Newspaper Page Text
JRecord of Stock and Bond Average* (Copyrlfht. 1919, New York Tribune Inc) Stocks Yester? day 20 Kaihoads . 75.60 30 Industrials . 101.17 60 Stocks . 90.94 10 Railroad* . 80.78 1C Industriala . 9192 5 I'tilities .?.???? S3.76 25 Bond* . 87.03 Summary of Stock Exchange Dealings (Copyrlght, 1919, New York Tribune Inc) Stocks Day Year January I t? date. Testerday. before. ajro. 1919. 1918. 1917. B.ilroads . 457,200 210,900 239,800 10,784,000 6,443,300 8,269,200 Other stocks . 1,415,700 1,234,300 987,700 76,061,000 43,777,600 62,061,000 AU stocks . 1,872,900 1,445,200 1,227,500 8,684,500 50,220,900 70,320,200 Bonds January 1 to data. festerday. Day before. Year asro. 1919. 1918. V. S. Government ... $7,641,000 $7,804,000 $5,271,000 $818,188,000 $287,268,000 lUilroads . 1,596,000 1,459,000 964,000 75,739,000 89,821,000 Other bonds . 4,312,000 2,663,000 1,416,000 276,642,000 129,172,005 JJl bonds .,. 13,549,000 11,926,000 7,651,000 1,170,569,000 506,261,000 Jfesterday's Transactions in Listed Stocks All stocks quoted dollars a share. Annaal dividend rate, also tn dollars | share, is based on last regular payment. High and -iow prices of 1919 a*?. sssed only on transactions of 100 shares or more. ?,_ High. Low. Div. Net 191.'. 1^10. Rate. Sales. Open. High. Low. Close. chgo. Bid. Ask. 10 29&8? Adams Express .... 700 37% 37% 371/4 37%+ % 363/4 37 J4% 21 ? Advance Rumely ... 400 31% 31% 31 31 - 31 32 70% 56% 6 Advance Rumely pr. 600 68% 68'/2 68% 68%- 68 69 S6 66 6 Ajax Kubber . 1100 89 89% 88% 89 + % 88% 89 4/4 3'/s ? Alaska Gld M. 700 3% 3% 3% 3%- 3% 3% 2% 1% ? Alaska Juneau . 3900 2 2 1% 1%? V* 17a 2 42'4 30 ? Allis-Chalmers Co .. 2400 41i/a 41'/a *&% 40%- 40% 41 ?6 81% 7 Allis-Chalmers Co pr 400 94 94 933/4 93%? |/4 93% 94>/2 1C3 84% 6 Am Bosch Mag - 100 103 103 99% 99'/s? % 99 99J/2 45 41 3 Am Bank Note. 2200 41 41 41 41+1 40 42 113% 99% 8 Am Agr Chem. 8100 110% 111i/4 110 110 + % 110 110>/2 J03 S8 6 Am Agr Chem pr.. 100 101% 101% 101% 101%+ % 102 102% 8S% 62 8 Am Beet Sugar. 1200 82 82 81% 81'/2- 81'/2 82 86*3 42% ? Am Can Co. 14600 55% 563/4 55% 55%+ % 55% 5534 W% 84% 8 Am Car & Fdry Co.. 10100 104 104% 103% 103|/4? % 103% 103% 117 113 7 Am Car & Fdry pr. 200 116% 116% 116% 116/2- 116!/4 116% 14!4 10% ,80 Am Drugs . 1000 13% 13% 13 13 ? % 13 13% 88% 39% 4 Am Cotton OU. 3600' 66 56% 56 56%+ % 66/4 66% 83 68 6 Am Cotton Oil pr.. 100 93 93 93 93 + % 92 93% S5 13' a ? Am Hide & Leather-. 37800 321/4 36 32 33%+ 2% 33% 333/4 m 71' 4 7 Am Hide & L pr: ?. ;> 12800 124% 128 124 124%+ 1% 124% 1243/4 54% 38 ? American Ice m?n 4100 53% 54% 53'/a 64 + 1% 52'/2 62% n 5434 6 American lee pr.-...; 700 71% 72% 71'/a 71%+ 1 Yl% 71% |1'- 52% 3.60 Amer Int CoYp.,.,,, 38200 8734 B9% 87% 88%+ 1% 88'/2 88% 143,. 44.' s _ American Linseed. -., 2700 62% 63/4 62% 62/a- 62/2 63 fe% S5 *7 Amer Lir.seed pr.-.-.? 1200 96 96 96 96 - 95/2 96/2 It 53 5 Am Locomotive;..;. . 20200 7834 80 78 79/4+ 1 79 79% 433 1 ? American Mali -.-.;-.; 700 G3B 2% 2% 2/2+ /a 2/4 2/a |0 62 3 4 Amer Smcltlng -.-.;-.; 14900 79% 79% 78% 78%?- % 783/4 78% J89 103 7 Amer Smelt pr.;;.;4 E00 109 109 109 109-108 109 U 92% 8 Am Smelt pr a::?. 100 93% 63% 93/2 93%-? 93 94 99 9433 6 Amer Snuff pr.;;;;, 100 04% 94% 94% 94%+ /? 94 99 mf 33% ? Amer Steel Fdry,-.;-. fe02CO 36% 86/4 35/2 S5% + % 36% 36% ?6 111% 7 American Bni?ii?i> 2900 133% 133/4 131/a 132%? 1 132/2 13234 1)81/2 113% 7 Amer Sugar pr. >-.-.