Newspaper Page Text
Bu vers Arrive I'UMn are iu? ited to register in thla ?ilumn bv telephonimj Hei-knian viit batween 1? A. M. and 10 \\ M. Women*. Wear \ MUUnery i. \ i ?.i .. . m ii , , -.1 u,. u ..,.,. i " 1 1 Hl" llr,-.,.i. . t . , I. V . , :, I ........ I .. e . , ' . ,, ll <. ,\ ???..? \l. . I V ".I .... Ll. ..,.,.!.. .1- . w . i lUil ' ? ? ? 'Hl 1 tl - v ,.???. \\ . .. 114] l, i IIi n ...?..'iii .... i.. 9 \Vu*l . lll,' v,|. i -1, I l.l l?. I VV I ? . ,-.,, I I II 11,,,.,.!,. ?, ..-,.,,. i . ii>. VllO 1 Kl-.'i. A ?...i M> t'"i. I > iv-iit | I BlloWg BU) 1 <iv , M|. \,i.< 11 ll-..- isttl&J H )l.,,,i.l, I.. .1. .., weari Bhlplru ajftononblumi llto II ? ?i t >, i m i ii |. ? \i). i i Hteltttnatt i '4i elntnati, ? ... ->. , Bhuplru 4 Roeenbtutn , 11 TO I ' ,< R . i im'inm \ri il. ,*? :; Pogun Co Mls? ii ien -i . .-i.-is in weaj 11'' em h 116 V SSt 1 hlriv-s.-. .k'.I .Hi.ei, ? .,.., ' , , l.l V! Hallo Bros Co . u it eloaks, -.itltn, rostumes, and < ti .. wear; 220 Fifth Avenue . 1,K\ KI.AMi- llurt ,<? Co . Q. A Klln?v trimmed hats; 37 West Thlrty-aecond Sti?" ' l>i:s MOINK8- Q. Slmon X- ?''>.: a. St in ready to wear: Van Buron, lim Broadway i" rROIT J. L nudson Co.: Miss Ma honey, misses' apparel Asao Mds Corp.; ', ? nue DETROIT- J 1-. Hudson Co.; Mr. Mer cliol, glrla' and lunlors" capes, silk dresoM; Mda. Coi p., . ... Fifth Avenue. DETROIT- P. Crowley-Millnor & Co.; Mr. E I. Ward, wuinti.; Alfm.1 Famtl, 120 \Yi>81 rhlrty-a..r-,1 .^tr-et, U'h floor. DULTJTH- Miller Albenberg Co.; M. C Vlbenberg, women's an,l children's ready to wear, millinery, hosiery. underwear, handkerchlefs. umbretlas; :otS Klfth Ave ... room 909. HARTFORD 4" Fox & Co.; Mlas K. 12. n , waists; 141 Madison Avenue, ? i HOUSTON I.. Wolf ACo.; Mlas F Wolf s Isuacs, joba cotton, silk walsta, wash i'-ii sila dr.>ea and wash aklrts foi caah; 15 East Tweotj H:\th Street, rnh flooi iNnT.-vxAPor.ia r. b ih: f. n Lovi, ? - ? ?' and child ren a gan .nta nd men's I i Wea Twenty -. :l, s,, ... i. 7th fl II Pettis Dry Goods Co : Miss C. 1'. Osborn, walsta, ' ? mos; 4 2 Avenue, BR, Penn.- Leinbai h & Co ? '. - llllnei-y ; 1 1 West sth ? eel ' iperlal. I.ANTASTER. Penn. Smlth's; A C. : u.'.,< !'? nns\ iviinl.i. ' Y2XCHBCRO- C. 11. Almond Drv (>wil? ,.; Misa If. V Cottman, millinery; 311 M i '!.-.- Avenue: Hroztell. MiN'MMi'i U,IS Dayton Co.; Mr. Pltch Mt 1 . ? - ? ml "m--\ : Ass-i. Mdsg Corp.. '."2". Fifth Avonue. OGDENSBPRQ X. Frank's Sotis: IV. Q. Clarkson, laii:.-.-.' cloakat, suits an-i inrs. 44 Eaa< Twentj third Street, care of J. Nev OWEXSBi :.'< Kj MqAtec, Lyddano A Ra ?' !' i ? :e- 2 read.i to wear. Breslln. PHILADELPHIA ? Philadelphia MilLi nery Co.; A I'.Niis millinery; iJra-ud. PHIL '.liKl.l'H i A Giri bel Bros . drj 12 J. Brady, ir ? rimmcd mill nen : . . ?? ', ' PITTSBCRGH- Enterprise Cloak A- Salt M I Isman, cloa \< a i.sts, skirt s ?.,-.. I - ' i'Ki -M Roggs A Buhl : Misa ? ials salta, ilreyjie;-, ' ? ? 1 - - ?. . ; PITTtSFl 1 1.2 i Maas Uo don & ? llesser, walata ': iusp dreasoa ii 1 nogligi..-. fi V,v i '?? ? 5 ii .,..,) ^ireot H;--.-. -, P1TTSF1E1 1'. Masa ?..- ;-<-m X thal, dryitoods M. i . Rosenthal, , i - )' irk \\ enue PORTLANH, ile. The VogTie; B. K. DeRoy, coats i ipcs, suits, di ? RICHMOND, Va S. Crowell A Son; ! l i - . . f to wear waista J Iroa .... , -?? ROCHI 3TEB N V. ? .1. J. Johnsi d Herald a ]ir,i ? IXJHIS 3 l. v. olford .