Newspaper Page Text
,_,_?_ _ ! -_-_-,-___ Buyers Arrived I . * ? Buyers arc invited to register in th is column by telephoning Beekman 8243 between 10 A. M. and 10 P. M. Women's Wear and Millinery ? ATLANTA?-Frohsin; Mr. Frohsin. ready to wear; .1. J. Roedor, o03 Fifth Avenue, room 1717. ?^?BALTIMORE Pioneer Cloak Mdf. Co.; F Dupkin. cloaks and nuits: Park Avenue. " BALTIMORE The Martha"; M?hs M. C. Hick?, i lilltn, . . In v: ?? al BOSTON- Chandler & Co.; Miss I.. Otis, Womon'a suit;': Syn. Trading t'o.. 230 Fifth Avenu? BUFFALO -Givon's; 1. S, Given, ready to wear, furs ami millinery; 37 West Twen? ty sixth Streel -, BUFFALO? J. R. Baldwin, women's ready to wear: Imperial. ' CHIOAOO? J. V. Farwoll Co.; G. Oer twain, coats and suits; 72 Leonard Street, room ions. CHICAGO?Marshall Field Co.; Mis? E. Mtoldbroth, women's tailored skirts; 1107 Broadway. CHICAGO?Hill's, Inc.; Benjamin Voler?, fur- and lobs, coats, suits, dresses, waists and children's apparel; Hotel Clartdge. CHICAGO Detnstoin. Hymen & Co.: Mr. wtyi .? n. Jobb rs In coats, suits and dresses :lrta Mr Deinstein, jobbers in coats, ?nils. ,!>?, ?s... ?,.,,i skirts; Martinique. ei.EVEI.AXD Mu> Co.; Mrs. A. Law *hh. waists, kimonos, petticoats, muslin Maderwear; 37 West Twenty-sixth Street, fell floor. CLEVELAND?Halle Bros.; Miss B. Sjluchmeyer, ladles' waists; 200 Fifth Ave? nu.': Broztell. DAYTON?The Kumler Co.; Miss E. Schumacher, muslin underwear and cor ?Ota: 225 Fifth Avenue, room 826. DETROIT?Rurnliam, Stoepel & Co.; P. C. Palmer, women's ready to wear; 43 Lfouard Street. DETROIT?Crowley. Milner Co.; Mrs. B. B. Bowman, dresses: A. Fantl. 120 West Til i rt y-second Street. h?.Hartford, conn.?g. fox & Co.: Miss M McCartnv, corseti: 1-H Madison Avenue. ANGELES?^Bullock's: Mr. Rezzo, ???its. dresses cloaks, house dresses, bath OObcs. kimonos and bathing suits; 95 Mad lii'n Avenue. ' ;. \ i'? ? ?>aj inn . n . Ml v.. Miss Walsh, dresses; Associated ;.'. . indi Ing Corporation, -'::? Fifth - ,...\>:\V ll WEN Conn.?O'Brien Specialty g|lop: Miss C. E. O'Brien, women's wear noveli i< s. Waleott. ?PHILADELPHIA?N. F. Eppsteiner Co.; ?-." I'. Eppsteiner, millinerv; Abercieen. PHLADELPHIA- Krank * Seder, ready to w.-ar; H. L. Bernbaum, coats, suit?, Jurs: 361 Fifth Avenu", care of Abel. PHILADELPHIA -Millard's Dress Shop; 3i. IT. lleybcrg, dresses, waists, gowns, Bnderwear: 2281 Broadway, Woodward. PITTSBURGH, Penn. ? Porter Co. of Pittsburgh; F. L. fGullett, flowers and jBathers; Breslin. 4 PORTLAND, Me.? Portoous, Mitchell ?fc S?r.iun ?o.; II 1' Lakeman, cloaks, suits End dresses; 4::'.' Fourth Avenue, 5th floor. ?WASHINGTON. V. C.?M. Behrends; >T Behrends. ready to wear; Pennsylvania. *' WHEELING, W. Va.?Stone & Thomas Or?; M?- Volters, ready to -wear; Bro>< n * 7 ' ?? 1270 Broadway. Glen's Wear -- BALTIMORE II. Ctplan Co., H. Cap : thing W allick. BOSTOK- Gllchrist Co.; J. .1. Smith, furnishing goods and hosiery ; 200 Jfflftll \\.P. CLEVELAND Halle Bros Co.! B. W. en's I urnlshing sonds, hosten anil hats; 220 Fifth Avenue; Broztell. HARTFORD?Brown, Thomson <?- Co.; E. W. Blauvelt, hosiery and men's fur nishing goods and umbrellas; '230 Fifth .i ? nui . ..llOIINRI.L- Tuttie, Rockwell Co.; C. N. (. . Iner, clothing: Cumberland. LOWELL?.1. L. Chalifoux Co.; F. t. r. boy's clothing; Bristol. j MALDEN?Benoit-McShane Co.; A. H. Nenolt. clothing, furnishing goods and hul-. Breslin. .MEMPHIS? Hannach & Sttffel; J. Stif I men's furnishing goods: Herald ? iar? UIDDLETOWN, X. Y. -Charles Wolff : ; C. WolfT, ?-?en's and boy?' olhtoing and furnishing good:, bags, leather good;? and umbrellas; Continental. NEW ORLEANS- S. H. Meyer, hau?, ?hos. furnishing goods; Pennsylvania. OKLAHOMA CITT?C. A Webb, men's Xui ntshing coods: Park Avenue. PHILADELPHIA?The Earle Store; J. B Greenberg. men's hats; imperial. PITTSBURGH L. Caplan, clothing, Vi'.'-u's furnishing goods; Bristol. . PITTSBURGH?rS. Moshkowita Co.: S. Itfoshkowlt?, men' suits; Broadway l'entrai. PITTSBURGH Kaufmanns Depa ri ment ftor^: Mr. Hanauer,? men's pants; 12?51 ?'.; oadwaj ? POTTSV1LLB?Refowich Bros.; l. ReCo * i ;h and M. Refowtch, clothing and men's (furnishing goods; Albert. RUTLAND, VI Kantor Bros : C. Katt l clothing; Broadway ?""entrai. . SPRINGFIELD, Ohto? Springfield Tail? oring Co.; S. Rosenberg, clothing; Grand. . TORONTO, Out.?Caul field. Bums ? Cibson, Ltd : C. J. Purkl?, men's hosiery. underwear, handkerchiefs and belts; Com : 'dore. WILMINGTON, N. C?I. Shrier ?? Sons; i" Shrier, clothing and men's furnishing goods; Pennsylvania. WORCESTER, Mass ?Lewis Bros.; J. .1 clothing and shirts: Broadway Cen Pieee Goods "?ALBANY. N. Y.-W. M. Whitney & Co.; *}' I'. Hlckey, white goods; 1141 Broad <? Br?slln. ATLANTA, C'.a. .1. Froshln Co.; J. I"!-, .shin, drvgoods, etc.; Pennsylvania. BALTIMORE?Goldenberg Bros.; D. >". isenberg, silks; Alcazar. BALTIMORE?L. Singe- * Sons; S. M. Ringer, mtrs. clothing and woolens; Aber 0? ell. RALTI.MORK Hart S Banks: J. Banks, i frs. men's clothing; Aberdeen. rON?H. Feldmun Co.: H. Feld r -<n. mfrs. cloaks and suits; Walllck. ON .T. Abrams Co.; J. A bra m a. goods; ? '"??irnodor?. BOSTON?Gras? & Miller; M. H. Miller, ii.aks, suits and skirts; Broztell. ? BOSTON'?Chandler ?'o. ; Mr. Mulkay, i omestlcs; Syndicate Trading Co ; 2:;o 1 ifth Avenue. ML'EFALO?William ITengerc,- Co Mr rdoch, lin<'ns and domestics; 2 Wcsl T! in y-seventh St reel CHICAGO & Goldstein; (Ierslcbwltz, tailors' trimmings; Com ? ire. CHICAGO- Carson. Birle. Scott ?- Cry. T. A. Lamoud, domestics; 4M Fourth lue. CHICAGO Sears. Roebuck S. Co.: F. T Keppen. woolens: f> J. Falk. domestics; H Kucera, dress cottons; 11 ;, Fifth . venue CLEVELAND -Clawson ? Wilson c.-,. ; T; A. Thompson, white goods, linens and 13 Leonard Streel . Breslin. CLEVELAND?Halle Bros.; F. .1 Foley, .red Hod white wash g?""ls, 220 Fifth A ? enu- . Bro it? ! ' ? ? Conn G Foj .<: Co.; W. i? .'? ?.. dress goods and ?ilks, ?ll Mad ''oi; \.venu< i.'is ANGELES?Broadway Department Mr Field, ?iiite and wash goods, ? nens, pilkf?, dress goods ami linings; W.-Tiue. KOW HAVEN?H. Rapaport, tailor; Pafk Avenue. NEW H A PEN.?R. Tucker, tailor; "Paru : ? ? ? MORRISTOWN. Pa.?H. C. Warner: C! Dowlln and Miss L. Sharirfv, do 1 IOS Grand St.; New York. PHILADELPHIA?N. Cramer * Rons: ? H. Cramer, mfrs. cloaks ami v. . ?1 :.ut, si PHILADELHIA- H. Snellenburg % ??? ; Bornsteln, domestics, flannels and I .'?, i Broadwaj. 11th Floor. PITTHFIELD, Mail? England Bros; t Ratchelder, linens and domestics; ; I i "oui ? h S ? ' nu? , ' ,ai ham PJTTWFIELD, Mas*. England Bros.; too . ?!'? ' Coui Ih ;.:, tbani. PBOVIDBNCB, R. I. ? Gladding Drv Co.; D. W. Morton, ailkx, ?00 Fifth -,w >T. LOL'fe -: man Weins c0.; Mr. n; piece goods; Pennsylvania Hotel. Notions, Toilet Good?, Drug? ?I.jCVKLANO V. L. Carter, laces, ?rn ?'? ??. handkeroblefs, n?ckwear, wii :(*(* 220 Fifth Avenue. Broztell. i>: ?TON, Ohio?Rlk? Kumler Co : Miaa Maher ? and ?mbroldert?*; 2'.t, vue, room *26. DATTOH. Oblo?Rlk? Kumler Co.: Misa Associated Merchandising i ?,.'