Newspaper Page Text
Simon Buys 7lli Ave. Corner Apartments. Held at $1,400,000 acquires From Adlon Con struct ion Co. Two Houses at ."Uth St.. Near Sito of New Commonwealth Hotel Robert E. Simon used from the Adlon Construction Company,xJ. C. Graf, president, two twelvo-story ?psrtmcTit houses with stores, at the southwest corner of Seventh Avenue ?id Fifty-fourth Street, on a plot I 1(K>. Therfe are M2 suites. The section of Sevont hAvenuo in which these houses are located has attracted considerable attention piuco the of tho block, Fiftj jo Fifty-sixth streets, Seventh Avenue to Broadway, aa a site for tho new Commonwealth Hotel. A station of tho new Seventh Avenue subway will be within one block. Tho price at which the property was held is $1,41 Leitnor, Brenner & Starr and Nati an Wilson were the brok* Investor Gives Cash for House Peter Tisch bas sold for the Carlton Decorating and Conl I : C* mpany ?ho six-stoi ? ? leva! or apartment at 41 l West 121st Street, on a plot 118x100, to an investor. owner paid all cash above the first mortgage. Two Flats in l.">lst Street Sold Two sever, story elevator apartment house, at 612 *o 618 West 161st Street have been sold by the Colton Holding Com pa n v, M. Brown president, to the H. W. G. Realty Company, Henry W. Gennerich president. The houses cover a plot 60x100 each. I.yrno &,Bowman were the brokers. - . "Cobweb Hall" to Give Way To a Business Building "Cobweb Hall," fit 80 Duane Street. for year., a rendezvous for bus men of the paper trade, has been pur? chased by the R. A, Stewart & C Hinafactureres of rubber and nieta! .tamp*, locati 1 at 201 Broadway for ility-one v* are Th.y the old bul und bei; I Ion at an dite of a modern h?, a oil ; i Sir??!, with a similar frontage nl Hit on M y. AH. tvxi Was the bi ok< r. The ; ? r,_ r,..... v gold at "?i"* i"i ; . (i. Ma. M?,ltif.\f,K, LOANS 5 0^ MTG?1. V? MONEY Any n.n?.?m? I?*? g??d leans Assignment. ? ?? ? ? pted, Cha?. F. Noye? Co. REAL ESTATE BUKIHi.H OP BROOKLYN YOU NEED A HOME j Send for particulars of our c. T room I br;--k : . ied liporc!-. Itubwa; ? from Tlmea Square; i 1 minutes from be fare ALCO HOME BUILDERS ; .17 ! N V Barclay 4JS5 I/ONO ISL \M> Water F^ont S^tes HftSSA'J POINT on PECONIG BAY ALSO KNi V. S AS LI. - ' I '?' Acr?i - ' \ -, ?Rounded with .i .uperb, wide, eu ? '-. : ? 4 ?Alle wide. PLOTS of from 1 to 15 Acres At pi ? il -:. Nassau Point C'ub Properties, Inc., IM ::? mHD Si., li--,. U- n, N. V. 1M - I I Ml ? Il R f Ol \ TV .^-_. 'JP^ j ;?'''' i i. -. ?,?: " ?? ? '?i*.-? 40?3 ?JEW .n;i;?.r.T GRANTWOOD, N. J. 224 Lawton. Ave. p i '. ? M?/ l Own?. Kuntnori . It*r,l .,??, .?u,,, ||,|, yrn, ut LONG BRANCH, N. J. 'o.svK'fif r i Old Saybrook, Conn. ' ? ?? n , ? Modtrn <?-,,.- ., ,? ? '? &MM. r_! *\*m ?;_.'" Ar"" ?* ? M.S00 *4dr?M M K ?I, ,. 0 f*r FOR BUSINESS PURPOHE8 l.f|r*f../ ?KM-? ',' .',!'!. I ?,i *tviS'u?.h ,Vr"' Vi" ?? t I'.i.'i. '.', A __ '? ? ^HiHHKf, APARTMENT!? TO LK I ft.;.v^ *''?''-"? ? ai fr-.,,, Mi.y i ,., ?,, | , I?*?*-, ii /fc trK.nlJ.Jj' -, ?**?*'j-v.,. ?". ?I Mrs. Howrii Sells 89l!i St. Home; Value, 8260,000 llon.->?r Adjoins the Residence of Benjamin Duk<* at the Fifth Avenue Coner am B. May ?v Co, associated with Douglas I. Elliman & Co., have sold the modern American basement residence at 1 East Eighty-ninth Street to a client for occupancy. The seller, Mrs. Elizabeth C. Bowen, purchased the property about ton years ago. Tilia house is thirty feet wide and is built deep, practically covering tho en? tire lot. On tho Fifth Avenue corner, idjoining, is tho Benjamin Duko residence, which was built several years a^o and occupied by Mr. Duko nipletion. On the n< rth cor i' ifth Avenue is the home of a li. Whitman, and on the streit ?'a odi i residences which , tu . completed in recent years. N'o, 7 is owned and occupied by I M. Jos phthal and Va. 9 by K. D. Konna. Mi ? Bowen was held iison, i lhai Ic ? ''. Brow n i ? conjunction with Pease & Ell | f, ?? Emilio ??- llapgood, ? li ' live story American ? : dwelling at 107 East Savent-, third Street, on a lot 21 * 102.2. Theodore A. Ka- . nagh of I hi n J. Kavai igh und Harri & '* havo sold fur 1 he Lexingpark ? ompany t<> a client '?','> East Eighty third Street, a f? . dwell ? n a ; it I8x ion. House in ll'llli Street Sold Goodwin & Goodwin have m ,!?i for (' S. Smith to Hal,", Mar Auer, the ti :?"" itory dwelling a' L.'12 W< at, 1 19th Street, on a l?,t 18.9x100.11. I'Voth-rick Brown Disposes Of More Bronx Dwellings i "?" -i U rov n has sold to Robert H. Mac ' 2-118 Weh!, A- i . ? ? I ? of II i Terrace, n three ?turco dwelling, on a lot 20x100. Also to II?"