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Premien! Woodrou Wilson !,, il,, (,. ?< .?-I...... g?Vt? ,,, t. ...i i,,,,,, ,ii tin ??i n ,.i, in in,., ?i.., M.? n id,- . y. ? ,,i lii.' i* Klli ivnrhl M?e upon i"1" I ,,,iii ihr Lii! -ul-l?' ,lrl,\ii.'il t hi lunik riiliu'-? i4own i" 'I" Anal one givpn ulirn lu: prix iitt ?I thr I pague ,it S?ations ' o\ ,-n.uir t.. th.' Poflce Con? gress -m February Htli, 1919. $l.0Q International Ideals HARPER & BROTHERS NEW i M-hiui^-i irti ? YORK , - -Lin- -,*iii '? mili.?? Ulh i ru ii > IN MU I..-W? i.n ii.?MKS ?i BRI1?0N .... . I ? >l ?? I ? II, I ? LOVE TIME IN PSCARDY , , , 11 i i win? By WILLIAM ADDI8QN LAI1IH?P FIGHTING BYNG LW A. STONE .i? i m .- III. n VV A 1 i 3y CAROLYN BttUHER DALE DRMOiWS 7?,| , M?.I M II Ml. INATlNd MAKK8 Kill SIT l"' EDITH BUNN " EDGE ? WORLD , |.l. .,,,,1 . .?I Hi? H?.i?i??tl, H ???I ? il. W HftlMlf f?tflUlf. ??* I H Y HOOK ..i ni W AND POPULAR FICTION \ ou "i'!-, read them em f*l ?iHinrv, .inri rent THF, BOOK YOU WANT - WHEN YOU WANT IT ? only library id ihf World ing prompt ?en ?i *** of , ? i ||i I he booki ate Ii an inviting. You are your own lihr.-uian, ?*.*> ? supply any book of new nd popular Bi (i<"-n re iiested. Start and stop ns ,-ou please. Fay a ?mall .1 fr while > ?session book WONU?TH'S ? I DO A fi5\f|r- t:*it *-Rt** ????*?*. I jflj|\ M?. l\ I 21 Wo?t 43th Street. JUli/ili &A?, M. I.-.2 MatUson Avenue. ; Rvtor StTwrt-Area?!?* U. S. Exoi-*?* Bldg. I.riiid Central Terminal Inear M,*nikT? RMt.'. 21-91 Broadway (near 78th Street). I Broad**?*) (near B5th Strijet). r : Bth Street). ite? Bit? !"?\v I MV 14',I Stfl I'hlixiMpru??l.*! South 13th Street. Baltlmer? 8 w. Saratoga Street. Washlngl n??04 I ith Street, N. W. ?h"_4 Real Literary Treat'* on the OMAR KHAYYAM of the Bible A GENTLE CYNIC I "light it meet, And it it piratant for the ryej to ire the ?un Though a man lire many yean, I rt him be happy throughout." M-rrt. tufayw. Jr J*M), *M_D ? ? marie *t. ?-ai.-t tr*us_LtUoa .i ?J '??i ?* the iit>T% ,} ? , art nit AT glfl ujij ''-??o f?,tur ,?f I*,:? ' ' ? 11 Itnjii- wltfi * ? ? ??. dm it i? i tmr. I'rii? i; ?. at all . . re?, J. B. LIPPINCOTT CO. Don't Minn The TIN SOLDIER Bi Tempt? Itfttley \1'H Thfusun4 ?; CO It to PblltAeltrbls. ?? A I I '>? ] >\\ -Pff?AlT.flOOK*" ?//: ' ?, Ml**; ??<*? ?*i .-, , ?,,_, b4?v #v? ^i^Uti-l ?? ?'/ ?? , ?? If/** ??,'??.? ??#(.?>? ' I '?Il ?ni ? ,:?. , ? > ittiUiMHsY? ? it, ? ? M /???? *i,? ? >??*?? ?Hl ?III ??ft* llrillmiil Shnlh ., ni \ mini Typrn l.r.l\ri.c.| Willi lu Ijghl .un! Minimi ? H |tj|, I ? , ,. . . ? , . . ,!?,.. , ? ,. ? .1 . (I !?> I I.'ViViu.i! lll.ilHI t??Hl H"- ???.i. ? ?> (I. I I.|l ? . .if). ""? i.irai ' ag? ??i-? i hat. '"???i enough ft I.* hi ? painaiftl i"l .I literal *.?<?!?. ?.. i., i..,. .... mil ? away from ??ii It is books In Pai i i |li( I.?i?,1 I.???. ,,-, li,,. . ,,, i ,,i ,,,?i, ,. I,,, .-??..? "???,? " ?? hi n m: nuis <? nil ??? i in iiu? t?. in?I.i?v ??r n,? gvibv. ??? ? ? ii!? ? i hen MTv. ?ii?' Man ' ? ante into ihn [iffiQp ui,,I u ..:. :..i uh ?I aololj m 11,? I??,. of ,iui\, i,,,i l r.1,,11,1 n bi f?n i he ma il I Itnltllllll Hlill lllll ll'M li,.; llllnl. of .,11 Iiu? itttc c|iiiii|i output. li ?a ?uuhalily true that Preiser i .i 11? full \ avoid a waiting rh well as ho might- When he makes up hia muni to .split im Infinitive he does it with a swagger mul opens a breach for bal talions, Thus, we gel things like "t?