , 1,000.46' V 10.000.106'4 do evt 4s ser D | 10,000.10614 (i.OOO.... 49 | 10,000.106-"4 Ga r.-ir & Nor 5s 18.000.106' 8 10,000. 94 | 4.000.105 1,000. 941/ do cvt Is G Bay & W deb B I 2,000. 84 1,000. 6' ,' 5 000. 834 Hnd & M rfg 5S " 1 1,000. 84 1 4,000. G8-v 2,000.837J, 3,000. 580', 10.000.84 1.000. f8 i H.oii.i. 83% 10,. 68*41 do rfK ,s -.000. 58 '.? ?'?. 80'', Illinois Con rl"fr Is 12.00(1. 80 1.. 79V '-'?'""''.80' s 1,000. 79'14i 3.000. 80;ie Illinois Steel I'-.s 1 do col 4s 1..'.'. 85/a 1.000. 753.^ | 1.000. 85 : 4.000. 751/, Intbo-Met !'?;-? jSouthern Rway ."?? 2.1. 31U V.ooii.93 3."00. 311 j 1,000. 92-p 3ii/i 1,000. 9254 50,. 31i" do4s 8,1. 31 | 1.000.67'^, ?r'.""". 31%| -""r'. 675.^ Intbo It T rfg 5s -..I. 673j ?'."'"?. 68' 8 do 5i Memphis div 22,000. 68! ?? 10.000. 90' \ 11,000. 68 "' do 4s Mob &- O div Int M Marine 63 | 4.000. 66 40,000. 99 Texas Co cvt 6^ 994 1..).101% 10,000. 99 Third Av adj 5s ?r'.oiiO. 991., 11.000. 277R Iowa Central 4s 1 5,000. 27% 1.000. 43 ,Tol & O C lst 5s ' Kan City So 7,s 1,000. 92 2.000. 85 |Union Pneific fis" do Terminal 4s ! I.103'', ''"'<". 767/R| (..O.i.'l .103V,, ? ,15.00 ' . 76'4 '?'"... 103% 1 Keolc I) M 5s | do I t i; i , , 1!""'?. 68'.8' 2,000. 86' 2 Lake S 4s 1928 Un Ryn of St I. 4i ? 1.000. 873a 1,000. 51 Liggett & M 7s Un Rvs of S F 4s :'.''';".112'/8I ctr-. nf deposit do 6s I " ni i. 101', 1,000. 93' , 7.0(10. 301 B Lorillnrd Co 7s I 6,000.. 30'4 1.000.HI!/,! S.0O0. 30 8.000.112 IU S Realtv & I 5s ; 2.000.111141 ii.onn. 73 -?oSs 'I 5.00 1. 727>a 10.000. 89',, r " ?'. 73 : L & N ci 5s 1931 I 5.000. 724 2.000. 971 2'U S Rnlibor 5 , (ln unified 4s '; 13.000 P.7r.; ; 3.000. 8441 n.onn. 874 : Midvalo Steel 5s ' ?*"- 000 875B 7,000. 89 I 22.0iin_ 87i , M L S & \\ ext 5s U S Steel 3 f 5s 2.000. ... 98 l '."nn.100' 8 M St P & S S M 4s 2,000.100' , 5.000.8434 4,000.1004 M K & T lsl la Utah Powor fi 1. 5s 5.000. 68 ! 2,000.89 do 2(1 la 'West \:\<; I rir 5a 1,000 .38 6,000 . . 97> , I I.O11O.34 Western Union iVjs do ril'* nf dni n u 5,000 , 86' r, " 11 rn ... 30 Wil-'im ,c Cn Oa il? 11.: 1 ? R.iiOO . C9'., 1,onii. 41 l.l\<'->tiM'l< . ?jcali PvQvUiOllli \ 11, , ur ?{;n 1 .',1,1.1 |.n ... lu 1 11. SM.IIOiii IH 40?IO<ll>,fl,|,Y*},. t H,. .1,. , | . 11.. .IH,,. ..',. ,;i.u, .'!? ... . 1,1 ... 11 in m 11.. 1.1 11. 11 miit 11 nn 11 ...... rn no IH . , ?i 11 ii, im ? tiiid' ."i l.lVi. Ill i'i. I 1 "i II ,111 , 11 1.1. ni ..... ,,, I, .,, I. lo I. ti ?'' I '" ' f, 00,.' i" l n 11 li i'll! II MO,, 'li Mii- ;|'< lonih fi) .ii,, -ii Ift in Mi* tn,*,-, .i'. I III ll, |H1 ,.,1 "H>u !,i... ,T ,?.-.'