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Government and Municipal Bouda Week'? r-1?H*-> e-UsiMComlttcdL doa*. High. Dow., %' <Li!?nv 3 4?.. 99.50 99.80 98.20 & dol.t4? .... 95-50 96.00 92.50 .?7,i ? 2d il.94-20 94.38 92.10 512 S M 4? 94.5:: 9J.32 93.20' *?-r ':' V; V " 05 54 96 50 94.90 106'1" ' ?' ",' ! *f . ?,?? ORTO 93 12 :%. il S 4s" ?up I 25 106% 106% 104% 1 do 4s reg ?920. . . . 106 106?-4 104% 4 do Panama 3s coup 90 91 87? , laSAm-For Gov Sec 5s. 99iJ 997? 99X gi^T^t^unK J77-. 96%: 4 Argentin? Goy -'-s ao 2 yj ?^ * ^Chm?? Gov Rwy 5a. 71% 72% 70 , mCity of Bordeaux ?.?s. 99'2 102% 99 162 City ol ! ro?a t?a. .. 99??102?4 99 *5f',v of Marseilles 6a. 99-% 102$ 99 , ,-., o? Paris S? ... 93% 100? 2 96!/, ?City of Tokio 5s. ... 80 83 797? M Dom Of Can 5? 1921. 99 99 96?. 43 do M 192? . ?8 98 96% . ?S do :* 1931 . 97*4 98 96"/, IS? Imp Jap Ut ?er 4%a 91'a 92% 86% : 3 do 2d ?er 4%s.... 92% 92% 85''2 41 do 2d i\a* Ger stp 87' 2 89 84 11 do1-).,. ... 79 79 75 j 1--. Ren ol Cuba ?s ? ?>f'4 99% 100 92'',' 442 UK of GB4IE : s 1919 99% 101 99' 4 135 do .??- ?":".. 99'g 99 97% *7? do ?a ISS;. 99% 101% 98'2 SKY C 4 i ,a 19: : May.101% 101% 100% ? do C-??> 1963.101% 102 10O g do 4 .101' a 101% 100' 2 \t do 1967 .101% 101% 100% $1 do 4I4.? I960. 9678 97? 4 96 1964.96% 98 96 jfl d0 '? ? 1966 . 97 97 96 ! ? 'la d reg. . 90% 91 90' 4, 10 do 4? 1957. 92 92 90% 4 do ^ !'"'. 91% 92% 90% ?Mate Bonds Week's ,-1919-, ?Ule? (000 omitted). close. High. Low. ?5N V SUte ? ,-. 1984. 107' 4 108 106% 103 Va df Os Brown Br ctfa 65' 2 74% 63 Railway and Miscellaneous Week's ,-1919-, ' ??la (000 omitted). close. High. Low. 2Adama Exp col tr 4s.. 59% 65 69 g Vlaska G M ? t d6s s A 28 35 26 2 do cvt d< a 6s r B. 29 34 26 10 Albany & Susq 3*a?. . . 76% 77 73% UAmerAgCh 1st cvt 5s 101 102% 98 7 do deb 5s .110 112% 100 1 Amer Cotton Oil 5a.... 87 89% 87 6 Amer Hide & L 6s. .. .100% 101 99%' W Amer Smelting on.... 91 93 89%: 63 Amer T & T col tr 5s. 92% 94 90 i do cvt 4 V,a . 90 90 851..', 3 do cvt 4a . 80 80 78% - 25 do coi 4? . 843.? 85' 'a 83% ! 266 do 6a .103*a 104 100% 2 Amer Tobacco 6a ....119 119%119 ?6Amer Writ Paper 6s... 90 90% 84 15 Armour ? Co re eat 4^4 87' 2 88''8 86 J3AT? ? F,- gr->n 4j- 82% 85! > 81% I 1 do g"n 4s reg. 32% 82 79%; 18 do adj 4s stamped.. 76% 78% 74 1 do cvt 4? 1 ?55. ~5 77 74 16 do cvt 4s 1 >: I. 96 96% 93% ' 6 do Trans Sh [Line 4s. 78% 81 77% ? 2 do -; Cal & A d?v. 85 85 85 4 do 4a East Okla div.. 91% 92% 90% 10 Atlanta i Birm (a- 7?% 80 74 10 At! 4 Ch Air I. 5s a B 94' 2 97% 93% ; ? do 4'--s . 88 4 88'4 83 lAtl & Danville 1st 4s.. 74 74 ? 74 12 At! Coast L 1st con 4s. 83% 89% 80% 3 do unified 4Via . 83% 87 82 11 do L & N col tr 4?. . 76% 78' 2 73% 20 Bait & Ohio rfg ?s- 8? 2 82% 76% J40 do cvt -T'?o . 73: 2 80 73 45 do gold 4s. 79% 82% 75 25 do prior lien 3'-.'.. 89% 89% 88 1 do 3t?3 P J & M div 87 87 83% ! 12 do Is PLE & WV div 73'4 78 71% 4'? do "'? ?? Swr r.;. . . . 84 86' 4 83 2 Beth Steel lat ex: 5?.. 05% 96% 96% ?4 do rfg :..83 8978 87 '.?? da p m 5s.86 86 80 5 Brade:: Copper 6a. 04 96 92% 25 Bklvn Ra:) Tr cor. 5s . . 65% 76 62 .83 84% 75 20 Buff Roch & Pitta 4~.s S8 83 E8 ' Bush Terminal ' . . . 80% 85% SO '. Bush Torr. . 80 81 79% 4 Cal Ga? 4 Elec .. 93% 96% 92% 2 Canada Southern 5a_ 92 95% 83 : Car Clinch & O 5s.... 73 82 78 3 On Dist Tel 5s... . 96 96 98 ?" Cd ot G? ? 93 93 89 BOCen Uathei ?: ;, " ..96 97 95% ??Cen 4a_80 83 78 14 do e : ?'?? . 84 85% 82% ?Aen R P. of N J Ba_102 105 102 3 Che* 4 Ohio con 5a . . . . 97% 99% 97% ?? do cvt. 91 90% 84% 3 do g* ?!%.80''s 83' ? 77 iZ do ect 4 & .82% 82% 78 1 do 4? MgSandy div. 73% 78% 78%; i Chingo & Alton 3a.... 62% 63 50 10 do .'.'--.s .37% 40 35% 10 Chi Bur 4 Q g^n 4-;.. 82'2 83'-2 82 :"Ch B k Q -? Iowa div 9i% 99% 99% "Ch B ? Q Z--s 111 div. 76% 76% 73% 10C B4Q ext 4a, Neb div. 92% 93% 91% USCh B & Q joint 4a. S534 96 95% 1 Ch B & Q joint 4s, reg. 95'/2 95% 95% 10 Chi & Ea*t III con 63, 104 104 1C0 ?1C4E Ul g 5s. Tr Co ctfa 76 76% 70% 20Ch?E I? ref & imp 4b. 31 31 ?5 111 CftE I rfg 4s Tr Co eta 31 31 22 1 Chicago & Erie 1st 5s. 90 96% 90 125 Chi Great V, ? ?. -_ 62% 62% 59 I Ch Indap & Looa 4a.. 63 63 60% 4?C M?&8t P cvt 5a ser B 79% 8174 75% ?Ch Mil&St r. gen 4VJs. 8V/4 84% 80 S'.'Ch Mil&StP cvt 4%?.. 80 81% 75 4TCh MU4St P rfg 4V.s. 70% 74% 68 5Ch Mil&St V del, 4s, '34 72' 2 7278 70% HC SK14StP BsC&P W dv 98 ri 98 2 97 ?C4Nwest :? ., 192! '. ' 98% 96% ? C ? Wwestern gen as ICO 100?; 98/4 ?C4Nwn-StLP4N gtd 5? 95% 95% 93 UChicago Rways Co 5?. 81 71% 5C R IsldiP Ry gen 4s. 7?; , 79% 74 1C R I4P Ky gen 4s reg 76%8 76% 76% ?C R Is & P Ey rfg 4-?. 74% 75 63% 12 C 8t P M & Om con 6a 1062g 107 105 -Cb I'n ?ta 4'- s, ger A 86 89 85 ! Chi & W~ri Ind 6s_10* 104% 102% ?4Ch * West Ind 4s.. 60 65 61 8T Chile Copper cvt 7s...113 120 103% I? Chili Cop coi tr 6s_ 90 i 90% 81% ?? Chile C 6", ret? pert pd 9C~4 90% 82% 13 Cm Ind St L 4 Ch 4a.. 8?--. 88% 83 y2 1?C C C & St L deb 4-^s. 80 " 80 76 42?C C C & St L ?gen 4a. . 69| 2 72% 67% j Co': Fne! 4 Iron gen 5?. 51 91 88 ?iC*\ Indostrial is. , 77% 73% W Colorado 4 So rfg 4^8. 79 80 77% 3CoJtunbu Gas 4 Elec 5s r".. 89 82 U Comp-Tal' Recording 6j. 84 85 82 l'-Conaol Gas c\t 6s_104 104% 100 5 De! & Hud cvt 5a.... 94 95% 9C% 4 Dei 4 Hod e'iuip 41-?. 84i4 85/4 83% 4 Den 4 R Gr rfg 5? ctfa. 49 51 47% ? Den 4 Rio Gr rig 5a...51% 64% 45 ? Denver 4 Rio Gr 4ya. 74 76 72 4 ' Den 4 Rio Gr con 4s. 74 74 68% J Detroit City Gas 5s.. 96% 96% 96% 3D? Ed Co rirr 5a 1940.. 93% 94 93 I . 75% 81% 71 r ?-? ? .90 91 89'/a ? E El !. of Bklyn con 4s 80% 84 79'-a ??!-?n* '"''?'- H?n 4a. 70 70% 65 IJif.-.e g^r, lien 4s. 57% 57?.$ 52% .?'?':"?' conv 5s, aerts? A. 60 50 46% ., En? eanv 4?, series IS 49% 49"2 46 tow 4? ?eri*a I). 53^ 53% 48 96% ?., _ -- ? ? ? ? ' ?? '?>?? ???? 1VTJT4 im iuoy Z* Genera: V. ,- deb 5? ... 99% 101 973., ? O-it.r.y v n g, ?utnped. 98 98 95 ?Jwat Ne - : . . 86 89 85 ?- Gr?sea Bay 4 W deb B. 13 13% 6% Igoek Val Ut cor. 4V4?. 79% 83 77 ?Ho?M 4 Tea On Ut 5s. 97% 98% 97 ??ha A?'?"'. 9" '-? V> *>V* 90 ?2 ?'id k Man a/lj inc 5.. 18 18% 14 '? ' On r^f 4s... 81% 84'', 78% . tmta On 4*. 1953.. 75% 77% 73 '" Ut >Vt?. 1?6L 76 76 70% ... ... 85% e??/, 82% ?-'. ?'? . . 96% 98% 95 ?boro-Mtt 4%? . 55 43% 27% etfa . 34% 37$ 30/a ?:/- r rrf 6a.. 70% 74% 56 ? irai ?* K?% 82% 76% Key Mar a f 6?. . 102% 102? 97 ^a,'r,'ra: rfff ,a 4flf% i',!. 42 " *.CCtIl?tll?. 8<XV? 80% 80% ?City So Ut ?i . 60% 64% 60 ?.*' , ' . . . 87 88% 81% J6* Cito J^rnr, Ut 4*. 80 81 76 lla^^ ? '?. M 70 65 ? ?t??f?*:; ?S* S Ja <i?b 4? IM]. ?71/ ?g?/, B6 jfci^JaTS i^iio8%Soi% j^Wu 4 Myr? 7? .113 11X/.111 i r.,;v ? !i ' v "a . ">3 ?? ?o 1 ? V ''' 7*.?*/a11*'/?1<?% llifi?'; , ,.?1? W^ ??% l|? * N?*h WIH?4? M* S?? fe g*? Kwy 4? Ua ?t.. 70 74'^ M ) ?!i %8 ? w '*' f" ?? ? ?10' 101 100% ?Ht* &*& fi.4*^ ^ 41% "??Kt?rfTlMJ!, 65 65 * ?40*4 Week's ,-1919-, Sale? (000 omitted). close. High. Low. 15 Mo K ft T M 4i.31% 34 29 3 do 2d 4. Tr Co c.fa. . 33 33 28'4 10 do rig 4s. 45' ? 48 42 1 Mo Pacific rfg Cs 192.. 93% 94% 9'1 4 13 d?> rfg 5a 1926. 