Newspaper Page Text
Bay or Askecl ?To KimI German Song Festivals $rs Jay, in Protest, Requests Hylan to Take a Definite Public Stand on Question of Teuton Music Here yetes Called Propaganda i gbtertainments Planned to Inculcate German Spirit in Young, She Declares Mrs. William Jay, head of the anti C.rtr.i" Music League, last night ?tiled on Mayor II.b.n to take a del site pul '? on the question of the production of German mur;.' in New Yoi . City, In h letter, which was posted last! 1rs. Jay protests against a con i under the auspices of the ? .... \ olksfest Verein in York-1 vi! t ' ? no, Manhattan, to-morrow : g?Urnoon, and a German song fest, ?hich Is scheduled to take place in Prospect i:'!'.. Brooklyn, Tuesday next. i the Mayor; ivor or against this paganda?" Mr. Jay's letter was predicated on ? on In yostei daj '?? news 8 m h by r. Albci . ol [4 E ' avenue, Brooklyn, presl dent ol I Boi ' Bakers' Singing So . ? ?' borOUffh. which is piar. nii t. ' ? ? ? ? ?? nlgnl Bong fest. ?? monts ytitei ing that sumo time at o : te M ?s m lisian u! king vi* u of the agitation , isn ??pi i-a in New York, ? | have anj obji being held in the German Brooklyn. ?? ! thai there was j i to pi event us giving any kind ; all," Albers said il ? ? loclii ' ?1 to give out i S: he alleged letter from ' hi ig: "The Mayor can give it ou: ? Mrs, tter stated tha ?feyo! ig a dan ? nizing the m ? f the i a part ? . CO' pi i ? morrow ai . I ich Otto | Veil, Carl 1 ., ,,,,( ho V Opera < ompany, an ?i , '? ? ' ? .? nnd Weil ! ? mbi i. I'm / , mpfli ;.. because ol ill I ' . A'i ?f . ,1 I ft <)f 11 ?r ?!,!,,, {, ?< X, I, |,,, '?* .PI I . , . i.t ' , | least l.f , it . to ii ou m a * rui Ai??* 11? art, i ? : . ?. ?irp ? t- id t h. li.'v?- that, (le? o per ?i??i ?, ni i ? i unpoptilai ' '" ;,? i BOfial ri'k. < , man Music i ? ague lUld * ake n d '?"'<'? ? i. Ion " ? M- ? : i,< i i;i,i i, km w , . | A In ' I'M?-?. |(i ? ?? . iii.1,1?-, ? ,?,?'? i, , ? , i I:, bhan, pi Id* lit of Urn | ,i to-morrov mi " i from Lo ; . chrum, ei Bi oo) I) n, eon . ? si nding . ? in 1;.?- * ?erman language, raid tha' ?? i German tffair, but . of all nation will he sung." ii - ... | - . ictory Loan and other ; _____ ... .. s " ROOMS ^B-nREHX DMIclou? Ho~? Cooklnn fur tuillntM m? n i. *,.:n**r? &***! till N?i??u 8t. ' Spl. Saturday Luncheon. .71 IIILI ll\'/?.,l.l ? * - ,._,,-.. ,., .-, 1UC; U'.IHT -.-? MAKVI LOUISE Lunch 8Sc; l*hlrktn Uia?bSSa TLiC M -II \ TI \I*' ' "??' ?'??'-tl1 Mi~t )LLA1L/I_ o .., ji oo Hotel Thorndyke Restaurant -.- ut, SOS WI-.-T f.'illi XT. -, h>,. a la Carte, . ;.l.l: WKii AMI BUN . II. THK PICCADILLY, i7 <*t r.r?,<i?Iway ..,? - *.- ? inn ? i v.. ? !? ? ? ,,.-ry Moculajr , ;. , km in?. The Holland Tea Room? ?0 -A**.T 54TM ST. ... , , , i ,../;? ttttt Kuvtttr. f ' yuarguecite 49 > 39"^ - ?'?",'? vi r? A '.lit :,?f. 7Jo. *H*:i?l ?.. ekrn Dinner Sun , Wr.d. ?nil frl. OH N SUMDAYS I tv 7 P. M. Matilda Julien's Tea Rooms ?? W. VTM ST. 'PAHIOIf FLOOR.) i ' ' ?* ^__ Hk Blue M u-?broom Tea Hhop T A**?, ??H?*- Fourth M. ?? ? , ?*' I P. M 12 P. M t??. '.??. ?. ,*, MS Un? dki* SM*)*i b?l?ii?. l*, ? ?IV MA '1SF ' u,>' '?" *'? nil LAJisl.Jl. ?i? |y,f.|tTi,i,,i ??SSl; ? INN '???/;:.. i,,^'"""' W W ''.Hl Hi. A 1? i-?/'? * A?imMH -/???. feS, ?^RS. COPELANO jx??l. I i/*d ?'r\rt* ^ .ATCHIlAI' 1.1 N VI.K-~?MI V-l TtVIlKKV, }?>*I.I<|-,Hf l,lMII,l'.OV ArilllNOON IM IIIIM'.H v-. ' ^7w,t nplM ?HWP INN '"?tf*C>wr .8. ?: 11.44. ?*"*" ?W??W? ???. t| f)0 11>? Ml ',} t.,.?-/,./..??.y tAern o. N??w York, where unique stmoipheres *h_-j food pcedJM to v?nr/J ret??-* inyil? tli? d??v ruiiinating, will appeal ?va/1?/ "L-whsating 'r* 1^"???" *?r^ Monday. Wrtiwaxlay ami HeHitdaj. U* ?,-,_ American propaganda will be launched at the concert, he declared, The verein, he Bald, had taken a promi? nent part in all Liberty Loan cam? paigns. Bull Is Honored Guest At Wiildorf Banquet Scores at Hotel Amazed as $60,000 Animal Takes Ele? vator to Apartment At noon a big brown $f>0,000 bull walked sedately out of the 71st Regi? ment Armory, at Thirty-fourtb Street and Park Avenue, where the Milk Show is being held, and led by one of his keepers strolled majestically alonp Thirty-fourth Street to the Waldorf Astoria, unruffled by the clamor and noise and the astonished of folk who watched his passage. When the bull arrived in front of the Waldorf-Astoria the footman who usu? ally deigns to open the taxi doors for persons of prominence and wealth hur? ried forward to make way for the dis? tinguished visitor, who was conveyed with care to an elevator and then" to that section of the hotel which is known as the Wahlnrf-Astoria Apart? ments, Scores of persons in the hotel stood amazed at the sight. Awaiting him there were advertising workers and cattle breeders who bad been invite,! by the Fred L. Kimball Company, of Waterloo, Iowa, part own? ers of the bull, to take part in the cere monies and to have the honor of din? ing with the bull. John Andrews, head of the Kimball ny, ! aid i ho in m had just ?old a hill ? iuteiest in t he hull til til?' (il'i'V Stone Jorsoy farm at West Chesti'i", I'liiii., for $80,000, and that the "bull dinner" was being given t?? the adver? tising men of New York City and hi'i-ei'.