^-io? ; fy, Fifth Avenue. ? GRAND RAPIDS, Mich.?D. c, fr?a? Mr?. V. \v. gpielman, ?S, Irlminln??. neckwear. r 'i, iixndkerehtefs, ribbons i:?,?j m ,. ?/. ? v? h ftooi PHILADELPHIA :uru, ptece goods' tir' ' PHI1 A DELPHI A H. P. Koffle,. UCen, ?-*:i!?/ri/>-.'? i ir-H. handkerchief?. trimmings notion ?im! fancy KO'/d*; ji;;:; Bnndway P1TTIIBVICOH Hogg? A liuhl; MIm V, A TIOik, n>ielnf(!?r and veilings; i un ijr'-^'iway, room 1207 J ?ST. l/)t:iH??erugg?. Vandervoorf. Bar Miss K. W Lewis, notion?, buttont .,?..-?') umbrella?; MU? May McCarthy, rep. r?#?4itin?; Associated Merchaniil?e Cor l. -,;*i.u,t,. '?2!, Fifth Avenue. 'AHHINOTOHr, D. C. Landsburg ? )?'??; Miss A. K fro*, la'-e?, smbrotdsriss ? In??, buttons *i.d nsckwsar; Penn ORCEHTER, Mass?Israel, Vrta<im*t : Crocker; Mr lsr??l, mfr?? wbihi?; lire? Offerings to Buyers i '>n ?ALB-2?,00? yds. Linen Csnva? BaeUtr, tiratno.rcy ill*. Becker, Ata *l*ra*rr?, S. %. Leathers and Fancy Goods, Jewelry BOSTON?C. F\ Hoovey * Co., drygoods, nv.: II. P. Lelghton, jewelry. leatUer goods and ladles' shoes; 243 Church Street. CHICAGO?Mandel Bros.; M. Uorz, fancy leather goods, belts, bass, toilet goods. Stationen? and toilet Roods; 12 East Twenty-seoond Street; Aberdeen. CHICAGO?Miss A. Hill, leather goods; !.; Ivi.m Twenty-second Street; Aberdeen. CLEVELAND, Ohio?F. W. Roso Co.; 1-7 \v. (tos.-, ewelry, etc.; Walllck. HAMMOND, Ind.?C. Arkin & Son; C. Arkln, ewelry; Alcazar. PROVIDENCE, R. T.?Gladding D. O. Co.; Miss L. M. Feeney. leather goods: 200 Fifth Avenue, room 156. ST. LOtUS, Mo.?Scruggs, Vandervoort, Barney Co.; Miss M. -McCarthy, jewelry; 225 Fifth Avenue. TOLEDO, Ohio?Eppsteln, Rosenberg & Klein; Mr. Eppsteln, jewelry; Walllck. House Furnishings, Floor Cov? erings, Furniture, * Draperies BOSTON?Chandler & Co.; W. H. Mul cahy, linens, blankets and housekeeping goods; 2T;0 Fifth Avenue, care of Syndicate Trading (io. CHICAGO?Carson, Pirie. Scott & Co.; D. C. LIU, rugs and carpets (wholesale); 404 Fourth Avenue. HARTFORD?L. Herrup, furniture and house furnishing goods; Breslin. HARTFORD?Wise, ?Smith Co. ; T>. B. Bernard, rugs, carpets, upholstery, atovos, pictures, grafanolas, furniture and offlce furniture; 106 Grand Street. LYNCHBURG, Va. ?Ulankenshlp Furni? ture Company; J. Blankenshlp, furniture; Herald Square. General Merchandise ALLENTOWN, Penn -Elite Dep't Store; M. Sandowttz, general merchandise; Bres? lin. BOSTON?George S. Harrington Co.; W. K. Cook, upholstery goods and draper? ies; Latham. BUFFALO, N. V.?Millinery Stores; B. Rubcnsteln. millinery, dry goods and no? tions; Pennsylvania. CHICAGO?Western Garment Co.; .T. Spitzer, vice-president, mfrs. petticoats; 1261 Broadwav. DAYTON. Ohio?Rike. Kumler Co.; F. H. Rike, president; 228 Fifth Avenue, room 826. DETROIT, Mich.?F. HarrU, general mclsc; Commodore. HAZBLTON, Pa-?Sasso's Department Store: Newton Levee, general merchandise Fellow's Buying Association, 112C Broad? way. HOUSTON1, Te.T.?S. Lipstet, dry goods, clothng and furnishing goods; Aberdeen. INDIANAPOLIS-?Fettle Dry Goods Co.; Mr. Hoffman, house furnishings and dry goods; Syndicate Trading Co., 230 Fifth Avenue. LOS ANGELES?Broadway Department Store; Mrs. Timmen?, musltn underwear, sweaters, corsets, Infants' and children's wear, bal lung suits: 95 Madison Avenue. LOUISVILLE?Louisville ?lobbing House; M. .' Klein, general merchandiise; Breslin. MINNEAPOLIS?-Dayton Co.; L. S. May? er, men handlse man .?? r; Asso. M?:ls. Corp., 225 l-'it'ih Avenue. NASHVILLE?Neely-Harwell & Co.; W. E. Parks, dry goods, notions and furnishing goods; Latham. NEW ORLEANS?Leon Godchaux Cloth? ing Co.; L. Godchaux, clothing, cloths, fur? nishing goods, casslmeres and manufaetui NEWPORT MOWS, Va.?S. Jacobs, gen? eral mdse. ; Pennsylvania ers' Iin?^n clothing; 4 1 Union Sonare. PADUCAH?Yv". M. Ricke & Co.. dry goods; B. FT. Towner, representing, 404 Fourth \vi-mi?-. PHILADELPHIA?G. Miller, general mdse.; Broadway Central. PUTTSB1 RGH?Rosenbaum Co.; S. M. Jacobs, merchandise manager; A. Fantl. ! 0 \\ . st Tv enty-thlrd Street. ROCHESTER, N, T.?A. Greenhouse, .;? aeral mdse . Continental. ST. LOUIS, ?Mo. ? L. Palkln.l genera mdse. ; !'? '"i- ' h anla. ST. LOUIS- Sonnenfeld's; merchandise manager; 364 car? Abel. T( iLEDO, Ohio Commodore. TOLEDO - LaSall, Koch Meyer, representing; Associated Morchan dislng Corporation, 226 Fifth Avenue. TORR1NOTON. Conn.?W. W. Mertz Co.; 17. I-'. Knapp, dry goods; Commodore. WASHINGTON-?A. "Mayer, general mdse.; York WATBRBURY, Conn.?Reid Xi. Hughes Dry Goods Co.: W. W. Wallace, white goods, linens, wash roods, blankets, sll!:?, velvets, trunks and bags; -104 Fifth Ave? nue. 51 h floor WAYNESBORO, Va.? Bender, gen? era I mdse. ; forl WEATHER FORD, Tex. ? Bakcr-Poston ? Co.; ?, C. Poston, dry goods, clothing. ghoi II Inerj and carpets; 3f>5 Broad - v. ?v 1001 1 noi WII.KES BARRE. Penn.?J. Homer, general mdse.; Pennsylvania. A. Dieckhaus, Fifth Avenue, Koch, general mdse ; Co.; Miss B. ?iiisrelfaiieous AI H r'.."-. N. Y. ~F. * C. Chapman; F. Chapman, shoes; Hermitage. BA l.'l'l M? IRE- Baltimore Bargain House; M. ?:. Frazler, general line; Herald Square. BOSTON D Caplan, .jobs cloaks, suits and cap trimmings and supplies, and mfrs. bias binding and braiding; Broadway Centrai. CANTON, Ohio?Fornes, Walters Elec? tric Company; Mr. Fornes, electrical sup plies; Alcazar. CHICAGO -Herz Paper Company; Mr. Herz, representative; Aberdeen. CHICAGO?Helnkoff &? Mish; IT. Mish. holiday goods, leather bags, hair orna monts, character dolls, bahv and boudoir caps and camisoles; 33 Union Square, room 71. CHICAGO Independent Drug Co.; s. Soloman, rues, toilet good?, fancy goods and sundries and candles; 1133 Broadway; An m?a, CHICAGO?Sears, Roebuck Co ; G. Neu s? 1 ! photo supplies, phono and optical supplies; 117? Fifth Avenue. DALLAS. Tex. -S?nger Bros.: Mrs. P. .T. Sh"a. dressmaking department; ID East Twenty-fourth Street. GLENS FALLS, N. V.- Ginsberg Com? pany, Mr. Ginsberg, representative; Broad u?;. y Cent ral. HARTFORD?S. Hart, furs; Breslin. LIBERTY, X. V. B. F. Green Co.; B. F. Green, general department store mer? chandise; Herald Square. LOS ANGELES "Clayton Supply House; Mr ' lavion. representative; York. MIAMI Fla.?C. Dahlen Co.; C. Dahlen. Htatii tiery, etc. : Herald Square. PHILADELPHIA C. Rappaport, gen riai im?-; Broadway Central. PROVIDE.NCE Gladding Dry Good? Co. I Mrs. M. B. Moulton, underwear; 200 Kifih A ?. en o?-. 1.1 51 6. ROCHESTER Kondolf Urns.: II. Kon '. dolf. representative; Commodore. SPRINGFIELD, MASS.