Newspaper Page Text
JSarlv Resumption Of Building Seen in Material Demands Shipments in for First Ten Days of Month Show Big Increase: Help at Brick? yards Hard to Obtain Building material manufacturers and , !u_- in New York find the situation ?.?rding pnce movements here, as u a? i'1 sever*' sections of the antfYi to have becn almost entirely ?rsKied within the last few weeks. .?cording to "The Dow Service Daily Bunding Reports" to-day. Distributers reporting a 30 per cent jMMtae in the volume of building '-uer:;-.i--. leaving mason and lumber ?J volume moving to structural oper ?oM ?n March, and almost two-thirds It the Apr.! gain reported for the first ten days ?r" Mav uncover a tendency to' tike advantage of the building shortage and rents crisis by boosting .'r.cVs. This tendency exactly reverses the trend of the market scarcely a month ago when all efforts were being cade to hold to a stabilized market utiBSt a threatened stampede to lower ..otations on almost every commodity. Such a sharp turn about in building ??ater?ais is unprecedented, and in the itaence of guideposts of experience. (?ere has resulted a degree of unity ?f purpose that bodes much more fav irtbly for the buiider and construction ? ?merest seeking to relieve the present ; housing shortage than could have been ? expected if the flavor of war-time co- ! eperation and singleness of purpose ??id not been nurtured for exactly the isgeneies mentioned five months ago by "The Dow Daily Building Reports." ? Building Movement Under Way There is no question that the Hilding movement is getting under way, and with this fact growing daily note deep sea.ed in the mind of build ing material manufacturer, distributer ir.d assembler, there looms greater iced almost hourly for strictly holding down to present price levels as long as possible. But there are individual and economic factors that within the last ' week have combined to force prices up, ' on the argument that there is an ab demand, and therefore there should bo an abnormal price, especially since the supply is abnormally lenv. It seems to be wholly conservative to- \ day to say that all basis and many supplemental building materials have reached their lowest level. This seems ti? be true of structural steel, common ' brick, no matter from what section ; they are brought into the market, sand, grave!, grit and crushed stone, Port land cement, asbestos and piaster, as phaltum lead and zinc, linseed oil. and | particularly lumber. Instead of it be? ing a question ot" how soon building, material prices will drop, it has sud- ! nenly resolved itself into a question of how long can they be held at present lev?is. There are individual causea for this T-ir.sricab!e change-about in every line. Bst common brick being the principle basic commodity in the 'largest average ?f buildings, whether it be of homes or skyscrapers, the situation fairly re? fects that v' ai! Laborers at Brick Yards Quit The Hudson River brick yard? at? tempted to resume brick manufacture list Wednesday at Haveratraw. The manufacturers were well pleased to think they had been able to get eo many returned soldiers and other laborers to man the machines, the pal- ? lets and the yards The yards opened li 9 o'clock. Av noon of .00 machines j aniy three w?re in operation and these had to be closed down because file raen "shifted the line," which . means :n brick yard parlance that ! instead of working a normal half a day they had arbitrarily stopped work ??r the noon recess an hour and a half asead of time, and when objection was i-.c?? c?y the employer in one yard, the nen all caught the next train back to New York and the machinery was I closed down. The case is typical of tee conditions under which brick manufacturers are operating along the itud.-n Ever this season, and at a meeting of manufacturers on Friday some of them actually talked of not attempting to resume brick manu? facture this year, but to sell what ?rick they had on hand and close up. Considering the late start of the uea <??. end labor conditions, not more '?aan 26 per cent cf the normai year's wtput can be expected, which means *at o' 119 plants in the district not *?re than thirty will operate. ?It is just stich conditions as these S?t hag spurred the desire to make pick recovery on war-time losses in ?rtain quarters and the only agency Bat ii successfully combating this ?dency is the distributer and the w-aight-ed manufacturer working Owe together to keep the market ?ithin the grasp of the building in ?ttter who can proceed with his proj ?'. with some rope of relieving the ?use shortage next winter. Marble on Way from Italy The building pulse !s being reflected ' '7 the movement for decorative in- I !nw materials. Various authorities *ve Tarions vlewi on price trends. : PW?ea?arly on foreign marbles. Cur- | ?*M stock? are unquestionably low, I *? there is now on the ocean fine ; ?*'ian arid Belgian marbles, sufficient ??keep lh? market well supplied. '?' wined Jtal'an marble, familiar r't *??'::*"" ha_ advanced 120 per _:r'l; ?'' '-?' '? and gold, 300 per cent on ? _ KEAf, KKTATK MSODOa Of THF. HtlOXX _S?ta,A<3S_J_3 H?'.'7,i?r'-T ?*m>t. io P-aWm. rrt^t^J^t- *r*'??>fl?.<l M?tl(.ri ??ttf(.Hmut cocnm - ?"-'?''? Art Tel. iiVl ?-*r?ni<sr?y. !?';'';";';K ^""^ '?->"*? tetlUT. ? lKr Ff>* ?TO?bf-S?B PVBPOtt? !*fcA? rE?-SS* or ?w? nv?im n>; tM*r?l*V\ AVZKXJX hin, ?2,??//;?;-/ f??fc Vf??L '/;,'-r '/in-.:.' I?<r?/HMA i both fijiet and inferior qualties; Bo [ cinco P., 100 por cent; Pacnazzetto, 100 ! per cent; Boiticino, 115 per cent; j Travertine, 100 per cent; and Traver | nelle, 120 per cent. These advances wore efToctive when there was scarcely i any demand for interior marble in this country. To-day, with demand con ! stantly increasing the price trend will be toward higher lev?la, especially ! since Italian labor costs also have ? been advanced and that the effort is : to keep prices stable as long as it is ; possible to do bo. Lubor on marble : work, offsets these price advances, for in this section of the country the I labor wage advances to marble work | ers have not exceeded 60 per cent. The conditions regarding price, sup j ply and demand, here briefly referred ! to, are curent in New England and in the Central West. In supplemental lead advanced $2 last week, promising ! higher levels for vitrified tile, plumbers earthern ware, enameled iron and paints. One manufacturer advanced the price of insultatod wire a quarter of a cent a pound, radiator valves aro expected to advance, while the only price drops of consequence were those 1 of range boilers and mineral wool, ! which was sliced ?1.50 by one interest I last week. -? Variety to Select Froni In This Auction Sale i Properties in Manhattan and Bronx and .New Jersey Hold? ings Included in Offerings Manhattan, Bronx and suburban prop? erties are included in the executor's and trustee's sales to be held by Bryan L. Kennelly in the Real Estate Ex? change on Wednesday, May 21, for the estate of Alex Tofts. Mr. Kennelly will offer 60 East 120th Street, a five-story tenement; 305 Eaat 119th Street, a four-story tenement; 411 