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ALL MERCHANDISE ADVER TISED IN THE TRIBUNE IS GUARANTEED First to Last?the Truth: News ? Editorials - Advertisements t^TMTtttti & SAM.EiIition %Ji ^1 I^U mJA I L1L WEATHER ^^^0^4^^ Sfyf^^jr ^W^** ^ ^W^^f Partly clondy to-day and to-morrow. Not much change in temperature. Full Renort on PuRe 23 Vol. LXXIX No. 26,478 ICopyriKht, 1919, New York Tribune lnc.1 THURSDAY, MAY 15, 1919 *r? ?5 V *F TwnrTvn^1-1 Grrater N>w York and | THREE CEVT9 1. wu it.^ra *? wtthin commutinjr dittance I El-ev. hrre TVT o Dirigible Nears St. John's in 900-Mile Flight; -4 Reaches Halifax; Rig "Hop" Set for To-day; ermans File Three Protests, Call Treaty Ruin ous 9 Lies Laid iTo Whitman By Thompson JPrevarication Is Charged j by Senator in Detailed Testimony Concerning Interview at Luncheon ISeheme To Aid Fare Bill Alleged Killed 6-Cent Act Fearing "Penny Governor" Niagara Man Asserts Senator George F. Thompson under . oath yesterday characterized ex-Gov- ! ernor Charles S. Whitman's sworn ! stor;, related before the Senate Judi- '' ciary Committee at Albany, as a fabri- j cation. The Senator from Xiagara , picked the former Governor's testi mony to pieces, branding nearly a scorc of inrportant statements made by Whitman as falsehoods. "He (Whitman) has attempted to de- | ; ceive the public by weaving in a lot of mrimportant falsehoods with a lot of onimportant factB," said Thompson, ''in an attempt to make it appear: "FIRST?That l sought an interview with him, which is untrue. "SECOXU?That f sought to make a eonnecrion to practise iaw in Xew YorV whi h is untrue. ] "///' I sought !.i*ad"iep in i, reiu* i<.?!* to the darson-Martin bill, which I is untrue. "FOl RTH That I gave him an inti nation that I was going around taiking ' about the '':irso:i-Martin bill, looking for V.n excusc to change my attitude, which is untrue. "FIFTH?That I was uslng that op-! Mrtunity to c.-iticise Governor Hughes, which is untrue. "81XTH That 1 was using that op ?portuni-y *,, criticise Senator Burlin lame, - itrue. "SBVENTH That I was using that Cpporain-y to belittle Senator Daven? port. which is untrue. "EIGHTH That I tried to see him on ; Monday and sought an opportunity, ! Which is unttue, "NINTH- This conversation was not ' one which took the form of small talk I ?r go.-sip." Feared "Penny Governor" Cry Thompson mentioned other sworn! statements made by ex-Governor Whit- : inan which I e branded as false. Tu" ?? >re that fear that the, voters would call him a "Penny Gov- ! ernor" during tho 1918 campaign im pelled Whitman to pasa the death sen- ' tence on the Pratt six-cent fare bill ' durire^ the legislative session last year. j The big audience which packed the \ Board of Estimate room in the City Hai:, where the Senate Judiciary Corn- \ ^ft*e? conducting its investigation,; hnghed dly at this rcference to the \ ersw . i hj, - Executive of the state: H-ii-ty B. Weatherwax, president of ; the New York State Street Railways \ Aisoci-jtion, and other tractiot men ' who teetifted that the ex-Governor had \ diobte-crossed them after he had '? fcenieed to support and sign the billj feiaed in the laughtcr. Thompson atuck to his story that '''' after hc had been retained : i? the K'irn of $10,000 by the Inter- ! |?ough, had asked him to vote for the ? Carson-Martin bill, which would make IHeible an increase in streetcar fare,! BOl'i?".;.; out as bait the nomination for ! werr.or in 1920. meeting with the former Gov-.' I held on March 29 of this year ! Hotel St. Regis, where Whit- ! "*8 iives, was arranged by George A. ; G'ynn, whe was handpicked by Whit- : ?*" ?? head the Republican State Committee, Thompson swore. ? '? talk with Whitman, Thompson ftttfted, following close on the heel* ? the alleged offer of a $500,000 carn *>??'' fund by Richard ii. Burke, oeller. ?| ttreeiear eopplle*, wa? largely peponeible for his publication of the narg Made in Three Montha I Thomp*on went Into deUils regard ??'- * interview with the ex-Governor JW?*ring that Whitman told him that ?* **4 made $'55,000 in the firet three "?nlfa? of hi? praetlee of law and that I tt??d U' mak* m,)-w> ftnne*!ly ? Wh*??<>, ht uhU, ?Iko Iflformed him g? he intended to run for ;?