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rj&V MERCHANDISE ADVER TISED IN THE TRIBUNE IS GUARANTEED Vol. LXXIX No. 20.486 IS? Advertisements riimtw WEATHER ' Cloady to-day. probably Bbowers t fair to-morrow. Mod?r?t? wind?. Poll Report on rng? SO ?. >\! __.__ ?,n 0'*>l* Tew Tork ?ad I _ TWO CEST8 J within commuting distance J Elsewhere fy Wilson Why Imperator Here After Five Years Former German Steam? ship, With German Who Once Commanded Her, Brings Troops of 89th 27.310 Fighters Are Landed in Day Leviathan Doeks Ahead of Sister Ship With 11,983 Men on, Board The former Hamburg-American liner Imperator, which was in the mud off Hamburg for nearly five year?, was one ?f eight transport-, that brought home yesterday from the battlefields of Europe 27.300 American officers and men. It was the biggest assemblage of fighters that landed on home shoes since the signing of the armistice. The second biggeft steamship in the world, apart from dead black funnels ?nd rust on her bridge and super? structure, she looked about the ?sm" ?a when she left New York in the sum? mer of 1911. Few who saw her pa?? knew that on her bridge was Captain Thomas Kier, her former commander, a navigator known to thousands of wealthly Ameri? can travellers, the one-time popular German master who took the Cleveland ?ilfter famous cruise around the world. Captain Kiel's war service was con? fined to German transport along the Danube, but in all his service to Ger Bai?y he had never taken the life of He American, he said. Aid to American Officers He had little to say as the big mer? chantman came up the familiar fair? way of the harbor, except ?hat Gov? ernor's Island looked a little bigger and a trifle morp warlike than when he bade [t farewell live years ago. He kne-v the Imperator from Btem to stern, ind he had come over to unfold all he knew to the American naval officers *ho had taken hold of this stranger tnly ten days before. When the vessel ?as made fast in Hoboken he sought the seclusion or" his room. Captain Fritz Kruse, second in com- : Band of the German force on the Im? perator, said he thought the Imperator was r. better ship to-day than the Leviathan that came over with her, and Issghed heartily when it was suggested that her big sister ship had beaten hcv lu a race to port. ".She can do 23.90 JEWS easily without forced draught," ?e said, "and keep that speed up with ?t pushing. I don't thing the Levia ?Un can beat her." No Race Across Ocean It was said by navigating officers on wth vessels that there was no race ?ros* the Atlantic, each vessel mak ttS regulation speed. The Imperator left Brest on Thurs ?? at 10:30 a. m. and the Leviathan ?t 3:30 p. m. the same day. J* Tuesday, at 1:30 a. m., the Nathan overhauled her sister ship ?Wthen held the lead until she reached J*1* in the fog yesterday morning, ??e three hours later the Imperator **??? to anchor off the Ambrose Chan 01 Ujhtship. 3*? Leviathan carried 11,983 offi fj3 ?nd men, and thousands of *Wars exchanged hands in bets on ^approximate hour ?"he would over? ea '-he Imperator. It was definitely Kderst?od that she would beat the ?ter vessel to port, an the Leviathan ^td Rear Admiral GJeaves as a fs?a**r and flew his flag. As a **?<r of nava! courtesy it was under ?**? the Leviathan would lead in the ?- to port. ^a the way from Brest, where the ???rator had been delivered by her wrman crew, Captain Kier spoke his j;f*r?s that ? ,.,.,.,va? of thc dii,jn of "???ny's former prestige was far ?:??? He knew Colonel House and had :..v*' the ?at? Colonel Roosevelt, he ?*? n* admitted resignedly that Ger __M **" b**t*n beaten hard, and i; ?. acirding y, ?>,? r?av8] officer with t*!u.he taik'!'1' ?y?rJC??U!d that It '?- nave been a mistake if "imperial P??T bad been victoious." ; Calls Treaty "impossible" [?* Wd that Germany's on ; *?" bope of the future lay In iJrW?ptior, of commercial relation? .?" ?? United Sute?. The'treaty ?to the Germans by the-Allies ?^?opinion, was impossible of fu! ?J'""1 it sisrned hardly could &"***? ? renn who had sailed wi m T *'h* IrnP,,|r*,.or and the Ov? tTlLw * **"'' t0 Ulk ?hf"Jf ''?'