Newspaper Page Text
Wonder What the Early Worm Thinks About By BRIGGS (Copyright, 1919, New York Tribune Incl ~f IT Betl\/<o N/OVAI A NICE ?PRlivJG DaV I Think . ?Hftu Take . a , Look ?A."T The ?KY. Ainjd'TmiiO-SS That*'ARC outride. l'LLj8eTj ThET-SU/nJ w.uC-vBe. Surprises Oh- I^T This Too pROVOKio/tj!' HERC Ci\ii3 op Tuose Fresh'.Robims Look ir-JG Right AT? Me. HE'?, PrOBaSLV ABOU ?tari/e? -rue ?OT A vSlAJfELU. Chamc? i'ha-jc Thihr^ , Me'S' Gor M12. RiSht 13 Y "The neck -? Qva/C'-a ?J'oo FlErJD '. I HoPf*l X>on't Break /|NJ ' TWO - l'M'?eTTlrJC Terribly ?STRETCHED. RCALlV XTHlS?'lS*Aivi ?bTRACSe,? ??P '.'.'' (LL HAM6 OM Tb Th E Bitter er-JD .? | Shall <GiV? ?This' BiRD A TuSTLt. Vf?\M ? ' ??' M COMtrUG , OUT OR ' TH ? 6'R?UivJD, He'? ALMOST 'BIT ?M/ /?EA?> OFF \\ IM HAUIl'X A ?S-wJELL ?UTIM6.-UH WHY 3) I'D I LEAWE' my " Mect^ v>j(ll Be a ?Sight to Behol?. Vou -u - u - KJ ?AJPeTCM1, ( THlMK HE'S GtTTlMG, i Thought ?o? HAD To CALL FO? HELP -AnIDI ?MAP ?R1.6HT tifNCK I/O THE Holc ? ?OODY Ha -ha-HA Ha-ha-'ha HA-HAHAHa 4 Hilled. I Injured By Automobiles and Street Cars in Dav Two Boy;* in Brooklyn Run Down While Playing; Mount Vrrnon Mother Sees (!hil<l Lose His Life Four dead, I iree of them young boys, and four other persons injured, was record of stre? t accidents in N'ew York and vicinity. Automobiles were responsible for six of the casual? ties, while the seventh was caused by a surface cur at Mount Vernon, N. V. Two boys were killed in Brooklyn by automobiles.*They wore William Stein man, nine years old, of 1333 Greene Avenue, and Leon Glazer, seven years old. ol 6< - East Fourth Street. The Steinman boy was playing ball in front te. According to witnesses he rar. direel ;:i front of a mach?n i.*- ? - I y T. icas Valentine, of 759 'Tan cock Street. :.'? - ila_< r boy wa ? also killed in front of his home. Alfred Kotzcke, driv:-r of the machine, was arrested on a technical charge of homicide. An ambulance from Flower Hospital, driven by Henry Jameson, was speed . ing through Avenue A in response to : a cull yesterday afternoon when a man suddenly stepped in its path. The driv? er swerved to avoid running him down. Before he could regain control of the machine it had bounced over the curb? ing on to the sidewalk and pinned two small boys, Julius Kletak, four years ; old, and William Schultz, aged six, against the door of the house at 1360 Avenue A. Both were seriously injured, The Mount Vernon boy who lost his life was Frederick Dantin, four years old. His mother stood helplessly by as a streetcar ran her son down. Broso Kerioso, forty years old, of ."> , ?.'arpenter Place, Mariners' Harbor, Staten Island, was run down by an : automobile driven by Robert Tully, -117 Jewett Avenue. Mariners' Harbor, as he was crossing Weston Avenue. The injured man died at Staten Island Hos? pital. Alfred Webe;-, lift y years old, of 210 Mercer Street. Jersey City, was struck and seriously injured by an automobile truck owned by the American Railway Express Company, at Broadway anil Fulton Street, early last evening. Deputy Fire Chief William Beggins, in charge of the tire department on Staten Island, was severely injured last night when his automobile skidded and overturned while speeding to a fire . in Hendricks Avenue. New Brighton. Do you want mere size? or do you want quality? INHERE are cigars larger than A^?^\ r'ie ^?^r- Burns That sell at Robt. Burns prices and pretend to be as good. I he only cigars, howeve: sell v\>\^SJ\ ^ ' ioc to i 5c, that offer smokers ^^%^ . true R?bt. Burns quality, are those ^;%V^>'\ ^^^^^^^^?^^^^^^^^^^^^^?^^^^^^^H ^NnS^_>^ niadc b v 77ie doteraiCigar Company, ' I l-l^X ^ ;'r':i bearing t!lf' R?bt. Burns label. ?