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la Kumagae 'Coming Back,' Question in Tennis World \\m\> \U\\e\v lhe Jap Star \N ill Rcgaiti For niff lliizli Staticlin?? r ? ? -, l'\ Fred l lawthorne \ . it ia Interesting n Ibwii tennia In the liast ? v rc 'coming bnck' bihI i egain tho high rank r hia fu-sl visit io 1916?" The apparent reason for this re* ? r*l ' ' *??"' in the little man from Japan lies in thc fact that lu* I Vincent Richards, the na loor champion, in the oi the North and tournament at Pinehurst. Two months prcviously Kumagae had herti beaten I sixteen-year-old cham? pion in the ? : , ourt tournament in Philadel] His poor showing on "?i gave rise. in cer? tain i; ? " ? tho i,!ca that tho forelgner's - on the decline, and thn- ne\ i would he figure ss a n. I ? opponent to our top-ran Kui ci o di pati ' ' i i " ''' ' thro igh ' the all of irehand thal . d he covered his court witl ?? i and keen antici ostion oi opponenl' r ? .,;-.? --. | this match, hence I in e-:. my conclu ions from and hearsay evi? dence. . however, that Kuma f*c :" io his strong back tititi p'ayi to the net with (treater frei at - y than usual, and was ii'" mothering Rieh ng shoia, besidea ? (Jrjes tltrf n to Hefe.-if '.''?!', hdtve-???? ' ' : \V" 'ii.'l, ' ?' . ? ? ' ' I - ? ... r ' i - . ? I I- -.'..., But i there was ih. ii ? ,. 'spani i nitod ' feature ol h plaj i d i' ' ii unusual ti i and liar ' loop" for< hand driv. '?' .'iiiy Ium along to success over a but the Btrongi - Rarely, if ever, did Kumagae at? tempt -I. come to thc nel i 1916, He was so stead> 1 ourt, and his ?orcirr shots carried such "pace,' he did ? it find it nece ssary to fo line in order to win his point*. ,Voe betide the net ; who fac ri the Japanese when h attack wa not going at its best, ' ton faltered just a trifle in the match at the N'ewport Casino, and Kumagae, dnving ' th beautiful accuracy, passed ? an repeatedl; I >i the ? man from the Far East native land, and il ? year that tie re ountry. He won the '"w -' ' ? hampsionship sii gles i Golf Club of Utica ;rom a I, and that was i ? victory. There , several defeat3, and ol fai ti Learns American Game . Knmas n .,, * . had ' 'ideatlv deter ? ei game his reappearance it ?a* with style of game that was ? fowl." He had a. curacv from '" *"??-'? .1 in,? iiih'kc affling "loop" drive so fre troki did I Ot seem 0 c'*r*"'' ' ? me s1 ng that thej fei ... the **P---? v a vi ry modre nel *-v*''' ? combination was not! od to carry him through id ? .. ih beat. years b< '- nad ? ?. dent, by the end of '.' ;'':' thal K imagae would re th. \mi rican play of rall bacl '?,'','- ni . , deep-driving attacl ?i ? with his former I'iu re are i the prc ?".'.' ea ... . ? ? ; ? e at the et, 1 g enough to prevail t ten" st i ing, and I do tO ' IJUIr grOUD iv i'M!', 7>ri. ? ? of our grei o < rio" ;? oi p com Jack Sellers Enter? Suburban (Quarter ha pre snt m ddla of th,x country, an ' ? ? ...? ? int. -.'loti to ..ri Quart?r, tha tsjvra evant, o? tha annual Indoor Wa?* ? ? Anthony ? armory, BrooV rda. ? vanlng, ln un of hia JFp ? t with the fell .onfidenl of ? Rihttri Hen it.iii Game Ktoan ?.'**??-? ?-"?- B?nny Uen*r4, 1 'led to bo* night roumla **?.,?, ""?"''"? ? portaman'a < lub on Hi'v ' ,"-fM' '-?""?kail oif iraKilng '.''? " ?.,, uttiaid i baaehall aaaio ?' I ?onard wu ?-< ??? ITd y k'Ji *?Un- *?"-'' ?? ?"? ?'? PA*??i . ' ""' *? f'" ' '' I' -1' Mfl \x "' "? *i?h NU trulntr, !" r?fl liollislVm \ iins Sr\rn 0|9|Miiirnls Iii Bail Caanu' The baseball tram of the College nf tho City of Now York yesterday scored its first win of the srason when ll defeated the .Manhattan Collogo nine at the Lowlaohn Stadium. Tho Lavon der men hit tho bail hard and timely and towarda tho end of the contcs't ran tho bases wildjy, scoring almost nt will. Rothstein, tbe City College twirler, waa in line form, fann'ing seven ot his opponents, The Heights lads started oflF wkith a rush in the first inning, everybody getting a chance at the bat. Barlow doubled, Gelly Tollowed with a single, Cullon walked. Piedmonte then elearcd the baso.s with a double that almost went over tho fence. Murray was hit by tho pitcher, who was eagerly seek ing the refugo of tho showers. Le? bow then sacrificed, Dian-.ondstrin walked and when Krinsky forced out Lebow, Piedmont scored. At this juncture tho Green pitcher retired and Mnhoney who took his piace retired j the side without any furth'er dam age. Manhattan come back in tho second, J scoring three runs with the aid of two singles nnd a fumble by tho City Col? lege third baseman. They tio<i the score in tho third when Rothstein be came wild and issued the only passes of the contest. Rogan got ' a free ticket to first, and moved along on i Lyon's Single. rieegan also got to first on tho froo route, and when Doegan hit n sacrifice fly. Rcgan tallied the tioing run. i _ ('. C. X. Y. sewed up the pastime in tho eighth stnnza when Murrav, j who got on base on an error and Oiamondstein, who singled, were sent home whon Krinsky poked.tho bail to the right-field fonoo for p. two-baggor. Krinsky himself scored whon Lebow sirglert. Tho setfrC ? C ''.,>". ,Y \ TTA" ', Bt h?' 1 ?l, r .. . . ' - ? I '? K< ' - . f ' ' ' il - ( ?? . ' ' ., .... 