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J?) [FINANCIAL BUREAU? Tribune Building 1 ."> ? Nassau Street 1 arkets ments TELEPHONES ? Beekman 3000 B-eekman 82-13 Maarv Rogers & A iichincloss U.S. Steel This reviet? sent upen request Members p?. Y. ?tock Exchange ?f. Y. Cotton Exchange Chicago Board of Trade 25 Broad St. MiliEPL & Go. Msmbers SetTcr?ti-?s Bonght for In-? vestment or Carried on Conservative Margin I 12OBR0AIIWSY Branch Offices 212 FIFTH AVENUE SV COR. 2S STRftT DONGACRE BUILDING RE.C0R.4I-W?5T ?SrER'CASNWaC "NEWY0R1C \? Correspondence Invited W* invite co? '?Mnioitsti?mc'; on it oak markst eommitm^nta and ail iiw?ei?.rr\t ?n?hj?cts. Fre? quent aauttyt?cai reports issued and ma?e gratia. Special weekly cotton letter ami grain rev.eij; u-pon rMjueat. E.W.Waper&Co. Established 1887, Chicago. ? KfW York Stock Exchange ?timbers < Few York Cotton Exchange [ Chicago Board of Trade ?8 2?W ST. VITW ?ORK Mad. Ave. d Mil St. ?! 0 5 VTest 823 St. . ti Ccntri at., Broofclvn I Si} Brood St.. XoMiarh. The BEST Short Term Investment VICTORY NOTES to net 4 3=4vo We shall be glad to take care of your subscription. Hannevig & Co. Ma.-;.ne Financing Mar;n?s S-?cuntiw 139 Broadway, Nerw York Foreign Exchange Le?en of Crcdh GLENROCK OIL CUDAHY PACKING Latest information in otrr Weekly Market Lrtter. ?cnt ?pon request. James W. Ball ? Co. 57 Exchange PL, N.Y. Texas Pacific Coal & Oil Stock & "Rights" J-K,R?ce,Jr.&Co. **-.OTi?Br. <,'.: ', to ?010 .r-hn. 88 '?'?"' .. .'?* V. JEWEL TEA <vn rfijiHif. * W- ?V.i.irawf aiXJm lift? "< Bl?'.?',?dv M y Phon?! Roctor 4219.7 Liberal Interest r-n daily balances. ?WktropoHtan Trnit Company ?>f th? Ml? ?t S**m tm/k ;i? Fifth Av? **** * ! 'n1?(.l?r?. r O.rwli NOBLE & CORWIN '?:" HrrjtiA ht N>w V?,rk ?W Nati Bk. Babcock ftc Wiiox fcutim Trust Co. r>t?? EJcvatOT (Copyright. 1919. New York Tribun? too.) Stocks even of railroad companies that are not digging for oil ad? vanced yesterday. Gains of 2*4 points in Canadian Pacific, 3H in Norfolk & Western, 4 in Delaware & Hudson, 4li in Atlantic Coast Line and 17 in Delaware, Lacka wanna & Western combined to aid in an average advance in railroad shares exceeding: that of industri?is for one of the few times in many weeks. Since the present movement be? gan in February, the industrial shares have advanced from three to four times as much a3 railroad shares. Time was when the average of railroad shares sold always higher than industrials. The indus? trial stocks pased the railroads in the fall of 1915; but even so the advances and declines of railroad and industrial shares, in swings both large and minute, have followed each other closely. The present move? ment is the first in at least five years in which industrials have gone ecstatically up and railroad shares have remained on virtually the same leveL The piesent spread of some 22 points between the two average levels of prices is the great? est since 1915 .und the greatest de? cline of the railroads below the inc?oi?trials on record. It is probably the first time in his? tory that Wall Street looked to the early convening of Congress as a bullish fact. The present market has lasted three months. In the broadest trad? ing and greatest activity in years, it has all the earmarks of a "major bull movement." Bat in such a mar? ket stocks usually pass from "strong hands" to "weak hands." In addi? tion, certain methods of trading ap? pear. Stop-loss orders are placed. Money, Credit Call money opened and renewed at 4% per cent, and declined during the day to 3% per cent and then to oV4. per cent, the lowest rate in more than a year. No explanation seemed available save probable .government operations. Time money was unchanged, with funds offered and lending at 5?? per cent for sixty and ninety dayH on all indnstrial co'.Iateral. The ruling rates for money yester? day, compared -with a-year ago, were as follows: Yesterday.Year ago. Pereent. Percent. Call money: On mixed collateral <% 3%. On in dus. collateral 5 ? Time money (mixed collateral): 8ixty d*ys.._...... 