\ l o. S I ? ? ' ' * ' drcsaea waista ? ? I Ohio W 1. Millner & Co.; nery; Mr. B. C. i ii \:t'i ri i ?? ?. i lels Co Mr. Ja ,i .. || (5 \| "" :?' "h< tmOl . \\ , ,1 1 .',,;, j iv tauiNGTON, '<i i hi l.M.r.- r: 1' M ? ? , . i ii . ' ? uu.. Mrn\ \\ 4iu '? m -i. :? l\ \ , aalei . . i'. ,? ? M ' .' i... m i il.Mi.ia i ..,. ? , ,, , i , ? ..,. i t- ' i i ... ,i .i,,,, . V, ... I MI i in ii i i i?,?,,.. riinii t, n,?, ( mill fm nl .1,1, .. ,...,.,i , I "ll M'l ' 1 III \ I .u. . ? . ,,-.. ,, ',.=> r- ..i \ v\. I'll'l 11'I I I'lll \ .,. ..,,!., !,,..? j ? ..., ., . .( l.l . , ,,. ! . ' Hl I .11 " A ||l 1 V ' II ' > I ' ll'lll '. . ... I'. ,,' || | .. n., i . ? i'l ri. hl Kltll ii.-iun K U ?' ,,,^ \ I K ," ' ? ??? .. i i, , , ? hlna 11 iii iJroailwai , \< , nv Hi- B1.1NU, ns Va U. V< ? ,?,.? ir?; i; vv i;r. t,. ? ? i WORi \ , ??,,, |,0 m k , Mi men's furnia rd?. Co., ? i Piece Goods K llaaa . > ,. ?i'. Manu '. Di, \ ' ll M'.l OTTE, N C Southern P mta .'. i.'jw-', manfaetm ira clol h;iu ? : i ? ? CHICAGO co ? V l Bert, domosUcs, whil ? . , l , i.ann-ln and linen ... Fifth V nue i lilCAUi > Handmai her & V\ olf; .S b manufacturers women's aml misses' 'J,.,^.^.<al'":s ;"'' raincoats: Commodoro CHICAGO?Neulander & krela; <; ii Neulander, manufacturers cloaks, suita CHICAGO- M Cohen K- Sonn; M Cohen Shapiro S Rosenblum, 1170 'I.KVKI.and Brocto, .j. & Co ? i v ,;.K.;,r,n,,;i"uf'irlur''''''' skirts and dresseai . HAZHLTON, Penn Gerhardl J & (? ? i irhardt, manutai turera . 2 ' - | ' " ' < ? M . .,.' . SORWICH, Coi ' ? ? , '??' ? -'?' Booda and ".j. , , , h fiooi , i'" ; -' ? Broa ma, representing 1161 Broadway; : , v,,AJf:;:J; ' tetd* H,1Kho? white Kooda llnena, waafa gooda, b ' ( .. ' ?' I baga; 42t Fourth Ave Notion-4, Toilet Goods, Drugs ?'?K'. E51 \". D il irt & i ,, ; ,r v. Ma i ??'. 1 :-? . Weal hlrty-i ? ? --t. I.V.N'".'. M i-.s. Ooddard Broa l' ' ' Con mo '?' 0 loda Co 'i O. \'i< n. hoalerr; .2,^ Church Strcel 2 ' P1TT8F1BLD, Man Holdnn K- Htona - ' Mlaa M Meaaer, walata, house dreaaea : ?' I*"?-?. '. w.m Thlrly second ,. r??-t . ii' RBADING Tltlow, Schuler Co.j E Tlt --w. notlona, hosiery, underwear Kloves, -i embrolderles, ladlea neckwear coats Bi oadway < !on Leather and Fancy Goods, Jewelry Mrs. I '? -- *',-'lii nn-l Thlrty-M venth ' ? ' Offerings to Buyers <"APKH. DOLMAK0. COAT9, BUtTB Tobi py aiyloa t-> close out ?.i -,-ry i-,w H H, it Wt\ J7t?i ,<. thJrd floor. .4, W-,t I ? ?? ' ' II ' ?' v-H ' liA'li WmA^,.,, How-te I'tiriiishiug*, Hoor ('<iv* rrlnga, I iu nittii t>, Hrupprit**. . i. \ iu i 'i rw M c w p, sihi,, 1,1, i ., I ? ? . . Iillm b' ?. ... \\ . il i rn, i . ?. i ...'I HMAHA i '. i.i i ?...,. il. II.v- ? ?? ,n ->e ' i ? ? ' It .in.. I. . II I III. 1 l.,|ll , i- .... . . ... .... i ? \\ I Mu. lull |>|l . ?!,..,. I ,1. .. I. ? '??'.I ,..,.; . . I .,,, , I, i .i 1,1, J WU.MIM , v\ .i,,,ii,?i,.., i "."? ? ? li . "i. <?, ou"," .n.'i '' ." "'''''"? ??.'" u.'i,.i.i .|'|.mi SIhipk* ium' - i" . \v i KtUnB '',i ? .1 L- "''?.* t??, tthnnnt 1160 Bv?a.lwav, General rVtorchunrilie I II' I'Al.i ) ClawBOH * i',, ,lir ?'?'"li. I li 1'lmvmm, prOMltlftllt; 4.1 Ijtsntl anl Htrenl CHAUl.l I'lTK. Xi' .1 H lv,'i * Co , I. A |i,,\.\ I :>,?--1. .-.?lu nlil.'