Newspaper Page Text
Active Securities Summary of Stock Exchange Dealings (Copyright. 1919, New York Tribune Inc) Stocks Yesterday. Railroads . 116,900 Other ?locks . 1.241,900 All stocks . 1.358,800 Day before. 109,500 1,585,100 1,694,600 Year aen. 65,900 384,400 450.300 January 1 to date. 1919. 8,342,300 63,971,600 72,313,900 1918. 4,876,200 36,068,700 40,944,900 Yesterday. V. 3. Government.$11,135,000 Railroads . 1,199,000 Other bonds . 2.371,000 All bonds . 14,705,000 Bonds Day before. $8,331,000 1,059,000 2,898,000 12,338,000 Year ago. $5,048,000 489,000 554,000 6,051,000 January 1913. $736,334,000 72,676,000 247,166,000 1,056,176,000 1917. 7,074,800 56,940,900 64,015,700 1 to dat?. 1918. $245,294,000 53,078,000 110,456,000 408.828,000 Record of Stock and Bond Averages (Copyright, 1019, New York Tribune Inc) Yeater. day Railroads . 72.90 Industrials . 94.93 Stocks. 86.12 Railroads . 79.77 Industrials . 94.85 Utilities .83.86 Bonds . 86.62 Stocks Day before. 72.55 94.33 85.62 Year 111'o 67.85 79.33 75.04 Range Jan. 1 to date 1919. Range rull year 1918. Bonds 79.76 79.90 94.7? 91.01 83.9? 84.90 86.60 85.35 High. 73.10 94.93 86.12 82.80 95.33 87.75 87.88 Low. 63.70 79.20 75.32 79.48 93.72 83.72 86.53 High. 79.15 88.83 84.03 86.57 94.88 89.02 89.46 Low. 66.21 73.87 70.30 76.62 67.40 82.60 83.62 Yesterday's Transactions in Listed Stocks AH stocks quoted dollars a share. Annual dividend rate, also in dollar^ a share, is based on last regular payment. High and low prices of 1919 ar?f based only on transactions of 100 shares or more. High. 1910. 50 343?i 70} i 84' 10a 395 68' 68 90 86 6 95 92 64 64^ 44 50 95 4% 39' ? 9434 113% W/a 5534 97'/, 141/4 583?. 293 a 1163.4 50% 71! 2 yt'/a 55'j 78 4% 5534 783 g 107 109% 133 118 108% 215 106 6934 102 66 16 631/4 46% 75 86 96% 89 8 99 151 76!/8 9434 60% 56'/a 135% 1C3 1153,4 110 1% va 76% 65! 77% 553 267'a 24?4 24% 85% 166 11 72 50 7% 25% M}* 293/4 743,4 165 99 46% 34 82 441/4 192 63% '?% 27 413,4 74?? 98 133 263 4 67 80'. 4 70 24'8 38" g 75 44% 47% 303,4 47% 82'/2 74 63% 108 72% 32% 80 Low. Div. 1919. Rate. 29% ? 21 ? 56% 6 66 6 3'i, ? 30 ? 81% 7 99% g 62 8 42% ? Sales. 900 1400 500 93 13% ? 71% 7 38 ? 543.4 6 52= 44'8 ? 58 5 1 ? 61 ? 62% 4 103 7 68 8 111% 7 96% 10 9834 8 191% 20 100 6 45! 4 5 94% 7 27% ? 11 ? 56'2 4 17' 4 ? Adams Express .. Advance Rumely . Adv Rumely pr. Ajas Rubber .... Alaska (?old Mine Allis-Chalmcrs Co Allis-Chalmcrs pr Amer Agr Chem. Amer Beet SugJ American Can Co.... 15400 55 55% 54 543^4- 3 Am Car & Fdry Co. . 400 94'4 95% 94% 95%+ 1? 80 Americun Drugs _ 400 13 13 12% 12% Amer Cotton Oil- 6000 5534 57% 65'B 67%+ 2</ Am H & 1. 6100 2734 283,4 27% 28 + '/ Am II & L pr. 4000 II.334 116% 113% 116 + I? American Ice . 800 Amcr Ice pr. 500 63' 6b00 113% 11334 112 14100 81 82'/2 80! 69 49%-f 2% 69' -2 -i- 1! 3.60 Am Int Corp. 58100 American Linseed Amcr Loco . Amer Malt . Am Mit 1st pr ctf Mp Amer Smelting; .... Am Smelt pr. 3400 54! 9600 7('> 1100 25 200 55' 3000 71', 500 106 Am Stl Fdy. 31400 105 6400 130 7400 11C% 111% 103' 3700 104% 104% 1033 400 208% 208% 208 200 100% 1003,4 100' 700 60'8 66% 66 200 10C 100 100 6800 45 46 43' 100 13% 13% 133 8 183? 193, 18% 71 138 8'/? 70 50 5'/, 16'; 48' ; 203( 64'/, 1553, 91'.; 30'. 27 56' 31 103 633 4 7% 23% 341/a 65'. 2 93% 128 22' a 61! a 73% 64 17% 32% 60% 34% 39! 4 19% 45 65% 58 46 ? 102 7 52% ? 20% ? 68% 7 192% 172% 10 7 9% 14% 18 31 22 40% 64% 333,4 64% 164 3% ? 6% ? 10% ? 15% ? 24% ? 17% ? 33 7 38% ? 25% 2 47 4 _1144% 8 183% 118% 12 943/4 82% 10 66% 4 89% 7 31% 4 38% ? 7% ? 74 ?5% 45% 46% 10 60% 22% 783/4 62% 7% 24 40 10% 48 42% 3% 11% American Sugar. . . Amer Sumatra .... Amer Tel & Tel. . American Tobacco. . Am Tobacco pr new American Wool .... American Wool pr. Am Writ Paper pr. Amer Zinc & Lead; Anaconda . 4400 Asso Dry Goods. 400 A?so I>ry (ids 2d pr. 100 Asso Oil . 100 Atchison . 1000 Atchison pr . 410 Atlan, Birm & Atl.. 100 Ailantic Coast Line.. 100 Atlan (?ulf A W I. . Atl C.ulf & W I pr. Baldwin Locomo Co Baltimore & Ohio. . Bait & Ohio pr_ Barrett Co . Barrett Vo pr. Batopilas Mining . . Bethlehem Steel . . . Beth Steel, Class B. Brooklyn R T. Brooklyn R T ctfs. . Rooth Fisheries Co. Brown Shoe Co. ... Burns Bros . 100 Brunswick . 400 Buff & Susq. 35 Buff & Susq pr. 35 : Butte Cop & Zinc- 6C0 Butte & Sup Cop .. . 100 Calif racking . 1700 Calif Petroleum .... 600 Calif I'etr pr. 200 Canadian Pacific . . . 3100 Case, J I pr. 300 Certainteed Corp.... bOO Central Fdy pr .... 3400 Central Leather. 5200 Cerro De Pasco. . . . Chandler Motors . . Ches & Ohio. Chic (it West. Chic (it West pr. .. Chic M & St P ... Ch, M & St P pr . Chic & Nweat. Chic & N'wcst pr. . (hic, R I & Pac .. Ch, R I & P 6% pr. Ch, R I & P 794 pr C. C, C & St L pr.. Chile Copper . 2100 22' 3 Chino Con Copper... 1100 36% Cluett Peabody . 1700 72 Col Fuel & Iron. 1500 42 Col Cas & Elec. 1000 45' 2 Col & South. 400 28 Col & So 2d pr. 100 47% Con Can . 400 73 Con Insurance Co... 100 71% Corn Products . 13400 61% Corn Products pr.... 100 107 Crucible Steel . 10600 70% Cuba Cane Sugar... 9100 32% Cuba Cane Sug pr . . 2300 78% D, L & W . 5C0 179 I) & R G. 400 6% D & R G pr. 300 8 Dome Mine? . 600 13% Erie . 500 17% Erie 1st pr. ?03 28 Erie 2d pr. 1300 13% Fed M & S pr. 400 38% FUher Body . 200 59% Gaston William?- 2500 28% General Cigar . 19600 67 a (?en Electric Co. 200 160% General Motors . 4100 182 Gen Motors deb. 200 90% (ioodrich, B F. 4700 72% Gt Northern pr. 2300 93 Gt North Ore subs... 6300 42% Greene Can Copper.. 400 39% Gulf. Mob & North Ha?k & Bar Car Co. Internat'l AgricuL. Intl Agr pr. Inspir Copper . Intb Con Corp. Intb Con Cor pr. . 