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Ship IWtraets For 2,000,000 Tons Canceflec Chairman Hurley Announces? Stopping of Work on 1.000.000 Tons Since Signing of the Armistice Builders Not Surprised Shipping Board Chairman Indicates Peace Prices Will Be Insisted Upon) WASHINGTON, April 26, -Cancella? tion of contracts made during the war' 'or con- truct ion of two million tons j ?tec] ships was announced today by nping Board, which la prepaying i ' '?Mi? v .?rk m many t)?i oughout the country, Thin ? ?i..- total cancellations since the igitlng of the armistice t?> four nul .,? Ill III. h? ut M' tu??,,,, . motil InMIPil Dm the office of Chalrnm?. Hurles ren?e wat made lo the actual number oi centfacts ln\niioi ?.r to fard. nffeeted hy the uBtieell&Hoi. i n wa? ?...plained, howe.or. thai , don ?' tl?ls i "n? m ?mi-i m?! .-oine nu lurnri?? f ?> build* i's, as notice wa.' ( i-vi ?l on them months ago of the h ...r new policy, the chief feature i?h was the elimination of build us for all ship,i under 12,000 ?\ tl ? end or March about .100 ship?. or the board had been launched, but not delivered. These ships represented .?. tonnape of about 1,800,000. On the -aine date keels had been laid for some .00 ships, aggregating .'?.000.000 tons. shipping Board officiais said they were unable to give the actual number of contracts outstanding or later figures than of March 31. It was indicated, however, that yards like Hog Island, .Along .\ ith smaller plants on the Atlan? tic. Pacific and Gulf coasts, would lose some government business. Back to Peace Trices Chairman Hurley, of the Shipping Hoard, issued the following statement: "Since the signing of the armistice on November 11, 191S, tho Shipping Hoard has cancelled contracts for more than 2,000,000 tons of steel ships. "In ?iguring out the balancing of our fleet, we now find it necessary to can cel an additional ^,UOO,000 tons of steel ..hips. "In some of the old and established ? e are now paying from $195 to $"25 per ton for car?,'o steamships and oi; tanker--. !:i some of the new and inexperienced yards we are paying as high as $300 per ton for cargo ships. "As tieso aro war prices and as we feel that we should now be building only on peace prices, wc are now con sidering cancelling all contracts where keels actually have not been laid." ::-??? days after the armistice Chair? man Hurley announced that the board id b ?en making a complete resurvey oi it i construction programme and contracts. From that time on, he said, it was planned to build ships with ref? erence to suitability for special ser .nd with particular reference to more economical cost of operation. Iiuring the war, while there was a pressing demand for tonnage, contracts were placed without regard to cost, a condition which th? board agreed could not continue in peace time. Builder;. Knew Policy In view of the plans for a changed system of building, it was said that builders, and especially the smaller yards, knew month. a;.o whether they " ould be affected by government can? cellation, regarded then as uncertain. Kids for the purchase of 431 wooden ?earner hulls and thirty-one wooden barge hulls were asked to-day by the pping Board, a. part of its pro? gramme for disposing of surplus bot constructed during the war ? gency, " ! he building programme was so <_;i in proportions and so success? ful in accomplishment that with the udden ending of the war it was found more keels had been laid and ships completed than now will bo required v. .he o\ :.'