? v-;,r ?** too many Am*ri<-an friends ?. Z/-1* *ornm*r\\. on <h* .-vent* of th *?*?r* yearj(( h? _sfd) but hf> bro(j . V*'"?' eatrats of th* submarinas. tfc>>_J>*,l Peer? in command of ?eve ,y. Continued on page five Copyright, M'o?iprn Ncwspappr l'nlon Fells Guard in Court and Flees Slayer, in Neiv Haven, Caught After Chase and Pleads Guilty Special Correspondence NEW HAVEN, Conn., May 22.?An? tonio V?lente, on trial for murder in the Superior Court here, escaped froln the courtroom in the midst of pro? ceedings to-day after nearly killing his ?ruard. Pursued by court attendants for several blocks he was caught and overpowered. When rearraigned he pleaded guilty of the crime with which he was charged and was sentenced tc life imprisonment. He was accused of the murder ol Mrs. Louise Bradley, who was beater to death at her home in Derby. Yalcnte, sitting without apparent in? terest beside his guard, Deputy Sherif George Bradley, leaped to his feet am seized the deputy sheriff by the throat Bradley is seventy years old. Holdinj him with one hand Valente battere? him with the other. Valente felled the deputy and darte? through an open window. The fugitive leaped into an auto an? was disappearing. The pursuers com mandeered automobiles. Valente's en gine stalled. He deserted it an? leaped into a grocer's wagon. H seized reins and whip and was ofl scattering eggs, butter, canned good and vegetables behind him. Th grocer's wagon was overhauled. Val ente leaped out and raced across vacant lot. Thomas Leahy, engineer of th Superior Court building, was the fire to overtake Valente. He fought fere ciously, but others came to Leahy' assistance and overwhelmed Valent? As soon as he had been brought bac to court he got painfully to his fee and announced he was guilty. It i feared Deputy Sheriff Bradley may di of the beating he received. Priest'and'Nun9 Rifle Shoe Store Jersey City Robbers Ge $540 at Point o Gun From W o m a\ With mingled feelings of rcveren? and thankggiving, Mrs. Anatole Nodic substituting for her husband a? pr prietor of the shoe store at 44 Greei Street, Jersey City, observed the e trance of two customer? yesterday. The thanksgiving was due to tl prospect of two possible sales on a du afternoon. The reverence was inspir? by the fact that one of the custome was garbed in the black mantle ai coif of a nun, while the other wo the sober habit, of a priest. Both ?at down, and Mrs. N'odica be over the ?hoes of the wupposed re erend father. Ah she lifted her he the "nun" dug a pistol muzzle into h ribs and the "'priest" remarked in moni uneccltslastical voice: "One peep, and we'll blow your he off." "Blow it off is right," quoth t "nun" in a basso profundo. After locking the door nnd pulli down the shades the men rifled t ?hop, taking $?>0 from the till and $4 more from beneath the mattress of t bed in the rear room. When Nodi returned he found his wife in a hy*te <;?l condition. Khe could give no < tailed description of the robbers. "Elder" York, Captor of 132 Germans, Lands Tennessee Sergeant Who Killed 25 of Enemy Re? turns With 89th Division on Steamship Ohioan Greeted by "Home Folks" I Winner of Congressional Medal to Get $50,000 Farm and $2,000 Bond Sergeant Alvin C. York is a "red? head." His neck is red and criss ? crossed with sun-baked furrows. His ; ears are red and prominent. His ?cg ular-featured face is red, and his mustache, too, so that, by contrast his eyebrows and lashes are white. But his eyes are blue and deep set and sharp. Without his No. 11% doughboy shoes he is more than six feet tall. On October ts, 1918, near Chatel Che hery, in the Argonne Forest, Sergeant I York killed twenty-five Germans, cap? tured 13~ others, including a majcr and three lieutenants, and put out r.f action thirty-live machine guns. When ; this man on November 14, 1917, left Pall Mall, Fentress County, Tenn., ; where he is a second older in the ? Church of Christ and Christian Union, I he was a conscientious objector. When : he landed in Hoboken yesterday from | the transport Ohioan he was wearing 1 the Congressional Medal of Honor and I a Croix de Guerre with palm that had i been pinned to the wrinkled breast of ! his olive drab tunic by Marshal Koch ' himself. 