Newspaper Page Text
Buyers A r r i v e d Puyen are iavitcd to register in this column by telephoning Beekman 8243 between 10 A. M. and 6 P. M. Women's VTrar & Millinery . ' ' '? "! ' ' fon Irlo A ? ;;? ?'?*-??' i . mil I icry; Mario Au U.TIMORK- ? r Mft, Co.: M. it. , v ' '? n's and children'a ready to I* STON Superior Millinery Co.; r. M. tin, - . v, ? ... .'. ? 'o . dry poods .! ; '. i ": -?? -.i.a.i h Fifth ' in Marsh Co.; Miss " Pi :.. th A\. nu'e. .. '? ' ' ' - nfeV n Co. : E. <!. und? ? we. r, c . 11 ?' I'-.WOO King J ? , -;. T. Kcl I '. G? UP tan J5 Son ; - and ? . ' road} to :.:. . . ,;? ", 6 : ? ' illil'S, Ohio M ?rohoui Mai \ Ayers, \. at si ; G H ? ?o Cloak & Si n . ready to ?car; 1161 Broadway} M - '-- ES, . ? : at. Ci hci , v. i ? VV, ? ' .viird. il .??: ORTH Schermerhorn Co. : R. icn'a garments; 1140 Broad , 7th I . K Tex. ? N. Schwartz, women's MEMPHIS, Tenn.?The Pair; J. Alperln, : ty to w ? ni'. Aberdeen, iii.K- New York Sample Store ... y. Manhelmer, ready to wear; 15 ? - -sixth Strtiet; Brl itol. PITTSBURGH.- -Borgs & Buhl Co.: Misa Sullivan, ladles' v. i.i'.o lingerie waists; ? ? H TO ' 1TTSBURGH.?Bogga ?t Buhl: Misa W. v omen's and children's knit under .". M40 Broadway, room 1207, IT!",-.'--IBURGH.? Lewln-Nleman Co.: Miss M. Killen, sultr; Misa S. F. Lioeb, waists; . O'Brien, skirts, ohlldron'a and In? fants' goods; 4V0 Fourth Avenue, room 902. m ROH -- -Stillt, Lev. is Co . Miss . :.. walsta; 1133 Broadway, room PLATTSBURQ, N. Y.?Chaimer, C. II.. Park Avenue. [.AND, Or*?Meier Co.; .Ira. a sts; 213 Fifth Avenue. itOCHBS rER? N. V. Doj !..-?; .1. P. ? . , ? ,. ks, aulta, mltltn? ry . Mc Upln. SAN ANTONIO, Texas Emll Blum Co.; ;. wear and furnishing goods; E. ; am. ready-to-wear; ii4? Broadway, 7th ? ,' LOUIS.? B. Nugent ? Bro, Drj Good's: Mr?. M. Koerncr, millinery; 4TU Fourth Avenue, twelfth floor. ! ' i Ol ! ; ?Marquette Cloak & Suit Co.; ? rank, fall suits and serge \V. 33d Str.?et, room 1604, PAI t? Minn.?Strong? & Warner ; Misa B Woir, millinery; 621 Broad ? , room 320, n, N. C.~J. 11 Rehder ?- Co.; r. ihder, domestics, flannels, blunk '. milliner].: Impel lion's Wear AUGUSTA, Qa.?Swan, Edwards ,*. Co.; H. L. Swan, clothing: Herald Square. HAI.TIMORE?C. Newman, men's hats ?and furnishing goods; McAlpin. BIRMINGHAM. Ala.?J. Friedman & Co. ; J. Friedman, clothing, shoes, etc.; o nia. 'ON?Houghton & Dutton Co.; A. Van Norden, women's hosiery and men's I ng goods; Co m inodore. CHICAGO- Dave's Hats and Mf-n's Fur is Store; D Goidsteln, hats urnishlng goods; Lougacre. 'i..'T'K. Ia.?Rider, Wallis Dry Goods \V Winall, furnishing goods and partment (boys' clothing), -, - ?? overalls, duck coats, macki nawa and ftj.nnel nightgowns; 329 Broad "-? HENDERSON, N. C.?Anchor Store Co.; ". B. Bullock, men's wear and shoos; Penn . ? - Weil & C? : Mr. Well, ? ! furnishings; Commodore. ORLEANS?M. Kreh, hats; liroad ' '. -Times Tailoring Co : manufacturers clothins; ngle & Son, In furnishing goods . - Piece Goods Ishmai '?? Mr. ? !?. Ro lenthal & Mey .r Sid inufi ir rs capa aii'l - "rc ,-? ; R H. Knopf. i her coats, khaki cloth rs clothing; Bi n f.- < !o. ; rnanufac ' loti : ng Breslin. i : . i ?nu a W. King Co ; C. ? ? pli a ?i church Street, room El. i. Halpern, t - ' ? - '. ? rnfrS. ?klrts Broadway Central. Both, piec? goods; ?i Perfection <"toai_ * suit ? " rna?ufacl tirera Cloaks ? ?. -i-...n. ...... ?? i, i , . ? i ? . i i, * " l. h t harn t Sitfiort Mfg. ' " . i l ? . ?' T. M / -. ; ' ?-.'I... Unifie-!, I i ? i ,,-, I ' I -T. ' |. ? I ? ? ? I . ' f |.Mj l-lli ? A ? l,.|,.ldl..l?. ,,???? ),.,,?,. ? ' I, I ..... II ll? ,.,.!. , 4 I ?* ? if.,!,-, ?.?I..!, it,,,i,,il*. I.' ?. I H I' I,?|M. * j n Iti lid, , .!????.? all? _. flu ... I ?In Ml,'I . ? - I ' , I I ?If ? ? II ? INMATJ l.,i,?u,ii I'-ii? 00 i .1 'ill?? - UCK, flllR , A I 'HI' ? i Notion** Toilet Goodi, Drug! ? fO M?v fn. ; M )*>?? l<?-,, no i, i | " - and toilet good?; 81 Bon March?: .1. ir. Caray, . m al i .'?:? i, i,., ndllllig * t'.i ii , IIouM ! iirni-<!_.f.??4, Floor Cov? rringgf Furniture, Draperies 3. N A.?. i.. j, ? ? r?n,i'.1,1,.. ? ... ,',.,? i, i., lAWHii, house fun drj good ,, 4 ; ; I P.. ?'.,-H.c.p * Hro ; C. B, , curtain?, shad* pai iOi Fourth Av, i, i - ' Pa.?Hager p..".. ; c r* -.:-?hiriK', ' ??<; Dry Ol '?'"?f U.K. V. Willi? Crall Bmlth Co ? Uera ? ? .', Buhl C ?? ' ? ? i; 1110 }lr, Jewel rv ma Co.; .t. Frsund, i Slue n. h. ' , . ra. ir ? . - i?fTi?" Mereitatidise . Hall 1 lil dry* j ' " ? i ? Offering;? to liuycrs * ' ? ? ?? ? i Bu; i r WjimI'. * ; BOSTON M ? apian, tailor; T*r-*nUn. ? ? ''?. I .V Suns; 7t. A. Pick. a ' urnlKliin** ??.a, shoes, !.. 10 gAioral merchandise; Ansonla. ft? m?' !a J. llealy Co. ; O. J. llealy, : ? , i ii ns. fancy goods, lae"*?. veil - i indkerchtefM, waists, uiidorwear and . . . i '.- ? l :. oa Iwaj , room 6 I I. .. ..-?, .. . ?-. ...:?! ' i ?,!' \\ ?a; [*E, Iml ? M\ Schult/.; M. i, .h . gonds, . ? .??'.:? i,, wen r .? nd sen ? Hindi , .aa; lar- h A s ? nui , ruom . ? ; ' ' ? > ' - S:--titler, general OXEONTA, N. ' M. E. Wilder & Son; i,. K Wilder, drygoods, carpets and ready !" ? ..:'. Coilt litotil a!. ?;? ?a: ? l\ i.. \ .,. ... :.. Lynn Co.; lt. L. ....<?, i'f\'. ItlRWOOd. . , :: ' ? ". **K , Kaplan, ?j nt-ral incr . : ?..:-.,. Miscellaneous KKOKL'K, ' " " .' ' ' Co.; C. 3. Aboil , ..'? i-lcal sup] lies; ? lommo lor? . '. ? SIXC, Mich S, Rapaport, general till . ..? i :, ; ? 1 .