Newspaper Page Text
Kecord of Stock and Bond Average* (CojtyriiOit. 12la- N iorlt Tribun* InrJ Stocks 20 BsUf0*^ S0 Industrials tjO Stocks Yester? day. 76.60 101.23 91.48 81.08 10 Industrial* . 9S.18 Utilities . 8=u? j5 Bonds . .. 87.51 Day before. 76.70 100.87 91.20 Bonds 81.17 94.90 85.02 87.43 Year ago. 69.40 83.60 77.92 80.70 91.52 85.14 85.92 Range Jan. 1 to dato 1919. Ranee full year 191S. High. 77.50 101.27 91.76 82.80 95.33 87.75 87.83 Tx>V7. 68.70 79.20 75.32 79.48 93.72 83.62 86.53 High. 79.15 88.83 84.03 86.67 94.88 89.02 89.40 Low. 66.21 73.87 70.30 76.62 67.40 82.60 82.62 Summary of Stock Exchange Dealings (.Copyright. 1919, New York Tribune. Ino) Stocks Yesterday. ???Iroads . 103,800 0A.r.ttk. . 'Vl?l'lno til stock* . 1,214.900 Day before. 137,100 1.316,500 1,453,600 Year ago. 104.700 782,800 887,500 191?. 12,554,700 84,210,300 96,765,000 January 1 to date. 1918. 7,325,600 49,731,900 57,057,500 Yesterday. $10,677,000 ^_^_^^_ . 1.516,000 Other bonds . 2,236,000 tU bonds . 14,429,000 f. S. Government gill roads Bonds Day before. $7,315,000 1,467,000 2,632,000 11,414,000 Year ?go. $4,164,000 416,000 766,000 January 1919. $521,559,000 84,723,000 285,177,000 8 67 76 I to 5,346,000 1,291,459,000 1 $316, 92, 136, 545 1917. ,995,500 ,758,800 ,754,300 date. SUS. 546,000 612,000 ,219,000 .377,000 Yesterday's Transactions in Listed Stocks All stocks quoted dollars a share. Annual dividend rate, also In dollars a ihare, ?3 based on last rejrular payment. High and low prices of 1019 an? bised only on transactions of 100 shares or more. Hah. 1J15. m $494 ?5 4;i ?* 95 ?33 113f4 '.03 IS'-? 91 56'* 103*4 104' i M'/i ?8>8 97 35 *28 54?. 9634 64^4 ?8*8 82-S 107 o'/j 6114 80 37J4 136 118 ??08>? 63 ?1?J4 ?06 85'4 '.02 48 18': ?9 Wi 87% 96 4 97% tost? 103'i 55-, m mu 2'8 79 113 284 27 i 100=4 92 85 ? 4 Wa 30 m* 80'g ?7a 170J -a 53 60"8 52-, W4 112 ??i? 'M'', ?Va ?H H3s *r% 101\ ?1 s 471-2 "'s 2<?. 38', Low. ? I 29% 21 66 3' s 1% 30 81% 84% 9978 98 62 90 42% 93 g 94'8 10% 39-s Div. Rate. Adam? Express . . 3600 Advance Rumel.i . 400 Ajai Rubber . 700 Alaska ?t.Id Min. 2100 Alaska Juneau . 12800 .80 13200 300 1100 Allia Chalmers Co Allis Chalmers pr Am Bosch Mag . Am Ag Chem. . . . Am Ag Chem pr. Am Beet Sugar . Am Brake S Fdy. Amer Can Co. . . . Am Can Co pr. . . Am C & Fdy Co Am Drug . 1200 Am Cotton Oil . 1100 ! 42% 40 42 2 94 92'2 94 93% 93 93?; 1300 108'-8 108'2 107% 108' 100 101' a 101% 101% 1011/ 1100 B1% 81% 8OJ4 81 10O 90 90 90 90 6600 54^4 55 54'/4 643 400 103 103 102' 2 102'. 3000 102'8 103 102 102 1338 133g 13? 8 13|/ 54'2 54% 54'4 541-, M 4 71 4 38 5233 44 a 85 58 100 1 51 62', 111' 96' 2J4 ? 98*4 63 191'. : S6&8 45'4 94 ?' g 27V 11 56% 1 17:4 68 90 85 95 92 84% 44 50 103 ! .v 55is 10;% 18% 19% 18 4 97 71 7-1 15 4 16' 4 -a 4 20 3 g 64'g 5634 1i5*4 49 30 4 27 56 . 104 j 31 103 53?4 10', I ?3 8 22 , 6' 8 73 4 32 64 17 a 32'-, 103' j 3434 35-4 48 , 87% 6-8 65 '. , 46 48 62''8 20% 69'2 101 172'/, 6 a 10% 6 Am Kipress . 1300 90 Am Hide and 1. 7600 33% Am Hide and L pr 3800 122 ? American Ice . 1500 53' 8 4 80 Am Int Corp . 21600 9134 ? American Linseed . 600 63 7 Am Linseed pr . 200 94',4 5 Am Locomotive _ 19100 81 Am Locomotive pr ., 400 101 ? Am Malt . 4400 3' ? Am Mit 1 pr ctf stp 700 67 4 Am Smelting . 5500 77% Amer Steel Fdy _ 20700 3538 Amer Sugar . 3000 131% 10 Amer Sumatra . 2200 1063g ? Am Sum Tob Rts . 8600 3 56' Am Tel & Tel. 2000 10?% 106 Am Tel &. Cable. Amer Tobacco Am Tob pr nrw A in er Wool . . Am Wool pr. Am Writ Taper pr Am Zinc &, Lead. Anaconda.12800 Assets Real Co. 100 Ass Dry Goods. 200 As-o Oil . 100 A tch ?son . 2600 100 63 200 208 100 100 10800 79 200 10V 400 45 700 16 11 200 48 48 90 90 96' 2 96% 87 87 400 105% 1053a 2S00 166?4 167 '4 600 1021.4 102% 2500 54 6434 300 57'2 571, 1400 137 138 700 134 P4 4800 76'a 77'4 ? CO 111' j 5300 26' 8 4800 23'4 500 2334 140 98 47S 64 56 2 ?794 ?N 62, 76?? 24 ? ?/, 115'/, ?7 m? w/f ?A ?s* ?7 12 2s K ? Wt 118', /? 56% *?>? 103 ?T/? 89V, ??Va 31% Atchison pr . Atlantic (oast I ine Allan Gulf & W I Baldwin Locomo C Baltimore * Ohio Bait & Ohio pr. Barrett Co . Batopilas Minims Beth titeci, Cla^s B Beth Sle?l 8th pr Brooklyn Rap Iran Bkyn Rap Tr Ctfs Booth Fisheries Brooklyn Luis?n . . Brown Shoe Co, 100 92 Brooklyn I n Gas . . . 500 85 Brunswick . 100 10 >0 Buttc top & 7-inr 9300 13 Butte & Sup Copper. 900 24' ? Butterick Co. 200 27 ( nlif Packing . 3400 66; 4 Calif Petroleum. 2900 3n8 ( auf Petrol pr. 1100 793.4 Calumet & Arizona.. 1700 64% Canadian Pacific... 2100 163 ( addo Oil . 4300 49% Certainte?d 100 44 ( ent Kdv pr. 1000 54 Central Leather . . 12900 9'7a Cejit I.cath pr. 100 1 M ? erro De Paaco. . . . 1500 44'/j ?handler Motora . . 1200 165 Chea f, Ohio. 2300 86's ? hi ft Airort pr. 100 15 < hl G? Wfst. 400 10! ; C, M ft St P . 6700 44i/a ? , M & St P pr_ 700 71'/? Chi & N'irest. 2100 100'/; C, R I & P. 4200 29 ( . 11 I i- F 6?o pr. . 400 69' ? f . R I & V y; pr.. 100 82' \ C, C, C ft St L. too 47' ; C, C, C * St L pr... 100 71's Chile Copper . 4400 23. ? hi?o Con Copper... 3000 37'/; Cluett Peabody pr... 50 105!, Col Knel ft Iron_ 2200 45 Col Gas & Klec. 6100 53'*i ? ol & Ho 1st pr. 300 66J,; ? on?ol Gas. 600 100 < ons Int Call Min. . . 600O 73; (on Can . 910O 843, Corn Products. 2800 61 ?', 1 11 ' 2 1 11 > 'a 11 92 3r> 100'. .4 100' , 105'/a 105/a 105! 24' 17', sa 38/ 25' 144' < re? Carpet Co. . , < rucible Steel Cuba Cane Sugar. I uo Tane Sug pr. (>?l & Hudson. . . . O. I. & W. D & R G pr. Dome Minea. Det United R R.. . Krie . Krl? lit pr . Erie 2d pr _ Fed M ft S pr... I-'Uher Body . . . . Gaaton Williama . (?eneral Cigar . Gen Licetric Co. 100 68 4 58'4 581.4 58'4? 