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fint to Last?the Tmth: Nsws?Editorials ?Advertisernents Matnbej mt tha Audit Bureau of CUcnlatloni THURSDAY, MAY 15, 1919 Owned and publlshed dally by New York Tribune Inc, J. New York Corporation. 0*-den Held. Preeldent: O. Vewor Rogera. Vlce-Preeldent; Helen Rogers Held. Secre? tary: F. A. Suter. Trraaurer. Aiiare^, Tribune. Building. ii* Nassau Street. New York. Telephone. Beekman C000. 8188CRJFTI0N RATES? Hy Mail. Inctudlnj Fostage: IN XHB UMTED STATES AND CANADA. One Six Three One __ Year. Montlis. Months. Month. Ily and Sunday... .$10.00 $5.00 $2.50 $1.00 OBly . 8.00 4.00 2.00 K- ~4y only . 3.00 1.50 ?'?> .30 nuaday only. Canada... 5.C0 2.50 1.M -f-O FOREIGN RATES g?Uy auid Sunday.$24.00 $12.00 $6-00 $2.2S PaUf only . is.00 SVOfl 4.5" 1.50 Sunday outy . {t.00 4.00' 2.00 ."3 Entered at the Fostoffloe at New York a? Second Claas Mail Matter GUARANTEE Va* eaa eurehaie merchandise advertlaed In THE TRIBUNE with absolute safaty?lor If dlssatUfaction re ?ulrs fn any can THE TRIBUNE guarantees to pay your aieiiey back upon requast. No red tape. No qulbblln-j. We make good promptly If the advertlser doea not. MEMBKR OF TIIK ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press Is erclustvely entitled to the use for republlc.itton of all news dlapatchos eredlted to lt or ?et othtrwlso vrcdlted ln tlils paper and also tho local news of apontaneous orlgln publlshed heretn. All right s or repubUcaiiou of aii other matter hereln are aUao rcscrred. The Soviet Madness Typically Mr. Villard, who opposed to the end our entering the war and pub licly deplored our final declaration of hostilities, has come out for the soviet as the latest salvation of mankind. Among other remarks, he praised the ad mirable soviet of Munich, whose leaders executed old men and women as part of their programme for introducing the Lenine Utopia upon earth. The sooner we introduce the soviet system in Amer? ica the better, was his central thought. There has been considerable of this bosh about the soviet among" our high browed radicals. They will stand up and prove most eloquently how much more democratic this newly impro\.sed inven tion of illiterate Russia is than our American representative system, con structed laboriously by the slow evolu tion of centuries. In Russia Lenine sees the soviet system quite frankly as the i short-cut to communism, to the abolition j of private property and the happy daya of palaces for all. Over here its advo cates proceed more cautiously, with more patter concerning the \heory of government and less touching the ele raental business of grab. They talk like Mr. Villard, pointing out the defects of our present system and arguing how easily we could substitute this prettv new device in its place and be happy ever afterward. Ab a matter of fact, the soviet in Rus? sia is exactly what it would be any where else. It would pioduce exactly the same kind of life and the same kind of government in America a? it does in Russia or Budapest or Munich?if the American people were primitive enough and silly enough and sufficiently igno rant and untrained in democratic gov? ernment to stand for it. It was used by the new czars of Russia because it was certain to produce exactly the result they were after, a government of class, for the class, by self-perpetuating tyrants. The handworkers of America are in a tremendous majority, and they could to morrow, if they wished, take charge of the government and run it for their own selfish class ends. They do not because they are intelligent Americans, not illit? erate Russians, and they know that that way lie madness and self-destruction. The soviet system is an ingenious device for spreading and encouraging precisely this form of madness. In it pro? vides that representatives shall be cho? sen by occupation, by shops, by facto? ries, instead of by communities. The ob ject and the natural result are to make every one intensely class conscious and wholly selfish in his attitude toward his government. So the people vote and so the representative naturally acts. By slow evolution we in America, thanks to our high degree of education and long experience in self-government, have developed our larger and nobler al legiance, the obligation of the voter to look primarily to the whole community, to the whole nation, in casting his ballot. We often fall short of our ideal in vot ing, our representatives are often not what they should be. Our system does not work. perfectly. No system involv ing human beings can work perfectly. But our system ha3 developed the high est degree of human liberty and human happiness ever achieved upon the face of the earth. It has done so, funda mentally, by teaching men and women to be Americans first and individtials and classes second. The soviet system would exactly re verse this process. We do not have to I guess. We can see ft in operation in Russia, in Hungary; until lately in Munich. It is the same in all. Under a pretence of democracy it foists upon a nation the most diabolical of tyrannies. Jfc annihilates t! freedom of the press. Tt kills or h:x:.