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Names Receivers' For Successor to Emerson Motors Co. \??et* of Campbell Motor Car Company Imperilled by Debts and Threatened Suits Complaint All?gea ? ers In equity for the Gamp- ! ompany, of on. % V., were appointed yesterday by Judge Mart.:?. T. Mant?n in the United States District Courl of Appeals as the . \bel Smith, the bolder of of the com concern that : '? ing ? ie roorganiza merson Motors Com? bing Be lemea of by The Tribuno on No' ' 6. Marcus Helfand Wilsoi -.vero named as ! ' recited that the de ' . under the laws Delaware in October, 1917, with a capital stock of $1,906,296, I ;-;- . FINANCIAL ?IF.ETINGS M?DE1RA-MAM0RE RAILWAY COMPANY A ) To th? ? - ?' an lajcie of SO-Tcnr First M secured by a Trust and a Sup ? - a '?' h, 1913, and Empire Trust : ? V EN that pur? suant 'o ? ? ' ? ? : ? ? heater House, Old Ity of London, on 16th day of J me, 1919 . ? ni - 1 ... the ii ? '.:.e c n -- - - ' ' ' Meeting, thi ? - ? ag and adopting a Compos! ? a Ag - ? to as the Brazil ?' Para, I he ? ? : : ???? - - .... ? - .- t of the liond . . ? .. (}jB exchange of the -, ? ? ... .-...-. ? ? i ? ? ? - ? ? i) or by th ise i per T A; - - nt of 1 he R o M M? - ? 4. A-: ? sa'..! itment Com? pany :.: I to as 1 - . : " . e such Deed th8 Compoii'.nr. or !:. : may be approved at or rig the ist ees 1 do all such Lings as may be n?c Bsai ... : : carrying the ? Indei stee in g' ?/ing fl I I ? ? sing " he Trus : ? '. ' '???? Sup it Deed i para ? . --? tlfytng and a -. of ' h Em? pan; - - : - - .... : n the ... .. ?r-.y. Generally providing for ' - the r??-ts of the holders ol the B r. Is atij ..-.;' .: ? ?.- and agalnsl ntemplat ; n ar. 1 by the si ? ?! harr,-? Is sub::..' I I the - : elthi - wit ti or with an: - ?ationa then ?n as ai ? ; r.d dir-ctlno; tl the - lings In .?. ? ???-: ? an : ; - I . - ved and j'ich - rged. i o{ md of tho ???--- : :. .. ? l) of t i - ; above mi Q at l fol - - :,t-1 BINDER. HAMLYN & . I -. Agents o? the Comj ? ?,80 .^?jite. E. C. - '. ? ' . Liberty Street. Bruaa - te des Ot ta! airea ', ? gee ... iy Com? any, '. ; ; n and Pupp' ,--.a:n elaborate ; ... -, Lined In letail - this provide am >ng ther things) ? ?a. For tl - -i-hanife of the ? i o h o - Ina! I urlng I ....... 2 per cent. In t a ? . ? :. .; any gv ? : : I :. ? : ? : ?' . ' ? B - ' lie r,..-w ' ? - : . and i ; there g i payment ? ?? . . ' cer ? ... . ? . :. . I - :' ? . ira by - ? ? cent. ?''?;?.?, forth ' 1er? :,- a ; BES. Receiver? ird of Dire l :..:..'... COM ??'v. :,?:-? ' -.?.ry I to ng, viz ? ??? .. , Be arel ?. - form ' ? - *j lim? with : .-. I of J : ? ? of . ? ? wii h -' ? . ... - ? . rula -.,??,-?? '? ?-. the foregoing ? .. .... ' ? ? ? ?? ?? ?hi' h ran al ? ? ? ? , , , . ' on. ? WM?. M?u ..v )f which $1,000,000 was first pivfarred, ' $113,700 second preferred and $792,290 n stock. The comcany, the com? plainant alleged, expected to reap largo pr lits from the manufacture and .^a'e m If!.000 to 18.000 cars a year. "The company," the bill of complaint added, "was beset from the beginning by difficulties in procuring adequate materials for the manufacture of cars. Contracts with the government and' the Young Men's Christian Association . were cancelled because the defendant was unable to fulfil their require ments." Debts to the approximate sum of $60,000 are pressing, the bill further alleged. While the bill stated that the defendant company is solvent, it was alleged these debts and threatened suits imperil the assets. J. A. Camp? bell, president, admitted the facts alleged in the bill and consented to the appointment of the receivers and "such other relief as a court of equity may gram." An involuntary petition in bank ruptcy was filed against the company yesterday by Iae Flock, with claims aggregating $1,000. Curb Market Note.?The Tribune assumes no responsi? bility for the accuracy or authenticity of curb market quotations. Transactions and prices yesterday were as follows Industrials Sn^es. Open, High. Low. Laut. '..'? 0 ?Aetna Explos. 10% 11% 10% 11% 900 'Am Bosch Mag 85 85 83 83 :- " ?Am Ch Prod. . 1' a 1% 1% 1% ' ?Am S Fdy wi 35% 35' 2 35 35 I Br.-Am Tob reg 24% 25 24% 25 3 0 Am-Br Tob cpn 26% 25% 25 25% 14 ?Clalb ?fi: An F 9 9% 8% 9 2; ?Cudahy.. (123-124) 124' 121% 121% 12 0 Emerson Phon. 4% 5% 4% 54 H I ?Fairbanks Co. 63' 63' 63' 63 l? "?am Pyrs-Las 90 90 89 89 Fisk H T w i. 37 37' z 37 37' 2 Gen Asphalt. 70% 71% 69% 71% ' Irai e-Ola .... % % A % ..''" Pf;. 1A '?:- i-> 1rs ?'? i Hupp Motor... 934 934 9% 9% : Inter R ibber. . 