Newspaper Page Text
Jordan Holds Newark Boys To Three Hits Former New York State l.eainie Pitcher Wins for Buffalo Club by 5 to 1 International I.rasme GAMES TO-DAT Binghamton a: Newark. Rochesti ?' t .I?-rse> City. Buffalo at Baltimore. roronto at Heading. *, ?SSTERDAY'S RESULTS foronto, 5 : Jersey ( ity. 1. Buffalo. .">: Newark. 1. 5 : Reading. 2. n at Baltimore (rain.) STANDING Oi" TEAMS \V. L Pet W. L. Pet Reading, i - .667 Buffalo.. 3 3 .500 Toronto.. 1 2 .667 Roche't'r ?i 3 .500 B'ltimore 3 : .600Jer. City, 2 4 .250 Newark.. 3 3 .500 BingVn. 1 4 .200 Ray Jordan, a former New York State league pitched, held Newark to ."ague Park, over : the Buffalo club beat N*( the last game of the series. 5 to 1. Newark would r.ot have Bcored had it -ot b?^en for Jor? dan's wild In the fifth inning ' <? hit Jac"''"-? " ill and tnen ,-p-t .- 1 on a wild . i out, send? ing Ja - h.ird, from where he gcof '->'*? single to centre. Ed Rommel, a former Giant, pitched good ba'. for Newark, but the suppor? behind him waj mad and every run Buffalo scored ecu'..: be traced to an error. ' " Shay made two m?3 r'.avs :- f ? fir t ? nlng, which paved the way for two runs, while Sargeai.t n -.. error in tro sever.'.'.-, which gave ' ne run, and ir. the eighth he K ting's .rrounder go through him, a' 1 ' "ait and Mc Carro'i. previoasly walked, came ail .-tie. Jordan, bes i-'.y ?allowing New? ark th.1 -its, struck out six batsrr.p". retiring the side on - in the second when he fanned Cather, "tid Jacobs, three of Newarl ters. TALO IL.) I XHWABiC a L.J tb - v. : a?> r h jw a a D?el/KC. It 5 0? .t 0 0 Shay, t:-_ <00 2 2 2 - _- - . ' ??- ?. rf- 2 7 0 1 0 0 B4HW7, Ot.. 4 1 ? ?s. 4 0 0 3 6 : 11 ? - .. 4.1.114 0 0 -'..211200 - .-.. ? .. 3 0 0 2 1 ?i .801210 . - 010 7 0 - ' Total* ....28 : 3 27 17 4 . . * ' 1-2 0?5 10 0 0 0?1 - ?riflce h'.t<? ? - ?Shay, Sar swai ,-.. - rora?? . - Btru t out Win -':... - ..- p 1 tche r?? ' No Changes in Plans Of Yale Rowing Squad HAVEN Conn., May 5.?No in the ' -j for tl rowing June, i - ins, which the i rimson'a irter and the arrival 'i ?-' ut ,Tut-.e 1. Captain of t Yale crew, has a - -7 of plai stated by v". H ?r dick ? f tht Y a ?? - -*> that one i that Yai? at greal ? vei ience to ? - - ? ? [ay ? gi ? ? - has ? ,. -? . [.Brown. Harvard occupy eight or ten .- T r wr 'j fa mi? king the river, en used for at ?'.hop will put Moeschen Stars in 13-1 Fining Victory Institute wrested a .'..?" from ? t i tute nine at ? a --or?* of --. , ..... . to second by - - e n si ' ? ". a long ? : - lg or. ; y no : ! ? tint r ?/. AJ? Hal ? ??.-., r.f his ? am's ? : - - Entries c ' . I - ? ? ' t ? : . ? ? I ft ? - ?? ?"