1 1 i . , . i " i , , .i, ,,ir , ,| , Inhoi , ,, , i, ,,),,.)? "'. , ,i. 1 ' ? .'. Rotbetelii . ?" : Inninu ofl Mohoni ? i ? i'i.i. - ? Reading Monor (husi at Durland'a Spring Horse Show Lord Reading, British Ambassador to the United States, and Lady Reading are to be tho chief guests of honor at the New York spring horse show. which opens next Tuesday at Durland's and ? ues through Wednesday and Thursday. They will be on Thursday, ?May i. tbe individual guests1 of Mrs. Burke Roche, who heads the show's Women's Auxiliary Committee. Mrs. Burke Roche's associates on this committee include Mrs. William Jay Mrs. Courtlandt D. Barnes, Mrs. Phili'p A. Clark, Mrs. Charles Dana Gibson t Mrs, Frederick W. Vanderbilt, Mrs. Ed win Gould, Mrs. James Speyer, Mrs ,lo , seph Pulitzer, Mrs. S. Harqld Freeman, I Mrs. Gordon Macdonald, jr., Mrs. John [McCormack, Mrs. James Curtiss, Mrs Samuel VVillets, Mrs. Edward M. Weld Mrs. William Douglas, Mrs. Dudley Ol* cotl nnd Mrs. John Sloane. From the personal standpoint this ox hibition should rank high among N'ew York horse shows. Society will be pres? ent in large numbers, the Governor, the Mayoi of N'ew Vork and some hifrh rep? resentatives of the national govern? ment, probably Josephus Daniels. Sir Thomas Lipton has promised to bo pres I ent, though hc has not yet indicated i whal night ho will attend. In addition to regular horse show features the Motor Corps of America, -Major Helen Bastcdo commanding, will drill. The show is to be for the Motor Corps' bencfit and many added attrac tions aro to be featured because of this. General O'Ryan and tho jazz band he tias brought back with him from Franco aro to flgure and there will be foreign offlei rs iu great profusion. French, Eng lish, Italian and Belgians are to ride in the military classes and there will bo a drill of 100 policemen. Admiral Mayo and the staff of his fleet are also to be on hand. Victory bonds will be sold through mn the auditorium tho first night by tho Loague of Catholic Women; on the second night by the National Loague for Women's Service, and on the third night by reprosentativos of tho I.ithn iHiiiiii Ropublic, The opening night is to be City Night, Wedneaday Stato i'i.', and Thursday National Xiglit. A horse ik to bo ralllcd during the show for iho Motor Corps' bcnetil. li haa been proscnted bj Samuel Kollor 1 ? ob and is namod "Blackio Daw" (after lhe famous Walllngford charac ter). If tho winner will give il back lo ow II \mI) b,. auctioned off the last night, Soccer Cup at Stake Next Saturday Afternoon Th? annual match i'or the Aineiicitn Football Aaaociation cup, omblematic of* ' ho i hi mpionahip of that thirty year old organization, haa been awarded to Philadelphia and will bo played in the Tacony hall park on next Saturday afternoon, with l.ickoff at l o'clock, The participating cluba are tho aame as thoae which claahod In the national aoc cer championship battle at Fall River lait. Baturday. in which the Hethlehom Steel Football Club, ..i Rothlehem, Penn., defoatefl the Pateraon (N. J.) l ootball Cluh by :; goaJa to 0. George young, of l'hiladelpi,ia, will '. feree thn A. V. A flnal, The ln,.. ,?..,, a/lll be ( and JamtiH A Waldet, both of tha Quaker City. Walder m aoo ratar i ol tha I nited Btatea Referee l.'/ilMi C. C. N. V. t? IMny Rutgem ?.r.w BRUNSWICK, N'.i , April aa i'i ' 'un Hall baanhall game, aohed' ' ii'i'i i" im played here to ii?y, haa heen '!"''i|"'l owlng i" unavoidanlo dutirui nd ."? v. ill play hera nn nt ii'i i weei. Inatead C ( . '. v , will iiitu. play hiiu ibi. .... i, ,, being in hnluii d foi ,'iatunlay. Racing Summaries HAVRE DE GRACE, APRIL 23, 1919. ' \I\fprentl -? n lowanca. claimad, WsiUher cl?m tr*i k Paa'i 134 V.!?W'"'7?v-;:Zz'Z;.i.;?';,;'': .??"??:-? 'Wi??? "";;;:.,? ".!. ?,.''."??.,;:,..,'":;,';r ,;"', rna?. Hotm Wi. it *, " .? |i ,.?,, js*ev?yn < 'in iniunliiii, i ir s ?> .? ,, i ,? .,, . *-, *??' 9u?rea 112 io & . ?'? ?? ??. Tr0*i?r " ,ir" <!,ri* ?<i**i" ,.ii5 ? a :i? j'l;. .,,,'vV' ":? M. Bruinmcl ...116 2 r ,?,? 4Y M Kn H2 Klttv tlordon , .1 ir, i i jji ?i ? ^.'.,.,? in? Veiuuv i|it?.| ii- r, ., ,u r,' ?"? MeMaa ini I'.oselanil . . Uo s *l m ? <ji wnjls A,i'i? I'lira iin (. m io io io i, Ni'ii'ii Mntue's paid Carrftundttle, S j 0.30, $4.60" $4"l0; Querea; $2.60 J'l Cob scia,;^,I,;s;;;;'!;,;i:;;l",vebs Coup,-id"- v?l,ow "-<? ?