91 92 88% 2 do 5s 19.f.. 87 87% 83% IDT do gen 4s. 62% 631 , 67% 1 M,& O 4s St L & C div 80% 81% 8?1 8 9 Mont Pur Co 5s ser A. .2% 95' 91 6 Mut Fuel & Gas 5?. ... 75 75 75 V.'Nnt Knam & ?^tmp 5s. 99 99 95 30 New Orleans Term 4s. 67' 'a 68% 66% 1 N ?T? M 8s ser A. . 95 97' 2 94 GO do inc 5.. 55% 58% 60 IN Y Air ii.ake cvt 6s. 100'4 101'B 93% 450 N Y C ft H K d.b 6s. 991, 99% 07 7 do rffir ?v imp 4>_... 84', ? 85' '2 81 I do deb 4s 1934. 84 86 81% -"> <t<> con 48. 77 77 73''2 1!' do ri% " l_a. 72 73 70 1 do rfg 3V.8 reK. 7/1 71 71 1 N'YC I.y col tr .'.?.s reg 65'/2 67 62?/? '..' N Y C A S(l L 1st 4s. 81% 83 80 2 N Y G E L H&P col 5s 93 94 91 1 do pur m 4a. 73 74 69 3 N Y & N J Ds. 90 90'/? 90 5N Y & M Rwy os_ 61 63 55 10NY NHftH cvt 6s 1948 81 88 80 do ovt tjs 1918 reg,... 80 80 80 1? do n-c deb ?!? 1947... 53 54 53 27 do cvt-deb 3%a 1956. 60 52 491 ' 1 N Y O & W Is ref 4s.. 67 70 65 2 N Y Rep rfi? 4s ctfs.. 42'/2 42'/, 42'', 24 N Y Rep adj 6s ctfs.. 13 13'/? 1114 56 N Y Rys rfff 4s.44 45?, 4 39 232 N Y Rys adj 5s. 14'/, 16 10!/, 6N Y Rys 4%s. 53 62 63 7 N Y Tel gen 414.1_ 89'', 91'', 87-'a 17 N Y West & Boat 4*_s. 48 53 427,, (j Nor & ?South 5s. ser A. 68 69'.', 67/, 676 Nor & West cvt 6s... 110 110 ' 105' % 1 Nor & West divl 4s... 81 82 79% 2 N & W 6s N R div.. 107% 107% 107% 6 Nor Tac Ter 6s.107% 107% 107% 15 Nor Pac 4?_e. 89 90 85? 2 62 Nor Pac pr In 4s. 83% 86 82 16 Nor Pac Ken 3a. 60' % 61% 68' 8 2 N P 4s St P & I) div. .-76 76 76 14 Nor ?S P 1s 5s. 83'_. 91 87' 8 I Ore ft Cal 1st 5s. 93 99 96 ] Ore Ry & Nav con 4s. . 77% 85% 77% 1 Ore ?S L 1st 6s.101% 101% 100% 1 Ore S L rfg 4s. 86% 83 " 84? , 11 Ore-Wash R Ii & N 4s. 79 79% 75% ("?Pac Gas _? Elec 5s_ 86% 88 85% 6 Pac Tel & Tel 5s_ 92 95% 90'4 16 Penn R R con 4'_s... 94% 96', 93% 3?^ Penn R R fren 4'-s. . . . 87% 89% 84' 8 143 Penn R R con 5s 1968. 95% 97% 94 171 Penn R R 4s. 1948... 86% 89',, 86 5 P G & C of C 5s. 757/a 77% 73 13 Peor & East 1st 4s_60% 60% 60 19 Peor & Ea?t in 4s_23 24% 12 4n P?re Mar gtd 5s. 87% 88% 83% .'! P?re ?Mar rfg 4s. 70% 72% 68'.4 64 Fhila. Co deb 5s 1922.. 93% 94 91 4 Pierce Oil 6s 1920_145 145 100% 260 Pierce Oil 6s 1924_109% 112% 83% 1 Poe Col 5s. 88 90 87% 1 Pub Ser of N J 6s. . . 76% 80 75 29 Reading gen 4s. 84 86% 82% 14 R I & ?S col 5s 1940.. 96% 96'4 92' 2 5R G & W 1st 4s. 72 72% 63% 1 Roch & Pitta con 6s.. .101% 101% 10! 15 R I, A & L 41.2s. 69% 72 67 12 S L, I M & S gen 6s. . 94% 96% 94 4 St L, I M & S rfg 4s. . 81 81% 78'% 6 St L, I M & S 4s R&G 77 77% 72% 5St L, I M & S gen 5s. 943,4 96% 94 69 St L & S F p 1 4e ?er A 64 64 59 32 St. L & S F 5s s B. . . . 76% 79% 73% S4 St. L & S F adj ?3... 68% 71 63 201 St L 4- >=< F ino 6s... 48%'49% 40% 32 St. L S T 5s. 62 62 58% 6 St. L S 1st 4s. 71 74 6S 40 St. L S con 4b. 64 64 57% 50 St P & K C S 1? 41-.S. . 70% 71 66% 7 St P M & M con 4%s. . 933? 95! s S3 2 ?lo 6s Mon Cent div. .107% 107% 106% 1 do 4s Mont div. 83 88% 86! s 80 Seaboard A I. adj 5s... 51 53% 47% 1 do 4 s stamped.72 74 70 52 do rfg 4s . 58 60 57 107 Sinclair Oil s f 7s.100 99% 96 4" do stock warrants. ..143 152% 98% 2 So B.ll T & T ?8. 91 93% 90 154 So Pacifie cvt 5s.108% 109 100 373 do cvt 4s. 84 85% 82% 22 do col tr 4s.75% /7 75 23 do rfg 4s . 81 83% 79% 1 do cvt 5s reg.103% 103% 10E% 60 Southern Ry con 6s... 94% 96% 92% 72 do gen 4s . 68% 69 66 1 do 4s St Louis div... 72 74% 70% 3 Tenn C I & RK gen 5s. 92% 92' _ 91 4 Tennessee Copper 6s... 92 92% 91?<e 5 T RR A of St L ref 4s. 73 77 72 26 Texns Co cvt 6s.102!'2 103 101% 12 Texas & Pac 1st 5s- 92 92 87%. 32 Third Av rfg 4s.68% 58% 50 190 do adj 5s . 33% 341 2 ?5 4TS.L&W 50-y 4s 1950. 53 55% 45 5 Union Oil 5s. 94 94 93% 29 Union Pacifie 6s.103% 105 102% 25 do 1st 4s . 86% -9% 85% 30 do cvt 4s.88% 89% 86% 19 do rfg 4s . 81% 83% 79 5 United Fuel Gas 6a-97 93 95 9S VRll of SF 4s TCo cfs. 33 33% 22 1 Un Rv3 of St L 4s- 507'8 6_% 48% 90 do 4s Tr Co ctfs. 31 31 30% 73 U S Realty & I 6s.76% 77 60 17 U S Rubber 7s.103% 104 102% .80 do 5s . 89% 89% 85% '02 U S Steel s f 5s.100 101% 99% ? Utah Pr & Light 5s... 88% 89% 83 28 Va-Car Cher? cvt d 6s.101% 102% 100' i 20 do 5s . 96 9773 95; 4 2 Va Iron C & C 5s. 83% 86 85% 1 Virginian Ry 5s.92 94% 89% 41 wlbLh 1st 5s. 95% 9?% 93% 14 do 2d 5s . 87 89 83 ? Western Maryland 4s.. 60% 62% 57% fi Western Pacifie 5s. 83 86! 2 81 % 7. West T.'nion col tr 5s. .. 93% 94 02 do real estate 4 V.u... 86% 87% 80 2 West Shore 4s reg. 76 78 74 ?? Wh & Lake E 1st 5a... 100 100 100 lUWltoon Co6s.....100 100 86% 1 Wisconsin Cen gen 4s. . 77 80 76% 2 do 4s Sup ft D div. .. 73% 75 72% Guaranteed Stocks New York Stock Exchange closing quo? tations April 26: ,._-,._ . , Stock and Guarantor. Dividend. Bid. Ask. Albany ?.Sum? (L ft II). 13.25 160 IB?; A/gheny ?Se W (B R ft P) fi 90 100 Am Tel ft Cable (Wf). B 58 ?3 Beech Crek CN Y C).. 4 20% 3;> !an 3o (M C-NYC)... 3 ,f^-fg% -"entrai ft So Am Tel.. ? 114 11<> dleve ?v Pgh CPa P. R). 7 67% h? Cleve.and ?_ Pgh betr'nt (Pa R R) . 4 38 42 Det, Hlldsdl ft So W (. B & )! P). 4 10 6S Erie & 1'sh (Pa R R>. ?.40 55 TO ".old & Stock CW U)... 6 90 99 . Cent Leased I-incs.. 4 <?4 ?5 Joliet & Chi (C & A).. 7 103 110 Kan C, Ft Scott ft M (Ht L a s F) pra... - 69 6.1 Manor, Coal P. R, com (L 8 & M 8). 20 300 400 El (I R T) . . . 7 83 85 Mexican Telegraph _ 10 100 170 Minn, at P ft 8 B M Leased Lin-.. . 4 01 08 Mobile &B p? (9o R R) 4 55 ?2 Morris & Ei (U . 4 V) 7% 72 73 V T. B'kiyn & Man Bch pf_ (L I-Pa R R)... B 00 100 S Y ft llar, coin CN Y C) J4 100 125 VT&Har pfd (N Y C) 1? 100 125 V Y. I. ft W (D I. ft W ) . ? 92 i>? N'-weBtern Tel (W U).. <i 40 60 -. 1 ? ntral d'? K R) . . 8 07 7.4 w & ?). (Pa R R) 7 m1.; j::7V_ P Ft WiChSpKPHR) 7 180 133 ?itt, MoK&Yng(LS&MB) ? 50 ?0 Ren.xs ft ?Sur CD ft H). H 115 1U?1 Sixth Ave (N Y Rys).. 7 .">5 05 Short Term Notes Security Rate. Due. Bid. Asked. Yield Am Boaoh M To, 1930-19S? 100 101 G.40 An. Cotton Oil 7m. 1919. 100'/* 100% 5.(50 Ara ''??Mon Oil Es, 1?/13.. UH% 100 5.00 ' ??: & Tel 6?. 1.-4.. 100% 10014 :..?') Am Threa.l Ct. 1928.... 101% 10. 5.75 Am Tobacco 7s, 1919.... 100% 101% 4.70 Am Tobacco 7s. 1920... .102% 102% 5.35 Am Tobacco 7.-?. 1921.. J02% 102% 6.80 Am Tobacco 7h, 1922.... 10..% ]?>::% i).7."> Am Tobacco 7s. 1923.... 10.4% 104% 5.90 Anaconda Cop 8s, 1929... ?0% 99% 0.10 Armour r.u, 19U. 102% 10<f% ? Armour 8s, 1920 . 102% !0::% ? Armour >.>. 1921 . 102% io;<% ? Armour is, 1022. 102% 103% ? Armour 9s, 1923. . . . 102% 10::% ? ' Armour 6s. 1924. 102% lo:<-,5 ? Hait ft Ohio Oa 1919 ... 01)% !i!)% 5.8B Bethlehem Steel, 7?. 1919. 100 100% 5.f;o Bethlehem fi?eel 7?, 17(20. 101% 101% ?.d? Bethlehem Steel 7?, n.i. 101% 102 6.00 Be'.hiehem Hteel 7s, l')23. 102% 102% 0.00 Bethlehem St.el 7b. 1923. 102% 102% 6-26 '?nadlnn Pa^: f>?. 1924 . 101 101% 5 77. i'.ntr Arg Ry Ss, 1937... 00 92 7.25 -,: Bur & Q 4?, 19J1... ?5% (j.-)T/B 0.28 ChlO, B I * l'a?: 6s, 1923 08 98u, (1.56 '.hl?.: Pneu Tool f.?. 1920.. ?0 100 * ?.00 Chle Pneu Tool 6s, 1921. ?H'A 09V?. ?.20 I ?il- Pn?U Tooi 6?, 1932.. .7% 08 " ?.65 Chlr. Pn-U To'.l ?4m, 132?. ?7 l?8 ?.?O '. A V of Bait 7s, 1923.. 