? ... ?". e 11.. .103 wo-ysar-oldj . Grtffwaxl ..111 ' 4 '? ? l ? ' ?? ' ' ' ''??'? ._!1 2 Henigan and Krauss Added To Brooklyn A. A. Team By A. G. Cavagnaro hflR oVcirie,! to become affiliated with Brooklyn Athletic Association mem- ?VI.V am? bers waxed joyful yesterday when it ? :' H"n v" 0berl became known that both James J Heni- 8in&-, one ol ' t efficient i gran and Eugene A. Krauas would reo- Q '",'%'' ? ??' organization is resent the organization m the coming loraV0^:i r': sixteen of the larger rub ten and a half mile road run from'The cr comPaniea of this c ty, who c':aim Bronx to the City Hall next Saturday ^mo,r *'/' :'" fold ftars "- ?rack and atternoon. The acquisition of these d' '' ? ' :" " '"' coming season call runners will greatlv srrenirhen tiie fnr, a Bet f'!" members' pames to he chances of the club in the point com- <"i:'-p'i ' fterward by an open ' ' ':on, for among the twenty-three m.ecl for ''' ' athletes. men entered are several who alwa have run the long distance in fast time. A set of games for members - f the Although Henigan, who resides in Knights of - ? V Boston, has been a member of the McCarren i - . Brooklyn club tor the last six montl -, afternoon of May A he has never represented the club ir un rac?s ? view are arela" opori competition. Therefore be will middle distance contest bel - cham? bear the B. .A A. emblem on Saturday pions for the first time. Henigan proved tl . he was in splendid condition for the ,-? , ,. race in the recent Boston A. A. twenty- Cl V "r veteretsas and Charles De five-mile marathon. For eighteen miles bte*.ano re ! ^ ? then r .- itra! - Henigan was fighting it out wil eral rivals for second place, when he vr,;:, '.h " M ?!:?no Ath was forced to drop behind. However _l_ :' "'"' - -~ :^n- De he finished well un at the em' of the' ftef*?? w?ll resume athletic grind ior h;'; r]'' club> and 'ha' v'v _-_ ,j , . , , ? has broken away from the Mori Krauss should also make a good show- Uide Athlteic i . ing, as he is in t:ne fettle and has r liberty to rep scored on several of his club's chain- I pionship teams. Besides these two, the _ Brooklyn organization will be sup- ti-? y,?ir?.;j .., , ,. ?, , , poned by Louis Kaufman, Andy Craw, su?ceed?d in oMaininl ? Prank Ruddy, Julius Lorenz Jack P. n - Cohen, Arthur Behr and Hugh Carroll, Columbia 1 who are tha strongest harriers of the a capable performer at this distance P&ci- _ and should materially aid the Morn -ri, t? V.V. t a ? ..., ?? t ' '" ' ' medley reJay team, which has The K_bber Industry Athletic League lacked a runner for the 10-mile "Iesr.' Racing Summaries PIMLICO, "MAY"5, 1910. ?Apprentice allowance claimed. Weather clear; track fart. OAi FIRST RACE?Two-year-old maidens b< ing; purse $1.00?. FOCF. Am\J t FURLONGS. Time. .49, Post : .0 !. post 2.32 Start good ; won easily place same_v. inner, b c, by_S_u] ennie Trainer, J. Br - ts index. Horse."