Newspaper Page Text
Record of Stock and Bond Average? (Copyright. 1919, New York Tribun? Inc) Stocks Range Jan. 1 Rang? ful) Ye? tar- Day Year to dato 1919. year 191*. way before. ago. High. Low. High. Low. 20 Railroad? .74.43 74.30 69.40 74.45 68.70 79.15 66.21 30 Ir.dnstrials . 97.47 96.50 81.67 97.47 79.20 88.83 73.87 03 Stoci? . 88.26 87.62 76.76 88.20 75.32 84.03 70.30 j Bonds 10 Railroad* . 80.02 79.92 80.08 82.80 79.48 88.57 76.62 10 Industrials . 95.00 94.92 91.07 85.33 93.72 94.88 67.40 5 Utilities . 83.98 83.86 84.94 87.75 83.72 89.02 82.60 25 Bond* . 86.80 86.75 85.4ft 87.88 86.53 89.46 83.62 Summary of Stock Exchange Dealings (Copyright, 1919, New York Tribune Inc) Stocks i^i^B Day Year January 1 to date. Yeoterday. before. ago. 1919. 1918. 1917. Railroads . 159,500 283,400 252,400 9,359,700 5,298,700 7,834,900 Other stocks . 1.309,400 1,017,600 669,400 68,068,800 38,448,400 59,688,800 All stocks _ 1,468,900 1,301,000 921,800 77,427,500 43,747,100 67,523,700 Bonds January 1 to data. Yesterday. Day before. Year ago. 1919. 191?. U. S. Government ... $11.088,000 $9,643,000 $2,274,000 $772,114,000 $256,455,000 Railroads. 1,451,000 1,360,000 1,192,000 77,414,000 85,399,000 Other bond? . 3.330,000 13,247,000 1,553,000 258,710,000 118,942,000 i All bonds. 16,869,000- 6,019,000 1,108,238,000 - Yesterday's Transactions in Listed Stocks All stocks quoted dollars a share. Annual dividend rate, also In dollars a share, is based on last regular payment. High and low prices of 1919 an* based only on transactions of 100 shares or more. High. Low. Div. . m I?et _,. , . ji-,13 jQio Rate. Sales. Ooen. High. Low. Close, chge. Hid. Ask. 50 ' 29*3? Adam? Express . 1600 33'/* 35 33ft 35+3 35 35% 34*4 21 ' ? Advance Rumely ... 1700 32?/? 32ft 32 32ft? ft 32% S2ft 7034 66ft 6 Advance Rumely pr.. 1300 69?? 69% 683,4 68%? '/4 683/4 69 95' 66 6 Ajaz Rubber . 2800 93'/4 93ft 90'/4 92 - -- ? t,t/A 31/3? Alaska Gold Mine.... 600 3% 3% VA 3ft? ft 3ft 3% 2?-', 13,4? Alaska Juneau . 1100 2 2 VA 2 - 1% 2 42ft 30 ? Allis-Chalmers Co ,. 6000 42 42ft 41 41i/4? ft 41'/4 41ft 04% 81% 7 AllU-Chalmers pr .. . 200 94ft 94% 94ft 94%-f ft 94% 95 113% 99% ? Amer Agr Chem. 6100 110ft 111% 110 111 + % 110ft 110% 103' 93 e Am Agr Chem pr.... 100 101 101 101 101 - 100ft 101 ft 83% 63 8 Amer Beet Sugar... 6800 82ft 83% 82% 83 + 1ft 823,4 83ft 86 84ft 6 Amer Bosch Mag.... 3800 85 86 84ft 85%+ % 85ft 85% 66% 42%? American Can Co... 7700 66% 66% 55% 5534+ ft 55ft 5534 973. 84ft 8 Am Car & Fdry Co.. 7000 96% 97% 95?4 96ft+1 96ft 96% 14ft 10% .80 American Drugs .... 3400 13ft 13ft 12% 12%? ft 13 13ft 63% 39% 4 Amer Cotton Oil. 2500 58 58 55ft 56ft? % 56 66ft 95 82ft 6 Amer Express . 300 84 84ft 83ft 84ft+ 1ft 83ft 85 29% 13'a? Am Hide & Leather. 3900 28ft 2834 27ft 27%? ft 27% 28 1183. 7V 4 7 Am Hide & L pr.... 6600 117% 118% 117ft 117%+ ft 117ft 118 50% 38 ? Americanice . 400 493,4 49% 48% 48%? 1ft 48% 49 72 5434 6 Amer Ice pr . 300 70 70 70 70 ? 1ft 70ft 71 91ft 5238 3.60 Amcr Int Corp. 13700 87ft 88ft 86% 863/4? ft 86?4 87 59?/- 441,. ? American Linseed .. 7000 683/4 59ft 58ft 58ft+ ft 58ft 58% 7834 53 5 Amcr Locomotive.... 5900 75% 783-4 75ft 773/4+2 77% 77% 4% 1 ? American Malt .* 600 2ft 2% 2ft 2%+ ft 2ft 2% 78% 62''? 4 Am Smelting . 26700 74 75% 733/4 75 + 1ft 74% 75ft 107 103 7 Am Smelt pr. 200 1063/4 107 106% 107 + 1% 106ft 107ft 130 105- 12 Am Snuff . 600 124% 124% 124% 124%? ft 123 125 37./ 36 __ Am Steel Fdy. 48100 36 37ft 36 37ft + 1ft 37ft 37ft j 133ft 111ft 7 Amer Sugar . 2100 132% 132% 131ft 131ft? % 131 1313/4 I 118 96ft 10 Amer Sumatra . 3700 108ft 108ft 106 107 ? ft 106% 107 98 93 7 Am Sumatra Tob pr. 200 94ft 94ft 94 94 ? ft 93 95 108% 98% 8 Am Tel & Tel. 2800 103% 104 103% 104 + ft 104 104ft 215 191% 20 Amcr Tob . 500 210% 210% 209% 209%? % 209 2093,4 106 100 6 Am Tob pr new .... 100 100% 1003/8 100% 103%? ft 100ft 100ft 6934 45ft 5 Am Wool . 1300 67ft 673/4 67 673,4+ 1ft 67ft 67% 1C2 943a 7 Am Wool pr. 200 100ft 100ft 100ft 100ft+ ft 99% 100ft 48 27%? Am Writ Pap pr_ 3000 46% 46% 46 46?1 46 46ft 18ft 11 ? Am Zinc & Lead.... 1100 17ft 17ft 17 17ft? ft 17 17ft A9' -, 40 6 Am Zinc & Lead pr 300 47% 48 47% 48 ? ft 49 50 64ft 56ft 4 Anaconda .16100 63 64 ft 63 63%+ % 63% 64 45? '? 17' 4 ? Asso Dry Goods. 600 43% 44 43% 44, + % 43% 44 75ft 61 6 Asso Dry Gds 1st pr. 100 75 75 75 75' + 1ft 73 75 93'2 68 5 Asso Oil . 2100 91 93ft 903/4 91%+ % 91 91ft 96ft 90 6 Atchison . 5800 94ft 95ft 94ft 95ft+ 1 95 95ft 89 84% 5 Atchison pr . 100 86 86 86 86 + ft 85ft 86ft 10% 6 ? At, B & Atl. 400 9 10% 9 103,4+2 10 11 102 95 7 At C Line. 700 101ft 102 101ft 102 + % 101 102 159 92 10 A G & W 1.26900 154 159 151ft 158 + 4 158 158ft 9434 64% ? Baldwin Locomo Co. 13800 92% 94ft 92% 93 ? ft 93 93ft 106'.', 102 7 Bald Locomo Co pr. 100 106ft 106ft 106ft 106ft+ 1ft 103ft 108 50% 44 4 Baltimore & Ohio... 21Q0 60ft 50% 60ft 50ft+ ft 50ft 60% 56ft 50 4 Baltimore & Ohio pr 1100 55 55% 55 55%+ % 54% 55 13538 103 7 Barrett Co . 100 129 129 129 129?1 ? ? 1% 1ft? Batopilas Mining ... 6000 1ft 1% 1ft 1%+ ft 1% 1% 76% 55'2 8 Beth Sttel . 200 75 75 74 74ft + 1ft 73 75 77ft 553a 8 Beth Steel Class B. . 5100 74ft 74ft 73% 73%? ft 733,4 74ft 110ft 101% 8 Beth Steel 8th pr. , . 300 110 110 110 110 ? ft 110 111 26% 18%? Bklyn Rap Tr. 2400 23ft 23% 23ft 23ft+ ft 23 23ft 2434 19% ? Bklyn Rap Tr ctfs. . 900 22 23 22 23 + ft 22% 23ft 24ft 18'4 2 Boolh Fisheries Co.. 3400 21% 21% 21ft 21ft? ft 21ft 21ft 82 79 6 Bklyn t'nion Gas. . . 500 82 82 82 82+2 83 84 1?? 138 10 Burns Bros . 100 151 151 151 151 ? 6ft 148 152 110 4 110 7 Burns Bros pr. 200 110ft 110% 110 110 ? ft 99% 112 11 8ft? Brunswick . 1000 10% 10% 10ft 10ft+ ft 10ft 10ft 10 5? s ft Butte Cop & Zinc... 2100 10 10 9ft 10 -f 1 9% 10 25ft 16ft ? Butte & Sup Copper 700 24 24 23ft 23ft+ % 23ft 24 25 16 ? Butterick Co . 100 23 23 23 23 - 23 25 67ft 48ft 4 California Packing . 2200 67ft 67ft 65 65%? % 65% 66 2934 2C38 ? California Pet . 2300 28ft 28% 273,4 28ft+ ft 28 28ft 7434 64ft 7 California Pet pr... 200 72 72ft 72 72ft+ ft 72 72ft 62 56% 4 Calumet & Arizona.. 300 59 60 59 60 + ft 59% 60 170ft 155% 10 Canadian Pacific ... 9100 169ft 170ft 169 169 + 1 169 169% 50% 30'. 4 4 Certainteed. 800 50ft 60% 50 60 ? % 49 50 90 85% ? Cert Corp 1st pr ... 100 90 90 90 90 + 6ft 88 90 26 21 ? Central Fdy . 700 25 26 25 26-4-1 ? ? 82 66ft 5 Central Leather - 3400 81ft 81ft 80% 80%+ ft 80% 81 112 104ft 7 Cent Leath pr. 100 112 112 112 112 - 111 113 44ft 31 4 Cerro de Pasco . 