Newspaper Page Text
Buyers Arrived Buyers are Invited to register in this column by telephoning Beekman 8 243 between 10 a. m, and 10 p. m. Women's Wear and Millinery it/rnoNA?Schwarti Bio?.: I. Elsen bJifready to ?ear. Perl? Buying Amo.; ?*V| ' eader Cloak ft Suit Co. ; ? ',,. , to ?ear. Perley Buying , .', i j?i !"--? i lwa y. A;",, , TIMORB? Baltimore Bargain Hous?: it G. 'Frailer, muslin underwear; S54 a Co : 1. T Htlt, ,i? and dresses and factory made ?nuo. . . - ? Bros S. Collins; F. r> ?nd manufacturing I van!a 'BOSTON- R H Whit? Co ' Mrs. M. s an i - alers; 470 fourth ' ? t ? ? ippenhelro, ( to In? A Co ; jlrJ. p. - to : derwear: 3? ourth S " .. Co R B Ro .'. ? si Tu enty-t k'.'.rd prFK* !?' ' Greenberg; Nathan Green? ly,. V i ? care of Parley Buying ay. [AGE, N V .Nolan's Boston i lata suits, .?-.,? H el Pennsyh .tnia. I Field ft < to. Miss ? suit? ?i 07 Broad? a> Field S i 'o . Miss at.s; 1107 Broad ? .? y hschlld ft Co . Miss E. pes, children's v i, esses; i 10 Fourth A Ci .? Ingrton ft Co.; M. | idy to wear; Commodore. The M rs h Co . Mr. ...- .. ? ? . t.'ommodon .!? Krauss, Beiderman ft eady to <??. ? ar . Perley - Broadway. ?,K. ? , Hudson Co ; Mr g. ... Al si . Mdsg Co., 225 p.< HAR '" Sage-Allen: O. M. paws. Dry Goods Alliance, j . ? 1NC>TA> \POLlS, Ind.?Pettls Fry G? (.p ' f. eaily to wear ; i-iir" i ? Fifth Avenu? Rol hs? hi'-l Bros . F H ' ,-w. . suits, turs, waists; 44 v . -c ? ?. ? lora B08 ? n ?Reld <fc Hughes; : ady t-.j wear, 4r' 1 f. : ' ontinental. :ii Kaufman Baer ^o. ; n'a ready to wear; i u ? ? ? v anamaker; A. ,-. ' , its, muslin underwear, ''Kaufman * Baer; F. and cosi umes; Holland House _ ? gT ... :?; B Nugent ft Bro., S Rubin ? - !" underwear, hosier}', corapts; , 170 Fourth Avenue. . i ?-?? , Mr. I evy, : 5 . . . .?. ,t . reel. high r. .... ? y i .? rare of Shapiro . Bri adway r i Se idi nbach : ready ., . i Avpnue, 18th floor. n & Co.; E. A Bh< coats, suit?, waists, n'3 wear; ? ommo lore D ?" White's - l? en's and misses' ready ,' . . s, pel ' :oats, 1161 ;? v,,v; | '?. Musler & Liebes to wear; rara iation, 1161 Broad? way _ , _ WORCESTER Mass.?Barnard, Sumner t Putn loal s, suits, waists , 404 Foui Dry Goods Alliance. Men's Wear r F ?! )vey ft Co : F C t: - g goods and run I h SI re? t. BUFFALO-J N Adam ft Co.; H. V. r, boy s ha^s and caps, CINO :'> Co.; Mr. v Ivanla, HARTFORD G I I ft? W. Raphael, . els. ! i I Madison Ave ey Clothing Co. ; F. ? '. ., md men's Furnishing c . ? hing Lat ham. - :? Sons; A. H ? ? ? ng; Commodore. ITHAC '. '?' non Co. ; H. L. W? Grand. LOUISVIJ LE, Ky.?Herman Straus * Sons Co H. Kaufman, boys' . s; Pi Ince George. S hoening ft Co.; E Mauch, tailors" trimmings, Pi Clarke Bi ? -tores: W. F. D Ishlng goods and hos :? ' A-. ? nue. Herald B SYRACCSE?W. F. Sullivan, clothing; Con . TO La Salle ft Koch Co.; W F. il furnishing go la; 220 Fifth A ? ? . Piece Goods BA1 ' I -.? ?-' Overall Co.; A Lan -.. ? frs overalls and working Alrta BALTIM ?RE Baltimore Bargain Hoys? M G Frazler, iaces, etc.; Herald :- . BALI ft ft Dorf; S. Cl tpa; Pennsylvania. BIX . N. T ? J. T^ Morgan Co.. !!. !. Riggs, piece drygoods and BONHAM, T. x ? >fax Hermer Co.; Max Hsi ? iiin. BOSTON -.-' Mussman, c:oaks and suits, ttl i itham. ,BOS1 ? -B H. White Co.; L. H. Jen dIf.??, col - - n, white goods. ' 470 Fuurth Avenue, ;? ' - Enrland Skirt Co.; N. Da-.-- rnfrs - rt? I.a'harn. .' H'." HO?i ? ??her Co.; C. Fischer. '"' -' CHICAGO?Sears Roebuck Co.; A. O. i ' ginghams, prints, flannels; 115 Fifth A v.-r. j? CINCINNATI?The PtyTe-Center Tailor? ing > Maj Schwab, woollens and trim? mings Pennsylvania aNClXNATI?Empire Garment Co.; M. ?rcowarj, rr.f.-H. men a clothing; Pennsyl? vania. CLE V BLAND?Simon A .Tacoby. B. *-~ n ?? '?? 6 J?! Flanders. I sal Garment Co.; O. B. g*PPler, mi shirts a.-, i ?ad?es' waists; Hollar CLEVELAND?Bailey Co.; R. A. Mar /? -""?'-.?. Twenry.slith Street. J.-"- f- '?? - '??'? Block Co.: E Glutck, ik. .ul . and skirt,; Hi Fifth ?HUDSON, N T.?Marsh ft Bachman: H. ?.-;\ ??' We,t Xhlrty-se<5ona Street; "?rala Square . Z:;?J. Oreenberg, piece ^n???C0na?K RaP*P"rt.' Partf^Lv"nu?EN' Coaa??? Tucker, tailor; PHIA? itchntyr ft Meslrov; I >ar.', c'-':''-' rr-tr*- clothln?; Pennsyl HILADELPHIA -- v.- j.raf, nt,r? I . Square James, piece, m?D. Alpern, piece goods. ^WTTSBT;RpH-_pittsburfll Vry r,oorU rib^r.-',- V ,r' a^- civets, linens and (v'?,'-.. ., '''?'"'"<? Street. Co' Ji Oh'? Aaderwn Bros. Hood, notlona. linens, whim ; ", underwear and drug. tare Jay Co.. 404 Fourth LE Pen.^-F. p. Mortimer, ?';"v* ^ *Lorr-f""-ta , Latham i* . - ?um/ i * urna.. ' ?? Ik <"o , M R - i suits; Ilia Broad ?IU-A Hayes, pl.c good?. tPBO Can^-Cols * son?; N N fc?ttiin !*n" *n<1 t*Hor?' trimming?; B6TBR, Mam?H. W.iner 4 Co uaetarinc pant?; Broad. ^iTB!& if????-'?rail Friedman ?.,.. BrssHaT '' ''"' rn?r* "'""" notion?, Toilet Good?, Drugs A;,<rv.?.'^^,K.'''V.I"Jr'?,I? !????, Ltd.; J. , ?*? ? "?'?*?. ribbons, neckwear ' r, . li'"'':" ?"^ ?livorwaro; *5 ?'? Vi'-:;, ^,^^-^...f.. ? . - Mass Hold.n * ???. ?/ *'-/?? saoB's and worn.?'? hasl < '? L'/',';**?? * We,t TWrt?.Mco*4 e??? /'.''^ '^-An^r,,, Bro. ?'??"3?''^.? ? ''.' ??'*'''''??. ?non?, while ??/ ? ' **? *"* Fourth Av^ri-;e. rar? of ?'?w5/-01 ?'',. r**i" -?is-eo, i'om?roy * **? riba??, i '?'"? '-'????'?i?, embrold?? JV >,.../* ' r*r'h?*l* ?nd nc'?wear, ?U? " v' \ ? :?e?--D*nb'.lrr. * |fc Wmi iw?,,, /. ? N"?*''', notion?; >31 Leather and Fancy Goods and Jewelry , BALTIMORE?Baltimore Bargain House: G. Freundlich, jewelry, watches, clocks and op: ?cal goods; 354 Fourth Avenue, room pH i. ? -?>*?sKisna l.Ol'ISVlLLE?Stewart Dry Geods <"o , G. D Sleigh, jewelry and leather goods; 2 West Thirty-seventh Street. MONTREAL?