- : the best brains of the nation nment, in shop, in commerce. Onij the proletariat is per mittcd to vote. Various excuses are made for this condition; but it is the conceded fact. The simple explanation seems to he that the soviet syatem is or? ganized selftshness gone mad and that the proletariat under it will not hear of either capitalists or bourgcoisie partici pating in the government. Nor ia this all. Democratic govern? ment under the soviet system is a farce, for it naturally and irtevitably produces a boss rule. The reason for this is clear. Tha soviet system necessarily involves the greatest indirection ever prop^ned irj a suppoaedly popular government. Direct elections have been the increasing de? mand of our experienced, liberal democ racies. In Russia the peasant or the ic.op worker votes for Just one delcgatc, the delegatc of his soviet, and the unit is, roughly, one delegate for every 500 workers. This is concededly the heart and soul of the system, that the work mcn in any factory can elect their own personal representative, weil known to them, and can recall him easily whenever they wish. Now these soviet delegates in turn elect delegates to the All-Russian As? sembly, and this Assembly elects an ex? ecutive committee of about 250 mem? bers, who elect the Council of People's Commissars. To parallel the present Russian system in America to-day, in respect to indirection, we should have to conceive of electing only aldermen, who would meet by states and choose dele? gates to a huge national congress, which would elect a smaller legislative con? gress, which would elect the President and Cabinet. And even this is not as extreme as the Russian system, for the alderman represents many more constit ucnts than the soviet delegate. Could a more peri'ect system be de? vised to permit political trickery and bossism? To be sure, each individual soviet has the power to recall the dele? gate at will. But the nation has no power to recall Lenine by direct vote. It chose him only at fourth hand. It never votes as a nation. It never votes direct ly for any national officer, executive or legislator. It is entirely conceivable that this in direct system of organized selfishness, readily manipulated by tyrants to their ends, is the best form of representation of which ignorant Russia, fumbling for the first time with democracy, is capable. ! But to foist such a system upon Amer? ica would be madness, a stupidity of which only muddle-headed folly would dream. The Decapitated Eagle "Off with his head! So much for Buckingham." If the bill decapitating the double-headed eagle of Austria and reducing that marvel of nature to the single head customary in the species passes the parliament at Vienna, the visible symbol. of the imperial house will comport with the reality. The Dual Mon archy is no more, and it is fitting that this symbol should depart along with the universal "K. K." which attested the fact that the Emperor of Austria was also King of Hungary?Kaiserliche-Konig liche. The "hysterical bird," like the American eagle in the old ditty, may "flap his wings and crow," but it will be with a feebler voice than of yore. Yet the double-headed eagle had noth? ing to do at the time of its birth with the Dual Monarchy. Early in the four teenth century the Emperor Louis V chose two eagles for the national device, for what reason it were idle to speculate. The idea did not appeal to his successor, who accordingly merged the eagles, as it were, and gave the united bird two heads. Thus through all the chances and the changes of this mortal life it has re mained. What Hapsburg, adding to dominions by force or fraud or fortunate marriage, ever dreamed that this fierce and supernatural token of imperial power would be thus butchered to make an enemy holiday? The new eagle will hardly scream at all; he will instead be sad and civil, as suits his fortunes. Ichabod! lchabod! the glory is departed. It is not easy to see the future of the diminished and fallen state. It was Charles V, retiring to St. Just, who said, as quoted by the poet: "Most like the dead before my death am I; Like the old empire ruined, and fit to die." The Charles who has gone to Switzer land might apply the words to himself and his country, too. Austria may not be quite ruined, but it is difficult to imagine her rebuilt to her former pro portions. Her mutilated eagle speaks eloquently of the change that makes Vienna a provincial capital, of less con sequence even than the upstart Berlin. More Houses The organizations of tenants, the com mittees of public-spirited citizens, the magistrates who have held landlords to strict account in eviction cases, the semi riots that have occurred when the crowded were crowded too far_all these have contributed to mitigate rent profiteering. Thousands of apartments now are occupied by families who pay less than the owner could get if heart- I less or indifferent to the opinion of his ! fellows. It is natural in the present juncture to hate a landlord, but let us be fair enough to concede that many have not insisted on their pound of flesh. Yet common sense leaves no doubts, however salutary the deterrents to rent raising, that ultimately tho price of a flat will be what it will bring?will re flect the influence of supply and demand. Unless a supply of residence places is increaBed it is idle to expect rents to fall.