Newspaper Page Text
Empire Building Sale Regarded of Great Importance InflueiuT on Buying of Doviitown Houses by Big Concerns and Fixing of Steel Headquarters Here Bis Factors Purchase of the Eropire Btiildinc;, at "1 Broadway, yesterday by the United States Steel Corporation through Jo geph P. Day marked thc climax of a buying move men! in the lower part of Manhattan which haa been thc most notable ' re of thc real estate mar s,,. 0f ? few months. Real estate experts in touch with tho dawn town situation have said that the j?v was near when great corporattons WQuld bc conipclled to proteet their business through purchase, oven though such purchase involved ^reat : of high value. In l.uvinc its home tho Steel Corpora mouti;a(.e loans 5 OL MTGE. 70 MONEY Any amount for good loans. Assigninents accepted. Chas. F. Noyes Co. Phane U00O J.,hn CITY KKM. ESTATE P^Sq Bnsines* Property i;r\i i i vi r WANTED tUHidt Ol M VMI \ II \S \ -. h U luu '? i . I ',1 M il, . . I. , ? \ : ? , ' ' | ' | , . , ' (. . ATl I N l ION ? "N NI! IKtl->' ? ...I \r *????? || |0(| I : i .. t?" iu.... .. -. i ? < *?! -,.i i . : i , ??...?,. i i | ^ ,.,.? 100. 1'it.fl $11 j-.i nnn |? i-1. n f. 10,008 . ?? ?. . ...... 50? .... . , ,?, 009 1 ? - ' dcilrn Ht tiehs'r " I pay j i H. T. WOOD. 220 BROADWAY. 1IDHM1 (,H OV" IMI. BUON \ r-CLOSING ESTATE 356 10th Ave., near 30th St. EXTUA DI :.!' I.' iT . ilorj tenem?nt, with stores. JOS. I. MLI.I.H* AN. 55 Liberty St, ?FORCED SALE? 3428 Park Ave.,near 167th St. ? l ?. v T E x r:" H STORES JOS I MIM.K.AN, :.,-> St. BOKOUOH OF T$KOf?KI,*i N YOU NEED A HOME " mom i ::-.?? !"K?r! ip> . on Brooklyn T men square; ; ?? fare, ALCO HOME BUILDERS ' I Bar I(>\(, I-i.AM/ 4pProtecHon 'against your rent ?ibeing r?used. - -, ir nr n\ * in , .... ? fil i ? ? ...... |?. tion ia rcsrarded not onlv as havinr. Protcctcl itself so far as office %"v ? j-oncerncd. but to have made a spfe n -v- nicn, as well and the in .'*uny Vlacc^ aC,,?!1 '* l0?ked f^ "" Up to thia timp banks have been Um EmniT^-llf ?n V'0 Purchase of the s "!, - Bu,,d,n*J. <-**<-Ke Gary, of the -steel Corporation, 8aid ing throuehCMren?' th? E-mpiro Bu1,d "g mrough Mr. Day was influcnced bv rSTth? iitS, J?Cation> & tK cent verv ??e* bu,ldin?> --X thc re .? o? ?n-provement and con Uarcnco H. Kelsey said: "This pur? chase, ,n addition to being of grelt personal interest and ono of tl, West with which I havo ha, the bfewitt" ,t0 haye b^" connJcted,is tho ' tv &?vnt,W8- U nica"s that tho < ,ty ot New Wk is now to bc the ; Sl?2!Sd? New Yo,k is to b? "* i Jr* Day said that the transaetion ' 1,'m ?T?U-rcee?! *reat satisfaotion to o 'iw ,-VS ?J vfar ---"eater importance to the < ity of New York and its vast I'uv.mcss interests because of its prob able effect upon the minds of promi? nent men, many of whom need only tho ctenmte leadership tind action of somo good captain of industry to deeidc for them the question of locating their permanent, headquarters here or clse wnere, Mr. Day continuod. That this ia the case 1 know to he true, for that was precisely tho effect when I sold to the United States Steel , ' ","ration a tracl of 162 acres at tho ! head of Newark Pay. Tho responsc iron, other large concerns was imnudi i ate. Dioxygen Manufacturer Buys 8-Story Building Oaklantl Chemical Compam Seeurea Property at 59; See ontl Sale Since Last Year Spvai & Co, have sold lhe eight Rton i.n,i basement faotory huikling at ,'i' I'l'uith -\vviuu. to James q i,,,,,, lat. I'ii'-mIiiu ,,i the 1'i.khiinl Chemical * ".ii|'?ii\, maTuifaoturei ?, nl djo ?VI ' ll ll-v 11 l,,i ||ia |,l; ? i.'iimm- ftltevaiiou .niilfting was hold ,,i fiao.oou, &i ,i " '?'!' I 111* Wft? i,,,mu ,i> ,.,,, ? u.'.n.iiii.i, i'v.i, ,",t[(i,., whii i. held ?; '?" ""?"! i' .?",. Iiteiilentally, llu " ".I time 'i Im i h . ., ,.i,i |? n,, : ' I ' i M I Hales ut Vmilon > ? '?..',!? |'1 : ' i , ; .. . V* OBl ' I ; | . . . , , " ' ?'' Hi I" . ? '?',' (? . . ??''?' ? Ih, i ? ? ii i , ?' ' ? ? ' ' '*? ' IIH II P , ,.-, ,? . ? ? nnd Bits: i , . *' ? ?'?-" Uavl.l Kl. ' ? ? il ,in,. $n 01 taxes, i 1408.60 o thi nu Cor i l(. 12ITI1 ST, 112 H. * s, 10(1 e ln at 10.11 y rnl i nl nl .-? \ .1 ... , ii laln agt S B A ? ... ...... i Y.V.?'?.'.'. . ,],;, . ... . , tin ' . ' "i i ; . By Hcnrj I:. BETHUXE ST, -io i ;, ? , 52 i P U',s, Ingl i - ; 10x80.7, ?,-s tnts 'lil il. Idcn .