> swiftly and agilely take a bath." Also l?e useq "??HU'??'' 1o an e;.ti'i,i which would Kf'fin to indicate ;i dcsiro to annoy his readers. Hut none of these things stand up againsl the fact that n.i'_i of the sketches in the new volume are tolcj with an eye to true, ..iseiiii.t ?ng and essential details. There i.s no waste effort- Preiser nol only si his hiihjuuta with extraordinary c'arily, but Le ja.-'t ill?' right selection of things ont of (|" whol i lie pomos I" ?01 f.fl'R n l??;, u 'i" ,. i ns I 1.1 l,?i n. i? ?n .;> n. t.?! a ii.1.1,lli i;i .mu,a I , a u,n short story ano .ni iliorl t.|?.,;l?|il.? . ..ill. i, .,.., ,. [WO nl .hi i ,i, . ,,.M .n ?,. , i,,.,?,?i. i ,.. ,.., i..., 11... hi ,.i. ,., ..., ,,,.,,,, mi . i ii. i,, i,, i; ...,, ,,,., [a llll HI ? I lilil? . - ' .| Hajljj n, ? i ?? | , Hi ? I ' ' - \'A\xV\ If. "I. Ill Mil I 111 ilf tl . .? "?ii? i? i ? li., .i ?.il "U ' Ml Mi, i i.Inl ..,,,.,.. , ,| ,, ?i !, t| I |,.| ,.,. ||jt?litt|ii|| , I nil Mil ?? III H?. ' \i lie 11 I lilil? ' ' il Ill II Mil ll|?|i?.| I i I ll|ll lllll II \\ IIa ?puelit I e, il [| Ulli [Il hi ii hui Hol * l ? 111111 ?i t ? nu itinl \ ?m lint) lud ut IIPI i lut ml ii tvllt. ?ui et ? lu llftt *? ttltul lli i ?,|M in il fui t mi ill III BVH.I Ut el A II?, tile I I ll\ W ItS III? il j B full " (.tiling 1 mit i the Kin Im? Hut Hm y 11 til f i i n 111 ? I I li ? lu.ul, is i,i,nui peuple, tti??) m ?h niln? ?. lilt i ?it m .ill |l| I I ,.,| III? , Uli Uli,I,Mil,I. ,I 11,1 ill | l',l l-ll il;|, llllllel I l,u 111, i ,1 |llitll?. I |)| , pi 11)| |pn i ? n,,1 f| ,m, i. iut'1 il III I . | \ll inn.) li I 'i ,i II i ,,, in-, i it I I ? I,, H11 , , I, a, ,,! .,, |t) lllll lll.llll \ , lilt H % , ,.|,i [on m ? is t* i pet hups he noted In * It? ,,.,,. ,,i i In ? mini * v Pbi i"i " ii,? hg , ?, ci lii|i,.l In ?' llll I.In ciitli ii. I.? ,i i.i, ii help, lo jf?vt i he ni.,i, in a |,.,i n i Phare '" &n bbuiuIhiiu? ni hunim in lu ? last ft. " ? ll| n-'i i h@ ???i i ni' on Iltinttil ?lil?'li get. lulueeu n,,? ni ti? i mi.i iiu? i inn., about w tu? ii lit? li .viiUne, but liuni,,i iiiiitl,?i. nal .liall.V ?nil III the Ukjllie III luuel W H ?Uli in im liletii ?i n few paragi upli i in,m '? v Hull ui the Wuni," .?m? of i he iuuhI brilliant alteit hua lu the i,i,,li, e iiiili ill itla wil h nu tl'l mau who irles lo (tve o litoral Christian ,t, i.imI, n i'i m iluijj lo all i Im a\ nit mu presented by the uutlutr, auonoeda l hi '?? lei 1 it'll In i;iii'- ni n point ? here ihn alii man la explaining his thonry i,f life t,, Iiieiriiu, na folluwsi "I'vu been working now for twenty ??real i nr initie, and uii hough l'\ a nevei had more monax than w oubl ?a i m., i. i? ? ?i??' ??i a i inn?, t\ e ht.i.ei wanted i et ans i hingt and l'\ a been able to help el lier_ I've * un prett} i ii*?*?? ??-tun i ime. Time and um? again I't a bet n < onipelled to .?v 'Lord, I'm "ii eul ol ? unit' or, 't.,,..i. i m going to have to asli you i,i ,?<?.( m? m-, fare to ? ?? llavt n i.. ,,,.,,i,,iV; bul :," the m?'!'?? "t ul my nrp.i iu. has m ? "i foi gotten nu ? why, I've ?_"im down tn the depot time and t line again s. hen II v ns ,,,, ?iniii .,? foi m?' to t?", w Ithout l ? . ,,-,,!