Newspaper Page Text
L a%\^ Record of Stock and Bond Average? (Copyright. 1919, New Tork Tribune lnc) R.I : I mads . Indi-?trials Stocks _ BHfl Ri-.'roads . ?illC industrial? ||? 5 IMilities .. .? 25 Honda _ HI' Yeeter day 74.65 98.90 89.20 80.38 95.18 84.16 87.06 Stocks Day before. 74.45 97.47 88.26 Bonds 80.02 95.00 83.96 86.80 Year atro. 69.75 82.63 77.48 80.41 91.32 84.94 85.68 Range Jan. 1 to date 1919. High. Low. 74.65 98.90 89.20 82.80 95.33 87.75 87.88 68.70 79-20 75.32 79.48 93.72 83.72 86.53 full year 19H. High. Low. 79.15 66.21 88.83 73.87 84.03 70.30 86.57 94.88 89.02 89.46 76.62 67.40 82.60 83.62 Summary of Stock Exchange Dealings URaiiroad? ........ ?jOther ?forks ...... .All stork?. ?it'. 8. Government (Copyright, 1919. New York Tribune Stocks Tiny Year Yestprdr.y, before. ago. 1019. 338.400 159,500 166,200 9,698,100 1.427,500 1,309.400 938,600 69,496,300 1,765,900 1,468,900 1,104,800 79,194,400 January I to date. 1918. 5,464,900 39,387,000 44,851,900 1917. 7,948,600 60,128,700 68,077,300 Yesterday. $7,518,000 .Railroads . 1.625,000 ; Other bonds. 3,551,000 .\U bonds_... 12,694,000 Bonds Day before. $11,088,000 1,451,000 3,330,000 15,869,000 Year ago. $1,301,000 1,028,000 1,149,000 3,378,000 January 1919. $779,632,000 69,693,000 262,261,000 1,111,586,000 1 to data. 1918. $257,756,000 86,427,000 120,091,000 464,274,000 j'jYesterday's Transactions in Listed Stocks ******** a%****\\ ml"a All storks quoted dollars a share. Annual dividend rate, also in dollars * share, is based on last regular payment. High and low prices of 1919 an? ?based only on transactions of 100 shares or more. _., fc.i"fe.y.ria?..'.. jgigh. .-1919. 50 ,34% i 70*4 95 - 4?4 ; 2,2 42/4 95 i.86% ?13% ?103 ,i:83% ',56% ?103% . 98? ? Low. Div. 1919. Rate. 29% ? 21 ? 56% 6 66 6 3'/8 ? 1% ? 30 ? 81% 841-2 997/a 98 62 42% 98% 841-8 10-% Sales. Open. High. Low. Adama Ex . 1700 35% 38% 35% Advance Ruraely ... 400 32 Advance Ruraely pr. 1100 68% Ajax Rubber . 700 913/4 Alaaka Gld M. 100 3?/4 Alaska Juneau .12800 1% All? Chalmers Co.. 6200 41% AUis-Chalmers Co pr 200 95 Am Bosch Mag. 5200 86% Am Agr Chern. 2100 109 Am Agr Chem pr...: 200 101 Am Beet Sugar...?. 2400 83 Am Can Co.10200 56 Net Close, chge. 36+1 321/4 68% 913/4 3% 2 42 95 86</2 110% 10114 831/a 561/4 32 68 Vz 90 % 3% 1% 41 95 85% 109 101 83 55% 32 ? 681/2? 90'2? 3%? 2 ? 41 Va? 95 + 86/2+ 110 ? 1011/4+ 83 ? 55%? Ya Ya V/z Ya Bid. 35'/2 32 681a 90J/2 Ask. 37 3214 68% 91 m 41'/t 941-'; 86'/? 110 '.2 2 411 95 86'/; 110'/? ?4 ioo;/2 1011/2 l, 58% 39% :?'IK SOI. 7 Ara Can Co pr. 100 IO334 8 Am Car & Fdry Co.. 6200 97% .80 Am Drags . 1700 12% 4 Am Cotton OU. 180O 56% 6 Amer Expresa . 100 83 Am Hide & Leather? 3500 28 Am Hide & L prl_ - American Ice ...... 1700 6 American Ice pr..... 1100 3.60 Amer Int Corp..... 28900 87% American Linseed... 12800 58% 7 Amer Linseed pr.... 500 96'/2 5 Amer Locomotive.?. 14100 7814 American Malt. 2100 2% - Am Mit 1 pr ctf stpd 700 63 4 Amer Smelting.16900 76 - Amer Steel Fdry?.. 34700 37% 13314 111?4 7 American Sugar .... 4700 132 American Sumatra... 6500 107 Am Snm Tob pr. 500 93% Amer Tel A Tel..... 1800 104 103% IO334 1033,4 + 2938 118% ? 50% '"*72 91 l/a 60% 98% 78% S> 4% 65% -78% 37% 821 _ 1314 ? 7114 7 38 ? 5434 6 52% 44% 85 58 1 51 62% 36 98/4 131-8 563/4 83 28'/8 9714 12% 56 83 2.7% 2200 11814 118% 118 49'/4 4934 4914 705 118 98 108% 215 '78 102 48 18' 2 64' z 31 , 45% 75J4 75% 96% 96' a 89 '0% 102 169% 76'/2 ?34% 50% 56I/2 137% 9614 10 93 7 98% 6 191% 20 4514 6 94% 7 27% ? 11 ? 5614 4 1 ? 1714 ? 61 61 68 90 84% 6 95 92 64 64% ? 44 4 50 4 103 8 7114 891/4 601/2 96% 78'. 2 2% 64 7614 37% 133 107% 93% 104% 104 97'/2+ 1/4 13 + V* 56 ? % 83 ? 1'/2 2814+ 14 11814+ 14 49%+ 1'/a 71'4+ 1'/2 88/4+ 114 60 + 114 96%? % 77 3 a? % 2/4? % 54 - 75%+ % 36%? 14 133 + 1% 105'4 107 ? 9334 933/4? 104% + 70% 8634 581-2 96/a 77/4 2/4 53 75% 3614 131 % 82 ?S/s 103 97I/4 13 5534 85 28 118 4912 703/4 88/4 60 96?4 771/2 2/4 63 75% 36% 13234 10614 83 Bo/a 104 9734 13'/8 66 90 28% 11814 49% 7114 88% 60% 97 77% 2% , 533/4 76 3634 133 IO7/2 95 92 Y;_ % 104% IO434 Amer Tobacco. 2700 209% 210% 209% 209%- 209/z 210 Am Wool ... 6900 67% 78 6734 78 +10% 77/2 79% Am Wool pr. 600 100% 100% 100% 100%- 100 6 7 5 6 5 7 10 5 Am Writ Paper pr. Am Zinc & Lead.... Anaconda .......... Assets Real Co...... Assoc Dry Goods.... Assoc Dy Gds 1st pr Aasoe Dy Gds 2nd pr Asso Oil . Atchison ........... Atchison pr ....... Atl Birm & AU..... Ad Coast Line..... 2000 800 5100 600 300 200 200 5000 3600 100 700 46% 1634 64% 1% 44% 75 7614 92% 95/a 86% 10% 46% 17 64% 114 4634 75 75% 96% 95% 86% IO34 45 Vz 16% 633/8 1% 44% 75 75% 92% 95 86% 1034 200 10134 102 ?115% lio Atl Gulf & W 1.... 19800 159% 169% 159 Atl Gulf & W I pr. 700 75 76% 75 Baldwin Locomo Co. 13600 9334 94% Baltimore & Ohio... 2100 50% 50% Baltimore & Ohio pr 200 55% 66% Barrett Co .13100 129 137% 1% ? 55% 8 65% 8 18% ? 19% ? 18% 2 138 10 8% ? 5% 1 56% ? 48% 4 20% ? 64% 7 _166% 4 170% 195% 10 50% 30% 4 21 ? 27 S 56% a 31 4 103 ie 53% 4 7% ? 23% 2 34% ? 2 76% 77% 26% ? .24% - 24% 166 11 -.0 25% 67 % 29% 743/4 62 26 42 84 44% S 52 66% 10 27% 41% 74% 99 27% "?67% 81 43% 70 247/8 ?3% 75 46 4734 31% ?102% 8*4 .82% 74 64*4 72% !W8 3818 P&A 113 ?17 8% *3% ^4% H16 8 y p. So; 2 '?*% 31 133/i Mv* 100 66I4 ? 93% 7 22% ?. 61% 6 73% T 32 ? 64 S 17% ? 32% 3 60% 6 34% 3 39% 4 19% ? 87% 7 7% 3 65% 6 58 5 46 ? 62% ? 190 10 20% ? 69% 7 101 9 177% 10 3% ? 6% ? 10% ? 110 8 2% ? 66 4 27 3 15% ? 24% _ 17% ? 9% ? 38% ? 91 7 i-'V? 179 73% 'Wh 25% 2 163% 8 47 4 144% 8 85% 118% 18 94% 82% 6 66% 4 103 7 64 I 89% 7 31% 4 38% ? 4?% 4 40 4 74 ?*) w% 46% 44% *1'a 66% 102% 91 V , ?% ' 7% 24 ?6 10'% 48 42% 3% 11% ?/? 135% ,110% 46% ; 21% ?4% 12% .48 nvt 24% 1*9% 23% HO? 92-y, ' W/A ?24% 2 28 ? 106 8 16% ? ?8 4 29% f Barrett Co pr...... Batopilas Mining ... Beth Steel. Beth Steel <?