-' a.11 ?. I'OX, I'.nii, c. TV. Slocum; G. W. Slu on, prod uci . Pennsj h ii rila. NEW ?'ASTi.e. Perm. ? Kirk Hutton Co ?1 ? ... hardware; Pennsylvania. ? a'lll-MIA ?'. IT. Wh-*? Irr Co, ; ,T. Collins, representativo; Broadway Coa? ti al SYP.ACUSE, N. T.?Syracuso D. G. Co.; i ; r. Williams, hos ery and underwear; iii West Thirty-fourth Street; Broatell, Buvers Coming CHICAGO?M. Snlk; M. Salk, represent? ing, in expected April 27, 1019; Broadway Central. NEW ORT-iEANS?Handleman's Auction Exchange; Morris Dreyfus, lobs genoral sT-fchandlse, Is expected April 28, 1919; ? v ? '?an ral. M.'Vri.'J'A l'Al.l.S?Heir liros. ; Edwin Heir, dresses and waists; 44 East Twenty sixth Streot, t.'lar*-.^?, Hotel; la expected April 28, 1919, PITTSBUKGH?Kaufmann'?; M. Llpp mann, lobs silks and dress goods, Is ex? pect.-d April 29, 1919; 1201 Broadway. Iiicor ?ora ti cms ALBANY, April 25.?The following In? corporations woro (lied with tho Secretary of State to-day; Bright Light Mantle Corporation, Inc., . Manhattan ; deal In mantl? s, al? ii' d art Ii I? - and devi. es; Isaac Kuben* steln. Ulrich Heiser, Adolph Rub, nstoln, .-...; East 178th Street, The Uronx. Rec? .-;? Export Ing and Import Ing ? poratlon, a .??. Manhattan : deal in gooils, wares, me'rehandlse, manufactured goods, food prod ii ' . ? 'inmodll lei. Bup piles; Sherwood !?:. Hall, K'.lot ?'. Smith, . a Stephens, 6i>7 West End Avenue, New York City. .-?'a va..?a Woodworking Company, Inc., Queens; timber m? ?? .lu?as, saw? mill proprietors an?! general woodwork? ing: Joseph .*?!. Xewman, Alonzo !?'.. Mar? tens, Natal.- Malaspina, ?* l Newton Ave? nue, Long Island ?' ': Buffalo Factory Supply Co., Ira-., ?;.,000: Bu alo ; to manufacturo machinery, and general mercantile business; Henry !.. Silver, William J. Silver, Teresa A. Seifert, Buffalo, N. Y. a Manganese Corporation, $500; M - hattan; mine, Import and export man? ganese, ote; Da vid a ba shldze, J. W. pert, Leon Wazeter, 17J Fifth Ave iew Y Tk City. War Salvage Company, tar., Sl.nfiO: Manhat i i; general brokerage business In i : ui ; general con - tractoi irting goods, wa res, mer nd ink bu n iss; Mor? ris Kanrtel, Herman Hurwitz, J-*. Nathan Rowan, Hoboken, N. J, Man " C C npany, Inc., $25,000; ? Manhattan; general jobbing business in and ladies' wearing apparel; Marull Ua '"?y Gollln, I ia ?? id Kol id - i: ? lTStTi Sti pet, Bronx. i i. -Company, Inc., : Manhal tan I an i aura nt a . lers, threatro A. M irlash, Albert . -.; .-?? h ':?- ".?' i, i.i, i,.-n Avenue, ' l? ight s, Vorik? "'?. -'-.. V. a R . . : u and soli?! I . - un 1 . i ?; la- Gri a ? a ? ?ty. r*et Ii ! ling -, ' ? . : , ? ? :..-???, ?. a ? inag , b Ils, et? ... ? :'.,, . a Street, fl ? mil ?? ? ? : ....?: . : porl b u a i i ' " Ing and i i ? a Charles H ropi Ing, 27 C? '-?" -, New **"ri: - (ne , S 15,000; Rye . gen eral I ncy and brokei age ?-1 ' .... , , ' . ? ? a , 3-, ? . ,' i- rost, M '? i ? Itye, S Wave ' " -? Inn Inc., $10.00d; Qui ? n . hotel, ? ? . ? . ? . . ? , is; A ana -. ' ? ? i- ): .ii. It 1 ? ??? tru $'" ,(. ? ? ? ? ? ? ' I ? . ',.?.,.. i ? ? " ' . . " ,,li |, ft!, I ? Ii . . -. .... I I, ,, l ? ,. Inn.. II,'101 i,,i,, ..,,. i , i , r, Wolf, I. ? ? ' ? ,. ? , lui i ion oon >i.mi,i.ii..a i i ' i ml nd n I. ,i ' a in,| Oi ? ? um!,n ??? Inn i liliiu'liii,,: i "i i"" ?i lo?, I "? . ? a liuifnn ihiIi ? h ' ', .1. I i" III 1 I I : i i . : ?. ' ,ii, I , a, ? , , mi I'... . .., ? , | , - I |i ?? ?.. hi ? nr? H,,, II Hliitpll-u, I'.,-. I'l '. I 111 '. '.I I ?? " i .,,.,' . '".I".-;"' - ?. ? ? a. ,. i; I', ,. . || Murrio ' I ? ? ? a ' ,-. a Pur? i. ? ?". ii" , $. M,,alii,? '. n . i-, , llllppl '-i 111 || |'0| ll?l '.l'a, ? ;? "iia-, ti II ,', I, Jr., ! .,:: kVewl l?illh ? i : .1.1. Real I v ? -, , la" , | ,,' 00; '.*..-, 11. ' t., -, , i ? ? ? - ? ? I ? tat? ? , ' - , , la " . a-. ' I, l ' ' ohH, I lOUlf .,','. \* ? ? ? ? , In? . $.1,000; ' 'I '--. ., I . B, f.,',,| I, ' ' ?? iigrleultural I. Joseph in Av? nui . 1, laahi" a ?/ V. ,,, , -, !.,.? , ' 1 no la- ? . .,,, ,,p.,-,?,. Alt, rl rt, a Av, i ,lc('nrlhy, Inc., $IO,i ?i ? ' i. ' i Inn, . -, , ? ?..,,,,, I . ' , ? i ? r. C. I : tile . " ? In*., ?2,1? , .' l,? ' ' ' ' ' ? I , ' - ' . ?......, ? ' ? ? . ? '?"" " "' ' '. i '*-?-? ?? ? ? ?:; ? '?.".' I. Maurice Goldsti In, ; :, ..iilh H.Ti i ' ' ? . r.rooklj n. ''. ': r Manufacturing Company, : ?.???-. imfacturlng ivory, h rn pud '? ? i i,"'. ? ' les, umbrella ,,,, n til.-a, ci . August 1< -i '.' rt, M , ? - ' ? ti un K?.,-? liblum, 7,, 1 E ..- t . ? ,1 ? ?. l ?roux. ' i u rials and Sales Corpora tlnn 000 ; Man ha : i a i. : ma n ufa, turei . exporters, I 'Hera, etc. Randolph Brunnon, ? th. i I s 3. Steckmcst, Edward il. Ncary, Jr., Pas Bale, N'. -/. ... T. S. Hat Company, [ne, $7.000; New Vori' County; manufacturing ladles' hats; .1, soph .-?? Iiuln an, .-' liiiu? I Tac.hner, Ada v. , .r, 75. Kolly Street, Bronx. Walbul Manufacturing Company, Tue., $20,000; Manhattan; manufacturing fcta tlont'i's, hardware and stationers' supplies i and specialties; .Toscpn W. Oottesman, Charles S. Jacobscn, Henry W. Waiden, lili Port Washington Avenue., New York Starbuck Towing Corporation, $1,000; Manhattan; transportation, navigation, .?t,-.; Lawrence N. Martin, James A. Mar? tin, Patrick ,T, Dobson, no address given. Takatnlne, Sydney B. Carragan, Georgo $5,000; Manhattan; general export, Import und buying and selling business; Kb.