^ Values are going up, and the new own'ers will contend that more revenue is necessary to give them a fair return. Indeed there are reports of dummy sales to enable owners to escape the odium of enhanced incomes. More houses?this is the only cure. And more houses wijl be provided only by private capital Bceking to increase itself. The talk of municipal housing is bosh?is propaganda. Tho city has not funds with which to build nor tho necessary legal authorily. Begin munic? ipal housing, and, unless tho businosH were entered into on a large scale, thc increaso in houses would bo Bllght, for private capital would not then enter the field. How is the private investment to be promoted? By giving builders n chonce to make money, and by eneourajrin* men and women to erect their own house*, As things now aro, aa soon as a man constmcts a house the assessor eomea aroyja4 tnd sayg the iir*fc thing the builder must do is to pay over 2.50 per cent yearly on the value of his building. If money is worth 6 per cent the builder must see an 8 !^ per cent return to be warranted in going ahead. We don't lay a consumption tax on wheat, but we do on houses, something of equal necessity. A lifting of the tax which paralyzes home building would populate vacant urban lands. The farmer now is able to borrow from the agricultural bank. The time would seem ripe for an urban bank for a similar purpose. Why should the rural population be favorcd? It is nonsense to contend a city loan would not be good if the loan were kept within reason. If anything good is to be worked out of the situation it will not be by the manufacture of wind either by the poli tician or his companion pest, the chronic agitator. The problem, if solved at all, will be solved by men of sense and judg? ment Of course the chances are noth? ing will be achieved except by the slow processes of economie law, and that then there will be an oversupply of houses almost as evil in consequence as the present undersupply. But the pub? lic, in the way of experiment, might try being intelligent. The Scheidemann Moanings And now will come no inconsiderable number of persons to echo the whinings of Scheidemann, and also no inconsider? able number to express irritated wonder ment over the latest exhibit of German psychology. But what was Scheidemann expected to say? Did any one seriously believe he would rejoice over the terms of peace? Was it not inevitable for him to declare President Wilson is a faith-breaker and that the conditions are such as to reduce Germany to servitude? Instead of giving an excuse of sur prise, it seems as if the German Chan cellor's reactions are as understandable as the squcalings of a pig caught in a gate or the brayings of a donkey when asked to do something no donkey likes. Sometimes it would seem as if there was too great a tendency to attribute subtlety to the Germans. Scheidemann is the chief of a govern? ment which would retain power. Should it not make a loud noise it would be ac cused of consenting to the mixing of the bitter medicine?would be attacked for not getting a better bargain. It says that the peace is awful to convince its supporters that it has done everything possible to soften the hard hearts of Paris. J The German Socialist leader is not difficult to classify. He is a public man of the type which infests all communi ties, which has an instinct for fioating on the eddies of opinion. When tbe war was launched his record required him to oppose it, but Germany was shouting for the lustful adventure. So he adopt? ed the view that the Teuton had been attacked by the Slav. When Belgium was invaded he accepted the fable that | Belgium had been non-neutral. When Petrograd became temporarily pro-Ally j and the future looked dark for Germany I he was selected by the Kaiser to man- i age the proposed Stockholm conferences. Then when the Germans, through Lenine and Trotzky, became masters of Russia and the Brest-Litovsk treaty was writ? ten Scheidemann became silent and re mained so until the German offensive in the West was wrecked. The Chancellor has no stubborn convictions to prevent him from accommbdating his views to the demands of the hour. The complaint that the Fourteen Points have not been respected is childish, but when men can find nothing