- ?*????--!?*.??.. Owners 1, K F ( nn; " and .", n p Whltney; 4 k r Doctoi F ,,,.. : ddle Farm; fi \\ S Murray; .'. s Ro*s ; 8 and 9. nr wilson ir- io i r Murnh Querea ivore blinkers. rarmandale. .. very ropid h ..?,,.. va" riisher into ong |.;i'l and wns never ktIousIv ihreatened ',? . , ? . .. hnri ? ' ? : others Cobwebs 'losed a b!g stsp. :" ' ' ' IO~ SECOND RACE Malden three-year-olds and up claiming; purse ?8no Jt/U si\ FURLONGS Time. 1.13 3-5. Post, 3.06; off, a.oa start roon ' J;.'. ??*?* -':'"" '- '*' \Mnner b f. 3. by Vote: Triuniphal. TrRiner! ?i x<s "?k l'i, foekeyii g. p, ,?, 4- 2i 2'J )' Dreyer " 4-; ' "l ? '?? :" l- *" :'' Rv-.ii ', ' ?0 ?? , 3" ,?1 r.' 3'' - . '.-;., ' * ' r' '.'1 ?'' * 1 '*?'."' ?:' ? w ;i ri 11 n*- ?. j f4 f,> Moonc - _ 12 11 9 '?" Staj ? ????. . . ... __ 11 10 8i 71 Butwei] I'' 4- ?*? 8'J i. . _ __ fi J 8i 7. 91 C'arpwe _ _ 8' 9i 11 lO'j Mountain ? ? ? !">' fi' 10 11- Walls _ _ _ 13 13 12 12 Wida ?- ? _ 15 !!? 14 13 } 1,1,1" ? _ _ 14 14 13 14 Corey ? ? _ 16 iu Ui ir, niier't ? _ 7|t2 1? 16 i' Mutueii 1 '? -? r, $10 $4.30. J ' ? -???? t 1 ? , m ? . ? , I'ng, ji, Owners- i, f- ; us ?'. li Morres: ?. C I '?'? 1 ing : ??'. Lutz ? '? ?'? ';' Huttei : fi, ,' 1. Donovan : 7. \v p Burch; 8, P a O Randolph; 9. W L Oliver; 10, I' P Mariln : I l.M ?' Mc ormlel:; IL', Sonny Stabie ; 13, \v 1. Ss le I \ l> Si Ith . Sn : ? Stablu . I fi M Oliver. Mtituel field Re olutioi Caddle Auctlonecr, Huzzas Miss Fauntleroy Ma toaka. Hu'iii (Irenade. Scra ched Vigilante, (iant Kosl Hu?zaa, Mohican, Revolution, A'ictloneer 'vore blinkers Elected Jd n-or? Conslatftnoy down (n last fnrloni,'. Vlva was disquallfled foi putttng A ictloneer on the fence, breaking Cars ve is leg; IOf THIRD RACR- Three-year-olds and up ; claiming;; purse $800 FIVE ?'?*-' AXD A HAT.K FT^RLOXGf*. Time, 107 1-5, Post, 3.37; off 3.89, Start good; won easlly: plac> drlving. Winner. eh. g.. 3, bv Brummell?-Miss Martha. Train er, V D. Welr. _ i fnflex". HoraV. " "Wt'pp.St. "'."mJA -A Hip.' Jockcya. " St" Pl.'"Jab7 Ul- Rrlsk.101 9 8 24 l'Tl* 1' Driyer 88-20" .1-4 114 T.lttle Bov .112 2 6 o* 8? 2J ?h Sterling 117-10 29-4 - ?M.vlo'n .'.100 i 8 8 74 5J3} Widn .13 M' Sist->r fcmblem..lt4 5 7 7 7} ?J 41 Buiwell ll (Joral.' ' ' 1 4 5s m 7,fi 5'* Mersler '; .. I*. M Mahon 101 8 9 "' 8- 9' RJ Sta i fifon 122 Salvatel i 107 7 10 '" I" ?' "' MV arns " ?T<< ? nsa ' '' - r 5' 3? 8' Rice .<:" tfotiobro. I fi ''? 9' 10 9- PatOt '.-(.. i i ,-. 4} Z* 8 * 10 Colt - ? -.? ; fjvfii - ' *'? 80 .?'< B'-o"'- ',*?' e Wo -' ' c. ?"? 5(5 \vj6 '' f..... :., , f. 5 vv i; :? .f i lith . ?.? ? ?' I Bjljtt - i - ,...?-,.,. . f, (?-, , ? ,;,,?, '.'? | ? , , ?? u. - < -???' ? . -1^*7 rmifflu <? ? - ?? iii i . i. . ,/.-, ? i-i ci.',,",. i i i. ?r -..--4 ii',-. lf'r:l .... (...(..'. ii ?'/ i'f i'l ^ U -'.. i-i. ,? i m? | I ? , ? i , , i ? ? .. II I ? i I.'* I .. ' ,. .1 Mi 10 | ?! ' ' ' I .i, i, r. . , di 9 i ? ? - ? .-I,.,, ? . . l I 4 i |, , ? t ., , S -Mi.-n ium, ,,101 ( | ,' ' i j .-1, 2 i , . c j , i .' . i .-ti p|*|dei imi f ii :'..'i f ?* l" ii ' 80 l.ov ; .1, lOg l ln :.. 'i D- D- ' ni ??? ???ii innos 114 k i i 1.1 i.i r i :oii ? *. ' Mutuala paid ' ominon !?"? $10 10 J'.' 10, $5 30; .!"?? ' i a ? i ? ? 14.20 ; l'in nu,, 16 id * Owneri i I W M.i- ' K I-: \ i,r'i.7 . 3. ?' K p l* ii,,I. i I li'.i'lf. j !? SJweenev; 8 T \'. niuirn , T ll Wilson ** i, ?'? Hhipnia 11 ' Pro in ,1 M llill,l.nrd Hcratched Marsarei Eljen Zouave, Hnos, .lusi-rma Zartiie Ixiyol Pt-ier l.ow wora blinkara '*om ? mon l.nw worked her wns through in irn> lan furioni* aml ?;is k"mik awnj ati 1 tho finiuh Joaeflna Karate <it eml Pavour closed with * ruah aml! would liH\e been second In another mride. IQQ FIFTH RACE The Penn Solllng purae; three-year olds and up $1 000 ,)(> added MVK A.\C ,\ HALF Pl RLONGS. Time, 1 08 1*5 Post, I 12 off, 4 44. Start srootl; woi drivlng; place saifie Winner, ch. f 4 by The : irla I ia runia Tralnei. <; \N Porenia ti In'dex. Horse ~Wi. I'P. St. **?!? 'A H~"Fin. Jockeya Sl " Pi. Sh." I I 1 fi, l.ouisrt \' .i 03 -I H ~V\ l'i 1' M. \'e,. 7-2~ 7-5 ", 10 Subahdar .Ill .1 n 2> :" ;-"-?_" J.Willlams - - 3-1 33-30 115 .1,-ick Heary ... 105 17 4 i 31 3" 3' Sande 4-5 97 Mahony .112 2 5 ;,; i, , 6- i'' Butwell 115"1 Rol Craig .115 h 4 8- V 4i 5* Burns ? ? 123 Jack Mount ,...108 7 fi 7 6'' fi- fij N'olai - -? ? 87 Harry Breivogel.l 14 r, ? 64 7 7 7 Rice ? ? ? Mutuels paid -Lotilse V7, *?"*. J4.S0. J3.40. Si.hahdar $8. $5ln, Jack Leary, J.1 60 Owners- I, G W Foreman; 'J, Trlple Spring Farm; 3 G W Atkinson ; 4, T Clvde; 5. C Applegate ; fi t; c Walsh; 7. S Louis, Harry Brelvogel, Subahdar, Jack Mount, Jack l/arv, Louise V. wore hllnk rra l.o'usp \ . at her best. ran into I'-ud at start and held her field safe all ihe wa.v. Subahdar ran a kooi! race for first out. Jack Learv made nn so-me Roi Craig tired badly after show int; spe ' Mll.ICi ]'.