-;! . ;i-i i;,,'. Sydney B. Garragan, Oeorgo V. Hart, 120 Broadway, New York City. Sarmiento PH>ron, Inc., $10,000; Man hi tan; manufacturing textile fabrics; T. E. Sarmiento, Walter .T. Wavte, August 8. ?.ergent, Creatwood, Tuckahoe, X. Y. lioicomb Canning Con pany, In:'., $150, 000; Holeomb, Ontario County; canned and ?" - rved goods business; Howard W. Clark, N. B. Spencer, Joseph B. Bloss, _;ii , ?- i i ni Stro t. Rochester, N. Y. Woodsldo .':? Morris, Inc., $10,000; Brook? lyn; act os agent for Rale of various kinds motor trucks; !.. R. Woodside, lt. C. Mor? ris, !?'. M. Laricina, 31 Radford Street, Yonkors, N. Y. Moss St Handel, Inc., $5,000; Manhattan; manufacturing ladli ?' wear; Joseph I. Moss, Joseph Handel, Abo Handel, 176 Bldridge Street, Nov.- York. Victory Poultry Market, Trie., J..noo; Manhattan; slaughtering poultry; Robert Marsh, Julius Marsh, Aaron Marsh, 800 Forest Av nuo, The Bronx. New York Ant?,in?,bile School, Inc., $6,000; Manhattan; motor vehicle business; Jacob Goodman, Abraham Goodman, Will? iam Jacobs, 203 Broadway, Now York. ?.u. Products Corporation, s:;f,0.000; Manhattan; manufacturing moving picture screens and moving i>i<-tur-- supplies; N. H. .\!.'\.-r_s Benjamin J. Greenhut, II. B. Davis, Shanley Hotel, Pittsburgh, Penn. U. S. Perfects Good Paper Made From Cotton Linters Washington Hurcau New York Tribune WASHINGTON, April 25.?Scretary of Commerce Redfield announced to? day that the Bureau of Standards has succeeded in making an excellent quality of stationery paper from cot? ton linters. A roll of tho new paper was exhibited. It is tough and has a smooth surface that takes ink easily. It is stated that cotton linters are wasted except as they are used in making explosives, and that tho sup? ply is sufficient Cor the manufacturo of an important volume of paper when the process has been commercialized. Business Troubles Receiver in Bankruptcy DAVID N. STOLLER?Judge Hand In the c. S. District Court ycsterdav appoint? ed Max G. Cohen as receiver, with $600 bond, for David X. Stoller, -is East Broad v, ., ; . rotiiions in Bankruptcy Petitions In bankruptcy were tiled In tho U. S. District Court yesterday as fol? lows: TRIANGLE DRESS CO.?An Involun? tary petition against the Triangle Dress Company, 132 Bleecker Street, ia by tbr?>?i creditors claiming: Adolph Strauss, $.20; Edward Platt, $10", and Beril Rich, $76. Louis Rich, 291 Broadway, is tiie attor? ney. OSCAR GERSTMAN?A voluntary peti? tion of Oscar Gerstman, 047 W.-st. 172d street, shows liabilities of $4,223 an?] as? sets of $1,000. The three largest credit? ors are: Jacob Hoehn, 296 Washington Street, $741; Samuel Bookman, 9 East Fifty-ninth Street, $570, ?ml Joseph Ro? senberg's Sons, Brooklyn, $336. Yankauer & i.aviils,m, 261 Broadway, ?ire tho at tornej s. Judgments The following Judgments were filed yesterday, the first name being that of the debtor: In New York County Anselm, Charles- -J. I0dw. Fit : G? ? ild, I"". $1.228 'V A rrigoni, Arego V, J. Picar i & ?'.?.. In-. ' '0,11 Anderson, Gourgo M W. II. n s . -; ? : ... Harrio* A. I! ti ilcom !.'?'?' t. I Franklin. Simon ?. Co G09.5' i , Murr. ' it. ?' ii. \ ' .;. Inc. '. 2J0.92 i. ? i, Ramon ?' and Mvaro ? Boor. Bros.) *'?. f> Fabrl __ ('?'?; eosifi . I2S.1I? I: Drown, Inc ::. lloseublatt ... _,81 i r Sill ? lompany C. N, Go! I I" .: . 771 7: 1 "i s AS ?, ,:?-f. i ' - .i,? ompa ny, inc. -i ?'. Krueger . 681 20 i.. - n ?. ' mod" Williams Bel L & Co., Im. 646.69 1 ? n and Hei in in W* si ( I ",.-. ''?'?? ,ii Bi ?.'? ' Itodg? i Hagerty, In? . i - . 111.::? ' ? . . . ? i i: i. < m 5,fif Blwell, VTaj r A Co . In?- - -?' I: '.ti'. h' 11 . I :,l . , , . .51 0(1 '?"?. ii -ft- n Hoff. i;i. - ubli tt, Ali"-' t !?; Si? g. i .-'.? 6 fin. n: (HI i"i L iti. I'. Beegl', I ..?in ? " ' " . 17.70 . I ? ? ' . I,. I - '' "i.I ' i ...... . ..... .,.,., . ,., i |,.<, ,,....., i i ..,,,. '. I .' . ' I'?? I- , | -, . ?J) | ? , I ?I I . , -. ? | . , , I' ..,, , I , ; III.,. I , . , - . , I, M.' '?. Im ?.I I ' 11 lull > .?? ?i ? i. , i i ' . ., .. i. . I,, :..!,, lAlil'tiMi i ' "? ?LU../? Ii i,"?.id i. ..'iii,,. ? . ?, , ? ? i .. /. , . , > nn,i i.,i, i,t i ? i - i i ,, i 1,681.81 mu /" i?' n.,, i i. M? |n I.II.i 'in |t I?"??, |. in, In, |(| y?, .'. , H ? . I Hllll/ll | i l). .0 . ' Ii l.i ' II , ? i . . , Ullis? pin im 11.. un,i 1.1,,?..,?ni *,, nun Hi ?board IJI liogi apliliiu Cu , ii in, " t? ,i ,, ,,. v llflain n. W, John? M?m in? ? ? I''I '4 i , Wi i i- Iiilhln i i 'i Itiibln, Nul ),.. n ? lag? , .-.".. .i " i ... ' ., 0? 1,77 Mti i n, H? ' ib.?, ninl Antonio (lui ibmn I', ,,i,i, . . i, . 4H0.00 lorf, III Imla. i.t A, v \. !.. I . ' ?? . 4 1 !.. .-, I 1? n A A l ill ,.| nl. . . . Ill ,, ,,ni', un, Mu 11 in ? : a n Hour . ?127.?ill ? ,. Aubin I? KolSior ... . 2,897 67 I" i I I.,n, Al ' I 'li i w. If. II. Hull ?v Co., In,. V'.'i 44 : i.mi,,i, loili iibel n .1 i? Lynch . 660 66 ?Swum, Win, M n Heron... 8,608 Kl 1)111 1), M., in Ico ' ' ,/, AjCOl i."I . 484.81. ' I? Ulan Asphall Paving Co !.. I.oi-nstoln. I,? .5.27 : eph? . -i. I ', un l( A I ' (turran., 1 at!.or, lb I? In, i?.,'. Id, i '.?i.'? I and jn . uii t ?.. v. Mfg. Co , i;? i;nn x i ,,. costs. loo nr, Glo .nul. i?,Im. ? C. W, ? ,i ?, costs. 172.97 Tho m Starret! Co. HJ. B, II . Tesla, Nu.-Ii, A, L? ?on el al. . , 686.00 Turner, David and M .?< Turner oi Mi.i ii,, w B. Kosen. 