! lOH, pO'ee . I t V goods, nations, fancy Rooda, rIovcb, hoslery, underwoar, rnu.,. carpeta, tipholBlery, trunk!.. baga, li.m.iiii'iu harKalnn, B \V>-:,t Thlrtj ii.'iiuiil Htreot. CHICAGO De Shotloy Co.: \V. C Rosa, general merchandlso; Pennaylvanla. DALLAH IJlKKlnbotham-nailoy Ummi <??> . wholeaalo ,lry goods; A. II. Balloy, ropresontlng; 39.. Broadway. DAYTON Johnston Sholton <".>, dn goods; .1 ,S Sholton, general manager j 404 fourth Avenue. Ji.v Co. i;i:}.,i;x vn.i.K, Mlsa Nolms ,v Blurn Co.; Sam liluin. lu.lien' aml children's drygooda, irarmcuts, millinery, ulioes and toys; 141 Maiii.ioii Avonue. UOUSTON, Tox. McCardell & Sauer: J. B McCardell, roady to wear, milUnery, boys' woar and drygooda; 303 l-'ifth Ave? nue; Navarre L03 ANGELES- A. Hamburger & Son; "W. Taylor, general merchandise <* mont); 225 Plfth Avenue, room 525. __ MIDOT.KTOWX. Contl.- J. H. Urnii-f Co ; K. P. Schaofer, morohandlae maruurer 40 1 Fourth Avenue, 5th floor. 1UDDLKTOWN, X. V. Tomnhins Dry Oooda Co.; S Mlllspaugh, dxess goods. silka, Imlagrs, mon'a furnishlng gooda, c.> sets; .Ol l-'nurih Avonue; Cont inemal. MIXXHAPOLIS- Uayton Co.; C. D. Day ton. drygoods; 225 Fifth Avenue. room 828. V iXXK.-vl'.M.I.-. Leader Mercautlla Co , '? A. <' luu . men's furnishlng go<>da. women's hoslery, ivomens and , l.lldrens undcrwear; 104 Fourth Avenue. MONTRBAL, Que..Greenshields, Ltd.; F. C. li. Pethurstone, drygoods; Belmont. NAUGATfCK, Conn.- M. Fi ,-edman, -I' J g.Is .."l ? lothing . Brealln. .NEW OULKANS Standard MercantHo Co.; F \Y. Feltel, general ruerchandiso; McAlpin. PAAVTCCKET. R. I.?Shartanburgr' &. Kobinson; Mr. Hodlkin, merchandise uian joi; *n4 fourth Avenue. SAX ANTOMIl i. Tox. ?Woltt Ur Marx Co., drygoods; -T.-j. Slerno, merchandise man- , ag '. 141 Madison Avenue, car? l*v*nar,t. , SFRIXGP1E1.D, Mass. Forbes & Wa! - lace; J!r. Spear, merohandtao uianagir; Syndicate Trading; Co., 230 Fifth Avenue. i ML-weilaneous t VliTOONA, Pa- -Gabln, AV. F. & Co. ; 11. K. MacFarlane, boolcs, pictures, and adver? tising manager; 230 Fifth Avonue; 15r,,-.: t. ll. BALTIMORE, Md.- The llub; K. AVoirr. lothing; Penns* '. ?nla. I .'1 il.A I'Kl.l'HI \. Th.uii. J. T. Cn.; M. Kohn. ir. ariifnuil flowers; Penn .. . ? I-HILADELPHIA Strawliridge * Clo Mi . ot ? -?'.;? d, ui li i-wi ax; |.*ifth \\. nu, ?A.x PRAXCISCO M. Scheyci K Pro ! - i ireifu: . low . is; Broitoll. Activity in Downtown Business Lease? Hrisk Alany <!4)n4,crns FiniJ Spai'c in Building in This Swtion of th?- (;ity ^ estcrilay The Charles F. Noyes Company has leased a floor at 119 West Forty-second Street to George (i. Mevi; a floor ai 22 Beekman Street to William Polat sik; a floor at id Fulton Street to lrving W. Gre8*n\vald; a floor at 247 Pearl Street to the Crude Drug Com panyi a floor at 160 William Street to lsanivion ,v. Rlank; a floor at 257-258 i Street to George J. Demarest, ci . ...?>? al i ... Fulton Street to the Standard Asbestoa Company. I olaom HrjthiMs have leaaod for '?en. , i l ..nlil' tho fhvtory at 326 l'ia.-,! !l,n,-tuii Street, to Qsear Bandroan White lio.vliuan h,(\o leased a lol't al i' ?adw?J t" Xl'ialiim .?iidumoii . a lofl at .'10 l (.uiili -\\eime to |,?hi, ?-' ' "tilutl , a ui | ,:, l ; , \l, ,,,, ;UM ' ' ' '? 111 .l|,,.i,\ , -J !,,,,? "* 10 ' 101 ',,,,,1 :'tieol lo l,,,?