_ In m-, pocket, and ite'a he* n there *" meet tnc, Why, lie wouldh'l keep yen waifcittg when you're about Hi,?, work. H? wouldn't forget you not for n minute." I looked ut the man in open-eyed amazement. "Dou you mean to, ray that you would go down to n depot without any money and wait fur money to conic to you ?" "Oh, brother," ho Baid with tho softest light in his eyes, "if you only knew what it is to have faith!" He laid his hand softly on mine. "What In carfaro to New Haven or to anywhere to Him?" Equally effective is tho sketch, o |ll-ri IJl? Sllll '?' It*j tti?Fe HI ? ?'nul.- Ill Lhl j "?' lili I !??? Ill ?tf II I . Ii, .,, I . [Mftll "liHHlitt?ji .I Ilia II?i?hi.| 1 ?I III ? IjPllBI ?>? iHlWtj [lENuHn t>|'|" ?' fil 1 I ' '"'? i I- lit 1.1 hi 6h?lltei al?.-til Hie luillini '" Ii ful i-.i, l'?iul prepei ? h-? ??'"'? .I ". ' D] Hi- WhIi.,?i," .I .I i-11 ii"?> Thai v??>. ??? hi ' yiiimuun, it... i,,.i,,..,, ,,,._...., umili iljspiB til m "flu?!.... <??, ?\u\ Man ' i ni? i ?> ?"? i.?llnfl au. ii ? ? ? ?? ii mpiboi fall? i- i...?i.?., ii.** iiMtii ?t.irt . tu Ehe at. i-igi peaoei ?? lu . '" i"?* ?? i- ? ?i in ?'??> iK.ii? ta in i he ? ..i.?,i* . inn? i ni,,, n,.,i ,_,... rt-pr-K Is rtnnit in "Pi t--1 " ?.i,.i ?'pg Mm, piiUHHlUi .1' " All Hiu ? i?ii?, i,, . i,. II,i, !,,,,,!, ??in hint ?I,?m| li,,lu lift*, I,?it ?,I |iri:\'i*.iit cuiui: fu,?n being luiirt iii.n other;-,, "'i'lui Country Poo (|pes i,?.i inn- t tor," for i ii h ruin- c, ?a a. |ynp which we lid ?? ...n in ?.? iii./.iMi plays, He may be accurate riii.ii. h m,i only to limner's I.....I.. hut m the plays us well, but 1 would be mi.i Ii mare interested in this old "inn. who is always curing hi*? pa tients for nothing and. in other ways living up to the sentilUP?ltal tradition, if thr* author would spin him about and show him from domo angle no inoro trut? but much more novel. What? ever faults may be fuund (?OTO and there, it nee-ma to me that "Tweh Mi i." is tin interesting and readable book, and ?m excf ptionally fine piece uf work an well. The Moonlit Way ( hambmra' New Nevel ! \m Plmty el X? Han im tjflfll , ii u r, i,?,,...i , ? ' ' i ufeliiin,11,, n Aptataii A i ? ii ' , ..i -, i ,i... <M mi 'ilie Mutinlii \\ is ii.mi.-iif.ii, uf i luiinltul i i?- i ?? i ? mmile Hih ?-i, M,in mi,1 at Illaal SB inn,Ii inn,hihi? II ? il Ii ? n BlltltB III I le i line fil I III, in I nine I ii !? ii. I Ii! | une III I l,e llliuin bl ? H,l ?' Ii?' i ? liiililU (;, mi II lip I?. I,ell tin, navel begltta Mora Mian Mitt i h Hdl'l ?,! Hi-rl .1 nul iiinltol . Hen !,r ?,. I -i eniiii ?., ?ill lile,u lillllill \l l,i I u e ?In hi.l ? ? . ii 1. i,.,.' I lull le Nllihi I'll. II. il Im * tin? I'eul le i?l (Ii, wit!. i> n?.-i|.,,i,.ii-i haokgi'ountl i , ,,,,i i,? i. ,,,??! ivt - ' ? imu h ..m i*i itti -i In lam. ill?? im??t tlavttlupmli llial ?in .i the i., i.? ivpi??? sol guiiifj In HUH n i? l In ?ill i i i iniiil n lie pi,el,,?,,l .Ill I? m I 111 1)1 I h,nun I'? ' . ?ill-. . \\ |, lin 111 . ?I Ml.l.i ? ? -,|i ? bell ?lin ?? ,? i i. ,|iu ?,| I-, II,, |lil?il Ion , i iinoli.i ?ni liei. ?ii ill? 11..I ..f th.. l,.i.|. I ill Hl,i|l\ . (.In ?mu i lull llll> .H-nl?ll|lil ?Uli ,. I'm till! I'?"' ' - ?in- a I"! ill ,11'I'M i h It'll I lull ell?? ? l\B fill ceil I-, inn., |,t ,iii,,ii,i It 111|4 n? i a ? li'iiul. Wo ?.?, nut ml l" i tu i'"' tbi' !'