< , .,, {Pj^Pwn'e denial of Burke', *torv I ? $$***"** "" Wge twenty I I ~~^ City Celebrates Just From Habit Manhattan DoesnH Know What Noise Is About, but Joins In, Any way The wail of a hundred sirens, shriek ing their utmost, came across tho river from Jersey yesterday. To this was added the regular thudding of field guns banging out a salute, and the shrill voices of a score of harbor craft. As the noise echoed through the lower part of the city, New Yorkers be gan to join in the celebration, not knowing exactly what it was about, but unwilling to let any noise-making op? portunlty get by. Windows were ! thrown open and torn bits of paper ' were showered on Broadway, where ! motor horns blatted loudly and a few enthusiasts cheered. Among the reasons given by New Yorkerc for the j celebration v.ere the following: The President has come back. The peace treaty has been signed. i Prohibition has been declared null \ and void. The American fiiers have started j their transatlantic hop. Lloyd George has agreed to meet ' the Irish delegation. But the uproar wasn't inspired by | anV of these causes. New Jersey was j greoting some of her returning troops. ; The transport Calamares was coming up the bay with 2,208 officers and men aboard, and a delegation headed by Governor PJdge was welcoming the lighters home. Whiskey Storage Here Increases $5,000 Orders AW Wr* Common, Say Dealers, But Many Await Sales Many of the large New York concerns handling expensive lines of wines and liquor are planning to hold big sales in the near future. These are'expeated to last until July 1, when the war-time ! emergency bone dry law becomes ef- j fective?unless Wilson be- ' fore that date proclaims the war ended ; and the army demobilized. The dealers are tiot holding out hopes of reductions in prices of whis? key and wine, but nevertheless they feel that many persons are waiting vainly for the "market to break." In the meantime most of them have had numerous orders for wines and whiskey in excess of $1,080. Orders in excess of $5,000 are not uncommon. Some of them boast of single orders amounting to $10,000. There is nothing in the slatute books at present that forbids storage by individuals of unlimited quantities of beverage alcohol. However, the storage warehouse men are expeeting to be informed some time before prohi tion becomes effective of stringent regulations affecting such a-lcoholie caches. The dealers say most of their large eustomers are having t'heir purchases delivered at their homes, where doubt less they will cherish them in secret chambers. At present there is practically no imported champagne or whiskey for sale. There is a similar dearth of cor dials and liqueurs. All French wines are scarce. Champagne is quoted at $70 a c-asi-, but few dealers will admit that they have any. Imported whiskeys are quoted at $f^,' $6 and $7 a qtiart, and there is little at these prices. Many dealers are beginning to recog nize the faces of eustomers who call once each week -presumably on pay day-- and carry away one or two prec ious bbttles to be added to tho store they are hoarding, not against a rainy day, but againht a dry one. Of domestic whiskey there is plenty for prescnt needs. There are said to be 60,000,000 gallons, a normal year's supply. Distillers in New York say there is no chance of this whiskey be? ing dumped on the market at the last minute. Rabbi Wise WouldVt Be Seen With Hylan, He Says Special Correnpondvnm INDIANAPOLFS, May 14.-Rabbi Ktephen S. Wise, of New York, who was a guest of honor with Colonel Robert H. Tyndall, commander of the 150th Field Artillery of the Rainbow Diviflion, at a dinner given here to? day by the Kiwanl Club, took occasion to tell what he thought of Mayor Hylan, of New York. Colonel Tyndall had ju8t been prc t'.'.i'd the proverbial wooden key of ; the city of Ir.<jiurikpo 1 ik by Mayoi i CharlcK W. Jewett, jmd Rabbi Winc wai called upon to speak. In opening he ?atdi "It, ih good to come to a city Mfa ; (ndlanapolie where the Mayor is n : epected, It Ii fat dlfferent ln New i York. In Qothatn it in a dilgrece t.< be teen with the Mayor." Referring to the' preaantatlon of th< ; k?y, Kabbi Wiae remarked that th' people of New York would not irum their Mayor with even a wooden key, Hijy it llah}' ItriiiiJ. Our Beaklcl iim.* ho 1 %\<ih lnv?ftm?nt* ttand tnr \k, iJohn Mulr it V,u., Cl H'wny..Advi. 'Non-Existenf Censor. Here Holds Up News Tribune Correspondent Who Supposed Bureau Had Ceased Is Forced to Sub mit Papers for Inquiry Roosevelt Letter Helps _/ Release of European Press Matter Effected After a Delay in the Examination The Tribune has come unexpectcdly into contact with a iive and vigorous "non-existent" censorship. On Tues? day Elias Tobenkin, who has been in Europe as The Tribune's OTrrespondent for six months and who came to The Tribune directjy from the Commission on Public Information, returned on the steamship Frederick VIII. He was re lieved of all his papers and documents, despite all his protests. Yesterday morning a reprcsentative of the censor's office called The Tribune on the telephone and asked whether Mr. Tobenkin's cables had been altered in any way after they had been re? ceived. He