27,309 Other Troops Arrive I Besides Sergeant York there landed ! in the port of New York yesterday 27,309 other soldiers. While the latter went into quarantine and through the cootie mill, Sergeant York was greet ? ed at the dock in Hoboken by a re ; ception committee of the Tennessee i Society of New York, with a special ? pass from the Adjutant General in i Washington granting him five days' i leave in New York. For a hectic half I hour this Tennessee hill country black I smith was the vortex of a swarm of i photographers, reporters, movie cam ' era men and members of the recep j tion committee, all of these last fight? ing for the privilege of carrying some part of the dunnage that Sergeant | York bore on his flat shoulders for many a weary mile in French mud. Then he was assisted (which made him chuckle) into a big automobile and ferried to New York and thence j to the Waldorf-Astoria. Two bell boys : fought for the honor of carrying his i blanket rol!, trench helmet and pack into the hotel. Manager Acts as Bellboy ? Oscar Tschirkey, the manager, has ; greeted potentates with far less ? warmth than he showed to Sergeant York yesterday. Oscar waved off a ? clerk who presented the register for the sergeant's signature. He could register in his suite, the on?- adjoin? ing the suite reserved for the Pres? ident of the L'nited States. Then Os? car led the way, using his own portly form to batter a path through the idlers in Peacock Alley. It was Oscar who held the gate of an elevator until the sergeant and all his retinue of bellboys and reception committee were 1 inside and again it was Oscar who clapped his hands for maid servants to unlock the doors of Sergeant York's suite. The sergeant entered a room with wondrous pictures on walls lined with heavy brocade, upholstered furniture and a gilded piano gleaming in a cor? ner. He took off his overseas cap and looked for a nail on which to hang it. Then he laid it down on the edge of a divan and stood up. His Mother's Picture E. A. Kellogg, a member of the Ten nesee Society's reception committee, turned toward the soldier a silver pic? ture frame, standing on a table. The red haired man looked at the spectacled old lady whose photographed likeness gazed back at him. Then he said: "That's the first picture I've seen of my mother in several days." Several days meant, about eighteen months, for York then explained that the had not carried pictures of his kinfolk overseas. "I'd rather leave 'em home than in the trenches," he said. "Don't you want to have a bath?" Continued on page five When you leave town this summer have The Tribune follow you to your vacation home. 'Phone Beekman 3000, or write to Sub? scription Dept., New York Tribune, 154 Nassau St., N. Y. C. III lll?M???????1 Sinn Fein Leaders Appeal to Clemenceau PARIS, May 22.?Premier Clemen? ceau, president of the peace congress, has received a letter from Edward de Valera, Count Plunkett and Arthur Griffiths, Irish Sinn Fein leaders, in which they declare Ireland will not be bound by the ac? tion of the British delegates on the question of peace. They ask recog? nition on behalf of Ireland. NC-4's Lisbon Flight Delayed By Choppy Sea Gale Is Expected to Move Northeastward, Leaving Conditions Favorahle for 800-Mile "Jump" To-day POXTA DELGADA, May 22 i By The Associated Press). Lieutenant Com? mander A. C. Read, in charge of the American naval seaplane NC-4, was greatly disappointed to-day when he was compelled to postpone his flight to Lisbon until to-morrow. The weather between here and Lisbon was favor? able, except for the choppy sea, which caused the postponement. WASHINGTON, May 22.?High winds to-day again prevented the naval sea? plane NC-4 from leaving Ponta Delgada for Lisbon, on the second leg of her transatlantic flight. TJie Navy Depart? ment this morning received the follow? ing message from Admiral Jackson at Ponta Delgada: "NC-4 will not leave to-day. Sea<* too rough for start." The weather