86G no Tarrow, u ullcr (.', r. Borgan, Ht- 74;; 02 \i,n Brunt, Chas *' and Harry r. i.t. *'. Nut? Brunl & Sons) ? U. S, Casualty Co. 138.00 In Bronx County l ':'??' ;. Hymari- United Lino Ser ' ? i"'. $179.M Ii John P.. and Thomas II. I! . riolil i l_ M. I:,i !.. i ? : .,i . 142.17 Hl.sti ird and Arunlui ? !?' I., ''? .. ? ? i, ? " . 2.1.1 < i t.rady, Pal i Ii l< .1. M. < loin* r "?: . . 109 96 Glmbel Bros , N v. BRI ; - . i . 'I ?eh, \ mile 't?.' I" I In "?? , N. Y 69.78 S. Uotl d I? 'I ? : .?;. 105.53 .'?.ilisiied J?agitteftiA ?i h? t" ? ? n.-, m ?? t-i il, u t ?r Hi? cf"i'tor; the ? ? i hul ol [hi erc'llloi and date wh* n ? ;i? v. .in (III '1 : III New York ( otinly ' ? ?' I .-: !" . ? . (?ill 28 I Jin. . , J <;? lliird 5 II- ,, In, A-fnii. In?. I.I??1 '.'8 7 20 H Hp? i?'i. in?' , .- ?... i i.n.,. i. hi .'.' II : , ? i? ?? I.-' .-,,.I l;|i ttll Mi ft ' ' ' ' ?' ' ?I .;?,, ii," t. la? " i?", i . '., i. , i,,,i '?i? , . . , , ., UM. l?? 17 . t ' fil.' f| ? i hi tiFUHi t ntiui (Ul ' l'.IO . h ? i,n , j ,, , ,, ? ? i '. "? ? u,,,,,,<?. -, t-* a ?i trim im Silks Road Salesmen Send in Glowing Reports on Silk Trade Outlook Robust buying of manufactured silk-* at higher prices vas reported yester? day by the leading selling agents. Travelling salesmen now visiting all of the leading centres of tho United States sent in large orders for the fall weaves, and most of them advised their principals that the outlook could hard? ly be better than it is. It also was stated that orders for the most popular spring fabrics continued remarkably good, considering the season is nearly over. Many ol the leading manufact? urers advanced prices 10 to 30 cents a yard on both spring and fall goods, the increases having been forced by the sharp rise that has taken placo in ra'.v silks. While numerous buyers, anticipating the higher prices now in effect, have already provided for their fall require? ments, the leading manufactur?is ??o not expect any slump in trade. They asserted that some of the retail mer? chants have been holding off in the hope of lower quotations, and now that tho market has acted contrary to their expectations they will hasten to place orders. Raw Silk Trade Expands Japanese Interests in Posilion to Show Independence Haying of raw silk, particularly of the Japanese product, expanded yester? day. It was reported that tho manu? facturers of pure silk weaves had pur? chased in a fair way, but, most of the business was provided by producers of cotton and silk mixtures, tho latter having placed orders calling for de? liveries up to the end of the year. While prices remained unchanged, some of the importers asserted that stil higher quotations .".re likely. It was stated that the Japanese interests are in a strong financial position, and that as demand for raw silk promises to "do become worldwide they will have little difficulty in forcing buyers to pay their prices. Tuas-ih, or wild raw silk, has ad? vanced (o $3.50 a pound, and it. was said yesterday that supplies were light. This material, which is of n yellowish brown color, is largely used in the manufacturo of upholstery fabrics. Heavy Deniand for Silk Ribbons; Prices Advanced Some manufacturers of silk ribbons have advanced prices 5 to 10 per cent, being influenced 1o take this step by the long continued advance, in the cost of raw silk, increased wages and de? creased production due to reducing working hours at the mill from fifty to forty-eight a week. While the manufacturers expected a lull in the demand for ribbons after Easter, the contrary has occurred, it. being stated yesterday that the buying now is exceptionally heavy. .Some de? sirable styles cannot be delivered be? fore next August. Trade in silk mufflers for fall and winter wear is not expected to be so large as it was last year because dial era, ?m account of the unusually mild winter have been compelled to carry ?over rather large stocks. Return to Civies Brings Big Sale of Silk Neckwear With the return "r former soldiers ! and sailors to civilian pur. uits, busi? ness in high grade silk neckwear has liown ' irked impro\ emenl. A lead man a fael m er, v\ ho also t urn ? nee! ?'. ear tor mi n, i eported yi ?? terday thai his business since the tirsl of !?' briui rj ",?,'. . ] GO pi r c ,".' o er ; he c" ? ? ' inding pe i "?I la t j ea i, priced goods ha i been i ii" ou ? ' a nd ? ",-.: Va I n re of t he t rade. ?J ,'olors Imported Itye stuffs Ihn ing if'or. I1. S. Official Isserfs l!''l'i'' ' lllal ""a* ttltldti In Hi" Jap ?.i.t .-., ? ?..,,,.. ,? !, .- a ,,,,,,;,-.,n ?,,,) (Iril !' (?fl -rril" I-if- h/ll 1.1! t-ITrr '"??":";.i" H?l Irdlft of ' ??'< ... a ? ? ' ?, i i,.,i , ?, , ? ' , ,i ,. '"!? I'. "' ' "'?!!?'[' 1(1 II? f Lift ,,f ? i "- I - fl m r.f ii,, C, .: I ? , ? - " ?,?..) Uff,- | i. i ,,,,, II. i \n ii.uii - '.? Hi . in n,, 'A, , . !,.,,,, ?' fi HBIII If' III ?? ' I ? ..,.,,, ??. .I ' ? I ??' ' | llll! ' II ? .?;'., ,, |l|| -, ... [|oi . - ,i, , i,, i, ,/ ii.i I,,, .,('. Ill , ' !,,, i..i , |,i , ,, I .. ' i, < , I | , i; in ' I. m, pi ' |,.<i .? lula , nil during lio lilil.?ea iuiinnijialnly spread i aiimi i,? Lin nfi'itcl (lint < Ii ? 11 nru ; ' , i .? el ?i ? '? , in 11?-riii/iiiy which " ?,,i.| ", ? lie ir ,,,liilil?- ni, pro wiic lia?' ! )ii- |,i (11 illitlllod a ' inn Ii panic in t hu il'.n mm I.el m bol II I I' in.? ami Japan, ami cuncellittioii of orcloi ? '. ?th A m?' i n a a mu nu fuel uni-- Kortii nal'-l' , lin Ollgll I In- I im, I .' n al lain ? of I !i" In ' !??? '?I III? ?'