>() (SIXTH RACK?Three-year-olds and up; claiming; pursi fS 0 ' ??-> * Wl' .1 VARDS Time. 1.45 1-5. Posi 5.14; off, 5.15 Start i i won drivlng; place easlly. Winner, b. m 6. bv Ildrim Annus Lucl is TrainerJ K I ruema n 1 Inde.t. Horse. Wt. PP, S; I 12*- U Ido'w ",eii(,!'(. . I I ll X 11 Ballad .112 7 (ill) Prank Shannon. 100 fi t118) Dan .i is 4 119 Capltol city . . i 12 .1 9V- ?? 'apt. Hodgp . .107 3 K;'.1 Stir I'p .108 5 1 18 Rockport .112 i 11K Thrlft . liis 9 Mutuels paid? "Wioow fledotle. .16.10. $2.80 S2.3D; Ballad J.lin. J2 fiO ? Frank Shannon, $3.30 Ownera?1, Mrs E Trueman ; "J.H S r?rner; 3. W V Caaey: 4. J H Shreve: b. M Smith; fi, S Lewis: 7. R Pendlng; 8, w C Daly; 9, T E Crlat, Uan, Capltol Clty, Ballad. Stir i'p. Frank Shannon'wore hltnicera, Wldow Bedotte, iinder n strong ride, ht-ld on well in paee and won well in hand. Ballad aufren*l from miei fcrencc. Frank Shannon was ln a pocket nearlv all tho way. l.j.ii tired 1 Ai) :"',''V,'-;s? RACE Three-year-ol'ds and up; claiming; purae $800 Mil.E -1- L" AN'J) 70 VARDS. Time, 1,46 2-5. Post 5 4,1- off 5 44 Slavl mind ? P?V*'&nPiane h,"""'V WJ'""M'' "" K' 3* ^ Matathon-CrossovTr Trliner! Hidpx. Horse. Wt. I'P. si. 'i Vi"%"% Fin. JockeyH. gt. Pl. .*?*, '!'," '?'"'"" .103 l 4 !<} ,1} Ji 31 i* McAtee 4 7-20 '" r.-1 li-4 ? Sa si"1,? ,':l"*',? R8 3 8 BJ B- q S' 4' Coltllettl ? ? ? ,f2 Se* .ln-' fi fi s" 4*4' 4' B'} Burna ? ? 29 VlBllanto..93 2 l 24 i' 6' 8'J 6= Romanelll -- ? ? H2 Jack Healy '?.19 8 9 9 9 9 7* Waaaler ? ? ? ? -adv l.angdon. X7 H 7 8" 8' 7j 7' 8" Wlda -- ? ? o| "I mbaia .88 fi 9 7' 7'" %? 8' 1 Ape _ Mutuels pafd Rbme'o $R.7o 4.66T3.50; Peraeiis $13.90 0 SO ; K.-T-lnh $5 90 owners- 1 OW Foreman ; 2, H J Hart ; 3, C w Gasaer; I ,1 EarreU Jr.; 6 .1 Sulltvan: 6. R Pendlng; 7. T ll Wilson, 8, j W Moore; 9 R T Wilsno. \ ?! behind the pace. closed with a ruah In tho stretoh nnd was going awva on "?Ufl?tUPturo. " lhC Pa'e' KeZl*h 'lr*d' -"-*""???? ?rmosi knoeVed Whitr Sox Swamp Sl. Louis Bronns ST, LOUIS, Apnl 28. Pounding four pitchera for a total of twenty-one hits Chicago to-day opened the American Loague campaign with a 13 lo l vic tory over Si. Louis. Tho usiial flag raising coremonios precedod the game and Colonel George K. Iluntcr, commondant nl Jefforaon barracka, toaaed oul tho tirst bail. Bo ?'ore the I'lime Manager .limtny Hiirke of the locala was proBontcd with 11 diamond siudded watch fob by a lottil | od ire The acore; < Illl AOO (A i il? r li i. ' . Iliolil, rf ll 1 I 2 ll 0 I' i.i Ucmrr. 81) 0 14 I ! I'llwli . . . 'I. I I sr mu i^ a i. . ni. r li po ? " , 'j a n n ii '. ll 4 .'. 2 II 112 \ n lankmm, f.S 0 ? 1 0 " K M lll i ??: i i fl " I I) IVI,,, li, p.t i o I 1 ii ii lifinuiiin rl 10 1 i n i ., II).i .-? mr*li| i ii n ii H ii lllili ik , :? :i i n n KtmU, e n " ? > n 0 Hclmll . i * ? ft .Tlruukli ii i H i i 2 H 0 WIU'l. p.fl ' : < n ,;r" '' 4 li ii .' 2 | IIIMIng-t. o ? o n 4 s fl 1 limiintcrl |i 1 ll 0 (l 8 n Hogoru, |, ii ii ii n ii ii I.,' .!',?!. I p I ,1 11 ll ? ., I ,l?,n!i'ii, ir ,;.' il I ii n n i ,, i; 11 i .? ii r Toiiii i i in ii ii ? in. n(|n ,, ii i ,. l ii ii i ,1 Hi Loula 2 '.i " i ii 'i 4 Two baae niin .laoUaon Tobln Uanrtll Min. Iiiim Woaver, uammltt, Tohln, li.ii.lll, c U'lllliiiim 11.uu 12 i'iiIIiun Htnlan iitmii* Hiiiiii... uiitvii. K), i'iiIIiun, Tobln 121 l ?, i lih i im li.HHiii Hhui llli H Nv Hi iniii. ln,uliii pi'ii ? K Wllllaun .nui Him.., ii, i un (Jadi un hihi |iiiiinK? I.Kfl (lll ll.lHI.I ( llllHKH, , Hl l.illllH. K 1 im' liHMI ll ' i '.ii .il ,, I Hl l.olll? ' i.ii i. iihIIk ''" w llllama, i, nff Uhvi npori, i "" i ii Ul' hl ' l|"" "lf i'.i ? i..i | m | Ml iliiiiiw* in ' n. ' ' : i....' .if I ? Illl ll. ' ' i inlni ..ii , |, . I,, ii.ii.ii, . i,,, mi n.i' i\ un,ii,. i i ii iin m. i !?? iii<K",i?, i l.oalna plii i" i Ituaora. Ifavro ?lo Graco Entries '''lRs.T , IIACIO Two n',,1 ..1,1 , nildena; , I ??'"" '"?? I''"'"' .' H *> furlnnsH ? ' Urynlilici ion . > n.., ,,,,.. i iu ):* y,""'.!'". io .i'i -iiniv iiooui . .io.', ,!V il'"" s""".:i ??? ''? "i"'"'i i"? '-? Mnrnj 116 ,'ui 'I.itlle One 1011 , ,. s'?"" li'U 112 7a Sll.-l ll . ltIK 2 , Z*? U?!"'" .U Major Klsk toii UU l'i,|,,'\ .!?,,,. Iflij UHl'O.N'll H H'l'I I',,,.?, oldn i.i nl up "?'"i ? Mi'fiili-i lumc; adltnu. i wo ||UM '"" tMnliw l|i> Hriiln llnll* Kis , - llinnl'i'ii . Il.'l, ion lllli. I'l,,',, 14,1 l"f? ll""". IHO1 Mtoddom Un lUiomli i( loo1 l arl? Llglil 14 . TIIIIILI IMI K I l.,|; i|1M |.?, , ,,,,.,. ' 'I''-. .n.'l uo \ .. II* i nrlfinga 122 Mu.M'i Al.v-mn IHI 12. I iiffUn L'HIld ,101 " ? Aii,I?i-2.,i lll 100 mi' ?ll,,,,.,, |B Mi > Ilmi im ?Klrni I'ullei :., I H! I'iiiiiiiv \\ ii.... lo," .!' DiHtla \ ni iln i 100 ?i ,.,? , io; C 'I I. I 'I I! M'l'i M,... i ,. ? ? |V0 . . nl.11 l.'i.ur ., i u ii half furl mgH ' \ ii-i.'k 1 !" 