3O60O 145% 1 1600 74 10500 91% 700 47% 700 53' j 200 129%1_ 100 114% 114% 114% 114% 400 1% 1% 1% 1% 1C0 72% 72% 72% 72% 14600 73% 73% 71% 72'i 200 203.4 20% 2034 20% 100 20% 2034 203/4 2034 2C00 21 21% 20% 21% 6C0 8+ 85% 84 85% 46 % 30% 9400 40 100 143 400 61% 200 9 100 25 1400 38' 4 1400 63% 600 90 100 130 400 25 100 66 100 77' 2 100 66' , 2% 135% 110% 120% 923/4 42% 120% 54% 76% 323/, 48 91 23% ?29% 33% 199 72% 67% 37 168% 88 m 42 72 23% 197% 24% 4? 13% 11% 20% 30 6 Int Harv Co . 1500 131 6 Int Marine pr cash 21% ? Int Mer Marino.... 92% 6 Int Mer Marine pr 30% ? Intl Paper . 62 6 Inll Paper pr ?tpd.. 100 24% 2 Intl Nickel . 19600 28 ? Jewel Tea .? 2700 t" 7 Jewel Tea pr. 100 16% ? Kin City South. ... 3100 68 4 Kelly Spring . 4200 126 29% 2 Kennecutt Copper... 7100 32 89 120 Key?tone Tire . '.7100 96 62% 6 Larkawanna Steel . . 600 70 63% 5 Lehigh Valley . 2600 56 21 ~ Lee Rubber & Tire . 12600 33 147% 12. I.?rMard, Pierre. . . 70 7 Manhattan Elevated. 100 4 Manhattan Shirt 263/4 ? Mm will Motor .... 60% ~ Ma*?" M,ltor l,t pr 19!4 ? Mit?-??? r 2d pr 162% 8 Mexican Petroleum . 21% 2 Miami Con Copper . 40% 4 Mldvale Steel . 9% ? Minn it St J^>u new 4% ? Mo, Kan & Te? _ 8% ? Mo, Kan tk Tex pr . 32~*A ? MI?*ouri Parlflr . . 49% ? MUftouri Partite pr. . 53% 62 53 % 22% 20% 22% % 78% 75% 78% % 49% 49 49% 4 4 4 - % 13% 13 13 - 134 131 133 - '1100 118% 120''8 118% 120' 8 50200 41 42% 40% 41% % 411? 32600*10834 1103/4 108% 110% 4- 13^ 1103^ 110'% 3700 62% 5?% 61 51%? % 51% 52 76"! 26% 37% 84' ; 21% ? 26% 37% 84% 22% 127 32% 99% 70% 56% 37 152 74% 1 12 '4 ? 25' 4 30% 84% 21 % 125% 127 31% 32 93% 70 65' '/\ 33% 152 74 110 75: 25% 36%? 84%... 23% ;? 100 152 300 74 100O 112 _ 1000 41 41% za Vi 200 68 69 (,'J 200 31% 31% 31% 61400 176% 180% 173! 1/ri 96% j 70%? 55%+ 35% + 152 ? 74%-+ 110 ? 40 ?. 69 - 31%? 600 2800 2000 6400 300 6500 400 22% 45 11% 9% 16'% 27% 63 22' 46! 4 13% 9% 16 29 54'i 22% 44% 11% 8% 16% 27% 53 22%? 1'/ 44%? '/, 13% + 2 9% 16 ? 11/ 29 -t. t 64! i 1 75 25% 36% 84 23 126% 31% 96% 69% 65' '4 35% 150% 74% 4'J 68! * 31% 179% 22% 44% 13 ?'/a 16% 28% 54 75% 25% 36% 85 23' i 127% 32 97 71 66% 36 153 76 40% 70 32 179'. v, 22% 45 13% 9% 17 29 54% Low. Div. 1919. Bate. 69 5 Mont 29% 3 Power . National Acme . 7 National Biscuit .... 5 Nat'l Cloak & 8uit ? Nat'l Con & Cable 6 Nat'l Enam & Stpe 6 National Lead. 3200 7 National Lead pr... 17 ? N R R of Mex 2d pr 800 1% Nevada Con Copper 100 10 N Y Air Brake. 200 5 New York Central.. 2100 -- N Y Chi & St I_ 100 21 ? N Y Dock . 400 ? N Y, N H & H _ 1300 2 N Y, Ontaria & West 500 7 Norfolk & West . . . 5 North American 7 Northern Pacific . . . 2' 2 Nova Scotia Steel .. 4 Ohio Gas . 452C0 3 Owens Bottling: _ 200 Vz Oklu Prod . 4200 4 Pacific Coast . 100 . 1 Pacilic Mail . 600 ? Pac Tel & Tel . 100 5 Pan Am Pet . 28100 1300 1 ;'800 100 100 2600 100 62C0 Salea. Open. High. Low. 1000 70 70 70 70 ? 200 36' a 36' i? 36% 36', 2 200 123'% 123* a 1231/2 123/2+ 200 84'2 85 84', 2 85 + 1300 19% 19' '2 19'4 19'/4? 700 60'4 60!. 4 60 60</4+ 600 1043.4 105 400 55' 2 55! 800 93% 93' 1000 64^4 64" Pennsylvania R R P?re Marquette Pcre Marquette pf Pere Marq prior pr Philadelphia Co . . Piits, C C & St L Pierce Arrow .... Pierce Oil . 3500 Pittsburgh Coal Pond Creek Coal Pitts & West Ya Punta Alcgie . 1300 Pressed Steel Car Pull Pal Car Co 2000 507; 200 15 600 36 59 1600 743j 700 119 1700 86',: 1900 8 Railway Steel Spring 2 Ray Con Copper .... 4 Reading . 5500 6 Rep Iron & Steel. . . 8.44 Royal Dutch . 8.44 Royal Dutch NY . . ? Saxon Motors . ? St. Louis & San F. ? St Louis & San F pr ? Seaboard Air Line . . 8 Rears Roebuck '..... 7 Sears Roebuck pr . . ? Sinclair Oil . 61500 6 Sloss-ShcfT S & I . 6 Southern Pacific 20 So Porto Rico Sug ? Southern R R . . . 6 ?outhern R R pr . 4 Studebaker . 10100 5 St?tz Motors . 2100 20:4 20'. 4 20' 84 8512 83" 1400 81'/a 81' 8 SO! 8000 100% 100!4 109 29600 109'2 109?4 107: 300 7% 7% 7= 45100 211/2 24=4 20' 2100 31% 36'4 31 200 9 9 3 200 185% 185' 2 185' 100 120 120 120 69 60' 4 58' 700 52% 52% 52: 10900 107 10/% 106' 700 170 170 170 1000 28'j, 29'4 28' 200 68!2 68'2 68: Stromherg Carb . . Tenn, Copper Chem Texas & Pacific . . Texas Co . Tex & Par Land I'r 400 43! 3700 143 1700 44' 9300 224 110 395 Tob Product-, . 4400 367f 7'ob Products pr ... Toi, St L West ctfs. Toi, St L W stfs pr Transue & Will Steel Inderwood Type Co Union Pacific . 3400 131 Union Pacific pr . . . 1G0 73 73 73 I'nited Alloy Steel.. 600 45% 45'. i 45' 4 United Cigar Stores 2800 131% 132% 131% United Fruit. 2000 173 176 172; 2 100 100?? 2600 5 1300 11 100 45''; 100 165 131% 130'4 131 United United pr 600 14% 147a 14!/ 200 28% 20 28!. 1700 25 ?26'/2 25 500 62 62 62 21600 75',2 77% 75', 6200 152'4 15234 151'. 100 1071-2 107' -2 107! 3C0 42'2 43% 42 U S Rubber . 2C200 95'4 95'4 92' U H Rubber 1st pr. . 700 112' s 112's 112 Ry Invest Ry Invest U S Cast I P & F . U S Cast I P & F p U S Food Prod . . . U S Ind Alcohol . . U S Ind Alcohol pr U S Realty & Imp S Smelt & Rof S Smelt & Ref S Steel . S Steel pr _ pr 400 100 88900 U u ir U Utah Copper . Utah Sec Corp . Vn Carolina Chem. . Ya Carolina Chem pr Wabash . 1300 Wabash pr A . 700 Wabash pr B _.-. 200 Wells Fargo Ex _ 100 West Maryland _ 700 West Pacilic . 400 West Union Tel .... 700 Westinghouse Air B 103 , Westinghouse Mfg . . 7600 Wilson Co . 10100 97! 400 1 17' a 117' 8 116% 116% 100 112!2 112' 2 112'2 112' o 2% 1091-8 109' s 109' 8 Wilson Co pr . Wheel & L E . White Motors . Willys Overland ... Wis Central . Wool worth pr . Worth Pump & Mach Worth P & M pr A. Worth P & M pr B 200 100'2 300 9 200 59 25100 34% 200 37 11 116 1300 61% 100 97'2 600 77 ?Ex dividend. Note.?The Tribune assumes no responsi? bility for the accuracy or authenticity of curb market quotations. Transactions and prices yesterday were as follows : Industrials Sales. 