\asm B.. Bklyn Rap Transit,, Bklyn Rap Tr ctfa.. Booth Fish Co...... Burns Bros. ........ Brunswick .... .... Butte Cop & Zinc .. B & S Copper.?... Calif Packing Calif Petrol . Calif Pet pr Cal & Ariz Canadian Pacific . Certain teed Cent Fdy Cent Fdy pr ^^^^^^^^ Central Leather .... 25600 Cerro de Pasco Chandler Motors Ches & Ohio.... Chi Gt West. Chi Gt W pr C M &. S P. C M A S V pr G & N'west C R I ft P C R I & P 6<* pr.. C B I & P 7% pr., C C C & St L..._. C C C & S L pr Chile Copper ..... Chino Con Copper. Cluett Peabody ... Col Fuel & Iron. Col Gas & Elec... ?Col & South........ Consol Gas ......... Cons Int Call Min... Con Can ............ Con Insurance Co.... Corn Products ?..?? Crucible Steel ...... Cuba Am Sugar..... Cuba Cane Sugar...? Cuba Cane Sugar pr. Delaware & Hudson. Del, Lack & West... Denver & Rio Gr.... Denver & Rio G pr>. Dome Mines ., Detroit Edison ...... Du!, 80 Sh & Atl...? Elec Htor Battery... Elk Horn Coal.._. Er?e .?.... Erie 1st pr......... Erie 2d pr.......... Fed Min * 8meJi._. Plsher Body ....... Fisher Body pr..... Gaston Williams ... General Chem Co... General Cigar . General Electric Co. General Motora .... General Motors deb.. Goodrich B F...... Coodrich B F pr.... Cranfey Mining .... Gt Northern pr..... tit Northern Ore nub Greene Cnn Coppar.. Gulf HtMte* Steel_ Hask & Bark Car ?? Mima-is Cent ....... Internal Agrtcul ... Internat Agrirul pr. Inspiration Copper . lnUr.i;oi? Corp.... Inter-Cons Corp pr.. Int Harvester ?Co... Int Mercan Mar.... Int Mercan Mar pr.. Internat Paper .... Internat Nickel . iewell Tea .. . Kajraar Julias . Kansas ?'t'y flonth.. Kelly HpriniffleM ... 200 114% 115 ?_ 16%? 1% 63%? % 1%? % 45 + 1 75 - 75%+ % 94/4+ 2% 95 ? % 86%+ % 103/4? 10134 101%? % 169 +11 76 + 1% 76 93% 93%+ % 93% 50 60 ? % 49% 55 65 ? % 64% 129 134%+ 6% 134 114% 116 + Va, 114 1% 1%? 74%? 74%+ 100% 45% 163/4 64 1% 45% 45% 16% 6334 1% 45 75 75 93 94% _ 86% 86% 10 11 101% 101 % 169 170 94 95 77 93% 50 66% 135 117 1% 75 74% 23% 23 21% 151 10% 9% 233/8 65 29% 74% 61 300 197% 198 20200 37 38% 4000 85 85% 1100 111% 113 200 215 215 700 7% 7% 4600 11 1i/8 2300 14 14% 60 117% 117% 117% 117% 200 4?4 4% 4% 434? 78 30% 18% 29% 20/4 1334 58 99% 2934 178 73% 1100 900 5100 2500 2000 300 1100 100 1300 100 178 6600 73 77 30% 18% 29% 20 13% 68 99% 29% 1500 163% 164% I6334 I6434. 28100 181% 185% 181% 184% j- 3'/4 184% 18S' 1100 90% 90% 7200 72 723/8 300 IO734 108 100 3000 6100 400 2300 1900 90% 71% 107% 66 94% 46% 3934 69 6314 90/4 + 71%? 66 66 943/i 95 45% 46 40% 40% 59 61 ?6% 65?4 1400 101% 102 900 26% 26% 1400 82% 82% 6600 61'/a 61%' 2800 4% 434 9100 14 15% 1700 132% 132>? 132 86100 45% 46% 4*3, 90% 90% 71% 72 10734 108 94%- % 4534 3934? i/a 60 + 1% 6314? 1% 101% 102 + % 25 25?2 80% 82 ? % 61 51 ? % 4% 4%+ % 14 14%-f- % 132 ? % 46% f- 2/,, 65 94% 45% 393/4 69% 53% 101% 24 80 61 4% 14 68% 943/i 4634 39% 60% 54 102 26 82 61% 4% 14% 131% 132 46/2 46% 66200 115% 118% 114% 118% r 3% 118% 1181 kenn??-?? Copper M 12900 ?700, 62 62% 62 12800 25 26% 24% 600 38 38% 38 100 129 129 129 900 23% 23% 23% 700 126% 126% 125 1 JO ?eyatana 5tt#* 6000 ?4% 33% ?7% 32% 94% High. 1319. ! 73% ; 571/8 j 37% I 112 \ 57?8 j 101. _? ; 173 110 Low. Div. 1919. Rate. 62% 6 53'A 5 31 ? 107 7 40% ? 94''2 7 14734 12 107 7 Net 119/4 113 88 113 32 44 72 33% 92 1971/4 24% 48 151-2 11(4 20", ? 32% 57?4 77 39'/2 126 2138 63% 103 75?4 14 17% 36% 115 77% 35 54 34% 21% 1091 a 55% 94% 65% 70 7 100 4 25 6 263/4 ? 50% ? 191/4 ? 60 5 1623/4 8 2134. 2 40?, 4 4 9% ? 4% ? 8?4 ? 223-4 ? 491/4 ? 69 5 Lackawanna Steel ., Lchigh Valley . I.ce Rubber & Tire... Li* & M Tob Co pr. Loose Wiles Biscuit.. Loose Wiles B 1st pr. 1.nrillarH, Pierre..... Lorillard, P, pr..... Louisville & Nash... Manhattan Kiev. Manhattan ?Shirt.... Mathieson Alk W... Maxwell Motor . Maxwell Mot 1st pr. Maxwell Mot 2d pr.. May Dep't Stores.... Mexican Petrol .... Miami Con Copper.. Midvalo Steel ...'_ Min & St Louis new. M K & T. M K & T pr. Missouri Pacific .. Mo Pacific pr., Mont Power . Low. Close, chge. Bid. Ask. 72% 73 + '/2 7234 73 56% 341/? 56% + 34/?? Sales. Open. High. 3800 72% 73'/2 1400 56% 56% 2100 34% 34% 300 1113,4 112 111% 112 -f 3? m 700 56/2 57% _. 100 101% 101/2 100 1651/a 165% 100 110 110' 100 1183,4 118% 55! 2 5514 101% 101%+ 165/2 165/2 + 110 110 J- 3 ? 11834 118%? % 117 % 56/2 56% 1/4 34 34/2 114 56 % 57 % 101 103 U.165 167 119 29/2 109 14 45/a 93 64 5/a 15% 2834 ? 91 Va 69 % 19/a 44/4 25% 18/2 103 47 88% 46 3 National Acme ... 7 Nati Biscuit . ? Nat Con ?& Cabio.. 6 Nail En <_ Stpg. .. 7 Nati En & Stpg pr. 6 National Lead .... ? N R R of M 2d pr.. 1% Nov Con Copper.... ? N O T & M. 10 NY Air Brake..., 5 NY Central . 2% N Y Dock. 5 NY Dock pr. ? N Y N H & H... ? N Y O & W. 7 Nor & West. 5 North American ... 7 North Pacific .... 2/2 Nova Scotia Sterl... 500 36% 100 120 2100 20 1500 633/4 100 103 700 74 100 10% 2500 16% 1300 33 200 112 2700 77 600 31 100 5014 3000 31 200 2114 1300 108!, 2 100 52 1100 94 % .1000 61/4 36% 120 20! 4 63% 103 74 IO/2 16% 33 112 77% 31 6OI/4 33% 213a 108/, 52 94/2 61y4 36/2 36%? 120 120 ? 19/2 19%? 63% 63/24: 103 103 + 7334 #74 - 10/2 10%? 16'/2 16%+ 31 31%? 112 112 ? 76% 76%? 30 30 ? 50! 4 501/44 30% 30%? 21'4 21%? 108 108% + 52 52 ? 94 94 ? 69% 61 ? Va 36/4 3/_ 118 % 19% /a 63/a 3 102 - 73 % IO/2 Vit 16% 1/2 31/2 1 112 76% 1 29 Va 50 Va 30/4 Ve 2I/4 Va 108 2 62 ? 94 1 61 37 122 19% 633,4 110 74 11 . 16% 33 1131/2 77 30 63 30i/a 21/2 108/4 54 94/4 62 48% 353,4 4 Ohio Cas . 8% 5/2 ? Ontario Silver , 67 46 * 3 Owens Bottling 11% 8 Yz Okla Prod .... 40 29/2 1 29 22 ??? 89/2 67 6 153 117 7 46 43% 3 52% 46/s ? 21/4 12/8 ? ... 34200 ?U/4 48% 48 48/44- '/a 48/8 48% ... 6400 8% 8% 8 8 ? Vu 7% 8/4 ... 300 51/4 61% 51 51 ? Va 51 611/4 ... 28900 10/2 103,4 1038 10%4- Va 10% 10% 62/2 56 43 30 37 52% 5 3 30 ? 3834 5 IO5/2 101/2 8 263/4 16 ?? 