-., 200 118% 118% 118% 118%- 118 119 118" 96% 10 American Sumatra..-. 2000 108% 108% 108!/4 108%+ % IO8/4 108/a 4' 2 4% ? Am S Tob Rights -. -. 200 4/a 4/a 4% 4/4? % ? ? 1C8% ?8% 8 Am Tel & Tel........ ?400 104 104% 103% 104 + % 103% 104 115% 191% 20 Am Tobacgo ?....-..?. 40021434213 214% 215 + % 214 215 106 100 6 Am Tob pr new -..:-. 223 198% 98% 96% 96%? 3% 96/a 100 85 45> 4 5 Amer Wool :;;::?. 1300 81% 81/2 79% 79%? 1% 79/4 7934 102 94% 7 Am Wool pr;;;;;;;. 400 r01% 101% 101% 101%+ % 101 102 48 27% ? Am Writ Pap pr.;;-. 4600 42 43/a 42 43%? 1 43% 43% 181 a 11 ? Am Zinc & Lccd.... 1300 17% 17/a 16% 167a? Va 16/2 17 49' - 40 6 Am Zine & Lead pr> 400 48/a 49 48/8 49 + /2 48% 60 6834 56% 4 Anaconda .... ;.-.-.; 15100 68 68 67/4 67%+ % 673/4 67% 81% 171/4 ? Asso Dry Goods i>? 1200 60/8 60% 60/8 50/a+ % 50% 51 964 ?3 5 A-sso Oil .-...-.^ 800 92% 04 9234 93%+ /4 93 94 97 ?0 6 Atchison . ..; ....... 9600 95% 97 95% 96%-- 1% 96 96/2 89 83 5 Atchison pr ?;..;. .; 200 85% 86 8534 86 + /4 853/4 863/4 1C:% '3 7 At C Line ..;. 3800 100% 103% .."OO\? 102 + 134 102 1C4 177 - "2 10 A G & V,- I_..... 10200 164 169% 163/2 16734+ 5/a 16734 I68/4 76% 64 5 A G & W I pr.....; 200 74 Aj 74 74 - 71 74 102 6i% ? Baid Loco Co. B4600 99% 1? 99 993/4+ % 99% 99% 51 44 4 Balto & Ohio.,-. 3000 50% 61 60 50%+ % 50/2 60% 66% 50 - Balto & Ohio pr.iiii 200 65/2 65/a 55/2 55/2+ /4 55% 55% ' 137% 103 3 Barrett Co ........... 1100 133 133% 1S2/4 133%+ % 13334 134% 2% 1? ? Batopilas Mining . .-. 400 1% 2 1% 2 - 1% 2 77% 55% 8 Be.h Steel. ,-. 1C0 77% 773/4 77% 7734+2% 77% 79% 78^ 55% 8 Beth Sleel Class B-.s 36100 76% 7834 76/4 78%+ 2% 78/4 78% 113 1C1% 8 Beth Steel 8lh pr., . 403 113 113 113 113 - 112% 113 26% 18% ? Bklyn Bap Tr.. ..... 4200 23% 24 23% 23%+ /4 23% 23% ??- . ? Bklyn Rap Tr ctls. 100 23 23 23 23 - 2234 23 2- , 18 .. Z Booih Fkheries Co.-. 4000 22 22% 22 22 + % 21% 22 92 71 S Brown Shoe Co..... 200 92 92 92 92 - ? ? 101 93 7 Brown Shoe Co pr. . . 100 101 101 101 101+1 ? ? 166 1i3 10 Burns Bros ..._: 200 149 150 149 149-% 149 152 11 3% ? Brunsuick. 100 10 10 10 10 - 10 10% 13% 5% % Butte Cop & Zinc. ?. 13100 1334 13% 12% 12%?? % 12% 13 26% 16%? Butte & Sup Copper. 9200 25% 26% ,25% 25?4+ 34 2534 25% 30 16 ? Buttcrick Co _..-. 2203 24% 30 23% 30 + 634 28 30 67% s 4 4 Calif Packing ...... 1300 66',a 66% 65% 66 - 6534 66 3-1 4 2;%? Calif Petroleum ..:-. 2100 33 33 32/4 32/4+ % 32/4 3234 79% 54; a 7 Calif Petroleum pr.. 700 79 79% 78% 79%+ % 79 79% 17: j 155% 10 Canadian Paciiic ..> 3000 166 168% 166 168 + 1 167% 16834 60% 30% 4 Certainteed ....... x 100 46% 46% 46% 46/a?2/a 45 46% 26 21 ? Central Fdry 200 26 28 25 25?1 ? ? 42 27 5 Central Fdry pr..,; 300 40% 40% 40 40 - 38 40 93% 56% 5 Central Leather .... 26800 89% 93% 89% 92%+ 3% 92% 923/4 112 104' a 7 Central Leather pr.; 70 111% 111% 111% 111%- 111 111% 45% 31 4 Cerro De Pasco....; 10800 45% 45% 45 45 - 45% 45/4 160' 2 103 12 Chandler Motors m 700 159 159 159 159 - 168 160 67 5-% 4 Ches & Ohio. ..?u 10600 68 67 66 67 + 1% 66% 67 iW* 7 ? Chic & Alton...iii4 100 10% 10% 10% 10%^- 10% 11 ?% 4 ? Chic & E 111_itvt 600 7% 7% 7 7+1 6% 7 8 4 ? Chic & E III t>r ..:: 200 7% 8 7% 8 + 1 7% 8 10 7% ? Chic Gt West..,,.. 24o0 9% 6% 9% 0%+ % 9?4 9% 28% 23% 2 Chie Ct West pr...; -3000 27% 28% 27% 28%+ 1% 23 28% 42/2 24%? Chic M & St P..... 16200 39% 42% 39% 41%+ 2% 41% 42/4 74% 65%? Chic M & St P pr tt 17400 69% 71% 69 71 +2% 7034 71% 99 93% 7 Chic & NVest_, 3400 68% 98% 96% 98%+ 2 98% 98% 133 123 8 rhic & N'we-st pr... 200 129 129 129 129 ? 