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China to Sign Treaty to Get Allied Loan Paris Delegates Expected to Disregard Instructions From Peking to Assure i Nation Financial Help Wilson Changes Stand President Puts U. S. Part of Consortium in Hands of Men He Opposed in 1913 By Frederick Moore Netv York Tribune Special Cablo Service 'Coryrigh;. 1919, New York Tribune. Inc.) PARIS, May 16.? A conspicuous change of front has taken place among the Chinese delegates to the peace conference similar to President Wil? son's change regarding the American group of bankers participating in the international consortium which plans to finance China. Chinese leaders here now regard the consortium, in which America will play the leading fiflgncial role, as perhaps tho only hope left for saving China from disintegra ?ion and further foreign *ncroach inrent. This extraordinary statement was made by one of the leading South China delegates, who praised the aa tion of President Wilson in 1913, when he and Secretary Bryan denounced a consortium as an unfair infringement on Chinese sovereignty. There is evidence that President Wilson, too, regards the reorganiza .ioa of the consortium as vital, after his acceptance of the Japanese de nands regarding Shantung. The Chinese delegates realize first that without international control money ioaned to China would go to one faction or another, according to the political nterests and ccrnmercial designs of the nation lending the money. Secondly, rhat in the present state of world ::nanees money will be Ioaned to China only by interested nations with political ilesigns of aggression, on the one hand, <>t of defence against aggression, on ;he other. Funds Not for Armies The Chinese foresee that, following rhe original consortium's policy, the new consortium will refuse to finance the military end of the dictators in the Peking government for the maintenance of their large armies, which are de? signed only to keep down domestic re bellion and to maintain those leaders in power. They fear that without a consortium of America, Great Britain, France and Japan, the military dicta? tors will obtain money from Japan and become mere tools of Japan's aggrea sive party. Because of the hope that a con? sortium offers and the promise that it wi!l come under control of the league of nations, the Chinese dele? gates now contemplate signing the peace treaty with reservations, despite instructions cablod them from Peking ?iot to sign and of numerous cabled protests from Chinese in various parts of the world, including the United -States. While constructing the treaty which rippled Germany's commercial growth, rhe Anglo-American peacemakers have ieveloped an alliance for the develop nent of the world's markets. This .Uipendous undertaking will have lamifications into all parts of the world. Foremost in the rnovement will he American business men. Chinese in Tokio Plan Riot as Treaty Protest Police Take Steps to Prevent Disorder: Students Send Message to Conference ?AN FRANCISCO, May 17..-The Chinese students studying at Tokio ar? excited over the action of the peace conference on the Shantung question, according to a cable message :rom Tokio to a Japanese paper here. All indicauons are that thev are mak? ing great preparations for a riotous demonstration as a protest against t.he action of the conference. They naye been making incendiary speeches at a number of places in Tokio. Their gatherings have been marked by dis orderly conduct. Chinese Plan Appeal To American Senate ?,?, S'rw York Tribune j Special Cable Service (CopyrUht. 1319. New York Tribune Inc.) PARIS, May 16.?Several attaches of \ China's peace delegation intend to pro- l ceed to the United States in an at- I m____^_____2_-___. THE PEACE CALENDAR __-__,.*?>_?,.___: 11215 4 Ii-lfi3__$ 18119 20i2t 2526B7I282S.5Q51 23124 ?fe D_r ON WKHH IERM1 WL?t MANDtD 'O OSHMANl l{Jlu?lT 0' 13 D*V Pl?__ ?HOWE_) FO . iK.1i. tompt to influence tho Senate in China's behalf. In recent _*^ars it has been the policy of the Chinese govern? ment. which includes many graduates of American colleges, to influence America to fight China's political and, if necessary, military battles. Such was substantially the Chinese policy here, but President Wilson, upon whom they relied, accepted the arguments of the Japanese, supported by Arthur Bal four, who acted largely as tne arbiter in the settlement. The young Chinese enthusiasts with an American educa tion, refusing to recognize that the trouble with China is primarily her. own incompetence and corruption, now hope to go over Wilson's head to the American Senate and peo? ple, and if they fail in preventing rati? fication of the Shantung clause of the treaty, they hope at any rate to inten sify the ill-feeling against Japan. Many Slain as Serbs And Croatians Battle LONDON, May 15.?Serious fighting between Serbians and Croatians at Agram, the Croatian capital, is reported in a Vienna dispatch to-night to the