57 Vz 45 5 87% 85'/2 6 60/a 61 ? 40% 34 ? 19 12% 2 80 69 8 12234 112% 8 89 68"/2 2134 19 88 75 38/2 36 86 71/2 105 100 Pacifie Mail ....... Pac Tel & Tel. Pan Am Pet........ Pan Am Pet pr.... Penn R R. Peo Gas & Coke.... P?re Marq. P M prior pr....... Philadelphia Co .... Penn Seab Steel.... Pierce Arrow. Pierce Arrow pr. Pierce Oil . Pittsburgh Coal .... Pitts Coal pr. Punta Alegre Sugar. Pitta & West Va.... Pond Creek Coal.... Pressed Steel Car... Pull Palace Car. Railway Stl Spring.. 2800 88% 883/4 87% 87%? 1 87/z 88 Ray Con Copper. 4200 20% 20% 20% 20/24- /8 20% 20% Reading . 30600 87/4 88 86% 86/2? % 86'/2 86% Reading 2d pr. 300 37/2 37/2 37 37 - 37 37/2 Rep Iron & Steel.... 9800 83?4 84% 83% 84%+ % 84/4 84/2 Rep Ir & Stl pr..... 300 103% 103% 103% 103%? </a 103/2 104 5600 113 114 111% 112%+ Vz 112 112/a 60800 112/2 113% 111 1113-4-4- % 111% 111% 114/2 7034 8.44 Royal Dutch _ 115 86/2 8.44 Roy Dtch, N Y sh 25% 103/4 ? 37 22 ? 22% 16 ? 41 28/a ? IO/4 73/8 _ 2134 153,4 ? 190/4 168"/a 8 13/2 10 1 693/4 331/4 ? 59 46/2 6 109/2 95/8 6 31/2 25 ~ 70 6634 78/2 45% 100 92 60 42/4 41 Vz 32 4634 36% 17/4 12/a 62 27% ? 460 180 8 269% 185 10 265 190% 10 16/8 13% 240/2 207 93 72% 99/2 37/. 37/4 115 133/4 124/a 10 743/4 72 4 47% 37% 4 139% IO7/4 9 112 106 7 177 167 10 79/2 49 2 16% 7/4 ? 31 15 ? 26% 14 ? 24% 1634 ? 1693/4 97/4 16 463/4 17/4 ? 100/2 73 ? 113 109 8 68% 43% 60 64 103 8814 117"/8 113/a 7 78% 65/a 6 19 13 ? 68% 61 4 114/2 110 8 61 64 ? 10/2 7?4 ? 36/4 30/a ?? 22% 19 ? 12% 9% ? 89% 84% 7 7% 21 35/a 9% 106 48 48 180 Savage Arms ...... 100 7% 7 St L & San Fran... 25600 22/8 25% 22 St L & San Fran pr 1200 32/2 35 32/2 St L S'west. 1200 21 223,4 St L S'west pr. 100 35/2 36 Seaboard Air Line.. 1400 10 10 Seaboard Air Line pr 2500 21% 21% 21 Sears Roebuck . 100 190/4 190/4 190/4 190/44- 2/4 190% 192% Shattuck Ariz . 700 13/8 13/8 13 13 - 13 13/4 Sinclair Oil .160800 68 69% 67% 68 4- 1 68 68/8 Sloss-Sheffi St & Ir. 4000 54/2 55 54/2 54%+ % 64/2 55 . Southern Pacific ... 25600 107% 108% 107% 108% + 1 108% 108/2 Southern R R. 10800 313a 31/2 31 31 ? 1/4 31 31/4 Southern R R pr.... 200 69/2 69% Studebaker . 7200 77 78 Studebaker pr ...... 200 99 100 Stutz Motors . 10O 68/2 58/2 Superior ?Steel . 3000 38% 40% Stromberg Carb ... 500 44 44 69 77 99 58/2 38% 43 y 2 7%- 73,4 8 24%+ 2% 243,4 25 35 + 2/4 34/2 35 22/2+ 1/2 22/2 223,4 36+1 37 39 9%? % 9/a 10 21 Va? % 20/2 21/a Ve 69 </4 69% 98 100 681-2 5834 38% 40 433/4 44 16 I6/4 69% 77 100 - 68/2? Vz 40 4- 1% 44 ? % Tenn Copper Chem. 1800 16% 16% 16 16 ? Yz Texas & Pacific_139900 45 52 44% 50%+ 6/8 5034 51 Tex & P Land Trust 45 390 405 390 405 - 390 450 Texas Company .... 28600 254 269% 254 269/2+20 269/2 270 Tex Company pd..?. 1700 260 265 260 265 4 25 262 ? Third Ave R R. 200 15 15 15 15 - 15 16 Tide Water Oil. 300 240/2 240/2 240 240 - 240 250 Tob Products .17100 91 91% 89% 89%? % 89% 90 Tob Products pr.... 200 101/8 101/8 101 101. + Vz 100% 101 48 47% 4734? Va 46/4 47% 44 44 ? 180 180 133/4 132 73/4 73 45 U 8 Express. IT Sind Alcohol... U S Realty & Imp. 177 77/2 14/2 283/4 253/4 25 Trans & Wills Steel 200 48 Twin City Rap Tr.. 100 44 44 44 44 ? % 44 Underwd Typewtr Co 100 180 180 180 180 + 3 180 182/2 Union Pacific . 2900 133 133/4 132 132144- /2 132/4 133 Union Pacific pr.... 200 73 73/4 73 73%? % 73 73/2 United Alloy Steel.. 6900 46/2 47/4 46 46/4?? 46/4 46/2 United Cigar Stores 10900 137 137 133/8 133%? 2 133/4 134 United Cig Stores pr 100 112 112 112 112 - 112 114 United Fruit . 500 176% 176% 176% 176%+ % 175 U S Food Prod.13200 76/8 78% 76% 77 + Vz 77 Un Rway Invest.... 1800 14 14/2 14 14/2+ % 14 Un Ry invest pr.... 300 28/2 28/2 283/8 28%? % 23 U S C I Pipe & Fo.. 100 25/8 25/8 25% 25%? % 25 300 24 24 24 24 - 23 19200 150 154% 1493,4 151%+ 1% 151 Yz 152 400 43/4 43% 43 43 + Yz 42% 43 U S Rubber. 4700 93% 98% 97% 98 + % 97% 98 8 US Rubber 1st pr.. 300 112% 113 112% 113 - 112% 113% 5 US Smelt & Ref... 6900 67% 583/4 57/4 5834+ 1% 5834 58% 3% U 8 Smelt & Ref pr. 100 48 48 48 48 +1% 48% 49/2 6 U S Steel.?146100 99/4 101 99/4 99%+ % 99% 993/4 7 US Steel pr... 100 1153,8 115% 115% 115%- 115/4 115% Utah Copper ........ 1100 78 78% 77% 77%? % 77 78 Utah Sec Corp., 2100 18 19 18 19+1 18% 19% Va-Caro Chem ...... 2800 67% 67% 66 66%+ 1% 66/4 6634 Va-Caro Chen? pr... 200 113/4 113/4 113 113 - 112% 113% Va Ir, Coal & Coke, 100 60 60 60 60 - 60 61 Wabash . 6600 9% 10% 9% 10%+ % 10% 10/4 Wabash pr A. 700 34% 34% 34 34/4+ % 34% 34% Wabash pr B....... 100 21% 21% 21% 21%? % 21/2 22% West Maryland ...... 400 12 12 11% 12 + West Union TeU... 700 88 40% 3% Westgh Mfg. 10100 55% 67 86% 65% 5 10% 734 63% 45 35 23% 97% 8734 133/2 120 117% 115 72% 50 98 88 77% 68 88 56 Wilson Co .......... 1200 84% 84% W&LE. 600 10% 10% White Motor? ...... 2800 59% 593,4 Willys Overland .. 16900 33% 34% Willys Over pr...... Wool worth..... _>._. Woolworth pr _.... Worth P & M.._?.. W P ?_ M pr A._^. W P & M pr B_. 113,4 12 % 88 88% % 55/4 65% % 84/2 843,4 % 10% ,10% Z4 58% 59 % 34 34% 98% 99 200 97% 97% 97% 800 127% 128 127 127%+ 1% 127 128 100 117 117 117 117 - 117 _ 600 67% 673,4 67% 67%+ l/8 67% 67% 200 96% 96% 96 96 ~ % 96 86% 200 77% 77% 77 77 -, % 77 77% Significant Relations Money and Prices: Stock of money gold in the country.. Loans of all national banks. Their surplus reserves. Bills discounted and bought by Fed? eral Reserve Banks. Federal Reserve notes In circulation Total gold reserve.. Average price of fifty stocks........ Average price of twenty-five bonds.. Food cost of living (Annalist index number) . 319.917 General commodity price level (Dun's Apni 1 index number) .219.973 Production: , ' Mar 31 Unfilled U. S. steel orders, tons.5,430,572 Mar. 31. Fig iron output (daily average), tons 99,685 Wow. $3,034,213,002 Dee. 81, IMS $9,918.294,000 69,466,000 Last wr?