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Loan Success Celebrated as Figures Grow' Exact Amount of Over subscripton Wjll Not Be Kno>m Until May 20; Excess Here Piling Up | Women Far BeyondQuota East Siders Hold Meeting to Mark Victory of Drive ; Workers Are Praised Relaxation yesterday followed three weeks of intensive campaigning it: the Victory Liberty Loan, and th< hunks of the New York Federal Re? serve Distict made no effort to hurrj their final reports of subscriptons tc the government loan organization a' 120 Broadway. Straggling report! aggregating $47,654,950, however reached headquarters during the day bringing the total thus far tabulatec jp to $1,350,520,450, or $520.450 in ex loss of the quota. Official announcement of the precisi -iinuiit of the great volume of last .ay subscriptions which carried thi '.?strict far beyond ts quota will no "*e made until May 20, and the polic; Xf th? Liberty Loan Committee wil * >e to abstain from making public ac utional incomplete totals until th ?*a1 figure is ready. A general feeling of satisfactio ,crvaded the city yesterday over th ?triking success of the loan all ove ^he country. On the East Side wpular celebration took place 8 liberty Park, in Delancey Street, i "i.e afternoon. Returned soldiers c ihe 77th and 27th divisions and th i6oth Regiment, many of whom serve in the drive as speakers and not salesmen, participated in the demoi ?tration. Praises United Stacks Joseph S. Marcus, chairman of th East Side Liberty Loan Committe* in delivering the principal addres said: "We have gone over the top we who were too old or had family r< sponsiblities that prevented us froi going over there with you boys of th A. E. F. We have gone oer in a moi vmodest way than you did.. "You went over in the cold day with a rolling barrage in front of yo with shells bursting and comradi falling. You went over knowing n whether you would by nightfall be e: joying a brief rest in the enemy'a fo mer lines or in God's eternal keepin You did well and you have come ba to us head and shoulders erect, soldie every inch, and sailors, some of y who wear blue, proud and with a ritr to be proud of your work for yo country. "We, with your assistance, have pi chased $25,000,000 in Victory Lo bonds in the section which may described briefly as lying south Canal Street and east of the Bowe It makes me proud to be an East Sic to stand here and make that annoum ment." Women Make Fine Record Of the various records made solicitors in the Victory Loan that :he Women's Clubs' Committee, which Mrs. William A. Campbell chairman, is regarded as the m notable at headquarters. The comn tee, with a quota of $150,000, rai more than $13,000.00n. "It has been a privilege to be cha man of such a committee," Mrs. Car bell declared yesterday, "and to kn that several thousand women, w their various interests and activit could get together on short notice i give of themselves whole heartedly i unreservedly for a united purpose. The Woman's Club Committee a!l othsr organizations in the p centage of quota subscribed. r. Three Arts Club received $3,203,750 subscriptions; the Council of Jew Women, New York City Branch, ! ooo.OOO; the Ethical Culture Soci? $937,150; the Colony Club, $800,0 the National League for Woman's S vice, Manhattan Branch, $800,000, i Brooklyn Branch, $653,150, and Post Parliament, $730,300. John Wanamaker yesterday ; nounced the firm and the employes the >."ew York and Philadelphia stc subscribed $11.915,000 to the Viet Liberty Loan, bringing their aggreg subscriptions in the five war loans to $39,289,150. individual Subscriptions f.ate individual subscriptions fi Saturday, which were announced y terday, included the following: J. P. Morgan & Co. i addition $2,000.000; Middleton S. Burriil, 000,000; Greenwich Savings Bank I ditional), $500,000; William K. Vane Wit, $500,000; Adolfo Stahl, $250,0 llaUgarteii A Co. (additional, $250,000; Harris, Forbes & Co., $250,000; II. I'. Sinclaii', $250,000; American Light and Traction Company, $250,000; Equitable Lifo Assurance Society, $200,000. K. Naumbcrg & Co., $200,000; Florida East Coast Car 1'ci ry Company, $200.000; Emerson, McMillan ? Co., $150,000; Car! 1!. Pforzheimer &? Co., $150,000; Emerson McMillan (individ? ual), $150,000; Samuel Sachs, $100,000; Worthington Pump and Machinery Company, $100,000; Rabcock & Wilcox (additional), $100,000; Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company, $100,000; American Telephone and Tele- i graph Company, $100.