Newspaper Page Text
Investment Buying Feature of Day In Realty Field JUanhattanAparlnients, With Their High Rental. Attract Buver*?; Professionals Ke sell Properties at Profit In-restment buying wss the feature 0f trading in real estate yesterday. professionals were in the field as usual, but the part played by them was chiefly that of seller. Several aub profits were made according to gossip "- 'Ti' the most active The Bronx, which led in seemed re have lost its hold on the baying pub! :, for the time being, at least. Reports ' ling di ?als werj nu? merous yesterday. One storv sail that >ve Ayres estate, of Boston, ha j{3 -?? -hree five-story build Avenue, and . ! to be houses. Agents for I they knew nothing " ' property. 14th St. Dwelling Leased The Duros pany has leosed for the Chisolm four-story house ?t U9 West 1 " ' Street to Va giiie Jebeiear.u. REAL ESTATE H?Sq Bx&?tes? Property j r *^-.'?'7.'. ?.;- Yi?*-M:iy^r"t:. '?'& JOHN L. PARISH ?F?'H A IBZR?3P.I-IKRK-.XOKST, Hi Broadway?T?L 5740 CortUndt. LONG I.TAJO'D TJW Knw% of the c*?it**ry ami ffc* a? ?t?A?ic?s of !???j? ?rtfy. Hajui?ome North Shore Residence Orerfook?ng Sound Ocly fl?tesn m?atr^a by ra.'.; from P??r?n erfvaai* Suujosi ; t? Central, '??ira^a, P.?uria,p gar?!.-.!?., t? b?ii?^e. Eai.-J.' ".;? ? WfgW.nt Wu-irla ... .?-.. friilt au?; &Ua<Ui Vi'---. rooms, '.??''.. ail latest large porMiuaa, '. ro ??Tronaaiui? room., cj ... ftMgjlae? : ?.ut ?*w.;e- fct*c ?fOH> >'. OGJLDTXi.^ &uia ?jtsrt*?.. 8 Wo? St.. or 4>ih br? aof. ?h A*?,, ?V. Y. u :. ?TD?WfiHE ?WaSSSB:! -8 rvoms, 6 bsdro-ima, 2 ba?troonia ; 8 t--v-. iroax rjii-r. tmmwrttate 'ail ?ar <?a*t ?VlSc-e. wjss?CHJ&^rr? cm.i&T*> A R G A IN 3 AT M ?\>lXRO>?X< X, y, y. B?jLiTij-'t E -Hux lit ar house, jo ; . fteiffiibo .. ., i,?. ^ OTO&JLOOKEXC WNU, ; ??-.-.-.; i- asK*, f bat..-!. _ . . . .'. cusisrhbor 4?ia'i lr. : .. o .'Xer.:u?. jBJEACTXPtX SHOW *-.'.M.X, I trs r.?-.,.j- d-j; ?? ; V? -. rns. ? Ojffer, . . " ? - ?f - j?op?jaltiOBJ ???ell r-?. U licit t tiy?r. ... ? TUtis, a? - viov fioor-i ' ??-?? - ? ? ? j? . SAX* vi: KJ si. OJTCXO? -.?'? Bl i I M. -i ?i ;J''JS. . .-^..<j ta.''I- n, '....' T.s,.. ( llov? Suss rnES>; Of-rrx.-. t ?.?.?._ '? I ? ? .... - -.v. S, I. ; 8 I ... o- . 1^U.">\ - .- . txrnjxM o!>j-:i;. a jkoo.? HOPSE, ' '*/! ...* .' . . a? i V. PATOXJ PROJPOSlXXO-tf, ?Aoablfl .- - I3?nt :?-..,:?.. <b&v c a....; ?...i.... i-^-iiiwii? ???v r???s ?_ i _ W. L V?RI0N & CO? g^?i tUMAXOXKCa, >'. T. T?.1-. oui SELECreD HOUSES ?**,m t ^r. 'hi ? > : e* na<vc<E?s, !p - "" - . ,-.., !^ 1>; ..." B'.? ?O ?*rl tfi-r.-^ .--^?>.. in :-':.. t? JKP. . '? . , N*. Y.?C5ot ,i?4*,> * ?"". n* i ..- ? , ? K rvuin, **???* ? ' ?t. <A ? ? .. .. a '?-.? ??'. .. * '??' : ?^Ji t thia a solution of your ?housing problem: _?'?.-- .- ? ?? j . .? ?s ? .: ? *-' * - pajr ? *?','?' ? ? '? " ' JOHN L. PARISH U9 Bro?uiwmy, N?-W Yori:. SUMMER HOMES A?bury Park Allenhurst Deal ?Beach Interlaken ... unt MILAN ROSS AGENCY * '' '-^-'/ YU*M i.- ?U , -?- ?BttlUTt Kr:.i ,;?, ,?iU?(. ?; I, ^?xur at _^ LONG BRANCH, N. / ~?**X *ooQJ6.y. ,i,.r?l/.v'i:;wa ST* 1-1?L ? _ ;. ? ?. ???? m in?I? VklUA? WOB BA/45 ''{ ' u'"-y-\i\M APAKTMENTH TO l-l.'f Msi ? - .... 4 ??roa *tfe ?.'~. '" " ?'- " <???'*/ I '" ("^" 15 West Side Flats To Give Way to Garage Chanler Estate Le.a0.e8 Property on 9th Ave. and on 53d St. for Garage Site Fifteen tenement houses probably providing accommodations for a couple of hundred families, are shortly to be removed to allow for a commercial Im? provement, 83 a result of a lease closed for 831 to 880 Ninth Avenu? and 40o to 420 Wost Fifty-flfth Street, at the southwest corner of these thorough? fares, owned by Winthrop A. Chanler and others. A corporation controlled by Ed? ward Kifaatrick, lawyer, has taken a lease of the realty for a term of twen? ty-one years, with a renewal privilege. Recently the same corporation leased from the Chauler estate for twenty or.c years, with renewal, the block front on the east side of Tenth Avenue, between Fifty-fifth and Firty-sixth streets, for a garuge improvement. Shaw & Co. are understood to have been the brokers in both "Uansactions. Buyer for Harlem Dwelling The H. M. Weill Company has sold for J. Rothschild, trust., a three-family dwelling a 130 East 118th Street, on a lot 20x100. Buys House Adjoining Home Joseph Burgheimer has purchased from John J. Mulcahy, executor, the four-story dwelling on lot 20x100.11. at 75 East 121st Street. Mr. Burgheimer owns and occupies 73, and now has a plot fronting forty feet. Buys In Lexington Avenue William B. May & Co. have sold for Thomas Curran the four-story dwelling : at 799 Lexington Avenue, on a lot 20 ? x80. Bayer for EUrbty-third St. House Martha H. S. Neeland has sold to j Willard S. Allen, 810 West Eighty ; third Street, a three-story dwelling, on i a lot 19x102.2. Paul Tropp, restaurateur, has i bought the house which ho occupies at , 55 East 107th Street, from A. F. 811 j verman, on lot 18x100.11. West Side Ap?artm?esit8 Bought by Investors The nine-story Grinnell apartments at Riverside Drive, Audubon Place and 1 137th Street, have been sold by the j Centre Realty Company to Christian Arndt, through Mark Rafalsky & Co. The structure occupies a plot 229.7x ' 200x203.5. ? ?ah for Andnbtm Corner The M. D. Holding Company has sold to Louis Mondschein, for cash, the 1 northeast corner of 176th Street and Audubon Avenue, a six-story elevator apartment, on a plot 100x100. I. I Henry was the broker. 