was told that this ques? tion seemed to have little to do with any rcason for holding up Mr. Toben? kin's correspondence. He then asked, in effect, whether The Tribune be Continued on page ten Foch Ready to Act If Germans Balk Marshal Told to Take ISecessary Action if Teu tons Refuse to Sign PARIS, May 14 (By The Associated Press).?Immediate measures tending to the further subjugation of Germany if its delegates refuse to sign the peace treaty were indicated to-day by the announcement that Marshal Foch had been sent to the Rhine by the council of four to take such action as may become necessary in the event that the treaty is not signed. The council of four, composed of President Wilson, David Lloyd George, M. Clemenceau and Signor Orlando, to? day considered the immediate reimpos ing of the blockade against Germany if she declines to sign the peace treaty. lt is anticipated that the blockade will be liftetl immediately if the Ger? man delegate's sign. COBLENZ, May 12 (By The Associ? ated Press).?Marshal Foch is due to arrive at Coblenz on Thursday. Hc is mnking a trip which is taking him to the different headquartcrs of the occupicd areas. The marshal will come here from Mayence and will be escorted down the Rhine by French gunboats. He will be ' chtertaincd at luncheon by Lieutenant General Hunter Liggett, commandcr of the American Third Army, and will then procced to Cologne under the escort of British gunboats. Labor Convention for Bcer And Removal of Burleson HARRISBURG, May 14. -The Stato Federar.ion of Labor went on record here to-day as favbring ,*he sale of beer and. l.ijbt, wines. The conVeii! also demanded tho removal of Post? master General Burleson from office. PASSING THE FLOWFJ (Copyrlglit. j013. New Vnrk Tribune Inc.) Transf er of Distriets in Belgium and Saar Valley Clause Are Objected To CJppose Leaving Selileswig Area Would Pay Damages But Not Accept Blame for War PARIS, May 14 (By The Associated Press).?Three notes from the German peace delegatioh" were delivered to the | Allied council of four this morning. | They were very long. One of the notes, dealing with eco nomjc clauses of the treatji, declares that they mean the ruin of Germany if they are enforccd. A note on territorial questions pro tests particularly against the Saar Val? ley arrangement and the transfer of the Malmedy, Moresnet and Eupen dis ' tricts to Belgium, as well as tfie forced ? evacuation of a part of Schleswig. A note on reparations aoes not pro test against the payment by Germany i for the devastation wrought in Belgium and Xorthern France, which, it says, Germany is ready to do willingly. It is added. however, that Germany will not pay reparation for this (jamage on the principle that she was responsible ! for the war. The thTee new notes frort Count von :>- ??? i ';p!-p.R:u"'-:ui have been referred Continued on page eight fi&) > ^ % ^^P EXCELLENT! ! IF i COUlD DO T'HAT vs/ELl I'D TJ-llMK 1 WAS 60M? Dif/ von erer notice with what reckless generosity we greet the efforls of thehome-growngehius? ]T isapleasure j; VJHO Humanjty )F ONE And with what unslinted measure we reward the accomplishment of aurcustw. d . .'. c '??..:? liansf And to Lee-Wah-KoO'Tee, who spent 67 years engraving the Declaration of Independence, the Koran and Shakespearc on a blaek Mexican hean ive arcord heart fell. appreciation? But how would you like to be a peace delegate?, C-5 to Try Non-Stop Sea Flight ^T. JOHN'S, N. P., May 14.?Naval officials here said to-day that if the dirigible C-13 attempts the transatlantic flight?and only a poor performance on the voyage here will prevent her?the"blimp" will try for a non-stop flight, heading direct for the English coast. Three United States battleships already are stationed on this route, the Utah, 500 miles out; the Florida, 600 miles beyond the Utah, and the Arkansas about 300 miles from the Irish coast. If the naval seaplanes complete the Trepassey-Azores leg' of their flight in time the destroyers along this route will be moved for the C-5's benefit. It was definitely stated, however, that if the C-5 is found upon arrival in condition to make the transatlantic flight it will not waste any time waiting for a new disposition of the de? stroyers. ? AustrianEnvoys Reach France In Happy Mood Uuofficial Handshaking and Smiles Feature Meeting of Chancellor Renner and the Allied Representatives PARIS, May 14 (By The Associated Press).?The Austrian peace delega? tion, headed by Chancellor Karl Ren? ner and accompanicd by its at tendants, arrived in St. Germain. near Paris, to-day, and at a later date will appear before the representatives of the Allied and associated powers to re ceive the conditions which will spell peace for the