1700 40 41 40 40ft? ft 393/4 40 152 103 12 Chandler Motors ... 600 145 145 14434 145 - 145 145ft 67 63% 4 Ches & Ohio. 13700 65% 67 65ft 65ft? ft 65% 65ft 10 7ft? ill i Gt West . 200 9% 9% 9% 9%? ft 9ft 934 27% 23ft 2 Chi Gt W pr. 700 27ft 2734 27ft 27ft? ft 27ft 2?ft 41% 34ft? C, M & S P. 2800 39% 39ft 39 39ft? % 39ft 39% 74% 65ft ? C, M & S P pr_ 2400 70 70 69 69 ? % 68ft 69ft 99 93ft 7 Chi & N'west. 6200 97 97ft 96% 97ft+ ft 97 97ft 27ft 22ft? C, R I & P. 1000 27ft 27ft 27 27 ? ft 263,4 27 67% 61ft 6 C, R I & P 6% pr.. 600 67% 67% 67ft 67%+ % 6734 67?4 81 73'4 7 C R I & P 7% pr.. 600 7934 81 7994 80ft+ ft 80 80ft 70 64 6 C, C, C & St L pr .. 600 68 68 67 68 + 1ft 6634 67 24% 17ft? Chile Copper . 17400*23% 24% 23ft 23%+ ft 23?4 24 3838 32'a 3 Chino Con Copper... 3000 36% 37?4 36% 37ft+ % 37ft 37% 46 343,4 3 Col Fuel & Iron. 2400 44% 45% 44% 44%? ft 44ft 4434 47% 39',4 4 Col Gas & Elec. 700 463,4 46% 46% 46%? % 46% 46ft 21% 1934? Col & South. 300 30ft 30ft 29ft 30 ? ft 29ft 30ft 65 48ft 4 Col & So 1st pr. 700 65 65 55 55 + 1ft 64 66 473,4 37% 4 Comp Tab . 100 42% 42% 42% 42%?2% 42ft 44 102% 87ft 7 Consol Gas . 3700 101ft 102?4 101ft 101%+ % 101ft 10134 3% 5% 3 Cons Int Call Min... 300 7ft 7ft 6% 6%+ % 6% 7ft 82ft 65ft 6 Con Can . 1000 80ft 8O34 80ft 80ft+ ft 80 80ft 65% 46 ? Corn Products . 18600 63% 64% 63ft 63%+ % 63% 64 72% 52ft? Crucible Steel . 3100 7034 71ft 70ft 71 + ft 71 71ft k 85'a S1 7 Crucible Steel pr_ 100 85ft 95ft 95ft 95ft+ ft 96ft 963,4 J 36% 20%? Cuba Cane Sugar... 16400 35% 36% 35ft 36%+ 1ft 36ft 36% M 34ft 69ft 7 Cuba Cane Sugar pr 3100 82% 84ft 82% 84ft-|- 2 83ft 84% 99 93% 7 Beere Co pr. 100 99 99 99 99 -j- 1 98ft 99 110% 101 9 Del & Hudson. 1000 110 110% 110 110%+ 1% 111ft 112 217 172ft10 DL&W. 300 217 217 217 217 4-10 213 215 8ft 3ft? Denv & Rio G. 200 7ft 7% 7ft 7?4? 34 71/, 8 13ft 6ft ? Denv & Rio G pr... 2100 113/B 12 11ft 11ft? % 11* 11ft 14% 10%? Dome Mine? . 1000 14% 14ft 14% 14ft+ ft 14ft 14ft 116 110 8 Detroit Edwon . 110 116 116 116 116 + 3ft 116 110 5 2% ? Dul So Shore A Atl. 200 6 6 4% 4%? ft 4ft 5 9ft ??% ? Dul So S & AU pr.. 200 9ft 9ft 9ft 9ft+ ft 8ft 9ft 77% 66 4 Electric Storage Bat. 300 76ft 773/4 76ft 77 + 1ft 75 77 ?Oft 27 3 Elk Horn Coal. 1000 29ft 30ft 29 30ft+ 1% 30ft 36ft WA 15ft? Erie . 3200 17% 18ft 17% 17%? ft 17% 18 Z; 24%? Erie 1st pr. 1600 2934 30 29% 29%? ft 29 29ft 22 17ft? Er'* 2d pr. 100 20ft 20ft 20ft 20ft? % 20 21 '?'' ?ft ? Fed Mia & Smelt... 200 12ft 12ft 12ft 12ft+ ft 12ft 14 i 2: 7 Fed Mln & Smelt pr 400 40 40 39 39 ? ft 38ft 40ft C4% 28ft? Fuher Body . 1000 68ft 68ft 68 68ft? ft 67ft 68ft 25ft 2 Gaston William? ... 700 29% 29% 29ft 29ft+ ft 29ft 29% 179 163ft 8 (ieneral Chem Co... 600 176 176ft 176 176ft+ 1ft 175 180 73% 47 4 General Cigar . 3800 73% 73ft 72 72%? ft 72% 73 164ft 144'ft 8 Gen Electric Co. 3800 163 163 162ft 162ft-r- ft 163 164 1fc3ft 118ft 12 General Motors . 600 182 182ft, 180ft 181ft+ ft 181ft 181ft 94ft 82 6 Gen Motor? pr. 300 94 94 93% 93%? ft 93ft 94 943,4 82ft 6 Gen Motor* deb. 1000 90ft 90ft 90 90 ? ft 90 92ft 74 66% 4 Goodrlch, B V. 10600 72% 73 71ft 71%? ft 71ft 72 80 M 6 Granby Mining . 700 66ft 66ft 66 66+1 65 66ft ?5ft 89% 7 Gt Northern pr. 8100 96ft 95% 94ft 95 + ft 94% 96ft 46ft 31% 4 Gt North Or? ??b?... 7600 46 46ft 45% 45%+ ft 45% 46 44ft 38%? Green? Can Copper.. 1300 39% 41 39% 40ft + ft 40 40% 10ft 7ft? Gulf, Mob ?V North.. 100 10 10 10 10 ? ft 8% 9% ?1% 49ft 4 Gulf State? ?Steel ... 6900 65 60 65 68ft + 3% 68 69 ?ftft 40 4 H?*k A Bar Car Co.. 2600 66ft 66ft 64% 65ft? ft 64% 65ft 71ft 64ft 6 Hartman Corp . 100 71ft 71ft 71ft 71ft+ ft 71ft 73 102ft 96 7 lllinoU Central. 1300 102ft 102ft 101% 101%- 101 102 27Vx 10ft? Liternat'l Agrlcql... 2900 26% 27ft 26% 27 - 26% 27 83% 43 6 Internat Agrlcul pr 1300 82% 83% 82ft 82ft? ft 82 83 62% 42ft 6 Inspiration Copper . 16400 60% 81% 60% 61ft+ % 61 61% 7ft 3ft ? Iot?r-Con? Corp .... 6400 4ft 4ft 4ft 4%- ?? 4ft 4% 24 11ft? Inter-Con? Corp pr. 700 14ft 14ft 13% 13%? ft 13% 14 12$% 110ft 6 Int Haeveaur Co... 2000 132ft 133% 132ft 132ft? 1ft 131% 132ft 118 115 7 Int War Corp pr... 200 117ft 117ft 117% 117%+ 1% 117 117ft 46ft ?VA? ?nt Mercan Mar.... 43100 43ft 46ft 43ft 44ft+ 1ft 44ft 44% 120% 92% 6 Int Mercan Mar pr. 54100 111ft 114% 111ft 114%+ 4ft 114ft 114% 64% 80 ft ? Internat Paper - 2700 62ft 63 61ft 62%+ ft 62ft 62% 76ft 62 6 Inter Paper pr *?pd 100 76ft 76ft 75ft 76ft? % 76 76 32"% 24ft 2 Internat Nickel - 18100 25ft 28ft 24ft 25ft+ % 25 25ft 4% 2ft? low* Central . 300 4ft 4ft 4ft 4ft- 4ft 6 48 28 ? }<tnt\\ Tea . 2100 88% 89 37% 38%? ft 38ft 39 ViO 168 8 Karwr Joliu? . 100 126 126 126 126 ?6 110 129 24ft 16%? Ken??? City, ftoulh., 1300 23ft 23% 23ft 23%+ ft 23ft 23% ft** W/a * KatwM City South at 100 54% 547s ?4% 54%+ % 63 54 High. Low. Div. Net in 19. 1919. Hate. Sales. Open. High. Low. Close, chge. Bid. Ask. 129% 68 4 Kelly Springfield ... 2800 125 126 123% 125 ? 1 12-P/a 125'/* 95% 90% 6 Kelly Springfield pr 100 95 95 95 95 -f- % ? ? 95 89 6 Kelsey Wheel Co pr 100 93 93 93 93 - 93 94 33% 29'/a 2 Kennecott Copper .. 15600 32% 33'/2 32% 33%-f- % 33(4 33% 5i/2 5 _ Keok & Des Moines. 300 5'/2 51/2 5 5 - 4% 5 109 89 1.20 Keystone Tire . 9400 95% 95% 93% 94%? 1% 94% 95 72?4 62% 6 Lackawanna Steel .. 2300 71 72% 71 72%+ 1% 71% 72% 83 69!,'z 7 Laclede Gas . 200 70 70 70 70 + % 68 70 10% 7 -- L K & West. 100 10% 101/4 10% 10%- 10 11 57% 53% 5 Lchigh Valley . 1300 6634 563,4 56% 56%+ % 66/4 66'/2 37% 21 ? Lee Rubber & Tire.. 2800 35 35 33% 34%? % 34 34% 111% 107 7 L & M Tob Co pr... 400 111% 111% 111% 111%+ '/a 111/2 112 57 401/4? L W Bis Co. 600 56 56'/2 56 56%+ 1% 55 56% 175 147% 12 Lorillard, Pierre_ 2100 168 168 1647s 165 ? 3% 165 167% 119/4 113 7 Louis & Nash . 300 119% 119% 119 119 + 1 H8 120 78 70 6 Mackay Co . 100 78 78 78 78+5 76% 79 88 70 7 Manhat Elevated ... 200 76 76 75% 75%+ '/s 75% 76!/2 113 100 4 Manhat Shirt . 900 110 110'/2 110 110/2? 1/4 110 111 43% 263/4 ? Maxwell Motor . 6300 42% 43% 42% 43 + % 42% 43 72 60% ? Max Motor 1st pr. . 300 69'/4 70% 69/4 70% + Vz ? ~ 33% 1914? Max Motor 2d pr... 1600 31% 33 31% 33 + 1% 32% 33 91% 60 5 May Dept Stores_ 500 88% 89 88% 88%+ Va 88 89 1971/4 16234 8 Mex Petrol .20100 175 177/4 174/2 176/-? Va 176/4 1763/4 24% 21% 2 Miami Con Cop_ 1300 23% 23% 23% 23%- 23% 23% 48 40/4 4 Midvale Steel . 1700 45% 453/8 45 45/4- 45 45/4 15% 9% ? Minn & St L new.. 200 143,4 14% 14/2 14/2- 14/2 15 93 853-4 7 M, S P & S t M_ 1000 90/2 93 90/2 90%+ % 90 92 11/4 4% ? Mo, Kansas & Texas. 