East 236th Street, "a two-story frame dwelling with a two-story frame building in the rear; a large plot on Webster Avenue, east of 236th Street. Property at Fair Haven, N. J.. along the Shrewsbury River, a frame cottage, garage and outbuildings; a large plot at the northwest corner of West 203d street and Cohimbus avenue will be soid in two parcels; two lots on Hen nessy Place, near Bumside Road, and two lots on Bear Swamp Road, near Morris Park avenue, and an attractive residence propertv at Harrington Park, N. J. On Wednesday next Mr. Kennelly will sell at Supreme Court foreclosure sale in the same salesroom a lot direct? ly opposite the General Postoffice at 316 West Thirty-first Street. Choice Corner Properties In Brooklyn Leased The Schulte Cigar Stores Company has leased, in the Borough Hall ?ec tion of Brooklyn, the store and base? ment at the southeast corner of Court and Joralemon Streets, and upon com? pletion of extensive alterations, nnder supervision of Frederick Putnam Platt, will open a branch establishment. The Schulte Cigar Stores Company has leased, for a long term of years, ? at an aggregate rental of over $100.000, ? the entire building owned by Benjamin; Prince, at 423 Fulton Street, at the northeast corner of Pearl Street, Brooklyn, and upon expiratiop of the existing lease, will make alterations ? under the supervision of Mr. Platt. j The same company has leased, for | a long term of years, at a rental ag? gregating $80,000, a large corner store ,' and basement in the Square Hotel j building, owned by Herman Eggers, at j No. 1 Broadway, Getty Square, Yonkers. j Mr. Platt is preparing plans for alter- j ations to be made, and the Schult? ? Cigar Company will open in the corner portion its 132d branch establishment. ? -> ?? ? Many Join Cottage Colony at Bay Shore Badgiey & Brewster have rented at Bay Shore and vicinity to George E. Sherman the W. H. Robbins cottage; ; to A. De Saules the James Comae cot tage; to Sumiier Ford the C. F. Buck-; heit cottage; to J. W. Benson the Whit- '? tier cottage; to G. R. Stark the Mar- j garet B. Russell cottage; to W. Kon-; ther the Maurice Smith cottage; to1 Mrs. Sahrbeck the Joseph Wehn cot- j tage; to Franc?co Escobar the Samuel Kellock cottage; to F. H. Hirchland the ; J. F:. Owens cottage; to W. J. Stitt the I Mollenhauer East house; to Walter \ Hipperger the Byron Creamer house; | to F. H. Wakeham the Charlos Yelsor i cottage; to Mr. Foshay the R. F. Hen- j derson cottage; to Arthur Calvo the R. Hashagen cottage; to John J. Strassell j the Fred Moorp cottage; to Yersant Hagoplan the L. Yredonburgh cottage; ; to Daniel McKenzie the Logan Phillips ; cottage; to Percival Wilds the James Murphy cottage; to George R. Smith the Mary Warren cottage; to Lawrence Harpole the J. L. Buford.cottage; to j Eioise R. Wandell the Dr. Chas F. Ash cottage; to Charles L. Scale the C. E. . Brewster cottage; to Ann Dun the j Frank Smith cottage; to B'. Frank, Curtis the Norma L. Miller cottage; to James Talcott, jr., the Mrs. H. Davis cottage; to Mrs. Jantzen the J. T. j Fee cottag.-;, and to R. T, Gould the j M. A. Moffit cottage. East Side Suites Leased Douglas L. Elliman A Co. have leased an apartment at 030 Park Ave- ; nue to William K. Kallman, at 830 Park Avrnu?? to A. J. Stone, at 670 Park Avenue to Mrs. J. R. Guernsey, at k'i'i Park Avenue to R. II. Gamble, at 1166 Park Avenu*- to Halstead G.Free man, a doctor's office at 39 East Sixty- ? first Street to Dr. Oscar W. Schloss, a ! furnished apartment at 130 West Fifty- j seventh Street for Mrs. O. P. Main- j gault to Joseph P. Reynolds, a fur nimbed apartment at 18 East Forty- ' eighth Street for Mrs. A. T. Norton to William I). Bukcr and an apartment at ; 106 Hast Eighty-fifth Street to Howard j A. Plummer. Recorded Idease? Manhattan 112TH ST, 1U W, all; Shank II A <?? Co to Max HoiM-nfnM, 222 W ItlUi. and ano; from May IS, 1919. to May 1, 1922; any, Albert if l.aa, 4f, r*<ior nt..$11,000 112T1? B7. 21? W. all. Harah .M?ln?t*r to Han,on! Halrtno?, if,* K i nth at; f> S-12 VT? from April f.. 1919; i.-ty?, Kpatoln ! * Si. i:> Cedar m .18,000 7TH A.V, m*, ill; Kath Ebb? ta. to Aiwta ' I. Infan-a, 207* Maim?n ?v; R y-,?% fror-i ? ??' !.. 1917; nu-,, Win H Aimtln, 2 ? <T ! Bway . -.j-Mo i BHOAOWAT, 2667, all; Morrl? Foln ?o L*uU fin.?, IJ71 Lyman pi. nroni; 12 ? y? from J*n I, 1919| attr, M A Kabln? ' vttch, 260 Oran<1 ?1 .H,000 ? VAMDBRBII/1 AV, n ?tor-?, alao ?tor*? i 102 !'>:, anl 20?"' ?<| ft In b! 421 at, SI K, ; room* en 21 floor; Vandarbllt Avunu? ' ??d* Corpa lo Jame? a u<-ih?riniftori, Bound Brook \' .1. )*. vin from May' 1. 1*11; a<ty. ./no F Mc'ali, f, I rhairtbera l ax.%b 1,400 to I? 1,604 I 1 Sale of Choice Corners Of Late Brewer's Estate j Heirs to Offer Realty Holding of Alienist Finck at Auction in Vesey St. Room Thursday Joseph P. Day will sell at Supreme [ Court partition sale on Thursday next in the Yesey Street salesroom, at noon ? by order of Charles L. Hoffman, ref ; eree, the realty of the late August ! Finck, tho brewer, who died last No? vember. The property to be disposed of follows: The northwest corner of Lenox Ave? nue and 133d Street, a five story tene? ment, with stores the southwest cor? ner of Eighth Avenue and Thirty-sixth Street and 270 and 272 West Thirty : sixth Street, two four story tenements, with stores; the southeast corner of : .N'inth Avenue and Thirty-sixth Street and 864 West Thirty-sixth Street, o ' five story tenement, with stores, and 315 West Fifty-seventh Street, a four story dwelling. The country residence of the late Mr. Finck, at Rhinebeck, N. Y., a tract , of about thirty-five acres, with resi 1 dence, gardener's cottage, garage, barns, etc. i Stewart Property at Scarsdale To Be Auctioned Arthur C. Sheridan will offer at vol ! untary auction next Saturday at 3 p. m. on the premises the Arthur Stewart place, formerly the Just property, con? sisting of a sixteen-room modern dwell? ing, outbuildings and over eleven aerea of land laid out in gardens, roadways , and pathwaya, on New Rochelle Road and Locust Avenue, Scarsdale. Recorded Tran ?sfer s Downtown WORTH BT, 105, n b. 23ill:?r3S.1x14.4* 67.10; "Ellen M Mittendorf ?t al to the "Worth Cnmpnnv. 191 Worth At, May 14; atty. T O ft T Co, 176 B-wny . . $100 COLUMBIA ST, 62-4, e s, 48.6x90.11; Charles Bursteln et al lo Hursteln Hold? ing Company. 11 W 19th at; attv, Max Monfried. 299 B'way.?loo East Side 2D ST, 55 East, a a, 300 ? 2a av. 25x57.9x 25.2x54.H; Ell?.;i and Adolph Qranet to l'inou? Flshman. 66 E 2d at; mtge 912. - 000; May 16; atty. Charlea Entmacher. 31 E 1st st. ... .$1 B9TH ST, s ?, (?j w 2d av. I'OiCiOO.o. Crlmmlns Op.-ratinp Co to .lohn ?'on? d?, 206 E 59th st; all lions. May 15; atty, JN y T ft AI Co. 135 B'way.,. .$100 99TH ST. SB, 110 o 3d av, 49.10x3; Israel Biirstetn t-t ol to Bui-afin Hold? ing Co. 11 AV 19th fit. all liens; April 10; atty, May Monfried, 299 B'wwy.JlOO 11STH 8T, ?12 East, s s. 21.8x100 10; Katie Garra to Oiuaeppi Tito, 416 E 117th st; mtgo. ?7.000; Mav li> : atty. T U & T Co, 176 B'way._$100 West Side 29TH ST, 164 W. e s. 24.6x38.9; Roth to Harry M Samett, 312 Manhattan av; all lions; Mav 16; atty. Wm "Weiss, S20 Bway. $ioo 42D ST, 455 W. n s. 20x100.4; .1 Clifford McChrlstie. as trustee in bankruptcy of Elsie filman, to Davis S Myers, iti E 66th st ; 1-3 part, a t ; b & S, April 3?); atty?. Myers & S, 2?9 Bway.