-*_?___-*?4i?'! Men who think about theirsmok - y * I 1 n ing appreciate the line hand work. manship of Robt. Burns. They relish lis fine quality ? his full Havana Robt. Burns is made in \ popu? lar sizes. I he quality is identical It you approve- tins 1 i ?avana quality,it's onlv a question of selecting vour favorite size. 3 National Sizes 10c to I 5c f ,1 \1R.\I. CIGAR CO., In. . ?I -,-,'?? '..?,,- h J^^^^H-__---------------------i^i? i 1 I H .:. .?::^:-::^:::::!::::::::^?:??mw:m!x:):n:iiU!?i!a?!:::;"::;:jf 1jL/Bfii???i-^'-" ..~~*~-*n..,--.?..,,_,..,-.,_?^-%v|f-np**.,*?*^* nnmnsllj Two IN. Y. Judges, : Mavo and McArioo, ?' ' Hurt by Vehicles Former, Run Over In llorar? Suffers Brain Concussion, While Latter, Struck by a Truck, Has Cnirthcd Fool Justice John B. Mayo, of the Chil? dren's Court, suffered concussion of the brain and bruises about the lace \ and head yesterday afternoon when hi was knocked down and run over by a horse and wagon while crossing Seven? ty-third Street at Amsterdam Avenue It wan learned yesterday that Chied Magistrate ?VIcAdoo met with a similai accident on Saturday on ?-'taten Islam when an automobile ran into him. At the sanatorium of Dr. John Gid ne:, 156 West Seventy-fourth Street where Justice Mayo was taken, it wai said last night that he was restin?. comfortably. Th? driver of the wago: that ran over him was Thomas Far ragnc, employed by C?ristede Brothers grocers, of 469 Amsterdam Avenue Justice Mayo made no complain against him. Magistrate McAdoo was crossinj Moose Head Bridge, not far from Por Richmond, when a man driving a moto truck stopped to ask him a questior As the magistrate started back towar the sidewalk he stepped directly i front of another automobile and wa hit by the mudguard. The rear whe< ran over his right foot, crushing ?1 and lie was. also bruised about th arms and legs. o - ? . ?Woman Dies in Fire Al Soulh Bead Fire an area three block.: Jon and two blocks wide al South Beac early yesterday, destroying forty ?, more frame buildings, causing th death of a woman and resulting in loss estimated ??t about $200,001 Happy ?and, an amusement resort, a:, thirty-live bungalows and seven ho els were burned. Mrs. Mary Autenreith, whoso nu band, John. ?:- pre id on I of I hs Ba Amusemenl ( impany, ch soon v ? to ; ave op i.e?: Happyland, wa '.? oma n '-. lied. She ? a bui ned deal h. W ?th her i usbii lid she ran o? of thci r quarl ers in a dan? e | when smoke be^an to drive throug Happyland. Alter attaining safety, ho\ ever, Mrs, Autenreith remembered son trifles in her room and wont back f( them. Her charred body was found , the ruins. Happyland, with it- dance pavilio restaurant and seem?- railway .'trie tu re. was burned. Thence the fire jumped to the Hotel Waldorf, on the west, owned by Charles Walsh, and within a few minutes Charles Noble's bathing pavilion, Charles Henderson's hotel and John Schaoffer's hotel were wrapped in flames. Roderick's Restaur? ant, which was on Sand Lane, north of Happyland, also caught fire and thirty five bungalows beyond it, owned by Lambert O'Neill, were destroyed. -a S lor m Saves Town From Forest Fire POINT PLEASANT, N. .!.. May 5 ? The countryside for miles arounc turned out to-day to fight a forest fir? which ?went down from near Herberts ? ville, burned several outlying farm houses and threatened villages, bridges summer homes and fishing boats. Eiglr : or nine square miles was burned ovei before a severe thunder shower ex tinguished the tire. Hundreds of teams were used t< plough furrows about, the threatenc? points, and in this way Herbertsvilli was saved, although the flames aie ti within 200 yards of the village, Back fires also were employed, and one o them got beyond control and for ; time cut oli' lire fighters who wer battling fui' the bridge across th Manasquan River between Herberts ville and this place. They saved th bridge anil themselves, too. Ten May Be Dead In Fire at Columbui Many Hurl When Fi?mes Tra] Sleepers in Bi?