Newspaper Page Text
Record of Stock and Bond Average* ;'>pyright, 1919, New York Tribuna Inc) \ Yeste. day CO Railroad* . 74.15 30 InduMr i*U. 99.97 50 Stocks . 89.64 10 Railroad.* . 80.15 10 Industrial* . 95.11 5 I'tilitiea . 83.92 25 Bonda . 86.89 Summary of Stock Exchange Dealings (Copyrlght, 1919. New York Trlbun* Inc) Stocks Day Year January 1 to date. Ye.-.tcrday. before. aao. 1919. 1918. 1917., Railroads 196,900 338,400 163,600 9,895,100 5,268,500 8,012,700 Other Mork* .. 1.577.850 1,427.500 1,081.100 71,074,150 40,468,100 60,486,100 All atocks . 1,774.750 1.765,900 1,244,700 80,969,150 45,736,600 68,498,800 Bonds January 1 to data. festerday. Day before. Year ago. 1919. 191*. (1 S Government ... $9,636,000 $7,518,000 $7,909,000 $78,928,000 $265,665,000 Railroad* - ? 1.304,000 1,625.000 529,000 70,997,000 86,956,000 Other bonds""' .... 1,918.000 3.551,000 1.831,000 264,179,000 121,922,000 <Vil bonds . 12.858,000 12,694,000 10,269,000 1,025,444,000 474,593,000 Yesterdav's Transactions in Listed Stocks All stocks quoted dollars a sharc. Annual dividend rate, also ln dollars a share. is based on last regular payment. High and low prices of 1919 an* based only on transactions of 100 shares or more. High. Low. Div. 1919. 1919. Rate. 50 29i8 ? Adam* Exprcss .. . 34% 21 ? Advance Rumely T0J4 56' _? 6 Advance Rumely pr 95 66 6 Ajax Ruhber . 1 .i 3i r ? Alaska tiold Mine. 2% 1*4 ? Alaska Juneau .... ??2% 30 ? Allis-Chalmers Co. 95 8KS 7 Allis-Chalmern pr.. 87j a 841; 6 Am Bosch Map. 2700 1 133i 997B 8 Amer Agr Chem.. 85' z 62 8 Amer Reet Sugar.. 56% 42% ? American Can Co_ 6800 55% 653-4 54'.'2 54%? % 545/g 543^ 103*4 98% 7 Amer Can Co pr_ 100 10334 103% 1033/4 1033/4- 103 103% 99 84'8 3 Am Car & Frfry Co. . 5600 99 99 97% 97%- 97% 97% 14% 10% .80 American Drugs ... 1200 13 13 12% 12%? % 12% 13 58% 39% 4 Amer Cotton Oil. 2400 56 56| 2 55! 4 65%? % 55% 56 95 82' 2 6 American Express... 200 85 85 85 85 + 2 84 89 29% 13'8? Am Hide & Leather.. 13100 28% 29'2 28% 29%+ 1% 29% 29% 11884 71% 7 Am Hide & L pr... 3400 117% 118% 116% 116%? 1% 116% 117'/4 541/2 38 ? American Ice . 10200 49% 54% 49'/8 52 + 2(4 52 52% 73 5434 6 American Ice pr. 2000 71% 73 71!/4 71'/4- 71 71'/2 91% 6238 3.60 Amer Int Corp. 24600 89 89% 87% 873/4? % 87% 87% 63 44'8 ? American Linseed... 11200 60% 63 60% 61%+ 1/2 61 </a 61% 98% 85 7 Amer Linseed pr_ 100 96% 96% 96% 96%- 96% 963/4 78% 58 5 Amer I.ocomotive_ 10100 77% 7838 76% 763/4? i/8 76% 77 4% 1 ? American Malt . 2100 2\ 2 2% 2'/2 2%+ 9a 2% 2% 78% 62% 4 American Smelting.. 13100 75% 76% 75% 75%- 75% 76 1073,4 103 7 Am Smell pr. 100 107% 1073/4 1073/4 107%+ % 107 107% 130 105 12 Amer Snuff . 100 123 '123 123 123 ? 1% 120 124 37% 36 ? Am Steel Fdy. 10900 36% 363/4 36% 35'/4? 1% 35 35% 136 111% 7 Amer Sugar . 13200 133% 136 133% 134%+ 1% 134% 1343/4 118% 113% 7 Am Sug pr. 200 118% 118% 118'/2 118%- 118 118% 118 96% 10 Amer Sumatra _ 2100 107% 109% 106% 107% + % 107 108 108% 98% 8 Am Tel & Tel. 3600 10438 104% 103% 104 ? % 104 104% 215% 191% 20 Amer Tob . 5400 212% 215% 211% 214%+ 6% 213 215 106 100 6 Am Tob pr new. 700 100% 100% 100 100 ? % 99 100 85 45% 5 Amer Wool _.... 8600 34 85 80 83 4- 5 83 84 102 94% 7 Am Wool pr.' 1100 104% 101% 100% 100%+ % 100% 101% 48 27%? Am Writ Pap pr ... 3000 45% 46% 45% 45%+ % 45 45% 18% 11 ? Am Zinc & Lead_ 1800 16 17 16 163/4+ % 16% 16% 64% 66% 4 Anaconda . 4200 63% 64 63% 6334 + % 63% 63% 5 1 ? Ann Arbor . 100 4% 4% 4% 41/2? % 4 5 49 17%? A*so Dry Gda.4 1000 45% 49 45% 48%+ 3% 48% 49 78 61 6 Ass D G 1at pr. 100 76 76 76 76+1 76 ? 96% 68 6 Ajsso Oi! . 1400 94 94% 93% 93%? % 93 94 96% 90 6 Atchlson . 2200 94% 95 94% 94%? % 94% 94% 80 84% 6 Atchiaon pr . 100 86% 86% 86% 86%? % 86 86% 10% 6 ? A, B & Atl. 100 103B 1038 1038 10%? % 10 10% 102 95 7 A C Line. 300 101% 101% 101 101 ? % 100% 101 177% 92 10 A G & W 1.86400 173 177% 169 169 - 169 169% 94% 64% ? Baldwin Loco Co... 20100 93! 2 93% 92% 92%? % 92% 92% 106% 1Q2 7 Baldwin Loco pr.... 100 106% 106% 106% 106%- 106 108 60% 44 4 Balt & Ohio. 2800 50 50 49% 48%? % 49% 49% 56% 50 4 Balt & Ohio pr. 200 64% 55% 54 55%+ % 54' 55% 137% 103 8 Barrett Co . 3100 135% 1363/4 134% 134%- 133% 134 2 1% ? Batopilas Mininc- 2000 1% 1% 1% 1%- 1% 1% 76% 65% 8 Bethlehem Steel _ 300 75% 75% 75 75 + % 74 76 77% 65% 8 Beth Steel, Class B.. 7800 7434 75% 74% 75 + % 74% 75 26% 18%? Bklyn Rap Tran- 2100 23 23 21% 21%? 1% 21% 21% 24% 18% 2 Booth Fisherles Co.. 4000 21 21% 20% 21 - 21 21% 100 98 7 Brown Shoe Co pr. . . 100 100 100 100 100 + % 99 101 168 138 10 Burns Bros . 400 160% 152 149 149 - 148 150 11 8% ? Brunswick . 400 10 10 10 10 - 10 10% 10 5% % Butte Cop & Zlnc... 2800 9% 10 9% 9%+ % 9% 10 25% 16! 4 ? Butte & Sup Cop- 1500 22% 23 22% 22%? 1 22?4 23 67% 48% 4 Calif Packing . 6600 65 65% 64% 65 - 64% 65 293/4 20%? Calif Petrolcom. 1100 29% 293/4 29% 29%+ % 29% 30 75 64% 7 Calif Petrol pr. 2100 74% 75 74% 75 + % 74% 75% 170% 155% 10 Canadian PaclBc_ 900 167% 1673/4 166 166%? 1 166% 167 99 9-1% 7 Case, J I, pr. 200 98 98 97 97 ? 1'/2 96 100 12 27 5 Central Fdry pr. 200 40 40 38 38 ? 2 35 38 86% 66% 5 Central Leather .... 37600 85 86% 85 85%-- 1% 85% 8534 112 114% 7 Cent Leather pr. 100 112 112 112 112- 110% 112 44% 31 4 Cerro De Pasco. 1300 40% 41 40% 40%? % 40% 41 152 103 12 Chandler Motors _ 3800 147 150 147 148 + 2 147 149 66% 62% 4 Chesapeake & Ohio.. 8200 65% 66 64% 64%? % 64% 64% 11% 7 ? Chicago & Alton- 100 10% 10% 10% 10%? % 8 10% 10 7% ? Chic Gt West. 1600 9% 9% 9% 9%? % 9 9!