$276 126TH ST, a s. 438.1 w 6th av, 16,9x100.11; Lawyers Title & T Co to Samuel A Potter, 78 E 130th st; b & s. c a g ; atty. Lawyer? T & T Co, 160 Bway.$1 79TH ST, n s. 205 t? Amst av, 63x107.2; Orland Realties to Realty Go, 65 Liberty st ; mtge $280,000; all liens; May 16; atty, Morion Stein, 83 Wall st .,. . . . $1 131ST ST. 138 W, a b. 16.4x99.11; 136th st, 254 W, s s. 18,8x99.11: Q?o De W Week? ?- ano, Pirn, to Liwmor Realtv Co, 42 Bway; all liens; May 15; atty. N Y T & M Co, 186 Bway .$11,600 ST NICHOLAS AV. e a, 75 n 191st Bt. 67.6x 100; Adolph Biernian to Lankan \ Co, 60 W IMst St.; r.itge $78,000; all liens; May 16, attv, S H Golding, 135 Bway .$1,00 SAME PROPERTY; Lankan Realty Co to Sunnyglde Holding; Co, 60 Bloom/ield Bt; all liens; mtge $18,000, May J6; atty. tan? .$J0o Bronx SPUYTBN DUWIB P'KWAT, s w oor Evergreen av. 377.Sxl3.10xirreg , Along the Hudson Co to Hy Kroger, Ppuyten Duyvll. N V; n:igo $13,000; atty, G Lange, ?r. 267 Hu ay .il PARK DRIVE, or 231st st. n a, 843.7 w of pt 10 e from end of Crowe at Sp*iyten Duyvll P'kway, 357.11xJrreg; also Rarlc j Drive or 281st at, n a. 1207.1 w from 6al<3 pt Hl.SxIrreg; Along the Kudsou Co to Eutaie of Isaao G Johnson, t?puy- i ten Duyvll, N Y: Apr 30; atty, J J McKelvay, 46 Cellar at.$1 LAND X y C & H R B R Co. e a, at a a ! land now or late D At MorrlHon. 3?9l4x lrreg; al?o land N T O & H R R n Co w s, at line bet land formerly Strang j and land D M Morrison. 897xirreg; ajao land M Y C & H R R R. Co. ? a a' i n s land D M Morrison, 200x!n-eg; -??so Palisade av, w s, 160.4 n 2.11st si, 1?4.9 , y lrreg; along the Hudson Co to No/rth- ? ern Realty Co, 43 Cedar at: Apr 30; atty, I J J MeKelvay, 43 Cedar st .$1 ? CREST?N AV, a ? cor, 197th4t, 90.1?93.Rx lrreg; Edw C Burzen to Morris Poiskv, i 1381 Fulton av; mtge $5,500; Mav 14; atty, N Y Title- ft Mtge- Co, 135 Bway $100 SAME- property; Morrla Polaky to Bloom Realty Co, 605 E inn st, mtg? IO.500; May 15; atty, same.$100 BRYANT AV. w a, 600 a Seneca &vv 126s 100; Stephen P Nagh. trus, to Harry Sacher, 233 E 81st; May 14; a?*., Title Guar & T Co, 176 Bway. .$7,0o<i 240TH >3T. 650 fe. b w s. 24.2x103,2; Otto Vetter to Qeo I, RoMer. ?!29 E lr,2d mtge tLOOO; May 15; atty. IVm" 6?1 Courtlandt. av.jtlOO SIMPSON BT, w s 67 6 a rveeman, 17.Sx ?S ( Max Turin to Rebecca Turin. 1247 Let the Tribune Help " You Solve YourHomeProblem 'T'HE services of the Real Es ??? t?te Department of The Tribune are offered you in the ; solution of your problems. You ' may want a home in the suburbs, but you "cannot make up your mind whether Long: Island, West- ; ehester, Connecticut or New Jer? sey is preferred. It may be that you will want to buy or lease with the privilege of buying later, or it may be that j your stay in the suburbs ?b for I the spring and summer seasons only. What are the climatic condi- j tion? in various sections of the suburbs and what are the rentals and fee values and taxes? These are questions that con- I front many families to-day, espe- : daily since the housing accom- j modations of the city are such | that one is forced to go to the , country, or rather the suburbs, for relief. Our association with the lead? ers in the snburban field will make it possible for you to secure th? best information on the prob? lems that vex you. They have offered to help you through The Tribune. Address inquiries to ??fu tribune REAL ESTATE DEPARTMENT Demand for Space In Loft Buildings ? Many of the Leases in Struct? ures in the Downtown Sec? tion of the City Cross & Brown Company has leased \ two floors at 218 and 220 East Thirty '? seventh Street to the Empire Labora ! tory Supply Company; a loft at 114 Franklin Street to Bob & Goldfarb; a basement store at 407 and 409 Broad i way to Alex. Lamport and Joseph I Lamport; in conjunction with William H. Whiting & Co. two lofts at 91 and 93 Blcecker Street to the Triangle Art \ Publishing Company; in conjunction j with George S. Schermer, a loft at 92 ; Prince Street to Pauline M. Davis, and 1 in conjunction with H. S. Ely & Co., a ' loft at 64 Liapenard Street, to G. Slokin : Company. Frederick Southack & Alwyn Ball, ?Jr., have leased for a term of years ; offices at 291 Broadway to Taieho Trad? ing Company; office? &\ 277 Broadway ? to Wolf & Kohn, Henry, Meyers & ; Manny, Albert M. Yuzzolino and F. C. I Luthi & Co., exporters. Shaw & Co. have leased for Samuel : A. Potter a floor and store at 48 West 125th Street. William A. White & Sons have leased to the Emporium^ Dress Company a loft j at; 245 to 251 SevenT Avenue; to John ! W. Hartfield a loft at 112 Pearl Street; i to Albert Hepp additional space in the 1 Hamilton Building, at 22 Thames j Street; to A. C. Goudie an office at 45 Pine Street, and in conjunction with j Pease & Elliman to Carleton & Mott j the parlor store at 144 We?i Fifty-sev? enth Street. Simpson pt : mtge J93.S00: May 15: atty. R Turin, 1247 Simpson st.$1 ' VT3E AV, 1904. - f>. 72.1x71.10 x lrreg: Lottie Holp.mann to Arr.Bndakay Co 870 E 149th st: Mav 2; atty, John Kadel. .-'.70 E 140th s?.II HUGHES AV. w B, 7?) r, 157th .it, 60x87.6; August Kuhn to Vico Realty Co, 47 Jay Bt; Mav If,; atty, Title (iuar & T Co, 17? Bway .$1 VALENTINE AV, 2801, s w cor 197th Ht. 30.1x38.1; Nanette 1. Maupsl to Oscar Kosetibuum. 2 17" B S-'d st ; mtge $22,000; May 15; attv. N Y Title & Mtg Co, 135 Bwav .$100 I 5EDGW1CK AV, 2C36. w ? 76.4x137.8x76x 133; Christina H Young to Edw >; Lear, 1961 Mapes av . mtge $42,500; May 18; atty, .M.ix Monfried, 2! 9 Bway S100 ; ELLIS AV, n s, 105 - Havemeyer a v. :?;?.4x IOS; Julia Newman- to Fredk Pope, 406 ?'ollege av; hub?! $1.400; May 17. atty. O A [letter, 2164 Westchester uv...$ioo HUGHES AV, s " c ISOth .st, 122.11x60x ? 115.6x60.7; fro?.-- Av Co to Wali'-y ?'on : acting Co, 360 Bway; mtge ?44,."00; May I?: atty, (?oldfoln &. W, 350 Bway.5100 239TH ST, n s, ?60 w .Martha av. 25x100; Blend A O'Shea to Francia X Kelly, 341 , E 239th Ht mtge $1,400; Mar 31; atty, Francis X Kelly, 391 E 14 9th st.$1 CHARLOTTE ST. 1616, 50x100. Nathan Lesser to Sol Goldstein, 411 W 128th st ; mtgo $33.1100, May 14. atty, Frico Broe, 271 Bway.$100 : PULTON AV. k a s, 352 n ? lG7th Bt. 176x 100x13x100; Bridget Duffy, widow, to Mary Duffy, 1194 Fulton av; May 16; atty, M W .Soi.,mon. 115 Bway.$1 LOT 17V map .los Ilusson: Jenny Fred-| erlckson to Frank. Jukas, 975 Home st ; mtgo $2.000; May 16; atty, A & O E Hally. 2C69 Westchester ftv.$100 ? VISE AV, 1983, w a, 20xf00; G Martin Braunl'els to Sarah Greenfield, 1020 ?Washington av, mts'e $2,000; May 15; att.v, L Rosenberg, 116 Nassau st.... $100 I JEROME AV, n w c 177th st. 221.llx 105.2; Transit Realty Co to 103 E 90th St Co, 148 Church; mtge $27,000; May If,; atty. Manhattan Leasing Co, 149' Church st .$100 SKAVIEW AV. e s, 25 a Central av, 25x | 100; Andreas Wolf to Mary 8 Mason; April 2, 11*10, atty, A K Mulligan, 461 1 E Tremont av .$1 SAME PROPERT?": Mary S Mason to Otto F W Boettchor. 