_Wt PP. St. % % Fin. Jockeys. St." ~ PI." Sh. 184 Super ..112 10 5 j- 1*1? Butwell 101-20 33 '< 4-5 ? "Oriental park.. r>$ : 2 8? 2? 2' ?487-: 189-20 ? Who Cares .110 9 8 2" 8a ?5 Em r ? ? " : 1 163 ?Miss Shackletonl02 13 4 <P 5_ 4* Wessler ? ? " ? 1S4 Mis? Millions ...102 5 8 Pi 61 5* Callahan ? ? _ 190 Silex II.106 l i m? o* 6' Johnson ? ? ? 197 'Le B>u?t.. 97 7 11 8* 8j 7? Richcreek ? ? ? ? Orleans Girl ... P" R 9 "? : ? ? ;r Wida ? ? ? ?S4 Tattle .104 8 6 Be B1 9* Ambrose ? ? ? 190 ?Little One .... 97 u 7 6- V 10* 3 ton ? ? ? 120 Harriet .104 4 10 11? 11* 11? ( rev ? ? ? ? Barlev Water. .108 12 '3 12*12*12* A. ' ilins ? ? ? 184 Hot Foot .102 3 12_13 13 13 Daeyer _____ Mutuels paid?Super, $12.10, $5.30, $3.6C Par ; Who Caree, $4.30. Field?Super. Miss Mulllns, Harriet, Hotfoot. Owr.ers? 1. J A Buchanan; 2. L Blrnie; 3, P A Clark; 4. S Rosa: 5. E F ?Whitney; 6, J R Skinner; 7, G E Webb : S T H Cross; 9, W M Jeff rd: 1 ?Clyde; 11, N D Smith; ' B ' Sta I :: Mrs LA Livlngstc . Scratched?Yellaw Hand and Anzac. Super, showing- a Ivancing educati raced to easy lead was cantering a* the end irlenta Park s red g efl t Who Cares t - I In final I Shackleton ir. ci^ae quar ers ? r <OA_! SECOND RACE?Three-year-olds and up ; claiming; purse $1.00C : ?yjD MILE AND A SIXTEENTH. Tiene, 1.47 4-5. Post, 2.59; off, 3 Start poor; won easily; place same. Winner ':? 6 by I ' Trainer. F. Farrar. Index. Horse. _Wt PP. St *j 3 ; "- -' ess. St. PL Sh, 182 Polroma .115 4 "4 1* Is 1" !' " Fator 149-20 16-5 2-i 166s ?Plentv .100 3 5 "J 4l 4'- 4s .'% ;.'; tti ? 2 7 - : 0 9 : 168* ?Prunes .113 0 6 6* ?. ' 33 3i :-'-?? Stapleton ? ? 11-1 (181) Favour.115 5 2 2^ V 2* % 4* Ol ? ? 168 Bar of Phoenix.120 1 3 7' 0- 5j 5_ " . R wan _____ 181 ?Puts and Calls. 115 6 10 9* V- 8" 7* 6? T.Rowan ? ? 196 ?Indian Chant. .116 11 R 6* 5* 6i 61 7' Richcreek ?- ? ? 153 Fairy Prince ...105 S & 8 71 7} 8' 8* Ambi - ? ? ? ? Hickory Nut ...2 15 2 I 4. 8* Pu 0;= 910 .Toi ______ 175* Thrift .110 ? 10 11 11 10 10*10' E.Haynes ______ _152 O M Miller, . :' 7 7 10? 10a 11 11 11 Butv ? ?-_ ? Mutu Is ' aid ?Polroma, $16.9 3.40, 6 ; Plenl 5.60 ; F $4 20. Mutuel field?Bar of I'r. ????-?::. H:cl Owners?1 ^V Smith; 2 3 O Talbott; 3 C r Fountain; 4, P S P Randolph; 5. 