- R. Sagelyn * 1 Co.; E. L. Sagolyn, sheets, sheetlngs.duoks, hosiery and underwear; Park Avenue. UTICA, N. Y.?Roberts Wioks Co.; mfrs. : clothing; T. Sommers, trimmings; Com , tnodore. WARREN. Ohio?C. Thompson, general Im? , Broztoll. Incorporations following Inror tiie Secretary of ALBANY. May 8 Thi poi al ??us wero died v. it h Stal o t?? day Vpolto Hal Fi.?? Company, inc., $26, 000; Manhattan; manufacture and 'leal in hats an?) hat frames; Bernard Mann, Ben? jamin Yiiblowsky, Benjamin ?uckman, 234 Perm St re? t. Brooklyn. Fuller - Pratt Macdonald, Inc., $10,000; Manhattan; general advertising business; Heber Macdonald, Edmund I. Read. Dex? ter Wheelook, East Orange. N. J. Morris Williams. Inc., $10.000; Manhat? tan: Insurance broker?; Morris Williams, Fannt? Williams. Max Williams, 40 West I2ftth Street, New York City. Dispatch Case Company, inc., $5,000, Manhattan; manufacture and deal In glas? and "ieia.1 show case?; Edwin B. Hirsch. Ralph Heymann, Samuel t.. Schmld, 325 West Ninety-third Street, New York City. Th?? Ac? Products Association. $50,000; Manhattan; manufacturJn ami deal In chemicals, dye?, paints an<i other similar material; Dr Benjamin Roy. Flore? B. Roy. Henry Her/., 224 West I22d Street, N? w York. 1'itinaik Brothers, Inc., $20.000 ; Manhat? tan; manufacturing and deal In woollen and worsted goods and other fabrics; Joseph Pltmaok, Harry Pltmaok. Emanuel PPmnok, 500 W 17?th Street, New York. John W. Lincoln * Co., Inc., $10,000. Manhattan; general merchandise broker? and commission agents In spices, cocoa, ? -t?- ; John W. Lincoln, Archibald N. Jor? dan, ???snndlct Mandelburg, 106 Wall Hir.ct. Now York. l'axflat Barrel and Crate Corporation, $200,000: Manhattan; manufacturing and <l??l tn barrel?, crate?, etc.; Georg? A Le ??v., Arihui G liaiitiell. M. G. o'Oonnell, 141 Broadway, N?w York. 0i-a? oast Steel Corporation, $26,000; Man? hattan, deal?r? In machinery. Iron and st??-i product?, etc . Francis C Owen, ai .'???! B. Warwick, Arthur .1. Dunkle, ?315 Thirteenth Avenu?*, Brooklyn. i?? Macrae Drug store?, inc. Manhattan; manufacturing and drug?, dyentuffs, t?ill?-t articles handln?-, etc., Nathan Gray Kfii, Le??!|e New York. Apparel $1 ?7,000; deal In general . Mfiurlc J. Tompklnn, 27 (>?i?r Street, Apparel Sale? Corporation, $160,000, ?Manhattan; manufacturing and deal in all 'kind* of wearing apparel; ?abrahatx Pursnh, Frank L?-vin. Frank ' Chodorov, 164 Underhlll Avenue. Brooklyn. Gray Furniture Company. Inc.; $1,000; Manhattan; general retail t'unnllure busi? ness; Malvlne Cray. Bronu Ronrano, Pletro Scunglo, 224A Twenty-second Street, Ne? V?.rL. Kane (Costumes. Inc.: $7,0,000; Manhat? tan; manufacture an?l deal in all kinds of women's wearing apparel; Frank Polaret/. ky, Morris Shenker, Samuel J. Kane, 148 Hayward Street. Brooklyn. Dater Realty Company, Inc.; $10,000; The Bronx: real estate; Anna Muller, Gus? tav Roos, George Schmid, 470 Br?ok Ave? nue^ New York. Fowler-Carut hers Lumber Compapy, Inc.; $25.000; Manhattan; general dealers in lumber of all kinds: Robert A. Fowler, Lee Caruthers, Alfred R. Huun-ll, 16 Park Row. Tauhman ?fe Zeiger Restaurant and Hakej-y Company, Inc.: $30,000; Manhat? tan; restaurant keepers, etc.; Louis Taub luan, L??uls Zeiger, Eil ward Ackcrman, 2466 Broadway, New York. Gustave Realty Corporation, $10,000; Manhattan; real estate; T?rrence .1 Mul? lan, William Knecht. David Leavenworth, 256 Broadway, New York City. Katzinan & Weinberg, Inc., $15,000; Manhattan; manufacture and deal in clothing, haberdashery, etc.; William Kaufman, Nathan Katzman, Max Wein? berg, 656 West 171st Street, New York City. Tel Ray Realty Corporation, $5,000; Manhattan; real estate; Frances C. Thor ner, Blanche R. Smith, Georgia White Jones, 192 Waverly Place, New York City. Empire City Delicatessen Company, $75, 000; Manhattan; manufacture and deal in all kinds of food products; Samuel Schnapp, Louis Plnkus. Ben Acker.nan, 5!i0 West 17211 Street, New York City. Northern Fur Cap Company, Inc., $2, 000; .Manhattan; furriers; Morris Gollin, Joseph Rosoff, Jacob Wolper. 6S6 Beck Street, New York City. The Fair Corner Sill? and Dress Goods Store, Inc., $6,000; Manhattan; manufact? urers and dealers in silk, woollen and other materials; Morris Eisenberg. Ben Levlno, Celia Conovltz, 164 Sumner Avc^ nuc, Brooklyn. Original Jack's Lunch, Inc.. $9.000; Man? hattan; -.restaurants and lunch rooms; Jacob Margolls, Abraiiam Siegel, David Siegel, 225 Hcrson Street. Brooklyn. Acme Transport Company, Inc., $20.00(1; Manhattan; warehousing and forwarding business; Thomas S. Burns, William L. Blackman, C. E. Smith. 2 Rector Street, New York City. Miletl Bros, & Blumstcin, Inc.. $5,000; Manhattan; jewelry huginess; Alfred Mi leti, Ralph Miletl, Joseph Blumstcin, 250 Hart Street. Brooklyn. Walker-Corp & Co., Inc., $6000; Auburn; druggists sundries ami general merchan? dise: Jam'-s W. NY. Walker, James Ridi? ons Wajlker, James Riehens. Owasco Road, Auburn. N. Y. American Commercial Corporation, $1, 250.000: Manhattan; general exporting and importing, etc. ; Edw. C. Ely, Percy R. Austen, Edward A. Crawford, 396 West? minster Road. Brooklyn. Amann ?Se Katz Restaurant Inc., $20,00?, Manhattan; restaurants, etc.; Nathan Katz, Juleis Amann. Aaron Mattes, 302 Madison Street, New York City. Manhattan AVatch Corporation, $10,000; Manhattan; jewelry business: Albe-' s. Casselhoff, Jennie Casselhoff, Fannle Edel? stein, 414 Seventeenth Avenue, Falerson, N. J. River Front Industrial Corporation, $1,000; Gloversvllle; general real estate agency and brokerage business; Leon K. Drze wieckl, R. R. Fogelsonger, Frank P. Morey, Buffalo. Westehester Fish Company, Inc., $10, 000: Bronx; catching, canning, etc., fish of all kinds; Carl Abt. Otto F. W. Bernot. Katherine V. Mulcahy, 619 West 142d Street, New York City. Grochal A- Grodzensky Shoe .Manufact? uring Company, Inc., $10,non; Brooklyn; manufacture and d?-al in shoes: Abraham Grochal, Llllie Grochal, Max iii-.ul/.cnsky, 688 Saratoga Avenue, Brooklyn. Hudson Shipping Service Corporation, $10,000; Manhattan: warehousing and for? warding business?? Samuel C. Chiles, it. l. Hudson, Fred M. Chapman, IG Cedar Street, New York City. Adolph Rosenberg & Co.. inc., $210,000; Manhattan; general commercial business; Adolph Rosenberg. Leo T. Perls. Matthew J. Dlserio, 111 Broadway, New York City. American Chasing and Modeling Com? pany, Inc., $25.000; Manhattan; manufact? ure and deal In chasing ami modeling objects of srl. novelties, etc.; Dale M. Parker, James McKown, jr.; Harvey B. Hartsock, 1S27 East. Twenty-first Street, New York City. H. Diamond &? Co., Inc., $3,000; Man? hattan: general plumbing aii'l heating contracting work: Hyman Diamond, Bar n.-it Diamond, Benjamin Diamond, '302 Broome, New York City. Hollls Novelty Candy Company. Ine ; $10.000: ?Manhattan; general mercantile business: Morris Hollis, Jacob Engl?nder, Joseph Rahm. 768 Kelly Street, New York. .1. B. Beaton Company, Inc.; $1 r, n,o?0 ; Manhattan; manufacture and deal in ho? siery and knii goods of all kinds; Sidney S. Meyers, Frank J. Algeo, Gerald C. Hall, New Rochelle, N. Y. Spencer Arms Realty Corporation; $100. onn; Manhattan; real estate business; Samuel Borohard, Eva R. Borchard. Sig fried Borchard. 