--? Rose .'.'?? i nrtilion); to Itostna \ V'oiihu ri foi - i ? ? A.j thur '' Shcridai TRBMONT A'. . 230 B, n s, 244 1 v- ^T1 '""' ' ;-' ? ?-'- 100 j. si '!?...,, . to the ' tiff for 118,600 Ill:i'.-cilKi.i. ST, 1317 n s 2S.4tc04.10x ' -'? Bmlly llackcs agtg Stewart Col rody ot al; Jerohifi Elani .-. atty: (partl tion) , tn Sophio Kolloft for $3,2 Worth St. Buyer Plans Changes John R. and 0?car L. Foley havo sold for D. Mahany 195 Worth Street, a five story building-. 22 feet front by irregu lar. Tiio new owner intends to remod ol the building for a tenant who ' ? ing a long lease of tho propi -ly, Satisfied Mortgage-! Wanhattai '?'?.? .. .... ? ? ? ? ? ' ? ? atty, T G & 'r i 'o, . ? . i -. ,? ? . $130,000 4 ;;. ;: . ? r tity Corp 2::, Montasu, Bt, Bklyi ? ? . Third i i'. . Roi . ?'? I I .. ] ? ' 6TH .?> ' - ? ' . Douc I st, 68x20; 7th av, 141 I 14th '?". Bowf-i . w ? 6 I Intcrsectlon 4th (? r. Bowery, runs h w .'?'?: n w 21 c \ c 01.1 and l l f.x e ?'?? to t.- :- Bowery x w 21 1 to bog Maurlce :* & Ida H Hyman to Harn ft Chas -I B is h . attys, Folt, & '??-'?? .i '.. ? ,' , 309 r.A ,,\ .! uly ji , 1916 $2,307.60 46TH ST, ti h 224 2 H 10(1. av. 24.2x100.5 ; ildflleln to B, r trd .1 ''? \v :jith st; atty, Barnard J Foi ,, De.i |?, 190.0 . ?. - '' and ftobl B to In wn ,d House y Man . ? ????'; ti or ' A.dd ' ? ? ... ? 1 $,<???-.<? Illllllill: lill INI Broadway Apartment Rought hy Operator Regent Hal! and Bellport Hall, I Between 123d and 121th Sts., Taken by Shcnk Joseph Shcnk has bought from the j Preybcll Realty Company, Charles M. Roscnthal, president, through Joseph I Harrison, the two six story elevator structures covorlng the block front on tho cast side of Broadway, between 123d and 124th streets, known as Re? gent Hall and Bellport Hall. The com? bined propcrties front. 200 feet and have a depth of 100 feet. Mr. Shcnk haa rcsold to Joseph G. Harrison the Or.ondaga, a six story structure at the south corner of Rivcr side Drive and 152d Street. It covers a lot 100x100. NTasonowitz & Weiss vvcrc the brokers in the latter sale. The Klmberly for New Operator The Kimberly, a six stor? elevator apartment at 659 West ll>4th Street, has been purchased by A. Blumcnthal, formerly connected with Bing & Bing. It occupies a plot 125x117, and was ac? quired from tho West 161th Street Company. Title will be taken in the name of the Beechwood Realty Cor? poration, of which .Mr. Bluinenthal is president. Mr. Bluinenthal has nego? tiations in progress for the purchase of three other large apartiyent prop crties. An investor has purchased from Frederick Brown the six story elevator apartment at 140 Wadswortn Avenue, at the northwest corner of 180th Street, on plot 00x119.6, subject to a savings bank mortgage for $11)0,000, through Leopold Lina C. Prescott has sold 1631 Madi? son Avenue, al the southeast corner of 109th Street, a live story flat with stores, (j^i a lot 25.6x95. William Goldstone has sold to an in? vestor 805 East Ninety-seventh Street, a five story, twenty-family tenement, on n lot 25x100. John Peters was the broker. Recorded Trartsfers Downtovi n v. vi !2i: -- r ! ui ii .. h 82.1 s w Wall 11. vi \;ifi |0x 20 6x40; \\ altor !?' K Ings land ln lluperl H Story, :nl Marey av, Brooklyn; !? & s; all liens; April 21; ultys, stoddard & Mark, 12s Rroadway $ 100 BROAD ;2i . (10, s w o Stone st, .'< Ix64x im'. g; Jonatnon Owlght Io <?uatitv Si hwah ? .'< ll 7Sth nl; all liens. April II. attv, 'I li .<! 'I' i'u, 17 ti llniadway. $100 iiin H .Mi: .-l 1 i - .1.. i foreclos Api il in. 121 i i . riaviil i Well ref in I.." ni ???!' Morl i',., i l Ui 11 \ si tutj . Hherman ,V " !. . \\ ,! | 1 I,"" ' i HKt Sidt< i 10 I i ... ' ll iuiu l| Uens ly i.i'ii .. i IfuldiiiH i.>. iii.i,.,i.>,.. , i Bfi ull ... I.. I. .4 i Man li . I . 11 ! '-, Ui,??,!>. ,. i HOo i .i .i t .uu. \ i.' ... m t: I'l I ' ! || II . II i lUiullf i r. .. >l itfl ' ' ? i .1 i, ? ii. s. |0fl . | .,,. ' I'l- llj I 1 ,...,.. ,, I UllMI ,.!,,;' ! II | j ,.| .. ,-. J] !:? r \\ llf, n w e llllil ..??.', KhIIi ilnlhri H ii a .<. . in Kui ii . ill nith, irt Wiill li ? ,-. ll' 1, I 'I' ,< |< I'll '' I I '.' ,,!.< r,. II GDTH . 173 |ij Mndli "ii ir. ion \- ii..!.