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A Victory Note Button is a Bad e of ervice ALL MERCHANDISE ADVER TISED IN THE TRIBUNE IS GUARANTEED Vol. LXXIX No. 20,469 ?^@&. First to Last?t/ie Truth: News - Editorials Advert?s [Copyright, 1919. New York Tribune Inr.l p merits 6 A.M. Edition WEATHER Fair and cooler to-da> : cloud? to? morrow; moderate winds Full Kr-port on Page- 19 TUESDAY. MAY 6, 1919 Germans Threaten to . I'd JL y oes r?? O CENTS ; nitliin commuting York ?ml I T?RKE CEXT8 t distance / i:u??here cause o /7th, Citv's Own Division, Conquers Fifth Ave. To-day Millions Here to Acclaim Fighters in Parad?; 25,000 To Be in Line Under Gen. Alexander Baker's Flag to Fly From Stand Secretary of War, Smith, Hylan and Archbishop Haves to Review March To-day ?a the day New York wel? comes us own. Mesa call will summon the 77th Di? vision to a breakfast of "corned willie" in all the armories of Manhattan and The Bronx at H o'clock this morning. Thirty minutes later, with the old mess gear put away, the infantry, artillery and machine-gun battalions will shoul? der light packs, swing helmets over left arms, and. afoot or on subway trains, proceed to Washington Square. There, precisely at 10 o'clock, Major General Robert Alexander's command, "For? ward," will be echoed down the line, , 25,000 young warriors of the Na -. onal Arm;.- will .start up Fifth Ave ? ? I i receive the homage of their i ity. trooj will be- in position by l'clocl ... ?' streeta contiguous to Square. A platoon carry : ;-?tarred flags in honor of d will head the col 11 debouch t>orn Waverley ? Fifth Avenue at 9:G0. ( hcer Leaders Posted I be bared as the platoon i'i .'.(-nee, but a continuous ova llow. Cheer leaders will be i at - very ..-orner. The War Camp unity Service has detailed song who expect to have successive ? ? tens of thousands of voices for "America," "Keep the Home Fires .:," "Thei-'s a Long, Long Trail,'' .-.-,'' and other songs that were of the men while war was still a grim reality. XI liions of men, women and children are expected to turn out to witness the welcoming review of the 77th. The city's ov n hosts ?-?ave been augmented thousands of visitors, .- to reports from all the hotels. the larger places had a - .- la * night, while officials Mayor's Committee of Welcome a 1 tl di mand for grandstand tickets ii ' reci .- nted. Not to Wear Helmets of the comm ittee's urgent s< at ing problema was solved yesterday af by Supreme Court Justice ??, who d( nied an injunct on to private stand owners who sought to city to.remove extra stands erected on the sidewalks between N nety-third and 110th Btreet for the modation of more than 10,000 : ;? -,. 0f men ., ,.,. division, .lus ? takei iled tl at the private ownei i ad am pie : er., irse : f it pi oved that t he ., terfercd ???? ?th t he .(-.?? - - ? 1 - r , :. > '.-? - ral Alexander' I ordei foi v pa - ade and : i vi< w direct that the men shall have I heir helmel ovei the eft ihoulder, with the Statue - ' L berty, the d ? on's ii ignia, up? ward. The infantry will carry rifles. and all unit ? ave packa like that worn m the review for General Perah jat before the 77th Bailed for borne. e art llcry i<:.d rnaehine-gun '.' '? ?/: . i.-^x',-, Bidearms, and the en? tredi^ on v, : be nrovidi d wit h full bottle? Replacements Not to March ',- - ? - - - : aid last i igh I ???...,. n . ? eplac< ho have been ?ent t< . ?-..'.- ;??-, would no ? ;? ? ? <? .. iv oi ?'. abou oi th< parade to-d?y. ? <? or? - r of man h pre ci i be? a for ? ??-?or - < ,r r b< fore ??' ' " here, accord f)g to military men. The divi? in '??- -, ' -,. . -? - i 0f battal or Kach bat t* -?- -, - of four companiea Th< ? ornpai - - will proceed abrea v n col of ?'i iads ?? ? ... ?/. the p<?rad ? \t y & mat of foui ro umnc, caci ' '- ?"? .- rank? of oui n en --,-. .,. our feel apart ,.-,.-.... . march i' ? ? -. .. ?, '- - ? ? ;. -, Greenwich '?' ? ''?." G'.-.<.