349 West Eighty-sixth Street, N? w York. Brillemon S- Van Souten, Inc.: $3,000; Albany: manufacture and deal In .stove? generally: Aaron Brlllcinan, Elizabeth Brillemau, Samuel V. N. Souten, 413 Morris Street, Albanv. N. T. Century Silk Mills, Inc.; $250,000 : Manhat? tan: manufacture and deal in silks, wool? lens ami textiles of all kinds; Ma\- Salmo v.itz. Samuel Salmowitz, Willla:,i II. Kais'fr, Leo Adler, 569 West Eighty ?econd Street, New York. Herman & Klciman, Inc., $6,000; Man? hattan; drygoods merchants; Emil Her? man, Jacob Kleinman, Albert. J. Richter, 314 East 100th Street. New Vork. Richter Card and Paper Company, lne., $20,000; Manhattan; manufacturing and deal in all kinds of paper and cardboard etc.: Alfred C. Roetsch, Elmer C. Miller 60 Wall Street, New York. Greenberg Shoe Company, Inc., $7..000 Manhattan; deal in leather, shoes and al! materials Incidental; Abraham I. Green berg, Celia Conovitz, Benjamin Levine, 731 Sylvan Place, New York. Peter Schneider's Sons S- Co., $250,000 Manhattan; upholstery business, Frank W. P. Jaeger, c. Waldemar Jaeger, Charles A. Berwin, 182 North Crine street, Easl Orange, N. J. lu du? trial Cotton Heaviness marked the cotton market yesterday. At no time did prices get much above the previous closing, and at the end of the day they showed net losses of 1 to 14 points. "When the market opened Liverpool prices were about 34 points lower than on Wednes? day, and prices here promptly sold down 14 to 18 points. Subsequently they rallied on the unfavorable weather outlook and encouraging reports from the goods trades. J> spite of the nearer approach of peace, traders appeared to take a less optimistic view of the European de? mand. It was said that inquiries had diminished and that freight room for the near future was difficult to obtain. It was said also that large quantities of dry goods (estimated at as high a figure as $60,000,000.) are now awaiting shipping room at Atlantic and Pacific ports. Some students of the cotton situation say it is doubtful whether the Central Empires, which have been expected to take much cotton after the conclusion of peace, will be able to finance the ' purchase in this country of anything except foodstuffs. Exports yesterday were 45,039 bales. Shipments for the season have been 3,918,677 bales, as against 3,278,872 last year. (iooc! sales continue to be reported from the Southern spot markets. Sales ' at New Orleans yesterday were 2,788 bales. In the local market middling uplands was quoted at 28.75, a decline of 10 points. Prices for future contracts follow: NEW STYLE Previous Open. High. Low. Close. close. May... 37.83 88.08 37.68 87.9<>@87.98 28.10 lulv... 26.81 26.54 26.15 26.45@36.48 26.50 Oct_ 24.40 24.61 24.28 84.57?24.58 24.58 Pec... 28.97 24.11! 23.84 84.I0@24.12 24.11 Man... 23.60 23.84 2.1.53 23.77@83.80 83.78 COTTON STATISTICS Yester- Last Last day. week. year. i Port receipts.. 18,121 7,36!) 11,168 ?Exporto . 45,030 - - do season... 3,918,677 3,804,883 3,278.872 N. Y. stocks. . 99.298 89,250 170,971 Port stocks... 1,245.058 1,268,610 1,407,946 Int. receipts.. 1.4,472 15,376 13,458 do shlpm'ts. 18,918 .18.640 16,971) N. Y. arrivals. 1,993 1,459 4.338 SOUTHERN SPOT MARKETS Tester Foils: day Sales ( lalveston . . N. Orleans.. Mobile _ Su vannah. . Charleston. Wllm Ingt on Norfolk . . . H,i 1? ?more... .New Vork.. Brunswick.. Various. . . . Totals.1,245.058 1,407,916 INTERIOR Augusta ... 27.75 808 173.411 115.640 Memphis ..-348.474 368,340 St. Louis...- 82,005 18,583 Houston...- 854,348 164,15:1 Llltle Rock 87.00 138 41.166 86,308 LIVERPOOL COTTON futuros were lower at Liverpool, clos? ing wiih net losses of 3u to 34 points. i Spot middling was quoted at 16.96. Sales were 7,000 bales, of which 6,000 were American. Imports were 10,000 ! bales, none American. Manchester re? ported a good business in cloths and yarns at, firm prices. Prices for future contracts follow: NEW CONTRACTS 1 2 :1.', Previous Last p. m. ( Hose. close. vcar. May ..%.... 16.76 16.78 17.08 21.60 ; Juno . 16.12 16.15 16.71) 21.17 July . 16.17 16.19 16.53 20.65 August . 15.87 15.87 16.81 20.18 September .. 15.39 15.37 15.71 J0.71 Sustenance Cereals Wheat. Shipment s of wheat from the Argentine are likely to increase, ! according to advices received yester I day, during June and July. At the ; moment -it is difficult to secure ton nasre. Offerings there, have been lib? eral and tlie foreign demand has fallen off. Corn.?-"-Movements of corn prices i were spasmodic. After an early rise ! the market broke 5 lo 8 cents, but i later rallied and ended the day with ! gains of U to 'A-j. cents. The threat ' of the Federal Wheat Director to take Receiver Appointed BEACON UNDERWEAR >IKrf. CO. Judge Mayer in the United States District : Court yesterday appointed David A. L. Esperance receiver with a $500 bond for ! the Beacon Underwear Mfg. Company, 92? ? Broadway. Petitions in Bankruptcy Petitions in bankruptcy were tiled yes terdav in the United State* District Court as follows: HARNET ZEIGER?An involuntary pe? tition against Barnel /.elger. 30 Scammel Street is by three creditors, who claim: J. E. "Rates ?- Co., $755; Endlcolt John? son Corporation. $230; B. Friedman, $100 Samuel J. Rawak, 291 Broadway, Is the at i orney. MARIE PRANK?A voluntary petition of Marie Frank, "8 Fort Washington Ave? nue, shows no assets and liabilities of $2.561 ?lue to the estate of Emmanuel Kahn, 70 Broadway, the 'only creditor. Fisher &? Deimel, 36 Park Row, are the at? torneys. Schedules in Bankruptcy ?SAM'L NE'IMAN?A Rchedule of Sam'l Neuruan filed in the XTnlted States District Court yesterday shows liabilities of $2,001 und assets of $800. which is in cash. There | are three creditors: Lambl.v & Alpaugh, 18 Harrison Street. $1.432; Robinson & Stern, 868 Washington Street, $606; Lament Cot Us? Co., 131 Hudson Street, $63. H. .?i J. J Lesser, 320 Broadway, arc the attorneys. Judgments Filed The following .judgments were filed ye? terday, the first name being that of the debtor: In New York County Bulova, Joseph ? East Tenth Streot Corporation; costs. $110.20 Churchill, Edmund P. -C. Nichols 383.08 j Downtown Exporters Trucking ! Corporation, Inc.?Good Service Oarage, Ine. 148.88 ! Electric Talking Sign Company of New York?United Electric Light and Power Company.... 498.94 Fashblnd'-r, Jacob?J. Oorjlon... 815.88 IFrledmat), Jacob?M. Mandel.... 145.40 Gould, Kelsey IV -J. lleaney_ 391.84 Gale National Really Company ? L. M. Joues et al; COSts. lui.87 Horn K- Ilardarl Company?T. Knrils; costs . 106.57 Hatch Engine Company -B. F. Spencer . 227.49 Hormnnn, Charles?J. Lerne,-.... 127.21 He, uoin. Antlion J.--M. Herman; costs . 1 10.?4 Kehr. Casper?E. C. Strlftlor.'.. . 165.78 Kensington Konstruktion Ko, Tuttlo Roofing Company. 496.84 Linden, Mary?II. Frank. 140.20 Layng, .Tames D., Jr.?O. H. Gil? bert . .184.96 Lewi? P. Fluhrer, InC.?Toran, Mahaney A Munro. Ine. 126.68 Levlne, Louis-1. Rothschild.... 131.61 Lefkowltz, Morris?A. Matchak suky. 363.Si Massachusetts Bonding and In? surance Company?New York Consolidated Railroad Company ?4.921.1J Maryland Casualty Company?lie liable Rants Company. 1.685.T7 Merrill. John B,?J; B. Lyon Cor? poration . 