13/4 58 6100 74 75! 2 7334 74 + '4 74 1800 34'? 3434 34'? 34'2;- % 34 400 81'a 81Ta 81 ^ 81/2?" '* 81 200 114'a 1141-B 114 114 ? "--a 113 100 2137a 213?8 2137a 2137B-~ 1'8 210 800 11'a 11'/a IOJ4 11 ? 1.4 103 400 14% 14H 14's 14*8? 'a 1*? 25 119 119 119 119- 102 6400 189,a 19 188i 18'i8? V* 181 1500 1637, \2 General Motors . 10900 184 ?Mv4 1U try, ? *??/, 4 ?4/4 7 40 A n t ??/, fi 3 Vi? ? 11?/. - "37% 64?/4 m ?I ?1 */* "?7 n %* *<* *2!4 t ?/4 ~ ?2 ? 2*'/i ?? 2ft ? ?0 7 H% ? 6ft ?'/, M/4 106'/, ?'/a <.en Motors pr. (.?n Motor? deb. Goodi-kh, ? Y. t.oodrich, H y, pr. . . (it Northern pr. Gt North Ore sub*.. . Greene Con Copper.. Gulf States Steel Gulf St Htl 1st pr . Has ft Bark Car Co Illinois Central . Internat Agrieul Internat Agrieul \>r Irupiratlon Copper ?nUrbor-f.on Corp ? Interbor-f,f,n Corp pr Int Harvetter Co. . . Jnt Marcan Mar If* Mercan Mar pr. Internat Paper .... Inter Paper pr ?tpd Internat Nickel ... Jewell Tea . iewtll Tea pr. Kan City Hoot?. 1600 2354 K?l!> e?prl*# . 4?00 121 X?nnee?tt Cop . 1700 34'/, 13600 ?2 100 127 200 90!4 200 90 1700 71! * 400 103 1600 98'/4 6400 46% 400 41i, 3800 63'8 100 941-4 1900 58<i 100 103 200 24' '? /CO 80?/b 34frD 54% 2500 6'/. 6200 24 1300 130 4 60100 47',;, 41600 123'/. 2'jlOO 52 400 71 JftOO 26 % 200 38 y, 100 85% 4 B 1.20 K*r*torta Tire 6 Krcsgc C#; h H Lark J5t??| . 15200 I.?/lr<4i G? . 10(J 71 Ionian Vulltr ftOO 'M ? \m Kjt, 1 Ti? ftorj ?/2i 1. W KWeuit Co 400 66 '? w ??* Ce 1st pr 00 103 L 4 .'.a. 1,. 100 121 High. 1019. 88 11934 100 47 72 35% 1971/4 28!/2 491 4 11/4 25 3334 58% 39 Va 121 21% 64 77% 14 1734 36% 121 82% 32% 60 35 54 3434 24 1121/2 103 59 47 98/2 88 69% 54% 101/2 67% 13'2 40% 29 S7 48% 53% 24% 63'/2 43 37 52% 107' -, 2?=>B 58? 4 89Aa 60' 2 40% 83' 2 81% 129% 91% 21% 903. Low. Dlv. 1919. Ra'e. Sales. Open. High. Low. 70 7 Manhattan Elevated. 700 84 84 82 Manhattan Shirt ... 200 118% 118% 118 Maxwell Motor . 2100 44U 45 44 Maxwell Motor 1?t pr 600 70% 70% 70% Maxwell Motor 2d pr 100 34% 34'4 34'4 4 26% ? 60% ? 19! 4 ? 16234 8 21% 2 40% 4 4% - 8% - 22% ? 49% ?? 29% 3 11534 7 14 ? 45% 6 64 5 6% ? 15% r 283,4 ? 91% 10 69% 5 24 ? 42% ? 19'a 2 44! 4 5 253,4 ? 18!, -- Mexican Pet . 8800 182% 183% 180% 180% Miami Con Copper.. 1400 27 273a 27 27 - Mldvale Steel . 8800 47% 48% 47% 47% Mo Kana & Tex. 1300 9% 10 9% 9% Mo Kan? & Tex pr.. 2100 21% 22 2V/a 22 Missouri Pacific .... 6800 32% 32*4 32 32 - Missouri Pacifie pr.. 1100 56% 56% 58 56 - National Acme . 900 36% 36% 36% 36% Natlonal Biscuit pr.. 100 117 117 117 117 - Nat Co? & Cable_ 600 19% 19% 19% 19% Nat Enam & Stpar. .. 2100 63% 6334 63 63% National Lead . 4400 733? 77?8 73% 76 N R R of Mex 2d pr. Nevada Con Copper.. New Or, Tex & Mex. N Y Air Brake. New York Central... N Y, Chic & St L... N Y C & St L 2d pr. N Y Dock. 2000 N Y Dock pr. 100 N Y. N H & H. 1500 N Y, Ont & West. . 900 400 2100 300 200 100 Norfolk & West. 300 110% 110% 109% 10934 1191 2 119% 12 2534 11% 22 212 15% 69% 64 no!a 33 70% 149 04 8-1'4 60 45! 2 46-?4 17'4 52 292 2'?% 52 48% 84 137'. 4 7434 54' ; 13934 113 130 79'. l?a 27% 303 4 160 46 ? 4 100' 2 114 70% 50 104% 117% 79% 19'4 69% 114% 46 35% 5% 46 8 29% 22 67 43% 45% 12% 56 30 30 38% 101', 16 45 85 % 51 34 79 59 1127a 63! i 19 75 711' 70% 86' ; w< 10% 73, 15' 168' . 10 46' 95' ; 25 66', 124 North American. 2700 Northern Pacific . . . 1600 Nova Scotia Steel... 3500 Ohio Gas . 64100 -f- 33j J->8 24' -, 76 13% 24% 61% 89'a 116 57' ? 70 8S% 102 12 63% 35 98' i 45% 42'4 32 36% 12% 27% 135 13% 72% 37! 4 38 121% 72 37-% 107! 4 106 90' 3 49 ' 1 14 1614 97-4 17% 73 109 43% 45 88'4 113% 65% 13 51 116 734 30% 19 53 9% 52'-f 84 ?H 94! - 40</: 61 65S? 06V. 7'. 4'? 231/? 82'. ? Ontario Silver . , 3 Owens Bottling . .50 Okla Prod & Rcf 1 Pacific Mail .... ? Pac Tel & Tel. . . 6 Pan Am Pet. 3 Pennsylvania R R ? Peo Cas & Coke. -- P?re Marquette . 3900 5 Per? Marq prior pr. Philadelphia Co . . . 6 Penn Seal) Steel.... 5 Pierce Arrow . 8 Pierce Arrow pr. . ? Pierce Oil . 5 Pittsburgh Coal 6 Pittsb'g Coal pr. . . ? Punta Alegre Sugar ? P & W Va. 6 P & W Va pr. 8 Pressed Steel Car... 8 Pullm Pal Car. 8 Ky Steel Sprinjr_ 2 Ray Con Cop . 4 Reading. 6 Rep 1 & S. 8.44 Royal Dutch . 2400 11734 119 8.44 Royal D N Y 8hrs. . 38100 117% 119 ? Saxon Motors . 1000 9% 93 --- S L & S F. 2800 23 23 ? Scab Air Line.. . ? Scab Air Line pr 8 Hears Roebuck . . 1 Shaltuck Ariz . . . ? Sinclair Oil . 66100 66? 6 Slos.s-Sheffi St & lr. 7900 57? 6 Souther Pacific ... 10700 1083 ? Southern K K. 4800 31] 5 Southern R R pr. . . 400 70' 8 Standard Milling ... 100 135 6 Standard Milling pr 100 90 4 . 19400 E23 6 Stutz Motors . 400 57: 6 Superior Steel . . . 3500 44 2000 400 ?15100 200 100 54600 1400 6600 400 6234 62% 62' 6100 40% 40% 40', 800 36 36% 35' 4000 50' 4 51 50' 200 107 107% 107 6800 27% 27% 26! 3400 58 58% 57' 200 89 89 89 400 66 56 55 600 373,8 37% 37?. 200 80% 81 SO' 1000 79% 79% 79' 600 128% 123% 128 1100 90 90% 89 1700 21% 21% 21' 6000 87% 88% 87' 3600 853b 863/4 85* 2800 2: 1400 10-% 10% 10 400 20% 20-;4 20' 900 207 208'2 207 300 14' a 14% 14 ?% 66 1% 4 106' 2 107' 4 1000 46->> 2000 14s-, 7600 49!. ?1000 276 800 20' 3 Slrombrrg C'arb 1 Trnn Copper Chrm ? Texas & Parific. . . . 10 Texas Company . Third Ave K R. . . 6 Tob Products . 6200 88 89% 88 88% 5 Tran & Wins Steel.. 400 52 52 52 52 1 Twin City Rap Tr.. 300 AS 48 48 48 6 En Hair & Paper_ !00 80 80 80 80 10 Inion Parific . 