forecast for the Azores district cabled to the Navy Depart? ment to-day held out promise that con? ditions might he favorable to-morrow for continuation of the flight, as the blow from the southwest was moving northeastward. The forecast follows: "Wind thirty miles, south-southwest; cloudy; Visibility good; sea rather rou^h; continuing strong southwest winds and cloudy sky Thursday; dis Continued on page five House Passes | War Risk Bill In 50 Minutes Republicans Wash Hands of Responsibility for Delay in Paying Allotments to Soldiers Families $13,107,000 Is Held Up i _ ! Wilson Is Criticised for Lack of Funds to Pay j 25,000 Civil War Checks New York Tribun? Washington Bureau WASHINGTON, May 22.?The new j Republican majority of the House this ; afternoon passed the war risk insur- ! ! anee deficiency bill in fifty minutes and j ' washed its hands of all further respon- i sibility for delay in the payment of j i family allotments and separation al 1 lowances. The Senate is expected to act with ' equal expedition, but the payment of j i back allowances cannot begin until the ' ; bill has been signed by President Wil- ! son. It was emphasized many times in ? I the debate that the President's absence from the country would entail a delay ! in mailing checks of at least two weeks, ! ' and each time Republican leaders took ! ! care to emphasize that for this they j t were in no way to blame. During the debate Republican lead- ? | ers informed the country that: 1. Seven hundred thousand May ? checks, totalling $13,107,000, for ben- j eticiaries under the war risk insur- j anee act, are being held in Washing- j ton unmailed for lack of funds; ?_.^XJM. iutiUbtM'i-of-?tfaa/i^s on June 1 j will be fiOO.OOO additional, totalling ? ? 11,505,000. 3. There are no funds to nay 25.000 Civil War pension checks on June 4. j The amount needed is $3,000,000. Democrats Hasten Action After the hill hnd been reported by the Appropriation Committee the Re? publican floor leader, Mr. Mondell, moved an adjournment, and lost by a vote of 77 to 73. '?I ask unanimous consent," said Continued on page five Premier Refuses to Reply Until Veni? zelos, Invited bv 4Rig V Withdraws Dispute Over Greek Mandate Wilson Takes Initia? tive on Questions; Problem Complex PARIS, May 22 (By The Associated Press).?It has been learned in trust? worthy quarters that the United States, Great Britain and France have united in sending a note to Italy requesting an explanation of the landing of Ital? ian forces in Turkey. Premier Orlando is said to have made a reply to the council of four after a sharp personal incident during which he objected to the presence of Premier Venizelos of Greece. The latter retired from the meeting. The Italians landed forces at Adalia, Budrum and Makri during the period when Premier Orlando and Foreign Minister Sonnino had withdrawn from the peace conference, making the land? ings without notice to the Allies. Nature of Reply Secret The nature of the Italian reply and whether it was acceptable to the send? ers of the note was not known this ] forenoon. . President- Venizelos was invited to attend a recent meeting of the council of four, at which the subject of ' Smyrna was under consideration, be? cause of the Creek interest in Smyrna. near which an Italian landing was mode, ^'hen Pr^-iier Or'iRnflo entered putting aside the usual diplomatic ; formality, addressed him directly, ask- ! ing what the answer was to the note j inquiring as to the landing of the Italian forces in Turkey. The Italian Premier, with apparent i feeling, replied that he was prepared to explain to the council of four, but not with outsiders present. Premier Venizelos at. once offered to withdraw, but President Wilson is said to have insisted upon his remaining. Premier Continued on page three Why Not Begin by Liberating the Prisoner of War? 'Cora-right. 