-?:.?,, Bmit) Mayoi Hylan *" - ; ? of '?'? i - lis/.ii and oth< ?.. ? . . official n slewing i'!'r': ( 'ontinued on paye five **.i.wA$nt O?VOK& Ai.y. ?tifj ?utoem u you.AC/* KOHH'f Order of March of 77th Parade J.\ COLUMN of battalions, between 22,000 and 2.r,,000 combatant troops of the 77th Division will bep;in the parade on Fifth Avenue (?-,-:?.,-?? ? this morning promptly at 10 o'clock. The division ! ?fN- I will proceed to 110th Street in the following order of I *fc | march: (..??w ; Police escort?Platoon bearing the gold starred 1?JP*! 1 ^aSs f?r t'ie division's 2,356 dead. | glf* i&S ? Police escort?Division Commander Major Gen M^Vfak 1 era? Robert Alexander, his chief of staff, Colonel P f f^P I Hugh McGee; aids and personal staff and six order *f Jsl ''es' w'^n *ne general's flag, all mounted. f^ftSt Divisional staff officers, dismounted. JSJlll Headquarters troop, headquarters detachment of I -^p^Sy non-commissioned officers, the Argonne Players, and "^'V^^p^? Mobile Ordnance Repair shops, all under command t, ,i?,?'n?r*A?saw*lTt?,i? 0f Captain E. B. Brett, jr. 302d Engineers and Engineer Train, commanded by Colonel Prank A, Geisting. 302d Field Signal Battalion, Major Bonnie B. Powers. 77th Division Military Police, Captain Frank N. Bangs. Division Machine Gun units under Lieutenant Colonel Douglas Campbell : 305th Machine Gun Battalion, Major Robert Emmet O'Brien. 306th Machine Gun Battalion, Major Lewis M. Scott. 152d Field Artillery Brigade, Brigadier General Pelham D. Glassford and staff. 304th Field Artillery, Colonel Copley Enos. ."?05th Field Artillery, Colonel F. C. Doyle. 306th Field Artillery, Colonel William H. Peek. 153d Infantry Brigade, Brigadier General Michael J. Lenihan and staff. 305th Infantry, Colonel Frank E. Bowen. 306th Infantry, Lieutenant Colonel C. F. Herr. 154th Infantry Brigade, Brigadier General Harrison ,). Price and staff. 308th In?an-?'iyColonel N. K. Averill. 307th InfantryC\o!onel Isaac Irwin. Column to be fol\wed by wounded men of the division in auto? mobiles. Brooklyn Loan Quota Passed At Big Halb C? J Mow Than $42,000,00? Added to Subscription in Frenzy of Buying a Academy of Music Driv Brooklyn reached it Victory Loa quota last night. Subscriptions (. more? than $42,000,000 at the big loa rally arranged at the Academy c Music by the forty-four allied nankin institutions of the borough diet th werk. When the meeting opened sur scriptions were just below $26,500,001 At 11:30 a series of $1,000,000 su1 scriptions boosted the borough acroa its $60,000,000 quota line?, anel official announced that a hundred millio . would be soughi. $1,000.000 for a Tune The bidding began long before sehet; uled time in the midst of an ?labor?t , dramatic and musical programme. Ma Kosen, violinist, had just finished plaj ing the "Hebrew Melody." The- house packed to the doors, '-vas thunderou v.-'th ;>:?).': . e. ?Mr. Rosen came fort) bowed and retired. Then Major Bcnja ?- in ?. Kamm, head of A. I. N'amm . Son, leaped up from his place ?n th audience, ; nd cr ed : "If M i-,, -... il! come bai k ai play Schubert's Ave Maria' T am au . thorized to announce that the Manu , facturera' Trust Company will tak . $1,000,000 of the loan." ? A little later, when Mme. Kien . nore- ele- Cisneroa seemed equally relue : tant to accept an encore, Henry M 1 Wells, president of the National Cit Bank of Brooklyn, offered a $500,00 I subscription if Mm". Cisneros woul accommodate with "Kathleen Mavour ?i-'-ii" After the singer hnd accommc dated, she turned back te> the audianci i and, announcing ?hat, ghe was born i' Brooklyn, asked if some eme. wouldn' buy a iie,r:'l from her personally. Singer Had Neighbors Thi re iponse wa ? a $1,000,000 sub scription from the- Williamsburg Sav ingK Bank and one- of $500,000 from th ? Surveyors Customs Welfare- Associa - 'ion of the Port e,f New York. Afte I that the offers came thiek and fast with Mme. Cisneroa raining kisse I opon the bank presidents clustered be ? hinel her on the Btage as onetafter an . other they rose- ie, shoul their orders She held the stage until she had rui ' the total count up to $23,000,000, takin) 1 ris a climax th" bai riei subscription o ? . evening, $1 000 000 iront the Me .