34 35 33' 4 33! 4 Lack Co Coal. 24 24 21 21 500 ?Lib MacN <& L 31% 32 31 3134 1800 ?Luna Loco ..50 50 47 47' Marconi of Am 4% 4% 4% 4% .'.at An ? Ch. 32 32 32 22 ?Nat Fireprg.. 11% 12% 11 11 ?do pf. 22 24 20% 21 ' N M & Ar Ld 6 6 5% 5% ? 21 'N A Pulp & P 6% 7% 6% 7% P< rfec T & R. 1% 1ft 1--, 1A ! 2 i ? Peerl T & M C 28' 4 29 23! 4 2S% ?Ph Morris.... 13% 13% 12% 13 Remgtn Type. 64% 64% 64 64 124 ) ?Savold Tire.52-55 59 52 56%! 'SirapBon Coal. 8 8 7% 7% ' Stan Gas & E 41 41 40% 40% | 3ubm Btvtctf 15% 15% 15' 15 ! ?Swift Intl ... 61% 62 61 62 Tri Fm v t ctfs % 1% 7B 1% ?'?.- ' ?( ? ' ,rs 46 49' 46 49 150 0 1 -i Profit Shar 1% 2 1% If? 10 OU S Stmsb Co. 23B 2% 2% 2% ' 800 ?Warren Bros.. 47% 43 46 46' 5 0 Wayne Coal .. 3% 4 334 4 Standard Oils Salea. Open. High. Low. Last. 2S50 ?Anglo-Am Oil 23 25 24 24 227 ?St O Co (Cal) ? 294 284 290 1". "St O Co (N J) ? 759 745 755 ' t O Co (N Y ) ? 390 385 390 2:.") ?Union Tank L ? 135 125 135 160 ?Vacuum Oil... ? 490 472 483 Other Oil Stocks Sales, Open. High. Low, La-it. ?Allen Oil _ 4 4% 3% 3% 1 ?tAmal Royalty 1% 1% 1% \?,\ ? iQ ?Barnett O & G ft % ft % IS. ?Boone Oil .. ., 8 8% 7% 8%' :." * Bos-Wyo Oil. 61 65 55 59 1 ?Caddo O & R. 48% 49 43% 48% : : ? ?( ? tl Oil Dev. 12% 12% 12 12 200*Cit S B T ah. 37% 3^34 37% 37%; !" ? ?Cowth Pet w i 43' 2 43% 43' 4 48% ' : i Contl Ref_ 10% 10% 10 10% 1 ?Cosden & Co.. 9% 9% 9% 9% *' ystal Oil .. 1% <% ', % 1% ?1 irn lan Pet.. 1' 8 1% 1- a 1% Basin Pet 9% 9% 9% 9% ' Esmer Oil C 25 42 25 30 - 4000 ?Federal Oil .. 3% 3% 3% 3%: r<. ? ? ? 7% 7% 7% 7% : ?He ? Pet Cl A 10% 10' 2 10% 10 ,\ ?tHigh Grav O. 33 40 33 35 ?Home O R wi 20% 2234 20% 2234 ' : ?Houston Oil. .121 122 121 128 : ? ?Hu Ison Oil. . . 3% 4. 4 3% 3' 2 : : ?Inter Pet. ... 30 30% 30 30% 1 ??? I ?Island O & T. ?3% 8% 83a 8% I ?-Kenova OU. . 7 13 7 12 12 ?Kentu iky Pet 4 4 a -l 4 B30 . ?Lou O & R. .44' ??-5 45' 2 44' 4 45| 3 i*Merritt Oil C. 32 32'J4 32 32% :? ' 1 Met Pet. 3r? 3% 3 3ft 2750 ?-Mid Sta O C. 2 2 1% 1% M dvi st Ref. .188 190 184 138 ?Midweat-T Oil 1% 1% 138 1% 1 ?M P ol M W 1 4% 5; a 4% 4% ?Nat Oil. 6% 6% 6'. 4 6% Omar 0 & G. 48 60 48 49 , - ?rieni O 8 G 3 3 2% 3 ?O N O Syn Ino 1% 1% 1% 1% ?P ? nock Oil. . 16% 18! s 1&% 16 , % "-Q-jefn Oil... 14 15 14 14 3 ?Rangeb Oil... 4% 6 4% 4% I 74 0 ?Ran-H O (a p) 1% 1 % 1 4 1%. 37 0 ?Ranger Oil... 2 2 1% 1%! ?Rickard Tex C 15% 15% 15 15 ?Rock O ia pi. 1 1% % 1 ?" . ?H-.-in Pet.4%-4% 4% 4% 4% 10000 ?Salt Crk Pr. (51-55 1 55 51 53 ?Sap O & R-- 3% 9% 83-4 8% 7500 ?Sinclair G C. 58% 68% 57% 58 ?: ?S W Prod ?ft R 5 5 5 5 8200 ?Stanton Oil... 1% 1% 1% 1% 6350 ?Sterling OS-R 8% 8% 8% 8% 3 ?Tex-Ran P&R -i% 5% 4% 5% ?tTexana O&R 50 50 50 50 3 ?Ty ipa Oil_ 2 2 2 2 400 ?Valv O P Inc 7% 3 7% 8 ?Vera-Cons Pet 1% 1% 1% Wz ?Vic Oil n stk. 4' a 4- 4 3% -1 Mining Stocks Salfi Open. High. Low. Last. 36550 tAlas-Br C M.. 63 65 60 65 - \ M.vM ? tip'. 30 31 30 30 - '-. id <: d.. 1% 1% V a ?% ?America Mine* % % % % 9 10 ?Arizona Butt? 73^ 76 73 76 Big I.<yJze. % % A A - !.. oth. 10 10 10 10 B. st ?ft Mont. 72 75 72 73 a .1 I opper 1% 1% 1% 1% ?tCandelar Sil. 65 68 65 08 .., . Cashl oy. 10 10 10 10 ?Cerbat S M.&M 3% 3% 3% 3% ; 1 reason Con Gd 5 5 4% 4% rod o? N 20 20 19 20 ?;-. ireka Cr M. 1 % 2 1% 2 3100 ?Flagg Tun M. 6% 6% 6% 6% : , ? I : irence Sil. 75 75 74 75 "Go den Gate . 3% 3 4 3 3% ? ? . Zone D. 1% 1% 1% ''/* loldfleld Con. 18 18 18 13 ? - '- ?:? Id Merg 5 5 5 6 1800 ' ?tHarml I Dlv. 35 35 20 30 ? Hasbrouck l> 27 29 26 28 ii. -i M ning. .5555 :- ? Jim li itler. . 33 33 33 33 J imbo Exten. 13 13 13 13 ?tLibBellD apj 13 13 13 13 ? Loi ?- Sua.- . .11 11 11 11 ',/..'. lana Con. % % % % : ' - M M ' f A(ap) 1% 1 \'a % 1% : ?- MacNam M. 1 :, 1 ft 95 96 ? ". a L <ay 1 40 51 46 ?S ;. . ? .;. 1er Loue, 45 45 45 16 ??Nat '1m - 2\\ 3% 2% 3% ? '.'... Ophlr M 20 21 20 21 -, .? ?, Nev, . . 20 23 20 20 1 ?Onondaga Mm 3% 3% 3% 3% ?, . ?Ray Here Min 2% 2 a 1 '? 2 R? Con Min 14 19 14 14' 4 Ro? h Mines.. . 20 20 20 20 ?- M. 1% 1% '% ? Silv K? Div.. 31 32 20 30 . Kg 1 ' Ar % % Ii < * itand Silv-Ld. h -y :'? fi . -,.i Piv. 24 25 22 23 ?i un of Weit, 1% ?1 2 ''la '% t?rwart ... 24 26 24 25 ?Tonopah Bei . 3% 3% 3% 3' , 10 ?Tonopah Kiv.. 9% 10% 9% 10% h Exten 2% 2% 2% 2% ? ronopah Mid. B0 60 50 ^ 60 i ?Tonopah Mng. 3'B 3% 3% 3% I ? U -, Cont M. 16 18 16 17 Unity C M Co. 6% 6% 6% 6% ?V tor 1' & M 5 5 5 5 ?'Ward M K. M 24 25 24 24 .'/.?,,-, Gold Q. 75 75 75 75 .',.-,' E ?! Con ? 2J, 2 23, 0 | Wi: Cap? Mg 25 25 25 2"i ?',', n Kn Cop pf 1% 1% 1% 1 '?! Itond* '??n-f. High I '.??". L? .' |g?Lfg&M 8? 1021 100 100% 100 100% 1 . ?Ha?? '.?.?''