* Apart? ment liuililin?; COLUMBUS, Ohio, May 5. Betweo seven and ten persons perished, dozen others are in hospitals in a s? rious condition and a score more wei badly hurt in a spectacular lire i Broad and Fronts streets, in the lies. of downtown Columbus, at midnight t night, Several wen? killed and mar injured by jumping from the upp? floors of the seven-story huildin Half a do/en babes in arms wen? loss* to firemen with life nets. The fire starte?! ?in a washroom ? the second floor, trapping most of tl occupa nts (>r t he nop?, r p : orics. ? \l. V. Davison Heads World's Red Cros PARIS, May :?. Henry P. Davis was elected chairman of the governi I??..-Mil League of Red Cro Societies, which was organized he to day. All the world's Red Cross societi , will be members of the league. t??'LL show you," ihouled Mrs, N'orah the Emerald Isle, and apparently was Murphy twenty-four years old unacquainted with the rules and customs , ', ,, , , .'. of an American courtroom pushing back the restraining hands <>l nmrt. attendants m the Flatbush Avenue r_im.' . . ? .. ?? ,. ,-i '?Mir. native costume of the Cheyenne court, in Brooklyn, yesterday. "First, I chief, Don White Eagle, who died ir it's my geese and guinea hens, and now France clad in the olive drab of tin us my husband you'll be meddling with, paleface, has been presented to Hi? Ti :e that!" American Museum of Natural History An h" ?aid ill-- ii rieal (i I landed on Thai was the wish of the Indian, win ?;?-. of h pcctoi Edward .' Hughe . lefl the costume, which he had ma,h ?h.' Health Department. Inspector himself, ?n care of Mrs. Anna Sar Hiigln had ' ' ohlaii il ll conviction geant, of Jersey City, when he embarkei of John I Mm phy for ,'i dal ?ng thi ?oi Fi une" i an la i / code Mi Hiujhi i hnrjri r| thai Chii '? \\ I Le '. igli v i detailed as ; Murphy kept t wo gi'i and I wo guinea hnrpshootei and ivon citation fo in lh< Im .i : d of hi ; ho ii- .it bra: i y under ? Me died on ( Ictob" ?? Tro S ci i?' ?i. i , irate Folwell II, ''.'I--, from pneumonia contracted h - - lurphv the I F' nche l, hit Unte Kolwoll ordered Mrs .Tin The costume ivns u ed by White Eagl brought befon I..m on i charge of while campaigning for the Third Libert; disorderly conduct, arid nld he would loan \< consisted of wai bonnet ?id her to jail foi Lhirty clay? On the fringed shirl and leggings, moccasin* intervention of Inspector Hughi -, the pipe bag und feather trimmed standard Ki-iiteii??- was reduced to a fino of $10. I It m now being displayed in Memoria .'?11 : Murphy is a recent arrival from Mini a1 the Museum, "Hello?Hello, New York? Fm waiting for your answer?" The message has come: Uncie Sam wants $1,000,561.600 from New York. Wants it now?-wants it today?-wants it right away?wants it as New York's part of the Victory Loan?wants it to help pay for winning the war?wants it to make sure of the Vic? tory that seventy-four thousand Americans gave their iives for. "Hello?Hello, New York? F m waiting for your answer?" From the West Side and from the East Side?-from Rock away and the Jersey Hills?-from Manhattan, Brooklyn, Richmond, Queens, the Bronx?from the dark alleys of the Ghetto and light-hearted Broadway ? from banker and newsboy?from men and women who toil?mighty and hum? ble?rich and poor?