<i. Robinson Co.; G. Rob? inson, fancy Roods: Pennsylvania. NEW HAVEN ?E. Malley Co.; J. C. Mi?er, noi ions, ribbons, jewelry, leather goods and drugs; 404 Fourth A\enue, Park Avenue RAEFORD, N. C. T. D Hatcher Co.; T. D Hatcher, Jewelry; York. Furs MONTREAL ? C. Schacher Co.; C. ? Schacher Jobs In furs; Breshn NORFOLK. Va.?L, Lichtenstein, furs. Broadway Contra!. House ?furnishings, Floor Cov? erings, Furniture, Drapery BALTIMORE?Elsenberg; C. M Ander? son, rug?; care of McElroy, 212 Fifth Ave ' u BRADDOi'K?Kc?s A- Goldsmith; J. N. ; Stein, furniture, curtains, carpets and dra pertes; 37 West Twenty-sixth Street; Broz 1 tell. BUFFALO?J. N. Adam Co.: W. D. Kent, .-arpets and rugs; 2 "West Thlrty ...... ..,:,)) S' .eel. CHICAGO?Marshall Field Co.; Arthur Davis, carpets; I ! r< 7 Broadwav. CLEVELAND?Sterltns &? Welch Co.; J. K Crew, im-? curtains, draperies end ?shades. < 'ntnmodore. DAYTON?Eider ft Johnston Co.; J. C. g hwab, carpels, upholstery, draperies and pictures: 2?.o Fifth Avenue. LOUISVILLE Stewart Dry Goods Co: .* .1 Shartzer, carpets, rugs, etc.; 2 "West se? eni h St reel. NEW HAVEN?Ed Malley Co.: E. F. aims. rugv. 'are of McElroy, 212 Fifth Vvenue. NEW ORLEANS?E Levy Co.; E. Levy, iurnlture; Pennsylvania. PHILADELPHIA ? Strawbrtdge ft Cln i thler; Mr. Walsh, house furnishings; 230 Fifth Avenue. SPRINGFIELD, Mass.?Chas. Hal!; L. A. lir-eg. china, glass, silverware, lamps, art '/.. ".v and furniture: Holland. UNIONTOWN, Pa.?"Wright-Metzler Co; W. E. Sharp, carpets and upholstery: 1270 ! Broadway, room 614. General Merchandise ATLANTA?S. Gershon, general mdse; ' : Grand. BALTIMORE ?Vv'. Engel, general mds?; Grand. CHICAGO?Sears, Roebuck Co.: Mr. B. F. Walker representing; 115 Fifth Avenue. CLEVELAND?F .-tern, general mdse.; Br ia .? as ' 'en? ral DALLAS?M. Friedman, general mdse; ; Pcnnsj Ivania. DETROIT?Burhan Sloepel Co.: R. Stoe 1 pol. representing: ?!" Leonard Street. HARTFORD, Conn.?Sage. Allen & Co ; J. McWeeney, general merchandise man? ag- r 404 ?-our: h Avenue. JAMESTOWN. X Y.? E. F. Jones, ear-! -, "?. curtains, upholstery, blankets, white goods, wash goods, linens, laces, trim- , hoslerv; Grand. LOWELL, Mass -E. Pelletler; Mrs. B. Pelletier, dry goods, fancy goods and : . men's wear; Latham. MONTREAL ? E. Salomon, general: ; mdse.; Broadwav Central NEW ORLEANS? C. Epstein, general n Ise . Pennsylvania. NORFOLK?S. Jurln, general mdse; i ? Br? ad way Central. PHILADELPHIA?A. Harris, general mdse.; Broadway Central. PHILADELPHIA?N. Stoneburg & Co.; . E. B. Ransoboff, dry goods, wholesale; Pennsylva nia. PORTSMOUTH, N. H - Enterprise Clothing Co ; M Goodman, men's and wo : m-^n's clothing and furnishing goods; Ai . bert. RICHMOND ? A. Weinberg, general F '?-? r: : i f= -,- - van ia TAMPA, ,Fla.?A. Katz ft Co.; A. Katz. dry goods and elo'hing; Grand. Miscellaneous BALTIMORE?Askln Bros. Co.; A. F. Askin, hosiery and underwear; York Hotel. ' BIRMINGHAM, Ala.?Young-Vann Co.; Mr Young, furnace and textile supplies; . Pennsylvania. Assignments CHRISTOPHER I'. HERMES?Dealer In men's furnishings, at 29 Third Avenue, yesterday assigned for the benefit of cred? itors to Nathan M. Abi ahamson, of 25 Nassau Street. Schedule in Bankruptcy STEIN ft SCHONCEIT?a schedule of Stein ft Schonceit, no address, filed in the United Styes District Court yesterday. shows liabilities of $63,992 and assets of $15,983, $14,4 20 of which is in machinery and stock. Th? three largest creditors are: David Stickler, 14 Lewis Street, $15,000; F. L. Stott, 21". Fourth Avenu?, $6.225, and the Sherman National Bank, Fifth Avenue and Thirty-second Street, $5,000. l.ouis Dorfman, 12C9 Broadway, Is the attorney. Petitions in Bankruptcy Petitions -in bankruptcy filed yesterday In the United States District Court were as follow?. NORVAL BRAt'N?A voluntary peti? tion of Nor val Braun, Nepera Park. N. Y shows liabilities of $2.962 and assets of $108 The three largest creditors are Herman Vossnark, Brooklyn, $375; Charlea Christiansen, 3941 Amundsen Avenue, $25^, and til? Indiana Flooring Company, -'"2 Rider Avenue, $1.451. Benjamin W. Moore, 258 Broadway, is the attorney. HENRY I. COHEN?A voluntary pen lion of Henry I. ?''oben, 38 East Seventh Btreet, shows liabilities of $2.581 and no assets. The three largest creditors are; Jennie Cohen Company. 27 1 Broadway, $649: 9. S'.raus ft Co., 129 West Twenty seventh Street, $274, and John M. O'Con 'nor & Co., 2*1 Fifth Avenue. $179. Fried? man ft Rosenbaum, 233 Broadway, are the attorneys. Judgments Filed The following Judgments were filed yes terdav. the first name being thai of tho debtor: In New York County Audubon Rod nri'l Gun Club, Inc, - N. Packard . $253.52 Arthe, Levy. Bernhard <'o.?In? ternational Flag Co . 686.98 Alk?-n, Arthur, and Fideinv Cas? ualty Company of New York ? People, etc . . 500.00 Alnsle?.-, George J , Jr.? Browning, King & Co. 1.238.76 Bryant Paul I.?A. S. Cox. 161.70 ... David, inr\ Charies Bruck? ner (Bruckner ? Brill), and Benjamin Kaplan?S. Dlcker steln.,. 810.00 Coulby ft. Whaley, Inc.?H. A. Miller el al. 4,687.38 Barrett.Mary - New York and Queens ?'ounty Railway Com pany, costs . 1 OP oo '-.;?? . .lohn - B Cohan. ?38.28 John 0 (United Forward? ing Company)? R Henesy. 2.106.72 Duckman, Samuel?II. Bicshad ?' -? . 266.77 D'Amour Machine Company, inc. - 3 Del Drago . S94.97 Bowling. Catherine A.?J. liKsch 102.46 Frank Gass, Inc. ? Delco Holding Co . In- . 1.055.5,1 Fink, George S. ? H. Bernhard "t al. 128.24 ! Fuchsman, Charle?, and Morris Adler?D M. Jona?. 330.47; her, Louis A Snederov... 1,867.c;; ; Franzbean Esther (Manhattan Marchandise Company)?I. ipp et al 142.70 Glenlster, Harriet. W.?Br?ck Weiss Millinery, Ine. 105 10 Goldberg, L?wls R .J. H fi4u , "'?!in . 182.44 Granat, Abraham- Bea*learon dt z .V. 611.91 Grossman, Fall??, administrator? ot? . Triniiy Church of ni' 26 t?. 4 0 Grelnert, Charles A De Vltatls JIb'so '-'?? k, Solomon ? Town t?k| ?-r.nir-.