. 6 ?? 4?| , 60 4'i;y. ? g , 53! , '-'? 68! j. 6? ?Ufjjiatid. f&?n ?xrita l>*r ?sliAr?. Says Mexico Will Increase Taxes On Oil Properlies Mexica? Legal Authority Holds Government Justi? fied in Its Programme of Adding to Industry Levy Financia?! Bureau Sperin!. Corri'fpon'onre MONTEREY, Mexico, May 5.?Ameri? can and other foreign oil investors in Mexico will obtain no favorable legis? lation at the hands of the Mexican Con? gress, which convened in the capital on ! May 1. This is the expressed belief of men who are in close touch with the Carranza administration and the senti? ment '.hat exists in official c;rclc3. Widespread propaganda is now being circulated in Mexico with the view of justifying the government's attitude' toward the oil industry. Emeterio de la Garza, jr.. a distinguished lawyer, of the City of Mexico, who in former times was attorney for large foreign i oil interests in this country, is now openly supporting the programme of Carranza of increasing the t ixes on the industry. In a public statement, : jus* issued, Mr. Garza says: "The laws governing and taxing the oil lands and the oil productions in Mexico have lately been discu much through the press of I States and in Mexico ns we!! that I shall not go further ?into this matter, . which is to be submitted at this '?me, as a proof of good faith to Congress, for ampie final consideration, ? to present a few facts which will speak for themselves. "The value of oil exported during the year 1918 by all of tho oil com? panies operating in Mexico was 150, 000.000 pesos, equivalent to ; gold. The taxes paid panies amounted to 11,120,3! f.90 ;? or a little less than 8 per cent. "The government in 1917 collected1 taxes amounting to 6,854,537 pesos, equivalent to 1-8-10 per cent. We must take into consideration the fact, that the exportation of oil in 1918 was only 1,251,242,317 tons more than in 1917, notwithstanding tho fact I at, duo to the high price of oil, the com? panies received three times as muc : as the amount of money collected for oil in 1917. "During the period of 1017 to 1918 the government of .Mexico reduced the taxes from 12 8-10 per cent, to 7 9-10 per cent, one-third less, in spite - fact that the earnings of the companies - increased considerably. "In 1018 65.0 per cent, of the 'of.a! amount o:' oil exported was cru;!?? oil ?an ! 34.1 per cent was refined oil. The largest amount of this, 1 108,042,473 tons, belonged to the Hausteca Petro? leum Company and 577,593,305 '??ns to the Compania Mexicana de Petr?leo del ?guila. "Official r??cord3 show that the oil companies of Mexico have been stead? ily and continuously increasing the production of oil, the profits rec lived and the dividends paid to their stock holders being sometimes as high as 23 per cent. ?'Now, in regard to rent, an oil lot of 170 acres (74 hectares) will cost in Mexico $32i.> a year, or $4,1 ?"?0 in a period ! of thirteen years from 1918 to 1931; adding to that sum $102, which . title tax, the tc, ?al rent of such lot in Mexico would be $4,352 for even the largest producing let. as against $227, 000 to be paid in Oklahoma on the example cited. "In the state of Texas those who ? obtain oil lands have to pay $2 pi r acre a year, one-e g :' the value of the oil prodi ced and one-tent the gas conserved, which ?. greatly in excess of taxes which - in Mexico." Relevant Comment I The Day's Market After early irregularity caused by realizing sales the stock mark'-' re? sumed its advancing movement yester? day. The trading list was about the broadest yet and dealings were well in excess of a million and a quarter shares. The speculative element paid more attention to the railroad stocks, many j of which made substantial gains, v Reading, Xew York C? Atlantic Coast Line, Delaware, Lacka wanna & Western, St. Paul o and Norfolk & Western. Steel common at the top price of ! the day, 99%, was up a point from Sat? urday. It closed under that figure, at 99, \ip U. Copper shares were Arm, Oils continued strong, with Texas Company, Sinclair Oil and Assoc at? Oil th?? features. Tobacco shares made a further advance. ; ? la were active and generally higher, w th th I ? rty Loan closing ?'