Newspaper Page Text
Record of Stock and Bond Averages (Copyright, 1919, New York Tribuno Ino) Stocks Range Jan. 1 Hange full Yeetar- Day Yoar to date 1919. year 1911. day before. ago. High. Low. High. Low. 20 Railroads . 74.30 73.50 68.00 74.30 68.70 79.15 66.21 30 Industrial? . 96.50 96.07 80.63 96.50 79.20 88.83 73.87 60 Stocks . 87.62 87.04 75.52 87.62 75.32 84.03 70.30 Bonds 10 Railroads . 79.92 79.90 79.87 82.80 79.48 86.57 76.62 10 Industrials . 94.92 94.73 91.12 95.33 93.72 94.88 67.40 5 Utilities . 83.86 83.86 84.?4 87.75 83.72 89.02 82.60 25 Bonds . 86.75 86.62 84.98 87.88 86.53 89.46 83.62 Summary of Stock Exchange DealingB (Copyright, 1919, New York Tribuno Ino) Stocks Pay Year January 1 to date. Yesterday, before. ago. 1919. 1918. 1917. Railroads ... 283,40o" 118,600 65,100 9,200,200 4,976,600 7,544,800 Other stocks . . 101,700 653,200 445,300 66,759,400 36,937,500 68,674,600 All stocks . 1,301,000 * 771,800 910,400 75,959,600 41,914,100 66,219,400 Bonds January 1 to data. Testerday. Day before. Year ago. 1919. 1918. V S Government ... $9,543,000 $4,980,000 $1,898,000 $761,026,000 $254,181,000 Railroads . 1,360,000 951,000 441,000 75,963,000 84,207,000 Other bonds".'.". 2,344,000 2,548,000 1,157,000 255,380,000 117,389,000 AH bonds . 13,247,000 8,489,000 3,496,000 1,092,369,000 455,777,000 Yesterday's Transactions in Listed Stocks > All stocks quoted dollars a share. Annual dividend rale, also in dollars a share, is based on last regular payment. Hifrh and low prices of 1919 aw based only on transactions of 100 shares or more. High. Low. Div. Net 1919. 1919. Rate. Sales. Open. Hich. Low. Close, chge. Hid. Ask. 60 29=3? Adams Ex . 400 32 33 32 32 + 1% 31% 34 3434 21 ? Advance Rumely ... 1200 32 32% 32 32%+ % 32 32% 7034 66% 6 Advance Rumely pr 1200 69 69% 69 69 - 69 69'/2 95 66 6 Ajax Rubber . 3100 92 92i/2 90% 92 ? % 9?!-2 92 4% 3% ? Alaska Gld M. 1000 3% 3% 3% 3%+ % 3% 3% 2'/2 1% ? Alaska Juneau . 2300 2 2 2 2 - 1% 2 42' 4 30 ? Allis-Chalmere Co.. 16600 41% 42% 41% 41%- 41% 41% 943-4 81% 7 Allis-Chalmers Co pr 100 84J/2 94% 94% 94%- 94 95 40 S3 3 Am Bank Note. 100 40 40 40 40 + V/z 39!/4 41 11334 99% 8 Am Agr Chem. 2100 111% 111% 110% 110%? 1% 110% 111 103 98 6 Am Agr Chem pr.. 100 101 101 101 101 + 1 100>/2 101 $2% 62 8 Am Beet Sugar. 7100 81'/8 82% 81 81%4- % 811-2 82 93 8434 6 Am Beet Sugar pr. . 100 93 93 93 93 4- Vz 93 94'/2 66% 42% ? Am Can Co. 16400 55% 56% 55% 65% + Vz 55% 56 103'2 98% 7 Am Can Co pr. 200 103' 2 103% 103' 4 103%+ Va 103% 105 97% 84% 8 Am Car & Fdry Co. . 2700 96% 96% 95'.4 95%? % 95% 96% 117 113 7 Am C & Fdry Co pr 100 116'2 116% 116', 2 116%? Va 115% 116 14% 10% .80 Am Drues . 2000 13% 13% 13% 13%- 13% 13% 58% 39% 4 Am Cotton Oll . 2200 58' 8 58' 8 56% 66%? % 56% 67% 95 82'2 6 Am Express . 600 83 83 83 83 4- Vz 82% 83 29% 13% ? Am H & L. 5900 273/4 2838 27% 28%4- % 27% 28 117% 71% 7 Am H & I. pr. 6600 115% 117% 115 117/4+ 1% 117% 1173< 50% 38 ? American Ice . 1000 50 50 72 6434 6 Amer Ice pr.^._ 700 72 72 91% 52% 3.60 Am Int Corp .,._. 20100 87% 87% 69% 44% ? Amer Linseed . 4000 69 59 78 58 6 Am Loco . 6400 76 76% 75% 75%+ Va 75% 75-34 10? 100 7 Am Loco pr. 100 106 106 106 106 + 1% 105 107 438 1 ? Amer Malt . 600 2% 2% 2% 2%? % 2% 2% 5534 61 6 Am Malt 1st pr. 100 64 54 64 54 ? 1% 54 54% 783a 62% 4 Amer Smelting - 6600 73% 73% 73% 73%+ % 73H 733% 130 105 12 Amer Snuff . 600 129 130 125 125 ?2 125 129 109% 68 8 Am Steel Fdy . 5800 105 105% 105 105%-}- % 105% 106% 133% 111% 7 Amer Sugar . 10900 130% 133% 130% 131%? 1% 131% 131% 118 96% 10 Am Sumatra . 4700 106% 10734 10638 107%4- % 107 107% 108%' 98% 8 Am Tel & Tel. 1200 104 104 103% 103%? % 103% 1033,4 215 191% 20 Am Tobacco. 600 213 213 210 210%? 2% 210 211 106 100 6 Am Tob pf new- 100 100% 100% 100% 100%- 100 100% 69% 45% 6 Am Wool . 1000 67% 67% 66% 66! 2? 1 65% 67 102 9434 7 Am Wool pr. 2100 100% 100% 100 100 - 99% 100% 48 27% ? Am Writ Paper pr. 5500 47 48 46 47 + 1 47% 47% 18 11 ? Am Zinc & Lead... 3700 18% 18% 17% 17%+ % 17 17% 49% 40 6 Am Zinc & Lead pr 300 48% 48% 48%' 48%? % 47% 48% 63% 66% 4 Anaconda . 5400 62% 63 62% 63 4- % 62% 63 5 1 ? Ann Arbor . 100 4% 4% 4% A3/*- 4 5 45% 17^4? Assoc Dry ?Goods_ 800 43 44% 43 43%-- 78 43 44 92% 68 5 Asso Oil . 5400 86 92% 86 91 + 6 86 90% 96% 90 6 Atchlson . 3200 94% 95% 94% 94%? % 94% 9434 89 84% 5 Atchlson pr . 100 85% 85% 85% 85%-i- 1% 85% 86 8% 6 ? Atl Birm & AU. 100 8% 8% 8% 8% + % 8 9 101% 85 7 Atl Coast Line. 4600 97 101% 97 101%+ 4% 101% 102 156% 91 10 Atl Gulf & W 1. 