. V ho " i ? |,i'?' mil ' i ?, ??? lin |,|"H",l i n i." in : lliaiighn i ni the 11tmi, i lie rumor wan nut ce ... fully refuted and the true Hltimtion in ought I,?-rn??' i i?'- (!linie- <-. Tho i ?? -aiit. wan ti,,. k tab 111/. in g of tho markot, and iii<- i him"'.!? now fully roall**o that i loi ?' v. ill in- no (Inclino In f h<- price*! " Tho Me ' A : ociftl Ion ha? nuked the Department of Commorco to cooperate with Amoricnn dyestufT manufacturera in their efforts to re? tain and, ir possible, extend (he mar? ket for their products in tho Far Kurt. Carnegie Medal Awarded To New York Railroad -Man PITTSBURGH, April 25, Fifteen nets of heroi in wer,' recognized by tho Carnegie Hero Fund Commission at its meeting here t a day. In I wo ea: . silver medals were ! awarded; in thirteen <? c.i bron'/.o m 'la ! . Six of the heroes losl t hei r lives, and 10 I he dependenl i of t v o of th? e pensions aggregating $l,(il"0 a year were granted I'o the dependents of t lii'?'?' of the ol a" r who losl ' he i r I. ? ??? ' he ? a - i of $1,1 -m ?,? li ' ?-ran' ?'?I, ? o I ? a a i] i?',| a Hi e a,,iii ?ii: aoa may I ailC - l tion, I n add it ion i o ! hose money j granl i, in nine eu es awards aggregal nu w ore made for ol her worl hy pu i no. e . Payment i in I he one sum ?a e will nol la- made until the bene? ficia i le i1 pin n; for il"- a e of t ho ' award have been approved by the com m 1 lion. Amour those who received bronze medals wa ? Theodore Miller, of Ahgoln, N > . a troi if f- ? at ' I na- a, v li?? I i Bliclfl .' A ir I'lma, four yC0 f ol.i, from being killed by a 'ran ?tijrd * I '. I!'!/. IMim S-rid*' hi'MPpioviil ol Mil! fin ???? lilv .hi-fi?** ,.,,',. ? i ; ? * a- 'i li m H -i.h ,'- NI 'i.i III.ill, Hi fll?rti li ? ? ? I !.a-1 .I jli ', ? a, ?'.? ? ? , .1 t ...I,..'?..? l,,,li, ...i I,, i... ? . i ,.,..? -.1 ||.,,| ii. ,,..,, ..,,1,1 !.? , l...,...., a .....I |,||| I.i'ii? tvi sun -?? "'??? Mass Meeting On April 30 to Discuss ?lents Will Be Held in Rooms of Board of Estimate at 1:30 p. m., and Mayor Will Be Presiding Officer May Appeal to Governor Dodge Bill Permiting Con? version of 4-story Build? ings Favored for Relief A mass meeting to discusa the advis? ability of requesting C?overnor Smith to reconvene the Legislature to con? sider housing legislation will bo hold at 1:30 j). m. April CO, in the rooms of the Board of Estimate. Mayor Hylan will preside. Discussion, it wart announced by Chairman Hirsch, of the Mayor's com? mittee on rent profiteering, will centro about the so-called Dodge bill, which died in committee ut the last legisla Uve session. The purpose of the mea? sure is to amend the tenement house law to permit convert-ion of old style four story dwellings, sixty feet long, into four apartments. A. similar meas? ure, known as tho Burlingame bill, affecting three story dwellings not over forty-seven feet long, became a law. Tenement House Commissioner Frank Mann, in a statement yesterday, said: "If advantage is taken by house owners of the Burlingame act it will mean at most only 5,000 additional apartments. If the Dodge bill had been enacted, with such amendments as were sug? gested at the Senate committee hearing by this department, it would have given more substantial relief in the present, crisis by adding possibly 60,000 apart? ments. He Would Recommend It "The alteration permitted by the Dodge bill could have been made with? out detriment to housing conditions. I would recommend as a method of solv? ing the problem of immediate relief that if a special session of the Legis? lature is called the advantages of en? acting the Dodge measure be called to the Governor's attention." Lawson I'urdy, general director of the Charity Organization Society, in a statement to The Tribune said the Dodge bill would not afford the relief desired, and its enactment might be dangerous to public health and wel? fare. "It is impossible to alter the old four story dwellings 20 by GO feet into apartments under the provisions of the Dodge bill and still assure tenants the light and air necessary for their well being," he said. "With the three-story 47-foot buildings provided Tor in the Burlingame act, most of which arc in ','? 'ooklyn, it could be done. With that lenpth the danger that dark, unventi latcd space,, in the middle of the apart menl might be used as sleeping and living rooms is reduced. "Under the Dodge law die longer apartments with one dark room (it is a dark room, although called an alcove) mi;:ht be safe in pood neigh? borhoods for small families who have I n proper knowledge of sanitation and hygiene. Neighborhoods < Change "However, those neighborhoods may ?ict remain good, and ;?> open iuch apartments to ignorant .-intl crowded ; families would he sowing germs the ? noineni house law was made lo es t crminnte. ''Such apartments would be valuable t" builders only in neighborhoods like Washington Square .-nil Gramercy Park, where large rents could 1"' ol? La ned They o re e ? tra . aga tit, and to provide beat n'"l janitor service r"r ?.liefn w?tlld be costly in comparison to t lu. ret in ia in I he i>"'"?'?*? lieighbor I?'""1 ???.ii, ?? i' ilio old dwellings "" " are hi) H ? t",ii' ' i".- hikI hoarding i,,,,, A ? .-n, |, I fit-y t "i ' in.tli i,,,, ,,..., i,",,,,'-, i ? tmkl I! i I I ? '"I '".' ! i", nt ? i i,? i,,,. |,,,,i< ,-i|,-,,, ,,,,,.,-? . ? li,,.i..? i,,u ,i-,i i ,,i ..??, , - ; i, "?" ?? In .,'if"i'?'i -i ',ii.? . t I "?? ?