1 128 130 29% 22%? Chic B I & Pac.E7100 27?4 29% 27% 29%+ 1% 29% 2934 69 61% 6 Chic R I & P 6% pr 1700 68% 69 68/4 68%+ % 68% 6834 81 73! 4 7 Chic R I & P 7% pr 1400 80 80% 80 80%+ % 80 80% 43% 32 ? C, C; C & St L....v 400 43% 44 43 44+2 44 45 24% 17% ? Chile Copper ...... 7600 24% 24% 23% 23%? % 23% 23% 33% 02% 3 Chino Con Cop_.v 2400 38 38% 38 38%? % 37% 38 76 60% 6 CJuett Peabody _; 200 74 74% 74 74?%? % 73% 74 47% 3J% 3 Col Fael & Iron ... 6900 46% 47% 46% 463/4+ % 46% 4634 60% 39% 4 Col G & Elec. 18200 4934 60% 49% 60 + % 50 6O/4 ?13/4 19%? Col & South. 1000 29 29% 29 29%+ -% 29 30 65 <8/4 4 Col & So 1?t pr...;. 100 65 65 65 65 - 62 63 60 45 4 Col & So 2d pr. 200 60 60 50 50 +334 48 60 102% 87% 7 Corwol Gas-.... 500 99% 99% 98% 99%+ % 99% 9934 J* ?(f~W ? f C,.Min. ?130? 7% 8 7% 8 + % 8 8% B4 08% 6 Cont Can . 10800 81 84 80% 83%+ 3 83 83% 74 6? 5 '*"?* Ins Co. 100 72 72 72 72+1 71 72 iS'/4 iS ~7 Orn ?r"*,eU . 4700 ?2H 63% 62% 63%+ % 62% 63 ?,/ 2L Corn Prod pr. 100 1P8 108 1C8 108- 108 109 fw f?~ r'l ,? a ????? 8160? 74 76^ 74 753/4+3 753/4 76% I'V f*v~v rtr ^ ?-* 690? 36 36^ 35% 36/?- 36 36% 8% 3/2 ? Denver & Rio Gr...v 200 8 8 8 8 _ '/ 8 8'/ 13% 6% ? Denver tc Rio G pr. , 3800 11'/, 12 -111/ 113/ ?. iJ <m/ 111/ %* **- ?rMtae".? zqo? "** "*w 3S % JB % T'/2 V>?- lr* :?.? 112W 17% 18% 177/, 18%+ % 18% 18% ZZ .7/2 ? Erie 2d pr. 600 20 '21 20 21 J 1V ?ni/ 91 20 9%_ Fed Mln&8m,It..., 400 18% ?% 17% Vt?aZ vZ '' 1? 47 33 7 Fed M & B.llpr... 2200 46% 47 46 46%Z 0 11 jiL iS% %*i JJ???. WS** 63% ^ 633^2 ? S8 700 91 2 ruher liody pr...... 100 100 100 69'/. QQJ/ X 8/ oa ?rJ7 w? ?/* 1 r-r^-'r 3i7/i ^ a^ si'tiS %13^% 77% 47 4 <,?oeral Cigar .21600 7b% 77/, 75 76%4- 17/! 7/ 77 164% 144% 8 Ge?*r.l E!eC..rl? Co, 600 164% 164% 164% 164'tt /! 1633/. JI , ?4% 82 6 General .Motor* pr.. 200 92 92 92 9? t 1 ei oo<2 mi 82% a Qmtfti Motor, deb.. 1800 90 S0% 90 90%! ?/? 90 law ? 66% 4 GWrich B P. 4800 72 7234 71% 7^X % 5l% ^S'8 80 64 0 Granby Mlnuig .... 100 68 68-08 68 1_* 68^ fif,/ MH ?% / Gt Northern pr. 10900 85% 96% 95% 96 +1% m Tvf 46% 3?4 4 r>t Northern Ore *ub 21600 45% 46% 463/e 46%4- % 46'/ 4fi./ <*% 08%- GfMM Can r>,pPer.. 900 41 41 41 41 + Ol'wl Tw 10% 7/4 ? ,vajf M?bU* A North 100 10 10 10 10 I % 9% 101? 74% 40/, 4 Golf 8Jat? Hteels... 4800 69% 74% 65% 74%+11% 74 ylf? ?%. 40 4 Hawak & Bark Car C> 800 69 59% 68% 68%+ % 68 69 /7 64% 5 Hartciian Corp .- 200 77 77 77 77 + % 77 on ^ !?, 7 ?"???? OM. 400 101% 101% 101% 101%+ % 101% 102% 87% 10% ? ;BUrft*t Aerieu) ... 2000 263/. 26% 20 26 - 28% 28(/ 2* 2L a Jntl A?' pr. 210? K^ 83 80'/j? 82'/^' H 81 82% *?/ ,^* !?"? C;*porf . 860?- 63 63'^ 62% 63 - 62% 63 J*V* *!rr *~ ,n?h c<m Cwr"..32600 .5% 0% e% 0%+ % 6aZ 6s^ l &*?lS/-~; i?^?C^?".*/4?0 18 107{ 18 18%+/ 1!^ ,3 1^ *&^Z 'nt **' Umritt*.??? ?% 4?54 48% 48%-?l 48% 48% TSJ ?- ntM^M.,^.81400 118% 120ji 11? ?ll/"+1 1,7" S 5% Sy4"" ?2%?.. 1/0? 61 613/4 ?1 61%- 61% 01% i S i .r*: ' . MM 2<y? ^ 26'/* 2634? 26$ 26%* ft-.?* re ia.r? s !?* ff;* ff* ff^s i a ff? f High. Low. Div. 1919. 1919. Rate. Sales. 129% 6fe 4 Kelly Sprtagfleld ... 2300 43% 34 ? Kelsey Wheel Co_ 200 95% 89 6' Kelsey W Co pr. 100 35 29% 2 Kennecott Copper .. 12800 125 121 5 Kresge Co . 200 109 89 1.20 Tire . 2000 81 62% 6 Lackawanna Steel... 9800 20% 16% ? Lake Erie & West... 100 57!/a 631/4 5 Lehigh Valley . 9000 37% 31 ? Lee Rubber & Tire.. 2200 2243/4 201 12 Lig & My Tob Co... 100 68% 40% ? Looae Wiles Biscult. 