100% 101% (i.50 Cuban-Am fiu??r ?;??, 1020 i)i)!;4 loovi ?.40 Cuban-Am Sugar 6s, 1921 00% 100% 6.7B '7ti?1ahy J'a.king 7s. 1922 102% 102% (?.10 D?! ft Hu?1*?n 8?, 1320. .8% ?ji?^ g.?o ?>uqu?!sne ?-iirht 6?. 1321. ?8% 100 6.00 Fed Sugar V.-t 6n. 1320.. 08<yi lli)'/< 5.75 n?,nir?r-lie 8s, 1919, . 100% 100% n.2<) fl-.n-r?: fflec 6s 1920 ... 100% 100% 5.60 i->r?i?'. Northern it. 1920 . fi? 90I4 n.j|() r.ooklnf Vally By is, 10.4 ?7% i?8 5.83 ???or R?p Tr*.n 7?. 1921. 811 80% j:*n City T?r 8?, 1*2?-100% 100% ?JIO l.?? '?a* MKh? 7?. ?32? . Jf>0% 100% C.-JU BUT * Myer? Tob Hr.. 192] 100% 100% ?.fi,', .Sew fork. Con r?s, lilt., 00% f)l)% n.25 J'hliadnlpiila In. ?322. 66% D7 ?.i;;; Pennsylvania <^i, 19.1 . 07% ?7% r, 85 i-i??* f. Bh*?rmui 6s. i3?o oi*% 100% 5.80 i,?,' A Oambl? 7?. 1920 101% 101% B.OO Pr?.' ft Osmble 7?, 1321. 102% 10:( fi 40 1'TO'i A ?iambi? 7s. 133. J0r!% 10?% ?.-(( Pr?? ft Oairibl? 7?, 1938. 10.!-% ?UMA ?711 P?lb ?erv, K ./, 7?, 1022 M% ?7% 7 75 |<..,ih By A U> 7s. 13.|... loo ?01 0 _-, H?uth*rn i'r "s, 1^22 . . ?014 ita1?. ?15 ?1.. pn!)l l; r>?.p 8 ?As. ??23 90 ?.i^ k ?u, H'u1?b?k?r ''.nrn 1?. 1021 100 lfM)% ?' Mtudebaker Corp '??. i?z? 08% oo 7?>o fcbawajta '?'?' ft J' *>?. 19J9. 10? Jio% ? fcwin 6s. 1321.100% ioo% r,.4? t'tah S?e CejV ?s. 1322 . 01 02 ? -,,; W*et Bi?a Ule 6s. 1020 . ioo% mwi% ?'?^ Wllsin ?s. 19.8. ?0% 0U% flOft Consolidated Exchange [Unit of trade on this exchange, 10 shares] Following table gives total transactions for the week ended May 17, with the high, low and closing prices : ^ Sa,es- High. Low. La-,t. 71" Ajax Rubber . 90 83% 89 430 Alaska Gold Mines.. 4'/_ 3% 4% 150 Alaska Juneau . 2 2 2 600 Allis-Chalmers Mfg. 41% 39'-. 40% lOAmer Agrlcul Chem. 110% 110% 110% 305 Amer Beet ?Sugar... 82% 80% 80% 47?? 1 American Can . 56% 54'.8 55% 2435 Amer Car & Fdry..104% 98 103% 1 1" Amer Cotton Oil .... 56% 54% 54% 7"0 Amer Druggists Synd 13% 12% 12% 4.60 Amer Hide & Lcath. 34% 29 33% 1590 do pf .127 116% 123% .70 American Ice . 55 52% 53% 20 do pf . 72 72 72 21715 Amer International.. 94 85% 94 _S0 American Linseed ...65 62% 62% 4025 Amer Locomotive . . 80% 76' 4 79% 6355 Amer Smelt ft Kef.. 79% 76% 78% ti.''Amor St??el Foundries 36% 35 35'-8 390 Amer Sugar Rof_134% 130% 131 ' 1170 Amer Sumatra Tob..109% 107% 103% 120 Amer Tel & Tel-105% 103% 105% 1 !" American Wool?m .. 31% 75% 79% 17" Amer Wrii Paper pf 45% 43% 43% 330 Amer Zinc L & S... 16% 16% 16% 8495 Anaconda Copper .. 69% 643/4 ' 68% 250 Associated Dry Goods 51% 49% 49% 785 Atchison Top ft S Fe 98% 94% 97% 4 70 Ati Gulf & West I. . 168% 161 % 166 66270 Baldwin Locomotive. 103% 91% 100% (7 75 Baltimore ft Ohio... 53'.4 49% 53% . 770 Batopilas Mining .. 2% 1% 1% 4495 Beth Steel Class B.. 79% 74% 78% 8960 Brooklyn Rap Tran. 28 21% 2478 680 Butte Copper ft Zinc 13% 10% 12' 1860 Butte & Superior_ 26% 23% 25'.4 ?40Caddo Oii . 53% 51% 51 ' 4 .30 California Packing.. 66% 66 66 3210 California Petroleum 34% 30% 303* ?70 do pf . 79% 79 79% lOo Canadian Pacific .. . 167% 167'% 167% 8240 Central Leather ... 94% 84% 91% PI" Cerro de Pasco Cop. 45% 43% 44% fc." Chesapeake ft Ohio.. 68% 64% 67% 20 Chicago Gt West pf. 29' 4 29% 29% 6000 Chic Mil & St Paul. 46 38% 45% 1120 ??.j pf . 741 - 693* 731 4800 Chic Rock Isl & Pac 30% 26% 30% 3910 Chile Copper . 24% 23% 24% Till) Chino Copper . 38% 37% 33' ?> 7!" Colorado Fuel ft Iron 48% 45% 47% ?"0 Columbia Gas ft EJec 50% 47% 50' 170 Consol Gas .103% 99' -, 102 ."Continental Can _85 85 " 85 1390 Corn Products Ref.. 64 61% 61% 6430 Crucible Steel . 76% 70 75% 2215 Cuba Cane Sugar. . . . 36% 33% 34' -, -11 do pf . 82% 82% 823,; 10" Denver & Rio Gr. .. . 8% 8% 8% 230 do pf . 12% 12 12'-2 80 Prime Mines. 16 "" 15% 153.7^ ?:' 0 Erie ..20 17% 19% 690 do 1st pf. 31% 28% 31% 8" Federal Mng & Smelt 17% 14% 17% 20 do pf . 41% 41% 41% 2390 Gaston William & W. 35% 28 34% 1210 General Cigar . 82% 70% 80% 750 General Motors .19C% 184% 186 1230 Goodrich ?R 1- 1 Co... 72% 70% 71% 110" Great Northern pf.. . 98% 93% 98% 12.KJ Gt Nor Cer for Ore P 47 45 46% 80 Greene Can Copper.. 41% 41% 41% 3G65 Inspiration Copper .. 55% 51% 55% 5040 Interboro Consol .... 7% 4% 6 8750 do pf . 25 15 203_ (!'> Internatl Agricult .. 2?3% 26% 26' 3 lOInternatl Harv new. .134 134 134 4670 Internatl Merc Mar.. 53% 46% 53?/a 7:,0" do pf _'..124 117% 124 1765 Internatl Nickel _ 27% 24% 26% 720 Internatl Paper. 52% 50 51% 30 Jewel Ten . 40 38 40' 750 Kansae City Southm.. 24% 22% 24% 140 Kelly Sprint: Tire_122% 118% 122 990 Kennecott Copper ... 35 34% 35 ?'.7" Keystone Tire . 96% 93' 2 ?94% G50 Lackawanna Ste?el .. 81% 73% 80 870 Lee Rubber & Tire.,.. 33% 32% 33% 490 Lehigh Valley . 55 65% 53 505 Maxwell Motors. ?46% 43% 46% 12760 Mexican PcTo.182% 175% 179% 860 Miami Copper . 28 24 27% 2302 Midvale Steel . 49% 45% 48% 7>7." Mo, Kansas & Tex... 11 10% 10% 160 do pf. 17% 16% 16% 13885 Missouri Tacific. 34 30 33% 610 Nati Conduit & C_ 20'% 18% 19 170 Nati Enara & Stamp. 63 62% 63 20 Nati Lead. 75'% 75% 75% 22", Nevada Cons Copp?_r. 17% 17'% 17% 30N V Air Brake.118'_115 118? ' 1 "15 N Y Central. 32 76% 81% 1325 N Y N H & H_33% 30% 33% 80 N Y Ont & W.22% 21% 22' 2 880 Norfolk ft Western. .112% 109 112% 1035 Northern Pacific .... 97% 93 97% 4250 Ohio Cities Gas. 49% 47 48 17"0 Ontario Mining . 10% 8% 9% L6369 Okla Prod & Ref- 13 11% 11% 90 Pacific Mall ._ -?-% 38% 38% 5000 Pan-Am Pet ft Tr... 90% 87 88% 1254 Pennsylvania R R... . 47% 45% 47% ??""people's Gas Chi. 53 50 52% 510 P?re Marquette . . ._ . 23% 21% 22% 190 Philadelphia Co . 41% 39% 40 880 Pierce-AiTOw . 51% 50%? 60% 4690 Pierce Oil ....27% 26 26% 260 Pittsburgh Coal . 57% 55% 56 112" Pitts & West Va. 39% 37% 38 300 Pressed Steel Car. 81'_ 78% 80% 130 Railway Steel Sp- 91% 89% 89% 569 Ray Consol Copper... 21% 20% 21% 887" Reading. 90% 85% 89% 700 Republic Iron ft S... 88% 84% 86% 620 Lovul Dutch Am.115% 110' _ 114% 12240 do N Y .116% 110 115% 380 St Louis & San F. .- . 24% 22 23% 1100 Saxon Motor. 11 8% 9% 8680 Sinclair Oil Ref.66% 62% 64?/. 5280 Southern Pacific .110% 107' -, 109% outhern Railway ... 32% -30 32% 3660 Studebaker . 84% 80% 82% 3695 Tenn Copper & Ch. .. 16 14% 14% 13 1 Texas Co .279 273% 277 6 8 1 Tcxa - ?'? Pacific. 49% 46% 43 0 Third Avenue .21'% 16% 21% 970 Tobacco Products ... 90% 83% 90 2330 Union Pacific .136% 132% 135% 810United Cigar Stores. 136% 132% 134' _ 80 Un Railway Invest... 13% 13% 13% 140 U S Cast 1 P & F... 27% 25% 27% 1870 U S Food Prod.78% 75% 77 3090 U S Indust Alcohol. .153'_ 153' 4 155' 4 477'" 17 S Rubber. 99 95 98% 153405 77 S Steel .104% 99% 103% 93 I 1 tah Copper .80 77% 78% 90 Va-Car Chemica. .... 69 66% -68% 2 4" Wabash .-.2 10% 12 220 do pf A . 37 337p 37 44?i Wt.i4.rn Maryland .. 13% 12% 13% 10 Western Union Tel. ..??O 80 89 9465 Westinghouse E ft M. 57% 64% 55% 180 White Motors.53% .57% .7% 450 Wilson & Co. 88% 86 87% 3720 Willys-Overland .34% 33% 34% LIBERTY BONDS 61750 3-Vis .100.10 100.06 100.06 2200 2d 4s. 95.80 94.06 94.06 2800 2d 4'?is. 96.13 94.05 94.20 10130 3d 4&B .95.83 95.32 ?5.32 19300 4th 414s . 