147 Pallsude av, Jersey; City; March 9; atty. same.$1 236TH ST. 603 Last, n a, 26x101x25x101.6; I ? arl Nlles to Frederiok S Dunn, 62 Edgecombe av, May 14; atty. Durm & D, 201 Broadway .$1 135TB ST. 881-913 Fast, 350x101.4; 134th I st. 881-909, 350x207 11; Chas F Boswick, ref, to Edgar S Applcby, Glen Cove, LI; May 14; attys. Cannon & C, 135 Broad- | 'wav.$150.000 i 239TH ST, n s. 371.8 w 4th uv, 83.4x114; I Bertha Hera to Josephine Contl and ? Antonlna D'Amloo, ?78 East 137th Bt ; ' mtgo $2,500, May 16, atty, Lawyers T Co. 160 Broadway .J100 WASHINGTON AV, w e, 40 ? 171st st, 60x 100; Abr Kaplon lo Jas Smoleriskv, 2041 i 5th av; mtge $30,00?; May 16; atty, Lawyers T Co, ICO Broadway ... i HID CAULDWELL AV, e s. 90 n 156th si 78.8x 100; Harrlotta Holding Co to West 6th Av Realty Corpn, 170 liroadwav. mtgo S62.000; May 16, atty Lawyers T Co, 160 Broadway. $1 HuE AV, 1466, lot 417 map, Section A. Vyse Estate; Hannah J Donovan to Ger shon Katz, 1145 Fox st ; mtge $4.600, -May 16; atty, J H Garruesey, 61 Cham- \ bers st . $ 100 E'.>KXV.-OOn AV, e i 36 n Ford ham ; Landing rd. 60x133 to Crot?n Aque- j duct, except part for Grand av; Mil? dred Guldone ct a! to Charles C Grau- ? t?-n, 260 W Slat st; mtge $5,300; Mav! 16; atty, j c Hoenwinger, 6 Beekman ? .$100 ? AQUEDUCT AV, East, e e. (0.8 n North runs, S8.2x? 56.6xs 26.lx s 25xw 66.1 to irteg; Charles E Nessele to Irving I Necnols, 50G W 143d. Bt, mtge $5,000; ! ' May 1C: atty, Irving Nschols, 2232 Aqueduct a\.$100 ' MORRIS AV, ? s. 402.11 s 179th st. 25x ! 100. Maria E Ryan to Jane Richardson, ! . 2010 Morris av, mtge. $2.700; Mav 16; ntiy. T G & T Co, 176 B'wav.$100 : MOTT AV. s e cor 14 4th st, 50x100; s W M \ Roalty Co to Barclay Holding Coron, ,' 2;7 Bway; mtge $35.000; April 30, atty, n T G &. T Co. J76 B'way.$1; COI.-RTLANDT AV. 760, e 8, 31.6xl00xx5x 100: W c i? Renltv c?> to American I Tooth Mfg Co. 76fl Courtlandt av. mtge $6,000; May 12; atty. T C, & T Co. 176 : Broadway . $100 ' WALTON AV. 2258, w s. 20x95, Sarah j Basch to Iarael Willis, 2259 Walton av, | mtge $5.000; May 10; atty, T C, A T Co, 171 B'wav .$101? PT PETERS AV. 1718. n 8, 75x98x75x97.1; Henry A Friedman, ref, to Nora A Hallahan, 551 E 149th at ; mtge $4,000. June C, 1918. atty, T O & T Co, 176 Broadway .$7,000 SAME PROPERTY; Nora Hallahan to Wolg Kobrlnsky. 1969 1st av. and ano, mtgo $4,ono; Muy 16; atty, aame....$l LOTS 97 and 88. map Lohbauer Parlt; Henry A Friedman, rof, to Luciano Co lantnoni, on Wllcox st, near Falrmount ? v; Juns 6, 1818 to Mav 16: attv. T O a T Co, 176 B'way .$1,600 New Building Plans Bronx 239TIT ST. n 8, 65 w Blackston? 9V, three two-story brick dwellings 24x74 H : the? Bfradaoona Co, F c Mauser, 99 John ?t. treas, owner; <_'!arence S Stein, 5?: West 46th st, aichltast. cost.$15.000 j KINO AV. n e ror Sutherland st, two-story brick dwelling and garage. 63.8x35.6; PI J Bldg Co, D O Carroll, 1041 Tromonl ?v, pree. owner. Karl F J Seifert. 153 j Fest 4?Hh at, architect; cost.$6,000 Alt?rations Manhattan 87TH ,?<T, 116 "West, to A four-story dwell? ing, John F 'Talvln, 34 Kiverside dr. owner. John M Schier. 25 West 42d st, archltaot ; cost.$5,000 212TH ST. s h. 50 w Holland av. two story brlrk dwelling and garage, 25x66; Alfonso Baltino. 728 East 212th at, own? er; Anthony J De Paca, 373 Fifth av. architect; cost.$800 180TH ST. 815. two-story frame stores and dwelling. 21x40; John Martin, on prem? ises, owner; i.'haa S Clark, 441 Tremont av, architect, cost.$:i,000 COI'RTLAND AV, n w cor 168th st, four story hrli.k tenement. 23.8x93; Reter Theobald, 2653 Decatur av, owner; Harry T Ho well, 3d av and 149th at. archi? tect , cost .$600 164TH ST, S68, three-story frame dwell? ing, 19x64; Sadie F Fuchs, on premises, owner; Nathan Langer, 81 East 12 5th at, architect; cost.$700 ?Lord Estate to Sell At Auction Bronx Lots The executors of the Into Francis T. ' Lord have authorized Joseph P. Day to j ?ell at absoluto public auction on June \ t. 2?, In the Vesey Street Sajesroom, fifty j lot.? on Grand Boulevard and Con? course, Morris, Crest?n, Anthony, Kysr f and Valontine avenues. House Shortage Driving Gty Folks to Suburbs Big Buying Movement Centring Around New Rochelle; Mod? erate Priced Homes the Demand With living accommodations limited in New York, folks confronted with the task of finding homes are turning to the suburbs. -They have been more or less successful. Many have decided to buy. as may be seen by the reports received from brokers In suburban areas. T. J. Sullivan, of New Rochelle, for instance, reports business totalling $100,000 in the last five weeks. He has sold for A. J. Pachner, The Court. Ro? chelle Park, to Mrs. Lucy Cady Hall, Saratoga ?Springs, a 2?/_ story colonial house, on a one-half acre plot. The property was held at 525,000. The new purchaser will occupy same; for John Schudy, Colingi Avenue, to E. W. Nichols, of the Cunard Steamship Com? pany. New York City, plot 50x125, with a new colonial house, containing ten rooms and three baths. Mr. Nichols will occupy it. The property was held at $14,500; for Robert A. Mahlstedt, Kress Park, to C. A. Ferguson, New York City, a new colonial house on plot 50x125. ?Mr. Ferguson will occupy it. The property was held at $12,500; for W. T. Ilepper, JC! Sickles Avenue, to A- J. Jones, Now York City, a modern house on plot 50x125, .with garage; for A. Bowes, Clove Road, to C. H. Met?., New York City, a colonial house on plot 50x125; for Mrs. Elizabeth Craw ley, to A. ._. Ralston, Sound Beach, Conn., 21/_ story frame dwelling, on plot 50x125, and for Irving Zan Zandt, 248 Fifth Avenue, to M. J. Gallagher, a 2% story frame dwelling, on plot 50x108. Westport Landmark Sold John Crawford has sold the country home of Charles E. Cutler at Westport, Conn, to Frazier F. Peters. It consists of thirty-five acres, on a hill, with ex? tended views of the Saugatuck Valley, and a one-hundred-year-old house with all modern improvements. Sale of Fine Flushing Home C. G. M. Thomas, treasurer of the Consolidated Gas Company, ha? sold his home at 137 Barclay Street, Flush? ing, to John W. Ripley. The home is a three story dwelling, on plot 100x117, held at .$22,000. J. Albert Johntra was the broker. Recorded Mortgages Downtown PULTON ST. 92. a p. 25.10x79.10x29x79.10; p m; prior mtge $2R,O00 and equal and coordinate with two other mtges, $4,260 each, p m; May !>, Ormonde Holding Corp to Mabfl i. Costello, 905 West En?l av; due Mav 1, 1924, ti p c ; atty, T ?> & T Co, 170 Bway.SS.G00 SAME PROPERTY end prior mtges; May 14, Rame to Frank A .Tones. 869 Union st, Hackensack; due May l. 1021, 6 p <?, attv. flam?.$4.260 SAME PROPERTY and mtges; Muy 14. .samo to Geo E Jones. 179 New b'-., Now Brunswick, N J. dua May 1. 19 24, 6 p c ; attv. same.$4. _7>0 CLINTON ST, !'0-96, o a, 76.1x100; p m; April 22; 90-9R Clinton St Corp to Jo? hanna Kroder, 67> Central Park West : 10 yra, ope. atty. T <) & T Co. 17t? Bway . $31.000 East Side UP ST, 66, ? 8, 25x67.9x26.2x64.6; p m; May 16; Plncus Fish man to Fliza G-ra . vett- 62 E 91st st ; inst?is. 5 M, p o ; prior j mtge $7.000; atty. Chas Untmacher. SI i 1st ?t. .$7.00,. 