7 E Nash; ?. G W Fobes ; _ NF 1 F n T-; 9, Mrs \V 1 -, T B ? Irlst : 11, R F C 11 Scratched?Sleeth Frank Shannon Houdin'- Slumber 2d Hickory Nut, F ,:???? | m Chant P its a 1 Ca ' blinkers. Polroma assui ? ? throughout har.ri. Plenty re - ? I urf rig in fina ... for half a i inder ur ns at final eighth. Indian C . ' ' " ?)[\f. THIRD RACE?T I. steeplech' .1 and ui ?m\J\J maidens; purse, ?:.^~' TWO MILES Dime, 3.54. Post, 8.29 : 3 32. P-ar: good; w n place sa ? W oner, b. s., 4, by --\r^ de Roya :'- " ? ? - ' ___5 ? pj st -.. - t ? ] 1 "...". 187 l"3 1* 1" Crawl ird ? N rth Star ... .145 r 4 2 :; 2' r! : ere ? Di ilv .137 6 5 4: I1 '? ' '- ? k'.aus ? Candle ....147 * 6? '' r; i* l? Cami ? ? ? ? The Dean .143 2 3 c* 3' '' ' >r ? ? ?rl Slumberer.147 3 :? 10 9 7s <"?' Ia "? ? ? ? 128 ?Doctor D. :_145 9 - .?* s" '-? " 7 :' " ami ? ? ? ". ?'.;; anal_135 1 ??'??- st ridei ly ? ? ? ? Glory Belle ? v l " 9 3 : ' ? ? ?? 163 ' -- ? \V iter . I 7 lj ? ?? - - - - - - th Star, $4.30, : clsh e $3 20 tor I and irry Wat er, \l~' ting entry ??--? : ': " m w Maxwell; 4, J Lumsden; 5, Mrs W--. L Whiting; 8 .J E Griffith ; 9, W 1 j C L Whitii ^ Scratched?Mr Golight : after withsl ling S'orth i^'^r'^ cha '?--.?.? '-. :?.-?-?>. - :-, Iva fenced erly sr it '???-'.ralr.i in early running. Garry Water fell at - st rider at nlntl I --? -???-?'? ?)(\"7 F0URTH ''' ' - ' " ' MILE, *- '* * Tim?, 1.41 1-5. Post 4.00 ? ff '? 01. Start poor; won driving; r'?lr" sanie. -..- tj ; v . r.-. ee_Lan Trail nfri Y .? x ' Horse Si ' , ' . ". : - eys. _ St PL _ Sh. Vynd >ver .... .Ill 2 ' - ' ? ' i ?' Ilins : I 9 I-'. 195' Belario .110 2 1 2' 2= 25 2"> 1 1 ? 9-20 1-2 171" Superba . ... .in; :-. 8 r 44 4i 3* S? Ambrose ? -? -? ^ r Verd'n ; i -;1 4" Nolai ? ? ? 191 Si ,-...;-- __ 191 Mother-in-Law 5 6 :. '* :?? "' 6 6 Jackson ? er, $"4. $'240, "$2.'l " ' ? ' ' " ' ; 3. S ; ? : ? ? f. E ' ' ? ? ? . Serai - ? Plenty. ? - . ;. : ? " -- ? 1 1 efl I ? tired after t'-.: < ??--: larteri il ? sharply ?t- x>- ? ' unprep red a' barri r's 1 4")r\Q FIFTH RACE .Is; 1 irse $1 000. FOT7R _-UO FURLONGS. Time, .56. Post, Ll ol 4 34 Start c od ; v. n ? . -., une. Winner f.. by Brooi t.. A? - Sil indej : "? Wt PP St, _ __ S :** Fji : -, P] rca .114 4 2 Troxier .' ' : l 1 -J '. AmDrose ? ; : .....111 2 4 ? '?: ? -- ;: ? . ; ganda .....HI 5 ? " up or ? ? ? ng l'ivre : rtus ?> 114 6 11 -1 ? v .....' " '? "- ? ? 1 .--....:' t " "' ? ? ? ... - ? _____ _ 1 tht R'st 114 3 9 - ? ? :.' paid?Qui . : -" ' ' - ' ''? ,' ? d Q i< rca and Uternooi rvon and -Co of thi H P Whltm ....... 3 j ] . ? . Glei Riddle; 6.'1 ' ' ' a ; 8, F Johi v irray . I W A Prime ; toi . . :. an- < ? .; ? , -, ,. .., ;. r? Querca vigor? sly rid ???.