5000 134% 135% 134% 1343i 4 Enion Pacific pr.. . 290 73 73 73 73 4 En Alloy Steel. 10800 53 54% 53 54 9 United Cigar Stores. 16400 132 132 129% 131'/f 7 En Cigar Stores pr 100 113 113 113 113 7 Enitcd Drug . . 100 117 117 117 117 2 E S Food Prod. 5600 76% 77 75% 76' United Ry Invest... 300 13% 13% 13 13 V S Cast I P & Fo.. 1000 25% 25% 25% 25', S Kiprc.s.s . S lnd Alcohol . S Realty & Imp S Rubber . S Rubber 1st pr S Smelt & Rcf . S Smell & Rcf pr 100 S Steel . 892C0 13 ;'., 120 73 77% 50 66 1 16 U C ? U a e 5 I 3'2 E D E E S Sled pr . (i Elah Copper . I tab Sec Corp . 4 Vn Carolina ('hem.. 8 Va Carolina (hem pr ? Wsbash . M abash pr A. ? Wubash pr II . Wells Cargo Ex. ?- \Vc...t Maryland - ? West Pacific . 4 West Pacific pr .... 7 V. cs>t Union Tel .... 7 Westinghouse Air Br 4 Westinghouse >1fg... 4 Westinghouae 1st pr. 5 Wilson Co. 7 Wilson Co pr. Wheel A E E. 4 White Molors . . 1 Willys Overland 7 Willys Overland pr . . n Woolworth . Worthington P &, M, 6 Worth P & M pr B. 1800 I5534 157% 154'2 154% 400 6400 96 % 100 114 14100 68 2 42&? 66^ 1 13 ? 112'g I ?100 115'4 115% 11614 1 15' 4 ? % 24100 65% 57% 55' 2 57'.,- 1 -,i 100 69' .. 69% 69' 2 69' , ?- ' 2 600 86% 86-*.t 36 86 --- 1 100 101% 101% 10Pg 101%?- :? 600 10% 103;?. 10% I0%4- '., 1300 67% 57% 67 67 - % 14800 33% 34% 33% 34% i- 1 600 9:<% 96 96% 96 ; % 400 131% 131% 131% 131%? ' z 400 68' 2 68! 2 68 68 ' % 200 76 76 76 76 ?? Curb Market Note.?Tho ribun* assumes no responsi- ! bility for tha accuracy or authenticity of ! curb market ouotations. Transactions and , prices yesterday were reported as follows: Industrials Snle*. Open. High. Low. Last. ; ??'.On ?Aetna Explos. 11 11% 103,1 103.. 700 ?Arn Ch Prod.. 1 rT'4- t i .? ? ?100 ? Anglo-Am C. 18% 18'4 18'4 18%! G100Br-Am Tob cpn 27% 28 27 27 IO0 Hi-Am Tob reg 263^ 263/.? 26% 2634 ! 100 ?Bucyrus Co.. 21% 21% 21% 21%; 5000 "Chalmers Mut 9 9-% 9 9% ? 500 ?Claib fr An E 8 8' 8 8" 2000 *Cona Cigar... 651a 65% 61 61 ?:'" ?do pi. 90 90 90 90 I 800 Endicott John. 80 80 78 78 8.1-'am Plya-La?. 94% 941/2 94 94 ? 2.1.) Entroll Coal.. 67% 583,4 56% 68%, 800 ?Fisk R T w I. 33% 34'4 33% 34' 800 ?Gen Asphalt. 69 69 68 68 200 ?do i.f.105 105 103 105 I 300 Grape-Ola. % % U ?U 400 do pf. 1% 1% M. 1%, 500 'tlii/ Tob pf. 4% 4' 2 4% 4% 600 ?Heyd Chem.. 8'4 8'? 8% 8% 5000 Hupp Motor.. 9% 9-33 9',. 0% I 2600 Intcrcon Rub. 29% 29% 28% 28% ' 765 ?Lack Co Coal 21% 22% 21 21% 100 Lib. McN & L 30 30 30 30 inn-Man Sh w i 30 30 30 30 Mum Maro of Am. 4% 6 434 4% I 6000 ?Nat An & Ch 38 40 38 39 800 ?N M <fc Ar L 4% 4% 4 4% 0000 N Am P & P 6% 534 6", 5% 1800 *N Y Sav Tiro 65 56 65 56 1 P.I,' Dov Corp 66 67 66 67 1200'Pearson Coal 2% 3% 2% 3% 00 1 Par T & Rub 1', 4. 1% 1% 1% j 3000 Peer T ?-. R. 37 37! ? 37 37 ; .00 PI. MorrU.... 11% 11% 11% H%l :i00 ?Santa C Sugar 39 40 39 40 ' 00 ?Savold T Co. 67 68 57 67% ! 400 Stan Cms & B. 42 42% 41 41 26008ub Bt vtclf?16% 16% 15% 16% I600?8wift internat. 60 60 69 69% ?OiiOTri l'ilmvt. cfs 1% 1!'? 1% 1% 700 ?Union Carb... 70% 70% 69 69 25000 Unit Pmill Sh 2% 2% 2% 2% 1500 MIS l.t & If 0 2% 2! 4 2 2 4600 U S Steamship 2% 2% 2% 2% I'??? ?Wnltl? Wntch 39 39 39 39 700 ?Warren Bros.. 60% 61% 60% 61 1500 Wayna Coal. ..4 4 3% 3% 18000*Wabe* & H.. 17 18% 17 18% 6000 ?Wrig't.M A Cp 6% 6% 6% 5% 2600 Anir.A,m?r Oil., 25 25 23% 24<: 16 ?Stan Oil Cal. 284 280 280 I?O Btan OH M .1. 718 711 ng ,1. '.tan Oil N V. 38? 38/ 388 10 ?Vacuum Oil..-- 450 450 460 Other Oil Stocks Kales. Open. TTIgli. Low. Last. 6000 Allen Oil_ 33,t 4 3-?. 4 750 ?AI Oil ?& Ref 5% 5% B 51 ? ' 10000 ?Amalgr Ruy. 1% 1%, 1% 1% 1200 'Harn O KO ft % ft, ft 12000 ?Boono Oil. .11 12' -, 10% 11' 2 16000 ?fBos-Wyo Oil 61 62 60 61 12000 ?C-Am O & O 1% 1% 1% "h ! 1000 *Cit S B T sh 3931^ 39% 39' , 39% 100?) <f:,)m Pel. w i 49% 50% 49% 50% 12. Contin Kef.. 12% 13% 12% 13% 2300 ?Cosden & Co 9% ot" 9sa 9% 4600 ?Duke Con It 13B l% 1't 1 ft 411OO ?Llfonl Oil.. 1 1 % 1 4("l0 ?Klk Pas Pet 10 10% 9% 10 20000 ?Ertel Oil... 8% 8'. 8% 8% 10000 Esmeralda Oil 19 20 18 19 f.000 ?Eexl Oil_ 8% 3% 2% 2% 28U0 ?Glenrock Oil 6% 6% 0% 6% 80') ?Gum Cove O 124 124 120 120 21000 ?tlli Grav O 18 22 13 21 8000 *H O Rf, w 1 40 40% 39'/, 39% 1500 ?Houston Oil..135 137 130% 132 8000 *Houe Oil rta 6% 6% 5% 6% 2300 ?Hudson Oil.. 2% 2% 1% '% 900 ?Inter Pet. . . 32 32 31% 32 30110 ?Isl O & Tr. . 8% 8% S! ? 8% 8400 ?Ky O & lt.. 2234 23% 223^ 23' 4 5000 ?Ky Pet. 4% 4% 4% 4%, 14?00 ?Lanco Ck Roy. 1% 1% '% !'.< 2100 ?La Oil & R... 40 42 40 42 2500*Merritt O Cor 30% 31% 30% 31 100(10 Metro Petro .. . 3% 334 3% 3% 1S00 ?Mex-Panuca O 10! s 10r'a 10'. 2 1?r'? l600?M?dw?Mt Ref..186 188 185 187'-. 4000 ?Mtdw-Tex O.. 1% 1% 1% 1% I.300 ?M P of Ma w I 4% 4% 4% 4',, r.lOO ?National Oil.. 5% 6 5% 6 4000 ??Northwest O. 65 65 62 65 ir,onO?Ohio Ranger.. 1% 1% 1% 1% | 6000 ?IOmar Oil ?St G 50 60 48 49 2100 ?Orient O & G. 5 6% 5 5%: 20000 ?Os N O S Ino 1'4 1% 1% 1?4 4000 ?Ponnoek Oil.. 18% 16% 16% 16J4 ; 2600 ?Piitsburg-Tex. 87a >9 3'3 9 liOOO ?i Queen OU ... 14 15 13 14 2000 ?Rangebar 011. 2% 2% 2 21 ? ir,"00 *Rnn-HO ?a p.? ^ if ! > a* ! 12000 ?Ranger Oil . . 1% 1% 1% 1% lion ?Kickurd Tex C 13% 16 13% 16'4 f)O0 ?Rock O (a p). % % % %| llmOO'Rynn Pet _ 6% 6 5% 5?8 '3000 ?Salt Crk Prod. 56 56 5434 55 t 2000 ??apulpa O 4 R 838 8% 8 8% ; 100 Savoy OU. 11 11 11 1 ' 6500 8?qu'h O & R. ii i? ii ti 25000 ?tShulun O w i. 60 57 50 66 ; 10000 ?Sinclair G Cp 60 63% 60 62% 7400 ?Sou'n P & R. 63, 6% 6'4 6% 2500 ?Stanton Oil... 1% 1% 1% 1'n , 2675 ?Sterl O & R. 1? 