/4 27% 23% 2 Chic Gt West pr- 800 27% 27% 27 27 ? % 27 27% i13/4 34%? Chic, M & St P. 2300 39% 39% 3834 39 ? % 3834 39% 74% 65%? Chic, M & St P pr.. 700 69% 6934 69% 69%+ % 69 69% 99 93% 7 Chic & N'west. 1300 97% 97% 96% 96%+ % 9634 97 27% 22'.8 ? Chic. R 1 & Pac. 4500 27% 27?4 26% 26%? % 26% 26% 68 61% 6 Ch. R I & P 6% pr.. 600 6734 68 67% 67%? % 67 67% 81 73% 7 Ch, R I & P 7% pr.. 600 81 81 80% 80%? % 80 80% 43% 32 ? C. C, C & St L. 200 42 42% 42 42%+ % 42 43 24% 17! a? Chile Copper . 4800 233,4 2334 22% 223/4? % 22% 23 38% 32% 3 Chino Con Cop. 600 37'. 2 37% 37% 37%? % 37% 37% ?5 603, 6 Cluett Peabody _ 100 74 75 74 75 + % 74% 74% 46 3434 3 Col Fuel & Iron_ 1900 44% 45 44 44%? % 44% 44% '.7% 39% 4 Col Gas & Elec. 2800 46% 47 46% 47 + % 46% 47' 3134 19%? Col &. South. 300 29% 29% 28 28 ? % 28 29 47% 37% 4 Comp Tab . 100 423/4 4234 42% 423/4T- % 42% 45 102% 87' 8 7 Con Gas . 700*100 100 99% 99%- 99 100 32% 65! 2 6 Cont Can . 1400 79% 80% 793/4 79%? % 79% 79% *4% 46 ? Corn Produeta . 6000 64 64 62% 62%? 1% 6234 63 <-2% 52! a? Crucible Steel . 6100 72'/* 72?4 71 71%+ % 71% 71% 96% 91 7 Crucible Steel pr- 200 96% 96% 96% 96%+ % 96% 97 39% 20%? Cuba Cane Sugar... 23400 38% 39% 38% 38%+ % 38 38% 85% 69% 7 Cuba Cane Sugar pr. 4500 82% 83% 82 83 ? 1% 8234 83'/4 113 101 9 Del & Hudson. 100 111% 111% 111% 111%? 1%111 111% 13% 6% ? Denv & R (. pr. 300 10% 10?4 10% 10%? % 10% 1l' '?> 10% ? Dome Hines . 6600 14% 15 14% 14%+ % 14% 14% '8 110 8 Detroit Ediaon . 20 118 118 118 118 - 117 119 B 2% ? Dul, So Sh & Atl.... 400 434 5 4% 5 + % 4% 5 0% 27 3 Elk Horn Coal. 100 29% 29% 29% 29%? % 28% 30% 18% 15%? Erie . 4300 17% 17% 17% 171V-? 17% 17% 21 24%? Erie 1st pr. 1300 29% 29% 29% 29%+ % 29 29% 1* 9% ? Fed Min & Smelt.... 200 13 14 13 14 + 1% 13 14 40% 33 7 Fed Min & Smlt pr.. 400 40% 40% 40% 40%+ 1% 40 40% 64% 38% ? Flsher Body . 100 58 68 68 58 + % 57% 68 100 91 7 Fisher Body pr. 100 98% 98% 98% 98%? 1% 98 100 33% 26% 2 Gaston William*_ 900 29% 29% 29 29 ? % 29 29% 73% 47 4 General Cigar . 3700 70% 71% 703/i 70%? % 70% 70^ 154% 144% 8 General Elec . 500 1643/4 1643/4 162% 162%? 2 162% 163% 190 118% 12 General Motors .... 24600 185 190 185 190 + 6% 189% 190' 941/j 82 6 <,en Motora pr. 200 92% 923/4 92% 9234? 1 92% 93 943/4 82% 6 Gen Motora deb. 700 90% 90% 90% 90%+ % 90 90% 74 66% 4 Goodrieh, B F. 2500 71% 72% 71% 72 + % 71% 72 109% 103 7 Goodrlch, B F pr_ 300 108 108 108 108-107% 108 80 64 6 Granby Mln ing .... 100 65 65 65 65?1 65 66 95% 89% 7 Gt North pr. 2100 94% 94% 93% 93%? % 93% 94 46% 31% 4 Gt Nor Ore aoba.... 6600 46 46% 46% 45%? % 45% 45% **% 38% ? Green* Can Cop.... 300 40 40 40 40 + % 3934 40 '0% 7% ? G, M & Nortb. 100 9% 9% 9% 9%? % 8% 10 *Wm 31%? G, M fc N pr. 100 33% 33% 33% 33%+ 1 33 34% ?'% 49% 4 Gulf State- 8U?1_ 700 60 00 60 60 - 69% 60 58% 40 4 Ha?k & B C Co.... 400 64% 54% 64 54 + % 64 64% 71% 64% 6 Hartman Corp . 200 71% 71% 71% 7V/Z- 71 75 100 86 6 Homeatabe . 100 86 86 86 86 ?11% 86 ? 102% 96 7 III Central . 600 101% 101% 101% 101%? % 101 101% 27% 10% ? Litl Agricul . 600 26% 25% 24% 25 - 25 251,;, 83% 48 6 Jnternat Agricul pr.. 500 82 82% 82 82%-I- % 82 82% 52% 42% 6 Jrmjiiration Copper... 6300 61% 61% 60% 503/4? % W)i/2 50% 7% 3% ? Corp. 6100 4% 4% 4% 4%? % 4% 4% 24 11%? Int-Con* Corn pr..-.. 4000 14% 14% 14 14%+ % 14' 147. 1i&% 110% 6 Int Harveater Co,.. . 3100 132 132% 130 131 ? 1 130 131% 118 115 7 Int Harve?t?r pr... 100 117% 117% 117% 117%+ 1% 110 117% 47% 2% ? Int Mrrean Mar- 60200 47% 47% 46% 47%+ % 47 471,. 120% 92% 6 int Mvrean Mar pr.. 63200 120 120% 118% 119 + % 119 1191'/. ??4% 30%? lnt?rnat'l I'aper - 6100 62% 53 51% 62 - 62 62'/2 y*1* 24% ~ Internat'l Nkkel ... 2700 25 25% 26 26 ? % 25 26% 4* 28 ? Jawall T?? . 1600 37% 38 37% 38 ? % 37% 38% 130 105 8 K*r**r, Juliu*. 200 128 129 128 129 - 110 128 24% 16%? hinitt Ciiy Sonth... 2400 23% 24 23% 23%? % 23 23% 64% 4?% 4 Ksn City Kooth pr... 200 64% 64% 64% 64%^- 63 65 129% ?8 4 Helly gprlngfield .... 2000 126 126 125% 128%+ % 125 128% 43 84 ? Ketery Wh?*l Co.... 100 41 41 41 41 + 1% 41 43 96 89 8 K?l??y Wheel Co pr.. 100 94 94 94 94 + 1 94 86% 33% 29% 2 K*Hn*<-?U Copper... 1800 32% 32% 32% 32%? % 32% 32% 109 89 1 20 K#y*t.?n* Tire ...... 2800 98 96% 96% 96 ? % 96 96% 78 92% 6 ;,Mk??F?fin? Hteel M 3600 74 75 73% 74+1 74 7414 83 89% 7 I.aelede Gaa *...... 20 68 68 68 68 -? 68 70 High. I>ow. Div. 1910. 1019. Rate. 11 7 ? 67% 53% 5 37'4 31 ? 112 107 7 57% 40% ? 175 147?4 12 70 6 70 7 100 4 26% ? 50% ? 19/4 ? 92% 60* 5 197'/4 16734 8 24% 2134 2 48 40% 4 79 88 4? 72 33?,; Net Sales. Open. High. I,ow. Close. chge. Bid. Ask. L, E & West. 200 11 11 10% 103.4+ \/a 10% 11i/a i.chigh Val . 2100 56% 57 56% 56%? 3? 56 56?/a Lee R & T. 200 34% 34% 333/4 333/4? % 33/4 3434 I, & M Tob Co pr... 125 111 111 111 111 ?1 111 114 L W Bis Co. 900 55% 56 55% 56 + </2 56 57 I.orillard, I'ierre- 900 167 167 166 167 + 1% 165% 167 Mackay Co . 10O 79 .' 79 79 79+1 78'/2 79% Man Elcvated . 100 75% 75% 75% 75/4? % 75% 78 Man Shirt . 1000 112'/4 113 112% 113 + % 112% 113 Max Motor . 1300 43'4 43% 42 42?1 41% 42'/. Max M 1st pr. 200 70 70 69 69 ? 1 ? ? Max M 2d pr. 1100 33(4 33% 32% 33 - 32% 33 May Dept Slrs. 3200 92 92'/2 91% 92-91 92 Mex Potrol .86100 178% 185!, 4 178% 184(/a+ 6% 184% 184% Miami Con Cop. ... 200 23! 2 23% 23% 23%? % 23% 23/a 15% 93 11% 20% 32% 57% 77 39!-. 126 85% 7 4% ? 8% - 22% ? 49% ? 69 6 29'/a 3 109 7 94% 65 \ j 60% 49% 8!/a 67 12% 40'/a 93% 156% 46 10 Midvale Steel . 4800 M & S L new. .'.,.. 300 M, S P & S S M ... 100 M K & T. 9600 M K & T pr. 400 Missouri Pacific. 36500 Missouri Pacific pr.. 2500 Mont Power . 4I00 National Acme .... Nall Biscuit . Nat Con & Cable. . . , N'at l'.'nami'l & Stps. National Lrad . Nat Lcad pr. 5!/2 ? Nat R R of M 2d pr. 15% 1!/a Ncvada Con Copper.. 911/4 10 N V Air Brake. 69% 5 New York Central... 19'/. 