-. ""iy ti'i ' ? -i ? ? I" - ?' t """I' II- fj 'H"l' ? I" ?. ,,-.,, i, ? |li Min n,,(??,.,. i.. - ?,,,i n i ? .((filil? I'll H * I" II'.'I; Mil li.'lui ?; |.ii,,l|,,l ?I ' * n i ,,, ?I i.. ? ' i.I? I in,i ?I ??" Hi"? Il " Ii "i ? ??m . ? . , , 1,1 ,111,1 l,H"l ,1 III' ?III III ully Ii,iv?! In UOHMl <i" -n ?" Vain many Hall Eorcen Mobilize for Eight Oil Kent Profiteer* 'I a in inn ii y Hull foi'CPN httVfl In-ill mob ill "?I to in." I i j. ; i f ? ? I'l.mi'l.'iinti of n-nl profiteering In tho rl.ty two Annembly diotrictn of grenier Now i'ork, floberl I,. Luco, of tho Inw committee <?f llio Democratic County Committee, mapped mu. the jiliui yesterday with Chairman Nalhnn Ifirnch o? the Mityor'a Com inltloo mi Rent ProfHocrlng. Mr. Hirsch announcod that a volun? teer Tammany attorney would bo se loctod m each of tho Assembly district? In Manhattan, Kings, Queens, The Bronx and Richmond. Each attorney ".?ill have under him a corps of (raine,I Tammni.y investigators. There is no question in my mind but what you arc making '.';. per cent on your invesl ment," said Commissioner of Taxation Hirschficld yesterday to Isaac Lowcn fcld, "What is there to stop me from making :>0 per cent?" asked Lowonfeld who is president of tho Monmouth Holding Company, owning apartment! at 106 Easl Sixty fourth Street. "Nothing," replied Mr. Hirschficld "bul you will have to pay the city n proportionate rate on your taxes. I n't it. tin" by increasing rents and show ing higher income that you can soli the property at a higher figure?" "Sure," said Lowcnfeld, "and T car make the tenants gel out if I want to Nobody can stop me." Mr. Hir. rlifiild said lie would see thai Lowonfeld's property was assessed it proportion to tho income. First Flight of Police f. .'.?tTVC Avi?.l.ll\H T.mIh . The firt'l. flight ni ?he New York po lice|?-e avilit i"fl corps will b" ms,|( It? day. Tli" flit.hl. will he mad? trtiii Motor Car!:. SI?"' (?Miead flit v. tti fit" Valley, Philiid'-lpho*. 'I ??? ?? ' orllM hi !?li'U'"t will ? 'till Ml I f? ?,i , (?iloleil I,-, '?'II ' !l.I I I Hi .lo-t-plt ||/.,f|(e|l. ftf II,,. i.i.r,. ? . - . [j , 'm "--i !'? fJIll i i . - . i'.,,).?. , ,. ,i ? . i., i.. ?,. ? ,. ,i i-,.,,? 'l''1!'''!', .n i. 'ii, i. j,, i,,., ? llttll I __.ft.jl 11 I'" ill III ?? ,. jj{ I ..,, ,1,1. ?\ II. ,,,,!? I,i||, ,. Mayor's Gavel Busy in Hearing On '"__" Project Accusation, Denial, Charges, Counter Charges Heard Before Estimate Board; Verbal Combat Is Lively Hylan Scores the B. R. T. "What Judge Iran sf erred Wreck Case lo Nassau?" He Ironically Inquires To the accompaniment of accusation, denial, charges and counter chargea and much pounding of the Mayor's gavel, the belligerent Board of Esti? mate considered yesterday the matter of the proposed connection of the Ful? ton -Street "L" with the Fourth Avenue subway. After much verbal combat the body turned its attention to other business, to the accompaniment of cries of "It's false," punctuated by a veritable anvil chorus by the gavel wielding Mayor. H i val Brooklyn delegation*- atipen red for and against the project. Herbert L. Carpenter, who headed the larger delegation, spoke for the proposed con? nection. Mi*. Carpenter denounced the B. K. T. for opposing the proposal. Ad? dressing Mr. Carpenter, who liad not named the road, Mayor Hylan, with an ironical smile, said : "You refer to the railroad company which had the criminal cases trans? ferred to Nassau County?" "Yes," said Mr. Carpenter. "By the way," continued the Mayor, leaning over the mahogany desk, and pointing his ivory gavel at the audience, "what was the name of that judge?" Mayor Ignores Row .1. 1-1. Allee, who led the faction op posed to tin* Carpenter plan, and who wants a four-track subway instead, said something which caused Mr. Car? penter to exclaim : "It is a dirty lie to say I ever got a cent! " Ignoring the tow, Mayor Hylan levelling his ivory gavel at the Rev. Dr. Ralph Woo.i Kcnyon, of Brooklyn, who was sitting quietly listening to the proceedings, said: "This gentleman here who looks like Mayor Gaynor?I want to hear from him." in-. Kenyon rose and said that the diff?rent civic organizations were for the proposed connection, and then re? seated himself. The Mayor then declared that noth? ing could lie done until the receiver of the road, Lmdley M. Garrison, had obtained permission to act from tho courts, lie said that lie had an opinion from Corporation Counsel Burr to that effect. . ?viing Has His Jolie Mr. Allee than asked that be be heard. When he suggested a four track subway President Howling asked : "Where ar" you going to put the ? tracks? On the roofs?" Then Borough President Riedel' mann of Brooklyn said something dis? pleasing to Mr. Allee, who retorted: "At. the hearing in your office your stenographer suppressed Hie state ments i made." President Riegelmann laughed. "A favorite way of people who want ?in* truth suppressed," observed Con t rol !<- r ( 'raie. ..-? Hylan then ugge 'led : liai liie ?,,. |.,,,i over indenitely. Rn F-idi at. Moran, of I: e Board of Aliierie"!, whj?O t?a* .Viay.r **\ a*. Speak ing, made some reference about some? thing he said Mr. Allee had uttered on a i" ?". ious occasion. "II is false!" rejoined Mr. AUe<*. "The matter i-: laid over!" exclaimed the Mayor, banging his gavel. Then a m.ivho gave his name a** o', r spoke i ti opposi t "m to I he applies. of the United : t?te Rail road Ad m i nisi ra I ?ou foi peril ??? to i., ?; i, ' , i to co/ittect ili" yards o f the i ' "? -' rid Pennsylvania ? "l; i a/.