1000 "Aetna Explos. 25 *Air Reduc. . . 1500 'Am Bos Mag 100 Am-Br M pf. 500 *Am Ch Pro?!. 7(H) ?Am Sewer P. 30000 ?Am St Fdy v.- i Open. High. Low. Las*:. 9% 53 84 42'2 1' 8 28' 2 35% 9?4 53 84 42! 2 V/8 30 36!; 9' 53 81 42'2 l'a 281-2 35 23 Yz 30 1000 Br-A. Tob coup 23! 2 23% 1500 ?Butterwth Jud 30 33 TOO ?Claib'rne&AFy 9% 9% 8% 200 ?Cramp Shpbg. 122' ? 122% 120 6300 ?Cudahy .122 123 120 1500 Endi Johnson.. 68 71'/2 68 do pfd .101 101' 2 101 400 ?Fairbanks Co. 1500 ?Famous Play-L 2200 ?Fisk K T w i. 7"" ?Gen Asphalt. ?100 Grapc-Ola 63 86?; 35'/2 . 65V % 400 do pf . 1 2I ? ?Hock Ya! P. . 10% 10000 Hupp Mot Car. 9 5000 Inter Hub_23 100 ?Jones Bros Tea 24% 800 ?Lack Co Coat. 26 63 83 3618 67 5 8 1 V, 1034 9% 23 24"/2 26 62 86'4 35% 65' 2 9% 53 82 42'2 1"3 29'2 35% 23% 33 8% 120 121','-? 71'2 101', 2 62 .'?'. vH,nir-ton Oi 0800 ?Hudson Oil 1000 ?Internat I'd . 6000 Ms! Oil & Tr.. 3200 " \ Ken.a;i Oil. . 1500 *Ki ntucky Pet. 9000 ?Louis Oil X- K 7. ?Merritt Oil.. . : f>00 Metro Petro. . . 7000 ?Midwest Oil. . 3265 ?Midwest Ref 10000 ?Midwest-Texas 1! j 1000(1 ?M 1' of M v.- i 5' 3800 ?National Oil.. 6' 10000 ?"Northwest O. 66 ' 1000 ?Okla A- Tex. . 4' ? 6000 fOmar O .V- G. 47 3100 ?Orient O & O 3 25000 ?Usage NO Syn ' 'pen. High. Low. Last. 117 130 117 127 30 8'/1 6 3'; 38' 31'/ .175 90 13 16' 1-! 2'/, 2700 *LibbyMacN&L 31'/2 32_ ?150 ?Lima Loco. .. 42% 1000 Marconi of A. 4!4 2 100 "Nat An & C. 32'/4 200 "Nat Firepf pf 173,4 10000 ?N M & A Lnd 4'4 10000 N Am P A- P.. 6% 25'. Perfec T & R. 1C? 15!. M'h Morris. ... 12'4 1100 ?Rem Typewr.. 61' ? 7X00 ?Savold Tire.. 42 100 ?Stewart Mfg.. 46% 2400 ?Stand G & E. 38% 1200 Sub Boat v t c. 1534 3000 ?Swift Intcrl. 2000 Un Profit Sh.. 3000 ?U S Lt & H. 4">?i U S Steamship. 200 ?Warren Bros. 500 Wayne Coal.. . 60 1% 2' 4 2',2 42' 2 4 42% 43B 323 4 1?% 5 634 1'/4 13 62',, 43 46! 2 40 15% 61! 2 1% 238 2% 42'2 4 66r % 1 r. 10% 9?/4 23 24! 2 25 3I/4 42 41 4 4% 32'4 3234 17% 17% 1A 10% 9 22'2 24! 2 25 31 41 3000 "Pennok Oil 20000 ?fPenn Gaso.. 77000 ?Rangeb Oil... SO. * 1 Rang-H (ap 1 05000 ?Ranger Oil.. . 1000 ?Rickard Tex.. 15460 ?Rock Oil lap) 35000 ?Ryan 1'.:;. 3000 'Salt Crk Prod 40% 1000 ?Sapulpa OiL-R S SiOU Savoy Oil. 12' '-, 15?U0 ?Sinclair Gulf. 53% 5 'Sinclair O W.300 500 tSouthwest Oil 45 250 ' ?S W Pro ,V- R 4% &700 ?Stanton Oil. .. 1% .'"?en ?Sterling OcvR 8% 17000 ?Tex-R P .V R 4 800 ?tTexana 0\R 58 500 ?Tyopa Oil_ 2' '? 1700 ?Valv O I' Inc. 8% ; 30000 ?tVera-Cons I'. 1' d ! 1400 ?Victoria, n stk 4 550 *\V States Oc'^L 70 19900 *'Y" Oil & G. 98 33<i 30 83s 6 4 417? 32 " 175 13/. 5' ; 6'. 66 5 47 1"t 16 37 3% 29', 3' 151/2 37 (4/J.-5) 5% 13 2 16' 1? 3! 42 8! 12' 565 300 45 ? VA 38' ? 30% 2% 1'8 170 T4 4% 6'2 63 41 2 45 2% 1% 15% 31 4' 2 90 134 15' 2 1% 2' , 40% 4' 70 1, 12 53% 300 45 4% m 55 2',? 8ss Xa 69 98 3 Vz 2934 83a 6 4 41% 31% 3 Hi 174' ? l'/4 4% 6% 65 5 46 3 1% 16 35 5 1% 2 16 1% 3% 41' -, 8% 12% 56% 300 45 5 I/2 8% 4 C5 2% 8% 1' z 4% 70 1r? Mining Stocks 6% 1ft 12% 61! 2 41' a 46% 38% 15' 4 60 15a 2% 2% 42% 3% 5 6' 2 1% 12% 62! 2 43 46' 2 39' S 15! 2 60 11'7 23a 2% 42'A 4 Sales. 37650 2000 Sil"" Open Alas-Br C M..50 tA M&M(ap) 31 Allied Gold High. Low. Last. 1-f Standard Oils Sales. 3700 ?Anglo-Am Oil 21 10 ?Gal-Signal Oil ? 400 ?Prairie O & G ? 20 ?So Penn Oil.. -- 12 ?Stan Oil N .1 ? 20 ?SUn Oil N Y. ? Open. High. Low. Last. 21% 21 123 123 720 680 309 308 720 718 383 381 21', 2 123 720 308 720 383 Other Oil Stocks Sales. 2000 ?Allen Oil.... 23000 ?tAmal Royal. looo ?Harriett OciG 100 ?Boone Oil... 50000 ?iRos-Wy? Oil 4C 6000 ?Caddo O ?? R. 45' 2400 ?Cities S HT hh 37 6000 ?Comwth P w i 43 5200 Continent Ref.. 9 6000 *Co*d?n & Co. 9' 360 ?Currman Pot. 1' 2000 ?Elk Bairn Pet 93 48000 tEsmcrnldn Oil 12 6000 ?IVdernl Oil... 3> 8000 ?GUnroek Oil . 7! SOOn ?Here Pet cl A 10' 30000 ?THigh Gravity 30 Open. High. Low, Last. 4 1% ft 49 45'', 374s 49 9% 1% 10 12 10% 33 3% 7 40 44% 37 43 9 9% 1% 9% 11 3'% 7 10% 23 47 45% 37% 48 t 9% 9% 1% 9% 12 3% 7% 10% 33 200 ?America M 14000 ?Arizona Bu IOOO "tAtlanta. 5 400 Bfo I.cdis'e. 2500 ?tBooth. 11 4000 fBost & Mont. 63 5200 ?tCalcdonia 6 I ' Canuda Copper 1?? 4900 ?U'andelar Sit. 2500 tCashboy. 1800 Cresson Con G. 13000 ?tDivide Syn. . 6G00 ?Div Syn of N. 3000 SI Salvador Sil 600 ?Eureka Cr M. 2700 ?Flagg Tun M. 600 ?tFlorence Sil. 500 ?tFortuna Cu?n. 4400 ?Golden Gate.. 10000 ??Gold '/. On . 650 fGoldfield Cons 4000 ?"Harmill Div. 7500 ?Tiiasbrk Div. 200 Hccla Min_ 700 ???.lim Butler. . 1000 tJumbo Ext. . . 3000 I.:i Rose Ltd. . 9000 ?tL 1! D '.it' 12000 ?1 l.oni' Star . 4000 Louisiana t'"ti. 9000 ?tMagma Chief 8800 "MM of Aiapi 140000 ?tMacN Min. looo ?tMarsh Min. . 1200*tMother I.. . . 8700 ?Nai Tin Cor. 7000 ?tNev I) (ap). 1500 Nipinsing M C. 70000 fNlxon Nev, .. 200 ?Ond M . 3! :. ?Ruy Here M. . 2 3000 'ii.'\ Con Mm. 11' i 1700 Seneca Cop Cur 14 7r 33 1) 60' 10 5 12 19 3% = ' 4 78 50 3% % 17 35 .33 5 31 13% i 22 12 59 32 1's % 75 5r 5 8 11 70 33 lie 68 10' o 5 12 20 ?? 6% 80 50 3% 50 31 10 65 32 1U 65 10 "a l"* 1 V\ 1i 17 35 34 5 31 13' 22 12 98 16 25 28 5 31 13' IS" 12 59 32 1A 74 5 ioSa 70 32 Hi 68 10% 5 11 19 3% 1% 6'4 78 50 3'4 V? 16 30 31 5 31 13% ' 4 18 12 84 7 41 2! -rT4 0 41 2(3 21 9 20 3', 2! 1 12'; 15! .1 B 83 7 41 2ij 20 8i4 18 3% 2 11?/, 14 " 1% 91 7 41 2U 20 9 18 3% 2'fl 12'; 15! 4 Sales. Open. High. Low. Last. 700 ?Silver Dol M. 1% 1% 1/a W? 19700 ?TSilv King Div 31 33 29 30 25000 Silv Kg of A.. % % % H 1000 ????Silver Pick. 13 13 13 13 600 Stand Sll-Lead A ft A A 18000 ?-.-Suthern Div. 28 27 25 26 15000 ?Star of West. 138 138 1. 1% 6500 tStewart. 24 25 22 24 4500 ?Tono Divide.. 