12'4 11% 12'a 8000 ?Tex Nat Pet. 1% 1% ' 1' a I 10000 ?Tex-R P & R. 41 4 4'4 3% 3% 8290 ?tTex O & R.. 50 50 45 60 6000 ?tT.'x Prml *. R 7% 7% 7% 7% 7300 ?Tex Steer Oil. 1'% 1% J a ' 700?Tyopu Oil.... 2 22 2 ?OOO Val O Prop Inn 8 8% 8 VA 100 ?Ventura Con O 14% 14^8 14% 14% 1000 ?Vera-Cona Pet VA 1% 1% VA 400 ?Vle O. new m. 3% -i'. ?Va J% 6500 ?Virky T O & <i % 1 'a ti 2400 ?"Y" Oil 4 O. 1 i1, 1 ,? ' ' . Mining Stocks SalM Open. High. Low. I ast, , ?8000 Al-Bs Col Met.. 1J% 1?* l Ji?J Sales. Open. High. Low. Laat. 1200?) ?Amer Tin & T % % j. V, 10000 ?tAdM&M (ap) 20 20 13 13 4200?tA!!ied Gold.. 1% VA 1% 1% 100 ?Amer Mines.. % % % 7s ' 2000 ?fAriz Butte .. 80' 80 80 80 Bl ? 0 ?fAriz Silver ..1 1 % \\ 1000 ?JAtlanta . 5 6 5 5 1500 ?Atl Ores & R. 1% U 1% 1% 4000 Big Ledge .... % % % t? 1S0O ?tBooth . 10 12 10 11 1500 tBoston <?: Mon 69 69 ? 66 66 1200 Buffalo Min?.. 3-? r{ ;j. 3? ; 6000 ?Calumet & J.. % t? % tV 4700 ?tCaledonia ... 38 39 37 38 fi 1 "'1 Canada Copper. 1% 1 ;?J 1 \i 1% : 12550 ?tCandelaria S. 69 73 69 73 1000 ?Cascade Silver 14 %j 1% 1% . 6500 tCashboy . 10' 10 9 9 00 ?Cer S M & M 4% 438 4 4'.4 ' 1000 Cons Ariz Sm.. 1-r? 1? 1^ Ift 1500 Con Cop M... 5% 5% 6% B*? 2200 Cres Con G... 434 434 4% 4% ; 9000 ?tC C L G... 36 36 35 35 22000 ?tDiv Char_27 27 25 26 7000 El Sal SU_ 4% 4% 4|/2 4%; 2000 ?Eur C M Co. 2 2% 2 2% | 730?) ?Flagg T M.. 6% 7 6% 7 100 ?First Nat C. 2 2 2 2 1000 ?tFor Cons... 60 60 60 60 6500 ?Golden Gate.. 3% 3!% 3% 3%. 4500 tGoldfield Cons 18 18 17 17 17.1 ?tGold Zone D 1^ 1,/, 92 94 7"" ?H M & S tap) 1ft 1ft 1ft 1ft I 10000 ?tHar Div_20' 20 15 15 6300 ?tHasbrit D.. 30 33 28 30 K.'.O Hecla Min_ n'A 6% 6'2 5% i 4500 Howe S v to. 4% 6% 43-4 5% ! 2200 ?tJirn Butler. . 39 39 37 37 14000 ?fKnox Div... 19 22 19 22 500 La Rose Ltd. % % % Vz '< 9000 *fL B D (a pst 17 17 15 16 j 20000 ?tLone Star... 10 10% 9% 10 9000 ?-?-Magma Ch.. % 3a Vz %\ 100 Magma Cop... 34 34 34 34 1900 ?tMam Div... 70 70 65 67 9300 ?fMMofA(a pa) 1% 1% *a % 50000 ?fMacN Min. , 1,', 1ft 99 1 1500 ?tMarsh Min.. 88 8 8 400 t.McKinley-Dar. 58 62 68 62 .'.no Manon Valley.. 2% 2% 2% 2%; 2600 *tMother Lode. 43 44 43 44 ; 1700 ?Nat Tin Corp. 4% 41/4 4 4%; 4600 ?tNev D (ap). 17 18 17 18 I 6000 ?tNev Ophir M 35 36 35 36 2000 Nipissing Min.. 12! 4 12% 12 12 i 500 ?Onondaga Min 3"% 3% 3% 3% 11500 ?tPotta Canvon 66 68 65 67 2150 ?Ray Here Min 2% 2% 2 2%! 6500 tRochester Min 23 23 22 22 2500*tRoyal Div.... 23 24 22 23 1500 Seneca Cop C. 23% 233,4 23 23%! 600 ?Silver Dol M. 1% 1% 1% 1%; RoOO ?tSilver K Div. 29 29 26 26 1000.1 Silv K of Ariz. 1ft 1,!? 1 1 28600 ?tSilver PI Con 1% 1% 1ft 134 1800 Stand Silv-L... ft ?., -, ft ; ;..' 0 ?tSuthland Div. 23 25 20 20 2750 ?Star o? the W 1% 1% 1 1% 16000 f Stewart . 29 33 28 30 1300?Ton Belmont.. 3% 3% 3% 3/, 1800*Tonopah Div.. 0 9 8% 8% SOOTonopah Ext.. 3 3 2>f 3 220?Tonopah Min. 3% 3% 3% 3% 650 United Eastern 41$ 4i| 434 4% 7200 *tU S Con Min 16 17 16 16% 4200 Un M of A r?z. . ' .'v % % % ' 600 Unity Gold M. 7% 7% 7 7% 300 ?Vic Pr & M. 5 5% 5 5% S300 tWest End Con 2'/4 2% 2% 2'.a 6500 tWh Caps Min, 19 19 17 18 2800 ?Wilson Silv M 1ft 1% 1% 1 ft Bonds Sn!e? fOOO omitted?. Onen. High. T.nw Last. ?25 ?Aro Su 7?, w i 105' , 106 105% 106 7 ?Am T & T 6s 101' 4 101 ' 4 101 % 101% 20 ?Anaconda 6s.. 99% 99% 99% 99% 25*Braden 6s, 1931 95% 96 95 95 5 ?Can Govt 5s , 99% 99% 99% w.x 10 ?Hock Val 63.. 98% 98% 08'4 98' .t 05 <-lll Cent ..'-?... 97% 97% 97% 97% ?5 Unter Rap Tr 7s 88' 2 89 88% 89 5 ?L G L7nw'29 99\i 99% 9934 993* 25 ?N V T Deb 0 i 101% 101% 10V s 101% 20 "Rusa Gov 5M?s 47 J8 44 48 "5 Htu.'s Gov 6'i.s 58 59 58 59 15 ?Wilson conv Wo 99% 99% 99'4 993* 'Unlisted, tSell eta, per Bid and Asked Quotations The following table gives the closing bid and asked quotations for stocks listed on the New York Stock Exchange but not traded in yesterday: Bid, Aski 1. Bl i A3 *i A Bank Nota 89'/j -11 1. T. * W pr 21ft 24 do or 48'/, iiO L .t "*l Tob.. 200 215 A licet 8ug pr 93 95 : do pi- .III III ,\ HrBhoopr.168 174 T, \\ l?s 2dpr.l08 115 A ? .^ \f pr.llli'/a 117 ;i.i>-lllurd 1' ,.102 IH5 v Coal . . . 45 ? ! do it . . ..f?ll Ml A C?i I) pr. 87'/, 93 M.i in: (_?< , 7b' a H? \ SI . ? Idg 115 142 do pr . Ij-l'n l>5 A... Snw i pr. I??? I Ort Majih ?each . ',, i '.. A . '? ? '?4 Mi hlesou Aik M 4t) Am Sou? . . 122 125 Mai' Dop S pr. 109 110 04! i 93 'lx Pot pr.. 107*4 ?Oft^o Am Sug pr II? 119 Mi? Il ? ? tral. 00 100 A Sum T pr. S3 94' , M.SP&SSM . 92 US , ?\in /. & I, pr 1K-j I'i'j .v. pr .... 101 112 ,\. i Arbor I 5 do II . <>l Hrt .... ,10 .'.il M ? Power 72 74 A Di-j i Ms. . 1? 50 , do pi . ... 105 I0U :. 1st pr 75 7'? Mi rr ft Essei 70'? ?:> i 2d p 75 110 Nash A: ('hatUI7 120 \ i Rli .. A; 18 M Sal Bis .,.119 121 A r, ?'. \V I p 7. .i '-. i'i ft 8 . f'l 83 ?aid Loco pr.106 IPS | .Id pr ... .100 108 Harret? pr. ,M5?? MR' . V? K ft S p-.IOl 10.1 II 75'2 77 Nal l.i'iul pr.110 M> .'??? i-n -i p-.lOO 101 * i N lilt Mex 1st I? 25 . 99% 112 '-' i' C&Sti 1st ?8 70 I. It II & ?\ P.? f>4 N V I, ,v H . 02 ?8 do pr . .. 96 loo Xjrf 8outh . . IH'4 i'i Rush Term ?o 97 S'orf A W pr 73 7'l Rutterfck ,., 26' i 27 North Cent .. 67 ? : ? South .. 45>? 481 ? "In" Fuel . . 4U1/, 32 i u ? ,l i pr 9fl 101 Owons Bol pr 101 lo i Pen of S J . 203 223 ? Pan Cowl . ?if. ? C .v i \ Tul. 110 |ll> I do In pr . h8 IOO Chi .'? A" ?n 10 Id' . do 2d pr '.o 80 Ch & N\\ l.t!'. Pac T .V T pr 82 "l I'lov ft i'i!.,. 67'/, DO T Am Pot P-.I58 It'll I'sI'MS-n pr .105 MS Pern Mura. i>r 46 40 ? ' ..i h 70 72' ? I'e t Mull Ijt.112 H5 .'