-n ' ton .'I la Webb Avenue, " lar lai?" story dwell Kelly Street House Sold Leitner Brenner & Starr have sold for Ida Kandel to Dr. Jacob lasa tho dwelling at 738 Kelly Street, on a lot Purchase in Faile Street Josep ' i' ;,' has sold to a client use, 901 Fa i le t, on a loi i ? Macy Place Dwelling Sold : nd Carl Jaffe hi 'i E, Me; thro? , Place, on a plot Investor Buys Three-Family House I to i enue, a tli ree f i m ?; aal?- ol ( resfon Avenue Property Id to IE j. ' Assignments of ?M.>?*!.?.',?!_??***? Mtffiliatl?ri ?l. I ; . ' [?'?>, ' ' , . . -: i *?? I I, ol l .1 l : ... ,, , . .?;??, , , ,, ? i ? , h a.:,. ... i ? i ?. ? ? ? i , i . 1 ? ?11 ' . . ' . ? I . . . . . : I . i . ' . . : . ? l PIN'l-llll'RK'l , : I ? ? ' . I; i .- ? - Hi ,.???! ' SSII HT ' IV ! I ? . i l ' . . . i ?: ri ' ? ? - ?. ,'."?' ? ; & n PI N'BKfRPT AV, i ..'..?.' a Trust ' ' '? I, . i: ' i; ? . . UOth ,01 .?; ! Bronx 16BTII ST B23 ).. BenJ '? Pair? hll ! to ; rtin, 2 '.' Beeh '". . '? & T ... . i".\ RT?R A.V ws 142.7 fl 1 741 h st - : ? : : : Mtg Co to Emma ,-; atty, N* Y ' : ' ' : . '. : ' . - - . * ?::'?, ?.'. - ? ? . ', -, ? VI *. m, 1 3 4 W ti T t h ? Ti T G & T Co, 1 76 , ? ? . . ... $3.000 I . . . ? SV 77th st . -' : ? ? ? also , LI Bris l - - ? 14, i ? ? .. i ?35 to 241, map , ' : ? ? 1 i a to H 1 ? '..'" ,nt av .?100 ?a -, '. Jay Ti 0 Bee 1 Fly .1 i ? ' '.IK '???.? ' .-.-:,; : " ? . H ' ' ' ?? ' .,;.,.? M atllw, 11, 26 W :,"''? I ' . Satisfied ?Mortgages Manhattan ?*rn'-r RT, 225 K , ' ',"?? ?' ' "'. . .... ? ?;'.;? ' ? l '- ? . . : I'!?, 7 ?nil ih ami ' atty o? record. Jos -, .;!.:,. ' I I ' ,'.? ' I ? I ?) ' : -.':??? ? ' . ri - .. ", ? ? ? I. |W II'-- ' V V. ?? . .lui] ff to I ' ""a ii . ; , 110,000 , . i ? : i |u4.600 Vuction ReMiit* ! 1 ?tlif. in, HTKA1 I -.(.,.II. Ill ? '. ni . ?lu- . 17 ! '? ? | ? , . .hi ,. ?. -nfc..-. Investors Resume Bronx Apartment Activity Four in Morris Avenue Figure in a Quick and Profitai.Ie Resale for Seller William IT. Mehlich, Inc., lia., resold | the foin- six story apartments at 1230 to 1 _..'____ Morris Avenue, which it pur? chased recently from tho O. ,T. Schwarz? ler Company, to the Pearlstein Realty Company, The purchaser is an in vestor, Washington Avenue Flats Bought Harry I,. Weil has purchased from the Sandow Realty ( ompany, Frank Starkman, president, 2353 and 2367 Washington Avonuo, two four ."lory, houses, on a plot 72x01, ?" Mnan A Stcinman have sold for M. Herman 1040 Fox Street, a five story [ apartment house, on a plot 60x100, to an : n ves tur. Invests in Hornaday Avenue House Richard Dickson lias sold for Charles i . Garrechl 866 Hornaday Place, a four story apartment, to an investor. House in 1 (8th Street Sold Abraham Libowitz has bought tho five story tenement, on a lot 25x100, at 165 East 148th Street, from S. H. i i anken heim. Sale in 209th Street Morris Sax lias sold for Lena Kerken t?. the Eberhardt Realty Company the : ' " tory apartment at 365 Fast. 209th Stri '. corner of Dccatur Avenue, on a lot 45: 05. Sale in 187th Street Marston & Co, have sold 415 East 187th Street, a four story flat, on a plot ::;,!. 100, for Mrs. Ella Andrews lo W. A. Abrahamson. House in Simpson Street Sold I ['orl .. has sold to Wilson & Sumpter 1098 Simpson Street, a five story house, on a plot 38x100, through M. Cohn. Epiphany Chapel School Deal 'Epiphany Chapel School, at 128 to 132 Stanton Street, a landmark of the lower East Side section, is said to have been so operator who plati3 the n ' .' a rno\ ing pielure building to seat 1,000, A' the offices < v."- . V ... Cil v Mission Society, the own _ r, il I that h ri ofTi r of sale i - being consid red by the t ru;t ee ., The property lias a frontage ??r 80 ' t and a di pth of 90 8 feel, between Esse> and ts. It had i" en held at $75,000. Buys Grant Avenue4Plot For Movie Theatre Site I lavid Fiel ? ' md uct a a chain ; of mov"i i ' in theatres in i;reater New fork, hn boughl I rom Henry I A* ker ' s"' lots oi i side of i ? \ ' ip, north ol i "? -t ? "? Road. i nulei ood that hi build a ? deal ?'" ?'n ? ? heai fnlvef-'Mv A\ei>ne ? iiiniT Sold II,,.,. , , . . I : ... -; , lied) (o ' lie* L.i il foi ij 11 ? ' ? i ? > .- ( nfn . . . i , ,, , ,,, , ,,r 1801 h ',, - ' ?,,,i i | , .? i-,, a ???? i ?? - Big i?upital Planning IVotv Hotels for Atlantic < ily SyiuJii ute to Pul ? p 600-Koom llousei Two Other l.ur?e Projects ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., April 25 The ? ? Wi ndi i r Hotel site, Illinois \ and the beach, opp ?site the Hotel Traymore, bus been selected f?