118.6? M. S. Leasing Company. In.- . Morris Schl?chter and Rudolph Jafre---B.Tabatc.hnlk . 600.00 Mann. David.Morewood ft?alty Holding Company . 184.63 Matsene, Antonia H.?V. if. Ruth? well et al. 1,704.03 Pennsylvania Railroad Comimpy \ ?JPtumMiU Coal Company, Inc.. 11.047.1j Powerlight Company. Wm. C. Chrlstlanson and Adolph Kauf? man Riverside Rox and Lum? ber Company . 163.17 Port Morris chemical Works, Inc. Duplex Chemical Corporation. 13,834.36 Rothschild, Morris?W. B. Curtis el al. 165.92 Stewart, Sanders <>7- <'o., Inc. VV. s. Rockwell Company . 708.10 Spalckhavon. Wm. .I A. Slnram 111.70 Sugerir?an M fg. Company- E. Saso 21,715.43 Stockham, Geo. T.-?Paris Flour? ing Co. 816.24 Stein, Jacob, and Irving Gross? man?A. Linder . 152.46 Silverstein, Anthony R. -A. D. Berry . 752.54 Sears, Richard?Tenent, inc. 116.26 Sterling Extract Company. Inc.? I. Westcotl ct al. 279.76 Thayer Publishing Company, Ine. ? P. E. La, Vole. 160.00 Van Wagner. Samuel s, jr.?II. Levinn . 731.90 ?\V>nk. Karl?A. Wachner . 221.00 AVhitfleld, Harry?O. J. Hilllard.. 241.05 Wright, John 11.? J. E. Henry, Jr. 876.65 Warner, Chas. A.?M. R. Donald. 3,591.85 In Bronx County Arrow Water Meter ?"o., Tnc ; Henry Kahrs and Emma M. Kahrs?T. Fisher . $4,747.43 Butler, Richard J.?J. J. Ash_ 192.54 Birnbaum, Rosi -A. Fried. 120.41 Grant, Danl'-I II.-A. Fazio. 487.65 Plevretes, Ccorgo?A. Mloch et al. 371.40 Plei. Edward B. -J. M. and P. Scanlan, Inc. 469.33 Saner. Bertha American Wood Carpet Flooring C.pany, In.-. 77,0.72 Wettlln, William- s. Twist et al. ,?0.2X Satisfied Judgments The fii st name is that of the debtor, the second that of the creditor and dato when judgment was Hied: In ISTcw York County Ltilted Sliites Fidelity and Guar? anty Co., Elo Building Com pany, Inc.?O . Hungerford; September 11. 1018.$1,108.71 Seed, A ihn H.?L. Stettiner; May 3. 19!0 (released). 4.533.46 i;i\ii:;, Martin and Julius L Quint H. a. Caesar ? t al; April 3. 1907 .'. 263.43 ?arshells, Morris I.?W. H. Silk: November 16, 1918 . 529.29 Huebshmann, Henry M S G S'egel et al; Novembor 73, I9IS (reversed) . 3.849.62 Robertson, May and Hertha p. Lewis?People, etc.; May 1, 1919 . 500.00 Riinelblatt, Joseph?I?. Wleder man Iron Works, Inc.; April 4. 1919 . 917.41 Leprcstro, Miller ?fc Co., Inc.?W. L. Hell; March 21, 191S. 5,458.38 Qassberg, Samuel and Ixiuiis Cohen?People, etc., April 12, 1919 . 1.000.00 Corcoran, Fitzgerald &? Co.. Tnc.? S. Kolsky; April 17, 1919. 2,134.28 Brown. Henriette L.? H. L? Con? stable; June 16. 1916. 1,085.82 Alunan, Isaac?M. Rosenberger; April 24, 1918. 110.41 Uni,In, Nathan A.?Perfect Coat Front Pad Company; March 10, 10, 1919 . 2,112 05 Brown, Henrietta L.?Colonial Bank; .Inn? 2, 1914. 216.71 In Bronx County Bufkln. Ese* O.?J. W. O'Mealj ; November 30, 1914. 195.72 Santlnl, Annucrlo?M. Welner. January ?L 1918. ?X7J action to prevent any undue rise in prices, is the chief influence in the market. Yesterday's Previous Year New Tcik: close, close. ago. Corn. No. 2 yellow.$t.88iXi $1.8714 ? Chicago: May. 1.69 1.66V? f 1.3'H July. l.6iV'.', 1.6416 ? September. 1.58% 1.88% ? Oats. Prices were steady in the early trading, but turned weak. Cash demand is light. The markej: fell back when corn prices broken But ral? lied and closed with small net gains. Yesterday's Previous Year New York: close. close. ago Oats, No. 3 wh... .79'/3@80 .78i/? $1.55 Chicago: May.68V? .69% .75% July.69^4 .63% ? September.66V4 .66 ? Rye.?Market higher. Yesterday's Previous Year New York: close. close. ago. Cash, No. 2 West.$1.74?^ $1.73% $3.86 Flour and Meal.?Quotations were: Yesterday's Previous Yea New York: close. close. ago. Minn, sp p.$13.35@ 13.75 $13.35? 13.75 $11.00 Corn flour. 4.00@ 4.35 4.00@ 4.35 5.00 R>e fir. ch 8.75@|O.0O 8.75@10.00 13.35 Bran,100 lb 46.35@46.50 46.35@46.50 ? Cottonseed Oil.?Trading was re? sumed in cottonseed oil yesterday after being under government ban for about eighteen months. The first sale was 100 barrels of October oil at 23.50. Total sales were 1,700 barrels. Prices for future contracts follow: Oct. Nov. Dec. ?Ian. ? let. Nov. Dec. Jan. OPEN 10:45 a. m. Oct. . . . 33.30@33.40Nov. . . . 3l.00@33.75Dec. . . . 31.00?33.75.lan. . . 3t.00@38.50 12 ?. m. . . . 23.70@23.90Oct. . . . 8I.00@83.8.">No\. . . . 3l.00@83.00Dc, . . . . 3I.OO@33.00.)an. . 83.50@34.10 . 81.00 ? 8 3.00 . 81.00 ?33.75 . 8 1.00 @ 8-'?.00 "LOSE 5 p. in. . 33.50?8 1.10 . 2l.tiO@23.00 . 31.00?38.75 2L00@23.00 Tea When the new Formosa market opens, which .will be within the next few days, prices, it is predicted, will be higher. The prediction is based on an estimate of the actual cost of produc? tion plus freight and insurance. Local business continues good, with little change in prices. Quotations for lots of 50 and 100 packages follow: GREENS Yesterday. Moyune, Gunpowder . 48@>0 Moyune, Imperial..43S> 55 Moyune. Young Hyson.... 33@65 Moyune. Hyson . 32@35 Pingsuey, Gunpowder .... 28@55 Pingsuey, Imperial . 35@45 Pingsuey, Young Hyson.. 28@38 JAPANS Panfired . 30@5Q t.'asketflred . 30@55 Sittings . 18@23 FORMOSA OOLONG Good . 28@30 Superior . 32'?36 Fine . 41@61 CONGOU -."25@70 INDIA Pekoe Sou. 32rg>34 1'ckoe . 34?44 Orange Pekoe. 37@56 Flowery Orange Pekoe.... 44@65 CEYLON Pekoe Sou. 32@34 Pelcoe . 34'a44 Orange I'ekoe . 36@56 Flowery Orange Pekoe... 46@61 Broken Oraage Pekoe.... 46@66 JAVA Pekoe Sou. 25?fr30 Pekoe . 29^32 Orange Pekoe . 31 ?4G Flowery Orange Pekoe... 40@51 Broken Orange Pekoe.... 25@30 Broken Pekoe . 26@31 Odd lots ruled 1 cent higher. A week ago. 48@70 43<?;55 33.S65 32@35 28@55 35i?>45 28??38 30@50i 30 ?55 13@23 27@29 31@35 40?/60 t25@70 32? 34 34044 37? 56 44 ?65 32 ?8134 34 ?44 5i5@56 46@61 4f.@66 23@30 29? 32 31@40 40@51 25@30 26@31 Sugar and Coffee Current A year prices, ago. Sugar, granulated, per lb. 9 7.45 Sugar, centrifugal, per lb. 7.28 - Coffee, Rio No. 7. per lb..-.. 18' 4 8% Coffee, Santos No. 4, per lb... 22}.$ - ? Sugar.-?Eastern refiners are said to be. doing some business in Western territory as beet sugar supplies be? come depleted. Meltings by retiners at Boston. New York and Philadelphia through May 3 have been 945,8:23 tons, as against 751,269 last year. Exports off 3 70,045 account in large part for the increase. Purchases through the Equalization Board yesterday included 350,000 bags of Cuba raws, 3,500 tons of Porto Ricas, 950 tons of St. Croix and 300 tons of Venezuelas. Coffee Futures.?Coffee prices were heavy under realizing. Traders who expect higher prices were, talking of strikes in Brazil which may result in delayed shipments. Closing prices were 1 to 13 lower. The spot market, was strong. Prices for future contracts follow: Previous Year High. Low. Clos?*. close, ago. July.. 18.78 18.71 18.71? 18.75 18.84 8.34 I Sept.. 18.35 18.12 18.25@18.30 18.25 8.46 'Dec... 17.80 17.52 17.70@17.72 17.71 8.58 March 17.60 17.35 17.54@17.55 17.55 - Butter, Cheese and Eggs Butter.?Receipts were 7,760 pack I ages. Creamery, higher than extras, | lb, 60%@61c; extras, 92 score, 59'/2fa | 60c; firsts, 88 to 91 score, 58<?j:69c; : seconds, 83 to 87 score, 55@57%c; lower grades, 52<a'54c; unsalted, higher than extras, 56?? 