Exchange Telegraph Company. Many of the combatants are said to have been killed. This is the first report of a clash | between the Serbians and Croats who, j it is planned, will be incorporated into ? Jugo-Slavia. Chinese Cabinet Quits; Shanghai Parley Fails President Refuses to Accept Resignation*, Still Hoping for Compromise * PARIS, May 16.?The Chinese Cabi? net has resigned, but the President has refused to accept the resignations, ac? cording to a telegram from Peking to the peace conference. The peace conference at Shanghai between representatives of northern and southern China, the telegram adds, has broken up. Pope to Receive U. S. Protestant Bishops Delegation Headed by the Right Rev. Anderson to Visit Vatican Friday ROME, May 15 (By The Associated Press).?Pope Benedict, having learned that the mission of American Protes? tant Episcopal bishops, headed by the Right Rev. Charles P. Anderson, of Chicago, had arranged to leave Rorae Saturday, notification was sent to th . prelates to-day that his Holiness would receive them Friday. The Pope next Tuesday will receive Dr. Epitacio Pessoa, President-elect of Brazil. The Pontiff has ordered that Dr. Pessoa be welcomed inside the con fines of the Vatican with sovereign honors. Cardinal Gasparri, the Papal Secre? tary of State, will discuss with Dr. Pessoa the relations between Church and State in Brazil. Bishop Anderson, who, with several other clergymen of the denomination recently; visited the Balkans and Turkey, to-day expressed the deep impression made upon him by the beauty and fer tility of the Balkan countries and the parts of Asia Minor visited. Three generations of peace, Bishop Anderson said, would bring the peoples of these countries to the front rank of world civilization. Their progress for cen turies had been arrested by war, mis rule and Turkish oppression, and if this was followed by permanent peace it would be difficult to predict the future development of the countries, he said. Dr. Anderson declared the absence of agricultural machinery was a no ticeable feature. There was a demo? cratic atmosphere eerywhere, he added, and the people spoke in the highest praise of the principles of democracy enunciated by President Wilson and were looking to American principles and ideals to afeguard the world'. peace. "It made one tremble to be an Amer? ican citizen," Dr. Anderson continued, "when I found such confidence had been placed in American infegrity." The prelate said the mission to tho East, which had been successful beyond expectations, was purely ecclesiastical and in the interest of the effort to bring about a union of the Christian churches of the world. Is Your Business In the 42nd Street District? "OUSINESS and professional men and,m8 in the 42d Street district are invited to consider the advantages of having an account at the new Madison Avenue Office of the Franklin Trust V-.ompany, an institution which for over tnirty years has been serving the busi? ness men of other sections of the city. Moderate-sized accounts which give promise of dcvclopincnt are welcome. We are gro^virTg our' w r fud WC dcCm * a priviIc^re t0 co-operate with other growing concerns. You can deposit or wlthdraw at any of our offices, and in every way we endeavor to servc your conveniencc. FranMnTf-ust Company Established 1888 ^ - Madiron Avenue and 40th Street 46 Wall Street 1WM ' BROOKLYN OFFICES,' 166 Monu^ue Street 569 Fu^ & 1001 WalJabout Market Germans Say Terms Can't Be Accepted Continued from page 1 indemnification for losses suffered through the war. Deny Blame Is Proved The note declared further that the peace terms provided no proof of Ger? many's responsibility for the war and requested that the reports of all the Allied commissions which investigated the responsibility for the war should be communicatcd to the German dele- j gation. Another note of the three handed, in on Tuesday,'that dealing with terri- : torial questions, declared that the por tion of the treaty dealing with terri? torial annexations was not in accord ance with President Wilson's fourteen points. Under the financial and economie conditions of the treaty, it was further set forth, it seemed that it would be : impossible for Germany to have enough gold on hand at the end of fifteen years ' to repurchase the Saar Valley mines from France, and that if she did have, I the indemnification commission, which would still dominate Germany, would | not permit this gold to be used for j such a purpose. Negotiations Suggested The note suggested negotiations with the Entente, with a view of effecting an alternative arrangement to meet France's just claims by the delivery of coal from both the Saar and the Ruhr regions. Secretary Lansing's note of Nov. 5, 1918, notified Germany of the willing ness ^f the Allies to make peace on the basis of President Wilson's fourteen points. The note, after stating that ! the Allies reserved the right to place I their own interpretation on the claims i relating