123d Street House for Infestar Joseph G. Abramson has purchased from the Pawnee Realty Corporation, G. D. Gregory president, 248 East 123d Street, a five-rtory double fiat, on plot 27x100. J. S. Maxwell was the broker. and he also sold to Mr. Abramaon 245 East 122d Street, for the Poc?mo Realty Corporation, W. W. Sturges president. Sale of Forty-third Street Piala The Leonard Morgan Company has ?old for Frederick Bcowo the two five story flats, on plot 50x100, at 455 and 407 West Forty-third Street, through . Joseph F. Feist & Co. 178h Street Apartment gold Shaw & Ebbitt have sold for the ' Madeline Realty Company 580 West 1 17ttth Street, a fiv ??-story apartment j house, on a lot 76x100, , Pi ret R_ E. Church Property Bought for Tall Hotel Site The Allerton House Company f Jame? S, Cushman, president) has contracted to purchase the First Reformed Epis? copal Church property at the northeast corner of Madison Avenue and Fifty ;'::'*. h Street, measuring T6V10O feet. Ultimately the buyer will repiaee the church ediftce with a sixteen-atory hotel, exclusively for mar;, similar to the Alberto n Hotel at 141 East Thirty h Street. William B. May & Co. negotiated the sale, -<? Whitehall Street Corner Building Rectied for 8160,000 George W. Guatas and Samuel J, Tankoos have leased to Meyer M. Stein? berg for a term of years at an aggre? gate rental of f 160,000 the building owned bv the Saranao Realty Company at 28, 80 and 22 Whitehall Street, northwest corner of Pearl Street, for a lu ich room. The Duross company has leased the fifth loft at 412-414 West Twenty-sixth ? ?f to the Grinnel Lithographic Company for five years; the store at 797-799 Greenwich -Street to George J. Adams: the first lofc at 797-'i99 Green I wich Street to the Sugar Wafer Spe? cialty Company, and the building at 775 Washington Str?at to Joseph T. Flynnn. J. Arthur Fischer has Leased for the Thirty-sixth Street Company the four ry building at 236 West Thirty-?ixth raat to Viaoent Veratti for a term of years, Mr. Verratti will make ex? tensivo alterations and use the priym* 1 jes for the feather dyoing duainesa. a same broker has leased the grade store ae 13 West Thirty-ninth Street to Samuel M. Levey for a term of years for the wholesale feather busi Robertson ?: Son?, ?ho? repairers, have leased the third floor at 307-9 Street south-weat corner of The lease is the fifth I - B. Van Valen to Robertson within a month.. Boomer Partner of Sherry L, M. Boomer, the hotil man, is to be associated with Louis Sherry in the new Sherry Restaurant, at Fifth Av?~ d Forty-third Street, according to P?P< rs filad at Albany. The com? pany is to bo known as L<oui? Sherry, Inc. Mr. Sherry and Mr. Booraur, with C, A, li. Pratt, are the inoorporaters of fcb? company, which is capitalized at $?40,000. De Voe Park Realty At Fordham L* Sold Frederick Brown Pays Ahoa? .$.800,000 for 90 Lots and Six Irwelliags in P?ark Frederick Brrr?ra bas pnrcriaaed the greater part of the Frederick W. de Voe property in the Fordham section of the West Bronx, comprising about ninety lots and six dwellings, including the block front of twelve lots on the north side of Fordham Road, between Jerome and Davidson avenues. The total estimated value of Mr. Brown's purchases is around $800,000, and includes, besides the above block front, the plot of fonr lots adjoining it on the west Bide cf Jerome Avenue; eleven lots adjoining it on Davidson Avenue and extending to West 190th Street; about fifteen lots at the north? east corner of Fordham Road and Uni? versity Avenue, extending to the old Crot?n Aqueduct; the block of about twenty lots bounded by University Avenue, Aoueduct Avenue ami lc^:.'