.rir.. Rumania Wants Credit. Here. Rumania has added Its name to tho list oi foreign countries that is seek ing credit advances from American bankers. It was .sai'i in banking cir? cles yesterday that Rumania la in im? mediate need of funds with wl buy locomotives and other railroad equipment. Hines to Address Economic Club. Some illuminating information on the railroad situation is expected to be presented at a dinner to be given i by the Economic ( ?:;;> on Thur daj evening of this week at the II tel As tor. Among the speakers will be Wal? ker D. Hines, Director General i ' i ? roads ; Senator < ?ummin ?. c the Senate < !ommit tee on Intel tato ( ommerce, and Howard Ell i dent of the Northern Pacific Railway. ! It is the opinion In railroad circles 1 that the carriers will not be returned : to their owners before July 1, 19J '. Sees No Steel Wage Cuts James A. Campbell, president of the i'oungstown Sheet and Tube Company, was reported in Young3town, Ohio, dis , patch?-? yesterday as saying that there can be no reduction In wages in the iron and steel industry until after this year's crop is harvested, unless prices of finished products are reduced in the meantime below present costs of : production. Expect Cut in 'lire Prices Reports yesterday thai :.??' i ral of I g tire manufacturers of the coun try a: i for a . tion in pr;?'?.'. averaging between 10 per cent and 15 per cenl were follow? ! by heaviness in the I Ajax, ' Goodrich, Kolly-Sprii : id U. S. Rubber all Bhowed net losse , running ? from a point to more than two ; i I | Their weakness was tho more i able in' view of the strength in ihe rest I of the market. - . American Woolen Annual Report Not Yet Completed SPRINGFIELD, Mas-?.. May '. Tho adjourned annua ting holders of the American Woolen Com ? , .. held hen lo lay, was again n<'. journod to Mny 27 to await the aompli - , tion of-tho annual report. Industrial Cotton While a realization that acreage has not beer, reduced nearly so much a.3 expected tended to keep cotton prices down yesterday, the improved state of tho poods trade tended to keep them up. The market, a3 a result, did not move much in either direc? tion, and trading was lacking in ani? mation. Though fluctuations at times wore quite irregular, the drift of prices in the long run was toward a higher level, and closing transactions showed net gains of 9 to 16 points. 'in the local market spot cotton was quoted at 29.20, an advance of 10 points. The cotton exchanges in New York and New Orleans will be closed to? day. Prices for future contract'3 follow: NEW STYLE Previous Op<?n Hi?h I,nw nn,. Cl a May....28.85 '2H.49 28.25 1S.4,-> g- 28.36 ruly. .28.63 26.88 21..'I 26.7.-1 it?6 77 '-'?.?? Oct. .24.60 24.91 '?4.5? 24.78@S4.80 24.67 Dec. . 24J.5 ?4.4! 24.12 1M.HO :i ?4 .'_? 24.1l) Jan. .23.78 24.12 23.78 23.98@24.02 23.82 COTTON STATISTICS Yester- La LttBt V\.: Year Port receipts , 16,735 closed 0,97-1 - . (?,.",67 closed 21,546 season.. 3,918,677 ?-lone?! 3,278,872 .V. Y. stocks.. 93,732 ciofteil 169,982 P rt stocks... 1,266,310 closed 1,445,923 receipts.. . 15,228 closed 5,99 ? a 17.77:i closed 10.001 N. Y. arrivals, 3,043 closed 1,777 SOUTH EP.N SPOT MARKETS Tester- Stocka ? rts: Sales Stocks Tear ago ? - 238,171 279,103 28.00 4,142 407,623 433,816 ... - . i a i Wllmlngi n Baltimore, . - v 1 ? k. \ irlo , .1,266,316 1.443,923 Interior: ... 28.20 344 171.710 117.0.-.8 his . . . ?- 340,018 365,373 ?-'. L. ula ... - ? ? 22,584 17,329 Houston ? - 253,859 372,628 Little Rock.. 27.00 360- 2x.tini> Liverpool Cotton Spot cort?n was active in Liverpool ;?. sterday. Middling was quoted at Salea were 7,000 bales: of which 6,000 were American. There were no imports. Manchester reported a brisk ess in yarns and cloths a*. firm pr; ces. Prices for future contracts follow: NEW CONTRACTS 12:15 Previous I .ast ; m Close. Close. Year May .16.80 16.90 17.11 21.35 Juno .16.61 16.44 16.88 2081 July .lii.U I.V66 lfi.litl 20.88 August ?,->.'.'i! Hi..18 l!).f,.j ' : . 13.67 1 l.DO 15.82 19.45 Sustenance Cereals Wheat.? Shipments of wheat from North America last week were 6,451, 138 bushels, as against 5,136,850 the previous week. Exporta of fl? . ?? < ?? : 1,878 barrels, a3 against - the week before. Receipts of % leat at New York yesterday were 27 :., 0 bushels. Corn.?Corn prices, after poing to new high records, broke badly at the the day. Net Losses were , to 4% cents a bushel, V .?' er lay's Pre-* lous Year ?; o v ; .?? ago ! yellow $1.90% $l.RK% ? . .. . 1.661 i 1.71 $1.27^ Jul> . 1.65V4 1.68% ? ier. 1.60 1.64% ? Oats. Prices advanced early on _-, inspired by wet weather and backward farm work, but later de? clined with corn. The close showed ? ' of 1% to 2% cents. Yesterdaj s Previous Year >;n^- v ... i ... itro hite ,79V2@.80 .80% .87 :. i '-: ? .'ill .707? .7.".'-= ll.70 .72% ? September.