'I' 'I I'.-t.-r 1 'iniii,., .111! UO' ll'minplv I4>ti Ilr llnll I I | mn Kalllpolla hi Mlinitemaii n, ic' I'nui Jone?, 100 iii' ii KAl.'IO I'nnill ioi ?? Ihroi vi .. im longs i-' i 'laan (iinm. .110 124 i ' Ford !lil "'?' OphelU . . ion l??.Mm i p ion iii iiaiii-i Danci. ii inn 124* -ivitiMi . in llty IO', ;i,l 81 jr Kea.lli l|fl i I0.? Cllnrlln 100 llw II,iv ll. . i 107* luiiii,-,, L.HM "'' l II I in-liig Blielh 110 .SIXTH FlAUlfl i'l..., ? rear nlda un i up , iinlna H ?? 1111 longa !?'' I "" HU" I1T| MiMNiimv II, 19 ?li.l.i lo ir, Nni.,.11,. II lll I-.' Mmiilii II, lilimnlol ija i: i; .i'll li A'li! i.'.iii .,1 old. and up ni ,.i ., . 1.1 ii ? Going Ou To-day l?AV ' I' ' ?"' to M*tropoiltnn Muaaum of ll on Muai mn i)t 1', \ V,,i.,. '". '? 'ii: Kfll I \ .... '. ' . ib I in hi ' So l p ui ? , Olll -'....;? V ... ' Ilo \i' ... ? ; I, Astiir, 2 , ?I.i'"' ' i'h ,,. ? noi lc V .. ,1 "i.i. ii..,. 2 p Prc Hotel lan 1 Women > ? " -in tlotel meeting . o'oc'a ' Ion m. ?lei Ul-; I !? ^.uditoriun wspape* Publishers' Assocla ung all day, Waldorf-Astorla in r 7 p, m '.''.'? i iompa n< . .,i?o: ing .,"" : "' ' '?' ''? "-" day, Hotel Astor. '".' "" " ' ' " a for late Samuel '" I"' ' ' il-ii.v ,? Mn;,,, ' I umbia I'ni-.-i '? ' ? . 1 ", ! ' :;' ? ''. Musoum of ': : ; ? 1 ",''','' " ' " '; ? ?:-. fhelr Paj - ?h?l?? '' l '.'? -'- '? 7: Washing? ton .-. UU! | , | ?'" ,'' "'? N'atlonal S!:,'l, n I I ,--?.- Farm ':'<;? - ' ' - ;:? ? \ ' 1 -?'.::'". , \ ,.nu"e' ? ? m 2- .orin, ,' Em jes "i ?. '(,'.. ?? ' rfleld, v, ? f ?? (li British Mercantl ?-? In ., n,| .,,-.. , ... ? . , ' . . : ? ",;. Hotf ' ? ?>?.? nf N ? - York, read poeta of Eastei Wee . for 306th KriK: 2,7 1 \ >??... . Irish f.ll . il ? ' MnAli ; Mrmorla I ?>< ' -'''?? riilrtj mii' h StreV Debs mass meeting, Lettlsh ETal Wlllla Avenue, Bronx, 8:16 p, m Meeting New Tork Bleotrlcal Society En glneerlngg Socletlea Pufiding, 29 'west Thirty-ninth Street, S p. m ' areweli dinner to Lord Reading Asso? ciation of Koroign Preaa Correaponde'nts in the (Jnlted States, Hotel PUza "?'lo p. m. Concert, ilm St. (.ndrews Orie ' ??' ? ? '-.?)-,!, ?: '' " "?' ti - n find 7"i A venue '- 6 , . . ... ,, ' ?' . ' i ? .-:? rri'eri S, " v " ' I ' Iluniii i ?.,,,. i ' , i. , Hiili . i 1 ? lil ' . - ' . o i, ... ? ? ' I ? liilnsoii I' I'l i ? Hi 1 ? , iigi.ii \ , . . ? ' i L 4.10 j i in I I ll ' 1.1 -2 . l|| |.| lan H li nnd liurim m .-,, Grace l ' 'iildwell i ,nboi Ti mple, imii si ,,-, t nmi ?."I vvi ?, I'lem li i 'unipnsiira i lld nnd N'ew ' Dill ?'?;?'"'" *> Kamloggi !. -i w. ii a . .,: ii mi, struoi '"" ' "? An ," ii,.- rirsl . f ,i course on "? " - ??'? "'' l.lbi ' ty," Loula U Wllltln s"". -i!"i rls I! s., :;..-., si .... . j ,,,| Hoston lload l'-'1' "'" Crieg and i he Scandlnavlan Smigs, Mrs, Gui ii I Smith, P. fl li I ",v I' Street, Flndlay und Teller avenues, \ri Exhibitions Ai ad. ii,,. Arl Shop, 15 l Wesl i- lft< seventh Street Exhlbil Ion llonli i Ki, rasz, twenty-flvo now paintings . Anderaon Gallerlea, Park Avenue. at Mfty-nlnth Street?Edmund D. Brooks's collection ?,f rare books and mattus'-ripts I'uriiH collection .,r Staftordshlre pottery and i.rt objuctB. American Art Gallerlea, Madison Snuaro South?Oil paintings from the Charles Stewart Smith and other prlvato coi lectlons. Alao antlque Chinese porcelalna nmi Japanese arl treasurea collected by Die Ini.- Charlea Stewart Smith \rdsley Studlos, 1 10 Columbia Ueights. Brooklyn Lithographs by Fanttn ? Latour ., .nl painl ings by Amei leu n arl Ists Babcock Oallery, ia Eiisl Forty-nlnth !->treet?Exhlbltion, Now England land si'iiims Bourgcoise Golleries, 6C8 Fifth Avenue Exhibltlnn of American .-Uni;.) designs Canessn Gallerlea, l Wesl Fiflioth Street Rare obje.cts of art. Daniol Gallories, 2 Wcsl Forty-seventh ?s'i"' ' Annual wal.dnr ? ?\hibitlon. Oudensnig Gallerlea, 4S Wesl Porty-fourth Streel lOxhlbition, Mexico ln water col iii'h. li\- i raw fur,! O'Gorman. l-'erargll Gallerlea, 24 Easi Forty-nlnth Slreet?Group of American paintings. Folaoin Gallorles, 560 l'ifth Avenue?Group of American paintings lloti'l liosspit. Montagua aiui Hlcks Streets, Brooklyn -Bxhlbitlon of imint iiiks aiui etchinga by Ernost D. Roth. Howard Young Gallerlea, 620 riftii Ave? nue Pulniingii b\- Osslp i.niii.. Knoocller .