5%@6 8 Ninety days..... 5%@6 6 Four months..........5%.@6 6 Five to six months. 5^i@6 6 Bank Acceptances.?Rates were un? changed yesterday. Thirty Sixty Ninety ! Spot de- days. days. days. livery: Per centP?r cent.Per cent. I Eligible member banks ,...4A@4 4?4@4-rV 4A?4'/4 ? Eligible non-mem? ber bariks.4-rV@4 4-fV@4?4 4%@4 h ?Ineligible bank bills?i4@4'/2 $Ya?W* 5i,4@4*4 ?for delivery within thirty days: Per cent Eligible member banks.4r? Viigible non-member hanks.4>/2 Ineligible bank billa. 6 Discount Rates,?The following table gives the current rates of the twelve Federal Reserve banks on commercial paper for all periods up to ninety days: 5 ? 2 Serta & e5 - "S- a8 3$ ? m 'J* ? ;|?3 :S if il;? 1 ? j ? Boston ... 4 ' 4% 4% New York. ?.? 4 4?i 4% 'Philadelphia ... 4 4% 434 ?Clevelaad .Wa *% *% ?Richmond.4% 5 5 Atlanta_.,. 4 4% 434 Chicago .4 43,4 43/4 St Looia.~ 4 4% 4% .Minneapolis ?..4 4% 5 ?Kansas City.... 4'/a Wa 5'/4 Dallas. 4 434 5 San Francisco... 4 5 5 The Federal Reserve Bank of New York has put in force the following schedule of rediscount ratea whicn : apply to bankers' acceptances: Maturi? ties up to 15 davs, 4 per cent; 16 to 60 days, inclusivo. 4% per cent; 61 to 90 days, inclusive, 4ft per cent Bank Clearings.??ank clearings yes? terday were: Exchanges. Balane???. New York. _$453.573,057 ?J63.872.379 Boston .- 27,881,679 12,064,773 Chicago_ 97,350 107 9,804,76C Silver.- -London, 48ttd, unchanged; New York, 11.01%, unchanged; Mexican I do?ar?, 7T'/4c, unchanged. Sub/Trea*nry. ? The Sob-TrsMtiry gained ?2,2L7,0OO from the banks on Saturday. ITie Dollar InForeign Exchange Exchange rates moved sharplj Bgainst Paris in this market following a. ?harp docllus In frnni-s in London .-?/,-. ng <: lotation was 8.14 \~? francs to the dollar for cheeks, a now lew for the ytir, which compares wit* n raetnit hitch rat? of around 5.45. ?'?-rlJng exchangi? displayed a stTOTJt ton? and London cablea went U economics i which to the bears are an eternal temptation. More stock is 1 ?with the paper profits of th vious advance, which .;? a sight at which the bear also rubs his hands. Marg ous as Th-- broker i Hows', an a decline should i ask for more mar? holdings of ?stock compared to his holdings of cash wo . o large that he could not furnish it. All that is the usual process am usual reason for vicien: within a bull market. Bu1 I no present evidence fr m sion hi : that stop-loss ordi rs an t hat pyrs ? - I that the banks ?are fearsome and about to "call a halt." Call money opened at 4^? per cent yesterday and declined to 2U per cent. That is 1 I i ?? in more than a yor-.r. The is pro1 -? ment operations v ith t] One b-anki r made . that the banks had possibly a, a large amount of funds through the payment cf initial deposits on Vitrtory bonds by subscribers. What- . ?aver the explanation, it is remark? able that such a rate should be pos? sible in the midst of a $4,500,000,000 government loan campaign, in the midst of the greatest day to day stock market speculation in two and one-half years, and immediately fol? lowing a week in which creased $117,000.000 at " " rk Clearing House banks, the ;?? largest weekly loan ex] the year. The dividend on Nickel common stock was ? yesterday and the stock closed a*; 25%. Its par value is $25; thus no-dividend stock is selling above par. and Exchange ?4.H9%. Neutral exchanges wer? steady. Closing ratea yesterday, com] with a week ago, follow: (Quoted dollars to the pc'Tnd.) Yes? terday, ago. Sterling, demand .