to the freedom of the seas, j declared that the Allies "understand j that compensation will be made by i Germany for all damage done to tbe civilian population of the Allies and their property by the aggression of I Germany by land, by sea and from the air." New York Tribune Foreign Pre.ts Bureau i Evidence of the duplicity of the former Central Empires in tryihg to es- ' cape the blame for starting the war! continues to accumulate. The latest bit of this evidence is a document dis covered by the Paris correspondent of ! "The London Times." In July 1914, the ; Austro-Hungarian government sent Herr von Weisner to Serajevo to in vestigate and report on the circum stances of the assassination of the| Archduke Franz Ferdinand. It is a I telegraphic report of Herr von Weis? ner that "The Times" correspondent has unearthed. The dispatch follows: Serajevo, July 13, 1914, 1.10 p. m. Knowledge of the Serbian Government of the direction of the assassination j plot or participation in its preparation ! and the supply of weapons for it is proved by nothing, and cannot even be suspected. There are, on the contrary, many grounds for regarding this sup position as being untenablc. Allied Warships Occupy Smyrna American, British, Greek and French Forces Noiv Control the City PARIS, May 16.?An extensive Allied naval concentration has been begun at Smyrna in connection with a mandate to Greece to administer the city. In discussing the concentration "LMn transigeant" says that Allied troops al? ready have been debarked. It says that the concentration at Smyrna is being taken against the day when the peace conditions imposed on the Turks will be put into effect and when the Turks may be invited to leave Europe. The British and the French each i have fleets at Smyrna, with landing j parties; the Greeks have a battleship' and five gunboats, and the Italians ' have five large warships. The United States navil forces are tho battleship Arizona and four destroyers. The vari- I ous Allied naval contingents are drawn j from the forces in the Adriatic and the j Black Sea. Troops are also being concentrated from Salonica. It is understood that British and French forces are cocip erating in the Greek adrainistrative mandate. The Italian attitude has not : been disclosed, but the recent landing j of Italian troops at Adalia, on the j southern coast of Asia Minor, and the j presence of an Italian squadron at i Smyrna lead to the belief that Italy is j soeking to safeguard her interests in j Asiatic Turkey. Advices to the peace conference say | that transports carrying Greek troops have sailed from Salonica for Smyrna. Greeks Land at Smyrna ATHENS, May 14.?Greek forces landed to-day at Smyrna, the news be? ing received hrro with great enthu-j siasm. A Paris dispatch received on Thurs? day stated that "an important port" in Asia Minor would "soon be tho the? atre of an inter-Ahled military and naval manifcstatlon, in which Greek soldiers and French, British and Ital? ian warships would participate." A Paris dispatch received Thursday night stated that the United States battleship Arizona and four United States cruisers had arrived at Smyrna. A dispatch from Athens to the United Press yesterday announced that an entire division of Greek troops had been landed at Smyrna, and that coi. sidernble territory on either side nf the city had been occupied, including Aivnli, ten miles to the northward, and Voruria, forty miles to tho southward. One of the Greek warships that cov? ered the landing of the troops, the dispatch said, was tho battleship Kil kis, formcrly the Idaho of the Amer? ican navy, which was sold to Greece in 1914. Fears Turk Massacres New York Tribune Sprcuil Cable Service (Copyrluht, 1919, New York Trlbunt Ir.c.) PARIS, May 18.-~Pr?iid?nt GuIbb, of Bttbert CoUoge, Constajj^inopl^ ha* informed Colonel House that if the Allies' plans involve the dis.member ment of Turkey he strongly urge. the dispatch of troops to Turkish regions before the intentions are announced, in order to prevent a massacre of Chris tians and' the possible destruction of Saint Sofia. Smyrna Among Oldest Cities in the World Founded Before Ninth Century and Changed Hands Many Times in Racial Conquests New York Tribune Foreign Press Bureau Smyrna, the most important city of Asia Minor, is probably one of the oldest cities in the world. Its founda tion antcdates even the Greek coloniza tion of Asia Minor in the ninth cen? tury before Christ. It became one of j the wealthiest Greek colonies, and did not lose its prominence under the : Roman conquest. Smyrna was first conquered by the Turks in A. D. 1084, j and until 1402 it was at various times! held by Greeks, Arabs, Seldjouk and Osmanli Turks, Mongols and the West- j ern Knighta of St. John. In 1402 it was captured by Timur, the Mongol conqueror, who massacred most of the inhabitants. Ever since the city has i remained in Mahometan hands. Its present-day population is over I 250,000, Ihe majority of which