-i?. $2,136,234,000 2,549,552,000 2,169,216,000 I'MtcriJuj, 89.20 87.06 Last week. Pntioua eloM. 88.26 86.80 The week bifore. 315.815 March 1. 217X87 Feb. 2g. 6,010,787 Fab. 28. 105,006 Wheat crop, bushels....._?.. Oat crop? bushels...._...?_?. Corn crop? buahels. .?._...*. Cotton, 600 lb. balf?. .,..?..,..,,.... 1818 ?leid, eitlmatetl. 917,-449,000 1,538,350,000 2,582,814,000 12,022,601 A year as*. $3.041,643,270 Nearest Derlorl precedlne year. $9,390,836,000 105,977,000 A year uta $1,204,587,000 1,626,232,000 1,827,000,000 A rear ar*. 77.48 85.68 A Tear ano. 293.383 April I. IMS. 280.313 A year aira. 9,056,404 A yew a??. 103,648 The 1917 ere?. 636,655,000 1,592,740,000 3,066,233,000 11,302,376 -?ntreanj as ?acraaaa from year be for ?-All Clasa Distribution ? Third week ModUj of lis April Kehriianr. Gross railroad earning?.+2,51% +21.3% l__l week. Week before. Bank clearings.+18.1% +16.1% General: Mar<-h Fehni.-irr. Active cotton spl ndles.32,642,376 33,282,593 Commercial failures (Dan's) Api... Man-h. Number. 543 620 Liabilities.$11,450,462 $13,595,471 Building permits (Bradstrect's): K_?_.ww. (128 cltiea) .$68^98,697 A rear an?. 33,709,976 A year ago. 905 $14,271349 Uai-rh 191?. $59,27439 Following Is a complete record of all transactions in bonds on the New York j Stock Exchange yesterday: U. S. Government Bonds (New York Stock Exchange Quotations) (Closing Quotations) Thursday. Bid. Asked. 98.68@98.70 95.80W96.00 94.20fri94.24 Liberty 3 Us 194' do 1st Is, 1947 do 2d ?Is, 1?142. _ do 1st 4 ?4s. 1947 95.90@96.00 do 2d 4 ?4s, 1942 94.22@94.26 do 3d 4/?e, 1928 95.30?? 95.34 do 4th 4 Vis, 1938 94.2017 94.24 Pre-war issues: 2s. re*. 1930. 99%<9 9934 2s, coup, 1930... 99/4'r? 993,4 8s, reg. 1946.89 @ 92 3s, coup, 1946_89 @ 92 4s, rope. 1925.106%@106% 4s. coup. 1925.. ..106%@106% 2s. Pan, c, 1936. . 98%'W 99/a 2s. Pan, r, 19:76.. 983,4'?!) ? 2s. Pan, c, 1938.. 98%? 99% 2s, Pan, r 1938.. 983,4'S) ? 3s, Pan, reg. 90%@ 92 3s, Pan, coup. 90%@ 92 Phil 4s, 19.1*. 90 @ 96 do 4s 1935.90 @ 96 do 4s 1936.90 @ 96 D Col 3-653. 97 ?100 Wednesday. Bid. Asked. 98.60W98.66 95.80^'??96.00 94.28@94.30 95.90rn 96.00 94.30M 94.32 95.42@95.46 94.32i.r94.34 983-4'S) 99% 983,4'(7) 99% 89 @ S2 89 f(i 62 106%fi106% 106/4? 106% 983,4'(7) 99% 983-4? ? 983lfi> 99/a 98%@ -- 90%? 92 90%? 92 90 @ 96 90 @ 96 90 @ 96 97 @100 Liberty Issues HiKh. Liberty 3/is_98.70 do 1st 4s_95.80 do 2d 4s. do 1st 4 /is. . . do 2d 4 /is. .. do 3d 4/is... do 4th 4Vis.. [Approximate 94.30 96.00 94.36 95.44 94.33 Low. 98.62 95.70 94.14 95.90 94.20 95.28 94.20 Net Last, change. investment 98.70 95.70 94.22 95.90 94.24 95.34 94.24 yield + .10 ? .10 ? .08 + .10 ? .10 ? .12 ? .10 at the closing New York Stock Exchange prices.} Yield. Third 4?4s.4.83 Fourth 4Vis.4.70 Second 4Vis ......................... 4.65 First 4Vis.?... 4.51 Second 4s............................ 4.39 First 4s.4.25 First 3y2s. 3.57 [Sales of Liberty bonds on the New York Stock Exchange carry interest to the date of 6ale, and the seller receives this interest in addition to the sale price.] (Sales) 98.64 98.62 98.66 98.64 U S Liberty 3 Via June 1933-4 29,0011_ 3,000_ 93,000_ 221,000...., lOl.Ofli).98.62 110,000.98.64 190,000.98.66 20,000. 98.68 95,000.98.70 Total .$856,000 U S Liberty 1st 4s June 1932-47 76,000.95.80 1,000. 95.701 Total .$77,000 U S Liberty 2d 4s Nov 1927-42 2,000.94.20 50,000.94.30 15,000.94.26 6,000.94.22 101,000.94.20 36,000.94.24 5,000.94.18 26,000.94.16 1,000.94.14 3,000.94.16 10,000.94.20 105,000.94,22! 50,000.94.24 70,000. 94.22 Total .$480,000 U S Liberty 1st 4/is June 1932-47 99,000.95.90 9,000.96.00 25,000. 95.90 Total .$133,000] U S Liberty 2d 4 Vis Nov 1927-42 38.000...... 94.281 t;n,ooo.94.34 10,000.94.36! U S Liberty 2d 4 Vis Nov 1927-42 21,000. 94.30 253,000. 94.28 248,000. 94.26 146,000. 94.24 36,000. 94.22 9,000. 94.20 5.000...... 94.24 10,000. 94.26 47,000. 94.24 Total .$955,000 U S Liberty 3d 414s Sept 1928 9,000. 95.42 192,000. 95.44 195,000. 95.42 576,000. 95.40 429,000. 95.38 2,000. 95.36 157,000. 95.34 99,000. 95.32 2,000. 95,30 2,000. 95.28 63,000. 95.34 125,000. 95.36 80,000. 95.34 Total _$1,929,000 U S Liberty 4th ! 'is Oct 1933-48 237,000. 94.34 49,000. 94 32 238,000. 94.34 130,000. 94.36 3,000. 94.38 155,000. 94.36 89,000. 94.34 207,000. 94.32 731,000...... 94.30 11,000. 94.28 696,000. 94.26 335,000. 94 24 32,000. 9422 2.000. 94.20 19.000. 94,22 154,000. 94.24 Total -$3,088,000 Foreign Government and Municipal Bonds (New York Stock Exchange Quotations) (Interest To Be Added) Bid. Asked 9H ?9+8 Am Foreign Sec Co 5s 1919.... Anprlo-French Extern 5s 1920.. Argentine Inter 5s 1945. Cunada, Dom of, 5s 1921..... do 1926 . Canada, Dom of, 1931. Chinese Gov Hu Kug Ry 6s 1951 Cuba Extern 5s 1944. do series A, 1949. do 4'1-s 1949. Dominican Rep 5s 1958. City of Bordeaux 6s 1919. City of Lyons 6s 1919. City of Marseilles 6s 1919. City of Paris 6s 1919. Jap Gov 4 Vas sterling In 1925.. do 2d series 1925. do 4s sterling loan 1981..... City of Tokio 5s 1952. Un K G B & I 3-yr 5 Vis 1919. do 5-yr 5VJ>b 1921._ do 20-yr ?Vfcs 1987..... FOREIGN BONDS DEALT IN FLAT Bid. Aaked. Mexico Extern stl Bs ot ?99 1945 65 70% do gold 4s of '04 1954.47 60 Rus '94 Rente 4s 1,000-ruble den 23 ? 9737 82% 98 97 97 70% 99% 91 % B4% 99 99% 99% 88 90% 91 78 SB SB 97 fj 85 98% 97% 971-8 71% 99% 93% 86 100 100 100 98% 91% 91% 79 80 9934 9834 99% (Sales) Am Foreign S 5s 25,000.9934 Anglo-French 6s 8,000.97% 25,000.97 A 211,000.97% 2,000.97% 110,000.97% 116,000.97i75 500.97 ft 96.000.97% 1,000.97% 10,000.97t7?, 25,000.97% 1.000... 500... 19,000... City of Bord 10,000_ City of Lyons 6a 10,000.993,4 4,000.100 5,000.99% City of Mars 6s 13,000.991/2 10,000..9934 10,000. 99% City of Paris 6s 2.000.98% 3,000.98% 33.000.98% 500...... 98 97? 97% 97 A 99% Cit of Paris 6a 11,000.98% _. 1.000.98% I Dom Can 5a 1921 25,000....... 98 2,000. 