mature to say they are commonly childish. The war ended in military disaster. Peace did not come because a year before Presi? dent Wilson, like other Ally leaders, had drawn up a formula of principles which the Germans suddenly discovercd were just and righteous. On October 1,1918,Prince Max of Baden arrived in Berlin to become Chancellor. He found on his desk, ready for signa ture, a dispatch asking for an armistice. prepared by the military command. Con? ditions were so desperate" he was told something must be done at once. Of course he had to avoid assigning the true reason for the approach. Going through his portfolio, Prince Max dug out President Wilson's speech of the Fourteen Points. It was as good as any other?was better, for by exagger nting minor differences Germany might divide the Allies. It is not improbable that Bcrnstorff suggested that Presi? dent Wilson be saluted as the peace maker. The motive for playing up tho Four? teen Points was thus so obvious that it is strange any were so gullible as to be caught by the trick. But some were caught, and the seed of the idea was planted that our terms in some way were holier than those of other peoples. The legend was almost blown Into ac ceptance when a hoatload of trainec! journalists was sent to Paris and it be? came apparently their duty to spread Gorman valuation3 of the Fourteen Points. Official Germany has little present hope of getting a rovision of tho treaty. But an attempt la worth making. it will at least servo to break the news to the German people?may so Infiame them against foroigners ns to make them forgct that Germany's real foes are within. The Liberty Loan machine, now to bo eerapped, should have a monument ln scribed "Public Efflclenry," Now, as in No Man'H Land, the Teu? ton cry is "Kameradl" There is more than an empty atomach behind Bolahevlsm in America. The Conning Tower _j Professors at the University of Pennsyl? vania are getting increases of from 10 to 25 per cent and increases at other univer sities are imminent. This is undoubtedly owing to the dropping of Latln and Greek. If the studies of English, Music, and Phil osophy also be discontinued, it may some day bc possible to be a professor without benefit of father-in-law. The study of Latin and Greek helps a man to spell, but, as a tiring business man tells us, spelling is woman's work. "I can buy a good speller for $25 a week," he said. And how can you argue with a business man? We, for one, simply listen. Our Allies' Love Songs IV I.ullaby [From the Bollvian] Hush, little baby. rio not cry. Rest ln safely upon the arr Of your mother. Cease your wceplng. Aide Memoire Sir: Not that I wish to break into the Stalactite of Scintillation, but?you see, I've promised to lend an office mate a cer? tain memory course which I have completed, and if you were to stick this under the Bolivian folk-song I would see it at break fast and rcmembcr to bring the dam thing down to the office. K. 0. W. It is a new thing for the Germans to sign a peace treaty, so the hesitation is understandable. The first insurance ap plication we signed we hesitated over, too, and we wcren't certain it wasn't a "mur derous scheme." THE PRIMORDIAL RAG Sir: Xow that we old folks are dodder in,g and mumbling about the "good old songs" and times, allow me to look up from my grucl and show a faint fiash of my old sporting spirit. How weil I remembcr dressing up in my white duck trousers, ox-blood colored shirt, three-inch high stiff collar and ready-made four-in-hand tic, ox-blood also in hue. It was "band concert ni,??ht" for the Norwood Bra?s Band, the best band in Massachu? setts. Yes, sir! And then jumping on my safety and pedalling up to the ball grounds in the velvet twilight. And along about the middle of the pro? gramme. after they had played "Hearts and Flowers" and "The High School Cadets," and "The Washington Post" as an encore, (hey ripped out a new tune, a tune with a queer, fascinating, wiggly rhythm. It caught lhe fancy of the circling crowd of gold-belted, wide-sleaved girls, flirting with the local and out-ot'-town sports, like a match in a haystack. Again and again the band played it, although there wasn't a soul in the crowd who ever had heard it before. And I, because I had taken music lessons of him for years, crawled up on the bandstand and asked Bernie Colburn, the dapper and jovial bandmaster, what the name of that tune wa.s. "That?" says Bernard. "Oh, that's a new little thing called 'The New Buily.' Cute, ain't it ? Devilish hard to play right, though! Got a funny tempo!" Thus May Irwin 'brought ragtime to Norwood. And I'll wager a Godey print to a box of I'Old Judge" cigarcttes that "The New Buily" was the first ragtime piece ever written. \V. W. E. We doubt whether it was. Probably May Irwin's own "Mamle, Come Kiss Your Honey Boy" antedated "Tlie New Buily." And George Evans's "Standin' on the Cor nor, Didn't Mean No Harm" may have come