.i and 190th streets, and the plot, 230s 200x255, improved with five dwell? ings, comprising the block front on the south side of 190th Street, betweor, Davidson and Grand avenues. B. H W< isker and H. W. Davis were th( brokers. Executors Sell Concourse Corner John H. Denby, former principal o Morris High School, end Walter M Jackson, executors of the estate of Vio? lett? Jackson, sold the southeast cor ner of Grand Boulevard and G and 179th Street through Leitner Brener & Starr The purchaser i Daniel K. Jackson. The proport fronts 91 feet on the Concourse and i irregular in depth. Corporation Formed to Buy D. Widdi, P. A. Monahan and F. M Justis have formed the 965 Prospec Avenue Corporation, with a capital o $10,000, to take over the apartmen house at the location. CreBton Avenue House Sold The Leonard Morgan Company ha Bold for a Mrs. Nicadus the two-fami! frame dwelling on a lot 25x90, 28 Creaton Avenue, through Joseph I Feiat & Co. 139th St. Property Purchased Fred Oppenheimer sold for the Hof! man Company the six-ctory house, o a plot 37.6x100, at 522 Ea Street, to the newly formed < Realty Company. .-? East Side Tenement Deal The four-story building at 183 Mad son Street, on lot 23.10x100. is anot'ne property iaken in part payment b Frederick Brown for the Stratfon Avon apartments, at Riverside Dri\ and Ninety-third Street, repor-ed so' in Monday's Tribune. F. A. Wyckoi vice-president of the Wood Dolso Company, arranged the deal. Sale on Lower East Side Leon S. Altmayer has sold for ! Aaronwitt. the four-story with store, at 20 Norfolk Street. Harlem Tenement Sold Frederick Oppenheim has sold f< the Teiham HorYman Company the si story apartment, on a plot 37.6x100, ; 522 East 139th Street to Gorm* Realty Company. Recorded Transfers Downtown BROAD ST, 59, n o cor Beaver st - 33; Wm A Aycrlfg al to the 8?ahinr<1 National Dwn.7: 1-3 part; -i t: all lien?; April - atty?, T G & T Co, 176 Bway .i: SAME PROPERTY; John B Aycrirg to ?am?--: 1-3 part; a t: all liens; Ac 2t; attys. nanu. BAITS PROPERTY; Wm A Valei ?ame; 1-6 part; a t; all lien?; April 0 a ? t y ?, ?am ? .* SAME PROPERTT; L<-"j!?v F Becrafl same; a t; all '.lana; April -t; att; ??am?. SAME PROPERTY; Waltar Kip dim J:?.^ X Fuller, t" Hamo; 1-8 ; all H'tiis; April ? : ; attys sa lo. BEAVER ST, :?. n o n. 72.11 ? ! 21x104.6x17.7x103.3; Broa<i .?< . 57, <? ?XA n Beaver s\ 33.3x104x21.11x87 Broad et. Cr,. ? ?,. 56.11 n Beaver 33.4x81x23.11x04; Frederio H ? <-?. a.;, indlvM, irr?, etc, to National Brink-, li Bway; a:rya. T ?3 T Co, ; 7 5 Bwiy. BEAVER ST, 47. n ?,183.5 e 3 16x89.11x13.9x08.11: Beaver *t, 13, r. 16.10x99x13.9x99; Beaver n-, '-'.i. n ?6.3 w William st, " ' ?' ? lrr< Elizabeth H 1! Cullouyh. Ii livid, et o?r?. eto, to Marcha Inc. 66 Beaver si i tg i - llena; April 2J; any*. 'J' a .. 1 i, . Bway.t WATER ST, 261. n x, 77 ? Pe k ?1 25 6x13? St Luk?'? I"' ,-?: '.. ' '.'lia* I-.-iwri:!,^!', ?7 )? Washington - b and ?. April 10; uity?. T G Se ; Bway.$13,1 REA T-E ST. 3 04, n ?, 25*61; !:<-? ' 1 .:.:??' Church V, Den ? . i" V W 1 0?<? ?>: p m; r-.'c 120, a'tya. NTT* M ?if Co, 135 Bway.... SAME PROPERTY; Da I' Par Wm H Je?ters,174 Zabrlalcta at. J? OUy; mti $20, )00. April ! ?ajr i*. J?O?TTGOMERY ST, e a. 8S.9 a 7v; . i 7 ;, v ; 0 ? Irren Jaoob R lift Schlacht??-, 27 E 1101 Mav 3; atty, Samuel W ) >? ? 116th ?t.? FRONT ST, ?<7 ti. .-' ?, 225 v .' t-i>x3 40 to ti a South ?t \i'Ak on ?had, :? a. I laery ,el V. k? '' Co to Geo W Daniela, 7; A n av, Bklyn, et al (fir I ? *? K Ti-A-j, 189 JTror.t .i' ; mt? !:?;ja; May 2. atiy, i' J O'B ?-C a.Huaii ?t . East Hide i 4TO ST, ? ?. 175 w let u/?l Sor.;: and !?:_-/, trualeea, to I>ou1? H hrnan, ?. 5 W ll?th i . ,?;, I I atty J i? - ?' -A BAViK PROPERTY; U> ? * atoody Soi n, I : ' I b ?.'. ai ?! r. rntjz, t2*,000; i.i.'y, eii:.?-. 1ST IVr, 1023-?OJ6, w ?. ?0 2 ? 7;. Auyusta Sultan ??> Irvine '? J.'nar? Clubfl, 3 :'i W 40 h et; ail 11? Apr 24. ! 6TT1I ST, 42'j B, n i 80x100.8; Ellza A T \:rii et f?J to Patlii and Margt O'1 : 3 E :.... ? ?? ;-. na '.:.; 1 ; .? ". 'J' & T Co, 160 ?way ??Til K'!-, i. ?, !"?- K .'-' : BV, 22x11 C.ari Y Bok*r to Cyclop? Steel Co, Jiway. m'n. i'",;J. '?'.'?: all llena; Apr atty, iJuwyera' T .i> T Co, 11 ?' 8?D f?T. H K, ? H, 20a 10.3; Jure C :. V U A-lams, 14 E 81d m , mta, l'-'t. at'/. T O & T Co 176 Bway. ?M.Ml AV. n n r, ?Otb a*. I00.?s?7 T; G i Brown t" Orinoco a?alt> Co, 11! ?JJth ai. f.-i'.if. t ? 7 b.tOO ; ail .?ti-li; Ha at.iya. M H ?-. i :i IniMuia, 2 Wm m' . j 102D ST, 63 E. n ?, S7.?X 100,13 ; k? a co-p8.rtru)r -?' :- l ' ?? ''?? K i>ch, t:..r?, to Beb? c? : ; h, ? ' 1 : follow a'-', Bronx; May 3; atty, J J-i-upr, 26? )>w.' ". .'*i | 12'j'i'j/ IsT, ?? ?. ??- Ploaeant ?v, . Ca? ')i;.'ui B ?la.1 l ? ?? ? . ,, ' ? . Bt? Apr 2J; ?.t'y. T a Co, 17? ?way.56 UEM, ESTATE WBBTCHK8TEB ?COT?MTT EEAL ESTATE WK3TCHKM1 V It COt NTY 0-y? oy -j r/A' r.iHOHsr XArnrnn rjutkh r.v h'trw ro.v/r rrrr rn jtnvnn I T ?NQ; a uAvaMMMim ot Owrilnjr a llnmtt w?*rs nwsr :n,-r<i w-tt nt Hum now, 'jtJt trfrwir%nr?\r tor n>> ?loin? ?who never rr.or* r, ?I.U?.L.J. lUmts am (iljft) (ii.-l pr?7fnl???i to go hlrher, '??'???i?!, !?./>! l.<i l,ri,:,[#tGt Ot :" lOtordMunoji ;lxnX ot wltli fi.w I?!?.