94.42 94.22 94.30 FINANCIAL MEETINGS O.YOEKDONK r.STATK. Notice Is hereby given that the annual meeting o:' the Stockholders of ON'DKR DO.VK ESTATE will be held at the office ,? the Coi pany, 331 Madison Avenu?'. Manhattan Borough, New York City, on ?He 3rd day of .lune. 1319. at 9 16 o'clock A. 11., for the el? tlon of Directors for the ?nsulng year and for the transaction of ,ih h other business as may properly come said meet ing. JAMES WRIGHT, Secretary. VER rLAXCK ESTATE Notice la hereby given that the annual meeting of the Stockholder.?? of VER PLANCK ESTATE will be held at the im e of the Company, 331 Madison Ave? nu?, Manhattan It?.rough. New York City, jii the 3rd <!.?-. of June. 1919, at 10:15 _'< lo k A. M., for the election of Dli. tors for the ensuing year and for the transaction of such other business as may properly come before ?aid meeting. WILLIAM J. HENDERSON, Assistant Secretsry. VAN 1)1X1. ESTATE. Notice Is horeby given that the annual meeting of the Stockholders of VAN DYCK ESTATE will bo held at th?> offlce ,f the Company, 331 Madison Avenue. Manhattan Borough, New Vork <'!ty. on U10 3rd day <?f June, 1919, at 10:45 o'clock A. M.. for the election of Director? for the ensuing year and eor the transaction at such otti'-r business as may properly ;orn? beforo said meeting. WILLIAM J HENDERSON, Assistant Secretary. BUSINESS CARDS Desks and Offic? Furniture. "t.?.DESKS~ Office Furniture In fjroal variety [?tsuyl?- ?am! price ?.G.SELLEW 111 FIJI/TON ST. N?w York. AUCTION SALES [?/?.'.MCI. It KBNNBDr, AUCTIONBB?rt, will ?"II This Dtty, 10 in A M Sharp, it Guaranty Htorniii Warehouses, .ill vw.t ?lint si., near it h Ave.. twa. Chairs, Rooksr?, Drawers* Mirror?, etc., to pay ?forage ?nd other charges. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED A man or woman In a position to make an Investment from $5,000 to ? IP,000 in a l?gitim?t!-. scientific business with absolut? safety of prin clpal and a return that should yield 60 p^r cent annually on capital In? vested. This Is an exceptional propo? sition, and will appeal to vou after a thorough investigation. Box B I, 27 Tribune. ? WANTED?Several parties to invent $3.000 I o $5.000 In a n?w fireproof, waterproof ; and labor saving hollow interlocking con? crete building tile; patented; reduces con-J structlon cost 25%; in largo demand; In- ! veatlgate tins. A, Lehman, (write , 52 W. 3"cl Kt. SPACE equipped with machinery for auto mechanic on top floor; also apace for ' painter and body builder ; nice place; light. and airy. Superior garage, 210 W. 78th Bt. j FURNISHED APARTMENTS TO LET i DUPLEX STUDIO APARTMENT, West : 22d st.?Large, airy rooms und yard; | j unusually quaint and attractive; $150 i 1 month. Telephon? Farragut 5968, < MORNINGSIDE I'll, 44.?For rent, fur nlshed apartment, five- rooms, facing ? Mornlngside Park; large and sunny; $125 month; will rent from June to Oct. ?..'all i between 10 a. m. and <j p-. m. ?6TH AND LEXINGTON ?corner)?At tractively furnished apartment, * rooms and bath, kitchen; from May 1 to Octo- '. ber, or 3 moncha" lease, $175 monthly. Phone PERKIN. Plaza 5501. FURNISHED ROOMS 25TH ST. A- LEXINGTON AVE.?HOTEL BELMORE.?Attractive summer rates.' Every room with electric fan. $5 weeitly : and up. B7TH ST.. 322 WEST.?Attractively fur nlshed parlor, bedroom; bath; accorn- ' modatea three; al! conveniences. Tillman. 58TH ST., 50? EAST.--Nicely furnished room, private house; telephone; good loca? tion. BOARDERS WANTED THE CARLTON, 151 Scotland Road, ?outh ! Orange-?Three minutos from Laok.i v.-anna and trolley; nice ground and ver?n- : das; home cooking. Phone, 2C3 So. Orange. PUBLIC NOTICES I, BAILEY E. KAWKEN, HAVING LEFT the bed and board of my wife, Jennio C. Hit-a ken. will not be responsible for any debts or elatma incurred by the said Jennie C. Hiwi - STORAGE NOTICES BRANIC'S EXPRESS, 212 WEST 35th STREET. To Laura Lee, Mrs. Emrick, Edward Finger, Mrs Hill Mrs. Tiffany. Mrs. rook ? and W. J. Meyers: You and each of you ?M-e hereby notified that tho timo for the . payment of our lien upon tho property j hereinafter described having expired, after . due no? ii-o thereof 1 ."1 been given you, we will cause such property, to ?it. trunks : and conte:.ts, wearing apparel, contents of boxes and barrels ana personal effects, etc., as enumerated in the warehouso In ventory Issued to you by this warehouse, stored by you or In your name (or In which you may have an interest i. in '? Branic'8 Express Warehouse, to be sold at public auction, according to the statute , in sui-h case made and provided, at Qabay & Kallski's Auction Hoi-:-...;. 88 University Place, New York City, on THURSDAY, .MAY Sillli, 1?J19, at !?>:30 A. M., and If the sale thereof is not completed on aald date the same will bo continued at the same piae? on each and every Thursday thereafter, beginning at 10:30 A. M. on each day. n-ad continuing until all the goods a: e sold. BRANIC'S EXPRESS. CITATION ?SUPPLEMENTAL.?THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW VuKK, BY THE GRACE OF GOD, FREE AND IN? DEPENDENT.?To: Lutelia Marie Brula tour, Jules E. Brulatour, Thomas Brula tour, Jr.. Henry L. Brulatour, Benjamin A. Brulatour, Olga B. Brulatour, the ; elra and next of kin of Ernest . 'an vier de Brulatour. deceased, SSND GREETING WHEREAS, Robert Drier Monroe, who resides at No. 21 East Gist Street, Bor? ough of Manhattan, the City of New York. has lately applied to the Surrogates' Court of our County of New York, to have a certain instrument In writing bearing date the lSth day of August, 1916, re? lating to both real and personal property, duly prove,] as the last will and testa mcr.t of Ernest Janvier de Brulatour, who was at the time of his deal? a r?sider.? of ;hc City of Paris, Franje, deceased. WHEREFORE, You and each of you are cited to show cause before the Surro gates' Court of our County of New York al the Hall of Records, In. the County of New York, en the 18th day of .lone, one thousand nine hundred and nineteen, at half-past ten o'clock in the foreuoon of that day. why thi said will and t itament should not be admitted t i probato a3 a will of real and personal property. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, wo have caused the seal of the Surrogates' Court of the s.'.'.d County o? New York to bo hereunto affixed WITNESS, Honorable John P. Cohalnn. a Surrogate of our said County of New York, at said County, the Sth day of May, ! In the year of our Lord one thousand nine : hundred and nineteen. DANIEL J. DOWDNEY, [L. S.] Clerk of the ?.