-iny. coats . J10.45 ! Greenhaus, Jn'oii H. (Girard Silk Company)- Lsonett? silk Cor p< ' atlon ... ?Kg xl girl Alb? 1 3 .1 Hrnddl.k' ' '. l,,l '<n S\,v?n. Jame? F.~Ph*lps Bro?, Hydro 'Bar ' WaUrprwfi?? ' Co - - 1'?" ?2 Lstkln Lumber ?o. 20 7 ~'i Inlerborough Rapid Trgnslt'Co. :. V. Miern 600 00 Irwin. ftob*rt by guardian M Connall * if..,- -, Jn< . 104 60 JanisMwtlcl, Stanley ? Colonial W0I it* 2f,ft f,r Johnson, .lohn, and National Hur?ty CO?People, ?tc. .. 800 015 Kovne,, i^oui?.-- a. Kiraohbamn . 7.322 96 KetoOO, Rlihmi) Ii r? jj Strasbourg*!-. , 1 <4V 7, Ltw?, Mili*,, city of N ,T... ,. iji 4? Lu??.. Wrn .1 .-C\.y ?f N- -y . ?*??? ,'?*1* . ,' nu c Lion Soap ProdtlCt? fn , In-- . Corning OUm Work?., t?t t? L?ptnan, ?Umenl J, * Barnard Gla<Mr?yiorett? V.'ala? Co I BOSTON?R. H White Co.; R. Phillips, ! hotel supplies: 470 Fifth Avenue. - BOSTON?H. Sperber i'ompany, H. Sper ; ber. cigars, tobacco, etc ; Broztell. BRADDOCK, Penn.?F. Miller, confec? tionery: Mariborough. BUFFALO ? William Schwartz, billard j supplies: H'-rald Souare. CHICAGO?L. Nachman Company; L. j Nachman. oil, seed, etc.; Flanders. Cflli'AGO ? Sears Roebuck Co.; R. , B?chner, hoys' and children's clothing; j lift Fifth Avnue CHICAGO?G. Wagner Co. ; O. "Wagner. ; rr.frs. straw hats and millinery specialties; Pennsylvania. CHICAGO?Carson. Pirle. Scott A Co.; F. W. Shanley, hosiery (wholesale); 404 ? Fourth Avenue. CINCINNATI?H. Frost, drygoods and ! general line; Collingwond. COATESVILLE, Penn.?Rldgwny, Oral? ft Son Co.: Mr. Ridgway, representative; , Penns> h .?nu DERBV, Conn.?S Kut?sn?r Co.; S. Kuss ner, dry goods and clothing; Broadway Central. KAYETTEVTLLB. N. C?Stein Pros : Mr. Stein, drygoods and clothing; Herald ! Square. HARRISBURG, Pennl- F. Kamsky, tin? ners' supplies; Cumberland H A RTF?'III i. Conn G. Pearson Co.: G. . n. representative; Broadway Cen i tra!. LANCASTER, Penn.-?Rosenstein ft Son: Mr. Rosenstein, umbt-e!?a = . Pennsylvania. NIAGARA FALLS. N. T.?M. Cohen Company; M Cohen, men's and women's j furnishings : Pennsylvania. PHILADELPHIA -Strawbrldge ft. Clo ; thler; Mr. Powers, handkerchiefs; 23<i Fifth Avenue FITTSBURGH-T-L. Harris Company: L. Harris, ?ohs .igais and tob?ceo; Alfazar. QUINCY, III.?Moorman Mfg. Oompany; C. Moorman, representative; Pennsylvania. RICHMOND, Va.?Hutzler ft Co.; A. Hutzler, drygoods and notions: Aberdeen. RICHMOND, Va.?J. H Frazier, grocer ; ieji and notions: Pennsylvania. SAX FRANCISCO?J. Rosenstroch. gen ! eral Im? ; Flanders. SAVANNAH, Ca. ? Robinson Company; I Mr. Robinson, drygoods and general nier i cha ndlse ;Pennsy|va nia. SCHBNHCTADT?H. S Barney Co.; Mr I Warner, hosiery and underwear; D. O. Alliance; 4fi4 Fourth Avenue. SOUTH BEND, Ind ?Snyder ft Hum | pWrey; N. Snyder, mfrs. confectionary, Pennsylvania. SOUTH BOSTON, Va.?Harbour-Wllborn ! Hardware Company; Mr. Harbour, hard? ware; Pennsylvania TAMPA. Fla.?Knight ft Wall Company, Mr. Knight, hardware, etc.; Herald Square TULSA. Okla.?M. C. Hal? ft Co.; M. C Hale hardware; Pennsylvania. ?T1CA, N. Y.?A. Slstl ft Co.; A. Ststl, wholesale groceries; Commodore WASHINGTON, P C?Kafka's; Mrs. J. Kafka, children's and infants' garmentts and millinery; I17S Broadway, 4th floor. WILMINGTON?Topkis Bios. Co.; I. Topkls, iiifrg. underwear and union suits, 346 Broadway, care of R, B. Walker Co, York ? Repal Umbrella Co . F. W, Zercher, mfrs, umbrellas; Herald Square. Buvers Comin ml < NASHVILLE, T?nn?Lobeck Bros.: Guv! Poe, silks, dress goods, etc.; S M Gold? berg, 1261 Broadway; expected May 26. '? 191 9. NEWBERG, N. C.?S. Copl?n: Charles Copl?n, all ready to wear, L. Tr?ger, 3 West Twenty-ninth Street; expected Mon day, May 2B. 1919. NEW ORLEANS ? I^wls Goldsrein: Lewis r. Meyers, ready to wear and fur : nishings; -tot Fourth Avenue; expected Mond iv May 26, 1919. SACRAMENTO, Cal.?Welnstock, Lubln ft Co.; Mr. Kushman, middles, children's: dresses, sweaters, house dresses, waists i and silk petticoats; 2.Q Fifth Avenue; June 2ri SACRAMENTO, Cal.?Welnstock, Lubln ,<> Co . Mr Barnes, misses' and women's readv lo wear; 220 Fifth Avenue; June 6th. ! SACRAMENTO, Cal Weinstoek, Lubin | ft Co.; M?. Noack, millinery; 220 Fifth] Avenue; June 9th. SACRAMENTO, '"a!?Welnstock. Lubln! & ?o . Mrs Palmer, laces, ribbons, veils, ' embroideries. handkerchiefs; 220 Fifth A\enu.-; June 19th, SACRAMENTO, Cal.?Welnstock, Lubin . ?- Co ; S. W. McKlm, president and mer- j chandise -manager; 220 Fifth Avenue; ; about June 9th. Inc. 601.SO Laurelton Land Co.?C. S. Star buck . 1,136.15 Mlllmor Chemical Works, Inc.? I. Stern . 1,603.47 Moeller, Arthur, and Moeller Co, ?S. Su i tan . 9 7 0.77 Miiier, Theodore?R. C. Miller. . . 1,059.47 McNulty, Patrick J., Elizabeth Fa rrell and Jan es Cassli ' - exr., et ul?M. Raymond. 9,896 19 McAvoy, .l?mes?M Picciano.... 330.?6 Navi, Geo. G. ? Woodbury C. Langdon Co. 133.30 N V. Rys. Co.?R Davles. 1.500,00 Nonclnl, lues Co ?City of N. Y.; costs. . 167.60 Nones, Hattie JA. Francis.... 797.Tu : ovlgrad, William?A. Gronowltz 100.61 O'Farrell, Val .1 . und Samuel Lipschltz?Nati. Suretv Co.... 7,844.66 Forires, Custave?g I Skinner.. 3S1.1J Parker. John ,H.?Same. 2,780.82 Peck, Ellas R. ? Sa-i.e. 436.R4 P-iliy, Kate 1.?Same. 363.20 Rosenwasser, Phillip, ;r.?H. M. . eau . 112.61 I Rabbe, Frederick?F. Poste!.. . 334 9., Roliertson. Bruce, by gdn.?N. T. Telephone Co.; costs. 105.95 Rosenborg, Herman?G. C. Rog? ers, et al. 2.119.36 Riley, Mark P.?S. O. Alexander 972.20 Samuels. Nathan?G. L Sk'.nner 937 53 Shire, Nathan N.- Same. 726.40 Shire. Mary G ?Same . "i;*"'4" Stransky, Maurice?Same. 8,632.00 Speyer. Leo--Same. 3,633.00 Sonn. Leopold ?S^me. 3.632 00 Sonn. Leopold?Same. 608 48 Sonn. Julius?Same. 944.32 Sonn. Isaac?Same. 508.46 Sargent. Harry B ---Same. 2,236.66 Stern, Daniel?Sa me. 87 1 SS St-rn Corn -Same. 432.90 Shalltzky, Gershon?A. Weiserb;; ( on!? . . 10S.60 Thompson Strauss K- Well Co.. Inc.?Hoffman & Kropff Chem? ical Co ; costs. 