600 10% 10 9 9/4- 9 9/4 20/2 834? Mo, Kan & Tex pr... 300 17% 17% 17 17 ? % 16/2 17 31/a 223,4? Missouri Pacific. 8800 30 30% 30 30 - 30 30/8 57 49/4? Missouri Pac pr. 1300 55/4 55% 55% 55/8? % 55 56 77 69 6 Montana Power . 100 70 70 70 70+1 69 70 39/2 29/2 3 National Acme . 800 37 37 3634 36 - 36% 37 121 115% 7 Nat Biscuit pr. 100 119 119 119 119 +1 118/2 120 21% 14 ? Nat Con & Cable.... 4000 20/4 20% 20% 20/4? /4 20/4 20% 63*$i 45% 6 Nat Enam & Stpd... 1000 63/2 6334 63/4 63%+ % 63% 63?4 75% ' 64 5 National Lead . 700 74% 74% 74 74 ? % ?4 74% 14 5% ? N R K of Mex 2d pr. 700 10% 11 10% 10%- 10% 11 17% 15% 2 Nevada Con Copper. 400 16% 16% 16% 16%? % I6/4 16/2 36/2 2834 ? New Or, Tex & Mex. 200 33 33 33 33 ?? 33% 34 115 91/4 10 N Y Air Broke. 1100 115 115 113 113 ? % 113 113% 77% 69% 5 New York Central... 4800 77% 77% 76% 76%? % 77 77% 3034 24 ? N Y, Chic & St L... 300 30% 30% 29% 29%? % 29% 30% 70 63 5 N Y, C & St L 1st pr 100 65 65 65 65+2 65 67 35 19% 2% N Y Dock. 200 30/a 31 30% 31 - 31 31% 54 44% G NY Dock pr. 100 50 50 60 50 - ? 60 60% 34% 25%? N Y, N H & H. 300 30% 30% 30%* 30%+ % 3034 31 21% 18%? N Y, Ont & West... 100 21% 21% 21% 21/2+ % 21% 21% 109% 103 7 Norfolk & West. 2700 109% 109% 108% 108%? 1% 108 108% 55% 47 5 North American. 100 64 54 54 54?1 62 54 94% 46 7 Northern Pacific ... 6200 93'4 94% 93% 94 ? % 94 94% 65% 46 2% Nova Scotia Steel.. 300 623/4 6234 62 62 ? 1% 60% 62 60% 43 2% Ohio Fuel . 500 50% 50% 50% 60%+ 1% 49% 60% 48% 3534 4 Ohio Gas . 25100 47% 48% 47% 47%+ % 4734 48 8% 5% 2 Ontario Silver . 6800 8 8% 8 8/8+ % 8 8% 57 46 3 Owens Bottling _ 300 63 63 61% 61%? 1% 51 52% II34 8 % Okla Prod . 27200 10% 10% 10% 10%? % 10% 10% 40 29% 1 Pacific Mail . 2800 38% 39% 38% 38%+ 1% 38 3834 37 30 ? Penn Scab Steel_ 800 30% 31 30% 31 - 30 31 87% 67 5 Pan Am Pet.21600 85 86% 85 85%+ % 85% 85% 150 117 7 Pan Am Pet pr. 500 148 150 148 150 + 3% 148 150 46 43% 3 Pennsylvania R R.. 3200 44% 44% 44% 44%+ % 44% 44% 934 434? Peoria & East. 1300 9% 934 9 9 ? % 834 9% 52% 45% ? Peo Gas & Coke_ 5600 49% 52% 49% 52 + 2% 5134 62 21% 12%? P?re Marquette _ 5100 20% 20% 19% 19%- 19% 19% 62'/| 56 5 Pere Marq prior pr. 300 62% 62% 62% 62%+ % 60 62 43 30 3 Philadelphia Co _ 4000 41% 41% 40% 40%? % 40% 41 52% 3834 5 Pierce Arrow . 130O 51% 51% 51 51%- 51% 6134 105% 101% 8 Pierce Arrow pr .. . 400 105 105 IO434 104?4? % 104% 105 2634 16 ? Pierce Oil . 10100 25% 26 25% 2534+ % 25% 2534 57 45 5 Pittsburgh Coal _ 17900 53 57 63 56%+ 4% 56% 5634 87% 85% 5 Pittsburgh Coal pr.. 700 87% 87% 87 87%+ % 8734 89 60% 51 ? Punta Alegre Sugar. 1000 58 58% 57% 57%? 1% 67% 5734 40% 34 ? P & W Va. 14C0 37 37% 36% 36%+ % 3634 37% 19 12% 2 Pond Creek Coal... 2800 18% 19 17% 1834+ % 18 18% 79% 50 8 Pressed Steel Car ... 3000 79% 79% 78 79%+ 1% 79 793/8 1223/4 112% 8 Pullm Pal Car Co.. 1300 122 122 121% 121%+ % 121% 122 88% 68% 8 Ry Steel Spring.... 4100 87% 88% 87% 88%+ 1% 88/4 8834 108 104 7 Ry Stl Spg pr. 300 108 108 108 '108 - 108 110 ' 2134 19 2 Ray Con Cop. 13600 2038 20% 20 20%? % 20% 20% 87% 75 4 Reading . 15800 87% 87% 87 87%+ % 87 87% 38% 35% 2 Reading 1st pr. 400 36% 37 36% 37 + % 36% 37% 38/2 36 2 Reading 2d pr. 200 37% 37% 37 37 ? % 36 37% 86 71% 6 R I & Steel. 2100 82% 833/4 82% 83%? 1% 83% 8334 105 100 7 R I & Stl pr. 100 103% 103% 103% 103%? % 103% IO334 114% 7034 8.44 Royal Dutch . 9400 108% 114 108% 112 +4 112 112% ! 115 86% 8.44 Royal D N Y shares. 84900 108% 11334 108 111%+ 4% 111% 112 ? 63 53/a 6 Savage Arms . 2200 60% 60% 60 60 - 59 61 i 12 6/4 ? Saxon Motors . 200 7-'\ 7% 7% 7%? % 7% 8 i 25 1034? S L & S F. 4600 P?f/a 22% 22 22%? % 22% 22% I 31 22 ? S L & S F pr. 100 32% 3234 3234 3234- 32 33 ?22 16 ? S L S West. 200 21% 21% 21 21?1 21 22 ? 10% 7% ? Seaboard Air Line.. 2800 9% 10% 9% 10%+ % 10 10% 21% 15%? Seaboard Air L pr... 1600 20 21% 20 21%+ 1% 21 21% j 13% 10 1 Shattuck Ariz . 300 12% 13 1234 13 + % 13 13% 1 67% 33%? Sinclair Oil . 79900 63% 67% 62% 65+5 67 67% ? 59 46% 6 Sloss-Sh Stl & Iron.. 300 54% 54% 54 54 + % 54 64% '109% 95/a 6 Southern Pacifie _ 9200 107% 108% 107% 107%? % 107% 107% j 31% 25 ? Southern R R. 6900 30% 31% 30% 31%+ % 31 31% ! 70 6634 5 Southern R R pr- 1400 69% 70 69% 69%+ % 69% 70 1 78% 45% 4 Studebaker . 10700 77% 78% 76% 77 + % 77 77% i 60 42% 5 Stutz Motors . 300 59 5934 59 59 - 58% 59 ! 41% 32 6 Superior Steel . 900 38% 38% 38% 38%? % 38% 39 j 46% 36%? Stromberg Carb. 700 45 45 43% 44%+ % 44% 44% i 17/4 12/8 1 Tenn Copper Chem.. 2800 16% 16% 16% 16%- 16% 16% 48 27% ? Texas & Pacific. 3000 45/4 45% 44% 44%? % 44% 44% 460 180 8 Tex & Pac Ld Tr... 100 400 400 400 400 ?60 350 450 250 185 10 Texas Company _ 14900 235 250 235 249%+16 249% 250 240 190% 10 Texas Co pd . 100 240 240 240 240 +10 ? ? ? 16% 13% ? Third Ave R R. 100 14% 14% 14% 14%? % 14% 14% 240 207 8 Tide Water Oil. 200 240 240 240 240 +2 242 250 93 72% 6 Tob Products . 3900 89 9034 89 90%+ 1% 90% 90% ' 70% ? 7 Tob Products pr. 100 100% 100% 100% 100%+ % 99% 100% 5% 5 ? Toi, St L & West ... 700 5 5 5 5 - 5 7 i 133% 124% 10 Union Pacific . 6500 13314 133% 132 132 ? % 132% 132% ? 7434 72 4 Union Pacific pr.... 200 73% 73% 73% 73%+ % 73 74 ; 47?8 37% 4 United Alloy Stl_ 1400 46% 46% 46 46%? % 46 46% ! 139% 107% 9 Un Cigar Stores_ 2800 13234 135% 132 135%+ 3% 135% 136 M30 90% 7 United Drug . 200 119% 119% 119% 119%? 1% 117 119 ?177 157 10 United Fruit . 2000 -175% 177 175% 176 + %176 177 ! 24% 1634 ? United States Exp. 100 24 24 24 24 - 23 24 | 15% 7%? United Ry Invest... 1800 14% 14% 14% 14%+ % 14 14% 31 15 ? United Ry Invest pr 200 28% 28% 28% 2834-(- % 28% 29 ! 26% 14 ? U S Cast I P & Fo.. 400 26 26 25/4 25%? % 25% 2534 ', 66 42% 6 II 6 C I P & Fo pr 100 63 63 63 63?1 62 64 ; 79% 49 2 U S Food Prod. 3000 76% 76% 76 76%- 76% 76% ? 159% 97% 16 U S Ind Alcohol_ 2200 149% 150% 149% I4934+ % 149?4 15o' ' 46% 17%? U S Realty & Imp.. 100 42% 42% 42% 42/2?2% 43 45 I 100% 73 ? US Rubber. 20900 96 993/4 95% 97%+ 1% 97% 97% 113 109 8 U S Rubber 1st pr.. 400 113 113 112% 113 - 112% 113 i 57% 43% 5 US Smelt & Ref... 8200 56% 67% 56 57%+ 6% 67 57% 103" 88/4 5 US Steel. 36100 99 99% 9834 9834? % 98% 98% I 117% 113% 7 US Steel pr. 700 115% 115% 115% 115%? % 116 115% | 78% 65% 6 Utah Copper . 8000 77% 78% 77% 78 + % 77% 78 | 18% 13 ? Utah Sec Corp. 700 173/4 18 1734 18 + % 17 18 I 68% 51 4 Va Carolina Chem.. 2800 67% 68% 65% 65%?2% 66% 65% ! 114% 110 8 Va Carolina Chem pr 100 113 113 113 113 + % 113 113% ?61 64 6 Va Iron Coal & Coke 100 60 60 60 9% 734 ? Wabash . 