12TH ST. 7 P:. n s. 25x120 7x26x114.2; May I 1, Agnes S T Burnett to liosa Colin; duo i July 1, 1919, 1 p c; prior mtge $13,000; an vs. Carleton ?S- Stern. 7.2 Wall or $1.6 00 : :?TI? ST. se, 66 w 2d av, 20x100.4; p m; Mav 16; John Condax to Crlmmina ?peratin??- Co, 624 Madlaon av; 3 yrs. 6 p <? ; att?, Richard P Costello, 6:; TV all st.$10,000 52D ST, 337-9 E, n s. 2 lots. earn. 17s'. 10 5; 2 p m, mtges $3,000 each. May 11; Abr ? Oro as to T O <~ T Co, 176 Bway; due as per bond.$6,000 ! 77TH ST. P22 E, s s, 26x102.2; May 15; .Sofie Weiss to Wm Lustig. 322 E 77tii ? st 10 vrs, C p c. atty. T G & T Co, 17?; Bway ".?8,000 1ST AV, 1618. nao 84th fit. 20.6x65; May 16: Ada I. Harris to Dry Dock Sav Inst. j 341 Bowery; due ami in as p?r bond.! Btty, Frank M Tiohenor. 38 Par!? P.ow .$6.000 ' 11 itII ST, 174 E, s s, 17x100.11. p m; May 16; Michael Marcus et al to Title Guar & Trust Co, 176 Bway; due and im as por bond . 54.000 - illTir ST, 2-G E, s s. 27 5x100 1': May 10; Maria A Carfman to Harriet B Plea tar, 6 W 122d st; due April 12, 1922; 6 V? : per cent; pr mtg $l?.00O; attya, nun,: & Paly, 261 Bway.$20,000 West Side ?1ST ST. n a, 176 a West End av 2 25* . 100.5; p m: May 16; Orteig Motor Co to Standard Concreta Steel Co. 105 W 40th st ; 3 yrs, 6 per cent; atty, Jesse G Hoc. 128 Bway .$70.000 ?TH ST. 149 W, n s, 18x100.6; May 16. Keezie Vickers to Pani^l M Miera, Has brouiik li?lgh1s. N J ; '-' vrs, 6 per cen? ; pr mtg $10.?00; atty. Win B Winslow. S.r> Liberty st. .. $2.600 ItANHATTAJM AV. a _, 27. 11x6,'!'. ti 100th nt. 2 lots earh 37.6x94:6, 2 p ?u ; mtg $40.000 each; May 1; Mendel Pr?'sb?rg?T to East River Sav Instn, 291 Bway; ? yru, f>t. per cent; attya, Lawyers T ?S- T Co, 160 26TH ST, s e. 4??s 1 w 5th .-?v. 16.7x100.11; P m. May 16. Samuel A Potter to Law? yers T ?ft T Co, 160 Bway; 5 yrs; r> per cent.$20,000 26TH ST, 37, n s. 30.10x99.11: May 16: i'has E H,_?.kel! to Morris Newman. ? 46" Carroll s\. Bklyp; 1 yr, 6 per ?7em; mtg fi.000. atty, Albert Gross, 132 Nassau st.$1.000 126TH ST, 39-41 W, n s. 2 lots each, 20 10 x99.ll; May 16; Chas C Haakell to Fanny Kluger, 17,82 Stebblns av, Bronx; 1 yr 5 per cent; each lor subject to pr mtge $5,000; attv, Albert Gross. 132 Nas? sau st.$2.000 .31ST ST. s s. 316.11 a 7th av. 1?.4x99.11 P m; ?May 16; lawnior Realty Co i,? N Y Title .?-. Mort Co, 135 Bway, 3 yrs S per cent.$4,000 36TH ST. 254 W, s s, 18.8x99.11: p m' Mav 15; Bawmor Realty Co to ?M Y Tltlo ?S? Mort Co, 135 Bway; S yrs 6 per cent $4,000 .46TH ST, 302 W. s s, 26.8x99.11: May 16; ; (leo Kiewsilng to Lawyers' Tilla & Trust Co, 160 Bway; 3 yrs, 5 '. per i-ent $17.000 -RDEN ST. 20. a w s. -09.6 n w Xagle a v. 40.6x130; p m; College Holding Co to Klngdale Holding Corp; yra, fi per cent; pr mtge. $34,000; atty, J H Zleser, 217 Bwav .$ ?T NICHOLAS AV, e s. 77 n 101st et, 07.5 x100 p m; Mav 16; Lankan Realty Co to Adolph Bicrma-n, 658 W lSlst st; 5 vrs 6 par cant; pr mtge $62,000: attvs, ?HpU. & Bromberg. 60 Pine at.. .$16,0000 _OT 25, map Bronx T?rra?-e, Crawford Real Estate .?- Building Co to Franklin Society for Home B!<i? & Savings: 3S Park Row; May 15, installs 6 per cent; atty, Titl? Guar <Si T Co, 176 Bwaj $2.80n rt7ESTCHESTEH AV, a -w s. 121.1 n w Marian, 24.2x103.2; Coo L Roed?r to Ellz Roedor. 621 COuttlandt av. May 16; du? May 1, 1 '?24, il per cent; atty. Wm Ro?"der. 621 Courtlandt a v. $1,200 ?tCGHES AV, w s. 7?) n 187th st. 60x87 ? . Vico Realty Co to August Kuhn, 120 W 67th st; Mav is; 3 vrs 6 por cent; attv, Title Cuar & T Co, 17?" Bway $4,000 SUT. NT AV, w B, 600 n Sanaca n _..? 100; Harry Sachar to Stephen P Naah, Mlllburn. N J, tms. May 1?; S yrs -4 '_ par cent; atty. Title Guar & T Co, 176 Bway .$4.noo ? AM 1-7 property; anm? to Joel 8 Adl?r, 684 E 137th at; pr mtge $4,000; May 17. r, - r? ? per cant; attv, earn'?. $2 000 IRB8TON AV, a a cor 197th at. 90.1x93 Sx Irreg; Morris Polsky lo P.dw O Blnr.n, 2011 Crarrd Bird ?_ Concourse, & ano- pr mtge 8S.S00; May 14 ; 1 vr, 6 p c atty N Y Title & Mtg To. 186 Bwav $6 000 WI.ENTI.NE A V. 2801. a w cor 147th at 90.1x381; Oscar Ro??riba uni to Nane't? I. Maupal. 341 E lt>7th st; ?May 15 due' April 6, 1921: 8 p c, atty, N y Title <v Mtg Co. 186 Bway. $10000 TbFJ AV 1004, e a. 72.1x71.10, Amanda,;:, Co to Lottie Holzmann. 627 W H ,i mtge $37.000; May 15; I yr, ? ' ,', I atty, Isaac Hyman, 119 Nassau ?t $8 000 ED?WICIC AV. 3686-7, w *? 3 lot. to' gather. In SIN? 76.4*187.8x76x183 ; 2 mfra i ?ach $?,250; Edward O Bear to Chi latir?1 Buyers Plan Apartment For Kings Highway Plot Triangle Property at Coney Island Av. To Be improved; Dwelling Houses Sold t^iP.iam Liss, Inc., have sold for the William E. Harmon Company to the Avenda?e Building Corporation the 1 triangular plot 210 feet or. Kingrs High I way, 90 feet on Coney Island Avenue. ! 200 feet on Avenue Q and 24 feet on ; East Twelfth Street. This property ; will be improved with stores and apartments. On the corner of East Twelfth Street a building will be built to accommodate a bank. The same brokers have sold four? teen and a half lots on the west side of East Ninth Street, 100 feet north of Avenue O, for the McVeigh Realty Company to a client, who will improve the site with one-family detached cot? tages with garages. They also have resold tne plot on the southwest cor? ner of East Twelfth Street and Avenue R. 174x100, for Eli Horlick to the Tide Water Realty Company, which intends immediately to improve the plot with one-family cottages, and have resold the two-family cottage at 509 Caton Avenue to Mary O'Connor, for occupancy, besides the two-family cot? tage? at 181 and 183 East Fifth Street for the O'Brien estate to Robert Ward, and a lour story apartment house at 1441 Bedford Avenue, on plot 33x100, for the Kraslow Construction Com ; pany to Mary E. Cohen for investment. Paa!. Mackin & Gordon have sold ; the one-family cottage at 214 Bay \ Eighth Street, on plot 60x90, for Jo i seph Bahr for $7,500. Charles Partridge has ?sold for I James Walsh to Lizzie Horn the three Btory and basement residence at 1418 j Pacific Street. The Realty Trust has sold for Artee , Realty Corporation the three-story ? brick store and apartment house at 4115 Fourteenth Avenue, to the Frank I Building Company, Inc., for inveat ! ment. F. C. Sauter has sold for Henry Mugge to J. Gross the two story dwell? ing 453 Fifteenth Street. Bulkley & Horton Co. have sold 1257 Pacific Street, three-story and base ? ment dwelling, lot 18x100, for Phoebe S. Gurney to the present lessee Minne ,' Henne. Cahn & Pittman have purchased from George H. Ogle, the two and one ; half story frame dwelling on lot 20x ; 100, 1253 East 10th Street. Ketcham Bros, were the brokers. H Toung. 2368 "Marlon av; pr mtgo $42,500; Mav IB; 3 yra, 8 p c; atty. O E Davis, "210 3d av.$32.300 239TH ST, n s, S71S w 4th av, S3.4x114; Josephine Conti to Bertha Herz,, 741 E 229th st, pr mtge $2.50?), May 10:3 yrs, 6 i? o; attv, Lawyer? Title <?- T Co, 160 Bw.iv .$1,600 BRYANT AV, s w cor lSlst st, 82.8x67.8x 88.11x71 11; Wm .1 Butter to Bowery Having? Hanlt. 128 Bowery; May 16, G yrs, GVj p c; attys, Cadwalader. W & T, 40 Wall Bt .