-??? Proper? values 27*22 HOUSING QUEHTIOXI8A 8ERI0US OS'E TO-DAY j.rrt vu mrt.? vm; to i;uix vor? ow? ?iomts at SCARSDALE?Edgemont Section THE ?FTNEST .SUBURB NEAR NEW YORK Jf<*r<? I? tin a?ftW'in'.ty of buying O,., flnoet bulldln? rl<X I ?la^f.rtrlty, waUr, imr?r?, (?'?j.' aoh*'???, iljffit 0.1 thm ?iafl/>n, <ti) rninuUu? to ?VOW Yi rk ? SCARSDAIJvEDGEMONT CORP. 1 Madison A?"?.. Now York City. TEI? GHAMKIICY 2?J77 Realty Victory Loan Drive Total Is &359.550 CoTirtiaot?d? Bishop T&k^-s $50,000; Atlantic Mutual $30,000; Day's Sa^crip. t i o n s Are $109.100 Alth-oajgh th* rralty Sscnd teams ?allied forth yesterday EtOTttiitg ?deter? mined to make the last week of their Victory drive a whirlwind finish, they were confronted with so many disap? pointments that their gTand total was movc?d op only $109.100. The day tras prae-tic-ally a holiday. The ?arrival of tiie Argonne Forest victors had the ef? fect o: distra<rtmg business, ar.d re? ports received at headtquarters by Chairrrian Alfred E. Marling were that many possible ?arg? subscribers w?2re away for the day, away in many cases to receive the 77th Division, which came to town daring the day. The total for the real estate dW sion at the close of yesterday wa3 $3, It was the thirteenth day of the drive, and s me brokers . y v. ere ; s ? B efl .. would not be marked up I ..?. C crtiandt P. Bishop, lawyer and iar'j". propei-ty owner, was the largest subscriber to the brokers' drive yes? terday. Mr. Bishop added $50,000 to the division's total. The Atlantic Mu? tual Insurance Company subscribed $30.000 on its Wall Street property, which is a sum in excess of the one half of 1 per cent of the assessed valuation which property owners usu? ally give on their realty. The New York Title Company came next with a subscription of $20,000; Jacob Wertheim gave $5,000; the Eb ling Realty Company $2.000 and Hil? berth & Huberth, $2,000, Mr. Marline said that he hoped that the parade of the 77th Division would serve as an inspirati n to the realty inter?-.' i cy. He said had these '. ? ' boys stopped when in the Argonne the current bond issue might i in celebra? tion of victory, He said ho that every m un and woman . t?Gse r-r- and picture whal they have gone through, and then go out' and buy bonds to capitalizo their Argonne victory. The Real Estate Auctioneers' As? sociation will hold a Victory Loan meeting at the Vesey Strep- salesroom m. The au eers' association expects all the patrons -. a ' '?? owni - ? of real es? tate to attend the meeting, which will be pre 1 over by ' am F, Red .-. f the firm of .? H. Mu e who will 3 the meeting ar?? Bryan L. Kennelly, Joseph ?. Day, Henry Brady, J. Davies und others. Governor Smith, Morgan J. O'Brien p." i Mayor Hylan have been asked to address the meet? ing. 6T7? AV, -.po I28th Bt, 00.11x130! Celletre Holding ? 1 ?and Apr m: ? ? ?;> M ?rriaon - ' Bway .. : ' :.: ", 7' i", e B, 50.1 '.. - Robwig; Roalty Holding Co to Win Col A pr 22 ; ati y ? : ? ....'? '? West Side 27TH ST, n 8, 200.4 s 8th av; run? n 107,6 to ? s 28th st ? -?? : - i G x t 133.0 x w ?xn3?xw75xi 5 to bos; 28th ?I IV s s, 830.3 f. s-h av, 25x133.3x25x1 i.seho !. - o '?..-.' M ''<?? >! ?' '' n? ? . !'?;- Me 28 th st; Api ? ' SAME PROPERTY; ; ? : .$100 Browar Si I t, ?tr, ? , i ta? .1 atl ?? ? ;: ? i . . ? .. SS'I 11 IT, I I '??. - . ' 4.8 H Bu | I : LOO Api . . ..$1 . ? - ? illa P, wife Au :..-?-?? I '?! Bway . '?: i. ; . ut; Derwart : us, i i .r:: i : st ?' :?r;.? ?? ? -' --> Ma.;' J , [3 way.. 110 0 68TH B : ? ? ? I - I . .?109 ; B . , - ) B $35,000; >? ?? . B,\ I ??', '-'.? May 2; tttty, Hull, 37 3 ? . " .", n i, i : " .?.;-? ?.-,??. Lo Chas M Ha: naa irk, N J; i ? ? - I ... ' -'? ... . . ? 22-j ? . . .,.--;;? M . ; ? ? I Lg ? : ?T - : .. st, 118.?s , ? . 1.11x82 -' - i .: H K A " ? / Hroadw? ?????, S ..'t. ?.: ) Broadway.fl :: ?*? L*nox av, S O' B :-n \-> Jennl? -T ? . ? . N J . i ' ; "? ? i . ?, . .. ,. . Il . . i ? . ) to J ? il a . .. '- -. .?.;.,'?. : : . . . : ?',.... ?, N 1 Mijr 1; itty, T O < -, Broad ?.?". r? ?. l?in w A" > i , ' ? . i), . & . ... S: : . ... ?. . ; ; . . Lay 1; atl ? : . . . . ? ' . at': ?? i ......$100 1'?j.j!.. . . ? 171 V li?t ?t; mis? $7.? .... ? - ? ; Arrov-4 J ' ? ? . : ' ' ? . . . Inc., at 30 C 1; al Ly, T ' - .< ' ? ? 11 n g Co, 217 B r ? S -.m.. .,::; .' .$100 H Ail 13 proparty; Arrow Holdln? Co to -'? -."-la- Ibi or, : Rlvorslda ?i ' " ,. May 2 at ty ? . ' ,.. ,. .... 18] - - ? : [ Co 120th NI . " M o r ri bo i 2 - ? il t? : ?? a, 225 o A.m?tei I i J at '? ?? Rronx, ?S ?? .,; (, ? waaaoa, 1163 Osrdea ?t-,-, Broaxj mise Br?ff?r?on Beach Mn?c Hall for Yiddish Theatre Tjavan A. Relkin Leases Stril? ?nsr at Seashore ?Place; Brook? lyn Properties Sold Eirfgiriten Beach, hi 73 hxx* a. YuidEaa ??Lsa-tmu. On at aboms ILfrocnrlal Dtcy Edwm A. R?I?ctTi will tais over tit* aid Brig&ton B?sica. Mmrfc H*I] acd open tiler?? tit? fiist ?cash or? 