>r a 600-room hoi '., it was announced I : I .? Ritz-Carlton : yndicate proposes i I ? ? ? n. The tal tit is made by Hi race Trumbau* r, architect, of Phila? delphia, who has drawn the plans. The Cramp Construction Company of Phila? delphia is asking for estimates on the cosl :. ' ical conl ractors have been asked for information as to re ." indusl rial conditions, especia ly field. 11? rsh* ;.-. the chocolate manufacturer, is announced as interested in a 2,400 room hotel to be erected on the site of the Sea View excursion house in Chel? sea. Plans fi r this operation were drawn in New York. United States Senator Bois Ponrose is one of the owi i te. A third hotel proposition is credit i to the du Ponts of Delaware. They are n p " ed to be planning a hotel on the beach at the sea end of Virginia Ave- , nue, opposite the steel pier. Tho owners of the Hotel Ambass I r, on Brighton Avenue, are negotiating for the ri I of the block of land. The is ti extend the hotel with a new wing next fall. The present build? ing now occupies the entire beach? front block. Lis Penden? Manhattan CLINTON ST, v a, 12i . fl n ni : rizo K C et al, agt i:." i.. ; ?alnnl liili el ul (fore, Iorui i i ? . . , id cl & Loci i, ft R o c 1 of .'. ? . I Il , BW i ' ! I beg; Will ,,. m : ? '?? ?? '; '???. t al . ? ? i'd tun -.-" , ; ?ittv. W il : . , : .;..,,, ri ? i. ? .? -i n.-' i. .. , . ' ?, (foi . .. ?I ?? ol Taft ? 1ST AV, ?1 to ', Wni T . .1?? i?,. ?? N * 'unnlnghn m ? ?? al i ? ecl m* nt . ' ? . ? ? . - BAXTKl. lu ad :> : . 118th ? '. 330 nn'l 3 10; and 1 til st, 80 VV . M iry Tardltl hgl l.'v. ?g 11 Toma/.z'jlll et al (net I ; atlys. Llml A 1 n of 1111 Afielo Kneoland, tx x, agt Wm R Thomp ira of inoi tg ? ?,??? > I 11 . STA N'1 ' - Jump. K' l';,,r.i,ni?, nxr, agi ?.,.?,.. |,i il,.. .,.;?/ el ?i , form lo ?ir" anborn. Bronx '.. HOAO, ? 250.? ft !. nl Ml ',,??., Ii.i-,. .',',? ., | ,.,",?,!, , ' I ' ' ' I . ' . - , ' ? ...... ,,,,,.. . ' , | ' : ? Building Loon Contract? Bronx ? ? . ? " - .-,.., i,,.',, . . , pin?, ci ? ."ft h i nil I i '.j. ?" I _ II . . ? 11 To insure Insertion in the Real Estate Section of ?he -?Tribune on Sunday ?dvcrtising copy muit be in The Tribune Building not later than 2 P. M on Saturday. An effort will be made to insert all Real Estate adver-tiem* In the l?mx? E.tal Seel i (\dvertieemente received too late will ?.-rried in the Main Section under proper cla_B?flcationj Realty Teams Push Bond Total To 81,225.925 Excelsior Bank Contributes $200,000; Speyer & Co. Win Hislit to Fly Honor Emblem on the Ruildins: Real estate brokers carried their Victory baa?] total well over the $1, (100,000 mark yesterday. When reports for the day were figured it was found that the drive is well on toward the $2,000,000 mark. Tho grand total is $1,225,925. .Mr. Marling hoped last night t?, bo able to report a round ? .-in?! a quarter to the bond com mittee, but subscriptions which he knew I ad '" en made had not reached him and he was forced to forget what he knew and await cold figures, which will reach him in the morning. The E ? or Savings Hunk was the big ci a- r bul ir to t'a,' brokers' drive ye tord; 'i hr iugh li. !.. C. Roome the hank subscribed for $200,000 worth <>f the Victory issue. William II. Wheelock, president of tho Douglas i on, Charles S. Brown Company, subscribed for S10.000; Joseph P. Pay, ? t?te, $2,575, and Speyer ?t Co., bankers, $3,500. The hank"!:;' subscrip? tion was based on the assessed value of their building. They are tho first (o bo permitted to fly tho banner, in? dicating that they have subscribed one-half of 1 por cant of the assessed value of their property to the govern? ment bond issue. Employes of the Hudson and Man? hattan Company, bettor known as the McAdoo Company, which operates the terminal buildings in Church Street and the tube to New Jersey, subscribed $2,0 10, Mr. Marling said flint the drive is behind tho record for the first, five days "f the previous bond campaign of the real estate division, but ho has no fear that the brokers will not equal their work of last fall. Mr. Marling Baid thai ho has knowledge of sal?? as which, -when turned in to headquarters, will reduce greatly tho margin of difference in the total be tween the Liberty drive and Victory drive, which yesterday Was $850,000. Recorded Mortgages Downtown Kl IIS fl ' <? - 1 '? ! ,. I, " .*-*.-..n St, l Louis 1 ? . | ? ? ? . | . . ' " ?' ?' ' loi i fa,son i ? ? i . ? , , ? ? , ? a,,. I 1, I I . . i . , ' .. ?, I . RI,,, Mklv'] * ? ?? ? ? lilvi?utoi r, ai ! 1' .,...,..., ....,, ...... ... . .... i : ! ?, -, ?i, i i , i , . i-| 148-44 .--'.- i I l, III .I II I! ' .I tH ' l? 1-1,1 . ' " -' rr'Si Bti i i , -...... i.e. .i ; (,1)11*1 i ,-i :*i,l? ii i n ? ' ' ,..?.?,.,? lain ... a, ; . , i : ?. a . ,, . , ? i |,i.