$4,000 HOE AV, 1466; Gershonkat;: lo Hannah .1 Donovan, 1466 Hoe av. pr mtge $3,000; Mav 16; Installa, 6 v c; atty, Shiland & 11. 14',? Bway .$3,000 AQUEDUCT AV, E, e s. 30.8 n, north 88.2 fc.36.Gx lrreg; Chus 10 Neuale to Title Gtiar & T Co, 176 Bway; May 16; due, otc, a? per bond: atty, Title Guar (?- T Co, 176 Bway .$3.000 SAME PROP; Irving Nichols to Chas L Nessle, 2304 Grand av; pr mtge $3.')!*'.;.; May 16, due, etc, as per bond, atty, snmo .$1.500 MORRIS AV. e s, 402.11 s Burnsido av, 25x Jane Richardson to Maria E Ryan, L- 3 S ?1 Grand Boulovard and Concourse; May 16; 3 yrs. ?Vi P c; atty, Title G * T Co, 176 Broadway .$2.700 MOTT AV, s f r I44ih st 60x100; Barclay Holding Corpn to S W M Realty Co. 220 Broadway; April 30; due April 1. 1919; ? p c atty, Title G & T Co, 176 Broad wav.$3,000 CAULDWELL AV, e c. 90 n 166th st, 78.Sx 100, W?st 0th Av Realty Corpn to Harr netta Holding Co. 3 West 33th st; pr mtgo $62,000; Mav 16, 3 years; 6 p c; atty, E & J Kaufman, 115 Broad- : way .$2.7 50 LOTS 3" & 31, map Pearsall Estate; Annie M and Prank K "Wright to Luthern M Rankin, 200 West 64th st; pr mtge $10,-' 56E Ma> 13; 2 years; 6 p c; att L M Rankln, 110 West 40th st .$4,000 CHARLOTTE ST, 1516, 50x100; Sol Gold- ; stein to Nathan Lease, I960 Washing! in av; pr mtge $33,000, Mav 16; due April 30. 19V22, 6 p c; May 13; atty, A Mido nlok, 132 Nassau st. ..$r,.,")U'> WASHINGTON AV. w s, 207.3 s Fordham rd, 21.4x100x19.10x100; Ant-.a Autore to Peter Kos:,, 571 Last 183d Bt pr nitg? $2,600; May 10; ?natals, 6 ?> c; attv, : Peter Ross, 164 Nassau st.. . ...$2,000 HONEYWELL AV, n ?? < 178th st, 24.11x 88.8; ?ieo P Knepper to Stephen H ..'. son, 131 West 121st st; pr mtge i : s 000; April 15; due, etc. as por bond. atty. S H Jackson, 106 Lexington nv.M.O0O LOT 178, map Joe Husson, at Clason's Poinl . Prank Jukas to Jenrry Frederickson. 730 Dawson st ; Mav Hi; duo etc as per bond attys, A A ?" F Hally, 2069 Weetchester av .$1,200 HUGHES AV, s e c ISOth ?I 122,llx60x j 115.5x50.7; Walley Contracting Co to Cross Ave Co to 149 Church st, pr mtg'' $49.300. May 13. i> yrs; 6 p c; attys, t?toddard &M 128 Broadwya ....$19,500 DUDLET AV. CS12, 26x100; Gustav A Bar- : ko to Christian r.enkel, 81K ? ir>3d st . May 16, installs, 6 per cent, attys, ; Clocke, K & 11. :-:?) El HOtl St. .$l,0du VYSE AV, 1983, 'w ?, 20x100; Sarah Green Held and ano to G Martin Biautifels. 1983 Vyse ui , May 13. I yrs, 3 per cent, atty, 1. Rosenberg, 116 Nassau st..$2,000 PROSPECT AV, 1461, w a, 44x85x lrreg to Lafayette st; Denwood Realty Co to Naphtall Levin, M3i Prospeci av; May 2. dii", etc, as per bond, atty, M Millar, 309 Bway .$11,250 : Satisfied Mortgages Manhattan MOTT STj.?01; Fairfi?ld Holding Corp to : Bronx Investment Co (not a moneyed corpn), 100 Bway: a'.t; s. Merrill, Roerers &-. Terrv, 100 Bway; Aug 1, 191S..$60n 145TH .ST. s ?, 3S w Sth a-., 25.Sx99.ll; Jacob D & Carrie M Butler to Theron <<? Eliza S Rockwell, Elast Orange. N J; Jan 27, 1S92.$18,000 71ST BT, 22 YV; Wm H P Phyfe. 621 Fifth av, to N?!lle a Sexton, on trre premisas; att>. Cohen & Stern, 60 Wall st : May 16, 1914.$19.000 THIRD AV i s 23.5 s 47th st. 33x95; Ceo B Colen an <fc Majy- A Mills to John F Reid el al, exra, *tll Michael Reed; atty. II A Doherty, 27 Pin? st ; Mav 81, H94 .$]ftJ)r>n 77TII ST. 322 E; Gustav & Sophie Biefcer mann to Fanny Eillnger. 35 E 4:$'h st ; atty, chas Plrtzel, 258 Bway; Nov 16. 1896 .$12.000 27TH ST. 122-30 W; Roekton Constr Co to' H Epstein * Pan! Bellinger; attv. P Helllnger, 330 Bwav; Oct 31. iPirr $5,500 S6TH ST. 21? E; Herman A &. Cath Schmitt et al, to Byron L Strasburges : W 73d st et al, trustees Will Louis Strasburger; atty?, Wetmore & J, 34 Pin- st; Nov 8. 1909 .$14.000 6TH ST, s a. ?4 e A\enuex B, 141x54x irr.'g: Chas J Miller to MutVal Life fna Co, 39 Cedar at; March 19. 1SS9 $1DOOO 126TH ST. n s. 250 w 8th av; runs n SO* w 27 x 8 98.6 x e 25 to begin. Eli^a & Mlohacl Mulrein to Mutual Life Ins Co tatty s 69 Cedar st ; Aug 10, 1888 $500 SAME property; same to same; August 10, 1883. .$2.500 SAME property, name to same; Jajn 18, 1875 .$1.500 SAME property; ?am? to same, Aug 25 1879 .$5C0 CENTRA L PARK W. n w cor W3d st, 35x 73 4x100x173 l; Rrondcdtre CoVpn to Her- ? man H*ldelberg. 2 W T?a st : attys. Marks & M. 33 Park Row. Oct IS. 191$ $39.000 11 STH ST, 313 E: Katie Garra to Lawyers Mortg Co (also attyai, 59 Liber; ?t; July 9, 1915.$1,500 136TH ST, 254 W; Augusta E Wood t? Gen lie Witt Week? and Harri? B Lines, cxrn, will of Edw L Itadcllff; attye. N Y T &- M Co. 135 Bwav; Jan 21. 1909 $11.000 Buys Horn? at Ridge wood S, S. Walatrum-Oordon A Forman have Mold for Fred V. Outer] to George B. Tonnant, of Brooklyn, the dwelling ?t 8 Height? Terrace, Rid?jrewood, N. J. ! 8UBROGATES' NOTICES \ m rrRsrA?TCT. or a_?t orpwr ot Honorable John P. Cohalan. a Surrogate of the County of New York, NOTICE is hereby given to ?11 persons baring, claims against Grace O'Day Macpherson. late cf the County of New York, deceased, to pre? sent the same with voucher? thereof to the subscriber?, at their place of transact? ing business at tija office of Messrs. Mur? ray, Prentice <_ Howiand, their attorneys, : at No. .7 Wall Street, in the Borough of Manhattan, in the City of New York. State of New York, on or before the ??th day of November. 1919, next. Dated, New York, the 8th day of May, 1919. : EDWIN ALLAN MACPHERSON. THE EQUITABLE TRIST COMPANY OF NEW YORK. Administrators? MURRAY, PRENTICE & HOWLAND. attorneys for administrators, Office and P. O. address. 37 Wall Street. Borough of Manhattan, New York City. i -? ! FRENCH. 8ARAH E ?IN FURSTANCH cf an order of Honorable .lohn P. Co ' halar?, a Surrogate of the County of New York, NOTICE is hereby given to all per? sons having claims against Sarah E. French, late of the County of New York, deceased, to present the same, with vouch? ers thereof, to tl%e subscriber, at place of transacting business, at the office of the executor. Central Union Trust Company of New York, at No. 80 Broadway, In the ! Borough of Manhattan, in the city of New York. State of New York, on or before th? 15th day of October, 1919, next. Dated, New York, the 2nd day of April, ; 1919. CENTRAL UNION TRUST COMPANY OF NEW YORK. MILLER. KING. LANE & TRAFFORD. Attorneys for Executor, Office and P. O. Address. SO Broadway. Borough of Manhattan. Now York City. 1 IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF Honorable John P. Cohalan. a Surrogate of the County of New York. NOTICE la hereby given to a.l persons having claim? , against Frederick Mead, late of the' County ! of New York, deceased, to present the ?am? I with vouchers thereof to the, ! at their place of transacting business, at ! the office of Simpson. Tha??h?r ?. Bartlett, j their attorneys, at No. 62 C-dar Btraet, in the Borough of Manhattan, in the City of I New York, State of New York, on or be i fore the 21st day of July next. Dated. New York, the l?th day of Jan i uary. 19?9. THOMAS THACHER, PHILIP G. BARTLETT. ECxeoutor* SIMPSON. THACKER & BARTLETT. Attorneys for Executors. 