-Jurrogates' Court. COUDERT BROTHERS, Attorneys for Petitioner, - Rector Street, Now York. ? LEGAL NOTICES THE PEOPLE OF THE) STATE OF NEW YORK BY TITF. GRACE OF GOD, FREE AND INDEPENDENT.?To Ethel C. Nlcol, Dorothy Nico] Bayley, Barbara Ethel Nicol, Mary Foster Nicol, Lewis I.. Fawcett, as Executor and Trustee of the K:?ta;e of Emily M. Copp, and Central I'nion Trust Company of New York, as Executor and Trustee of the Batate of Emily M. Copp, heln? all of the persons Interested in th<- Estate of Emily M. Copp, deceased, having an interest In the question referred to in tho petition herein, SEND GREETING : WHEREAS, William M. Copp, who resides at Spring Island. Port Royal. State of South Carolina, has lately applied to the Surro? gates' Court Of our County of Ne.w Yor;t for an order directing tlie? executors to pay ovr and distribute certain rents received from a ( oal lease. THEREFORE, you and each or you are cited t" show cause before the Surrogates Court of our County of New York, at the Hall ot Records, In tho County of New York, on the 13th day of June. One thousand nine hundred and nineteen, at half past ten o'clock In the forenoon of that day, why a di ? r? i- aho ild nol be madi llrectlng the ex ecutois to pay to the petitioner forthwith the rents and moneys received for coal mined under leases sot forth In the petition herein. ' IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF we have i caused the seal ot the Surrogates' Court or th? id County of New Yeta t.. be here? unto affixed WITNESS, Honorable John P Cohalan, a Surrogate <'f our said founty of Neu York. ax said County, the Bth ?lay of May, iL. S.i Iti tho year of our Lord one thou? sand nine hundred and nineteen. DANIEL J DOWDNBY, Clerk of the Surrogates' Court. HARRY K. DAVENPORT, Attorney tor Petitioner, 4.", Wall Street. Manhattan, New Y'ork. S ? R R 0<, ATES' N OT ICES IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF IION oiable .?oho 1'. Cohalan, a Surrogate of 'h.. Counts of New York. Notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against au i on P. Blanck, late of the County of New Y< rk. deceased, to presdni the same, with Ntv.'hcrs thereof to the subscribers, at their place of transacting business, at the office ot Richard J. Lewis, their attorney, at No. fl? William Street, In the Borough of Man? hattan, in lh<, City Of New York, State of New Y'ork, on or before tho Is? day of No vomber, I9l!i, next. Dined, New Y'ork. the day of April, 191?. THOMASJ BLANCK, CORNELIUS W. BERDAN, Executors. RICHARD J LEWIS, Attorney for Ex? ecutors Office and P. O. Address. <>? William Street, Borough of Manhattan, r?ew itoiv. City MICHAELIS, HENRIETTA.?IN PURSU nn< e of nn order of Honorable John P. Cohalan, a Surrogate of the County of New York notlci ix hereby given i" all persons having claims against Henrietta Michaella, late of the County of Now Y'ork deceased, to present the sanie, with vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, ?i his piar? of transacting business, al t h.? oitlee of Louis J, AitkiuK. No '.?.'il Broadway, Borough of Brooklyn, City of New York. on or before the 2Glh day of November. 1018, next. I??ied Brooklyn, New York, the lSth day of Mur, IBIS IlfcitKY MICHAELIS. Admlnl?! rator. LOUIS J ALTKRUG, Attorney for Ad mlntstrator, No 381 Broad wny. Brooklyn, New iork. LOST, FOUND AND REWARDS $500 REWARD LOST?One diamond link bracelet, be? tween 106 East 85th Bt. and East 57th st., Madison or Park ave. Return to Marcus & Co., 544 5th ave. ?T Handbag, on Broadway car. New York; finder keep money, return keys and boo!;. Sprlngarn, 78 Park Place, Brooklyn. Telephon-. Evcrgre-n 2742. LOST B.i.MvBOOHS LOST.?Bankbook No. 1.036.17* of Bank for Savings, -'SO Fourth ave.. New York. Payment stopped. Please return book to bank. LOST.?Bankbook No. 620,666, The Greenwich Savings Bank. 24?; Sc IMS ^tNth a--e.. N. Y. City. Payment stopped. Please return to bank. HELP WANTED MALE INSTRUCTION ACTO INSTRUCTION.?WE TEACH RE? PAIRING AND DRIVING IN BHORT TIME. PRIVATE LADIES' DRIVING AND MECHANICAL COURSE VMERICAN ACT'' SCHOOL, 726 LEXINOTON AVE. (59TH). PLAZA I AMBITIOl S .M!:;.-.' ougn to know what ar. exceptional future is In store for the AC? COUNTANCY-TRAINED man. Send for "Your Market Valu-" and Bi lletln 22 whl ? gives detalla of training needed. Paco & Pace. 30 Church st . New York. AUTOMOBILE INSTRUCTION, ?10. Unlimited driving, etc., guaranteed, including machine for time exar.iiu.i. a;n until license secured. II M. Co.. I2'li Lexington av. i8?tlli. LEARN To BE A CHAUFFEUR?Pleas? ant and profitable work; day and oven Ing classes. Send for tree booklet and visitor's pass. West Side Y. M.. C. A., 317 West 5 7th st. HELP 'A'ANT CD MALE BOY, bright, to make himself useful. Coleman E. Isaacs & Co., 35 W. 39th St ROY'S (several) For our shipping de? partment; light work, splendid oppor? tunity for advancement. The ? ate Engraving Co., .ill W. 4:id st. BOY To carry bundles and be generally useful; advance;, ent to g? od worker. New Jersey Asbestos C37i 1 Vater at. COUPLE -Man, general work; woman, laundry work; Long Island; house, light. fuel vegetables end $100 per month. Ap? ply al 4 1 East 61st st., Moi mon a to : o. FIREMEN with three years' sea s.ce, ? 'tiers or water tenders with two years' sea rviee, wanted by tho Unit? States Shipping Board's R? trulting Serve-,- to l near officers foi the Emergency Ma? rine Fleet.. App.v to the New Jersey Freo School ot Mann- Engineering, 571 J".~-.-;: '? Jersey City, N. J., Principa] A. B. Si i ling; oi to the Brooklyn Free School of Marin? Engineering, The Polytechnic In? stitute, E. I- Church, principal, instruction free. Day and night classes, so ^"u can support yourself whllo studying. JoHN F. LEWIS, Section Chief. 108 S. Fourth St . Phlladi Iphia. FRUIT SALESMAN, retail store; perma? nent position: must understand the busi? ness. K. V . Roi m :. 02, ! :; W it 401 GOVERMENT needs t,. clerks for Census. {! 00 moni i. Exa m na tion s oon. '?-.:? re? quin ment s, IS or ovei For f re pari write .' C Leonard (former C II .-' rvice Examiner), 878 Eqtiltabli :'.?-,-. SVa hington HOTEL HELP WANTED FREE EMPLOYMENT COOKS (Experienced) LUNCHMEN OYST.ERMEN PASTRY COOKS ICE-CREAM MEN CANDY MAKERS Bread and Roll Bakers KITCHEN FIREMEN POT WASHERS VEGETABLE BOYS KITCHEN MEN, ETC. HEAD WAITERS ?cannP.aanT CAPTAINS p?un,opean a;" An W A T HPF P S ' Eul ' Pean and American BUSBOYS HOUSEMEN PANTRYMEN DISHWASHERS BARTENDERS Experienced only need apply. HOTEL ASS'N. OF N. Y. C. EMPLOYMENT DIVISION. 4-1 East 29th St. HOUSE furnishing soods salesman not i ryitig furniture, one who has ha ; v : trimming experience; must !. ve .'. refer? ences as to abllitj and characl : : non ; without experience need appl; tions cor ?d?red wlthoul refoi given In Urst letter and full Information as to whei a ; re? I? u ei ipl yed; rei urn : i I dler or sa ilor pre! -r: ???'. TUL KINGSVILLE LUMBER COMPANY, K1NGSVILLE, TEXAS. LARGE INVESTMENT SECURITY HOUSE requires two m n who : Initiative, tact and good judgment, To men wh willing to work for a future < :.'??? i p manent posltio i, ?? h ?->. . Uenl ? han e of ad? vancement Sala -? and n mit slon with references, Box 19-C Tribune Office. OFFICERS wanted for the new Merchant Marltii Nattvi or i tui Ized Amorii ? can enter the United Stat is Shipping Board School ?or teaching navigation and get un officer's license. T vo yi a ! ?"? vlous ence In the dock departm nt as a seam n : nccessarj '" order to get a third officer a ??cens? ' Instruction is entirely free. -v-o enlistment is requin i Course from four to eight iveeki I ?aj n i g ? so you i..i! support > our . :' whl at choo App.