'ilddiih zns?zn it. Uta eomrtry. a w?l :t<icsse a stocfe csm?an:7 presirrthig- ail ?se hot nbrrs?, mainly iffnarical cam.e<ii??s. The ttteartre has barn Less?! ?<rr frre year?. If che r-;w verrrrrre proves tnc eeraful, Mje. R?Pnn will tear dinro the o-td bailirrnTg and ?ets-cs & (rampiAtaiy ??nipped naden ArjRrfnMatti far Inrestnr Tbe Ke?srter Bti?ldars ?tave purchased from Mart?n D. G. Joyce the two raer story apartments at 8699 to 3705 Bay Park-way, on a plot LuQxSfiJL bjeld at BuTkley & Hortera Company fias ?old 2S Eighty-eighth Street, a two ram [y house, to Mrs. Jahn W. Pagers. Charlea Partridga baa sold for Hor? se* EL Deoblisr for inveartrnenc tha mod? ern four story apartment at -ida Pros? pect Place. I rtS.WTr Msy S; ?fity, 7 (0 * T? O?, 171 Broadway_._._jp_ Brcirx BSCTA3TT ay, a w ? ISTOr st. itTOxTSr I? men to Lunfa and Cath 5c isrd It ? '? Beach it; tnty. '? *tty, ~ ' i Guar & T Co, 178 8-way ?' 10 S R " a w a. at s s Home a runs a v iUOi w JL11 to ? s ."i-: av j n lh n n.I ta Homo ?rt -. to Irr?{r; 5-?:; ;- -, , Bar? low, : ? ? aard rt - ? atty a Lxanba . : '" BECK ST, 680 s ?. 52.2x123 Hyman Tant *.o M^rrl.? Morsajifltern at Btrcn-vs. rang, ?38,000; May 1? atty. Title Onar & T Co. 17? Bray.$100 GRANTJ BOULEVARD and Concours, w a. 18.5 a HawkstoM et. S6.llxS7.10, to e Sherman av x2.',i77.8; John T Mttke to Llstowei Rt?aUv Co, ?7 Cedar at: March 1?; atty, Title Goaf & T Co, IT? Bway. . .%?. ; MORRIS AV. e a 253.? 8'19?>th st, 7Exli5.i x75xl?3.3; Winifred C Krnaetfy to John R OhisBcn. 407 E 134th et, mtg. ?7.000; May 5; atty, Kiri?^maja ?ft V, 391 E 149th Et .$100 ' LAFAYETTE AV, e a, 125 a Caatle Ht'.i av-, 25.6x100x2 L.SxlOO. except pt for Caatle Rumpf to Thoa Maloney. >:0 10th av May 3; atty, Lawyers T A T Co, 180 Bway.8100 HOE AV, 946 e a 5 i : 00 . ' att Realty Co to Rosetlnaky, - :--.;? May 1; attya, E rice Bro8, 271 Bway. v. : AV. e a, 87&.1 n Peliiam rd, 25x100 .-.?..-. I- Purdy, to Ely L Btumpfel, 187 Munford av; May 2. atty M J Gr asman, 3d av and 149th at..$100 '.7 D ST, 413 E, s s, 80x117.10; Conrad mer to Kami Laiden. 1663 Wash -, av; mi?. $7,500; May 2. att: I r, 261 Bway.1100 . If,' ."it ST, 967 E, n s. 25x100; Valhalla Corpn to St John Bl<ig Corpn, 370 K 149th st; mt.?, $5,000; May 3, atty, En gel Broa 132 Nassau at.$100 142D FT, 470 E, a a. 16.8x110.4x16.8x108.9; ' ! r Ryan to Adolph Goodman. 2:137 Grand Blvd; mtf, $8,000; May 1; atty, ? Guar A T To, 176 Bway.$100 RAME PROPERTY, Adolph Goodman to Lothar Schoone, 339 E 155th at, mtg, May -, atty, Title Guar & T Co, 178 Bway.51?? ? -T. 1159-63, n a, 78x100; I ng C? pn to'..1. Sti ;? mtg, $40,000; March 81; atty, Title r & T Co, 176 Bway.8100 165TH ST 1159 East, n a, 39x100; Caona .-. nat Cq to Bedford Holding Co, 120 B udway; mtge t^:.'ni; March 81 attv, Title G & T Co, 176 Broadway.$100 166TH HT. 1163 EaBt, n a, 39x100; Uspna ?pn, 120 - ? , ? March 31; atty, - poa lway . . .$100 - r - ? 71 ; / : ,-? b e 175. lx 0 Lx32xl00x Wlngman Realty C rpn to Shenk est 120th st; mtge $72,000; Vprll 80; attys, Morrison i Broadway .$100 . roa ?-'?' f. 25x103 6x25x ??< . rgt ' - to Louie s li lera, Ma: ? atty, L Sanders, Jh?'"i ' v. .$100 * a. 28<T n 194th st, 40.4x it s 7th at, 60xl3i Thos :- ' Esther G H und . - ? ?? ? i-ard May 3 atty, Esther G I . , ?rand Boulevard.Girt [E AV. e a, 18 s 182d at, 50x101x50 [01 ' Allda r ! i ilaon a p..! ano, - i Mu la a Brady '.' Mount H--p<> pi, Ar-rH 16 itty, Olln, C ?6 ' 149 Broa lway $3,100 182D n a 16 "- Grand av 50x10 Lida LUlson, extrx, md ano, to Marie A - 230 Mount H pe - . mtga $3,500. lin, C & P, i . '"E n. ?> s, 31 s 12th, 25x100 Unlon ; --. except part for Havemeyer av; ia to Frank Rauch, J14H Bai> ley av; April 2^; atty, Frank Rauch, 3146 , >. i, AV, a e o 2 Ith at, lOOx -, st, <i s, 26 ? Onei '? i av, 26x1 5; also 3 ?,:-?., st. b a ' 3 s to On si la av V N Rouget, extrlx, to Frank A St Ann's av April 24; a I - ; . - -'. | ' ? ? -.:-? st, 3k:yr. .$14,500 ' 289TH ST, 832-4 East, a s, 25x100; Wm E m te Chaa Grambow, 334 Eist - - tge $3,2 " May 3; atty, Title a & T Co, : 78 Broa lway . HOO LT-P.'"TN!T AV. 153, '.v a. 25x100; Rodger J th Carr >11, : j: Newbol 1 a-.-, mtge, $3,600; May 2: Title O * T Co (1 ' I POPLAR BT, ' 17, 1 - 58, rr.-i? J J Gleason irty t ? ?? 'v 1er - - Ti udwlll -- .- ? th at; mtge $2,800 Apr tin G & T I VA1 ENTINE AV w a, 228 i" a IS4t 7 xlOO; also Ryer ave, e a 260.4 a tMth r5x100 Stark -: ? tz ir C - 3tarzler Realt: Corpn Maj : itty. Title & T Co. 178 . CONCOURSE s w cor Hawks ? -, ? st runs i : : ix w 77.9 1 nan av x r t > ' I to St 8, n 5 .a ?. ao Grand Bould ,?- TJoncourae, -..