6. Cedar St., New York City. ! Automobile Agents Rent Large Yonkers Quarters Kahn Brothers have leased for e ] term of years the northerly half of the | large store at the junction of South j Broadway and McLean. Avenue, owned and occupied by Sheppard & Son, dc ? partment store. Kahn Brothers are the | exclusive agents in Yonkers for the ! Chevrolet passenger cars and the ' White and Republic motor trucks. i This lease was made through Thomas S. Burke. i Cathedral Trustees Lease Site for Garage Bryan L. Kennelly, representing the trustees of St. Patrick's Cathedral, has ; leased for a term of years the fourteen j lots in Eleventh Street, commencing 100 feet east of First Avenue and ex ; fending through to the south side of I Twelfth Street, to the E. & T. Garage : Company, Inc. The lessee will build a large garage on the site. Estate at Chappaqua Sold The estate of Edgar N. Johnson, situ? ated on the Hartscrabbie Road, Chap? paqua, on eleven acres, has been sold to William E. Orr, a manufacturer of this city. Mr. Orr plans extensive re? modelling of the property. Ceorgc How was the broker. Assignments of Mortgage. Manhattan BROADWAY, 591; Mercer st. 164; 5th av, 335-9 . Title Ouar & Trust Co to Dime 8av Bank; Title Quar & Trust Co to Bankers' Trust Co, 16 Wall Ft: attys. , Butcher, T & F, 1 Madison av; two as? signments, each. ? I KINO ST. 26; Louis G Hamersl? to G Chisholnn and ano, trustees, and Chis holm and ano to Natale Natonl and ano, 77 Nassau st: atty, Lawyers' T & T Co, : 160 Broadway; two assignment.?. ? ; and. * 53D ST. 60 XV; *5th st, 17* E; Title Guar ?v Trusl Co t "? V tnv Broadway; two assignments, t I and ..?3.000 11STH ST, 608 W: Van Norden Trust Co to . , ? T ? 'onover ft n I. ? r :J' ? Lawyers' T & T Co. 360 Bway... ?93.500 SAME PROPERTY"; Ellis P Earle t? grant Indust Sav Bank; atty, Edw .1 MoGuire, 51 Chambers st.$16,600 5TH A.V 583-33; Title Ouar ?- Trust Co to Greenwich Sav Bank. 246 6th av; attys, M . Uebrook & B, 4 7 Cedar st $ LEXINGTON AV. 803. David E Oppen hell er el al, exrs, to American Trust Co, 133 Bway.?26,600 BROO.ME ST, 296; N Y Title ?. Mtgi i o to Greater N Y Sav Bank. 498 5th nv address 135 Bway. ... $30,000 97TH ST. s s. 10 e Bark av. Ann;- R Yaw cer to Mary C Mega, Shrewsbury, N J: :-.eo E Morgan, 59 Wall 156TH ST, 747, W; Empire Trust Co t., Julia s Booth, Grove st. Montciair, N J; a::-. T G ?_ T Co, 176 Bway. . ?100 AVENUE A, .? e c 2d st , Roue Kruger. trustee, to Rose Burgtor., 11 a Linden Bt Bk'.vn: atty, V P Huberty, ''"7 Bway, Bklyn . ?6,000 3D ST 303 17. Randolph Hurry to Marj Agnes Hurry, ion W 59th st . address. R Hurry. 80 Maiden lane . ?i DOWNING ST, s ?, 182 w Bedford st . Emma ?1 Cattua K- ano, trustees, to Emma E Cattu?, 17 1 West End av. ? ano: atty, Wallace D Jennings, 35 Nassau st .... .* i 68TH ST. 2f>8 E; Louis Pincus to Chas Pincus, 241 v. 1'iifh st; attys, Henry. M &. M. .77 Bway . $7,250 Bronx FORDHAM AV EXTENSION s b, adj land M M Brohmer 16x150 City Island; Geo M Van Haun ?S7- ?no. exrs. to Robert W Mahoney, trua; atty, F W Pollock, 7 Bway .?1.000 SAME PROPERTY: John I ?owe et n!. exrs. to Mary Van ?Saun. S03 W 78th s< ; atty. same .? 1.012.52 ? SAME PROPERTY; Robt W Mahorr?y. trus, to Marv J Beton Pollock. 3121 Kingshridge rd ; atty. sani? .?!.oni> 180TH ST. 6 98 E: David Bennett to Bar? bara K Petry, 7.74 E 166th st : atty, Bar? bara K Petry. 374 E 22d st; 2 assts ?2,200 LOT 15, map Waldo Hutchins Batate; Hy \V Berk to ll-l?na B?rk. at West 2i6lh st &? Sylvan av; atty. fly Berk, same addtcss . ......... .$1.000 DOTS 1 ?i ANO 17, earn? map. cam? to same .?1,000 RIVER DRIVE, w s. 159.S s from n i land now or formerly along th? Hudson Co, 118.7x trreg. along the*Huds? -. to Marie C Kroger. Spuyfn Duyvil N Y. atty, O Lange, Jr, 257 Bway ?',.770 FLEETWOOD AV, w s. 375 s Wa ? it 25x100; ?.dele Markovit. to Louis linn. 600 W l<<7d Bt atty, A'larn VYienar. '-1 Chambers ??'.?_.200 BALCQBH AV, 1400; Joseph Gurth to Adam 1-".-ac_?. )436 Commonv a ? av; ; tl C II Ba?chier. 1128 E Tremoni av..?] 10 LORING PL, e p. 217.11 ti 183d st, 90x110. T G ?_ T Co, trustee, to :J -. C Polllon, 447 Fort Washington av. atty, Car! T Flach, . Rector nt ...$3.057 AQt'EDTJCT AV. w ?. 87.10 n 18Sd st 63x100; T G & T Co. trustee, to Ida C Pol on. 417 Fort Washington ?? ? attx. C T Flach, 2 Rertor st.?5.102.08 STORY AV, 2063 Alfred 3 Taylor to! Andrew Halley. 1940 MeQraw; attv?, A & C E Ha-lly, 2089 W? et bester ?? (800 LOTS 7 to 16 and 48 to 5!, parcel 18. map : Win B Ogden: Edward F Cole ?_o Jin r. L Cole. Yonkers. N Y: attv. William K Wund, IB? B'way $ : LAFONTAINE AV, 2127: Esperanto Mtge Co to Harriet 1" Knight, tru.tee. ..:;. ,T C Le-, i. 87 Liberty st.?5.090 179TH ST, ?00 Kaet ; Edward M?ller Bid* Co to Anna F Brandt, 19 Prospect av, Maywood, N J; atty, F Les*. .75 Nan sau st .fil 160TH ST. "21 Bast? Morris Kullmail to Lawyers Mtge Co: atty, T O & T Co, 176 way $.0.000 FORBST AV, 1066; August J Hardecker to Clara Ssttlcr. S3 Mornlngslds av: ? atty, Th'-o Sattler, 147 4th av.$i Mechanic?' Liens Manhattmn 18TK ST. 449-4t31 West; Wlillam Brewer V8 It W Well Co, lessee and contrac? tor .?4.Of; .. ? 61ST 8T 50 East?H W Covert Co va 50 Kuil ?1st St Co, Inc., owner. William T Mlddleton, contractor . $109.64 37TI? ST. 123 West; Jacob Relsberg v. Nanqultt Realty Carpn, owner; William E Deutsch, contractor.?70 Bronx WALTON AV. ?3 3; J Greenberg Co ?rs Lambert L Chestham, owner and con trsctor .?l?.SO i SURROGATES' NOTICE8 VON SCHCEMXO, MICHAEL E (ALSO kncwn a^ M. E. Bchoeniac),?in pursn ' anee of an order of KcnoraM? John P Co balan, a Surrogate of the County of New York. NOTICE is hereby gis en to all pet sons ha-- :iig claims against MICHAEL E. von SCHOENI . <al*o known a? M. B. nias), late of the County af N?w York, deceased, to present the same wifja vouchers thereof to the subscribers, at their placj of transact.::??r busings*, at the prUl c.pal r!Tice o{ Th- Farmers' Loan and Trust Company. No. 22 W. ;?a::? Street Bor? ough of Manhattan, in the City of New York, on or before ?he 7th day of June next Dated. New York, the ISth day of No? Tenjber. 1918. JOHN L ANDREWS. Til!-: FARMERS' LOAN ?AND TRUST COMPANY, Temporary Administrators. VER PLANCK A- PRINCE, Attorney? for John L. Andrew?. Temporary Admin latrator. 149 Broadwa: . New York, N T. GELLER. HOUSTON & KORAN, Attor? neys for Tve Farmer?' Loan and Trust C n pa T . ; ai i Administrator. Zt Excfiance Plaae. New York. N. Y. NOTICE TO CREDITORS.?BT. ORDE? of George Aldington. Albany County Judge and Surrogate. Notice is hei-eoj s'vtt,, according to law. to all perscn? having cia.tns or di i scainst James C. Farre',1. late of the ett? of Albany, in said county, deceased, ?-hat they are required to exhibit the sama, with the vouchers In support thereof, to the sut cr?ber. the executrix of the last Will and Testament of said deceased, at her placo of t -.?acting business as euch executrix, at the iaw offices of Charles J. Tobln. No 95 Prate street, it. th? city of Albany. New Y rk. on or brfore the 24t? day of 3u j next Dated, Albany, N. T., this 13th day of January. A. I' 1919. MARGARET i?RADY FARHELU Executrix. CHARLES J TOBIN, Attorney for Ex? ecutrix. S5 State street. Albany. N. Y. IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF HON. orabie John P. I r: .