58 Mic; State dairy i tubs, finest, B8@59c; good to prime, j 55@57c; common to fair, 48(?t:54c; reno? vated, extras, 52@62%c; firsts, bO(a> 5It-; lower grades, 46@49c; imitation creamery, firsts, 49oi'50c; ladles, cur? rent make, firsts, 46V^({?48c; seconds, 45c; lower grades, 43fn'44,,?c; packing stock, current make, No. 1, 44caf44V?c; No. 2, 43c; lower grades, 39(rt'421/2C. Cheese.?Receipts were 11,559 boxes. State, whole milk, fresh flats, colored, lb, 32Vi@32Vsc; white, 32Vi@32MiC', average run, colored, 32c; white, 32c; lower grades, SOt?^lc; twins, specials, whites, 32'4fa.>32^c; colored, 32%(a] 32'/?e; average run, white, 32c; colored, 32c; lower grades, 81@31V*2C; fhfs. held, 37oJ39c: twins, held, 37@39e; Wisconsin, whole milk, twins, held, 34 <n 39c; fresh, 32@32Vic; single daisies, held, 35@38c; fresh, white', 33c; col? ored, 321^(a'323.ic; double daisies, held 350738c; fresh, 321/4@32^c:' your* Americas, held, fresh, 33%@34c; state' skims, specials, 23ro]23%c; prime to choice, 20@22c; fair to good, 15fi?19c; lower grades, 6@14c. Eggs.?Receipts were 33,177 cases. Fresh gathered, extras, dozen, 48fo) 48^0; storage packed, extra firsts, 47%c; firsts, 46rri:'47c; gathered, extra firsts, 47@471/ic; firsts, Northerly sec? tions. 45@46?/ie; Southerly sections, 44,-2(?r451^c; seconds and poorer, ?O^r? 44c; dirties, No. 1. 41114<V7;42V?c; No. 2 and poorer, 37(ri 40Vfec; checks, good to choice, dry, 40@41c; under grade?, 35(o~; 40c; state, Pennsylvania and nearby Western, hennery whites, fine to fancy, 52?Y53c; ordinary to prime, 47fo)51c; gathered white, ordinary to fine^^r?? 51c; Pacific Coast, whites, extras, 52c; Western and Southern, gathered whites, 46t?.51c; state, Pennsylvania and nearby, hennery browns, 49@50c; gathered brown and mixed colorsr44(n) 48c. > Hay and Straw Yeaterday. A year ago. _, . Per ton. Per ton. Timothy. No. 1, large bale?.*43.00@4-1.00 $80.00?32.00 Clover, No. 1. iru 38.00?40.00 23.00@35.00 Itye straw. No. 1 13.00? 14.00 18.00? Orchard und Field Yesterday. Dean.?, marrow, 100 lbs../.$11.75 Peaa. Scotch, '1H 7.00 Potatoe?, nw, bbl 3.00 AppteB.Blwd. bbl 7.00 Grapefruit, box. ?UH? Oritag?s\ box.... USO A year ago. 13.50 5.00 7.50 0.00 ?.50 Casually List WASHINGTON, May 8.?The follow? ing casualties are reported by the commanding general of the American expeditionary forces: Killed in action, one ; died from wounds. ; two ; died of accident and other causes, eight ; died of disease, seven ; wounded se? verely, fourteen ; wounded (.degree unde? termined), sixty-live : wounded slightly, 393; missinK in action, six; total, 496. The casualties for the army and Ma? rine Corps are now 292,414. Army and Marine Casualties to Date Reported May 8. Total. Killed in action. 1 35,054 Died of wounds, accidents and disease, and lost at sea. 17 41,782 Wounded . 472 204,532 Missing . 6 6,537 In hands of enemy. ? 25 Prisoners released and re? turned . ? 4,504 Totals . 496 292.414 NEW YORK CITY AND VICINITY Killed in Action MILOWSKI, Private Frank. 329 Apple Str??et, Syracuse, N. Y. Died of Accident and Other Canses GEHM, Private Charles D., 119 Hill' Street, Troy, N. V. - Wounded Severely PHILLIPS, Corporal Fred N., 427 South I Division .Street. Hornell, N. Y. YOUNG, Wagoner John J., 304 JcSTcrson Street. Brooklyn. CARLEY, Private Bernard J., Cooley, N. Y. GRIS WOLD, Private Robert L.. Branch port, N. Y. LOONEY. Private John J., 455 East 135th Street, New York City. Wounded (Degree Undetedmined) LEUCHTMANN, Sergeant Henry W., 1519 Odell Street, New York City. COGNATA, Corporal Anthony F., 123% Chrystie Street, New York City. GARDNER, Corpora! John Windell, 97 Hurmlion Avenue, Buffalo. N. Y. WINCHELL, Corporal Charles, 539 East )34th Street. Mew York City. BAKER. Private Frederick R., 10 Aque duct Street, Ossining. N. Y. CHAMPOUX, Private Henry R.. 105 Hud? son Avenue, Cohoes, N. Y. CLEARY, Private John, 1'92 Henry Street, Binghamton, N. Y. DELLUAMO, Private Nazzereno, 660 Bur net Avenue, Syracuse. N. Y. DRISCOLL. Private Dennis, 90 Milton Street, Brooklyn. DUPRAZ. Private Marcel V., 44 Wijst Ninety-eighth Street, New York City. ' RITTER, Private Clinton P., 442 Fifteenth Street. Brooklyn. RYAN, Private James J., 515 East 135th Street, New York City. , . S1GEL, Private John E,. Cumberland Street Hospital, Brooklyn. * Wounded Slightly JONES. Lieutenant William W., 60 Wall Street, New York. ?MORRISON, Lieutenant David G., jr., 94 Sanford Avenue, Flushing, N. Y. CHRISTOFFEL. Sergeant John E., 1198 Hancock Street, Brooklyn. GOLDSTEIN, Sergeant Jerome, 530 East Einhtv-eighth Street. New York. GRUNDY, Sergeant Charles B., 417 East 134th Street. New York. JONES. Sergeant Robert L., 105 Park wav Avenue. Trenton. N. .1. BIORNDALL, Corporal, Christian, 482 Seventh Avenue, Brooklyn. BR?ESE. Corporal Chester, Fulton, N. Y. CUFFE, Corpora! William, 57b Warren Street, Bmoklvn. GOLDBERG, Corporal Charle?, 320 Cen? tral Park West, New York. GOODENOUGH. Corporal Arthur H., 15 Park Place. Lockport. N. Y. GRIFFIN, Corporal Gerald J., 89 Hoosick Street, Troy, N. Y. HUTHMACHER. Corporal Jacob, 615 Division Street. Trenton, N. J. KNOWI.ES. Corporal Charles, 343 Boule? vard. Passaic. N. J. PULLEN, Corporal Herhert R., Hight3 town. N. J. RODK1N. Mechanic Michael, 92 Alabama Street. Buffalo. N. Y. JOSE. Wagoner Frank H.. jr., Sag Har? bor, N. Y. BAKER. Wagoner Leo R.. Gibson. N. Y. NIEFFER. Cool; Augustus C. 141 Wesl Bridge Street. Saugerties, N. Y. BRODOWRY. Private Paul,-' 1493 Amster dam Avenue, New York. BRUNEI', Private Octave, 464 Amsterdan Avenue, New York. CARNEY, Private John, 120 East 130tl Street. New York. DALY, Private James, 506 West Fifty first Street. New York. DEGIACOMO. Private Nicholas, 141 Beach Street. Patersoti, N. J. ; G RAN ATO. Private Lorenzo, 343 Bom Street. Brooklyn. GRANATO. Private Salvadore, 2 Charle: Street, Albany. N. Y. GRAVEL, Private Wesley, Owl's Head N. Y. GRUBBY, Private Edward D., New Egypt ; n. j. GUTCHENS, Private Howard P., 50 i Humboldt Street. Union. N. J. O'KEEFE, Private John P., 454 Secon? | Avenue, New York. OSTUNDORFF. Private Robert Wilson i 256 Walnut Street. Richmond Hill, N. Y. PREZIOSI. Private Samuel, 14 Flag, Street, Orange. N. J. RICHTER, Private Joseph, 167 Norfol Street. New York. SCHMITT, Private George J., 788 Wood ward Avenue, Brooklyn. ?SCHROTT, Private Frank, 60 Bqaco Street. Newark. N. J. SCOCCA, Private Vincenza, 22 Washins ton Street, Jamaica, N. Y. SERLA. Private John D., 527 Warre Street. Brooklvn. SHERBO. Private Louis. 