-rs now at the Milk Show to Ini ;-:. ? OR them the value of purehiv I produce, Many Wr<Idings S?'Ii?mIiiIc?I To-day For Soria! World Miss Annette Blake Will Be Bride of Itobert S. Rose,of Geneseo; Miss Kntli Dean to Heroine Mrs. (_mvlen Several weddings of interest to so? ciety are scheduled for to-day. Amnnp them is that of Miss Annette Blake Meran, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Anson Blake Moran, to Robert Seiden Rose, of ,., N, V., this afternoon in St. James's Church, Madison Avenue and Seventy-firs!. Street. The ceremony will be followed by a reception at the ..i the bi Ide's par? nts, I 38 Easl fourth . ' reef 'i he mai t iage of Miss Ruth Dean, and Mrs lierbi 11 llol orth Dean, and David I.I e i,i t ?.'?lock in st. '1 !,,,,,,?, ? ( hurchi with a reception .,?!,, .,,, i ?,' ihi homo "f Mi and Mi _ ? ?,'ie. riding i?. day I? Urn I of in Hi mV Ku i II, ?i,.'ii'ht' r ; ,? I ? , 1.11, U. I M. * , i?, ,,i, , (,,-,, "i, of Mf and v, ?, Antli'ii I i ? ??' ' v'"li' (lt the I " Id* In VVm hin? ; , i ,,, |la| I, Mi i? Ahn, I, l ?i?, : I .Ini '. ' i.ron, ni llil ", rid ' In hi Id* l,!,/?i,.th : muh, diiughl* i "i i, '.,,! ,i did II* ndi ' on ; n Ith, ?? III l.m* th* bi du ol ii'ii''? i Van U* II i;, ,|.-, ol '-' ", V'.i k, this aft* rnoon In the First l'i byti rian Church, Stamford, i ,,!,,, i p. ceremony will bo follow* d |. H ,,., ? ptioli (|| tl" ( OUIltry hem? el Atteni|?l tO Slop ? oneeit Opera <io. '\?THHr?i Doi'otliv Jih ilon of Itreiirli of C.on.i'i.ct 'I h?, ( ',mi wi nil li I M" i a 1 '??i?,mm-, oui ' " ' '?.it I'orolhy Jai don, ri soprano <>t the < ?hiuflgo ' M" ' i .,.?,, 11 ?.m ; .nt- Ina -?i thf II Ippo , :,, m?,i row ? . ' -11 * i i !_> ii,, ,,p, i.t company alleges that Miss Jardon is guilt ?, ?if a breach oi ? on tract Her attorney, Frederick K. < ioldsmil h, Baj i r he never signed a contract with tho Commonwealth, Me said nothing would interfere with the concert. 32dSt.-BWaM-33d Si. ^^ ^T^"?? ??ii i i h S-CBBs. Del'cloua ?lnnir Cooking Downtown BR?WN BETTY TEA ROOM SA'I TliiiA?, HOUTHKllN ?AU'I.IN. . st , 147 Pulton .st. di, i ??'?'?tit). THE ORANGE AND BLACK 47 IV. ???Ill BT. 1-aONB CIKCI.K ?888. Brea last, Uunchron, Afternoon Tea, iiinnu THUHSDA? AND BUNDAY NIGHTS: i'IIicK EN DINNER. ST. WAFrlJJ MARY AUGUSTA TEA ROOM mi \\. 78n?1 Ht, Tel. 888 Colunbua. Breakfast 40o, l.-iri?iha??n 50e. T< a SO?. Dinner 80c. Alm? A la Carte M<*nu. ?c7/te(MicW?lc? ?Mi W. -.(IT M BT. >.'??.. I, 60 ? . 1,1111.? I ' I ? I .al CUJ .,'.?, ?ii,,,| aiir??'!*-? fUIIDUndlng*. THE FOUNTAIN TEA GARDEN"* Iftftl Are up ?t?Jr?) ,???r 30th Kt. H**-*-ia? Tufkej Dl/ii ? Holiday? w?<1 Bundari, Ll Nfli-UN; Al n.iiMii.N TKA; IH.VNKI' The Patricia, 246 W. 76th St. Hun. Dinner 11.00, I,tun In*,?n 80?, Diiinrr SK?, Afti-i-iiiimi I ? ? I I'TIIWN UK AN? II Ofr IHREE STEPS DOWN, M W. 35 St. I.iiiirlii-'in, Afternoon '!>?, Dlnfifir. Women to Attend Democrat National Committee Meeting dimming., to JExend Wel? come at Two-Day Gath? ering in Chicago; Plan Co-operation for 1920 WASHINGTON, April 25.?Members of the New Women's Associate Nation? al Committee, representing women vot? ers in all the states, will attend the two days' meeting of the Democratic Na? tional Committee to bo held in Chi? cago, May 28 and 29. It was announced j here to-day that, the women's commit i tee, which will meet with the national committee for the first time, would adopt plans for cooperation with the I Democratic committee during the next Presidential campaign. Mrs. George Bass, of Illinois, chair? man of the women's bureau of the Democratic National Committee, will preside at the session, at which the committee's plans for organization among women will bo considered. Mrs. AI?-'.ander Thompson, of Oregon; Mrs. .lohn Sherman Crosby, of New York; Mrs. Henry Sherlock, of .Montana; Mrs. Bottie White, of Arizona; Mrs. William K. Pattangall, of Maine; Miss Florence K. Allen, of Ohio; Mrs. Gertrude A, Lee, of Colorado, and Miss Mary Foy, of California, will discuss the pan t?> bo taken by women in the Democratic organization. A banquet in honor of the women will he hold "ii the evening of Maj 28, Homer S, Curniiilngs, chairman of Hi?- national committee, will deliver the welcoming address, other speak ?i will i"' li.uiiiii i?l|'v i 'olby, of New York; Mrs l'attie [{offner Jacobs, of Alabama; Miss Caroline Knut v.-Roes, <?i ( onnccticul ; Mn . Peter Oleson, ?if Minnesota; Mil Mary E, Foy, ,?.