? ' " Nul 11,ni yvo lirttl uni tltttiH Bgnltml I !?,||, i. lull nijui ' 'I a i ? li*. c i ii till I V lu? ?-.1 dnughlui uf a jiiiilt,ii, i-lin niailn i iipiil pi. ; ? upwai .1 by Inn n,nu,.: nn artist's nioilel, A good deal nf llm 1 unit di .,1 > wllti ml. -i I'!. , but the ,,,ii i,,ii- ha I managt ?I t?. (-(,1111111111 a (ici i,, i, i, Bp* plu i ni wall i i,.,n,i,,,i . i ? n i -nil.I hi?,iv teller ami ?tali npi'lv i-lt'ii-livii I'liariu'i < iw.itt ton and ?.i.M'ii? ii f)( i-?ihiniKiiiv in? la ? bu tii.*,i.-.i, m m driving home the spirit ,,.' i i,in,i : ? ,- It ,?l? in.-l neelli.i al 1?' be -?,,,- ,,,,utiling 1,0 bi anything Im ,,,,i i?i,i i lappt i, i,, hi a , ii.-iin? i?it* u nil . ni ? inii moon Tliei ?? ai a aeeaatons ,,!... ?_< i,, i, i,, bil? |h ? hi> liia atyla intn h ,,,,, , . i, . ?i. ij mannet and -* ? lit ?, " \,, ,,m,, , nf n,?,. i,.r|,,i,-.i of t:..ii, i, ,|| ||| I :,, !,, .1 ?,, , ,,,>? ? ?Ill?' IQ* ft "H? H?? ,,,?, I,, I |,l?, , : i,i,,I bail BBtftbli llteU tor Ht IV, tllbl Ipil : Rll lillbllllli.Hi " Of , tjurae, vta know thai Mi ' ?Itunibei n mentiB thttl tletiBf?l Leott&ftl Wood had1 i,,ui,,i?,,i it,?- , nni|i nt riftlttsburgh. ami wc ran?"!' wlnn Iio would B?y Ho, Bui for nil that. "Tin* Moonlit Way" Is . xcll u\t: and entcrtttlnlng. II. U. ? "The Son of I'io" Tells a Brisk Story THE SON OF PIO. Hy C. T-. ('arlt-en. Published by K- P. Dutton & On. Price, ifl.7r>. i arisen has written R vivid, lively . of life in the Philippinoa during the American occupation in 1906. His story i.i a bit lurid, but it is always brisk. Love, intrigue ami revenge are combined as the motives of the Btory. ~^~"????^^"" ' mm^iammmawavaamimmmm?**'*""* .miwMwamiaawa^mmmmr~ ?in , ,?wi-_na_r Victorious" Big Hook Kanifman'tS Novel nl Wat Rises Ahovr All' Ils Faulta " . i? I tn;iiii i,. i., , ?ualt! ,\ li| hi It nulllllMI, till [llll . ? pi I it,,i,h,, Merrill My I i*-!' ?i? I Vnn (It ^ all * "vit lorian?" ., i.iiln in Inn i,. ' with ?t hum BsHlny ?m,1 11 in,,, endino At *.:> Il ii an tin ' h uluii ? ?fi in ?lei all ?i-? Du wot It ul 1 It* 1 1 mu li lim ? I ill hin 111110! e 1 .11 1 none mi ll At uihein ii in ni hut, with it lire and ?kiiiiiiiiuii il,,,1 I'lunirt hint ai lui i?> ' Mr. I.iiul'iiiinu r? I u.i I.1 nigh teen months spent In the win .one 1 n write thu in ?t lim ui' \n, 1,, ? , , rt in thu oonfliofct He u 1 ui?', 11.1 1 ?altera' aiinounoi inenl "al heat." In 1 hu eiirh'ii pai ta ol tin hiuili thia fnvet nuil; have hoen r* ononalble for nome nonftialon, mord? , ? .Inn hint rt lima?? of turn, I I i|i:l nil In ! In. ?. ?. t ii in < 'it l,l,i . -I m 1 ', ?iM'iim 1 o have ?''?u iii?',i ? ?u 1,, 1 l?mn oh m ,n,-,! ii,,, mind .it 1 he <?,nInn Id >? Mi Kauf!man has ? * >iton aplaudid!; ?u. ?1 mlglti 11} "Viet." 1" '?* h !"i ?? ? ' n* ' it 1 tun 1 u 1 mu,-, na m ne!.iinn 1 li a n ?1 m r,,t 1,1 ilaj in 11 ?? ti| ?- H will im attire lhau |( ean be In lin youth, feu II hieturaa tin aveni ??r yoalui dai. v h i* h m ?? ? 1 hold 1 In thrill nii'i | ,u 1 in? ,? i-atri .vor. li ?a n lu earl, alt-ioclu lor> nf tlie nut Ion's ni m 1 ? m tin 1 ? 