-. to Captain ; r.d, I'he Polytechnic Institut? . Bn ? ;:.'? n, or to A. U Spaul ling, 671 Jersey A ?? en Jersey C ", N ?' JOHN FREDERICK LEWIa. chief of Seel ion 2, IOS ? ith Foui li Str et Philadelphia, Pa. OFFICE BOY?Bright, active boy. bring reference i Call after 2 p m '?' i Mush? r <? ? - . Room 50U, ; i!? Liberty ar. "SALESMEN To handle v.- v . : nob .-? accessory service, bound to maki ? from start; exceptional opportunitj I rlghl men on comu Isslon h i ?is; call a week CONSUMERS AUTO SERVICE CO., 217 Flatbush A\ , Brooklyn, \\ Y. SALESMEN to sell securities In the fourth largesl Independent oil company In 7-. S. ; commission basl ictl ,,.,ly ,..;. . perlen d i t? mai ?R anted A 783, Tribune, or phone R? tor 61 I; SAI ESMEN?We n.l the Bei tes of sales ,,,,.;, such experience as Insurance, real -stuie. Bpeclalti? oi :. - a n ad vantage. Compensation liberal ? ipportui Ity for quick advancemenl to highlj paid mana p?irl:.i positions. References required Room 30S, -Le 5th a\ SOUTH AMERICA Skilled or techi men seek Ing ? m plo: ment Lath lean countries can reach 15,000 i t nrough our "H ant" colun ? ??. ? ? ni a a. won! -minimum, ?1.B0. INGB> : INTERNACIONAL. 470 Tenth av., N 1 C STOCK SALESMEN HIkIi grade men, with proven record. competent to present mir offering to biv buyers, bankers, etc. ; securlt: i. o dividend paying concern; pr? trading of? fering end excellent co-operation; strictly ,ov mission basis; mu?! furnish Uuud. Suite 09, 376 Fulton St., Brooklyn STOCK SALESMEN Two hitrh calibre men to fell preferred stock V..n can e.irn frote, J200 per wee',; , u 11 ? 1 up In commissions. Complete <"? operation ami live leads furnished Refer? ences required. See Mr KrUzelle, Suit? 702, 605 lith ?v?. HELP WANTED MALE SALESME?: AND SALES M AS .'A GERS LISTEN. Th = men occuping the BIf? POSITIONS to-day In Any national sale, organization ai ? the men wno connected wltb ti at organ.^a t;nn at the right time. This is the RIGETT TIME to make a connection with this or ?ranization?destined L?> be on? of the largest office appliance Cor? porations in the Cn;t?".l States. I lets which _.-?? fully protected by patents are mann fa ' ire I for ?is under contract by ..'..? ? . Ftr? Arms Co., of irtt nt. Conn. Th* Colt's con tracts for deliveries during 1913 and L920 aggregate nearly $?5.000. . oo of merchandise. In order to finance this m-rchanip.s?? we ar? lling a llmil sd araornt of our Preferred Stock. a.:coU'.pani??d by a substantial bonus o_ Common -' ? ? i . If you ar? a REAL PRODUCER. and that La the uni; kind of a man we have room for In our organization, you ca? raak? more money this year sellfrtg this .to?-lV than you ev?r made before, and n \- year. If "our work has been uatlsfa ???, -.ou ran step into a I . ? ? m nt po_itton as Pistriot v..i ,.;? ?? In our Merchandising 7^~ ? partment, which will pay yon from $10.000 to $30,000 annually nd? ' of your active b;??in<"<<s life. Stock sel :ng experience helpful. but unnecessary. We Instruct you. Many of our representatives, wor ;ng through cards of intro ' :tion which we furnish, are g over ?7.00 a week in com? missions. if you think you ca.n qualify. if you want ' i connect with one of the llvest and fastest j--'.-?'wing sales organizations '.n Ne-w York, call MONDAY ONLY, between VJ s.nd 3 30 p. m., Suite 414, 50 East 42d Street, New York. The doors of our saie? or?anlza tion aie closing. This may be vour last opportunity to get In, on the RIGHT BASIS, so dont ?s it. STOCK BOYS not over IS: a<l vaju'ement. ; bonus; free ln surance; medical attention. Apply to-day, Republic Player Poll Corporation, .-1 \V ? - ilst st. WAR ACTIVTTTES Reconslruclion and Employment Service 413 Lexington av. (ror. 43<1 st. ) For Soldiers, Sailors and Marines Open from D P1U A. M. to 2 P. M. _LL KINDS OF GOOD POSITIONS i'\V NOW BE SELECTED ON APPLICA? TION TO US Apply Monday. 9:30 A. M to 2 P. M. HELP WANTED FEMALr. CHAMBERMAIDS. APPLY TRAINING SCHOOL OFFICE, STEW YORK HOS ;?l CAL, o WEST ISTL H 7. CHAMBERMAIDS Appl: Training School :. ' - West 16th st. FREE EMPLOYMENT WAITRESSES ?^^and'Amtr CHAMBERMAIDS 'Xieht ?r da^ BATHROOM MAIDS CLEANERS ?^sht or day) COOKS VEGETABLE WOMEN Telephone Operators ^^?j STOREROOM GIRLS ALSO MANY OTHER GOOD POSITIONS OFFERED. FOR NEW YORK AND OUT OF TOWN APPLY HOTEL ASS'N OF N. Y. C. employ:,:::XT DIVISION, 44 East 29th St. GIRLS, 15-30 YEARS, WRAP CHOCOLATE BY HAND $9 WHILE LEARNING; Rapid i ivancei :nl to piece work. Stead ; isil ion ll .-., ur week HALF PAY SATURDA "i APPLY EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, ROCKWOOD & CO.. PARK & WAVERLY AVES BROOKLYN. GIRLS; GOOD WAGES; LIGHT ;'? " 'T _ND ; '? UVE ; ' PRE 'SE53 ASSEMBLING INSPECTING. ETC. "" LEARNERS 7. N D EXPERIENCED $10 START AND BONUS; ; 4! Vs hours week, Saturday half day; ?teariy ' MANHATTAN BRASS CO.,! 332 EAST 7-7 H GIRLS FOR PACKING LIGHT FOOD PRODUCTS. ARCADIA FOOD CO., 174 HUDSON ST. GIRLS, good pay while learn ing, nice, clean, ?steady wor-:. Piea?sant ?surroundings. Satur? day half holiday all year. San ford Narrow Fabric Co., 351 ; 4th Ave., near 25th tor light factory work; 15 m;n-ir??a from Oral i riot ?..?? Queens vaj . ? IL'nil and get i :T at 1 Ith Metropolitan El ctri Mfg., East ave. t.,. Long Island City. GIRLS. :" ? working condl ions, new establish? ment . i i od ? . : Apply National Library Bindery ? 'a., ', J Grand st. GIRLS wanted, experienced, to s??w tickets and la .. niel >th ing. S. ' ? I .?? ? ? & Co., 7 ? Fifth a\ ??. HOUSEWORKER?General; wanted for' two In familj country; no washing ?Mrs. T. BIbby, 23S5 Franklin ave. Phon. 7, J, Far Rockaway. . KITf'HENMAID for New York family; to ^o t?> Bar Harbor for sun nier; wages $45. Apply al 77 West 7 d St., Monday,, Mtiy 19th, between 2 and " p. m. KNITTERS WANTED ? EXPERIENCED on flat machino? for ! woollen stocking's and sock?; good pay. ' Root:: ' E. 19th Bt OFFICE GIRL, Christian, for .srenentl (Ti work; mus? Lav- knowledge of ' ' ? ? ' Ing hours I _i ;. $9, Long ? man & Martini z, 6 I M ;, Iden La n< . OPERATORS WANTED Button and pow? - sewing machi! ? _ a tors for auto tire - ver ?uto top covers, slip covers; good light; good wages ,: lit Ions Baker & Lock wood Mfg. Co. 473-435 KENT AYE.. BRQOKLY.V. STENOGRAPHER AND TTPB-WRITER? [n office of lars? steel company; one i familiar with dictaphone preferred; per manont position; state experience and salary desired. !' F\, Box 177. Tribune TOP ARE INVITED t" attend an Informativ? lecture exclusivo \\ for women on v> counl InR Fund lo be given nt Pace Institute, on Wednes day, May 21, at 6 p in Wrll phonr (Corl landl t ?:?;;> i for com? ?4.r.i of aiUiiU?luu _tui Booklet 24, "Oppor? tunities for Women" l'a?? <i Pacte, .10 Church Stteel, New York. HELP WANTED FEMALB I U"ANTED.?Cook for family of 5? adults and 2 children, country; wagea S60. Appls ' Jamison. 15! 5th ave. Telephon? Gramercy . 