$4.68% $4.67'/a Sterling, cablea . 4.69% : Sterling, sixty day? ... 4.5 G' a 4.64% Sterling, ninety days ..4.64% (Quoted units to the do Francs, chocks . 6.14'/2 6.07 Francs, cabios .6.'!2! ? 6.05 Belgium, francs, checks 6.45 6.37 Belgium, franc3, cables 6.43 ?.35 Lire, chocks _ 7.55 Lire, cables . 7.53 Swi?s, francs, diodes.. 4.98 4.98<4 Swiss, francs, cables.. 4.95 4 rK' 2 (Quoted cent3 to the unit.) Guilders, checks.40J4 4C'4 Guilders, cables...... .-'-Of*- ~r.-\ Sweden, checks .-.2S.40 25?55 Sweden, cables _25 GO 26.76 Denmark, checks ._2^.65 24.90 Denmark, cables _24.05 25."!0 Norway, checks .25.55 25.60 Norway, cables _25.75 25.?0 ! Pesetas, checks .20.20 Pesetas, cables .20.30 20.40 ?Greece, checks ..._19.26 Greece, cables .19.30 19.16 I India, rupees, cable?. .35.73 ?Japan, yen, checks-51.75 51.75 I Japan, yon, cabios ....51.90 Argentina, c h e c k s .90 \/z 99 ' 2 'Argentina, cables -.99 99 Brazil, Rio, c.'?b;??s.27.25 26.S-" Brazil, Rio, chocks_27.?5 25.70 Unstjueezins Mr. Livermore About a Siory "Not At All in 3veepin??,, With a Market's "Dignity" Financial Edil r of the Tribune Sirs The article '.r: - r I ;ue of April 25, 1919, headed "Liv< ra ; Squeezed in Corn," is bcuxi . n<jt at all in ko? ping ' cf this association an ; Its meml Inasmuch as we supi we happen to k:. : had no interest at ing tho advance referred to Ii noction with the Roberts profil of |f 2,000,000. I would also K.'iy That there Is no ?truth in this statement eitheT bo fai i S3 the numbor of bushels and the prof ' it is concerned. Mr. '... i - ? i member of this association, and ?? i lieve you real ie S that has existed b? tween our and the food adi on. a common unde ' ulation and i ? -is high as 5 ?us much as officers so far :. cenverned. We trust it will bo possible for you to give some notice of this con So far us Mr. Livermore is concerned ho has always coi ith us vol? untarily, ai:d hafl not '?'.a ?- f this e: the City of Cl ?cago. White Motor Co. increases Capital to $20,000,000 The White Motor ( ompany I cid'??i to Incre tse its caplt il stocl 11 816,000, i00 to n?"w capital st? ' will b i ?' r stockholdOTa share, - derived by the ry for i . ?? - Ohio I'm-1 Supply Company '?'?? p?ture?, aprecia ???? ?? *.nd Inga ?or 'tm guatf 161 ?. r.-?r?. |l,8tl ' r<< ' '?'?' ' . $hj 1 "671). Le*vtn? ?. ?urplu? ?<t J*01,7*5. Restrictions on Silver Price and Export Removed Free Market for Me?al Etab? li.=hed Throughout World As Result of Action by Federal Reserve Board E ?Restrictions on the ?; ? I rer and stai : the pi :e at $1.01% p - 1 to-day by the ?ve Board thus in effect ree market for silver the 1 ? .' - t 15 -: rd p?r . ? imi ? i, war, and on rs was not more than ? required I ? export of ? ? - "This change of the polic I grant? ing licenses does not I lth th? tig an application X: licenses to export sliver bullion o.t c< in of foreign mintage. Such applications must, as heretofore, be fllod through the Federal Reserve Banks of the appropriate district, but 3uch applications will be freely granted. "The Secretary of the Treasury does not contemplate and further sales of silver under the Rittman act, except, nctors of the Mint." U. S. Steel Buys Land in New Jer?ev Subsidiary Takes Over Plot of 54 Acres on Passaic River The United Stal orporation, ?