- throu I out?amed h"r stab e mate roug the f ' ' ' ! ' was d - g hei best to withstai : ' ' ' " ' ;, go. : efff rt aft' r ra ;jng 1.1 eai ::-..1 quit bai lOAO 8IXTH r-A''r: "The Howard hand three-] iar-olds and up; cla ? ?ZU ) ing ? purse $1,1 b, 1.47 4-5. Post 5.02: off rt 1 iVinncr. h. f. 4, by " ? . : Fa. Wt PP ,'?,'.: '" maletti ' ' n 11-10 1-1 .-.;.- ?? : 9-10 .: - ? -. i ? ?' ' - ' "' - ? - IC) .: .? . ' . . 2 t ; Lord Herbert, 5 l. out; King Herod, out mied Arr. ilefte ai il Mfinomo; ..v.;;--f, l, H S Koppln ; 2 Mrs T Francis ; 3, J E Griffith 1 C Arlli ??,., -? K ng Herod Kohlnoor wore blinkers Amalette, rc^rv'! i ,.1 (i d eai ' pi " ' _ ":" *': ' ' .' to subdue Herbert at end Latter trailed early stages, 1 sly to uiKln? '-i f1:--'; tesi H .! ?' wed good el I topped as I short. Kohl noor quit badly ???'>r weak ride Monomoy had no n 1 OlVl' SETVENTH KA''K- The Kernan ; three-year-olds and up; selling ; Tjurse Z\\J 11,0 0 SIX FURLONGS Time ' L- 2-B Post : -?mi drlvli ?? piare same VS - I I Hol Miss Ci ttendei "???-? ? -. , Wt. PP. fit " ? ? ? fr?p'hj . ? ' ? ' - ' ' ' " : ''?? % '? ? ? : ...,,.. 1 . -. 108" ??-?? ? ? ' !. 1 " .' ? ' . ? , , . , ? ? ? I ? "'.:'.? , ? I I fl ?? ? ? ? : ? ' . ? .,'!'. ' ' ' . . . 1 ' ' ' ? '.', ?> 1 and P.alai . , - .. . . Drliindo ?f Havn wore bllnl v out . ? v,.. ? |o??d ' n final atr] .,,,,?' r> ilred from ?" "" "'. Ml Vandlv?r 1ni ' The ' /'tiTfli rii"<:i/ 'i'"i-o- v-'^? taken ?ride throughout. Orlaij^o she H^ed good gf$or Gibson's Crew Makes Clean-Up in Jersey Citv Bunched Hits in Seventh Give Verdict to Maple Leafs by Score of 5 to 1 Geo;-?? Gibson and his Toronto crew made a clean-up with ar.?3ther victory over Bill Donovan' eeters 17 th( : irnoon in - ; '? Map'.: Li f L rnarg f the f ttlng by . ?'. ? 1 ' he seventh after D novan's boys ! ?? rith a run in I r ;... Zellars was on deck for the home tea nine 1 eight round the 1 pla _ .-? ?. ? ? ? - their wa ? ? fr es, retii . : id thi battl . up. ? -? - p>?..' I the lucky Vf ter Bri : had tl n out at firs in the rib hi m to rsl \V I ?? man fitted usual -.- wa c p, tl a half -. - ' on third. ? ? w lifted a : I Wigelsworth and Gonzale-s throw Purl gled ' ' ?' " 1 ' man printed n. Purtell ? 3 ,: " : ' .'- len's . ? ' ? . t stealing core . ?? ' ? ti.. jerset errs 1. :. . - :?.-... . 1 3 0!Sharp, cf .. rf o ? : 1 1 ??:.:?' - H ..???. I 116 2 0 !.. ... 0 f) 3 tj 10000 I ? -. : ???-. I for ira li ' 1 ' ? . S ha r ? : ... 1 ? . B i ~ . -.. n en - 1 t ?'