before either. . . . Our first conscious ness of ragtime came when we heard Ned Wayburn play the accompaniment for Miss [rwin'a "The New Buily," in?though here our memory shifts into first speed "The Widow Jones." From the Colossus Himself Sir: For the benefit of the readers of your Eiffel of Erudition, the Harts Corner-White Plains road, known officially aa "C. H. 1370," was in the letting of April 30, 1919, nnd I am to-day approvincr the contract, and as soon as thc L. of N. is working smoothly wc may be in a position to take up the Neufchateau-St. Blin Highway and put it in the pcrfect condition your oxacting contribs demand. F. S. G. One of our favorite Kin Hubbard para graphs is "'It wuz almost cool enough t' go without furs last evenin',' said Tawney Apple to-day." And we like Mr. Roy K. Moulton's "It seems as though it is almost, warm enough Tor the girls to put on their furs" almost: as much. The Republicans, of course, view with alarm; but the Democrats 14-point with j)!"d Hosiery and the Drama Sir: Rabbi Wise seems rather hard on the hosiery buyers -who doubtless do write plays, since everybody else does. But per haps he rcads Tho New York Times, ancl formed his opinion of the h. b.s after read? ing these lines in your cstcemed con temporary: The only time that a woman will really endure a mouso is when the nice little gray fellow is embroidered, as a joke, on a pair of Etoekings. There are any number of these joke F.tockings, and the joke romos hish, for the Btocldngs range in Price from .?>;, to ?25. There are turkeys for Thanksgiving, lobsters, cupids. n clock face with the hands at one and the words beneath : "Stand off." There is the clock face with no words and bags from which ealt is eplllinr;, one with no rentiment, and another with tho words: "You'ro frcsh." There is one man who bp.:) all hls nocks embroidered with gay little sentences, provrrbs, or happy thoughts around tho top nt $6 per pair. But then, of eour.<o, you don't havo to i buy ihoso stockings, or see these plays, or ' listen to n Bcrmon hy Rabbi WiHe,' or evon j read Tho Tribune:- a retort that Touch- ' stoue might, have cnlled tho Counterchcck ; Amiable - if-you-know-what-I-mean. _ W. T. L. The influencn of "H. M. S, Plnafore" la felt n the A. E. V. A sign on the French movla housa r.t Chaumont ror.entlv an nouncod: "Officiat Pictures of tho United. l States Navy as Authorl-.-.ed by Sir Danlols Secretary of United States Navy.'' Tho Governor ha? algned. tha bill ex emptlng newapapera from tha provleMona of tho law regulattng tha hours of t)m< ployment of women In fnotorlea, Women oontrlbs, blesa their typewrlterH and pfeub penn, may then worU twenty-four houi-B a day lf thoy like, Young Mr, Berla fiidis probably will be ropudlated by the real vermilion element, Ho aaid he believed ln tho American form of government to lhe extent of the Decla rution of Independenee, "In this country," writea Iiita Wollman in the rimart flot, "etorioq aro Bupposod tQ havo endlnga," But that isn't the worat of it, So are colyums, P. P A In Red Germany By Wm. C. Dreher Berlin Correspondent of The Tribune. BERLIN, April 29.?In the process of readjusting wages and salaries to the changed conditions of life and the depreciation of German currency some remarkable inequalities occur. It fre quently happen3 that the brainworker is left far behind in the struggle for in? creased earnings. The reason is that tho man who works with his hands belongs to an organization in which often many thou sands of workmen act with united will in enforcing higher wages, whereas the brain? worker has to lift himself, economically speaking, by his own bootstraps. Besides. the revolution, which gave occasion for tho readjustment of wages, came from below; it was socialistic. Hcnce, the interests of the workingmen were first looked after, not only by the workmen themselves, but also by the newly created political au? thorities. Hence, again, more remarkable variations in pay for work done. A great medical professor ini'ormed me of this case: A scientist here at Berlin, of no mean ability and considerablo reputa tion, is in charge of a bacteriological laboratory. His salary is 5,000 mark3. But the servant who looks after the clean ing of the room, taking care of the in? struments and such other humblc ta^ks gets 6,000 marks. I told this to my friend, a banker, who added this contribution: "There is a ser? vant in one of the ministries here, who, before the war, had a salary of 1,400 marks, along with rent allowance and other minor payments, making a total of about 2,100 marks a year. To-day he is getting 9,000 marks?partly for length of service, partly for his six children. But the unmarried privy councillors?men who have spent years at the university and in other preparatory training for their offi? cial positions?have a salary of 6,000 marks." These inequalities often appear inside the same factory, and then tjiey seem all