- ? liary, the Carnegie teel ; ?? announced .... N. J., ' the Pas saic i , .... ... ? ' ' .ir months I ?rpora tion's offic : ?' ' SO Will just acquired. It ? a ;;ew steei it. Tha - agh th" - ? . n Kear ikes over acn ag - it will bave ail ho I " :; & New '. nrii! tho Lincoln Highway and between ? . f aboul ? d by the Ford MotOT Com Buys California Oil Land made yesterday ? " tl ' ?"?.' ? h Peta -- : - id a thirl .-? ' in the new red by the ? y. said the an '?! Company : in a 10, ? ' ed down to arrels. The immon ? ...... Money for the Troops A rmy 'ruck, ? - ?? - : by armed sol ? ? the rear ? a . . ... . ? ? - ti by .' i rt M. Lor I ince of the Ur tatos g rmy, who '? ? shipping it to ' will bo distributed payrolls. ? ' . ??--? erday, Ingin ... rning troops cur Barnes Acts to Prevent Rise in Prices of Grains Corn Slumps Heavily Fol 1 owing Announcement That Wheat Director Has Arranged for Imports Corn prices. af*?r reaching new high ? ? rds again yesterday, collapsed on the announcement that Julius H. Barnes, Federal wheat director, had arranged for importation of Canadian For ahont ton -.- the inline was panicky. Gra tl rown on the _-'-- to get i y? cent and . ? , Before the . ': ay ro-n had fall? en from $1.73 3 8 to $1.66 and July had tumbled from $1.72 to $1.62. Values fell so fast that orders to buy were : executed 2 cents under the price named. According to a dispatch from Min "r-, Barnes Btated 'hat de ails of 1 nee t the ? ? . imount of .... ? that rhe Grain poration had purchased 25, bushels of wheat from Canada. He said that a moderate downward re? vision in the pric?s of foodstuffs is anticipated and that sufficient whiat ! is available to keep the price of flour from exceeding $12 a barrel. No radi ? cal price revision can be expected, he declared, until export demands ?re greatly reduced. F:r3t reports of the lifting of the ! embargo on Canadian wheat were exag \ gerr.ted, and when this was realized ' prices in the corn market rebounded. Early rumors were that all irr: bad been removed, an.i this : an avail f grain to be the market. Later, when it became known that only a moderate Impi r1 rranged for and that no rad n ' Istuff prices was expected at present, sup port was givei larl i I prices ?- led. market started off yesterday l-\i to 2; -, the pr vious closing on news of light receipts of corn and higher prices for lio?;'-. Pri :es worked but traders seemed cautions profit taking n ? - -.ceable. wore numerous reactions and Lnaly culmii cli ared away pr c? ? shovri 1 net I ?sea for - s . ? ? ?;;.t cents. May corn " " i, July at $1.6514 and Septemh ir at $1.60. -??,-, Omit Dividend on Nickel Common Stock Action Taken Because of Fall? ing Off in Business, Directors State Directors of the international ? Nicke" - voted yesterday to omit a quarterly dividend on the ? this time. 7"hree ?- 50 cent.? a shore was declared, which was a reduction from last November. An official statement said: ?''Because of the decreased earn? ings of the company during tho last quarter of the fiscal year, due to ? off in the domestic busi and tho almost entire cessation and because it rabie i : irvo the arces of the company to Eu. ? -.. tho di? rectors have deemed It inadvisable to declare any further distribution on the " e, and to pass the d - ? ?? would bo payable on June I." mal Nickel, following the ? vidend, declii fn m 27 ; md closed at 25%s, All Local Exchanges Wrill Be Closed To-day All ? hanges in the finan ': " t wil - ised to-day - the 77th .;ion. The