( Cali forma, and Mrs. Antoinette Funk, of lllinoi! Besides members of the national committee and the woman's associate committee thcM't will be present at the meeting the chairmen, secretaries and publicity directors of state organiza fions, who will participate in the dis c ssion and formulation of campaign plans. The meeting will close with a dinner nt which Chairman Cummings, Secre? tary (.lass and Attorney General Palmer will speak. There will be a hearing May 6 be? fore Governor Smith relative to the bills affecting motorists that have been passed by the Legislature. Rep resentatives of many motoring organi? zations will >>e present nt Albany to mal?" protest. The Automobile Club of America Is ,.._ l__.i. :. ? .__._._._._ .. I-. ..1. ? The Automobile Club of America Is making, through lt_ members, ? fight Bgtllfii * two bills Unit pal tirnlat lv n f feel automobil Is ts One I? the bill of the Commute? on Internal Affairs to liierest ?? the ft es foi .egit.1 ral Ion und I Ik ,,ih? ? I* the 1.1 Igl Vheelurk "?, n (|Ul i \f?(i OpPl "l"l ?? l|] |'l ei,'? i ? , ,.,, i? In ??? limn ? -?I hi im <? being i.' ? ?I, llll'l lllSO ll.'f't'ii-'ilii,' * he fee I?, |2 foi tho it" '<" H I? objected 1.1ml Ihl disci Imtnali agalnsl residents ol ..... i. . ...... .... i, (hail?"? a, Stewart hu-, refllg-ii'd as general manag* i oi (ho Aufomobllo Ii.mIii-' A.???, ?nil ?tin, Willi .which b? ?1118 bei " .net ted foi the la?I nine* . ? urs, n i. nii'i. i stood !"? Is goinu mi" ii??' i,,i:-iii?--..?. ?,.- a dealer. 17? will remain ?..,!,, the n..,??,i.nt i?,ii unit] the, . "i i, n! the Vil tOry l,"l?ll ?'? ? i.llipl? ted in,? nt tho t' atiiM-'t ?if the campsIgn ,,i local deal* rs In conned Ion wil h the Victory i .ii.< , Cuan will be n camou flaged tank, i i be driven along Auto ir,,,i,?ie Row by George 8. Partrldffe, son of E, s. Patridge, local distributor for the Owen Magnet if and Libert) ; cars. George Partridge was a cor? poral in the Light Tanks and only re- j ?cently returned from overseas. Charles M. Brown, of the Winton Company, again is chairman of the ! Automotive and Accessory Trades Cum mittee; Charles E. .Miller, the acces? sory man, is vice-chairman, and E. S. Partridge, the director of meetings. Other members of the committee are: William A. Allen, Allen Auto Specialty Company; P. T. Barbour, National City j Company; W. L. Bently, Society of Pro? fessional Auto Engineers; II. B. Bliss, Colt-Stratton Compuny; H. J. DeBear, i Maxwell Motor Company; A. J. Die fenderfer, Hayes-Diefenderfer Com- i pany, Inc.; W. I. Pickling. Fulton Truck Company; C. W. Gaskell, Swartz Gaskell Corporation; R. J. Gilmore, Packard Motor Car Company; George i W. Holden, National City Company; Edward F. Korbel, director of public? ity; M. B. Leahy, Chevrolet Motor Company; W. E. McGuirk, American Taximeter Company; W. C. Poertner, Poertner Motor Car Company; A. G. Southworth, Buick Motor Company; \V. D. Stewart, Willy-Overland. Inc.; Elmer Thompson, Automobile Club of America; .John C. Wet more, "Evening Mail"; and Walter A. Woods, Van Cor tlandt Vehicle Corporation. C, E. T. S. Aviators' Ball To-night To Be Big Social Event War Tropliies From France Will JLt?? Decorations at Ititz-Carlton Affair Mrs. William K. Vanderbilt, jr., chairman of the entertninment com? mittee of the aviators* ball, to be given this evening at the Ritz-Carlton, and her assistants, have completed arrange menta for the dance, which promises to be one of the largest and most elab? orate affairs of the spring season. The decorations will consist of the emblems of the various pursuit and bombing squadron., placed about the walls, and from the eeilitjgi captured German air? planes will be suspended. un or* us fliers stat ?oned within pos? sible flying distance of New 'York plan to fly to tin' city in the afternoon, and the one making the longent distance will receive a silver loving cup oftyred by Majo Clifford D, Harmon. Committee to Determine Fule of (?niirt Hnoi-e Site Mayor IJylnn yesterday appointed a com mil toe of three consisting of l-runk I, liowling, President of th? Borough of Manhattan; Controller Cralg and Robert L. Moran, President of tho Hoard of Alderman, t? investigate the matter of the court, hounn ?it? with a, view to determining what should be dorn- With the property. Coder a bill put through the Leg.? ??ture this year, but not yet a law, ti,,. Board of Estimate and the Sinking |.'un,l Commission are empowered to dispose of the site, which cost tho city $18,000,000, Wind Prevents Flight Of Four Women Here They Will Attempt Bombing Trip Over City To-day to Announce Dance The high wind which blew across Hempstead plains yesterday caused a postponement of the proposed flight for the four women who were to shower Now York City with pamphlets announcing the aviators' ball at the Kitz ('arlton to-morrow night. The flight will probably take place this morning. Mrs. Harry Payne Whitney, Mrs. Frederick