611 Pr?sider Street. Brooklyn. SUGARMAN. Private Samuel, 118 Var? Street. Brooklyn. ?S4ILLIVAN, Private Thomas F., 258 Cu ver Road. Rochester, N. Y. WHITE, Private Charles, 2636 DecaU; Avenue, Brooklyn. GOLBA. Private Walter, 1065 Hudso Avenue. Rochester, N. Y. GOODWIN, Private Dudley C, 604 Wet Seventh Stree. Plainfield, N. J. GRAVES, Private Roy B., Philadelphii Penn. HARVEY. Private Jesse A., 3 De.xt? Avenue, Auburn, N. Y. JONES. Private William P., 22 Melrot Street. Brooklyn. ALTIERI, Private Gerard, 466 Concoi Avenue, New York. BROWN. Private Henry E., 210 Eckfoi Street. Rrooklyn. BURKE. Private Michael Leo, 415 We 120th Street. New York. GILLETTE. Private George M., 15"i Fifty-seventh Street, Rrooklyn. HAWKINS. Private Martin, 112 Cou Street, Brooklyn. PROCOPIO, Private Floro, Fulton, N. " PURCELL, George, 7.S2 Broome Stree New York. QUINLAN, Daniel W., Poughquag, Dutch County. N. Y. JOOST, William L., 1081 Union Avenu New York. JOYCE, James E, 357 Germania Avenu Schenectady, N. Y. JUDGE, James, 916 Albemarle Roa Brooklyn. OSULL1VAN, Peter T., 129 Perry Stre? New York. QUETTI, Hary, West Winfield. N. Y. SHEPHERD, Harold C, Cazenovla, N. ' SMITH, Robert J? 433 Forty-third Stir* Brooklyn. SCHNURR, Joseph, Clarks Mills, N. Y. SCOTT, Edward F., 612 Eighty-nin Street; Woodhaven, N. Y. ?SOROCKI, Albert A., 4301 Fourteen Avenue, Brooklvn. SULLIVAN. Joseph P., 729 Amsterda Avenue, New York. SULLIVAN, Theo. J., 83 Pacific Stret New York. ? . Szteba, Emil, 146 North Ninth Stre? Brooklyn. Missing in Action KALLEY. Nelson, pvt., Jeannette Av nue, Inwood. N. Y. RUBEN.STEIN. Meyer, pvt., 1353 Intervi Avenue, New York. CURRENT CASUALTIES Died of Accident and Other Canse THURSTON, James F., pvt., 954 E Street, Buffalo, N. Y. Died of Disease LIBONATO. Michael, secry.. 142 Et Twenty-ninth Street, New York. CHANGES IN STATUS The following-cabled corrections a issued as an appendix to tho regul casualty lists: Killed in Action, Previously Report Died MARRA, Private John A.. 40 Downi Street, New York City. SEILER. Private Benjamin. 1524 Chi lotte Street, New York City. STROMBERG. Private George W., Vamleventer Avenue, Long Island City. TREAT. Private Everett 8.. 321 Sov Ninth Avenue, Mount Vernon, ?. Y. Missing in Action, Previously Report Wonnded Severely SHERMAN, Private Harry, 514 East 13! Street. New York City. Wounded {Degree Undetermined), Pi viously Reported Missing in Actlor -FALIR1SKIE, Private Jan. 44 Brad Avenue, Blissville. N. Y. SIEGFRIED. Privat.? Edward J., 136 N< ark Street, Newark, N. J. Returned to Duty, Previously Report Missing in Action HMTELESKI, Sergeant Edmond. I Charles Strcot, Perth Amboy, N. J. LOST, FOUHD AND REWARDS LOST?Chamois bag. containing diamond lavalli?re and brooch pin. on Monday: unreplaceable memorial keepsake; suitable reward. Please notify Mr?. Windsor. Academy?1670. LOST?FIT<*H FUR COLLAR, between 7th ave. and 56th st., up Broadway to Colo- j nial Theatre; did not belong to wearer; reward. WETMORE, Hotel Grenoble. LOST?Mink neckpiece, Sunday, 6:30 p.m., Queens Boulevard: reward. Return Miss] Burton, 31.0 West 111th St. Thono 8^40 I ?Cathedral. LOST BANKBOOKS LOST.?Bankbook No. 319.908. The Greenwich Savings Bank. 246 & 248 Sixth ave.. N. Y. City. Payment stopped. Please return to bank. LOST.?Bankbook No. 309,936 of the Franklin Savings Bank, issued to John O'Brien. Payment stopped. Please return to bank. 658 Eighth ave.. New York City. All persons are cautioned not to purchase or negotiate same. LOST.?Bankbook No. 662,263 of the Cen? tral Savings Bank in the City of New York. Payment stopped. Please return book to bank. HELP WANTED MALE INSTRUCTION AUTOMOBILE KNOWLEDGE is a valuable asset to increase your earnings. Learn at New York's most complete school. Mechanical course, $45; with Driving. *6.-> Write for Catalog T. or phone 5270 Circle STEWART AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL 225 West 57th St., at Broadway. AUTOMOBILE INSTP.UCTlON, ?10 Unlimited driving, etc.. guaranteed. In? cluding machine for state examination until license secured. B. M. Co.. 13P1 Lexington ave. (SStb). LEARN TO BE A CHAUFFEUR?Pleas? ant and profitable work; day and even? ing classes. Send for free booklet and visitor's pas.-. West Sido Y. M. C. A., 317 West 57th st. HELP WANTED MALE HOTEL HELP WANTED FREE EMPLOYMENT COOKS (experienced) PASTRY COOKS ICE-CREAM MEN CONFECTIONERS CANDY MAKERS BREAD AND ROLL BAKERS CAKE BAKERS ' KITCHEN FIREMEN POT WASHERS VEGETABLE BOYS KITCHEN MEN, ETC, WAITERS (experienced) COMMIS PANTRYMEN DISHWASHERS BELLBOYS PAGE BOYS BARTENDERS Only first c!a?=s need apply. HOTEL ASS'N. OF N. Y. C. Employment Division, 4! East 20th St. ARTIST WANTED who can use Air Brush efficiently and produce high class enlarged portraits. Great opportunity for right man. Ga. Art Supply Co.. G5 South Broad St.. At? lanta, Ga. BOY.?Bun errands and assist shipping; good chance of advancement ; $10. Textile Press, 25 Ciiy Hall Place. BOY wanted as office assistant, deliver in? voices, etc.; bring references. Thomas Stokes & Son, 323 Greenwich st. BOY, about 16. in our designing room to learn Hie business. M. 11. Whltall, manufacturer rugs an?] carpets, 114 Fifth ave. BOYS' for shipping department of silk importing house; salary $9. Apply Z. Horikoshl ?t Co., 71 Madison av. Bor.s for mail and messenger service; must hi?- 16 years old; goo?l opportunity for advancement along engineering lines. Employment office open 9 to 4. WESTERN ELECTRIC CO., INC., 57 BETHUNE ST , Near West St., ?J blocks bouth of 14th St. ERRAND BOY?General work. Eaves Costume Co., 110 West 46th st. ERRAND BOY -wanted; $12 to start. A. Galewsky & Son, 45;! Broomo st. ERRAND BOYS WANTED; $10 per week. Electric Light Engraving Co., 411 Pearl st. OFFICE BOY?15 to 18 years of age; gen? eral office work; bring reference. Pru? dent Hardware Co., 864 Sth ave. OFFICE BOY; permanent po sition, excellent opportunity. Sears, Roebuck & Co., 115 5th Ave. SALESMEN for New York territory, ad? vertising insurance or real estate; ex? perienced preferred; age 25 to 40; com? mon, sense first requisite; must have force? ful personality and show clean record; big pay and excellent future to men of best character. Apply, after 9 a. in., to Room 306, 225 Fifth ave. SALESMAN to sell well established mill's lines of hosiery to the wholesale jobbing trade; necessary to travel at intervals 'totaling 12 or 16 weeks yearly, making New York your home and headquarters; knowledge of business and trad?- desirable, hut not Imperative, Lut applicant must have had previous experience as a suc? cessful salesman; a developed territory will he turned over to him ami result:-; <^x pected from tho beginning. A substantial salary will bo paid. Address, Tribune, S. 66. SALESMEN?ljearn the value or a real se? curity?one that Is paying dividends of 8 per cent, payable quarterly: financial insti? tution, many years established, is increas? ing Its capital; easily explained; prior ex? perience not necessary; commission. ?Spence & Co.. 1 Madison av.. New York. STOCK SALESMAN Industrial and oil securities; quick action with leads we furnish; com mission. Seo Mr. Frizelle, Room 702. 