?" : - - announcement. ;aid. Bids must be ill by May 26 and ;.c- I .?onipanied by certified Check for ten ; nor cent of the amount or' the bid. The hulls vary in the percentage of completion, ?viost of them are 3,500 tons, with a few -1,700 tons, and the barges are 2.000 tons. Defiant Victim Forced To Dodge Bandit's Aim Man Hurls Iron Pipe and Runs as Bullets Take Up Pursuit When a small man with a large re? volver entered the junk shop of Nathan Green, at t?l South Firth Street, Will iamsburg, yesterday afternoon and or? dered the proprietor to throw up his hands, liroen threw instead a piece, of iron pipe, and started for the back door. Two bullets passed him on the way and another burrowed through his coat and vest and sheared away a suspender button, but he got out into the street, v here he yelled for help. The gunman left by the front door, and headed for the Williamshuvg bridge. A little later Detective Boothby found a man answering the description of the rohhor strolling across the span and arrested him. ??reel, ?dent 11 ?oil him as his assailant, ami ho \vaa locked up in the Bedford Avenu,? police station, charged with felonious aasaull an?! al templed robbery. Me ?aid h? wae Will mm Riehli of 09 Caatleton Avenu.-, Pompkinsville, staten [gland If it hadn't been for our "reserves," we never would have been able to meet the returning soldiers' demand for fine dress clothes. Fortunately we had a good supply of yardage, so could make it up without waiting for the mills. Same fine quality we've always used. Highest type of tailoring. We "make to fit," not "to measure." Dress suits. Tuxedos. Price? About half a good tailor's. The best of everything men and boys wear. business ?a?, loan: Rogers Peet Company Broadway st 13th St. Broadway at Warren "Four Convenient Corners" Broadway at 34th St. Fifth Ave. at 41st St ,k?he beet values in trimmed millinery ever presented in CAmerica" Every hat in the collection is fully up to that standard which has created for Saks $5.95 Wonder Hats a nation-wide repu? tation for quality and style. The models take their inspiration from high-priced importations, and includc-*-* Bfi-U-li-Jll Bto-fi- trimmed ?Navy Blue Hat*. Taffeta Huf** in the new pante) color1*," Oorgette Crepe, Half- with touch-? of Straw, Dainty OBtrich-featber trimmed Hats. All Black flat's with Straw Crown? and Transparent Brim*. The style Pictured is of Taffeta, flower trimmed Mth Stffff IM ?^wt^jMmMm^mi P)t??nw?i ?t H?h Sttftt raOTjffiww; Broadway 9 at 34th Si. Store Hours: 9 a. m. to 5:30 p. m. * : ***" ?*-- -v- <1 Of Unusual Importance Today! Sale of Women's Higher Cost Tailleur Suits Reduced for the first time to $37.50 and $41 Tailored and demi-tailored suits, in straight line, cutaway, belted, and box coal styles the smartest created tor the present season. Iht? ?Materiell! I''iuc tpiality Poirel lu ill, trieotine, ffabtir diu(\ men's Meat' ser^y, pencil StripittgS, sil\ert??ue, ?-lurks, l.verds and rich silks, Kvery suit beautifully man-tailored and lined with plain or novelty silks. Sizes 3d to 50V?>. Fourth Floor Victory Buy them because you appreciate the sacrifices made by your brothers Overseas. JE??!/ them because you are an American heart and sou!. Buy them because you want to ftel that you at least did something to freu the world from the menace of the Hun. Buy your bond today. Quick action is essential it won the war! A Rare Opportunity! Sale of Women's Capes, Wraps and Coats at $25 and $29.50 These are the most beautiful capes and coats to be found in the City at anything near this low ligure. The styles are not only very charming, but also are truly representative of fashion's latest dictates. The capes are in distinctive waist? coat and circular effects, and the coats are cut along the much wanted straight lines, developed in fine serges, gabardine and velour de laine. Many styles beautifully lined throughout with silk. Fourth Floor. 29.50 avy Hair Switches Special $7.50 Fine, wavy switches of selected hair, mounted on three separate stems. To be had in all shades, including Grey. RARELY EQUALLED! Girls' Pongee Silk Frocks c^ 11.7 S 12.95 as pictured at left Special $11.75 Dainty, girlish Em? pire model, in natural pongee silk, elaborately hand-embroidered in pastel shades, and fin? ished with ribbon loops. Sizes 6 to 10 years. Dainty Taffeta Frocks for Girls at $12.95 A pretty surplice model of lustrous taffeta, with sash in back. Bodice and pockets are elaborately em? broidered in contrasting color wool. Sizes 12 to 16 years. Illustrated. Smart Capes for Girls Special at $12.75 An exclusive Saks model, with vestee front and yoke back, trimmed with rows of novelty but fcoiifli Carefully developed in excellent quality mivy bin'1 men's wear serge. Size.1.12 to 16 years. ..'