|,a i;'"?i" ? I"...' ,i ? .. i iiuiii, Vvemw '? >''" "' Hli e. , ,!,?., *' ' ' * )) Wl '''iii.,' \ ?,..n,t ;.i ,,,,,1 ta ""' I ? ? ' '" ' '"IV 'l?e t,| !, , I l,iu? "> Vln'* '" v'!''" !" i.'"'?'? "?,.,, i, A ii?i?,r, ?,?, , u,?, n'" " ' ' Henl j hnvf loi'ied :. poptlOM "I "'" tlllltll IIOOI 111 'I- lunlilie,- -i. .;' ?? ' 1 ?'?"iv fotiHh SlPi ?', |? ||?, '? r PatfiHl Iv,.ihipah-v i'lic Hi.lT ,v .?,?,|? ( ,)In',,Hnv |ma 'l" ev'tith tlonr ri ,, H Went 1 '" ? f'ghlh ;'f""i t" the lAliihitoi^* !' Iributing Corpoi-ation, and !- ; ' entro Street, epace to ?? on Uros. Jamea A. Shoeran haa leased a lofl al 1545 I'l.ird Avenue to ,lohn Parduba. Stt.rr- Space Also in Demand Spear & Co. havo ronted ihe store ?' d basemenl al 13 and 15 Washing? ton Place to Max Uyman; a lol't at n and 22 West Eighteenth Street to United Profil Sharing Corporation; at 49 to ,,.. West T-wenty-fourth Street to Pischler Brothors; at 33 and 35 l.v, rwenty-first Street to (irotc < omportable Company; the corner store at 267 Sixth Avenue to (ieorp-e R. Riley; a loft at 648 Broadway to Manhattan Manufacturing Company a loft Ht 152 to 156 Wooster Street to Republic Doll and Toy Company; thc store and basement at 55 West Six teenth Street to Bech-Van Siclen Com SUMMONS BFPREMK COURT OK TlfE STA'rE r,v '? VORK. XEW YORK COCXTT *'???-.'.. ?:K,A,.',^M,.,';n srvM,^"* SS UiOVE XAMl-l, DKFEXDANT. Vou are i,?r-t>y aummoned lo answer lh? ?>,:':'":"' '" thla action. and to w? 1 'your answer upon plalntlff's attor hln twenty days after tho ??rvl,e of this suromons, exclusfVe of the Jday of ser -. ?;.! ii.-??. of yo?r fallurS to app^r '..-.v-r ludgroent will be taken a*alnst .,', i ompi&inl Dated, New Tork, January 28th, itll'j. '' W* McDOUQAIJ), Addreas 253 Broadway, Borough of Manhattan, city ,.f New Vork TO i'anw COATE8: .'!.?? forcpplnit bummons N n.-rvtwi mi0ri puDUcatlon. pursuant to an ordr? of Hon. M..>Varley Plat7*k. .l Justice of >u 1, ?,'h ";,y ?r B-abruary, m* - ... <? ^'"L ,h0 ''"nplalnt ln tha ofllca ;'f ths ( lerk ot ti?, County of New York at ' . ?unty ,.r)llr, Hmmn_ Borourt X<J*VorV: ? Uy' County an'- *??'*--? of "-?tornsy for Plalntltt; Offlc JSd p o :V , ' ' ' Broadwayy, Borooah ^ -'" ' ??"'"''. ?''?> of K-.y York. PRO'POSALS I'ROrOHAl s luu tl n iu- hasa ?' .. . > fial . ..? offi red for "" ' ,'" '? '???? I'ai . , i . ? . ,,,,, , ' posala w|,l I,- ,,? .-(?. ,..| n, !,,, ,,IT:,? ,,f .? ..ermrai Purchaaln* OWtc?r, Tha Panama Canal Washlngrton, D c, imtll 10:80 polook n. in. .I?n? S, 1010, 8t vsl,l?|j tln.a tji-y will I... opened ln public, for pur ' naalrifc '? kbovo-mnntloned material l)!nr.<? sr,d Infoi tnatlon relatlng to thla ilar (1373) may 1", or.tan.od from thla Oftlcfl or (I.i oftl, -a of ths uaalatant pur. chaalnt n?enta. :i SUta Htrset, New xork r?( t, N'nw (irleaii* >.'! Ifort itaaon. Hat. Pranclaco i to froin tha I'lUtsd .?.-... n?li >< ' ln :', prlni !.??:,! ? Hlnn ? hroushoiii r ', . , _? f i ? , . \crnoM' ?ii QttHHUCH, A>v U.'umm, hsiis thla ,J**Z *J,i'.', U J'f'iKlw*/. !.'?W Voik City Hoor, ?6U,, at 10;?9 a. ,u.. Oi.? lilammu .