977 I 31,000.98 do 1926 2.000.96%, 10,000.._97% do 1931 ' 25,000.97 Jap 1st ser 4%s 1,000.90%| 1,000.91 U K of G B & I 5V?s 1913 9,000.9S3._ do 5 Vis 1921 15.000.983,i I 1.000.985? ' 8,000.983.1 J ?5.000.98 H do 5/-7s 1937 30,000.99% 48.000. 99/? 15,000.99% 2,000.99L? N Y C 4s 1957 2 , 1.000.91i/2 do 4s 1959 4.000.91%| Railways, Other Corporations Adams Exp 4s 7.000.59 Alb & Suaq 3 Via 3,000.75 6,000. 75% Am Smelting 5s 8,000...... 90 ?6.000.89% T & T cv 6a 4,000.103 4.000.103% 1,000_?103% 1,000.103'% 1.000..?..103% do col 5a 4.000.91% -91 g Am 84 1.000. do col 4s 8,000..... 2,000. w Am Wr Paper 5s ctfs of depos 10.000.90 Ann Arbor 4a 1,000. 84% Armour Co 4V?aa 1,000. 87% A T ??4 S F jrenl 4? 1,000.82% 1.000. 82% do ev 4a 1960 14.000. 961/. Atl & C A L 5s l.nno.94 ? Atl O L lit oon 4? 4.000 .??_, ?1?4J Mich Cen deb 4s 1.000.83 1.000. 83% 2.000.. 84 Mldvale ?Steel 5s 37,000.88% 23,000...,.. 883/1 10.000.88?<? 8.000. 89 M K _ T s f UM 3.000."29% do rfg 48 1.000. Mo Pac 5s 1926 1.000..89% 2.000.89% 2.000..._.. 90 do> geni 4a 2,000...... eu ?.noo.... 4,000. _ 2,000.. _. 2,000.... 10.000...._ 9.000. 62 11.000__. 6174 29,000.62 5,000.621/? 10,000. 62% M St P ?t S S M 4? 2,000. 84% 1.000. 85% N Orl T _ Mex 5s 3.000...... 62 47,000?.-,?. 51 48 61% 61% 613/4 62 61% Atl C L-L & N 4s |N Y Cen deb 6s 16,000. 74% 1.000. 75%i Bait ?4 O rfg 5s l 7.000. 78%i do cv 4V?s i 7,000. 77?4 do gold 4s [ 4,000. 77 I 1,000. 78% I do p 1 3/-JS 5,000. 88%l Beth Steel 1st 5s 3,000. 96%! do rg 5s 8.000. 97% 16,000.93 2.000.98% 54,000.98 do rfg -l^s 1,000_ 2.000. ... 4.000.... 1,000_ do 4s 1934 8.000_ do rfg 3/*?s 5,000. 71% N Y C ?ft St L 1st 4s 82 82% 82% 83 84 2,000...... 87%I 4,000.80/ 2.000.88/J.r- 5,000.81 do p m 5s IN Y N H & H 6s 1,000. 5%| 1,000. 81 Bk?yn Rap Tr 7s i Ji 000. . 81 ?? 20,000..... 79%; N Y Rys rfg 4s Bk?yn U Elev 5s 1.000. 77%! Ches ?ft O con 5s I 1,000.98%l do cv 5s 5,000. 89%i 33,000. 89%l 1.000. 89%| 5,000. 89%IN 12,000. 89% I do geni 4V2S 15,000.80 do cv 4/?s 1.000. 81 C & Alton 3%s 1,000.37% 4,000. 37 C B & Q joint 4s _ 9.000. 95%l 10,000.108% 1,000. 95%! North Pac 4%s 41.000.95%! 2.000. 87% 2,000.95%) do 4s 20,000. 95% 10,000.8214 C Gt Western 4s 10,000.82% 41% 4.000.41% do adj 5s - 15,000. 12 40,000. 12% 6,000. 12'4 1,000. 12% 8,000. 121 4 Y Teleph 4%S 2,000. 89 1,000. 90 N Y W & B11 41-o.s 1,000.44% Norf ?ft W cv 6s 5,000.108% 12.000.108% 1,000.109 18,000.108% 1,000.61%) C M & St P cv 5s Series B j 7,000..78 do cv 4 /is I 1.000.77 I 15,000.77%| 2,000. 77% do rfg 4 /?s 1,000. 70% 5,000. 70 do non 4s Ser A 10,000. 72% 2,000.73 do 4s 1925 3.000. 823,4 C & Nwn geni 4s 2.000.82 Chicago Ry Gs 3,000.72 C R l & P rfg 4s 3.000. 73% 5,000. 73% 15,000.74' C Terre H & S 5s 4,000. 58 C & West Ind 4s 1.O00. 62% Chile Copper 7s 1,000.118% 1,000.118 do 6s 1,000.90% 10,000.90 1.000_.. 90 I 5,000. 89% 10,000. 90% 10,000. 90 ' 10,000. 89% do cv 6s 2d paid 40,000. 90 ' 15,000. 90% 500.89% 20,000. 89% C C C & St L gn 4s I 4,000.69%| Repub ? & S 5s Col F ?ft I geni 5s | 5,000. 1,000.91 | Rio G W 1st 4e. Col ?ft So 1st 4s 8,000.70 10,000.87% 1.000.71 do 4/38 1 do col 4s 21,000.793,4! 4,000.57 Comp Tab R 6s I St L Ir M & S 4s do 3s ;_ 2,000.58% registered 7.000. 57% Or Short Line 6s 1.000.100% do 5s 1.000. 97% do 4s 5,000...... 87 1,000. 87% Or Ry ?ft Nav 4s 10,000.82 Or-W RR & N Is 2,000.77% 2,00(1.773,4 2,000.78 Pac of ?Mo 1st 4s 2,000....... 82 Penn 5s 1968 1.000.95% 19,000.95/, 1,000.95% do geni 4/is 10,000.87 do con 4' -3 10,000_:. 93% 10,000. 93% Phila Co 5s 1922 5,000.93% Philippine Ry 4s 5,000. 48 Pierce Oil Oa 1920 10,000.130 1.000.132 do 1924 13,000.W% 13.000.108 5.000.108% 53,000.108% 28,000.109 12,000.109/4 Public S of N J 5s 2,000. 76% 1,000.78% 96/, 1.000. 83% Con Gas cv 6s 3,000.10234 Del ?ft H eqt 4/A s 1.000._.... 97 do cv 5s 1,000. 93341 1.O00. 92% I do rfp, 4a 5,000. 84%! Den ARG con 4s I 10,000. 70 ! 2,000. 70%I 4,000. 70 I .2,000. 70%T 2,000. 71 j do rfg 5s 1,000. 49%| Distillers S C 5s | 1,000. 90% I Erie pr lien 4s 6,000. 66%| do cv 4s Ser A | St 27,000. 47%l 27,000. 473,? do cv 4s Ser B 123,000. 48 17,000. 81 do 4s Riv & G div 5.000. 77 2,000. 77% St L ?ft S F 4a Ser A 4.000. 63% 1,000. 63/4 3,000. 63% 1,000. 63% 4,000. 6317, 10,000. 63""" 10,000. 63% do 5s Ser B 4,000. 76 10,000. 76% do adj 6s 16,000. 69% do inc 6s 2,000. 48% 2,000. 48JA 3,000. 48/4 15,000. 49 L Swn Ter 5s 6.000. 60 473,41st P & K C Sh L 41/23 ^^^m 4,000. 69 20,000. 69% 1,000.43 I 5,000.69 123,000.48% I 3,000.69% do cv 4s Ser D I 2,000.70 2.000. 50%: St P M & M 4Vzs 5,000_ 51 1 1,000. 94 Gen EIoc deb 5s I Scab Air L adj 5s 1,000.99%I 2,000. 50 Georgia Pac Cs I 1.000. 60% 2.00O.100%! 3,000.50% Granby Min 6s do rfpr 4s stamped I 1,000.57 1.000. 95 ISeab & Rnoke 5s 1 6,000.95% I Sinclair Oil 7s 28,000. 99% Bay & W deb B 12.000. 10 1,000. 9% 1,000. 10 ! 5,000. 10%' 14.000. 10% 10,000. 10%? 39,000. - 12,000. 12,000. 15,000. 99% 5,000.99% stk warrants 11.OH?).160% . 10%ISo Bell T & T 5s . 10%i 5.000.90% 103? 1.000.903? 2.000. 10%! So Pacific cv 4s 1,000. 10% Hud ?ft M rfg 5s 64% | 633/8i _?00_ 5,000. do inc 6s 1.000. 7,000. Ill Stoel 4V'2s 5,000. Intbo-Met 4V-'?s 10,000. 1,000. 33%l 7,000. 33%! 55,000. 33%| 1,000...... 33541 1,000. 33% 5,000. 333,4 21,000. 33%l 20,000. 33 ' 18% 18 85 33 do 10,000. 84 23,000. 833-4 2,000. 835^ 25,000. 333,4 3,000.33%| 2,000. 33%! 2,000.33%! do ctfs of depos I 7,000. 313,4 35,000. 32%! Intbo R T rfg 5s I 2,000. 67% 21,000.67% 25,000. 67 I 5.000. 66%l 8,000.10734 10.000.107% 7,000.IO734 15,000.107=4 34,000.107% 5,000.108 10,000.107% 9,000.107%' 10,000.108' 2,000.107% 10,000.107% do rfg 4s 2,000.80% Southern Ry Bs 000. 93% 6,000. .;... 93% 6.000. 93% 1,000. 93% do 4s Mob ?ft O dlv 8.000. 66 Texas & P ist 5s 5.000. 9034 6,000.90% 5,000.90% mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmtr, W.O00. 90% 50.000. ... 