3500 9% 9% I 36% 30%? Wabash pr A . 2100 34% 343/8 j 75 53 ? Wells Fargo Ex _ 100 57 67 | 12% 9% ? West Maryland . 2800 12% 12% I 22% 17 ? West Pacific . 1400 20% 20% j 61% 52% 6 West Pacific pr _ 500 56% 66% 1 89% 84% 7 West Union Tel - 1000 88 88 8734 87% ?113% 94% 7 Westing Air Brake.. 140 113% 113% 113% 113% 67 40% 3% Westing Mfg . 1010O 65% 66 65% 5534? % 55% 65% 86% 65% 6 Wilson Co . 600 84% 85 84% 8434+ % 84% 84% ; 101 96% 7 Wilson Co pr . 100 101 101 101 101 + % 100% 102 i 10% 7% ? Wheel & L E . 700 10% 10% 10 10 ? % 9% 10 63% 45 4 White Motors . 4100 60 60 58% 59?1 59 69% I 35 23% 1 Willys Overland . .. 24800 34 34% 33 33%? 1 33% 33% ! 97% 8734 7 Willys Overland pr . 100 97% 97% 97% 97%+ 2% 97 99 117% 115 7 Woolworth pr . 100 117 117 117 117 + % 116% ? I 72% 60 ?? Worth Pump & Mach 300 67% 6734 67 67 ? % 67% 67% 77% 66 6 Worth P & M pr B 100 77% 77% 77% 77%? % 77 77% ?Ex Dividend. Consolidated Exchange [Unit of trad? on this exchange, 10 shares] Transactions and prices yesterday tor the more active shares follow : Sales, Open. High. Low. Last. 1170 Am Internat... 87ft 88% 87 87 1080 Am Locomotive. 75ft 78% 76ft 78 1860 Am Smelt & R. 74 75% 73% 743,4 1025 Am Steel Fdys. 36ft 373/4 36ft 36ft 1950 Anaconda Cop.. 63 64ft 63 64ft 1020 Baldwin Loco.. 93 94% 92% 93% 730 Chile Copper... 24 24ft 23% 24 64B Cuba Cane Sug 36 36% 35% 36ft 661 General Motors.181% 182% I8O34 181ft 1540 Int Mer Mar.. 43ft 45ft 43ft 44% l?fiO do pf.111% 114% 111% 112% 1990 Mexican Pet... 175ft 177ft 174ft 176 980 Ohio Cities Gas 4734 48% 47ft 47% 1140 Pan Am P & T 85 85 85 85 3900 Royal D N Y..108% 114 108. 1113-4 6385 Sinclair Oil... 63ft 6734 62% 673,4 3630 U S Rubber... 96ft 99% 95ft 97ft 4890 U S Steel. 99ft 99% 98% 99 835 West'house El.. 56 56ft 55ft 55% ?LIBERTY BONDS $950 Liberty 3M?s.100.02 100.02 99.92 99.92 2250 do 2d 4s.... 96.12 96.12 96.12 96.12 1600 do 2d 4'is. 96.30 96.30 96.18 96.18 2?ki0 do 3d 4'4s. 96.04 96.04 95.94 95.94 6550 do 4th 4'4?. 94.?54 94.64 94.42 94.46 ?Prices Include Interest. Trade Route Opened Through Hamburg to Czecho-SIovakia WASHINGTON. May 7.?The War Trade Board to-day announced that shipments to Czecho-Siovakia now may be made via the port of Hamburg, pro | vided they are consigned to the Amcr I fcan Relief Association at that poS?. I for the account of the consignee in Czecho-SIovakia. Bid and Asked Prices for Oil Stocks Following are yesterday'? closing bid and asked prices for leading oil stocks: Standard Oil Bid Asked Anglo-Am Oil Co. Ltd. 24% 25% Atlantic Ref Co. 1365 1385 Borne-Scrymser Co. 600 625 Buckeye Pipe Line. 104 107 Chusnrough Mfg Co cons.. 330 350 Continental Oil Co. 090 710 Crescent Pipe Line Co. 36 38 Cumberland Pipe Line Co. 216 226 Hurclta Pipo Line Co. 165 170 Galena-Slg Oil Co pf new.. 118 123 Oalena-Klg Oil Co pf old... 120 140 fialena-Slg Oil Co com. 130 134 Illinois Pipo Lino Co. 186 190 Indiana Pipe Lino Co. 102 105 Inter Petrol Co, Ltd. 30% 31 National Transit Co. 23 23% New York Transit Co. 185 195 Northern Pipo I.lno Co. 112 115 Ohio Oil Co. 390 395 Penn-Mex Fuel Co. 56 58 Pralrlo Oil & Gas. 700 800 Prairlo Pipe Lino Co. 288 292 Solar Bef Co. 306 405 .Southern Pipo Lino Co. 170 173 South Penn Oil Co. 315 825 Southwest Penna Pipe L. .. 100 104 Standard Oil of Cal. 288 202 Standard Oil of Ind.... 830 860 Standard Oil of Kan. 635 650 Standard OH of Ken. 420 430 Standard Oil of Neb. 560 665 Standard Oil of N J. 750 755 Stundard oil of N Y. 300 305 Standard Oil of Ohio. 830 650 Swan & Finch Co. 112 117 Union Tank Line Co. 135 130 Vacuum Oil Co. 473 485 Washington Oil Co. 87 42 Miscellaneous Oil Companies f'nsden & Co. 0% Blk Basin Petrol Co. 10% Houston OH Co com. 128 Imperial oil Co. Ltd. 445 Magnolia. Petrol Co. 390 Msrritl OH Corpn. 34% Midwest Refining Co. 180 North went Oil 'Co '.. 60 ?apulpa- llr;flnlni? Co. 8% Following is a complete record of all transactions in bonds on the New York Stock Exchange yesterday: U. S. Government Bonds -_ (New York Stock Exchange Quotations) (Closing Quotations) Wednesday. Monday. Bid. Asked. Bid. Asked Liberty 3'/2s 1947 98.06@98,66 98.68@98.70 do 1st 4s 1947.. 95.80@96.00 95.80@95.90 do 2d 4s 1942.. 94.28@94.30 94.34@94.38 do 1st 4Vis 1947 95.90@96.00 96.00@96.14 do 2d 414s 1942 94.30@94.32 94.36@94.40 do 3d 414s 1928 95.42@95.46 95.48@95.54 do 4th 4V4s 1938 94.32@94.34 94.40@94.44 Pre-war issues: 2s, reg, 1930.98%^ 99% 2s, coup, 1930_9834@ 99% 98% @ ??% 98% @ 99 89 @ ?2 89 (ft) 92 1, reg, 1946. 89 @ 92 3s, coup, 1946_89 @ 92 4s, reg. 1925.106%@106% 106%iG>106% 4s, coup, 1925_106%?7i;106/2 106%@106% 2s, Pan, c, 1936.. 9834r<>) 99% 9834? 99% 2s, Pan, r, 1936.. 9834? ? 9834? ? 2s, Pan, c, 1938.. 98%? 99% 9834? 99% 2s, Pan, r, 1938.. 9834? ? 9834? -- 3s, Pan, reg. 90%? 92 90%? 92 3s, Pan, coup. 90%? 92 90%? 92 Phil 4s, 1934.90 ? 96 90 ? 96 do 4s 1935. 90 @ 96 90 @ 96 do 4s 1936. 90 @ 96 90 @ 96 D Col a-fi5s. 97 ?100 97 @100 Liberty Issues High. Liberty 3%s ... 98.72 do 1st 4s. 95.90 do 2d 4s.94.30 Low. 98.60 95.80 94.16 95.80 94.20 95.40 94.24 Net Last, change. 98.60 95.80 94.30 95.80 94.32 95.46 94.34 yield .08 ? .06 ? .30 ? .08 ?? .02 ? .10 the do 1st 4V4s... 96.00 do 2d 4 Vis_ 94.40 do 3d 4Vis.... 95.56 do 4th 4Vis... 94.46 [Approximate investment yield at closing New York Stock Exchange prices.] Yield. Third 41,4s. 4.85 Fourth 4 Vis . 4.69 Second 4V4s . 4.65 First 4Vis . 4.51 Second 4s . 4.37 First 4s . 4.25 First 3%s . 3.59 [Sales of Liberty bonds on the New York Stock Exchange carry interest to the date of sale, and the seller receives this interest in addition to the sale price.] (Sales) U S Liberty 3 ?is I 204,000. 94.30 June 1933-47 IU S Liberty 2d 4%s 287,000.98.701 Nov 1927-42 300,000. 98.721 33,000. 94.32 485,000. 98.681 73,000. 98.66 25,000. 98.64 47,000...... 98.62 1,000. 98.60 15,000. 98.64 101,000. 98.66 40,000. 98.62 8,000. 98.60 Total_$1,481,000 U S Liberty 1st 4s June 1932-47 38,000. 95.80 14,000. 95.901 13,000. 95.80! Total.$65,0001 U S Liberty 2d 4a I Nov 1.927-42 14.000. 94.301 5,000. 94.28! 35,000. 94.26 147,000. 94.24 1.000. 94.22 105,000. 94.20 30,000. 94.18 1,000. 94.16 50,000. 94.26 22,000. 94.24I 24.000. 94.26 10.000. 94.301 Total.$444,0001 U S Liberty 1st 4 Vis I June 1932-47 325,000. 96.001 72.000. 96.04! 120,000. 96.001 40,000. 95.90! 5,000. 95.80 Total.$1.328.000 U S Liberty 3d 4 Vis Sept 1928 300,000. 95.56 100,000. 95.54 588,000. 95.52 961,000. 95.50 615,000. 