. I F ft 1 100 120 P !' VV ft ?'. Il'1? I <7'? ?'..: .\ 28' ? 29 '' Ma SH pr . Oft., no . : |.?- 56' ! 57 Pn - i Btl pr.102 let up Tab ?5( . 4,'', Pub Sor N .! ?I 80 ? onl Can p 109 Hi Its Btl 3pg ? ..10:? I IS ? oi ? Pu . 7?' , ;i Reading ! -? pr w'<4 tn Com Proa pr los'j loa ' do 2d pr no .10 i i.,.' SU pr 87 97'/, Bl I- <v- R I' rr M i Cul i A Sug..l80 197 rSt '. 8W ...20 21 do pr .111 108 do pr 55'/, 18' , Deena Co pi . BO 89 ?"'? Roobok pr. 119 120 Den A- n ?. 71', it 'Pices Shelf pr R9 92 Pel Kdls . .11? 122 a Por It Sug.l6S 18-5 S AU i14 y. do pr .110 m do pr ..... 0 10 S'K.inhaiifr pr r?0';4 100 , . 81 r Bat 72 76 Sup 8tl pr .100 101 1 Horn Cl. 29 29%|T & P Land.800 400 ? .. ? 17 ITide Water ".240 250 i r.'.l Min A S It 15 Tub Prod? pr.lOI'? 102', I'i,!...- Hdipr.100 102 'I'i 8 I, VV .6 8 ... rhorn ...185 199 ; do ctfa .... 7 9 do pr . I02>? 104 ' do pr . 12 20 Gen cigar pr.l0-Ma 108 I do iifi pr. 18 18 Cranbv Mln.. 89 71 '?'? o ?' (IT pr 81 124 CJu f M Ai N. I0'4 M'/a I nderwood T. 180 185 do pr . ".5 35'/, do pr .Ml 120 rnl Itarv pr .115 -- Vn Pas ft P. 77 80 Iowa Cimtral. 4'/, 5'/, Un Drug 1st. 54',;, 53',. rowctl T pr . 85 Hi! . do 2d pr . .lOli MS Kavser .lui ..120 125 united Fruit,.181 !8.1'4 lnT-.iii pr. .'i'i 65 U 8 ?' Ir Pipe 25'/, 28 K i :? S pr 55 67 " do I r . (43 h4 Ki ?-. S| n : pi 95 96 R S In Ai pr.l 10 115 Ko sot Wh pr 98 ?8'/j Va I.- C ,V; C. 6(j 68 li ft'D M .. 4 l> '?is: Mir.- 2d 24 27 .10 30 Wh ft I. K pr 22 23 Krnsa ft Co.. 70 75 Wis ?oiitral . W 41 .P> pr .I0H',, ? Woolworth pr.US'A ? I, lirio ft W.. 10 M Worth l'AM A 95>4 85/, Bid and Asked Quotations Standard Oil Bid Asked Anglo.Am Oil Co, Ltd. 84% W!? The Atlantic Ret < 'o.13(10 1375 Borne Scrymser Co. 490 ?510 The Buckeye Pipo Une.. . . 103 105 I'h'-sruroiJtib. Mt'K Co ?..una... 820 340 Continental Oil Co. 615 , till? The Crescent Pipe Une ("o.. 37 30 Cumberland Pipe Line Co... 22,5 240 Eureka Pipe Line Co. 1IIH 113 Galena-Signal O Co, prf new. 10-5 115 Oalena-SIgnal O Co, pfd old 120 140 Galena-Signal O Co, com... 123 127 Illinois Pipe Une Co. 104 108 Indiana Pipo Line Co. 102 10.5 Intern Petroleum Co Ltd.... Sl'b 32Vi Nation.-? I Transll < "o. 21 2.5 New York Transit Co. 183 1X8 Northern Pipe Lin-i Co. 112 115 Ohio Oil Co. 388 :i'i'i Punn-Me* ?Vu? I Co. 74 7? Prall ?' Oil Co ft Gas Co. 770 780 Prairie Pipe Lln.i Co. 3(H) :io,5 The Solar Itrtflning Co. 38.5 400 Southern Pipe Line Co. 170 175 South Penn Oil Co. 338 ;?,.?:! South Weet Ponnn P Lu. 108 112 Standard Oil of California... 280 285 Stand OH Co of Indiana..... 8IO 820 Stand Oil Co of Kansas.;..., 015 ?10 Sand Oil oC Kentucky . 435 450 stand oil Co of Nebraska.... 510 5H0 Stand Oil of New Jersey .... 718 722 Stand Oil of New VorU ..... ?188 3!)2 Stand Oil of Ohio .*. . . . 5I"> B28 Swan & Finch Co. 100 110 t'nlon Tank Une Co. 137 ISO Vacuum OH Co.,. 44? 4R5 Washington Oil Co. 10 41 Miscellaneous Oil Companies Kid Ahkeri Cosden A Co. !P<4 0*$, Clk Tin;?In Petroleum Co, ... \)tH 10'? ton Oil l 'o, com 180 185 ill Co Ltd (30 I to ? i ileuni ? ion |2 \ Merrltl O Co? pn ;il?7^ ;t t < ? ' ilsnnlns Co . IH7 J88 Northwest Oil Co.,,, gg 01 Bapulp* Reftnlnip Co.?.,,,,?^. gs^ $% Following is a complete record of all transactions in bonds on the New York Stock Exchange yesterday: U. S. Government Bonds (New York Stock Exchange Quotations) (Closing Quotations) Thursday. Wednesday. Bid. Asked. Bid. Asked. Liberty 3t?i, 1047 99.50@99.6O 99.50@99.60 do 1st 4s. 1947 ..95.60@95.70 95.62@95.70 do 2d 4s, 1942. . 94.70@94.78 94.52@94.60 : do 1st 4>,i8 1947 95.80@96.00 95.62@95.70 : do Cd 4ks 1342 95.00@95.06 94.84@94.90 do 3d 4V*s 1928 95.90@95.98 95.82@95.88 do 4th 4'^g 1938 94.24@94.28 94.94@94.98 Pre-war issues: 2?, reg. 1930.99'4? 99% 99%? 99-H ? 2s, coup, 1330_99%@ 99% 99%? 99% 8s. reg, 1946.89 ? 92 89' dp ?2 Ss, coup, 1946.,.. 89 @ 92 89 to? !?2 *s, reg, 1925.106 @106% 105 ?106!' 4s. coup. 1925-106i/4@106'a 106%<b<106% . 2s, Pan c, 1936-.. 98%@ 99' , 983?@ 99% 2a, Pan r, 1936.. 98%@ ? 98%@ ? ' 2s, Pan c, 1038..98%@ 99>/2 98%@ 99%' ?s. Pan r. 1938.. 88%@> ? 98%@ ? 8s, Pan. reg.89 @ 92 89 e.D 92 3s, Pan. coup-89 <g> 92 89 ? 92 Phil p 4s 1934... 90 @ 98 90 ? 96 j do p w 4s 1935. 90 @ 96 90 ? 9? <lo p w 4s 1936. 90 ? 98 90 ? 96 D Col 3.6?3.97 @100 97 ?100 Liberty Issues . ., High. lavr. Liberty 3 fta.... 99.68 99.50 do 1st 4s. 95.62 95.60 do 2d 4s. . . . 95.00 94.52 do 1st 4'4s. .. 95.90 95.62 <io I'd 414s. . . 95.24 94.84 do 3d 41,43... 96.08 95.84 do 4th 47?s... 95.50 95.00 [Approximate investment yield_, closing New York Stock. Exchange prices.] Third 4%s. 4.77 Fourth 4 V4?.'., 4,61 Second 4%s. 4^59 First 4 '?s. 4,52 .Second -Is. 4.35 First 4s. '........'.'.'..... 4.25 First 3^s. '........ '. '. '. '. 3.52 [Sales of Liberty bonds on the New York Stock Exchange carry interest to the date of sule. and the seller receives this interest in addition to the sala price, j (Sales) U S Liberty C%s |U s Liberty 3d 41?s ' 1932-47 I 1928 10,000. 99.64; 10,000. 95.98 6.000. 99.54 5,000. 95.94 5.000. 99.64 1,000. 95.96 ???'""J. 99.68 226.000...... 95.98, 13,000. 99.64 1,000. 85.92 ? 22,000. 99.60: 2.000_ 95.90 60.000. 99.64! 11.000. 95.93 12,000. 99.60! 46,000. 96.00 69,000. 99.60; 10,000. 96.03' "?000. 99.54. 10,000. 96.04 6.000. 99.60 1,000.... 96.00 1.000. 99.52; 12,000. 96.02 ?'.000. 99.50, .15,000. 96.06 20,000. 99.54: 7,000. 96.02 ;'-'"".99.50 134,000. 96.00 20,000. 99.60 1.000. 95.98 ?, . . - 6.000. 95.96 . r?-al.$262.0001 67.000. 96.00 L S Liherty 1st conv , 5,000. 