Blakeman, Mrs. ,T. Borden Harriman and Mrs. Xewbold Leroy Edgar will fly ?ver fue city ,n a big Handley Page biplane. The machine will be piloted by Lieutenants Philip Melville and Homer Ai,,-, i. The ball is under the auspices of the Air Service Memorial Fund. For the first lime in the history of the Park Department special permits have been granted for the landing of airplanos in the Sheep Meadows of t'entrai Park. The permit covers to-day only. Moi't of tin?' famous aces who are at? tending the bal! will fly to it, and land in Central Park. Almost every type of machine will be used. After dArk"flares will guide the aviators to a safe land? ing. The Sheep Meadow will be guard? ed by h special force from the Air Ser vice Memorial Fund. Mohn t!i<? Baptist," Kriiihratuii Picture, Is Sold for $(>?.0?0 Old Ma s l er Acquired by the Klein berger Galleries at Dispersal of Smith (loller tion; $192,895 Realized The second mi?! hist evening's sale ol nncienl nntl modern oil paintings from the Charles Stewart Smith and other private collections, which look (dace at tin- Ilot?-] Plaza lust evening, under tho management of the American Art As social ion. closed with a total of $156,31fi *'"' I'"' evening and a grand total <?f $192,893. There was spirited bidding and puces went, far higher than on the preceding evening. Tiny ranged from $20 paid by ,1. (.:. VVillever for tb-- first picture offered, Cuvillon's "Pet Love," to $G0,000, tin- highest, ligure of the sale, paid by the Kleinberger Galleries '"' Rembrandt's "John die Baptist." Other sales were as follows: Van Marcke, "(ait!?' on ih?- Plains," M. Kneedier $.- Co., $3,fiOG; Bouche, "Land? scape with Sheep,"Mrs.S. Knight, $1.1 25; ?Iules Breton, "The Gleaners," .lohn Stevenson, jr., $9,100; William Morris Hunt, "The Rapids," Bernet, agent, $6,000; Clay's "On the River at Kven Ing," Arlington Galleries, $1,?00; liar b l guies, "l_indscape with figure i,"Clapp Clan & 'Iraham, .? !,400? Coroi. ' n Iroi de Ville d'Avfny," Bernet, sgent, $7.000; D?taille, "< ?Hing the Roll of i'ri i '?m i ," loi' n L( v '?" ! ?f> h -i, 12,700. I ii ?.'? 'i- ill", ' Recot?nali sani h de (lern rs Dill in!," II I . lu' il, . 1.10(1 . I??- I ? li viii.., "'I l,?- i h,,- o/ 'i ? '?'?'." Holland Gill hin | ', '..'., ' ?,m l,,-l, "l'i 1,1'iml I hi I and ' ni' i"." V< mitt hsai .lallei les, . ! Il ' ?/m, "Hi, , .1 I II Id," ."?miiii, ?i-i i,- ' non, Gaitii hoi "i-iii. "I'oi trull ,,r jib i,,,,i,i Urin li hci Iditti," I Gain dm 'ough, "I'm 1rs H o I h . ouiifi Man , aman, iigenl. I li.flOO, D?A?, V. nod I lili litil', I ? ooiiH.-i' i.i- ?-M," Met nut, ni nl ? i. 00] lloudln, " V?m? ??," < . W. I', i m, !,mu llallei les, 1 i .UDO* Tliawlow, "l i,e Windln? Rivi i," 1 I I III , ? i .non . i\ elsaenbruch, 'Land icapn at Kvenliig," Holland Galleries, |2,100? Van Mm? I-? . "The While < uw," ' lopp St i.raliani. |2,100. ' oui hot. "Manne," ii, it). ! i,i00, Gain i?"iough, "I ?nidi cttui . I'ln < .h '," ,' i un?an, agi ni, - i ? ,?., in?i|ii|'iii" i, "Lfltidseapi : Late Afternoon," Arlington Gallei les, H,?ir,o? , rim ? . i. "The Lonely Road," Hi met, m-.-ni, 11.I; Van .Mmeke, "<lows at ii?. whot'l," ,.',''u. luii'-!-.*--, "Autumn l.nnd"? 111,?'," Rl llll.I' I iilllt'l ' . ' |.',,,, .,.?,__ "I,an,| -i- ??,?' .'.iHi 'I own," Kl? inli.rj-.'i (.?ill'-i l< -, ' I .1 ??". Ii"|?i?'\ " I.?,l..h-?'i? |i<- : A' lb'' Will?'I!. I de," J.ilili i., i inllei ?'? ?. :i I.NOOj Rico, "I'hIbk?o Hrngsdln, Venice," B, Allan, ll,?&0? Lin -, "HORding Hi" |l?-":ili" ron," 11. in? I, ?,?? ni, $1,11 , lui,/, "Boy* m?.! Do? i," li. i net, HgeiH . $1,750; Pupr?, "< ?otlftga Landscape i nd ?' Igure, Krau hsai G?llenos, $1,?176; Isrnols, "Meditation," $l,36o; M? i lonier, "The Trumpoti i : (?.ms XIII," -)?,!,h Levy Galleries, $2 600; Delacroix, "Death of Polonius," Mr. Feifstahl, $676; Millet, "Still Life: Vase of Flowers," $500. Yale Wins "Wet" Debate Arguments for Repeal of "Dry" Amendment Down l>f. Y. U. NEW HAVEN, Conn., April 25.?-Yale defeated New York University to-night in their first nnnual debate, all three judges deciding that the Eli trio of speakers outpointed their rivals in arguments relative to the prohibition amendment. Yale upheld the claim that the amendment prohibiting tho sale and use of liquor should be repealed. Vale's claim was that tho amendment was wrong sociologically, and legally that, it is at. variance to customs of the American people, and that such an amendment therefore violates the prin? ciples of American freedom. Yale's team included Daniel Koch ford, '21; Victor E. Miller, '1!*, and Lawrence S. Hitchcock, 'I!-. The New York speakers were Lawrence Fertig. '19; Arthur Schwartz, '20, and Donald Brown, '21. Tin* judges were Profes? sors Van Meter, Columbia University, and Ward, of tho Taft School, and ex ?Mayor Samuel Campner, Now Haven. Mis.