- i fi Mtti inn v l,i shi i l.i ?' ? ? ; '' i . . . ,1. i; suih pi '?!" .1 i i ally, B \ Thornnll, ! n Church si. $75,000 '" " : ' 147 12 -I 17x100.11 ; Hei nhni I '?..'.. FIhi Iln 10116 l..-x :: . ., $6,600 ; April 22, att \ 0 Broadway.$100 120TI-1 H ', 1.2 .' ?: ii . . 16.8x 100 l i ?' r> M I'lslni- to tho Hudwlll Corpn, '.' W 4 .1 li st . p '". mlg? $4,000; nll Vpril is atty, T G & T Co 176 Bri ., Iwaj ....:.. $1 West Side ? 20T1I ST. 2; 15 \V, n s, I06.9x!)2; Kath M Watters Lo Norvllle Rpaltv Corp, 113 ' V? 40th nt : mtge i 120,..1; fti| nen8; March I : attys Stoddard .<:?? M, 128 ; Broa.lwa v . . $lim | 2-'1' ST, 16 18 \V. s B, 64 HO.V.i : 2 Isl st, 15-17 \\ , n s, r,S Sx98 n Kath M U atlers '???! '? IHe liealtj Coi p, | 19 \V 4 01 ll st . : 11 tgi . $510,000; :,11 lli ii?. Mar, h 1 : attys, ..mii .'-? M, 12- Bway . $; 00 37TI1 ST, n P 150 ? 91 h a\ I 1x98 9 ; Margl Pulton lo Oi n Kern, Inc, 5 \'. .'-; ii v ; . ,..-., \ [00; kpril 14 . attv, T ' ' .'- I' Co, V, '. Bwa y .$100 i 1 ITII ST 140 "?' 1;?.? .i ? .1. 0.11 ?? i. Ridd ., 205 Itll ii.ts .... ' end .2 \ ng Xassau st, J l r.0 ' '' i h :. - '.-. 8th av, ? I '??!"" il I i. Co to J & L Roall. . - ' I ' ?' i ??:?? $105,000; all liens"; \prll l; atty, ;.' v T .fc M Co i".:, ''???' "' ? ?.$100 T NICHOr.AH A V, 106, e <? 51 10 n I 10th ? ? nlOO Augustus \\ Wern i Mary 1 Bai nt>ri, on I he pi 0; all ? ns Inn 31, 1914 nte ! '".'. .'? . . $1.00,. : !? ? IMI T II V n i ?'.'.: (for. nstll Vl.rll ? '? i j. ? an '? ftoydt, ? . Broa lway Saving Instn, ' \prll 21 ; ally, Hlcl ard ' ' Bway $'i 000 1-75 W, i ? " ; ,Vd0if '?" . Co, 1 200 I.lnd Bronx; mtg $19 m ?, i, '>?, f . . !? ? .. rON 'i ERKAi 12 - 14181 '? ? '. '? Bu ? ?? Kntate i 'o to M K I. Realty i lorp, !' " h av mtg $8,060, : ,. ' ' ?-?"?? ' . ers T & T Co i , ,lr -,.,,u"'' $100 ? . c 8, ? i rsth ... iox ?full ' Ri . " .'., |? I.?. I Ung Co :. if V2 ; 15th sl all ' i. atty, Samui I IVuchi Jr, $1 Bronx '"'in,!' VM- A> ' ' " r ''<'?' ''S. 60* ' ' ' ind 177, ii ftp ' " "'' ;..V Martm ,1 '. 160 W 120th M li Ilorowltz, 22 w ? iialghi i ? I l. ? i ' ? Realty Teams Asked to Raise 9 6,0 0 0.0 0 0 Accept Raise in Quota as Citation From Govern? ment for Good Work; Drive Ahead of Last One The Victory Loan General Commit- ! tec has notified Mr. Marling, chairman of the real estate division, that the quota for the division has been boosted to $8,000,000. The committee in rais- j mg the quota had in mind the wonder- : ful record made hy the brokers in their : drive last fall. Great aa was the work done for the fourth bend issue, Mr. Marling said yesterday that the brok- ; ers wer* driving along better than ever. He said that the records for the first three days of this drive and the first three days of the previous drive show a difference of $50,000 in favor oi the Victory drive, the total for the taaten drive being $029,750. against $882,900 for the Liberty drive of last Mr. Marling said there could *be no better indication of patriotism than the manner in which the present drive is being supported. "Bond subscribers - are. not being carried away on the wings of martial inspiration, but on those of peace and victory." Although pleased with tho showing Mr. Marling still demands the un divuled efforta of every team member. The chairman is certain of this; jn fact, he is assured of it by the reports which have come. from team captuins. ! The spirit of the workers is such lhat ihe $1,000,000 junip in the quota will he rcahzed just as easily as if the quota had not been increased. Mr. Marling and the toams regard the request of ihe general committee in raising the division's quota as -. ci lation i'or meritorioua work, Subsoriptions received at headquar? ters during the day totalled $111,100. The Woodlawn Cemetery Corporation nnd tha Italian Savings Bank were lhe leading contributora yesterday, each Bubscribing $50,000, II. Gertnor, res tiiuiani proprietor, contributed. $5,000, aiul l.eon Tanenbauiii $2,000, Spanish l>utie* on lead Ore* Aiuencan Conaul Cookinghflni haa . al.l.-.l I'l mu |t.,i, ,:,,., |h?t tho ilul us I'PPentl} ini|.i ni. iii.. .".|i..i I-,; ion .'! . .1 l-.lll !."l.l i.l . , ! :,: .- Im , i, ,||, inr ..'.I iliu..inl, Mh%\ ii, i'ii" ni.' . -iii hrtt'd >0 ' '?'?? .I''' i''.' h ?? ? Ill'.l llllicil...' ,,l' nll, ?,,,! a|! ,,,|,,-, li.ll ll\ . 