95.98 ? 1932-47 66,0"U. 95.92 3a,000. 95.62, 20,000. 95.90 i.OOO.95.60, 25,000. 95.98 : -0.000. . 95.60 10,000. 95.94 i ?J-'-""1.95.60: 1,000. 95.92 . -1 60,000. 95.94 : .. iot-3'.$67,000 50,000. 95.96 '? fa Liberty 2d 4s 6,000. 95.92' 1927-42 ! 33(1,000. 95.98 21.000. 94,54 52.000. 95.94 ? 2,000. P4.52, i.oon. 95.92 !"."')". 94.62 10.000. 95.98 20,000. 94,64 7.000. 95.90 15,000. 94.66 CO.1)00. 95.96 20,000. 94.68 16,000. 95.92 -0,000. 94.70! 7,000. 95.94 J-'.OOO. 94.74; 1 2,000 ...... 95.90 3.000. 94.701 ?5.O00. 95.96 10,000. 94.74: 61.000. 95.90 ? ?0,000. 94.78' 1,000. 95.84! 10,000. 94.84! 1.000. 95.86' 26,000. 94,80 21,000_ 95.90 ] O.rn^r?. 94g6 25,000 . 95.88! 10,000. 94.88? 50,000. 95.96, 10,000. 94.90! -. Total... $3.410.000 6.000. 94.90 U S Liberty 4th 4 '4s 10,000. 94.86 1933-38 '"?i'"''1.94.98 200,000. 95.00 ' -0,000. 95.00 51,000. 95.02 ' !""". 94.96' 85,000. 95.04 600. 95.10' 149,000. 95.02 20,000.94.90' 1.000. 95.00 1 LOOO. 95.80 53,000. 95.02 29,000. 94.76i 20,000. 96.00 6.000. 94.801 39,000. 95.04 1.000. 94.70 130,000. 95.02 122,000. . . . 94.76 1,000. 95.00 ,'.000. 94.70: 5,000. 95.06 -1.000. 94.72 95.000. 95.08 -j 10,000. 95.10 ' "?tal.$569.000 6,000... . 95.04 L S Liberty 1st coir.- 225.000. 95.10 ??%s (932-47 5.000. 95.08 5,000. 95.62 169,000. 95.12 "?,000. 95.64 3,00(1. 95.14 2,000.95.62 67,000. 95.12 '?''"'' . . 95.62 10,000. . . 95.08 ! ? '.n?0. 95.80 ,000 . 95.06 '0.000. 95.83 15,000, . . 95.10 20.000, ..... 9y.90: 33.000. 95.08 2.0 !0. 95.80: lft.000. 95.10 2,000. 95.04 ' , Total.$217,000 3,000. 95.06 . L s Liberty M coin- ' 20,000. 95.10 ? ';?? 1927-42 135,.I. 95.12 22,->.000.94 qo 30.000 . 95.14 : '00,000. 94.84 170.000, . . . 95.18 '-?'. ? . . 94.86 27,000. 55.16 10,000. 94 96 1 10,000. 95.20 10,1. 94 98 L0OO. 95.14 10,000. 95-0O 6.000. 95.16 *'-:;.'.94.94: 100,000. ..... 95.20 : 5.""0. 94,98 1,000. ..... 95.22 ; 1.000. 95.00! 37,000. 95.20! 8, "" , 04 96 I 000. ... . 95.16 00. 949g L10.000. 95.20 60 000.9495' 1,000. 95.16 3,000.93.04 ' 000 . 95. H 250,000. 95.O6 32,000 ..... 95.20 ?o.OOO. 95.08! 20,000. 95.24 20,000 . 05 10 30.000 . - . 95.28 600.95.00 110,000. 9:?.30 , 500.95,00 40,000, . . 95.34 ?~,!'A. ? ? . 95 00 50.000. 95.40 ' 6,000.. . 95 02' 160,r"'m. 95.40 6,000. 95.04; 5,000. 95.34 1 00. 95 08 20,000. 95.40 1 10,000. 95 10! 20,000. 95.44' 2,000. 95-.14' 10,000. 95.46 : 35.000. gs.12 30,000. 95.48' 95.20; 1,000. 95.50: 5,000. 95.20' 115,000. 95.46 25,000. 95.24! LOOO. 95.50 12,000. 95.20: 195,000. 95.44: L000. 95.16 126,000. 95.40 1,.). 95.10' 165,000. 95.42 10,000. 95.20 6,000. 95.40 30,000. 95.18 4.000. 95.34 25,000. 95.16 5,000. 95.36 4-5.000. 95.18 25,000. 93.38 '?"On. 95.O6 12,000. 95.34 65,000. 95.10' ?.'1'"1. 95.32 2,000. 95.02 20,000. 95.34 2.000. 95.04 9,000. 95.36 ' 6.000. 95.10' 68,000. 95.34 r'..). 95.04 40,000. 95.32 29,000. 95.10! 20,000. 95.34 ? 100,000. 95.04 60,000. 95.30 3,000. 95.10! 10,000. 95.32: 10,000. 95.06, 25.0(1. 95.34 90,000. 95.04' 1,000. 95.30 3.000. 95.38 Total.$1,083,000 1,00". 95.32 L' S Liberty 3d 4t?s I 1,000. 95.26 1928 I 18,000. 95.30 150.000. 95.901 5,000. 95.36 T?'.000. 95.86' 9.000. 95.30 "".000. 95.88! 2.000. 95.24 , 35,000.95.90' 21,000. 95.26 57,000. 95.88' 10,000. 95.30 1.000. 95.84! 2,000. 95.36 66,000. 95.88! 31,100. 95.28 20,000...... 95.90 41,000. 95.30 10,000. 95.94! 4,000. 95.26 10,000.95.96: 1.000. 95.24 25,000. 95.94 io...00. 95.26 15,000-. 95.90 10,000. 95.28 IOO.00O. 95.92' 50,000. 05.30 10,000. 95.94 60,000. 95.28 60,000. 95.92? 26,000. 95.26 5,000. 95.90: 4,000. 95,24 123,000. 95.921 3.000. 95.30 13,"00. 95.94! 1.000. 96.24 33.000. 95.90 4 2,000. 95.26 20,0(10. 93.92' 45.000. 96.24 1 60,000. 95.94! 89,000. 95.20 00. 95.96! 20O.0OO. 95.28 7,000. 95.92: 1,000. 95.20 2.000. 95.90 I.oon. 95 24 ?".'. . 95.88 2.1.000. 95.22 15,000. 95.94! 62,000. 95.20 25."00. 95.96' 86,000. 95.24 50.000. 95.98 40,000. 95 22 35.000. 95.96 6,000_ . 95.20 80.000. 95,98, 30.000. 95.22 100,00(1. 95.96' 2,000. 95.18 2,000. 95.92' r.R.OOn. 95.22 5.000. 95.94: 295,000.95.24 6.000. 95.96 104.000. 95.26 2,000. 95.92 - Ia' .000. 96.98' Total.$5,079,000 300.OOO. 96.00! Foreign Government and Municipal Bonds i (New York Stock KxchanKe Quotations) (Interest To Be Added) Bid, A?O?od. Am for See, Co. Bs 1910.. .. 99J,t 99,3 , mi? ? Prend? I3xtern ? ? 10 :n H7f,s 91X, 1 Aicentme intern .'?? 1045, 85 B?' Cmiad? Loin of ?'.i 1921 ... 98'- 9^* ?lo 192(1 ... 88'4 OS's rio 1031. 9''*? 97Ta I C'hineae Gov Hu Ku? By os 1951 70 71 % Bid. Asked. Cuba Extern 5s 1944....???.... 89^ 89? 8 do 8eiles A 1949_?.?*,?. 91*8 93? 2 do 44s 1949..m*-.?*. 84'/? 86 Dominican Rep 5s 1958....,,.. 99 ? City of Bordeaux 6s 1919.?...., 99=4 99' 2 do Lyons Cs 1919..,, 9938 991 _? , do Marseilles 6s 1919. 99*8 99' 2 do Paris t'.s 1921. 9734 977e Jap Gov 4^9 sterling In 19?5. 9Pn 92 do 4 'a 2d series 1925.91 ' 2 92! 4 do 4s sterling loan 1931.7858 80 City of Tokyo 5s 1952.80 80''a ? Un King G B & I 3-yr 54s 1919 99^4 99{| do 5-yr 64s 1921.99 99' 8 do 20-yr 04s 1937.99H 9934 Foreign Bonds Dealt in Flat Mex Ex sterling 5s of "99 1945. 65*8 71 do extern gold 4s of '04 1954 54' 8 6878 Russ 1894 rente 4s 1.000 ru den 20 ? (Sales) Am Foreign S 5s '.Dom Canada 5s 1931 1 19.000. 993.4 15.000.97*, Anglo French 5s Jp 1st ?er 4Vi* 20,000.B7JA 6,000.... .. 92 ! 2 t$500i.97<VJap 2d ser 44? 5.000. 971,$! 1,000. 92 1.000. 97-rV, Republic of Cuba &s 1.000. 9714 1904 5,000.97A] 1.000. 997V 5,000.97</aiU K of Gt Britain ft S.0?O. 97,V 1 ?^s 1919 4.000.97'-v 12,000. 