2/2 N Y Dork. 44'/4 5 N Y Dock pr. 25% ? N Y, N H & H. N Y, Ont & West... Norfolk Soulh. Norfolk & West_ North American .... Northern Pacific . . . Nova Scotia Stocl .. Oliio Kucl 45% 453t 1418 14%? 90 90 ? 10% 101/4? 181/4 18/4? ,30% 30%? 45% 45% 14 14% 89 90% 10% 10/4 17% 18 1% 30% 31 56 56% 72 75 21% 14 ? 63 ?8 45% 6 75% 64 5 110% 107 7 14 17/s 115 77% 35 54 34% 21% 18% ? 18% 15 ? 109% 103 7 55% 47 5 88% 7 46 43 2 35% 4 5% ? 46 3 8 29% 1 67 5 117 7 43% 3 4% ? 45% 14% 90 10% 19 32% 57 71% 100 36% ?500 120 2400 19% 1100 63 700 73% 74' 4 73! 100 110 110 110 " 200 10% 10% 10'/4 101/4? % 10% 1034 200 16% 16% 16% 16%? % 16% 16% 400 112% 113% 112% 113%+ 13.4 1123.4 1133 2600 77', 4 771/4 76% 77 + % 76i/ 77'* 30 30 29 29?1 2?' 29% 50 50 ? % 48'4 52 30'4 30%? % 30% 3038 21% 21%+ % 21% 21% 16 16 - 16 17 1300 108% 108% 107% 107%? % 107 1073, 100 52 52 52 52 - 51 54 3200 943,4 943,4 93% 9334? % 931/, 300 613% 61% 61% 61%+ % 61" 100 49U 49'2 49% 49%? 1 49% 500 200 3800 700 100 50 3oy( 21/4 16 46 14'/; 90 11 19 32!-; 57% 55% 56 ? 1 76 71% 75+5 36% 36% 36% + 120 120 120 - 19% 18% 18%? 63 62% 62% + 74% + 110 - 50 31 2134 16 36% 37 119 . 121 18% 19 62% 63 74 75 109 111 ?h'? <.as . 35200 48% 4938 48% 483,8 + Ontario Silver . 2100 Owens BotllinR . 100 Okla Prod . 78900 ' . 3500 60400 52% 45% ? 21% 12% _ 56 5 30 3 30 ? 44 5 38% 5 101% 8 62|/; 43 37 49 527f 105'/ 28% 57% 60% 4034 83% 19 80 59 8 1223,4 112% 8 89 68/2 8 16 45 51 34 79 12<W 2134 88 38 % 38% 86 19 75 35% 36 71% 105% 100 Pacific Mail . Pan Am Pel . Pan Am Pel pr .... Pennsylvania R It .. Peoria & East . Peo d'as & t'oke .... Pere Marquclle .... Pere Mart] prior pr . Philadelphia Co .... Pcnn Seab Sleel . .? . P C C & St L.. Pierce Arrow . Pierce Arrow pr .. Pierce Oil . Pittsburch Coal .... Punta AIcstp SiiRar. Pitt.s & West Va .. Pitts & West Va pr. Pond Creek Coal . . . Presscd Steel Car. . . Pullman Pal Car Co. Railway Steel Sprinjr 3400 Ray Con Copper..,. 3800 Reading: . 10900 ReadinR 1st pr. TOO Readinc 2d pr. 200 Rep Iron & Steel..., 6000 51 10% 39% 895.. 51 12J. 40/; 93% 200 156% 156% 156 156 4100 45 45 44% 45 10 50 20 61% 40' a 31% 47 51 105 28% 56% 57 37% 82 17! 94 61% 50 48% 7% 52 300 200 3400 100 2900 200 1C0 4800 100 76900 2900 800 500 100 200 1800 9% 50 19% 61/2 40% 31% 47 50% 105 26% 56 3 8 57 36% 82 17% 79% VA 79% 78 . 48% 7% 7%? -% 7% 51 51 - 51 10% 12%+ 2% 12% 12% 39 39 - 38 39 88% 93% -I- 4% 93 93% + 3 155 162 + /a 45 45'. 8 10 + 1 g% 10 60 ? % 50% 60% 19%? % 19% 19% 611. j- 61% 62% 40 ? % 39% 31%+ % 31/2 47 - 46 503,4 + % 50% 105 - 105 28 + 1% 27% 54%? 1% 56%+ % 37 -i- % 82 ? 1% 17%? % 78 ? 9% 50 19% 61% 39% 31% 47 50% 105 26% 54% 55% 36% 82 '17% 40 32 48 51 105% 28 64% 55 56! 2 66% 37 37% 81% 82 17% 17% 78 781 1000 121% 121% 121 121%? 1% 120% 121% 87% 88 20% 20 V? 86/4 86 3.8 36% 37% 38 38% ? ? ?' .o, - 4 84% 84% 1173_ 703/ __neP ,r?? *,Stee' Pr' 10? 103% 103% 103% 103%- 103% 103% 17/4 86% 8.44 Do \ \ shares.... 139900 111 117% 110% 116%+ 4% 116 116% 63 63' s 6 12 6% ? 25% 10% ? 37 22 ? 223,4 15 ? 10% 7% ? 21% 15% ? 19% 168% 8 13% 10 ? 693/4 33% ? 59% 46% 6 109% 95% 6 31% 25 ? 70 6634 5 94 85/, Savase Arms . 200 6034 Sazon Motors . 200 7% St Eouis & San Fran 2200 25! 4 St L & San Fran pr. 1000 32 St. Eouis S'west.... 100 22 Seaboard Air Eine.. 400 9% Seaboard Air Eine pr 100 20% Sears Roebuck . 300 192'" Shattuck Ariz. 100 13% Sinclair Oil . 78900 68% 68J Sloss ShefT S & I ... 6600 55 " 59 603 4 7% 25! 4 32% 22 9*_ 20% 192 13% 8 79/; 100 60 41/s 46% 17/, 62 292 4534 92 42! 4 32 36% 12% 27% 185 6 4 7 5 6 3 1 10 282% 190% 10 16% 13% ? 247% 207 8 93 72% 6 106 99% 7 49 37% 5 48% 34 2 183 115 8 133/4 124% 10 74% 72 4 47% 37% 4 139% 107% 9 130 90% 7 55% 50 122 91 189/4 157 79% 49 Soulnern Pacific Southcrn K R . . Southcrn R R pr ... 2300 Standard Millinc pr. 300 Studcbakcr . 32600 5934 60 - 68 60 7% 7%+ % 7% 8 23% 23%? 1% 23% 23^ 31% 32?3 32 33' 22 22 ? i/2 21 22 9% 9%- 9% 10 20/2 20/2? 1% 20% 21 192 192 + 1% 193 194 13% 13%+ % 13 13' 66% 67%? % 67% 673 54'r 58%+ 3% 58 59' 100 100 400 58 1000 40 500 44'2 4400 16% 9200 51 21900 290 Studebaker pr Stutz Motors . Superior Steel . Stromberg Carb .... Tenn Copper Chem.. Texas & Pacific _ Texas Company .... Tex Company pd ... Third Ave R R . Tide Water Oil . Tob Products . Tob Products pr .... Tran & Will Steel . . Twin City Rap Tran t'ndcrwood Typc Co. Union Pacific . 2800 133 Enion Pacific pr . . . 200 73 20200 108% 108% 107% 107%+ % 107% 10734 8200 30% 31% 30% 30%? % 30% 30% 69 68 68%? 1% 68% 69% 94 94 94 + 1 93 941/ 79% 77% 79%+ 2% 79 79% 100 100 100 - 100 100% 58/, 57% 57%? 1 57% 58 40 40% 4- : 44% 45 -:- 1 69 94 777, 41 45 16' 51', 292 15/ 483/, 280 1700 281% 28234 279 200 15 15% 15 200 245 247' , 245 2000 90'4 90'', 89' 15%? ' 48%? 2! 286%+17 40 44'% 15% 48% 286% 40% 4434 15% 49 287 280 +15 280 ? 15%+ Va 14% 15 247i/2-r yy2 2491% 250 89%- 89% 90 United Alloy Sleel . . 9 Enited Cigar Stores. 7 United Drup . 3% United Drug 1st pr . 6 Cnited Druc 2d pr.. 200 100% 100% 100% 100%? % 100 10034 400 47% 49 47! 2 48%+ % 48 49' 100 44% 44/2 44% 44%+ % 44 45 100 183 183 183 183 + 3 182 185 133 132 132%? >/a 132% 133 73% 73% 73%- 73 73'/ 900 47 47 46' 2600 133% 134% 133J, 700 119/2 119% 114 100 55% 55% 55! 100 115 115 115 15% 31 26% 66 26 159% 463/4 100% 60 60 103 117% 113% 78% 65% 6 19% 13 ? 68% 51 ? 114% 110 8 63% 64 6 7% ? 15 ? 14 ? 42% 6 16% ? 97% 16 17% ? 73 ? 43% 5 177 76% 13% 27! 4 25 61% 25 46%+ % 46% 46% 133%? 133% 134 114 ? 5% 112 ? 55% 4- 1% 64% 553,4 115 ? 4 110 115 183% + 6% 183 184 76% 13% 273a 25% 61% 26 1/2 2 76% 13 27/4 25 77/, 14 27/ 253~ 81% 62 26 26% Enited Fruit . 13100 177 189/ E S Food Products.. 13200 78% 78'/ United Railway Inv. 1400 14 14 United Ry Inv pr... 300 28 28 U S Cast Iron P & F 900 25 25^ U S C I P & F pr. . . 