1 lu III ll,,- I,-,! ,., . ItitiMer Pays i\ IVofil For Crescent Ave. l*loi Slte at 19.Hd Street Corner Will Be Trnproved With Apnrl ment Houses Mrs. Anrin A. D.ecker has sold the plot, 250x112, at Ihe southcast, corner of Creston Avenue and 193d Street. tn the Baronel Realty Company (Adel stein &. Avrutine), who rrs()]d it at a profit to Morris Polaky, who will soon break grottnd for an apartment im? provement. A. Bluinenthal ncgotiated both transactions. Three Houses in 183d Street Sold Charles Schadle has sold the three three-story Hats on a plot 75x110 nt drO-54 East 183d Street. The buycr is an investor. IG5th Street House fur Investor dohn R. and Oscar I,. Foley have sold for M. VV. Collins :,, an investor 877 Easl 165th Street, a tory apartment on pint 25x113. Sale in Sherman Avenue August Lautor has sold for Edwin Robitzek the five story apartmei I house on plot 45x100 at 967 Sherman \ i i ie to Ci. dwas.- ei. Widdar & Reich. Cauldwell Avenue House Sold Samuel War!.'. ji .. has pun from the Harrissetta Holding Com? pany 750-56 Cauldwell Avenue, two five-story apartments on plol 78x100, Dwclllngs in Bronv Sold Thomas & Son have sold for the Courtney Development Company to Royal M. Cushman the three and one half dwelling un plot. 20x100 at '?', 11 Convent Avenue. Tillie Kassel has purchased 5.rc' Morris Tark Avonue, a frame dwelling on a plot 2f>x95, from Brrtha Bcrach. Buycr for Bronx Corner Garagc M. Blumberg has sold the Tremonl Garage, a five-story fireproof building on plot 50x100, nt the cornei of Washington nnd Tremonl A h William J. Smith. issigtttfteiits of Mortgdges ManhaUan fl ChiMs May Build Soldiers' Memorial If Not, He Plans Apartment for Hotel Plaza Site, Facing Prospcct Park Thc Hotel Plaza. at thc southwest corner of Prospect Park West and Union Street, on plot 90x100, has been soid by Howard C. Pyle &. Co. for the estate ol Lydia M. White to William Hamlin Childs. Thia property was purchased by Mr. Childs, it is said. largely on the basis of public spirited civic pride in the location, which, be mg at the main entrance to Prospect Park and with the two new subway eonncctions about to begin operation, is one of the most attraetive centres in Brooklyn. Mr. Childs-'a prime object in the purchase, it is reoortcd, is to erect a soldiers' memorial, provided the nec essary arrangements can bo made, but if this plan cannot he formulated. it is reported Mr. Childs will erect an apartment house to compare favor ably with anything in Manhattan. Mr. Childs, in conjunction with oth? ers, l,ns purchased through the Chauncey Keal Estate Company the vacant plot adjoining at. thc northwest corner of Prospect Park West and President. Street, 100x100, for the site of n twelve-story apartment hotel with a ioof garden. Tho Meister Ruilders have sold 258 South First Street, a six-story apart? ment, ou a plot 40x100, with three stores. B. J. Sforza has sold for William Meyer to Goffrod Raimo, the two family dwelling, on lot 20x100, at 1336 Hay Ridge Avenue. Bulkley & Horton i'o. have sold in conjunction with Peter Romano 1005 Pacific Street, a dwelling, on lot. 20x 100; for Thomas W. Hetherington to an investor. ?Tohn R. & Oscar 1? Foley have sold a ' plot of hve lots on the northwest cor? ner of I'ightcenth Avenue and Sixti cth Street, for W. Podesta to a client for improvement. Tho Clinton Trading Corporation sold to Mrs. Roso Regan tho two-fami? ly dwelling at 081 Olonmore Avenue, ?? " l"t 20x100. William Consolvea was the broker. Recorded IMortgages Powntown u y ! ! ,; HT, ti u a, 89 7 s w Wall al 21* ''''.' .'' '" April 81; lluperl ., Storv io VValler V Klngalanfl, -"?' av, rtu lloi'a "" ll '"! ?>;,,'? I rr? ii. a; 6 vra . ? - f'.',1;. ?,"1 '" . i' ,;.- r i\..Hi,-r. 11 n ..ii UIW PUOPI Kiv ? ,?.' April ? ",. ,v'l:.'-"'.' Ki-chli H m irtln )"; " ? ' ' ?? ' i ?'. " I- r oenl . ..ii,... ?'i,',l,l.?i'il ,v M,,,, i ?, nwaj t ?,M, l icl Hillo H W lenai i.?i t H|| i, -. , , ,? . IV" '! 'v':'' '?'"" v> Kh ''fi,i,.,i i ,,i.?,, " . ? - .,..?. ,, ,,,,,,, ,? ' ? ' I ? , ? ' '? ? " ': ' .mu i'i. | ' ' ' 'I lill \\\Y\\ -? ln . ... | , , ''""??"' t .?: i. ., |Q ,,? .,, . 11 '' i ' " " - l u i ?,. il, , , ., *; ? *.-rii '.iicttwn i" 1 '|,lh * Mi ' "' ? litl ' I Ll |,t|, ,| i '? ? rtlt> I i," ,. ,., lii!? .? I',', ""!'"''