-,, of the Mi ???' '? "-I: ( - "t ??I oh the . . ,,|. l?ovhuf ?till Will S*lo|?llom<' Hi?Ultu?*, wliieh Ni which tel nu.: tha? out of I ? llidlfld I. I', I !.. Iri f a? I ,,!,.,, !, ' aill) H Hill i '|a. ,.i ,. ? , ? i, , i , i ol . m un? i? i I ' , , | I, n 11J ? |. |1* I ill ill ? !., i , i I j ? l,,,,i,I, ,' us a ii nil. of llii pui line ol III e If?, lllll bill I, I llfl III I I ' ,".i. Infill" , Wtltl li |i i llll'l III! l"! " If ' l?l li? en i II / o I ii i ? de mea nor who foi* na v i, ,, on i n a,, 1,1,' t o de I '. ? i n i-mu? iiil lo |.l ufa l'I " \: heu t 11 ci i nH ?an chai u pu,,' lu in ni 'I Im lull, nropiii e.i ai ib" m i igal Ion ol I li 1 ri, I A ! ? t., ,;,. . :''?,,?nu, i . ml, m ?l??l i?, prevent 11 and hi i ho i-?I?u?i of loi , ?m the in litlnieiil plan mid i ? ili- mil ??.?i u of i he long serien ol hearing i held by the ?liiyor' , coininll tee, of il h in I ? 11 'li r. ehai i man, a I. li in o n y has been ta l*c n m h ow nifiny pei '.?m i -.v, re cheated "i ' ; ' .. ? , ? r i i i i ' ? j " 11 chai o ol' l"i '? i u i he fn v ou< Iy i n f ne : i ,on i of Long I land Tho me i tu '.' a , p ' ,'" in I lu- III I few hon i" ?'I i ho lie Ion and is noty In t he hands of the Governor. Members of ihe Real Rstato Kx change of Long Island, at a meeting held yesterday, wenl on record ngainst the bill and appointed a committee to work with other organizations to op pose the mea ana? before the cxecuti\ ! Governor Smith has been asked to h o 1 < J a hearing before taking action ou it. Individuals and concerns doing busi? ness in New York City, or having their offices in this city alone arc affected by the proposed law. Those doing business in any other part of the state are exempt. Tho lull amends the Penal Law mailing any person recciv int*: instalment payments on real estate a custodian of such moneys until the delivery of a deed. Then it. goes on to say that, "Any alienation or any los or impairment by mortgage or other lien or by foreclosure, by tax sab-, by tax lien or otherwise, of goo?! title to such real property by ihe vender, or f!in<n> by whom the vender Is pre timpi h c evidence of knowledge find intent by such bailee or trustee," i.'- i estate men '''alare thai In the handling of Itist??meriJ pronerti?! !'"i' are ninny ways oy which an owner can |,, rj hi til OpOtiy. HlSCtl B.iofl l?y .(an" a Irani:, .1. W, Poolitfle, Richard Child i, [?*, ti. Peeve and others ' ,: "" '" (lie .-?feel, tllrtt MllblirliMtl I ' , ,.,,,l,j , i,,r, ?i ,,?,.,. If '*"- .?il1 l"""ii'a a la a_ ..II'(Timm ?AiM ,,.,,, M| ,,,,.,. a?.?- . ? ?j ' ' ? , , . ? II I m i.? ?. ........ i LOST, FOUND AND REWARDS ALICE JOYCE lost diary In 'phone booth at Grand Cen? tral .st.-ition; finder may keep money: re? ward for return of diary. Address 645 West End ave. LOHT- Oreen malachite drop earring, gold mounted, on 35th St.. between Park and Madison Av., er on Madison, between 35th und 36th, April 24, evening. 4-1 Stuyvesant St. Telephone 8456 Orchard. Reward. LOST.?Two .... pieces of Jewelry, be? tween Christopher and Greenwich and 7is: sts. and Broadway. Liberal reward to the person who will return 11. I save. Mr?. Florence Qulnn, 171 West 71st st. LOST ? 'INK PAIR BLACK FIELD GLASSES, at Lackawanna Railroad. 23d St.; ?_0 reward for return: family reli?-. SMITH. 117 West ICtli. Telephone 1386 Chelsea. I $100 REWARD for return of diamond bar pin, left In fitting room at Saks .1 Co., ! tilth st. and Broadway. Communicate with 1 Mr. Pratt, Jewelry Department, John ; Wanamaker, New Vorl.. J60 KKW AP. I) FOR RETURN OF Sabio neckpiece lost Monday night, Rlver Sld? Theatre. H. Lines, 23 East 63d. LOST BANKBOOKS ' LOST.?Bankbook No. 309.S25 of the Franklin Savings Bank, issued to Mary ; Knight. Payment stopped. Please return ' to bank, 658 Eighth ave., New Tori* All persons are cautioned not. to pui or negotiate same. LOST.?Bankbook No. 762.432 of the I nlon Dime Savings Bank is missing. Any p ? so,, having a <!aim to it is hereby call? i upon t?. present the same within ten days ?>r submit to having,the said passbook can? celled and a new one issued. LOST.?Eankbook N". 721.895 of it?" 1 nion Dime Savings Bank Is missing. Any per? son having a claim to It Is hereby called , upon to present the same within ten or submit to having tho said passbook can celled and a ?aw one issued. HELP WANTED MALE INSTRUCTION AT'TOMORTLT. INSTRUCTION, 510 Unlimited driving, etc.. guaranteed. In? cluding machine for ;t*t exan until license secured. B. M. Co., 130. Lexington mc (88th '. LEARN TO BE A CHACFFELTl.?Pleaiant and profitable work; ?iuy and ?>\?iiIiik claasen. s.t for fr?v booklet and visitor's pass. West Bide V. M. C. A , 817 West 57th st. HELP WANTED MALE BOT to lvlp In stock room; experience not essential If quick t" learn; good chance for advancement. Call . to 1". Illller, SI E. __,i St. BOT, neat, bright, tn oftlo for errands, office work. Call Na^lpnal Enamelling ?ft Stamping Co., 411 Fifth ave., corner 37th st., tenth floor. BOT, bright, plumbing: specialty house; r lelving department for checking Incom? ing goods. Durst Manufacturing Company, 107 Chambers st. BOT to carry out packages. Standard Em? broidery Manufacturing Company, 225 Fifth av.