are : Greeks. It was one of the principal seaports of the Ottoman Empire. Before thc war the annual exports passing through it amounted to about $15,000,000, with tho imports exceeding $5,000,000. The port is connected with tho interior of Asia Minor by several railways, some of them before the war owned by French and British in- j terests. The port was visited by 7,000 steamships annually. The city had a large European colony ancl many schools. It is one of the most impor? tant objectives of Greek irredentism. U. S. Committee Aids Turkish Harem Victims Relief Rushed for Thousands of Women and Girls Cast Out, of Ottoman Homcs Measures for the care of the thou? sands of Christian women and girls who have been released or rescued from Turkish harems since the sign? ing of the armistice have been laken by the American Committee for Armenian and Syrian Relief, it was an? nounced by that committee yesterday. A cablegram from Constantinople to the committee in New York announces that homcs for the women and girls and for many children, also taken from the harems, have been started in fifteen cities in Asia Minor, and that prepara? tions have been made for the industrial training of the women and grils under the direction of a committee of experts. In the homes of the Turks, these Chris? tian wome nand girls were treated as slaves and were not permitted to study or acquire any useful accomplishments, the organization makes known. Washington Is I'ninformed WASHINGTON, May 16.?The Navy Department has no orlicial information on the landing of Greek troops at Smyrna. The department has merely received a report that the battleship Arizona has arrived there, with no de? tails as to what she is doing or whether she is cooperating with the Allied forces. Captain J. H. Dayton is in command of the vessel. Tlie navy has no confirmation of The Associated Press report that four destroyers accompanied her. The Ari? zona, which acted as escort to the George Washington on the last trip over of the President, is one of the newest ships, and carries a complement in excess of 1,000 men Admiral Benson has complete charge of the eodporatien of the American navy with the Allies, it is pointed out at the department, and could give any orders ho thought necessary without much haste about reporting to Wash? ington. America Will Not Be Betrayed, Says Borah New York Tribun* WanhiyiQton Bureau WASHINGTON, May 16.?"The United States will not sell her independence nor be betrayed into thc hands of any foreign power for the sake of trade with Germany or any other nation," Senator Borah'declared to-night in com menting upon the Associated Press dispatch stating that any of the Allies which refused to sign the German peace treaty would be barred from trading with Germany until the treaty was signed. "Those who sat behind closed doors at Versailles and schemed and con spired to browbeat and coerce the American people into a surrender of their most cherished traditions of our national life and the most sacred prin? ciples of our free institution. sadly underestimated both the intelligence and tho patriotism of the American people." It is taken for granted, however, by Republican Senators that not only did the President permit the insertion of this clause, but that he probably was its sponsor, with the end in view of forcing the United States Senate to rush through the ratification of the treaty and of prevent ing it from hold ing up the ratification until amend ments could be forced to the league of j nations covenant. It was pointed out here to-night that \ the provision probably was not in- | tended for Italy, since there will be no j great objretion on the part of Italy to i signing the peace treaty with Germany. The treaty with Germany does not take up the question of Fiume. That is contained in the treaty with Austria, and Senators believe that Italy will sign tho treaty with Germany without trouble, but will delay signing the treaty with Austria. Treaty Needs But 4 Signers Clause Provides Three Chief Powers and Ger? many Can Ralify It PARIS, May 16.?The German peace treaty, it developed to-day, contains a clause which has not yet been made public, providing that ratification by Germany and three ?f the principn] associated powers will bring thc treaty into force tho rutifyinjr. pur Tirpitz Saw End of Kaiserism After Marne New York Tribune Special Cable Service (Copyright, 1919, New York Tribune Inc.) BERLIN, May 16.?Germany's loss of the battle of the Marne gave Ad? miral von Tirpitz a remarkably clear prevision of coming events. His Leipsic publisher issues a state? ment saying that von Tirpitz's forth coming book contains a letter written to his wife September 20, 1914, in which he says that Germany was brought into an extremely dangerous position through the loss of the battle of the Marne. Then, looking further into the future, von Tirpitz wrote: "The present caste and class system is linished. Whether we have victory or defeat we shall