993J 52,000.97-^1 '.'.000. 994 I 1.000. 97!/2 2,000. 99*4 City of Bordeaux 6s , do 5 46 1921 2,000. 99' . 1,000. 98*1 2.000.99V MOO. 987s 1.000. 99?4I 10,000. 98<}| ; City of Lyons 6s 3.000. 9878 1.000. 99' . 5,000.99 2,000. 993? l?000. 987a 1,000. 9934 20,000.99 City of Marseilles 6s ? do 54? 1937 10,000...... 99's l*.0?0. 99^4 2,000. 99^8: 2,000. 99Sa 1.000. 993.4 C5,000. 99*4 City of Paris 6s - 1,000.98 [N Y C 44? 1957 1,000. 9734: May 2.000. 98 ! 2,000.1017s 13,000. 9734 do 44s 1960 Dom Canada 5s U2? ' 6,000. 97' 4 5 000. . . 98' -, 5,000. 97*8 do 1926 2.000.97'7 1,000. 98'4 do 4i*3 1964 10,000. 98'. g 15,000. 97H Railways, Other Corporations Adams Kxp 4s ILelngh Val 6s 5,000 . .. 63/a 5.000.102'4 2,000.65 Lorillard Co 5s 3,000. .. . v. 64'/2' 3,000. 914 :, ini'1 . 65 I I. ft N unified 4* 9,000. . . . 66t.z 6,000.- 86 Alas (. M 6s ser B . Midvale Stiel 6s 1,000.31 \ 10,000.88r8 Alb ft Susq 34? 2.000. 89 5.OU11. 76 ML Gas Lt 4? Am Ar Ch deb 5s 4.000. 87'4 3,000.107 ?Minn ii Si L 4s Am Cot Mil 5s 2,000.4678 1,'JOO.89 l M K & T 1st 4s Am Dis Tel 5s I 17.000. 67 2,000.89 I do 2d 4s Am Smelting 6s 1.000. 37 1,000. 90?,4: do ctfs of depos Am T & T cvt 6? I 5.000. 36 3,000.1037/b Mo Pac gen 4s . 10,000.104'/-1 32,000. 6234 1,000.1041,4; 1.000.6278 21,000... 104'/? Montana Pwr 5s 2,000... /.IO41.4 2,000. 92'.-2, 1 '?,000.104' N Y Air Brake 6s do col 5s 3,000.100', * b,00".92S4|iN Y Cent deb Os 4,000.92%? 2.0OO. 9958i 1,000. 92 i 3.000. 99^4: 1.000.921/4 15'S00. 2?> 2.000.92 '.000. 99'2 1 do col 4s 2.000.99-4 2,000.84V M??. " 8 Am W Paper 6s do rfg 34? 2,000.99'.,' 1.000. 711 -2! Ann Arbor 4s ' iN Y Von Rwvs *;-s 2,000. 65';8! M00. 85 a : Armour Co 4 4s !N" y N' H & H 6a 2,000... 87' v 10.000. 82'; 2 000 873? N Y O &- W 1st 4s A T ft S l'en 4a *lxt v ?.000...... 671/4 I 1955 IN Y Kys rfg Is 6,000. 823*'. . ~;']W?,'," 45 U.000. 82^=1 do rlfs of depos do gen 4s '" J M00. 44 2,000. 82'i' do ?"J "s A??CALB. * 29.000. 4? 1,000. 96" k. ''?nno.143-* do 1st con 4s ' , 9.000 14',21 5,000. . 82'-k? do ctfs ot depos Bait ft O rfg 5s '* M00. 12' 3 7.000. 80 L, "-000. 13 do cvt 4^? N ' ,s* Ky8 con 44s 2,001...... 79 1.000. 52 3,000. 783.VN "^ Tt'lnh 44? do pr lien 34? L v&Ttti? 89'8 12.000. 89 N Y ^ ft B 44s. do Swn 2 4? M00. 51 :,00')..., 85 '? 2.000. 5134 do T & C 4s ? 2.000.5 5.000. 64'.'JV. 2,000...... 61*, 6.000 643? Niagara 1- PCs lioOO . 657*! Mr>?.101 Be'Jt steel rfg 5s ?Norf0?JX cvt 6? ? S.OOO. . 89 ? 2"nna.109 Braden Cop 6s '!?':'!".109' 2 1,000. . 957 M00.109 7.Ofi'8 do con 43 Bkjyr. Rap T,-"7., M?0. ... 82' , ., non fl?i - Nor Pacific 4s ..;.;;;;;; if* 2.000.S3'2 i OOii ' ' aou N&r States Pr 5s 4o.'ooo:::::: ?3 4i? moo...... 89?? do ctfs of depos !0re S?hort; 1<,ne 4* . stamncd MOO. 8634 2.000.... -5 ? J.000.37'8 do 5, <^!'e n? * ^av ** ??'nno Rfi3 ' 2,000. 82 ' BushTerm'Bldg Z * 0reA\ ? ? & N ??. . ' 5,00". 81 ? '? . TT 2 Canada So 6," | _ 1\'''n r-, ? 7a 5 000 Q77 -"enn 4V^S 1921 a:::::: if8 , ?'00g?? ?? 9VM Cent Ga con ., do "?1968 3 00" <>v , .'.nn". 9534 Cent Leather's, '* ''nnn' ' 0=7? 65,000.9634 -i- '". 96 Cent Pac gtd 4s 37,000, .... 95?, 3 000 80S M00. 953.4 Cheaft O cvi'?, .l^'l.95r-: 1.000...... 90% ,.' ? ?.-. 95"*l 2.000. 003^ 2.000. 80' con 41_ ,000. .... Qf, do cvt 44,'" 2: , !0.000.9SH: ?'.OOO.8^4 r,-nf"1.p'v ??? i 000::::" ai??L -"rift.875a lljOil ' oos9 v?Tt? -Marfi ?'3 Chic &?Alten"rt/S'L? *rm---l??i*S nnnn ?1 iPhna Co o, 1922 do 34b.' ; 10.??0. 933* -000 ???? Pierce Oil 6s 1924 12:000.3714L J2'000.11? C B ft Q gen '4, 4, Rearil"fr0nKnm 4s -, 7 000 BP3?' x.onn. g.1 do Net '?"" ?*' r,'00n. P37? 1000 92?/i 2'0nf'. 83*4 ri? V,, ?. 927/a, 2.000. 83", do Joint i,'"* "?I AT" 58'2 II 000 OK3' IteT> T * *> 5s ??000. o!iBR I Ark ft L 4 4? >-? <v ?. til gi?n ?s e* T a. o ? i ? 7^*?^ StL1Mfor48.8er63l Chic 'ot. Wen -4B75 > ^'000. HU 2.000 63 * 2.000. 63' 2 f.2 ..." ??. o? r. O0O. 633. C M ft St Pgen 41-s ,000. f?2 5,?100. 63sr do4sJ925"- ? h MOO. ... 6334 . 2.000,. 843V *? --r B ?Jo cvt 44s ' .?'?Xft. TI - 1 000 7BS li.ll'l't. o9 U::::;:^v : ;:;::: ?$ So:::::: 7i3|; "-sss.?a? ,000. 71 r s do ?.. .... 693. ^l!.Il A 10.00?8.34 1,000. 72 .000 10.000. 72 ; .VOX?. 22 8 Aoodoto4s mW' J:882::::::8iVi r f 2; ' ?'.; 'V/s 2,000. S4S? C & N?-n gon 5s 12 000 347 1 O?Io cor' ' . ;?. S4 ?? r t? t ? t..^ 8i lo.oon. 543..< ? A P ?en 4s 2.000 5^5, , M00 . 761/4 3 000.54': d? rf? <? ' soooo.?k: ?000. 74'.V -our, wl 3.000. 74a?' r'0l-iri. 24J^ chfaW-T-i-474?! :::::: SS Chle ^- \\ Jnd 4., in no it ?via 3.000. ?41-V j.000. 543; rn.i V"????;? 64li; moo:: ::: H^ Chile Conper ,s -, or,rj -,, do c\t. 6s 2d paid -. nor. 0*1 6.000. 911/J ,'OO0.9. ?> , ','1"". 91'',' do ?i . 5 10% aoJ^r W!f',"t7?Hi Kooo:::::: o^s' L al?nl8t4"7r^ C CCA- S. L 4s : J0 T..-., .? " '' 2?'^ dlv 5.O0O. . . 63' . Cleve S L 44, r. non ,-? Col?-4U -86 Siab ^i"r(i'Jr (-01 * So 4 -s K 000 >W. J.ooe.79 1 10.000;::::: sRia r pi00,?'?. 7lV< 100fl. 59 2 C O ft F. 6s sunpd do ad? ?a LOO'"?. 86 ' 3J.0OO 51 an Ptt?cv1 6* Sinclnir Oil 73 I.OOO.103'-4 ;,i 000 oat? n , * 'If ', ', 103 ; do ** ^?n1 ? 8 Del & H rfg 4s 1 000 14S ?'?.000. 84 I ?nno.14a _ MOO. 84?, So Pacific Vs% U I>en & R O con 4? in OOP 1081 ? ? 1MO0.74 ' VonV:'- lOfl * Dot li Ryg 44? I?.nOO.. i?> . . ,28.000. 75^' mono;- ?,. Erie jfpn lien 4R ' "0 ft00 M00 56' 3' do'rvt 4e r!.' I"' iien -Is ,,,,, c-, , 5.000 . . ??8' , ? oon ft^i do cvt ?, ;. \ ' n?, ' """ B0"4l ?IJt.ftOA mi 1 0011 so ' RM I 3,000.. . 60',4? 10:000:;: . 84 108 Bria ?en lien 4s !So Pacifie cvt 5s ?.000. 503-&; 7.000. 