Newspaper Page Text
Thc oripina! American was <i tough customer But the original Yankee was a shrewd trader. Ilc knew lhat the first principle of advertising was to set his customers attcntion. And he knew how to i^et it. It's not necessary to make a "big noise" in order to bc noticed. Other more effective ways are lessexpensive. Men *ho study thc laws of human nature learn how to apply them. That's the difference between science 3nd guess-work. That's ichy you're reading this line. This brief message illustrates ln small space one funda mental way of getting attcntion viz the illustration. Expert counsel can show you how to make every dollar's worth of advertising count. Collin Armstrong, Inc General Advertising Agents 1-163 Broadway at Und Street Toront-' Montreal New York London Parb Irisli Strike Is Mad-r Nalional ToAidLimorirk Trades l uion Congress Says Other Cities Wil! Join in Protesl al l -< of V,\\\ t;u*\ Powers in th<- island LIMER ' Vnal twpen ? ai d ' ? nnd I.- .. i ' ? hiil beco Toir. J u n i . Irclan "And,' . ? ' ' l BO." Recatls Sarsfield Rebellion ?lliam e wa ... ? Patri ? I ? ..... | . ; || ? ' ? er raii . Militar> Leaders < ori or i Gnfl 11 - r 1 ? ? ' ? Dubiin to-da; 1 i ? ? ? ? hoped might be don. irary hei out ol Ittion ..-.-.) : I ? . - ? i ? ' iolence to FolUm ''ti Limerick Strike. Luhor Leader Predicts '?'*'" booi I ' - '? " ' a ..... ' ? ? ' 1 ?' '' " ?? i.i afcly, Al .entcd a st range ' ' ?'?'.' n ? '.<? tauk of thc soldiers -.vho ihcrc o prevcm those ' i" imit ? n coturn to thc city. ympathizer.a, men nnd women. on ?? roads approach the bridf until th. leaders formed nnd marched them in The strikers " ??'?" i . . fced and billet !?" blc of their adhcrents ty, the '.vomen bo .,.".' ?'. o'clock .:? npi ovi i 'ii dance , ' ? ?,., entations by i Griflin author* ? ollicci nt ? iic bridge to .. rmii ? . :. in rson recora I ' mi lhe sl rikera ..????'.? off : 1 hre; I ot "*? iolcnce Made of ' he strike ersl oil from a speech rcasurer of tlie ? . madi during danci ng. - our first wcapon. iiiilitanl." I e said, "Then continu ing until ni'.'.cc ? ow issuing its . . : ... , ad been delayed Hciiltj in prei en1 - ? ? also pro : i postage .Farm ... r'n ging plenti ? strike committee nn . gage several big ? es, where the; can sl ore all ?o lhe shopkeepers '..-? ? - a' conirolled o ? dered t he i es - oi [-"astor Monday, ... kei . .in r\ men ? ? in of plenty :?.?:??.' ? i e i i .? ? ' pi} n actor.v ir i ei ' ai ?'? [ i.-i?> Ui* a Masses Troops >! Men Sent t<? Keep l.\* ',!??-- i rnm ( ro.ssinjj Bordcrs \ \ '? ' aragua, "ipril -?? ? ?? ri ntli as con ? ioo ? ? ?? 'rontiei Cosla R tea : ?? ?.it is said exiles roh ? neni has carap lai frontiei ?r he pui pose of ? - - ? i ' v ?. '.;?'., , protect thc fvo - ei - a V, ican ?? y iles the Costa R :ari - . ?- ??? h row o ' the cai igua. ? ,.- I'resident T noco ;: -.- ever been recog ed .States, 1 he niem ..? the govei nment ' ?,. ? i , who was over ire exiles in other \ ?? 'ountries. Sjrasboiirg Storks Back Birds, Vhsent Since ^ ar Bejjan. Return lo Old -Nests \\ ril 23. Storks - ? ?- ? o lhe spring of 1914, re .,. to the old nests on ? of the Place ? . ? ?. of Siras orks, the first in five ? ? nests, The un pri ' circum ? ii k-oi: with picas native j ? m. who have torks brought I , ?.. ?> ? the storks ioi 1 o the house i n .'., 1792, Rougel de ? q ? Vla' -? iilai se." . . ? orVi - of f*>t ras : ? ? Americai and ? l,oti<loii ;o Greel Pershing The British ? .? , to arrange for ring Oct eral I'orshing. mai der in ch iof. on ? ?', London, wh ich .. aboul lhe middle late of the gen d thi lengtl ol ta; termii ed I hc plans . . ? b n an iint'om be accorded . thc i ommander \ "d nation, it ? '.'