reach pure dt-mocracy." ties, enabling the Immediate resump tion of trade. It was pointed out in connection with the stipulation as to the ratincation of the treaty that any nation which with held ratification after three of the principal powers had ratified would be at a disadvantage in a commercial way. A pcremptory answer to the German note registering objections to the treaty arrangements for the left bank of the Rhine and the Saar Valley, has been drafted by the special commission on territorial affairs presided over by Andre Tardieu, it was reported this morning. It became known to-day that the German peace delegation was preparing to send another note to the Allied and Associated powers conccrning the peace treaty. The note, which has not yet been completed, is said to be in rela lion to Aisace and Lorraine. As the result of conferences among the representatives of the Powers, which were being continued to-day, the text of the German treaty will probably be made public by instal ments. It was reported that the finan? cial and boundaries sections of the document would be released to-night. Versailles, May ig.~?Among those tvho arrived to-day from Berlin to join the German peace delegation was Pro? fessor Weber, a financial expert. U. S. to Mediate Adriatic Issues PARIS, May 16.?Negotiations pend ing for adjustment of the Adriatic controversy contemplate a direct set tlement between Italy and Jugo-Slavia through American mediation. By this plan the Austrian treaty would not specify the disposition to be made of Dalmatia, Istria or Fiume, beyond de taching them from Austria, The Council of ' Foreign Ministera continued work to-day on subsidiary details of the Austrian peace treaty having to do with the new Austrian frontiers. It is considered as unlikely that the treaty will be ready for presentation to the Austrian plenipotentiaries be? fore Wednesday of next week, and probably not until later. ? Premier Lloyd George was absent to-day to bid goodby to a Welsh regi ment that is leaving France for home, and the council of four will not meet again before Saturday. Mr. Wilson yes? terday afternoon went for a motor ride which took him to the neighborhood of St. Germain, but he did not encounter any members of the Austrian delega? tion. ST. GERMAIN-EN-LAYE, May 16.? The credentials of the Austrian peace sentutives fo the allied an associated sentatives of the allied and associated powers at a meeting probably next Tuesday, it was said here to-day. In the meantime, the Austrians are marking time excpt for a conference with the Inter-Allied Food Commission to-day relative to tne revictualling of Austria. Resistance Idea Gains With Foe NeW} York Tribune Special Cable Service (Copyrlght, 191?. New York Tribuno Inc.) BERLIN, May 16. The excitement of the public mind remains unabated. Dispatches from many sections report agitation and protest movements of various kinds. The idea of forcible resistance to eastern territorial changes begins to find expression in some unofficial quarters. General von Liebert, one of the luminaries of the pan-Germans, pub lishes an article to-day professing to be organizing forces for the defence of Silesia and West Prussia, elaborat mg the scheme in much detail. Some of the people's councils in the dis puted provinces also have adopted resolutions plainly hinting at resis? tance by force. A Kattowitz dispatch to the "Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung" reports united oppositoin there, even in dis? tricts with a strongly jrrcdominent Polish population, adding that Polish workmen passionately are asserting their will to remain in Germany President.Wilson continucs to be the centre of newspaper discussions. The papers print daily extracts from his various public utterances, alleging that the treaty conflicts with them. To day a big placard was placed upon many walls giving'in large type the deadly paralle] of the treaty stipula tions and President Wilson's principles. The idea of refusing to sign seems to bo gaining grourtd, but Eduard Bernstein pleads in "Vorwaerts" for only a qualified refusal. Tho Agrarian League issued a declaration culminat mg in the words "Such a peace is un accoptable. Death rather than slavery " German currency continucs its pro cess of rapid deprcciation. in three days Dutch exchange has risen to 105 marks for 100 florins; Swiss to Swedish to 45, and Danish to 40. 50; What Can We Do but Sign? Is German Vieiv yERSAILLES. May 16.