10% 10% 9% 9% 700 Tonopah Exten 2A 2ft 2% 2A 700 United Eastern 4? 4% 4}f 4% 3700 *tU S Cont M. 14% 15 14 14% 700 Unity Gold M. 6% 6% 6% 6% 2000 ?tWard M&M. 24 25' 24 25 000 tW End Cons. 1% 1% 13% 134 1200 tVVhite Caps.. 28' 28 25 25 500 ?W Knob C pf 1% 1% 1% 1% Bonds Sales (000 omitted i. Open. High. Low. Last. S5 ?Am T & T 6s.. 99% 100 99% 100 5 'Am Tob Ts '23..103% 103% 103% 103% '."?Anaconda 6s... 99% 99% 99% 99% 3 ?III Central 5%s. 96% 96% 96% 96% 30 ?Inter R T 7s... 84% 84'% 83% 83% 11 ?Lac G L 7s, nw 99% 99% 99% 99% 3 ?N Y Cen 5s '19. 9934 9934 99% 99% 5 ?N Y Tel deb 6s.100% 100% 100% 100% 25 "Buss Govt 5%s. 51 51'/2 51 51 255 "do Gi/2s. 60 61 59% 59% S ?Sinclair Gif fis.102% 103 102% 103 75 ?Wil & Co en Cr0 97% 97% 97% 97% ?Unlisted. tSe'.l cents per share. Following is a complete record of all transactions in bonds on the New York Stock Exchange yesterday: U. S. Government Bonds (New York Stock Exchange Quotations) (Closing Quotations) Thursday. Wednesday. Rid. Asked. Bid. Asked Liberty I!1-?. 1947 98.70-ii 98.72 98.70@98.74 do 1st -Is 1947 95.90'-/96.00 95.70<? 95.90 do 2d 4s,' lil 12. 93.90-;/93.94 93.78@93.82 do 1st 4'.8, 1947 95.90?/96.00 95.70'?i95.90 do 2d 4%s, 1942 94.04'-/ 94.10 93.92@93.94 do 3d 4??S.192S 95.24'a 95.28 95.24?95.26 do 4th 414s, 1938 94.24 v" 94.30 93.94@93.96 Pre-war issues: 2s, reg, ir?30. 9834-5 99% 98%@ 99% 2s, coup, 1930_ 98%? 99% 983/4@ 99% 3s, reg. 1948. 89 @ 92 89 @ ?2 3s, roup, 194 6_ 89 @ 92 89 @ 92 4s reg, 1925.106%'r? 106% 106 @106% 4s, coup. 1925_1061.4-f/106% 106 @ 106% : 2s, Pan, c, 1936.. 9834-i/ 99% 98%@ 99%] 2s, Pan, r, 1936.. 98%@ 93%@ ? I 2s, Pan. c, 1938.. 98%W 99% 98%5i) 99% 2s, Pan, r, 1938.. 98%? - - 98%@ ? 3s, Pan, reg. 90%rfr 92 87 @ 92 ! 3s, Pan, coup_ 90%<S> 92 87 @ 92 Phil 4s, 1934. 90 @ 96 90 @ 96 do 4s 1935. 90 @ 96 90 @ 96 do 4s 1936. 90 (f; 96 90 @ 96 D Col 3-65s. 97 (ii 100 97 @100 Liberty Issues Not ' High. Low. La^t. change. Liberty 3%s_ 98.72 98.60 98.70 + .02; do 1st 4s. 95.94 35.80 95.90 - do 2d 4s. 94.02 93.80 93.92 + .12; do 1st 4',4s... 96.00 95.90 96.00 + .08 do 2d ?Us... 94.20 93.90 94.10 + .16 do 3d 4'is... 96.46 96.26 95.26 + .02, do 4th 4 Us.. 94.30 94.00 94.28 + .32 ?Approximate investment yield at the! closing New York Stock Exchange prices.] Yield. : Third 4%s. 4.85 Fourth 4%3. 4.70 ; Second 1 ' j s. 4.66 First t1.,*. 4.50! Second 4s. 4.41 ; First 4s . 4.25 ' First 3',?3 . 3.57 [Sales of Liberty bonds on the New York Stock Exrhango carry interest to the date of sale, and the seller receives this interest in addition to the sale price. | (Sales) U S Liberty 3V-S |U S Liberty 2d4%a June 1933-47 I Nov 1927-42 204,0(11'. 98.701 25,000. 94.10 2,000. 98.60] 93.ODD. 94.08 I 12."..00'). 98.72| 19,000. 94.10 G7.000. 98.70 - I Total _$1,453,000 ' Total .$458,000 (J S Liberty 3d4%s i U S Liberty Ut 4s ! Sept 1928 June 1932-47 166,000. 95.26 ' 50,000. 95.94] 127,000. 95.28 : 1,000. 96.90 100,000. 95.30 55,000. 95.80, 195,000. 95.32; L0.000. 95.90 133,0(iO. 95.34 163,000. 95.36 : Total .$116,000i 627,000. 95.38, IT S Liberty 2d Is I ST,00(1. 95.40 ? Nov 1927-42 I 121,000. 95.42: 52,000. 93.80; 152,000. 95.44' ;;.-, 000. 93.90' 93,(100. 95.46 212,000. 93.921 109,000. 95.4* ? 16,000. 93.941 72,000. 95.42 88,000. 93.96' 77.000. 95.40 48,000. 93.981 100,000. 95.38 : 42,000. 94.00' 9,000. 95.36! 2,000. 94.02! 16,000. 95.34 1 137,000. 94.00' 100,000. 95.30 ! 28,000. 93.96! 10.0(10. 95.28] 26.000. 93.941 ?7.000. 95.26 t.000. 93.90! ' I Total .$851,000; Oct. 1933-48 U S Liberty 1st 4%s I 75,000. 94.0? 101,000. 93.92] Total _$2.484.000' ? Liberty kh 4 Us ! June 1932-47 4.000. 94.00 S6.000. 96.00 ISO,000. 94.06 34,000. 95.90' r.5,000. 94 08 1 13,000. 96.00] 251,000. 94.10! 153,000. 94.12' Total .$125.000 145.000. 94.14 U S L iberty'.'d 4 Us 500,000. 94 16 Nov 1927-12 I 190.OOO. 94 1P, 7,000. 93.90 262,000. 94 20 13,000. 93.961 285,000. 94 2? 20,000. 93.98! 3J0.OOO. 94*24 01,000. 94.00! 514,000 9426 50.000. 94.02! 826,000.. . 94?8 5,000. 94.04? 652.000.. 9430 79.000. 94.06! 1.000..., 9432 , 5,000. 94.08! 389,000 i..... <*4 3C\ 305,000. 94.101 226 000 ' 9408 35,000. 94.121 477 000 " 9426 62,000. 94.141 14.000. ' ' 94 24' 25.000. 94.16! fi.000 94 22' r.9,000. 94.18! 52,000 . 9420 fi.000. 94.20] 30.000 ' 0424 si?:S88:.S??fl 2M00.:H S::::::a r?M ????*5-6*H Foreign Government and Municipal Bonds _ (New York Stock Exchange Quotations) ' (Interest To Be Added) , ,. r. Bld- Asked. Am Forcen See Co t?s 1319_ 99U 993; ' Anglo-French Extern 5s 1920. . 97 97% Argentine Intern 5s 1945. 82 82%! Canada. Dom of, 5s, 1921. 97% 977? | do 1926 . i?% 97/8! <'o li>31 . 963,4 97 Chinese Gov Hu Kug Ry 5s, 1951 70% 71S? Cuba Extern 5s 1944. 9834 99 do Series A, 1949. 91% 93IA ?do 4Hs, 1949 . 84% 86 Dominir-an Rep 03. 1958. 98% _ i City of Bordeaux 63 1919. 99% 993.: City of Lyons 6s 1919. 991,4 99% City of Marseilles 6s 1919. 99% 993? City of raris 63 1921. 98% 98% ; Jap Gov 4%s Sterling In 1925 90% 91 do 2d series 1925. 91 91% i do 4s sterling in 1931. 74 773? , City of Tokyo 5s, 1952. 79% 80 Un King Ct Br&I 3-yr 5Ub, '19 995? 993: '!? f?yr 5->rs> ?2I?- ? ? ? ?". 98?/8 ?f? do 20-yr 5%B 1931. 99% ggf/* FOREIGN BONDS DEALT IN FLAT Mexico Extern stl 5s of '93 1945 65 ' 73 : do prold 4s of '04 1954. 55 60 Rua '94 Rente 4s 1,000-ruble den 23 _ (Sales) Am Foreign S 5s J Dom Can 5s 1931 1 . r5,?00-%%: "Uir ??. 96%' Angler rench os Jap 1st ser 4'?,s , 10,000. 96)3 3,000...?. 9014 l.'H'0. 97 2,000. loi*. 12.000. 96%; do 2d ser 4 ',3 ' 2 ! 2."?."00. 97 i 10,000 9-1 '00. 96%; 8,00 91',, 2."O". 97 , .",.000... 91 1.000. 96}J do German stm 12, ,000. 97 ( 1,000.... 3734! 3.00". 97% 3,000.... 88 6,000. 97 UK of G B & I '??'?. 97%! 6%s 1919 13,000. 97 I 5,000. 993.4 26,000. 