- b, 13.5 'i Hawkatone at, 28 11x67 10 ( - tierman av, 25x77.9; Liatowel Realty ] ? ? " ?-? gh > : : ; Hawk stone i" April ?1 atty T tie Guar & T ? - 178 B- 5100 GP. AV"' BOULD HIRSE, w s, 13.5 ? Hawkal ne Bt. 26.11x87.10 o I c^r r- an ? ? ' ' "" ' Arthur B Zimmerman hn tke, ?719 3d av, Bklyn Mar 14; atty, Title Guar & T Co, 178 .SI GRAND POUT.O & CONCOURSE, <* w oor Hfl ?rkatone Bt; runs s 13,.rix w 77 Ox r. . ' .t .i 86 3 to at x 21.5 to Irreg; Arthur H Zimmerman to John T Nlttke, 7719 8d av, P-.i'.-.-r. Mar 14: atty, Title Guar Se T Co 178 Bway. .St SAME PROP: Grace Remington et a! to ? ?! ma Ma '-14, at " sa ma ? : SAME :,T:~IP; JohnT? Ittke eta to Llato ?? el Realty Co . Mar 19; atty, T!) 9 i ,- v. -;- ,-? its Bway . 11 ED, a a, 18 8x100: Cath Floe i B 18 6th ?': mtge May 6; atty, Title :>.:ar & T Co, .$ 1C 0 ? H '-.", w a, 213.7 s Weatchoater av, ' x28xl44 -?--? A Sprou ) ?- Wm ? rs ".???-'? i a--. May 2 atty, Guar ?ft T ,'- 178 Bway.$100 Tl . ,;.\n PL, 1828, v n. 60x78; Chaa Ritte! to V D Realty Co, 271 w 125th - tge $25 000; May 3 atty, M Mi i J99 Bwaj . j i LIN AV 1100, a o cor; Danl F Mahoi ? to Jacob S Mehlman, 1089 " ja |37 100; Ajril 80 ; ? Guar St T ?o . |10il Eat, except pt for West i rd; Frank E Bacon to Carolina inn i -an, ' : Non h N ???? :;i:nr" >n ? - < mtge $7 ' A M r 189 Montague at, Bklyn, $100 LOT c, Blk 3181, tax map; Simeon M Barber to Andrew -1 Little John? 2134 Walton av April 30; atty, Tltl ? Ss T Co, '.7-1 Bway.$100 i.i?i Pen<icr3 Manhattan :' '. ':". 233. and r>U laion at, iSamua I Pad ? ;. . .? spe'. ?? | , atty, A ..- en. B; :: Y Life Ina & T Co. ..- '?-:,-.-? - in ? I et al loaure of r< gage) , attys, Em ? CENTRAL PAHK WB8T, n w o 04th st. tlOO ' ' / in Chamloal G'.aaaware Co, agt 'l.flbo Realty Co (apocif.o per . atty, R L Turk. nmNOTON PT, 32'; Laiwyara Mortgage agt Miriam Tuolrman, adrn, et al inded foreolneure l n. -'?agei, ,, lya. Hhearman & Sterling. BT, 247 to 251 W; Knickerbooker . ire; rooting C? In -, agt !-' M ." iae ;?>! inlc's Hei a i - , -? Buyer i<,-_- Tuckahoe Hi ? ? li ?? Id to F. D per I r i E William !.. Tay? lor, at Henry ?treat and Tuckahoe Road, Tuckahoe? Reports From Snlrarbs jiJidi-cate Active Trading ^i-eir Y-orit Bmnses* Han Bay? Estate of O. 5L ?I??cheZL ra Pr?pec? Ave? Maii&rlair Barr?an T. Bxts?, prfts?ieri-s ?f She Jtoruin? Ch?ris Ccrnrpairy, ?of trais (S?y, now resi?drrrjj as Eas^a FeBb* haa pur? chased from O.. IL. ?Jaxbrire?ly of Powder. Sera & Co-, t-h? prnpe-rty ax 13 Pras lyeat ?araocnxa. The rsfideirc? ta ?rrr?s af tfts tftoiv placea of Morrtciair. ?and ?sarrtarna fif? teen roo ma. ?ve hath re o?as, hie parch, palm roer?, and pierg?la. ?here ij .1 Lar?g9 stahl? and iraj-agtt. Th^ grmrrrds cnnnrri?? aburr? two sjct???? ar> tracriv?aJy '.ar.?jLicaped wrth flrrwers?, shruhhsiry, fruit and sirada tr^es, ten? nis and era croen catiro. ILr. Bush w?] mo-re Lufco tha house after sum? altera? tions have been made. The saJte was negotiated by thai Wrank, FTngJrm lay Lnr i'cnip" Misa Frances Harrfa baa sold, through the same company, the resi? dence and lot at 7 Clinton Avenue, ',:.'-'?;?;:". to Franje EL Janea, of the Worthington ?-i:r.? i iiachitrary Com? pany, of tiria city. B-e-mnied Leases Manhattan fPTH ?ir. ?tin, !?!. 3d ? MJj Coots ...-; S ???? ? to Pnn-P is? total, ? ?th av -s ?- : ; ?? Tim urtya, :.- lafey i : .;_ m ? ;. :<-?? ST : ; E : D?. ? ? UCT ' ? .-? '.,..n. : yTJU . . ? . r . I . . It ..$?>. O'l t8TH ." '.. i \ ItO "-:. 22tJ W Ith 8t ? 7-12 :.;:.!; aity, LL S WnritfTiMTaip, _.:.: $5,330 iTTTI ST. a a, 2 ?79.4 s 3th av: suTL. with piachlTiwy; it.'rrha.cts'' ?Taj?" b r: m I ' '? IntarnationJaJ ITttr EnTnhanga ? from Arjri 1. 1919, to M-urth HI.. 1934; iuhj ?to irtrir?' MA??0"0? '-> -m?."ti? nte; attya. Haysa. S 4 1. M WaJJ st; cxxitn, rcu, ir.,?-..- . ; WIEST KaOAJDWAX, 23-3M? w a, S9..4 s Paril pl? di? '.a..-..!: tanewwa t? C?la-rr.b?.T, College to \?ritpli?n W -vj-i^nry Co 21 yra, from May 1, l?li, II ; T? rettrw cajeas, ?tu ...-?-$3.1-0 4Z3D ST, 1*4-148 West; Brest et 85x5.5x50 in r.?3,r x Hieg a.a?? rsaj oau5?r rnent; L<cSTain<3 R?2sta.uran.t BJOd - ?... Co to Moses Le? tr -, -; ' ! East et al. 14 Ll-12 yra Crom : i" E : ?."'"-. - ? . WAT 1311-1331, Q w c 16th St, ..... n to F W W i? ?11 '- '??. ? > v. '.-i y?ars i months Crom Sept '.. . ad ireas. ^::i ::^?.3?r?y_ '., 4 and ?>. a. a Tru? t Co, trustee, te LItxarty Piao?? Co. .?n the premises; 5 y<?ars from May 1, 1313; attys, Wlntrate ?C, L?3 Montag-ue st, ii.-oo-clyn .??.; )0 ?7TH ST, n s, 309.4 e Sch a'.-, a'.l; Int-r national Fur E^r?:iiang-?p tc Fur MerchaiitB' (.'clrl ?-tora.Te Co, 210 '.v^-st 2Sth st, from A.prU L, 1919 to Mar? ? * ; sub; $325,000; atty. Haya, K & T? SO st. ' 5TH AV 590, w s, 137."'. a 17th Bt, all Hermine ;;.?.'