*** Douglass Kngage?! ORANGE, N. J., April 25. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Douglass, of Llewellyn Park, West Orange, have announced tho engagement of their daughter, Miss Marion Stone Douglass, to Dr. Georgo Burgess 1'ierce, of Boston. ?LAST 2 TIMES? 'To-Day, 2.15. To-Night, 8.15 Madison Square Garden ?MUM BR0S|8AIW*JrVgA.L-T Rises' - ""So?rnWYwo*-vw?i*.tY" TM IA-TH? CSAIMWJT t*OH_IT?M (IIOANTIC ?OO?CONIilltK? OF FREAK8. Admlulon to LvM*vthliio, i'"i -wato.BOo to 12.711 Hreordlli? to locution (WAH TAX INCl.UUED). april 28 ;,;i'V,V,'*i'VrVlMv Brooklyn LAST 2 DA YS 94th ANNUAL EXHIBITION OF PAINTINGS and SCULPTURE 215 WEST 67th St. \ ADMISSION 10 A M "I ?I'NIiAV 1 ACADEMY OFDESIGNj 67th St.) <> ? I- M i 30 TO I. ? 50c. M.tltuf BA?ur-u-/, NOW IM.AriNn--WAI.CS WINTFR Vrnttnlt ? nier? I nun .mil a Company ol 11*?, I'Uyi-r? '"UNDF.R COVER Ne_t W.?l?. "Ye? or No." S Publ?r Schools Ou Lower East Side Called Tire Traps' Publie Education Association Urges Aetion on Plans for New Building at Corner Hester and Baxter Streets The Public Education Association jesterday pave out through Howard W. Xudd, its executive secretary, a bulletin charging that three public schools in the lower East Side were "tire traps." The schools referred to are Public School 130, at 141. Baxter Street; Pub? lic School 108, at 60 Mott Street, and j Public School 106, on Lafayette Street ' near Spring. "Visit if you will three ancient buildings on the lower Past Side, erected sometime in the forties," stated the bulletin. "Public Schools 130, 10S and 106 are all tire traps. I They are all located near a perfectly good empty lot on the corner of Hester and Baxter sir.-els, which was pui chased by the city years ago as ft school site, hut about which there has boon so much tweedledeeing and tweedloduming thai the new build? ing winch m t,, replace thesi "i?l structures is still to be planned. Mean? while, hundroda of children, year after year, are compelled t?> study daily in ?lark und dingy clai i ".'eis " The statement also criticised condi? tions in Public Scliui.I til, nt flirty fourth Street, west '<( Tenth Avenu?', whore '"for years the windows have waved with every br?ese. Tho sn hei aro ?" old and shrunken that they no longer lit the window frames and noth? ing except nails can keep them from banging around. The wood is so rot? ten thai the panes of class cannot !>?> faiftened in them. The floors have worn into ruts, many of the boards sag at ??very footstep, and protruding splinters and ridges make tripping an ever-pres? ent danger." "In Public School 130, which was built in 1845, the ventilation is ex tremely poor. The tire hazard is nat? urally great. There are no rest rooms whatever for tho teachers. Th prin? ciple has in? office at. all. And the clerk is stuck in a hole under the rnnf.' "In Public School 108, around the corner on Mott Street, conditions are even worse. In every classroom m this building, artificial light, is always necessary, Nearly 800 Children are - owdi ??! wit ?, t inv, st uffy rooms that would accommodate comfortably scarcely 360. There is no neun to ?ep nrate tiefe* from normal children In Public School 108 'he same general ,,, , ? i',. ?/ rondll Ions prevail art ?rte? la] light, i?;,'t ventilation, Inexeui able toilet fa* lllth . walls that have net ,-.?,<,,i nainl foi years, woodwork rap Idly iicgem ? ni In? Into . Indllng and in,. Ii/ixii cd s Ihn! innki uno' i<;"' ?land fill ? nil " 'I i,?- bull.'l m ?up? 'I nt '? rid ?? ' i'' Iba pul/1 - ) , ., in? mi m, un I tin 7 con dll lor i ' m H* i.' " hh h i" I? ha held before Um Hoard ol Kdm til.n Afinif Hilen for i'.miitiiix^Unt On $12,000,000 Truck Huleo t Iniidu W il.i . yi ti "1" / filed in the Supremo Courl again I tho tira m m It* rn tein Motoi Truck ?"em ,,,,,,. i,,? i) 150,000 In "'.tin'" 0,000 ilamngi i ,i,i :t i,,, ii,,i, i, i-, ? i i istted ?? wrll "r ?ii ,, him til tignlfisl '; ' ilofondnnl com pgfiy, " hleh ' un i Hilo i ??< poi itlon wiih a phini ni Minn Mi Moody nth i- d thai In 101 I, ''"?" Iniiiln /. <.i-'imiii. ' " ? p" et' te company, ? ngng* d him to lake t'hnrgi* ,,r m, ,. ,,,,, ' i,,,?.,,,' ? ? ,,i 11??' .'.'i,,'?-i n A ? '.nt lift '.?.,? -, niii'l'' and, in coi ilinu In Mi ?, ho nold trui h ? valin tl ? .f i ::,iioii.iinii IN ft W YIIKK'H I. R AIMS ?1 T ?' K A T K IC Pi AN? H U ? ? ! K M S K S EMPIRE WILLIAM GILLETTE NEW AMSTERDAM -t riti m *t ? is MAriNEtS ro DAY and WEDNESDAY, 2:16. , m .1 ?Otli SI Erg* ?it R -0' ro-I)A" ami ?'''?? " -" BAnniK-s |)|-;AR commit BKUTUS The Funniest Musical Show in Town firi|-I" B'WAY, 48 ST Em, 8-20.ILA8T 2 ULUDt, m,,.., |-? ,,,1V fi \?,'...| . 2.20 WLEK8 OTIS i _ THE HONOR SKINNER sS , OF THE FAMILY BELASCO R'S MATIMI. I ?4 til St. Bvos. j TVi .1.' & Thur? T< ?