*vaUl,ri ^ m? ^if |, ht j ? ' ,t,t*??rt in t?o vi*monA Bln?f no<* lu paiiy; the store and basemer.t at 861 Broadway to Globe Jinport Company; a loft at. flo and 37 West Thirty-fifth htreet to Adolph Levine, and n loft at 119 Mercer Street to Manm Muhlen dorf. J Kdgar I.eayrrafi & Co. have leased a store at 360 Anisterdam Avenue to (ieorge li. Smith; the eorner atore at o2\ Third Avenue to A. I'ellegrinelli; a loft at J1 Ka-t 2.iventee.nth Stroet tu llollander; ii.e aecp,wl flour in ihe, huUdina ai il..' M't'thwem pqvner of Third. Avenue and i ightjf Hutii su.nit 1,. ii,,- jchn \.. niiith Stata Hank, ihe atore ai ";.s i liii.u.iway tu M. MerffenaVern, aml tn, inr.. ci r.iiii -?:,?..,..nin (iiiiuii iv, Hai i \ lillrt... The Cross & Brown Company have leased the store at 1765 Broadway to i the Pierce Arrow used car exchange; i\ oor at 9-11-13 Walker Street to the 1 Perf Mt'g. Company, and a oor at -44 West 49th Street to lhe Bryant Quto i'ainting Company, Inc Secretary Wilson Sees No BoMtt \JMTi Danger P<0" PON, \|,r,i .":, There ?- no ol 11,'Mu'i iam getting a fnot li"I.I "I thia - niliitt \ , the ;.n,'i' nl 1 -il"" \N iilii.ll ll \\ il.eli. ilei'laieil H. an address hetore members of the Chamber of Commerce to-day. The greatest trouble confronting the country at the present. time, he added, was the possibility of a long period of industrial id'.eness. Secretary Wilson spoK.e on the "future relationship between capital and labor." He said that the only amicable way to adjust industrial dis putes waa for the employer and em ploye, being mutually interested, to sit at the council table and discuss tuat ters. Army "Yioe Zone" Hule l jihrlil by Vi 81 < ourt vVASBINQTON, April 81, Authority of the Secretary of War to make regu? lations for the protection of the mora. of soldiers was upheld by the Supreme Court, which conflrrned convictions of D. G. JlcKir.ley and J. I. Bray in Georgia on charges of establishing a disorderly place within five miles of a military camp. "Congress having adopted restric? tions designed to guard and promote the health and effieiency of the men composing the army, in a matter bo obvious as that embodied in the statute under cansideration, Congress may |ea.v? details to the regulauon of the head of an executivu department aid punibh th.'oe who violata the reslnr tiiuia," tha oouu'a optiiion derlnreij. ii.ui.ii.wiimiiu.mmmm?mmmmmmim Every Sunday in the TRIBUNE Down-to-the-Minute Features that welUread New Yorkers look for The COLORGRAPHIC The MAGAZINE Jrt Meg. V. S. Pat. Off. A wonderfullv beautiful result of modern science applied to the age-old art of lithography. A section of full page paintings reproduced in all the glory of their origina) < olorings. Ready for the handsome framings thry deserve. The finest works hy F. Luis Mora, Maxfield Parrish, William H. Lcigh, Howard Giles, Henri Farre. the famous French aviator arlist, and others equally notecl. The GRAPHIC A handsome pictorial supplement printed in rich brown tones by the gravure process. Tbe Tribune Graphic ia widely known for its many (vxduaivc illustrationa of important current event* and well selected photographs of peraonagea in lhe public eye W K. | hlls fanmua 4 artoon page Among Us MorlalH,, ?lno appear* n, lhe Graphic each Sunday The REVIEW An mnovalion m J0urnal?8lTl welcomed bv al! who like lo have lhe gisl ?