? M - . ' " : I ; Sellar -Hyd g . Local Boxer* Ready For State Titles To-night I am at eu r b ( * ; . ', : . ? - ? . ; 11 ' .he City At rhe pn iber fifty . t which will ? refore i trial bi as an the 126 ??? ; ' ": pou. i iivisii '.'?? an of ' wo-handed :'- '.*'?? ters. Sam ? ?: presi char ? n, will ho unable to defend his ... ... ?this ....... | - V? is trong for tl 1.35-p md titl? ' ' -. i75 ,-'??.?' redil Lexington Entries .... a and upward ' , ... ... - . . - ? .r ? - - . ? ... . , ? ? ' ? '. ' ' - . ? ; - - ? ? ?... ? ?.? 1 r 105; 11 , 10S ? ' Leonard Hotel ? ' ?. ' - ' .".'.' 1, : 1 ? ?-.-? ? - ? 13; ?1 - Ihlsca t Pal. 1 IS ? ' ? ? : ' . 108; ... ' ? : ? '??? a ' ? ? Lexington l?c-ult* . ton, Ka rria, ' . 1. en colts . ? ? ? ? " 5 ( N Barratt), stralRht. $4,.' ? 6 '. .. ' .... ... ? one mile i?l . ' ' it ? . fi... ? I?. ? ' Hocnlr. ?4.70, BilOW t ? 10 1 ? '.' ' ' ? also ran !':'?';?. ? ??.'?? : : a half ?url Ld " ?i. 110 tralghl ?5.60, , , v $3.70, first ; B ..... nd ; Horace ;. 110 (How? ' ' ? '? rd. ' . 1 : ? : ' ' ? ? ht ? 101 ? 1 ? al ? ?. ' v : : : ? : - ? a, Cochrati, ! rr?K ?i " i; .'.'""? ?? " i ? ?k:i. 1 ' .' " Moon ?jeta Weather Report " TON, May 5.?The ?-o-.??, tha r-vn.? icn-r::! over Indiana Sunday nigl moved n - tward. an '. M mda ;-:l centre - ? Hand. Anothe ?tonn was cent-ml " rer Colo rado. ' ? ? ... ive j ? i aesl of the 1 ., ....,_,. . ' ' ??' ' and . ?eat Lakes, I ', . :' ? - - Coast ?". -? .-.?? .71 m - ' * i states, I ? the upp? - ? ' h 1 Forecasts for Special District?. .... ?.: is tern Pi ; to-i West i an ! Western Ne* ? . Loca! Officiai Record.?The following ot hours ? . 1013. LOI!) p ... i ? p. i ' I p. m... 61 ? ?? fat - !?'? p. m. ? : !??" - ? average sam? a ?? ': .?'?? . -.-?. Humidity ? . " .. 3518 p. m Barometer Readings St. m.. 29.0" 1 p. m 29.0-1 :. p. m.. S"1."5 Local For? and cooler I trow ?rate north v-in??3 - - ? : " e?asl Going On To-day L V tory LU ?ampaigns lay and Da y . Metroi ' in Musen ? Sa the Aq - ?? I ' 5,1 ? t ., ,. ? .... -tising -?? -?? ? Hoi ' ' 10 a. i : . tre :-. '? . Hotel ? ? - i Home of Brook tor 2 p. n '?. ?r.orlca, V.'al ? Mine. ????, '.'?' -, ' I rf-Astorla, b ' lay. , : , , . talk, for publl : h J ihers Ar. 1 .......... . ? - Evening; jj ? by e, Wald : > p. m. .... Bellevue ~ . ' ? - festival, orchestral : r-. . . - : '-' ???:, "The Eoo ?..- ' , 8 :1 ? .,,.,.. . - ... nu8| it8 ' p. i Rol '1 Hotel -?> '. ? . ." Met ' '-??. FOR ^1! IN Ix?' FNTFORM "? C. S ? ? - ? ' ' ? . ? ?-. ??-,-? ? ? - ' ? : ' ? ' senti ' ' ? i Sei ?. , ' corner "T ' i VV. C. C. S. Unit No - ' -?:? ? i : ' : - ' - res i Art Exhibit ? rts, An '. ' - bltloi rah ? '??'. English ... household tur? cs 1 the residences r G . ? \- ? ;. and Mrs ' of 1 . ? ' : " ?'