97,1,' 1,000. 995? 1.000. 97%| do :,>ns 1321 '"."On. 97 I ,,,-?00. 9ga. 15,000. 97,V B.0O0 98 V 1.000. 97% 19.000....;: 98% 20,. 97 ; 60,000. 98J? tit yuf Paris 0s I 1 000 9gi _ 6.000. 98% 2,000:::::: 983? Dom (an 5b 1921 I do 514s 1937 '* 13.000. 97%: 61,000 . 991 , . vr..977?? 4.000... : 99% ?? 1926 30,000 qqi 1.000. 96%: N V C 4'.-s i 907 .-^. 965n 1"."00....;.101% d",J;1??, 6,000.101 ll.OOO. 9U:^ Railways, Other Corporations Am Ag Ch deb 5s IN Orl T & Mex 5s 1.000.111 I, 15,000. 51% : 2,000.112 IN Y Cen deb 6a 5,000.111 I 2,000. 97'/a : 5,000.112 I 6,000. 97% do cv 5s 1,000. 97% 1,000. 99 l 5,000. 97% 5,000. 9834i do rig 4>^s Am Smelting 5s j 3.000. 81 2,000. 90 I do rfgr 3Us Am T & T cv 6a \ 25,000.."-70%: 22,000.103 i do L S 3-*s 1,000.103341 registered 7,000.103%' 2.000. 62% ' 6,000.103%'N Y Gas E L H & 1.000.10338: Power 5s 12.000.103%! 2.000. 93% 10,000.103%I do p m 4s 5,000.103 ' 10,000. 72','-5 1 2,000.103% ' N Y N H & H 6s 16,000.103 ? 12.000. 81 1.000.IO31/4' do deb '?u's 1954 do col Es 1,000. 50 2,000. 90% N' Y O & W 1st 4s 1,000. 91 ! 1.000. 65% do col 4s |N Y Rys rfg 4 s 1.000. 84%: 1,000. 41% Am Wr Paper 5s * 10.000. 41% I ctfs of depos I 1,000. 41% I 10,000. 90 I 10,000. 41 5.000. 90%' do adj 5s 8.000. 90 ? 10.000. 12 2,000. 90%'N Y Telph 4>23 5,000. 90' ' 1.000. 88% Ann Arbor 4s IN' Y W & Bn 4'::s 1.000. 54%l L00O. 44% ! A T & S F geni 4s' ! 5,000. 44% ?1,000. 82% Norf So 5s Ser A 6,000. 82 I 2.OOO. 69% do adj 4s ?Norf & W cv Gs 12.000. 75%' 5.000.106% : Bait & O p 1 .",>?% ! 1.000.107 1,000.8S%! do div 4s i Beth Steel rfg 5s ' I 5.000. 81 3,000. 87%| Nor Pacific 3s 7,000. S7%! fi.OOo. 58% do p m 5s | Ontario Pwr 5s 1,000. 85%! 2.000. 901/2 Bklyn Rap Tr 7s ' lOr-W RR & N 4s 5,000. 79 I 10,000. 77% 5,000. 79' s Pacific. T & T 5s Cen Dist T 5s 1 5.000. 90% 1,000. 96 ?Pan-Am Pet 6s Con Ga con 5s 4.000.140', ? 2,000. 92%' Penn 5s 1968 9,000. 92%! 1.000. 95 ?? Cen Leather Cs I 1,000. 94% fi.000. 953-4! 5,000. 95 7.0OO. 95% Peoria & E 1st 4s 6,000. 96 I 1.000. 55% Ches & O con 5s I do inc. 4s 1.000. 98%' 10.000. 14 do cv 5s I Pere Maro, 4s 4.000. 83% 1.00". 70% 8,000. 88 ! do 5s 15,000. 87%: 2.000. 84% 5,0i)0. 88 ?Phila Co 5s 1922 do cv 4'-s 2,000. 93 4,000. 80%?P?erce Oil fi3 1920 2.000. 81 ! 1,000.128 do geni 4'ns do 1024 1,000. 79'2: 1.000.1071', Ch & Alton 3??s 1 3.000.107% 3,000. 37 I 3.000.108 C B & Q gqnl 4s 1 1.000.107% 1,000. 803/4! lO.OOn.1073-4 5,000. 81%' 20,000.108 do joint 4s I Rio G W 1st 4s ? 7.000. 95% 1,000. 68 ! 5.000. 95%! St j, ir Mt & S 4s 10,000. 95%l Riv & Gif div 0.000. 95%l 1,000. 75% C Gt Western 4s I f,.000. 76% fi.000. 60%'St L & S F 4s Ser A 3 r'00. 60%i 10 000. 62% C M ci St. P cv 5s I 20,000. 62% Scries B I 3.000. 62% 1.000. 77%: 25,000. 62% 3.O00. 77 I 2.000. 62% do cv 4%s I do 5s Ser B 5,000. 76%l 1000 . 74% 1.000. 77%? llo n(1? Gs do rfK 4'% 1 000. 67% 1.000. 69%! 7 000. 67 1.000. 69%' 2 000 . 67% C R T fr. P rfg 4s I ?'OOO. 67% 1.000. 72%? 2 000. 67'/? C & We^t Ind 4s "000. 673/4 1.000. 62 I a 000 ... . 68 1,000. 62%) 8,000. 68% Chile Copper 6s ?> 000 . 68% 5,000. 87%! 10,000. 6S% 1,000. 87 ! 43,000. 69 do cv 6s 2d paid i 1 000 . 71 1,000. 88 I do ?ni- fis Cin I St L & C fis ! 4 OOO _ 47% 1.000. 99%l 11000 . 471/2 C C C ft St L gen 4s .|0 000. 43 1,000. 67%! 1 000. 48% Col &. So 4',?s I 1 000 . 4S'A 1.000. 78'% 5,000. 48% Con Gas cv fis 60000 . 48% 1,000.102 ! ->*000' _ 49 5.000.101%'st L Swn 1st 4s Corn Pr 5s 1931 5 000 . 67% 1.000.100 Ist L Swn Ter 5s do 5s 1934 1 000 . 59% 11.000.100%l san An & A P 4s Den & R G rfg 5s ' 1 000. 64% 1.000. 473,8!seab Air L adj 5s Detr Riv T 4 us I 1 000. 49% 1,000. 80 I 7,000.4934 Erie pr lien 4s ' ?, 000 .... 49% 1.000. 66%'Sinclair 0j, ;?} do eenl lien 4s IP 000 . 99% 2.00O. 53%) 239,000. 99 do cv 4s Ser B ! stl< warrants 100,000. 46%' 4 non . ..127% 100,000. 46%: So Pacific cv 5s 10,000. 47 I do cv 4s Ser D 1000 .1063; 1,000. 49 ! 10'nno _106% i 30.000. 48%' ^0 000.107' Great Nor 4^s 5 000 ....106% 2.000. 86 ' no ono ....107'/, G Bav & W deb B ' ;.i'noo.1073? 2.000. 7%! do cv 4s 5.000. 7%' f, 000 , . . 84 5.000. 7% r, 000 . . . R4% 5.000. 7% 10 000 . 84 Hud & M rfg 5s '? do col 4s 1.000. 59%' ?>- noo. 751/4 2.^00. 593? Southern Ry 5s 3.000. 59%! 1 ftn? . ., 93 1.000. 60%' ??o 4? 0,000. 60%! ' 2.000. 673^ do in'- fis ?' 0O0 . 67s? 0.000. 171 '3' 1000. r-7'-'-i 5.000..17 I l'noo . . . 673-4 1,000. 16%l do 5s" Memphis div 4.000. 17 ! 10.000. 91% Intbo-Met 4 V?s I Third Av rfg 4 s IS.000. 30 I " non .... 50 2.000. 29%! do adj 5s Intho R T rfg 5s ! 10.OOO. 27% 5.000. 65% Un pacific 6? 1S.000. 65%l 1CO00 .103% S.000. 65%l do 1st Is 1.000. 65%! ' 3 non . . RR' ', 3.000. 65%: 1 "OOO. 86% :',,000. 65 ' do cv 4s 2.000. 65%' 8.000. 87% Int Ajfricul 5s do rftr ?a 17.000. ar% I non . .. 79% 3.000. 31%'Un R-s of S F U 3.000. 82 I ctfs oT depos 1.00. .0. . . . 81%: R oon _ 30, . ".000. 82!, r S Realty & 1 5s 2,000. 82'-.?i .1000. 73% 2.000. 82%! 16 000 ... 73% 17.000. 82% u S Rubber 7s Int M Marine fis I 5,000.103% 1.000. 99 \ do 5s 25.000. 99%' 3 noo .. pa 5.000. 991V i.t'noo" .' 873? 1,000. 99% is mm .. 88' K C Ft S & M 4s 1 -i nno .. .. 8?!% 2.000. 68 ! 1,000. RP, ' Kan Cit.v So 5s i 1%",o.' 88% 1.000. 85%' ?. 000.88% 1,000. 85 ! o 000 . 88% Kings Co B L & P I 2.000. 89 j p m 0s 1997 t 000 _ 8R3,; 1.000.102%' o.nno. 883^! Laded* Gas of St L ' 3.000. 883,; ! rfg 5s ' 1 .non. 88% I 1,000. 94%'(J S Smelting fis Lehiprh Val fis I.OOO.39% 2.000.102%! TJ S Steel s f 5s LiKKett & M 5s I 19.000.1003% 1,000. 93%! 1R.000.-ion--.', i Lorillard Co 5s ! 1S.0OO.1003,;: 1.00O. 91%' R oon.mos; Midvale Steel 5s ' ?.. noo.1003.; i 1,000. 88''V .-l.000.100% 1.000. 88% t'ooo 100'',: 5.000. 88%' 4 nno.ino% ' M K ?r T 1st 4s 1.000.100% i 2.000. 