| lhe important news of the week summed up f?r Sunday reading. Articles on such vital subjects as the League ol Nations, the railroads, employment. etc. containing tlte edi torial opinions not only of The Tribune but otber leading newspapers throughout the country and abroad. Reviews of timely articles from the lead? ing scientific and art magazines?the whole hberally illustrated with photographs and car toons. Special articles on national and international sub jects by such well-informed writers as Frank H. Simonds, Samuel Crowther, Theodore ML Knap pen, etc. Witty short stories and sketches of metropolitan life by well-known essayists and authora. A feature that interprets New York to itself. The STAGE The dramatic criticisms and comments of Hey wood Broun, Ralph Block, Virginia Tracy and Rebecca Drucker are fully in keeping with the straightforward way The Tribune trea.ts all news. And good reading, too?every line. Interviews with leading spotlight celebritiea appear frequently. MUSIC II. I? Krehbirl, t|?. (|.?nn o| Ameriirtu mutteal critiei, eondueti IV lYihun&'s lmRes of music and musieians, I lia authoritative comments on the opera and coneort stage nre probably more widely quoted in mu8ical journals than those of any other < ntn . * ART Royal Cortissoz, one of Amenea's foremost con noisaeurs of art, reviewa the current exhibitions of paintings and sculprure and discusses the situation in art abroad. The INSTITUTE A fourfold service for women that we believe surpasses in scope and usefulness anything hitherto attempted. The first service consists of impartial Tribune Uboratory reports on house hold appliances?from eggbeater to gas range; 680 pieces of home equipment have been scien tifically tested. Several reports appear each Sunday. The second service i3 a food budget for a week, including estimated costs and com plete menus for each meal, with many delicious recipes for the more unusual dishes. The WORLD of WOMEN "Unlike most of the 'Woman's Home Pages ' you aeem to take it for granted that your readers are intelhgent," writes an enthusiastie Inatitute reader. This page of what women are doing as well as the three other pagea of the Institute are not in the A B C class. They are prepared for the well-educated woman who reads The 1 ribunc. MeMOVIES H. U ? reahstic reviews of the programmes at New York s leading photo playhouses have made her well known to all Tribune readers. Each Sunday Miss Underhill tells of coming features and reports interesting interviews with screen stars. SPORTS Grantland R.ce. back from France, has started right m again on New York'a livest Sport Pages. Bes.des R.ce's "Sportlighf * youll find hia "Talea of a Wayside Tee" and aport writings by W J Macbeth, A. C. Cavagnaro, W. O. McGeehan, Fred Hawthorne and other first-class wtitera. FASHIONS Sarah Marahall Cook, fashion authority, writes fascinat.ngly of the styles the well-dressed woman w wearing. Her Fashion Page ia charmingly illus? trated with the latest frocks, hata and dresa acces soriea on the Avenue. _J.OST, F0UM1 AND REWAKDS I-GST?Tnrtoise she'.i Blgsse REWAH1X OheUea 4067 ?50 HKWARD VO il Hl i' 1: "1 i Sabla ne,kpieio lost Monda: 1 aliia Theaire tl. Lines, 83 1,1 W fOSi ItlNhWIUhJ l l " : It..:. .1 ,, . . - '. Ini I 110 Pv>ur|! , ? ! ii. , .. IVI'-li! ?l..| t'.-.l |. |?ac. , ,?, ,, i 1 >'"1 ' Hl P l. .1 Hll Mlfc, ....... ... n Wn ? ' "i mi... ln ?'>?,.. i. """??>'; .him i i. ii...-i" i. ' ? ?. if ili i .... i iln p,.i u.t.o I...... ... ...., ,., , ,.., . . ' '"ht BAJi. ..i , , ? , .<>. ? 