(?8% .70% ? Rye.?Market lower. rest ' '.,\- ? Prev loaa Yoat New York - <?? Cash, No, 2 West S 1.83 f 1.83Vi S2.r>0 Floor and Meal?Quotations were: rday's Prev. . ? Yea* Now Tori Minn sp p, $13.25 g 13.7,-) $18.00@ 13 50 $11.00 Cornflour.. 4.00? 1.25 4.00@ 4.23 5.00 Rye fir. eh.. 8.70? 1.0.00 8.7:,-T?110.00 13.30 Bran, 100 lb 46.20@46.50 48.00?- - rea i* is asserted that a large importer ; in the last thirty days t0 pounds of tea for shipment to Euro] H E '' : '?".: s quar tity is said . and the rest will go forward in the next few weeks. ? . . ? ali are begi nning to ? ? ffect on stock-. Quotations for lota of 50 and 100 I ackagi 3 follow : ' ? ENS A week Yesterday. ago. Moyune, Gunpowder . 48@70 43?70 Moyune, Imperial.43?>55 43053 . -. Young Hyson.... 33?65 33.?S>65 Moyune, Hyson. 32 g 15 32@35 Pingsuey, Gunpowder ..?? 23 ? 3 5 23(15)55 Plngsucy, Imperial . 35@45 : Pingsuey, Young Hyson.. 28@38 28(338 JAP AN.S Panfired . 30@50 . .- iO Basketflred .'?. 30 i 55 30@55 rigs . IE.; 23 20@ 23 FORMOSA OOLONG Good . 28@30 2-7? 23 :? . 3^ .' 36 31@35 Fine.41:61 40'S 60 CONGOU -. 25TJ.70 25@70 INDIA Pekoe Sou. 32034 32@34 ; .. . "l ... 44 34 ?*44 Orange Pekoe.37@56 37re'5? Flowery Orange Pekoe... 44@65 44@65 CEYLON ; Pekoe Sou . 32^ 34 36? - ?\ ...... ._ 34 14 34.; 44 Orange Pekoe . 36@56 36@56 Flowery Orange Pekoe... 46rg?6l 46'i61 : Oraage Pekoe.... 46@66 46 <j 66 .i WA . 25w30 25@30 . .... .... 29iff32 28@32 Ora o Pekoe . 31@40 11 ^40 y Orange Pekoe... 40@51 40@51 [j , ? , rl Orange Pekoe. ... 25<S 10 25 g 30 . 26 .,31 26(1)31 Odd loi 11 ?? nt higher. Sugar and <!ol?ee i lurrent A year prices, ago. Sugar, granulated, per lb. 9 7.45 Sugar, centrifugal, per lb. 7 28 - ? Rio No. :. per lb. 19% SU Co?Tm, Santo? No. i, per lb... 22^ Sugar.?Canadian refiners are Baid tn b pplii -I a i a reaull of conl ract purchases made for their accounl by inada Food Roard. The Canada Food Board ha ? : unofficinllj thai the i refiners will not . Id part, of the San Domingo crop .? local market supplies appeal plenl ful There ta a lack of tonnage t neaa Coffee Futures.?Thia market wn ' firm on buying by houaea with Kairo pean connections. Closing pr ces were S to 16 point ? g ["I demand is asserting . . more, it is said. Prices for future contracts fol Previ .r High. Low. Close. e. s? . .In!.?-.. 18.60 13.59 13.58ffi-3.60 13.50 8.41 Sept. 18.05 17.90 13.^5 : '3.04 17.87 Dec. 17.-?8 17.30 17.43@17.45 17.30 8.62 March 17.25 17."0 17.25@17.26 17.10 -? Cottonseed OH.?Trading in cotton seed oil, which has been under govern? ment ban, will be resume I next Thurs? day. Business will be nfined 1 cottonseed oil months, begii the October delivery. The food a istration announce I that it an increase of 2 cents in the maximum price of crude cottonseed oil, f. o. b. point of production, and the delivery price of lard substitutes, Butter, Cheese and Eggs Butter.?Receipts were 13,675 pack? ages. Creamery, higher than extras. lb, 55%(S;66c; extras .?2 score ' ' ' 88 to 91 score , ' seconds i ?S3 to 87 score . 51 '-. ?c; lower gradi ?, 49 i 50c : unsalted, b - than ?extras, 58 ?58%c; extras, " ">7'3C. firsts, 55@56c; seconds, 53 dairy tubs, lines:., 54@54%c; go prime, 52@53c; common to fair, 46 51c; renovated, extra-, 51c; . 19 50c; lower grades, 16 : <-'c: im creamery, firsts, ? - ? - cur? rent make, firsts. i>',': j 18c; seconds, 45c; low? r gr ides, 13 I4c; ; a stock, curren-, make, No. ?. lie; No. 1. 43c; lower grades, 39@42&c. Cheese.?Receipts were ,283 State, whole milk, fn sh fiai i. col i. lb? 32M.@32^c; wl average ? re '. 1 2c ; white, 32c; lower . . I , ? ? .spe? cials, Wh;*r :, ... ? . < . .;?? 1, 32 average run. white, ,;i'-j ?.? I i, fiai . ?? \ ' ? ?. "? sin, who!?? mi Ik, twins, held, ' ! - ? white, 33c; i :;_>;?2'.", dou fresh, 32 p 3 2-Vic; Young Americas fresh, 11 . . ?tate, n . specials, -??':' ?. . ;e, 20 i 22c : fair to good, 15 i lue; lower grad 14c. r,ggs. Receipts were 25,613 cases i Fresh gathered, extras, d >z< . -?"--j. i 43c; storage packed, extra firsts, 47':?r: ; firsts, -l.".1^ - t'J'-.'c; gathered, extra | firsts, 46%@47c; firsts, northerly sec? tions, 44%@46c; southerly sei '43 ]2 ??? 1.5c; seconds and poorer, 10 ? 43c; dirties, No. 1, 41 t42c; No. 2 and poorer. 36<S 40c ; c : eggs, nenroy, maian ttunner, ta : @64c; Baltimore, 58 ??'??,?-. \ ..-.. @60c; Western and other S i good to prime, 53 L58c; far Southern, common to fair, 40c; goose eggs, 60@ 1 75c. Hay and Straw Y/est erday A ye -.- a - ) i'er ion I r. ton Timothy, No. 1. large I ilea .$42 CO ,7 13.00 $30 30 g 32.00 ?'. er, No. 1 t.:-. ! - - ' W Rye straw. No. 1. 15.00<? 16.00 18 . Orchard an?i Fi??ld Y- -????:? lay A ?? ? marr lbs .