20200 155% 156% 153% 154 ? % 154 154% 75% 64 5 Atl Gulf & W I pr. . 200 74% 74% 74% 74%? 38 72 75 94% 64% ? Baldwin Locomo Co 12800 92% 93% 92% 93%+ % 93 93% 50% 44 4 Baltimore & Ohio.. 3700 4934 60% 49% 50% 4- % 50 60% 56% 50 4 Baltimore & Ohio pr 200 54% 55 54% 55 + % 64% 65% 135% 103 8 Barrett Co . 100 130 130 130 130 ? %130 131 1% 1% ? Batopila? Mining .. 100 1% 13g 1% 1%_ ia -|3/8 1,1 :. 77% 55% 8 Beth Steel Class B.. 3900 74% 74% 73% 73%+ % 733/4 74 110% 101% 8 Beth Steel 8th pr. . . 300 110 110% 109% 110%+ % 110% 111 26% 18% ? Bklyn Rap Tr. 9600 22 23% 22 23 + 1 23 23% 243% 1938 6 Bklyn Rap Tr ctfs. . 2000 22 22% 21% 22%+ 1% 22% 23 24% 18! 4 2 Booth Fisheries Co.. 5000 22% 22% 22 21%? 1% 21% 21% 87 71 6 Brown Shoe Co. 100 87 87 87 87 + 1% 85 92 166 138 10 Burns Bros . 200 156% 157'% 1563/4 157%- 154 157% 11 8% ? Brunswick . 100 10 10 10 10 ? Va 1?% 1?% 10 5% % Butte Cop & Zinc... 7000 9% 10 9 25% 16% ? Butte & Sup Copper 7800 23% 24% 23% 67% 48'% 4 California Packing . 13900 65% 6734 65% 29% 203-8 _. California Pet . 200 27% 28 27% 74% 64% 7 California Pet pr. . 300 71% 72 71% 62 563,4 4 Calumet & Arizona. 100 59% 69% 59-2 169% 155% 10 Canadian Pacific ... 12800 166% 169% 166% 168 + 2% 168 115 109 7 Cal Packing pr. 1000 115 115 115 115 - ? ? 50% 30% 4 Ctrtaintecd . 1700 49 50% 49 60%+ 3% 60% 61 25% 21 ? Central Foundry- 7C0 23 26 23 25 +4 ? ? -i2 27 5 Central Foundry pf.. 2800 40% 40% 40 40 38 40 &i 66% 5 Central Leather. 2600 81% 81% 80% 80%+ % 80% 81 44% 31 4 Cerro De Pasco. 1200 39% 40% 39 40%+ % 393/4 40 152 103 12 Chandler Motors. 1100 145 145% 145 145 + 1 145 145% 66% 63% 4 Ches & Ohio. 6600 65% 65% 643/4 65%+ % 65% 65% 10 7% ? Chi Gt West. 1200 9% 10 9% 9%- 9% 9% 27% 22% 2 Chi Gt West pr. 1200 27 27% 27 27%+ % 27% 27% 41% 34%? C, M & St P. 3800 38% 39% 38% 39%+ 1 29 39% 74% 65%? C, M & t P pr. 400 69% 69% 69% 69%-r % 69 69% 97% 93% 7 Chi & N'west. 1200 97 97% 96% 97 - 96% 97% 133 128 8 Chi & N'west pr_ 100 130 130 130 130 - 130 132 27% 22%? C, R I & P. 3500 27% 27% 27 27%+ % 27 27% 6734 61% 6 C. R I & P 6'n pr.. 1100 66% 67% 66% 67%+ % 67 67% 80% 73; 4 7 C, R I & P 7-;, pr.. 1300 79% 80% 79% 80 + 1% 79% 80% 24% 17%? Chile Cooper . 6400 23% 23% 23% 23%- 23% 23% 3838 32% 3 Chino Con Copper . 1100 37%' 37% 37 37%- % 37! a 37% 108 103% 7 Cluctt Peabody pr... 100 105 105 105 105-104 105% 46 34% 3 Col Fuel & Iron- 1000 44% 46 44% 44%+ 2% 44% 44% 120 101% 8 Col Fuel & Iron pr. 100 120 120 120 120 + 1% 105 125 47% 39% 4 Col (?a? & Elec. 800 46% 47 46% 46%+ % 46% 46% 313/4 19%? Col & South. 5000 31% 31% 30% 30%? % 30% 303% 100% 87% 7 Consol Gas . 900 98% 100% 99 100%+ 234 100% 101 82% 65% 6 Cont Can .,.. 40u 81% 81% 80 80 ? % 79% 80% 74 58 5 Cont In? Co. 100 71 71 71 71?1 71 72 63% 46 ? Corn Products . 4800 63% 63% 62% 63%+ % 63% 63% 108% 102 7 Corn Prod pr. 300 107% 107% 107% 107%? 1% 107 100 72% 62%? Crucible Steel . 2200 71% 72 70% 70%? % 71 71% 353,4 2038 _ Cuba Cane Sugar.. 4600 34% 35% 34% 35%+ 1% 35% 35% 82% 69% 7 Cuba Cane Sugar pr 700 81 82% 80% 82%+ 1% 32 82% 109% 101 9 Del & Hudson. 200 106% 109 106% 109 H 4 108 110 207 172% 10 D L & W. 200 199 207 199 207 +17 206 210 8% 3% ? Denv & Rio G. 1400 8% 8% 8% 8% - % 7% 8 13% 6 8 ? Denv &. J? G pr- 19100 13 13% 11% 11%? 1 " 11% 11% 14% 10%? Dome Mines . 200 14% 14% 14 14 ? % 14 14% 5 t?A ? Dul Ko S & Atl_ 200 4% 5 4% 5 + % 4% 5 9% 6% ? Dul So 8 & Atl pr.. 100 9% 9% 9% 9%? 1% 9 9% 29% 27 3 Elk Horn Coal. 300 28% 29% 28% 28%+ 1% 28% 29 13% J5% ? Frie . 1400 17% 18% 17% 17%;- % 17% 18 31 24%? Erie 1?t pr. 400 29% 30 29 30 ? % 29% 30 22 17%? Erie 2d pr. 700 21 21 21 21 + % 20 20% 13 9% ? Fed Mm & Smelt.. 200 12 12 12 12-12 14 40% 33 7 Fed Min & Smelt pr 200 39 39% 39 39%+ 1% 39 40 64% 38%? FUher Body . 100 58% 58%, 58% 58%? % 58 68% 333/4 25% 2 Canton William* ... 6?0 29% 29% 29% 29%? % 29% 29% 73 ' 47 4 General ( ii/iir . 12100 71% 73 70% 73 ? 2% 72% 73 164% 144% 8 Cm Elee Co . 4'00 163% 164% 163 163 ? 1% 163 163", 183% 118% 12 (.entrai Motor? . 4700 181% 182% 180% 180%? % 180% 18t " 94% Z2 6 (.en Motora pr. 300 93% 94 93% 94 ? 1 94 94% 94% 82% 6 Gen Motors deb _ 200 90% 90% 90 90%- % 90 90% l* 66% 4 Goodrich, B F. 7800 72% 72>-4 71% 72 ? % 71% 72' 95% 89% 7 Gt North pr. 7400 94% 95% 93% 94%4- % 94% 95% Ii,/ 07 4 r,t S"rth ?re *ub?-- 21600 44% 46 44% 45%- 1% 45% 45% *-rf aI"~Z ,'r*ene <:an (-'?P.... 200 40 40 39% 39%? % 39% 40 6'% 49/2 A Gulf State Steel .... 