8 'i. ... ? .... v . " "? '"" ">"".?' . ' c fl Ii<H?Hb|p ?f?lni> l.op-r H?iikhi i.'ii \.. mi ni? I" -n. Ingi ii i"U. <?.,. .i i . A.lnn...l>,.?!!,.?, i>n.......| .i,,,,,,,,| .,i.1(t.. ,. turn l.i PanU 6B? HU :. ? . \. ., \ , |, . ? All ptpftoht mo ralltlohed h. BUI i<r reaTollatr ramr LOBT?Wankbook No. ni,-.4i! , r ,, .. , , trnl P.-ivliiRB Bank ln Ui. i'<. ? 1 of-k. Pn> menl stoppi .1 p . .. . tn l>unk LOST?Banhl.ook No. 770,094 of n> tral RrvIpkb Hank In thi Cltj of Nrv York. Payment stopp. .1. Pleaei return book to bank LOST?Rankbock No. 77".013 of tho CYn tral Sav|jiKH Bank ln tho City <.r New York Payment stopp. d. Please return h ok to bank. LOST?Rankhook No. ti 1...41 ^ nf tho Con tral Savtngfl Oank in thi Cl - ? of < York Payment etopped. Please retui to bank LOST?Bankbook No. 319 287 Pie turn to Harlc-m Bank. HELP WANTED MALE INSTRUCTION ACCOUNTANTS BOOKKEEPERS CASH1ERS LEDGLR CLERKS ,T ivi 11 lntervlew men and vr?yr,. who de ?iro t.. oquip themselves to earn th ar,es pahl Kjtpr.ri Income Tax and Cost Accountants. Auditors mul Systematizcrs, i. e., 42,000 TO Jin,00O A TEAR. Only thos? TviUinR to tak? special train? ing during tlieir aparo timo at home under tne 'Mrft-tlon of leadinp Certlfled Public ana Cost Aocountant* need apply. ADPRBPS OR CALL ON K. A. MANCHBSTP1R, REGISTRAR 310 WBST 40TH ST., NEW YORK Telephone 1081 Bryant AUTOMOBILE INSTRUCTION, * 0 Unllmlted drlvlng, etc, guaranteed, In? cluding machlno for state examtnation until llcenso secured. B. M. Co., 1303 lexington ave. (88th). LEAR.V TO BE A CHAUFFEUR.?Pleaaant and profltahie work: dav aml evonmg claascs Rci I ror ,r?> bookVt ar.d Tlsltor"s pasa West - le V M. C. A.. 317 West 57th st. HELP WANTED MALE BOT WANTED m MAKE HIMPET.F GENERALLY USBFUL; PERMANENT POSITION; GOOD CHANCE POR All VANCEMENT. HOOVER SERVICE, INC 387 4.TII AVE. BOT, 16-18, trood at flgure.o aml penmai ship: factory; $12 to start. Applv Per feet Window n^srulator Co., 41., Greun pulnt ave., Brooklyn BOT to wraji light packages. Apply Mr Hcertz, Phystca! Culture Magazine H W. 41st St. BOY wante.1 ln dcTclcrilTig aml prlnttng ' . ? Nlckstat & Cirimlor. 217 West 179th st BOY.-Strong. errands; Irarn trade. A- ... Ptws. 114 West 104th -t BOYS r.'i wanted, 16-17 years, aM? to do some tyiwwrltlng; must. bo Christian. Neptune Uoat Works, 222, (itli st , Brooklyn BOY. hnglit aml winir.g. to h^sim 1 shop Schoen Printing io . 17 Vandewater ERRANK BOY ivanted S i 4; Dres West 21el st. imi' r-iil.t energetl .'..lU-iit cipponunitj'. worth tt . flriHikb. bliUAMi l'. 11 > . (..h.ii home goofl Pai| A!ii..ii,?i, Fr.iiln.g Co 4". I<aarl M l^HI f<I.i: for si.iaii famlls ln . . winter; man Imtlei Taloi ?-lfa ions li am.ii. tvlUi it 1 oiass riifor?^,,n., . loi lii.ihfia:.,n>r Tui tMMI'i.ol mu |fl i?..1 ai a ,u*i? u-i 1 \.;?i I-. start (mii,airti,i a.i..?, . ?,, li.tu.i l<i,i< 1 .. ,1 \\,n,,, ? Hwvro ,,N ;i,ir''n,u' bw" H,\l |i!-iM(.'N Wa have ?,-,,i ... , , , 1 1 ... ..f U..I al.llli , ,., , |ftSB ,,., 1.11.111,0=. n l.l. h \i"i? ?,'-? nl I. , ? |)i . '-' ll " " " ?'.' ?..i.l,? ,.,n,, , ? , ? ""li -..I -> n ! .1,,'. 1 ui: 111 i? < 30S Inni 11. \... IALB 'MI"- r<. r-lleni t-'.M osll ..1 foi u I-..A, h.i I'ttu-d asltig i..? n on. rurnl?li".| Call Bftel IO Itom it... 'n iati sl SALBBMAN, with own tei i toi l f>ain confectlonery; musl ii? hard Call p m 80 Madl ion ai SECURITY SALESMEN If von aro maklru t;oo ?jp.