6310. WARPMATfi? Apply Training School office, New York Hospital. S West 16th st i W A R D M A ? D S~ AP??LY TRAINING ? SCHOOL OFFICE. NEW YORK HOS I PI TAL, ?> WEST 16TH ST W A ITRESSES A ? 'PLY TRAINING SCB " " OFFTCTff. NEW YORK HOS? PITAL, 8 WEST 16TH ST. WAITRBSSBS Apply Training School office, New York Hospital. 8 West 16th at. YOl'N?; l.Afv to take full eharflw "f pro? duction in factory producing decorativa line; must have thorough knowledge of ? idea. pillows, etc., and be capable of supervising the wor'c and estimating ich?: pood future for right party. Apply after 9 a. m.. Hamw, Lyon ?c Hwrtiphrey, -.4". East 59th st. SITUAT IONS WANTED MALE /BUTLER?Capable; good appearing; four years last place; $75; city or country. Miss shea a Agency, 6 E. 41st at. Murray Hill 677;. I CHAUFFSH7R-?Neat, nice young Engllsh t man; thoroughly experienced. care ?awns, flowers, ate. ; thre? years last posi? tion. ?MO. Mrs. Mason's Agency, 131 West I2d st. CHAUFFEUR, GARDENER OR USEFUL man -i'--j years last piace: Bplendld ref I erences.; wages $55. Miss Shaugnneasy's Agency, 860 Sixth iv, city. CHEF.- Krem h chef, private family. Al referenc?*; $1.00. McLaughlin Agency, 321 i Madison ave. Tal. 3971 Murray Hill. COLORED COUPLE?ButUr: useful; cook. ontire work except laundry: refined; ex pable; 5': ; tine reference?. i Miss Shea'? Agency. 6 E. 4'.st st. Murray Hill 6771, COUPLE.- -Chauffeur, cook, waitress or chambermaid ; Swedish ; splendid refer i mees. McLaughlin Agency, 321 Madison ave. j Telephons Murray Hill 3971. | HANDY MAN around engine, boiler room : coal passer and oiler. R. Schtffler, 1311 , Bleeckar st.. Brooklyn. JAPANESE KA??LE EMPLOYMENT i AGENCY.?Reliable, domestic; I enced; professionals; first class help. Unity Building, 101 West 42d st. Bryant 77x7. USEFUL-FARMB3?.?Young Irishman, 4 years latst place: $50. McLoughlln j Agency, 321 Madison ave. Telephone 3971 Murray Kill. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE A,?A.?COOK wilt-ess. chambermaid; to i ftetiier or separate; young Irish girls anees D, Miss Hofmayer's i Agency, 10 East t3d st., 3d floor; tele? phone 3947 Murray Hill. CARETAKER (married)?Very careful. responsible, dependable pair, thoroughly experienced; highest credentials, most de? sirable Mrs. Mason'a Agency, 131 W i2d. Bryant MBERMAID ? First class. young, neat, nice appearing; can Bew ; excep .':.? ! I id . very desirable ; Mrs Mason's Agency, 131 W. 42d st. CHAMBERMAID, employed In store re lld II ke to t ? ' urn to dotrc-s: lc Bervice; wages $4.?; utee appearing. Colo ? nial Employment Agency. 25 W. 42u st. CHAMBERMAID and assist wnitress; Scotch Protestant; neat, capable; best - references; ?4?; city or country. Miss ess; 's Agency. 860 6th av. CHAMBERMAID?Maid, very neat, nice appearing, competent, consclenttoas; five years; s] le idid refer? nee; most desirable; $ 15. :.::-' Ma . :. s Agi n ?;? . : : W 42d 8t. CHAMBERMAID, plain seamstress; young girl; go I city refei en es; J4? .' .'.! - Hofmayer's Agency, ! 0 East 43d st., : floor; telephone 8947 Murray Hill. CHAMBERMAID?Very capable: wtil as? sist In pantry; $45; country preferr- I; si* years' reference. Mis.- Shea.'? Agency. 6 E. 41st St. Murray Hill 6771. CHILD'S NURSE.?Young Irish girl; child over Lwi years old; city references; $5ti ??!) O., Miss H (mayor's Agency, 10 East 43 : St., 3a floor. Teiephono ?947 Murray Hill. COOK, young Polish girl, good city refer ??:. s, I l-$65 H . Miss Hofmayer's igency, 10 East 43d St., Gd floor. Tele 3947 M urr iy Hill. COOI --'ing Irish girl: $60; flv? years last pla e; city or country Miss L. 41st st. Murray Hill 0774 mbermaid and waitress; thro? : :- rls, together or separate, ex city or country. Miss 1 Agency, 860 Sixth av., city. COOK, Iri h, very pleasant young woman: verj ? ? r - ?-??. n? es . $55. M ? 21 Madison a^ i T? l? - Hill DAY'S WORKER?-Neat, regable, desir? able; good woman light cleaning; ? ain s? wring; refer? nces. Mrs Ma . -:.'.:'.: W. 42d Bt. Cr;. a :. GOVERNESS?American: iVotestaju . pub tea he'-; understands kinder : ?:. re ourceful; $60 $70 ? . Miss Hofmayer's Agency, 10 East 4 Id St.. 3d floor. Telephone 8S47 Murraj I EKEEPER.?(English), very neat. ex eptlonally coxapelQAt. officient, iiuui : .-. business gentlemen, apien es; 150. Mason's Agency, 131 Wi st t_ Or? ant 5G:;J. HOUSEWORK?Two Swedish glrla would like position? for general work in city refer? ni es; wages ?50. Col? onial Emp. Agency. 25 W. 42d st. HOUSEKEEPER, middle aged, attractive personality, competent to assume entire management of household; city or coun? try. H. N.. 1J?S Broadway. HOUSEWOBKER?General, by day or ?. ' tmily three adults. Call Apt. L2A, 150 East 79th st. INFANT'S ?NURSE ? Superior French woman; will take from birth, $60; long city references; so any where. Miss Shea's Agency, 6 E. 41st st. Murray H1U -..7 7 4. INFANT'S NURSE?Neat, very cap.ab>. tle-ntious; thoroughly experienced; new arrival pr.-?err#id : highly recommend? ed; exceptionally desirable; $C0. Mason's Agenc; 1 : V? 42d at. LNFANT'S NURSE, hosplta; trained, seven ? ? .,..,-?: onal ref - eroi y or int ry. Miss Shaugh :? -. . Sixth a v., city. LADIES' MAII seful (French), very n?at ca pa. -: lend I si a msl r? .eu, Ing worker excellent references; $40. Call Mason's Agency, 131 West 42d. LAUNDRES ?Excellent laundress would like posit ?n In private iaruiiy ; under - oiiars. uffs and shirts; wages. ' ? eferences. Colonial Employment '-. gi :, ;. 25 West 42d St. LAUNDRESS.?Chambermaid, neat. nice. thoroughly experienced; exceptionally mded; Jersey seashore; very . $51 Mason's Agency, 131 Welt 4?u Bryant 5633. LAUNDRESS, first ciasa, rour rears' splen? did wages, $45-$60. Miss Shaughncssy a Agency, StiO Sixth av., city. LAUNDRESS? Expert; launders shirts. irs, fine lingerie, ?to.. $i0. M., Miss H< fmayer's Agen y, 10 Bast 43d St.. floor. Telephone '?947 Murray Hill. MAID?Companion for grown children; good needlewoman: can teach; $45; re? filled American gut. go any distance, m.h* SI ea's Agen '?'. 6 E. ilst st. Murray Hill 6774. NURSE-.?Infants' nurse, Scotch: ene or two children: excellent references; $6C. 321 Madison ave. Teie phone 397 ! Murray Hill. Cook $55; waitress, ?60'; young: oity ?n?1 countrj -ut rcferenct?. M'.s-? !. ? i'? Agency. 6 E. 41st st. Mutrav il. ; 6774. SrSTERS. cook and waitress: good looking young Irish ffiri.i. splendid reference! ;.".;. n:, McLaughlin Agency. phoi Murraj Hill S971. WAITRESS.- Parlormaid; neat, nice ap? pearing; thoroughly expftriencrd. capa bio, conscientious; excellent reference? city familj *.ro? Please call Mason's Agency? 131 West 4M. '.' IITRE8S- Capable; young; |50; city lamily y dn? lo wittniry so-rerte.i ; .?* relient references Mi - Shea's Agency, ? B. 4tet at. Murrey Hill ?774. ?SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE ! YOUNG woman of tra?ame and inftue?ce wishes opportunity to either manage ; lvi.chr.oi'? or _____* in l___aMF*<K-NMt of i same- Would prefer luuch .oun?>cted -N_itU j indu_lr?al pian? where .-?out a? _ervi<?a.a??n ! dered would be appreciated. C ? I , : Tr-bur.e. BUSINESS CARDS Carpet Cleaning CAREFUL CARPET CLEANING QQM PA.V? ?Owi? by compress??, air, steam, hand cr on floor. 