108 fld Thomas, Edw. R.?G 1. Skinner 1,816.09 Van Wanner. Sidney ??J. R. Wem.linger et al . 6 60 6 6 Vicario. John?O. I Skinner.... ",995.20 Victoria Building <fc Contracting Co. and Domlnick Lord?Smith Co . 1,385.84 Woolnough, Susan A.?G I Skin? ner . 2.380.95 Well. Samuel ?Same . 1.083.60 Wolferson, Marie, and National Suretv Co.- People etc . 600 00 Wolfe, Lola A. 1.--B Altman & Co. 407 48 Zalzman, Joseph?1 Isaacson.... 144.95 Zagon Really Co.?J. Mllman.... 1,500 00 In Bronx County Basso, Alexander?E Neuburger $122.72 I-'rnnk Gasa. Inc.?Delco Hid. Col? ine. 1,056 53 Fren-h Mary?A. Federgreen... . 17>it2 Goldberg, Lewis R.?J. IL Bau man. 18244 Inter. R. T. Co.?O. Napthal_ 392.45 Mniket *. Harlem Auto Trucking Co - H Greenblati. 88 56 Pitcher. Ward A.?I. B. P.ldgway 40 93 Silben, Morris?L. Fox. 419 29 Satisfied Judgments The first name Is that of the debtor, tne second thai, or th? creditor and dal? wncn judgment war. tiled : In New Vork County W. Irving Young & Co. and w. Irving Toung 11. C. Meyer; January 11, 1917 . $855.35 Merks. Leon?J. E. Cod win el a!; January 3 1. 1917. 832.88 Bernard end Barnet Baff, nnd .la cob Lcschlnsky ? M. Rosenberg; March 17. i:ui . l.ooa.oo Cosmopolitan Wall Paper Com? pany?Srhotz. i'oweia * Co., Inc ; April 7. 1919. 766.98 Eehsivatla, James, und Georg?? S J. Smith <-t al; May ?. 1919 1,869.36 Gelllch, Abraham L.-?Title Cuai anlee * Trust Company. October II, 1916. 121.73 J. K Armsby Company?A. Olau et al . f.ov.-n.her 14. 1913.. 2.756.94 Terxlan, Bodrow 0 .Tombach A McPbae, Inc.; Februarv 17. 1519 . 103.21 Schaefer, Charles. Jr., and Sarah a. Frankelthalter; May 31, 1917 . 113.07 ; Neufeld, Stanley?D Block et al ; July 2 1. 19 Mi 64.1.62 Lausburgn ? Bro., Inc.?Clever ? i ii ft Costume Co., Inc. April 29. 1919. 1,167 17 Rathmari Baruch?M. Neustaed t?r; December 2. 1016. 675.53 Seinlnger, H?mu?.|?j. F. Sutton, Msy 17 1913. 4.009.80 , Beamtin, Georgs?G. P. Ross; June 7. 1916 . . 408.02 Felnberg. Samuel 3.?J. Meyer; Augunt 4, 191?. 144.41 In Hrr?Ttx County Flnnlgan: (>orgn p . v.. C. Keim. December ?. 1917. $773,17. Sustenance Cereals Wheat.-?The spring wheat acreage in both Minnesota and South Dakota will be close to that of last year, but there will probably be a reduction of 10 to 20 per cent in North Dakota. Receipts at New York yesterday were 263,200 bushels. Corn.?The corn market was quiet and orderly yesterday, and net change? for the day were small. Prices de? clined about a cent soon after the opening because of the drop in hog prices, but subsequently recovered. Yesterday s previous T?a: New York: close. r'.iep. ago Corn No 2 yellow..i 1.91% 81.98*4 ,-, Chicago. May . 179 1.78'.* - ?Lily . 1.85 Va i.e-.i-s $1.89% September . 1.58!* 1..18'3 - Oats.?Oats prices were firm on con? tinued reports of export buying. Yesterday's Previous Year New York. close, close a g ?> Oats. No.Swbt.9 .SO'.*- S .80 $ ,81'2 Chicago: May ."?0'rs .69"* .75 July .B8?ra .C8'2 .1361% September ... .04^? .64';, - Rye.?Market higher. Yesterday's Previous Year New York close. close. ?co ?'ash No. 2 Westfl.73 $1.70 R2.1J Flour and Meal.?Quotations were: Yesterday's Previous T?ar New York: close. 'lose. airo Minn. sp. p. .$12? 12.75 S12.00-5 12.75 Cornflour.. 3.50? I.if) S.fi0@ .150 4.85 Rye fl. ch . 0.00? 9.60 9.00? B.66 11.55 Bran,1 10 ?b. 43.09?Si - 43.00? - - Cottonseed Oil.?The market for cot? tonseed oil was inactive, and while prices remained practically unchanged the market was unsettled by the re? ports that the government would make large resales of hog products and com? pound. Prices for futures were: Day Open'rg High Low rinse b?fnr? Oct. 23.50 23.50 21!.50 2S.50@23.51 23.50 Nov_ ? - - - 21.50?22.75 22.110 Pec... - - - 21. .vig 22.75 21 150 Jan- - - - 21.50@22.50 22.01 Flour and Meal. - Quotations were: Yesterday's Previous Year New Tork' close .ios? ng~ Minn sp p.$l2.00@12.75$12.00@12.75 $11.00 Corn flour . 3.50? 4.50 3.50? 4.50 4.85 T!\e f|. i h 9.O0? 9.60 9.00(3 9.60 11.25 Bran, ICO ?b..43.00? - 43.00? - - Hay and Straw Yesterriaj. A year ago. Per ton. F?r ton. Timo! h v, No. 1, larpe bales ,.$46.00@47.00 $28.00?30.00 Clover. NU l mx. 4100?!:;,On 23.00@24.00 Rye, straw No l i;;.oo-a l i.uo 17.00? 18.00 Orchard und Field Y i sterday. A year ago. Beans. marrow, i on lbs.$11.75? - 518.75? - feas, Si-ntf'n, 'IS 7.(i0@ R.OO 12.25@12.60 Potatoes, nw, bbl 3.00? 0.00 4.00? 5.25 Apples, BIdw, bb. .8.00? 11.50 4.00? 8.00 Grapefruit, box... 4.00? 8.50 2.00? 5.50 Oranges, boa ... 4.50? 8.50 3.00? 8.50 Tea Continued demand for Formosa teas was reported yesterday, and there is a growing inquiry for Greens and Jspanr.. Not only is the domestic trade improv? ing, but dealers are much encouraged by the inquiries from abroad. Quotations for lots of 50 and 100 packages follow: GREENS Yesierdny. Moyune, Gunpowder . 51@73 Moyune, Imperial . 46(0,58 Moyune, Young Hyson... 36<??68 Moyune. Hyson . 35@3S Pingsuey, Gunpowder .... 31@S8 Pmgsuey, Imperial . 38@43 I'ingsuey, Young Hyson... 31@41 JAPA-NS Panflred . 31(851 Basketfired . 31@56 Sifting;. . 19@24 FORMOSA OOLONG Good .29@31 28@30 Superior . 33@37 32@36 Fine . 42?62 41@61 CONGOU - . 25@70 25@70 INDIA Pekoe Sou. 32?34 32@34 Pekoe . 34$44 34?44 Orange Pekoe. 37@5S 37@56 Flowery Orange Pekoe. . . 44@b5 44@65 CEYLON Pekoe Sou . 32@34 32@34 Pekoe . 34-H.44 34?44 Orange Pekoe . 38<j|58 38@58 Flowery Orange Pekoe... 46(^61 46(?jj6t Broken Orauge Pekoe.... 46?66 46@?6 J A V A Pekoe Sou . 25@30 25@30 Pekoe . 29<8>32 29?32 Orange Pekoe . 31@4C? 31@40 Flowery Orange Pekoe... 40@51 40?51 Broker: Orange Pekoe_ 25@30 25030 Broken Pekoe . 26@31 26<?>3l Odd luUi ruled 1 cent hig?itr. Sugar and Coffee Current A year i prices, ago. Sugar, granulated, per lb. 9 7.48 Sugar, centrifugal, per lb... . 7.28 Coffee. Rio No. 7. per Ib.^^?-^'. 