-r ?'?.'lit , ii Cools & Hell 1*0 V I fil 60TII , i n h U? , 3(1 . " M; i I '. . a Mai ? ? . , ' ' . rlu i ... 102*1 i ? ' ' I r a.'?a I . Ftl |, | 111 W?l?ll & Cl K (,& til hi .$1.000 61ST ST, 241 H, n I . . It! ' to ? . .,- Ii ... dm and Im as per I.,1 . f 1 2,')'", 356 1 ? - ' '? iiT?'?-, i? m . . , r ] ill Co to Lav Tii ,? t Ci 160 Bway ; 3 yra ; t. ' ? ; er . : ? : 1,000 West Side , TM A' : " '? t, 92> a a t . :.'?- Cl i 1 ?ongln tto to ,\. ' Aril 17. Front st, llemp .-..,. : :. i ? L J-r, 6 per utt} I. K?! v Herrn nn, : I Exchange pi, Jersey City ? . 7th a*. ' i\ 'T 6x Irres; ? to Chas rs. 6 per .... 1. uland & KopfY, l'J Libert: it $2,000 . .., : ? ? u 8 100x08.9; p m unth a'i UreWB Co, ? i ?.;.:?- I . 1 :-'?'. ? ', " ' ,-: ]'. 10 Wall '.I , " ,38.20x1 I to I i .I st 3 viH. 6*,i per 1 O ??? T Co, : 76 B'w ??. $24,000 t, s s, lS-x 100 - . April - . m th ' ' ' to Meyer 2 yrs, 6 per cent . , . ,. ? ? - ? atty, Leonard Bron - .$1,000 ?c99.ll: ?> ni : ," i to Pocomo , rpn, CS 111 ' ! ' . due M ly 1, : : n per i ttj-, D I Iregorj , ' * ..... 18,500 G 6.8x99.11 Harry Aroi m to N Y ' ? ' ' :: . . due ,M.-iy :..,;?" ' . $28,01 0 Bronx HO' h**i '?' RLL V\ 13, w B, 25x140.3 i P Caftrey, '. : . : t, B ? ...?"". -r m. p : ,,..', .-.?' . $1,400 ' ?a,', V 20x100; i as Arder! U N*i wl on, Mass; Apr I u A a. ? 1921 ; ?? p ' . atty, T C* .?'",. : ? ? , ?0; llnrrj IVholAn, ', ' '!?'.. lue a , ? 10 U ti i att* ?J 1' llalli ? El* |.!,7 ,711.6 '.'-' (Ti Edith Kahn ' Un lay ; pr a.'.-. $ . ? pei bond ; utt} J II Zlnsr.r, 217 Hro 1. 'Til . . . '-...... p mtfte $ 12, G0O; Apr ' ? Int i i?? :??" '.. Bill H . * ,..'., ' . a. - , i 24.11x100; ? ? ... | V liomn a ' A II Man '_] thy, 145 7 1! -/ay .$750 HI M I'l ?.4; Milton I Ke! : . ,. : . :,. , . ..? T ? ',.. 160 I'.-.--? if .... . '.I .I ' I ,.,!,.,, : ? . ?'.' ... vi i; , du? "i 24, : ?: ? i. ? . .," 'Hi , ? ? ? ? m ? . 1 : i '. ?. i i ' II. , , ? .. E .? ',',!,-,'.? . !,:.-,'? , I i< ?. 1 72 i" a I, , i , ' ITi'/l-rlch W l. ." h i" !" 11V ' pi I u ? , ' si.: 000 MA PIC ?-i? r 1771h ?t, loo ii ? . Undo Kl ? . " ?, A ,'. ?I III. ?''? |. ?I I MrrliunicH' ?.h'iis Manhattan (?;i it, i 16 arid 14?, Mulb? ri y it,,,,' n* ''? I,", ,,-? Emily i Smith own? i , AI 1,. , ? 1 . ' ' . ... -.!?..!... , . ., ! I '? :. 80T11 HT, 104 nn?I 106 VV ; Wolf Wi Im lUb ?, *. i,! , i. i m Ko i h hunt, uwn/r i Mimtn I' a. ?',?', ai lui ... .?7', 107TH ST, 312 VV . LoulM I. ' Inldbaum _ii? ??!' Wm f! I.i ' ? ner; Mary E i i nl ?., ?"i ? i ' i" ?-.-. ..ii .} i ?;,, r? ?li -*. THE ? T, i 12 t" i i'.. M I. [lohman a?l v. (?if Nadl? ?, ,'??? m r; (re ' IS 51.26 ,?,.. ,',-, IGU v. i . . ?anii, i r? ? ' ?I ,' l .i i. i -1*' i-; ?. ' ?'? ? .?' - .'.?' i ,, a. .'... I) .......... , ? : Satisfied Med?anles1 Ucns Manhattan ill HT, t :' W .Mini a it liai-i , a. , ., ugl a in? Nli hoi? ' ' ? i i " ? II . 1, , . ? Trade Claims Fine Home in West 58th Street Dwelling Rented by Mrs. Clews; Another Art Concern Joins Fifth Avenue Colony Albert B. Ashforth, Inc., has leased for Mrs. Bessie Bradley Clews and Mrs. Natalia C. Peabody the dwelling at 47 West Fifty-eighth Street for a term of years to Lucius J. and Lillian Ii. Mason; .pace at 1457 Broadway to Geographia, Limited, of London; the "tore at 741 Fifth Avenue to the Man? hattan Doll Company; space at 366 Fith Avenue to Joseph E. Bair, Inc.; spac at 105 West Fortieth Street to Abraham Balinky; space at tin? south? west corner of Fifth Avenue and Fifty third Street, to the Dominion Motor Transportation Company, M. Telca & Co., Henry H. Maxey, Simon Rutnick, Alex? andere.Dickens,Mrs, Elizabeth T. Walk? er and Aneitn Fandreaux, Robinson Ser? vice Corporation, Levon S. Shont, Lucy Fletcher Brown, F. dc Spiridon; spare ' at 220 Broadway to George Rosenberg, I.ust & Co.; space at 50 Broad Street tu the Downtown Commercial Service; the fourth loft at 85 Fifth Avenue to Horn, Schulern & Friedman. The store at 1958 t- venl h Avanue to Jo "-;: Benenson & Co. The dwelling at 15 St. Nicholas Placa to Mrs. Margaret Scott. The store at 8 East Thirtieth Street ' i the E ectro Magnet Company; the garage at 124 Fast Nineteenth ; Street to Mrs. Mary Jones; the build ! ing at 50 Fulton Street to H. J. Schmidt ? Co., ar?l building at 61 Fuit* n Street to the Benson Dry Plate & ''amera ('on-, pan y. Douglas L. Elliman & Co, have leased ; for Eliza W. White to Farargill. Inc., dealer in paintings and arl objeel ti e first floor ?ft 607 Fifth Avenue. Stephen IF. Tyng, Jr., ??? Co. have leased al 381 Fourth Avenue .pace to Beauty Hosiery Company ami Lehigh Valley Silk Mills; al 31 Union Square, offices to ti;?