200 61% 617., U S Express . 400 25 26 U S Ind Alcoliol- 6700 152% 154 151% 152%'-i ' !?_? ? k_>i U S Rea.ty & Imp.. 1100 42% 44% 42% 43%+ % 42% S* YTS Ruh>>" . 5600 98 9834 97 97%- % ?& tyfr , *._-___?___?;_ SS SH %y, 3* ,1*_J | * S2_ 2TSU-::::: :; 3* 5*3 _:*$?, Va-Caro Chem . 2700 66% 67% 66 66 - % 66 67 Va-Caro Chem pr.. 200 113% 113% 113% 113%+ % 112/. ??,, 11 36% 223/8 12% 22% 89% 114% 57 67 86% 10% 22 63% 35 98% 40% 73 77% 734 ? 30% 19 ? 9% ? 17 ? 84% 94% 40% 61 65% 7% ? 17 ? 45 4 23% 1 87% 7 30% ? 50 ? 66 6 Va Iron, C & Coke.. 300 62% wabash . 4600 10% Wabash pr A . 1100 34% Wabash pr B . 100 22 West Maryland. 2000 12 West Pacific . 700 19 West Enion Tel _ 200 88' n 63/ 11 343 .2 12 19 83/ % 62% 63%+ 3% 63% 62' 10" 34',. 22 11! 183 '4 '/. 10% + 343/8 + 22 + % 11/2? % 18%? 1% 88 103f 34!/t 21V: 11/; 18/; 88 7 7 >Ve_tinK Air Brako . 200 114% 114% 114% 114V,+~1 1141 m, 3% West ng MfK . 14100 651 ? Rr,7 Z!iJ %?t ,- 114/2115% ?31/. \v_?.:__ x.rl ;: : ?*___ __8 5o <* 543/? 54%? % 6434 64% 64% 10% 34% 22 11% 19 88% 3% Wfcsting: Mfg Lst pr. 100 Wilson Co . 2600 600 100 700 14100 100 3100 Whcel & E E Wherl & L E pr . . White Motors .... Willys Overland . . Willjs Overland pr Wis Central . Worlh Pump & Mach 4100 67% 73 Worlh P S: M pr B 100 77% 771 67 84% 10% 20/ 59' 33/ 98% 98J/4 373? 40% 67 67+2 84% 85%+ 1 10/4 10%? % 20% 20/2? Va 58 58 ? 33% 34% + 98% 98%+ 37 40% + 67% 70/4+ 3% 70 77% 77%+ % 77/ % *Ex dividend. 67 86% 10% 20% 68 34% 97 % 39% 39[/j 71 773,4 70 853/4 10% 21% 59 34/ 99 Bid and Asked Quotations The foilowing table gives the closing bid and asked quotations for stocks listed on the New York Stock Exchango but not traded in yesterday: Bid. Asked.| A Bank Note 40 do pr . 47'/! A Ag (h pr.101 A Hn-t S pr.. 94 A llr i'hoe .. 90 95 do pr .It>5 170 Am C & F pr.MS?, 117 Am < oal .... 45 ? Am Cot 0 priWJ'/j 93 Am hxurcus . 84 89 Am Ixiio pr . IOS'/j ID_ Ara Khlpbltlu. ? 142 Arn Krnclt pr. 107 do pr A .. .3 Anu-r HnufT ..120 1)0 pr . 95 Am Sug pr .118 Am Suru T pr 93'/t Am Tel & C, 58 Am _ & I, pr 48',. Ann Arbor Bid. 41 Krlsry Wheol. 4 .59.. L'1" i,r .94 101'/< Keo & n ai .. 4 94',v| do pr . 10 IKi.s.i ,_ Co. 0.1.' \-<lo pr .106 |Lacleda (ias .. (ia L Krlo & W pr 17 il. .V .\! Tob .200 ! -I" pr il, i- W Itls lst. 101 do 2d pr ..105 M <lo pr 10 io7y41 94 Louli ,v ;.it'i; 124 >M;.-;;,v fo .. 100 ! do pr _ U8'/a UaulMt 88 M? SWrt pr.100 B3 Mathlnon Aik 31 4H' j Maj I)??!, s pr. 109 llex l'oiro pr. 108 1% A-Mto r.ral . A? Ory (J lst do 2d pr .. 76 A O & W 1 pr 71 liai.i Ixv- pr . I0? B.rr*tt Co pr. 114 Hklyn Ln Ou 80 lirown 8ho?.. 87'/j Cn pr . 90 Biirns pr .... 105 Buff 11 A P.. 80 l".??h Tt?nn .. 80 Buttertrl! .... 23 Vm South .. 45'/? Oen of N i ..201 <"m I^n.tli pr. 110 Ch A Alion pr I2'/j Oh A NW pr.(2? flet A IMU?. 07"a C 8 I' M fc I) M do pr .108 30 !.M 1% d.i t-? P&88.1 89 . (1)4 70 20'/, 215 114 103 110 119 l'8 79->? 64' , , 2'" 115 40 110 108' , 90' 2 do 1 1 Mont I'ow pr. 10a Morr & EM, . 70'A \*_?h \ i'liau.114 Nat lli.wuit ,118 do nr - 118 Nat Cl &. H. 83 do pr .103 Nat K A 8 pr.102 Nat Irfiid pr.109 |N ItH tiix htiii N V 0 ,V. H 1, S9% 1 do lat pr . dJVa <lo 2d pr . . 47 N Y h A W. 02 \Kntt Kouih . 16 jNo.f & W pr. 75 lOwena Butt pr. 101 IPaclflo Coa-t. 47 I flo I ?t pr ... 88 . i!<> M pr . 50 ! C C C&SL pr B8 | Clu IVabody. 74V4 ! do pr .103 I Col F & I pr.105 Col & S lslpr 54 do 2d pr .. 48 I Con Int Cnl . 7 Cont Can pr. 109 Conl 1ns _ 71 | Corn l'ro pr. IOG'.'j j Crcx Carpet.. 48 1 Cnba A Sug .190 ! <lo pr .103 ?? Dcore Co pr. 99 I) L A \V ..200 Di'l j:<il3on .. 117 L)Dt I'nlt nn 95'A I) S H 4 All 4',a 1 rio pr ... . 8'/j 1 Elk ilorn pr.. ? Krlo ^..1 pr... 19'/, Kl<licr Briy pr 98 On Chnmlcal.173 do pr .103 O011 Clgar pr. 104'', firn Motors pr 92' * llnif M A N. 8^,, do pr . 33 Oulf 8 80 lst 93 H art man Corp 71 ii<.|,...!.,!.? .. no Int Ilar C pr.l 10 Irnnr I'api^r pr 95 Intor Nlch pr. 98 Intor Salt ... ? ' loiva tVntral. 4'/, .lowi'll T pr . 85 Ki.vmt Jul ..125 K C KSi^Mpr 59 Kolly Bpfd pr 94 Bid. A.ke_.! Bid. Askrd 72 (Pao T A T ,, 23 75 | do pr . 114 l05',_iPorB Mar pr. 39", 125 |I' C C & 8 L 46 55 1'ett Alnl] ... 34 50 I do i!ii pr . 98 7'/a Pitts Stl pr.. 96% ? (Prpsned SM pr. 100 72 | Cub Scr N J. 83 l07'/,|Ky SU Spg pr.|08 55 | Reading lst pr 36'i 197 ISt i, Mw pr.. 35 Srs Jtoelick pr. 119 Klosi ShefT pr 86 8 Tor II Sug. 173 do pr .110 Staiidard Mill. 135 Studebaker pr. 98 ?Sup Stl pr... 94 Tex Co pr.. .280 Tol St L \V. 5 Uo ctfs _ 3'-' <lo pr . |0 do cIM pr.. 13',', Tivln City UT 44 do pr . 81 Underwood T 182 ilo pr _ 111 ln Bag A Ta 75 Un Clgar pr.. 112 - S ln Al pr.107 Va Car Ch pr.l 12'/, 113', W abaah pr B. 22 22 ; jWells Kargo .. 55 54 West Mary 2d 21 4V.iWlison pr ...101 BO |\Mi A I. E pr 20", 129 |WI1IM Orer pr 97 63 Woolworth pr. 117 rin Tip A __!/. !00 180 I03'i 106 83 84/, 96 75 11 ?'/, 100 102 t.91,; 102 37 38 120 90 185 120 145 100 124 185 120 80 113' 108' 60 21'/, 06 do pr A 96' 96' Dividends Rcgular Declarations ? . , , Stockhold.ra n?t.o and pf rlod. Payable. of record. Brown Sho<>, il.60 q..Tun<? l May 20 ?'! %?J.,l,?_ *' com- Q .Jiin. 18 May 81 ,, ,1?,*1-" Pf. 1..luly 1 Junall ( an Vhc. Ti It, 2 4 corn, q...Tun. 30 Mtty 30 1 oeden A Co, 1% p{, q_Juno 1 May 16 Bonds Following is a complete record of all transactions in bonds on the New York Stock Exchange yesterday: U. S. Government Bonds (New York Stock Exchange Quotations) (Closing Quotations) Friday. Thursday Bid. Asked. Liberty 3%s 1347 98.80@98.90 do 1st 4s 1947. 95.80@95.90 do 2d 4s 1942 94.00@94.06 do 1st 4V43 1947 95.80@96.0O do 2d 1942 94.04@94.06 do 3d 4V4s 1928 95.20@95.22 do 4th 4!4s 1938 94.10@94.14 Prc-war issues: 2s, reg, 1930. 