/. (V f)cpt., Floor, 300 Women's Silk, Wool Jersey and Serge Dresses Formerly $25 to $35 Reduced to $18.50 These beautiful frocks are reduced because the size and color assortments are incomplete. Included are tastefully embroidered wool Jersey frocks in straight line models or tunic effects, smart braid trimmed serge frocks and very charming taffeta frocks with self or Georgette crepe sleeves. The colors are: Grey, tan, beige, navy blue, and black. Sizes 34 to 42. None can be sent C. O. D. or on Approval. Just arrived?A rare collection of Paris-Inspired Blouses ?so fresh anil chic yon must wee them to fully . ppreciate their many distinctive features Paris has created many exquisite blouses for Spring and Summer, but these seem to surpass any we have before assembled. ?Many show new fluted collars, others arc daringly collarless, and the new cuffs and novelty trimmings are simply wonderful in their clever application. Among those present: Stunning Georgette Crepe Blouses in no less than sixty distinct styles, in French blue, artillery red, orchid, Henna, dove grey, peach, jade, sunset, beige, and light blue. Modestly priced from $5 to $15 Exquisite French and Philippine Hand-Embroidered Blouses, trimmed with hand-made filet or Val. lace, hand embroidered or hand-drawn work. Exceptional at $4.50 to $10 Satin, Crepe de Chine, and demi-tailored Georgette Crepe Blouses, in beautiful high and low neck models with smart roll collar:-;. Very reasonably priced at $5 to $8.95 For Saturday Only? 1,000 New Blouses In Crepe de Chine and Georgette Cr?pe at $3.95 In smart Beaded. Hand-Embroidered, or Frilled models. Without competition at this low price. Third Floor. Exceptional Values! ? Tailormade Suits for Misses Special at $35 Suits so clever in their designing, and so skilfully tailored that only those who see can fully appreciate their superiority, There is a splendid assortment of sports, box coat and belted models, but worthy of especial note are the severely tailored suits in smart, man? nish effects. THE MATERIALS! Eine ?erget*. Importe?! twee?!*, wool Jersey, ?ilvertone, burr?, und elieck*. SlMi 14 U* IB year*. For Saturday Only? Misses' Capes and Wrap Coats Very Special $29.50 Youthful and very cleverly styled coats, wraps, and capes, with coatee fronts, shirred backs and draped collars. Also very charming sports models with or with? out belts, carefully pro? duced in Men*? wear serge, woo! Jer? sey and velo ?tur with button or braid trim? ming. Sizes 14 to 18 years. One style pictured. Misses' Serge Frocks Regularly $18.50 to $25 Reduced to $15 Broken assortments of some of our most successful models, ideally suited for wear with the new fur pieces. Not all sizes in each style, but your size is here in one of the many beautiful models included. Misses' Dept., Second Floor. Exceptional Value Boys' Pongee Suits Special 7.75 Special $7.75 A very smart sailor collar model with black regulation tie. Skilfully tailored in fine quality tan or white pongee. Sizes 3 to G years. Illustrated. Saturday?A Very Special Sale of Boys' Serviceable Suits at $12.75 With one or two pairs of knickers. Snappy waist seam and Norfolk styles, tailored for service in a wide range of serviceable mixtures. Sizes 8 to 18 vears. We have assembled the most complete collection of Women? FASHIONABLE SKIRT, for sports and street wear to be seen in the Greater City. Many of the styles are exclusive with Saks & Company, displaying a variety of new and clever style treatments. They are fashioned of Paulette, tricolette, faille silk, dew lust, Baronette satin, wash satin, fan-ta-si, embroidered Pilk faille, wool plaid*, serge, cotton gabardine. We repeat, the finest collection of Skirts anywhere assembled. Sizes 25 to 36. at $3.95 to $29.50 Fourth Floor,