200 175 1473/4 12 Lorillard Pierre .... 200 119/; 113 7 Louis & Nash. 100 88 70 7 Manhat Elevated.... 150 1193/4 100 4 Manhattan Shirt.... 1400 80|/2 70 12 Marlin Rock . 100 47 2634 ? Maxwell Motor. 2100 72 50% ? Maxwell Mot 1st pr. 100 35 191/4? Maxwell Mot 2d pr.. 1500 99% 60 5 May Dep't Stores_ 3000 197/4 162% 8 Mexican Petrol . 21600 I 25% 213/4 4 MiamL Con Copper. . 2000 48 401/4 6 Midvale Steel . 14800 15% 9/a ? Minn & St L new.. 3200 93 853/4 7 M S P & S St M.. 700 11% 4% ? Miss Kans & Tex... 1400 20% 8% ? Miss Kans & Tex pr 300 33#a 223,4 ? Missouri Pac . 16200 57% 4914 ? Missouri Pac pr. 1100 39% 29% 3 National Acme _ 600 126 109 7 National Biscuit ... 100 121 115% 7 National Bi&cuit pr. 100 106% IO314 7 Nat Cloak & Suit pr 200 21% 14 ? Nat Con & Cable... 2000 64 45/8 6 Nat Enamel & Stpd. 200 75% 64 6 National Lead . 200 14 6!/2 ? N R R of Mex 2d pr 400 17% 15/2. 1J/2 Nevada Con Copper.. 1300 36'/2 28%? New Or, Tex Jfe Mex. 1000 118% 911/4 10 N Y Air Broke. 2100 7934 69% 5 New York Central... 14100 3034 24 ? N Y, Chic & St L... 1100 49 421/4 ? N Y C & St L 2d pr. 100 35 19i/2 2% N Y Dock. 400 54 44/4 5 N Y Dock pr. 100 34% 25?4? N Y, N H & H. 22100 213,4 18% ? N Y, Ont & West... 700 18?4 15 ? Norfolk South . 1000 109/2 103 7 Norfolk & West. 4400 65% 47 8 North American ... 100 96% 88% 7 North Pacific . 64C0 693/a 46 2% Nova Scotia Stl_ 2500 49% 353/4 6 Ohio Gas .,. 20100 IO/2 5/2 ? Ontario Silver . 12100 57 46 3 Owens Bottling . 100 13 8 ? Okla Prod . 26200 40/2 29/g 1 Pacific Mail . 200 93% 67 6 Pan Am Pet_... 12600 46 43% 3 Penn R R. 7600 IH2 434 ? Peoria & East. 300 52?4 45%? Peo G & Coke. 700 23 12% ? Pere Marquette . 31600 46 40 ? Pere Marq pr. 200 63 66 B Pere Mar prior pr... 1700 37 30 ? Penn Seab Stl. 2800 43 30 3 Phila Co . 4600 49 44 5 P. C C & S L. 1000 99/a 90/a 7 Pitts Steel pr. 100 62% S834 5 Pierce Arrow . 3000 105/z 101/a 8 Pierce Aj-row pr.... 400 28% 16 ? Pierce Oil . 9600 57/2 45 6 Pittsb'g Coal . 7600 88 85/2 5 Pittsbg Coal pr. 400 60% 51 ? Puma Alcgre Sug... 300 40% 34 _ Pitts & w Va. 1460Q 19 12% 2 Pond Creek Coal.... 100 ??1 59 8 Pressed Steel Car... 6500 123% 112% 8 Pullman Pal Car.. 600 91/2 68/2 8 Railway Stl Spring.. 1700 109% 104 7 Rway Stl Spring pr. 100 21?4 19 2 Ray Con Copper. 4800 88% 75 4 Reading . 46100 381,2 35/4 2 Reading 1st pr. 200 39 36 2 Reading 2d pr. 400 88% 71/2 6 Rep Iron & Steel_ 24600 1?* 10? 7 ReP Iron & Stl pr . . 200 117% 7034 8.44 Royal Dutch . 4000 117% 86/2 8.44 Roy Dtch, N Y sh... 44100 12 6%? Saxon Mot?rs . 1000 25% 103,4? st Lou & San Fr.... 7800 c2% 16 ? St L S'west. 600 41 28/a ? St L S'west pr. 400 10% 7% ? Seaboard Air Line .. 1800 213/4 153,4 ? Scab Air Line pr_ <I00 195 16S/, 8 Sears Roebuck . 400 15 1? 1 Shattuck Aria . 700 693/4 33/4 ? Sinclair Oil . 34100 1?L tr'f2 6 Sloss-Shef Stl & I,.. 4000 110% 95% 6 Southern Pacific _ 66100 ->1% 25 ? Southern R R. 19600 70 66% 5 Southern R R pr_ 1300 98 95/2 8 Superior Steel pr... 100 83/a 4534 4 8tudcbaker . 6300 100 92 7 Studebaker pr. 100 60 42/4 5 Stutz Motors . 700 42% 32 6 Superior Steel . 2000 46% 363,4 3 8tromberg Carb ... 2400 17/4 12% 1 Tenn Copper Chem.. 9900 ?% ,27''2 ~ Texas & Pacjfic_ 70C0 entu. ?o>, 1? TcxM ComPa"r ???? 4800 20% 13% ? Third Ave R R. 2800 93 72% 6 Tob Products . 1000 106 99% 7 Tob Products5 pr... . 100 8/4 5 ? Toi st L West. 100 8% 7 ? Toi St L West ctfs.. 1500 rii/ ?./ ~I To1 St L Wcst c,fs ?r 700 i? 4 .HYf 5 Trans & WiIls St?l 1600 7L v?