?..??. to J hn( F West End av ; 21 year* from May 1. attys, a !. Si. ? F Jacol ?j, 20 Broa I si net . ?- ' 6TH A'?', 646 S; a..: Wra Cole to Grutier'? I.unch Corpn, 01'.' 6th av; 15 :rs. from May I, L919; attys, Eng-el Broa, 133 Nassau Bt; excess taxes, el -. $10.500 to $13 300 2D AV, 795, Fir, b, etc; Cord IL S(*Jlroeder to Wm V'r?p"inK, 795 2d av; 5 yrs, from May 1, lain .$i.200 Assignments of Mortgages Manhattan MOr-TROBJ ST, 303-7; mtse $1G,000; Jo? Weber to Emrr.a ?; K. : '- ratfortl Roa.!, Brooltlyn; attys, Lind ri P. 46 ir st. .$1,400 LUDLOW ST, 86; mtir? $24,000; Carolyn F s- Icltney et al, ex rs, * F St atty, MI ... bn ok ? B, 46 ' dar st..$l 11TH AV. 567; Geo P Mf-Uick, exr. to Mort;.1 :- i ?. 342 E 61s( st, & ai c al ???-. Bard i i la t is, 26 Broa ' -1 44TH ST, s s, Ido e Sth av; mtge $2 Sarah I.indanberger to the Christian & Missionary Alilance, 60fl 8th av; ar.v, Wardell P rari"r, 27 William ot.$] ' 347 W; L.av.-yr-rs" Mort Co to ii'-r;-; '. ieB . E 73d st, & ano, ? ?es; ati y. .-' ; In, 31 Xas sa l st. ; IT ?43 E; mtge $2 U par! J Hi lser er, 1224 ": inl ;: ? ? i: rons v.--. Flynn, '. r,T.x .$ ; ST, 645-7 W; I West B6th St Co to Harr 9 Mai 12 W 87tb .?'.. et a., ati.ys, Eisn j... T. G & 136 Broa? '. wny.$ 1 127TB ST 851 ta Slooa Realty Corpn to V Everit Macy, of Oi ?in g, ar.o, tr'.is'fps, u.; .??;"'? r.. .. 50 :onrt st, U-.-ool-i.yr... lire nie EASTCHESTER RE). 1634; Rosina prlo to r.t. . . ter rd; atty, Mapes & R, 870 E :-,.??:. st 3d AV. 8319; Hy L Phillips to Brona Sav !nir?i r'-anX, 4-'? rrem ;.c av a.::y, l^iv, yera' TAT Co. ?SO ii".vay.$: J.O&O Satisfied Mortgages Manhattan 126TH ST, 215-17 E. I- i ? Gae&lano toi Frank Mea ? .. .- '- . : a Oct 28, 1918 3^7'7{ BT, s ,h 163 e 7"- . ? 4 Impt Co :.';:?? !?' Hagar, trst, Cath A Hedges, i W r . ." ? ? . . MAD AV, n s cor 91 ft Juila Ho? s - ? - - B'wa; . .- .-- ? ' II? ST ANT & ano to Chas H: Phe : =. 412 "'? av, e-TT of ' ?' under w ' G Butler attys P ' .? 31 Broad Et; May 3, 1909 . . .$70 . '7 109TH ST. -. 5. 25 ?? U x av, 25x3 Jas ?>> :?'.:' tus F r"rn. Hey, 040 Prospect pi. Bklyn and the }<A.r.'?r.'-r Trust Co, 16 Wa.; st; attya, Wh.te ft Casa 14 'A'j..; it. March 13, 1903,.$5,0' ) COLLEGE PL, v.- s. :. i s 1 ark t 4-' '.:i ItTeg; Mitchell, Woodbnry Co of Beaton) to Arthur B Kenney; i R & N 37 Wall st Jnly 29. 3 - ? \ BROADWAY, n /> cor 56th st, 82x121*75 -, 138.7; Dsrw?::'. Re?3lty Corpn to Mix Loewenthal, 3S Can ral Park v.", at-vs, lard <i M, 128 B'way; May 2 1911 i ST XICKOLAS AV, n e oor 118th st, 1'. ; t 144.2x100.11x82.3; E R A Real'.y Jacob Rosenthal, 530 West El attys, Marks 4 M, 63 Park : 1918 . ? ; ? <-? : Mechanics* Liens Manhattan 111TH ST. 8-14 w, Camilla Redan ? Sin c n Lewa 1, ownei 3 Speotoi - ? and contr. 104TH ST, 201 E; I Fuchs, inc. ?r A ..: ? W Me ;' 1er ? : M Zlpke ? BLEECK ER ST, : 32 .' -??; , Mil er ? t - ? . Ben ha M ink a au . \ Sped . P, In '? n ;rs and . Sales at Auction By camv.?: Man 18TH .:?" -,.? --.- B a> 378 0 9tn a... 2Bx ;?-' I 4-sty and v, '."? g; H O Zurl Elys?e Realty Co. :--, et al due, $10, ?;;- : lalntiff f - : 29TH ST, ' 5 W, as, i.9 a 9th 3 -. S-sty dwalg B M Fox as' : Realty Co, [ne, et a. .-lue. $8,589 th.j plaintiff for }, Forty Acres for Steel Firm The Carragrie Steel Company cf New r,,. seyi -y of the nited c\k'-^ a, purchase i ti-,r? ugh ; rter, from the I-'ord Realry Company, the property form r cupied ' pany for its shipbuilding plant on the Passais River in the Kearny :r?edows in? dustria! section, opposite Newark. The price wai about $3.50,000. The tract, contains forty-nine acres. Buyer to Build at Flushing J, Albert Johntra has sold for Sarah Erchart, of Jersey City, her three lo73 on the i iteenth - ', - '" a . . erect .1 home on the plot, Staten islaiii House l.en-'ed Cornelius G. K Iff has I ?a ?'. f 1 W. Brlngold, of Polham Manor, th house at 18 Summit Avenue, New Dorp, ?j. JL, to Thomas Alorr?son, Plans Indicate Bn?ding Activity About to Start Motor Car Firm Will Erert ?550,000 Bn??dm* at tiie Corner of Amsterdam Avenoe and 62d Street The Hadaron MotoT Car Coiapasy of . NtsT7 Y irk is to erec-t * *~-, -- - ? and ornes brai'dinar at tins ??.n'h ;a>t ear- ? ntrr of Amat?Tdam Avenu? and second Street, m A plot : Plan* for ths atr-JCtars are by Ad?7?r J. IT v?.'.ler, who estimates its XK>. ..-?- , - i In Manhattan ;.? planned t - future, according to yesterday by the B ~ - One calls fo? the i trail??n?c a- n and 33 Sti rnto an ?tight st ry wan h ~: li : The Par Association New Tork is to spen : K5 ?0 ia ad ...... ' an n an :e ! ;. \crw %71* Manhattan ?P.UI AT, i t c *M r - - -, 51 -,*f . ~ - ?v . S T I . owner: Edgar J U <? : ?-'. I teet -. Bronx WEF.-TET AT, a a ? B 2?$* ax: I sty . re] n forv*d - * * ' ?3; N ? C R B i ?