former ey.pire. There are about sixty persons/in the delega /, tion. , A potable feattfre -A' the receptton was the absence of Germans who had requested permission to greet the Aus trians, but had been denied this privi? lege. The prefect of the department, M. Chaleil, met the Austrians cour teously, and although there was no offi? cial handshaking, many members of the party were greeted by unofficial handshakes from old acquaintances. The delegates then proceeded under military escort to the villas set aside for them overlooking the valley of the Seine and Paris, and lacking the high fences and sentries so much in evi dence at Versailles. Renner in Joyful Mood Chancellor Renner was apparently in excellent spirits. He smiled en gagingly and his eyes shone aa hc greeted the representatives of the Allied countries. In the course of his lemarks he said, among other things: ''I hope I may go away with as joy? ful a heart as I bring." Although strict military regulations were enforced and the crowds of vil lagers held back by sentries from the railway station and the shady avenues through which the delegates were hur ried to their abiding place, such pre cautions were unnecessary, for the crowds displayed mild curiosity rather than hostility. Under official escort the corrcspond ents and others were conducted cere moniously to the station through streets from which other traffic had been barred. The good spirits of the crowd awaiting the Austrians appeared to be shared by them, for they cmerged smiling from their special train. Professor Lammaseh was accom panied by his wife and daughter, and there were several women secretaries. who were shown the greatest courtesy. Apology for Speaking German. The Austrian Chancellor, in his speeeh on arrival, and later in conver saticn, spoke German, but excused him .:elf as being unable -to speak French. Members of the Austrian delegation, questioned on their arrival, intimated ! that they would demand the attach ment of German Bohemia and German Tyrol to Germany and declared th.".t without these concessions they would be unable to sign the treaty. This was not said with such conviction as would indicate a firm determination. Besides Chancellor Kenner and Pro? fessor Fammosch some of the bette. known members of the party were Dr Franz Klein, Peter Eichoff and Dr Richard Schuller. Belief that the peace treaty with Austria would bo handed to the dele? gates of that nation by the end of tht present week was cxpreased to-day. It is learned from members of thi party that the leading representativel are sharply divided among themselvc vegarding the question of anncxatior to Gormany; bo that the delegation ai .i whole can scarcely take a firm stan. on permanent prohibition of unioi with Germany, which appears in thi draft of tho treaties for both Ger I many and Austria. Italians Land Large Forces In Dalmatia Soldiers Moved Eastward From Zara and Sebenico to Fortify Passes and Ridges in Dinaric Alps LONDON, May 14.?The Italians are landing large military forces at Zara and Sebenico, on the coast of Dalmatia, according to a Reuter dispatch from Belgrade, the Serbian capital. The troops are being moved eastward and are fortifying the ridges and passes. tZara and Sebenico are near the cen tre of the Dalmatian coast and are i between Fiume and Spalato. They are i cpposite the Italian port of Ancona. j The mountains to the east of the two ' ports are tho Dinaric Alps.] . PARIS, May 14 (By The Associated Press). italian delegates to the peace conference are no longer insisting upon the fulfilment of the secret treaty of London, and this part of the con troversy relative to .territory on the castern shore of the Adriatic is tend? ing toward an adjustment, according to those who have taken part in re cent conferences. The status of Fiume is still being discussed, as the plan to make it a free city similar to Danzig has not proved acceptable. ROME, May 14. Gabriele d'An nunzio, the author-aviator, and Pro? fessor Luigi Luzzatti had a long inter view yesterday with King Victor Em manuel. Afterward Professor Luz? zatti gave to the American newspaper men a statement setting fbrth ltaly's position regarding Dalmatia. In this statement he said: "I hope that free America will not take the responsibility of appearing like an oppressor to the eyes of mill ions of Italians desiring to reunite with their mother country." Professor Luzzatti likewise ex pressed the hope that President Wil? son ?'would not put France and Eng? land to the alternative of breaking their agreements (with Italy) or break? ing with America." Armed Siiin Feiners Attack Irish Police One Officer Dead and One Miss ing as the Result of Fight at Knoeklong