100 64% 54% 64% 64%+ 1% 64 65 06% 40 4 Ha?k & ?ark Car Co 1600 66% 66% 55 55%? % 55% 66 **?i/ !r./ ? !" C*ntr"1 . COO 101 102 101 101%+ 1 101% 101% ?a* l?* "7 ' Agrkol . 800 26% 27% 20 27 - 1% 26% 27% AS j Internat Agrlcul pr 1200 82 83 82 83 ? 1% 82% 83 62% 42% fc Inspiration Copper . 3400 61% 61% 60% 50%- 50% 60?? 94 .':H ~ Jnt?'*Coa? C?rp .... 7200 3% 4% 3% 4% I- % 4% 4% ?2M? ??/ "* n?";?""* ' "r" ?' 8'W 13% 15 13% 14%+ 1% 14',. 14% ??% 110% 6 nt HarreaWr Co... 800 133 133% 123 133%-i % 132% 132% 120% tml n *?""" ;W?r. -.. 24100 41% 43% 41% 43 - 1% 41 41% ?2? ?L/ Mercan Mar pr.. 8200 110% 110% 109% 110% % 110% 110% '/.* . * 2 '""?">?* Mrkel ...22100 25'/4 27 25% 25%? % 26'% 26%, r% 2%_ low? Outrai . 200 4% 4% 4% 4%+ % 4% 4% ? "? ?g - f""!' y? . WO 39% 39% 38% 38%) % 38% 39 m ' '"?eil J,a pr. 100 87 87 87 H/ 3 8/ 89 16% - Kan ' >\y South. . 1300 24 24% 23% 23%? % 23'/-. 24 12*7/ *l 1 u",', ' '!r """. ",' <?? M,/? W/* !>4,/* M'/*+ VA ?2 65 68 4 Kelly Springfield 6800 128 128 124% 126 ? 1% 12&y4 126 -, W/% 2 h?,,.?.,.t '?.pper 3700 33 33 32% 32%-f % 32% 33 a ? K?ok A. um Moinoi 700 4 6 4 6 | 1',, 0 7% 1.20 K-^ton- Tir? 6600 V?'A 98% ?f, 96 ?2% 96 96% IS/ VU/ '' i'"Vk TZ . 100? 71% 7V/* 71 71 - % 71 72 67/4 -A 6 Ukltfa Valley . 4700 56% !i0% 65% 66%+ % 66% 66% High. Low. Div. 1919. 1019. Rate. 31% 21 214% 211 12 40!% 1473412 113 7 70 6 70 7 100 4 26% ? 50% ? 33% 191-4 ? 91 % 60 5 197% 162% 8 24% 21% 2 48 40% 4 9!-/a ? 57 175 119 78 83 113 427 72 15 % 1114 20% 31% 57 77 39/2 88 21% 63 76% 4% ? 8% ? 22% ? 491.4 ? 69 5 29/2 3 70 5 14 -- 45% 6 64 5 1101a 107 14 17!* 115 77% 30% 4SI a 35 54 5", -2 ? 151 Lee Hubbcr & Tire.. L & M Tob Co. L W Biscuit Co. Lorillnrd, Pierre...? L & N R K........ Mackay Co . Manhat Kiev . Man Shirt . Maxwell Motor Maxwell Motor Ist pr Maxwell Motor 2d pr May Depart Stores.. Mexican Petroleum Miami Con Copper.. Midvale Steel . 2800 Minn & St L new... 6600 Mo, Kan & Tex.... 1100 Mo, Kan & Tex pr.. 200 Missouri Poc . 10800 Missouri Pnc pr Mont Power National Acmo . . . Nat Cloak & Suit. Nat Con & Cable.. Nat Enamel & ?Stp. National Lead National Lead pr... Nat KB of Mex 2d pr Sales. Open. High. Low. Close, chge. Bid. AsU. 36/, 35 35?1 35 36'/ 1 Vz Nevada Con Copper 91/4 10 N Y Air Uralt?;_ 2900 11 i 69% 5 New York Central.. 14100 24 ? NY Chic & St L... 1000 42?/4 _ N Y C & St L 2d pr 100 191* 2/2 N Y Dock. 3800 ?Mi*. 5 34% 25% ? 21% 18}* ? 109'4 103 7 94% Sa-'h 7 46 65! s 50' , 47% 43 35% N Y Dock pr N Y N H & H N Y Ontario & West 7 Norfolk & West_ 7 Northern Pacific . . . 2' 2 Nova Scotia Slecl . . 2'2 Ohio Fuel . 4 Ohio Cas . Wz ? 46 3 57 11% 8 V. 40 29 Vz 1 87% 67 5 148 117 7 46 43% 3 9% 434 ? 62% 45!/a ? 21% 12/0 ? 62-Va -56 S 45J* 43 37 52% 105', a 26' 2 523 g . 87/2 98 6012 .40 3 ? .831/2 18/a 78% 91% 1223/4 112% 88% 68% 21 s^ .87% .38! 2 38% 40 ? 30 3 30 ?? 383.4 B IOI/2 8 16 ? 45 6 85/2 6 9O/2 7 51 ? 34 ? 79 12% 59 82 19 75 35% 36 71! 2 70% 86'-2 63% 6 6/4 ? 10% ? 22 ? 28 Vz ? 7% ? 20% 1534 ? 188 168/3 8 13/2 10 1 114/2 115 63 12 25 37 41 9% Ontario Silver Owens B?ttlintr Okla Prod . 14800 Pacific Mail Pan Am Pet Pan Am Pet pr . Pennsylvania R R Peoria & East Peo Gas & Coke .. P?re Marquette .... Pere Marq prior pr Pere Marq pr Philadelphia Co Pcnn Steel . 2100 Pierce Arrow . 6600 61% 51% Pierce Arrow pr.... 200 105 105 Pierce Oil . 11200 Pittsburgh Coal .... Pittsburgh Coal pr.. Pittsburgh Steel pr.. Punta Alegre Sugar.. Pitts & West Va Pitts <?. West Va pr. Pond Creek Coal. . . . Pressed Steel Car. . . Pub Serv Corp N J. Pullman Pal Car Co Railway Steel Spring 1000 88 83 Kay Con Copper- 2100 20% 20% Reading .; 49100 85% 87% Reading 1st pr. 1200 36 361,4 Reading 2d pr. 100 37'4 37/4 Rep Iron & Sterl... 1700 S23a 83/2 8.44 Royal Dutch . 2400 108 103 106% 108 -f- 13,4 107'/2 108 8.44 Royal Dutch N Y. .. 20800 IO6/4 107% 106'4 107/4-}- 1 107/2 108 V/ 33! 4 ? 46'/, 6 95% 6 25 ? 6634 5 45% 92 42/4 32 36% 12% 27 Vz ? 185 ' 10 190/2 10 13/b ? 207 8 72% 6 48 37/4 5 48% 33 2 132% 124% 10 7434 72 4 47% 37% 4 138% 107% 9 130 90% 4 176% 157 10 79!2 49 2 15% 71 4 ? 62'/4 59 109% 31% 70 78% 100 60 41% 46% 17% 43 235 225 16% 238 93 22%? 32% 35 -f 9' 2? 20%? 188 188 + 1 12% 12%+ % 12% 13 60', 8 62 4- 2 62 62 20'/ Savage Arms . 400 60% 60% 60 60 Saxon Motors . 600 8% 8/4 8 8 St Lou <& San Fran. 12600 22% 23'8 21-!.?, St L ?S. San Fran pr 1100 34% 34% 32% St L S'west pr . 200 35% 35% 35 Seaboard Air Line . . 