64 ! 2.000. .... 100% i do 2rl 4s 'Utah Pwr & L 5s l.onn. 30'2' 1.000. 88% : 4.000. 30%'Va Csr ('hem 5s Mo Pac cen? 4s 20.000. 95% 20.000. 61 %' 1000. 95 ' ! l'.OOO. 61%'West Electric 5a 20.000. 61%! 7 noo. 97% I in,non. 61 ' ?nno. 9704 1.000. 61%' VoOO. 97% ; 5.000. 61%' West Marvland -Is 3,000. 61 ' 4.non. ES''2 ' 5.000. 61%'We=t Shore 4s Montuna Pw 5s I 3 OOO.75% 1.000. 92 ! Wilson * Co fis 2.000. 92%' 1000 ... 9?"3% 9.000. 92%' ? OOO . .. c?r^ ? 1,000. 92 ! 1S.O00. 99% S I Wisconsin C 4s Dividends Regular Declarations Stockholders nut? Period. Payable, of record. L'ont. Paper Rag-. I !i pr Q .May l ?"> M ay R do 1 '-= Q.May : ."? May R Beere & Co. Is? pr Q..June 2 May 15 Detroit Util Ry, 5- Q...Juna '.: May 1 >: Am Radiator, 1% pr Q.May 1/. Nfay 7 do 11 U.lumi 30 .lune 21 Manat? i-'URar. '.' ' ? Q...June :.' May 1 '< Troy ?ot & \V, J Q... May ' Apr. 28 Pac G&E, $1.60 1st pr Q.May IS Apr. 30 do $t.f)M oriK pr Q....May 15 Apr. 30 Pitts Steel. $1.75 pr Q..JUI18 2 May Ij -. Now Selling Automobiles The chemical market is so dull at present that one chemical brokerage concern has temporarily taken on the nellinfr of automobiles, auto parts and tires. The machinen as well as the parts are offered for export only. Bid and Asked Quotations The following table gives the closing bid and asked quotations for stocks listed on the New York Stock Exchange but not traded in yesterday. Bid. Asked.! A Bank 38^4 45' .100 .102'i .116 . 90 . 82' i .c>. do pr A Ak Ch pr Am rice: S p Am ','an pr. . A C & V pr A Cot O'.! pr Arc Express. Am Loco pr.. iut/i Am Shlpbldg.llg A Smelt pr A 93 ; .vm SnuH ... I '2 do pr .. .. nn Am Sus pr .II7'/j Km Sum i pr 94 Am Tel & 0. 58 Am Wool pr. Oil's Ann Arbor .. 3 ? do pr . 10 Assets Heal . I 2 ! As Dry G 1st 72 1 Ha'.d I.OCO pr.103'2 i Beth Stl 7th. 97 Bklyn Kdlson. 97 ; Bklyn Un Gas 80 Hums pr .... 110 Buff K & P. 60 do pr . 36 Cen of N J. ..201 (.'en l.eath pr. 112 C & S A Tel. 113 Chi ? Alton. !. do pr . 11 ' i . Clev & I'ltts. 67'2 C S I' M & U 66 do pr .104 I C C C & S L, 41 j do pr . 65 Cl Peabdy pr. 10.! Col F & I pr.105 Col & S 1st 53 lump Tab ... 41% Con In Cal.. 578 Crex Carpe. . 44 Crue Stl pr.. 94 I Cuba A Sue-190 ' do pr .103 ?V'uua C Su pr 96'.i | Del Edison .112 Det In It 1!. 91 D S S A Atl. 3 Kress pr .106 471 /J.aclrde Gas . . 69 100', 2 L Erie & West 8' 93 | do pr . 16', 103','j L A- M Tob .200 116% ta 215 112 103 110 >L-W Bise 1st. 99 , do 2d pr . .103 ?Lorlilard 1? .150! '? do pr .100 ?Louis i Kaih.llS'/i 115 ;MacKav Co .. 76', ' do pr . 64 2 Man?) Beach . ' j .'War. Rhirl pr. IC7 May Dep S pr.107','4 Mcx Pet pr . 107'/? Michl Cent .. 8j'? m s r &SSM ? .100 no 65 2'2 117 110 no 90 89'i do 10 1 _ 61 68 108% Mont Pow prl05"2 108 99 Morr & Essex 70'.. 8/ ; 99 Naso & Cliatt.114 17 82 Nat. Biso pr.. II? 20 112 Nat C& S pr.lOo 06 66 ?Nat E & S pr.lOO 105 100 N Kit Mex 1st 16 25'/ 225 IN Y C& SI, 1st 61 65 113 1 do 2d PI ..4? ? 115 N Y Dock pr. 50', 54 lO'/alN Y L & W. 92 98 14 iNorf South... 15'2 ?' 80 j do pr . 72' 2 ? 75 | North Cent . b7 73 115 ?Owens Bott pr.102 04 42 I fac Coast 1st ?8 100 68 ! do 2d pr ..50 80 105% Pac T & T pr 84 92 125 Pan A Vet pr.142 146 56 ! Peor?a At East 6 o' 46 ll' Mull ... 25 45 7'/4 do 1st pr... 95 34 97 ISS 106 98 115 ?i 7 do pr 8 Elec stor B.. 73 Elk Horn Cl 27' Pierce. Arr pr. 104 105 P K W & Clil.131',8 137% ?Pitts Stl pr .. 94 93 ?Tressed Stl pr.101 102 Pub Ser of N.I 83 86 Miv Stl Spg pr.107',2 103 Reading 1st pr 35 J5'a do 2d pr ..37 37' 2 Savage Arms. 54 SI, St L, Swest... IS I'5 do pr I Eed M & S. IO'b Fisher Bdypr.,95 ; Gen Cliem . ..174 do pr .103 fien Clear pr. 104'2 Goodrich pr . 108-Va Granby Mln.. 65 , Gif M & N pr 31'? Gulf S S 1st 92'.4 ? llartr.'an Corp 71 llMinestake .. 89 111 Central .. 99 Int. llarv pr. . 115'.'2 Inter Ta pr. 95 : Tnter Nirk pr 96 ? Inter Salt ... ? Iowa Central. 3'/j Kaj'scr, .lui. . 110'g K C FS&Mpr 59 K C South pr. 52 Kelly Spfld pr 94 Kelsey ?'heel. 38 do pr . 90 Keo A D M. . 3 do pr . ? Kings Elec E ? Kress & Co.. 65% 47 12 100 180 103% i n? ios' 66 34" 96' 74 01 101 117 I OU 54 4', 130 65 54 9? do rr 32 Sloss ShefT pr. 84 S Por It S pr.llO Standard Mill. 140 92 .Stiidebaker pr 98 Sup Stl pr ... 97 Tex Co pr...220 ?Third Ave P.Il 14 .Toi St Ij West 3 i do pr . I" ?Twin City RT 43 I do pr - 81 ?Underwood T.. 183 I do pr .Ill T'n Bag & Pa 75 lUn Cig S pr. .?II Un Drug 1st pr ? do 2d pr . .115 iT.'n Dyewuod.. 50 do pr . ? II S Exp ... .24 Va I C & C. HO West Mary 2d 22'/j I West I'ac pr. . 54' 2 [Wcstghse 1st.. 63 Wh & I. E pr 18 [Willys Ovid pr 95 34 88 120 149 165 170 124 55 120 61 Bid and Asked Prices for Oil Stocks Following are yesterday's closing bid and asked prices for leading oil stocks: Standard Oil Bid Anr-lo-Americnn Oil Co., Ltd. 11% Atlantic Refining Co. 1330 Borne-Scrymser Co. .">0O Biiclteve Pipe Eine. lO'-i Chesebrough Mfg. Co. 310 Continental Oil Co. 6fi5 Crescent Pipe Line Co. 3? Cumberland Pipe Eine . 200 Eureka Pipe Eine Co. 1C.5 Galena Signal Oil, pf, new.. 107 do pf. old. BiO Illinois Pipe Eine Co. 183 Indiana Pipe Eine Co. 103 International petroleum Co. 'i'-> National Transit Co. 22 New York Transit Co. 1H5 Northern Pipe Eine Co. 112 Ohio Oil Co. 38."? Penn-Mex Furl Co. ">4 Prairie Oil & Gas Co. 715 Prairie Pipe Line Co. 276 Solar Refining Co. 380 Southern Pipe Eino Co. 161 South Penn Oil Co. 30.". Southwest Penn. Pipe I.inca !>K Standard Oil Co of Calif. . . . 27" Standard Oil Co. of Indiana 81"? Standard Oil Co. of Kansas. (?30 Standard Oil Co. of Kv. 410 Standard Oil Co. of Neb.... 540 Standard Oil Co. of N. J... 715 Standard Oil Co. of N. Y... 378 Mandard Oil Co. of Ohio... 530 Swan & Finch Co. 110 Union Tank Eine Co. 117 Vacuum Oil Co. 432 ishington Oil Co. 37 A s',< e fl 21% 1350 525 KM 825 680 38 210 170 1 12 140 1 !."