<? Co. Gallerlos, 506 Fifth Ave? nue?Exhlbltlon of decorativo water eolors, Metropolitan Museum ,,f Art, ''entral Park Courbet Centenary exhlbltion. Mi'.rli Oallarloa, 108 West Flfty-sevanth' Slreet?Selected paintings by American il II IHtS. Montroaa Gallcry, :,."iU Fifth Avenue- Pic? tures by American artista mul eiirlv Chinese art. M uHMina ii ii Gallery, Mi West Flfty-seventh Slreel -Exhlbltlon ..f paaipls'of child life bv Eugejm Higgins. National Academy of Design, 215 West |i"lfty-aeventh Slreet?Annual spring ex iiitni ion. Relnhardi Gallorles, nH.") Fifth Avenue? Exhlbltlon of iii.< National Association of Portralt Palntera Srutt ,v Fowles, r.iin i.'ifth Avenue Land scapea h> Aaton Knlght. ing Nt iW8 1:06 Sun stes a m. Moon si i , Ui5\ 11 ), ni. illgli Wuler P M. il-IS AHRXVUD VKSTRRDAV \'|.:ssEL PORT DBPARTU I 2 of Pmlilo.Pl> llioulll .X IMI ii. d'AbruzzI.Gibroltar .Aprl Smiiii Teraaa .... Bordoaux Aprl Mobllc.Hreai .Aprl i'i un.isio ... ilul: . . Aprl iiieiiHlnii.Glbraliar , Aprl m.i n, inn ia . . lu nal . Miinainai.Antllla \ Pri l*oInI .1 Udll h. ....... . Huntos.Mar Lake Brldge.Han Uomlngo Vprl Noi foik.Han l lomlnao . Aprl i .. >-.ei .Si. Thomaa.... Apri Mlnlero.Clenfuegos ...Aprl Nordhasetl.Norfolk . . ,, Apri Wesl \\ am. liihl'iillar . .Mar 'I'u uu! ii u .Tu iiii li io.M'.rl ! i'i , I 10 I 11 I 13 1 li I 11 1 18 . 2 0 I II. I II, 1 17 I li. 1 20 . :ia i l? INCOMINO BTBAMKRS 0. Hun To-day ' i.-w.iu.i . XrtlilrH.\|,,-il ( P. F WIllK-lm.Hrest . Aprl! 14 Bui iim ni" 81 Naiatre ..April IA s..nia i 'iiir?.Bordeuuj , ,. .April 13 Weal lialrta.Braal .April S AiiuitHiu* .... Braal.\prll H '. i,iii.ui .Buenoa Ayres.April 4 ^ Hun l'riil.iy ,,' ii.ui. Braal . . Aprii i ? Miihi.i Vernon Broal . April it .viniiiiioh iii-i>m April i.i AI' iiii ? St \a ,? Apnl I -J 01 TflOIMn MTKAMK.HH To-ili?y MAI2 l'l.(IS|.2l, Vi ,-i a s .00 A M IIiii.k,iiu, Vfri, ,. ,1 inl V M ii d'Aoata, ii'-ti,... i iiii i si i' ,,f l.aliori Afn.'.i i j-iiu*i I ii. , lalliu i i miol.iil V .IHI \ M 1,1' lllll i , i llaloluil 12.IHI P M VHiHUIDI. S VI I..--I l l illl A M, i I nn A M I I nO A M 2,1 P M '0.00 A M, ,, mi P, M . VIhiii lli-MI I ildnt - M | I uatln . ,.,, , 8AM I -' ?"' M i.?i.? i.,iin<? Onaia ii,-.. i 9 30 A M, IS 80 M Ntttir.luv , irmanla I n pool t 00 v ?< ? oq m in.-, rta, m.-?i. ? II) v M mi M I ,. K-i R|n |hi '-,? ?' 00 v Vi : ; ", v VI ? . ,, ? , 00 a vi i oo M Irnii- r,.. iii. Mail* ? i . . ? -m - ill* , loan ..' ' Ha ' Iciiet.. i !" ?" Hall )?..,?..,'. . ?.?,.. Voi .-- rullovvs i'l-., it. n Islands, ' . . " ! ? i I | \ | .?,.,.,, -. , i. ?... ,,. ?., .'i,-.., , mii ai d malls for Novv ,'? aland, < ia San I i u i Ma ' ' r i ? patch \ia s. a Sonomn Islands \- \< / il , ? .1 and Ausl ralia ? u \ ., n. uu. ei ..- l VI' loria, l(. C, a i^x '" i . May ". foi dispatch per .?. s Niagai i Ph llpplni sla nds. < la Vancouvi r .-, nd '"'ia. B. C, at 6:30 p. tn . April 26, for lispatch per s s. Empress of Aaia Hawall 1111,1 Guftm, r],,s.> 5 20 p. n - i , , 1 is forwarded t,> tiie Pacific l oast dailj for dispatch to dcstination by the best opportunity, Japan, Korea, i"hina. Siam, Co'-liin China and Netherlands, East Indies, close al 5 0 P ' This mail is forwnrdml io ihe '''? roast daily for dispatch to dcsl nation by t he best oppoi tun p FOREIGN PORTS BART3ADOS, April 2" Sailed Steamer Domlnie (Bi i (fron Para) N'ew Yoi ,. BREST A prll 18, An Ivod Steami r George (i. Henry, New Orleans. vla Havre. ' AGLIARI, Api lil a ri< ? d viunarden (Br.), Hallfax, via Glbraltar i- v PE T< i'.'.'X. April l 7 - Sailed : S >i inn - ' Mr i (from New Vork), Durban CHINWANOTAO, April 15 Arrived -'.? ne i.i of ' :olombo i li:- i, New i -.-.,. ?? i.i l lonolu ?: COLOMBO, Aprii, 20 Sailed Steamer 1 lan ' ioi don ( Br i, St. Johi \" n COPENHAGEN, April 21 v -' -.i: ?? ?: F ederlck Vlll (Uan i New i in i ristin nsa nd Dt'XKIRK, Api ' - Vrri ' '..? - Br -. New Vork, - ia St. H , ? ;;,, FAI Vi. UTH, Vpril '.. v,-i .- : stean ' Ka ?? uaa ,a (Bi i, Portla GENOA. April 12. -Salled: Stca. Co ui bia (Ital.), New Yorl G1BRALTAR, Aprl! i i ., "i San Gennaro (Ital.) (froi Genoa) Humpton Roada; 16th. Betluno FI illfax; 2lst, Lord Sefton (Br i i from Sues), United States, 60THBNBURO, Arnl 9.?Arrivaa: Steamer .r.ihan Sann? (Swed.), .\"?^r Tofk v:i Hallfax; llth, Laurits (Dan >, Phila? delphia. T.v PALLICB, April 17.?Arrived: Steamer Paraendrn.'ht, NVvr Tor'-r UVBRPOOL, April 21.?Arrived: Steam ? ?- Bardto (Br. , New York LQNBON. April 22.?Arrived Steamers Gtastohbury (Br.), Philadelphia ' ran ??<? Br.) s Johns, ' 'mu I, rin'.i i, ;rh2i foi v-,' " >. N'CHESTBR, Apnl -, ?,???? Bovlc (Bi MARS1 (/ ' F.' ?., " .( " -:''?' - , ' - ? .... I ''I'tt r-m 1,1. , . . - A, ? ? " " \t\ lj . I ... , ,. -' nnt \ft\,l ii.iii i. ..... ..,:,, i 1.....K- I/., " e,u, fy|,-' ,, : " Pfi)''-. .1 ' .,,. ii.. .. fjolli ' Cup Shanlev Golf Won bv Fralick on Lake wood Links i AKKWOOD, \. J., April 83 By es tictly th.