900 9% 9% Seaboard Air Line pr 900 20% 20% Sears Roebuck . 400 188 188 Shattuck Ariz . 100 12% 12% Sinclair Oil . 39100 60% 62% Sloss-Sheff St &'lr.. 900 53 55 53 63%+ Southern Pacific ... 20100 107% 108% 107% 107%+ Southern R R . 10100 31 31 30% 30'%? Southern R R pr ... 300 69 69% 69 Studebaker . 6100 77% 773,4 76% Studcbaker pr . 200 100 100 100 Stutz Motors . 700 69% 59% 59 Superior Steel . 500' 39 39 38% Strombcrg Cr.rb _ 2100 45 46% 41 Tcnn, Copper Chem. 16C00 16 3'c 57 7% 22f4 33 35 9/s 20 188 59.. 8', 4 23 34 36 9% 20/2 189 , 8 ?r 1 Texas & Pacific . . Texas Company . . Tex Company pd . Third Ave KR.. Tide Water Oil . . Tob Products .... Tran & Will Steel Twin City Rap Tran 6200 45 9400 230 200 230 200 15 500 235 68>X> 83% 400 46 200 44 17!4 45 235 230 15 238 89''2 477 p 44% 16 43% 230 230 15 235 88% 46 44 % 63 54 /a 107% 108 % 3O/2 3034 U 6914 69% % 769a 76% 98 100 58% 59 38% 38% 44% 44' 2 16% 16% 45 45% 69%+ 76%? 100 59 ? 3 38%? i 44' 4? 2', I6/2 45 ? ! 2331 2+ 5% 233% 234 230 +10 ? ? 15 + % 15 16 238 + 3 238 240 89%+ /a 89/4 89% 47%+ 2''a 47% 48 447 : a 44 45 31 26% 66 15934 108 46?4 100% 113 51% 1C3 15 ? 14 ? 42% 6 97% 16 96% 7 17/4 ? 73 ? 109 f 43% f 88-/4 ! 117% 113% 73% 65% 18% 13 68% 51 114% 110 61 9% 36% 75 12% 263^ 22/ 61' ; 89?; 113/ 57 10/ 86/ 10J/ 6 54 6 734 ? 30! 2 ? 53 ? 9% ? 24% ? 17 ? 62% 6 84% 7 94% 7 40% 7% Union Pacific . 9200 132'4 132% 131% 132%-- % 132% 132% I'nion Pacific pr .. United Alloy Steel . T'nifed ('?par Stores United Drug Unifed Fruit . 1000 175% 176 U S Food Prod .... United Ry Invest ... United Ry Invest pr U S Cast I P & F . U S Cast I P & F pr U 8 Ind Alcohol .. . U S Ind Alcohol pr . i: S Realty & Imp . . U S Rubber . 25100 97% 98 U S Rubber 1st pr .. 600 112?., 113 U 8 Smelf & Ref ... 2100 50% 5V U S Steel . 88100 99 99'< U S Steel pr (.'tab Copper I'tnh Stc Corp ^'a Carolina Chem . . Va Carolina (hem pr Va Iron, Coal &. C?<ko Wahash . Wabash pr A Wells Fargo Kx West Maryland West Maryland 2d pr West Pacific West I'aci.'ic pr . . West Union Tel . . Westing Air Drake 3% Mfg - Wheel & L E _ s/4 133"2 72% 77% 56 10/2 65% 5 Wilson Co . 2500 85% 73/4 ? Wheel & L E . 700 10% 45 4 White Motors . 7600 62 23% 1 Willys Overland _ 13100 34% 120 8 Woolworth . 200 127 50 ? Worth Tump & Mach 600 66 6 Worth P & M pr ?. . 300 10! 2 62 34% 127% 127 67% 67% 673,4 77% Tl\2 77% 127/4+ 1/4 126% 127! 67%? % 67% 677 77%+ % 77 77' ?Ex Dividend. Bid and Asked uo tat ion s m.i. CSS 1st pr 02'/ Hartman Corp /I1 llomealaka . . M'l 1 un ni :. .1 .201 A km Ml it u pr pr.. 111 HI IV 'J hit following table gives tho closing bid and asked quotations for stocks listed on the New York Stock Exchange but not traded in yesterday: 1'," ... 07'/a M ?V u I??? pr .... 105 c \. S I, 42 Rid. ?-?ill? Stool pr 04 Tob I'm.1 pr.100 Toi S I, & W .1 I ?lo ?ir-t _ u I do pr . 10 I do elf? pr. 13 T C it T pr. til 1 iKlurwood T.I70 Ahlir?I. '.ill' IU?1. ?I?i pr III <l?i |?r fill II,.I A I ! A link No pr -17', 60'/3 A U s ),!,;,. li'l'.i 95 ?l.i pr ., . I III) I /i) Am 1 oal ...45 ? A Col Oil pr 90 'il I Am HI IpbUl . 115 142 Am Smult pr. 105 107 do pr A . . 02 l)2'/2 An, Snuff pr. 1)5 100 A Bum T pr 04 05 | Am Toi Se 0 08 ??I An?! Arl.'.r pr 10 30 Aasela Kl Co. I '/a 2 A ?> O i?.t. pr 70 75 rlo 2d 1 r. . 75 ? Ha.ll 1,1 pr. ID'!", n::,1'.. lia ' ? ; r I It', IL, lloth :??--, .. 73 73% Hklyn Kdlnoii, 117 00 In-:. 1 . ?,.. ? 78 80 III .vil Kb pr 9? 101 lili . I; , pr 110 it & r (?o 111(1. A . I. Kr? ?<> Co .. . 122 12? do pr .H?7'j ? '.;.I ? C?., . Oil 70 I.I KB ?V M T. .Ill'/] 112 f, U' Il M. pr. 101 |0l'/a . . : pr . , l02'/a 1011 l/orl ard pi .100 110 Macliay Co pr. (?4 0} I11I liar pr.JHi Inl Paper 1"' 01) lui M? kill 1 r 00 Kuvacr .1 ...110 M '!? SHI 1 r j'l I. ;-,- Npr it 04 IvfNi-y Win 50 pr 00 Ha? ?I (in SI pr 1 11 lb 1 Drug, do lut pr. do :-'? pr.. ? Dyowood. .'" Pr . r s I.,pi.-,.1 . 2 1 Wabash pr II. 21! I'.'.- ? ???? M 1st, 63 IVI mi Co pr 100' Wli ?v I, i: pr 21 o pi 15 124 IHO 120 ?A 1. Woolv .'1111 HI, 100 ? |V\ I' ?V M pr A 00 Mil ?t 11 < ]niiKoii<lui<Ml Exchance Mal Al W.. Muy J"? St pi Pot pi 31 II? 107' 38 III) II11IT i|o I'.ulT A (Id pr 112 0U 100 7 i Tonn,, 80 llulteiii k Co. 23'/? 1 'an HoiiUicrn 4V,?, 1,'uo J I pr. . '17 I lurtt P'-nb. . 74 C A- S Ut pr M do 2d pr . 4'. f'oinp Tab,... 42' 'j U I r M ,, 8% ('n't Car pot . 4'? ?. 1 : '" . I r. 'IV 4 I), I ?? 'III W '12 |)i-l I : ... n US Dot I 11 UK, ?3 i ? ? .-1. Hat 72 c pr. ? ?t; I ; liof lly pr M'i IM? (11,11 ('linn. . . 