2 8'8 Coffee. Santos, No. 4, pr lb22'.'2@23 - Sugar.?It was reported yesterday that the Royal Commission had named vessels and that refined sugar, on its | contract, would go forward promptly. The Equalization Board reported no purchases of raw sugar. Coffee Futures?After making consid? erable gains, coffee prices turned weak and closed unchanged to 30 points lower. The market moved up at the opening on news of higher prices in Braxfl and n continuance of the pre? vious day's buying movement. Among the factors making for the setback was the report that consumers had been buying several times their normal re? quirements in fear that predictions of 50 cents for roasted coffee would come true, and that, for this reason, there ; would probably be a falling off in the demand. Trices for future contracts were: Previous Y ear High Low, (lose close, ago. July... 19.55 19.15 19.15rjS19.20 19.15 8.05 Sept.. 19.35 18.75 18.68@ 18.70 18.98 8.23 Dec... 18.90 18.25 18.20? 18.24 18.50 8.42 March. 18.70 18.10 18.00** 18.05 18.30 ? Butter, Cheese and Eggs Butter.?Receipts, 15,831 packages. Creamery, higher than extras, lb. 60V? ?61c; extras, 92 score, 59%?60c; firsts, R8 to 91 score, B7?ri@59%c; sec? onds, 83 to 87 score, 55@57c; lower grades, 62(? 54c; unsalted, higher than : extras, 63Mt@64c; extras, 62Mt@63c; firsts, 60@62c; seconds, 56 + 59c; state, dairy tubs, finest, 59@59J/4c; good to prime, 66@58c; common to fair, 48? i>5c; renovated, extras, 53^4@54e; firsts, G2?53c; lower grades, 47?5lc; imitation creamery, firsts, 51?52c; ladles, current make, firsts, 48@49'/?c; seconds, 4fi'A?47c; lower grades, 14 ?46c; packing stock, current make, No. 1, 4flc; No. 2, 45c; lower grades, ?ll)Vr. i4V4c. - I Cheese. ? Receipts, 8,645 boxes. State, whole milk, fresh flats, colored, lb, 32%@82Hc? white, 81>4?32c; aver-j age run, colored, 31V??82c; white, 81 He; lower grndes, 80@81c; twins, special?, whites, 31 Vic; colored, 31U? 32c; average run, white, 3lVic; col- ? bred, 81V4c? lower grades, 80@81c; Wisconsin, whole milk, twins, fresh, 81%; single daisies, fresh, colored, 32 ?32'Ac; double daisies, fresh, 31 Vs? 32c; Young Americas, fresh, 32%? 33c; state, skims, specials, 23%? 24%c; prime to choice, 20@22%c; fair to good, 15 ?19c; lower grades, 6?14c Eggs.?Receipts, 46,149 cases. Fresh fathered, extras, dozen, 49:. 5 c; storage packed, extra firsts, 48^ i ; 49c; firsts, 47@48c; gathered, extra firsts, 48@481.4c ' firsts, Northerly sec? tions, 47'f7,47,;c; Southerly sections, 46V?@47c; seconds n::d poorer, 43 4oc; dirties, No. 1, 434 ? ;.,;?; No. 2 and poorer. 4l?43c; ;;>^ = , good to choice, dry, 41Va?42c; under grades. 37@41c; slate, Pennsylvania and nearby Eastern hennery whites, fine to : fancy, 53?54c; ordinary to prime, 50(2 : 52c: gathered white?, ordinary to fine, 50?52c; Western and Southern, I gathered whites. 47?51c; Btate, Penn? sylvania and nearby hennery browns 52@53c; gathered brown and mixed ? colors, 4',',,; 50c. Livestock, Meats, Provisions j Yesterday. A year ago Live ?"teev. fair to | prime 100 lb. .$14.00? 16."5 $15.50? 18.00 1 Dressed beef sides lb.20@ .23 .22(g). 25 : Live veals, com? mon to prime, 100 lb. 17.00@19.00 L6.O0@10.50 Dressed veals, city lb.22i? .28'. g .19(5 24' 2 Live ewe?, 100 lb, 8.00(a 15.00@16.00 Dressed mutton, lb.16? .23 .27@.27'/3 Live lambs, fair to prime lOOvlb 13.50? 15.50 16.00? 16.50 Dressed lamb a, city, lb.^rt? .S! .IU'?? .?>.' Hogs. 100 ib.... 21.00(S2!.:.0 18.60@18.75 Dressed bogs, bacon, lb. 28%-i? 29' i .2578'S .26'. a MesR beef. lb.... 35.50'r; 36.50 32.0'1 Mess pork, hbl .. 57.00:0 58.00 51.01 Lard. Mid - West, 100 ?b. 34.00? 35.00 24.00@21.70 Dividends EXTRAS General Kleetri?- Company- Dividend t 2 per cent, payable in stoch al par in ad dltion ? ? regular qunrterl: .... '? Jul; . to stork of ri rd Juni : Regular Declarations ; ' hold? rs ??iock. rate, period Payabl. of R rd '?. Loco coi , 1 '.?, q. .Juli ."? June 1 s do pf., ?s, q.rub - Ry. Steel Spring, rom, 2, q..Tu ? hi do pf., I % q. ..rune 2 I I une i Brook. L'nlon Gas, Uj q 1 pul c ??" .- . i im . :-. q Aug i . do pf., 1 't, q.Iuly l . L'wanna Steel, cur, .!'??,?.?; ?? 3 Macka y Cq .-, com . ! : -, ?, .? u ? I do pf., I, q.lui; Globe Rul Tir? cm ! V q J une : 5 Mai 3 1 I'nion P.asj ?in-i Pa per I !o I 'u ?-0. June : 5 J uni G U. S. Realty Earnings Total earnings of the United States Really & Improvement Company for the fiscal year ended April 30, were $3,774,019, compared with $2,417, 173 the preceding year. In n the annual report, issued yesterday, showed that the surplus available for dividends was $1,480,095, equivalent to 9.15 per cent on the $16,162,800 capital stock, contrasted with 4.79 per ccnl earned in the 1917-'18 fiscal period. The United States Realty & Improve? ment owns and operates large office buildings in the downtown financial district, and through its subsidiary, the (ieorge A. Fuller Company, does a "?urge construction business. Consolidated Exchange [Unit of trade on this exchange, 10 shares] Transactions and prices yesterday for th? more active shares fellow: Salea. Open. nish. Low. Last, 580 AIHfl Chalmers. 40% 423a 40% 42 1980 Am Internat.. 91% 93 90'.; 90% 690 Am Locomotive 8-" ? 82 80? 2 80' -, 380 Am Smelt & R 78% 79''a 78% 781 2 230 Am Tel & Tel.106 106 105% 106 320 Anaconda Cop. 67% 67% 67 67' a 3735 Baldwin Loco..101% 102% 100% 100' 2 670 Beth Steel B.. 76', 77 75' ? 77'" 98 I Booth Fisheries 24% 24% 23' , 24 560 Brooklyn R T.. 26?/a 28 -s 26% 26% 220 Butte & Pup.. 24% 24% 24 4 24% 560 Cal Petroleum. 31% 32% 31' 2 32'4 130 Cent Leather.. 92 92% 91% 91% 160 Chi M & St P. 45 45% 45 45' 3 650 Crucible Steel. 73% 75% 73% 74% 460 Cuban C Sugar 34'4 34' 2 33% 33% 350 Erie. 19 19' 8 18% 18% 180 Eastern W&W. 36% 36% 35' 4 35% 150 fien Motors. . .183% 188 183% 186' 2 310 Gt Nor: h Ore.. 46% 47% 46'/2 46' 2 180 Inspiration C. 54% 55' 2 54% 55 6590 lnl Mer Mar.. 47', 2 49'4 46% 46% 780 do pf.124 125! i 123" 4 123' 2 460 Int Paper. 