? , | ,,,,,, tl 1 \v|i ... v-olm '?' K il ti ? iv; u i "' ti i. , tnttfrt H3.000. nltv, ai,, cohen, 111 ItWay J;i o?0 "AMIil riii 'i'i'... ..\;,,,i 33 ..?.,,., I., n,. < '.ii i'i' ii . w. .,. |ijn,| .,, - n.a ?? " ' ' " "i illnatn Mil li pr viiif..' j , doO '." ' rltlc 'I' ,v t Co, 178 Bwav S i 000 ! *,' ? .'/ JJ cor '. Id st, 75.5x100; April j kflth S Unlhralth to tjawyers TH1>> B?* J ',"'"' "''? V" "?-'?" '?':< V <? "112,000 ! ''" " S.1. n ' ' ? - " Madison av, 22x100 5; P ",; April ii : Carl :?' Uoker to Marlon I A I.i sni i ' Irace Churcli st, Rye, ,v y , : .'.'" April 25, 192 !, 5 i? c; atty, K V .?'""'"'.ji. 50 Church hi .$fio,ooo 1' A v ? v s. 51.1 s 86th si. r,i-< i oo .x,,ri| r> ? Henry Splca et al to Bankers , SruTst, '"' 1" Ual1 st: Bdn of Honoru I ,.' 'XH:vi- .nu" and "?? a-" Per bond; April .'2; Salvatorc Klscella to Bern hard baclts, I 17 K lOSd .st ; 1 yr; 6 p < atty, Rouben .1 Wittsteln, 132 \aj 112TH ST.' ll,; iba'at, ' ?" F.' ' I7.ix10o'.n? V,??]?'? ,:)vni -L'' ?M|'-nin A Crozler to , willy Khri'nliaus, N Y C; due April 1:, ! "':- ,; ,J n ' ? attys, Vogel A. Marion! "? Mbcrty sl .jj ^j '-? rM ST, s s, 291,2 . 2d av, H5.Sx10ft.11 ; V, '"? April 18; The Hudwtll Corpn to JJary -M l'isl,.r 127 \Y 183d st; due Man h i i H21, 6 p c; attv, T (; & t ' "? ' ?' B'way .<n 000 West Side "TM SH ' \'.'. n s, 25x98.9, ', part; a t; April : . Irwln M Berllner to Vlr i n '. Bcrllnor, 325 Central Park West' ' 6 D c; al ty, f.,ouls M Levy, 1 11 ?' "' ? ' .54,000 11 \MI I.I' IN TEH11ACE, 25 o s , ? !) n 1 ' ''? : '?'? Hi '-"?' l": 16.9x1 6.4 . p m April - ' ?'?! r< l. :;. all .- Corpn to Barney 1 '? '" ''I B'way; l yr, ? p c pr V ii & T Co, 178 '' '? ' ' ?' ? .11,000 lironx '-' 'Tfi - ?. i nap [Jalghl Ust, ?"'co llublll ? to Anna K Pelcll, on Shai ? ???' ' I, B "r II. N Y April 22 3 vrs, " !' Htty T C & T Co 176 Hrn.,.1 "?'?':' . $2,600 BBACH ST, n h 100 o Munlclp,,! av, r,0x 100 , ,'?? rsland . Path .1 Bevtlln to Cltv Island Homes, i rn-. April 19; 5 vr.n. .; P ? ?"' '?. T ?; ? T Co, 17R Bway, $3,000 ' ' 'T rt ? I HO, " t>. 83x100; Paullna ? to John .1 Bowc, 1340 Prospecl ? ? mtgo $7,500; April 23; Instali; '? |. att; .1 Kahn, 761 E 169th Rl .$700 QRANrj and CONCOURRE, s o c ' - id sl D3x i I; Bertelsen Rcaltv <',, to (Jtto .1 .'? hwarzler, 1882 Orand Blvd and A pi II 22; 1 yr, 6 p <?; an v H l Kruif, Ir, lf,i XasHaii st . . . . $ 10>--?' SAME PROPKRTf; sarne to o ,1 ^cTiwarz I i"" Brook av; April 1 I yr i P ? . $K. .''Oi. ' '.th :? i iv , xlOO: lli rn an '? ?> ? r. ? ' ' ? Marlc loerpeg, 285 Alfx pi ? tgs $6,000 I dui nnd . |. ? i. .nd ..?(".'? i ? | ? ' ? i ? I Strong Tur nto Dwellings Reflected in Trading Brown Dwelling on 70th St., Which Cost 3200,000 to Build, Is Sold Douglas Elliman ?? Co. have sold for j Mrs. Stephen H. Brown her former residence at 154 East Seventieth Street, ? a four-story fireproof American base ! ment dwellingr on plot 40x100. This ; house, although east of Lexington Ave- , I nue, is one of the most attractive in . the city and contains a private garage ' and many other very unusual features. It was built a little over ninety-two years ago at a total cost of close to.1 $200,000. ; The house contains many antiquities from all parts of Europe. It was pur? chased by a well-known New Yorker for his own occupancy. At the present time it is occupied by the Mannes Music Scnool. A . 101,inaya,r-hy 5e & shrdl mfwvpp Ihree houses in ast Sixty-first Street, cast ot Third Avenue, were se curcd yesterday by brokers for clients who cannot (md apartments to suit. or are unwilling to meet the demands of landlords. Houses sold include the three-story residence at 226 East Sixty-first Street, purchased about three ycars ago by the Pag Company, composcd of physicifin's, Phi Alpha Uammas, for a clubhouse. The Ruland & Whiting & Benjamin Company has sold 236 East Sixty-first Street for Jessie Gatens, and 222 East Sixty-first Street, for Luder Reinker, repreaented by Joseph P. Seitz. The same brokers rccently sold 324, 2?8 and 232 in the same block, all being three-story and basement dwellings 20x100 feet, which the. new owners are to occupy aftcr alterations. It is un derstootl that the houses will be con verted into American basements, the dining-rooma of which will open upon garden yards, The purchasing movement so far has reiulted in sale for occupancy of all the houses on East Sixty-first Street from 222 to 238 on the south side of the block between Third and Second Avenues, and 307 to 22'l, 335 to 241, with the exception of 339, which also 18 on the verge of a sale. Dwelling Sales in Harlem George W. Breftell has sold for the estate ot John 11. Fisher to fhe Hud will Realty Company the dwelling on lot lti,8x I."' ,.i .1.