505 Fifth Avenue. SALESMAN for reliable business informa? tion service; select proposition for wide? awake man where income will Justify lu.? efforts. Mr. West, Room 1303, 116 'West 32d st. YOUNG MEN for mall and messenger service; must be 16 years old; good opportunity for advancement along engineering lines. Employment otlice open 9 to 4. WESTERN ELECTRIC CO., INC., 57 BETHUNE ST., near West st. (six blocks south of 14th st ) HELP WANTED FEMALE COLLECTORS ? Experienced charitable work; reference. 240 East 23d st. ? \\ ANTED.?Young woman to manage small multiple letter department ; should be a rapid, accurate typist . a knowledge of | Hoover automntic typewriter Is desirable she will supervise the multigraphing and tilling m oi form letter? and ?.?ill be re? sponsible for accuracy of work a real op? portunity for a girl with executive ability W rite, giving age, ??xperlenco In directing; others and salary desired. F. E., Box 30? Tribune Office. CANCIGLIA. Private Rosarlo. S? Tune Avenue. Granville. N. Y. E.SPOSITO, Private Mich?le. Pleasantville Koa.l, Hammonton. N. J. RUSH. Private Frank S.. 1423 Erie Street. Utica. N. Y. RUTH, Private Edward, 1!) Charlotte Street, Rrooklyn. SERVAL. Private Joe, 1(70 East Main Street, Amsterdam, N* Y WHITE. Private Joseph T.. .IS West Sity seventh Street, New York City. Returned to Military Control, Previous? ly Reported Missing, in Action LOFSKY. Private David, 24 Cook Street. Brooklyn. HELP WANTED FEMALE FREE EMPLOYMENT WAITRESSES H CHAMBERMAIDS STOREROOM GIRLS COOKS VEGETABLE COOKS BATHROOM MAIDS CLEANERS (night or day) for New York anil out of town. ; Also many other rood positions offered Appw HOTEL ASS'N. OF N. Y. C. Employment Division. 44 East 29th gt I ERRAND "GIRLS? GOOD SALARY. JANE & "AN. ! DREE, 106 EAST 57TH ST. GiRLS?YOUNG W?MEF % i ^y\A%p-^sAy}<^y^;^ OPERATORS ON LIGHT '. ; TOMAT1P MACHINES. GOOD PA? 18-HO It WEEK; IDEAL SHOP CONDITIONS Mertrenthaler Linotype Co PARK AV. AND HAL! "KLYN. j GIRLS over 16, for packing and count?? envelopes: experience unnecessary: $10 Sfi start; half day Saturday. Samuel Cop?le? ?Envelope Co. 7-41 Lalght St.. near We? < Broadway and Canal. HOUSE W . ? H K ES R -K?eneralTlrdd d'l7~a7;n woman: go to mountains; mum 1-.,. K,A cook. Angelo Patrl, 601 East 170thT Phone Tren I f' MATROX and cleaner; highest \r7c7t paid. Public School 84. Br? , . more and Si ? no aves. WANTED Pile ence. Ap] I w.wi ED - Walti in family. < 'ah befoi after " ?. p. m? ooi Park a\ ? SITUATIONS WANTED VALE CHAUFFEUR, mechanic, wishes. countrv~?o". Bitlon ; willing to help anv work. A 'Tvr. bon, 107 East 126th st. COLPLB seek private position? chauffeur and cook; good references: willing; to en anywhere. Write P., 263 H , MAN. married, 84, desires position ol truv. with chance foi advancement; in ! woodworking mechanic. affected on -.?>'? ? palm, preventing activity in this I I Takacs, 92 13th ave., L. I. C. ? PAINTERS; " decorators""and paperhangers wish work from real estate landlords, agents, etc. Estimates given and work guaranteed. Baron ?S. Yanofsky, 33 E. 126th St. | Harlem 7411. WANTED Po - as off! e manager, or as credit, < or adjustment man for a c i -poration by an lawyer and oflCi.?an Will fun sh rec? ommendations and bond. Addr l. O. Box tif?.r., Dayton, Ohio. SITUATSONS WANTED FEMALE i A.?A.?Child's niKs"; young Irish Prot? estant; throo years' reference; child over ; three years old; $45-$50 S., Miss Hof? mayer's Agency, ' 13d st., third floor. Telephone 8947 Murraj Hil CHAMBERMAID. foum ' very good record : ' '- ." mayer's Ag? n? ... 10 East ? ' floor. Telephone 8947 Murray Hill. CHAMBERMAID; ? xc< II? ?it n - city or country. Miss ' l Bureau, 3?36 Fifth avi COOK.?Young Ir'sn woman; ? I summer; excellent co ?' . Miss Hofmayer's Agency, 10 1 ' ! third floor. Tell ?mon 894 ' Hill. ?COOK.?Young Irish woman two years' reference; ?50. K . '?'? is F?of ! mayer's Agency, 10 Ei st 43d ! flour. Telephone 8947 Murra LAUNDRESS, excellent; e y? u ence; can launder shirts, etc.; $60 -?'?. Miss Hofmayer's Agei 10 East 43d Rt.. third door. 8947 Murray Hill. NURSERY 'I' ?A ERNES lent re ferences : oue or country preferred. Miss Bureau, Sfi'J Fifth ave. G: NURSE, middle aged* tak? entire charge of infant; excellent references Miss ?Fitzgerald's Bureau, 366 L. ? b ave Greeley 6244. NURSE.?Take on" or two children; sU years' excellent references !n>i employer; ojiy or country. Miss Fitzgerald's I 360 Fifth ave. Greelej 52 ? ?. "U UTRESS.?Eciual to butler; ready for work ?\ny 8; good city referei ' $65. B.. Miss Hofmayer's Agency. !0 East 43d st., third floor. Telephone 8947 Mur | ray Hill. FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET HOTEL BELMORE, northeast cornor 25th st. and Lexington ?ave.?Nicely furnished singl? rooms; nil hot' i conveniences; service. Special rates ?oi pei lanent guest* 71ST, 206 WEST.?Nice targe back r>8' lor. with kitchenette; pen ness people preferred. 74TH, 149 WEST.- Beautiful pari suitable doctor, dentist, studios; all con? veniences. B? ill. 323 WEST?Attractive large roor,', private bath; kitchenette; all improve i ments. 90TH ST.. 24 West; attractivelyfurnishid rooms, running water, r' sonable: board optional; reference? 91ST ST.. 8 WEST.?White ename sole room ; t win beds; gent 11 issem. 122D ST.. WEST ( 1 sn Claremont Av > Well furnished room with v.-? ? gentleman, elevator. At>'. 62, $25 to t' TOR SALE iCB, i.nno tons.?$5 rr;p. ton as ;;' stands in the house; cash down; loaded into cars at actual cost; cash on - ment; must move before May 12. Wim Mrs. H. A. BAILEY. Winooskl, Vi FURNITURE WANTED HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR FUP.NI tuie, an:' . anos, V,: ??:-n-brn-, bonks, an. etc GABaT, 88 University Place. i'Phone Stuyve ??-w "377. FURNISHED APARTMENTS TO LbT FURNISHED APARTMENT, 6 : baths, with or without linen and .- - sen by appointment. 'Phon? Columbus ^ti2?j before 10 a. m. MADISON AVENUE, 697?Pleasant fully furnished apartment, i\\ bath, kitchenette, piano. Occupation June list-October 1st. Appointments ? phone. Plaza 9376. ?6TH AND LEXINCJTOri (corner! ? At ? tractively furnished apartment, 4 room! and bath, kitchen; from May l to Octo? ber, or 3 months' lease. $175 monthly? Phono I'ERKIX. Pla/.a 5501. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES IRISH MINERALS AND INDI Development Company, 42 Westlana Row, Dublin, Ireland. Electrlo railws ??. public utilities, water, timber, oil. Indus? trial and mining enterprises pn Approved bond ;.nd stock Issue? with European bankers and brok? derwrltin? procured for corporation ing and other examination? and report? mado by well known engineers. 'TRUCK OPHRATOR8 wanted on the ' operative plan for lorn; distance h must furnish three references and lnv< ?< ?1.300; salary (36 per ?reek ?*?'' J*rnU18;J? ! of $3.000 to $4.000 per year. The K- ? , Line Transportation Co., Inc., 2'1 FuKon Street, New York City. COUNTRY BOARD RESTHAVEN Care or Invalids and eld? erly, beautiful location. &9? N. B"?an" way. Tonkera 111 uy weekly. Phone Yonkers l'.'tW._. _ SUMMER COTTAiiES TO LET ' BIGHT-ROOM COTTAGE; OAJEtAGBi ?hade trees; Wde pla??a; $6wt>. Tele? phone Coney Island 184?.