- Deck & Fischer St idios, ? Cecil F. Beatie, I). W. Mitchell, Nordisk Export and Import Company, Reading Waist and Dress Company and Noah Kasen; at 41 Union Square, offices to the Garland Company, David Hammer, T. H. Lamprecht, Messrs. Gray, Green & Wilkes, Nathan Siespser. Hartwell Ii. Grubbs,' the Anchor Rubber Com? pany, M. E. Ravage, Pennsylvania Oil Company, \V. F. Prior Company and Gardner MofFat Company; at 50 I'niou Square, offices to Martin Feybusch, Manford Lowell Elsemore, and Louis Blum ?v Son; al 18 Fast Sev ? nteenth SI reet, the fifth floor to Charles Weinberg, in conjunction with Rowantreo-Schley Company; at 815 Fourth Avenue, space to A. II, Peyser; the entire third floor at, ,'JO Fast Twen ? ?, fin ' SI reel to A. Scott ( lompanj. .'it'll space al 1183 Broadway to Sun Corporation. Spear <% Co. have leased a !"r> a* lit* prii t to 1 ih & Oordohj a lof. al 50 Bond Street to Annie nnd Mor?-I. Hunger; two lofts al 136 40 La - Itreet to Louis Sharfai-m lof! ni ?' ! 100 Fifth A ? ?chirp. ft Hlfsehi a ftoot a? 1?8 Bleeekei HI reel ! " Sfttn I'" ihkoff | 11 ., , ' nl ; : ' m. Squai ?? to Sid/ . I .'?'"'!' , two '???"'fis a! --??m" ftddfesS to 'oilfi "?!'? I'tiii; irt? S??f? <""! bas.! "' '??' : it. ..?.i-- ,,-i.,i i ,.-,.,,..?, ,,, ,??. ' - , '"l'I n il.,,,, ?I | ! ",', .* i ? ,,,i?. ?), ',. ? ' i .,',,',, n, ..n,. , ? ?i he [i m? ? ? i ?-,, i-" hu ? !=-.?" 't (lie ..i,,,? i,i ' n ?? ,... ; .,,,,,,., nii, I ?' ' 1 (Il * i,,-, !? ? ! . M , I,., ? I, ,,,, ? ri,-, ....,- .,,,?>.. . i,,,, ?,,,) |,?,.,. i," fit RI I. ? ' '. ? 81 l ,ri. ,,i|, 'i.-, ; t . i., ? ?,..,, hs. t' ?'???'l r',,, i !i| "lu ?i ,:,'!,, , -taie tO Vin ? il !.. tha building ?i. ::ol blast Eighty-fifth ;:t, ,-,?' * harles F. Noyes Company has lea ad the eleventl floor in the Cale? donian Insurance Building, at B0 and 52 Pine Rti <,'. to Clinton F. Roe ai d Alfred W. Varian, attorneys, for a long term; the tenth floor at 26 ami 28 Beaver Street to the Universal Trans? portation Company; large offices at 69 Wall Street t?, William F. Thur? mond; offices at 170 Broadway to Herman Kohlbusch, ir., and space at 102 and 101 Fulton Street to John II. ' rock?.'it. Krcor.led Transfers Downtown JAMES ST, 9S-100, e ., 60 n Cherry et, ? ? . . Jos Rovegn . & .loa C Vial, ttl to the Rovegno St Vlalottl Realty Co 1S8 v. Hou Hon si ; mtgo $25,000 ; ail Ile April 24. atty, Cha . Z ri, irlnl, 316 . $1 MT'LBBRRY ST, 142-4-1, e .-?. : .100; Mary E i' ,: ton to ? ?has Salon ? ne, ,' t ;.., Bow? ery, t al; April 25; atty, M F Johnson, 11 1 Broadway . itoo ". ' !" 12. s s, 12. .1 ? Jeff <? rao n st, 25.7x127.7; Frieda Turnt to Louis Han Is. ., Eldrl Ik? b! : : .'._?-. . : April 24 . atty, T O & T ( to, 176 Bi ui way .$ i BRi 'AT'WAY, 191-93, w s, 17.4 n ! :??. runs w T'y n Ifl.4x w '_."? . s . 5 to n a Broonie Ht ill.) x w 25 2x n 50x a 125..1 t Broadway \ -, 12.S to beg; Hi, rry Aronson to Hy R C ' Brandon, V't; mtgo $120,000; April 24; i al ' .-, La*, yera T ?Ss T ?' . 160 Br id way . ? : ' SPRING ST. _;n. s .. 25x100; Jos Rovegno and Jos C Vial ittl to \ lalottl Realty Co, 1 -, -t W Houston s? : mtge $19, ns; April . ; ; atty, ' . ? ? /., i u irlnl, 3 16 Bro i I way.$1 WEST ST, 117-18, n " -? I', rry st, 50x72x ..'. . ". 7 (for? cloBun . _prll 1919); \ I ! .'.? : in, i ? '. ' ? V\ i. . l : '? i.'ii m , Apr:: 25; itl Hai B & B, 69 Wall si ' BLRBCK BR ST, 3.2-84, i v - Pei ' st . ? . 12.6x70 ; Jo ? Rovi ;no and ' ilnttl to tho R ? ?: n i S ' la ttl i; nil Co, IS8 W ii' uston at i I ??? ?.i.,i ', all llena; April ;: i. atty, Chas _ .i baril I, 3 IB Hi ladway .it Fast Sirle 61ST ST. .47 E, n a, 23x100.5; Emil M?l? ler to M i.-.- .r- ? (his wlf i. 229 !?; 1261 i ??? : i .?.;?? i ; . - Apr .$ino 78TH ST. 24 It. a ??. 76.8x15 ? Irreg; Ad?. ? - .??'!?;?:. t" I R & B .1 24 6th .iv. m tli" 120,000; Mar I x v t St .\r Co, :., Mi"?'!'.?'.?,-.. i_i ooo 124TH KT, 356 H, s ^. 96x1 _.6x lrr< g; Cath M Haley (Fagan), extrx, to Lawmor Co, 42 tlroadwa: nil liens; a pr 24; atty, Lawyers T & 'J' Co, 160 Broad . i ; 10 1...TI! ST, n B, 25x99.11; Leo F Sturm to :?? Mr,uni. 1 107 South st, Far Ro? , B of ?..; all liens; Apr 4; t. i' I av, .1100 West Side g] ? BT, 1 _,' 9 W, n <? 4.x I no ; Thoi ? Av Ki alt. i to to /. T I'len ., 104 VV 891 li ? ?? -, ,? Apr 14 -'" v. T O Sr T Co, 1 .6 1'.,,.?,.I .- ..-. .... $1 S.\ MB I'R* '!'. Coui til?' !'? ? ?? ; ' ' ? ? ' :,. ",, :;,??, lilil?" ; i J .00 , Apl 24 ?'?.. 5H n s. 111.9 n MacApus ? ' , /..,. I, ,: .' T I , , i. ,,i mgtfl $61 000 '.,i " I I ' I , T Co, 17(1 J_ ?.?',??,' M.250 ? i; ['HOP; ' ,.'?'? ??! ?I. " < <". Se trust?.o i - i ....? ? nip Id to Bum? . ! , pa ? ? . ? on whole; Mar 2?? atty, H i . n IT, I '?''