., .' hlil ?,1 rtil 1 :i.i.oit :i".ii'i., 1.1 nn MfHx 1 ." i 1.1,1 ,111.,-iiv,, ,11.,ni nU.WIfliul.lMI ' ll-ll Nt UI \\CMI, otu lu. 81.000111,10 aa.aofi' A Bank that has Weatliered ie Storms of 63 Years ESTABLISHED 1856 'HT|fife iffife 214 Broadway As sccn bctwctn ihe co(u;nnj 0/ if. Paul'i C | el TIME has demonstrated the soundness of the poli' cies on which the first Board of Directors founded this bank, and which have continued throughout its existence. Through the many periods of financial stress, the National Park Bank has been amply able to care for its customers and to aid in stabilizing the country"s credit, because its daily affairs have consistently boen con? ducted m a sane, conservative, and normal manner. A booklet "Some Milestones" gives interesting hghts on commercial and banking conditions through the last half-century. We shall be glad to send you a copy. NATIONAL PARK OF NEW YORK Itidt .nui Asknl Ouota tions Tho foliowing iniii" gtiveg ihe elosliiB liiil Mlnl Kskl il i|'.|nl;it lOll I I''"' ' ? ? I llstetl mi the Nim\ Ymk Hlock Kxchalige Imi nol trnrk'd in \ eslel'dav ? m.i.. ri' \ ' A Iii-1 '-' pr 112 9S , Mm li il Hi n li i, " li i n i - 102 1021 , \i . ', ?? i i 7 1' . ,11 A i' & I' |.| IHi IIH', M ii ul i| ,u ' ... Aiu i ual 45 ? Mal M \\ II 10 A L'ol i'll pr il 93'>i M ? ? 1>. Sl i i . 108 IH7' , Am Kxpress . 02' -, H'i M, . |>, | pr . 107 110 Am I-- ? ii pr, 104 UU'r \ii, li Onlril B51. Iln Am SnulT ...109 114 MSI'A s S M 1.2 , do pr . . . H0 lllll ,i,, pr . 102 I in Am Tel A. C. 58 65 I ,|,, Isil Ibu M B7 A I) <i lst pr l>8 ? Mu : l'i iv pi 105 108 ,1,. 2,| pr. . 68 ? Morris & 1- 70' ? H > Al l'.ir A. A. 7' , S' , N;,.!i ,v rhal IM 117' AG&W l pr. 70 71 ' \,u Bls.-ult. 120 124 ; Iliill r-o-o prl03'3 106V ilo pr ... .11? 120 llarrcll lo pr. 114'a 112. N i; ,s y p, na hki llkn I n (iu.s. 78 82 ,\?< 1.1 pi . . ffiR |H) lirown Sll pr !.'? 100 \ i:u M | ? , , 16 _ Uurns Ilrs pr.HO 112. \ ,i r & \\ ii ;?; UiilT U & J<. 00 08 NYC&SJ-j lst.. 62 68 ./lo Pr . no 100 : '1" -,i pr... 40 45 JJusll 1'erni.. 80 07 N Y I, & \V 12 '13 Can Southern 45's 48'j \orf & \S' pr 72'.> ? Ccn of N J..203 225 \ortll Am ... 50 52 I'or.t F.lry ..14 ? Northern Cent. 67 73 Cent lilrv pr 28 34 Owens Hot i-r.101 101 Cnl & Alton. 7 !) Pacifle Coast.. 44 60 i .J"!" . ? 14 (lo lRt pr.. 68 IIIO < & S W pr.128 130 do 2 1 pr... 50 80 SLo&wplJtav; Hv' K0 ,''"' 'r'1 * T " "'? CSP M & O 6a 70 l ilo pr . 86 do pr .104 115 p Am Pcl 1T.M5 147 rCC& S I> pr 65 68 1'cre Mar pr. 39 43 I iiiett TVa pr. 103 I05'V ilo prior pr. 60 61', C * & 1 pr.105 125 p c r ,<>? s I, 10 48 Comp Tah...45 46'/4 Pclti Mulll 25 4'i Cont Can pr.100 ? ; do lst pr.. m, |02 < rox Carpot.. 