52'4 54% 52' 3 531 s 550 Interb Cons pf. 24 24' 2 23% 23% 1.Ti'i Kan City So.. 23% 23% 23' 2 23'2 1 :?" Kelly S Tire.. 118% 118% 117% 1 177a 640 Keystone Tire. 91% 92 88', z 39% 160 Maxwell Motor 45; 4 45% 44 44 950 Mexican Pet....182 183 180% 183% 120 Midvale Steel.. 47% 48% 47'4 47% 760 Missouri Pac. 32% 32% 32 32 170 Nati Lead. 74% 77% 74% 76' 4 150 N Y Central.. 80% 81% 80% 80% 4082 Ohio Cities Uas 54 54% 53' 4 53% 140 Ontario Silver. 8% 8% 8% 8% 3!i?>7 Oklahoma Oil. 11% 72% 11% 12% ! .l-ii Pan Am P&T. 95% 96% 94% 94% 370 Pierce Arrow.. 53% 51% 50 4 50% 505 Pierce Oil. 27 273^ 20% 25% 250 Reading:. 37% 88% 87% S7-rf 2260 Royal D N Y..118 119% 117% 117% 3810 Sinclair Oil-67% 67% 66% 66% lOSOStudebaker.... 82% 84% 82% 32% 920 Texas & Pac. 49% 49% 48% 48% 450 Un C?g Stores. 132 132 130 131% 340 U S Ind Aleo.156 157% 154'% 154% 480 U S Rubber... 97 97% 90% 97% 17000 U S Steel-. 102% 103% 102% 103 6210 West'house E!. 55% 57% 55% 57% 860 Willys Overld 33% 34% 33% 34% Vote Transfer of River Plate Commercial Co. Stockholders of the River Plate Com? mercial Company (Inc.) voted yester? day to transfer the property and busi? ness over to the Anglo-American com? mercial Corpora* ion, recently organized to ?expand the River Plate Company's importing and exporting business. The new company has $500,000 preferred stork and 150,000 shars of common stock of no par value, of which $400, 000 preferred and 116,000 shares of common will be issued. H. S. Dudley, presidt?nt. announced that the Anglo-American Commercial Corporation will acquire from the Rivet- Plate Company contracts for new business in excess of $1.000.000, on which there is an estimated gross profit of $210,000. Business under negotiation, ho said, amounts to about $4.000.000 additional. Officers of the new company are located in New York, Buenos Ayres, Rio de Janeiro, Yokohama and London A separate company operates the Par.s office. The directorate, in addition to Mr. Dudley, includes S. G. Schermer horn, chairman of tho board; Archi? bald Le Roy, secretary and treasurer; Marshall J. Dodge, .lohn S. Melchor, George I, Hurd, Lawrence B, KHiman, Henry S. Parker and C, Smithers. Dyefttnff.? Market Quiet Quietness prevailed yesterday in the dyestuffs market. Small lot orTerings ere plentiful, but oiTennprs of large quantities are unusual. Trading with the Orient continues in moderate vol? ume, with Malachite Green Crystal in steady demand. It is reported that, several light orders for Auramine have been received from China. LOST, FOUND AND REWARDS STOLEN?Bui k E ? , registration N. Y. 2S.371, i". tor i - : May 16. *?" st., near Madisoi eral reward for return . eading to recovery; im ques . 'Phone Sc'auyler?4058. ..? ST -Lady's gre ,1 gold wrist watch. In? itials : ;. G., bet ??? - : "'? and En ?way ;;. ; \ .-?-;.- 5, Wednesday, about ?... V. :?? ' . tsh 8479- W. " i . . round platinum pin. pearls, dial - ? where bet ween .. ; Belmont; : ? ??? ar : feiephone Su $500 REWARD for platinum and dian ?nd bo* b .:. - . uplieate mad si Maj b? ' ?? 'er ' . - 37th st.. Cen ?-.?..- Marcus . s LOST H tNKBOOKS f. . so of the E*ce! ,:- Savins ? ? ' West 23d Bt . pay !.. 1ST Bankb N 619.834 he Ore in? ri Saving 18 Sixth ... \..,v i . i ' Paj ment s . i ? LOST.?Bai Savings 1 79 West 23d st. Please ret u ; ; of ? he Cen ! I he City of New fork. 1 it s ipi e i. Pi . - eturn ? ? I > ?kbook No. 722.151 of tti? Cen? tral Savings Bank in l he City of New ' . , .- i Please bo ; to bank. LOST B ': book v.-. S03.S08 of th? , iss led to Irving Fork Pa vmen I si oppe 1. Plea bai Eighth ave , Nev \ II person? ai ?? ' ; HELP WANTED MALE INSTRl CTION AMERICAN BUSINESS IS ABLAZE WITH A NEW ? SPIRIT. The lessons learned from the war have Inoculated it with n?w energy, enterprise and progresslvenes? THE BUSINESS ENQL NEER OF THE DAY Is the TRAINED EXPERT AC? COUNTANT. He Is In the greatest demand of any pro? fessional man in the world, ha? the least compel tlon, and consequently is the best paid'. $3,000 TO $10,000?AND MORE yearly Business m^n realize that if they aro to -.: " and prosper In this new era have s aci irate and con Bti tana sis o? their 1 islness, and possibly a day-b> day audit, such as "an only bs ? the medium of the man?or ?ned In Hl bei - ntlng. The avallahle supply of these is exhausted?there are none to ?? bad We can fill, in a limited way only, the many requests being re Ivi : for AUDITORS. COMPTROLLERS, COST ACCOUNTANTS, EFFH IE.VCY ENGINEERS. CREDIT MEN AND SYSTEMATIZERS THE LARGEST UNIVER? SITY IN THE WORLD, teaching Hlsrher Accounting and coaching for C. P. A examination, by Blmple, practical and agreeable Home Study, le making a special effort I - train am n n and women, with ana ? cal i i Is, who desire to fit themselves to fill ? ese ; >sitl : s and se? he financial independence that comes with the masterj of the highes*, paid profes? sion In the world KNOWLEDGE OF BOOK? KEEPING NOT REQUIRED. We train you from the ground up. for inter view write. Grvrt-ro age. posi? tion AND TELEPHONE NO.. OR CALL ON E. A. MANCHESTER, REGISTRAR. 110 WEST 40TH ST., NEW IORK. Telephone 1981 Bryant, AMBTTIOUS MEN ought to ?-now what an exceptional future Is in store for the AC? COUNTANCY-TRAINED man Send fur "Sour Market Valu? til 22 which gives details ; t tra li in ? :.,???! Pace ?s Face. 30 Chui h Si , N a UTOMOBi :.:?: knowledge Is a valual le assei to incres e your earnings, Learn at Mew V. rk s ? . st ? ?n : el i Mi hanlca I course, t 15 ; with Drivini v. rite for Catalog T, - ; ?? mi STEWART AUTOMOBILE .-' ?:? m IL, 225 West 67th st... at Broadway. AUTOMOBILE INSTRUCTION, ?!" Unlimited driving, etc . gui machine for ttate exam . . n until ens? B M Co., 1S03 Lexington av. (88th). LEARN" TO BE A CHAUFFEUR?Pleas? ant and profitable work, day und even Ins classes. Send for freo booklet and visitor'? pass. Weal Side Y. M. C. A., 317 West 5 7th st. AMBITIOUS MEN ougnt to know what an ii .