1 ? i' war It i ? filled with u pal rlcili m from which 11II nf t!u\ USUIll ? igli I rt'llttlitll , lick 1 ha whole \\orld bi ag mid blusi 1 r lue? been stripped ruthli Quito r< mon elcaaly and up? ? ?y, M r Kauffman has given to American In the guiso of romance an account of their country's war making thai ran kid and smart as well as thril! und inspire. II?? pictures tho muddling, the inefficiency and gross neglecl of the earlier day? in France until his whole work groans and echoes despair, and then brings to his renders quick? ened pulses and aching throuts by Ins h ^ES^ ^^ By Edwin Balmer A THRILLING, throbbing narrative of America's part in the war. It mirrors the war for you? shows you the insidious workings of German agents right here in America?in Chicago. It takes you "over there"-?-into the trenches. It brings you a realistic impression of an American "Ace's" expe? riences in downing the Boche. And through it all runs the romance of Ruth?"Ruth of the U. S. A." ^ All Bookstores i\\ ! / A. C. McCLURG Sl CO., t?M r//_- '""?""""? vtm X __T'/_ _ -. '_:._, ___. >? I tat i nrirayiil u| m, uplrll llial iji ?pU-a il , , i. mil ? i pu mid ili fi 11 - i""1" i, il,, m ,,ii mid m liii ? ad |||| 11., failli m I hui lb? Htilhor atlt 'bul?, i i , ,,. mil,m,i ?. .1 inn ni H." A mi ' it an llolun :.,,,. in, . mi i|ili linn ? III , , ||-| i m., in It? an 11"' Il m i,ib.i -it mid In ovni I Will. la, ml w lib lili .h ni III il,,i,,, ? louai Li, tiltil . 11 : iIhi dominai iny fu'Utli'O oi '..,.! ,,.,,' \\\ ?, .,,,,1111.111 ll'li Ili : use all tlll'tio, Ile h?l'i Icitid lu placa upiiii it h I u t* la oaiivaa II i ll I,- j,i, III.I' ? -lllbaltleil AlltOl ,, , al I. un,i ahnnid Al times il Ib llltl ,1 I,, Hi H Ili - blUlll I" I Ul| i" of Ihn ,.,,,,1 Uni Hi, -n dul ni i i niilv i-hu? tn i.i i, ?i i Im .henil ' and Pon "F of the , , third ,,i Ihu i ol um a I Ilia p nol ,,i m, Kanfl'man til lila i"-', lull |! I ., hi i n,,.i ?m-, tvritai if Ute pri aanl II ? , 1)1 ,,lil |lfi pi.I to - Imin. !,lli.? i i Su,, i ,, ,.i, m im "\ i| im loOP," .- hi h ii bay i im h . iigl*i ?ny ? forai a one :,, ,,-, , loot ..ii warliei lins ""-i n.'t;ii i i i" " - tin. Men I'o? II (0 \\ 1)1 i | , | m ol? ptu i..-.', - nil.-i natel.v Ai.i'-t ? .i in 11,, un. und 11-" v. ?h in Ante) hu I ' I. ,|. -, ,v.l\ I ? ?'. , l,:l|,l,.| ', I I. i --,,,., and ii". in Him i. to Ilia lltlln Penn -. 11 ?i ?nu l)nit'h i own ' ? oui ? h li It mu i tit Ihn i'bief . im in.! et ;i bu ve I ! . | ? l ii 1 'I llllilll-l OWII ? . ? paper ntati, t\ ho by a hol al all . , neiiig combina,! loi* of clrcuin i;?!-?-, .i | ?,, i i,, I ni ne, BB a war cor i-i [iiittdenl mi I. driven i" despera! ion i . the con upl ci nsorship, tinally en ii I Mr. KaufTman having been a cor re pontlonl I m ilf, it is only natural thai he should choose for bifl villain one of the censors. I: rough the whole book runs the bright silver thread of the. love of And-, Brown, the correspondent, for Sylvia Kacburn, an actress engaged in Y. M. C. A. entertainment work. This1 is handled by the author with a pure lyric touch thai verges at times upon niid Victorianism. Most of this i-* ef? fective against the dark background sordid reality. At times, however, il is reminiscent of the Zenda school. After nutting the villainous censor out bj a : ingle punch, the hero as he de? parts "methodically wiped bis knuckles with his handkerchief. Ho felt they must be dirty. Presently, he tossed tin- handkerchief away." In ili" bigger moments of thn book the author Bloughs off nil taint of melodrama, lie is restrained and dig nified and at times gets under the reader's polit?