-must come that answer. From you and from me?from the lips and the hearts and the pockets of seven million?ringing, rising, surging ? the Mighty Voice of the City? FA %V ill it. Do you live in New York? This ? . : Finish the ' ? ? -., ^?.cr, ,v- , CHEMICALS.. DRUGS, FAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES AND ALUED TRADES Vmerican Atr,?nli urn! A Chemical i ?>. .lames i;. Homer. Inc. ?ill.?.,, o ? \nierlcuii Dyewood Conipunj (has. I. Huiskiiar, In?. < h ,, ?? T'V'"' "'' I.rj Allen Hymes Bros. Co ? ?,??. ? "?*< "?- Inr I'. K. Andenon A Co.. Inc. S. Isaacs ? Co! KPnd?"r>* V'"/'"' Anilin,, ?yes * Chemicals, Inc. i. I. .felciiko A < o. I I iLr',','r ' "' - ., Antoine (Inris Compati.*, Katzeiibuch & Kell?,, I. ( c KoVkhlll * vi ?" pe,,8,a Tabl?"< ^??n. Itattelle At Kcmvick \. Klipstein H le' irMfl, ?'V''.r , c liuynrd & (.,.. In?. II. Ivolu.stamm A Co. iTv ?'i'"' forporation !.. ?I. IJ.-KKs ? Co. I.nsker .V ?Jernslein. Inc. ,.??,; ' ' " ' ',,, 'V "? ?enkerl Tl.os. I.eemin,; & Co. 's ? -., h!. ???T V ,? 7 C <>- IllKcIo? John I). Lewis ; .' A 't, ?' ' ?lames \. K|,.nr|i,iril C. >. LHtell* Co. Stutr'atTi ?loh.?? Itraitnstein Urns. Soda fountain II. Livezev i ... ,,..,, ''" ?*? ?rown. In?. ?... (..? Luetler? ,v Co. M .Spfplnmn" I" <>. \. Itrowii Co.. In?'. Samuel <-. MeColfer* I .,. M-? 1 ?'n V Kdwin II. i:,,,-,- Win. MeOonaffh ? Sons vVlhur Sf?!?.?, ? i ?" W. .1. Mush A ( ... ,':?. (?in . 1. UcKdiiw ?A u ,."-" * ' " Bush, Keuch A (icnl Mi-ilison (?lue Manufacturing Co In. Yrtlmr \ V\ix n , - '? ". Hutelier Co.. Inc. .Iuriius. Mabee .V lta.vnartl.InV. s Suzuki ? fi" .'V ' "' liuitcrworlh, .JiiiImoii Corporal ?on. .1. Man he i mer ?' , ???.1,, ' "" ,' '? Kmll Calman a Co. I. ,V. M ,1 A ( o. Ml ?i""i"T' M-f,V ' "' Chipmaii Chemieal Kn*lnecrhiB Co. Me.r.len, Orth A lias! inKs Corporation I ' ."V ,'o, ",',"' '"!i ' "" '"' Walluee. 1\ Colioe Marvel Conipnnj eporauon .. \bbott I.aboruioriCM Columbus Crystal ( .-. Marx \ Ituwolle, In?. j ' !w- ''.""''?; - I hemi.ul Co. CompiiKiiie Morana Malz .?, Cohen - t. ? i. , ?-alalog Company, Inr. .1. W. Coulston & Co. Mcl.truifhlin (Jormley Klnc Co. '? Knn.fil' 1 ?r?" '"' Denver Client. MfK. Co. (Antlpl itin?*) Milli-iitn & IIIpCliis Gluo Co. ? '. ,\ ,I1' ' '""I>"imI Ion D.xlK,? .V Ole.,It Co. Mtimo .v Co. . " V ??" 1','r A ^???nilcal Co. Kuitene Dh't/en Co. Niilional (?urn and Mi,a Co r '' i ? a/?"''? ,*",'l'e (hem. ? ,i,ki? IHMillerles Chem. supph Co. Nati,?nal Itemedl Com nan?, i ??' >,a"?n ? " Uve Priiduem Ar ( hemi.ul Co., Inc. New York Italli'lM'K. (,, ' ?, ' ?>0,>nioutli I hemieal Co. Elmer A Vmend N>? Vork (?lor and Chemical Co Iht ?,?', ?? A,r""<?al Umb < o. I lectro-Itlea, hi?K (.as Co. Nitrate AKeiu?le? Co. ! >"???' Frederick ,,, ('. (i. Knlcr , Menr? \?[\ ? ["' '??'(?I Laboratorle? M. l.-inel A Itio. Partolu MfR. Co ,.!"' IV" '"''?'' "' < ?> I'orhan (on.,?an.? - I?- CenlcTt A ( ... - "" ?>l,rr,>"L. ' " I. Coiiitera A Co '''*' "'"?'' Tar Co. ? rilrs.h,. UnillKTs Thurston ? Itraldish Simon \\. (?oldsnillh >^ A,',','"-','.'' i'''rOS' (.??r..i?.|i<l..'r|.-.-' Uros. v??S'CiV ? S' 'V',''1 * '" It. ^\. (?reeff A Co., Ine. tjTQSft ,""'r ?h.n,,,.,i t ?.. Inc. I?. I t.rilllihs ,v < ... X-?/Sr ni-i.r A ( ,. . Inc. (.eorire V. <ir. A I ,,. %?? ?nion ?square Oental 1 ..'?,.,.??..rx K. Ilalper. lue ^r '? ?'? ? "?Idell A ( .? I ,-.??I Unsl.nn A Co., In? ...? ", *" ' '"??inrectliiR < ?. Heine S I?, '-*'?' ',:..?'.. ? rede A! I.nnc.? ^^^^^^^^^^*****************************************************?*-?**?**?**?****?**?**?**??^.-*******.. {,y. ?HHHHIHH ?^IHBHBHBHBHBHBHH^H lie -I. 1?.? ?mm ?mu ?mmiHiii. /.i??s..,.,' * ?.. h