99%@ 99% 2s, coup, 1930-99%@ 99% 3s, reg, 1946.89 @ 92 3s, coup, 1946_ 39 @ 92 4 s, reg, 4s, coup Pan 9834 @ ? 98%<6i 99% 98% # Bid. Asked. 98.68@98.70 95.80@96.0O 94.20@94.24 95.90@96.00 94.22@94.26 95.30@95.34 94.20@94.24 99' 4? 9934 99%@ 99% 89 fep ?2 89 <je 52 2s, Pan, r, 1936.. 2s, Pan, c, 1908., 2s, Pan, r 1938. . 3s, Pan, reg. 90%? 92 3s, Pan, coup. 90%<g> 92 Phil 4s, 1934. 90 @ 96 do 43 1935. 90 @ 96 do 4s 1936. 90 Ca) 96 D Col 3.65s. 97 @100 Liberty Issues 9834 ( 98%<g) 99% 983-4 @ ? 90' z<3> 92 90%@ 92 90 @ 96 90 @ 96 90 @ 96 97 @100 High. 1.0W. Liberty 3 %s- 98.S0 98.68 do 1st 4s. . . . 95.80 95.80 do 2d 4s. 94.14 93.96 do 1st 4Us... 95.90 95.80 do 2d 4V4s... 94.16 94.00 do 3d 4 >,*.?. . . 95,30 95.08 do 4th 4%s.. 94.18 93.94 [ Approximate investment Net Last. charige. 98.80 + .10 95.80 + .10 94.00 ? .22 95.80 - - .10 94.06 ? .18 95.22 ? .12 94.12 ? .12 yield at the c!o3ing New York Stock Exchange prices.] Yield. Third 4^a. 4.85 Fourth 4149 . 4.71 Second 4'4s . 4.66 First 414s . 4.51 Second 4s .i. 4.41 First 4s . 4.25 First 3'os. 3.57 [Salca of Liberty bonds on the New York Stock Exchange carry interest to the date of sale, and the Beller rcceives this interest in addition to the sale price.] (Sales) U S Liberty 3Us | U S Liberty 2d 4 !4s June 1933-47 100,000. 98.701 83,000. 98.68! 41,000. 98.70| 1,000. 98.721 40,000. 98.74, 90,000. 98.78! 19.000. 98.76 Nov .1927-41 ,000.94.00 ,000. 20,000. 3,000. 25,000. 2,000. ,000. 45,000. . . 9,000. ., 48,000... 98.80J Total.$481,000' U S Liberty 1st 4s | June 1932-47 22,000. 95.80! U S Liberty 2d 4s | Nov 1927-4 2 2.000. 94.14! 30,000.94.00! 55,000. 94.011 163,000.94.00i 6.000. 93.96! 7,000. 94.00! Total.$263,000! U S Liberty Ist 4 '4s I June 1932-17 I 3.721 Total. 98.70; U S Liberty 3d 98.68| Sept 1928 J ln.000. . . 55,000 .. 61.000 94.02 94.04 94.02 94.04 94.06 $1,447,000 1 '.4 s 95.30 95.23 9c 234,000. 95.20 95.1:3 95.16 95.14 95.12 95.10 95.08 870,000, 373,000. 655,000. 249,000 s:;,000. 1,000, 18.000. .?_ 95.1?> lli,000. 95.14 125,000. 95.16 4 75.000. 95.13 78.000. 95.20 50,000. 95.22 Total.$3,533,000 25,000-.. 95.90! U S Liberty 4th 4%s 16,000. 95.801 Ot 1933-48 ?/-8 8234 98% 97% (New York Stock Exchange Quotations) (Interest To Be Added) Bid. Asked. Am I-oreign See Co 5s 1919.... 99\\ 993,, Anglo-French Extern 5s 1920 Argentine Inlern 5s 1945.... Canada, Dom of, 5k 1921. do 1926. do 1931..' 971'. Chinese Gov Hu Kug Ry 53 1951 70% Cuba Extern 5s 1944. 99% do series A, 1949. 91' a do 4>/is 1949. 84% Dominican Rcp 5s 1958. 99 City of Bordeaux 6s 1919. 995R City of Lyons Gs 1919. 995.^ City of Marseilles 6s 1919. 99s* City of Paris 6s 1921. 983^ Jap Gov 4'^s sterling loan 1925 91 do 4 i.ia 2d series 1925. 91% do 4s sterling loan 1931. 78 City of Tokio 5s 1952. 797B Un K G B & I 3-yr 5U3 1919. 99^ do 5-yr 6MsS 1921. g8U do 20-yr 5%s 1937. 99% 97 ,-; 84' 983 971/ 971/ 715/ 995 93'/ 86 100 100 100 98i 2 91% 92 79 80 993,4 983,4 991, 2 FOREIGN BONDS DEALT IN FLAT Bid. Mexico Extern stl 5s of '99 1945 65 71% do gold 4s of '04 1954. 54 591/, Rub '94 Rente 4s 1,000-ruble den 23 _ (Sales) Am Foreign S 5s IU K of Gt Riitain & 52,000;. 99W Anglo-French 6s 3,000. 97 f* 219,000. 97% 62.000. 97,', 4,000. 97% 24,000. 97% Chinese Ry 5s 1,000. 71% City of Bordeaux fis 2,000. 99% City of Paris 6s 10,000. 98% 2,000. 98% 24.000. 98% 10.000. 983/i Dom Canada 5s 1921 7.000. 98 2.000. 9834 do 1926 2.000 3.000. 97%! 49,000. 973'| do 1931 21,000. 9714 7.000. 971/i 3,000. 97% Jap 1st ser 4l!>s 4.000.". 91% 3.000. 91 do 2d ser 41<>s 2,000...... 91% R of Cuba 4V'nS 6,000.84% I o'-s 1919 3.000. 993, 16,000.... 99U 5.000. 993;. 5',os 1921 3,000. 983, 1.000. 98% 1,000. 98|i do 5,000. 985? 15,000. 98-:4 18,000. 98ii 1.000. 98% 2.000. ggj? 1.000. 9834 5.000. 98H 6.000. 983; I do 5U-S 1937 8,000. 99% 4,000. 993,, 28.000. 991 ? 5,000. 993,_ 97%!N Y C 4i% 1965 2.000.1011/, do 4 Us 1967 -,000.101% 20,000.101% do 4 14s 19fi0 , 1.000. 96% do 4V4s 196 4 10.000. 963,p 1,000. 963= do 4s 1959 1,000.92 5,000. 913./ 3,000. 91H jRailways, Other Corporations 91% 92 91% 84% 847, Adams Express 4s I 2,000. 591/| Am T & T cvt fis 2,000.103% 3,000.103%| 7,000.103%, do col 5s 7,000. 1,000. 3.000. "do col 4s 19.000. ??1,000. 1.000.84*4 Am Wr Paper 5s ctf* of deposit 21,000. 90 Ann Arbor -Is 11.000. 54% A T A S F gen 4s 10,000. 82% dc ndj 4s stamped 1,000. 75% do cvt 4s 1955 1.000.74 Atl 0 L uni 4128 10,000. 82'/, do L A N 4s 5.000.751/ 2,000. 76 Balt A O rfg 5s 10,000. 79% do cvt 4 'jjs 25,000.'.779,4 50,000.78 9.000.773i 2.000 .... 77% do gold 4s _, 4.000.77% do p 1 3!is 10.000.89 2,000.89% Mo Pac gen 4s 11,000. 62% 3,000. 62i" Montana Power 6s 14,000. 92% N Orl T & Mex fis . 2.000. 95% do ,-is 9.000. 62% 11.000. B2iT! 10.000.52>; N Y Central deb 6s 27.000. 98i.B 1,000. 98% 1.000. 98% 9.000. gs'8 2.000. 98% 10.000. 95, do rfg -1'..^ s 1,000.:.... 83% do 4s 1934 1.000. ..... 84 do L Sf S'-is 8,000..... 66'', N Y L E & W 4s 1.000. 931/, N Y N H A H fis * 8.000. 81% 7.000. 81% do deb :i>?s 1951 4.000. 50% N Y Ryi ndj 5* " 8,000. 1214 1,000. 12 N Y SUite Rys con 4U? 3.000. 63 N Y Telephono 4^s 6.000. 8834 N Y W A Bn 4%a 10,000_.. 45 Balt Pitts L E & INorf & W cvt 6s W Va 4s 42.000.108% I 5.000.72%| do div 4s do Sw 3!is 3.000.81 11.000.84 i do Pocah Coal & Beth Steel rfg 5s ! C 4s 1.000. 87% 1,000.83% I do p m 5s S 1,000.84% I 4-000.85% North Pacific 4%s Brooklyn R T 73 I 2,000... ,"83% i 3.000.78%! do4s Cal Gas & E 5s 1,000 . . 82% 1.000.93%i 7,000. 82% Canada So 5s i 10,000. 82% 3.000. 91%! Ore Short Line 4s Central Leather 5s 3.000 86% 5.000.96% Penn 5s 1968 Cen Pacific gtd 4s 2,000 . 95% 10.000.79'/,; 5,000.95% L 2,000.80%! 