banks, however, will remain open as require?i by i law. The only important do? mestic market that will be open for business is the Chicago Board of Trade. The New Or? leans Cotton Exchange will be closed along with the New York Cotton Ex hange. _,_ Additional financial news will he found on Page 15. Significant Re?a?io Money and Prices: Stock of money guid ?n the country. ns Loans of a!l national hanks. olas ri-serves . tinted and bought by Fed ? Banks. ral Reserve notes In circulation otal i reserve. Average price of ?fty stocks. \viii of twenty-five bonde.. Food cos' of living (Anr.aliat index number) .,."3?9.9?7 Genera ity price level (Dun's index number) .219.973 Productions Siu v? Unfilled I. S. steel orders, tons.5,43 Mar : I Iron output (dsiiy average), tons 39,685 Now. $3,034,213,002 _I. 191? $9,9! 8,294,000 69,466,000 $2,136,234,000 2,549,552,000 2,169.215,C00 Vwteriiaj 87.62 i I.a-it -*?(M A r?ar ?*?. $3,041,643,270 Der -, '. pr?erdlng year. $9.390.836.000 1O5.977.0iX) A your ?a? 51.204.587.000 1.526.232.000 1,827,000.000 oua cloa* A ysar tea. 75.52 84.98 A 7-Jir mr, 2S3.3S3 April : taia 230.3! 3 trtv: 87.04 E8.?2 .. - ..... Drift?* 315.615 217.037 iTeb 2S 5,010,737 105,006 Wheat crop, bushels. - ;-? p, bushels. ... < lorn crop, bushel?-... Cotton, 500 ib. bales. 11 fin-Li Third w iol ' ? .-*2.51<^ Tikis' Distribution 3 Gross railroad earntngrs.?_^^... Lank clearings.+ 18.1' Gen - \:,- , ton spindles.32.642.370 : ires (Dun's) Nu n i tier .^^H_ Liabilities .$11,450,462 Building: penuits (Bradstrcet's): \rt-i, mio (128 cities) .$58.?98,?97 917,449,000 1.533,350.000 2,332.314.000 12,022,601 ?_ In'.Te??e or deerease frera year b ?-AH C?um 1 ruad A year ??r?. 9,050,404 A year ?ja. 103.643 rh? 1017 rep 636.655.000 1,592,740.000 3,065.233,000 11,302,375 Ai I 543 Month of February ? 21 1% We ii bel re 33,282,593 620 $13,595,471 A year airo. 33,709,976 A y nor ajro. 905 $14.271,849 Min-h 1918. $59,274,249 j - i ; I fi Why You Should Buy j VICTORY BONDS N To the Utmost Patriotism: It is a patriotic duty to pay the debt of victory?to pay it fully and to pay it liberally. The money you lend vour Gov? ernment pays the Army's meal ticket, the Army's pavroi!? tho Army's transportation bill. ??but if you feel that you are compelled to sacrifice par-- )tism and look to your own welfare?forget patriotism?look at I question from a cold-blooded business standpoint. i t \ Busirresst ?I The braks of the country can take this Victory Loan {f?t should prove necessary?-4mt every bond bought by the banks because of the failure offtcrtrzen to suppuit the loan means simplv this? That the pnrehasimg power of your money which you withhold will decrease accordingly, because bank buying will mean ac,:: tional inflation of currency?more credit liability and hig prices. It will mean that industry, business and commerce must suffer because the banks will be unable to loan money in suffi cient quantities and at a fair rate to the business man. If busin and industry suffer, every one of us will suffer. ! !! r. r , ' Profit: If you buy your share of these Victory Bonds and thereby in lowering the cost of living, the increased purchasing; power of your money will pay for the bonds you buy. it will mean : lighter burden of taxes in future years. Think it over in the light of a business proposition from v Government?then enter your subscription for the loan to vour j utmost capacity. If you enter your subscription through i institution we assure you of our most sincere appreciation. Pl< consider the facilities of our entire organization at you:- di ?: i ii ! H "New York will see it through " The Equitable Trust Company of New York ! 