> 186 107 30 23 1 i).", 115 300 56 280 300 168 310 102 280 825 650 420 56(1 720 382 550 115 11!) 437 12 Miscellaneous Oil Companies Cosden & Co. Elk Basin Petroleum Co. Houston Oil Co., com. Imperial Oil Co., Etd . . . . Magnolia Petroleum Co.. Morritt Oil Corpora' Ion. . . Midwest Refining Co. . . . Northwest Oil Co. Sapulpa Refining Co. 31% 171 0% 0% 1311 135 400 32 U 175 70 Consolidated Exchange [Unit of trade on this exchange, 10 shares] Transactions and prices yesterday for the more active shares follow: Sales. Open. Hifrh. Low. Last. 9860 Am Internat. . 87 89'4 87 87% 660 A G & W I... 145/4 150'''-, 144*4 148''', 1650 Baldwin Loco.. 91% 9132 903? 915; 1280 Crucible Steel. 70% 71% 69?4 7031 950 Cuba Cane Sug 32% 32% 32' '? 3214 ?80 Int Mer Mar.. 40% 421 5 40% 41C2 900 do pf.1087-B 110'?', 1081/4 110' , 1210 Int Nickel. 26% 26?4 25% 25'% ISO Kan City So.. 21% 23'% 21% 23' 2 1180 Lee Rub & T.. 34% 37 34% 36 6730 Mexican Pet. .175% 180' 2 173% 179'.', SCO Ohio Citi?3 Gas 44 45% 44 4?C? Bur. Pan Am P&T 83 86 82% 86 1140 Royal D N Y..109% 110 108%108% TU) Sinclair Oil... 59% 60 59% 59% fl^!'Southern Pac.107 107% 1063^ 107-7.j 71;. U S Food Prod 75% 77*1 75 763? 3220 U S Rubber... 95 95 92% 937? 16350 U S Steel. 97 97% 96% 97% ?LIBERTY BONDS $1000 Liberty 3*?s.. 99.96 99.96 99.96 99.96 1000 do 1st -1s.... 97.38 97.38 97.38 97.38 1150 do L'd 4s- 93.68 93.74 93.68 93.74 1000 do 1st 4'4s.. 97.38 97.38 97.38 97.38 95.92 95.92 95.92 95.92 95.76 95.88 95.76 95.88 94.30 94.34 94.30 94.34 OTHER BONDS E000 Mo Pac gen 4s 61% 61% 61% 61% 1000 1850 ::ou do 2d 4l?s. do 3d 4Vts. do 4th 4Us. *Priees include interest. Wall Street Items Orlando H. Harrinipn, cashier of the TIarriman National Bank, was elected vice-president nt a meeting of the board of directors held yesterday. At the same meeting, William A. Burke, assistant cash? ier, and Hubert P. Thomas, formerly as- : slstant national bank examiner for the ' New York discrict, were elected vice-pres? idents; If. B. Fonda, assistant cashier, , was elected cashier, and Morton Waddelt, assistant cashier, will assume the addi? tional duties and titie o? trust officer. The Studebaker Corporation 7 per cent serial gold temporary notes dated Janu? ary 1, 1919, will bo ready for delivery on and after Monday, May 5, upon sur? render of temporary notes at tho office of tho Central Union Trust Company. At tho organization meeting of the di? rectors of E. 1. \\m Pont .1? Nemoura Powder Company the retiring officers were ! reolected with exception of President P S. du Pont, who was succeeded by Irene du Pont. Pierre du Pont was 'elected chairman of the hoard of directors Charles I A. Meade, W. S. Carpenter, Jr., J. B Edge NL . <1". l'ont. William C. Spruance and charles A. Patterson were the six new i vice-presidents elected. Donald ?. Appenzellar haa been admitted ! fi?e??rv ?a"ner ln the Stock Exchange! firm of N. L. Carpenter & Co. Benjamin K. Ettelson and William J T.yons have been admitted to par?nersh',D in the firm of Thomson & McKinnon P TIasklns * Sells, certified public account- ' f'nfS'i lavC ''?on?d a branch office, in "he Franklin Bank Building. Philadelphia! : to^h^^r^oT^ri'&^lSnd0 "^'i'"1 t the New York^tofk ^hlngTmt>er* PoTthe" NChoaTerl?? S?r^B"l>anga firm of ' iolved'and^^new SSniShiirt b(""\ *>*? der the name of .'0,,^% '"/"g? "", the transaction of a r?n??.i ,; , , ' meAt an,, Somm!U??r?5SSi?BnTAVSSU fin v. II be COmpOMd of W U PmiM, ?redBCU%'taa.SA^ry?e?. "' ^ h?^thr'?M?:.rtC?l,' A.n,i 'Toh" "?? Pwnttea .?,.,', f"Vn?"10 dissolved firm of letter, Choate ?- Prontloe. and have be. come partners in tho banking firm of 1 .lii i-E, Bodge & Co. ?"??* Allan <! Watc'i-ous ha? been admitted tu tho rlrm of A. H. Kidd^r at Co. Commodities ~i Industrial Cotton Cotton was higher yesterday, thoug|% trade was quieter. Opening prices wet? ?j up 9 to 2S points, and the advance wag '? continued irregularly throughout tfe fe day. Closing quotations showed ?.? ? gains of 54 to 63 points. The market reflected the impro?^ character of foreign political news and the strong situation in the dry goods trade. Traders expressed the beliaf that the decline of Wednesday vfeg nothing more than a natural r.-actio? after the prolonged rise. Large cotton mills which produce fine goods are said to have on head orders which will keep tnem busy until September. Some mills are refusing oy. j ders for future delivery, it is reported, except at substantial price increases. The volume of business done in April by local cotton goods commission [ houses is declared to be the largest Oft^ record for that month. Exporters of cotton ?oods say there is a steady in? crease in foreign demand, although aj yet the volume of trade is not heavy. There have been large sales recently of spot cotton in Southern mar! ets. In the local market spot was quoi d yes i terday at 29.40, an advance of 25 'ointi, .with no sales. Trading in old style contrac" s ha? been discontinued. Under the 'otton . futures act they now are subjec f,o u ! penalty of $10 a bale. According to a dispatch fre i Lon? don, th ' British Board of Trad has re? voked its raw cotton order m 1918 m far as the American produc. is con? cerned. From now on the on r,which regulates prices of the staple, will ; apply only to Egyptian cotton Beginning next Monday. tra< e will bu allowed at Liverpool in American fut : ure contracts in any month up until ?April. 