-1 East 120th Street, Willmiu I.iiiii i hn.i pold im \i ..,, ice Mandelbntim to Edgni Caniphpll 243 We.-,i ci, ii, Street, h fi\? itoi ? ilwell ing on ioi I'..'' 11 (IpPrtltlH Ul.i-. I'i.iIiI in :\\\U Siieel the iin,.i< utopj Ln.-.. HMi.ii,. dwelltna "U lOt Ml'll Hl 111 I Sttl I VW'Dll, Ruth ?''ii.'i'i, has i'..,-ii bought li,\ tioviii .\ < ?' Iinii. m v i ,-.. v Ncn, (hini'i Ofl W i'?? I ? <<l Sftrnl :..<itnn ; i.-i n htta Rftlti lhe I inr,\ Hiid liif-i in.'ul dwellitifcv nl . \\ <<?>( No\.r|lv lllll'il Sit'., I . mi ii |ol '.(.,\, Mi Central Vmh \\ e-,1 HtUllloB in !j!s( Sliccl Mlo. k A corporation now being formed ha? j nrrantjed to purchase from Mrs, J, \V ' Dnvids her rer-idenre nt 2(5 VVesI Fifty first street, between Fifth and Sixth Avenues, Columbia College leasehold, for conversion into doctors' offlces and i studios. !t. is a four-story structure, with a one-story extension, occupying a plot 27.ii feet wide by 100.5 feet in depth. It is reported that the four-story, 21-foot dwelling at 30 West Fifty-first Street, one door west of the above property. also n Columbia College. leasehold, has practically been sold for a similar alteration. Backer Sells 76th Street House L. J. Phillips & Co. has sold for the George Backer Construction Com? pany to a purchaser who will oc- ' cupy as his residence the four and one half story high-stoop dwelling at 2 i West Seventy-sixth Street, on lot 25x 102.2.', between Central Park West aml Columbus Avenue. The sellcr acquired the property in December, 1917, from Conrad Stein in part payment for the nine-story apartment house at 317 West Eighty-ninth Street. The Sev enty-sixtn Street house is one ot a row erected on that block by James Carlew and is the only one of the high-stoop type. -? New Foreign Banking Co. Rents Wall St. Preniises Organization Barked by Park National, of This City. and Union Bank, of Canada The Park-Fnion Foreign Kankinp Corporation, formed recently by the National Park Bank of this city and the Union Bank of Canada for foreign banking, with branches in San Fran cisco, Seattle, Japan, China and points in the Far East, has leased the _ground floor banking office at 56 Wall Street. extending to RI Pine from tho American Foreign Banking Corporntion. through the Douglas Rob inson, Charli 3 S. Brown Company, for a term of years, Ciuiadian Song Wrifer Nefetis Copyright FHAevtttltt 1 ? I ? Newark to Show Wav in Large Building Project Otto Heineman Thone Sup? ply Co. Calls for Bids for $500,000 Factory; Annex for Brooklvn Postoffice One of the largest factory building operations conducted in this section of the country since the end of the war is being figurcd on by the White Fireproof Construction Company and the Turner Construction Company, who dcsire sub bids on all materials and labor. The project, as reported by Brown's Lctters* Inc. ("Building Reports"). 140 West Forty-second Street, calls for a $500,000 building for the Otto Heineman Phone Supply Company.' and will be erected on Thomas Street, Newark. Plans are by Russell G. t'ory, Walter M. Cory, asso? ciate architect. It will be a four story and basement structure, ;!41xl00 feet in area with a wing b'0.\K2. Other con cerns figuring the general contract are: Industrial Engineering Company, Amer? ican Concrete Steel Company, New? ark; Fred Kilgus, Newark, and two Cleveland concerna. Bids will close April 30. Brooklyn Postoffice Anex Bids will close on April 30 for the annex to the main post office building in Brooklyn, to be erected by the gov? ernment. The architect is James A. Wetmore, of the Treasury Department, Washington. Plans and speciflcationa can also he had from the department chief cngineers, Room 75, Custom House.' The bidders up to yesterday are: tho Rangeley Construction Com? pany, which desires sub bids on all lines; T. A, Clarke Company, Brook? lyn; J. M. Knopp, F. Diamond, J. II. Goldblatt, W. A. L'Hommedleu & Co., ? I Daviea Company, Brooklyn; A W. King, Shelbourne & Blake ConstrUC tior Company, Fmil Piebitsoh, White Johnson Company, Algemon Blair, Montgoinerj, Ala , C, I. Dooley, Brook? lyn; Uenrj l Pqx Construction Com P?rt). loai ph Bauer, Brooklyn, and M. P I ulidill. ttid* for rw Dopdoek \l?j If) i-. the ii..'