$11.70 ',; $14.0 Peas. Scotch, MS. 7.C ; Potatoes, nw. bl I. 3.00@ 9.~.1 ?'? a '? Ai?i?i.?3^ Bldw, ?... -? - ?. -. efruit, box. .' ??? ? ' >0 Oranges, box .... 2.50@ 6.20 3.00? 8.50 Livestock, Meats, Provisions V Bterday a year ago Lives! ick, fair to > ; 00 m . $1 l.00@18.00 $14.00 r. 17.00 : beef.sides ttj . .21@.25^ .IS Live ?,-??..s, com? mon to prime, 100 It 12.00@10.00 Dresse ' ' i .19? .26 .19 r.?.. , ewes, ! :'i :?> 8.00 912.00 9.00 ; ! i ?? : i .' ' ?n It) .20 <??' 23 . ' ' fair 100 It 14.00@16.50 15.00@16.75 I i ity, 113.30@ .34 .25 Hogs, 100 It).... 20.50@20.73 18.40@18.60 I o K s, bacon, rt> .28H@-28% ?-?"'1 Mesa beef, bb!. . . Hr> no .. ;s,).?>?) 32.0O@33.Oi Mess pork, bbl . 57.00? 58.00 53.50?54.00 Lard, Mid-West. 100 tt>. 84.00? 34.15 25.85 3 25.05 Corporate Return: Delaware & Hundson The annual report of the Delaware & Hudson Railway Company f ses net in me C $4,71 equivalent to $11.09 a share on the $42,503,000 cap ta 3toc pared with $4,992,779, or ?: ' L.75 a - lare earned the year before. Gr w is $10,602,780, an increas $509,132. On account of Federal c mp i the company receive?! in 1918 $1 000, again it a . ied of $7,40 1,600, ?>r : I ?rr ???. I another .?' ?,100,1 tal of - i,2 ?' ?" :,] 19,60 ) less than il - m r- :.'..'.. National Acme Company Net sa the first qu irter of $3, 133.789 for I he sai ; ?st J ear. Net ; roflf 9 "? ire ?5758 . ?r.? the per I holders stock " . :. llvldend Jewel Tea Company?For the fo ir ended April 19 a . 015. an ii :-?,?- :' ;. ver resi ond.:..? iveeks of 1918 S ilea : r the slxt ien "? ? k ? wer i $5,11 Commonwenlth Power, Railway and Licht Compon] for tha : liroe months ended Mr ?_:?'.? ?' ' 169 for the same quarter of tl I g :?' ar , rnlngs w ?re $2.854,919 an I of $885 I tftei -'.:", . . ? v ls i ? ?,941 a -'.. Insl i quarter i n led March 31, 1918, of f I Chile Copper Profil-? for (Quarter Slump Heavily On n production of 29,305,514 : of copper the Chile Copper Company reports net profits after d? $817,590 for the last quarter of 1918. This compares with $3,276,944 for the preceding quarter. ( M hi r amounting to $213,514 was added I i this amount, m iking a $1,03 1,105 total. After bond interest, amorl il count, etc., surplus of $300,936 ?as ; equivalent to 8 cents a share eari ' the $95,000,000 capital stock. $2,701,630, or 31 cents a share, ii the September quarter. ! M ?or land Refining Company Increases Capital Stork Stockholders of th.? Marian.i R? '"." ng 'Company have voted to increase the c ?? ital stock from $10,000,000 to ?25, t?i ' holdei the right to Bub3cril to ' 000 shares of additional Btock ??<' ar 1 $5 per share1 to the extent of 60 ' ?t cent of their holdings, if an .' this stock is not subscribed for 2,400 shareholders, the direct , ompnny have pledged : hem : Ivc3 to take and pay lor it at par. Buyers are iovited to register in t '^ omen's Wear and Millinery -. N'i-:, O.?The Sprlng-Holz S Spring .-. I M - " - . -'S ?t. And v ? and 8. 1 N'T.J Ein poriura V S H timan, ml Inery -1 - W St - - wom ? .?'. umbrella*; : - ? ?tone Suit and 3 ?'?- an, wash skirts and Martinique. ? ' -. Y -Sisson Bros. :. R ? muslin under ? I x M v ? R. Z Aland ? ? . ry j.r.d women's wear; ? FA1 -J. x. Adam Co. Miss mu inderwear. corsets, far '? it Thir leventh Street is \ ndrews. Japa ' ixe 2 West - CAN"! . ?'.g-Holxwarth Co.; r. suits lats, w a sts m' n J " - Andrew's Hotel, expected - ' -, - V i.?S. Oberlan Co.; i furnls g - Grand 'AGO?A. 1 v Larner, - ? -- v ?? n'a wear Broztell G Tisch, CINNAT?? - - re Mr. Fus 23 East il - J R '?Irr. m, women's - Wise Co ; E. W. I suits \ - leen. ginal Sampl ? Cloak ' i '? . ser, waists and [BUS, i ..?-.. nlon Co. : Mr-?. m -i -? wear ; to wear; Alfred Fant!. ' ' - ? ? ; Street, i i : h Cl ilBERLAND, M 1 ? A. Lazarus Co.; A. v M Lazarus, women's furnishings ; i imler; Miss E vln ' ?" waists; > - - - ? I Ud se. -p.. 225 me | AYTi \, O.?Riks-Kumler; Mr Bchleu - Associated 'tl Ave ? ; ? . I ion; Mr. ? ,.-?:< ? - ; : - " '??- ay, M. Lipman, fall :oats and suits I.'. East Twenty-sixth '. Ind :,. S. Avros Co. | bathing ;s \; Eth a * . : S'lAN . - ryg iod Co ! s ?h , M ?s Maries Buits tresses; K fc :?-? . . .-. ; ; ;.; .-.?'. Il 1 ?L. S. Ayres; Misa buyer, bu!1 3, - IM Ise. Corp., 22 3 Fifib ? ? I ?T.. S. Avr.j, Co s . Associated Mdse, F 'th A i le !, Fia M irk's '.; '-? lummer wash dresses suits Cnior .- m ire George K Kleine - it; Brown S Mao rae iramel Co J. Ham '??' ? - L.-r Z ;.: ? nthal 3 151 ? ' Dayton s; Mr Qans ' su ?? .'