. - B, M rnl I Reall , - , | ,, ?,, li , r l ' I H 10th a : ,,,?,;,. t . .' Vpl ?'" if 1 ? ?ton 7'1'H A V, n w ? It Uli m, 100 11x100 , ? i, -, ? : i ' . : 'i.i, i ' , Realty . Hi id ' ? , mtifi ?', , 1,000; all . pi .,,! ly.-i, M /r ti Moyors, I IM ?lili ; I IC'HOLAH '- . ' ' . w M, ll.l.l 1 n I i lili 1x611 1x27x86 K; Humui I Coi i?ri-l to k.,m?, K Spiegel, M. __ 12th it, I Im, mi it?- ?19,760; nil lions, Fub 21, lfi|i(; atty, .1 H Frl"?liiiiiii, ~77 Ilruurl w? v, ? IM. BT NMCHOLAfl AV, w ?. (9.2 n llith st, , (8.1 .'."?. ? 106 '., Margaret ?.,., ham i,, Mi, -ini.-i .?.'im. 138 i,?< Ington .? ? Hriii.i.wi'i., N .1 ; mtii" ?16,600; atty, T ?, ,.. T ? ". t 76 broadwaj ?100 i i ', i n . i 124 30 W, ? i, runs s i _?? i t n ; .? n 100.11 to ,i,i.: Han H * Charlott? '?' Kollj '" Hnrrlfl V\ Holly, :4J W i i * a ..i ?j pal i ml 11 - - ?"" . b a'- s . at atty, l'r..nU \V llubby Jr, 26 Llbi rty I I., ? l ! I . i n . ,' , ?a .un? u v, 26x2 lit. Ivl .. \?. !.? ie h i , An in-' !i!'. W Ifo 60S U i i2d i.i mi ii-iii?, April 25: atty, !?: s , ? in,, h. 41 l'?, U ROW ... II I ::;il, ST, I I VV, n s 26x99.11 Po* omo Real!. Coi pn to Vli w Run Ity Co, ; i K ?? i ? i ell II, ns; ?Vprtl - ' atty, ? 1> ; '.. 68 m.I m . .lino j 1 I?? rii ! T, 618 W. ?? ??. I 6x99 t ! Bug nl.? i i ich lo I'... ?. i'.,," u. w 14 Large Flatbusli Flat Bondit bv investor Hou?e Disposed Of in Sterling Place; Buyers for Dwellings in All Sections Charles Partridge has sold for L. R* Shollenberger to an investor the ; Delphian, a four story apartment on St? rung Place. The Realty Trust has 'old for the Aleo Building Company the one-family semi-detached dwelling at 2027 Sixty third Street, Mapleton Park, to Anna Hast. The Clinton Trading Corporation has sold to Elvira Berglund tho two-family dwelling at -.122 Boverley Read on a plot 20x76. Charles C Stolle has sold for the Brooklvn Trust Company, as trustees for the estate of Mary W. Carey, 138 Lafayette Avenue, to Mrs. Nelson G. Ross; 392 Douglass Street to Bridget M. Woolsey, 10 i Douglass Street I Ed ward Schneider, and 102a Douglass Street to Richard Serbe, K. C. Sauter has sold the two story and basement brown stone dwelling at 331 Eighth Street for Charlotte and Ciaudo Oldenbaum to Andrew Tedtsen. William P. Jones has sold for Sam? uel I>. Dugan eight lots on the south side of Bay Ridge Avenue, 100 feet west of Twenty-first Avenue. mt tn.f'^n: April 7; attv. I-Mv- E Iscu, 616 W 140th St.*. .. ..?100 EDGEPOMBE VV, 199, w 8. 358 I " 146th Mt. 1 5x100 -i Snlderman to tho Tnl Torah i ? - ? sos lurai I. 246 V* ml $S r, i; i '," 9, 1918; atty, J S !' li ii -i, . ; Bwa . ... ('< IN* VE NT A V, ?( I, a o c 14 Ith st 1 oo ; Norman ft B Corpn lo Mn.le>: Realty ' :orp, 170 Bw iy; b ?fc s; c a. g: all liens; ,-.: iv, \ B Na - ? i - ?? . I Bwsy.f 1 149TI1 sa', 652-58 W. s B, 66 *?x ? ' 11 Henry r. ' ' Wal son i.? !' irry Ar"' av; all liens; April 24; atty. N V T ft M ' o. 136 Bway. $1 179TII ST, n B, .'?' w Northei n av, : Thorn & ii.-r, li y to Cortland flat Co : 0 rali av; all lions: April 15; atty, Arnold Llchtlg, Ml Bway . .$1 AMST AV, 2533-39. s e c 186th st, 86 tOx lOOx Irreg; Rose Kallman to Harry ?va 11 - man, ??;i 7 Amst av; nil liens; Sept l". I m 8 : atty, Loo Sohafran, 61 Chamber? Bt.$100 Bronx DALY A V, 1970 " s, 25-ciO; Charl P Hallock to Ilarrj Whelan, 480 South Broadway, Yotil ers, N V. April 10 ntty, i P II 190 East 1801 ?' ' MARIN!"'.' \". a- ?'. 1''?'? i '."?'": St, IOxH6x . Wheeli r i" . mtge 19,600; April 24; atty, II M Fertig .... 11 ELM PL, 2478, ?? 9, 25x77; RI hni ' to M ' m, 244 il av A ally Law* irs '.:'!" i & T ( 160 Bway. f ! ''I M- a v s s 206 e l A ndre v Hally to Ms tall? l In ??r. Valton av; mtge, 15,600 Vprll I; atty " '?!'? ''a " mty & T ' ' ?. i '. 3 " ? ?1 00 'T.AY AV, [738, " a 24 llxtio fl ".' I h un is ' ? Jennie !'? ai n an ' I ... .,., . I .,.,.???.? ; '? : , .... 140TJ-1 ST l ' ' ' ': *v 100 Ti I ". ? ' I ? ill F ?'?" ' 19th ?'. * ''. ' - '.' ?" " ' TI! i no u ????t. ? ? 600 MORRIS -, . ' - i v s, 17.10.19 ' /.'?a I , a In ' !???? '.li 073 ' ' ' . llif gn * | io .*. i" n I '.-? ?* >?? ?.-, . i.. .- . ' I? ? |, , '. .. . ? ,.,". I .. , '..;.. ? , | i . . |. .... . , ., 1 ? ? r , ? '{'- ,.? ,..,.. . - ,..,i 'i ' . , .. I ' . ; ? , ,.- *,'", H", i li a . ; i . . a, .-,.?, .., , I., I.-..,... I ? , Ifjill :,. ill ' 'I ,.?,-' SI '.?.', r. , .!? I,* oil . II,.. ? : ?? i- -,,. / {il ml I " I ..'..,,. 1 1 ' ' : ?. i .i-!,.,.,?,-",.., : ,.,i,,,.,,, | ? [Il a : i.i. ?..,.,, .-. i - ?? ? i*...... f i?'i I?- ?!< i* i ?i. i . |8.a*(0?i .