-.. Room 512. BOT wanttfcl by wholesale house: chance for advancement. Apply B. F. D. S C i., r,0 Murray st. BOT, bright, to work on delivery wapnn: $_ p?-r week. Loyal Service, 75 Bl? St., basement. BOY, bright and willing, to assist In r lilting shop. Schoen Printing Co.. 17 Vandewater st. BOTS to run errands and make selves useful; steady work. Johnston ?_. Tu nick, 53 Nassau ? :. BOTS?16 TO 17 ONLY, FOR FACTORT Wl lR!i ? II II ID PAT. ? - '( 'I IMA N COLLA !: CO . . IK* lADWA V, BRO* iKLTN. BOYS, I I, for light factory work: roo,i op? portunity for advancement. Apply Harria Lithograph, l - W* it 4th st, liRRAND B( ?Y to ma. ? hlmsi i' u ' .-'o, Urooni ; Z*1 per week. Vpp Picture Ni ? s, ', 29 Sei enl i'iit'1'l S. fur small family In com Iry, luromer: city, . ?.? man, l?ul 1er val? t: ?-. sons of ability n-itli first class references co r itidi ? .?- ;?. . i?. SALESMEN- We have ne ?' for n if real ability To ?In??. ,,,, ? business, which nets $26 al leasl h .?;;;.. ? . -, , , - ? ,- da jr. i all 10 to I, Suil 18 i lurth Avc. SALESMEN ' lurlncr ? . - -? . ? >].':- food I" O'Jll " 1 " ., ,, . ' .,, ?? ' ?t ?? \ ,..-' lory J ' ' ' ni i i.! ' ' '"'."'.' t ? - r i ....... I I- . ' ' !" '" ' I '? ? " ?? t 1,(1 I ' ._? ' ' , . . ., . , III/ I' O hi . I?,.? I?,III? III? i<_l ),' I ' I.. , . i ' I . ?I ??" I II Un,,', a i'l I i ,.. i III, I., .'Il',, M '?'.. I ' ,i I' I .? , ' I I . I, . I ? ?' i ? " I Oil ' I, , i I I ' \ I, V V11 /11 i Mi, I ? hi WORK IN ?WHOI i ,' i ' ; i,, ,i i .ii c eu MI iVI',1,1 III , ?I.I,, II? 'i , ' ? , , ? I I, V I. ? ?. 11 li ' . i i , . til JOHN v, , l . I i A IIIIO., t ' IS AMT '? I? H'l HELP \\ VNTI.I) l-'J?.M Ml. COOK, y il??'? . .il, ? I. ill re??, ?i ifi, foi fuirillj of i wo, .,''".." - i ? ? ir. . , it m m< ? b"iii" i. ? winter lion,,-. ;..?. Voi I? . lu lll| bol ivi ,ti 10 hi,,t I I 0 1 ', l: I, ?1 OE.N'KRAL it'" HEW OKI Kit , i- ,t i , ??.1 i'iiok lint " a i ', lire "'id ?'id - t ??? ., nd u I in Imli i ? ? . L, i. ri,,,ii,, li,,-. ; ni,- ;;;"," M i loi i ckard ..llil.s WANTED ON MOUNTING PU I - i n I.: ? M > linn (GRAPHS I?XP III 0\ KB |(i .HAIIfl Ol' \?? K. .VAOIC - $10 PI It WEEK '?!?' >RG1_ A, JA I.GF.R, 13. Ml L I3EHHY ST. GIRLS, folders! FOR CIR? CULARS. BANKOGRAPII COMPANY, 619 SIXTH AVE. GIRLS, EXPERIENCED ON STRINGING PEARLS PL1 YSE CALL KARPEL9 ,( imp VNT. 15 MA ?1 >EN LA ME in MSTtT* nr.R,'., ExrEitn vt.r. on i;.\r> hi;i'.illll IS; HTEADY. GOOD PAY ?All, Al.i, u I..'.??. UE1?S BRI .'-il CO . i \. 1>T I'.'TH STIli ET. I. ITf'HEN M \ Tl> i" t"?!?? "'? famllj . ? mer i-oimtry, ?vlntei I ; i ? ? refei ? l Applj I B, 120 ?. ? M v Nt its... Intelligent wo,-win. to t ,? of two ' mi i?, n TI Iftphofie f.Ai'ir--' - . j, ?..,,.. -' . |00 1 I'l, ' .-' " I. M ,- . ,. ", ... ? HT?ICOAT DESIGNER. Large t^.ii.?-,-,. (jnti.ii ?tiit:',< Kr.rtenei>d ?.? ? W'-nrKt m ?i\\?\*? tllrl ??(Mi ',',<?, l r ' ' .' ? ? '? j. . ??!? ?'???? '* ? ' '<< ?' ' '?' " '. . .'-... ... , .? ? - ? | ?' ' _SITUATIONS WANTED MALE , Dl TECT1V1 . - ,;. op.n for^uT experlnion. lloum l"l *n? ' West 123th Moi ?**?**? '? ' GENERAI* A?" tO C a'aide twelve i i' t- gov< ornent <u un ? ive accountant, is open to oonm-ler - "'a.' ma of respotudbilit** rated my e* Pa-biHl a their entirety ?ii ""' :': bllltles In run ': u;; ?' ':' ? general cfflrl and accounting management of a man,? esa entert-,!-'? ' condui t?iK affairs on ? sound sen.i 1 ?'' ?'?:;'' ' - '?? ' larried* _c* '[' A. A., ] ibune Office. ' * JAP AIS ?"HI?*: -_u^~' Kurlhara. S04 6th a ' a: :,-?' PAINTER, paperhang er w_b? work; city, com .. 1IlsidP. "? work only; ,. Jacobson, s:? ?-?,, 7?ta nt. Lenox 296S. *"? PAIN I ER :? '?*?;?:M CngeU; work'""!: -1? ,-* i STOCK - LKRK, -. four years' ?^rZ^T a with renW* CTT B*,??* *.\ i? k a . , Stagg ,_:. **a*n ' ? r *-h**?*?_Z BUSINESS CARDS Desks and Office Furniture. 3P0ESK! Office Fumitare ? in flrent veri.*!;, ?i ?'.vi?.-?!,-a .-*-;<??? j l.b.o_:?xtif*i 1) te? 111 HJiLTOrV ST. New York. Carpet Cleaning ? C_nKFt;i_ C-lRPKT (-UEANIXO COJ?_?{.^ GIimui* dj o-iiir.-' r**a ?it. steauu. hui?] ? ? ??or. <lt> Lut V-'i "- k'tiS * it?-lNDr. I**, ' |,taubo ly. il_L Detective Agency WKSTWTORN'S Detect.*? .-.i:?-..-.v-f''iid'>wi_|, <?. flrlentlal InvtetlffAtioa?, A.?-. 39 Kill 4M. Fhi? Murray H1U -?43. Diamonds DIAMONDS AND .TEVTELRT ROrtQHt FOR CASH. * Bt ? 1, r-ir-htwd. BI-'NNI-.TT. J;;. I5rea.l-.vny. umtalrt. Multigraphers?Stenographer! Multltrraphtng, etenogtajh**. typewriting: all kM| Utaaomble. Coyne, 116 Nt-aau it. Beelutu tlX Rngs ORIENTAL RUGS vrant? I. highest prie? ':?l*!!?h*-J 19 3 I!.: II ; Murray M:l; BUSINESS O?V?RTl'NITIES nit--:; a ''.-vei?. m?ii!. ' . Ii-liml. ?ater, timber. ;-*^n*M*l. i'.1! Euro !- a. i a ' ... 1 broken I pro-a-ei ?-?Initlou and r? i Hudnesri. FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET A. A .'. lUBANT ? ?.. ? ? U "_>." Mimer, $1.10. r. $1.10 a -r, ?la. ' on ate ? Ni?-** :????- ' ' njl ??f rite) fo! I -, RGB i ill 'h'** fr"- two ?lulrea ' :?; ?vr. I-,: - ? 7 wtnlil v Ann ? ' : -oAs'4 ,:.,.. H i Itch? it r?--n*n; ' ' ?lector m i,; i i i ? ',^1 we**. ' ? I r~--J. l'Un I :M ?im int ? , : im iTICI - tropolis Storage Wan-houie , i ,. ? ; itebrt ? " U^m*mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmW : '"' W?ri _________________?"'. "t o*-? ? il'd't In MllClf.l. U IBEHOU? ? H \ '.'.': OF N AMH JOHNSON SHIP f'i HM!-' M ??*** . Mi l.'?.'. fini K < IlMPANT, ! ? ? II