95.48 32,000. 95.46 2,000. 95.44 60,000. 95.42 27,000. 95.40 111,000. 95.42 79,000. 95.44 99,000. 95.46 120,000. 95.48 3,000. 95.46 12,000. 95.44 28.000. 95.42 5.000. 95.40 110,000. 95.44 30,000. 95.46 Total.$3.282,000 U S Liberty 4th 4Via Oct 1933-4S 319.000_ 7,000_ 50 non_ 100,000_ 471,000. 94.42 1,320,000. 94.40 535,non. 94.38 4 93,000. 94.36 77,non. 94.34 266,000. 94.32 ?j'>8 nnn. 94.30 15,000. 94.28 9,n00. 94.26 1,000. 94.24 4,000. 94.28 169.000. 94.30 1(19,000. 94.34 r>n,non. 94.40 175,00n. 94.38 iir,,nnn. 94.36 4,000. 94.34 i02.nnn. 94.32 9,nnn. 94.30 9,oon. 94.32 70,nnn. 94.36 80,000. 94.38 79,000. 94.34 Total.$4,926,000 94.46 94.48 94.44 94.44 _? Total.$562,000! U S Liberty 2d 4 Vis I Nov 1927-42 j 71.000. 94.401 147.000. 94.381 12fi,0nn. 94.36! 95.000. 94.34! 36.000. 94.321 11,000. 94.30I 107,000. 94.241 3n4,nnn. 94.201 37,000. 94.221 107,000. 94.261 50,000. 94.281 Foreign Government and Municipal Bonds (New York Stock Exchange Quotations) (Interest To Be Added) Bid. Asked. Am Foreign Sec Co 5s 1919_ 99% 991J Anglo-French Exteni 5s 1920.. 97% Argentine Inter ?s 1945.82% Canada, Dom of, 5s 1921. 97% do 1926. 96% Canada, Dom of, 1931. 97 Chinese Gov Hu Kug Ry 5s 1951 70% Cuba Extern 5s 1944. 99% do series A, 1919. 91% do 4 Vis 1949. 84% Dominican Rep 5s 1958. 98% City of Bordeaux 6a 1919. 99% City of Lyons 6s 1919 ^^^ 97 A 85 98 97% 97% 71% 99% 92% 85 Va 99' City of Marseilles 6a 1919. 99% 981% 90% 993.4 99% 99% 98% 91 91% 79 80 9934 983/4 99% City of Paris 6s 1921 Jap Gov 4 Vis sterling In 1925 . _. do 2d series 1925. 91 do 4s sterling loan 1831.77% City of Tokyo 5s 1952. 79% Un K G B & I 3-yr 5Vis 1919. 99)i do 6-yr 5Vis 1921.985? do 20-yr 6Vas 1937. 99% FOREIGN BONDS DEALT IN FLAT Bid. Asked. Mexico Extern stl 5s of '99 1945 G5 70% do gold 4s of '04 1954. 54 60 Rus '94 Rente 4s 1,000-ruble den 23 ? (Sales) Am Foreign S 5s |U K of Gt Brit & 31,000. 9934I I 5Vis 1919 Anglo-French 5s 10,000. 97A 2,000. 97% 344,000. 97% 3,000. 97,"? 66,000. 97% 2,000. 97A City of Lyons 6s 1,000.99% City of Paris 6s 6,000. 98/4 Dom Canada 5s 1921 1,000. 97% do 1926 11,000.97 '. do 1931 1,000. 96%| 5,000. 97%| 12,000. 97' I 5.000. 97/sl Jap 1st ser 4 Vis ; 10,000.9034! do 2d ser 4V?s ? German stm 1 3.000. 87% U K of Gt Brit & I I 6 Vis 1919 28,000. 99%! 52.000. 99?j)| 6,000. 99% 28,000. 9934 C.OOO. 99% 0,000. 99?M 101,000. 99? 54,000. 9934 do 6 Vis 1921 2,000. 983.4 4,000. 983-4 4,000. 93?I 4,000. 98% 5.00n. 98fA 3,000. 983^ 1,000. 98% do 5 Vis 1937 95,000. 99?/2 500. 99% 1,000. 99% 6,000. 99% 14,000. 99% 88,01)0. 99% NYC 4 Vis 1957 May , 5.000. 101% do 4 Vis 1960 1,000. 96% do 4s 1957 , 1.000. 91% do 3 Vis 1954 May 2,000. 82 Railways, Other Corporations Am Ag Ch deb 5s 10,000.110% Am Hide & L 6s 5.000.100 Am Smelting 6s 1,000. 90 Am T & T cvt 6b 8.000.10234 1,000.103 1.000.102% 1.000.103 1.000.103% 3,000.103 i 5,000.102%j do col 5s 5,000.91% 2.000. 91 %| 8,000.91% do col 4s 2.000.84/4| 12.000. 84% Am Tobacco 6s 5,000.119 Am Wr Paper 5s i ctfs of deposit 1,000. 90 A T 4 S F gen 4s j 3.000. 82%l 9,000. 82%! do adj 4s stamped , L000. 76% do cvt 4s 1960 3,000.96%' AU C L 1st con 4s I 1.000...... 81% do L & N 4n I 1.000. 78 '?"00. 1.000. 74%| Kansas City So 5s . MOO. 85% do Terminal 4s 4,000.79 2.000.80 r , 1.000.78% Laclede Gas of St L rfg 5s 1,000. 94 Lake S 4s 1'J28 1,000. 88 do Is 1931 . ., ,5,000. 86% Lehigh Valley 6s 2,000.102% 3.000.102%* ' 3.000...... 102/j 2,000.102% TI 1.00U.102% Liggett & M 7s _ 2.000.113 Lorillard Co 7s . 1.000.112% do 5s 1,000. 91 L ? N unified 4s 2,000.851/. Mich Cen deb 4s 2.000. 82% M id vale Steel 5s 9,000.88/, 1,000.88% Mo Pacific 5s 1965 1,000. 85 do gen 4s 7.onn. 8i,i' 4.000. 61% 36,(MO.61 % 6.000.61% Baldwin Loco 5s 2,000.61% 1,000.100 2,000.61ft Bait 4 O rig 5s 1,000.61% 6,000.77ft 13,000.61% 5.000.78 1,000.61% do cvt 4 Vis ! N Orl T & Mex 6s 20,000.77ftl 5,000.95 3,000.77%I do 5s do gold 4s 4.000.76 I do Pitts L E A W Va 4s 5,000.72%! do Swn 3M>3 10.000.83ft| 1,000.83ft| do T & C 4s 1.000.64ft! Beth Steel 1st 5s 6,000.96ft I do rfg 5s i 1,000.88 do p m 5s 2,000.85ftl 5.000. 85%| Braden Copper 6s | 2,000. 94 Brooklyn Rap T 7a 2,000.79ft 1,000. 79%{ Brooklyn U Elev 5s 1,000.73ft! Cal Gas & E 5s 5,000. 93ft Central Leather 5s 8,000.96ft 2.000.96 Ches & O con 5s 2.000. 98% 4,000.9834 do cvt 5s 60,000.8934 L000. 89ft 75,000.90 1,000.8934 10,000.89ft 10,000. 90 5,000. 89% 43,000.90 .000.89% 2,000.52 N Y Central deb 6s 2,000.98 3,000.97% 1,000.98 19.000. 97% 35,000. 9734 10,000.97% do con 4s 2,000.76ft doJL S 3V.S 1.000.66ft N Y N H A H 6s 1,000.81 N Y O & W 1st 4s 1,000.66 2,000. 66% N Y Rwawys rfg 4s 8,000.41ft 1,000.42ft do ?adj Rs 10,000. 12ft ? do ctfs of deposit 5,000. 12 |N Y Telephone 4 Vas ! 2,000.8834 1.000.89 N Y W & Bn 4%s 1,000.44ft 2,000.44ft N Y & Jersey 5s 1.000.90 Norf So 5s ser A 2,000.69ft Norf A W cvt 6s 11,000.10834 4.000.108% . 3.000.108ft 20,000.10834 10,000.108ft 10,000.10834 60.000.108ft 5,000. 8934I Nor Pacific 4s 3.000.89% ' 10,000:.8 do gen 41/>3 7,000. 80 do cvt 4V"3 10,000.81 ?Val .934, 10,000.82ft Ore Short Line 5s 2,000. 97ft Ore W R K A N 4s 2,000.77% 8,000.77ft 5,000.80%| Pacifie Coast 5s 13,000.81 I 1,000.85 15,000.8O34I Pacifie Cas 5s 2,000.86ft 1,000.85% Penn 5s 1068 2,000.95% r,,000. 95ft 1.000. 95% 7,000.95ft 2,000. 95% do gen 4 Vis 1,000.86% Peor?a A E Inc 4s 2,000. 18ft P?re Marquette 5s 5,000. 85ft PhiHppino Ry 4s 5,000.47ft Pierce Oil 6s 1920 1.000.130 10.000.128 do 1924 23.000.107ft 3,000.10734 10.000.108 1.000.97%] Public S of N J 5s C A Nwn gen 5s I 1,000.76ft 25.000.99%l 1.000.75 2.000.100 I 2.000.75ft C R I & P gen 4s I 2,000.78 5,000.75%! Reading gen 4s do rfK 4s ! 2.000.83?4 1,000.73ftl Rio G W 1st 4s 1,000.73%l 29,000. 69 Chicago Un Station |R I Ark & L 4 Vis 4V'S ser A ! 10,000.69 "1,000.85 ISt t- Ir Mt A S 4s C A West Ind 4s I Riv A Gulf dlv 9,000.62ft| 1,000.76?4 1,000. 62%! 3,000.77 Chile Copper 7s ISt L A S F 4s ser A A Alton 3V"S 1,000. 37ft B & Q gen 4s 3,000.81 ft do joint 4s 10,000.95ft 49,000. 95% ! Gt Western 4s 7.000.61 ! M A St P cvt 4 Va s 1,000.77V? do rfg 4 Vis 2,000.6934 1,000.70 2,000.6934 G.000.70 2,000.70ft 1,000. 70ft do gen 4? ser A 6,000. 74 do 5s C A P W div 5,000. .....118 I 21.000.118fti 2,000.118ft! do' 6s ! 5,000.89ft| 15,000. 89ft? 13,000. 8934I 10,000.90 I 51,000. 8934I do cvt tis 2d paid 8,000. 8954I 21,000. 90 ! Col Industrial 5s I 2,000.74ftl Col & ?o 1st 4s I 10,000.87ft! St L Swn 1st 4s 1,000.87 I 1.000. 