. in Offii c 5 FUR 5 *y Cold Air Vautt orage >1 Fur* and Wearing Apparel Guarkntffd Ajjairut AJ] Risk* Expert Furrier in Charge >iANiiArirrAN| stoSk I ';**."*'''" ' ' ? '"?' ' ~. ?..,n. \w ?,,.! ?,'t,.| -I Both Hamburg AiidBremeiiiia State of Siege o Martial Lav- Declared When Mobs and Police Battle: Food Seized and Several Are Killed and Wounded Anarehy Rules .Munich ln Danzig Ship Rcpairers Strike and Work on L:. S. Food Yessels Is Halted COPENHAGEX, Apnl 23.?A state of siege i martial law") has been pro ciaimed in the important German port ol Hamburg and the suburbs of Al tona and VTandsbeck, according to ad v ces received here from Hamburg. In consequence the disturbances in Ham? burg th_e police have received orders to shoof immediately persons carrying arms, plundering or lighting the na? tional police. BERLIN. April 28 (By The Associ? ated Press >. There have been scrious disturbances in Hamburg during the week end. A mob plundered rfhe har bor quarter and clashed with the po? lice, several neople being killed and wounded. A dispatch lo the "Vor waerts" says there was a "regular bat tle" in the suburb of St. Pauli, wfsi of the city, on Satui'day. A policeman was killed and several others were wounded. bu: ihe rioters sufTercd worse than the officer?. Mobs Attack Police The rioting was rerlewed yesterday. arms being distributed ? mobs in St. Pauli. Several police depots were at tacked and one was captured by the mobs. The situation in Brcmen has be? come serious. Advices received here state that a state of siege has heen nroclaim^i] by the Senate and that the puhlicaiion of al! n^wspspers. pamph lets nnd plaeards has been prohibited. Private persons are not allowed to use '.ho or the telegraph. lertevs are being censored and the rest^urant.-. <4j?catrcs, moving, picture houses and schoolr; have been ordered closcd. The regulations also provide that no ono shall be permittcii. on the streets between 8 p. m. and 6 a. m. Public traffic and even church-going have been stopped and h cordon thrown about the ctiy. _ Terrorism still reigns in Munich and the Ravarian capital is on the verge of bankruptcy, the "Lokal Anzeiger" says. There is wholesale miserv in Munich and almost all the workers are idle. What food is arriving there is taken by the Communists, Some of the food ia given to women and chil? dren. but the pubhc kitchens and the hospitals are robbed of their allow ances of food. The government of Premier HofT mann, the paper adds, mtends to trans I'er from Hamberg to Nuremberg, br cause it is rumored thnt the Nurem? berg Communists are planning a sur ".? sa attack on tiie government m company with Munich communists i'" Hoffmann forces hope to outwii their opponents by ihe move. Dr. Levien, oqe of ihe Communists eaders in Munich, is quoled as say ing to his eonfidanis that the Commu'n sl troops are not uqual to an out and out light with the govornment for?.s. en and the other leaders are said to be planning lo go to Budapcsi b\ airplane with cash taken from lhe Munich banks Danzig ship Workers l tirulj I.ONDOX, Ap;;! 23.--German labor ers i'l the shipyards ?'. Danzig, where An ericau food shipa are being over hauled, are becomirig so imbued with '''-?.'. sm that th'e American navy probably will abandon any attempt to do rhe repair work there. Reports re e '-? d in London say ihe workers are getting entirely out of control. ln one instance a foreman in charg. o work on an American ship broke up <? card gamea among the workers and ordered 'ntm bkek to their jobs. Thr workers threw the foreman "overboard and continued the. card trame. leaving it to others to rescue the foreman from the water. The rioting a: Hamburg affected the unloading of American t'ood relief ships for a time. according <o official reports received here, but the work was proceeding this morning with vol untary strike hreakers- composed most '.'