- i.,, . a . , 111 ' i. ?? I . i 060 II' : i mi m M,"ort April ?M; atty nu. .- i ' . i ;??. n '?? . , il :i, 50k 100 Harv? y t ! Prina i ' .a il. ally ? '?.. i il.?? i*a..m .-' ,,. , 140,625 Man ft J8; atty, Prl I I'?' ., y il SOI i '1 ERN BOULEVARD i ' 'rotonii R' t y Co tu Phi I? Ros? n. 1631 So Bouli ?, a rd Aira atty, W M Wechsler 30 EJasI I a Bt $100 BRAi :KBN ST, ,? b, 275 n Ran lall a 100; Rose Kehoe to Nicholas .1 W, 1 ! ! Aberdi m ??' Roi h ister, .' V: '? if'i- atty, Nicholas J Wel Igi n, 911 Wll 1er Bldgr, Rochester, N i' .Si BRACKEN st same prop; Nicholas J Wel Ig? n to Si '? lus Church, Auburn, N V : Ai ril 24; atty, samo.?1 BAINBRtDGE AV, e -. 172.10 n Fordl ixSO Fieri a ?a ilty Co to I Holding Corpn, 217 Bway; mtg atty, Title Guar ,--? T i ' ?. 170 Bway. $100 SAME PROF: Barclay Hold Corpn to l'r-'lk W Loreh, 2692 Crest?n av; mtge lus.000; April 12; atty sam ?.s: i SOUTHERN BOULEVARD, 659, 50x115 Schoen Leasing Co to Kate Cosbj Atlantic .?? !? ar Rockawa* . N V ; Octo? ber .: ?. 1918; uxiy. ?ltl i Guar S T ? o : "6 Bway . ^1 SAME PROP; Kate Cost to Mona Realty Corpn, 631 Nostrand av, Bklyn: mtge $41,800; April 7: atty, Bame. ..... . ,$100 SAME PROP; E I See Realty Co to same mtge, $41.800; April 22; atty, same ,$100 190TII ST. n s. 76 ' w I nlver lity av : 100; Ban lay Holding Coi ; a to E lith Kahn ' : Wi ?I ' : a st; mtge, S Aprll 3; atty, Samuel L Kahn, IT4.1 Mail li-an av. ?loo 159TH ST, 133 E, 16x60; Hy I. VI, Guiseppe M Mangone 133 e 159th st; April 24; atty. Title Guar & T Co, 171 Bway . -s? HONEYWELL AV, 2013, , '; "j'o'hn PC Lffrey to Rubin Man u i, 691 !-; ! -.:a st ; mtge $4,000 A) ril : ? . att Guar & T Co, 176 Bway. 5;."' VYSE AV, 1211, 20xl0i . V. ? D . Chas Ar - ri, 1564 Bryan! $5,200 April 17; atty, Title Guar <*. f Co, 176 Bway . m M?'Ullis AV, 12 158.2: Mel -h, Inc, to Peai Co, 3 B ith at; mtge $94,800; April 1; A ?.'-c .1 ? BI .- .,, ' Na8sa a s-. i I 00 LIND AV, 1263, 25x155.4x25.6xl? Chi .: ?an Kurtz Lo John !** Schrade ! .".?: Sha .'?:?.!? av: April : ;, - tge ' . atty, Title G & T Co, : 76 Bway . . MOTH ST, s s, 0 1 ' .; a St Ann's a*. l" ', Barnel t W? Inberg t i [da Baxter 871 (nti rv i ? a tge $23.0 0; April : i . atty, H VV Fried, 200 Bwaj $100 GRAND BOULD AND CONCOURSE nor 174th Bt, 69x'i6.4; J i H : ' ' liaa II. Topping, i '?'.' 83 i ai . Api ! Ltl a M I St John, 27 Cod !'' IV, ELL A\ . a w cor ( I ;,-,'?-.- : is M O'Keef? to Millie Watklns, 120 Washington st, Ml Vernon, N V , -. ! ano; A : i . M I 81 John, .7 Cedu r I 174TH ST, n ?? c t Walton av, I Jos H Hayes, : ' Harbor, N V, and an, . A p al v. M I st .1 ihn, 27 C?dai st R?M-or?l-p?l Leases Manhattan BRi 'A DWAY, '? '?' 951 it. pari si ?I i l'i'"'ll" ? ?; air? t.. 95th HI and Bway Corpn to Trio i . i Co, 2409 liw? , from ? . p? u? l renl il of i | ;i 13-7 10, h and b I ' a,-: ,1-, Iloffl , , ' ' ram ? ' , . t ? -, 1,1 ? 1 1,6 ' ' l-il a Edw Qulttni , - . Aaron i I-,.--. ?? i 6 E 49th si , '?: vim from :, 1319, '?? y > renewal; atty, (loldfarl i Bwa; . 14,69*1 4-j/ < HT, 207 l?. a n. th?? land: Win W A'< tor i,, Valentine A Schutz, exr Wm il. nkel ?nd Mary Tlol lens 139 ??! ,.. Daniel Jo from May 1, 1919; addroa?, v a H? ? ? r, i? n - t -l-l! ING "-'i . 270 ail H " R i ??gno ? Henil ? ? ti ? . ' ?/ich . Realty Co, 188 V\ H Hu ? i, 1919; atty, C Zerbarlnl, ?46 Bway .. .12,800 .1 a, m EH . r, 9S !?", i.ii, la,., gno .-: \ i ? Realty C" to Gi . Co, 188 W Houston ?t; 6 j r? from , May 1, 1919; atty, C Zerbarlnl 16 Bwa> . 112,750 ; l| ? No t I " lk >'? U, Morris Bliiger, 1233 Madiaon ,, v. i : : c. from Juno I. 1919; atty. I,,,,ii.? Si adron . $3,100 BLHBCKISK BT, 882 st. Perry ?t, 94 the Rovogno .*;? viuiutti Really ?'.i lo dreenwlch Village Realty Co, l*s W n a..".n h'; 0 yra from May i. ? has Zerbarlm, S16 Bway . ,$7,000 7TI1 AV, n w ???r I2d ni. ihr-?* ?tores on ,, ., 3?.8X14X Irr?-g _2?: orhls Mundl i.. ,:?. Corpn t?, united Clgur Stores Co n -,'. l*ili ?r ; IE yrs from Ma> I, 1924: atty, L M Stroock, u W ittd st $20,. ;?] u A.V, n w -'" 42(1 ni. ! M'.r.**i i a . , : ?. u. eg ?? a' Hammel iteln S : . , i r*o lo i n ;i ??*! ' Mgi i HI "i ???< ? '" ' v i , lea, Il v? lith at: ra from May I i'?i>. atty, I. M Btroock, 4i *.v 18th .?' $20,000 Uli >A DW AY, 2&41 .. i. - . a 96th al . [?adore Levj to United Cigar Store? Co 0f America, 44 W 18th nl 12 11-1 A pri I 1919 ally, i M *-.-k 14 W 18th al ? ? H. 3 '"" ' Industrial Work In Metropolitan Area Under Way Contract!. Have Bern Award? ed for Factory Projects in in Queens and Westches ter; I . S. a Big Builder Work has started and sub-con? tracts have been awarded for the con? crete factory at Maapeth mid Grand avenues by the Liquid Carbonic Com? pany, from plans by Joseph J. Novey, of Chicago. The George A. Just Com? pany, of Long rsland City, ' as : ie gen? eral contract, while the William Ken? ne dy i ruction * lompany ???