67%lTexaa Co ev 68 /a Int Agricul ;>s 10 000.102% 25.100.82% 6 000. :.::io_y n.??. 82% Third Av rfg 4s 14.000. 821 2I -, n00. ..... 52% 10,000. 82%| 2000 . 53 2.000. 82 !Un paciflc 6s Int M Marine 6s 11,000. 99%l 14,000. 993.B? 37,000.9934! 3,000.1C0 ! -? 4,000. 99%l -.?2,000.100 I 5,000.100%! 10,000.100% I 17,000.100/41 25,000.100% 5,000.. 5,000. 1,000.103"-? 1,000.103% 1,000......10314 10,000.10354 2,000.103% do 1st 43 1.000.86% 4.000. 86% Un Rya of S F 4s ctfs of depos 3,000.__. .. 30% 1003/4U S Realty"* I 5^ -0Q34i 1 nOO 747/?, 43,000.100%ITT c. ?' 1?"?,'?? '*/B IS'XX?.j;"'8|U S Rubber 7b 48.000.101 4 .Orto.101%! lo.ooii.101%! M.000..101/41 11,000.101 I 3,000.100%! Kan C ?ft M B 5a |IT 2,000. 89 Tu Kan Cit So 5s I 2,000. 86%| Kan Citv Ter 4s 5,000. 80 ! 4,000.78%! 3,000.80 I K C Ft S & M 4s 10.000.69 I Kwa ?ft Mich 4s 1,000. 75% 1.000.10334 do 5s 1,000. 8Ri/2 1 88% 1,000. 8834 3.000. 88% S Steel s f 5s 2.000.1001'1 1,000.10034 ?_>,ooo.1001.4 2,000.100% 1,000.100'4 2,000.100% 1,000.100% 0,000.100% Utah Pwr & L 5s 1,000. 89 LaCktSntloo8 1923 o? Va Car Chem 5s ?000 011/ Va Iron C & C 5s t _ 4?i ?%%? Vi\ 2.000. 85% Lake,S0040\.:)... 88%!??' f^ %0 Lehtah Val 6* ?w^t ^'hor*i 4a t ??"'Tr."i!"1i" 4,000. 77 Lonllard Co 5? tiki.?,, ?v r? fia ?> nnn mq/ Wilson ?v ?.. o tis - 000. . . 91%! 1 mn. 097'a Long I geni 4s I ? f,nr, 100 7.000.78/4 VoOO. 99% T *M-00?^V ^Wisconsin d 4s" "'" L & N unified 4s I " . f?nf\ ?77 12A00.-.?vu iS:::::: w. ?,000. 85% National Conduit and Cable Slums Deficit for Quarter The estimated income account of the National Conduit and Cable Company for tho three months ended March 31, 1919, discloses net sales of $3,084,469, against $2,485,840 for the corresponding quarter of last year. Manufacturing costs and expenses amounted to $3,167, 151, leaving a net operating deficit of $82,682. Income from other sources was $23,071. After taxes, charges and de? preciation, tho deficit for the period was $219,6B_, Curb Market Note.?The Tribune assumes no responsi? bility for the accuracy or authenticity of curb market quotations. Transactions and prices yesterday were as follows : Industrials Sales. Open. High. Low. Last. 12000 ?Aetna Explos. 12 12% 11% 11% ?JO *do pf. 65 65 65 65 300 ?Am Malt & G 39 39 39 39 1300 Br-Am Tob reg. 25 25% 25 . 25% 2500 Br-Atn Tob cpn 26 26 25% 26 1800 ?Claib & An F 9 9 S 8% ?WO ?Cramp Ship... 125 128 125 127 1200 ?Cudahy.121% 121% 120% 121 400 Endicott John. 74 74% 73 73 500 do pf.103% 103% 103% 103'4 (?00 ?Fairbanks Co. 65 65 63% 63% 1000 ?Kam Plys-Las. 90 90 89% 90 2500 ?Fisk R T w i. 35% 36% 35! a 36; a 5000 ?Gen Asphalt.. 72% 7434 72% 74 1000 ?do pf.110 112 110 111 600 Grape-Ola .... % U % ii 800 do pf. 1ft 1ft 1ft 1rt 200000 ?Harden Ch.. 8% 8% 8% 8?i 4000 Hupp Motor C. 9% 9% 9 91 g 8500 Intercon Rub.. 31% 31% 30 314 .1550 ?Lack Ccal Co. 21 23 21)5 22 3000 ?Lib McN & L. 31% B1% 31 31 3000 Marconi of Am 4% 4% 4% 4}? 100 ?Nat Coal & I. 63 63 63 63 4110 ?Nat Firep pf. 21 21 20' 2 20'/: 5000 ?N W&A Ld 434 4% 4% 43? 16000N Am P & P.. 7 7 6% 634 19900 ?NY Savold T. 55 57 53% 54 20000 Perfec T & R.. 1ft 1ft 1ft 114 2000Peerl T & M.. 30 30 29 29' i 8200 ?Ph Morris... 13% 13% 12% 1234 12000 ?Rem Typewr.. 72% 82 72% 79 13000 ?Savold Tire Cp 58 60 56 56/j ??00 ?Simpson Coal. 734 7% 7 7 2000 ?Stand G & E. 39% 41 39% 41 1500 Sub Boat vtc. 15% 15% 15 151/$ 4500 ?Swift Interl.. 63 64 63% 63', A 300 ?Themelis Bro. 12% 12% 12 12 25000 Tri Film v t c. 1% 1% 1% 1': 500 ?Union Carbide 72 72% 72 72?% 50000 Unit Profit Sh. 2ft 2ft 2ft 2'4 10000 U S Steamship 2% 2% 2' 2 2' \ 800 ?Waltham W.. 35% 44 35% 38/; 200 ?Warren Bros.. 44 45 44 45 1500 Wayne Coal... 4 4 334 4 Standard Oils Sales. Open. High. Low. Last 40 ?Southern PL? 177 173 173 20 ?Stand Oil N J ? 750 748 748 115 ?Stand Oil N Y ? 395 391 391 23 ?Stand Oil Ohio ? 535 626 530 130 ?Vacuum Oil.. ? 480 475 480 Other Oil Stocks Sales. Open. High. Low. Last. 6000 ?Allen Oil. 4 4% 4 41-s 22000 ?tAmal Royal.. 2 2 13/4 2 .1100 ?Atlantic O&R 1 1% 1 1 A 3000 ?Barnett O&G. ft % ft ft 30000 ?Boone Oil_ 9% 10% 9% 1034 45000 ?tBos-Wyo Oil. 63 63 61 62 10200 ?Caddo Oil & R 46% 46% 44% 46'4 3(00 ?Cities S BT sh 38% 38% 38% 38% 2500 ?Comwth P w i 4834 48% 47% 47% 12000 Continental Ref 10% 10% 10 10% 7000 ?Cosden & Co. 9% 10% 9% 9% 600 ?Currman Pet. 1% 1% 1% 1% 12000 ?Elk Basin Pet 11% 11% 11% 114 ISOOOOtEsmeralda O. 30 30 18 21 ' 6500 ?Federal Oil... 334 334 3% 334 7800 ?Glenrock Oil.. 7% 734 7% 7% 800 ?Here Pet cl A 10% 10% 10'% 10/2 30000 ?tHiKh Gravity 35 38 32 35 6000 ?Home OR w i 25 28 25 2734 2000 ?Houston Oi.130 140 130 140 4200 ?Hudson Oil... 4% 4% 3% 4 1500 ?Int Pet.30% 32% 3034 32 2500 ?Island O & T. 8% 8% 8% 8% 4550 ?Louis O & R. 43 43% 43 43/, 1710 ?Ky O & R... 15% 1533 15% 1514 4200 ?Manhat Pet.. 2 2 134 17 16000 ?Mer O C.3434 34% 33% 34 5 000 M et Pet. 3% 3 i i 3%6 3/, 4500 ?Midwest Ref. .192 192 190 191% 10000 ?M P of M w i 5 5% 4% 5'4 5200 ?Nat Oil. 6% 6% 6% 6J4 15000 ?tNorthw Oil.. 68 72 68 70 800 ?Okla & T Oil. 53/4 6 5% 534 12000 tOmar O & G. 50 52 50 52 3700 ?Orient O & G. 3% 3% 3% 3% 31000 ?O N O S Ine 2 2% 2 2% 2500 ?Pemiock Oil.. 16 16% 16 16% 10300 ?trenn Gas... 35 35 30 33 8000 ?{Queen Oll... 14 16 14 16 12000 ?Ranfte Oil.... 4% 5% 4% 5/4 38000 ?R-H O (a p). 1% 1% 1% 1% 100000 ?Ranger Oil... 1% 2% 1% 2% !t00 ?Richard T Co. 14 15 14 15 3750 ?Rock Oil (ap) 1111 150O0 ?Ryan Pet. 4% 434 434 4% 2500 ?Salt Ck Prod. 56 57 55% 5634 S00 ?Sapulpa O&R. 8% 8% 8% 8% 30000 ?Sinclair Gulf.. 61 64 6I/4 63% 100 ?Sinclair O W.500 530 500 620 6000 tSouthwest Oil 45 46 43 45 2400 ?S W P & R-. 