-A distinct imprcssion among come of the subordinate members of the German peace mission that the Germans will sign tho peace treaty is rellected in the remark of one of the secre taries, who is quoted as saying: "What else can we do but sign? Wo are on the ground, your Inees are on our stomuclm and your thumb* in our oyes," Will Germany Sign? Indicatioris Are Teutons Purpose to Pro crastinate Till Last Minute in Hope of Causing- Differences Among the Allies ? By Frank H. Simonds PARIS, May 15.?On the all im? portant question: Will the Germans sign? two currents of opinion are moving at the present time in Paris. The majority. of weil informed ob servers believ'e that without any pre liminary rupture of negotiations after protracting discussion to the last pos? sible moment the Germans will sign. A smaller group, not on the whole less weil informed, holds that in any event the Germans will go through the motions of refusal and rupture to make a last test of the solidarity of the Entente, and disclose the will ingness or unwillingness o_ the Allies to use force. So far German tactics have been feeble to the point of provoking con tempt. I remember to have heard Marshal Foch say that when Erzberger came to his headquarters to receive the terms of the armistice he occupied his time almost continuously in writ? ing and presenting point after point of protest, and when each of these was rejected as rapidly producing another, with no apparent apprecia tion of the real facts of his situation. To-day the Germans seem to be pur suing something of the same fatuoua policy. Points which they have so far raised have been of relatively no im? portance. In the last analysis Germany will have to sign these terms of peace. Her refusal, her rupture of negotia? tions for the moment and for effect, will have no other result than to set in motion the Allied armies along the Rhine, now ready to raove. Any con siderable lessening of the terms is now inconceivable, and so far as one can see the Allies are at the present time, and so far as the German ques? tion is concerned, squarely and solidly united. It is plain that there are two things upon which the Germans mean to con contrate: First?The financial clauses, and particularly those clauses which postpone tho fixing of the financial amount Germany must pay for several years. Germany is certain to ask, the victors to fix upon a sum which will comprehend her total indebtedness to them and they are equally certain to refuse. Secondly?Germany will protest on Japanese Seeking Out let in Siberia TJ. S, Archangel Force Looked on as "Watch Dog" to Prevent a Permanent Lodgement New York Tribune Special Cable Service | (Onpyright. 191., New Vork Tribune Inc.) PARIS, May 16.?The fact that America continues to maintain an ; army in Siberia while President Wil ! son's policy toward Russia otherwise j is passive, and pians to remove the i Americans from the Archangel front, i cause the Japanese to feel that the Americans are in Siberia to watch i them, and by perpetuating inter : national occupation serve to prevent I a permanent and exclusively Japanese I lodgmenf. there. A critical and unfriendly attitude, and the reluctance of the Americans in Siberia to cooperate, encourage this belief. Weil informed observers here I anticipate that the Japanese intend to obtain the privilege of emigration to Siberia east of Lake Baikal, which the Russians, despite their long sovereignty, control only as a sparsely ; settled colony. Important Japanese statesmen do : not deny that while Great Britain and ' France are formidably rounding out their respective empires Japan also looks to the extension of her colonial I position in northern and eastern Asia j ?namely, extending her sphere of in I fluence and potential sovereignty north i and west of Corea and Manchuria into ' Mongolia and Siberia. Having sought, and obtained definite proof at the peace conference that despite ideal j istic professions and the creation of ja league of- nations, recognition of ; equality, and the privilege of emi : gration into America and the British ; colonies have been denied the Japa ; nese, they now have turned their eyes i toward the continent of which they j are racially a part. j Emigration Wave Starts Toward Europe WASHINGTON, May 16.-A wide | spread exodus of aliens from this ' country was reported to-day by the Department of Labor. Inquiries by the ! department's investigation and inspec j tion service have revealed that al j ready large numbers of foreign born i residents are leaving the country and | that even more expect to depart when | steamship accommodations and pass j ports can be obtained. Unemployment and family interests ! were said to be important factors in . stimulating the eastward f.ow of the j human tide which for decades has set i only westward. Ethelbert Stewart, di? rector of the investigation service, said many aliens reported they had not. heard from their families sfnce Europe was thrown into war, and that they were going overseas to make a per? sonal investigation. Another cause of the emigration is the desire of some aliens to partici pate in the settlement of estate. of relatiyes killed in the war. There also is tho desire of many foreign born to return to lands no_- freed from German or Austrian domination. Figures from many cities show that fully fifty per cent of the aliens of certain races intend to return to Europe, many of them to remain there. An investigation by a steel plant showed