- ;. . ?-' Bank. After thu( Miss .lulii Arthui '- ... ,. ' ' ?? < M..'.;-, burden 30,000,000 ; ?- :. pa ed whei .... ? ? ;..,,- l I . ',,,.,. || ?' ., .. 0f j .j ? i-. C ' I- ' h ?? '.: h Brooklyn Tin;, i ompi ' '-" !"?? liding om< , of (he '? ? enii ;? M i Muyna i ?1 tool r Brooklyn over the top, with everj ' banking institution in the- boroug) double starring it? name or. the hoi en | hut The principa! add rest ?if th? evenlnj 4 was made by Senator Gilbert M. Hitch cock, e,f Nebraska, N. Y. Farmers Say Burlesoii Cripples Mail State Grange Denounces Him for Order Curtailing Servier o?* the Rural Free Delivery System Sp< clni Correspondence Xcw York Tribune ROCHESTER, N. V., May 5. Bit? terly assailing Postmaster General Burleson for his curtailment of rural free delivery service and his alleged statement that "it makes no difference i to the farmer when he recivea his mail," , the executitve committee of the Xew York State Granee, in meting here to? night, demanded immediate rescinding of the order in the following resolution: "In response to a vigorous appeal from practically all of the 921 subordi? nate granges in the state, representing 121,000 n,embers, all residents of rural communities, who are now served by the rural delivery of mail, we protest against the curtailment of the rural service as recently ordered by the Post Office Department by eliminating routes and by ridding to the mileage of others making it impossible for car? riers to give adequate service. "We resent the purported interview v. i . ? eby i h Postmaster t louerai ? ? .-i id t o ha' - -';?!ed : 'Ii makes no difference to the farmer what time hi gets his mail.' It. does make a dif? ference, and a vast difference, for he , wants the weather predictions, the price? current and general knowledge I of hia business which can be secured ! only by an early and adequate mail service. "We will expend every honorable i means to have the gross injustice that haH been perpetrated rectified, ;..i.l de : manrl unitedly and emphatically that the recent rulings be recinded and routes returned to as good a condition , I as they ever were. This the farmer must have, and will not be content with anything less. "We will go to Washington to stat( these mutters if necessary. In addi tion to the unfairness resulting iron curtailment of servie-, a most unjust ; action was taken when hese ruling; i ' took effect immediaely without notic? ' to patrons that they might corree ? their addresses, and tons of mail art now undelivered for want of propel , directions. i The resolutions were drawn by ; ; committee composed of Ira Sharp chairman, Edwin Knickerbocker, B. (' ? Williams, S. .1. Lowe!! and W. N* : Giles. Scott [Scaring Lecture Is Prohibited ?it Colunibut COLUMBUS, Ohio, May h. On thi ground thai meet ii es held in othe cities to expound Socialist doctrine 'have created disturbances, city official to day ordered the police not I o pe? mi Scott Wearing, of New York, to addrc; a ffocialist meeting hero to-night. Ocean Flight Begins at Dawn Despite Fire | Navy Fliers Triumphing Over Flames That Burn Wings, to Dare Water and Air in the Atlantic Race Frantically Rush Repairs A Week's Work Done in 12 Hours h y Mechanics, Eager for U. S. Victory The three giant United States naval i seaplanes, NC-1, NC-3 and NC-1, will start, on the' first leg of thc-ir flight from New York to England at i'a'.vn to day, when they will leave Rockaway ; '. for Halifax, N. S. They will commence their momentous , aerial voyage despite a remarkable . scries of accidents that occurred at | ! the Rockaway .Vaval Air Station yester- | day. Not even a disastrous