/B 1? l;ni?" Pncific . 7600 fi?7A, '<. 4 Union Pacific pr. .. 300 i*o# JZ$ t Unitcd AI,oy StMl- 10900 11?} 7^ 9 Unitpd Cigar Btorca- 5000 55/z 50% 3% United Drug 1gt pr. 100 ipoi/ ?m ..? United Dyewood ... 100 189/4 157 10 United Fruit ...... 700 ??? i, ~ U 8 Food Pr?4... 4900 15% 7/4 ? United Ry Invest... 200 IL \\ ~~ UnHcd Ry Inve8t P' 400 tt/a IL 1 U 8 C I P & Fo... 1000 66 42/a 8 U 8 C I P & Fo pr 700 30% 16%- tj StExprea. ... . 300 !2* Vrfr" lT S Ind A.cohol ... 6800 K'lE o* USRubb?. 4800 113/2 109 8 U 8 Rubber 1st pr.. 200 lm? ?? 2 ? 8 8m?U & Re'' ?? 103% 88/4 5 U 8 Steel ., 76800 117% 113% 7 U S Steel pr.. 2800 79% 65% 10 Utah Copper .\ gg 19/4 13 ? Utah Scc Corp... 100 1lIT? 11I o " J* Ca,olina <*???? 3400 11/4 7% ? Wabash . 31nn 36/4 30/2- Wabash pr A ...V:. 3000 *i',a 19 ? Wabash pr B .. . 700 12% 9% ? West Maryland . 2300 IL ?t* ~" West Maryland 2d pr 2000 dV/4 17 ? West Pacific . 6800 61 % 62% 4 West Pacific pr 40S S V? 7 West Un,on TcI ? ? ? 1000 tlu. ?& lYi Wp*tinffhouao Mfg . . 10800 88% 65% 6 Wilson Co . ?. 3000 l\ ?* ~ }Vhe*' & L E. 4800 IL 11 T JVhe" *''E" ?? 1700 63/4 48 4 White Motors . 2100 SoV vft 1 WUIya Overland ... 8800 40% 30%? Wis Central . 3200 " ^?" ~ Worth Pump & Macii 700 ?L II 7 Wor1h p & M pr A- 200 W/* 66 6 Worlh P & M pr B 200 *Ex dividend. Open. 123 43% 95% 34?4 123 9434 75% 20% 66 33 212% 57 161 % 119 78/4 1163,4 77 46^4 70/, 34% 9534 182/4 25% 46% 14% 90% 10% 18 31% 56/2 36/2 119% 119% 106% 20/4 62 753/8 10 17% 33 118 ' 78% 29% 49 28% 60 31% 203/4 17 10834 54 94% 64 47% 10% 523,4 11% 37/4 89% 45% 10% 60% 2034 46 62 34 41% 48 99% 51 105 26% 56% 88 56 38% 17% 80 122/a 91% 109% 21% 87% 37% 38% 85% 103% 110% 111 8 23% 22 37 10 21/4 195 14% 64% 58% 109% 31 68% 95% 81% 993,4 58% 41 45 16 49 276 18 89 100% 8/4 8% I6/4 49 133% 723,4 47 135 54/4 61 183% 77% 13% 28 25% 63 28/, 155 " 43% 96% 113% 69 101% 114% 79% 18 67 113% 11 34 % 23 11% 25 21 64% 873/4 114% 66% 88 10% 21 % 69 34 39 69 96 77% Consolidated Exchange [Unlt of trade on this exchange, 10 shares] Trunsacliorw and prices yesterday for tha more: iictive shares follow j Sa,e?- Open. High. Low. Last. If.r.O American Can.. 55% 66% 65% 66i/? 1040 Am Hide & L, 32 34% 32 33&| J20 do preferred. 124% 127 124% 126 4275 Am Inu-rnat... 87% 89% 87% 88% 1680 Am Locomolivo 79 80% 78% 79 1065 Anaconda Cop., 67% 68 67% 67i/, 11100 Baldwin Loco.. 99% 102 9914 99% 1680 Beth Steal B... 76/| 78% 76% 78% 1860 Cal Petroleum. 32% 32% 31% 32% 1690 Cent Leather,, 90 9334 8934 92*t 2090 Cbl M & .St P. 39% 42% 39% 42 990 Chi It I & Pac 27% 29% 27% 28% 1080 Chilo Copper... 24% 24% 23% 23% 2460 Crttolbyi Staol., 74 76% 74 76 2070 M?xican Pet.. .181% 182% 17934 180/, ?50Midval? Steel.. 46% 48 46% 48 2JJ.V1 Missouri Pac. 32 32% 31% 31% 770 N Y Central.. 78% 79% 78% 79 1900 Ohio Cities Gaa 48% 49% 47% 49 2030 Oklahoma Oil.. 12 12 11% 12 mOIUwling,... , 87% B8% 87% 88% 2280 Royal ? N Y..112 112% 110 111 8996 SincMf Ol!... 64% 66% 63% 63% 1950 Southcrn Pao..109% 110% 109 109% 700 Southern Ry... 31% 31% 31% 31% 700Stu<l<-bnkor.... 61% 83 81 82% l040Texa? ??- Fao.'. 49% 49% 48% 48% 9ZQ Union P/w,ifto..133% 135 133% 134% 1160 U 8 Rubber... 96% V7% 96% 96% 47680 TJ 8 StBol.102 103% 101% 103% 3780 Wtjfhouao E'l. 66% 56% 65% B5% ?LIBKUTY BONDS IWOOLlb 8 >A?.,.. 