5 5% 5 6% 3900 ?Stanton Oil.. 1% 1% 1% v/z 4100 ?Sterl O & R.. 8% 8% 8% 8% 11000 ?Texas-R P??R 5% 5% 5% 5% 3200 ?fTexana O&R 63 67 60 63 600?Tyopa Oil_ 2 2% 2 2% 1200 ?Valv O P Inc. 8 8% 8 8/4 15000 ?Vera-Cons Pet 1% 2% 1% 1?a 2760 ?Vic Oil n stk. 3% 3% 3 3% 290 ?W States O&L 90 90 83 89 3500 ?do new_ 10 10% 9% 10 17000 *"Y" Oil & G. 1ft 1ft 1% 1% Mining Stocks Sales. Open. Hig-h. Low. Last. 25450 tAlas-Br C M. 70 70 67 70 1500 *f A M&M Cap) 30 31 30 31 8300 ?tAllied Gold.. 1% T% 1% 1ft 3 000 ?Amer Mines.. % % H % 9500 ?Arizona Butte 76 76 68 72 1000 ?tAtlanta. 6 5 5 5 1600 Bte Ledge- ft ft % ft 2500 ?tBooth. 11 12 11 12 700 tBost & Mont. 73 75 72 73 2400 Buffalo Mines. 60 60 60 60 200Butte-N York.. % Yz Yz V2 2300 ?tCaledonia.... 34 35 34 35 2600 Canada Copper 1ft 1% 1# 134 15300 ?tCandelar Sil. 67 71 65 71 8000 ?Case S M&M. 134 1? 1% 1M 4000 Cons Cop Mines 6 5% 5 6% 1500 Cresson Con G 4% 4% 4% 4% 3000 *D Syn of Nev 19 19 19 19 10000 El Salvador Sil. 6 5 43/a 4% 1500 ?Eureka Cr M.. 1% 2% 1% 2 600 ?Flagg Tun M. 6% 6% 63/4 6% 1300 ?tFlorence Silv 78 80 75 78 21000 ?fFortuna Con. 50 54 50 65 1250 ?Golden Gate.. 3% 3% 3 3% 10000 ?fGold Zone Div 1% 1% 1ft 1% 15000 tGoldfield Con. 19 20 18 18 1000 ?tGoldfield Merg 5 5 5 5 1000 ?tHarmill Div. 33 37 32 35 4000 ?tHasbrouck D. 30 31 28. 30 450Hecla Min_ 5% 5% 5% 5% 2500 ?fJim Butler.. 38 40 38 40 lOOOtJumbo Exten. 14 14 14 14 1800 La Rose Ltd.. % % % % 12000 ?fLibBellD(ap) 18 18 15 17 10000 ?fLone Star ..13 13 11 12 500 Louisiana Con % % % % 9700 ?tMammoth R. 65 70 65 67 7300?fMMof A(ap) 1% 1% 1 1% 6500 ?fMarsh Min. 7 8 7 8 71000 ?tMacNam Min 97 1ft 97 1 40000 tMcKinley-D.. 55 65 55 63 60000 ?tMeccaD(ap) 46 '51 42 46 3200 ?1 Mother Lode. 42 42 42 42 9900 ?Nat Tin Cp.. 3% 3% 3% 3% 8000 ?tNev D (a p) 21 21 20 20 8000 ?fNev Ophir M 25 25 25 25 1S00 ?N Y & H RCM 10% 12% 10% 12% 120O0Nipissing Min. 10% 13% 10% 13% 320(10 tNixon Nev. . . 25 25 21 25 300 ?Onondago M.. 3% 3% 3% 3% 300 ?Ray Hercules. 2 2% 2 2 8200 tRex Cons M.. 14 15 14 15 1000 tRochester M.. 20 20 20 20 TOO Seneca Copper.. 15% 16% 15% 16% 30O ?Silver Dollar. 1% 1% 1% 1% 17200 *+Sil King Div 30 30 28 29 10000 Sil K of Ariz.. % 3,4 ?j. 34 2600 Stand Sil-Lead. ft % ft % S000O ?rSutherld Div 25 28 25 27 4500 ?Star of the W 1% 1% 1% 1% 4500 tStewart. 25 26 24 25 6000 ?Tonopah Div.. 10% 11 10% 10% 1900 Tonopah Exten 2ft 2\\ 2ft 2% 600 ?Tonopah Min. 3% 3% 3% 3% 650 United Eastern 4% 4% 4jf 4%" 6500 ?tU S Coiit M. 18% 18% 17' 17% 1400 Unity Gold M.. 6% 6% 6% 6% 1100 ?tWard M & M 24 25 24 25 1200 tW End Cons.. 2 2ft 1}| 2 20000 W End Exten.. 3 4 2 3 15000 tW Caps Min. 24 28 24 27 500 ?White Knob pf 1% 1% 1% l/4 Sales (000 omitted). Open. High. Low. Last |15 ?Anaconda 6s... 99% 99% 99% 99% 10 ?111 Central 6^s. 96% 97% 96% 97% 5 ?Inter R T 7s... 85 86 85 86 10 ?N Y Tel deb 68.100% 100% 100% 100% 4 ?Rusa Govt 5%b. 49% 49% 49% 49% 44 ?Ruse Govt 6%s. 69 59 69 89 40 ?Wilson conv 6<a>. 88% 99 98% 98% ?Unlisted. fSell cents per share. Paris Market Firm PARIS, May 8.?Prices were firm on the Bourse, to-day. Three per cent rentes, 62 francs 7-6 centimes for cash; exchange on London, 28 francs 75 centimes; 5 per cent loan, 88 francs 67 centimes. The dollar was quoted at 6 francs 0 centimes to 6 francB 14 ce? tirneu. Bid and Asked Quotations lhe following table gives the ciosht? bid and asked quotations for stock listed on the New York Stock Exchange but not traded in yesterday: Bid. Asied A Bank N ..40 41 do pr .47? 2 50 A Beet S pr . 94 94'/; .Am Coal _45 ? A Cot Oil pr. 90 93 Am !/vo pr. 105 106 Kress pr ...,|? "*3L Laclada Gas .. 68 ? L Erie & W? 10 (t do pr .... ?o ?! I ?&*?? s*?., m ' W Big '.Mpr.l'J?'A nit Am Shlpbl.le.ll5 142 iMa.kay pr S'1 "? Am Smalt A.. 107 108 Manhat Beach ?A iel 94 Mann Shirt pr.100 ill'* 100 IM?. lVp S DM??i 2 IIS?4 Mleb r?tr ?'/ IS 63 iMsri-SSM pr.KM * lio 5 do 1 1 .g| ? 30 Moi.i Pow pr.105 i?, I06V4 Mon & K??. 70". ?! 99 Kuh &. Chart I U n??, h_J Nat Biso I.r..ll8'/i i,'* 92 Nat Cl & S . ??3 S. , Manhat Beach (A i? do pr A .. 93'i 94 Manb Shirt pr.100 ill* Am snuff pr. ?I5 100 ?Ma? Dep S pr.lO*'- ? Am Suear pr.ll8 118',, Mich Centr SQ2 Am Tel & Ca 5? 63 MSP&SSBI pr.104 il? Ann Arbor ..4 5 do 1 1 61 ? do pr . 10 30 Hoot ?V\t prlios i? Bald Loe or.106 i?u?i/-!m.,? *. ?-*?*?=.. ?? Bklyn Edison. 97 i Gas 63 Brown Shoe.. 85 =>* |. , ?,, ?to pr .99 101 do pr .|0J i?,? Bums pr -103 112 Nat Lead pr.109 I? Buff it & P . 60 66 ?\ nr. Hex 1st 16 ?lu. ilo pr . 98 ? N \ OAST, i;. ss g* Buff & Pus... 71 75 ? do 2d p, .. a*, m do pr . 50 52 N Y 1, & \v .9} 2* Bush Term .. 8? B7 Norf South ?? ?Butterlei Oo.. --i ?5 Norf & \V pr. 7? ?S tjCan South ... 45'? 48'/. Nor.h Ont .. R7 ? J I pr.. 97 101 Owi 1 (Ott pr.IOl im Oen Loath pr. 111 113 |Parl?e Coast ? SS C & 8 A Tel. 114 U?i I ilo 1st pr ..68 too Chi & Altou. I0"j M I ,io ?M pr ..SO ?0 do pr . 12'.. 15 -t'a.- T &? T t>r 84 92 Oil & NW pr.128 130 ?Peor?a & East 8'i 9 Clev&Fltt?.. 07'-i 80 ?Pero Maro, pr 40 u C S p M i O 87 75 Pe? Mull ... 35 m Jo pr .105 115 | do 1st pr .. 97 IM H Poabdy prlOS l05'/a Pitt F W & C.l?i'A 1371, Col F & I pr.105 125 ?Pitta SU pr.. M *i? Col & 8 1st pr54 55 P ft W Va rr 81 (?* do 2d pr .. 45 50 ; I>r?,sed Btl pr ??9 lofa Corup Tab ... 42^? 45a4.]'ub Ser N" 3. 81 || Co?t l'ail ,ir .109 ? ?Savage Arras.. 59 61 Com Prods pr 96 AS5; Sra Roebck pr. 119 120 Cuba A S pr.103 106 Kloss Slieff pr 85 ?fl Deere C?> pr.. 98'? WVa S Por R Su*.ITS les D S S & A pr 8's it'j do pr .MO ijo Qen Chem pr.103 lOSVKtand Mill ..139 142 Gon C'.?r pr..l04'_, IUi> du pr _ 9.1?/, % Gulf M & N. 8? a 9J4 Sup" Stoel pr. 94 $8?A do pr . 32'2 43^4Toi 8t L W....5 7 Gulf S SU 1st ii2'.4 ?S j 1I0 ctla _ 5?/f *t Hartman (orp 72 75 do pr . 10 Ig H01. abe ... 95 loo ? do etfc pr.. ?3% IS Int Harr pr.. 117 I I7',j Twin O R T pr 81 12? ?nter l'ap pr. 95 100 Underwood T .111 120 ' Inter Nick pr. 96 ? TU Bh? & Pa 75'/? 80 i Iutor Salt_?? 54 United Prag .114 .117%! Iowa Central. 4'i 5'2! do Ut pr .. 54?/j 55'?l Jewel! Tea pr 87 92 I do 2d pr ..115 117 I Kayser Jul ..110 129 ?TJ S lud Al pr.107 108?,I K C F S&Mpr M 65 Well? Fargo . ?55 5?' Kelly Spfd pr 94 96 ?West Mar>- 2d 21 2i KeUej Wheel. 