37 Wall Street, New York New York Offices Foreign Offices Madison Avenue at 45th Street London: 3 Kfn?r William St,, E.C. i 222 Broadway Paris: 23 Roe de La Paix ? ! I I _ Market Opinion Still Hope for Laggards Hayden, Stone ?& C<? say: "The first j Etage of the rise is, perhaps, over, and a level has been reached where one ; must expect more frequent and more severe reactions, but there is no doubt : . it the public is getting into this mar - -. :.;at the wave of speculation and inflation is spreading, and we do not believe it will run its course until m iny stocks that have not yet felt its ? influence are selling a good deal j higher." "Special Attrartions" to Attra<rt According to T. L. Watson <& Co., '- "future activities are likely to be largely of the group order, i. e., when erecial attractions lie in certain lines ' of business, their securities will reflect it, whether or not ttie general stock ? .ves in accordance." Middle West Is Obstinate "Buying of stocks," Nichols & Stone ; state, "is being undertaken on a heavy ; scale by Middle Western and Far West? ern operators, who cannot be dissuaded ! from their belief in the coming pros ? perity of the country. A survey of rig conditions carries little of a i depressing nature, but, on the contrary, w uld 3eem to afford justification for ' confidence as to both industrial and commercial conditions." Question Within a Question "The Odd Lot Review" says: "The question as to what Steel common is v. irth is simply a question as to what sort of business the corporation is tc enjoy within, say, the next six moni I When to Buy "While we are not incluined par? ticularly to advocate the purchase o? '? the motors around present high? ; ricos," Markoe, Morgan &. Co. say. "we believe that these securities car. be accumulated profitably on any si ght react.on from existing levels." Not in General Class The following was put on the wire yesterday by Chandler Brothers & Co.: "If you think things in general are 1 too high iust now- buy the copper stocks, Inspiration. Greene Cananea, Anaconda and Chile. Some of these days there may be surprising upward swings in these stocks. CENTRAL UK10N TRUST CO. of New Turk 80 Broadway BRANCHES Ith Avenu* at MUtt ?trau MftdlMn Aver ? at ?Und mrw) 8th Anna? st S8th Btnwt Capital. ttnrplua ?nd rndt-tde4 ProfiU ?30.000.000. SALT CREEK PRODUCERS Wyoming's Leading Oil Producing Company This corporation, controlling the ? pool, Wyoming, now has a production of i : daily, al! of which is taken by the Midwest Pefi: As result of the merger of s?sveral prod SALT CREEK PRODUCERS ASSOCIAT! have been effected, while Increased out] it f the i bt?eo facilitated. Full Information 01 B.?~-uct ANTONIDES & CO. Investment Securities First National Bank Bldg. Denver, Colo. ? TODAY Listed New York Stocks Orders executed on Boston Stock Exchange TELEPHONE RECTOR 2640. EARNEST E. SMITH & CO. Earnest E. Smith. A "red 5. Dabnc'y. ', : MEMBERS NEW YORK & BOSTON STOCK EXCHANGES k A To Every Holder of Railroad Securities: If you believe that the j*?opl? who something to say about -what Is to v? If you want to co-operate In the way to ? m?sot or your riirhts an a. ?ha re he . ? - or 1 . . ld?sr? join tri; Railway Investors' League (A L^wru?? r,f Ir.?-"??*ors not <:or.r..?<-tei3 wltn any other Organization.) Pre? ' V Prea - .4 payment oi $2 or more makes you an active r:?r.:r<er. (Every ?5oil?ar :? ua?e?l In furtherance of. THE RAILWAY INVESTORS' LEAGUE 01 BROADWAY Statement of principle? pn rvqoast nkw toRK