100.06 100,0* 100.06 100.06 M<t to U 4?., MM 84.00 04.0$ 84.00 ?5? h? 53 VA* M08 Moe 94?6 04.06 do 3d 4 {, 95.78 95.88 96.78 95.88 0D50 do 4 th 4'4n 94.32 94.42 94.32 94 4* ?Prices Include Interest. Bid and Asked Quotations Tha foilowing table gives the closing bid and askod quotations for stocks listed, on tho New York Stock Exchange but not traded in yesterday: Bid. AaIi.M. Am Bnk Noto 40 42 <i'i pr . 43 50 A Hoet 8 pr'. M'/4 84'/, A II B V pr.,170 171 Aiu Coal ... 45 _ Arn I,oco pr. 105 106 Am nmj.imIk m 142 Am Toi 4-. 0. SH 63 Aim Arlior. .4 5 do pr ..... 10 80 AairnU ?1 Co. l'/4 2 A }i O l?t pr 77 00 do ild pi... 77 80'/, At lllr l A. 0 II p?l<1 I// pr.lOfl 115 Jlarrett Co pr.HS'A 120 Both B 7th pr l? ? Bkn Dn Cu.i. ?0 83 llnnu! Iir'i pr.100 112 I'.iur n & v ?6 m da I'f . 06 ? Hiwh Turin.. 80 117 Van rJouUlMB ?Ma 4014 Htl Asked. 70 114 103 115 7?'A 65 M I) M pr 70 30 Iirc?? A Co.. 68 70 do tr .104 ? l-aocd* Oai..; M \. U M T pr.l II L-W p Int m-. 101 do 3d j)r...l08 Maiikay Ooe... 79 do pr . 84 Miuiliat Boacli >?> r Mat Al W... 81 40 May V>o St pr.109 110 Ma* Pat pr..i07'/4 I08',i MHP*BHM pr.104 10ft ilu l.i.l llriia, 6 on Mont i'owor. ..71 74 pr .103 IM Moirls & Ka. 70', i 72 N'Mll & Cliul.114 II7'A Nu Cl A M. 83 80 N E & H pc.jOO (10 $50,000,000 General Motors Corporation 8WWM wtdsr tbe Sstwk of-&?teat?Ba>) 6% CUMULATIVE DEBENTURE STOCK fPreferred equaliy with the "Preferred Stock" as. to Assets and Dividends and stsftriw as ?? Vnting Rights and Redemption Price*) CaHable at 115 and accrtied dividend- Par Value of Shares $ioQ, Dividends Payabte Quarterly February 1^ May t, August 1? Norotnber 1 Guaranty Trust Co., New York Qty. Transfer Asrent Chase National Bank, New York Gt? Registrar Appiication will be made to fist this additional stock on;the New York Stock Exchange, where approximately $35,000,000 is already IrstdL "We Bummariae pom & letter of Mr. W, 0. Dttrant, President of the Creneml Motors Corporation* a* fdUoxos: ^ CAPITALIZATTON (Upon completion of proposed financing) : AuthorHed , 6% Debenture Stoc1c.^^mum>B?^m^^*^^wmm,ma^. .$150,000,000 6% Preferred Stock*.??^JW??^..?WM^.M,..^,^,)t. 20,000,000 Common Stock.?......,,.....?,...,..., . 200,000,000 Otttstandtitf $85,315,006 16,037,700 151,301,100 ?The Pretesred Stock is oHnrertible into the Debenture, share for share, np to Jaxroary 2, 1921, indtrstttic BUSINESS: The prindpal prodncts of General Motors Corporation are: Automobujes?Cadillac, Buick, Chevrolet, Oakland, Oldsmooite, Scripps-Booth. Tkucks and Tractors?G. M. C, Chevrolet, Oldsmobile, Samson. Parts and Accessories?Delco and Remy Starting, Lighting and Ignition Systems, Hyaft and New Departure Bearings, and many other important parts. Farm Implements?Janesville line. Refrigerating MACHiNES?-Frigidaire. The net sales of all the companies now embraced in General Motors Corporation for flfc , twelve months ended December 31,1918, amounted to $326,044,755. ASSETS: The net qaickassets as of December 31, 1918, amounted to $150,390,492, to which shoolB be added the proceedsof the proposed issne of Debenture stock. EARNINGS: Net earnings after taxes for the last five years, if applied to the tota? amount ($101,352^ 700) of Debenture and Preferred stock, including the proposed issne, wonld have amounted to about $18 per share annuaily. However, the average amount outstandtng was only $23,197,020. Net earnings for the first quarter of 1919, before taxes, were $21,626,594, which compares with $10,146,000 for the same quarter in 1918. EQUITY: The amotmt of Common stqck qutstanding on December 31, 1918, was$151.301, ioo, having a market value at present quotations in