1919, New York Tribuna Inc.) 7 Days'' Grace Is to Quiet Foe at Home DAR1S. May 22.?The seven days' granted the Germans before the time limit for the submission of replies to the Allied peace terms ex? pires will not be devoted exclusively to the drafting of notes at Ver? sailles, but will be employed at Ber? lin for the purpose of quieting agi? tation there, according to newspa? pers here. It is pointed out that there is an influential party in Germany, made up of Independent and Majority So? cialists, which favors the signing of the treaty. Bankers, manufacturers and business men generally, as well as the military authorities, are said to share this view, believing, it is declared, that anything is prefer? able to Bolshevism, which might en? sue if Germany refuses to agree to the terms of peace. U. S. Forces to Strike if Foe Fails to Sign ?Generals Liggett and Hines Recalled From Trip to London and Ordered to Coblenz by Gen. Pershing COLOGNE, May 22.?It la said the Allied troops everywhere are ready for an immediate advance into Germany, should it become necessary. COBLENZ, May 22 (By The Assoc? iated Tress). Lieutenant General Hun ! ter Liggett, commander of the army of occupation, and Major General John Hines, commander of the 3d Corps, who were on their way to London, have , been recalled to Coblenz by orders from American General Headquarter?. Nine hundred motor trucks bagan to move Tuesday midnight from west of the Rhine to the bridgehead area. The trucks are being distributed to x-arious points of advantage among the troops holding the zone east of the Rhine should the occasion arise for the Amer? icans to start an advance. The recall of Generals Liggett and Hines, it was learned in Coblenz, is part of the new programme for the American army in the event the Ger? mans do. not accept the peace treaty. The composite regiment of the Third Army which was organized for partici- , pation in the Empire Day festivities in London, in which Generals Liggett and Hines were also to take part, is being held in Coblenz because of the new turn in the peace situation. The regi- j ment may be sent to London and Brus- ! sels, as intended, if the peace treaty is ' signed within the next few weeks. The movement of the motor trucks continued throughout Wednesday and j most of Wednesday night, and was the topic of conversation among the Ger? man civilians in Coblenz. Many civil- i ians complained that the trucks,, as | they rumbled across the Rhine bridges at night, disturbed their sleep. The trucks, which have a capacity of from thirty to forty soldiers, are i fully equipped. They were taken to ; concentration points of the two divis- : ions on the east bank of the Rhine. The withdrawal from the area of oc- i eupation of the 90th and 6th Division?! and the 4th and Tth Corps continues. ! The army of occupation at present con- | sists of the 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th and 5th j Divisions. Americans Ready to Act Under Orders of Foch \ .yet/? York Tribun? Washington Bureau WASHINGTON, May 22. ? Marshal j Foch is still the supreme commander ; of the American army in France and Germany, and if he orders it to ad- i vanee further into Germany it will do so. While refusing to be quoted on even- j tualities following the possible refusal ? of Germany to sign the peace treaty, Secretary Baker admitted to-day that the American forces in Europe are at the disposition of Marshal Foch. The army view is that the present German government will refuse to sign and will give place to one that will sign, whereupon the present govern? ment will come back into power, thus escaping the unpopularity of signing an obnoxious treaty. There is not thought to be any likelihood of further hostilities, though there is a belief that a little more punishment would have a salutary effect on the. Germans and would contribute powerfully to a durable peace. The strength of the French and I British forces now in the field is not ? known here, but it is considered ample, | together with the American army, to deal easily with any possible German opposition. The American forces in France and Germany are estimated at sr.O.OOO men, 80 per cent combatants, of whom 250,000 now are in Germany. Fifty-nine per cent of the air-service originally in Europe still is there. It is assumed here that the moment the