-Il \ V AT 8 at 8:20. r-AVin BELASCO Presenta DARKROSALEEN A (HMKDY Ol* HUSH LUT. f(QHAN&HABR15^BI(? HITS, 'COKANlHARRlS ?ICSIS^ BIGGEST SUCCESS SINCE 'THE MERRY WIDOW" ROYAL VAGABOND A COHANt-EP OPtBA COHIQU^ M COS?AN f\<r*$?*rt*?v?e?'it-.^? ??O.H.?0HAMS Gr*j! Ch?trdctt?r Comedy I* PRINCE THERE WA? g w?h WAMT M?TtHEL?."! ~"A Tailor H? de Man" Fant? , MENBY MILLERS?%^Sl ? Fv?*. fi?O ti?*? Th_r*r A ?lat ?SO in MIS NEUy 4f tttmUANS AC?J?)K**(^V Ot Moon *5 h i o? ' racing'-, .in.) i**'.-*,? (Sol, eve lAkir. AfDF '>*--*t-*?"!it NoJr t?(wjy LViiUAVlsS. tv<*5?wi-ut?*i*>*it'.-?<iiu-o rtOU rAViNMiH? H-|~.7r.l*Y PlAY tVTR DRITTEN FACES EAST y.?**? ?mn-O-t Cofliflao ?Violiil ng<-,-^ THE Kl AU & lHI.AMil-.KH ??Al.UJP <)l LAUOIITKK AN? ML.S10 'I 11 E ROOF I5Y VKTOK IIKKBI.KT XI W!iltf?i(if?? FROLIC L?GHTNIN ?T.A'FTY " '?''-'? ?***'?? Sl MAT. T?-DAY. unl?-" ww at 8:.'0..WF.D. ?. FRI.,2-30. AND ANOXUKB BAIITU & OOJUDiLN Uli 3 WISE FOOLS ? -^RITFRION u'K?S- 4,m Ht ?-?*?"? * ???? *-i\l 1 r..J\i*U'**l Mata T,.-.lH,y & Wed.. 2.-SO ' I IBFRTY "'""' 4?,d S! Eventa?, at 8:20. .ior.rvii MlUs ru ,,Ay md WtlL 2;J0 Henry Miller, Blanche Bates Hoibrook Blinn. Estelle Winwood to MooC to "MOLIERE" ! PUNCH & JUDY T'li::vn,t,:','43th' I IMS MOKMM, n( 11 "PUR1? I THIS AI-TKRNi'ON ut s ' DEUCHT" i THIS l-'VI'.MM' ut !? | r *.?,,? ^MVIARJONETTESn ; Tliackeraj-'a "Tin; UOSE & -rnr* tumi" 1 Every Evo. h' fl. Mut'? Tliure FVI & Shi at 8 Bat. A. M. nt W (Next Wook I*!?,? Laat) II'W.IV BIHl 88?I St, Eve? <* 15 Mata TO MAY nul Wednesday, 2 t?. JOHN COBTH NEW MUSICAL COHtKllt. ^ 0E?[OI-3E3fl LYCEUM $* ?? "t ?????55; ? ? 20. ->ini.*i i<? i>a\ ,Sf Trniri , * ?0 DAVID BELASCO Prosents HARRIS a?\?,W? 5 Margaret Winston Robert Edesori Wilton Lackaye Katharine Kaelred ,"S uramatto ?a GOOD CAD WOMAN" ,LUre ? Mata. Ti?lay ?<- Wed . : 20. AfiiwBet??r'Oie a I? ??M,MR.l;MRS.COftURN STANDARD. B'way, 90 S FRANCES STARR r*.*it vv Mutin?*- TO-HAV In "TIOKB? "TIOER HOSE." with Lrouore' I'lric. ?pp -*,?et?| "Every day is lWat.To-(lay2:15 fff M Min vr - l_ JARDON Rosenblatt Pro y A NAH AN FRANKO lituNA ScSYMPHONYORCH. NOW AT it"X ? 'l-'l'li'lfl Misino I lllott Tin?., rn-miir'w iSnn.) Evo. ?I ? It! nina TARASOVA I.V.-, in? , r Hup inn F ilk Honw uni n il mil <, ?.-I I r.,,,it. Im, Viin Vllitl, 'I - 5'' I" , ?I. II"! lilt!,.'. M,,,,,n A. Ilitnilni I'l/tM?) ffil IIMRIA B'w * ?Ttb I Pop i ihwink VULVIiiairt Tv.._* !)?__* U'rl,.-?#IBIU ?HOW Plays and Players Oliver Morosco Offers $500 Prize for Stage Pluy for Francis X. Bushman Having signed up Francis X. Bush , man as a star, as he announced Wed ? neaday, Oliver Morosco now is look '? ing for a vehicle to hitch to him. Mr. Morosco offers a prize of ?500 to the : person writing the best play to be hitched to the new Morosco star. The plays must he submitted before July IS." The judges will be Mr. Bushman, Franklyn Underwood and William Courtenay. After heint? the tailor for 882 per? formances in "A Tailor-Made Man," Grant Mitchell has become the prince m "A Prince There Whs," in which he i. filling the ahoea of George M. Cohan, Mr. Cohan has another pair, however, mid i-, ni?!?' to i^'t't about. Moat theatres are t?> have special matinees on Monday, the 69th Regi? ment holiday, but Arthur Hammer stein announces thoro will be n?> per formaneo of "Tumble In." "Somebody's Sweetheart" and "Some Time" that day, as th<> parade is to bo in the 1 afternoon, Ned Wayburn has assembled an All Zlegfeld Midnight Frolic cast of stars to ent* rtnln at ' he avlat Ion hull to be held this evening ul tho Hltr.-Carlton Hotel under the auspices of Mrs, W. K Vanderbllt Fifth Avenue 'buses will carry the entertainers to the ball and back In time for their acts. A performance for wounded soldiors will be given by men of the battleship . Oklahoma at the Century Theatre. Sun? day night. They will present "The Fascinating Widow." The cast will he ; made up of sailors. R<'<1 Cross Motor | Corps cara will carry the soldiers to i anil from the theat re. Gossip Edward ''lark, playwright, Iras bren I I". ?Messrs, Shuber *o stage ''Oh, Uncle." with .'? new east. - "Three f,ir Diana" is the first of a series of plays George Marion will direct for Mr. Williams to produce. Mr. Marion is appearing in "Toby's How." Oliver Morosco hau accepted for pro duction ? new play, "Love Time In Picardy." by William Addison Lathron 'm,I W'ifr<''i North, H i=* the dramati? zation of Mr. Uathrop'. novel ci"- Hippodrome Monday matinee W'll I,?-('in nt It nVloc. I ?'? ?il M I',,I '? | ' ? ?i , -, "I'rr-I I y I'll * " now i" " |" " ' "I Hi 'Ii" M'M'i'cii I III III I", ?" Hfl lill/ip'?! I'.o lit "1,11 Mil! "i',' '"" ' 'I Ii" ho. ilion ." i, and wtlH pro dm ' -I in )'a/in In I tin ; Hippodrome Vlet.oi , Loan nulii i rip (?on. already exceed f???.O?O Captain Krank Jrdlika I?. Military Altarlo- ni Prague Captain Frank Jedllk*, of Lewi? Avertue, Klmhurst, has been appointed military nttnch? to Uli hard Crane, the Ami i lean Ambit? mdoi to tho l 11 Itepubllc a! Prague, according ??,,, rab?