.' of merchants and men of the profes? sional classes, who realize the vital need of getting the food unloaded. Until the present outbreak tho navy had been able to control the German laborers, aithough they had b?en un v ing workers. British Oflfu-er Praises >* at Work of French Women Foreign '"able. Servict Foreign Prcee Bureau Apropos of the publicity given titied feminine war workers "The f.ondon Globe" telis the story of a British offi cer whose v:&rt service had been on the Western front : "It. had made me tired." he said, "to see every wpek in the illustratcd paper?, photos of the weH-known Lady Thi? and the beautiful Mrs. That. labellcd as ardent war workers. The ardent war workeis are the French women on ihe front whose photos appeal in no papeis and who seek r.o publicity. p'or them it is sufticient reward to know that they have been suffering, and working. and for France. and that they have given their all to beip to make her free aml French!" Suitc for Satndard Oil Man Pease &. Elliman have leased for Dr. Joseph Paterno a large apartment a' 270 Park Avenue to A. C. Bedford. chairman of the board of directors of the Standard Oil Company of N'ew Jer? sey. D. L. Elliman Company rcprc sented Dr. Paterno in this transad ion. Pease <fc Elliman have also leased an apartment at 850 Parr. V.enue to Major i nrl Kr-gcrg: at jjt".) i'ark Avenue -o ))ana M. Marvln; a* 104 East Fortieth Street to Dr. F. E. Du Boi?; at '.', Easl Eighty-tlfth Street <o W. J. Ryan: at 64 East Bijbty-aixth Street ;o E. Waldo Emernon .">7th Street Dwelling Renled Penae ir. Kllinian have leused :nr the Mlsies Darlington to Mrs. Louiio A ? nbl) the four-story dwelling nt 145 \SVhi Fiftv-seventh Street. McXmIIv; 480 Sireet, a three story house, lo A K*'. pei. nnd 4:i0 Went Kightrentb Street, also h three-alory houar ti Mary Daly for a term of yeare. Lral Cossacks Attack Reds in Lower Russia Several Yillages Captured iu Offensive in Region of Uralsk; Bolsheviki Admit Further Rctreats Munitioii- Are Abandoned Dcserlers from Forces of Lenine Join British and l k r a i u i a u Contingents I.ONDOX. April 23. Ural Cossack troops, apparently octing in conjunc t on with thc Siberian forces of Ad? miral Kolchak. have begun an ocen sivc in thc region of Uralsk, in South eastern Russia, south ol' Sam'ara. and have captured several villages wcsl of Uralsk. A Russian wireless ofneial statement under date of April -J:.'. admitting the progress of tho Ural Cossacks. says that further north thc Bolsheviki have carried ou'. further retirementa "owing i o enemy pre sure." Thirty-five miles southwest of Uralsk fighting is taking place between thc Cossacks and the Bolsheviki for the possession of the fortress of Shevor k i n. Uralsk - near lhe border between the I'ral territory and the trans-Cas pian region. It is thc terminus of the railway line running eas- from Sara tov, on the Volga. Uralsk is aboul 260 miles southwest of Stretitsmak, where the Kolchak forces were re? ported .?? I days ago i o bc ad' mc ing louthward on Orenberg I'iiN \baudon Munition*. I... i'ge quanlit ie ? il \\ ere abandoi d th* Bolsheviki when ? hej wei e driven nul n Bo] hie Or.erl .. nl v, in ord o Ihe reporl of Majoi General I dmond i rons idc, Brit . -ii com mandei chief on the Arch? angel front, i ?v.-i rding the ope i at ion, Hi? i epoi I con I nui " We capt lii ed l wo iii Id guns, one thousand rounds of three inch ammu nition and pi isoners Thi spii it ot' the troops tak ng part was excellent and they have done exceedingly well." Rega rdii g the gc ne ra situation Gen ? ral Iron side sa,\ -: "De'serter.