174 I7H do pr ,. .101 10.1 (?an Clgai vi 104 100 1.Irli li /..r . l07'/a in? (?ranby St ... 85 08 (1 \1 & N pr 34 35 Wich Ci i.?r.'il : .1 ?'.'. H S .M H9 tl | do pr . lui I 1 ?I do . . 1 Une? 01 011 I '.: ? 1 J??,...? 1 r 105 ion Monis .?, i.. 70S 87 Sailli A- Cliat 114 117 N'ai 111 nil 120 I'M ?I? pr ,. .11? 120 |.N (! A s pr 10 ? 100 . \ !?: A S pr 100! a 110 '. Kit \l i it pr 16 25 N (? T ?'. M 33 14 NYCAS?j lal . 03 07 N V I, I.S'orrolli a:.N?irf t* W pr 72 ,:? irth Am . . . 61 Ihi ? Ont 07 ,'?.?' , Hol pr .101 (Pa-lllc i'.m.i. . 45 I (lo 1st pr. . OH , il . : I pr. . . 50 Pao Toi .v T .'5 '41 ?l<< pr ... H4 I' c ( A- H I, 44 l'ctil tull? 25 .... pi o? P 1 \ ?.1 104 a P I' W .?. (' I'll Pr HI Car p 111 ? - . : II I ,-. s pi [I nit of Irndo on thia exchange, 1') ?liares] Transactions and price:? yesterday for th? moro active 1 haves follow : SaleB, C.n. riiiih. Low. Last. .? . \lli, Chalmer.. 42j/4 42% 41% 41% ''"''Am ('.-in. 5!j' , !i(,' . B6/2 66% Am Internat... 87! ? 87| "? 86! 4 87! 4 73% 7 I'., 1111 53 71 104 !(??, pr ; A- 1 H f It : usai 175 ! rio pr no Sun,,lu,.I Mill.140 -ill 45 102 103 I l7'/a pu 102 I OH I OH i', I0.'l'/a I0l!r ll.'l 120 pr '12 110 mi I2S Ml 05 ?1050 Liberty 3%?.. I'.'i ?1?. 2rl -la_ IK.,n do 2d -1 '^m. .",. " do Bd 4 ?la. 90.66 9').H8 99.60 !)0.!18 0C.0? 90.06 90.00 90.06 96.38 06.38 96.22 90.22 96.02 96.02 0?.98 06.00 21 50 do 4th 4'/?c. 84.68 94.62 94.48 94.62 ?i'i ices include ,in te ira t. Following is a complete record of all transactions in bonds on the New Y'ork Stock Exchange yesterday: U. S. Government Bonds (New York Stock Exchange Quotations) (Closine Quotations) Monday. Bid. Asked. 98.68'.; 98.70 95.80ui95.90 94.34@94.38 Saturday. Bid. Asked 98.76 !# 98.80 95.8C?95.9n 94.28? 94.28 95.90@95.90 94.32'<i 94.36 95.52@95.56 Liberty 3V?s 134 do 1st -Is 1947. do 2d 4s 13-12.. ,_ do 1st 4Vis 1947 9?.00@96.14 do 2d 4 Vis 1942. 94.36 @ 94.40 do 3d 4 Via 1928. 95.48'i; 95.54 do 4th 4V?3 1938 94.40@94.44 94.38@94.40 Pre-war issues: 23. reg, 1930.983/4? 99% 98%@ 99% 2a, coup, 1930_98%@ 99% 98%@ 99% 3a, reg. 1946.89 @ 92 89 M 92 3s, coup, 1946_89 @ 92 89 @ 62 4s, reg, 1925.106%@106% 106%(y'106% 4s, coup, 1925_106/4@106% 105%<S>106% 2s, Pan, c, 1936.. 93%'?v 99' 2 98%'a 99% 2s, l'an, r, 1936.. 98%ii) ? 98%@ -- 2s, Pan, c, 1938.. 98%@ 99% 98%@ 99'% 2s. Pan, r, 1938.. 98%@ ? 98%@ ? 3s, Pan, reg. 90%? 92 90%@ 92 3s, Pan, coup. 90%@ 92 90%?> 92 Phil Is, 1934. 90 @ 96 90 @ 96 do 4s 1935. 90 @ 9S 90 ? 96 do 4s 1936. 90 @ 96 90 @ 96 . D Col 3-6?3.._ 97 t? 100 97 @100 Liberty Issues HiKh. Liberty 3V>a ... 98.76 do 1st 4?.95.90 do 2d 4s.94.38 Net Last, change. do 2d 4Vis_ 94.46 tin 3d 4V.... do llh 4Vis.. . | Approximate closini Low. ^^^^^^^^^ 98.60 98.68 ? .08 95.80 95.80 ? .04 ._ 94.26 94.36 + .08 do 1st 4'4s... 96.10 95.90 96.10 + .10 " " " 94.34 94.40 + .04 95.60 95.43 95.48 ? .08 91.50 94.36 94.44 ? .04 investment yield at the New York Stock Exchange prices. Yield. Third 4Vis. 4.85 Fourth 4Vis. 4.68 Second 4 '.?a . 4.64 First 4 Vis .4.49 Second 4?. 4.37 First 4? . 4.25 First 3>/a8 . 3.58 [Sales of Liberty bonds on the New York Stock Exchange carry interest to the date of sale, and tho seller receives this interest in addition to the sale price.] (Sales) U 8 Liberty 3 Via I 11,000. 94.36 Juno 1933-47 U S Liberty 2d 4 Vis 30,000. 98.70J Nov 1927-42 3,000.98.76' 40,000. 94.44 212,000. 98.70J 81,000.94.40 1.0m). 98.68. 100,000. 94.36 61,000.98.66 00,000.94.40 36,00il. 98.64 2,000. 98.60? ._ 204,000.98.621 u S Liberty'3d 4 Vis Total.$1,130,000 1,000. 98.68 Total .$550,000 U S Liberty 1st -Is June 1932-47 50,000. 95.90 Total .$101,000 U S Liberty 2d 4s Nov 1927-42 8,000. 47,iH)0. 27,0o0. 55,000. 105,000. 10,000. 3,.'. 10,000. 94.23 10,000. 94.30 25,000. 94.36 94.28? 94.301 94.32? 94.341 94.30? 94.38: 94.26 Sept; 1028 25,000.... 195,000. .. . 91,000. ... 60,000_ 104.000_ 25 000_ 4,000_ 14.000_ 85,000_ 139,000_ 610,000_ 4,000_ 111,01)0. 95.54 294,000. 95.52 95.54 95.58 95.60 95.58 95.56 95.54 95.46 95.50 95.52 95.54 95.56 95.58 219.1100. . 180,000. 50,000. 30,000. 95.50 95.48 95.50 95.48 Total .$275,000 U S Liberty 1st 4 Vis June 1932-17 4,000. 26,000. 1.000. 1,000. 130,000. 95.90 96.CO? 95.96 90.00 96.10 Total _$2,209,000 U S Liberty 4th 4Vis Oct. 1933-48 50,000. . . . 10,000. . . . 3,000. . . . 4 51,000_ 94.44 94.40 94.: 94.44 I 889,000. 94.46 Total.$162,000 U S Liberty 2d 4 Vis Nov 1027-42 30,000. 7,000. 