44 54 V V V & C I32'i 137". i'u Am Su pr.10.3 106 Pitts St pr.. 96'? ino ' Beere Co pr.. 97 98 !? & w Va pr 80 81 I) I, & W . .176 185 1'onrl Cr Coal 14 15 I)et Ln IIH. 00 97 j.Pr St Car pr.100 102 ;"!' B' . Bat 71 75 P s C N J.. 83 86 I'-Jkliorii C i-r ? 47 Itcadlng Isl pr 36", 37! I'l.-lier >..; pr. 98 98'j rlo 2-1 pr... 36'/a W Gcn Choni...l70 180 Sears lloc pr. 118 120 . do V .103 104 S-S s <\.- 1 pr 84 86 '??? <'inar pr.104',. 106 s P R Sugar.145 155 l. M .fc No. 8'4 8%: do pr .110 120 do pr . 31 33 Standard MII1.I40 150 f. S S Isl pr !>2'i 96 ! do pr . 91' . '1 hartman Corp 71 73 Stutlcbaker pr. 88 !ib'~ 1.1 Central.. 99'/a 9<T>4 Sup Steel pr.. 92'i 95' Int Paper pr. 90 100 | Tol S I. & \v ? 6 lowa Central. 2% 4- I ilo etfs _? fi Jeu-ell Toa pr 83 86 ' do pr .... 10 18 KCKS&M pr. 59 65 do i-tfs pr . 10 12 Ki-liv Spr pr. 94 96 Twin C 11 'I" pr 81 124 lul-i-.v Wh pr 90 B7 LTnd<.d T .167 170 K & 1> M pr ? 50 : do pr .... lll pi Ivresa .* Co.. 65'4 70 Pn Ba? & P. 75'2 63 ?'? IT .106'j -~ U Clg St pr. 112 117 !..icledn Gas.. 66 70 \V Drug ls' pr 5V/2 55'/B Lako K & W 8 8'.,! do _',1 pr...118 170 "ln it . 16'i 17!2 I'u Dyewood.. 511' t 60 Ligg \- M T..203 208 j do pr . ? 98 , do pr .110'.;, 112 |17 H lll Al pr. 107 108 L-W 1$ lg| pr. 100 102 1! S S & H pr 4b'8 47"j il-i 2,1 f r. ..110 113 Wells Karc-.... 54 50 l-nvlllanl pr...l09 ? West Md 2.1 pr 23 2.1 l.mii-v d N.II5 118 West Pac pr. 51 04' ? Mackay Cos.. 73 75-1,, Wli & l, r; pr 18' ? 19' i 1 do pr . 64 65 iWP A; M ur A 95',^ 96 Consolidated Excliaiiiie , [I' of trade on tlm exchmiKe, 10 sharea] Transactions and prices yesterday for iho more nctive ehares follow : Sales. Open. H;--h. Low. Last 820 Am Can. 523,4 53^4 G2' a 52'8 J-.niAm Internat.. 87'8 88's 86 4 8o' , , 880 Am I.oco. 70T8 72'a 70' , 71'? 1170 Am Smelt &R 72 73 \ 72 72 <$ 1060 Anaconda Cop. 6ia? 63 613B 62! . 1C40 Bahiwin Loco. 02'"?yi'2? aiiR 9i*R l.-.lOBeth Steel B. . 7o'a 77^3 751-2 70 H30 Crucible SUcl. 1-8 ? . 69'B 68'., 68-'4 I0301nt Mer Mar.. 38"a 39 37'4 38 '"" do pf.117' j 11834 117'8 117' . li^OInt Paper. 51 ?? 53' a 51 53% 2190 Mexican Pct. .184'A 185 18224184'4 jl'Sfi Mn Pacific. .. 25'- 26' 8 25^4 26 1140 Nal Conduit... 19% 21'4 19-'H 20' 4 1015 Oklahoma Oil. 11 11'8 10', 11 ? :"" pierce Oil. 25'8 25' 4 237H 24'4 R90 Stqdebfthcr- 7.^? 78 76'4 76'. 2800 Tex .V: Pacific, 40'4 41'. 39'-, 2.9! 81)0 II 1'i.r KStor.-s 134 135 ' 13314 134-^ HO U .S Poocl Prod 771 ? 771,2 74'.. 75'. lll" U B Ind AK-o.149'4 153'8 147'4 150 M./'Hi li H ;-.l(..--l.100'8 103 69'4 101'4 -l.iHKUTY liliMiM JI000 l.ilier:, SViB. 99.86 99.86 99,86 99.86 ' 11 iln 1' la . B?,0? 97.14 87.02 87.1? nl ilo -il i- 84-78. ti i,,a 04.76 84 '. lOilll uo l-i |Ua 07,36 07 lu 87,36 87. 16 I Iflll il,. 2M |Us., B6,Q0 95. ui 86 00 05 on I ?"' iln 1,1 i' .. 