?--.-? : . Del? to the pres ' , ' ? ? , ? : v, : ? c s i f t li ?. '. i ?Ancient Ii ?'?.ver." h : - : . - ....... - ..... - ..? ? - : i w esi Flfty ith .- : re? t ? i alntlnga s ? ?? M i, 108 ?<? est F fty-seventh ??' M ? - Flftl ?' ?. ! ' Hassa ... ? nue? ? . -, . . '? n, : .; m .n Ion I c ' ire ' rlp ? ? hsrl-.i . Publl : ? ' -. Streel ? ? ? ?James '? the Human!/??'.,'* j :. (, Carter l'.-onp, at Motro Seventh Aven t - Alexander : ' - a Com ; ? ... ent, An ?I - I ?'. Pub and Pi? '? ' ' ' - ? ? Shipping News High Wilier - ARRIVED YESTERDA* ... : ' i '. ? TRAVEL INTERNATIONAL MERCANTILE MARINE LINES American r>(U Mill I'll! *. LIV1 KP Haverford M;i\ !4 N'ortliland. Ilavcrford .July .'> LEYL?ND BOSTON*?T.rVERPOO I Only One ria?? ( ,.?,;,, Bohemian May -1?- Bohemian ' ? Winifredlan June iAVinlfreilian Jul-j White Star N IV, VOKH-MVKRPIIOr, Baltic M?? 15 Balti? i????? Celtic Mi? .If eltic June [.upland luni : l.aplunu Ydriut ???. June 11 Offices, 9 Broadway, New York Fn-isengrr und Freight Services NEW YORK to LIVERPOOL Mauretania . Royal George.M Orduna . M Caronia .Ma / 2 '? Carma7;ia.May 24 Royal George.Jui Caronia .June 21 Orduna.June 24 ? YORK io PLYM an.i I v Saxonia .May 31 NEW YORK t? SOUTHAMPTON Aquitania .June 2 Mauretania.June 10 21-24 STATE STREET. NE"W . USTRALiA HONOLULU. SUVA. NEW ZEALAND ' R. M. ; ' Niagara" R. M , j For far? anadian Tac. Ry.( 1,231 Broadway, V. Y., or t .... : i , B ' NEW YORK?FRANCE C*mp? WEEKLY RES ipanj's Office ?UiT? &S.V7? RED'D'UNE ? " - ' s s p ". ? - - S V Metropolitan Line To BOSTON Via 1 ^g Islai ' Soi nd Bu - ? irds B ?.? and Cape Cod Canal ?SVorcei*er,$S.82. Providence direct. $2 JS? - ? ?. : EKOOMS, $1.00 und $2.00 1 ... . Fre?r. ! V. --?., F .er or Com ' ** THE PUBLIC BE PLK**5ED." rav? - *4.< it providence;,;:,.. $2.97 UL OUTSIDE STATEROOMS $1. 18 to ?3..M Both t ?:?? ? 1 .' IK tdi I :r Tax Boat Leave? Pier 38. North River, at 3:SHJ P. M. 'I'bone ???prins UCtfl. MER1CAN EXPRESS ?TRAVEL DEPARTMENT HUDSON RIVER NIGHT LINES Da from r 32, N. v L32d M . ...? 6 o'clock 1 - SOUTH A?.:i R !< \ ll.f Royal Mail Steam Packet Co. The Pacific Steam Navigation Co. Th?? Nelson I .;;???. SOCTH AFRICA?Union Castle Une. Sanderson & Son, (J B ?-ay, '?' t. R VY MOM? YY ill I ( (1MB , TROfBl EEESS THAI ! I De LUXE To Anywhere Eor Anytime 228 Fifth Av?*.. New York. Visit Your Northern Aille?.?For Illustrated guldp. address J lin F Pierce, Dep't i?i. Canada Steaj real, ana?i?v Paclfl?? Coast. ALASKA ?Midnight Sun ( \mui\s r \( n ;? rah ?.*? v y R PERRY, ., A. I .: . . . HUDSON RIVER BAT LINE L a ? will be res v ? Wtd. and 1 : I .?1 ? .1 - Lia? Short nnd Idea) Ronle to ? ? ?? - -.?