tho more intolerable. Not long ago the office employes of several big manufactur-? ing concerns at Luebeck were striking for higher salaries, on the ground that they were receiving less than the shop force. Recently there was a big strike of office and technical staffs of the great metal working companies of Berlin and vicinity. The cause was the same as at Luebeck; men of high technical ectalcation were actually j getting lower pay than the workmen. Similar conditions have been reported J from other places and industries. Discharging the Manager* The German workmen are not only tak? ing the bit between their teeth in the matter of carrying through big increases of wages, but also as to the management of tho companies for which they work. Re? cently in Upper Silesia they declared cer? tain managers "discharged" in several of the great coal and steel companies, while one other was ordered to resign. As the managers had been long in their positions and their technical qualifications had been thoroughly tested, the companies refused to acquiesce in the action of the "labor soviets," and it is not yet apparcnt what shall be the result of the controversy. The dernnr.ds of the workmen there go much further, too. They want to have the right to inspect the companies' books at will. They next, demand "a cooperative right" in running the companies -which looks like an anti-elimax, after having dismissed their managers. ""The Donkey!" Grer.t are the demands of the workmen : in socialistic Germany, and strong the tone in which they are put forth! The , other day the Prussian railway workmen held a big meeting here to demand higher wages. They are already getting-those above twenty-seven years old?20 marks a day, or three or four times what they received before the war, but now they de? mand a raise of 1 mark an hour, or 8 ! marks a day. This would involve a total increaso of at least 2,000,000,000 marks a year in the railway budget, although the , roads are already struggling with a deficit of 2.200,000,000 marks for the current year. How can the increase be provided for? The Minister of Railways does not know, nor does any man; and yet we are probably upon the eve of a general strike of rail? way employes. At the meeting in ques? tion the chief rpeaker assured the min ister?the poor man has been in office only about one month?that the workmen had no confidence ln him?a sentiment that brought forth the shout from one work? men: "The donkey!" Immediate Everything This want of respect for the minister is only a typical case, and not the worst one. "Down with the entire government!" is the cry raised at many meetings of the extreme Socialists and Communists. To day's newspapers report a meeting of some 6,000 workmen at Jena to protest against the assemblage of troops .there in prepara tion to march against the Munich rebels. They sent President Ebert a dispatch de manding "the immediate withdrawal of the government troops, as otherwise there would be grave dangcr to peace and order." They gave him an ultimatum ending at noon yes? terday, at the same time informing him that a general strike would begin to-day if he refused. Then they proceeded to adopt unanimous ly resolutions calling for the removal of the present government because it has shown itself incapable to preserve orderly condi? tions. They demand the "immediate"? everything immediate, snap-shot, nnished while you wait!?"immediate appointment of a socialization commission with far-reach ing powers, consisting of persons having tho absolute conlidence of tho working classes"; also the "immediate socialization of all mines, big landed estates, and manu? facturing establishments by workshop coun cils, wherein workmen must have the de ciding voice." If Profits Were Divided Of course the chief impetus behind the So? cialistic agitation here in Germany is the widespread belief of the workmen that they are not getting their fair share of profits; that they are being exploited, many say robbed, by capital. Henco they have wholly millenniul dreams as to.what Socialism will do for them when profits are equitably dis tributed. I am far from setting up the claim that the distribution has been wholly just; but I am sure of one thing: this, namely, that any possible distribution will fall far below realizing the hopes of the German workmen. Just now the newspapers are widely re printing the results of an investigation made by Director Deutsch, of the Allge meine Electrical Company of Berlin, and published by the Berlin Chamber of Com? merce. Ile analyzed the returns of 66 of the best financcd companies of Germany for a period of ten years, ending about a year ago, to show how their profits were distributed. He found that these companies paid during that time 1,424,800,000 marks in wages and salaries, 217,160,000 marks in taxes and 215,220,000 marks, or 13 per cent, of those two sums in dividends. The average dividenri on capital