- ill look after the masonry work. Will Huild New Rochelle Factor) Kane Hi & P in of N* sv R icholle, with a bid ? general contract, ing ?tid electric worl building to I??- erected in New Rochelle by Maurice Levy from plans by Salva tor Calafal ti, also of N* w Ro The structure wil be 1 '. on a plot lOOxlu Oand of concrete. New Church for Ridgewood The First Presbyterian Church, of Ridgewood, N. J., is to build a pari h h?ju>?. estimated for ?\ hich n . in May G. It will bo two and itories, of on a p The bidder i up I , April 24 arc Robert S. Pollock, "... . Fitz Randolpl . [m . H J. Smith & Son, Brooklyn; R. S. " . ["uxedo, N. V.: William A. Platt, If. J. I and < ;, T. < T'? r. the las' : Ridgewood, X. J., and the Wills hoff Company. Tho lasl named con cern desires sub-bida on all linea at once. 8100,000 Brooklyn Contracts Sub-contracts have been awarded by the Julius Kayser Company for its boiler house, to I.I in Carlton Avenue, Brooklyn, at a cost of $100, 000, from plans by William Higginson. The Caye ' t he general contrae!. The t racl i, ac tording to Rrown's ' [ne. t Building Reporl -, 140 West For! v ? award? ed to tii" Hudso for ' he shoring. I Bogert Carlough, i il rson, N. J.; the steel woi - . I ' ? ? Foundry Com puny, a nd t;- > -, work, to W. C. Van JF ; _ Buyers for YorkvHle Plats The Ls has Bold the fivi i it. oh a ...' ' ' ? .,' I :. ,,? i ' ' i . ? i l? ? !? .? i"y ??" I, .i : - ?? . 1.? i i'. t. : . . aim ? ' < '.? im ?.'. . ...i.?, . ;, i, i,,. ; . : , . ??: || i...,,,,. i.j,,.l ' . ?,_;?! PPJVI ! I ' ... .?- I '.. I .: -,, , : Nome More I in? I -!.?_? ? lis \\ e_.tche_.ter Sold Fish & Mai in have s :d for Walter Large I.? dge, situated be! ?.?. ei n Bi Manor and Milwood, to Mrs i arri Chapman Catt, of this city, The prop erty comprises seventeen acres, large residence and numei and '-vas held at -. 15,000. The same brokers have rented for I)r. John F. Moore a portion of his property '?':???'? off of Broad Pleasantville to John L. 1 lu lley, o ' this city. The prop* ! com? prises about ten acres, residence and outbuildings. ;:. C. Griffin nnd P. H. Collins have sold for Bertha L. Sedley her prop? erty, c on Pryer Point, i_,arcbmont, to Charles Ii. Si onebi.... I | i ? perty was held a Casino for State Police The Robert E. Far' has leased for pany to ' he ? '? ite Po? lice, the Geaney Farm, White Plaii >, term of years as headquarters for Troop K of I Physician Buys at Nassau Point Waller L. -I- hi of tho Nassau I r porl - ? ? acre . ? Peci ? ? to Ii,-. PI . p Hussa, Mrs. Margaret Brotz, Miss Faitl . Mr. Joseph Harris, N. Olds and M Buys Home in ?lushing ? h P. Arn ;ht the dwi Hing al teeni i Street, Flu by J. Albert Johntra. Suite for Charles Pratt Dougla - L. Elliman & Co leased an apartment at 125 ?. ty-second Si B rookln; i 149 A?, er.ue to Dr. N'oi man i :'i,-irf ment at 471 o J. P. Morgi :. [Park ment al Dr. David Bova Manhattan alterations . ' i, ' ? ? i i ? : ' . It'-e* 1.1.1/.A I; I tu ii II ' ? 7TII A. linn?., v B, ? , . .000 ' . I . Ill:? lAlJVt A v. I ? . ? Hoi Tim limn. .Iteration* [. E V A _. 11 ...... . ' -,, I ' ? ? ' ? ' ino-nty - ? ... . | ,1 . i- BI i i ., N '?' own - i 160TH HT. n ?. ?? ? " li?""-? ?? IJronx ? W?ii '. l'.'-.t- i av, i.i' Holden, 105 l'ai ... . .. ... ....'? -i ..?. ' . New Building Plans Manhattan f,TH A'. " W 0 t Ith ?I for ;i I *tv grand I,, - j J Vn ?land, h, hit? ? I hTll a\ i 010 for " ? ?l) ?. ? ?? '??'???? x-. a i-, : i. ?', i: -. i ? SUMMONS . ,y NKW YORK -DAISY CHAI v 4 ' in t : . i* r? '_ >r >? at. Dated Apr., JOHN VVII_I_IAM SMITH. Art rney for Plan <; t, y. ? ?r .? ? Of the ?? f Ne? :? .. Bee of t] <i New Y i ; the CM ^ Borough ,?f Manh ? ? JOHN' wa *? t 11, : ough . - v SI PREMK C )URT, \E'.\ ?;? ? voi ? k. I ? ? ? s ' ' r 1 ? ? < ' . . ; ?t rt ? ? . . ? ' ?* I ' ' ' ? i ?? i ', i ?. < I ? H i ? BURKOGA11 ?? Til B PI ' and i ". ? ! I ' ami Fi ? ' - s? le ? 'i - ? a? ? ? (Sealj DA: ft . ? li > at of ihi , ? Bubscrl "" at j ? ? ?. - KK, lit?--: ^ cc? Dated, .evv , ? j?n* uai . . t r ' . ' rj ? r? ru s. r ? ' i . of an i i Halfiey, late ? f the to pre?' nt tli? . ?ubn< r. , i -, ? . No. *1 li, ?Man. City of Nt * m ?,r ly.ifore the sixth dny of Jui. , v Vork. tli? 89th ?lay ? ? .r IAN * i.i N.w Vork Citr ?? lloi ? ? < ? ? . ' - ? UK I V .... , PA'I TISIIS* H ,' , J< s r ' ? . RlVl'll: : ' ' 11; 1 ? 5TH AV, m mil, 100?{ n. i ? - w P Ellluon u, v. ' 'llie r.i.,-i '"?n ?'I - WHITE i't '? ' ?m A T ?? ' ' v 'lay I ? ?