fire, which ' destroyed the right wing-; of the NC-1 anel part of the tail group of the NC-1, , will delay the start. This is entirely.. due to the extraordinary work e>f tin? men in the NC Seaplane Division 1. These men, according to Commander John II. Towers, eliel a week's work in twelve hours yesterday, so that all., three? e>f the huge aircraft, might start together. Nor will the fatal accident to a flying boat of the HS-1 type, which killeel two men within a few yards of Commander Towers, dampen the spirits of the transatlantic crews, or delay their, start. Only the weather can now halt these men in their endeavor te> he? the first across the ocean. Two other minor accidents earlier in the day made it a complete "hoodoo day" at the station, hut despite the Continued or, pane three Breseia Revokes Gift to Wilson: Fiume Gets It OOML', May 5. The municipality ?"?*- of Brescia, which hat! decided to present President Wilson with a copy of its famous statue of Vic? tory, cast in bronze taken from cap? tured Austrian cannon, has revoked the decision and will ask Gabriele d'Annunzio, Palian poet and aviator, to present the statue to Fiume. Terror Spread In Russia by Bolshevik Rule iietreat o? Ke<! Army Before Siberian Forces Reveals Reeor<l of y& holesale .\iur<ler and Prosecution BIELEBEr, Province of Oren mig. ?ussia, April 21 (By The Associated 'ress).?The story of Bolshevik rule, infolded by the reoccupation by the Siberian army of a large section of ter? ritory, discloses wholesale murder, rob >cry and persecution. Investigation by I'he Associated Press shows not a '.ingle instance of constructive work. In the opinion of the citizens of Ufa, including Social Democrats, who it. first tried tu cooperate, Bolshevism :annot be considered from a political itandpoint, but i-, organized anarchy, he autocracy of the commissioners lurpassing the oldtimc imperialism, I'h'.' consensus of opinion is that the Kolchak government, though at pres ?nt imperfect, constitutes the nucleus if an administr?t ion \> hich ihould be supported. IIundreds Disappear Throughout the district of Ufa, Bei lebei and Bugulma hundreds of citizens af the bettei class and s.'.iall property owners are known to nave li?e.-, mut? acred; other hundreds have disappear? ed. The fate of seven hostages froir Ufa, including fount I'e! or Tolstoi member of the first imperial Duma and several engineers, is not kown. The widow of a prominent physiciru of iiugulma, who had been in jail f<> live weeks charged with political ac Continued on next page Orlando and Son-| niiio (fO to Paris: Draft Goes Before Participants Today Secret Plenary Session Called Text Is Approved by Belgian Delegates: Sent to Printers LONDON, May 5.?According to a dispatch to tiie Exchange Telegraph from Paris the question regarding Fiumc has been settled in full agree? ment with the Italian government on the basis that Fiume shall remain an autonomous port for two years, when it will be assigned to Italy. PARIS, May ">. The announcement that Pren ier Orlando and Foreign Min? ister Sonnino, the leading Italian dele? gates to the peace conference, had left Rome for Paris, and the further newt that the Belgian Crown Council had given its assent to the signing of th? peace treaty by the: Belgian delegate! ?regardless of the unsatisfactoriness te. Belgium of the financial arrangement! have relieved t lie- embarras.sir.cnt3 o the peace conferrecs. These developments had the effect o | producing a call for a secret, plenar; session of the conference to be held a ?'! p. m. to-morrow for the purpose o ?laying the peace treaty before all th i rjarticipating nations. 1, iad been announced that Marqul rmperiali. the Italian Ambassador a London, had been designated to partie: ! pate for Italy in the meeting thi afternoon ol the executive commute of the league of nations. The information that Premior Or Continued on next page Chinese Peace Envoys May Quit Conference \i t.