3,000. 95% Ohes & O cvt 5s do con 4I?s 1.000.893/4 1,000.7_93% 5.000. 89%, do gen 4V-s 3.000. 89% 8,000...... 87% 24,000. 89%; 2,000.87% "000.89%; do 4s 1948 6,000.89%: 2,000.86% 1.000.89 i Peoria A E 1st 4s do gen 4%s | 1 000. 56 , 3,000. 80%| do inc 4a do cvt 4!t;s I 3,000. 19 1 -?00. 81%' Pere Marquette 5s 2.000. 31 | 5.000. 85% do Coal River 4s 1,000.85% r, .X0A00- V ? ? ? 823''4' Phi'a Co 5s 1922 C A Alton 3V23 2 000 94 ., 12.000. 27%! Pierce Oil 6s 1920 C B A O gen 4s l 7,000 .. . 133 5.000.81%! 3,000.133% , M.OO. 81%. 10,000.134 do joint 4s 1.000. 134'', 28.000. 95%| 12,000.135 ? ? 2.000. 95%; 15,000.138 C Gt Western 4s 8,000.137% 2.000. 61 %i dol924 _ . 9.000 .. 6'%| 2,000.109% (.. Ind A Louisv 6s 10,000. 1035/n ? , 1-000.100%: 25,000.1093-4 C Ind A Sou 4t l 24,000.. 110 1.000. 81 3,000.1091-', r, ? 3.,00.? ? " ?' ? 80 * 0.000.109% C M A St T cvt 5s 35,000.110 Bfir B | 10,000.111 5.100.78 I 51,000.110 docvt4'2s 8,000.... ,.111% 2"."00. 77%' 17.0OO... .112 do rfg 4 %s 1,000.112% 1.000. 71 I 2,000.110% | 3.000. 70% 4.000.112 i C H I A P gen 4s | 1,000.112% 4.000.75%! 7,000.111% 8,000.75%! 20.000.111 do rfg 4s j,000.110% 5.000. 74%| 2,000.111% L000.74%; 1,000.111 2.000.74%! 34,000.111i% 3.000. 74%; 8,000.111% 1.000. 74 ! 3,000.111% 3.000. 74%; 10,000.111% C St P M A O fis 110I-, , 20,000.106%! r.,000.110% C A West Ind 4s i 2.000 . 111 6.000. 62%, Republie I A S 5s 2.000. 63%' 2.000.95% 9.000. 63%! Rio G W col 4s 2.000. 64 | 1.000. 60 Chile Copper 7s St L Ir Mt A S 4s 5.000.118 I Riv A Gulf div 4.000.117%l 2.000.. 771/, d" gs I St L A S F 4s ser a' 12.000.89% 1.000.63% 2.000. 89%: 2.000.63% do fis ?d paid 1.000. 63 10,000. 90 1 3,000_ 633J, 5,000. 90% 5,000. 63% 10,000. 90% 2,000. 63 ,, , 1.000. 90 ! 1,000.: 63% Col Industrial 5s do 5s ser B 3,000. 74%i 1,000.76% Col A So 'st 4n 3,000 . 76 10,000.87%| do adj fis .35-000.87% 1,000. 69% '?" ! -s I 1,000... 6944 5.000.80 | do inc fis 10,000.79%; 8R.000_ 49 5.000.795?Rr oM0.4gl/ . , 6,000. 79%: st L Swn 1st 4s Colum G & E 6s ! 10.000_ 69s,i , 8.000.84%! do Terminal 5s Comp Tab It fis | 10,000. 61 ? 1.000.83%! St P M A M 4'4s Con Gas cvt 63 1,000 . 94 34,000.102%; Scioto V A N E 4s 10.000.102%i 6,000... 77 20,000.102%, 2,000_ 77% 10,000.1023,3iSoaboard A L rfg 63! 3,000.... 57 I>el A II cvt 5s do adj 5s 1.000. 9334: 5,000... 60i/, j do rfg 4s | ] ,000. 503^ i ? 3.000.843%! 1.000. 50 ! Uen A R G con 4s \ Sinelair Oil 7s , 2,000. 71 i 101,000. 9934 do rfg 5s 1 do stock warrants ' 5.000. 511/1 24,000.150 6.000. 51 | 2,000. . . 1521-, Erie cvt 4 s ser A ?> 4.000... 152" , '.000.48 ISo Bell T A T 5s do cvt 4s ser B 1,000 903* 1.000. 48 | So Pacific cvt 5s I 13.000.48%! i:{,0O0. 107% do cvt 4s ser D | 25.000. . . 108% j 10,000. 50%; 6,000..'1073,; ! Gen Elec deb 5s do cvt 4s 1.000. 99%| 4.000. 83% 7,000. 99%: 25.000.... 8334 G Bay A W deb R ! 1.000 . 837? 1.000. 11 11.000_ ' 833* 9,000. 11%; 7.000.. . ' 835? 10,000. 11 i 10.000... " 83'S Hud A M rfg 5s I do rfg Is 1.000. 62%! 111,000. 805R do inc fis 3.000. . 80'a 23.000. 18 Southern Ry 5s" Illinois Cen rfg 4s i 10,000 g35' 1.000. 79% Tenn Copper 6s' do C St L A N O joint 5s i 2,000. 91 I Indiana Steel 5s 1,000. 97 i 4.000.97% Intbo-Met 4>.2s I 4.000..'_ 33%! 7.000. 33 | 5.000.3278| 2,000. 32% 11 000. 32%": Union Pacific 6s Tntbo R T rfg 5s 2.000.10334 ".000. 67%! do 1st 4s 13.000. 67%' 1,000. 86% 5.000. 67% Un Rvs of St. L 4s 3.000. 67%' 7.000. 50% ".000. 67 I Un Rys of S F 4s 10.000.67% ctfs of deposit 5.000.67%! 2,000. 307' 5.000. 67%i 5,000. 30% 5,000. 67%| U S Realty A I 5s Int Agricultural 5s | 5,000.. 75 1S.000.81%iU S Rubber 7s" 5.000. 81 %l 7,000.10334 2,000.81%! 4,000.103% Int M Marine Gs do 5s 7,000.101%' 1,000.. 89 10,000.102 i 1.000_ 8874 50.000.1013.4: 1.000_ 883? 5,000.101% 7,000.; 887? 1.000.101%' 13.000. 883,4 3.000.102 I 2,000... 89 '0,000.101% 4,000.' 88% 21.000.101%' 9,000... 89 5.000.101%: U S Steel s f 5s' ' '?->.ooo.101 i 2.000.... 1001/. 6.000.10034' 1,000.10034 1.000.101 ! 2,000.... 100% 15,000.100%' 1,000.. 10034 Kwa A M 2d 6s | 8.000... 100'/a ? 1.000. 88 i 3.000.;ioo'/? Kansas City So 5s | Va-Car Chemical fis t , ?00- -v,v WM '?00n.101% Lake S gen 3^s | 2.000. 1017A T . 25,000.71%! Vlrginian Ry 5s Liggett. A M 7s 10,000 91 4,000.113%! 1.0007 7" 9114 r 1.000.113%' 1.000.i 911? Long I gen 4s ! Wabash 1st 5s 1.000. 79 ' 1.000... 95 do rfg 4s I West Elertric 5s 5,000. 76%: 1.00O.. . 973^ Lorillard Co 7s | West Marvland 4s 4,000.112%! 4.000.... '60 L A N unifled 4s I West Pacific 5s ?#J 7;?00. 85%i 3.000... 7. 83 Midvale Steel 5s IWest Sho>-e 4s 1.000....:. 89%' 1,000 .' 77 M K A T 2d 4s 1,000. . . "73 ctfs of deposit ! do regi<;tered 3.O00. 31 ! 2,000.. 76 do rfg 4s | Wilson A Co 6s 4-000.45%: 1.000... 100 Mo Pac 5s 1926 41 000 993', 11000. 90%' 3>000 .1Q0 4 do 5s 1965 5,000_' 9974 3.000. 87 ! 3.000... 100 do gen 4s I Wisconsin C 4s 11.000. 62%l 2.000. 78% Consolidated Exchange I [Unit of trade on this exchange, 10 shares] Transactions and prices yesterday for the I more active shares foliow ; ! Sale?. Open. High. Low. Last. 850 Am Beet Sug.. 83 85% 83 8334 910 Am Can.55% 55% 64% 541/, 2000 Am Internat. . . 89% 89% 87% 88'" 710 Am Smelt A R 75% 76% 75% 75% 1240 Am Sugar-133% 136 133% 134% 1220 Baldwin Loco. 93"',i 9334 92% 92?i 960 Crucible Steel. 72% 72% 71% 713/! 680 Cuba Cane Sug 38% 39% 38 33 1140 Int Mer Mar.. 47% 47% 467. 473B 2520 do pf .119% 120% 118% 1191, 11750 Mexican Pet . .179 185 179 184! "0 3fil0Mo Pacific ... 32 32% 31 31% 1040 Ohio Cities Gas 48% 49% 48' 'a 48% 2770 Oklahoma Oil.. 10% 13(4 1034 13% 3040 Pierce Oil _27% 28% 27' 28 ,552 5padi"g . 87% 87% 86% 86% 4080 Roy Dutch NY.111% 117% 111% 116% 2940 Sinelair Oil .. 