- from the Bolshevik forces havi joined our own and the Russfun troops They openly show their hatred of the Bolsheviki aiui bear witness -i thi hard condil ons of ser ? ce. Thi; has done more than any thing else to .?..n~-o1 date the new Rus? sian army." General Iroi side mentions espec al y A batta.lion of Royal Scots with the North Rus?ian force a- hav ng had the hardest time of any trops in the Arch? angel sector, with the heaviest ca.-ual tjca, bul a? displaying ' morale tnroughout and nevei shov ng a - cn if being disspirited. Ihe general ai?u mentiohs several times the excellent work and spirit off *h<- American engineer companies who also h?ive formed a pa'.' of i - m mand foi some I i ? KRASXOYARSK. Siberia. Aoril 22 A ar?e B.?Ishi -. ik force - ideavoi ng to i ut the Siberiai rai v tr. ast of Krasi ovarsk, and fight going on daily in the vicinit .? of Tai nd Vur.i. Last Thursdav ? emy ambushed a force oi two I unftred Russians, and only eighty of them re? turned to their base. The trails lead ng to thc Ko!v;..;k viilages are com manded by mach;-, ? gun nests, and the Russians havi.en unable to advance through t' e woods, -. h ch are deep in snow. The raihvay ffhc .- i.c'.J sirongjy by Serbians and Czechs with field guns. Because <?'. the eavy weatl er an . I - deep snow it is nrobable thal the Hol sheviki will nol be sul ..?:.. -,, ntil summer, ' olonej BrcoK. adjutant of lhe Cana djan forces in Siber s. is ou h s way to Vladivostok arranging for the with drawal of Canadian details in t - terior or Siberia. The oi lv Cai a : an troops left at Omsk are i ospitai i ? F'ed Descrters light Lenine BERNE, April 23. A large parl of the Bolshevik First Army which sur rendered several days ago ( < the Ukrainians has ofered voluntari to fight the Bolsheviki, and already'has been in action with the Ukrainians against the Bolsheviki at Uitmi, in the Pripet region. This announcement is made in a Ukrainian official statement received from Rovno by the Ukrainian Pres 3 Bureau. A London dispatch Sunday sa d that messages had heen received there !haf the Bolshevik First Army had surren dered to the Ukrainian troops of Gen? eral Pellura, in the region of Homel, northweat of Kiev. Twenty thousand rifles, thirty-ftve guns and two hundred machine guns were said to have been handed over to ihe Ukrainians. Anti'Bolsheviki U in Several Fights: Reds And French Sign Traee Kew York Tribune Europtan Rure? < " pvi-lgl ' :? . ' - . ,. r, . ? , : ., , LON'DOX, April 23. -The anti Rol she\ ,k: forces ha \ e w on h series of small -in cessi a on ? hree Rus viai onl ? in the la ?? forl night. In the mean while the Bolshevik eighth Ri'mj operating in the Crimen continued us advance n. the gates of Sebastopol, halting ojil> when ?< seven days' armi . had i.ii h rranged w ith lhe French. Much more encouraging news, from the allied viewpoint, comes from Kol chak's army, which is advancing west ward toward the Vui^u, having covered nearly 200 miles within the !.is: six weeks- B\ taking Sarapul, southwest of I'.. im. Kolchak destroyed an impor? tant BolaheviV base, The fact ?!ia' Trotzky ha.- ^ir a m'essage to the Muvmansk army asktng i' to hold firm while he takes men- ites ?u nui; Kolchak's offensive is sign fi cant. Trotzky <j)>-aks confidentlj o thp collapse of this offensive. but Cnough h.p ha? five armies sNuig the eastern front *hey are scattered on fronts hundreds of miles iong. and it is admitted that 'he anti-B?lshevik forces are in a position to carry th'eir BONWrT TELXER 6,CQ ^2/te C TfrftT^V rSAofi o/ QnpnaLonA * " nFTH AVENUE AT ->8TK STREET ROCKSWBLOUSES Gr Lwmen FEATURED'ADE iMPOPTED FRENCH FPOCKS AND BLOUSES DESIGNED EXPRESSLY;FOR THIS SHOP AND ORIGINATfONS FPOn THE bonwit TELLER. (S co PRIVATE W)RK.P.00A\S vi ?>'? e r e - of the ?.'.- Bo ar, 1 "?'.". e r, tho Germans or When the Ger the b ;? drive much farther. The Bolsheviki, (however. may be expected ; formidable oppents. becausi gani Kolchak as a monarchist, The latesi ne?s describes lhe of ' i i Bo sl k :. inth ?