was 10 per cent. Out of every 1,000 marks earned he found that the distribution was as follows: 767 marks went to labor, 117 marks in taxes to nation, state and town, and 116 marks to the shareholders. In these companies the total number of employes was 783,781. and if the dividends had been entirely turned over to them there would have been a gain of only 11 pfennigs per hour in the wage j rate. and a total gain of only 270 marks a year. Such is the result with a selected list I of strong companies of high earning power. | But all companies do not fall into that class. I Deutsch says that the average earnings of 1 all companies listed at Berlin do not ex- ' eecd 6 per cent. 227 "Bloodhountls" And all this agitation of the extreme So- j cialists, Spartacists and communists is car ried on with nn expenditure of violent ! epithets that passes belief. Some time ago j a writer for the "Vorwaerts." the leading Majority Socialist paper, took the trouble ' to go through 42 numbers of "Die Rote j Fnhne," the Spartacus organ which was sup pressed here during the March uprising, and tabulate its vocabulary of abusc. He found i that the word "murdercr" was used 318 ' times, "bioodhound" 227, "traitor" 461 ' "capitalis'.ic hireling" 303, "flunkies of big capital" 2.59 times. This paper, which is ! now waving red in Leipzig, was so addicted j to the habit and the longuago of abuso that ! it onco referred to Mark Twain as "a crazy { propaganda sheet in America"?thinking him ' a newspaper! To the Editor of The Tribune, Sir: In refcrenco to tho German dele gutea having received our peaco condi? tions in a sitting and lnaolent posture, thero ia n point of view which aoems to have been overlooked. 1 refer to tho ef iect of thia nttltudo caused on countries such ns Mexico, who apparently still be? lieve that tha war ended in a "Me." Can there be hero aome nubtln propaganda? I do not. doubt but. what thia disre ?pectful attitude will bo given the fullest publicity ln Me.vleo and other German lovlng oounlrlea, while tho edge of the humlllatlng tenna will, ln eourse of trana lutlon, ba blunted, lf not altogether sup presaed, q New York, May 11, 1019, German "Honor" tr'ioiu Tho AikHnana Qateltl) During the paat four and ena-half years we have heard much from Germans of "Ger? man honor," Even slnee the armtsMce we havo heard It and now we aro seelng aome of it, Germany, under pressure of the vlctorioua Allies, has made ltets of property atolen by Uormany and by Gormana in Belgium and Fwrnee, The thofta committed by the nation and by tho individuals, Tho nation Btoio, among other things, pioturea, machinery, books and ptatuea, and the individuals ptole, ameng ethor things, furnlture, iewolry and clothing, Gorman honor! Heaven protect us from it! Are New Yorkers Crazy ? To the Editor of The Tribune. Sir: Are not New Yorkers crazy? While thia question haa been asked many times and promptly denied by some of our "head in-the-sand citizens," nt the same time on overy hand we see now ovidence to sustain tho affirmation. In Madiaon Square the house wreckers are busy carrying a Tresbytemn church a grm of nrrhitecturo designed by the late Stanford White, off to the dust heap. A few months back thoso who had a bit of ctvle aptrit left were hor^ifled to aee St John'a, Varlck Street, disposed of ln the same commercial way. Now ?nd again It la rumored that the Brlck Frosbvterlan Church, at the corner of Fifth Avenue and Tnirty-aeventh Street, will give pl0Ce to another hldeous akyacraper We deery the rul? of Fmich eh and noble bulldlnga, even eoJleot menev to reatore them, a?(, th? ?t w, b allow our own archlteotural maaterpleoe, o be rased to th. ground. Th* real!** ton th?t moat ef the church edlflce, !n New ^ork are not worth mueh ,whlteet, t-rally makea U ,? Ula more f aomethlng Bhe?ld. be done to prt>8erVe th. really flne puildlngs, Purely, New Yorkers kn.w the eoot af everything and the value af nMhlnff, m v , ? HEXPORD MERR1LL. Now \ork, May 10, ima. (From The London Morning post) The President has come to Europe > Signor Orlando says, with certain '?? American principles which he proposes Z make Europe adopt. If we might u8e ? homely simile, be is like a man who btinl rolls 0f new linoleum to cover the floor. of a very old and many-cornered houe* The linoleum is all in right lines, and it seems a very easy business before tho rooms have been examined. But in the end the rash experimenter finds that it j* either a case of cutting the linoleum or pulling down the house. And so ij, l8 witfe Europe and President Wilson's Princ;pLe, The President will either have to cut M, new principles or pull down the whole Eu ropcan fabric. Self-determination is a very pretty piece of linoleum in the roll, but there are many corners of Europe whjch it will not fit. Danzig is one of them Alsace-Lorraine is another; Dalmatia is a third. The self-determination of stich places is governed by older and?when