68% 68% 67% 673? 030 Southern Pac.. 108% 108% 10734 107% 1520 Studebaker ... 77% 79% 77% 79 2390 Texas A Pac... 51' 61% 48% 49 2U5I0 U S Steel.100% 101% 99% 100% ?LIBERTY BONDS $1R50 Lib 2d 4s... 95.82 95.92 95.82 95 92 1250 do 2d 4V4s 96.04 96.04 96.04 96 04 2050 do 3d 4?4s 96.70 95.70 95.54 96^64 1550" do 4th 414* 94.34 94.34 94.20 94.22 ?Prices Include Interest. Fsclfin Rnllway Company, has been H?ct 1$ a member of tho board of directors of the Bank of Montreal. ? Curb Market Note.?The Tribune assumes no responsi bility for V*e accuracy or authenticity of curb market quotations. Tra?.actior_i and prices yesterday were &. follows: Industrial. Sale?. Open. High. Low. Last. ' 6000'Asjtna Exp'os. 11% H7. 11 11%! 300'Amer Ch Prod 1-,'j 1^ 1 & 1-ft InOO Br-A Tob coup 25% 25% 25% 25% ! 600 'Claiborne&AFy 9 o 8% 9 .00 'Cramp Shbldg.127 127 127 127 1600 Emerson Phono 5% 5% 5% 5% ! 200 Endi Johnson. . 73 73' 73 73' 2000 'Famous Play-L 90 92 89% 89', 1000 *Fish Rub T wi 36% 36% 35 35 * ! 100 'Freeport Tex S 46' 46' 46 46 4000 *Gen Asphalt.. 74 74 72% 72% i 400 do pf .1,1, t% l|ij 1% 17000 *Hayden Chem. 8% 9% 7% 9% 2000 ?Havan Tob pf 4 5 4 A%\ 1100 'Hock Val Prod 10 10?4 10 10? 5000 Hupp Mot Car. 9 9% 8?4 9' 450O Intcrnat Rub.. 31 32% 31 32 500'Lack Co Coal. 21 22' 20 21 3600 ?LibbyMcN&L. 31 31% 31 31 _o0G Marconi of Am 4% 4% 4% 4%: 1500 *Nat Anil & Ch 31% 31% 30 31 100 *Nat C & Ice. 64 64 64 64 5000 N Mex & Ar L 5 6% 4% 4% ! 20000 No Am P & P. 6% 6% 6% 6% ] 7500 ?N Y Savold T. 53% 65 53% 54% ! 1000 *Pac Dev Corp 63 65 63 64 20000 Perfection T&R 1% 1A U 1% 8000 ?Philip Morris. 13 13 12% 123,4 I 5000 ?Rem Typew. . 80 81 78 80 1000 'Santa Cec Sug 39 41 39 41 I 4000 *Savold Tire C. 55 57 55 56 700 *Simpson Coal. 7% 7% 7 7 1600 'Stand G & E. 39 41 39 40% 1500 Sub B v t ctfs. 15 15% 14% 15" , 6000 ?Swift Inter... 63% 64 63 63% ! 400 ?Themelis Bro. Hl/fe 12% 11% 12% 16000 Tri F v t ctfs. 1% 13,4 1% 1% j 100 "Union Carbidc 72 72 72 72 48000 Un Prof Shar. 2-ft 2,", 2^ 2\ j 300 *U S L & H C 2% 2% 2% 2% 700 17 S Stcamship 2% 2% 2% 2% 500 *\Valtham W. . 40 42 40' 42 200'Warren Bros. 43% 43'rz 43% 43/, 2000 Wayne Coal... 3% 4 3% 3% 12000 *W-M Aircraft 4 5 4' 4% Standard Oils Sales. Open. High. Low. Last 12000 'Anglo-Am T)i! 24% 26' 4 24% 26 95 'Galena Kig Oil ? 136 134 134 1.0 *So Penn Oil.. ? 325 320 323 40 *Std Oil (NJ1 ? 754 750 750 P5 ?Un Tank Line ? 137 132 132 Other Oil Stocks Sales. Open. High, Low. Last. i tiOOO *Allen Oil _ 4 4% 4 4% 24000 *tAmat Roy .. . 2% 2% 2 2% 1400 "Atlantic O & R 1% 1% 1 1% j 1500?Barnett O&G ft VI \ ?\ 17000 *Boone Oil .... 11 11'* 11 11'" G.'iOOO *tBos-Wyo Oil. 62 63 61 62" 4500 "Caddo O & R. 46% 4734 46% 4734 j 3400 *Cit S B T sh. 38% 38% 38% 38%! 1500 ?Com Pet w i. 473.4 48 47% 48' 12500 Contl Ref. 10% 10% 10- 10% I 5000 *Cosden & Co. 93-4 10' 934 10 300*Crystal Oil .. 1% 1% -|3/4 134! 200 ?Currman Pet. 1% 1% 1% 1% ' 7000 *Elk Basin Pet. 11% 11% 10% 11' 124000'fEsmer Oil C 20 28 20 29 8000 'Federal Oil . . 3% 3% 3% 3% ! 3001) ?Glenrock Oi/. 7% 73? 7% 75I 500 *Herc Pet Cl A 10% 10% 10% 10/, I 5000 ?Home O R w i 28 293,4 28 2934 ! 2500 *Houston Oil.,.140 142 128 133% 6800 'Hudson Oil . . 3% 3% 3 334 | 9600 *Intl Petro . . . 32% " 7500 'Isld Oil & Tr. 8% 3II00 *I,a Oil & Ref. 43 2250 *Ky Oil & Ref. 15% T.00 *Ky Pet . 4 2800 ?Manhattan Pet 2 5000 'Marland Ref.. 6% 7000 *Merritt Oil C. 34% 5000 Metro Petro ... 3A 1500?Midwest Oil.. 2% 500 'do pf. 23,4 | 7300 *Midwest Ref..192 15000'Midw-Texas O 1% 6000 *M P of Me w i 5 1500 *Natl Oil. 6% 3000 'tNorthwest O. 68 1500 *Okla & Tex O 6'4 1IO0O fOmar Oi! & G 52 4300 *Orient Oil & G 3% (Uionn?Os N O S Inc. 2',2' 3000 'Pennok Oil . . 16 2000 *tFenn Gasol. . 35 17000 nQueen Oil . . 15 110000 *Range Oil... 4% 22000 *R-H O (a p). 1% 40000 'Ranper Oil... 2% 300 *Ricke.rd T Co. 15 2340 *Rock Oil (a p) 1% 3 0000 ?Ryan Pet. 4% 4000 *Salt Crk Prod 57% 3200 *Sap O & R.. . 83/4 700 Savoy Oil. 10 45000 *Sinclair G C. 62'/4 00O0 fSouthwest Oil. 45 3400 *Swn P & R.. 5% 5% 5/8 5% 550Yi 'Stanton Oil... 1/4 1% 1% 1% 3950?Stlng O & R. 8% 9', 8 8% 9% 25000 *Te-R P & R. 5% 5% 5 5% 3500'tTex O & R.. 63 63 61 62 700*Tyopa Oil.... 2% 2% 2% 2% 3S00 *Val Oi; P Inc 8% 8% 8% 834 12000 *Vera-Con Pet. 2 2 1% 1% 800 *V Oil nw stk. 3% 3% 3% 3% 1000 *W Sts O & L. 89 96' 89 90 1200 'do (new)... 10 10% 10 10% 31000 *"Y" Oil & G. 1A 1A 1* 1ft Mining Stocks ??Ie-?(0? ?n]ltt?f1)- Or>en. High. Low. La?t. 5-10'Anaconda 6s ... 99% 995,/ 991 ? 995i 50 ? ni Ccntl 5' is... 97'J 973? .Rf 971* E'Int Rnp Tr 7s.. 86 * 86% 86 4 86 * 15 'NYTelCo deb 6s. 100% 101' 100% 101 10'Russ Govt 5\ie. 49 49 43% 481-4 ,_2_?^,? 6Mi'8. 59'? 69.4 68% 68' _ 300'Wilson conv 6% 98% 99% 99a* ggaj* ?Unliated. fSe'.l cents p?r shar?. ?-? Stocks Ex-Dividend Yesterday Consolldatea- Gas. _i Va Cleveiand & Pitta.**'.*1 87 do special .??????.... .ot Int Harvester Co pr .. .". -'38 Mariin Rwk??u.?:::x::_*i__n__r 100 Nat Enamelllnic * Stp...!!! !!! ! 1 SJ woBUsrn Paclfto --....????>?_?>.??,;? 1.00 Commodities Continued from preceding page ently inclined to await developmenta. Sales were 200 barrels. Prices for future contracts foliow: OPEN 2 p. m. 10:45 a. m. Oct_ ~'3.75?2S 9n Oct.... 23.25@24.10 Nov.... 21.0oIi*"-.? Nov- 21.00@23.00 Dec_ 21.00fir-*nn Dec... 21.60SSS.75 Jan.... -Lisl^^n Jan- 21.0O@23.00 CLOSE 12 n- m. 2:45 p. m Oct- 23.50@24.0fl Oct . 23 ISlSio* ln Nov- 21.00@22.90 Nov_ 2r>5fiw*'i" Dec- 21.00 <?>_>>. 75 Dec_ Sl.SsSlfiM Jan- 21.00@23.00 Jan_ 2L25@>2;5U Tea Cables from Japan give ouotation< which indicate advances of 2 to 4 cents over last season's opening. The4 cables indicate that there is a searcitv of high-grade teas, especiallv Bt^ke'. fired. Quotations for lots of 50 and 100 packages foliow: GREENS .... A T-e?k ,_ lesterday. sco Moynne, Gunpowder .48@70 48@7Q IVioyune, Imperial.43^55 43F3-55 Moyune, Younjj Hyson-33@65 33?65 Moyune, Hyson . 