excess of $250,000,000. PREFERENCES; The Debenture stock is safeguarded by liberal preferences and in the event of defarilt in payment of a dividend thereon, eontinuing for six months, has sole mting power tothe exclusion of the Preferred and Common stock. All legal mattere fn connection with this fssuc are being pwrssed upon by Messrs. Simpson, Thacher & Bartlert, New York. Balance Shcet and Income Account of the corporation for 1918 have been certified correct by Messrs. Haskins & Sdls, Public Accountants. PRICE 90 FLAT Zntcrim eertlllciitea*. beartegr Interest at 6 rx-r cent frora May 1, to Ansrnsrt 1. IJWO, -wtn ba deHvcrablfF agjilnaat ?Uee aad will be exchaixpcabls for duflnitrvo engraved certLficates aiter July 1.5, the closlng of tho books. DOMINICK & DOMINICK* New York Laird & Oo* Wilmington, DeL MONTGOMERY &>CO. Philadelphia New York * Chicago Hayden, Stone & Co. New York Boston The vtattemamt* eontalned ttsstAn, wbQo not gnanwafcaed. sre baeed npon fnfutraattoc aad advfeA -which we beUero to te ?cenrs**. BM. A'kad Case J I pr.. 96 100 Oon of N J..20I 225 C & S A Tel.113 116 C A Alt pr. 12'/, 15 Cl & Pitts.. 67'/i 80 CSP M & O 66 70 do pr .106 115 CCCViS I. pr. 69%, 75 Cluett Pea pr. 103 lOo'/i C F & I pr ? 122 Ccmp Tab.... 44 45% Cont Can pr.109 ? Crox C&rpet.. 46 55 Cru Steel pr 95'/, 97 Cuba Am Su.190 198 do pr .103 106 Deers Co pr.. 99 101 Dot EdlsoD..II8 121 V 9 8 & A. 4'/, t> do pr . 8 10 Eleo St Bat. 74 73 Elkhom Coal. 28% 30 do pr .? 47 Gon Chom...l72 177 do pr .102% 103% Gen Cigar pr.109 109 (iiMidrlcll pr..!07% 108'/, (1 M &. No pr 31'/, 327/a C S S lst pr 93 96 liomestake .. 80 Int Ilur pr..111 Int Paper pr 90 do pr etpd. 73'/, Int Nickel pr. " Int Salt .... Iowa Central. K ayser .1 ... 110 Kf'FS&M pr. 59 Kcok & 1) Sl. 4 100 74'/; ? 52 Bl N RB M lst pr N Y L & W. N'orf & W pr ,\orthorn Cent. Owens Bot_I Paolflo Coast.. do lst pr.. do 2d pr... Pao Toi & T do pr . P Am Pet pr.l Petti Mullt. do lst pr P F W & C.l P & W Va pr Pr St Car pr.l P S C N J.. Savage Arms.. Sears Boo pr.. I S-S 8 & I pr S P n Sugar. I do pr .I Standard M1U. I do pr . T & P ld tr. Twln City B T do pr . I'ndorwood T. I do pr .I T'u liag & V V-AV Clg St pr.l Un Drug _I do M pr...l II 8 I Al pr.l Va I C & C Wells Fargo. . Weat'se M lst. Wlllys O pr.. Woolworth pr..l 79 73 109 48 100 80 27 92 156 45 102 31'/a 137',', 400 45 124 lao 120 80 116 116 115 07'/a 108'/, 62 64 54 B0 67 68 97'/, S8 16% ? Bid and Asked Prices for Oil Stocks Standard Otl BM Anglo-Am OU Co, Ltd. 80% Atlantic Rof Co. 1325 nnrno-Scrymsor Co . 500 Buekoyo Plpe Ltno. 103 Chesbrouffh Mfg Co cons... 811(5 Continontal OU Co. 055 Creacent Plpe Line Co. 37 Cumberland Plpe Line Co.. 280 | Hureka Plpe Line Co. 102 Onlena-Sltr Oil Co pt new, 110 Onlena-filff Oil Co pf old.. 120 (Inlena-.SlK OU Co corn. 130 Illtnola Plpe Line Co. jo-i Indlana l'lpe Line co. 102 Inter Pntrol Co, Ltd., 82>,i National Transit Co ,,,,., 185 New York Transit Co. 183 Northorn Plpe Line Co. J13 ohio Oil Co ,,,,,,,.,, , 890 P?nn-M?x Fuol Co, , , , r, , ,, 64 Prairla Oil & Qaa Co.,,,,,, 770 Pralrlo Plpe Line Co,,,,,,, Hlll Bolar'Rof Co ,,,,,,,,,,,,. B00 Moutherii ITpo Line Co,,,,, l()r> South Ponn Oil Co,,,,,,,,, 1118 Houtliwest Ponna Plpe L, ,, 107 Standard Ojl of California., 284 Standard Ol] of Indlana.,, 835 Hlandarrt OlJ oil Kansas,,., 0,'tll Standard OU of Kentucky,, 400 Htinidurd OU of NebraoUa., 053 Standard Otl <>f N J,,,,,,, 733 Ktandard Of! of N Y,,,,,,, 888 Standard OU of Ohio,,.,,,, 520 Swan & lflnch Co., .,,,,,,, llo Union Tnnk Line Qo,,,,,,, 1?7 Vucuurn Oil Co ,.,.,,..,,. 