- interest to tear at his heart strings. lie ?a merciless In his depiction of ?"j ing s THE YEARS BETWEEN The inspired spokesman of I his people, Kipling speaks ! with the t<mgue <>f prophecy ! ?much of which has become ! fact?in his new hook of poetry, The New York Sun .<tiys? 'ft will do us eood to read and re-read our Kipling. His message j in these poems in for in. Jt is a man's voice; lei us heed it, and strive to understand." Net, $1.50. .It all ttaokstotei. i Doubleday, Page ?& Co. I (.iinlfM t if* Situ Vorl< IS at a War Story The UN sof J)ii;u lit l fulfil" thill-1 tltit ' ' ' II 111 ' ' ' ' ? 111 IHi M IH.I'i.,!,!.? . , i. ! ' , i ?nUuP I ? rough ?r ,|l ?ui, tin li '?? ' I?'1 ' " il liten i.i) H101I.1 ? ?'???? j' ' ', i?ck of fuliii' ... uf the ?til .t?r b?p! ?i I I!- r.iiln.e t?? the - .l?n, 11! lite I'"!' "' ?ni i,v with.I ?.Ules . m i Fea?i a ?" . ? fil Amt) llfewn ??? n h ?.?.thing "' ?' i"1- "'??' "" '? .I mlipy ;" fu l?-" '.'?' i...,, Mi i'..,?n,?.,,> '. ? ,'unvi.i ni iheti i"?"?-'.??? mil Hie ' ?"'? ' "!"' i,,..?... ,.r n-?,. n.itfh ?i."' ' ? ' hl'a , i,.,i?i? tai'i tlis?flwn^ '"'-' lv "' ?,?, of ..n?. .?.i'.,?!? I m ,,,, ?i,um, for Aii,?_ Brov ??. na ?news, panno! apnt ai p< '?"' " ' "ll" ''"'" n,u inn ttud tun what he haa Hut whin A n.i V, uh,,_u heart liiiir mut i,.m Mini.-hi ,i since he became a coi respondent, breaks awaj "?'1 ' the vvhult. ?.[.int. Pf til"? book alter?. Hitherto it ?as ptroHad more or lesa aimlessly. Now it marches urn. . ! triumphantly bnwartl. Some of the oe ?jp mi i ions of battlefields ?ml their Pftr iiagu leave little to imagination or a squeamish stomach, but above them ami half obscuring them id tho n...... iiiiieeiit picture of tho spirit uti.1 faith of Americans folluwing a epU-nauJ cause. Tho cry of tho dying Andy is the keynote of "V'icturiuu.." and ?lerkap.. boat criticism : ?The cause is bigger than its mis 'Ilia Wife's Job" i ? uiuini.t Wiiii String te |f In N.-u f !.m . I HIS W\\< m .1 it?t> I .'?? n , pli ?-i i, pi ..,..??' ? I'll a "-i liai deli* ratioli f." ?'"? ?luiiiiiin ah? u hu* n.I ail li|ieelnlilli n| |,hi .dm ? n n he I U i Bl 'II II' mil \ l?l' I 111 niti \y hIiu t? i ? I'?!?'! h' d I II i t'liluiiiiiri pi thu fualun tvrll i I Im W eiiiitii' i i, tu lu Hi?. ? ul' lite mil,I || |ci heml ? hu, III tin 11 pu n ni inn,liu'i,,, m il k i > i In in II ? till li I II n Masen' i little protai i',?m gm , i,, .. *,i, ,, ? ? u tlo war liHa nei.hi i bohln d Itaii lllll lu i "muid, ti n, m, r not ?n ,.i,'uiiii except ii|,i afl'ortlatl ht i i n lu. miildli , la tu Min,, . ?ii? j... In ut,ti,, i.ui | ha ?till i,i,? i i,, . ??n, ? .na uff foi lu ?!.i i i- t ? i? ? ? in tvit Inn i? h till tl i. Hui hat Iny (.??fi, ?,,?, u,., In ,,, i i ? II", nui ?I ,,|, h\ lIbIh ? ii.ii, , Al, Mi. ? nnti ui.? h- ? ?? ii in i- ,i , i ? ? llll i it, atltl llintlfeli .?un Ihn ? lu ,,ii,!ii i h ntotiiiiiii ?'i ? ?m hei .m il i i-i i. . i , u i., | i,, |iiiilll ni l'.t I I II,,, H lilt mi: fui lllPtll, llll .I l, , ,i . i,, i im .ni'l'iuliil Hlu (III '.CU lin w lib ?il" e\ , un I ' ' "lllllll; llll? Il?lltl. I .ills , III,. Alici". "i.i I Miniiie tvltli ? ? ., i i1 Ilia I m.? II " She si I'l "ill "give Op III I .luh," lhi.iin;h ?uni i , m, h, ut II,? i?,i . lut\ u buen t;i ?