> rmy n < hc region of V !na, which town is now re ported .'?? hands -? viki. It is nr". v-'nether the Po 3 11 bot 'i have taken mans evacua I 1 ,Ia: uar; Poles i astily organi ed . ? ? fe it was not sti.ioug :o res -' ie ? ? - Bo ' dvance. There has been sharp ighting east crf the M .1: ? m s - 1 ivith ' ttie change ? ' territory. Aionc 2 [isthoi a". Fi or ; he Bo! sl ei k havi :< so been fon ' lake a small ? ? I lrawaj . As cond: tion ; oi r ?"' northe rn fro: ! .. re in a state 0! flu: incidental io evacuation of some X ed forces and the arrival of reinforce mi Is, the Bolshe\ ki ha' a pparently decided to conccntrate ci; poi: of grcate r dar.ger. Thes ? ! ? asi and west froi ts, . .. av.ti-Bi ihe can nbarras Frotzky -ome time to come seen < h ghly prob abl ? I ' ' ' there ? an internai ?.".. lapse of the Bolshevik regirne their armies are bound to fight with consid erable advantagc because they con? trol the ir.tericr communications. The Btolsheviki occupy much tii" same posi ? 011 thal Germany enji ; Losses Heavicst in Fast T ? latesi ? port . ? l a! the Bol -?'?. .-. have su Tcrcd tiie heav ti.e Eastern front Thi Omsk govern? ment claims the capture of 25,000 pr - onets end great quantities of rifles ai d - lpplics. It states t he Red army is retreating along a three hundred in.'..- front. Trotzky admits his forces are retreating. The Ukrainian press bureau is au .-.,,, ... j-or M|? ctatoment that the Tto; shevik army operating in the region of the Prip'et inarshi ha surrendered to i!i" Ukrainian natiflnal army. Kolchak'a succcs; exceeds the high cst ' ? pectation of I he AHie . Th ?i e is a possibility that I e may reach Moscov . His great advance mcai the BolBheviki ari offering little re ? 11 ce and tha! ,;" p. a ant 1 in the !.-."'? area ai" codperating with him. He ? allowing 1 hem to hold I he field wherein they plai ti d grain and i 5 di ? id nc equally ail the bootj hc can! ires from lhe BoIsh< viki, Nen /r.-ilaml Stays "Wel"' Soldier Vote \^ ipe* Out Major* ity for Prohihition LONDON, April 16. The vote of New Zealarul soldiers hai wiped out the majority for prohibition which was rcrllcd up in that Commonwealth on April 11, according to a dispatch to the Central News from Christchurch. 77th Division ^ aiijjiiarcJ Pull* [11 PortTo-dav Kou-iiij: Welcome Planm<l V-V lieii Vrquitaiiia Bringe 5.6'55 Officers aml Men of EVew York*?. O-un .'? ? reles message ias night to thc Mayor'a ( ommittee of Welcome bi " ? ' that the g ant liner Aqu tai ia, S toward this port > . -.??? achmei ts of the 77th Division, would ? ai Ambrose Channel al 6 o'i i :1 ' . > moi ning. According :o the wireless, the Aqui tania, with ita impatlent cargo of husky fighters, will stop at Quarantine uutil noon, and will then start on its tri umphan' way up lhe ba\ and r vcr to dcst nat on. 1' ax oi. s the foot of ' Fiftei n h Street. Manhat "" 10.000 to Cry Welcome i isand people from East Side. West Side nnd r ery other ide ' ' v 11 saii down the bay this ing prepared to give thc most hoart warming welcome to this vanguard of N'ew York's own division. The Mayor'? committee will provide four boat thc occasion, and it is estimated that 6 000 official and fri< i bc able to eet aboard. Those who were not fortunatc en? ough to get the covetod tickcts yes tcrday and thousands were sent .