that 01 per cent of its alien employes declared their intention to return and of this number 91 per cent said they were going to stay. A prominent Hungarian of Chicago estimated that 50 per cent of the .0,000 unnaturalized Austro-Hunga rianfi in that city would return to Europe. In a Connecticut city with a Polish population of nbout 6,000 from 1,500 to 2,000 expect to return. Among Eithuanians there is a strong feeling that if Lithuania in depcndent there will be a large movo ,__.nt back to t&at, country, [ territorial changes, but particularly the transfer of her eastern districts to the Poles. Without much doubt, Germany recognizes the necessity of accepting the loss of Alsace-Lorraine. She will use the Saar Valley detail to make such ^moral capital as she can in alleging a violation of Mr. Wilson's fourteen points. But the Saar Valley is a small area and the terms of French possession provide for a possible re version to Germany. By contrast, if Germany loses her Polish provinces, she will lose. nearly an eighth of her area, some of her best food-producing regions, one of her great industrial districts, and East Prussia will be separated from the rest of Germany by the Polish corri dor. The^ work of Frederick the Great will thus be almost completely undone. It is plain that if the Allies have erred on any side in making the Polish settlement, it has been in favor of the Germans. It is clear that the Allies have reduced cession by Germany to Poland until only unmistakably Polish districts have been taken, but it is no less clear that in taking these districts the Allies have dealt a terrible blow to Germany. There is a growing belief that if the Germans decide to sign the treaty of peace a new delegation will come here representing the Independent Social ists, the only party in Germany willing to sign. But there should be no illnsion any where as to what the signing means. The German will honor his signature only as he is compelled to. Having signed the treaty, he means to do everything within his power to defeat the application of the terms. He trusts that after a year or two at most the Allies will fall apart as the conquerors of Napoleos almost fell apart between Fontainebleau and the return from Elba. One has only to read the volume of German comment now to be perfectly clear that no German accepts the treaty of peace as just, that there is no smallest realization yet that it repre sents the sentence of civilization upon German barbarism; and the very authors of the treaty of Brest-Litovsk, the very men who planned to annex Belgium and Northern France and lay France to ransom, the very people who one year ago were hurling shells into Paris churches, are now talking about j justice and humanity and German J moral superiority in a fashion which almost passes human belief! U. S. Soldiers in Berlin Ordered To Doff Unif orms British Also Don Civilian Attire to Avoid Demon? strations ; Trouble Feared in the Next Few Days LONDON, May 16.?American and British officers in Berlin have been or? dered to wear <*ivilian clothing outdoors lest they incite the popula^ion to dem? onstrations, according to a dispatch from the German capital to the Ex? change Telegraph Company under date of Thursday. American couriers in uniform have mostly been forced to remain in the Hotel Adlon, and there is a general feeling in the hotel that there will be trouble within the next few davs. BERLIN, May 15 (By The Associated Press).?The police authorities of Ber? lin have issued a proclamation warning the public against demonstrations hos tile to foreign residents of the city. The proclamation declares: "We are tighting against the nefari ous policy of imperialism, not against individuals who are not to blame for the policy of their governments. It has been determined to punish such excesses with the utmost severity, and any wh'o instigate disorders will also be punished." Condemnation of demonstrations be? fore the Reichstag and in Unter den Linden Tuesday against the Allies, the United States and President Wilson is voiced by several newspapers, especial? ly the "Tageblatt." Theodor Wolff, in the "Tageblatt," ascribes the outbreak to the "alley ele ment" and says they were unripe youths and denounces their conduct as "childish and unseemly." He says that no sensible and decent person can desire that the great seriousness of the present days be misrepresented by undignificd howling. He declares the demonstrations did not appear to be serious to the Allied representatives living in the Hotel Adlon and that the crowd outside did not interfere with or speak to the foreign newspaper corre spondents when they left the hotel and walked down the street. The "Vossische Zeitung," in this connection, prints a letter criticising the government for permitting "for? eign elements" to so dominate Berlin that signs and placards are posted in the English and French languages and that many foreign actors are permitted on the stages in Berlin. The