-??vn u-, i i In lln lellii ?10W ".ell ?i ?a. hi i ? e,l Ik i mill, if ha feels i lui' I"' eitiinot briii| hint ulf i?? pei mit his <vifi Ui ,oi * if i mu .-. -, ii ma) hu? ?? in ' u i.' of Mrs. MoHoo'i programme i" picture lllllllfttlll t: I S', 'liiu 0? I h? M-- ?U,l,e-l , l-il iinui.iiiid wnn limply wouldn't bot?n i .,', ?I III?- |)| , I :.,,,,'! ,,l |||, , I,,, bund?- I'h? \ ,\i ,, m,I |.()0 l"i ?bit . i" t ?ui in.,, mid i|i ,. would i" mulot ?tills Inas ,, in in 11.,,, i i,,ii i , 11,, mi i ni u.n,,u now In "vmd Hui evjfl i,, ,.i,.|, ?i,,,,i ,,i n,, i.-,,,, uini .??hi ?,i,,.-, Bjioiild u "i lia* ', (il* ?',| Ml ? .\l:li:,,u m tilt* 801 "tl" ' 11(1 ??he lei", t-i \ en '.?? lut liai uitll llll i i mi.- iiu'i of llit* |ob r1"? hud : ci ?died, in tlie ?. try fli Itl w lid fi hn hunbutnl hn*! v,,,i ked I" foi n ( li !?? lid I h" nil .'!. :ir,-,,|,l , ,.,- (|| ho) ,,,',, I'd" i? ; tinsi liitit, hoping, behind lier bund, that "she will be ?ble to kenp ii]t w ith him, nlr-t Hie .ami " Bui Mrs, 11 it eon trlumpha In o'ie respect: she ilbservea, and writes bc cordingly. the world is probably brinimTng ovar wltb wives who I II mid stride and look-hack Lo main' sure that they aro not dropping any precious relifn. To one wife who could say, "To the devil with him," there must h?.. millions who would say, "But I love him so." To these the book is faithful. It is, in brief, a full-length, lifelike portrait of wom? an as the world should wish she wasn't. It. II. "Dwellers in Arcady" "DWELLERS IN ARCADY ? THE STORY OF AN ABANDONED FARM." By Albert Bigelow Paine. Illustrated by Thomas Fpgarty. Published by Harper & Brothers. 242 pages. Price, $1.50. Paine writes charmingly of the ad? ventures of sorno pity dwellers who _n ; vade the country und take up farm life. t There is a thrill for every man who ! hopes to becomo Coster parent of a parsnip or guardian of a young radish. The author confesses that he paid , $900 for hia farm, but after he has his descriptions. Of course, all t1" drawbacks ace dealt with briefly and attractive does the property seem in able to sell it for twice that figure, so done writing about it ho ought to be humorously. The book should servo to cheer all dwellers ?n crowdeqi.places if it does not irritate them too much with their own lot. It may safely he recom? mended to cobMo builders, whether they are considering Spain or Con? necticut. K. H. - ? ?-. Isaacs Tells of Life in a U-Boat PRISONER OF TUB r 50, Dy Edouard \ lotor iM.tiu'.-i rui,i,.'h. ,i by HouKhton Mtrfltn i'?,. 184 page.. Prtco $1.26. Lieutenant Isaacs has a most inter? esting story to tell, for he was captured by a Gorman submarine when the President Lincoln was sunk. As a pris oner in the U-boat he went through a fight in which American destroyers tried to sink the submersible with depth depth bombs. During this encounter Isaacs confesses that he did not know which side to cheer. Later he spent many months in Ger? man prison camps and succeeded in escaping a few weeks before the nrmis tice was declared and making his way to Switzerland. In an introduction Secretary Daniels Bays that the book i i "a story taint will live in the annals of naval datin?j." T'hn praise of the is deserved^ but. ?),<? merit pf the book Is Compromised somewhat by the fact that, lsuacs Is hoi Bufflelefilly to stick always to hi-? n.'irrativ?