- ivinnlng net aeore of last mmujou, . t, \V, (, I't.dui,, \,-n *i ?ik, formei'... ,. member here, to -\h\ ?e iMireil ti'iii|i,itiu y CuStody ,,l' the .1. !?'. Shanloy memorial cun for aenlor-golf vr? ni tho Lakowood Country Club, ll hn.l .mu one stroko load, for his gross ?n, '.'i .ind handieap iv George 1'. Brown, from Huntlngdon Valley, Philadelphia, look h mnUl for aeeond ptaee with 90 16 7 1. 1,. j. t;Hl lagher, New York, entered from Nor wood, wna third al 93 18 76. Hc would have cnrried off th,- trophy ol" hi* business partner hut for twice getting deeply bunkered on the ti-" ??? ith, which cost Ium nine strokes. The weather wns nl! that could he de sired, Twenty-nine entered. but half a dozen failed to start. Kxcept for increasing tho bunkers the course is so little unchanged that its year still romains at ~'2. Thc scores: M Park Parkar, tJpper Montcla - 9 77. George \V Statzell, Aronon ?' i i '. ? ?: v.' Saarles, Mttlc Pa ?: -" 7',. A (.'unnlngham, Rocklan.i 04 1 !*.? ? harlea i; CSillett. Soarsrisle. \ ; I ."si.n. I... vvrencc. iiie llarber, Bngrlewood, i" iv 'i rbert, Sloei y Kollov. 0 ? S Mcl.nupr.ilin, Bkwanok, 94-12 82 i: ? .1 M 11...1 \ i\ V II in! Sl \' drew s, 98-15-83: \ V i lan i. St, Andrewa. 99-15 84 . Amory Elliolt, Hoston, 104-18-86 G, irgn A Allsopp, For.-Kt Hlll. 105-18-87; \ M I inrie Baltusrol, 106-lh-S8; .1 C r..i rlsh Shlnm .ck Hills, 125 16- s) (.arharf Easy Winner Ih Yale Squash [Match Harold W. Carhart reached thc thirrl round in eliminating A. (I. Blaisdell, chairman ol Lhe squa com ir.iifee, in the annual Yale Club pionship tournament. yesterday. Blai dcll could not contend with his np ponent's vastly stronger game. to be downed by a scoro . of 15 I. 15 1". Blaisdell put up a s'trong game in the second set, but. unequal to the task of. handling Carhart's side wall "kitlf." r.ivingston Platt, reeent winner of the ( iass B scratch tourney, was also an easy vietor over Staniey 'Wnlkor in a first round match. Platt was master at all times nnd only oecasionaHv re <=ort"d to hard playing. The soo IG (, 16 12. Kif!u?lrv Win-*. 7 !o h '.' W0n n -: *>'1*'V ilrange ffigh i . hy s seore Off / ???. .-? ttccbttHiM ?,;?,, ? ., I ? ? ..??? ??.? hi . !", . ....... URSORTB NMV VQJlfc M'A J K RBS0BT8 M IS \ IHCK Nl \ I I. ?,<? iff Xodac J3riarcliff Manor f f N'civ Vnri, C~^^ NOW OPEN ' 'vr" 1 he Lodge affords you all the advantages and pleasures of a COUNTRY HOME ON THE HUDSON without the vexing details of its care. 50 rninute Electric Train Service between Scarborough and Grand Central Terminal. New Tork Offlee: <0S Madison Ave al. 7070 Murray HUI Brani h Offli c: Pearl <v Co. Members N. Y. Stock Exchange. SPRING LAKE nP,A( II, N. J, ESSEX &SUSSEX Hotel and Cottages Spring Lake Beach, N. J. DIrectly on the Ocean America's Finest Resort Hotel Hot and Cold Sea Water Opens June 18th New York Office: 8 West 40th Street, or Plaza Hotel F. T. KEATING - - Manager Itrown'i Mills-ln-the-PInea, N. .1. 'MAI.I.I)\V> THE PIG'N WHISTLE INN flroivn'M MilU-in-llie-Plriein. N ,|. Modern !n every way, I.argH srounda, Hoating, Batliinn-, i-'iaiiinB. niiiiiiK Qoif Tennis DellBluful lloateaa House for GtrlH, For iirtrti.-ulnrn. New y0rk Oflloa ;,ua-iin Tlmoa I31djr. Phono 1120 Bryant! CONNKCTICCT. Edgewood Inn | Greenwich, Conn. 45 mlnutea from i;r,ir,i centril Station t'tuler manag-ameni of MlSaSS UILI.AX ?t BDWARDa OPENS MAY I 7TH N. V. <HH(1'-HKWITT STUDIO ,i.'ii Slh Ave. Hours 1 tu ?. Tal, Vanderbilt T007 VKKMONT. HYDE MAIMOR ^r1;; 2 Wmi M'li 11., Ui iiiaMui engattraanta for leaaon "I HHP Foi imakiai.4 and Information addra 1 Mr in HK Tel 5300 Bchuj MI.AMU: (ITY, NEW JERSEY RALEIGH, Atlantic City'a Popular Hotal. American Plan. $4 & $5 per Day. ATLANTIC l ITY. n. j. Amerlra'a Ka oua All Yaar Hesort. I'lCNNHTIVAMA. GALEN HALL^VWW^*' Foi well Signs Again r'liii.Ain.i.iMiiA, April 99, Rob Foi .(..ll, IVnn. fiMiiliiill pnaph, lo day nlgnetl ii iinii 1 iici im nnothor s<'Hi'. ATLANTIC CITY, M.W JKRSKY ><^SvW/92* TtANTIC CITY fxj ez w "?_> ce; r*--? ??''??sei'v* THE SPRING RESORT NOW i* the time ibat your tired brain and general ayatera need a good Spring tonic. Aalk your doi-tor foe ln. opini un, ind ,1 hr i. ? ?,m, practitionor hall labou all dmgiand noi> Imiui, im, rmpbatioallv prnsnhc ? aoioura in dalightful Atlantic Ciit. ibr fiacat auihora re ? ort arar known. 'I'lmra la ji.M lhe right t?ng ,n tha air to fill ng wilh reorwrd ?,|;(if and "pen " Vour "blnaa" ?ill flT aw?? and vou'll nml Touraall onjoTing hia again with all thc aeat of a Tonlh of arvenu-m Golf. Indoor .Sarlmmlnf) Paola, Kolling Chaira, M etariag. (oaurti, Fiahing, fclr. ?Ht LCADINQ HOUStl are alwavs open and will (un.iati {ull infnrmation, rataa, etc. Mnrlliorougb-Blenbelm Holel Slrand The SlirU.urnr llotal Deauis ..alm Hall Hotel St. Charles Hotel Chelaea The Hnlmbarat Seaside Ilenae Thf. Wiltaliira Far avVmaaa* a* I -.