-: ?sue of the County o? New York. NOTICE is here? by given to all persona having clatma against John Egmont Schermerhorn, late of the County of New York, deceased, to pres.-l.t th? saitif with vouchers thereof, to the subscribers, at ihelr place of transact tug business, at the office of Alfred E. Schermerh rn, at f?o 7 East 42nd Stree*. in the Borough of Manhattan. In the City Of New York, Stau- of New York, on or bo iore the 1st da; of November, 1919. next Dated, N ? ?fork, t a 1st day of April. 1919. ALFRED E. SCHERMERHORN, GEORGE C. KOBBE, Executors, ROOSEVELT fr KOBBE. Attorney? for Offi a and P. O Addres*, No? u and (6 Wall Street. Borough of Manhattan, New York city. BAWE8, JAMES W?IN PURSUANCE OP an order of Honorable John P Co balan, a Surr-, gate Of the County of New York, NOTICE" is hereby given to all persons having claims against James W. HawM, late of the County of New York, deceased, tc present the same wi:h vouchers therefor to the subscribers, at the place of buslnsM of t;.e Lawyers Title and Trust Company. No. 160 Broadway, in the Borough of, of the City of New Yurfc, oa or before the 31st day of May next. Dated, New York, the ISth day of Ne? vember, H*is. LAWYERS TITLE AND TRUST COMPANY, WILLIAM C. SMITH, ?ANIEL W. HA WES. Exeejtor?. DE4.N. TRACY & STANFIELP, Altor n?vs for Executoss, No. '?'i droadway. Borough of Manhattan. City of New York. MUSCHENHEIM. WILLIAM G? ?N PCR suance of an order of Honorable John P. Coha'.an. a iSurru^ato o2 the Countv of New York, NOTICE is hereby given to all persons having claims against William C. Muschenheim, late of the County of New Y'ork, deceased, to present tne ?-ame wlto \ourh-r.? thereof ; the suba-ribers, r.t their place of transacting br.e-.nese, as ex? ecutors. Room 1412 No. ?2 Liberty Stroet, In the City ? i Ni w York, on or before the 24tb day of May next. Dated. New York, the 12th day of Ne? ve in t er, 1818 EMMA M RADLET. FREDERICK A Mt'SCHENHEIM. WILL, i A.M P. DIXON. Executor?. JABISH HOLMES. Att?rney for Execu? tors. 2- Liber'y Street, Borough of Manhattan. City ?? N ? .? Y r... N. T. IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF Honi : .i J ihi T" Cohal in, a Surrogate of the C unty of New York, NOTICE I? hereby given to n\', persons having claims ? Edward Lai - : ??? '- Ltterlee, late of the County of New ^ ork. deceased, to pre gent the sa::-.- with vouchers thereof to tbe subscriber, a* his ace of transacting busi? ness, at !.''.- ffi ?- of Messrs. S?-.-t.-rlee, Can . Stone, No. 49 Wall Street, In tba on or befoie trio 4th day of August next. Dated, N- a York, the 3rd day of Pals ruary. 1919. GEORGE REESE SATTERLEE. Xx?rutor. SATTERLEE, CANFIELD & STONB. Attorneys for Executor, 49 Wall Street Borough <?f Manhattan, City of New York. BAYLIS. WILLIAM.?IN PURSEA.\TJ| OP an order of Honorable JOHN P. CO HALAN, a Surrogate of the County of New Y'ork, NOTICE ..s hereby given to ai: per? sons having: claimH against WILLIAM BAYLIS, lute of the County of New Yoi-k. deceased, to present the same with th? vouchers thereof to ti.e subscribers, at their place of transacting b-isin^srs. at the office of Hay He & Co., No. 15 Wall Street. Cltj f N? w York, o-i or before id? 17th day of September next. Dated. New Y'ork, the third day of M8Jr=h. 1919. WTLLIAM BATLIS. GEOEGB U. WHITE, ALFRED R. KIMBALL. Executor?. JOHN MASON KNOX Attorney for Ex? ecutors. 19 Liberty Street. New York. IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER of Honor? able John P. Cohaian. a Surrogate of toe County ot Neu- York, n< is hereby to all persons having claims against William H L. Lee. late of the County of New York, de? ceased, to present the same with voucher? thereof to the subscribers at their place of transacting business, ot the office of Philip E. Conncii. their atto-n?y. No. 45 Pine Street. Li'oii^h of Manhattan, in the City of Nsw York, on or before the lath day of June, 1911. Dated, New >ork. the 2nd day of DecetEb?.", 1918. SAMl'EL RIKER, JR., RICHARD CURZON HOFFMAN. JR.. Executor?. PHILIP E CONNELL. Attorney for Execu? tors. No 4."i Pin? Street. Borough of Maa hattan. New York City. MUNZINGER, CHARLOTTE B ?IN PUR ?uance of an order o? Honorable John P. Cohaian. a Surrogate of the County of New rork. NOTICE is hereby given to all per? sons having claims agalns. Charlotte B. Munz;ng?r. late of tbe County of New York. dr-cea?eii. to pr-sent in? same wit? vouchers thereof to the subscriber, at hi? place of transacting business, a- th? oui?? of Messrs Daly, Hoy: * Mason, No 15 William Street 'i he City cf New Tora, on cr before tue 31st dav of May next. Dated. New York, the ISth day cf No? vember, 191?. HENRY R HOYT, Executor. DALY, HOYT & MASON, Attorney? for Executor. IE William Street B iroug? of Manhattan. City of New York. ISHAM. JOANNA A.?IN PUR<SUANO? of an order of Honorable John P. Co lialnn, a Surrogate of th? '"ou tty of New Y'ork, NOTICE is hereby given to c?: per? sons huving claims against JOANNA A, ISHAM. ?ste. of the County of New York, deceased, to present th?- same with vouch? ers thereof to the subscriber, at hia plaoe of transacting business. No. Ill Fifth Av*-, Manhattan BorouRh, In th? City of Now York, on - before the 10th day of June Dated. New York, the list day of No? vember, 1918. HENRY DE FOREST WEEItES, Executor. WEEKES BROTHERS. Attorney? for Executor, E2 William St., Manhattan Borough. New York City. VAN ANDBN, MARIA JANE.?IN PtTB suan'-e of an order of Honorable John P. Cohalan, s. Surrogate c* the County -jf New Tork, NOTICE Is hereby given to all par? sons having claims againxi Maria Jane Va? Arden, la-.? of the f New TorJt, deceased, to present tb.o same -\lth vouch? ers thereof to the subscriber, at |?n p,ace of transacting business. No. 177 M .::i*gu? Street. In the Borough of Brooklyn, In ?ti?? City of New York, on or before the 1st day of J-ii ?' Dated. New York, the 21st day of No? veniber, 1918. BROOKLYN TRUST COMPANY, Executor. REYNOLDS. RICHARDS & MuCI.'T'.'H. EON. Attorney? for Executor. CS Will. t?m Street. New York City. ROSS IN PUR. shan- e of an ordel of H Tonn P Cohalan, a Surrogate of :!:?? O unty of N?w York, NOTICE Is berebj given to all per iving claims again?! CAROUNI ROSS PEARSON, late of the County of New York, d< aaed, to ?? Sam's jbsvi :!>er. at plaoe of transa- ting business, the offtc? of his a- ton 13 Exchange Place, in the City of ,-n or befar? the first day o? October next Y rk. th? 27th dav of Mar-:, 1919. CLIFFORD ? PEARSON Jr. WILLIAM P ?ALONKY. Attorney for Es?ctnor, 4' Wall Street and i3 ELx chant-e Place. New Y -rit. BOSCHEN, WILLIAM C?IN PCBStfe anee of an orter of Honorabl? Joh? P, Cohaian. a Surrogate of the County of Neej York. NOTICE is berebj given to all per? so..s having claims against WiLLl.Vif C. BOSCHEN. ?at, of the County of New York, deceased, to present the san. ? vouchers thereof to the subscriber, at it? place of transact!?? buslnee?. No 21 Will? iam Street. In tile City of N?a Yiiri- oa or before the 14th day cf June next. Dated. New v,,rk, Deeembar 3rd. ltll THE FARMERS' LOAN AND .'REST company. Rxeetitnr GELLF.R, ROL8TON A KORAN, At;,>r. n?ys fur Executor, Z Exchange Place New York. N. Y.