. ?? ? Bsi s, a ? Irta an : - ??? ? AUKEE, '- ! F . l'a Mr ,; lTis ? , : ' Its ? ; 3 etc Miss L rufu ? etc. ; O W Rectoi its . - ire - -,., . Dept Store : Mrs. H ?; ? Inery; Bre PAVVTVi KET 1: -L; nd & .'-. . 1 ? irg In, men's ithlng ika "? ' -' ' ?'- ? ?? - :? ; ; 220 Fifth Av? nue i ? ? IND, Ore.?Meier ?S- Frank Co. ?i cs, suits, skirts . Fifi \ ?. . . - J. J. Reib, a : - wear. Harr . : 2 Fifth Avenue, i p. Ne-v : ?? ? :- st's W. C md mlssi i' read / t ??? Twenty-nintl ? : ' -.. lonnor, Moffat & 432 Fourl h . X Y. -H. S Barnej n - :?: Raj mon 1, dresc goods and s Y, X V?If. S. Barney oan. ???? n's, woi and 104 Fourth Av mue Iowa?Em] Willli - ry , 62] Mass ?Probes & Wal . Lte Trad . Ifi tl A - en Je. Receiver in Bankruptcy RY P TASMAN ?Judge Knox in Court yester .-r with ? ! for Harry i' Ta?, : ? A ?'. Involuntary ; " -? tn t?y thr '??? ?? I ilaims as fol? ien, $2 . ' sei "? ""? Isner, ; ; E ? i, 5 Levy, Ham . . Fifth Avenue, are . i'ttitions in Bankruptcy ' ? MAIl ER & S y?A voluntary petl - ? . -. yes es of $1,073 and nc et, $200; Bar ? i? y - ;. $.1 and the ; masvill X . . . , a-, W sinberg, in . . i the atl rneys. Schedule in Bankruptcy iB SIEGE1 -A --? ledule of Jacob ... - was Bled In the Unite '. riet i ihows Ha ' ; ig] .-? ' a isets of$ 124. Thi rgesi editors aro S. N'a 1 ! j ;??? ene Sti i $275; M 5264: S. 1 l Street nk F Bergen idwaj .5 ' he at -.. rney . Discharges in Bankruptcy . us M. Mayer In the Fnlte^ . ? j ?terday di ? ??:?:? s ritonio Err.. - i in R ? ? . ':'? Hi v.-v E ir ; - nth l!, Sam .,.--; '?' ner and John A-s?gnnu>n? AXD NATHAN DELI.HEIM. trad _- .. , - i & Bro . n mol i turinj irs supplies -v -, : i. Rtr et, : si er lay as nefit f ireditors to Ed Is._ Judsment?? The I ' ; Igmenta were filed Sat the first name being that if r In New York County ; : ... $10S.5: Fred ... ind Edwin A. ? et al. . 1,062.2 H irr! il i '?' '?'?".n : . 1.140.2 .:: bel Jiros . ?ss.r - mon ?i. ?W. M. Si h m der L 4.704.5 is 1 ' Alimento ei ; : ' ' t ? .Alimento 110.] ? i-;. , . m . 1.005.9 110.? . ;. A. Klmb . 641.7 erg, William?W. Kllllck.. ... 420.5 M ?alea . l?*-2 A M. ' ar- - '-t ttl. . 8,429 :? ; erbor c o a'i 11?. 4 2 1 4. 4 P Spanow. . 2.70 > t Bti '. : ? -.' lement - ?i. . 1.131.7 - --, .. - 100.9 1 ?-.-? rborougb . io*. ? , : .t ? 111.4 ... O'Con . sooft . ia\ Id B ISturaa ? - 1,61 ? I .., ? ' -. - ' ii ? K. II ira?-.a.??-. 13,*iJ7-1 his column by telephoning Beekman S . ST. LOUIS, Mo ?Scruggs, Vaadenrort ?fc M iss Ws : ? '??' I - los: As ?iocnated Mdse. C '?yrt.. 225 Fifth Avenue. S, Mo ?N Kr!??.!:-dn .<? - ... ! sen berg skirts; Bras! a. St. LOUIS, Mo.?Grsty Bros.' . ? - ? TOLEDO?La ?alle & Kooh; Mrs. - - Assoc. Mdsg. Corpn., --?> Fifth Avenue. WATERLOO, Iowa ? John Wilhelm, coats, - . ?s; Pena? ini? Men's Wear AT LAN"" A. Gl?Chamberlain -Johnson T u ii. se Co C V. H s.?, la ??-?' ne ?*we <". .-- ribbons, en a turn ih ngs ??." I bo??rs' department n?? Broadway. BALTIMORE -M. Schwartzman Co M Sctiwarur.iin, jobs men's clothing; HeralJ Square BALTIMORE?Harti & Sens, M. Harti, clothing; Wa UINGH ?-M, A i. ." K irtus Karius. cioth;ni/ ana furnishings; Penn? sylvania CHARLESTON, S - : . - - -r. - furnishing goods, I Square. ... ? rr ? ss C :h::i?i Co : A - CHICAGO?J. S ? .: > and its Bret ::? II Mayer, men's and boy?' clothing Fellows ] a.-?h elation; id way CLINTON". Mo.?Gows ?St ?;:.?n Clothing I g, hats and ::.? a - - C< I I'MBI S, ? ihio- F & R. Lazarus ' dy, men's and boys' wear; ? ...... - hau. furn ; a;:' clothing and furnishings; Ass th ?Vvenue HARTFORI M hats, furnishing g ; y 1 LANCASTER, !'.? ?-?;- R ?v Wolff ?' . l B i I ' ' "' -: nnsj ,"..? ' MINNEAF F. L. F ni g, men's ami bo ?'?'?" - V e :'?- ? ? -?seventh S Part " S -??' dry ^ '.- '. Ii. H*rt:g. i wear: 43 31 reet PAW rCCKET R. ; :..?.: ,v Murphv; " -<? Lynd, men's furnishing goods; 220 Fiftl PITTS . - Is P( ?:?:>? PLATTSBURG, X V . ^. '".?? ii . ; - . ? etc.; J. J. K : ins, men - SALT LAKE <"iTV -Ott ?nh. m n - fui ?". hats and m i.-iufa? i ? SAN FRANCISCO J men's furnishing g .-AN' FRAN ...... men's fui rushing goo? . ? -, room SPOKANE, Was Rankln Co . J B Bailey, men - an I ? furnish ngs JO V\ est Thirtj -sec n 1 14 th fl - , ST. LOUIS?Famous-Barr F. W Davis, nt, men's and i' :. ilng ; West Twenty-sixth Street Pieee Goods BALTIMORE?Schlos? Bros. & Co. Inc . manufactui ?-. : goods 230 Fi fth ? BALTIM IRE?L. Freudenthal A ? larl Freu ' ?? l hal, wo? ens . Mart ni [ue. BIRMINGHAM, Ala.?J. Goldstein & Per-. J '1 ..-?'.. drygoods, etc.. Pennsyl vai BOSTON?-J. M. Flneberg i Co.; J. I-va' son, i ? .... I M( rse Co ; J. C 1res t Norl hern. Y ' . Taj ?r, . romp.