68 Con Gns cvt 6s ! do Terminal os 2,000.IO234I 4,000. 60 15.000.102%! San An A A P 4s 25.000.103 I iP.000. 64ft 5.000.IO234! Seaboard A L adj 5*' 15.000.102%! 5,000. 50ft 5,000.102ft 1.0O0.60ft 1.000.103 I Sinclair Oii 7s 12.000. 63ft 3.000. 63% 2,000. 63ft 4,000. 63ft 2.000. 63ft do 5s ser B 1.000. 76% 10.000. 76ft do ad i 6s 1,000. 69 do ire fis 25,000. 49 1.000. 48 fi.000. 49 1,000. 48ft Pen 5,000.102% ARG 4 Vis 4.000.73 3.000. 72% do con 4s 1,000.99'/s 67,000.99?< 49,000.993/ do stock warrants 13,000.141 10,000. 69ft So Pacifie cvt Es Detroit City Gas ?s ! 3.000.107ft 1,000. 96ft Detroit U Rys 4V?? 3,000. 75 Di.tillers S C 5s 1,000.89ft Elgin Jo & E 5s 1,000. 93ft Erie 1st eon 7s 5,000.100 do prior lien 4s 8.000.68 do ?en lien 4s 14,000.107ft 20.000.107% 7.000.IO734 2.onn.107% 60,000.107% do cvt 4s 17.000.84 27.000.83% do rfg 4s 1.000. 80ft do col 4s 1.000.78 1,000. 64ft! Southern Ry 5s do cvt 4s ser A 5,000. 47%! do cvt 4s ser B 1,000. 47ft! 200,000. 47ft! 8,000. 48 ! do cvt 4s ser D 1,000.93ft do 4s 1,000. 68% do 4s Mob A O div 2,000.66 Texas Co cvt 6s 2.000.102 10,000. 50%! Texas & P 1st 5s 2.000. 51 I 9,000. 90 4,000. 50%? 2,000.90'/s 2,000. 51 i 4,000. 9034 1.000.50ft Third Av rfg 4s Fla East C 4V<s I 2.000.61% 2.O00. 82ft! 8.000.51ft Gen Elec deb 5s I 5.000. 52 2,000. 99%: do adj 5s Great Nor 41is ' I 12,000. 30 1,000.85ftl Toi St L A W 4s G Bay A W deb B I 1.000.53ft 5.000. .'_ 9%'Tri-City Ry A L 5s 5,000. 10 I 1.000. 93ft 3,000. 10ft' union Pacific 1st 4s 1,000. 10%l 7,000.86ft 3,000. 10 | do cvt 4s 5,000. 9% Hud & M rfg 5s L',000. 64% 16.000 8.000 do inc fis 10.000.87% do rfg 4s 10,000. 80ft 64ftlUnRys of S F 4s 64ftt 2,000. 31% do ctfs of deposit 10,000. 18ft 1 10,000. 30% 5,000. 18ft! 20,000.31 2,000. 18 | IT S Realty A I 5s 5,000. 18ft| 2.000.75 10,000. 18ft! 1,000.74% 1.000. 18ft? U S Rubber 7s 3,000. 18ft Illinois Cen Western Lines 4s 2,000.79 1,000. 79 Illinois Steel 44s 5.000. 84% Intbo-Met 4>/=s t 4,000. 1.000.103% 1.000.103% do 5s 4,000.88ft 3.000.8834 2.000.88% 1.000. 8834 2,000.88ft 31.000. 33 6.000. 3234! 27.000. 33 ! 5.000. 32%| Intbo R T rfg 5s 4,000. 66ft! 3,000. 66%! 32%! U S Steel s f 5s 9,000.1001'', 3.000.100% 4.000.10014 1,000.100% 1.000.100ft 1.000.10014 3.000.100% 1,000. 66ft Utah Power A L 5s 11.000.66%i 1.000. 8834 1.000.66ft! 4'000. 88,/4 4,000. 66%'Va-Car Chemical 5s 10,000. 66%! 2.000. 96 1,000. 66%! Virginian Ry 5s 20,000.66%| 1.000.90ft 2,000. 67ft| Wabash 1st 6s Int Agricultural 6s I 1.000.94% 5.000. 82ft| do 2d Ks 3,000. 82 I 10.000.86ft Int M Marine 6s I West Maryland 4s 27.000.99ft! 1.000.60 127,000. 99341 West Shore 4s 2.000.99^4! 1.000.76ft 5.000.99%; Wheel A L E con At r>,ono. 99%| 1,000. 65ft 24,000. 9934I Wilson A Co 6s Iowa Central 5s ' 2.000. 99% 1.000.76ft 9.000.99% K C Ft S A M 4s t 1,000. 99% 1,000. 69ft I Dividends Increases Beatrice Creamery Company.?The reg? ular quarterly dividend has been Increased from 3 per cent to 4 per cent on the com? mon stock, payable May 12 to stockholders of record May 6. The regular quarterly preferred dividend was also declared, pay? able May 12 to stockholders o( record May 6. Regular Declarations Rate.Perlod. Payable. Am Cotton OH. 1, Q.Juno 2 do 3 pf, S-A.June 2 Am Smelt A Refin, 1, Q June 18 do lii pf, Q.Juno 2 American Tobacco, 5, Q..June 2 Ot Western R R, 1 pf. 8-A..Iuly 1 Hartman t.'orpn. 11.26, Q...Tune 1 Hnmealake Mining, fine. M.May 26 Lindsay Light, 1 C pf. Q,,June SO StudebakerCorp, 1*4 j?f, Q.June 1 ?lo 1, Q.?.lune 1 standard Mot Cons. 5, ?. .Juna 3 Stock? holders record. May 15 May 16 May 2!? May IB May 15 June 14 May 20 May 20 May 31 May 30 May 20 May 7 Curb Market Note.?The Tribune assumes no responsi? bility for the accuracy or authenticity of curb market quotations. Transactions and prices yesterday were as follows : Industrials Sales. Open. High. Low. Last. 18000 ?Aetna Exp.. .12-12% 12% 11% 12% 300 ?Am Ch Prod.. 1A 1A 1A 1rs! 4300 Br-Am Tob cpn 25% 25% 25 25% ; 800 ?Claib & An F. 9 9 8% 9 110 ?Cramp Ship. ..128% 428% 129 127 100 ?Cudahy.122 122 122 122 300 Endicott John.. 73% 73% 73 73 100 ?Fairbanks Co. 65 65 65 65 400 ?Fam Plys-Las 90 90 89% 89% ; 5000 ?Fisk R T w i. 36% 37% 36'% 37 3000 ?Fre/.p Tex Sul 49 49 47 47 i 5600 ?Gen Asphalt.. 72% 74 72 72 i 1000 ?do pf.109 111 109 110 700 Grape-Ola . % % A % 700 do pf. 1A "?A 1A 1ft ! 75000 ?Halden Chem. 6% 7% 6 7% 5000 Hupp Motor Co 9% 9% 9 9% 7500 Inter Rubber.. 33 33% 31% 31% 2200 ?Lack Co Coal. 24 24 21 23 2500 ?Lib MacN & L 32 32 31% 32 850 ?Lima Loco_50 50 48 48 2500 Marconi of Am 4% 4% 4% 4% 1800 ?Nat Fireproof 11% 113/4 11% 11% 300 ?do pf .22 22 22 22 1500 ?N Mex & A L 5% 5% 5 5 15000 No Am P & P 7% 7% 6% 63/4 69000 ?N Y Savold T.50-55 60 60 67 25000 Perfection T&R. 1A 1A 1ft 1% 7000 Peerless T&M..29-29% 30 29 30 12000 ?Philip Morris. 13 14 12% 13% 500 ?Poulsen Wirel 5% 5% 5% fi' 2 6200 ?Rcm- Typewr. .65-67 72 65 72 30000 ?Savold Tire... 67 61 57 58% 100 ?Stewart Mfg. . 49 49 49 49 3000 Sub Boat v t c. 15% 15% 15 15% 4000 ?Swift Intern.62%-63 633/4 62% 63 200 ?Thcmelis Bro. 12 12 12 12 195000 Triangle F vtc 1 1% 1 1% 1000 ?Union Carbide 71 73 71 73 30000 United Prof Sh 2 2% 2 2% 6000 U S Steamship 2% 2% 2% 2% 400 ?Warren Bros. 44 44% 44 44% 600 Wayne Coal .. 334 3% 334 3% Standard Oils Sales. Open. High. Low. Last. 221 ?Stan O (N J) ?- 760 750 750 585 ?Union Tank L ? 141 133 141 Other Oil Stocks Sales. Open. High. Low. Last. 11000 ?Allen Oil_ 4 4% 334 4% 35000 ?tAmal Royalty 2 2 134 2 2000 ?Barnett O & G A ft A A 11000 ?Boone Oil .. 8% 9% 8% 9% 65000 ?tBost-Wyo Oil 60 64 60 62 2?00 ?Caddo Oil & R 48 48% 46% 46% 3400 ?Cit Ser B T si? 38% 38% 38% 38% 2100 ?Cmwlth Pet wi 483/4 49 48% 483/4 9000 Cont Ref _ 10% 10% 10% 10% 3500 ?Cosden & Co. 9% 9% 9% 9% 500 ?Crystal Oil .. 1% 1% 1% 1% 80no ?Elk Basin Pet 9% 11 9% 10% 175000 tEsmeralda O 30 33 28 30 10000 ?Federal Oil...3%-3% 334 3% 3% 3700 ?Glenrock Oil.. 7% 734 7% 7% 1400 ?Here Pet Cl A 10% 10% 10% 10% 12C00 ?tHigh Grav O 35 38 33 37 3000 ?Home O R w i 22 25% 22 25 6000 ?Houston Oil...128 133 128 133 6500 ?Hudson Oil... 4 4% 3% 4 1100 ?Int Pet. 30% 31 30% 31 5000 ?Island O & T. 8% 8% S% 8% 1000 ?Kentucky Pet. 4 4% 4 4 1100 ?Ky O & R... 15 15% 15 15% 1000 ?Manhat Pet.. 1% 1% 1% 1% 6000 ?Maryland Ref. 7 7 6% 634 20000 ?Merritt Oil C. 33 35 33 343^ 2100 Met Pet. 3% 3% 3 3% 5200 ?Midwest Ref.. 189 192 189 190% 10000 ?M P of M w i -5 5% 4% 6% 4000 ?Nat Oil. 6% 6% 6% 6% 5000 *tNorthw Oil.. 66 70 66 68 4000 ?Okla & T Oil 6% 6% 6% 6% 15000 fOmar O & G. 49 52 49 52 5100 ?Orient O & G. 3% 3% 2% 3% 230nn ?O N O 3 Inc. 2 2 1% 2 2500 ?Pennok Oil... 16, 16% 15% 16% 10000 ?tQueen Oil... 14 16 14 15 41000 ?Range Oil- 4% 5 4% 5 19000 *R-H O fap). 