- York T ibune Special I'abie Servioe (I opjrr ght. 1910, Saw Y irk rribune inc l I?AK?S. May ... It is unofficially ? reported that the Germans a! ready have made reference to the absence of the Italian delegates from ? Paris, and to-day's developments in- I dicate the possibility of yet another vacant chair at the conference, for the Chines- may leave. They await instructions ? rom Peking whether re? cent developments make it unneces? sary for their remaining here. Strong representations have been made to them by the Americans am! othe?:a that the world would regard favorably their remaining as a digni? fied acceptance of an unwelcome de cision, but the feeling in ('hi?ese circles here is still very high. The ?-tatemen', is frequently being made that "we have been betrayed in the house of our friends." Britain May Get Mandate Over Turkey Powerful Influences Seeking to Preserve Integrity of Constantinople I" n <1 e r Protectorate Like Egypt New York Tribu..* Special Cable. Service 'i'.-;? right. 1919, Sew Vorn Tribuno Inc.) PARIS, May 6.?Despite the desires of the Armenians that the United ; States assume a mandate over the district of the Armenian slate, ami i the wishes of Lloyd George, Balfour , and Sir Robert Cecil that the United States accept a mandate for the ter ! vitorics of the former Turkish Em? pire, there are powerful influence.? 1 behind the scenes of the peace con? ference at work to preserve the in? tegrity of Turkey and her position ns a European power, with a seat at Con? stantinople, under some form of Brit 1 ish protectorate similar to that of. Egypl before the war. It is fei: here by those who are in? teresting themselves it: the Near East: that these influences will have great weight in the determination of the ,' fate of Turkey in the treaty which the Allies will negotiate after the German treaty is off the boards. U. S. Experts in Dark American experts a' the peace con ., who ar-- studying the Near East problem, declare themselves ;.'. a loss to understand the exact nature i and motives of the combinations which are working toward the preservation of Turkey as a European power. As one of them stated to The Tribune correspondent: "There is a 'nigger' in the woodpile.'' Experts are inclined to thi beiii that the moving spirits are certaii British financial circles who are show , in;r a lively interest in the Turkish l public debt and the exploitation of the commercial and industrial op? portunities of Turkish territories, A big British companv has been form? d recently fo'' the exploitation of the ; Levant. This company has made its i voice heard in the matter of the con? trol of the Turkish public debt. American missionaries, who are gen? erally united in the support of Tur? key's cause, are also an important factor in the situation. Mr. Bliss, president of Beirut College, has be< ' in Paris and has had a confeTei ? with the American delegates. Mr. Bar? ton, another missionary in Turkey, is : coming to Paris in a few days to plead : the cause of the Turks. It is pointed out that these missionaries seek re? sults which ultimately w II be I i same as are desired by these British I financiers, who want the Turks under a British protectorate. Autonomy May Be Solution There is no question that the pres? ent British government is anxious for 1 America to help her in controlling and 1 governing the Near Eastern population. Premier Lloyd George, Mr. Balfour, Lord Robert Cecil and other farsighted British statesmen have shown on dif? ferent occasions at the peace confer? ence that they are relying on an Anglo American community of intt-res- for the preservation of world peace. America in Turkey and Great Britain in Egypt would be a combination of similar interests furthering such a". Anglo-American entente. Although it is believed President Wilson personally is favorable to the proposal that America should take a certain share of the responsibility for the Near East, it is understood that he is reluctant and, indeed, unwilling to make a move which he believe* would not be supported in America, and which, would involve a departure from American traditions of non-participa? tion in European affairs. The alterna? tive remaining to Great Britain i- that of insuring Turkey some sort of ? . tonomy, with the British predominant in the councils of the Sultan and the Turkish government. 