419 East 48th M COB * BRANDT.. Teiephoue 132 Murray Hill. Detective Agency ? ? WESTLOTORN'S Detactlve Ag-ncy??Shad? owing, confidential Investigation?, etc. 39 -Mt -Set Phone. Murray Hill ST*3. Diamond? DlAMONTty? AND JEWELRY BO CG Ht FOR CASH, estate? appraised, purchased. HFANKTI', ITS Broadway. upstairs. Furniture HIGHEST P8ICES PAID FOR FURJIT tur?, antiques, pianos, brt?--a-brae. books, art, etc. GAI5AT. SS L'nlvasatty Place. 'Phone fttuyvasae* .377. Mul'.igraphers?Stenographer? . . Mulfl?ri'phfng. stanagTSkphy, typewriting; all hours reaaoua-ie. Coyne. 115 Nassatf it. Bf-k.'naa 473. Patents PATENTS Qv_r TO yaara' practica: all fommunlfa ' ttons strictly confidential; handbook on patents fre* on rejueat . special faculties i for ofTiijo consul 1 at Munn & Co., ! patent attorney?, C'. ? Woofworth BulldUig. ! New York. Typewriter? TYPEWRITERS RENTED Non-visibles, 3 Months, ?5 00. ? Visibles, 3 Months, $7 50 A ua. THE TYPEWRITER EX''HANGE. , 10 Barclay St. Tat Barclay ?TS?; AUTOMOBILES WANTED WANTED. ?AUTOMQBIL-S, I'SEI?, SIM plex; must b?> id good condition; ?'rita full particular? Including; > '-ar and price. 12-D, Sevlllia. 117 Weat 5Sth st. FURNITURE FOR SALE WILLOW FCRNITCRK: EXTRAORTil narily attractive bar? at?; factory a__?s room, Long Beach Willow Company, 229 Ea_l 41.1 _t , New York. SURROGATES' NOTICES PECK, JULIA BLANCHE.?IN PUR3U ance or an order of Honorable John P. Cohalan, a -Sum-Kate of the County of New York, NOTICE is heroby given to all p*r soaa having ?.laiiua sgglnat Juila Blanche Peck, ?at- ??t ch?i County of New York, ae ceasttd, to present the sujae with vouchers thereof to thu subscriber, at Us plac?. of transacting business., At the oBloe of Emmet ?!?? Parish, lta attorneys. No. 6i Wall Street, B.?rough of .Manhattan, lc th* City if New "i ork, on or helor?, th? ?tfc _.?;. of August n.?Mt. Dated, New ?ork, the 23rd day ot Jan uarv, l?jl9 NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE AND TRCST COMPANY, Executor. EMMET ?_. PARISH, Attorneys for Ex? ecutor. Si Wall Stn ? ?' Borough of Manhattan, New York City. CAVALLi. MAXIMILIAN G.?-IN PUKSU anee of an order of Honorable Jonn f. Co':a!an. a Surrogate of the County of New Y rW, NOTICi Is uereby given to all per? son? having olainib against Maximilian G. Cavalll, '.at. of thu County of New York deceased, to present the same with vouch? ers thereof to the subscribers at their pis ? t transacting ! slness, Room 1_U)2, No. 198 Br adway, Manhattan ?'.?trough. New York City, un or befo?"?, the ?t.'Tj'ijiay of August next. Dated, New York, the 2Mb day of Jan? uary. 1919. THE FARMERS LOAN AND TRUST COMPANY, JAMES Ll. KILSHEIMER, Executors. DUTTON & KILSHEIMER, Attorney? for Executors, 19S Broadway, Manliattjtin Borough, New _.;r<; C ity. IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OK Hon r ibl : John P. Cohi : rogarte ? t 1 .. ' ounty of ITOSnls given to ;, : ei?.ims 0 gai:,hi : ' ;:.? I J. 1 !?????.? wp a'l Daniel Heede, late of the Cou itj of Ne?v ?i : k. deci asi d, to p \ U : vouchers thei subscriber, at 1>is place of ti v le oHf?i . : i.. ??;.s ! lo< nm. hi No.. ? .7 [Street, In tan, in th? Cltj ? : .. ?? '?? ? rk, Stat?- of New i ' rk. on or before the 10th day of Octu'nr. 1919, m I f Dated New York, tue 31st daj ot MarcHi, id::?. EMIL JAN< >V1 7 Exi cutorJ LOCIS BOEHM, Attorney fui Executlr, and i' O. Addresi IS ?VUlhftn Street, Borough of Manhattan, New SToi I. City. BCHROEDEF?, JOHN B.?IN PUHS? ance of an order of H moral le John I". Cohalan. a Surrogate o? the County rl Kew York. NOTICE is herebj giren to a!! peisit.a having ciaims against jotin fi. ' Sehroeder, ?ato of th. County of Nsw ' Tui;,, decea ed. to present the .ame with vouchers thereof to the subscriber, at her plac?- of transacting busl thi ofli?a "? her attorney, Gustav Lange, Jr.. No. 167 ?\, Manhattan, in t;..i City of New fork, on or before the 27th day of May Ue_,t Dated. New York, the ICtb day of No? vember, 1918. ANNA SCHROEDER. Executrtg. ! GUSTAV LANGE. Jr.. Attornsy for B_ ecutrlx. 257 Broadway. Manhattan. New Y'ork City. BURNETT, HENKY L.?IN rUP.SUANCS of an order of Honorable John P. C?> halan, a Sun -.ite of the County of New York, NOT! !E is herel given to all p,?r. , sons having claim?? against Henry L. >?ur | nett, late of the C lunty of New York, de oeaaed, to present ' e k_:h-' v? :".}: vouebars ther-.of to the subscriber, at t.-r place of transact .r.K business, Room -17. No. 61 Wall Street, B ?rough of Manhattan, to th? City of New York, on or bei., e the JTtfc day of May next. Dated, New York, the 16th day ot ,N? ven?-er. 1918. AGNES S. T. BURNETT, nistratrix, c t. a. JONES it- CARLETON, Attorney? for Administratrix, c. ??. a.. 67' Wall Street. New York IN PUR ANCE OF AN ORDEB OF Hon rabie ."ehn P. Cohalan, ;: .--irroxate of the County of New York, NOTICE Is hersby givvn to a : ;. 1 ha ,- -?afras against Gra te of tho Countv of New Y'?rk. 1 I Presstit th? .-ame with vouchers thereof to the sub? scriber, at I :s place of transacting busi? ness, No CG Leonard Street, :n the Bor? ough of Manhattan, Cit> of New \or_K? on 01 befor 20tl day of July r.e.t. ?? Dati fork, the 10th day of Jas uary, 1919 ?>n 1 WILLIAM C. McCLURBg? ImlnlstrMii. CHOATE L.-.ROCQI N \- MlTCBHtjf. Wall Street, ? anhatten, New Vori City. p" GROSSMA?EK FANN1E ?IN PUBSU anee of an ordei of Honorable J'hp P. Cchalar:. a Sun _ ^?^ York. NOT; to a:i p*r Sons h::. . je Gfiss mayer. o? .Ne,? York, (tseaased, ,. with courb? era ' ?.-re f to thi ? ibscrlber, at .:s piaco of trai .-;?.? ss. .??lwe.. B r ugh f Mi . t rfaw York, on or bi for? : .? of Ju.y next. Dated, New Ycrk. the -;rjth day of JaA tisr;, CENTRA L UNION 7 M*'* ?'ANY I it '. . .,.,.-. MILLER, ICING KOHD. .'-. or! ?? : ? r. SO .Mr ?aflWsy. Borough -? Manhattan. Ni ? 1 urk Cil/. IN 1 URS?ANCE OK AN ORDER OP ?'.on : e Joh P .u?-? of the County of N ?? Y rk, NOTICE is herel given I ? -...m agalnr-*. Estelle T Ps . ? f the County of New York. ?. present the same ? b th? er, at his pis ? of transacting busi? ness, No ICS Broadway, in the Bofaucb Of H hirutan. In thi Clt> of Nea V rl?. ua cr before the Is? day of August n.xt. Dated, New York, the _4?h as) of I%n ua:>. 1919. GEORGE C. FRANCIS? US, Administrator. THOMPSON ?v FULLER, Att ?nieva fo Admlnistrator. 10. Broadway.' Ns?*? York. CLARK BLS-'ME? IN PrRSCA.NCB Of an order 1?; Hot.orabl?- .lolm l> Co balan, s ?Surrogate of th? County of New Y?)ra. NOT '. Is hereby given to all person? hav Ing ilma against H<?s.e Clark, lat? of intj of New ?01 ? , to pre? sent the same with vouchers thereof to tha subecrtbar, at her plate ,,f transacting business, at the office of Merrill Kogrra A Terry, her ?tt?->rney,?, No. 1O0 Broadway'. Manhattan, In the CUv of .New York, cs cr before tin? 6th ?lay of Juna naxt Dated, New York, the 7'7th day of No? vember, r.'is MARGARET I. HUNT. i-_ecutr1x. MERRILL. ROGERS A TERRY. Attor? ney ? for I7v*-,'u't'.\. in. t?, Manhattan, New York City.