15,00o. 377,01"'. 57,000. 60,000. 246.000. 38,000. 17,ooo. 1,000. 94.40! 94.361 94.30 94.44! 94.46! 94.42! 94.40 94.381 94.36! 94.34 4.".6,000. 201,000. 291,000. 527,000. 001,000. 698,000. 285.000. 94.48 94.50 94.48 94.46 94.44 94.42 94.4tj 16.000. 94.3a 50.000. 5,000. . 5,000. , 05,000 80,000. 04.30 94.36 94.38 i 94.40 | 94.44 .$5,083,000 j Foreign Government and Municipal Ronds (New York Stock Exchange Quotations) (Interest To He Added) Bid. Asked. Am Foreign Sec Co 5s 1010.... 99{i 99^/? Anglo-French Extern 5s 1920.. 97ft Argentine Inter 5a 1015. 82?4 Canada, Pom of, 5s 1921. 97% do 1026 . 96% ?lo . 96% Chinese Gov Hu Ktipr By 5s 1051 70% Cuba Extern 5s 1944. 99 do Series A, 1949. 91% do 4'2s 1040 . 84% Dominican Hep 5s 1958. 98% City of Bordeaux 6s 1010. 99% C'ily of Lyons ?s 1919. 99% City of Marseilles 6s L919. 99% City of Paris 6s 1921. 98% Jap Gov -l'-js sterling In 1925.. 90% do 2d series 1025. 91 ?lo 4s sterling In 1931. 77 City of Tokyo 5s L952. 79% L'n King Gt Br&[ 3-yr 5Vfcs '19 9934 do 5-yr 5!L.s 1921. 98% do 20-yr 5'?s 1057. 99% FOREIGN BONOS DEALT IN FLAT Bid. Asked. Mexico Extern stl 5s of "09 1015 65 72 do gold 4s of '0 1 1 95 1. 5434 CO Rus '01 Rente 4s 1,000-ruble den 23 ? (Sales) Am Foreign S 5s I Dom Can 5s 1026 10,000. 99j?? i,iioij.97 Anglo-French 5s ? do 1931 4,000. 97 n,? 1,000. 96% 3,000. 97' 4 9,000. 97 61.000. 97% Jap 1st ser -I'-s 17,000. 97 fi i 1,000. 90% 44,000.97% do 2d ser -I ' -s 8,000. 97% German utin 21,000. 971.4! 10,000.87% 2".. 97ft Rep of Cuba -l'-..s 3,000. 97%| 5.000. 84% ?1.000. 97% U K of (1 B & ? '1,000. 97% 5'-s 1921 1,000. 97%| 1,000_ 97? 85 99773/4! 97 71% 99% 93% 86' 993.,, 9934 99% 98% 91 91% 79 80 99% 98 U 99% 1,00 2.IIO0. 8,000. 9934 99 i h 98% 98% _ 98|? ?.""O. 98% do 5. -, L937 22,000. 091 _ 2,000. 99% 06,000. 995. 98%! U S of Mexico 5k 98%? 1,000. 717'? Chines.' Ry 1,000.71 City of Hon! 6s 25,000. 99% City of Lyons 6s 4 2,000. 99% City of Mars 6a 20,000. 99% City of Paris 6s lo.oho. lll,0O(l.1 _ Dom Can 5s 1021 [N Y C I Vis 1063 11,000. 97%! 2,000.101% do 1026 I do 4 Vis I960 6,0 >0. 96%| 4,000. 96% 6,0(10. 97 ! do 4s 1057 2,000. 96%| 2,000. 91% Railways, Oilier Corporations Am Ag Ch cvt 5s IK C Ft S & M 4s O.O?O.99 l.ODo.69% Am Dock ?S; 1 5s |Kun Citv So 5s 100.000. 99% 5,000. 86 Am Smelting 5s | do Terminal 4s 1,000. 893.): 10.0011. 77l/2 1,000. 90 j is.000. 775H Am T & T cvt 6s ? is,0011. 73 2.OO0.103 "| 1,000. 78% I,hihi.103% 2,000. 78 2.000.103 |L& N At Knoxv & 2,000.10:!,i a Cin ?Hi- 4s I.000.100',i 15,. 73 IT.OOO.103 Midvalo Steel 5s do col 5s I (i.ODii. 88% 20,000. 91' 4 2,1)00. 83% 4,. 91' a Mil L S ?S. W Gs Am Wr Paper 5? | Mich div 8,000. 99! y 1.000.104 do ril'i of deposit .Minn & St L 4a 33.000. 90 I 2:0110.44% A T & S F gen Is M K fi: T 2d 4s 21.000. 82% 15,000. 30% 0,000. B2' ?! do n t 4Vas 4,000. 82' 4! 10,000.30 2,000. ?12" '? Mo I'.'"- iron 4b ?lo mlj 4a ?tnmpeil 1 3,000. 2.000.75'.il 2.000. 2,000. 75'., Ail A- C A L 5a 1.000... 94 Atl C I. I. & N Is 2.000. 75 Bait A o rfir 5a 211.000. 771/ 1.000. 73 ?I? evt 4 '.?s 10.000. 77?i M Ml ,000. ,000. G13 61! 01' 611 61^ 5.000. ;_ 61| a 61% N O?l T ?S Mex 6 . ?5,000. 51% 3,000.51% Bait & O cvt 43,4s N Y Central deb 6s 5,nun.77 ! 21,000. a/% - 2,000. 77%: 33,000.98' ?!b gold 43 I lu.OOO. a/34 1,000. 76 1,000.98 2,000. 76| ?| I.0?U.9/3i ! 2,000. 77 ! 14,000. 97% 1,000.76%' do rig -I'^a 5,000.76! 2 18,000.82 do p 1 3'.-?8 I do -is ) ;?34 5,000. 88', V. 1,000.83 Beth Steel 1st 5s , do con is 2,000.96% 1,'JOO. 76% 2,000. 95% N Y C & St L 1st 4s ' 1,000.957a 1,000.81 do i? m 59 |N Y G;i:, E L 11 & 6,000. 85%, Power p.i 1,000. 85% 2,000. 9334 : :;.. 85! 4' do p m -Is Rrooklyn II T 7s I G,0uO. 72 , 2,000. 79% N Y Kys adj 5s do ?la I 2,000. 12% i 3,000. 43 ? 20,000. 12 Central Leather 5b ;N Y State Kys 8,000.96 ! con 4',-s 1,000. 953-4. 10,000. 53% I Ccn H n of N J ?r>8 IN Y Telephone 4%, 3,000.102 i 15,000.08% j Ches & ? cvt 5s l.UUO.88% 17,000. 89' V N Y AV i-. Un 4 ??? -s 0,01)0. 89' 8, 2,000.' 44% 22,000. 89! 4 Niagara F i' 5s LOOO. 89%', 10,000.96 19 000. 89' 4 Norf & W cvt 6s 9,000. 8912, 5,000.107% 4,000. 39% 10,000.10/%" 21.0. 89% 1,000. .'_107% 10 000. 89% 3,000.10/% do cvt V---3 10,000.10%., 11,000. 81 5,000.10/^4 5,000. 80% 5,000.10/. g ? C B &' U Illinois 4?? j 10,000.10S' 1,0(10.84', 2 10,000.107% do joint 4s I 50,000.103 126,000. 95% 10.000.108% 1,000. 955?, 10,000.107% C Gt Western 4s 40,000.103 0.000. 61%' 35,000.107% C M ?it St P cvt 5s Nor Pacific Is ser B I . 