-: a, owwfl H?DJrj H ?ta; Joba D< ?wtrii. .tv-st. VTSE AV. -i a, ?30 n t'w.'i at. 8 ?try tan, rsx#8: orwxwrak TT&JJiaJl? ': r-, Jaojb O S Fwdarseo, 3d f and ' architects, St^on* A Laa?l3?ed?l. U8th. st. oost. _-4???> Manhattan Alteration* WATER ST, ?T-9; an S str war ?- ; : >. Sevuranc? ? i , 4TH -VT -S 10 n i i ?y L. ' ?' ? . - ?- ? ; wc H B B . ?? -, " H FRONT BT, TS, anl Old '?' j at ry st ir?8 ? . 86 Broa . - . . . :, ? a H ? r? and A 2 set . : . I ; : _? , , ? ?: ? 101 il Ht 42D ST. 24 Eaat -...'?? '?' ?'?' J':. - . . :?? ..i ,: . GREENW1 in ST, 97 and 101. te a - 4 ?- -aja, 3 Nathan. 241 Wee i .?::-jr; G M McCabe. , ? ? :?'?..-? v . . -. J Ecfcmaa, 50 Eaai ? t ?c t 89TH S 1". 2 '? - . Recorded Mortgages Downtown BEAVER ST. ?7. B s. 1SS.S ? Kr t. 49. a p :n, A;ir. ?S Mai II i Be : ' j - D ? - ? - . . : ' - - . atty, NT;. 104, n a, ! , ; .?'-. Trinli t '.'-."-. r -. -i I St... East Sida SD A'.'. S a t. teasel r : A ^ Wal 1, 456 E 1 . ST, s .-i. - ! :. -, D ?.; 3. V ; - ? " ' ' B7TH ST, .: : Bynod of t ?> ? attya, Lawyerd '. 1ST AV, a w oor 68th st. 8Bx7S M<? Marie G Bi ?:. ? T O & T li way; flue ai d Int as par 1 ?; ? ; - r. aia E Phi lllpln x H -a :i ? j yra, -" ' . West Side 841 it st, S3 W, n a .-?-. .-iJ raw " : -r lent pr mtg, ? - at . . . , 37 ni ST. n a, 309,J - :. ; to ? ri S S11 x n S8x w T5x a 8? i ' ' ' . : 35".'! ST, a a ? Herta ] yri ? .. ... ?,? __ _. I fa cent att; - ! P '?' - - .' a a, 335 - - - : :- ? ? ' . r :? ;. : : - ',? - ;; : : 5 ta I ... . BT ? 2 * E a o S.8x 1 ? Itai! te i it, cl : ?:. e ^ ; ? ? Mty, Tltl? . 176 H'vsy. 111TH BT, 130-381 West, n ?. i. m; May 1; Sirrah H ' ? ? ' la, 77 Y - : : ? t S ' - Int aa . ? . bond; u.::y\. i .. * L Parle How. f ; A?STEBX-Ail A.M. l**?, w m. 63-A a l*?th , ?t. Z'x".00. May 1; Arrow Hol-l?n? ?Corpn s?; lach? R-aity Corpn, 6? Br?M?ul pr tntKe $:4,000; att] . at.$t!,00'J RIVERSII H I SiVE. ? ?- C IS<4 ?t, 1*4.8-? .11x140 ; m: i:. y 1. "45 RlTer?l?e Prive. Lac, to Bavarian Iiealtv C?. lu Ea*t ?2 J ??. ; du? April 1, 1*14; ? V ?. pr r??.Tpe? $??5.000; af.y. Title ? * T Ce .$1S,OOC I09TH ST. ? ?. m e Arnaterdarn ??, 7?x P m; May ?, 1-r.j.rry Reloh an: 3?i'.x Qoldwaaaor to Arborvtew Rule Oc. 4924 Broadway; 6 year?, ? p c; p ?; nu? a * t Co, i:?3 ?"???.'. way .$7.5v0 Bronx BT. * a, 75 e Onelda ?t S lots each $4,0)0; Frank A N Hou* .-t. ?? BrauJon IT, B N ?j ?; S yr?. 6 -i cent a::y?. Davlacn & 7'. (0 $-.)00 ?J6TH BT, ? c .vr Oneida, $5x100; *a?e to ?ame; May I, 1 yr?, SS? per ?"?t; . r, -.?7 E, a iv ?5xi >?. Ett . ?.-pr. to Ja ? ?'? rr r.:i $5,000; May 2 0 ;-r cent. atty, J 0 Pedeww?. W i ' la a v.. . t i 7 LIN AV, ? ? ?? . Lei F Bkl > a S yr?; per cent; ai'.ys, lawyer? 7 ? ? - .......$ :. ? " - V. ? J iA<e t .iv May 3, J yr?. ::ys. T Q 4 T ?7j, 17? Broad $5.SCO tl, w a 5:5x100; 1'iih . ? $ per . I ? W 099 ?;t:;??:i . ... -?y-k be ? ?? . April 4, 1 ? I. 1 ? .' -, 130 Arl in? i ? .' - iwil tl; l per c*at; attys. T ? A T Oi ? t ,.vt; PL, 112? ' a '"t"1 V D ??. ' u K RtttaU, L0J w l"?th . ?y i: atty. K I nt av o tis.oo* . - - ? w u ? ?? ? - ? ?? ?, I ( S t ? ? ? ? ? ' t ; - : ?a low? >? ? \ ? p .- uttv, r ? - 45? B. ? ?, to Catb Floi'tt, 46?0 Tark ai g ; if t: '.;l* a?> I"? atty, T ?J A T Co. 171 Brix? ? ??h I18J, tax map; Andrew S Llt . t.? ?Sim-eon M Barber, 177 E 55'h I ,:?- i? ? * ml a* ST b- - I atty, T O A T ?Co, 178 l?roadway. $. : ? 'i '-...-? lxll<.4; 1 t to Adolph ... In ?:. litt <?ran<i t-r :?.??? ( '-, 100 . May ? ' * at t---. T G * T C BRYANT AV. n w c. I?7lh *i. 100x3.?. .:?.?. V ? ?nnell, ?SO - -..? g-. reara 1 p . atty, * j }? . t ? ??. ?>acb : .* tone I ' '-'???*>', . : p c; atty. T a A T (.'? ? id at, 2 Lot?, -*. ?i ? 1.7 "to Cr . ? . S ? : , '..?a :? ? . wty, T ? > a Bro $ l ? i a 126 a St Ray boo Mai ::-?;?/ to m.-.y $; ; y L r A T C I ? a. at a ? Home. "i rredic PT ! vr?; 4 p e; atty i . Cranamaa 5 Ft '?V??h ' & >\. : 9 9 $13.000 v e. $6x108; Loul? . 2703 Decator av . >r mtg ? Ma; " . Installa, 6 p ' '? ? fay . JLJ?"!* 1x110 Shenk ?mu itra, - .*ay; pr ml?, $85.000; Apr 3u. ? ? p c, atty, :..?;:? ..... :. C & L. ? . aun? ' $50.000 ; A;;r 3, 4 yr?. 6 I .$5.300 FORECLOST'RE SALES aa <"Y>mm!t r Mar?ar?Bt W Folsom. ?- iXntift. a?<?.n*t ? _ . :,?:'?. ... -;, . . ? ' ' ?sure and 5?i<?. red . ? be ??-' o - *???' ?.?"1 Late ? be I ??? day o? .-?-fero* . ? ? :ti. N-.s. '. * :.? ro KO at il?r.r-.j; - ?".'; day ' * ???? ? bat day. Lhe i r.'i:i:y . ?-? K?.i.i. *: 1 . 'V ? - ;,;. ' ixprotrenKinta ' I 1 .Tl r Of Sew York. ?in. known a* .'- u;nbor Is t: I bot2r.ded and d?s on the Rritbar'v reet ? t ? ? ? .- ?.? ' ' ?" 'in Aven? ? ' ther * : :. . ? a ? F fth A?? ' ' ? - ? ? efen-e ' ' ? Ma '.?' ? -i^ ?roper? ? erf " - tien ? D?SSOLLTION NOT?CE ? i ? ? .. -ya * ;.? ,; '. 7 Itl *a: 1 - - . why ?a i - a "T>y of thi? e-Mar be put?. r the ?? 7 ., r --' ... lu. * b?^'.?r? the txatnrn ?-.a/ ?Tr.tsr. a. XX, H. A.A. ?V