KNOCKLONG, Ircland, May 14 (By The Associated Press).?Four police officers, who were taking a Sinn Fein prisoner to Cork, were attacked by an armed band at the Knoeklong Station to-day. The armed men rescued the prisoner anti killed one of the police men an4 seriously injured another. A third policeman is missing. Knoeklong is a small town in County Limerick, about eighteen miles south east of the city of Limerick. It is on the Great Southern and Western Rail? way. President Not to Sail From Port of Antwerp PARIS, May 14 (By The Associated Press).? President Wilson was consid ering sailing for the United Statesfrom Aritwerp, so that he might visit Brus sels on the way, but on inquiry it de veloped to-day that the I'nited States transport Gcorge Wasliington is of too great a draft to enter the port of Ant? werp. The project, therefore, has been abandoned. The President will visit Brusaels, however. before starting on his home ward voyage. ScoUish University Makes Pershing Doctor of Laws ST. ANDREWS, Scotland, May 14. The honor.ary degree of doctor of lawi was conferred to-day on General Johi J. Pershing, commander in chief of th< American Expdditionary Forces, bj the I'nivorHity of St. Andrews, whicl i:; the oldest in Scotland. This was on tho occasion o-' Fieli Marshal Sir Douglas Haig being mad Lord Provost of the university. Gen eral Pershing was rcpreaented by Col onel Lloyd Griscom. Belated Plane Hopes to Reach Trepas sey in Time to Join in6 Junip' to Azores NC-4 Makes 99 Miles an Hour Weather Conditions Reported Good all Along the Route WASHINGTON, May 14.-The American naval seaplanes NC-1 and NC-3 probably will be in* fliurht be? fore sundown to-morrow in the lirst attempt to cross the Atlantic Ocean through the air. Official reports to the Navy Department late to-day from Trepassey Bay, Newfoundland, the. starting point of the proposed flight, intimated that the "hop-off" would be made within twenty-four : hours, as favorable weather along the route to the Azores was indi cated. The navy dirigible C-5 also may | attempt the long 'cross-ocean trip either to-morrow or next. day. Risiir: ? from Montauk Point, Long Island. early to-day, the big aifship passed Halifax before sunset, and Liscomb, l N. S., eighty-five miles ftj-rther on, ,at 7:40 p. m. Sne is expected to | reach St. John's. N. ]?'.. befove : light to-morrow, making a non-gtop flight of 900 miles. A deVision as to ,a transatlantic attempt by 'will be made immediately rm receipl of her commander's report of his arrival. NC-4 Pieks |jp Time The third seaplane of the trans? atlantic division, the NC-4, held up j by engine trouble 011 the first leg j of the journey, made up much of her lost distance to-day and was i moored to-night beside the mine layer Baltimore at Halifax . ing daylight to proceed to Trepaa sey Bay. Tho boat travelled from : Chatham' Light, Mass., to Haiifax i to-day, nearly 350 miles, in l< than four hours. Urged by a fa vorable hfteen-mile wind, sl : tained a speed of ninety-nine land ? miles an hour. Ths decision of Lieutenant. Corn mander Read of the NC-4 to i J the night at Halifax was taken to mean that he had encountered fi ther trouble to delay him. H< ' ?expected to proceed to Trepa I Bay after a stop of a few minutes. , In that case the transatlantic at? tempt might have star'- ter inoon. The Navy Department was k to high pitch to-day as the NC-4 and the C-5 were hurryin ird on a favorable wind. Until a late ' hour it was not certain that the NC-1 and NC 3 would not also take wing, during the day, starting the transatlantic dash. It was obvious j that the hour of the start. in any i case, was close at han.!. ; Foreeast System Perfect Again to-day the farreaching I tem set up by the department and j the Weather Bureau to obtain ade ! quate weather data for the expi ! at Trepassey Bay worked with cJock ; like precision. At reguiar intervals ' the streams of reports from more | than a score of destroyers along the route, from half a dozen battleships j posted far to the north or south of | the route to the Azores, from all European points covered by the i British weather system, and from ! the American Weather Bureau i poured into the station ship at I Trepassey to be charted and used in ! making predictions. Officers believe the most corapre | hensive weather forecasting ever ! done has been accomplished as an | aid to the attempt to cross the At Late Porecaal Less Hopeful Late to-night the weather predic? tions for the next twenty-four hours over the proposed route from Tre? passey Bay to the Azore -., as report? ed to the Navy Department. wvtt "less encouraging." This was not in ' terpreted by officers, however, u no j cessitating a de"?<?ion by Comimmdcr