-? ! future ' ' In si i re for the AC? COUNTANCY-TRAINED man Send for "Your Markei Valu and Bulletin 22, which give-? details o? Irai ? needi : Pace & Pai ?-. 30 '.':. irch st., New York H?LP WANTED MALE BOY?American; for offl e and errands; references: ?10; call s lernoon. Dunham Mfg, Co., : 20 ' 61 ': st . Bi .:. : n BOTS Who seek a good opportunity for advancemeni along eleo 'rlcal enginee? ng lines; must be 16 years : ver. En -. ' mi ii ' office pen 'J to 4. WESTERN ELECTRIC CO., IXC, . BETHUNE ST Near West St, o? 14th BOY?Errands; wanted; chance to learn engraving. Consolid?t d Engraving Co., 151 W. 25th st, FINANCIAL MEETINGS GREENE CYNANF.A COPPEK < O. NOTICE OF ?V.VNl AJ M BEI IN G Notice is herebj gl that the Annual Mee log of the Si Cananea : '? : ;?? r Company w the f!l .? New York, N ?\, on M >nd a y, the a day of .' une : iv for : he . ransai I ! an i ' may come before the meel ing, in - he election of thi hold office I the proposition o I . ; ? I ? ..?-???? rs In i rlbut ions to ti R ? iss .-. nd ; ted '.'? '?'? . . inc The transfei books ? npany will nol el se, bu as at 3o P M Moi 119, will be entitled to vote at this meet? ing. By order of the Board of Pir^-tors. .1. W AI.!.EN. S< :? tary Corporate Returns Chicago Pneumatic Tool Company?Re? ports for the quarter ended March 31. last irplus ? l ??..'.? 15 3, eq u t v a ?". a S 11 ? I.I on standing Electric Bond anil Sitare rorr?paji>?Re? ports gi ...-?: _ . : year ei ???.?.? Ill : ? ?'.? r was ? ?. ? ? befi ? e The balan I panv as of Dccembei ild banki.Uns Expert Larger Imports of Bead.? Bonds of nil kinds aro in br mand, hut importers Btate that mp piie3, most of which are obtained from Italy, are light. Communication with old Bohemia, now Czecho-Slovakia, has been resumed, und as that country for? merly supplied the American market with larcro quantities of beads, I ? importers expect the Bohemian fac? tories will shortly resume exportation [ to the United States. HELP WANTED MALE BOYS (several).?For our snipping de Light work, splendid oppor? tunity for advancement. The Colorplfcts Engraving Co . ?11 \V 4;d st BOY wanted for errands and general office rtunity; steady work; In : anufa? -. ur:n?: Anglo <.nn Pharmaceutical. ?7 New Chambers st. . work; $10 week. 87 Frankfort si. ERRAND BOY W ictory. Diemer ?? ? 232 Liberty av?., Bklyn. ERRAND BOY?Chance to le*rn printing trade. Huber & H 11, 607 West 4 d s - -??- WTKP ? Star Chan le ?er st. _, Apply Godfrey. Keeler v. i st. ? S, r-tai! stor->; neru position; must understand the busi? ness. K V . Koorn 2502, HO "Weit 40th st. HAIRDRESSER?MAN" In ?- n: ' waving, ? ? ,.? .. ut ??? pai lor ? irk ir New Y ork , salary ?? nd s il m c t?a ? an ?????:. $40 a we? . mfidential. Ph. Glemby, 12 East 22nd St. -?man not car? rying ' ne who has liad window re A1 refer Ity and character; nona ? need un1'y ; no rences being ; ? firsi lei ter ?formation as ' to where previous s employed; returned sol- ; dii erred rHE KJNGSV1LLE LUMBEn ''OJtPANY, ! K1NGSVILLE. TEXAS POULTRY MAN Ono thoroughly understanding incubators, care of chicks and laying hens. Man with consid? erable experience. Address Chick, Box 42, Tribune Office. . REPRESENTATIVE required Immediately with ? ?" : " >. following our Instruc wl ? -i ible your earnings to In ricas? ?in!'. b\ offering our servios system to husin? ss men >?- f grant their I co-opei iti "i liberal comralssiona 'Phone Corl .. ? II ' SALESMEN to sell securities In the fourth largest independent oil company in N 8 ; ? ? ?? i ? active leads fui nlshed , ?? ? perien ed stock salesman wanted. A '.--3, Tribune, or phone Rector 6290. SAI ESME! ?We noed th? servir-es of sa'.e,, men. Such experience ns Insurance. .' estate, Bpe ,;' ?es or i.ks an advantage. p.nsalion liberal. Opportunity r?>r ? ml to highly paid mana tlons References required. Call Room 306, 226 Tith av, STOCK SALESMEN Two high calibre en to Bell preferred stock. You .an earn from $200 p?r wr??k and ur. .. Ions Complete co . p..--?*: n and live leads furnished. Refer . required Seo Mr. Frizzelle, Suite 702, 605 6th ave. WAR ACTIVITIES RECONSTRUCTION AM? EMPLOYMENT .-l-7l;\ ICE 413 Lexlngi n av. (cor. 4;:d St ) FOR 30L iIERS SAI 1RS and MARINES Op? :? from :? ' i A M. to 2 P. M. ALL KINDS OF GOOD POSITIONS CAN NOW BE SELECTED OX APPLICA? TION TO US. Apply Monday, 9:30 A. M. to 3 P. M WANTED?Discharged ?oldlers and other? to Pictures ino% profit . easy sellers Appi: to Mole A; Thomas, Sherman Sauare Hotel, rist st 4- Broa lv i HELP WANTED FEMALE . '! EB ICAL. Ii rical and stock work i. use. $10; half-day ..." round. J ihn Wyeth & Bro , B I V AITRESS?Ni laundry work; j ? . ?.-. ? .::; ! batl refer? - :? a requli ? :. herry Lane, Flushing i ; , J KS, v itress; sisters; young; excellent ono year last position. Miss lure ? i 'Iftb ave. ' lr< 1? .. 524-1. GIRLS, over 16, to pack paper, tags; $10 to start; steady work. A. Kimball Co., 307 West Broadway. GIRLS. Fine working conditions, new establ?sh t; good pay A] ply National Library Bin I? :" Co . . ; Grand st. GIRLS wanted to address envelopes; $1.50 ?? lusand; no home work. Room 808, 150 Nassau s: New Y' Hairgoods Salesperson for hair department in high class depart rnent si in in New Vori:: only thos Is sales experience will be ? >n . ; ? I opporl on ity ; '-all or ? ? , ?-; esp nder ential Ph. Glemby, 12 East 22nd St. _ .-1 HOUSEWORK?Young white girl for gen . . ; as? ?'? irk. sma 11 fa : home. ' rk, 3700 Av? I, Brooklyn Flatbush ave. car to ::.... Ml Iw >od 1786. verness; English; take two y r ? u-:. Miss Fitzgerald's Burea-.. Fif h av. . ?reely 5244. ' ' :: ?CE EXPER E [> FACTORY BETWEEN ?' IN THE 60 S EXPERIENCE AND CAN '.'' ?N ? EN ENTL\ REACH THIS ONLY NEED AJ SAI..