2.000.82% 2 000.78 ' do 3s 4'000.78 ' 1,000.58% ? do cvt 4Vj8 LOOO. 08% I i 000. .... 77% 6,000. 59 i 7 000 . 77' ,. Ore Ry & Nav -Is , ,1? is 1925 1,000. 82 in linn . 82%-Pacific ('?as 5s do 5a C & P W i 2,000. 86 (Hv i Bac o? .Mo I'd 5s 10,000. 97% 2,000.89 do 6s Dubuque div Penn 5a 1068 1 000. S9%! 1,000.953?3 do Fargo ?i So 0s ! 8,000.95! 4 4.000.100 i 2,000. Ob-^a C & Nwn fren 5s I do con 4 Vis 5,000. 99% 4,000. 94 6 000. 997s1; do Sen 4 lia do 5s 1921 5,000. 87 . 10,000.98 ' 1,000.86% ? C R I & P rfg 4s Peor?a ?Si E in?; 1> 1,000.73%; 10,000. 17% i 1 000 .... 73% Philippine Ry 4s 30>00. 73%! 6,000. 47% ; Chile Copper 7s Tierce Oil Os 1924 11 oon.113 .107% ! 7 000 _117 5,000.107 do cvt ''.s 2?! paid b.000.107% 11,000. 88 ! 9,000.107% 5 000. 88' 4 Reading gen Is 13000. 88'% 1,000.83% l'OuO . 89 i do t: N J 4s do 6s I 4.000. 82% G 000 ... 88% Republic I &. S 5s 3*000 _ ?88% 4,000. 96 r,'o00 ? ? 83% St I. Ir Mt & S -Is b'OOO ?? ? 88% Riv & Gulf div r'oOO .... ?8834'. 1,000.76% l?iOOO. 89% St LiS F 4s ser A Cin San & C 5s I 2,000. 63% 3 000 . 93%i 2,000. 6J48 ? C C C & St L 41,29 j 11,000. 63% . 4,000. 79 ! 5,000. 63% do gen 4s 1,000.63 5,000. 68 I 4,000.63% Col &. So 1st 4s I do 5s ser B 15 000.87% 12,000.76% do 4',s I , 3.000. 76! 4 1 000. 78' . do .-uij es Con Gas K 1. H & 10,. 70 P ?f Bait cvt 5s 1,000. 6934 5.0110. 96'. si -''?.69% Con Cus cvt 6a 12,000. 69% r,5 000 .102 I do inc 6s ?m'ihiO .102%l 10,000. 49 15000 . . .102' 2 20,000. 48% 3'000.102' a ?"'?'.49 1 000 . . ? .102% 1,000. 49| 4 l'oOO .102' 4 S* L -S'.V11 lflt 'i? ISIOOO.102' ,? 1,000. 67% "-, iiivi .IO234J do Terminal 5s 2'"'??.i?k '._103 ] 5..'. 59% ?'OOO.103' a1 10,000. 69% 10 nun . .103 i St P ?S: K C S L 1 s 15*000 .102%' 4,000. C9 Den &' R G Imp 5s St P M & M 4 %s 1 000. 76 ; 2,.>. 93 do con 4s 1.000. 95% 20 000 . 69% Seaboard A L adj 5s l'oOO . f:9' -, 11,000. 60% ?O'.OOO. 69% ?1 00 '. 60 Detroit City Gaa 5a 1,000. 60' 4 5,000. 96' 2I 1,000. 6u Detroit ?Sdiaon rfg Sinclair Oil Ts Ba 1940 I 31,000. 99% 1,000. 93%, 6,000. 99% Detroit U Rya 4'% ! rio Pacifie cvt 5s . . 74-?4! L.I.107% : Edison El 111 "f ?.000.107% Bklyn con 4s I 1".""".107% 2 000. 80' 2 60,000.108 Erie prior lien 4s 1".""".10734 9 000. 66%l 5,000.107% do gen lien 4s ! 1,000.108 7 (Hin _63'%! 1.000.108' a 1,000 . 54'Si --'.000.107% do cvt Is acr A ! 6,000.108 H 000.47 I do cvt 4a do cvt 4s acr B i 5,000. 84 1 .ii(?0. 47%l I ,000. 84! B 2.000. 47' al lti.000. 8', do cvl la 11er I? I ?1,000. 83% 7 000. 50 I 10,000. 34 3,000.60' ? do rfg la 5,000. 61 ~l 20,000. 80' , 5,000. 50%l 3,000. 80' ', !...1. 60'4! do .'.>! Js Gen Rice del, 5.-1 t 12,000. 75% 2,000.09*4' Granhv Min 6s Btpd ?Southern By 5s 2 000.95 , .93 G Bay & W deb B '. 92% 7.000. 9% ..' 0.93 3,000. 9 '.93' 4 5,000. 9% do 4s Fi.oofi. 9% i.non. ?3% 5,000. 93/?V 3,000 . 68 4 ,. ? 10. 9% 2,000. 69 5,000. 9-v Texas Co cvt Os 11.000. 934 S,.I.102 Hud ?S- 31 rfg 5s Texas ?S: P 1st 5s 5,000.65 I I. "0% 5,000. 0-H a 1.00". 90 15,000. 65 iThird Av rfg 4s do inc ?s 2,''''''. 50% 1,000. 17% 18.00 '. 5034 I.. 17% , 2000. 5-%, 2,.). 17' , do adj 5 i 6,000. 173- . 29 6,000. 17% 10,000. ...... 30 15,000. 17%. '?' . 29% 10.000. 17',' 5."n0. 30 14,(. 18 ?"'."'"?'. 30 111 Cent 4a 1053 Union Pa ific 6s l/ioo. 75 1,000.104 do C St L & N L.).103% ! 0 .ioint 5s do rfg 4s 4,000.90 i 6,000.30 Indian:- Steel 5s Un Rys of St L 4s K "?"'. 97'4 '? .51% 1.000.97 |Un Rys of S F 4s Intbo-Mel -1 ' -s ctfs of deposit 5.. .T... 30%. '. Z0Tn 10,000. 31 ,0C0..?0% !" o. 311/, ?. 31 5,000.S1%iU S Realty 4 I ?; H. 31% ! LO '0. 74% 0.000.3! | 2.0I 1. 71 - 35,000.31 ? 1,000. 74 15. ?? 1,00 -. 75 4,000. 31%'U S Rubber 7s ln.OOD. 31% :." ? >.10334 5.000.323a do 5s 10,000. 3;. : 2,000.883i 5.000. 32% 7."no.89 10,000. 32' V 7,000....... 88% 10.000. 313 T . '.88' -, 1 t.OOO . 337 '. . : 25,000.33 I . 88! '?> >. 3.734 "!.": 0.83% I. 32%U S Sir, 'ing 6s 7,000. 3238' 14,000.100 n.noo. 32' ', U ? Steel s f 5s 10.000. 32 5,000. 32% 5.1 . .100% 32' - 1.000.inr- . . 10,000. 32% 000.100% 53,.1. 33 6,000.' 10,000. 3?34 1,0 0..100! 2 1.000. 33 19,000.100' .1 2.000.3234' 1.IOC, Intbo R T rfg 5s 2,000.100% 7.' i0. 65%| I.100% 0,000. 05' 2 0-.''? ?*?-. .100% 10,000.66 IVa-Car Chemical 5s 0,000. 66%! 1,0 10. 96 2,000. 66' -, Va Ry .1 Power 5<t 1,000. 66% ' '...... 74% 5 000. 66% Wabash 1st 5s lut Agricultural 5s .95 2,000.gji p West Ele itric 5s 13,.I. 82 -';. " '. 9S% 3,000. 