* gram received v iterduy by his i'?,t In i, Pollue Lieutenant .J?-.]111 .i, of Dp , .- i,,".-ii pi? .'mi-i Jedlikii "-ill mal??' ,,i i iiiic'-m'-'iii 1" ll ?Vu i'1 "H'?- With If'' "i* iiioiilli. ??bi diUlgllt* i l..?l;,ii te .I""' lui l)U. hand She in tho (laugh to i "i former it.ugh ri?- ,'i",i. .l?,,,|,l, ii,',,,,.i 0f Que? Il I.I>IK TKIUiiisov '??"-. ,oi the loul' '?wjy 49,h5F KM fill (Via ii r>'? n \ I?LTO 3V"*'^ ?^T?,,F "Tin. Mim?.? ( ort-nl" T.m.j .ouer? !>'??,u. ui'BN'Af 10 AM ' L?EWS NP;W YORK THEATRE f?'.;;?!' Coill II A. M to 11 V M ll'Hrf to i'a.M "1MIII I *.HI IN LYIh" .(?S3 BtW l'??t| Loews American Roof |cM?V??l!?_!.<,,?_*?_t KANF A HinMAN, nAKADAN A All Mr?l. ?HUH?. MYMAN A0LMI & CO,, Ile??r??l ANU bix o.him nu. A0T8. *...;.o,"o ANNIVEHHAHY WIIK _ MARYPICKFORD ?awAY_.-i/".r.??r.t An r ???,??_._, ,,.?_ GREENWICH V'^V"."-."", - * i a, ? A ',, , hi. ,',., |.?r Ml : iHOBOHEMIAw: Ii??* Nnjtt MuniUy livetj Km .v U,?| ^ ,.at ,\|?ti SHAKUNTALA^^ir" ' SALE TO-DAY AT 2 P. M. Van Brink's Auction Rooms, 2160 Broadway . COR. 76TH ST. (MAIN GALLERIES) The Entire Furnishing* and Embellishments, Property of [ MR. NATHANIEL FREDERICHS From City and Country Homes, with Additions. SUPERB COLLECTIONS OF BRONZES, VASES, CURIOS. ETC. Dining, Bed and Living Room Suites in Louis XV., XVI., Queen Anne, English and Chinese Chippendales, Etc. AUBUSSON AND FLEMISH TAPESTRY SUITS AND CARPETS CHINESE AND PERSIAN CARPETS AND RUGS 50 VALUABLE OIL PAINTINGS Rare Laces, China, Glas?, Hangings, Curios, Cabinets, Clocks, Clock Sets, Andiron!, Etc. Catalogues on Premises. M. VAN BRINK. Auctiont-er. Art Sale of the Charles Stewart Col? lection of Oriental Art Is Begun The sale of valuable Oriental art , treasure., from the collection of the late Charles Stewart, Smith began ye6 tcrday afternoon at the American Art ; (?allerief!. The total amount realized : was $4,848.50. Some of the individual Bales were as follows! Japanese ivory carving (Okimono), Seaman, agent, $46; gold lacquer inro (medicino caso), Yamanaka & Co., $120; ??ohl lacquer seotion l?t\ for perfume, K. Oshimn, - $85; collection of fifteen Japanese knife handles, P. Kaldonherg, $1 !0? .-.word guard m Shlbulchi l . umtuiuka & Co., $106; iron sw . ' guard, Howard Mansfield, $160; pouch ornament and button, K, Oshimn, $70, The salo will h?' concludod this after noon, ?Among t he ob ?eel ? to in? di nosed of uro Chii judo Kucritlcial cup, a Chinese soap tone and teakwood screen, * porcelains, Persian, European, Chinese an?! Japanese, Rhodian and Greek pottery, Cloisonne and other Chine.e enamels. At the Anderson ?uallerics the sale <?f rare books and manuscript-?, the of the late Edmund D. Brooks, of Minneapolis, ended yesterday after I noon with a grand total of $20.424.8... ' George D. Smith was airain a heavy 'purchaser. His acquisitions included ? "The English Dance of Heath." by I Thomas Rowlandson, $200; twenty five , autograph letters from Mary Will stonecraft Shelley t" Leigh Hunt and Mrs. Hunt, $206; Mrs. Piozzi's copy of "The Spectator," $210; thirteen auto? graph manuscript poems by Robert Louis Stevenson, $306; Thackeray's notebook on "The Virginians," $K07 60; original autograph manuscript _ of , Thackeray's unpublished poem, "What. Wight Hue Been,'' $266. Other pur- I chases were as follows: T?'...'? t t LoulH Stevenson's copy of "Family Prayers." . G, J, C. Grassburger. $l?)2,60j an Mn published letter of Wnlstler, Mr. Grass burger, $1 12.60; flrUl edition of Words worth's "Ysrrow Revisited," Gabriel Wells, $162,60. Women ot I.n.iy High!*? lo W. !.. Church (Soiilh) NAfillVItLK, T?n.i, April ','(' l.iu'y right? ttn worn on hftvo battu voted i?/ ii,?- - ?inf. /? i,'-.. ?,f the Metli'idiiit l pi?i '???pill (Hoiltb) ?"hiirrli. The vote, announced to day, wns 4,220 to 449, n substantial majority ! over the required Ihres fourl I !*MritU y i lOKKIMOHl I M I.,VI KlX AM? |i|-iM ,,.?,.,,.? ,_.. U? * i. J. Ml" i?ku'? ' ' U '"'J ''"l' ?"?>?t ?i**' WINTER GARDEN ,,,',? '"Mv! HSET Monte Cristo Jr. HOLIDAY MAT. NEXT MON. AT 3 ftrfTVftV f'tPKTff ?WWffWWT WKIH r-?V'MIDNIGHT WHIRL Al iiy) '? '.i rt-.rtiiii'i-i'.nii ?ii. OOOO OH, M? DEAR! ?.?mu HV.A'VH Wo, II, ?I.Ml, 18.00 I VK*!?' <-'? tit . Wi-ni of B'ww. Erg*., " ?*?** L, i ni\. m?, | w,, w,?i ? i TUP --loon's | Willi Rlohsrd i nil Uli 1 nC' Hit Bfim-itt I ?*?* Mnnll Uli. land WVil'? flirtuer of T?.rlllara f***1 NKNOWN PURPLt Mnvi'ii to ReDubllc Theatre *\'?--ct Monday BOOTH?OPENING MONDAY (i M ANDERSON PRESENTS I LOVE YOU A new tum comedy by WM. I.K IiAIlON. BEATS NOW f-I'LLING. >,T &. Wed. st 2:30. ELTINGE THEA.. *.*.' ?2d St.- Tonj'W KgL, 8:S0. WII.BI K B jk ***_? ?? BAND. sui.umw^ J||// WONDJ_UFUJ_ w *"???? 