05.40 85 64 95.40 95 ln uu iln uu \\? u.i.^'j IJ3..HI 93,80 83,40 "I'lll't'a ll>. llUU- llll,:|..,l Rumtinia 15*000,000 of V, S. w \ him; in ., April 8t1 Ondtii i" lhe Allii's iM'iii niiiiiHiiii'i'il Iii ilnv h\ llie 'i ii'ii-iirv uu iiiiiii. i i uu OOOiOOO nmi UiniiiiinHii $i.,0i'l?,lHM?, iihiH ill ll liilnl Inr I'liuiri. lo iliii.- i. 477,000 nnd rm lliinmiiin ni $?5,000,000 nmi ii i.iiiii inr nii Allloi of v: 18H, Bli8?000, I.IS IO1 I' "II, I ,... I., ...... .... ... ...Mt'\SV I \, , ii . i V l| ? I , . . , , It ll 111 I'l' .Illlll " ,"" '""I' v ' . ,. , l ,, , {I.Hli ''I.'" M liHiiRiil , ; ' i MEfe'i'INGS . i , .1 i.i M Mi ISTINU "i' III I I N KKI I M. I-II -I ? ??IO' IIiIh Con ? Wesi I Si rk Oll ,,,. i .. . of . le, UiiB ii board i I ors to serve at sll rl?etloii< ,?.:... m tli ?: upon ic reporl aetion of hui Ii other buslnos? an ,,, ,y nroix ' Iv . lirr'iiit , n uo ? ' ' :hausbr l ? rotary. Dnted April 8th, 1919,_ MEETING8 QUARTERLY MKKTING OV THE AMER? ICAN INSTITUTB Thursday. May !"*? 1919, al . ' W ' Ifi St. ... 8 10 P. M. 25-Cent Surcharse on Cotton Applies on Shipments to Livcr |iool aml London WASHINGTON, April 23. A sur? charge of 25 cents per 100 pounds on cotton shipped from Atlantic and gull ports to Liverpool and Uondon *?? established by thc Shipping Board to day in lieu of demurrage, because M serious delays in unloading at tn English ports. The director of operations made i?*? following announcement: "ln view of serious delays at Liv? erpool and London in the discbarge ol cotton ships we find it necessary to ? establish a surcharge, in lieu of de ; murrage, of 25 cents per hundrcil pounds on cotton from Atlantic and gulf ports for Liver/.ool and London. until discharge conditions improve, Effective at noon to-day. but cannot be applied on prior bookini;s.' Dividends St-ciiriti.-s U-iU'il s I ho govevning pommittee of ?? ;i,?'i. Exchange yesterdaj ?-!m,ttJV: trading thu fullow ing s< curitiMi '''-^ 11 '.. ,, l.i.i ,,M,..I ..-li"' :''l"'h ' .{a, i . . |.i n,,!i,el,i i nr I'ompanyi ,':J'# no ?.i,iiiu,i..,i ,, i.n.'.'.i --li"K,;';,.?tf I'ittsuurgh. Vm\ Wnyna >? \]]i*\\ i...ii > " (IH "" """ "1'li ,J ...i.,i.i -i. ..' Un i ?? w- a i umimio . ? i'.,'.""' .?'JE Illlll *'.',tt'l,.'OH .','......' 'H '-l'"'1' 7 ,? ItUffMUl '? " 'i'" .II I'"''""" |.,i,ii .,..1 I ?m!u.,uhuu. Mim-I RlM-tk* t'?ii..i|i.i? VkiuI.mImIi, Urlall U , .,.,'..,,1 i ii ., lUkHOII, Y' , ri.".".I ?' ?' M.i.-iM-ii ?.-"? ,iu,, im . ou ihe I m-kawaiiita ?" ivmiviiiv nt ih" nnmu.1 nu-r-tl-'B -*? 'M | |..,l,lu'iil,M \. || i.'iiV. I'"1"' *"?| pi, , ii-, ,m .. pi,- , nO'tl l'v |" '? lu.l.l.'i ol I ?'? , t ulloufftt, inctuiUiit, j,ii''.\ndoii.