1% 1A 1% 1% 20000 ?Ranger Oil... 2 2 1% 1% 3200 ?Rock Oil (ap) 11 % 1 30000 ?Ryan Pet. 4% 434 4% 4% 5000 ?Salt Ck Prod. 54 5634 53'% 56% 2000 ?Sapulpa 0?&:R. 9 9 8% 8?4 22500 ?Sinclair Gulf.. 5834 60% 58% 61 3600 -?-?Southwest Oil 45 46 43 45 3900 ?S W Prod & R 5 5% 5 5/s 2700 ?Stanton Oil... 1% 1% 1% 1% 3900 ?Sterling O&R 8% 834 8% 834 25000 ?Texas-R P.&R. 5% 5% 5% 5% 2700 ?tTexana O&R 65 65 52 55 900 ?Valv O P Inc. 8 8/4 8 8% 3500 ?Vera-Cons Pet 1% 1% 1% 1% 1100 ?Vic Oil n stk. 4% 4% 3% 4 100 ?W States O&L 87 87 87 87 1500 ?do new. 10% 10% 10% 10% 16000 ?"Y" Oil & G.. 1A 1ft 1% 1% Mining Stocks Sales. Open. High. Low. Last. 32750 fAlas-Br O M.. 65 70 65 70 2000 *tA M&M (ap) 30 31 30 31 8900 ?tAllied Gold.. 1% 1% 1A 1ft 500 ?Amer Mines.. % % % % 500 ?Arizona Butte 75 75 75 75 3000 Big Ledge. A ft A A 1000 ?fBooth. 9 9 9 9 3200 ?tCaledonia. .. 33 34 32 33 100 ?Cal & Jerome. % % % % 1500 Canada Copper 1% 1% 1% 1% 6300 ?tCandelar Sil. 68 68 65 68 1500 tCashboy. 10 10 10 10 2900 Cresson Con G 5 5 4% 4% 3000 *D Syn of Nev 19 19 19 19 10300 El Salvador Sil. 4% 5% 4% 4% 500 ?Eureka Cr M. 1% 2 1% 2 1600 ?Flagg Tun M 6% 6% 6% 634 800 ?tFlorence Silv 78 80 75 78 4000 ?tFortuna Con. 50 50 50 50 1100 ?Golden Gate.. 3% 3% 3% 3% 8000 *f Gold Zone Div 1A 1% 1ft 1% 2500 tGoldfield Con. 18 20 18 19 1 1500 ?tGoldfield Merg 5% 5% 5% 5% ! 11000 ?tHarmill Div. 30 35' 30 35 i 3500 * + Hasbrouck D. 30 30 28 30 j 1800 *tJim Butler.. 33 36 33 36 I 1000 tJumbo Exten. 13 13 13 13 i 15000 *f LibBcllD(ap) 18 18 18 18 j 20000 ?tLone Star .. 14 14 11 12 1000 Louisiana Con. % % % % 14300 ?tMammoth D. 62 70 62 65 I 5500 ?tMMof A(ap) 1% 1% % 1% ! 70000 ?tMacNam Min 95 1 95 98 : 108000 ?tMeccaD(ap) 49 63 42 46 2600 ?tMother Lode. 45 45 45 45 7200 ?Nat Tin _ 3% 3% 3 3% 6000 ?INev D (a p) 20 21 20 21 15000 ?tNev Ophir M 24 25 23 25 inoon Nipissing Min. 9 10% 9 10% 10000 -?-Nixon Nev... 20 24 20 22 200 ?Onondaga M. 3% 3% 3% 3% 600 ?Ray Here M. 2% 2% 2 2 12000 tRex Con Min. 15 15 13% 15 2000 tRochester Min 18 18 18 18 200 Seneca Cop C. 15% 15% 15% ?o% 600 ?Silver D M. . . 1% 1% 1% 1% 15000 ?tSilver K Div 30 31 29 30 12000 Silv K of Ariz H % U % 1500 Stand Silver-L. A ft ft ft 25000 ?tSouth Div... 23 25 22 24 8000 ?Star of the W. 1% 1% 134 1% 4500 fStewart . 24 25 24 25 6700 ?Tonopah Div. 10% 11 10% 10% 200 Tonopah Ext. . 2A 2A 2,y 2A 100 ?Tonopah Min. 3% 3% 3% 3% 300 United Eastern 4% 4% 4% 4% 9000 ?tu S Con Min 18 19 18 19 510 Unity G M Co. 6/4 6% 6/4 6% 300 ?Victor P & M 5 5 5 5 900 ?tWard M & M 24 25 24 24 15000 tW End Cons.. 2 3 2 3 8700 tW Caps Min.. 25 26 22 26 200 ?W Knob C pf. 1% 1% 1% 1% Bonds Sales (000 omitted). Or>en. High. Low. Last. $30 ?Am T & T 6s. 99% 100% 99% 100% 40 ?Anaconda 6s. . . 99% 99% 99% 99% 3 ?Beth Stl 7*4 '21.101% 101% 101% 101'% 10 ?Can Gvt 6s-99% 99% 99% 99% 2 ?Cudahy 7s 1923.102% 102% 102% 102% 10 ?111 Central 5V?is. 97% 97% 97% 97% 20 ??nter R T 7s... 84 86 84 85% 4 ?Llg & M 6s. 21.100 100% 100 100% 10 *N Y Tel deb 6s.10034 100% 10034 10034 5 ?Rusa Govt 5V?s. 50 50 60 5? 25?Russ Govt 6Vis. 68% B9 58% 69 76 ?Wilson conv 6*? 98 98% 98 98% ?Unlisted. tSe?l cents per share. Corporate Returns American Window Glass Machine Company.?Total earnings for the year ended April 30, 1919, were $3.949,408. compared with $1,979,242 lor the pre? ceding year. After taxes of $914,138 and general expenses of $62,529, net ; earnings were $2,972,741. Surplus after ; dividends amounted to $532,221, against a deficit of $76,000 for the year before. ! S. H. Kress Company.?Sales for April amounted to $2,041,389, an in crease of $467,895 over the correspond- \ ing period of last year. For the four months to April 30 sales aggregated $6.725.484, an increase of $1,211,669. Michigan Copper Company.?Receipts for 1918 were ?44f>,782, from which ex? penditures amounting to $290,243 were 1 deducted, leaving a balance of $155 5.?? Surplus was $126,810. *Aoo,w?. ! Western Union Telephone and T*U_ graph *?"? February revenue. .$6,540,358 Inc *278ee-? Operating income.. 363,168 Dec' 8ss52 Two months gross. 13,610,096 Inc' 64fi25 Operating income.. 947,947 Dec.1,499'^ American Telephone and Telegraph February revenue. .$3,415,757 Inc $64? ?S4? Operating income.. 1,576,952 Inc 34?'o?e Two months gross. 6,792,819 Jnc'l2o?t? Operating income.. 3.209,738 Inc, ' 7754*2 New York Telephone Company March operat. rev. .$5.810,461 Inc $4959*4 Three months gross.16,808,581 Inc.1,25678a Pacific Telephone and Tele^ssph February gross.$1,801,644 lnc"$i61 4** Two months gross. 3,679,544 Inc. 370Oil Bid and Asked Quotations The following table gives the closing bid and asked quotations for stocks listed on the New York Stock Exchan??? but not traded in yesterday: Bid. Asked, j Bid Ask?l Am Rnk Note.?'., 41 Kress pr ... ios _ 1 do pr . 47?/2 48'2, L E & \v pr 16'., 21 'A Beet S pr. 93 94?2,U|? & M T. .210 2(2 AUS Fdry. 89'? 95 L-W H 1st pi (01 |0I?4 '1" Pr .ICO I/O I do 2d I'.r...l02?, lin Am ('?n pr. I03'il04 Lorlllard pr.. 109 lia ?A O & F pr.115% 117 Msckay Cos pt 64 s?t'. , Am Coal ... 45 ? 1 Manlut Beach !, p, A Col Oll pr 90 93 >Ua ?Shirt pr. 100 115 A ni Loco pr.105 106 ! May lit- St pr.110 ? Am Slilpbldg. 115 142 Mex Pet pr.. 107',, Mo Am Sm pr A. 93'i 94 Mich Ceutral.. 85?. 90 ' An? Smiff pr. 95 ICO MSP&S8M pi 104 ||Q Aro Sue pr..U8 Il8'2 do l.-d Unes. 61 68 Arn Tel & C- 58 63 |Mont Pow iir.105 108 : Am? Arbor ..4 3 Morris ,v Es. 70'* 75 ilo pr . 10 30 iNasli ?. Oui. 114 ' 1171; Assets m Co. Wz 2 [Nat Biscuit...121 124 A D G -'(i pr 75 ? IN K & S pr.iOO 103 AO& W I pr 71 73 INat Lead it. 109 lu : Barrett Co pr.H4?'2 MS IN Hit M 1st pr IS 25", Both H 7th pr 97 ? NYC&SL 2 i ? r 46 48?! Bklyn Edison 97 99 |N Y h & W. 92 98 brown Pitou.. 85 92 iNo-thern Cent. 67 73 i do pr . 99 101 Owens Hoi pr.ioi 103 Buff It & V 60 66 l'ai-itlc (oils!.. 45 55 Jo pr . 06 100 J do 1st pr. 68 100 Bush Term.. 80 97 ( do 2d pr... 50 80 i Can Southern 45?/a 48'ft Tore .Mar pr. 40 46 : Casa .1 1 rr.. 97 100 IP C C & S L 44 48 C?i of N .T..201 225 I l'en i Mull?... 32 50 [C & S A Tel.114 116 I do 1st pr.. 96 102 i Chi & Alton. 10'i II 1' V W & C.I3I'? 137", ilo pr .' I2!2 15 [Pitts JSt pr... 96 99>. CiN W pr.l2?l 131 P & W Va pr 81 83 Cl & Pitts.. 67'i 80 I IT St Car pr 99 102 ! CSP M & O 66 75 PS C N ,1. 