all is said?far more important considera tions; the security of a great nation i,, for examplc, more important than the sen timents of a small portion of its inhabi? tants. Europe is an old country: the Croals and Italians have been dcadly er ? mies for eight hundred years. Dalma was an Italian problem in the time of tne Caesars, and before. And, after all, ev?? America is perhaps not so young that she would care to apply this principle of self determination to, say, the Southern Staten ?if they were to desire independenoe again?or to California, if that state we*? to want to cut the painter. And now a wo*d as to public covenants. "The Daily News" has become such an enthusiast for this doctrine?which was invented by the Union of Democratic Control-that it holds no treaty valid which has not been published. We doubt if "The Daily News" would caro to buy its paper on these principles. Let us, even in the new order, retain some re spect for common sense. And in the same j way, if President Wilson were to search I his portfolio he might find the notes of ? certain commercial treaties which rumor says have already been negotiated between ; America and certain countries?which shtll be nameless?but of which the world as yet knows nothing. Why, then, deprecate the "private" Treaty of London? How could it have been published when it con tained not only an internationsl agree? ment, but military engagements? No man would care in his business to lay bare all his engagements, not because they are dis honorable, but because they are delicate. Why, then, should we expect other eoua tries to conduct their business upon linen which we would never think of adopting ourselves? Yachts That Fought To the Editor of The Tribune. Sir: Rcferring to the articlo "Chasern, Ahoy!" which appeared in The Tribune on May 8, I wish to state that there is an other branch of the navy that d*? serves as much "welcoming home" as tkt forty homeward-bound chasers. Last De cember thirteen yachts left Brest, Franc* with "homeward-bounders" streaming. AH hafi served from thirteen to nineteen months in the war zene on escort duty. What kind of welcome did they getf Nine of them went to New London, Conn, and I doubt if New London knows it yet. Not a word appeared in any paper aboot the return of the yacht fiotilla. On ono occasion, when some New London artillery companies returned home after a few months abroad, the men on the yacht* were compelled to act ns military gua- \ while the city welcomed its soldiers. There are few ships in the navy that have served longer or more creditably in the war zono than the yachts. It seem* a shame that they could not be welcomed as our Iarger ships have been welcomed. Undoubtedly the returning chasers do serve a welcome. The small ships of the navy are the ones that really deserve wel comes, but they won't get them. Our bif ships are paraded before the public con tinually. There is certainly no reason for the Navy Department to be ashamed of its smaller ships. Why not give ererfit where credit is due? HAROLD H. GILLESPIE. New York, May 8, 1919. The Hand Salute To the Editor of The Tribune. Sir: In a letter to The Tribune appear* [ the following: "A man recent.'y returned I from overseas has told me that in the course I of a Iecture on discipline an officer inforrrid g men in training that the failure of Rossi .n k arms was due to the fact that the h*nd ' salute was not required in the Ru:-sian arrry. The man received this statement without con- ( viction. Unconvinced, he went to Europo, ' and unconvinced hc came hack." It is possible that the man quoted aboTt j heard one of the many Iectures on oiscip!in? that I gave during the last tsentv-ono J months in the army. If so, T failed to make ) mysclf clear on this point. What I have said I many times is that the hand salute b the ! symbol and flower of discipline; that an <r- i ganization in which the salntiag is b:j.d if j' sure to be undisciplined and, therefore. at ; the mercy in battle of disciplined troops, Mid that soon after the Russian army abolished j the hand salute. that army became 8 tnob. A real authority on tfaSo subject, General I Pershing, says of the hand selute: "Although a prompt military salute mef I not bo well understood by Americans. even j men ln the service, its real object is to re-' vial tho tmo soldier by an aggressive. stti- I tudo of mind and of body. The propef kind of prlda as well as tho superior I flghting spirit will bo greatly augmented j by tho closest adherence to this principle, and, besides, it Is taken to indicate alcrtnesa, roadlnosa and loyalty." R. G. Now York, May 5, 1919. Ole Hanson (Trom The Vaitg QKlahoman) Mayor Ole Hanson believoa ln Jniliag tfljj natlv* Boisheviki aml denortin* tho imporbod variety, Not only that, but Ole has demoft atrated that ho haa the courage ?f hia eoa Victtona, TMa country nor.ds more offlciaja With the name brand of net%-? *nd JNaa-nofc aon?e.