1920. This will give twelve \ months of deliveries, instead of five, as at present. The Liverpool Exchange discontinued | yesterday official spot cot' )n values 1 nnd made the fully riddling grade g \ basis of contracts. Hereafter qtoU i tions will be for American and not Texan cotton. \ Prices for future contrae I folio? NEU" STYLE Pre is Open HlRh 7.on- Cle*' ? .?>? Ma v.. 28.30> tn.Yi 28.63@28, ?-.05 'July. 26.40 26.91 2fi.SO 26.88?28.90 ..26 Oct... 24.60 25.05 24.50 2-V 00 ?25.0? ^4.48 Dec. 24.15 21.55 J4.05 24.54?24.4. .?.00 Jan... 23.91 24.15 23.35 24.K "' ' COTTON* STATIST ^8 Tester- '? *jut ? day V rear fort receipts. . :.:i69 I '.1S8 Exports . - *,W? - do season... 3,801.2?:! 3,741,0?? 3.2?;,0?I X. r. stocks... 80,250 H2,1?5 1*6,283 Port stocks.... I,2?8,6IO 1,273,6?T 1.4'I.IM Int. recoipis... I5.rt7'i 12,1. ?,848 dn shlpmts... J8.04? 17.12 -.284 N. V. arrivals... 1.459 48? 2,?H> SOUTHERN SI'UT MARKE Verter- v. ocks Ports: day Sal?s Stocks Ye.'i ago ? Oalveston. . .-? - 250,840 2;-.488 New Orleans 27.75 2,811 412.664 43>,11* Mobil?. 27.00-20,638 10.57A Savannah... 27.75 25 198.811 244.1MB Charleston..-.-,?,501 4MM Wilmington. - - 59,615 35,078 I Norfolk. 27.25 48 j'iO.KC.'J H(i,72R | Baltimore. .. 28.50 - 7,211 33,872 New York... - - 80,250 IVrt.?tiS Brunswick... - - 5. * ' 2r>.28? Various. - - 40.S08 80.344 Totals.1,208.610 I, 111,78? Interior: Augusta. 28.25 823 172,140 110,665 Memphis.... - - Sll,3.->7 Ifi2,37? St. Louis. - - X2,5ii8 10.811 ?Houston. - - 260.695 17H.555 Little Rock.. 20.75 1,453 43.850 30,687 Liverpool Cotton Futures at Livercool were steady, : with prices making net gains of 12 to 23 points for the day. Spot middling was quoted at 16.95. Sales were ?">,000 ! bales, of which 5,000 were American. r Imports were 20,000 bales, incluoing : 18,000 American. The Manchester' cloth and yarn market was firm, with ? fair business. Prices for contracts follow: NEW CONTRACTS 12.15 Previous hitt P. M. Close CloB'i Year ?May . 10.75 16.78 l*.f>:. 21.4'! '.lune . 10.57 16.62 16.4:: 21.17 July .lf,.:<7 16.43 16.27 20.8S August . Iti.l'i 16.17 16.(15 2(1.44 September. 15.72 15.84 15.07 S ustenanco Cereals Wheat. -As a result of the (!i '.n Corporation's offer to resell flour *o the domestic trade, millers genen ly are not in the market for cash wh "The Northwestern Miller'' rcportB that two of the largest milb in the Minne? apolis district have withdrawn from the flour market ' because of alleged scarcity of wheat. It was officially e ported yesterday that on March wheat and wheat flour in Canada, pressed as wheat, amounted To 117,739. 000 bushels, as against 77,000.000 last year, 126,000,000 in 1917 and 197,000, 000 in 1916. Corn.--Corn scored advances vc.-fer day of 6]i to 7 cents. Opening prices were irregular, and were "nrobably af? fected by tiie demand of the Board of Trade that members submit a s'.; te Continued on page eighteen FINANCIAL CHILE (OPPKlt COMPANY 120 Broadway. New Vork, Aprfl T5tti. litt. Collateral Trust six pt,r Cen?. : Cold Ronds. Series A To the Holers of Second Extended r stalment Receipts : Notice Is hereby given that the holi c of Second Extended instalmen; Receipt offered the privilege of extending the i t* of payment of the instalment on acc> of the purchase of this Company's Coll?t M Trust Cold Bonds. Series A, from May .". 1919 ({he date fixed in the Second Extended Receipt), to September 29, 1919. Holders of Second Extended Inrtalrr^t Receipts electing to extend the time <f r ment will surrender their Receipts a< (he office of Guaranty Trust Company oT ' Sev Vork, 140 Broadway, New York City oi or before May 29. 1919. and at the time of - j-h surrender, or as soon thereafter as Blial I* practicable, will receive in exchange ?',..?? BE C EIPTSD EXTE N D E D 1S ST* LM F m The Company will pav interest on tf:? outstanding Receipts on May 29. 1919 ?ni ?will continue to allow the'holders of th? new receipts interest at the rate of r,r? j^, annum on the, first instalment of the pur? chase price of the Bonds. The the *?--. ,.,.. ...vv...... UAICUUCU !?? ment Receipts now outstanding, except ? necessarily modified by the further extension of the date for payment of the final ??'?? nient thereon. Holders of Second Extended Instalment Receipts electing to pav the final instalment on May 29, 1919. will receive the Bondi called for by their Receipts. To receive the interest d;;e May 29. re? ceipt-holders must present to the Gua?U?* Trust Company "Ownership Certificate?," ** required by the Income Ta: Law DANIEL GUGGENHEIM. President num on the first Instalment of the pur- , aso price of the Bonds. ?. The respective rights r.nd obligation* of j", b Company and of the new receipts -'lall | as suited in the Second Extended Iniital- k ?nt ReceilitS now on: utun.;<?n r.....,.nt n? ' ' DIVIDEND NOTICES DETROIT UNITED RAILWAY. DIVIDEND NO. CO. A quarterly dividend of Two Dollar? pT share, being at the rute of eight p> r cut. per annum, on the. Capital Stock of thi? Company, has been declared payable June 2nd, 1919, to Stockholders of record m*> 16, at S o'clock P. M A. K PETERS. Secretary. Detroit. Mich., April $0. 1319. TN?TED ThOFIT SHARING t OKl'ORA TION. A semi-annual dividend of extra dividend of ?>rr have this da> bo?n rteilared upon the cupital ?took of in?j Company, issued and outstanding, payabjj June 2d. l?!??. to stockholders ,.f record at thf close or buvtnaas on Hai 10th, lilt. Th? stock books will not be closed. t>. J. COTTER, Treasurer. May let. 1919. MEETINGS THE ANNUAL MEETING OF TUR . holders of the Standard I.lRhl Com? pany of tho City of New York will )>?? h( at the orhVe of the Company Room No No. 130 East Uth Street. New York Cltj'J on Wednesday, May ij(h i<n,?> ?. i.: o'clork M . for the ewk'tton ?f lMw?<tots ?ni ihp transaction o/ ?uuh other business h? may turne before the merlina JOHN E. sanbu?Ln. awux*