-;?!!1?.. I i-t I :t!>i'i;>'. 1'assenirer - ' ?? s, mon '? u.??-, Kuihhn. I-'d Broadway. N. i. COINTKV BOARD RESTH IVEN?Ca? I and erly; beautiful ! '? N- Broad? way, Yr?nk?*?r?j. 5'.- up weekly. lJhon? Yunkers 19*4. ' . ? -: .San Juan ? ? ?raphlte. - '. "--m. .".. - is . ? -' - . Norfolk . . . . m . - - " - pool . 1 .. .April .. May . .May . .M?y ..May .. May .April . May \ pi \ VI. I-?COMTNG STF.AMEK3 Due To-day - Pole. .... April rib _ ? . . Ai'ri: t.-.t.B rest . April _. - >s a. Pt N.' ta Ire. . Bord a ? . sa ' . Due Wednesday eaux . .Bordeaux . . . ... A ; . . Apr ' \ ? OUTGOING STEAMERS To-dav MATE VES ?ES 5A1 Ai.-i 8 ' '? ' W rdaesday La Save;?. Havr?. ... t 11:30 A.M. Bant -. Marta. Ph?la-.. phii Par:::.;, ' _ - - ?' Thursday. K -1: :? ? ? AMERICAN PORTS " ? ' r - - - SUMMER CAMPS St MM? K i ^MP> CAMP DEWEY Established in 1915 as the Summer r rig Base of the U. S. Junior Naval Reserve Sea-going situation en Prudente Isiai Bay. June 20 to Sept. 1. for boys of 14 to ful, practical pr?paration for the Navy and Laud and water drillwork. Specialized . it. Training Ship. "Commodore J. W. M hikes and cruises. Hardihood, self-reliance . taught and acquired. An instructive and en Terms $175 complete, includ Willis J. Piv. tional Headquarters: 218 W RESORTS NEW ?OKK STA. K Fort William Henry Hotel LAKE GEORGE, N. V. Will Open for the Season of 1919 on May 29th Boating- Bathing" Fishing- Golf- Tennis ... ; e v-ailable n - tl.h European Plan Write for Bt CHARLES A. DOUGLASS, M In the A ' "'-T _untains COTTAGES \ M~> CAMPS FOR RENT i ER A PUTi. ': ... ....... - ?erve of 4,0 wnvrntn r, itpf.r saranac i ark ... -bes H .RRING -ON -U! I -. HOTEL CKAFTOX, Washington, I> C. Miujim i MILLBROOK, N. Y. W i!i reopen for the Summer on [May 2 2d M E. SNIFFEN. ' %' V . I H O X B L RAMATAN Hill El GR \M VI 1\, - i rr~n?nimiinrrriiriiniriiiTTiiii mi n mm? RRI i;.' ? ' 11 Glen Cove ?a?Lon^Mand - 1 \V I?AMI THE Dixville Notch, N. H. in the Northern White Mountains NOW OPEN AT 8 West 40th St., New York City relephone Vanderbilt --00 CONNEI TU CT. Edgewood Inn Greenwich, Conn. 45 minu OPENS MAY ! 7TH N. T. OFFICE?Ul'WTTl STCDIO. _^ZT.7.ZTT_ZZ:: T__Z-Z2_^^.'^^.'______l'v ION :. IYDE >1 VNOR Get ????_? to hjipplnes??awaj (- ? a nerr? - -c f-inc-Si_r. S ? a dxfj ra_. Book:?. R?y?l Mwko.? Hotel P.O.. l-_n Ram.?. Oat. ESSEX & S EX Hotel and ( Spring Lake Beach, N. ?. i America's Finest .' Ho* Opens 1. HOT1 . \ O I A X " A T !_ '- l ?. GRAND ATLANTIC TRAY ,.v;v. At!?r? American I Brown's M '?"? '? ?*W A1 THE PIG'N WHISTLE INN j Th PASSACONAYVAY INN ,