-hralalr ?l caawtawl raartia* fai'atwt. caaa-ik ax >l ntktl aajtfi a ATUANTJC CITTV.I^.J. J manxiqed. to qUz-e [camtorv at\xt IviaiUK, L wme~m?mm*nwmi?l?!L?\?!?ZB* noariDoroiiMKniidm THE UADINC. RLSORl HOtSK OFTIIKWURI.U ATLANTIC CJTY. N. J. " IHH NATWN'S'l H UiOP" .^, HEALTH 19 KPFICICNCY . A Getmicide Vlimala ?. ,1 ( lean Sirrr.i Ko r?uit. NdYi.ii. Inn.imrnblc Ouldoor lle,-r?aii#u , ,1 Indnor Biiiriialnmami Ownituhip ManiKament Jotiati \\ Im, &. SoaiCa GRAND ATLANTIC Vlrgiela Ava? tifar riencli. Capacity 668 \ atrirtlv niiMii-n, hdtal un I ull ai ti art|,>ti? ? " Ita l.Htlia. r.umliig water n, luniua fla .1! 111 lp M,?, fi-' Ni,i..i,i, labla i'.i.rij. iQ.a: M '1'' up flat ' i'- iai ??. uu v tn niaeta iralna u 1 sh v \\ .? j-AruNTiccrrY TRAVE1. Florida Special S. S. LENAPE Lttvtn Neu Vork May I. ReturniBR From lacktoBviln May 7. New York to Jackionville (Calling ?i i harletton, S. C.) ? Ivrtv rxti.? conveturac* conducivc in luxury in octtn iteve!, drowtsi roi?m acrommodaltpni j t.<i<m? with private l<alli; unexctlled cuiline, Thia il the very bril time foi a ?rt.<it. icMiui SoutherO lnp. Oliiei popnlai Jtranter? from New York every fueiday, 'lliuraday and Saturday. K<??orvntlon? and tU-keln nt New Uptown Ticket Office 489 Fifth Avenue clydeTune Fitr 36. North River, New York . BUY VICTORY LOAN NOTES r?Ksrngrr nnd Freiglit SrrTires NEW YORK to UVERPOOL Carmania.Apr. 26 Vauban .Apr. 28 Orduna.May 10 Caronia .May 17 Royal George.May 19 Carmania .May 24 Orduna .June 12 Caronia . , j,mc \a Royal George.june 17 NEW YORK tn PLYMOUTH, HAVRE and LONDON Saxonia .Apt, 24 NEW YORK to SOUTHAMPTON Aquitania.May 3 Mauretania ......?.??......May J? Aquitania..june 2 Mauretania .June 10 il t* STATE STKaVBT, VBW VOKat ?NTERNATIONAL MERCANTILE MARINg LINES AMERICAN ' ?'" stirt #???* 11> ? 't. HAiertb li vf.,, . M,, ,, ?? ? .- i fiUfn LCYLAND ? White Star >> '.I ii i > hi ui .. Ol. ? \ti, || MH MiHh MU..|il'OHI *''i'.in. 4inII ?'? ?i.,,, . ?(-, ie OflK?a, lJ rJroaW*a>, - Now Yauk illl ll Iii I. ll),' COLONIAL LINL BOSTON mt'4.40 PROVIDENCEir;,, $2.97 \l i. <n r81J>H NTATKROOMS $1 08 I..1I ??? Both I'u. ea hulude War Tax Beat i .-?,,., Pl?r ?.?. North Rlviy, at J .10 P M Tlioue t>urli!B SKJM. HONOLULl SIIVA. NEW ZEALAND. AUSTRALIA lhe t'mauai la&aciiKcr Steauriera R. M. 5. "N.agara" R. M. S. "Makura" ? ' 000 Tona ij,6oo Ton. han from Vancouver H c Eor 1*SSS ?.nd ""'""K" apply Canadian r*c Ky., 1,281 Broadway, n. V.. or to ranadian Auatrellan n,y*\ Mail Lioo, 140 Se/mour Bl . \ ^r.i ouvar, B. C. faaa aa ts erom mHm W ?UBWtOMn< CoatASHH! ttftlfSME TlJAHSfin.AK7HW f? NEW YORK?FRANCE WBKKL1 UBPARTURB8 C*mpany's Office .^SXX. 2?.Y7E WELCOME THE 26th DIVISION April 25th in Boston Metropolitan Line Panengtr Servica will take yen Atllhsiiaybv water. AIxlovb tn ight of land To BOSTON ?m l.onif iKland Souod, Btutardi Bay and Cape Coil Canal l.eave Pler 18 Foot nf Murray Btreet Dal ia uidaya lm luded) ot 6:00 P. M i;,^ ik ?' linrludins IVar Tax) Tickets and Infornia. llon .ii U2,?! Telephone BarclayE009 tv Mi-alv Staterooms Always the Beal eED'D'LINE 1-il.n 11 it MONTAGI !-' BT . H'Ki.iv at n.m'* i-'. ? !? rlo Rloa, Curaeio A- Vanezua i phlu, '.'. ?.,! . April 30, ?'. 1 I- ? ? eamer, tVed . May l i, ?t ; p . .*?' Maracalbo, >\'<-,l . Mac 7. a> i ,? \ S /. ,',, w ,..i , Mjv ji, a, i p, ,\ S.ipwrl r Arrommnrlatlona for Pu huss j.Ai.i.irr a co . . \^r ? :."() IJailOTar * ? w, STATE BOSTON Wor<e?;.er.$3.g3. PrevlHeacai||reet,$tJW I STATEBOOMS, fl.00 and 82 00 Daily. includlnj Sunday. i,.J0 P. M , rrcm Pler 19. E. H 'l'hnn? j;m Hatkmin i Tlckc* al 1'i.r or Coimoildalad tl, Ucl ofltoaa. USTRALIA HONOLULU. SUVA. NfcW IIALAND R. M. S. Niaoar* * R. M. S. "M?kura" ".000 Tona IS.bOO Tona ?sail froir) Vanrouver. Tl f uJ SZ", 5.''*1 '-?-Hi*'*" ?l'l<lv -aniartlan Pae. Hj.. 1,181 Mi,,ii,i(.,i., v v.. or t,, Canadian oyal Wall Um, 440 ?,7mour BI . \ nu M KOTTH lill im a. '"I llo.uil Ma I Stettm |>| Ca. ll.o I'u, itlc Mfmi, N.nigHilon Co Tlie Nelw.n I.ine... 601 III AI HI( \ -l nl.... ( a,*le |,|M. rullildnoli A; Son, Uaii'l Agl-.. re D'way, N. I. HUDSON RIVER NIGHT LINES Alloii B o'clock tollowlng nuirnlnt. r. .V-4", "VVl ,%< ,,,r -??'?'?*V I?' 1 i'l'I'lil-C *a*'"n' *T" CM>* -*"?"?.? r ll I 1.1,IU . ij A . r?ij. Drpt . i*3i Ba?,, v *i lltVMOMl.||||||inuR i-itonn Ki.hM rK."vKi0,7?", Vxm --"> lifttl .?.??., Se,? Vwk. tulda. John K. l'i. r,a j.Tt Tag PanaJa Buam.hip i.,,,,... *????.,a !.&??*? AMERICAN EX PRESS TRAVEL DEPARTMENT Travalara Uktatuat, I'AvUm.i aaivico ?p ,,.. n?\? ba May .-4th Mfivm Muu l-lM'tlNatKaTatia .iN?.nw' .JMan *-*?t and r..,i.t" K,.?"i(n ai I'l^u Tl...... III, ri.,,.,,,, t;;irk.'i''H^.w,klat