39'/i 4,1 West Pac pr. 55 56 do pr . 93 94 I Wcstghso 1st pr 65 ? Keo&DM.. 5 7 ?Wilson pr . .I00'/?IM do pr . 10 ?30 [Wh & L K pr 22 22'4 Kings Co El L ? 98 W?s Central.. 37 S3 Kre^a & Co.. 65% 70 I Bid and Asked Prices for Oil Stocks Following: are yesterday'? closing bid aM asked prices for loadlngr on stocks: Standard Oil Bid Asked Anglo-American Oil Co., Ltd 24V4 25 Atlantic Refining Co.?3B0 1380 Borne-Scrymser Co. ?WO fl?0 Buckeye Pipe Line . 103 10? Chesebrough Mfg. Co., Cons. 335 350 \ Continental Oil Co. 690 700 ?'use111. Pipe Lino Co. 3<5 38 Cumberland Pipe Line Co.. ?18 2?5 Eureka Pipe Line Co. 1<!0 168 Galena-Signal Oil, pf.. new.. 11H 123 Galena-Signal Oil, pf., old... 120 14* (Niella-Signal Oil, com. 183 136 Illinois Pipe Lino Co. 18? 190 Indiana ripe Line Co. 100 104 International Petroleum Co. 32 82^ National Transit Co. 23',-i 24 New York Transit Co. 1H0 190 Northern Pipe Line Co. 11H 115 Ohio Oil Co. 393 398 Penn-Mex. Fuel Co.?. HO 62 Prairie Oil and Gas Co. ?90 800 Prairie Pipe L.ine Co. 293 298 Solar Refining Co. 39.'? 405 Southern Pipe Line Co. 172 176 South Penn Oil Co. 318 823 Southwest Penn. Pipo Lines 100 104 Standard Oil Co. of California 291 294 Standard Oil Co. of Indiana.. K40 850 Standard Oil Co. of Kansas... 685 650 Standard Oil Co. of Kentucky 425 435 Standard Oil Co. of Nebraska 550 575 Standard Oil Co. of N. J. 71? 750 Standard ( ?il Co. of New York 890 393 Standard Oil Co. of Ohio .... 580 550 Swan & Finch Co. 110 115 I'nion Tank Line Co. 13? 138 Vacuum Oil Co....? 477 4&9 Washington Oil Co. 37 42 Miscellaneous Oil Companies Cosden & Co. 9% 10 Elk XJasin Petroleum Co.... 11% lift Houston Oil Co., com....... 138 140 Imperial Oil Co., Ltd_?. 445 455 Magnolia Petroleum Co..?. 390 400 Merrltt Oil Corporation..... 33% 34^4 Midwest Refinins Co. ...... 191 lir: Northwest Oil Co. 68 ?0 Sapulpa Refining Co. 8% 8% DIVIDEND NOTICES UNION PACIFIC ?RAILROAD CO.i A dividend of $2.50 per share on to? Common ?Stock of this company ha? thfc day been declared, payable on Tuesdayl July 1, 1919, to stockholders of record al 3 P. M. on Monday, June 2, 1919. 1 Stockholders who have not already flon?J so are urgently requested to fllfl dividend! mailing orders with the undersigned, from whom blank forms may be had upon appli? cation. FREDERIC V. S. CROSBY, Trea*. 120 Broadway, New York, N. TC May S. 1919. SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY DIVIDEND NO. 51 A QUARTERLY DIVIDEND of one dol? lar and fifty cents ($1.6(() per share on the Capital Slock of this Company has been declared payable at the Treasurer's of?c?. No. 1?!? Broadway, New York. N. Y., on July 1, 1919, to stockholders of record at 12 o'clock noon, on Saturday, May 31, 181?. The stock transfer books will not be clo?*ed for the payment, of this dividend. Cheque? will be mailed only to stockholder? who have filed permanent dividend order? A. K. VAN DEVENTER, Treasurer* May 8, 1919. THE UXDERVfOOI) TYFEWKITKK COM* PAST. The Board of Directors of the under? wood Typewriter Company, at ItB regular meeting held yesterday, declared the reg? ular quarterly dividend of $1.75 per ?hil* on the preferred and ?2.00 per share on the common stock of the company, v*ya ble July 1st, 1919, to stockholders of rec? ord June 5th, 1919. The Directors also declared an extra dividend of $5.00 per share on the com? mon steck In I'nlted States Victory Note? payable July 1st, H'19, to stockholders of record Juno 5th, li?19. Odd sloare? will be payable in cash. Certificates will be en? closed with checks for the cash dividend. calling for the delivery of the O. S. Vic? tory Notes as soon after July 1st as ob? tainable from the I". S. Treasurv. D. W. BERGEN. Treasurer. THE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY CO. DIVIDEND 92. At a. meeting of the Directors held to? day the usual quarterly dividend of two and one-half per cent, on tho Common Stock for the quarter ended 81et of March last, beinif at tho ra?ie of seven per cent, per annum from revenue and three rer cent, per annum from sp?cial income account, was declared payable 30th June next to shareholders of record at S P. M. on 30th May instant. ERNEST ALEXANDER, Secretary. Montreal, May 7, 1919. OFFICE OF" LOCKATOOD. GREENE A CO., Ma?anan?, ROSTON, MASS. Preferred Stock. The reprular quarterly dividend of 1%^ upon the preferred stock of the International Cotton Mills has been declared payable May 31. 1919. at tho office of the transfer airenis, the Old Colony Trust Company, Boston, to all stockholders of record at close of busi? ness May 16, 1919. INTERNATIONAL CtyrTON MILLS. ALLAN B. GREENOUGH. Treasurer. OFFICE OF I.OCK1VOO?, GREENE ? CO., Mananrer?, BOSTON. MASS. < ?ommon stock. Thn quarterly dividend of 2<* ftl P*r shared upon the common stock of th? Inter? national Cotton Mills has been declared pay? able May 81, 1919. at the ottVn of the trans? fer agents, the Old Colony Trust Cont|?any. Hi? ~on. Mass., to all stockholders of rocord at dose of business Mav 15. 1919. INTERNATIONAL COTTON MILLS. ALLAN B. GREENOrC.H, Treasurer. NATIONAL WSCUIT COMPANY S6th npHF. Boaid of Dime?? ha* pr er ER RED I ?T^ * ?Z'??LJZL m ?cad atoo.- and Uli? ?m* DIVIDEND,?, ??V)fmt m*t oa <**? V? ttx-Kd Capital stock of tbr Compaay, pay*?? **>?* ti?t, 10*9*0 ?KKitlKikimm of reooni at tits do? ? boaineas Msr rritk, ?oro. Tranofnc books vt* *?* beck??!. O. T. WttU, TusM-f MEETINGS THE ANNUAL M RETINO OF THF stockholders of the Standard Gas Lis*" Company of the City of Nsw York will b* hold at tho office of the Company, Room No. 20?. No. 180 East 15th Street, New ?,v?;. City, on Wednesday, Mav l?t?n, 191?. ?t 13 o'clock M., for fho eluctton of Director? and the tranaactlon of such other bus MM u? may come before th? meetinK JOHN E. ?3ANBORN, SeowUrj*.