-, I,,' (iceii'iionnl I y insists on going off Into interlude;! 'about littf!S in general a id Mieii llunnishfi' .___. Hut Hare You Head The TIN SOIJJIKK IU tintillo litillgy )?'/i //,,??, ? l ?c all h ii I I I -I H<flM"|M-:.| III I , i ?i, Im Mi? Aimt| iiifJi J, , i{|? TOB H WHi H E SHRIEKING PIT Hv ARTHUR | Rl FORMERLY OP SCGTUND yaiu> ?iid t o Awthm || / ,',. I/, ..... .. thi '' //';. Ii. A Haunt?d Plt=A Mysterleu* Mm tin An American Deteotlve This n?w n?vel fey the fameus ?tteetivi* wha i > ,.,,, wan ?uiiiit'iu.l with Scotland Yard, ph?WS * ll ?" '?? ll ain,i line literary ability atul al_o lu_ great skill In dig{ Ing gy heart of a murder juu/le. In addition tu a baffling luystery thei e is a clever American detective who solve.*-, the murder' a haunted pit for those who like thrills and ghcjbt stories, .i >h_rm. ing heroine, and a manly hero suffering from ?hellshuck, Leacock Solves the Kaiser Problem! THE HOHENZOLLERNS m AMERICA A.i.l '. illlti' Impossibilities i? i i- mm it u oi ?v ?(.th.i .,t \ ,ii,,m. .* . . '. ?ry i . ? ? tri'ite.i i . ii i he thanks of raan? natien? Bru -in- i- i*-|.i,*.i i .t. ii?. gifted! i,.,, i,,,,,,., ?i i ? ..,- ii, _ ,,,,,, I, ,L|.?l..?l .... 'Vl?|| Ul,,,l| , .i, 11, _ .... I-, ..??..,, .? | In I., Will. ,,,, I ll.i.? I .-i.l,., ,M,I I I ' .il ill lUM'i ii fa in II yi - Imhiiaiaitl hi AtnerUd A i 11 I'M ?- . Mi I ai'tuk tell killB. lili* I ll ! ? I.It ('I II I I -I- ll i U hut ami liiiinni Uomanci}?Humor?Surprises NURSE BENSON i, h ,i m . my ???" "ft l il ere h ? I] ffj a ? harennfl ..?--.i. >?._ ^ li.ltt.l ui.,.1 _,... refreshing Iwihri and i-..i.. ,.E thfis t.......t. .t ..? u.v | . .ta p||? l?V l.iclli. II . ..i.|.,,.. ii. .. -;ii, l , ?? lilt 11 'i?0 |h<*' r*.*.*-.-.! |ll| I,?i,..i, atnl ? i >>l'f I-,till? J-, i |. .?I,,i, ? | udjjg about p.-? h'il ,!? n urineHl JOHN LANE: COMPANY Puhli'.hi NrW YORK I?? UimIcI'M-mmI The Proposed Ceafliw of NtltlOttS vov m si READ An Analysii ?>i the- Leagut Co?-. ??imiil a?) Proponed by ll?* ! .. nyup o? N.itioiirt Committee, * it which Preiident Wilson I? Chuirmin witli tin* Historio Background of Former Project? <V?r World IViM r Provimnt Venture*? in Internat?i nil Co-opertttion n><* Principle of Nationality ?mil ihr** Abiding (?nifiiii Between N?iinn*>l Liberty mid World ( )nlrr IN Mr $1 THE SOCIETY OF FREE STATES By Dwitfht W. 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Irni-tispi?-te nt < At All Bookstores RICH IN ROMANCE r New Scribner fiction; a picturesque mountain not eh and another to be read for the sheer fun of it ROSY The Roman? tic Liar By LAWRENCE PERRY When Trent told the Art "whi Upon the ?h-n-ent ?l love iteht Mid then be bnn to (??*" ?*a ?hoi? tttwh ff*d .>,-* t.'-v^frtl'i run ?WOtfi H ' ' ? ???.*!?'???* ***** r,f fatm-hf* By LOUIS DODGE Two men rome to Roay's moun? tain cab?a, both fugitives?but for widely different reasons. The pirtitr?- of her sitting cftlnity in th? doot -if her cablfi it ?hot rut? Here!? hef ktie<-s. Muffing th?-* search party, will long ling~r in the memory, font \ti the end the pirl p.nd ttttr- of tftr. men the right '?n win outi*imc ufi<*_tw*eiedG $!.wi ,)<HAKIJ!S SCRIBNI-KiJ SONS/ nun avi; ai mi*si ni;wyokk HJ ii->iiiBiiiiia?t*-Wii