-? ??;. disappointcd were making arrangc lasl night m float down with thc tidc on any hulk they could on There will he 5,536 officers and en . tcd men ?? aftcd in to rc grect ings of their o; fi ci ? ied 11 tives, pals and "lady friend ." To Leave Hrrr at S O'Clock Thc city boats, < orrection, Gayno Ra; Bidge and Patrol v. ill he road ' al R o'clock, Lines will he Ca?t off. Hnd the official fleet start on its jour ney. Thc J'atrol will carry Mayor M\ lan, city and state officials, member.' of the Mayor'a committee, and their friends nnd specially invited guesta 'ihe members of tho advance party of the Seventy-seventh, v.ho have done such ypoman work to pave lhe wa\ for the returning heroes, vi ill a! down thc Rav. $2.95 $6.50 (fH*^ On Sale at Saks Today 200lffCordovan" Cowhide Brief Cases at $6.50 Made of the finest 5 ounce stock IThe ideal brief case for lawyers, school teachers, insurance men, army offieers, ac countants and students. 1 Size 11 x 16 inches, fitted with two pockets, extension lock, and heavy scwed-on straps. ISothing like them in town at the price! 1,000 Cowhide Shopping Bags at $2.95 11llustrated. These are generally known as Boston Shopping Bags, and are used for send ing messenger5 to banks, for week-end trips, or shopping. They come in tan and black. Sizes 13, 14 and 15.inches. Main Floor. aks&ffiompatti} Broadway at 34th Street CLOTHES OF CUSTOM QUALITY TT is so easy to build A a clientele such as ours. Simply do best what others do good, bad or indifferent. Suits: $30 to $65 Top Coats: $25 to $45 &akja $c (Emttjiattjj 8ROADWAY AT 34TH STRRRT iUiMMMMMM?2MMM$J8UBitt Hj{ Hersltl S?uu-?. B.-?aiw?y. J?th *? 3S!k 8 "?? 'e S?ff Depeadable Merchandise at Price* l.ower Tban Any Other Store. but for Cash Onte Store opens 9:00 A. M. and cioses 5:30 P. M. ^it-rc-*?!.*.,^ A Good Habit TO ACQUIRE for 4 Spring days like these is that ot a morning ride through thr park. along the Drive, or out in the country. But one good habit leads to another, which is the smart habit. This you will find in our com pletely equipped sec? tion for cque.stricnnes. Seven l arieties Ol' L1N1 N are found in ''.'* riding habits tm Spring and Summer o c,it. ' " * ourse it is only in ,. well supplied section that ' "'i will liiid v,, roaru. J >>c inferencc is . leai ' ? i-. '^ ril supplied, 1 here are habits ol '??"?fli coloi oatmeal linen " hicli i: coarse and -u ag* -''' looking. Butcber's linen is a bit sotter. Jaspci '"iru is black and white it* a tweed weavc- t* i pvtn melj smart, There is i an; as 'men in ,-i n ,--A, r -Pgcsted h its name. !' '' ' I te linen distin cuishes its w earer. Plain oursc thc kino t". cr\ ivnman know 4 The Style of a Habit Is Expressed I By Its Pleats and II Pockets. |i f':' ? k pleats are fa Igji ' ured because thc, give the 1 *ck o i oai traighl jjf dei line- et allow spring l ?g. the mc "::.-: t- ot ? i '? ??' -?? '?''? P k patch pock |1 '" " - aps are shown Igjji ::' some ot th< newest mod jgv els. ( >thers, more conserva ;!? r;-" ?-"'?' ihaped, -et-m m pocket; Some have ,m^rt 1 patch pockets \\ ith a single j|J button, as featured in men's \d sport - , ? j| JSeitlier Pleats 1$ Vor Pockets \w are the reason ioi the smart i?< ness nt the pad lock -rode!. I ?' ? i thi line. Bj clever jjf tashioning ot g ? mod |1 " ' '."''? ; ' ' ?elov ? '-*? " aibtline. i Army Officers'' *| ( niforms Are | Hesponsible S ? ,;' t'v excellent fashipnjng g oi our riding breeches. Tbev n are specially tailored after t| the inc*. of those that are i? used in the uniforms, with H ; ' " ' -Unesf outside, none g nside. '1 hc borrow ?.' |B me- " " 'tening * . s| ;.,(? breei I <| pla\crs. u hose breeches. you gjf know. do nor slip- oul g place or tw ist at the knee 'gi II Linen Habits if Are Priced $19.71 ji ;: ' "': Prefei abit, :-'. -*d ? B Sailor* and tricornes ol j? '"?-' md srnkrt rough straws ? all wanted - ?5 94 1 ' 5 ? ? liiir.l Floor uiih *trr?-t 6 .-1 corset i jj-* /or riding |? >' is 01 pmk elastic ft with stripes ot materi -*> keep it from H - ,; course, it begins a E waistlinc. >1.S''. & ? '-- 7J i,, 28. -"?nl lli.-.r.'sjlh mset ?il to bapc. t the K ?tf^'*^^^fl'*?v.^'^c^ry?g^,^<"?lHl wmu