-k'..- and wa n-ake more, thla ls i\e bast orr^-- . ever haci: roicbljiatlon oil and uli . pi ? Vest nifa ln the. country nl?irifW ivlth il hv thirty Mggeet baiik-. ln New T >ir. 10 1 ' hiiago. wo offer y,>u pemianent conneotl ?:? mako from $200 month up. commission basis. BISlJrU.L & CO.. ISUe, 120 WEST 42D ST. YOUNG MAN ? Experienced bookkeeper and Renerii! offloe asRlstan'. Apply D. Luzino, 916 Grand st, Brooklyn. YOCNO MAN"?Jewish. wanted for clothing and woollen line; 6aturdajs closod. Frieilman Broa., 256 Urand at. HELP WANTED FEMAL - INSTRUCTION Wanamakcr Beauty Srhoo!, 383 5TH AV., NEAR 36TH. Leading School or .\merica. EARX $25 WEEKLY. Hairdressing, Manicuring, Marcel \\'aving. All branres taught: registor now ror I . positions; we cannot suppiy tbe demaji.i; rea for aueoeas ln an enrlronment of wealtti and rcflne mont; day. evening classes. Tel. ]iT>j \-8: TTPI3TS?RTKNOT.nAPHERS. - BKCRETABXBa P? yen know that y.m can Increase your eamlni capacity aml efflclency, also make yourself morJ yamahle to your emploxer, by learnuig Ttio Du-ta phone Method of dlctatlon. The coursa la f'?? and can be mastered ln a few houra. Operatct-e are ln ereat demand. Kor f'Jrtlier Inforraatlon laqulra at Th? Dlota ?hcne Scfcuol. 280 Broadway. HELP WANTED FEMALE BOOKKEKPKR.?Young Christian woman, thor oughlv competent to he<r double - try ? hooKa for manufacturlng concern Apply Ttuinii. son-Smith Co . 53 .2th are CHAMBERMAID, exporlenced,' Protratant family; LVrkshlrcB for the ?ummer. New York City lu winter. Curtle. , 11 A\ eat TGth st. DRESSMAKERS. FINISHERS ON WAISTS, SKIRTS AND SLEEVES; LINING HANDS; Also Inside Messengcrs. Half Holiday Saturday. Come Prepared to Work. M'NALl.Y. 15 \V 51ST. KOR fillU.S ANO KH.M, WOliBKI kri.?1,.,'l.,JJHTl MTV '" 1>'A11\ THI' .IIWEI. Cllh' TKAIit I'All. W IHI r' l.l IHMNt, HlKi.V.S t I l.PBT ir. john .sruKtr. m;w vhiuv rivv rRHNOU proUlUnt Ulrl. Ut n?r? forei ltttU Blrl. ?o?d wmm. pl.iaaant -Wta?*mt% **^v*v*rU*H VdwiMi -?-*???' wanted h:mAik i j ? i ; i ?? v ''!*? th. ? ' ? l i'i mco/- gnerT" , ? a i ?: ? to ' ; STENOGR VP1 RI Chrisi expi ? dUl :? - ? ? WANTED. ? ' ' . , ? , . . ! :. ;, ' ! ' , ' ? I'.ITH S*TH ' ?I. ? I 'I URAPI All N' TtSI.MV i . . ..? ,;... ? I Sl il VI [OXS VI VNTED MALE ' " lielprr i ' ? CHA - . ,,... Agr.n in.M'i-n ? I , omj I.IMTUI; I Nl ! . ?c . . ? ' Sll I \ I i.t\s \\ AN I'ED I EMALE lil SINi.??? i VRDS Carpet < Icaning CARETTO.. rAl'.PEl CLKAMNO CaWMt* CIsaiUI DJ OOI1 . ?. i.?-'t " * ?oor CS Um! ? BKANDf. '** ?hc*i? i: ? lie-.u ?:. Deteclivc Agency ?JTEfSTLOTORX-p . i-BtHtHfltotJ* Ode Ual lan *?t ?? FM Murraj 11 Diamouds DIAMO? - RT B< '?'?C,T BKXNJ I'l. I,: !'..- adway. unftaH* Multigraphcrs- .pher? . ? i -'?'? M2I FURNISHED ROOMS FO 80TH ST 53 \\ l - I " ? r i . RI\ i:i:.<.|ii: I'i..i n I to .;,-:,..'.. ' l, : ?: I - '. > v .' ... ? , 56TH M' . ?? W i' ? . li, .1' ii i . ? . MU'l .- .il-*!^^'' KGSTAI KAXTS A. A A ,.,??-,.1 ll (iOMiVSt alum. I'Uifl liluiMu \,.,i, K.!?:?i ?. '"rtjA Uowlw'* nil.\k?>. M.i?lin?au I'-nf **"a|jf- **T . Paiuilr.* ln ca.r unw P?n*?, ?>*8*t?. J VumWtdl BdfMa lu klaia J-udac ***% * v >.,iu,i ua m .1 |.*i!i .>( !? " ,i I* ??!??? tilw.Ul Honfaiva ruu- I'Umu. i-"? htua-o ritli. l>l....... .,.,'., I.*?t#J ?U''i|l