407 Waahinfc-tnn Oil Ob,l,.,,,,, <J0 .Mi?< cllancono Oil Oomptuiie* Condon & Co ,.,. .,,,...... 0*1 I31II Baaln Pelrol Co....... loil Jlouaton Ol! Co oom......',', 180 tmporlal OU Co, Ltd.,...,, 430 Magnollu Pntrol Co .,,,,., 400 .Vl.-rrltt Oil Corpn.,..,,..,, ;I8'A MldwosL IIof Co ....,,,.,.. 180 Northwaat 011 OoT.,.,,,?,. 08 tiapulpa lint U?.MWW| aj? Apked 26'/a 1350 020 108 850 675 40 210 100 120 140 131 200 105 80 188 115 804 05 780 320 400 170 323 118 288 rtl.-i 650 480 573 710 809 510 115 130 478 44 U 128 445 425 83*4 100 is/n New Itfu'i Pittsburgh-Texas Oil & Gas Ompany Capital Stock Authorized, $5,000,000 Par Value To be issued, $2,650,000 No Funded Debt $5.00 No Preferred Stock Regisirar Transfer Ageni Equitable Trust Co., New York U. S. Moctgage & Trust Co., New Yorfc j ;ji._ Colonial Trust Co., Pittsburgh Office of Company, Pittsburgh PROPERTIES?Over 100,000 acres in Texas, practically all located on the Pennsyl? vania formation which runs through the Ranger ancl Burkburnett oil fields. This acreage was originally selected for the Benedum-Trees interests of Pittsburgh by Dr. W. E, Wrather, an eminent geologist of national reputation, who was responsible for locatjng the famous Duke Pool in Comanche County, Texas, where a 5,000-barrcl weil was brought in not long ag*. EARNINGS?Pittsburgh-Texas' experts are now negotiating the purchase of important producing properties in Oklahoma. These' properties alone should show net earnings for 1918 of over 10% on the total capital stock to be issued at this time. And it is estimated that for the next twelve months, not less than 25% will be shown on die company's present capitalization, with? out including potcntial earnings from wells now drilling or to be drilled in Texas, or prcfits from the company's refinery at Boynton, Oklahoma, Therefore, it will easily be in a position to pay substantial dividends at a nearby date. MANAGEMENT?T. A. Nefll, the Company's President, was for 28 years Superia tejident of the South Penn Oil Co., a Standard Oil subsidiary, while John W. Leonard. one of the Directors, was one of the first oi! producers to enter Mexico, where he secured the acreage that formed the nucleus of the Penn-Mex Co., later sold to the Standard Oil Company. These men, and the Company's other officials, form a staff of oil and gas operators who have thor oughly demonstrated their ability through the profitable upbuilding of of.her oil enterprises with which Standard Oil or Benedum-Trees interests have been identified, We offer for subscription, subject to prior sale, 250,000 shares of Pittsburgh-Texas 03 & Cas stock at %&/z per share. Subscription books r?>U be closed on May 20. All applications must be accompanicd hy a payment of $1 per share, balance to be paid on allotment. In the event of oversubscription, n>e reserve the right to reject any application, or to allot a smaller amount than applied for. Reservations may be telegraphed, followed by remittance m first mail. Application will be made in due course te lift this stock on the Philadelphia emd Pitts- ? bura Stock Exchanges, ets tvell as the Se*o York Cvrb, thus mssuring an sctive market for the stock. R- c MEGARGEL & co. 27 PINE STREET, NEW YORK "~ TMt tmformetlou It mot putnmttti, bml tt ($ btnod ?? ttrntemtntt {rmm what tn comtUtr to bo ralioble totaxet.