.' -ei r,n the pln* bid ivn (he eonl rai i foi di s doi ? , wli.i'h the I inli'.l ."(;.l,.., I?n <'M.liir.,,t Will bull nl I'lu.i l.-iloii, ' c c \\ Park*, i ii. i ei the llurpnu of \ imi- unii i'u, 2 . ? ?!,, urehiti'cl A d.<|.i.-i.i ul $1011.0110 |e i, .|.,i,,,i ii,,,,, all i.i.i.ii', Cold Storagc for Capr ^la\ The Federal Governmenl will erect another greal cold storage pbmt at Cape May. N. .1.. on which bids for lhi general contract will close on Apnl 28. C. W. Parks, chief of the Bureau Of Yards and Dockr-, is the designer, and the Oscawana Building Company and Hugh S. Roberts, both of this city, are bidding for the general contract. 1 ln;. want bids on all sub-contr; ? School for New Brunswick Niewenhouse Brothers, of this city, are ludders, according to Brown's Let ters, for the peneral contract for the Nathan Hale School Building, at New Brunswick, N. .1., to be erected by the city. Alexander Merchant, of New Brunswick, is the architect. Bids will close to-morrow. Low Bid for Queens School Tho Nugent Construction Company, with a bid of $155,000, is the low bidder received up to yesterday for Public School No. ;;, to be erected in Colonial Avenue, Queens. .Plans and specifica tions ran be had fro mthe estimate room, 131 Livingston Street, Brooklyn. Wall St. Building Alterations '1 .1. McWalters has received the con tracl for the alterations to the office building at 10 and 12 Broadway, owned by A. Iselin. The changes have boen prepared by Adolph E. Nast, architect. ?500,000 Lakewood Hotel No date has bene set for bids to close fo rthe hotel to cost $500,000 to be erected by the Hotel F.lisberfj Construc? tion Company. of Lakewood. Shampan & Shampan of Brooklyn are the archi tects. It will be five stories with a roof garden. Heating, plumbing and the electric work will be included. New Building Plan Manhattan ? and Ann sl ? ' ? nd J 1 ? '? ' ' Mroru FORECJOSl RE SALES PtTREME COURT. COCVTY OF NEW YORK ISdward K. Delafleld. as Commit ten ot th,- Estate of Murgarct W. Folaont. sn Incompetent person, etc., PlaimifT, again?!: Saniuet Harrls et al., Defendadti..?ln pur * niiaii, e of a Judgment of foreclosurt^and ealr. ?ii.iy made hhI erttered In tho above-entltle<! f.cllon an i bearlnc tho date tho 10th day of -??prii. 191*. I. the undersigned. the rcferes, Ip t-aid Judgment named. will sell at publl.i auction, at tho Exchange Salesrooni. Nos. 14 16 Vesey Street, in the Borough of Manhai tnn. Clty of New York. on the 14th day ?f Mfy. 1919. at 12 o'clock noon on that day. iy J. ll Mayers, tuctloneer, the premises dliected by said judgment to bo sold, anl thereln described ;is follows: that certain lot, plece or paiccl or i land. with. the buildings and improvementa , Weieon erected, Mtuate. lytng and being i'< \ the Twelfth Ward of the '.'ity of New York. Rorough of Manhattan. known as Number 24 i East 104th Street, and bounded and dc : strll ed us follows: BEGINNING at a point on the Southerly j side of One hundred and fourth Street dla ? tant Three h indred > 300 > feet Easterly from ; tho rorncr formed by the Interaectlon of tbe Easterly slda of Fifth Avenue with the said I Southerly alde of One hundred and fouakh. Street, runnlig thence Eastwardly ahmj- rn? Bald Southerly side of One hundred nut i fourth Street Twenty-five (25) feet; thence I Southwardly an.'. parallel with Flftn Avenue [One hundrmi ilOO) feet and eleven til. li . to the; oontro line of the block; thence Westwardly ialong eald centre line of thn Miy*k TwaKty-flve (25) feet; thence North wardly nnd. again parallel with Fifth Ave? nue One hundred ilOOi feet and eleven (11 > Inchea lo ihe point ur* place of beglnnlng Said lot is also known and dlsttngulshed ??. Number 9.17 on a certain Map of Lauda of Benjamin 1. Benson, made by Jo*eph F. Brldges, Clty Surveyor, May. 1S25. and now or formerly on til.