(100; Federal Su? gar Refining Company, $100,000; Hall- ! garten & Co., $100.000 Dollar Savings, Bank, $80,000; Harlem Savings Bank ; (additional), $70,000; General Electric Company, $00,000; Franklin Savings Bank (additionall, $50,000; E. C. Con-: verse (additional), $50,000; Interna? tional Nickle Company, $50,000; L. F. j Rothschild & Co., $50.000; American j Telephone and Telegraph Company em- ! ployes, $50.000; United States Rubber! Company, $50,000; W. H. Gcadbv & Co. ! (additional), $37,?*K); Gilchrist, Bliss & Co., $25,000; Borden's Condensed Milk Company, $25,000; estate of Charles E. ! Orvis, $25,000. Cuba's Share of Victory Loa- ?ils Subscribed HAVANA. May 11.?Official figures made public to-day by Havana banks ? show total subscriptions of $2,317,200, with 1,330 subscribers, to the Victory Loan. It is believed that enough subscrip? tions ill be reported from the interior to make up Cuba's $3,000,000 quota, ex? clusive of the subscription offer of the Banco Espa?ol to purchase whatever amount might be necessary to complete the quota. $70,000Diamonds Gone ; $5,000 Reward Offered Importing Firm Find Youthful Employe Is Also Missing A reward of $5,000 will be offered for the return of diamonds valued approxi? mately at $70,000 by the firm of Meyer owitz & Bros., importers of diamonds, j with offices at 170 Broadway, Henry i Morton, secretary of the firm, an- ; nounced yesterday. The loss of the diamonds vas discovered Saturday night. A seventeen-year-old boy employed in the offices of Meyerowitz & BroB. is j missing, and the police have sent out a j confidential alarm to arrest him. Meier Steinbrink, a lawyer, who is handling the case, said his clients were not certain their loss amounted to $70, 000, and that an inventory might dis? close it to be greater or smaller. A pianist we know says that the delicate overplaids in this Spring's suits re? mind him of the cross hand movement when striking for a subdued accent. We're not much on long? haired pianistry, but we do know that the harmony's there and that the accent needn't be subdued when it comes to talking Quality?! none finer anywhere. The proper accompani? ment for good clothing just naturally suggests our hats, shoes and fixings. Rogers "Peet Company Broadway Broadway at 13th St. "Four at 34th St. Convenient Broadway Corners" Fifth Ave. at Warren at 41st St. Art Critics may hold many views. But Style Connoisseurs usually agree. As a case in point, well groomed Saib/aaurf New Yorkers know style precisely. Wear And insist upon clothes that exactly Guaranty ^^ ^^ v^ Likely, our prominence is largely due to our understanding of their viewpoint. Spring Suits & Top Coats, $28 to $65. Weber a^Heilbroner Cfothiers, llaberda$her$ and Halters?Eleven Stores ?241 Broadway ?40 Broadway 775 Broadway *l 180 Broadway *44tfi and Broadway 1363 Broadway 08 N*<i*au ! 00 Nauau IS) Onil?n? ""/I Broad *4?-\ awl f-?ftit Avr-nue t\ -.:?:.,., -, am . A Annual For Women, Misses, Girls and Children America's leading dressmakers have co-operated with us to make thi s the most remarkable sale of dresses ever held in New York. The styles are the very latest for Summer wear, beautifully developed in the materials of the hour. At the prices quoted dresses of this splendid character are without equal: Seven Dainty Frocks for Women in the Annual May Sale at very remarkable prices Fourth Floor No. 1 ?Smart Tunic Frock o? dark color Voile in new patterns, with self collar and white vestee. To be had in Navy with White, Navy with Tan, and Black with White. , Sizes 34 to 44. ' Special $10.95 No. 2 $9.75 No. 2 ? Dainty Cotton Georgette Frocks for after? noon wear, in Flesh, Light Blue, Coral and Orchid, with Voile collar and vestee. Sizes 34 to 42.