50c to $2. HUDSON WmI 4"!l Ki E-wtnu st ?I is. ULiUJUII *,f____, To ,,AV & u,.i, iU ., 0 louis jviANN * s*v? BERNARD lj;;h:m^^;h:it^. GARRICK ( osturne ? ?1111,-ll.V Sui-cet,? I of B WSJ Dr.. '? . BONDSOF?NT?REST "Notable p pu -..??.. ??..peal ?k reo --' '? I II h-Qti ii Wslilctford.' "?Times. 48th ST '?'"??>"?"? K ' B ?vin-, Eres. B :ii> ???OUI _?!. M.ul:,?-..s To-day uriil Thurs., 10 l?Unit"'ON i "Chain lightning ao- I A si a sil i-*_r *'"" "'?'' ?-*'''???-? of CHARLEY I ?"""?"??" ?"*-? r ?ft$T ?s WEST Wit? FAY BAtr-fTCR $ ASTOR?2t?5&/Uif ? w.W, ARTHUR Bf?OiN, MARGASrr LAWRENCE FREDERICK, PERRY MAXINEEUJ0TT5 -BROADWAY'S BIG 3-? Arthur Haiumcrslein's lifts I fc ?,<j<iy "^( .'*'-.-? n-J? MlWy/Y TMCATRE i*Vl'"i V.l.. CENTRAL THLATftf nVHl ?v.-,. n *K?-w?rt CASI/NO THtAT?C O**..-?" U-t*? l>" Ifl ' .M?SiCAL PLAY ?EETHfiBPwfi YtATR.0 ESPA?OI..'.I ,... ii p ?. .i Msls To ? i ? v ?' 'l w.-.: M A R U X A __??.. K "ll'-weil liy -?iiiiiUIi MlMloaJ Hl-U K. ?s ?-ai ?>,it:-riif EarsuelM l->? Ho heu-lu?, Mariiiu A. Marus?, Drama __j Four Plays Revived By Province-town Players The post-seafon bill of the Province town Players brought back to view four the most interesting of their plays "The Rope," "The Angel Intrudes' "Tickless Time" and "Cocaine." 01 them all "Cocaine" is the most theatri? cally effective. In a heat tormented garret two derelicts, a broken down price fighter and a Btroet woman, both drug victims, are pondering the fact that thev are at the end of their re sources. The woman urges suicide and when she has persuaded ihe un? willing man that it la their only COUrSO, she turn-, on tho gas. Put til?'-?- Is found to !??? no gas. The meter ha run down end there im ne quarter with which t?< renew .t. And i I thon dawn breaks and tin? man if glad ?if lit','. n is realism of h .1. extremely dolf conscious sort, hut it r? writton m n mood <>!' hitter irony thai carries ovor smanhinglj.. "The Angel lutrudos" end ' TiCK!??>:'. Time" are pieces In lighter v. in. "The Nngel Intrudas" is on adaptation by Floyd Dell from Anatole Franco'? "The Revolt of the Angels." H only faintly suggests th?> im.?!. A sophisticated humor :? drawn from the nnsophi :i icn tn?n of an angel who .visits tho young man of whom he is the guardian spirit the ovn of Ins elopement. He learns n good deal about the joys of nn earthly ?nee nn?) foreswears heaven tc elope with tl,?? young lady himself "Tickless Time" is an extravagant satire by Susan Glaspell and i.eor^f Cram Cook about a young roupie whos? passion for absolute truth urges then to give up clocks and to tell timo onlj by the sun "The Rope" is a grin little play in a New England settlnj about a sailor's return. This bill, which continues until tin end of next week, closes th? ponson 0 the Provineetown Players. Father ami Son Mourn Eaeh Other ?? Ilrmi; Mer TEMPLA, TeTns, April 28. Job Hpnry, of Jefferson, Ohio, nuri pr, H.,rtrv. of Dayton, registered ft. Hi ?anio hotel liert- I l?> Other ?Uf with! n f'-w hours of Mil h "H,". I fail'?-' im,! son wh?? lind mourned ??' oih'i (?? dead '"> more than t? vu i ?' n '.??n?i during ?t flood In n Miami J'i.'i'i thai Iheh homo was ew?| ,.?,,| , ,i. h I,ell,-ve,I I lot' ? Its .,' h, i - owned, Win?' if tin' liorna left they ?tarted life ?new. iiv. if f ? tu hm in* oath thorn to i - '??< ?? nt tin ' "i" i lino, *i h ? i,an? ???i ? hal ' i'< / ? ?un?- I " ?t,,I tin t. They rei ognieed eai h OtB I, > ? , ? ? 11 : . | aye/am fur?! lili aihi-i i.ivr mm HiJD ?XY?iTTr'?T. ?:<ci_i?fiaB ?.i Ai-, uni. un (.si i WINIIfl CAHU?N \ ?" "8- ' 1. Ill IIII.IM: lilt m noua Him $,;",;* v;:??w ;,',.?:;,;?'? ?r ! 1 m'.i 01 HI I'll ft "i ainVl'l? rUl i'i a i ?.iV? ?.'.mi M. if.,, Vw. Ulfl Ml I IM 1,11.,/" Broadhurst V1,", w, ' ?.'?*? *"?*< ?;??. "39 East" BIG HOLIDAY MAT. MON. at 3 bijou ?fe??jf ?ru%?fl 3 FOR DIANA ?PLAYHOUSE K^^jS ALICE BRADY.- "Kgf i NORA BAVES. Ev?. 8:15. Mt*.To-dfcy.W?l I-|? COME ALONG i VANDERBILT &W?-?gt7tf 1 ??X, A LITTLE JOURNEY ' Wit!. CYRIL KEIGHTLEY ar?l ETHEL DANE ?44tI,ST.^'^;;.y^V;;r BIG HOLIDAY MAT. MON. at 3 TOBY'S BOW With NORM \ v TRRVOH ?? tti COMEDY I ?il. . .KM !!?' St., Near Ii'???. Eve. s 30 . Ttiurs. HOLIDAY MAT. MONDAY at Jfc DCDIIBl IP Th-a. W 42 Kt. Et* .8 S0.I1-?? . . KtrUDLlV. ,, ,| Mst t-> -1?y 10 Time?. AltTHLll HOPKINS r.'e_eD-_ MARJORIE RAMBEAU <by ArraD?eirteut ?:*!? A II. WfiiiDH) IB "THE FORTUNE TELLER" Next Wc"_? TIIK WOMAN IN IIOUM 13" MOROSCO ^''^ .'.Wft COURTEWAV&WISC, CAPPY RICKS OUR PLEASANT SINS , ? - . ? I'fttltlM t/"tt ^ rr, ? ? HKKT l'I.AY SINTI l'Ail. IN j ;-[.?. ? I.. I. U' ?, . ?) Mut. T.Hlaj? A Wrd . ' Ml.I.Ml?'. I ! .,:-,.? I, llwtr [III Tnu 9taa\ ?'"'? m I*'?? ?' ? so Tlfr .UIIUN m? , Tto-dM A V-..I kl I ,-it.W, nil?? MWMM'o Whirlwind F ?re? ^ PLEASE GET MARRIED I ?IU? Ern??l Trtlfi ??'I -Sdittl 'I? ,?f>rr#, JH PLYMOUTH *.:,.,?',,'.; ,; A? BARRYM0RE? m "THF IF?T" l>m iIh MtJ LOEW'S 7th Ave. ,!.V ? M A NT El I ' ' ''?> M*< ? Mettaient nt mAN I {__._. A'.,. It] M Ne*. Wk?M?rJ?rtt R?ml>i?u. ?'u? . ottuno TtU.r'i*