81% West Maryland 4s 2,000.813 : i... n. er' g 2.""o. 81% ' ..... 60 1,000. S1% W N Y S- P 1st 5s S.000. 82 '. '. 97% Int M Marine 6s Wilson & Co 6s 15.000. 99' V 1 oon. 993,4 Iowa Central 4s 2,000. 99% 2.000. 453 K C Kt S & M 4s '.'00 3.OO0.69' - Bid and Asked Prices for Oil Storks Following are yesti rday's < 1 sing bl '. and asked prices for leading oil stocl Standard Oil V ! Anglo-Am Oil Co, Ltd. 21 21% AI lantic Bef Co. 1310 1385 Borne-Scrymser Co. 500 525 Buck? ?? . Pip Nine . 102 C!.. I :?? ugh Mfg 1 . ' ms 3 lo S10 Conl Inenl il Oil Co. 690 : ? Crescent Pipe Line Co.?0 ?h Cumberland ripe Une.. . , '" '? Kureka Pipe 1,1 n? Co '?'?"? Galena-Slg Oil Co.. ] u ,v 118 123 Oalena-Sijr. 1 ill 1 ... pf.-ol i 120 i 1? Calen i-Sl?. OU Co., 13(1 ):;t Illinois Pipe Lino Co. 180 100 i: liana 1 pe Line Co . loi 10", Int. Pi troh im C . Ltd. 30 31 Nal lonal Transit C 1. '.'."? New Yor!; Transit Co. 185 '. i Northern Pipo Lino Co. 112 ll."> The Ohio Oil Co. 395 4. ?> Penn.-Mex. Fuel Co. 5? :.s Prairie 1 'il Co. & C?as Co . . . ".'10 800 Pialrle Pipe Lim Co. 2M0 : ! 1 The Solar RollnhiR I . 400 -1 ', ". Southern Pipo Lino Co. 1 '. ; South Pi 1111 Oil Co 310 320 Sout Invest IVnn. PI] !<8 102 Standard Oil 1 'o. of Ca! 21) 1 Stundard Oil Co. of Indiana 830 B." 1 ii'd OH C'u. ill 010 Standard Oil C 1. of K> - . -1 15 42,\ :-'? il n ' , : ?! Oil Co. of X. 0 . . 550 r,i!."> Standard Oil Co. of ? J.. . 7.50 ".55 Stan,!,! i-l ('!1 1 .. . ?' ' V. , . ?HK 1 Standard < Ml Co. ot Ohio... 530 550 Swan & Finch Co. 112 111 Union Tank Lino Co. 132 1.(7 Vacuum 1 ill 1 '.1. 480 Washington ( >H Co.;: Miscellaneous Oil Companies Cosden .?;? Co , . s% 0~i 1: k I', isln Petroleum Co.. !" 1 10 Houston Oil Co. 125 ? > 1 mp. rial Oil Co. Ltd 115 Mamiolia Petrol r 3!l<) ? 1 ' : 1 M 1 ? n. ? I 1 : ? ? ?. , !.. . ? 1 Northwest OH Co /. C. ;0 Su pul pa K. iinln r Co. .-> ?, :,?'. Bdwurd H. 11.. I-'.oil. -i iS Co., hu ? I ??ral partnership In Hi A Co. ANDREW J. McCORMACK, Auctioneer. REGULAR AUCTK 'N SALE KTO< k:? AM) BONDS By ADRIAN II. M?LLER & SON, ' iFFICE, .... U'J LLIAM ST., WEDNESDAY, MAX 7. 1919. at 12 30 o'clock, at the E> CHANGE :-V- LESR NOS. li and 16 VESEY STREET. For A 15 sha ?S leffleld Iron Corpn. common .' ? ' 83 eh?, Sheffield Ir??n Corpn. pre'". T. C. B. American Difrtrlct Telegraph ? . i ? ?klyn. in..'.?. ;. ?-. 'i':'"sn Theatre Co. In otal Baking Powder ?' . Bhs. Pine Forest Land * Improve ni? nt Co. ??/?? ? agua (".nid J'inin? Co. 120 si Sin ?h ne II ri;;atlr?n Co. . Rider i- Driver Publishing <"o For Account of Whom It May Concern 10 Bhs. United G.;s & Elec. Corpn. 1st prefd. $5,000 Brooklyn Rapid Transit Co. 5% tea, due July 1, 1911. $10,000 Dry Dock, East Broadway A B*t t? ? R. 11. Geni, iltg. ?"o Bottdil, : : IC" sha Basic Products Corpn. V. T. C. hester & Van N'est Lan I f. Bhs. Westchester & Van Neat Land ? 10 sis. United Gas & E'.eo. Corpn. 1st ?? \ ? le R. R. 1st Conald I, 1948. ?'. Co. prefd. i .? neral ' las Light Co. of Ka.1 10 r-1:.-?. South Jersey Timber Co $144.88 1 ' of South Jersey Timber Co. dated Febry. 15, 1919, due In 4 :!:s. $875 Note of South Jersey Timber Co. dated March C. 1019. due in 4 50 sha. Knox Hat Co., Inc., common DIVIDEND NOTICES THE BCCKEYE PITE LINE COMPANY 26 Broadway, New York, N. Y. April 22nd, i 91?. - - r share I as h '?a Stock of this c. m pany pa runo 14th, 1911?, to rd :?t the close of busineM ' All ? mications resarrllng; payment ?ess should be Berit to the Lter thnn .Tune 7th. 1919. GEORGE CHESEBRO', Secretary. MEETINGS THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE STOCK Standard ( las I-lgrht Com . be bel 1 e O mpai y. Room No. 203, et, New York City, Wed at II M., foi tha el??ction of Dl ? ctors an! o.her 1 'r-.esa ai ? JOHN E. SANBURN. .Secretary. ? of the American Bible S ? ? v. .: be he! ' al the HA?:* Astor Place, on Thursday next, Mays - - - LEWIS BIRGE CHAMBERLAIN, ; Secretary. Wall Street Items . formerly with \. B. me associated with . ? lo. Lion ha? ? : Thii ? . : . : - ? ? .- . 11.1 .....'?.. Th ? ' has In ? - r, has be? n eh ted * I v. -si Vir? ginia J 9 removed 1 . a to ,vay. ?) i v ? il e n (1 s Regular ? declarations Rate.Period. Pu D.??'.?> Pi-oduc June Jone * ... ,1 St< el Compain increases Capital >N, X. J., Maj :. rho \ ? ick froi i ' . ' : . 1.000. 1 lie stoCK rca of ne* of the par > alue > \ ? I ' . -, !0 shares o? pai valu? of each share being $33 I 3. -u rirnn'r inri ?mr? -rum-m? nm f, 11{" <" s-tnilTaiaaJi