83Jg J do cvt 4s ser B S1.000. 83 2.000. 50' k! 10,000.SUm? ? 1.000.50*8 1.000.83 i 1,000. 50'-' 1 "00 . ... 83"3~~-S do cvt 4s set- D " 10!000.83ri" ?? 9.000. 54 ' do rfp 4s Gen Elec deb Os 6.000.81 I 2,000. 99^8 . 8i'4 5 1,000. 99' 2 .81 G Bay & W deb B Southern Ry Sa . 13% 1.000. 95'i : ? 13.000. 14 ! 3.000.._95 3.000. 13% do 4s 25.000. 14 '? 1.000. 6S*i ?? 1.14 V 2.000. 68' 4 ? 2.000.141 , 10 ooft.68' _ 14' g . 68-?a ' 10,000. '..... 14'4 2,000.68: . ? 20.00?'. 14', Tex & Tac l.-t Cs ? 2.000. 14'4 91 ? * L000. 14 Third Ave adj 5s 1.000. 14'j 13,000. 34 t l Heck Val 4 ?-s 0.34 * 2.000..."... 80 : 10.000.34-"'"i * Hud & M rfjr 5a . 34", ! 7.00".625, 10.000. 34tr . ? B.000. 62 2.000 .34V 6.000. 62' 8 " 1.000. 62'4 10.0 10. 34% ? ; 11] Cent rt's 4s 10,000.35 3.000. 82 R 000. S**4 ; 2.000.8VB 9,000. 34m ? 111 Steel 4Us 5.000.848 . 5.000.85 ..... 34*4 I 3.000.85'?' Tri-Ci'v Ry & L 6a Intboro-Met 4'-s 5.000.. . . 91.''i l 36,000.". 38' .,' 10. 00.91% ? 15,000. 387^'rn:on Pacifie 6a . . 38' . 103% ' 5.000. 3S-V do ? 5,000.38' ?,' 1S.O0O.8P ? 10,000. 381 4, 4 000 - . 80% , . 37%. ? 000 .... 85? 20,000... . 38S-B1 do cvt Is 42,000. 38V . 88 j 60,000. 39 ... SS 2,000. 38V do vttt 4s ? 2:.0oO. 39 ' ig 000 ... 81 ? 1,000. 38' VU R of S F 4* 11,000. 38V etfa of depoa _Sfj 10,000.. . . 39 '? 27 00".34 5.000,. 39V J5.000. . . 3.v'? 5.000.30 |tj s Realty & T 5a 20.000. . . . 38-V 7ftH 4.000. 38? -! s'ont?. 10.000. 39 ' 3, i0 . . do ctfs of depon t* S Rubber 7s 10.000. 39 ' .103V 3,000.37 V 103! -' 15,000. . . 38 do R? 4..i. .. 3811? 16,non. 83'V 10,000.38 T 000. . . 8V!ii ?. \ Intboro R T rf? 5s ! ''">" R<*. ??> LOOO. 72 . . 89' g ? 2.O00. ... 72' . U S --s-- ;-.- . 10.000 . 723a 103' '.) 10.001 . 72s? U P S . 7C1,' 15.non . .loi , 10.000 72 V 6.000.73 10C"R 2.000. 73'VL'tah rv.i S 1 5? .'.ooo. . 73 I ... 88V Int AsrricuR 6a 'Vera C * P 4't? ' " 3.000. 82' V S.000 ... . 3r> Int 'M Mar 6s Va-Car Chetn 6s 12.000. .. 104 ! 1 ooo .. .im-V 5.000.104'J' . 19V : 10,000.104 :Va Mid r-t-n 5a 2LOOO. . . 104' .I r> 000. lO.OnO.104' \\ ..... 96'2 5,000.105 'Walia-h 1st 5a 30,000.. ..1045?: 1.00,?.ofi , 63,000. 104' ,' 1.000. 96' i, 9.000.1C4?? do ! Iowa Central 4s 4,000 ? M 3.000. 46TH TJTM ,f. 1, y ,,,n 4, , 5.000.47 ' i non . . 65"-? K r Ft R & M 4s 'West Mtrv?and 1' 99.000. G9?4 . 03 " Lack S*! 5a :nC.". IWesl '' ?.oo,i .90', ' . 9 . do 5s 105O Wil on A Co ?" o? 10O r Lake S 4a 1931 90T4 1.00O. . . 37",, - 1'X) ,, Lehlph Val 0? 'Wisconsin Cen? : l.ono. . lo?'-? . 77fl?i I.oon 102'/b' 7T1',' DIVIDEND. NOTICES GLOBF. RUBBER T I'!: MANTJ? ' FAI rURING ? ' iMI'.'iN? , 1851 UROA1 ?V \ ? NEW YORK CITY The Director? of the Globe Rub? Manufacturing Company ha? - thia dared a quarterly dividend of ONI ONE-HALF PER CENT (I common st<.!" the -, .-? -. al? ?. .1 une l f., '.n 19, to Btocl? rec n : May :?), 1919. Cl bo n ail? i F 1' CRAIO, New fork, Ma:? :0 FLORIDA E-tfST COA8X KAII.WAY < OMF LNY, New Yorlt, i, 1313 The Board ?' Florida I East ? oaa Railway ? e'.ured out. of ? :t r ti !i,^' h ? B fiscal : ded Dec? . ?, ? ,. f ;. '.. i ? 193 9, on ? ho J:: " tas? ?n? orne .''? Fifty Yea Is, dated July 1st, i "' ___ '? I' I'.', I'M ~" OF LOCK WOOD. GREENE ? i O., Manafrere," BOSTON, MASS. j,,-..,'. ... Th? reg ils r quarterly I of 111 Ti Up0, a preferred et? Cotton Ml - ',. B1. 1919, ai the '' the o t Colony Ti ...I Bl ? hol :? ' 9 Of ?':,?)!? .,.,.* Maj 16 191 ' J.Vl ERN'Al l" '? .' Con LS ALLAN B. CREENOI "er OFi ICE ? ?F LOCKWOOD. GREENE ? ? <>., Matuifer?^ i,,i,'. m . ? ? The n-.,\ ? ? '?".". share I upon ? national ' ott? ai..!? May :,i.. fer agen Boston, Mass to a - ! at closo of ',, INTERNATIO M Al I ' MKRGENT1 f AT ?R LINOTYPE CO Dl ll .? : egtjla r quart?? ,p. t. on the ipil be paid The ': rans?? r JOS. 1 tACKl NORTHERN PIPE LINE COMPANY. 26 Broadv. ?' A dividend - been declai ed on the < ' - i Company pa; ?? ? ( June 1 1th, ' A11 co? or hange ot undersli . ' . ?RGB l ! I :. >??( 1 II PORTO KM o SI OAK ' >>. ? Tho Boa ? of D rt^i-lared quail Pre! : Hrork, payable In cash on Julj tu stockliolders o? r<?cord Jun? F. A. l'l ?.LIN'. I.'A.M. - 1MIIN BAG Ai PAPER ?'OltPOK.VTld?T*"* QUARTERLY DIVIDEND, v.-v.- y,,rli. May 2!. 13l9r--, A O'larlfrly rtivldend of nnn and on half p?-r ct-iii lus this day b .,?--**<?< upon :\\" sf . r.;? . ^Jl "l ble June ? to thn holder? i ' ' record of the stock of 1 .. at :i th? ? lose of busin? .-- on Jut ? ,, ! CHARLES B SANDERS - SOI Til PORT? RICO SUGAR f(?. DUIdftui Scrip Certifleates >?-ri? s is ?i?i i> 'I b i Board of D lut ions ns?' dPii-1 Bcrli? Series B and D fiai u ltd April 1st, 1919, further - ? ^, : i .?: ? ifli ates of ei t h? -. ?<*+ . present the sain - <? ~? - Stret ? S? c York CI ,^ ??' rar and accrued : ter< such presentation. By order ? r the : 1 '. ' - ? NGHAM SV.-I NO! Til PORTO RICO ".KAi; < i> Dividend Scrip Certificat??* Scries C - " ' ?TICE IS I?ERE1 ? ?i dividend scrip . ??""* herir.- C ?Issued D? and .-. it iSc ofBt ? of : ,r.\ ? 14s Willie? Cd?'I ? r'jlr OH Said .! :' -, .?:??<? ?teres ?aid date. L> order of the I ? ?, '? ?? !?? : tary HOITII PORTO B?CO M(.\i; CO/** I'?\ cicnil Scrip Certificates Series \. .??'.,. NOTICE IS HEREB1 redeeme I on Jul; ? ISIS t pa Messr?. William .- A'.tr??? I iam Stroet. n-<-v. York thai iv'Udr'*'* otrtifloatea will mature ??ni ..?M* ,- said Julj ist, lili it l v In? ?real fi ?m i?'-.o ?ift-: Kj order uf the Bo F A DtLLlXGHAM American Telephone ? To!t r. ??,- paid !.,? ?!???? ,.' reeo?d on i'i iti.i v, June I G. V. MILNE, Treairuiarv