communi? cation rails at stores which display a notice in English inviting American officers to have their portraits painted as a souvenir of their stay in Berlin. ? -??. ? . -.. Britigh Fleet Off Memel; Ready to Occupy Town East Prussian Seaport Goes to ?Allies Under Terms of the Peace Treaty LONDON, May 17.?A British fleet is anchored outside of Memel, East Prus? sia, close to the Russian frontier, and the British are expected to occupy the place in a few days, according to a Copenhagen dispatch to the Exchange Telegraph Company quoting Berlin ad vices. The seaport of Memel, with the sur rounding area, ia to be ceded to tho Allied and associated governmcnU un? der the terms of tho treaty *>f peace. Musical Heariquarters We are exhibiting the most re markable collection of musical in, 5trumcnts ever assembled jr, NCw York. Autoharpa ..?. mr?%%.. $5 to $20 Banjos....$8to $60 B_njo-M?ndolin..$i_ t. $l3g Banjos, Tenor .. .... .$25 to $6S Banjo-Ukulele. ....... $9 to 5-4 Bugtea.......$3to $12 Corneta .......... .$15 to $90 Dinner Chimes ....... $5 to $90 Drurn. ??.$1 to $25 Fifea.$l.o $g Flutea ............. .525 to $j6(j Guitara.$10 to. $$0 Harpa..$75 to $3,000 Mandolin. ......... .$5 to $150 Mueic Rollc.$1 to $3 Mutic ........ $2 to $lg Piccolos ............ $S to $55 Saxophones .v ...'..... $75 to $105 T-ombone? .... ^?,-. .$2T5 to $55 Taropatches ;....,.-. .'|tS to $35 Ukulele* ..... ?._?...... $6 to $35 Violins .....,_./.... $5 to $5M Victrota* ........$22.50 to $ 9*) Violoncciloa ........$-6.o J3J5 Td.pjhone M_rray Hili 4144 Chas. H. D.tsott & Co, 840-12 East 34th &U Finnish Army Now Marchiiiff On Petrograd Dispatches to Copenhagen Declare Gen. Mannerheim Is Expected to Occupy Russian City in Few Days COPENHAGEN". May 16 I By The Asao j ciated Press).?A strong Finnish army j commanded by General . lannerheim, I leader of the government forces, i. | marching aga'nst Petrogra., which, it : is expected, will be occupied within a | few days, according to advices to the j "National Tidende." Ukrainian reports received from | Vienna indicate that the Bolsheviki are | fleeing from their advanced western I positions at Rovno before the army led ! by Simon Petlura, and are retirinj; in ! disorder, due to a lack _? transporta : tion, toward Eorosteny and Sarny ? Junction. It appears that there is a general up rising of Ukrainian peasants against the Bolsheviki, the town of Homel, ia the government of Mohilev, falling into their hands. The peasants are led by H. Orlovsky and are reported to have 1 won other successes northeaat of Kiev. The army led by Zeleney, another Ukrainian peasant chief. !;u..iber$ about 20,000 and is operating on both ( sides of the Dnieper River near Kiev. PARIS, May 16.?The Germans, by their imperialistic manceuvres in Letivia and Lithuania, are retarding any concerted campaig:i against thl Bolsheviki in the region of Riga and southward, according to the Warsa. correspondent of the "Temps." The effect of the coup at Libau, where th? Germans overturned the Let* govern? ment, he says, has paralyzed the anti Bolshevjk activity of the Letts and prolonged the domination of Riga by the Soviet forces. Letivia, the corre? spondent asserts, is politically and militarily under the influence of th# Germans. The presence of German troops and German agents in Lithuania, it is add ed, is holding up Polish military a> tivity against the Bolsheviki. The correspondent urges the neces? sity of compelling the withdrawal of the German troops as soon a* possible, asserting that there is no military rea son for their presence. Indemnity Asked for 500 Slain Liberians New y'or"- Tribun* Special Cable ServieS f?.'->p>right. J.19, N'ew Vork Tribune Int) PARIS. May 16.? H. F. Worley, finan cial adviser of Liberi.:, and the Li berian delegates to the peace con? ference have presented claim? for the lives of three hundred Liberia:. v.ho were murdered in cold blood by Ger? man officials in the Kameroons. The claims are based on evidence of num? bers of foreigners and native Li 1 berians who testified to the followiOf facts: At the opening of the war 500 Li berian contract laborers working for German firms in the Kameroons re fused to take up arms on the ground that they were Liberian eitizene and were not contractmg to participate ln the war. They were herded in ]'_$_ and the Germans lined up 100 who* they shot with machine guns as *n example to the others. When the Germans were forced t? leave Duala in the ni they burned the jail with 200 Liberian. who were locked up in the bu iding Not one escaped. The remaincer of the 600 either succeeded in > to Liberia or were found in the Kame? roons when the Allied forces arrived there. Treaty With Turks To Be Signed in Near East ?>ARIS, May 16.?It ia probablc the Turkish and Bulgarian peace treaties will be negotiated and signed in Constantlnople, Saloniea or some other convenient' city in the N?*r . East, according to R._tor'_ PstlSj office. -_i - ...hitlii in 1 ._?H__^"