-.!;'; Tl ' : fART $18. Bl IX M li I'. ME. WANTED.- Christian young lady for i " ? worl \N Box 24, 1 : way. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE A MARRIE1 family and t ?-mi y years of ,. ' " some pro? gressiv? he ? in better I - ivenl y s ea nth to ii fr^t ,-nx months, next six : : . r first yeai $3 10 - have abllll lurnlsh \><? nk ..;. . ? MR ,i LEE HART 926 W. Lovell St . BUTLER, Japanese, first class In every laracter, want ? p where second i ; Al reference. Kanno, IOS Wesi ? ? and ?-ork as h . myself useful. ? ?1 A ' ? ' ! re, N J . na plendl il A ON AGENCY, : 1 V- 12 ? l AP??ESE HAGLB EMPL ?1 Lble dornest I? . i lass help " ? ? Bu : West <"d at, Bryant ears, rtalian-Am? in an y - t hinp ; as F Robei io. 3 i YOUNG man 26, recently disci . ? ?nd pay ? | wants position where ability will ! promotion start al : i ?< nable .-.?. .. ? Boj? .v b ?;. Tribun?. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE A ?A?COOK; pteasant. capabie. economl? cal; good manager; ?6B. B... Miss Rof mayer's Agency. 10 Bast 4 Id st., third floor. Telephone S3 IT Murray '*g CHAMBERMAID, plain eean-.stress: youn? Irish sir!; gojd city references: ?4?.? .1., Miss Bofmayer's Agency, 10 East 4??i-st . third flour. Telephone S347 Murra> Hti!. COUPLE!.?Alsatians: but;.;-, useful lent cook and manager : t\ s. city Av.d country. ". m ! Shaughnessy's Agency. B60 ?Sixth ave. CHILD'S NTJRSE --Young Irish girl: eMld over two year? old: cuy references';'ST'1 $; 5. O., Misa Hofmayer'a Apene -y. - 43d sr . third Cour. Telephoivj S347 Mur? ray H uni CHAMBERMAID?Both i .is.?. toRet her or .-?. city or country. Miss Stiaug ? I 61 h a \ e. ? LAUNDRESS.?Expert; launders shirts. collars, fine lingerie, et- ; ;o M " ? ?yer's Agrency, ;? Eut 4:;d st.. third Telephone 8S47 Murray Hill. WAITRESS?Parlor maid, young- Irish girt, Rood city references. J?o. c.. Miss Hof ! ?g-ency, 10 Bast 43d ?t., third Boor. Murray Hill $347. YOUNG woman of triilnlngr and lnflueno* wishes opportunity to either manas? lunchroom or assist In manajreme Would prefer lunch connected ?rtn industrial plant where social service r?n dered would be appreciated. C. E. I, Tt Liutie. TO LET FOR BUSINESS PURPOSE^ ENTIRE FLOOR OF OOOD BUILDING NEAR FIFTH AVENUE AND CND ST. FOR RENT 7,800 S**> FT RENT ?5,600 WOULD MAKE EXCELLENT OFFICES. PRINCIPALS ONLY GIVEN' INFORMA? TION CUSHMAN * WAKEF1ELD, LNC. 80 EAST 42ND STREET. FIFTH AVRNTE CORNHTR STIRB FOR RENT ABOVE 4JND STREET. SlxM. l?ge show wtndo-vvs on avenue & Street rent ???.ooo. cushman a- wakefield. incx. 60 east 4?nd STREET. LARGE ?'ORNER STORE FOR RENT ON MADISON AVENUE IN 403. RENT 16.600. PARTICULARS TO PRINCIPALS ONLY. CUSHMAN & WAKEFIELD, 6 3 EAST ?2D STREET. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR 6ALB--Multlfrrepn. with full eqnlp nent. electrically run Addreesograp'n machine and three lar?<> fieel Address - ftraph Osblnots. ?all A. C Penn, In- . 100 Lafayette st.. between 11 and 12 a. i... FURNITURE FOR SALE WILLOW FURNITURE; EKTRAORDT narlly Attractive barunln; factory sales? room, Lonfr Beach Willow Coiapeny, 22) East 41st 6L, New York. FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET iRTABLE, Immaculata court roon. : ?hoi ' . ntlemen; rHferencr** Riverside .'isTf.. forenoon. : f*H ST & LEXINGTON AVE.?HOTEL BELMORE.- Vttra tive ?umiiier rat?' ? m v...... ; lo fan. }5 weeki-. and up T. ;;r.3), corner Lexington ?v, r clusively for worron; $7 Wf-pkly and up. with use of bath; $12 woekly and up wiin bath. coz; cool, c? rnfortabl-. icell? s en suite; special 4,r.TiI ST, 216 WEST.- Largo furnish"! ????. hot, cold water, tele phone, : ? spcctable i 71ST st., 75 WEST.?Handsomely fui i living room, large bedroom si ? .?r? ment. cheei tui, your n :- ?? ' u furnished - i pi? io s I n i .... . in? ' ': \ rside : ?? TH ST.. 252 W Large and small room? es ; ' mod erate. FURNISHED APARTMENTS TO ?LET THE LEXINGTON, '? I : ree ai 1 four room furnished apartments for r*n ?70 }'!? ' .,-' :;oth PT (163), corner Lexington a-. isively for wo me" . rner suite, ] furnished, $'7 weekly up; ?;? Dicte. ?STII AND LEXINGTON ?corn?ri- At trectlvely furnisned apartment. 4 rooms ?nd bath, kitchen; from May 1 to Octo? ber, or 3 months' Wse. $175 ninthly. Phone PERKIN, Plaza 5601. HOARDERS WANTED BOARDE ' '? '????? 7." ' ... . bath B mvab'a n coi Icing; diets prescribed i i . pr? par? 30TH ST 16 . corner Lexington Ave , s r;?; e Ith m^ain. S! 4 weekly and ip; g I n e cooking; hotel servie? . I -"..>. nlng wati i i enl u ala; {7 60 wee? FOR SALE TAXI FOR BALE.?Six-cylinder Stndebaker t I ody : 3 moa old , r ?-? -V : -.vori? Call evening? be? nd 9 46 Underbill ave., Brooklyn. floor. SUMMER COTTAGES TO RENT FURNISHED COT ? -. roomn , N J. : $801 ... . ? 91 East 149th ft Bronx. WANTED DESK ROOM WANTED by s r, an-ountafV lawyers; must BUSINESS CARDS Carpet Cleaning CAREFUL CARPET CLEANING COM? PANY ?Cleans by compressed air. steam. ? or, floor 419 East 48tb. it. COS * BRANDT.. Telephone 132 Murray Hill. Diamonds DIAMONDS AND JEWELRT BOUGH* FOB CASH, estates appraised, purchased. BENNETT. 175 Broadway, upstairs. Detective Agency WESTLOTORN'S Detective A? infldentlal t . I2d Phone :?: . Furniture I IGHEST PRICES ''AID FOR FCRN? ture, antiques, pianos, i- a-t-r.-.?. ?. .?? b ' v ss UnH eta::y P .? ?- ???;.. ..? .- . ID? .7.. Mul-igraphers?Steno^raphpr? Multlgri:phing, stenography typewi r all hours; reasonable. C : '? ? ' ?t Beatona? '72. Patents PA1 " - ons strictI; I ?ok ..?t Munn & i" ?. h : '-. Ni w York. Ruxs ORIENTAL; ? - . ."I. 2?) 'i Phi at 5101 Typen riti-rs TYPEWRITERS RENTED ?r> Vlatole, S i Machin? Co.. lar ? orth St, (Te! 64?* SO K. *Sd SI i ;;. M ...:? U \v?. J Fi r T P E W R 1 E R S R r N I E D -?:,.!-, v sil a, S M ml s. ?s "?' \ .s bl? a ' - s ft ?Ik. THE TTI :' 10 Barclay St. Tel. Barilsy 4T?I.