* aa Map Number 8" In thn office of the Kcglster of the Clty and County of Nimv Yn.l, The land affrcted by said ln strumenl lle* in Section 8, ln Block 1609. on Ui" Land M.ip of the Clty ?f New York. Datcd. New York. April 16th. 1919. .lOHN H. ROGAN. Referee. BALDWIN <!t MAY, Attorney* for Flatntlfr. 82 Nassau street. Borough of Manhat? tan. N v Clty, The followlng Is a dlagram of tho propertf to t.e sold; it.-. Btreet Number ls 21 XSaat ;04th Street; 104th Street. The approximata amount of tha ITsn or <large. to eatlsfy which the above-descrlbed Jioperty ia to be sold. la $;'7,213.3? with in thereon from the 7tli day ot .fanuary. M-19. ioRctlier with the costa and allowance amounttng (.. $108.33. with Intereet fron. April 10th. 1919, together wtti. the expensen ,.i ihe s.iic The approxlmate amount of th? taxes, asaessmenta and water rates. or other Itens, which are to be ullowe.t to the pur chaner out of tho puroaasa money, or pal,l b-. the Referee. Is $S9? 80 an.l Interest. Dated, New hnk, April lfilb, 1910. JOHN H. ROOAN. IN FORECLOSURH: Suprema Court. Naw York County, County t'lerk'H Indei No. H dSl 191S Jamea T llorn. Plalrttff, Hgnh.Bt Uranvllla V. Dailey and othera. De fend&nta, George \V. Klllw, PlatuttN"* Attor ney, 119 Broadway, Manhattan. Now YorK Clty I'ur Hunt tn ludij.iunil, entered April ?. 19111. the iiiuii i-igncil lefe.en will sell at nublli mii'i'i,. ai lhe l xchunge rtalesiooni. Ts,..-, 14 itt \V*?\ 0treet, Ikuough of Mau hattan New I'orls >'uv. ?i ri oe a'ojaeV i,,.,,n ,?. A|.iil " 10 ill. bv ,l.,h?pl, I' |>.,. .,,,, i i,.,i,., ihe morteaged nreralaea diu>,,t*i< I,, nrtlit lu ljllilr.,1 1,1 bi, nolil. W lltvh am hllu n'rt,i ii, ii,* li,,i,.,isl. of Maxliaiial. New tere , ii, un lhe ?'-. #',le or Mmli>?i, *\t,i,or. m> ir.i ,i,.,r, ,.i r.'?iii Ntreel b*in? ll (od 11 II,. ','-?? 1" wld.b H? f..>nt 1.11.1 , ... I., :., .1. fin "H ' ?, b "lilli Th? *..,iiiinlv vvu'.i ,,f f-hi,i preattM l??iiif a l>?, I \ >>,lll \|,.,ieot?? <.""? '" ?-?' ->"? "? "il.tril i? t IM Morit*nte). !??? " ?*?. nn.' I ll"". lli .,f MnHmtea p?i?i ?'?'? Is'0** --Ofll Cminir i:, ,.i. i, , t> . ?n, . Un. r,,'.l.,u i|.? i* o dlttftaW nf lh? prnp ,.,iv it,^ etieoi numbei belou No. 1??8 M?i1l ,..,,, \,r,'iK. ."'? ifom County # It ?6 r w ' 8 a> ?' I26th 8?reet. The approxlmato amount ef lhe Men t?r ? imrps to satlofy which th.> ?bnv? property la to Im .-old, la 11 u.SSl 88, and Interei-t frorn February 81, ISl'i. together with costs and allowance amounttng to J432.37, with Inter e.-i from March 31, 1913. Approxlmate amount of taxes, asseaanients and wate rents to be allowed to t?e pnrcnaser or paid by the refereo, is $'2','S.12, tiecldes intereb* and penaltles. Datud, New York. April 7th, 1019. CHARLES A. R1EGEI.MAN, Referee. CITATION 3 THK PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. By tha Grace of c.od, Free andl btdependi nl ' RAN( ISCO AJBLLO, VINCENZO AJ12LLO, ROSALIA CONIGLIO, CARO LINA A.JEL.LO, ALFRED MF.SSER1, AMELIA ME8SER1 BALVATORIE MES SERI. UNITED STATES FIDELITY A. I GUARANTY COMPANY, HENRY LEH MAN, WILLIAM i O'DONNBLL antf. ROSA MEYER BRtTCHMAN, and JAMES : \. TIMONY, and to all persons Interested aa credltors, next ,,f kln or oth> rwlso In the Estate of JosepVi Ajello. deoeased. who ' ?t the time of his death raalded at 29 TVer. 26th St., in the Boroagh of Manhattan. l Ity, Countj and Jiiate of New York, SEND GREETING; 1'pon th<; petttion of Clemente Ajello. resldlng at 17X1 Lexington Avenue. Bor , "Uttli "f Manha'tan. '"Ity of New Tork. and Josepl Clemente Aj-llo, msldlng at 2m T.ast HMIi St., Borough of Manhattan. : Clty of New York: You and eavh of you aro hTeby clted *o I show cause b<-fnre the .Surrosralfs- Court of New Yr.rk ("uri!%, held a- the Harll nf Records, ln the County of New York, er> the second daj of May. 1919, at helf-pa*'. i ten o clock In th<* forenoon nf that da- . why tho account of said '"4et'i?nte AJell* ar.d .loseph Clemente AJello, a? A.dmlnls ida, ''hatteis and Credltsi ,f .?'.| deceased, should not b? Judlcfallr settled. IN TEST1MONY WHEREOF, we hav? cause+ the ?eal of the S'lrros-Btes- Court of the ?iald Tounty of N' w York to ba hereunto aftlxed. ?s HONORABLE .TOHN P. CO HaI.a: ? , said County, York, the lst day of April ar of '.-.rd one thou ?laml . i J i - ' "?n. ' irrogstei" Court. TCBS