1 ! u n n i n g count--.- * -, ? . ] : ? icy in the Near La-t is the Greek claim to the Asia Minor littoral on the .-'?yean Sea. as *eU as Greek aspira? tions toward Constantinople a:1 the seat of the Greek Patriarch in the ancient Byzantine capital. Venizelos and the Greek delegates at Paris did not ex? pect to gam Constantinople, bu' they have been insi-=tinc unon Smyrna anii the Asia Minor en??!. \ Envoys Tell Allies Thev Will Return to Berlin if Terms Are Postponed Treaty Goes to Foe To-m<irrow Tve Done Mv Best: It's a (pood Peace/ Says Clemeneeau LONDON, May 6 I By the As-jOciatedi Press . A dispatch to the Central Newa from Copenhagen quotes a Berlin news? paper as saying that the German peaco delegation yesterday sent an ultimatum to the Entente Allies, demanding a re? ply by 5 o'clock Monday afternoon, in which it was declared thai the Germana would be obliged to return to Berl n in the event of a further postponemenl in the submission of the peace terms A German wireless dispatch rei.??? I here 1 his evening ? a>.- : "It" the delay continues at V*i rsailles, it is contemplated that Berlin wi ! re? call the Cern?an delegates, in which case Ihey would on y be sent to Ver? sailles again when the Allied govern? ments are ready to negotiate Two Delegates Depart BERLIN, May 5 By The \ so. : Press). A semi official announcement to-day .- aj s i e peace n gol at ioj w I ; be in no way affected by the departure of the German Ministers Landsborg I and Giesberts from Versa ; No announc? b ceived that Herr Landsbi rg and Herr Geisberts have left Versailles, or that ?! was their intention to depa ' Count Denies ( harge Tin- delays in the p? ace ni g tions are not bi ome in official circles ?n Berlin From the G? - man poinl of view the situation has been aggravated by the breakdown of the two direct wires between Berlin and Versailles. The peace ?? - eign Office, according to Counl von Bi rnstoi :r. former Am ba isador i o i ho United States, who a I ng in an ad? visory capac ly to ivern peace que tions, being cril iciseel gem ral ?. b> Gern i me think ; ii.? delegat on < nlarged, wh ile otl ? size. Coui ?n B man of ho Gem in an ii i - , he hoj ed to the Allie sy "It i 5 nol ' rue -.. ' ' hav? ever pursued a po ? ? r. g betweei ? \ such peculation bad ] t is both Too:, -ii and > e>\ er, such a F?'i' o?Tei ipect of sucre-.- ?? I ? is ?conomie mor? than questions the .?, ? .. nents - - ???-' i ' and t :i 1 arel. ?.-<:<?' able tha the; ? i ? ' A ii ? pal ch '?? ?hi pat ion ?sted aga inst 1 ? ? ? r wire fence arou .in -.... ich, the "Vorwaerts" Ger? mans are- kept "liki d ? .- rous ani? mals." The Germi wi .1 convene Thursday n Berlin lo d - cuss the peace terms, says a dispati i to the "Tageblatt" from ?'?'' mar. Th? assembly will resume its sess ons nj "', - mar in two or three week , the ad? \ ice s add Correspondents tip See /' ?nal Peace Ceremony PARIS, ii..; 5 By : ' Pr?s '? I time l'or ai peace treaty to the- Germana wa jet to-day for 3:15 o'clod: Wednesday afternoon. "I h;. think it a good peace." This declaration mad ' I ?-.'?? of ? ??? "Figai o" la ? I I -. Premier i ? President w ils? n ,. !'.-? ( iemencea i and Lloy Gi :< - ! the- Triant.', tl -1 e? the arrangenu : mony of handing over ihe :-. ? ?? .. ;-.?!? to tr.e Germans. Tl ex] ed theni-i solv? \?e?. i'res:'le-nt Wilson, wl ; reached Vcr at 2:30 returned to Par * about T> o'clock. The two Premiers prolonged] their visit for a t ?me. The visit of President Wilson to>