-? as 200 Fifth Avenu?.-, : n Bosenfleld ? Rapkin i S. Rapkin, woollens for b^vs' clothing; Broadway Central Hotel, ex 7, 19 ?? "? son; A 11 :?:--. ..? ? BUFFALO?'William Hengei-er Co.: S * Bra :- aw, wash, dress goods; 2 West : - h -;: reet BRIDGEPORT?E. J. Godfrey, silk and ?r<-ss goods; 4 ? i Fourth Avenue. ?:'.'.? in H. Bros. . il Schu ? ifacturers citait and suits; 1133 ? ? AGO?M. Hirsch Co.; M. Hirsch. - Breslln. CAGO?-Marshall Field Co.; R. P. Evai - satins: 1107 Broadwav IN? ATI H tas .v Son; I. !" piece Aberdeen , ?:.;?: . ? May C 3teln, base . -st Twenty-sixth 8treet. " 1 ?!?; :? l Baron; M silks, woollens and fan y dress g '.' : s? tl A "?, r. u? K ?.NSAS ? Ity, Mo ?Emery Byrd & er; J ? ' H int, silks and Iress g ? ds i i i, mfrs. el? NEW HAVEN?Shartenburg & i. ? n '.'. Flack silks . 404 P .?!: ? enue. PHILADE . S' .' ROME, N. V. ? ; he Ja ---goo?!?. etc-: J, J Ke 11 I ' en's ' - ??? -? ng go Is; Im perla!. T LAKE i ' .... ?-.,. .... . . furnishing g tarer?' Bhlrts - SAN PR?: dry Is; Peni nia Troubles Louis ( ?'Jram-rcy War" se and Storag?. Co.)?T. R. ? awley, jr. $305.20 L( . gan, Ui ' -American 106 74 Laws, ?ira e R.?Malstm P.aln beau, .'.? ?. 322.14 .- Edgar W.?J. E Newlln. - - Blakeman Q.?R. . 1,264.43 ern Feather Works ar.'i . ? Inc.?L. Buch man Co., Inc .... 4.444.4 r, Pepe,'jr . 213.6?$ : . - s. Ge? rg< ' Pfingst hlstein 202.73 1 : ana Carbol - hon a vators, Ll '.., of Lo a . n Eng. 26.489 54 le? rge H ?Weber & B broner . .... 204 40 ?-.. senberg, Nathan R In . .; ipid rr msil ? - . . : J ? " rg, E :. Same, osts.. . .: ; '. - ;.: X. . 309.10 Tirrell, Mary A.?M L. Tir:?... osts. :i3 70 Tilzer, L? uis, Joseph an-i ha Il ?West Kendall Canning :?. . ; 077 29 ?, Rielar : [? ' ?.?r. Photo Engraving i .': 37 2.4! Id N.?IL > rigglns. Weiss, i '.?,":' ?Vdv J.- : ?- J Weygant, Gertrude?T. i!. Jon??s et al . . . . 135.11 Williams, John D.?W. A.* ley . :--?',. V lunger C )b E I L. - i'. Li rner, . . In Bronx County James J.- $195.72 . - 7 4 '-'j Herz - ? ra nk J.; Sa rantz, and ~?:r. i hen; A. . : Krug, Irving?M. Flaseher . 54.65 Manne, Viot r- B1 F B; mer .... :?? 15 Satisfied Judgments ?s that f the del tor, t - ? 'a id ':.tti : ' t creditor a...i late when . . nt t? as : In New Vork County 't.-,.-?? Ity of New 7- :.-;.. ' .. - ' ; . '.. 1910 ? ?. ? ? $206.78 ? Dr. Herrn . a ? -. rli n ener i o., In? . Sepl 135 51 * Blrr.:a?rr. Sadie?A. W I .... : r 2*. 1912 17.S.1? ? Barr ? ind Phillip . -W T. Emmett; No r 2, 1918... 1,733 51 : ? R. 24, I?3.20 - I' . pany ? Inc.; September 22 1914 283.28 J Mai the ?a, S&i : ? ?I. Le ? :? . - Dec? ? . ? ' 117 830.72 3 same?S. V rf; 118 15-130 Mar ? ' . 1*1.35 ? J. itoaenthni, September 3 10, 1918. 317.75 Montief r. Rafael; Ar. :a ?,"> ,. . . | p. E. Pot ra 4 1? E ;.- . - 9?4.76 i: . :. Louis?S. (,j.?niorrg. Feb . . 128.38 [ . ... 171.U Pc : Cons 0 Henry I Vorn??????P. Pho skv el a'.. May : 25,3915. 122.40 In Bronx County ? stein; March 25. 1917 $183.7? 0 L*1-'-/, Kl;-,.-, acl John F K ?? r v. . . 312 ?51 Padula" Co.. tnc . 5 March 10, 1915......^- :i0 3? 213 betwein 10 a. m. and 10 p. m. SCHHNECTADT, N T.?H. 3. Bai-'v s; C Rayn ? ? B imu B. Susi Fur? -W ?I am Hengersr t P. Mi a .. Mt PhHrl i * M ? - Kay v r?; Syndicat? Notions, Toilet Goods, Drug? - - ... ha - M laces, - - ? .. - ? .iLh-: -: s Stix 1 ?- Oe?da Co <; ladway, - ; Leat li ers and Fancy Goods, Jewelry ,-???.? .0 Co Mr R| ;h .:?? : Went i B. ?' v Miss -> ; ; ? S - i '-? - ' ?-. 2 . 5 ' goo-is . ? I .-ire-, l. House Furnishings, Floor Cov? ering*. Furniture, l>raperv VMSTBRDAM, X V - M Behr sa Bros. ; S - ind U] .-tr-?i . a. c ii M ' - Pack? ard & ? nn china, k .-. (aw ire; ? 'A ' ' P. M K v v, foreign . I ru? n . ?; V? est Shoes LANCASTER, Peni t & Rhanfl; D Hark, sl Fourth Avenu-". Breslin. ORLEANS -Cha?. A Kautmsn Alfred Fai ?., '?' ' , 14th floor General Merchandise AM A ? .. g-n ? ??'a ; mds?. . : entrai. M Mark?, general ? ??> : B ;:???? - n dae. ? . I.. M. r. New -? Ames, nag-ei 2 _? F ' ? g - ; ? , *ii a furnishing good?, lion, -ry. h.u\k.? YETTB, Ind Fashion Cloak A ? ' Broad-way i ?man Drv ' ' ft -'J Is ?? ' -r.. gener? rt?, genera: ?..-??. ireners' tnla. Butler Broa H. J Miscellaneous ATI VNT -, . :. ??? -, i ? S t O ! ' t M na M. ' : h B. M ? - ? I - '. . . ' lata and Vmerl ' - : i.r?c.,a:n; . .- - berg & -.. - R Miss - SFOK ?? ? I ? - West Thirl Boor -. - ;: , I Buyers Coming e G - "?' - !>ar?a. - - ' ' . - . -, i I ???pecKKl ?: Mr Fourth - rmAj ted May ri lg? * vwe li-pjaiv.? ' ? ? ,. - w e ai i - ? ? an 1 ?ii.ii. 40; ._- ? Ma? ,.?.