32@35 32?35 Pingsuey, Gunpowder-28@55 28@55 Pinsrsuey. Imperial .35@45 35?45 Pingsuey. Young Hyson.. 28@38 28@38 JAPANS Panfired.30@50 30050 Lasketfired . 30@55 30S55 Siftings . 18@23 18@23 FORMOSA OOLONG Good.28@30 28@30 Supenor . 32@36 32? 36 Fme . 41@61 41@61 CONGOU - .25@70 25@7Q INDIA Pekoe Sou. 32'ti34 S2?34 Pekoe .... 34:a>44 34^44 Orange Pekoe. 37@56 37@56 Flowery Orange Pekoe.... 44@65 44@65 CEYLON Pekoe Sou. 32@34 32@34 Pekoe . 34'<i44 34B44 Orange Pekoe . 36@56 36@56 Flowery Orangc Pekoe... 46@61 46@61 Broken Oraage Pekoe-46@66 46@66 JAVA Pekoe Sou. 25^30 2'>?30 J'ckoe . 29?32 29@32 Orange Pekoe .31@4G 31@40 Flowery Orange Pekoe. . . 40@51 40@51 Broker> Orange Pekoe_25@30 25@30 Broken Pekoe . 26@31 26@31 Odd lots ruled 1 cent higher. Butter, Chcese and Eggs Butter.?Receipts were 10,288 pack? ages. Creamery, higher than cxtras, 1b, 60%@61c; extras, 92 score. 60c; firsts, 88 to 91 score, 68Coo9M!c; sec? onds, 83 to 87 score, 55@67%c; lower grades, 52@64c; unsalted, higher than extras, 63@63Msc; rxtras, 62@62-4e; firsts, 59C&61C; seconds, 65@58e; state dairy tubs. finest, 58%@69c; good to prime, 56@B8c; common to fair, 48tf?65c; renovated, extras, 52<Vt} 63c; firsts, 50(2>51c; lower grades, 46(q49e; imitation creamery, llrst.=, 49(g 50c; ladles. current make, firsts, 47@48%c; seconds, 451/i'g:46c; iower grades, 44'o,14,tc; packing stock. cur? rent make, No. 1, 44V?@45c; No. 2, 43Vjc; lower grades. 40(g,43c. Cheese.?Receipts were 3,176 boxes. State, whole milk, fresh flats, eolored, lb, 32%@32%c; white, 82%@32V4c; average run, eolored, 32c; white, 32c; lower grades, 3(Kn31c; twins, special*, whites, 32%@32%c; eolored, 321,4@ 32Vjc; average run, white. 32c; eolored, 32c: lower grades, 31@31%c; flats, held, 37@39c; twins, held, 37@ 39c; Wisconsin, whole millt, twins, held. 34(g39c; fresh, 32?32%c; single daisies, held, 35@38c; fresh, white, 33c; eolored, 32}4@82%c; double daisies. held. 35@38c; fresh, 32%@ 32Hc; young Americas, held, fresh, 33%(n34c; state, skims, special, 23? 23Vic; prime to choice, 20@22c; fair to good, 15fal9c; lower grades, 6^14c. Eggs.--Receipts were 32,137 cape;:. Fresh gathered, cxtras, dozen, 48%ff7 49c; storage packed, extra firsts, 4Sc; firsts, 46%@47,/ic; galhered. extra firsts, 47@47%c; firsts, Northerly sec? tions, 45@46%c; Southerly section?. 44%@45%c; seconds and poorer, 40% fa44c; dirties, No. 1, 41%@42%c; No 2 and poorer, 3~(gAO^c; ehecks, good to choice, dry, 40(q';41c; under grade?, 35(&39c; state, Pennsylvania and near by Western hennery, whites, fine to fancy, 52@53c; ordinary to prime, 47<?; 51c; gathered whites, ordinary to fine, ?174t;51c; Western and Southern, gath? ered whites. 46<ff51c; state, Penn? sylvania and nearby, hennery browns. 50@61c; prathered brown and mixed colors, 45@49c. Hay and Straw Yesterday. A year bri. Per ton. Ter ton. Tlmothy, No. 1, large bales. .. .$43.00? 14.00 $29.00?32.01 Clover, No. 1, mx 38.00@40.00 23.00?25.00 Rye straw. No. 1 13.00@14.00 18.00?_ Orchard und Field Yesterday. A year ago. Benns, marrow. 100 Ibs.$11.75?- $14.00? Peas. Scotch, '18 8.00 12.25? 12.50 Potatoep. nw, bbl. 3.00? 8.50 2.00? 4.50 pples. Bldw. bbl 7.00@13.00 4.00? 7..10 Orapefrult, box. 4.!>0? 0.85 2.00? 5 so Oranges, box- 3.50? 7.75 8.00? 8^5$ Livestock, Meate. Prcvisions Yesterday A year ago Livestock, fair to prime, 100 lb.$14.00@$17.00 "$14.50@$1".;5 Dressed beef.sldes r,lb. 20@.25% .19@.23"3 Llve vea'.s. com? mon to prime, 500 lb. 18.50?16.50 12.00?16.00 Dressed veals.clty ,.Ib.20? .1* .18? .2t Llve ewes, 100 ib 8.00@12.00 8.50@12.5O Dressed .20? .25 .23? "d Llve lambs. fair to prime,100 1b 11.00@16.25 lS.OOffllS.e.-; Dressed lambs. ?clt5'. lb.30? .34 .26U@ .SO Hogs. 100 lb... 20.75@21.O0 18.75@18.H.-. Dressed h o g s, bacon, lb. . . .28%@.28T<ii &9%Q&7\* Mess beef. bbl 35.00?36.00 82.00*83.00 La"lPMrid-%bVbeSt; 57,0?@ - ".00^55.00 100 Ib.? 83.80? 33.00 25.65@25.75 Bid and Asked Prices foi- Oil Stocks Following aro yestcrday's closlng b'd and asked prices for leading oil stocks: Htandard Oil Bid A?U?f1 Anglo-Am Oil Co. Ltd. 25--?4 ;'6>* Atlantic Ref Co. 1345^ I:{?:) 4 Borne-Scrymser Co. 500 V*n Buckeya Plpe Line. 10;l 106 < hesbrouiirh Mfg Co cons. . :m 350 Contlnental Oil Co. ??.% 69> Crescent Plpft Line i'.o. . . . $1 :t? ("uniberland Pipa Line Co.. 220 *4n Kureka IMpe Line Co. 160 1?:. Galeiia-Slg Oil Co pf new.. 115 120 Galena-SlK Oil Co pf old... 120 14(1 Oalena-Sifr Oil Co rom. 132 \ M lllinols Pipe Line Co. 18? 190 Indiana Plpe Line Co. 103 liu lnter Petrol Co. Ltd. Hi X4>? National TransK Co. ->4 gj Now York Transit Co. 180 1?]% Northern Pipe Line Co. 11-> 117 Ohio Oil Co. 89i 3^ Penn-Mex Fuel Co. B0 ' 6> Prairle Oil & Gas Co. 190 1?5 Prairie Pipe Line Co. 208 301 Solar Rcfiningr Co. 305 405 Southern Plpe Ltne Co.*. 170 n% Somh Penn Oil Co. 318 -,?', Southwest Penna Pipe 1.... 100 "loi ?Standard Oil of Californla.. 28? 200 Standard Oil of Indiana_ 840 850 Stanard Oil of Kansas. ?85 ?50 Standard Oil of Kentuckry . 435 445 Slaiwlard Oil of Nebraska... fl.15 lf75 Standard Oil of N .1... 74* <?n Standard on of W Y... '"" 388 *?<>?? 3l?? BAdWVU ,?fr.0h-?- ????? *?? ^ swan & Plnch Co . 110 11% Cnlon Tank Line Co....!!' 18-t l.Vfl Vacuum OU Co. . 475 ii? Washlneton OU Co.."!! 88 43 MlscelUneoM OU Contpanl<? Coaden & Co . oai <? Hlk Baaln Petro! Co....'' 11 M tit* Houeton Oil Co oom??" jm 18A Imperial Oil Co. Ltd..;!::: 445 456 Merriu Oil Corpn.!.:! Sgai tii NorthWe? ou co.:::::;::: 8 ??