Germans refuse to sign the treaty the armistice expires and war auto? matically hegins again. Hl OSO S RITKR DAY LINE Start? luux'rto? between New Y?jrk ?ad Alb?ny.? AdtL Allies' Reply Will Go to Foe To-day; Austrian Ter m s Ready Monda y Treaty Signedby June 12 or 16 Entente Refuses to Consider Berlin's League Proposal PARIS, May 22 (By The Associate? Press").?The council of four agreed to? day on a reply to the Cerman note con? cerning reparations. The note will be handed to the German plenipotentiaries I at Versailles to-morrow and will out? line some modifications in the terms regarding reparations as they now ap? pear in the text of the peace treaty. This will be the first modification of the terms of the peace treaty as agreed upon by the plenary conference. Consideration of Germany's protest regarding the Saar Valley also has re? sulted in slight modifications of th1" terms of the award. The Allied reply to the Cerman not." regarding the league of nations, which was delivered to-day, says in general that the council considers "the pid? ?is for the covenant are much mo> ? ! practical than those of the Germa: government and better calculated to se? cure the objects of the league." Regarding the suggestion of a sepa? rate mediation office, this is not con? sidered feasible, since such a body would not have the requisite authority lo maintain the peace of the world." A categoric negative reply to the German note on the economic .effect of the peace terms was sent by the Allied ?council to the German delegation to-day. i The reply characterizes the Germa,i note ' as exaggerated and says it indicates j failure to appreciate the enormity of the ; Germans' responsibility. The Germans are reminded that "it is right that Germany, which was re? sponsible for the origin of these calam? ities, should make them good to the ut most of her capacity." Newspapers here declare the *e\ en day extension granted yesterday f -r the submission of German replies to thp Allied peace terms will be the last concession as to time made to the en? my. If this is true it is expected the treaty may be signed between June 12 and June 16. Count von Brockdorflf-Rantzau, ac? companied by several of the German peace delegates, again has gone to Spa. He will consult with representatives of the German government there. . The German delegation has sum? moned from Berlin for a consulation Carl Kautsky, the Independent Social? ist leader. . ST. GERMAIN-EN-LA YE. May 22 , By The Associated Press). The Austrian peace terms, it is understood, will be delivered to the Austrian delegates here early next week, possibly Monday. Josef Schumpeter, the Finance Min? ister of German Austria, shortly will be sent to join the Austrian peace delega? tion at St. Germain, according to a Vienna telegram via Berlin. Herr Landesberge/, who is in charge of the Austrian financial interests at St. Ger? main, demanded the assistance of an? other expert, and it is reported he asked that Dr. Rudolf Sieghart, former governor of the Austrian Credit Fon? cier, be sent. The government, how? ever, preferred to send Herr Schu*rt petcr. Mannheim in Panic In Fear of Allies Citizens, Believing inva? sion Imminent* Storm the Municipal Bank MANNHEIM, May 22 (By The Asso? ciated Press).?Alarmed by the belief that Germany will not sign the peace treaty and that the Allies will occupy Mannheim, citizens became panic stricken to-day and stormed the munic? ipal savings bank. Many persons have fled from Mannhiem. Large crowds later gathered and held protest meetings and other demonstra? tions, which added to the general con? fusion in The town. An official expression of regret has been issued in Berlin that the people of Mannheim "appear to have lost their heads." BERLIN, May 21 (By The Associated Press). The Greater Berlin Soldiers' and Workers' Council to-day adopted a resolution demanding that the peace treaty be signed, and appealing to the proletariat of the Allied countries. The Majority Socialists held a de? monstration of protest against the peace terms in the WilholmsplaU to? day. The crowd, in contrast with"