83 86 ! do pr .105 115 Saxon Motors. 35'^ 36 I C C C & S L 41 43 ?Seats Roo pr..ll!? 120 ! C hielt Peal).. 73?8.74 S-S S & 1 pr 85 90 do pr .103 I05'/2!.S P It Sugar. 175 185 ?C F & I pr.105 125 I do pr .KO 120 ? C, & S 2d pr 45 50 Standard Mi".135 145 t'ont Can pr.109 ? I do pr .83'2 98 , l'ont Jns Co.. 71 72 [Studebaker pr. 98 100 ?Corn Pro pr.l06',2l08 I8up Steel pr. 94 M'A Cre? Carpet.. 46 55 Toi S 1, & W 3 5 Cuba Ain Su. 190 198 i do pr . 10 10!? <lo pr .103 106 du clfs pr.. I3',i 15 Dot On RH. 94 97 ! Trans & W S. 40 46'/, Elkhorn C pr. ? 47 Twin City R T 44 46',, Fisher By pr. 95 100 i do pr .81 124 Cm Chem pr. 103 103% Underwood T. Ill 120 Gen Cigar pr. 104 106 i1"n lia? & 1'. 75 80 GoodricU pr..l07'2 108 TJ Cig St pr. 1 II 117 Il M & No pr 34 35 U Drug 1st pr 54?. 55"? G S S 1st pr 92'/, 96 ! do 2d pr...H5 ?20 Homestake ..89 95 Un Dyewood.. 50 61 Int Paper pr. 95 100 I do pr . ? 98 lut Nickel pr 96 ? ' 1." S I Al pr.107 108'/, ' lut Sait ... ? 54 irsSiRpr 47'? 49% Jewell Tea pr 87 90 ?Wabash pr B. 21 22'/, ' KCFS&M pr. 59 65 I West Md 2d pr 22 2? : Kelsey Wheel. 39", 42 West'se M l?t. 64 70 ? ' K & 1> M pr. ? 50 IWh & L E pr 21 22'/, K C E li & P ? 98 ?Wi? Central... 38 40 ; Kress & Co.. 65% 70 |\V P ?c M pr A 96 97 DIVIDEND NOTICES REPUBLIC of NICARAGUA STERLING LOAN of 1909. The Council of Foreign Bondholders glv? notice that they will bo prepared to pay off at par, on and after the 31st of May, all Funding Certificates (Including Fractional Certificates) issued in respect of Coupon No. 16, duo 1st .luly, 1917. und also the undermentioned Certificates Issued in respect of Coupon No. 17. duo 1st Janu arv, 1918, which have been DRAWN for REDEMPTION, both with interest at 6% per annum (less Income-tax) to 31st of May, after which elate interest will cease to run. Certificates from abroad must be pre? sented for payment through a London Agent. Lists can be obtained on application. JAMES P. COOPER, Secretary. 17, Moorgate-street, London, E.C.2, April 4th, 1919. Numbers of Certificates issued In re? spect of Coupon No. 17 Drawn for Pay? ment:? Certificates of ?100 A. 3 4 5 6 8 11 13 14 15 19 22 24 Certificates of ?50 B. 1 3 7 8 11 12 13 15 17 IS 19 21 23 28 29 30 31 31 34 35 40 43 44 46 4 9 61 53 Certificates of ?10 C. 1 7 S 9 12 13 14 l? 19 21 22 24 2? 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 3S 42 44 45 50 61 66 63 61 70 7S 79 ?1 82 83 85 86 87 88 89 90 93 94 96 100 101 102 103 105 108 109 112 114 120 121 124 125 127 128 129 131 136 139 143 144 146 147 148 149 151 153 354 156 156 109 160 167 169 372 375 178 179 180 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 196 397 398 202 205 206 207 209 213 214 216 217 219 220 221 222 225 227 228 229 23? 232 235 23:? 211 242 246 246 250 251 252 254 255 25'J 267 : 60 264 266 271 273 274 277 278 280 281 282 284 2S5 286 2*3 289 290 291 292 294 295 2!'? 298 2!':? 302 307 312 333 314 317 318 323 325 327 329 330 331 322 337 339 342 315 340 349 352 353 353 3G0 363 364 307 3?'.9 : 72 374 375 376 377 378 380 381 383 384 387 390 391 3'.?5 396 403 404 405 407 408 413 414 435 420 421 425 427 4 13 434 435 43C 437 438 439 440 44 1 444 445 446 447 448 452 453 454 456 457 401 402 463 404 465 466 467 468 469 470 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 471' 481 482 4S3 485 486 487 489 490 492 494 495 498 500 502 504 605 606 60S 610 532 516 619 520 521 624 526 527 628 529 632 633 534 536 640 642 54? 647 548 649 550 551 652 656 659 660 661 662 665 566 607 56% 570 57* 67? 681 583 685 687 5S8 589 690 692 695 598 600 602 605 606 608 609 610 616 637 618 621 628 631 636 640 641 647 649 651 652 653 667 65S 661 663 665 607 668 669 674 675 677 679 680 681 682 687 691 692 694 702 703 The above Certificates were drawn for redemption in my presence: JOHN D. VENN, Notary Public (Firm, H. de Pinna and John Venn), 38, Grtshain House, Old Broad-streeL London, E.C.2. NILES-BEMENT-rOND COMPANY. PREFERRED DIVIDEND NO. 79. New York, May 7, 1919. The Board of Directors of N1LES BB.MENT-POND COMPANY has this day declared the regular quarterly dividend of ONE and ONE-HALF PER CENT upon the PREFERRED STOCK of the Company, payable May 20th, 1919, to Stockholder of record at 3 P. M. May 8th. 1919. The transfer books will not be closed. JOHN B. CORNELL, Treasurer. NII.ES-BEMENT-POND COMPANA'. COMMON DIVIDEND NO. 68. New York, May 7. 1919. The Board of Directora of NILES BEMENT-POND COMPANY has this day declared a Dividend of TWO PER CENT upon the COMMON STOCK of the pany, payable June 20th. 1919, to St ' holders of record at 3 1"". M. June 2nd, 1919. The transfer bocks will not be closed JOHN B. CORNELL, Treasurer. THE AMERICAN COTTON OIL CO. The Board of Directors on May 7, 1919, declared a Semi-Annual Dividend of Three Per Cent, upon the Preferred Stock, and a Quarterly Dividend of One Per Cent, upon the Common Stock of this Company, both payable June 2. 1919. st the Banking House of Winslow, Lanier A Co., 69 Cedar Street. New York City. '?' holders of record of such stock at the close of business? on May 15. 1919. Tho Stock Transfer Books of the Com? pany will not be closed. RANDOLPH CATI.IN. Secretary. THE AMERICAN TOKACCO COMPANY, 111 Fifth Avenue. New York. May 7. 1919. Notice Is hereby given that a Dividend of Five Per*Cent. (69 ) on Common Stock of The American Tobacco Company. *"? to-day declared, payable on June 2, 1919, to Common Stockholders of record at the close of business. May 15, 1919. in scrip or certificates of the Company, for which. ?>n March 1, 1921. Common Stock B of the Company, at par. is to be Issued; scrip certificates of like tenor for whatever amounts and whatever series may be con? sidered, together In making units of $10?1. or multiple thereof, for the l?asuanc< of stock. Interest on scrip to maturity Will b" paid ?oml-annually in cash, nt the rate Of Six Per Cent. (6?9i) per annum, on ths sum mentioned therein on March 1st, and September 1st. of each year, first in? terest payment on scrip now issuing paya? ble September 1, 1919. J. M. W. HICKS. Treasurer. FINANCIAL MEETINGS THE ANNi'AL MEET! NO OF THE STOCK? holders of the S'undard lias Light Com? pany of the i'tty of New York will be lieht at the office of the Company. Room No. 10?, No. 130 Hast 15ih Street. Now York City, on Wednesday, May 14th. 19tt>. at 11 o'clock M . for the election of Directors snS tho transaction of such o.'.icr business ?? may come before the iu<-?tlue. JOHN K. SANROKN, Secretary,