^ Special $9.75 No. 3?Charming Flowered Voile Frock? with vestee and round collar of net. Three quarter sleeves are inset with net in? sertion. To be had in Grey and ( Rose, Grey and Copenhagen Blue, } Navy and Henna. Sizes 34 to 44. ^Special $12.50 No. 4 ?Smart Crepe de Chine Frock with the new Kimono short sleeves, and fag otting on skirt. To be had in Flesh color or White. Special $18.50 No. 5?Stunning Satin Foulard Frock with round yoke of Georgette Crepe and embroidered Georgette Crepe collar, and smart front and back draping on skirt. To be had in Navy, Brown, Wisteria, and Black. Sizes 34 to 44. Special $25 No. 6?Dainty Printed Georgette Crepe Frock with collar draped in Cowl effect Entire dress lined with Jap. Silk. To be had in Navy and White, Navy and Red, Black and White. Sizes 34 to 42. Special $25 No. 7?Ficellent Quality Crepe Frock in box plaited model, button trimmed. A cool, wearable Summer afternoon frock. To be had in Navy Blue, Black, Taupe, White. Sizes 34 to 42. Special $25 1,200 White and Colored Dresses for Children at Remarkably Low Prices AX ?pJ-aDU?Cute little white voile frocks, hand smocked and finished with Val. lace; Box-pleated Chambray frocks with white pique collar and cuffs; and dainty pink and blue plaid gingham frocks with white pique collar, cuffs and belt. Sizes 2 to 6 years. One pictured. At ?plat/e)?Pretty Empire frocks of plaid ginghams with white poplin belt, collar and cuffs, trimmed with fancy buttons. Also novelty voile frocks, with collar, cuffs and belt trimmed with hand stitchery. Sizes 2 to 6. Two pictured. At i?Liaod ?Pretty white and colored voije frocks, trimmed with wool stitching; fine bloomer dresses of colored chambray with white collar and cuffs; and very serviceable cotton tissue frocks in pink or light blue striped patterns with dotted lawn collar and cuffs. One j pictured. Fourth Floor. Monda}) and Tuesday only? American Lady and R. & G. Corsets, Special $2 Regularly $3.50. The American Lady Corsets are fash? ioned of white fancy batiste, with elastic top, lightly boned for medium figures. The R. & (i. Sport Corsets_well known for their perfect construction?are developed in tine coutil, with elastic inserts, and may be had in white or flesh color. Such values should be taken advantage of now! Third Floor. In the May Sale of Dresses Women's Morning m? Frocks At Very Special Prices At &?i? Two very charming styles in Figured Lawns, one with collar and cuffs of White Organdie, the other with ruffle of solid color material at neck and sleeves. Pictured. At ip3?50?Dainty Morning Frocks of Checked Ging? ham, with yoke, cuffs and belt of solid color Chambray, and trimming of White Braid. Also a second model in solid color Chambray with White Organdie collar and cuffs. One as pictured. At ?p4?Very Charming Morning Frocks of sheer Batiste in smart striped effects, with White shawl collar edged with self material. Two pockets and long sleeves. Also?-Devonshire cloth and Tissue Frocks with white collar and tucked skirt. One style pictured. Third Floor. Two Important Offerings in The May Sale of Dresses for Misses ! At $9.95 Charming Summer Frocks?three as pictured^--in a ?reat variety of draped, tunic and coatee models, delight? fully fashioned of sheer organdie, plain and figured voiles, plaid or checked ginghams, and quaint Grand? mother's Chintz. Sizes 14 to 18 years. _ Second Floor. ? At $18.50 1 Dainty afternoon frocks for Misses?three pictured -beautifully developed in plain and embroidered Crepe e Chine, French Organdie, Indestructible Voiles, Taf ?ta and Satin, trimmed with Rose quilling, embroidery, acks or fine lace. Size 14 to 18 years. Second Floor. 600 Girls' Gingham Frocks Regularly $2.95 to $3.93 Special at $1.95 Real girlish models, as practical as they are pretty, fashioned of serviceable ginghams and chambrays in plaids, checks, and rich plain colorings. New collars, smart pockets, and sashes, touches of hand-embroidery and smocking add wonderfully to these altogether beau? tiful frocks. Sizes 6 to 14 years. Four pictured. Girls' Smart Voile and Organdie Frocks at $3.85 Beautifully made cool Summer frocks of sheer organdie and voile, tastefully hand-embroidered and hand-smocked. Sizes 6 to 12 years. Second Floor.